


It was the beginning of the year. 11th grade. Last period: ROTC. I was chosen for class commander by all but a few, one being a really fucking attractive male named Rivaille Ackerman, or Levi for short. I know his name because he's in all my other periods, I swear I didn't stalk him! He rocks an undercut with raven hair, shorter than everyone else, but sadly, taller than me... Fucking fantastic! Notice the sarcasm? Yeah. He has an expressionless but quite handsome- like I said, he's very fucking attractive- face. Lean, muscular, deep voice. I sigh. The perfect guy but with what seems, no emotions.

After class is over, I gather my stuff and leave, heading to my bus. I'm the 5th one on and walk to my seat, only to see it's been fucking taken by none other than The Rivaille Ackerman.

I sigh, roll my eyes and throw my bag into the seat in front of him, oblivious to the fact that Levi is staring at me. I dig out my headphones, plug them into my phone and put them in my ears, turning my music all the way up to where I'm pretty sure every-damn-body can hear. I silently hum to the current song playing as I wait for us to leave to the middle school to get Clio, one of my students.


We're almost to our stop and I've noticed that Levi hasn't gotten off yet. I get my stuff and stand up to get off. When I'm up , I glance out of the corner of my eye to see Levi getting his stuff together and slinging his bag over his shoulder.

The bus stops and we get off. Clio and I head to the martial arts studio. As I step inside the slowly closing door that's about to hit me, a hand grabs the door, pulling it open, and saving me from humiliation. I look up at the owner of the hand, and to my dismay, it's Levi motherfucking Ackerman. I sweatdrop nervously and blush from being so close to him. I can feel his body heat radiating off of him.

-So much for saving me from embarrassment...-

"Th-thank you...?", I stutter, making myself even more flustered.

He looks down at me with cold, steel eyes and smirks, saying nothing. This all happens within a couple of seconds.

I compose myself a bit and walk into the studio, Levi close behind. I'm greeted, or should I say bombarded, with hugs and a Drake, another one of my students and Clio's little brother, clinging to me. I pat his head, hugging him back and gently smiling at the small boy.

"Okay, you can let go now Drake", I tell him.

He releases me and runs off. I sigh and walk to the back and see Levi in Master Worth's office, talking to him.

-When the fuck did he come back here? I didn't see him walk by...-

I shrug it off and go upstairs. As I'm putting my things up, Master Worth calls me down.

"Yes sir?", I say when I bow and enter the office.

I notice that Levi is still there.

"This is Levi Ackerman, he'll be your new student", he turns to Levi, "This is Ms. (L/N), she's our assistant instructor and will be teaching you."

-Fuck my life, goddamnit, I'm so fucking mad, why do I have to teach this really attractive shitty motherfucker, dammnit. Do I not get a say in this? Fuck everything. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK.-

I force a strained smile all the while having an angry rant inside my head.



Levi nods, not saying anything. Master Worth turns back to me.

"Can you go get him a uniform, please?", he asks.

"Yes sir", I reply monotonously as I turn on my heel and walk out of the office, then upstairs, looking for the right size. I pick out a 3, which would fit the average teenager, and head downstairs, seeing Levi waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs, his hands in his pockets.

"Here," I hand him the uniform, "The bathroom is right there", I say as I point to his left where the boys' bathroom is, "You don't have to wear the top and please give me back the belt in the bag after you're done", I finish, no fluctuation in my now flat voice, and no expression written on my face or hidden in my eyes.

He turns on his heel towards the bathroom as I leave the back room, failing to notice his steel orbs still lingering on me from the corner of his eye.

I see all the students starting to arrive, I greet them and their parents for a few minutes before going back to the back room to change into my uniform. Levi is standing in front of the office, changed and holding the belt. As I walk by, he hands the belt to me.

"Thanks", and then I proceed to walk into the back room.

As I walk upstairs, I feel someone, or something, poke my foot through the railing in the stairs. I jump and squeak, startled from the unexpected poke, and I look down to see a Clio.

"Hm? What is it?", I inquire as I get myself together, only to realise that Levi saw that whole thing, causing me to go red from embarrassment.

"Can you show me my new form after you change?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Oh, oh! Can you show me my hand grips too!?", Drake butts in quite loudly.

I smile slightly and nod, my blush gone, then start going upstairs again and putting the belt on the table. Before I start changing, I hear Clio asking to come up.

"Yeah, come on."

When she gets up here she says, "That new guy's really cute, don't you think?"

"Um... Yeah?", I ask more than answer, blushing lightly. Clio takes notice of this and smiles widely before saying quite loudly,

"Someone's got a crush!!"

I quickly clamp my hand over her mouth in a frantic panic.

"No, I don't! I just think he's very attractive!", I whisper the last part, trying to defend myself. She laughs behind my hand, amusement showing in her crystal blue eyes. I let her go, unclamping her mouth and she looks at me smiling, then leaves.

I huff and change, then go downstairs. Drake runs up to me and grabs my hand, while dragging me into the training area, having me stumbling and trying not to fall. Clio's already there, waiting.

"Me first! Me first!", Drake yells, jumping up and down, still holding onto my hand, causing my body to jerk up and down with his movements.

"Alright, alright, alright! Just calm down!", I say to Drake as he stops and releases my hand. I sigh in relief, rubbing my shoulder and looking around for an empty spot to teach.




As I scan the area, I saw Levi standing by the bags, watching us with amusement and I look away, flustered and blushing.

I turn back to the two and gesture for them to follow me. I lead them to an empty spot in the front and start teaching Drake his new curriculum, explaining every detail and showing him every move, correcting him when need be.

Before I get a chance to teach Clio, the first class starts. I see Levi looking very confused, though it's not on his face, but in his eyes, and I stride over to him.

"Come on, stand here on the black line beside me", I say, pointing to my right, butterflies filling my stomach when he stands quite near me. I explain how to execute the commands and what they mean and have him show me a few times to prove that he knows how to do the gestures now. When he attempts them, I adjust his limbs and stance, correcting him. Every time I touch him, my butterflies get worse and face gets redder than the last time our skin came into contact. Levi glances at me and smirks, making me even more flustered, while trying to digest the raging butterflies in my stomach. Subconsciously, I start explaining things at a barely intelligible pace.

"Oi, slow down, I can't understand you", he says monotonously.

My eyes widen in realization.

"I'm so sorry. Excuse me for a moment", I say quietly.

I scurry away to the bathroom, feeling Levi's eyes on me. I open and close the door hurriedly and splash my face with water, composing myself.

-Stop this nonsense (Y/N). You're supposed to be mature, not a walking hormone, falling for every attractive guy. You need to be tough and never show him, or anyone, your soft side. Make them think that you don't have one.-

After my pep-talk, I take a few deep breaths before walking out. I walk back to Levi, completely composed. Straight face, good posture. How I should look to a new student. A figure of authority. Superiority.

"Sorry about the wait. Now let's teach you some stuff", I say with no emotion in my voice as I walk up to him. He raises an eyebrow, amusement obvious in his metallic eyes, but doesn't say a word.

The rest of the class consists of me teaching and explaining various kicks, blocks and the first five moves of the first form.



After the first class ended, I went into the back and upstairs to fetch my phone and bottle of water. Heading back downstairs and into the training area, I see Levi still there. I stay near the back, right beside the office, and watch the people leaving and coming. My face pales as I see my ex walk in, sparring bag over his shoulder.

-I thought he quit.-

He spots me and I use all my willpower to stay as nonchalant as possible. He takes his shoes off and sets them in their rightful place, the only thing he has a right to, before approaching me. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Clio watching sceptically.

"Long time, no see. I'm hurt you haven't contacted me in months, (Y/N). Would've figured you'd come crawling back to me."

"I'm surprised you haven't tried, Ryan. I thought you'd be the one to pathetically come beg me to take you back", I spit at him with as much venom and bitterness as possible.

He feigns hurt, bringing a hand to his heart before scoffing and walking by me, whispering in my ear,

"You were never anything to me, just a mere toy."

My face turns red from anger and embarrassment.

Keep the drama to a low, (Y/N). Don't look at him, don't acknowledge him. Out of sight, out of mind.

I come back to my senses and notice Levi staring intently at me.

-Was he staring the whole time? The fuck is his damn problem?-

I raise an eyebrow and scoff silently before brushing it off and starting the second class since Master Worth went back into the office.


Soon, third class came along and a good friend, Michael, shows up. I felt relieved that I didn't have to be around Ryan alone. I would count Clio, but she's much too young for all this drama. I smiled and greeted him. I see Levi is still here. I assume he's just watching the classes. I start third class, which today is sparring since it's Thursday. After opening class, I send the students off to gear up, then I myself, also going to get changed. Master Worth comes out of his office and waits for the students to finish. I go upstairs and grab my helmet and mouth guard, which I don't have to wear all the gear because I'm a black belt, before going back downstairs.

After a few minutes, everyone was ready. First fight: Ryan and I.

-This is going to be a disaster.-

I internally groan before making my way to the mat. We both attain our fighting stances and the match starts. I admit, Ryan IS a good fighter for a blue belt.

The match goes on and on easily, well, that is until he makes an illegal move and kicks down onto my knee. I gasp, surprised that he would go so low to get back at me for whatever the fuck I did. I also hear the onlookers suck in a breath of air too. Apparently Master Worth didn't see it because he did not stop the match. I release my full potential, since I was going a little easy on him, and I start to attacking him like I'm trying to kill him, which I really am, and my adrenaline too high to feel the pain in my knee.

We fight like our lives depend on it before there's someone pulling us off of each other. The match ended and we didn't even know it. We do our honouraries before I look at Ryan and spit at his feet.

"Good fight, haven't seen one like that in quite a long time", Master Worth praises.

I decide to leave, already knowing that my father is outside waiting on me, and head- more like limp- upstairs to put my stuff up and gather the things that I will take home. I go back down and walk out the entrance, glancing at Levi as I walk by. I reach my soon-to-be car, a cream coloured Mini Cooper S, and get in the passenger's side, waiting for my dad to drive us home.




The next day at school I met up with my friends, very excited since tomorrow is my birthday and I get my licence on Tuesday next week.

"I can't wait!", I shriek in Kaelyn's ear, dragging out the word "wait", "I'm so happy!", also dragging out the word "happy".

"And have you seen that new guy Levi?", I inquire enthusiastically, or way too overjoyed, whichever one, "He's so attractive!", again, I drag out the word "so".

"I have, but he's not my type", she responds nonchalantly.

"True true", I say seriously with an exaggerated serious face, crossing my arms and nodding, while leaning back in my chair.

The bells rings for first period and Hell starts. Mine is US History and I absolutely hate it.

-Ugh, kill me now.-

I sit down in my seat and I put my stuff away and lay my head sideways on the desk, my arms hanging off the sides, watching as people walk in.

After a few people, who I don't care to know the names of, walk in, Levi follows and takes his seat behind me. I bring my arms onto the desk and turn my head into them, burying my face as I groan, catching the attention of my friend, Savannah, beside me. She flings her body onto my back and I peek at her.

"What's wrong?", she asks concerned, even though she's practically laying on top of me in class.

"I'll text it to you later gur", I respond, my voice muffled by my arms.

The tardy bell rings and we all stand to say the Pledge of Allegiance and moment of silence. I can feel Levi's eyes boring holes into my head.

Goddamn, what is his problem?

I scoff inside my mind. We sit back down and class begins.


I can still feel him staring at me. I turn around abruptly, seeing his eyes widen just a fraction before returning to their normal, bored glare. I glare at him.

"What is your problem? You've been staring at me the whole damn class.", I ask a bit angrily.

He shrugs a bit.

"Just trying to figure you out, brat", he responds, coldly.

"Brat!? Who the fuck you calling a brat?! I'm not a brat, you fucking asshole!", I seethe before turning back around.


First period ends and now it's time for French. I'm also very good at it too. I heard that Levi is French, so why didn't he get his schedule change...?

-Stop thinking about that damn asshole, (Y/N).-

I shake my head.

At least he sits across the room.

French rolls by and we're given our French names. Mine is Céleste.

"Ok class, tomorrow we will be changing groups!", Madame Bradford announces.

Shit, I like where I sit. Do I have to sit with Levi? What is his French name? Oh fuck it, I don't give a damn. Why am I thinking about him so much?

As I mentally contemplate many things from why I'm thinking about Levi to what time I'm going to sleep tonight, second period ends and I learn nothing, though I am a little fluent in French already.




Third period: Algebra 2. I absolutely hate math, but I'm so good at it. I find an empty seat near the back under the air conditioner so I don't freeze my ass off. I wrap myself up in my jacket and play on my phone.

I feel a breeze and look up to see someone walk by.

-Oh good god. It's the fuckboi, Cole.-

I internally groan. He sits beside me.

"Hey (Y/N)", the fuckboi says all flirty like.

"Don't you have a girlfriend, Cole?", I ask bluntly, looking back down at my phone.

"No, I don't", he says, obviously lying.

"Not what I heard, so fuck off", I reply, still looking at my phone.

"Playing hard to get, I see?", he teases.

I look at him dead in the eyes.

"Fuck. Off. Asshole", I say as slowly as I can, "I'm not fucking interested and I don't see how you can attract anyone being as ugly as you are, you fucking troll."

He laughs and keeps trying to flirt. I didn't know Levi walked in during our little conversation and overheard being as how me trying to block Cole out takes all my attention. After a few minutes, he speaks up.

"Hey, dumbass. I believe the girl told you to fuck off", he says coldly, glaring at Cole.

"What're you? Her boyfriend?", he asks, glaring back.

I sigh.

"Look", I turn to Cole, "I am not interested, you fuckboi", turning to Levi, "And I don't need your damn help. So both of you, fuck off."


I turn in my seat, bring my legs up and rest my shins against the desktop and lay my head down on my knees. Cole leaves back to his seat and Levi takes the one he just left.

The teacher, Coach Shay, comes in and assigns seats. Levi moves to the seat behind me and I stay where I'm at and Cole rehabilitates the seat beside me. I groan out loud and roll my eyes.

"Why'd you have to sit by me?", I mumble, disgusted.

For the rest of the period, we were free to do anything we wanted. So, I slept... Or I tried to sleep.

Cole's started to flirt again.

"Dude, shut the fuck up", I say without looking at him, not even opening my eyes.

"Aww, c'mon babe. Talk to me", he whines, smirking.

My eyes snap open and I sit up.

"Do not fucking call me "babe". You don't have that damn right", I snap.

"Well... Can I?", he asks.

"Fuck no."

"Why not?"

This is when Levi cuts in.

"Hey, fucktard, leave her alone", he snaps, coldly, "Your voice is annoying as shit", starting another glaring contest with the hoe.

I sigh, exasperated, and let it be, finally going to sleep.


Fourth block: ROTC. At least I have some power... I hand out the Sailor's Creed and Orders to the Century.

"You have to know these by next Thursday, every day you don't know them after Thursday is 10 push-ups", I announce, getting many groans and protests.

"Lock it up! I didn't ask for your feedback", I say, and they shut up.

"Now, everyone line up at the hatch, starting with the first row", I order, "We are going to get fitted for our uniforms."




I open the door and gesture for them to come out.

"Okay, you're going to stop before the supply room and wait for Master Chief to call you in to get sized."

I walk to the door and knock. Master Chief opens the door after a minute.

"They're ready, sir", I inform him.

He nods.

"Thank you, (L/N). You'll be the first to get sized."

"Yes sir", I turn to the cadets, "Shinsumi, you're in charge while I get sized", I tell him, knowing that he's a responsible person.

"Yes ma'am", he replies and takes his position.

I follow Master Chief into the supply room, waiting to get sized.


After getting everyone sized, we go back to the room. Master Chief walks in and all the cadets, including myself, stand at attention in respect to his rank.

"You will get your uniforms tomorrow and will wear them next week. Remember to polish your shoes, and for those who don't know how to, the cadets that do will teach you", he announces.

He leaves and I order them to sit.


"Seats, aye ma'am."

"Tomorrow when we get our uniforms, including our shoes, those who do not know how to shine their shoes will be taught. Also, females, if you do not know how to do your hair, you will be shown by the cadets who have been in the programme longer", I explain to them.

Our drill instructor walks in right as I finish. All the cadets stand at attention in respect to her rank. She sashays over to me dramatically, a huge grin on her face. She stops by me and laughs, as do I.

"Hey (L/N)."

"Hey DI."

If you couldn't tell, we're really good friends.

"I'm going to take them out to drill. Are you doing anything with them?", she asks.

"No ma'am."

She turns to the cadets.

"At ease", they all relax, "we're going outside to drill, change into your drill shoes then line up at the hatch, starting with the first row.

They grab their shoes from their bags or from under their desks and change into them. They then line up according to row. I walk to the already open hatch and walk out.

"Line up on the right side of the passageway in front of the double doors", I order.

They do as I say before I walk back into the classroom while DI watches the cadets, taking them outside to the drill deck.

Our teacher, who's new, is Chief Daniels.

"Are you going to stay in here, Chief?", I ask him.

"No, I've got some stuff to do."

"Can I get the keys to the classroom for when we come back in?"

He nods and hands me his keys.

"Thank you, Chief."

Again, he nods.

I walk out and then to the drilling area. I pocket the keys and stand by DI, waiting for her orders.

"Okay! Those of you who don't know anything, pair up with someone who does. If you have any questions, ask me or (L/N)", DI orders, quite loudly at that.

After she's done speaking -yelling- they pair up and someone approaches me. I glance at them and groan inaudibly.


It's Levi, or Ackerman in ROTC. I turn to him.

"Yes?", I ask.

"You're going to be my partner", he says, or more like orders.

"Oh, am I now? Ackerman?", I inquire, quite sarcastically, "Who said?"

"I did."

"Oh, really? You can't just order me around. If you have forgotten, let me remind you. I am your superior. You are not mine. But since you oh-so nicely asked, yes, I will work with you", I snap and roll my eyes before walking off.

-That bitch, who the fuck does he think he is?!-

I notice he's not following me, but rather staring at me slightly dumbfounded.

-Guess I'm the only one who talks back to him, huh? That arrogant prick.-

"Well, are you coming or not?", I ask impatiently.

He shakes his head slightly and reluctantly follows.


The class period goes by, with the teaching Levi, again, but not martial arts, and getting a lot of questions. Needless to say , Levi really didn't learn much with me getting all kinds of questions every minute from multiple cadets. I take my phone from my back pocket and check the time.

"Cadets!", I yell, gathering the attention of all the cadets, "Line up at the double doors, it's time to leave."

They line up.

"Forward march."

I march them inside.

"Cadets, halt."

They stop.

"Fall into the classroom. Fall out."

They go into the classroom. I walk in after them. They're standing beside their seats, waiting for permission to sit.

"Seats", I order.

"Seats, aye ma'am."

And they sit, starting to talk. The afternoon announcements come on and they're still talking.

"Eyeballs!", I yell.

They turn their attention towards me.

"When the announcements are on, you will lock it up", I tell them.

They grumble, rolling their eyes and sucking their teeth.

"And if you have a problem with that, you can get on your face and give me twenty five push-ups", I warn.

They shut their mouths after that and glare at me. Now we're waiting for the dismissal bell to ring. It does and they stand up, only to have veteran cadets to tell them to sit down. When they do, I stand up.

"Attention on deck", I say loudly.

They all stand to attention, waiting to be dismissed.


They all leave, after gathering their things, as do I, walking out to the buses.



Walking to the buses was irritating as usual. As I shove people out of my way and getting cursed at by the ones I did, I make it to my bus.

-All these damn idiots. At least I made it in one piece.. Yee!-

I mentally high-five myself as I'm the first one on and get to sit in my original seat. I basically own that seat. I -literally- skip there and plop down into MY seat, facing the window, my back to the outside world and my knees to my chest, and squatting in the seat like Smeagol, then immediately pulling out my headphones and plugging them into my phone and then into my ears. Right as I turn my music on, I feel the seat sink and I look over my shoulder, bright-eyed and curious. My excitement was gone the second I realised who sat there. It was Levi. I groan and roll my eyes, my shoulders slumping while turning back to my phone in front me. He looks at me and doesn't look away, to my dismay and uneasiness. I can -literally- feel his eyes on me.

-If he's checking me out, I'll fucking kill him. No joke.-

I turn around and get all up in, ahem, extremely close to his face in less than a second, pulling out a headphone.

"What do you want? Why are you looking at me? And why are you sitting here?", I ask lowly and fast, not caring whether he understood me or not and showing my clear irritation.

"You're acting a lot different than when we first interacted at the studio. More to say, you haven't acted like that since. Second, I'm still trying to figure you out. Finally, can I not sit here?", he says straightforwardly, not sugar-coating anything, and not breaking eye-contact.

"Your point is? It's none of your business why I do the things I do and act the way I act. And you can just give up trying to figure me out, it's not ever going to happen. And yeah, you can sit here, but I don't like it. Someone else is supposed to sit here, that isn't you, as I am responsible for them", I state quite snarky.

"My point is that I want to know what happened to the cute, embarrassed, blushing you. And I'm not going to give up. Lastly, how are they your responsibility?", he inquires and I go red from embarrassment and anger.




"They are my responsibility because I teach them", I say and turn back around to the window.

"Does that mean I'm your responsibility?", he asks.

"Not necessarily since you're older than me", I reply deep in thought.

He starts talking again as we near the middle school and I put my headphone back in. Suddenly, the headphone I just put back in, is yanked out of my ear. I jump and turn around.

"The hell was that for?!", I shriek.

"I was talking, dipshit", he says blandly.

So rude...

My face contorts in anger and frustration.

"Don't. You. EVER touch my headphones again, got it, bitch?", I say menacingly, poking him in the chest with each and every syllable, and moving closer with each poke.

"I will do what I want", he states, moving his face closer to mine.

-Who the actual fuck does think he is!? He is not special in any fucking way, that piece of shit. Wait! He's lower than shit. Germ, yeah that's what he is. A damn germ.-

As I rage in my head, I feel his breath fan across my face. I pull back.

"You're fucking impossible, why can't you just mind your own damn business and leave me the fuck alone unless I have to teach you?". I ask while turning around and adjusting myself to where I'm actually, properly, sitting, not expecting an answer.

And I don't get one.

-Thank the Lord of all Horse Shit.-

We arrive at the middle school. I watch the kids go by, walking to their buses, from the window.

-I can't fucking wait until I get my licence.-

I sigh, making the part of the window my mouth is nearest to, fog up. I turn my head and watch the kids that are getting on. After about 10 minutes, Clio gets on and she looks for me. She walks to my seat and looks at me funny and confused. I shrug at her and turn to glare at Levi, who is looking at Clio blankly. She sighs and finds the nearest seat to us that's open. I turn back to my window and lean my head against it, closing my eyes. I feel a tap on my shoulder and I turn and glare at Levi.

"Lay your head on my shoulder", he demands, but all I hear is my music and see his lips moving.

I take my headphones out and say,

"Huh? The fuck do you want now?"

He sighs.

"I said lay your head on my shoulder. It's more comfortable than that window."

I look at him real funny like and scoff.

"Your shoulder? No thank you, I bet it's harder than this damn window being as fucking bony as you are. And since when did you give a shit? Plus, I would never even dream of laying my precious head on a dirty stranger's shoulder", I snap, with a bit of surprise at what he demanded.

His eyes twitches at the word "dirty".

"I am not dirty. And suit yourself, brat. But it's always an open offer", he shrugs, glaring at me, then looking forward.

"Don't call me "brat", asshat", I seethe then put my headphone back in.

I lean my head back against the window and fall asleep, waiting to arrive at the studio.




As I was snoozing away, I feel someone touching me- or more like jabbing me in the ribs. I groan loudly and slowly open my eyes. I blink them a few times, turning to the source of the jabbing, trying to clear my eyesight. They finally clear up and focus. The source of the jabbing is goddamn Levi. I narrow my eyes, irritated, and an imaginary sweatdrop appears.

"You better have a good fucking reason you woke me up, Ackerman...", I grumble.

"We're almost there. You don't want to be left behind, do you? Next time I won't wake you up, brat", he monotone.

"I. Am not. A. Brat. Stop fucking calling me that, pigshit", I seethe as best as I can, considering I just woke up.

"No thank you, because you are a brat", he responds.

"Shut the fuck up, bitch", I say before gathering my things.

The bus stops and Levi decides to be the little shit he is and gets his stuff together at that exact moment.

"Are you fucking kidding me?", I say in anger and disbelief, "Hurry the fuck up."

He looks back at me and moves slower.

"Fine, be that way asshole", I say as I stand in the seat and step over his body and onto the walkway. I flip him off before saying,

"Hurry the fuck up, or get left."

And then I walk off the bus, following Clio, who was waiting on me. When we get to the sidewalk, Levi emerges from around the bus. We get to the studio and go in. The door closes on Levi and he almost walks into it as he's rushing to get through the door. I try to keep my laugh inaudible because that just looked so out of character for him.

I walk to the back and greet Master Worth as I pass his office. I go upstairs and remove my shoes and change into my uniform. I walk back down and see Levi disappear into the bathroom. I go into the training area and immediately spot Ryan.

-The fuck is he still coming here for?-

I turn around and go into the back. Soon follows is Ryan, after Clio and Drake leave into the training area.

"Hey babe", he says and leans against the stair's railing.

"You have no right to call me that. You lost it long ago", I spit back, trying to go into the bathroom.

He takes a brief look around and then launches himself onto me. He grabs my waist and smashes his lips against mine, forcing himself on me.

"Well, give it back. I want you all to myself (Y/N). I see the way that new kid looks at you and I hate it. You're mine, bitch."

-Is he talking about Levi?-

"Get off of me, manwhore", I say as I knee him where the sun doesn't shine and as he goes down, I snap kick him in the face causing his nose to bleed profusely. But to my surprise, he gets up and swings a right hook at my face, catching me in the jaw. My head jerks to the left. I regain my composure and look at him.

"You bastard", I growl.

I get into fighting stance and so does he. He throws the first punch. Right to my face. He hits me dead in the fucking nose and I hear a sickening snap and at that moment, I knew, that my nose broke. I turn my head back around and throw combinations of various kicks at him and land each one where I aim, probably breaking or busting something in his pathetically built body. Steroids. Him being the reckless shit he is, throws another punch, similar to the first one, and I step to the side and catch it. I then take my leg and kick his from underneath him and trip him, sending him to the ground with me in the upper mount position. But with him being bigger and stronger than me, somehow flips me over and starts throwing punches to my face. I hold a double arm block in front of my face to keep him from actually hitting me. I try to shrimp my way out, occasionally throwing a punch here and there when the opportunity arises. I'm almost out when someone yanks him off of me. He's thrown against the bathroom door. I stand up and Ryan comes after me again. I punch him in the face and kick him in the side of the head. He goes toppling down after that, unconscious and probably has a concussion. I brush myself off and then I address my so-called saviour, though I had everything in control.

"Thanks... Levi?", I say as I see that it is in fact Levi.

"Tch, go to the bathroom, you look disgusting."

"Hn. Last time I thank you for anything", I scoff before walking into the bathroom.

My nose hurts like a motherfucker. I look in the mirror and see and purple, bruised up nose.


My nose is also very bloody and I have a severely busted lip and bruised up cheekbones.

-Probably gonna have to have stitches for my lip... Great, just fucking great. And I'm definitely getting a restraining order put on him, like I should have long ago.-

And this whole fucking time, Master Worth had taken the kids to the Burger King across the street, so it was just me, Ryan, and Levi.

Twenty minutes until class starts, so there's no other students here.

-I really need to clean this up and call the cops..-




I leave the bathroom and bow myself into Master Worth's office. I open the bottom drawer of the filing cabinet to my left in the small office. I take out the first aid kit and take it back to the bathroom with me. I open the kit and take out the alcohol prep pads. I tear one open and press it onto my lip. I hiss in pain as I repeatedly smack the sink's edge with the palm of my hand.

"Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck", I mutter over and over.

I remove the prep pad from my lip and lean my hands on both corners of the sink and hang my head between my shoulders.

"Holy fucking shit, that fucking hurt", I rant.

I retaliate from the pain and proceed to dig through the box as I hear someone behind me, knocking on the open bathroom door.

I turn around abruptly. It's Levi.

"What the fuck do you want? Can't you see that I'm busy?", I seethe.

"Well it looks to me like you're struggling", he states, stepping into the bathroom.

"The fuck are you doing, you nosy piece of shit?", I ask as he takes the kit and digs through it, pulling out a small white bandage, to bandage up my lip so it'd heal faster. He turns to me and approaches, his hands aimed for my mouth. I flinch when he touches the busted skin and I unconsciously punch him in the stomach from the pain I'm feeling.

He groans loudly as he doubles over slightly, clenching onto his shirt with a free hand, then he glares at me.

"Fucking hold still and shut the fuck up, brat", he spits.

"Don't call me "brat", and don't tell me what to fucking do, imbecile. Plus, I didn't even say anything so how can you tell me to "shut the fuck up", asshole", I spit back hastily.

"Just shut up", he sighs.

"Hmph", I huff and cross my arms, turning my head away.

He then tries to put the bandage on my lip again, turning my head towards him with the hand that was holding his stomach. As he does this, I dig my nails into my arm and hold my breath because my lip really fucking hurts. 

When he's done, I bend over and put my hands on my knees.

"OhmigodholyfuckthatfuckingshithurtlikehellI'mnevergoingthroughthatagainforaslongasIlivefuckinghell. Shiiiiiiiiiiit. HOLY FUCK", I rant at an incomprehensible speed and then yell at the end.

I catch my breath and uncoil myself from my miserable, in a lot of fucking pain state.

"Done?", Levi muses. 

"Done", I say very distastefully.

"Now for your nose", he says, taking out a prep pad and another small white bandage.

"Oh fuck no, I'd rather get infected and die than do that again", I say, backing up into the small bathroom's wall, my hands in front of me.

"Too bad", he replies and approaches me with an evil smirk, prep pad and bandage in hand.


"I fucking hate you. I hate your face. I hate everything about you. I seriously, absolutely, positively fucking hate you, damn jackass. And you look like one, too, fucking asshole. Get the fuck out of my face. Get the fuck away from me. I don't want to look at your damn smug ass face anymore", I rant as I sit Indian style on the nasty ass bathroom floor , crossed arms, mean and nasty glare, and pouting with bandages and gauze all over my face, arms, and legs.

He didn't see shit, I'm wearing gym shorts. I had to change into them before he bandaged my legs up, or more like he forced me to change so he could bandage me up.

He stands with his arms crossed, looking down at me with a satisfied smirk plastered on his smug face.

"Get the fuck out of here. I don't want to see your fucking face for a week", I tell him lowly, pointing at the door.

He snorts, then clicks his tongue before dropping his arms and walking out of the bathroom.

"Hate that motherfucker so damn much", I mutter under my breath in pure, relentless hatred.

I sit there for a few more minutes before getting up and walking out. I go upstairs, passing a still smug Levi, and get my phone. I dial 911 and tell the police my situation and they come. I also call my father to also tell him what happened.p

There aren't many people here for class, so when the Po-Po show up, it doesn't cause much of a fuss.

Ryan is still unconscious as they haul him out and into the police car.

"You'll receive a court date in the mail", the youngest, quite attractive officer tells me, handing me a small slip of paper.

"Okay", I say monotonously. 

He walks over to Levi and relays to him the same information he gave me, minus the slip of paper. They leave and I catch Levi glaring daggers at the officer that just spoke with me. I look at the paper and the numbers "912 290 9796" are scrawled on it.

"Hn", I grunt and walk to the office.

I bow myself in and throw the paper away.

"Don't need no damn boyfriend", I mutter.

I walk back out and Master Worth comes in the door. He spots me and makes his way towards me.

"What was all that about", he inquires almost inaudibly as he whispers in my ear to keep people from hearing.

"He assaulted me, as you can see", I reply as I gesture to my face, arms, and legs.

"You should have never gotten involved with him", he says.

"Yeah, I know."

It's 4:25 and class starts in five minutes. I move myself to the front of the training area, waiting for Master Worth to start the relatively small first class. I see Levi standing at the end of the black line, also waiting.

-When did he change?-

Master Worth comes from getting changed into his uniform. He starts class and I watch Levi execute the commands to see if he does them right. His arm is lowered slightly as he does the first command. I walk over to him and straighten his arm out, making it parallel to the ground.

"Make sure your forearm is flat and parallel to the floor", I instruct him. 

He nods.


Class ends and then there's second class... Then third class.


Nothing special going on that I need to explain or go into detail about things that never fucking happened.


Third class is over now. I go upstairs and change out of my gym shorts and into my jeans, folding my shorts and shoving them into my bag. I go back downstairs and then bow myself into the office. I say my farewells to Master Worth and leave the office, saying goodbye to the remaining students.




After my father drops me off, I drag my miserable body inside to start another day of Hell. I walk around and up the very short stairs to my table where Kaelyn is waiting for me, playing on her phone.

"Kaelyn!", I practically whine.

"Mm. Yes?", she responds, not looking up from her phone.

"Kill me now, we have P.T. today and I'm gonna dieeee!", I complain about my imminent death.

"No thanks. I'd rather you live and suffer this life with me", she says as she giggles and finally looks up at me.

My eye slightly twitches with mild annoyance.

"But I want to die nooow", I cry.

"No can-do, chick-a-roo", she rhymes lamely.

I huff in defeat and disappointment and plop down into the seat next to her.

"But I don't wanna exercise...", I mumble.

I drop my stuff on the table and open my thermos, drinking some of Satan's piss immediately.

"Ach--!", I gargle out and cough as I fucking scorch my mouth and throat and everything else the scalding hot beverage came into contact with.

Even my glasses fogged up. Yes, it was that hot.

That is one damn good thermos.

I glare at Satan's piss and it's warmth-retaining thermos. I put the cap back on the container and put it back on the table, then right as it almost touches the table top, the bell rings.

I swear that you could see an imaginary sweatdrop hover to the left side of my head as I dead pan.

Everything is dead to me...

I snap back to my happy, cheery self and watch as the other students clear out of the cafeteria. I stand up and then fall back down into my seat, the pain erupted in my knee reminding me that I got injured. Kaelyn notices and rushes over to me, actually taking a good look at my face and arms.

"What happened?!", she exclaims.

"Oh... well... Ryan happened", I say sheepishly.

Her face morphs into one that can rival the very own devil's enraged face.

"That bastard...", she seethes.

"It's fine girl. I got home put away", I try to console her.

"Well. Tell me exactly happened."

"He said that I was his and how the new guy looks at me and I stood up to him and it escalated from there and this this happened", I explain and spread out my arms.

"New guy...?", she inquires.

"....Levi....", I murmur.

"Levi?! The Levi?! As in Levi Ackerman?!", she exclaims to the point where I bet the whole school could hear her.

"Yeah, speaking of which, why the hell did you give him my Kik?!", I ask quite loudly.

"Oh... that. Well, he asked and I remembered you saying that he was ridiculously attractive, so I gave it to him", she said sheepishly as is good up slowly and make my way down the stairs and to my classroom.

"Whatever...", I mutter as we part ways.

My first block teacher has already pissed me off and I haven't even been in her class a week. I limo into my classroom and tentatively sit down in my seat.

"Oh no, you have to move", my bitch of a teacher says.

"But this is my seat, I'm not moving", I reply without looking at her.

"No, you have to move."

"I'm not moving."


"Fine. Fuck you. I'll move", I reply as I muttered the "fuck you" part.

I gather all my things and walk to the door. I shoot her a peace sign and leave class.

When I walk out of the hallway and into the adjoining one, I bump into someone and drop all my shit.

"Watch where the fuck you're going", I spit.

"Who pissed in your cereal this morning?"

"Shut up, Levi."

"Someone's a little too feisty this morning."

"Whatever. See you next block, bye", I say dismissively as I wave back at him while walking to the library.

"Tch, your class isn't that way, idiot", he calls.

"You don't think I fucking know that?", I reply loudly, thankful that there are no teachers in the hallway.

I hear footfalls getting closer behind me. I glance to my left and Levi is walking beside me.

"The fuck do you think you're doing?", I state more than ask.

"Going where you're going."


"Because it's not to class. Stop interrogating me", he says.

"Whatever", I mumble.

I walk into the media center and make my way to my hiding spot with Levi still following me.

"Why aren't you going to class?", he asks, sounding uninterested.

"Bitch pissed me off. I'm not going to her class ever again. I'm going to get my classwork every morning and fucking come here, do my shit, and then read. I'm not dealing with her fucking ass anymore. I'll only go back there for finals", I explain my mastermind plan to him.

"What did she do?"

"Told me to move from my seat when I haven't done shit."

"Wow. Salty much?", he replies blandly.

"Shut up. I'm going to take a nap."

"No you're not."

"And why not?"

"Because then I'll be bored."

"Aren't you always?"


"Well, I don't exist solely for your entertainment, bitch."

I turn abruptly, cutting off his next sentence. I look around at the bookshelves that surround my hiding spot. I find a good book that I've read before and take it off the shelf. I toss it at Levi The Bitch Ackerman and he starts to read the summary.

"Here, you read like the good little pet you are and let me nap."

I sit down in an obtuse corner and open my bag, pulling out my blanket. I wrap myself in it and lean against the wall. I close my eyes just as what I said finally registers into Levi's mind and he looks up with a face full of anger and rage.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.10.2016

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