
Its Just The Beginning

Chapter 1

“Oh! My! God! Kelly! Those shoes are amazing!” Katie says running over to me in her hot pink skimpy outfit. Blonde shoulder length curls bouncing and her blue eyes shining with jealousy. Ugh. Why does she dress like that? Not even I wear that and I am the most popular girl in this school.
“I know right? My dad bought them for me while he was in New York.” I reply hiding my disgust and show my shoes off.
“You are so lucky, Kelly!” Paige says from next to Katie. I turn around and smile at her. Her long wavy dark brown hair is shiny as usual and her brown eyes piercing through me, seeing the real me. Paige is the only one that knows my secret. See, I might be popular, but am a total nerd. Nobody knows that though. I might look and act dumb, but I am wicked smart and a total nerd on the inside. Sad to say I know every Star Wars movie by heart. They are like my favorite movies.
“I know,” I state simply. You might wonder how a nerd got so popular? Well, simple I have a rich family. My mom has her own clothes line and designs for a lot of brands. Also my dad is a lawyer so that helps. The bell rings and we all start walking to first period which is my favorite! It is Spanish with Mrs. Ortiz.
As I walk in all eyes turn to me and I smile flirtatiously at the boys and laugh at the glares I get. I walk to the back and sit in my usual seat. “Hey, babe” a voice says and I turn to my left to find a teenage boy with blonde hair and dull grey eyes. “You have any plans for tonight?”
“Actually, yes I do. Sorry,” I say smiling back and when he frowns I turn back to the teacher who is talking about some trip coming up to Disney Land. Class passed fast and now its gym. I walk into the locker room to find Katie and some guy making out. Ew! Thats disgusting. I walk over and tap on Katie’s shoulder. She takes her lips or tongue from his and turns to me.
“Oh, hi Kelly. I didn’t see you there.” she says blushing. I shake my head and point to him and then the door. “What?” Oh my god! She is such a blonde!
“I would like to change and I want him out of here,” I state simply and her face changes into realization.
“Oh! Sure! You have to go now,” she says to him and he leaves. I shake my head and walk over to my locker. After changing I walk into the gym where all the guys whistle and howl. I smile and walk over to my girls.
“Hey Kelly!” Paige says smiling at my outfit. It is neon green adidas shorts and a white and black tank top. The ones made for exercise I mean. “What are you doing tonight? I was thinking we could have a girls night.”
“Yeah, sure. How about my place at 6:00?” I reply looking at the cute boys walking over here. I turn back quickly as they look up at me and see Paige and Katie nod there heads. We have all been best friends since we can remember, but I am closer to Paige. Only because Katie doesn’t know my true side unlike Paige. Katie has a big mouth.
“Hey, Kelly. I hear you are having a party for your 18th birthday next month,” the brunette with blue says while his friend or the guy from earlier stands there averting his gaze.
“Yeah, I am handing out the invitations next week. My party is going to be epic,” I reply just as our teacher walks in smiling evilly.
“I want all of you to run 4 laps around the football field! Than report back here for the tort-exercise to begin.” he says still smiling. I sigh and do as I am told. Even I can’t get out of this.
After gym I shower and change into my clothes. Fixing my hair and make-up in the process. I walk out to find Katie making out with another guy. Oh. My. God. “Katie! Another one?” I ask her and they both look up at me. No! She didn’t! That is my brother! “Jake?!”
“Kelly? Oh god Kelly! I am so sorry. I didn’t mean to make-out with her!” Jake says jumping away from her. I shake my head and glare at him.
“Katie? What did this dumb butt say to get you to make out with him?” I ask her wondering what cheesy pick-up line he used on her.
“He said lets make out hot stuff and I fell for it!” she says snapping her fingers and looking at me. Wow! Just wow. Paige comes out of the locker room, looks at the scene and drags me away from it.
“You know she isn’t that smart, so just ignore it. You know Katie and you know Jake. They would never work so its fine. She will have another next period.” she says as we walk to our next class. I nod my head as we enter the classroom.
The next two class periods pass quickly and before I know it, its time for lunch. I walk in with Paige and Katie by my side and immediately are surrounded by the ‘girls’ or as I call them ‘people who don’t wear enough clothes.’ Ugh! I might be popular but not one of those.
“Kelly! Are we invited to your party?” all of them say and I just stare., but I smile at them instead.
“We just have to find out. Don’t we? Now I am super busy and need to go. Bye!” I say quickly and walk away with Katie and Paige.
“What do we have to do?” Katie asks. Wow! Just wow. She is so dumb.
“Katie, Kelly made up the excuse to get away from them. Do you understand now?” Paige asks slowly and Katie nods her head. We go into the lunch line and wait for our turn. I grab a slice of pizza and a water and check out. I walk over to my table and sit down. Soon the whole ‘IT’ crowd was at the table talking.
Lunch passed fast and before I know it school is over. Now Paige, Katie, and me are in her car with all the windows down. “So, Kelly. Sleepover?” Paige asks as we exit the school parking lot. I nod and listen to the music. All of a sudden our song comes on and we start screaming it at the top of our lungs.
“BABY, BABY, OHHH! ALWAYS THOUGHT YOU WOULD BE MINE!” We scream. When the rapping part comes I start rapping just like him.
“When I was 13, I had my first love
There was nobody that compared to my baby
And nobody came between us who could ever come above
She had me going crazy, oh I was starstruck
She woke me up daily, don't need no Starbucks”
We come to a stop light and I am still rapping when a group of guys start screaming at us to shut up from the next car over. I look over and stick my tongue out right when Paige starts driving away. Their faces were priceless at that. Afterwards we come to my house and she parks in the driveway. I see my parents car there and immediately I am out of the car, running inside.
I am enveloped into a hug as soon as I enter through the living room doorway. “How was your trip?” I ask them once we are settled down on the couches.
“It was good and we brought presents,” my mom squeals enthusiastically and handing us bags. I pull out a pair of knee high black boots with Italian leather and a matching leather jacket. OH! MY! GOSH! I put them down and open another one to find a beautiful midnight blue shirt. When I move the shirt a black velvet box falls out. I pick it u and open it up to find the most beautiful heart and key locket ever. I open up the locket to find a picture of me as a child on my mothers lap smiling widely. My mom is young and smiling just as big as me. I look over to find a quote engraved into it.

‘A daughter may outgrow your lap, but she will never outgrow your heart.’

I look up to find my mom has the same smile on and I show her one just like it. “Thank you,” I say putting it on. She smiles again and we leave the room. As soon as my door is shut we all scream at the same time.

In Comes The Rockstar

Chapter 2

“Yes, I need 3 extra cheese pizza’s and 5 liters of mountain dew.” I say into the phone.
“We will be there with your delivery in 20 minutes.” he answers and hangs up. I set down the phone to find Katie in a bright blue wig with bright blue eyeshadow and lipstick. I look behind her to see Paige rolling around on the ground laughing. I burst out laughing and fall down on my bed. Suddenly Paige is next me with a bright red wig and red eyeshadow and bright red lipstick.
“Ohh, no. You are not touching my face. Wait! You can only if I can do you” I say and she sighs and nods her head. I grin evilly right when she attacks my face. Afterwards I look in the mirror to find a horrifying sight. I squeal loudly as I see my normal light brown wavy shoulder length hair and blue eyes turned into a big red mess. I have a long curly red wig on with red eyeliner, mascara, and lipstick. I turn around slowly and burst out laughing. Paige looks at me like I am crazy. “My turn,” I state simple and grab the green wig that is cut short with bangs. I laugh evilly and set Paige down on my bed and immediately I attack her.
As soon as I am finished I burst out laughing. She looks like a frog! I put green shiny lipstick on her with a matching eyeshadow on her eyes. I even put green eyeliner on her! She looks in the mirror and her face is priceless. “Oh! I am so going to get you for this!” she screams and I bolt out my door leaving a mad Paige and a confused looking Katie.
“Kelly!” she screams as I laugh and slide down our spiral stair’s railing.
“Not if you can’t catch me.!” I yell back and hop off at the right time, so I don’t fall on my bum. I laugh as I see Paige coming down the easy way as well. I sprint into the kitchen where mom is having a very disgusting make out session with dad. “Ew! PDA!” I scream and turn around to find Paige. Uh Oh. I run again through the garage door and out the door to outside.
“Kelly! There is no point in running out side! There is a fence going to your backyard!” she yelled and I shake my head and run towards the road. I stop as a black limo stops as I run in front of it honking. I keep running to the other side of the road to the old house nobody lives in anymore.
“Hey! You! Move out of the driveway!” the guy driving the limo says and I hurry and move out of the way for them. They to pull into it and stop the car. Paige catches up to me no longer mad.
“I wonder who is moving in,” she says and I just watch as a tall muscular guy gets out with 2 other people. They are all in black and have shades to hide their face. “We better get back to the house before Katie panics and calls the police again,” she says remembering when Katie couldn’t find us once and called 911.
I nod my head and follow her back to my house. Our faces completely forgotten. By the time we get up we find Katie’s phone to her ear. I run over and grab it and put it to my ear when I hear a voice talking. “I’m sorry! Butt dial,” I say quickly and hang up. “Katie you need to stop doing that,” I say laughing and throw her phone onto my bed.
“Girls! We totally have to take a picture of make up and hair!” Paige says holding up her camera. We run out my room into Jake’s to find him and his best friend Derek playing black ops. That reminds me. We got our annual game Friday night which is tomorrow. Got to remember that!
“Jake! Can you take a picture?” I ask him while I take the controller and pause it. He looks up at me and sighs taking Paige’s camera while we do kissy faces at the camera. When the flash goes off we all burst out laughing at Derek and Jake’s faces at our pose. Paige grabs her camera and we run back to my room laughing.
The door bell rings while we are washing off the make-up. We hurriedly finish and run downstairs after changing into our short shorts and tank tops. I open the door to find well all I know is he is definitely NOT the pizza guy. He has long black hair that goes to down to the bottom of his eyes, with sapphire blue eyes and pale skin. For some reason he is also wearing eyeliner. He is wearing a plain black t-shirt with wash out dark skinny jeans. Also black converse. “May I help you?” I ask him as I see he is checking me out.
“Yes, my name is Cole Ripper and I live across the street now. Are you by any chance the girl that ran across the road?” he asks. I nod. “Well, I found your cell phone on my yard. You must of lost it while you were running.” I take my phone from him slowly and look to see I cracked it.
“Kelly, your parents are going to kill you about that crack down the screen. That is your 2nd phone this month,” Paige says pointing out the obvious.
“Gee thanks for pointing out the obvious,” I say sarcastically and turn back to Cole. “Thanks for giving me my pho-” All of a sudden Katie bursts.
“Now I remember where you are from! Your from the new rock band Black Arrows. I am such a huge fan!” she squeals draping herself on him. Paige grabs her arm and pulls her back shaking her head.
“Sorry about that and thanks, bye.” I say before turning around and shutting the door. “Really Katie? If your that desperate to make out or get in someones pants go tell my brother. I’m sure he will want to,” I say angrily. She is about to turn around go up to my brothers room when I grab her. “That was sarcas-” Once again I am cut off by the door. I turn back around and open the door saying, “what!”
“Umm..your pizza and soda, miss.” the guy I just yelled at rudely says handing my stuff to me timidly. I take the stuff ,handing him the money, and shut my door. We walk back up to my room and put in Grown Ups as we spread out on my huge bed and eat pizza.
“I’m sorry for yelling at you Katie. I was frustrated about breaking my phone and how you always just give yourself to whoever is willing.” I state simply and Paige nods.
“Its okay. I kinda deserved it anyways,” she says and we all hug. After a couple of hours of eating and watching movies we finally passed out.
I wake up to screaming and jump out of bed grabbing my knife I always have in the draw on my night stand. “What happened?!” I shriek to see Katie at my mirror screaming. “Katie whats wrong?” I ask her and she turns around and I burst out laughing. On her face there are drawings everywhere on it. Even a mustache. She looks at me and laughs. I give her a weird look and walk over to my mirror and scream at the sight. I look over at a sleepy Paige after she speaks. “Look in the mirror.” She tiredly gets up and comes to the mirror. I cover my ears as she screams. All of a sudden I hear laughing from outside my door.
I march over to my door and slam it open to find Jake and Derek laughing like 5 year old's. “Jake!” I yell before we take off after them as they run downstairs. “I am going to kill you!” I slide down the banister after the running boys that's already down to the bottom. I go to jump off when Katie slams me and we all topple onto the ground.
I look up to find Jake and Derek laughing at us with my parents who are bright red and holding their stomachs. I remember again I still have marker all over my face. I get up and march back upstairs with Paige and Katie right behind me. After showering and getting dressed into the outfit I got yesterday, I am finally back downstairs eating my breakfast waiting for Katie and Paige to get out of my bathroom.
“So...Kelly do you like your outfit?” mom asks after setting a plate full of food down in front of me. I start eating and after swallowing I reply, “I love it. Thanks.”
No one says anything else so I finish eating my food. Katie and Paige come bouncing down the stairs and sit down at the table.
“Morning everyone!” Katie says cheerfully when my mom puts plates in front of them. I excuse myself from the table and walk upstairs to my room. I quickly brush my teeth and apply my make-up. I grab my bag and walk back downstairs with Paige’s, Katie’s, and I’s bags in tow.
“You guys ready to go? School starts in 15 minutes,” I say and immediately they are grabbing their bags and dragging me outside. Me laughing all the way.
As soon as we reach outside I see the same black limo pulling out of the driveway of the house across the street. “I wonder who they are?” Katie says questionably. Paige and I sigh and get into her car.

The Jerk....arrives

Chapter 3

When we arrive at school we see the same black limo pulling up to the schools sidewalk. We watch as Cole and 2 other guys get out. I watch as Cole takes the front and the other 2 take his sides but a little further back. Everyone stops and stares. The girls swooning and gossiping while the guys are just staring and wondering. “Katie, we met Cole last night,” Paige says and Katie gives her a confused look.
“He is the one in the front of the triangle thingy,” I state simply and pull a confused katie over towards me and point a finger at Cole.
“Oh,” Katie states and we make the rest of our walk to our lockers in silence. When I reach my locker I realize something. For once nobody is following me around complimenting my outfit or asking me questions. This is strange.
“Paige? Do you notice anything odd?” I ask turning to her after shutting my locker and leaning against it. She turns to me after shutting and locking her locker.
“What? You mean like how no wanna be girls or guys are trying to talk to you like usual?” I nod, “yeah, I’ve noticed. It looks like Mr. Rockstar has stolen your spot.”
“That can’t be true! I worked hard to get to the top! I wear all the right fashion, hide my true self, and most important pretend to be something I’m not!” I state getting angrier at each statement.
“Looks like Miss. Popular is a little frustrated aren’t we?” a deep voice that I recognize from last night say from behind me. I turn around with a glare on my face.
“What do you want?” I hiss at him while he just smirks.
“Well, I wanted to know if you could show me around the school. I have no idea where anything is,” he says giving me a puppy dog face. Immediately my glare hardens even more.
“Why don’t you and your posse go and find some unsuspecting girl to do your evil bidding. I don’t want to do anything for yo-”
“Ahh Kelly, I see you have met our newest member to this school. He will be here for the rest of the year and I will need you to show him around. Also to keep the girls off him. I know you deal with that kind of thing all the time so give him some pointers. I just had to save him from a group of cheerleaders. Wow they were strong.” she says under her breath. “So please escort him around. He has the same schedule as you. I will see you around than Mr. Ripper. Good day.” She says and walks away. I glare at her retreating back and than turn to Mr. Rockstar who is smirking at me.
“Shut up and lets get this day over with,” I say to him and start walking towards class knowing he will follow.
“Whatever you say princess,” he says before following after me. He catches up to me easily. “ you even know who I am?” I turn and glare at him.
“You are Mr. Rockstar who is also a jerk who thinks he can get anything or anyone he wants but you are wrong,” I say and continue to walk.
“Well you look just the same, Miss Popular, Captain, oh and even Class president. Why would you do all that stuff? Just to be popular? Popularity isn’t everything.” he sates and I stop and glare at him.
“Mr. Rockstar lets get something straight. I do not play games. I like being popular. Also you are the most self centered jerk I have ever met and I hate you,” I state simply and my glare turns harder.
“Well, since you hate me so much. I guess I will just have to change that. Also your need to be popular. So game on.” he states and walks away.
“You know nothing about me!” I scream after him.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.12.2011

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