
The attack

I jump at the sight of him, his tall intimadating figure. His blue eyes flash and traces of the fire can be seen in his eyes. He was beautiful, but he had those eyes that could freeze blood in your veins. He advanced towards me and I try to run, only to be caught. His smell blocked all my senses, the over powering sense of security. He smelled of pine, and it seemed to melt my insides. I wanted to scream in flustration. I never have let a man get the best of me. I punch him and the stomach, but I felt the pain like he had done it to me. Whats going on? He grabs me and pushes me against the nearest tree. His eyes were like a caress, his touch like a feather. His eyes wern menacing , but they looked at me with Am I dreaming? I look at his beautiful black hair that shimmers in the moonlight. His warm body pressed against me, the last thing I felt was fear. I sigh as I look into his crystal blue eyes, who was he? I was a 'rouge' as they say. On the run from my abusive past, running at the sound of crunching leaves. I was the scum on the bottom of there shoes, I could just feel the alpha power oozing off of him. I was attracted to it, wanted it. I wanted to feel safe, to stop running. I can feel the bloody blisters and sores on my feet without even looking or my matted red/brown hair. I wanted to cry and scream and demand him to let me go! Mate... my wolf says. Mate? What? "I'm sorry" a husky, deep voice whispers, before I blacked out. 

It's her, I know it.

Xavier's P.O.V

I stare in amazment at her small frame. I had knocked her out, I didnt need her running away on me. Her redish brown curly hair blows lifelesly in the wind. She was so beautiful, I can still picture those intense red eyes in my mind. Her pale skin shimmering in the moonlight. I remember how soft her skin felt as she tried to punch me. She was like an angel, so beautiful. I've never seen eyes like hers, so sad. I'm glad she didnt demand me to let her go, because I couldnt deny her of anything. The smell of vanilla that oozes off of her almost brought me to my knees of the delious aroma. Where has she been all my life, why is the moon goddess giving her to me only now? What on Earth have I done to deserve her? Her beauty, her...vitality. I almost marked her right then and there. It's like her eyes brought life into my body, bringing warmth into my cold heart. She's a angel, a rogue. I wanted to tuck her away and hide her from the world. I run fast, pumping my legs harder, the burning sensation taking my mind of of her soft skin. Or how her skin looked under the moonlight...such a temptation. I past over our border and mind-link Sam. I couldnt wait to start my new life.



I awaken to a heavenly smell, bringing my senses alive and nerves on and pine. I jolt awake with realization. He sat at in a chair at the foot of the bed. His dark locks of hair were unruly, like he had run his hand through it many times. His eyes were piercing, like blades of ice. I involuntarily shiver, his eyes seemed to soften. We stare at each other a moment longer...sizing each other up. "Look, if you’re going to kill me just do it already don’t toy with me." I say as menacingly as I can. Thankfully, my voice doesn’t quiver. His eyes go hard again, I've never been afraid of a man, but his size was intimidating. He had thick muscles, and a hard chest. I could imagine those arms holding me, keeping me safe. I almost sigh at the thought, wait what? He KIDNAPPED me, what am I thinking? How hard did he knock me out? "I'm not going to kill my mate." He says, God his voice was amazing. It's a deep, rumbling sound that seems to demand respect. Wait, did he say mate? Like in other half, soul mate, kind of thing? There’s no way, not me, I don’t deserve someone like that, not after what I had done. I don’t even deserve life. He seemed to read my disbelief because he moved closer, until he was right in front of me. I fought the urge to run, to hide like the coward I was. He lifts his large hand and rests it on my cheek. Waves of pleasure burn through my nerves. I lean into his hand as he strokes my cheekbone, it's weird how he could be so gentle. I look up into his eyes, they held How could he love me? He doesn’t even know me! "Do you want to get a shower?" he asks in that deep voice again. I just nod, not trusting my voice. He removes his hand and I seemed to gain some common sense back. I turn my head and bow my head in shame, letting him lead the way to the bathroom.


Thinking about her...

Xavier's P.O.V


Her smell was everywhere, in my room, the house. It was driving me insane, the vanilla scent that was mouthwatering. Her being away from me, just to get into the shower had me pacing back and forth. Her smooth, soft, delicate cheek felt so good against my rough ones, I loved how her cheeks had turned red, and she subconsciously leaned into my hand. I loved how her touch seems to send fire through my core, to drive me insane. I DONT EVEN KNOW HER NAME! I mentally slap myself! Stupid, stupid, stupid! I was doing this all wrong! Ugh! I sound like a girl. "Hey man, are you o.k?" Sam asks. I break out of my inter monologue and look at him. His sandy blonde hair was shaggy and his face had a little stubble, I guess that’s what the girls liked about him, he had that surfer boy look. Too bad he's so annoying, but I guess him being my beta he has to be. "Yeah, I'm fine" I mumble, still lost in my own train of thought. "I hope when I find my mate I don’t go crazy" he says with a serious expression. I growl at him and continue pacing. All I can thing about is her fiery red locks, her amber eyes that seemed to see right through any lie...any deception. I take a deep breath, her scent was..scared. I follow it quickly and it leads me outside. In a blink of an eye, I catch her delicate figure in my arms. Her bouncing curls going everywhere, a waterfall of fire. I tug her close to me and look where she fell from, the bathroom window. She had gotten a shower though, I smile at her cleverness. "Whats your name?" I ask her softly as she looks up at me with those amber eyes. "Red" she whispers and I can't help but grin and the sound of her voice.


The kiss...

"Red" he repeats, I nearly melt right there. The sound of my name on his lips, the way it send tingles throughout my body. My body seemed so relaxed as he held me, I bury my head in his chest. He was SO warm and smelt so good. I clutch his shirt in my hands and tug him closer. "Shh" he whispers in my ear, his lips were so close to my ear. They barely brush it and it erupts in flames. I sigh, and bury my head in his neck. Would he be so nice if he knew I was trying to escape? I really didnt care anymore, I was to caught up in the sight of him. He brings us to a room and sits down with me in his lap. "Are you ok?" he asks, I look up at him. "You dont want me, trust me, I dont deserve a mate." I say and he stares at me in disbelief. He grabs my chin roughly, at first I think he's going to hit me, then he crashes his lips to mine. My lips were set on fire, heating my body. I clutch his hair for dear life. Our tongues inter lock, fighting for dominance, he wins. He traces his tongue over ever inch of my mouth. His steady lips push against my trembling ones. Fire and ice, every nerve standing on end. He tangles his hands in my hair, pushing my head closer to deepen the kiss. To close the space that wasn't there. My mind was numb, all I could think about was his lips on mine. His lips were chapped and I suck on his bottom lip. He moans and pulls apart. Then he buries his face in my neck. Were both panting, trying to catch our breath. "I will always want you" he whispers. Before I can answer theres a knock at the door, I jump a little. The door opens and a guy steps in. He had shaggy blonde hair and brown eyes, with a boyish grin splattered onto his face. "What do you want, Sam?" he mumbles into my neck. 'Sams' grin just widens. "The pack wants to be introduced to there new luna, Xavier" he answers and I stare at him in shock. No one talks to a alpha like that, no one. Xavier justs laughs and removes his head from my neck. He looks at me seriously, "Do you wanna meet them?" he asks quietly. Did I really want to? Where else did I had to go? No where, I would just be on the run again. I could stay here and be a luna. I could be with my mate. I could be happy. "Of coarse" I answer.

The pack

I walk out into the clearing and have to catch my breath. The people here were beautiful. Not only that, but broad and strong. They had there calculating eyes trained on me, I supress a shudder. Xavier leads me to a stage that has been sent up for us. He leads me up onto the stage, all the emotion in his eyes seemed to have drained out. All the affection, vanished. I step up closer and stand by him, squaring my sholders, I will not be intimidated so easily. Xaviers deep voice spoke put to the crowd. "This here is Red, she is my mate" he said without a hint of affection, happiness. Someone in the crowd snorts and then the whole crowd bursts out laughing. My cheeks flame up, turning a deep scarlet. Xavier growls and they go silent "Anyway, this is your luna and I expect nothing other that respect. Do I make my self clear ?" He asks and there were a few nods in the crowd. "Then lets get this party started!" he says with a wide grin. The crowd errupts in cheers, aparently they like to party. They all rush to the pack house. Once Xavier turns to me, his smile faulters and then completely vanishes. He pushes past me, heading to the pack house. Now, I stand outside by myself. Was he serious? He had to be kidding! I rush to the pack house, but he was no where to be seen. I growl out of fustration. I look around and head to the nearest bar. I chug the nearest drink, not bothering to wonder what it contains. Everyone was staring at me, eyes full of hatred. I turn and grab another glass. A man walks up to me, brown hair deep blue eyes. "Do you mind if I ask you to dance ?" he asks. I shake my head and allow him to lead me to the dance floor. A country-rock song was on and I danced my little heart out, oblivious to the stares. The man chuckled at me and when the song ended, he pushed me up against the wall. He groped me and I pushed him away. He advanced towards me again and I growled. Where was Xavier?! I turn and marched up the worn steps, seeing if he had retreated to his room. As I get closer, I hear giggling and a formalar voice. I swing the door open and there he was....Xavier with some blonde girl....half naked. 

The venom

Anger is the first emotion that hits me. I clench my fists and my body trembles with rage. Xavier locks eyes with me. I turn and run out the door. All eyes follow me out the door, I hear Xavier yell my name, but I keep going. My heart thumps loudly in pain and the cold air is a relief. I let out a flustrated howl and shift into my red wolf. I run, my paws like thunder on the forest floor. I follow my nose, smelling something foreign. Eventually I start to hear a muffled cry. I plea, someone was crying. I follow the noise and find a little girl in the fetal position on the ground, crying. She was part of the pack, I could smell it. She runs to me and raps her arms around my neck. Aparently she could smell it too. Her small frame was fragile against my huge wolf body. She barelys her face in my fur, her blonde curls tickling my nose. Her inocent blue eyes look up at me. A branch staps and leaves crunch. I whip my head around and two people step into the moonlight. Vampires, my nose told me. I growled, low in my throat and pushed the girl behind me. Then let out a dark chuckle and charged. The first went for my face, but I blocked the blow with my jaws snapping around his neck. He slumps down onto the ground and the second one incircles me. "We've underestamated you, wolf" he says. I snarl, an animalistic sound that I've never made. He lunges, not at me, but the girl. I jump in front of him, sending us tumbling to the Earth. We roll to a stop and I feel fangs sink deep into my arms. I roar in outrage and tackle him, riping his cold flesh apart with my teeth. He hisses and I rip another hunk and hot blood pours out, sticking to my fur. My breath is hurried and my chest heaves. Adreniline pumps in my veins, just like the vampire poison. I roar a horrid sound the shakes the Earth. Pain sends my veins on fire, my bones seem to shrivel up to ash. My eyes burn and my actions turn animalistic. The girl comes and hugs me, her arms trembling in fear. I breath heavyier and heavier. Looking around for prey, for something to kill and I find my self trembling. I her a wolf aprouch, a bunch. Xavier, his black wolf and icy eyes stare at me in worry. He shifts, "Red, are you ok!"  he rushes towards me and I shift, screaming. "GET AWAY!" I roar. The hot venom burning my insides into nothing. I hear my bones crack and my body tremble in rage. To seemed to say. Pain turned my vison black and I let out a murderous scream before lunging at Xavier. 

The guilt

She looked wild, animalistic. More animal than human, belonging to the wild as much as she does to me. Her red fur was vibrant and her eyes...wild. Specs of gold seemed to explode within them. Two dead vampires lay at her feet and her arm drips blood. Oh no, the vampire must of bit her! How had she managed to kill them? One wolf had enough trouble bringing one down, two was nearly impossible. I look at the little girl that is next to Red. The girl looked at her with so She has that affect on people. I recongnize her as one of the orphans. I shift and run towards Red. He wolf snarls, instincts kicking in. She shifts and lets out a roar. Her skin is pale and is covered in blood, some hers , some vampire. I sigh, she was...beautiful. An angel of death. Her eyes glaze over and she cocks her head to the side. Her lips curl up in a snarl and her eye twitches. She screams and ear piercing scream and lunges at me full force. Luckily two wolfs jump in and restrain her. Then she blacks out, probably out of pain. Anger fills my trembling body. Whoever did this to her...I would make them pay. I look at the vampires arms, the dark blood clan. Go now! My wolf rages on inside me. I look over at Red, she needs me. She had found me with Brittany, thinking that we had done something. I had spilled beer on her shirt and took her upstairs to give her one of mine, but was out of clean ones. I took off my shirt to give it to her until I could find another. The pain that I had saw in Red's eyes nearly had me crying. I run my hands through my hair, and sigh. I look at the girl still sitting on the forest floor. She was crying, "Hey, are you ok?" I ask her. She looks up and fear fills her eyes when she recognizes me. "It's ok" I whisper. "She saved my life" the girl whispers, turning away. "Hey, why dont you come back to my house and we'll get you some food and wait until Red wakes up. I'm sure she'll be glad to see you" I say. The little girls eyes light up "really?" she asks. I nod and pick her up. "Whats your name?" I ask. She smiles brightly showing me her dimples. "Ruth!" She says I chuckle and take her to the pack house. I would take care of her for now, for Red's sake.


It was him I needed. His face that I yearned for. Searing pain burned my flesh, my stomach heaves, but nothing comes up. Blackness surrounds me, laughter erupting the dead silence. Voices appear in my head, so loud I can't think. My own personal hell. I see his face, his beautifully carved face. I remember the sparks, the electricity that had erupted between us that one night. Then I think of him with that girl, the realization of that was far worse than any other pain. The tears comes, but they sizzle down my face. I picture the girl, how my animal instincts told me to protect her. I remember her inicent blue eyes and bouncing curls, and her rosey cheeks. She couldn't have been older than four. I remember the vampires, the bite, most of all I remember attacking him. I needed to wake up, I had to wake up. They needed me. RED... what was that? RED... it was him, my blue eyed lover. I felt drawn to him, felt as if I was being pulled to the surface. Then, I simply open my eyes. There he stood, with the little girl on his hip. She squirms out of his grasps and runs to me. "Red" she says crying. I look up at Xavier and see him smile at us. I reach down and push the stray curls out of her face. "Whats your name sweetheart?" I ask. "Ruth" she says with a smile. "Well Ruth, do you think you could go down stairs and tell the cook to whip us up some lunch while me and Xavier talks?" I ask and she nods and runs out the room. I look at Xavier, feeling light headed. I lean back against the bed. "What you saw last night, wasn't what you thought" he says looking up at me in a painful way. "I know" I whisper and his head whips up. "You do?" he asks, suprised. "I would of felt it" I said pointing to my chest. He hurrys across the room and brings me up in his arms. Gosh, it felt like home to be against his warm, hard chest. "Whats the girls story?" I ask, changing the subject. "Orphan" he whispers and I whip around to meet his gaze. I narrow my eyes "not anymore" I say in a huff. He smiles and brings his lips to mine, melting away any doubt.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.01.2014

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Another attempt of a book; let me know. Love ya homie G's BTW

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