
A death

    Sweat drips from my tanned body. I punch my punching bag that the pack members have filled with bricks. Left, right, left, right. I punch in a steady rhythm in attempt to ignore the fact that our alpha has died and soon his son, who I've never met before will be coming to take his place. It's our place to take over, my wolf roars in my head. Yes, I said wolf, I'm a werewolf we all are. The alpha blood burns in my veins as it does our old alpha's son. Our alpha, Silas, was a good leader and he always made sure i had a say in the matters at hand. He and my father were best friends, before he died. Silas knew that I had a powerful bloodline. Now his son will be ruling and my wolf has a problem with taking orders. When I first came here, I was underestimated because I was a female. I have challenged every male in this village and won, that had earned me the respect I deserved. I would of fought women too, but none had challenged me. Now, I wait for his son to arrive. The funeral was hours ago and I miss Silas already. I take a sip of water and walk back through our village. It was hidden up hear in the mountains, not to far from a human town. It had houses, and was like a modern every day neighborhood just the houses were more spread out. I guess I call it a village for the irony of it. I catch lustful glances from men, somehow they found me attractive. I worked just as hard as them, fought the same war as them and still them stare as I am not one of them. Every hear has mostly blonde hair. I'm the only one with black hair, our old luna before she left had black hair. She had abandoned us. I also have blue eyes, the first wolf ever to have them. It just wasn't common. I worked out a lot, kept in shape, so I know I have a nice body. Most men wanted a damsel in distress, a spineless thing that cooked and cleaned. I was anything but, I thought as I make my way to the clearing.


New Alpha


There were soft murmurs as a men walked up the stairs to the stage, followed by another I assumed to be the beta. He radiated alpha power, as did I. I have to say, he was beautiful. He had sun-kissed skin, curled with thick muscles. He had black hair which surprised me, he must of gotten it from his mom because his father had blonde. He had lovely green eyes the color of grass in the spring. "My name is Luke" he began, his tall fame towering above us. I was tall for a werewolf (because of the alpha blood), but Luke was huge he made me feel small. "This is my beta, Red, I know my father’s passing is tragic to some, but" then he said something that made me instantly hate him "I know I can be a better ruling then he ever was" I the crowd was silent, none standing up for Silas in fear of angering the Alpha. I growled and it echoed through the clearing "How dare you speak of something you know nothing of" My wolf says before I can protest. His eyes snap to mine. The world stops, just for us. The crowd seemed to disappear and there was only us. His green eyes stared at me in...awe? His green eyes were outlined by the thick eyelashes. I inhaled his smell for the first and pine. The smell was intoxicating. MATE! my wolf yells to the top of her lungs inside me. My mate? This alpha? Silas's son? She nods eagerly, so what do I do? I run, with all of my being telling me not to. 

Drowning demons

After running away from my mate, where do I end up you ask? A bar in the human town. Theres nothing I do better then drown my worrys. I hate when someone says "drowning your demons, ah?" No, I'm not my demons can swim. They remind me every minute, every second, of what happened that day. The day when I couldn't protect them. I take another shot of whiskey, way past drunk now. Another presence enters the and pine. I take a deep breath and savor the smell. He steps closer and I turn on my stool, nearly falling in my drunkin state. I see his beautiful features before me, the rare black hair and those eyes. Those beautiful green eyes. "Hello, Alpha" I say in a slurred voice. His eyes rake over my body, I probably looked awful. "What are you doing here? Why did you run?" he asks with narrowed eyes. His voice was so deep it rumbled my insides, I liked that. "Why did someone miss me?" I ask in a baby voice, pinching his cheeks. Man, I've never been intimadated by a man before but he seemed to tower above me. He seemed to be as thick as he is tall, with muscles and an eight pack you can clearly see even with a shirt on. I reach out and trail my fingers across his hard, taunt stomach. He stiffens and I smile. I stand up on my knees on the bar stool and fall over. He catches me instantly and my skin tingles, comes to life at his touch. I lean forward, and his eyes widen. Our lips breifly touch, leaving time for him to push me away. Then it becomes a full out makeout session. His lips were chapped and rough against my own. His mouth was strong, demanding yet so soft. I tug on his hair and he lets out a growl that seems primal...I liked it. I deepen the kiss and my lips beg to close the space that wasnt there. All I could think about was him, him, himHow have I gone this long without his touch? His lips? He seemed to be air, and me a drowning man. He grabs my shoulders and pushes me back. "Your drunk" he says, voice laced with lust. I laugh at him, we were kissing and he is worried about me being drunk? What I wasnt good enough for him? Oh, I'll show him how many men want me. I push his chest away, still mavaling at its hardness. I step onto the bar, "So I'm not good enough, eh?" I ask. Before he can anwser, I start stripping.

Angering him

I hear hoots and hollars, then a low growl. Then, I'm being snatched off the bar and thrown over Luke's shoulder. He stomps out of the bar, with every nerve on my body on fire from his touch. Once were outside he sets me down and throws my clothes at me. "Are you trying to make me kill everyone in there?!? Do you want them to die. I knew you were hard headed, but you honestly thought I wouldnt want you! Your my mate, but I want to make sure this is what you WANT!!" He growls and slams his fist into the nearest tree, busting it into peices. His body heaves with anger. His green, bloodshot, eyes stare at me. Then he morfs into a black wolf and runs into the woods. I drop onto the cold, hard, ground. I only get one mate in my lifetime and I've been with mine five minutes and he is already mad at me. I lean over and puke up the remaining whiskey in my left in my stomach. I hear a rustle of leaves and look over my best friend, Blake, comes out the woods. "Hey" I whisper and he laughs. "Done it again, aint it?" I crack a smile, Blake justs knows me. "Piggy back ride?" I ask with puppy dog eyes. "I've seen you rip a man's heart out, and your pulling puppy eyes on me?" he asks amusingly. "You should take it into consideration" I say with a fake smile. He chuckles and picks me up, hugging me close to his chest. I bury my face into his neck, attempting to warm myself. "I really messed up this time, Blake" I whisper. He looks down at me, "You'll always have me, no matter what" he says. "Thats what they said, thats whatthey said" I say before drifting off to sleep.

The hangover

I awaken to a busting headache. Ugh, what happened last night? Then the memories come flooding back. We kissed? 'You bet yal did' my wolf says. "Ughhhh!" I yell and then I hear Blake come in, he always smelt like chocolate. "Dont 'ugh' me you are to go and duel with the Alpha. What happened last night? He said to come wake you he wants a little more 'challenge' huh, well he's going to have some trouble bringing you down!" Blake says amusingly, I dont laugh. He's challeging me? Is this punishment from last night? I ignore Blakes comments and slam the bathroom door, even though I can still hear his laughter. I cut on scalding hot water and strip off my clothes. I step under it and let the hot droplets soothe my pounding head. Why can't I just let him in? He is my mate. Then the flashbacks come, all the blood. The screams, God, the screams were the worst. I shake my head in attempt to forget the past. I stay under the water a moment longer after washing then get out. I get out and dry myself off with a fluffy white towel. I look at the clothes I had brought into the bathroom and smile. I had brought a sports bra and some short shorts since it was at least  ninety degrees outside. I get dressed and put my hair in a lazy bun. The alpha was just gonna LOVE this outfit. I thought while dashing outside.

The fight

I walk into the clearing eyeing the pack around me. They all gave me cold stares, but not daring enough to say a word. I was use to there hatred. I search the crowd for Luke and find him staring at me. His eyes raked over my body, making me shiver. He looks up at me and sees me standing with Blake and his eyes got hard. They turn cold and distant, full of hatred. "Ready?" I ask, breaking the trance. He nods and I walk up to the arena that they had made. My heart beated in my ears, why was I so nervious? Then Luke takes his shirt off, I bite down a gasp. His eight pack was dripping with sweat in the hot Texas air. His body was hard and chiseled. I wanted to cry. He advance towards me, throwing the first punch in which I dodge. I cheap shot him in the stomach, he grows, but barely winces. He upper cuts me across the jaw, sending me flying on my back, hard gravel shreding me to pieces. I roar in out rage. He advances again and I can see the anger in his eyes. I try to punch him, but I cant, I cant hurt him. He's my mate, he's my other half. He's so beautiful, I marvel at his taunt muscles as the flex. This time he punches my cheekbone, shaddering it. It'll heal in a couple of hours. I just lay there staring up at him, he growls. "Get up and fight!" he rumbles, then Blake pushes him "Whats your problem man?!?!?!" he yells. "I'm sorry if I dont like other guys screwing my mate! Especially you!" he yells pushing Blake to the dirt, using all his alpha force not to shift. What was he talking about? I look up at him, his breathing was haggard, and his eyes hade turned red. Blood red, he clenched and unclenched his fists. Blake remand on the ground. Luke turns and runs into the forest. I rush up and follow him.

The lie.

"Luke, wait!" I yell, beathlessly trying to follow him. He whirls around and grabs my face. He crushes his lips to mine, forcing them to move in sync with his. I'm so shocked I freeze up, then move my lips with his. I clutch his hair as fireworks erupt in my mouth. Tingles fill my body and my knees give out, he catches me easily. I rap my legs around his waist and he pushes up against a tree, the hard bark bringing me to my senses. I rip open his shirt in my hands and explore his stomach, trancing every ab. He growls and pushes his tongue into my mouth, filling me with warmth. I massage mine with his and he moans. His scent invelops me, mint and pine. I push him away and look into his eyes. They were dark green with lust, with need. "Who told you that? I've never been with anyone from the pack" I whisper, inches from his face. I take my hands and trance his face, his eyebrows that were creased together. I trance his lips, that were soft and so demanding. "Blake" they whisper. I freeze, my body freezes. "He said that you would never want me, that you didnt go for guys like that, that you slept around alot." He whispers, closing his eyes to my touch. "The thought of someone hurting you, touching you, when I couldnt drove me insane" he says. "I cant believe Blake said that about me." A tear slips down my face, he opens his eyes and wips it away. "They arnt true ?" he asks. I shake my head and more tears come. "I used to drink real bad, get so wasted I wouldn't even know if I was in the world or not. One morning I woke up strapped to a bed in ropes naked. I was sober enough to break them, but the guy had left. I had a long cut across my neck and I was covered in blood, he thought he had killed me so he left. I was raped, Luke. Blake found me in the woods crying." I say looking anywhere but him. Ashamed he didn't want me. He growls low in his throat, "So Blake lied?" he asks. I nod and bury my face in his neck, calming myself with the scent of him. "Can I sleep with you tonight, I can't go back to the pack house and face Blake" He silently nods and carrys me back, gently rubbing my back.

A question, A answer.

I feel there stares as we travel through the crowd. There curiousity, there hatred. I keep my face buried in Luke's neck, soaking in his warmth. I feel the heat radiate off of him, I yearned for him to be closer. I hear a door open and close and soon were going up stairs. He opens his bedroom door and sets me carefully down on his bed. He doesn't say a word as he travels across the room and shuts the door. I turn and look at him as he took off his shirt. Oh, God, I wouldn't be able to handle this. That body...sent me to places I've never been. He takes off his pants and it leaves him in nothing but boxers. I shiver as my eyes travel down his scuplted, tanned, body. He tosses a shirt at me and raises his eyebrows in a lazy smirk, "Like what you see, babe?" he says in that deep, sexy, tone he uses only for me. I smile, just a little, before going into the bathroom to change. The shirt only reached mid-thigh, I grumble and pull my hair up in a loose ponytail. I step out the bathroom and smack my head on a wall. Nope, not a wall, but Lukes chest. He brings me up to his chest and craddles me like a baby. He sits on the bed and leans against the headboard. "I love having you in my arms" he confesses, his warm breath sending shivers down my spine. I straddle his lap, the shirt riding up more. I touch his face, so hot under my touch. His eyes were intense green hues that bore into mine. I touch his cheeks, his lips, trailing my hand over his face. I drop them, sliding them down his neck to his chiseled, taut, stomach. I run my hands down his chest, kissing his mountain-like abs. He moans a little, "stop" he whispers. I look up, offended. Then I see the lust in his eyes, the want, the need. I growl and push him against the wall, smashing his lips to mine. He doesnt hesitate one bit, he kisses me back with a hunger like no other. With a passion like no other. I rake my fingers through his jet black hair, tugging it teasingly. His tongue doesnt wait for promission, but pushes my lips forcfully, making me moan in pleasure. His every touch was a spark and I was scared of starting a fire. Luke grabs my hips and grinds against me. I squel in suprise as he presses against me. I pull back, breathlessly. I look at him, his breathing was haggard and his eyes were closed. "I didn't think I could stop" he says, voice laced with so much desire I wanted to cry. He opens his green eyes and stares at me. "Do you really want to be with me, honestly? Because you can't play with me like that, I would die not having you. I need you, Riley, and I need to know now whether your in this for the long-run" he whispers, sounding so...vulnerable. Did I want this? Did I want..him? I look at his worried expression, the way my insides warm at the site of him. I remember his sweet crooked smile. I wanted him. I wanted him bad. "Yes" I say and he blows out a breath I didn't see him holding. He pushes me to him, so I'm craddled against his chest. His warm, heavenly, chest where everything just seems right. I sigh, "What are we going to do about Blake?" I whisper. "Oh, I'll handle him, love" I hear before drifting off to sleep. 

School ?

I awaken to green eyes staring intensely back at me. I yelp in suprise. He raps his arms protectively around me and laughter rumbles his chest. I start laughing too. He turns me around on his lap. "I need to talk about something serious, Riley" I stare at him. He runs his hands through his dark hair. I grab his shoulders and push his lips to mine and heat lights up my body. My tongue explores his mouth, curiously and he growls. To soon he pushes me back. "We have to enroll in high school" he blurts out and I stare at him. Then burst into histarical laughter, when he doesn't join in, I sober up. "Your serious" I say. "The towns getting to suspicious, we need to go to school, blend in or we'll have to move" he say. He's body was ridgid and I know he dreaded telling the pack the news. "Ok" I whisper, laying my head on his chest. His body relaxes and he holds me to his chest. He tilts my chin up, looking into my eyes. "God, your so beautiful" he whispers, his breath tickling my face. He brings his lips to mine, with a newly found erge. He kissed me with a...need. Like this kiss was breath. I push my body closer to him, closing the space, wanting more of him. A knock sounded in the distance, sounding far away. The door opens and we pull apart. I look over my shoulder and see Blake. I quickly bury my face in Luke's chest. Luke growls and his body stiffens. "What do you want?" Luke snarls. Blake narrows his eyes at Luke. "While you were wasting time, I gathered the pack up." Luke sets me on the bed and stands up, unfolding his six foot something stature. He towers over Blake, "don't you ever question my authority or I will take you out of this world as quick as you were brought into it" he says softly, so serious it freezes your blood. It seemed to have that very affect on Blake. Blake nods and runs out. Luke's breath was haggard, his chest heaving trying to keep calm. I get up and touch his shoulder, his body relaxes. I stand on my tippy toes and kiss his neck. "Lets get dressed" I whisper.

High school? Kill me now.

I stand in front of lincoln high, sighing in defeat. A school full of humans, what are we thinking? I walk through the large double doors, alone. Luke's doing his morning border patrol before making an appearance. I recognize some familiar faces from the pack, but the humans stare like I'm something foreign to them. I look down at my attire. Dark skinny jeans, a plaid red shirt which I rolled up the sleeves so that my arms may breathe. As for shoes, I wear black high heel boots, little do they know I've strapped my dagger onto the inside of my boot. I walk down the halls, ignoring the stares and clinging tightly to my schedule. I stop at my locker and try the combination, nothing. I give it another good yank, nothing. I want to scream in flustration, I didn't want to go to this darn school any how. "May I give it a try?" I turn my head towards the melodic sound of a young boys voice. He was charming with auburn hair and sweet hazel eyes. He was werewolf I noticed. I flash him a smile. "That would help a lot." I say, as he takes my schedule and tries my combination. It opens for him, I raise my eyebrows at him. "For someone whos never done this, your pretty good." He laughs, "I did my homework before I came" I nod, and out stretch my hand. "I'm Riley" I say. "Miles" he says back, dramatically shaking my hand making me laugh. "Looks like we have first period together, mind if I walk you?" he asks. "Of course" I say, looping my hand through his. Maybe high school wouldn't be so bad. It was 4th period when Luke made an appearance, right into my class. He slipped the teacher a pass and grinned at me. I sigh at his arrogance. Girls in the classroom stare at him like hungry wolves, no pun intended. I sink into my seat, I could close my eyes and pinpoint his exact location in the room, it was that over-baring. I feel Mile's eyes one us, I give him a reasuring smile. This was going to be a long week.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.01.2014

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