
Yes, I said "werewolf"

      I run away from the orphanage as fast as my werewolf-speed would take me. Yes, I said werewolf. My name is Riley and I'm a werewolf. I only know some information about them, my parents informed me as much as they would before getting eaten alive by vampires. Now I have to live at the orphanage. I'm really just a normal girl with black hair. The only thing that is different about me is my eyes, I have werewolf eyes. There a striking colbalt blue, that draws unwanted attention. I attend school, just like everyone else (which sucks since everyone hates me). I walk up the steps into Lincoln High, voices float aimlessly into my mind. Oh yeah, didnt I tell you? I can read minds. I push the massive doors open and suddenly get thrown into the wall. My books splatter everywhere, but I catch myself before falling. "Watch where your going, loser" a girl named Brittany yells, slinging her dyed-blonde hair over her shoulder. I could kill her so easily, my inner wolf roars. No, I tell her, we promised mom and dad. I gritt my teeth and grab my books from the ground. I continue down the hall into homeroom, and thats when are eyes meet.

Chapter 2 HER (Damien's P.O.V )

At first I smelt her. It was an intoxicating scent of vinilla, like heaven had over tooken my senses. I looked up and saw her. She was beautiful. She was tall with long legs and a curvy body. Her hair was black as a ravens wing and her lips red as blood. Her eyes met mine, the sea of cobalt blue that I seemed to get lost into. The world around us slowed, time stopped. Her eyes widened and I wanted so bad to reach out, to hold her, to fell her body pressed up close with mine. I took a deep breath and the trance was broken. My soul tugged at me to move closer to her. She was my mate. When the teacher called roll I learned that her name was Riley. I repeated the name over and over while staring at her. She was so beautiful I could hardly tear my gaze away when someone tapped me on the shoulder. I turn and looked at them, a blonde girl smiled at me. She wore skimpy clothes and the smell of makeup and perfume washed over me making me want to gag. She hands me a note. I take it from her and read it.

                                   It read:

HIII!!!! So your new??? Your so hot we should hang out sometime! Why are you staring at that girl? She's so ugly, and a loser. You could do so much better! -Brittany

I laugh, out loud. No one notices except Brittany, who turns a bright red. I crumple the note and toss it back at her. I only had eyes for Riley, my Riley.

I have a mate?

    I look at him from across the room. Our eyes lock, his were a forest green. His face looked like it had been carved from angels. His body was tan and muscular. His eyes were what got me, he was a werewolf. Not just any werewolf, my mate. A mate is kind of like a soul mate, someone your drawn to physically. I sigh and move to sit in my chair. I kept seeing him peek glances at me. Ugh, this was not going to end well. I take a deep breath, he smelt of pine trees and the woods. After roll, I find out that his names Damien. I focus my eyes ahead all of class trying to avoid his relentless gaze. He gets past a note from Brittany and I smile. She works fast, thats for sure. With my werewolf hearing I hear him laugh and throw the note back at her. Then he fixes his gaze back onto me. Wow, no one has ever rejected Brittany. I try to keep my gaze ahead at the boring math lession, even though every fiber of my being wants to jump into Damien's arms. "Mr.Chase, since your busy talking I imagine you know the anwser to this equation, do you not?" our teacher Mr. Fisher asks. "No sir, I don't" he replys. I snort and he shoots me a death glare. Oh no, after class I was going to get it. As if on cue the bell rings. I file out quickly hoping to bypass him. "Hey, loser, don't walk away from me when I'm talking to you!" I walk faster. He grabs me by the throat and pushes me down, into the locker. My wolf rages, no don't I scream at her. I couldn't brake that promise I promised them. If I killed him, I would lose everything I stood for. I couldn't control her, there was a war inside me. One good, one bad. I see Damien come up and his eyes are a lively green now, full of anger. He punches the guy and crouches next to me, saying something. If only I could hear him instead of the thousands of thoughts that surrounded me. Words fill my brain faster then I can process, over and over. Slowly darkness over takes me.

Chapter 4 Anger (Damien's P.O.V)

I walk down the hallway follow her scent. Sweet, sweet vinilla. I turn the corner, just in time to see the dumb jock from class push her against the locker. Anger, rage, shoots through my veins like hot venom. I imagine sinking my jaws into his throat and ripping him to pieces, the satisfiyling taste of his blood upon my teeth. My hands clench into fists. How dare he touch something so perfect, so beautiful. She was mine, all mine. I felt my wolf start to take over, I push him down. I cross the hallway in two strides and deck the guy in the face, but not too hard. He simply falls unconsious. I crouch down next to her. I felt confusion radiate off of her. Her eyes fall back into her head and she passes out. People were now gathered around, this wasn't good. I scoop her up into my arms, need washing over me. Her being so near was intoxicating. I look down at her, her black hair was so soft. Her lips were so perfect, I could lean down just a hair and kiss her. Thick eyelashes hooded her wide, innocent, blue eyes. Her body felt so good against mine, heat radiated from where our skin met. I shook my head to push the thoughts away, I had to take her to the house. As alpha, I had to share with the pack the fact that I had a mate. I walk out of the school with everyone's gaze on me. I straightened and walked to my car, placing her in the passenger seat. I start the car and drive quickly to the pack house.

The kiss

I wake up to silence, oh such a sweet sound. I open my eyes to find bright green ones stare back, intently. Our eyes lock, he was so beautiful. His eyes travel along my face, looking at every angle of it. His gaze finds my lips, oh how I wanted him to kiss me. "I can't take it anymore" he whispers so quietly I thought I drempt it. His lips touch mine a hesitation, a question. There was no time for that, I push our lips closer. I loved how his lips tasted, I loved how his smell seemed to consume me. Now he was fierce with desire, want, longing. I tangle my hands in his hair, holding on for dear life. His lips were soft, but demanding. He pulls back and I kiss his neck, wanting, needing him closer. He makes a noise neither of a man or beast, but somewhere in the middle. I looked into his eyes which now had golden specks around the green. My wolf seemed to want to break out of my chest and go to him herself. Closer, closer it screamed. "Whoa, she is hot!" a voice says entering the room. The trance was broken.

Chapter 6 The Pack (Damien's P.O.V)

I had been so lost in Riley I hardly noticed Seth come in. I growled at him, I wanted to kill him for interupting us. Riley turned bright pink, oh she looked so hot when she blushed. "What do you want" I ask him through gritted teeth. I could still taste Riley's lips, feel her hands in my hair. The rest of the gang comes in behind him. Cody, the one thats mad at the world. Malcolm, the smart one and Reece, the youngest of us all. Then the witch Jessica. They each introduced themselves to Riley, except Jessica who stayed standing with her arms crossed. I rolled my eyes, why couldn't she except the fact that I didn't want her? "Ugh, whats she doing here?" she growls. I feel anger instantly coarse through my veins. If anyone had a right to be here, it's Riley. "Shes my mate" I say and Jessica's eyes harden. "But shes so...ugly." My wolf rages with fury, Riley was the most beautiful thing I've ever laid eyes on. I look over at Riley, she was staring at Jessica with hatred in her eyes. She looks as if shes debating whether or not to rip her head off. It made no since, she was so nice to humans. She took there crap, where I would have to kill them.

The truth

So, this was the pack? The boys were sweet...and completely sexy. Whereas Jessica was a witch. I look at her with a newly found hatred. "Doesn't she have a home?" she asks bitterly. I could tell she was mad I was with Damien. "I live in an orphanage" I say, proudly. She laughs "Oh, what? Mommy and Daddy don't want you anymore? Man, Damien you know how to pick um" Something inside me snapped. I put up with so much crap, my wolf couldn't take it anymore. I lunged for her throat, ready to kill her. I Punch her once, twice, while pinning her with my legs. Someone drags me off of her, but I yank out her hair and claw at her skin. I am yanked back by Damien, anger in his eyes. Great, now he hated me. I push him off of me and run out the door into the woods. I run faster and faster until I'm deep within the woods. Tears stream down my face, gosh I lost control. I NEVER lost control. I felt like screaming. My wolf wanted to finish Jessica off...where was this anger coming from? I go to the nearest tree and rake my claws down the length of it and roar in outrage. Why did I have to make that stupid promise to my parents?!? I felt a presence at my side, I look over, Damien stared back at me. My wolf's breath was haggard and he looked so...calm. I shifted back, 

Crying for the first time in a while.

Damien smashes me to his chest when I shift back. His hard chest pressed up against my soft frame and he held me. The tension oozed out of me, the stress melted away. I clutch his shirt and push him closer to me. I cry into his shirt, all the anger, fustration vanishing. The tears come before I realize and soon I sobing, standing in the middle of the woods with a werewolf. His scent hit me at once, mint and pine. I drown myself into his smell, burying my face into his neck. "Shh" he whispers, his warm breath hitting my neck. His arms rap around me, hard muscles pushing me ever-so close. Next thing I know, I'm being scooped up into his arm bridal-style. His warmth envolps me, making me feel safe for the first time since my parents died. I can feel the anger rolling off him in waves. He clutches my shirt tighter, and his pace picks up. Was he mad at me? I try to stop my crying, but once the flood starts theres no stopping it. We enter the house and he sits me tenderly on the couch. A new boy had entered the room, he had a cocky grin plastered on his face. Damien jacked him up by his shirt, alpha rage burning off of him. His eyes blaze, "WHAT DID I TELL YOU ABOUT KEEPING HER UNDER CONTROL?!?" he yells so loud, I cringe. The guys cocky grin returns, Damien punches him in the face. Damien keeps throwing punches. I jump up "DAMIEN!" I yell. He jumps up and looks at me, I frown at him. His eyes turn tender, soft. He grabs my hand and leads me up stairs. He leads me to his bedroom, opening and shutting the door behind him. His room was huge, with a large king size bed with a green blanket. There was white carpet, the only two colors were green and white. There was a huge bay window, over looking a huge lushious forest. I crawl up on the bed and curl up. Damien comes and lays next to me, staring into my eyes. I push myself closer, and he raps his arms around me, clutching me tighter, like I'm his will to live. I sigh and close my eyes, drifting off to sleep.

Taking a stand, breaking a promise.

I wake up with a start. The oraphanage!! I leap out of bed and Damien falls off the bed. I stand and practically run out the room. Damien's frantic footsteps follow behind me. "Whats wrong?!?!" he bellows out in confusion. I look out the window, it was dark out. "I have to get back" I rush out, paranoia seeping into my thoughts. Damien grabs my shoulders. "Why don't you stay here? We are mates after all" I let out a bitter laugh. He turns away in embarressment, I instantly felt bad. He turns, "Damien, wait.." he shakes his head. "Lets just get you home" he says. I follow him out of the grand house, noticing how most of his pack seems to be gone. We make our way to his car, an older mustang. I slide my hands over the shiny red paint job, then hope in. I settle myself into the soft leather seats and sigh. Damien reves the engine. I smile, as he speeds off. "Where's your pack?" I ask absant mindedly. He doesn't say anything for a minute, but desides to answer me. "Hunting" he answers. Thats weird. I know that most packs hunt in wolf form, but usually the Alpha leds the hunt. I've never hunted in wolf form, I try not to shift at all, but sometimes the urge over takes me. Like a crack addict trying to get clean, he can only resist for so long. "Why arn't you with them?" I ask. He doesn't answer me. Oh how I wish I could read werewolve's minds. I look over at him. His green eyes meet my gaze. "I had better things to do" he answers. Then I remember us sleeping in his room. I blush and look away, out the window. Then I realize were at the orphanage. I rush to get out, then before I shut the door, I whisper a thanks to Damien. I run through the front doors, right into Mrs. Betty. She looked inraged. "WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN? HAVE YOU REALIZED THAT DINNER IS NOT DONE, OR THE LAUNDRY?" she screeches. I look over in the corner and see Travis. I instantly cringe, I had left him here by himself with her. "What, do you think I let you in my home out the goodness of my heart?" she laughs and slaps me across my face. I taste my blood and my wolf was done being ruled by humans. I stand straighter, instead of cowering away. I flash Betty my werewolf eyes, and knock her unconsious with my fist. I look over at Travis. "Pack your bags" I say. As soon as she wakes up, she'll be calling the cops. They'll seperate us. I had protected him this long, I wasn't going to stop now. Travis was 7, and had known him most of his life, I wouldn't let them seperate us. I rush and pack the little clothes I had. Travis does too, on the verge of tears. He too was a werewolf. I laugh, I was free. Travis looks at me like I'm crazy. "Come on" I say and we rush out the door, into the street. It was pretty late, and we had no where to go. I scroll through the contacts on my phone, searching for anyone who could take us in for the night. I realized he must of put his number in my phone while I was sleeping. I clicked "call". It barely rang before his gruff voice answered "yeah?". "Damien? This is Riley. I need a favor."


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.02.2014

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