


Ann Mackenzie, a tall pretty blonde standing about five eight, with green eyes and slight curves, stood there with tears rolling down her cheeks as the love of her life, Brandon Cooper, a tall, about six one, dark haired man with blue grey eyes and the lean muscular physique of a running back, packed up his life. He was leaving her and there was nothing she could do about it. “Why? Just tell me that Brandon, why?” Ann asked trying to find some explanation.

“I can’t stay here. There’s nothing here for me anymore,” Brandon said not looking at her.

“Brandon, I know you’re hurting. You’re parents just died, but you shouldn’t make any rash decisions. Just think about it a little longer. You have friends here, people who care about you.”

“I’m not leaving just because my parents are dead, Ann. I’ve been thinking about this for months. The only reason I waited this long was because of my parents.”

Ann took a deep breath and tried to control her emotions. He didn’t love her anymore, but she couldn’t just let him leave like this. He needed to think rationally. She didn’t want him to stay for her, but for himself. She just had to get him to realize that the best thing for him was to stay here. “Brandon, please just think about this a little longer. Are you absolutely sure this is what you want? Where will you go? What will you do? What about college?”

“I’ve made my decision. You’re not going to change my mind. Where I go and what I do is my business, not yours,” Brandon said finally turning to look at her. “I can’t stay Ann. Just let it go. We’re not going to have that happily ever after you’ve been dreaming of. It’s time we both realized that and moved on.”

All Ann could do was stand there in the Cooper’s house, the house that had always been like a second home to her, and watch as Brandon walked out loaded up his truck and drove out of town, and out of her life.


Chapter One


Six Years Later

Brandon Cooper drove his red vintage Mustang into town wondering what had all changed. It had been years since he had been back to Troy, Alabama. He never thought he would come back, but sometimes you had to go back to move forward.

As he entered town he noticed that his favorite burger joint had closed, but there appeared to be more businesses. “Well it looks like the college is bringing in more business. Troy might actually turn into a city instead of just some small town in the middle of nowhere,” Brandon said as he drove toward his childhood home. No matter how much he wanted out of this town, he couldn’t sell his parent’s house. There were too many memories there.

When he pulled into the drive memories swamped him, the good ones of his parents, and the bad ones like the day he was informed his parents were dead, and the day he left. No matter how many years it had been, he still couldn’t get the image of Ann standing in the doorway with tears running down her cheeks. “Well she’s moved on by now,” Brandon said to himself as he got out of his car. “It’s not like she was going to pine after me forever. She’s probably happily married by now.”


Ann Mackenzie stood outside the elementary school directing students to their parent’s waiting cars. Her own little one was waiting for her inside, having her afternoon snack. It was Friday and she couldn’t wait to get out of here. As much as she loved her job, she still loved the weekends, those days when she got to spend all her time with her daughter. Mackenzie Cooper was a very energetic five year old. Smart as a whip with the looks of an angel, a dark angel with dark brown almost black hair and blue eyes. ‘With her father’s looks,’ Ann thought with a small smile on her face.

The fair was this weekend and she couldn’t wait to take Mackenzie. Mackenzie loved the fair. She loved the noise, the excitement, the rides, the games, and of course the prizes. Ann always tried to give Mackenzie as much as possible, not everything she wanted, Ann couldn’t afford that on a teacher’s salary, but Mackenzie always had what she needed. And the majority of what she wanted. Ann always felt the need to make up for the fact that Mackenzie’s dad was never there. Ann knew that spoiling Mackenzie wouldn’t make up for the fact that Mackenzie had never met her father, and probably never would, but she couldn’t help but try.


Brandon had been home for a few hours when he saw a cop car pull into the drive way. He walked outside to see what the problem was. Jason Wright, a man standing about five foot ten with semi long dirty blonde hair got out of the car. “Well, here I thought I was going to have to run off someone who was trespassing only to find out that it’s the owner,” Jason said smiling at his best friend from high school.

“Who decided it was a good idea to give you badge? Whoever it is needs their head checked?” Brandon said laughing as he walked down the steps.

“Well, I decided to change my wild ways and become an upstanding citizen of our great town. Plus I couldn’t help but love the irony of it, the trouble maker turned cop,” Jason said and gave his best friend a hug. “So where have you been? We’ve missed your ugly face around here.”

“Here and there.”

“Oh come one, give me more than that.”

“Well, I ended up in Texas for a while, figured out I was good at construction and ended up becoming a contractor. The pays pretty good, and the jobs a little flexible. I pick my on jobs and when I finish a job I can take some time off if I want. I like it. It gives me the freedom to travel some.”

“So, is this just a visit?”

“I haven’t figured that out yet. I thought about just coming back long enough to sell the house, and then moving on to the next place.”

“Uh huh,” Jason said with a worried look on his face then he manned up and brought up the one person that he had to, the one person that he knew Brandon wouldn’t want to talk about, “So, have you seen Ann?”

“No, why would I?” Brandon asked feeling uncomfortable.

“Oh, well I think you should.”

“Why? She probably doesn’t want to see me. I mean come on we didn’t exactly end it on good terms.”

“You mean when you just up and left,” Jason said a little mad.

“I had to leave Jay. You know I couldn’t stay. It was killing me to be here after my parents died, and Ann and I were moving too fast. We weren’t ready for marriage and kids and that’s where we were headed. We were only twenty.”

“Yeah, well you need to at least talk to her. She’s probably still at the school. I think you should stop by there,” Jason said slightly ill-tempered as he headed back to his cruiser.

“Why? Give me one damn good reason why she would want to see me. One reason why I should want to see her.”

“Because you have a kid,” Jason mumbled as he opened the car door.

“What? Speak up. I didn’t catch that.”

“Look it’s not my business, but trust me you need to go see her,” Jason said and got in the car. He slammed the car door, and sped out of the drive.

“What the hell was all that about?” Brandon said aloud as he went back into the house. He went back to unpacking and placing calls to get the utilities turned back on. ‘Since when do you have to talk to a machine to get your power turned on around here,’ Brandon thought shaking his head as he punched buttons on his phone.


It was six o’clock and Ann was standing in line for the Ferris wheel, Mackenzie’s favorite ride and one of Ann’s least favorite. ‘She definitely didn’t get my fear of heights,’ Ann thought wearily.

After about ten minutes of waiting Ann and Mackenzie climbed into the bucket seat. Ann started counting her breaths to keep calm. ‘Oh the things we do for our kids,’ Ann thought as she made sure Mackenzie sat back in the seat. As they made their way up towards the top Ann started to shake with anxiety, and Mackenzie started to shake with excitement. “Momma, Momma, look you can see everything from up here,” Mackenzie said excitedly not noticing her mother’s discomfort.

When they got off Ann’s knees were knocking. So when she heard that voice call her name she couldn’t manage any type of composure. She seriously thought about ignoring it, and walking in the other direction, but Mackenzie pulled on her shirt and said, “Momma that man is calling you.” “Yeah,” Ann said and looked up into those deep blue grey eyes she saw on her daughters face every day. “Hey Brandon, when did you get back into town,” she said as calmly as possible without a smile.

He couldn’t believe it when he saw her get off the Ferris wheel. Ann had always hated the Ferris wheel. Brandon had never been able to get her to get on the ride, her phobia of heights was too severe.

‘She looks the same,’ he thought as he called her name, ‘her hair is a little shorter, but that’s it.’ “Hey,” Brandon said as he reached her. “Umm, today. So what have you been up to?” he asked looking at her and not noticing the child beside her until her heard the little girl say, “Mommy who is he?”

Brandon looked down and saw a little brown headed girl staring at him. “He’s a friend of mine from school.” “Oh,” Mackenzie said and then held out her hand, “My name is Mackenzie Cooper.” Brandon felt the blood drain from his face as he shook the little girls hand, he finally saw the resemblance, and looked up at Ann with wide eyes.

“What? When? Why didn’t you tell me?” Brandon asked in rapid succession. “Not now Brandon,” Ann said looking back down at Mackenzie. ‘Not in front of her,’ her look said.

“Huh, what are y’all talking about?” Mackenzie said looking up at Ann.

“Nothing sweetie,” Ann said, “How about we go play some games?”

“But what’s he talking about.”

“It’s nothing Mackenzie,” Ann said in a stern voice.

“Okay,” Mackenzie said. “So are you coming with us?” Mackenzie asked looking up at Brandon.

“No, sweetie I’m sure Brandon has to get back to his friends.”

“Actually,” Brandon said shooting a look at Ann, “I came by myself and I’d love to come with y’all.”

“Good,” Mackenzie said grabbing his hand and pulling both of her parents toward the ring toss.

Ann gave the guy at the booth the money and stepped back to watch her daughter play. “Why didn’t you tell me I had a daughter?” Brandon asked when he knew the little girl couldn’t hear him.

“I tried, but I couldn’t find you. You didn’t exactly leave a number or forwarding address,” Ann said angrily.

“Well you obviously didn’t try hard enough,” Brandon accused. He knew that probably wasn’t true. He hadn’t wanted to be found. He was mad at himself, granted, but he still took his anger out on Ann.

“You bastard,” Ann said looking up at him, “what the hell gives you the right to come back here after six damn years and accuse me of a damn thing.”

“Mommy,” Mackenzie said walking up at the worst moment. “Watch your language, and you leave my mommy alone.” Mackenzie stomped on Brandon’s foot and grabbed Ann’s hand trying to pull her to another booth.

“Mackenzie!” Ann said trying not to laugh. “We don’t hurt people.”

“But he upset you.”

“We still don’t hurt people,” Ann said getting down to eye level with her daughter. “Now apologize.”

“I’m sorry you’re a jerk,” Mackenzie said, and Ann couldn’t help it she laughed then.

Brandon didn’t know whether to laugh or cry. His daughter, that he hadn’t even known he had just tried to break his foot and called him a jerk. He settled for a laugh, but shot Ann a pained look.

At the look on Brandon’s face Ann stopped laughing. “Mackenzie, that’s not an apology. Now you give a real apology or we’re going to leave right now,” Ann said sternly. Mackenzie looked at her mom and huffed out a breath. She looked back at Brandon and said, “I’m sorry I stomped on your foot and was rude.” Mackenzie turned back to her mom and said, “Now can we stay, please.”

“Yeah,” Ann said as she stood back up.

“I think I’m going to go on home. It might not be such a great idea for me to hang around right now, but will you call me?” Brandon said to Ann.

“Yeah,” Ann said sighing, “Give me your number.” Brandon rattle off his number for Ann to program into her phone. Then he got down to eye level with Mackenzie and said, “I’m sorry I upset your momma and you. Friends?” he said holding out his hand. “Maybe,” Makenzie said looking at him doubtfully. “You’re a hard nut to crack, aren’t you? Just like your momma.”

“Momma says I get that from my dad, but I wouldn’t know I’ve never met him,” Mackenzie said simply. “Now can we go play some more games,” she said looking back up at her mom.

Ann looked down at Brandon and saw the distraught look on his face. She couldn’t help, but feel sorry for him. It wasn’t really his fault that he hadn’t been a part of their daughter’s life. He hadn’t know she existed. “You sure you don’t want to stay a little longer?” Ann asked him.

“Are you sure that’s okay?” Brandon asked.

“Yeah, it’s fine,” Ann said.

“Okay, so stay,” Mackenzie said exasperated, “No let’s go play some games.”


Chapter Two


Ann woke up at six o’clock Saturday morning feeling hung over without having drank a drop the night before. ‘It was just a dream. Why couldn’t it just be a dream?’ Ann thought as she got out of bed. ‘I’ve finally gotten okay with being a single mom. I’ve finally gotten to where I don’t wish for him to come back every day, and now that I’m not waiting around for him, now that I’m okay with it all, now that I know I can do it on my own, he shows up.’

Ann went into the kitchen and put on some coffee. She sat down at the table and just put her head in her hands. ‘How am I going to tell Mackenzie that the guy she met at the fair is her father? Should I tell her he’s her father? If he doesn’t plan on sticking around and being a part of her life I’m not. I’m not going to put her through that. He’s not going to leave her heart broken like he did me.’

“Mommy,” Mackenzie said breaking Ann from her thoughts. “Mornin’ sweetie,” Ann said looking up to the door way where her beautiful daughter stood. ‘She looks so much like him.’

“Are you okay?”

“I’m fine baby. Just didn’t sleep well last night. Probably the fair food,” Ann said getting up to fix her first cup of coffee. “You want some juice?”

“Yes, apple please,” Mackenzie said walking into the kitchen and sitting down at the table. “Can we go to Lynn’s for breakfast? I want waffles.”

“Yeah, we can go to Lynn’s,” Ann said smiling as she came back to the table with her coffee and Mackenzie’s juice.

“Thanks,” Mackenzie said and took a sip of her juice. “I don’t like that Brandon guy.”

“Why? I thought y’all were getting along by the end of the night.”

“Well it was nice of him to buy me all of that stuff, but he was mean to you. I hope we don’t see him again.”

“Oh baby, don’t dislike him just because I got into an argument with him,” Ann said. ‘You’ll find you have plenty of other reasons to dislike him soon enough,’ Ann thought. Instead she said, “People argue sometimes. It’s no big deal. Do you dislike me just because we argue sometimes? Or do you dislike Uncle Jay when me and him argue?”

“No,” Mackenzie said, “but that’s different.”

“And how is that different?”

“Because I love you and Uncle Jay. I don’t even know this guy.”

“Well, how about you get to know him before you decide you dislike him.”

“I guess. Are we goin’ to be seein’ him again?” Mackenzie asked not looking too pleased. ‘Oh you are so much like him,’ Ann thought smiling, ‘Two peas in a pod.’ “I don’t know, maybe.”


They sat there for a few minutes in silence. “Well, if you want to go to Lynn’s for breakfast you better go get dressed,” Ann said looking at Mackenzie.

“Okay!” Mackenzie said hopping up from the table.


Brandon woke up early the next morning and realized he still didn’t have power. ‘Duh dummy,’ he thought as he tried to turn the light on in the kitchen to make coffee. ‘They said they would be here around ten this morning, and I don’t have any coffee either.’ Brandon stomped back upstairs to get dressed so he could go get his very necessary morning coffee. ‘I wonder if Lynn’s Dinner is still open. Hope so,’ he thought as he got dressed.

As he walked out the front door headed to his car, the events of the night before hit him. ‘Oh damn, I have a daughter,’ he thought trying to take a steadying breath. ‘And she already doesn’t like me, but man is she a little spit fire.’ He laughed at that thought. She sure showed him last night. You don’t mess with her momma or she’ll hurt you, and you have to twist her arm to get her to apologize for it. He couldn’t help but grin at her antics from the night before. No matter how much stuff he bought her she never gave in. ‘And she’s so smart. I mean how many five year olds know who Shakespeare is. That she gets from Ann. Ann was always smart.’

Brandon pulled up at Lynn’s ten minutes later and was happy to see it was still open and not packed yet. He looked at his watch and thought, ‘No wonder nobody’s up at seven on a Saturday morning. Why am I?’ He walked in and took a seat at the counter. “Oh my goodness, is that really you?” the woman behind the counter said as soon as she saw him. Miss Pam the owner and everyone in town’s favorite entrepreneur still looked the same, maybe a few more wrinkles than he remembered, and was that a gray in her red hair, but other than that she was still the same, short and skinny. “Yes ma’am, Miss Pam,” Brandon said smiling.

“Well hot damn, I can’t believe it. I didn’t think you would ever come back around here, but I’m glad you did,” she said as she came around the counter to give him a hug. “So, the usual.”

“Yes ma’am and a cup of coffee, black,” Brandon replied. Miss Pam had always had the best waffles in town.

A few minutes later just as Miss Pam was sitting his plate in front of him he heard the bell over the door ring, and the look on Miss Pam’s face told him who it was, Ann and Mackenzie. He turned around and looked at his daughter and her mother. He smiled and said, “Good morning ladies. Y’all must be here for Miss Pam’s famous waffles. Still the best in town.”

“Mornin’ Brandon,” Ann said politely, “And yes Mac here wanted waffles this morning, and ever since she had Pam’s she won’t eat mine.” Mackenzie just stood there looking at him for a second then she walked up to him and said, “I don’t like you, but Momma said I should get to know you first. So (long suffering sigh) I guess you should eat breakfast with us.” With that Mackenzie walked off to their usually booth.

Brandon looked up at Ann and saw she was trying hard not to laugh, and he heard Pam behind him not doing such a good job of hiding her laughter. “Well then, I guess I’m having breakfast with y’all. Maybe I can redeem myself,” Brandon said getting up and grabbing his plate and cup of coffee. “Good luck with that,” Pam said smiling, “She stayed mad at Jay for two months once because he missed her dance recital.”

“Ouch, she holds a grudge huh?” Brandon said looking back at Ann.

“Well, sometimes. I think she gets it from her father,” Ann said heading back to the table.

“Ah now I’m not so sure about that,” Brandon replied.

“Oh, are you saying she gets it from me?” Ann stopped and looked at him.

“Umm, no. I’m not sure where she gets it from.”

“Uh huh,” Ann said and went to sit down with her daughter.

“Crap,” Mackenzie said when Brandon sat down beside her in the booth. “What?” Brandon asked. “Nothing,” Mackenzie said as Pam brought her an orange juice and Ann a cup of coffee. “Y’all’s food will be out in a sec. So how was the fair last night?” Pam asked Mackenzie.

“Great I got to ride the Ferris wheel twice, and won a lot of prizes,” Mackenzie said happily.

“You got to ride the Ferris wheel twice?” Pam asked and looked at Ann with an eyebrow raised.

“Yeah, I know she can talk me into anything, and no I didn’t pass out or take a nerve pill beforehand,” Ann said. Pam just laughed and patted her on the shoulder before she headed back to the counter.

“So, what’s your favorite color?” Mackenzie asked Brandon sounding bored.

“Red,” Brandon answered, “What’s yours?”


“Makenzie, what have I told you about lying?”

“I’m not lying. I changed it to yellow just now.” Brandon tried hard not to laugh. “So what was it before yellow?”


“Okay,” Brandon said grinning. Ann just rolled her eyes at the both of them. They were so much alike, it killed her.

Pam brought over Ann’s omelet and Mackenzie’s waffles with a grin on her face. She had obviously been listening to their conversation. “Enjoy,” she said setting their food down, and headed back to her spot behind the counter.

“Mommy, what time is Uncle Jay supposed to come pick me up?” Mackenzie asked.

“Around noon sweetie,” Ann answered and noticed that Brandon had stiffened.

“So, what are you and Uncle Jay going to do?” Brandon asked wondering if Jason had taken his place as father. If so he’d just have to set him straight, he thought.

“We’re going fishing. Momma was supposed to go, but she called Uncle Jay last night and told him she couldn’t that she had something she had to do, and then they got into an argument about something,” Mackenzie replied around a mouth full of waffle.

“Mackenzie, you were supposed to be in bed.”

“I couldn’t sleep,” she whined.

“That still doesn’t give you a reason to eavesdrop.”

“Sorry, but what were y’all arguing about?”

“Nothing, people just argue.”

“Uh huh,” Mackenzie said and went back to eating her waffles. Ann shook her head. Mackenzie really wasn’t a bad child. She was just curious and opinionated, and it seemed slightly more opinionated around Brandon.

“So, do you hang out with your Uncle Jay a lot?” Brandon asked Mackenzie.

“Yep, he’s always coming by the house for dinner, and taking me and momma somewhere.”

“Is that right?” Brandon asked and looked at Ann. Ann shot him a loot that said plainly, ‘What do you care? You left.’

“Do you like to fish? I used to love to fish when I was younger, but I haven’t had a chance to do much of it here recently,” Brandon said to Mackenzie again.

“Yep, and when I’m older Uncle Jay said he’ll teach me how to hunt, but Momma keeps telling him no.”

“Does she now?” Brandon said smiling. “So, what else do you like to do?”

“I dance. I’m not very good at it, but everyone tells me all I need is more practice. I would rather play football, but everyone keeps saying it’s not a girl’s sport. But me and Mommy play football all the time. I don’t get it.”

“Well, unfortunately they don’t have girl football teams. Maybe we can get that changed. I’ve met a lot of girls who like to play football. Your momma’s one of ‘em. She tried out for the team in middle school. Would’ve made it too if she could have convinced the couch to let a girl on the team.”

“Yeah, and as I remember you were over there telling him no, that I’d get hurt,” Ann said smiling at him.

“Well, I didn’t want you to get hurt. After all you were my best friend, and a girl. I was raised that you weren’t supposed to hit girls. No avoiding it on a football field.”

“Whatever,” Ann said laughing. “Your momma tried to talk the couch into letting me play.”

“Yeah, Momma always did have a feminist side,” Brandon said with a bitter sweet smile on his face.

“Do you want to go fishing with me and Uncle Jay?” Mackenzie asked warming up to Brandon. Her momma didn’t seem to be mad at him anymore, and they seemed like they were actually friends now. He couldn’t be all bad if her momma like him.

“I’d love to,” Brandon said then added, “But I can’t today,” when he saw Ann shake her head. His suspicions were confirmed. She had canceled her plans to talk to him.

“Okay, maybe next time,” Mackenzie said and went back to eating.

A little while later they got up and paid their checks. “I’ve got it,” Brandon told Ann as she went to pay for her and Mackenzie’s food. “I can pay for mine and my daughter’s breakfast,” Ann replied. “I’m trying to do something nice,” Brandon said. He looked over to where Mackenzie was trying to get a toy out of a machine and whispered, “She’s my daughter too.”

“Whatever Brandon, do what you want. I’ll come by you house when Jason comes to get Mackenzie,” Ann said and turned toward her daughter. “Come on Mackenzie we’ve got to go.”

“But Momma I haven’t got the bear yet.”

“You’ll get it next time,” Ann said smiling. Mackenzie had been trying to get that bear for a month now. She was a very persistent child.

“Okay,” Mackenzie said walking over to them. “Bye Brandon, bye Miss Pam.”

“Bye, sweetie. Come by later and I’ll fix you an ice cream sundae,” Pam said smiling down at her. Brandon squatted down to eye level with her and said, “Bye sweetheart. Catch plenty of fish and we’ll have a fish fry this evening, okay.”

“I will,” Mackenzie said to both Brandon and Miss Pam. Brandon patted her on the head and stood up. “See you later,” he said to Ann. “Yeah, see you later,” Ann said swallowing the lump in her throat.

Ann grabbed Mackenzie’s hand and walked out of the dinner. Brandon watched them walk to her dad’s old beat up Z-71 extended cab. She picked Mackenzie up and put her in her safety seat in the back.

“So, you gonna stick around this time? Because that child would really like to have her daddy, and so would her momma,” Pam said seriously from behind him.

“I…” Brandon started, but he didn’t know how to finish the sentence. It all counted on what Ann wanted. He really wanted to get to know his daughter and be a father to her, but he knew that if Ann didn’t want that then he’d leave. As far as he saw it, he’d screwed up and left his pregnant girlfriend, even if he hadn’t known she was pregnant, and he lost his rights when he did that.

“Do the right thing this time, stay,” Pam said, “And I would like a twenty percent tip. Advice cost extra.” Brandon laughed and turned back around. “How about a twenty percent tip and a kiss.”

“That works,” Pam said and Brandon gave her a kiss on the cheek.

Chapter Three


Jason arrived at Ann’s apartment a few minutes till noon. He didn’t bother to knock, he just walked on in. He’d stopped knocking when Mackenzie was a baby. He’d come over every day then to check on them, plus he kept Mac at night for Ann so she could go to school. He had practically lived here.

“Hey, where are my two favorite girls?” Jason yelled as he walked in. “Back here,” Ann yelled.

“Where’s back here?” Jason asked as he walked into Mac’s room.

“If you knew, why did you ask?” Ann asked looking up at him from her spot in the floor.

“Just felt like. So what are y’all doing?”

“Playing fort,” Mackenzie said as she crawled out from under a pile of sheets and blankets that were supposed to be on her bed. “Momma’s the guard.”

“Uh huh,” Jason said smiling, “so, you ready to go fishin’?”

“Yeah,” Mackenzie said jumping up.

“Go get your pole out of the hall closet,” Ann told her and Mackenzie ran off. “You stay,” she said to Jason as he went to follow.

“I’m sorry I got mad at you last night. It was just a shock to see him,” Ann said and reached up for Jason to pull her up out of the floor. Jason complied and said, “I’m sorry too. I should have called you as soon as I knew, but honestly I didn’t know what to say. I didn’t know how long he was planning on staying or anything. I didn’t want to freak you out before I knew if you would even get the chance to see him.”

“I’m surprised you didn’t ask him if he was staying.”

“Well I kinda did, and when I didn’t get a straight answer I got a little ill. He did leave you pregnant and all.”

“Oh Jason, you have to get over that. He used to be your best friend, and plus he didn’t know I was pregnant.”

“Momma, I can’t find it,” Mackenzie yelled from the hall.

“Keep looking, I’m sure it’s in there,” Ann yelled back.

“Where is it really?” Jason asked her, knowing she was trying to keep Mac busy long enough for them to talk.

“In here, anyway you can’t stay mad at him forever,” Ann went on.

“I know, and I won’t. So I’m guessing you haven’t told Mac.”

“Nope, after I talk to Brandon today and find out what he plans on doing then I’ll decide whether I’m going to tell her or not. Oh and Brandon wants to have a fish fry this evening with the fish you catch.”

“Huh, when did that happen?”

“This morning we ran into him at Lynn’s.”

“Okay, well we better bring this to a close I hear little feet coming this way.”

“Momma, it’s not in there,” Mac said in a huff as she re-entered her bedroom.

“Oh, I forgot. I put it in your closet last time,” Ann said and slapped her forehead comically. She walked over to the closet and got the fishing pole out. “Looks like you’re ready to go now,” Jason said.

“Bye Momma,” Mac said giving Ann a hug.

“Bye sweetie, have fun,” Ann said.

“I’ll call you when we get finished to see where you are,” Jason said.

“Okay, see ya later,” Ann said, and Jason walked over and gave her a hug. “It’s going to be okay. Y’all will get it all worked out, and Mac can handle anything,” he whispered in her ear.

“What would I do without you?”

“I don’t know. Have a social life?” Jason kid, “Well see ya later. I hear Mac trying to get out the front door. The child has no patience.” He kissed her forehead and walked out. “Mac if you’ll hold on I’ll get the door. You can’t open the door holding a fishing pole, thermos, and cooler,” Jason said as he walked down the hall.


Brandon had just got back from the grocery store when Ann pulled up. “So that was your car this morning?” Ann said walking over and grabbing some bags out of the trunk.

“Yeah, do you like it?”

“Yep, but not a very practical car when you have a kid.”

“And an old beat up Z-71 is?” Brandon asked raising an eyebrow.

“At least it has seat belts in the back seat, and no one would be tempted to speed in a Z-71, but a Mustang that’s another story.”

“True,” Brandon said as he set groceries down on the counter. “Thanks for the help.”

“No prob,” Ann said as she started putting them up. “Oh, umm do you care where I put them.”

“Just as long as you tell me where you put them so I can find ‘em.”

“Where your mom always put everything,” she said as she kept putting up groceries.

“So, are you going to tell her?” Brandon asked when they finished putting up groceries and sat down at the table with coffee.

“I don’t know. That’s up to you,” Ann said looking into her coffee.

“Up to me?”

“Are you planning on sticking around? Do you really want to be a part of her life? I don’t want her to get hurt.”

“I’m not going to hurt her, and I do want to be a part of her life.”

“That’s good, but you don’t plan on sticking around.”

“I didn’t say that. I just don’t know. It counts on if I can get any work around here.”

“What kind of work?”

“Construction, I’m a contractor.”

“Well, there is plenty of work here. With the college there is always plenty of work around here.”

“Okay, that’s good.”

“You still don’t sound sure. I know I have no right to tell you that if you don’t plan on living here that you can’t see your daughter. And that’s not what I’m saying. I just need to know so I know what to tell her,” Ann said feeling a little disappointed. She’d been hoping he’d want to stay. ‘Once a runner always a runner,’ she thought.

“I understand that. I just don’t know yet if I’m staying. I’m sorry I can’t give you a more definite answer,” Brandon said feeling like a jackass. ‘Why can’t I just tell her I’m staying? That’s what she wants to hear, and the sooner I say that the sooner she’ll tell Mackenzie I’m her dad. But I can’t lie to her. If I lie to her I’ll be lying to Mackenzie too and I don’t want to do that.’

“That’s okay, I’ll figure out the right way to tell her. I just don’t want her to expect you to be here all the time and then you not be. It would hurt her, and I can’t have that.”

“Just tell her that I live out of town, and that I’ve come to town for a visit. And if I end up staying then we just tell her I’m moving back.”

“It’s not that simple, Brandon. If she was two, it would work, but she’s five and way too smart for anyone’s good. She asked me why she didn’t have a daddy when she was three. I had thought I had couple of more years before I had to answer that question, but no not with Mackenzie. All the other kids at day care had a daddy. I told her that her daddy had a very important job that kept him constantly moving.”

“I’m sorry. If I had known I wouldn’t have left,” Brandon said looking down. He couldn’t look her in the eye.

“Are you sure of that? I mean you didn’t even leave us a way of getting a hold of you. I looked for you for nine months after you left. After I had Mac I didn’t have time to look for you, but I still look every year around her birthday. I keep thinking that that would be a perfect birthday present, her daddy. But no matter how hard I’ve looked I couldn’t find you. In all honestly I don’t think you would have stayed if you had known. You worked too hard to make sure you weren’t found,” Ann said pained.

“You can’t know that I wouldn’t have stayed. I believe I would have. And you could have found me if you wanted to,” Brandon said deciding to choose anger over pain.

“And you can’t say that you would have stayed. You like to believe you would have, but that doesn’t mean you would have. And you have no damn idea how hard and long I looked for you. I felt you deserved to know you were a father, and that Mac deserved a father,” Ann yelled getting up from the table.

“Ann calm down,” Brandon said a little unnerved. In the many years he had known Ann he had never seen her loose her temper like this, we except for last night.

“Calm down, really Brandon you’re acting like it’s nothing for you to walk back into mine and Mac’s life. Like everything is going to be just fine and dandy, like you can just walk in our life one day and walk out the next with no consequences. I’m not worried about me, Brandon. I got over the pain of you leaving years ago, but I will not stand by and watch you hurt my daughter.”

“She’s not just your daughter,” Brandon said starting to get mad himself. “I’m not going to hurt my daughter. I might live in Troy or I might not, but I will continue to be a part of her life. Stop acting like I’m an irresponsible selfish jackass. You know me better than that.”

“But I don’t Brandon. It’s been six years. We’ve both changed. You don’t know me anymore than I know you,” Ann said looking exhausted. “I’d hoped this would be easier. I hoped we could just figure this out, but life is never that easy. I thought I learnt that lesson six years ago.”

Brandon stood up and walked over to her. “Ann,” he said putting his arms around her, “I’m sorry. I should have been here, and I promise you, I won’t do anything to hurt you or Mac ever again.”

“Okay,” Ann said pulling away, “the only way to do this is to just do it and let the chips fall where they may. I can’t protect her forever, and she deserves to know her father.”

Ann walked back over to the table and sat down just as her cell phone started to ring. “Hey Jason,” she said without looking at the read out. ‘So, he has his own special ringtone,’ Brandon thought snidely. “Yeah, I’m still at Brandon’s. Why don’t y’all just come on over here…No, you can stay… Yes its fine…No, I’m not going to ask him. I want you to stay…Okay see y’all in a little while. Bye.”

“So how long have you and Jason been together?” Brandon asked with an edge to his voice.

“We’re not,” Ann said shocked.

“Oh, please. ‘I want you to stay.’ Don’t lie to me Ann. You’re not very good at it.”

“I’m not lying to you, and anyway why the hell do you care who I date?”

“I care because he’s trying to take my place as her father.”

“No hell he’s not. He’s her Uncle Jay. He has been there for her since before she was born. He has been like an overprotective brother to me. He has helped me out more times than I count. So, you will stop being an ass hole because you are jealous that he has been here and you haven’t. Dammit what happened to the two of you? I’m going to tell you like I told him earlier. Y’all used to be best friends stop being mad at each other, and take this opportunity to get to know each other again, to be friends again.”

“Whatever, I’m going to get the stuff ready to have a fish fry with my daughter,” Brandon said walking out of the kitchen.


Jason and Mac pulled up a few minutes later. Brandon walked around front to see his daughter. “Hey, Mackenzie,” Brandon said smiling as he helped her out of Jason’s F-150 extended cab. “Did you have fun?”

“Yeppity yep yep yep, now I can’t wait to eat ‘em,” Mac said, “Hey why don’t you call me Mac like everyone else? No one calls me Mackenzie unless I’m in trouble.”

“Okay, then I’ll stop calling you Mackenzie. How about I call you Kenzie? I don’t like to be like everyone else,” Brandon said.

“Kenzie,” she said with a thoughtful look, “I like it.”

“Good, why don’t you head around back, and I’ll help your Uncle Jay get the fish.”

“’Kay,” Mackenzie said and ran around the back of the house.

Ann watched the exchange from the front porch. When Mackenzie ran around back Ann headed back into the house and went out the back door.

“So, how do you like playing daddy? You better enjoy while it last because I’m back and I’m Kenzie’s father not you,” Brandon said and grabbed the cooler of fish of the back of the truck.

Jason stood there for a second stunned. ‘What the hell was that?’ he thought. He grabbed the cooler of drinks and headed around back. When he rounded the house he saw Brandon showing Mac how to clean the catfish. He looked around for Ann and saw her sitting on the back steps. He walked over to her and set the cooler on the ground beside the steps, and then sat beside her on the steps. “So, how did it go?” he asked.

“It went,” she said.

“That bad?”

“He doesn’t know whether he’s staying or not, but he doesn’t see where that’s a problem. I kinda lost it.”

“You lost your temper?” Jason asked with a raised eyebrow and a grin.

“Well, you know how I am when it comes to Mac.”

“Yeah, momma bear.”

“Yeah,” Ann said. She laid her head on Jason’s shoulder and sighed. Jason put his arm around her and gave her a kiss on the forehead and said, “It’ll be okay. Everything will work out.”

Brandon looked over and saw the happy couple all cuddled up on his back steps. Really, did they have to shove it in his face? “Brandon,” Kenzie said, “Is it supposed to look like that?”

Brandon looked down at her and smiled then he looked at the fish. “Well, not exactly, but its fine. Here watch me some more,” Brandon said and tried to concentrate on his daughter and fish instead of the happy couple.

“One question, what made you think it would be fine with Brandon if I stayed instead of just dropping Mac off?” Jason asked when Brandon shot him a look that promised death.

“Why do you ask?”

“Oh, I don’t know maybe because he reminded me I’m not Mac’s father and that he is, right after I got here, and the look he’s giving me now.”

“Sorry, I didn’t know he was going to react that way. I mean he did get pissed while I was on the phone with you, but that’s just because he’s upset that you’ve been here and he hasn’t. He’ll calm down.”

“Yeah, whatever you say sweetie,” Jason said very doubtful.


A couple of hours later after they had all ate Jason announced he had to go. “But,” Ann said getting up and following Jason around the house. “I shouldn’t be here for this. This is for you and Brandon to handle, not me,” Jason interrupted.

“I don’t know if I can do this by myself.”

“You won’t be by yourself. Brandon’s here. Now get back around there, and tell your daughter who her father is. Like you’ve always said she deserves to know who her father is,” Jason said and gave her a hug. “It’ll be okay, and if you need me I’m just a phone call away.”

“Okay,” Ann said, “Thanks. I’ll see you later.”

“See you later,” Jason said as he got into his truck. He sat there until Ann had walked back around the house. “Good luck little orphan Annie,” he said aloud as he pulled off.


When Ann turned the corner she saw Brandon running around the yard with an elated Mac on his shoulders. “Maybe this will all work out,” Ann said aloud to herself. “Hey, guys why don’t we sit down for a minute.”

“Mom,” Mackenzie said in her pained voice as though Ann had recommended torture.

“I think your mom’s right,” Brandon said as he took Kenzie off his shoulders. “Let’s go sit on the porch and talk some more.”

“Okay,” Mackenzie said knowing she wouldn’t be able to get her way with both adults against her.

They all sat down on the porch. Ann took a deep steadying breath and said, “You remember asking me about your father?”

“Yeah, so?” Mackenzie said.

“Well, I think it’s time to I told you who he is.”

“Okay, what’s his name?”

“Brandon, Brandon Cooper,” Ann said and pointed to him.

“Wait, you’re my dad?” Mackenzie asked Brandon.

“Yes,” Brandon said nervous all of a sudden.

“Where have you been?”

“Here and there mostly Texas.”

“Why did you never call me or come to visit me?”

“I didn’t know there was a you. I left town right after my parents died. I didn’t know your mom was pregnant. She didn’t even know she was pregnant at the time.”

“So, you didn’t know about me? But Momma why didn’t you tell him when you knew?”

“I couldn’t find him, sweetie. I’ve been trying for years, but he didn’t want to be found. I think he just needed to get away. He was hurting too bad to stay after his parents died,” Ann said.

“Oh,” Mackenzie said and everyone was silent for a few minutes.

Brandon picked Mackenzie up and asked, “Are you okay, Kenzie? Is it alright with you if I want to be in your life? May I be your father now, like I should have been all these years?”

“Yeah! I just can’t believe I finally have a dad,” Mackenzie said with a big grin on her face. “Can I call you dad or daddy or papa or pop or father?”

“Whichever one you want to?” Brandon said with a huge smile on his face and tears in his eyes.

“I like dad. Daddy makes me sound like a little baby, and father is just so proper, and papa or pop just don’t sound right.”

“So dad it is,” he said hugging his daughter for the first time.

Ann stood up and walked around the house. They deserved their moment just the two of them. When Ann got to the front yard she just sat in the grass and cried. She was happy for them, but she felt as though she had just put her daughter in a bear trap. She couldn’t help but think that he was going to hurt her baby girl. He just wasn’t going to stick. He wasn’t the type to stick. She still remembered him telling her that he was planning on leaving even before his parents died, that there was nothing here for him, that he had to get of this small town, that it was killing him. It wouldn’t take long and he would be saying that again, and this time it wouldn’t just be her heart, it would be Mackenzie’s too.

“Hey,” Brandon said from behind Ann. She didn’t turn around. She just took a deep breath to compose herself and asked, “Where’s Mac?”

“She had to use the bathroom. Why did you leave?”

“I just thought I’d let y’all have your moment.”

“You didn’t want to be a part of that?”

“I wasn’t supposed to be. I’ve had my moments. This one was yours.”

“Okay. Ann why want you look at me?”

“I’m enjoying the view here.”

“Yeah right, come on Ann just look at me.”

“Fine,” she said as she turned around not bothering to stand up.

“Oh baby, don’t cry,” Brandon said and sat down beside her. Ann hopped and moved a few feet away. “I’m not your baby, and I don’t want your comfort. You lost that right a long time ago. You’re Mackenzie’s father, and I have no problem letting you be that, but you are nothing to me,” Ann said. She wiped her tears off her face and headed into the house.

Ann found Mackenzie in the living room looking at pictures. She was staring at a picture of Mr. and Mrs. Cooper. “Are they my grandparents?” Mac asked as Ann walked into the living room. “Yeah, they were great people. Mrs. Cooper was a like a mom to me after my mom died, and Mr. Cooper was like an extra father. He was always there to scold me if he caught me doing something I shouldn’t.”

“Why don’t I have any grandparents?”

“They all died way to young sweetie. I’m sorry.”

“It’s okay. Will you tell me a story about them tonight? I like when my bed time story is about someone I know, or should know.”

“Yeah I will,” Ann said giving her daughter a hug. “Come on its getting late we need to head home.”

“Why doesn’t Kenzie stay with me tonight?” Brandon asked from the door way.

“She doesn’t have any clothes here,” Ann replied.

“Oh okay, well how about tomorrow night?”

“Tomorrow’s Sunday and she has school Monday.”

“I can take her to school.”

“I’ll think about.”

“Please Mommy, can I stay tomorrow?”

“I said I’ll think about it sweetie. Now go tell…your dad good night.”

“Yes ma’am,” Mackenzie said and walked over to Brandon. “Night Dad. Will you come see me tomorrow?”

“Yeah, I will. Good night sweetheart. I love you,” Brandon said and gave her a hug and kiss.

“Bye Brandon,” Ann said heading toward the door.

“Good night Ann. We’ll talk later.”

“Yeah, later,” Ann said, “Come on Mac.”

“Dad will you tote me out to the truck?”

“Yeah, I will,” Brandon said picking her up.

Brandon followed Ann out of the house and to her truck. Ann opened the back door and walked around to the driver’s side and got in. Brandon buckled Mackenzie into her safety seat. “Night sweetie, I love you,” Brandon said and gave her a kiss on her head.

“Good night Dad, I love you too. See ya tomorrow.”

“See ya tomorrow. Good night Ann.” Ann just nodded and cranked the truck. Brandon shut the door and stood back. He stood there and watched them drive away.


Chapter Four


It had been a week since Brandon walked back into Ann’s life, and surprisingly, to her, he appeared to want to stay. For Mackenzie of course, but that was all Ann wanted. She wanted her daughter to have her father. ‘Maybe he’ll stay and be the kind of father she deserves,’ Ann thought looking up from the papers she was grading at her desk at the school, to look at her little angel sitting at a desk eating her apple slices and watching her favorite movie, Beauty and the Beast.

‘Brandon should be here soon,’ Ann thought looking at the clock. Mackenzie was spending the weekend with him. Ann still felt it was a little early for that, but Mackenzie really wanted to, and Jason talked her into it.


Jason entered the school with no idea where to go. He had forgot to ask Ann where her classroom was. All he knew was that that was where he would find Kenzie. As he walked down the halls looking into the rooms he spotted a petite brunette coming down the hall toward him. “Ma’am I’m hoping you can help,” Brandon said stopping her. “Can you tell me where Miss Mackenzie’s classroom is?”

“Yeah, if you can tell me why you need to know,” Jasmine Betts said.

“Umm, yeah, I’m looking for my daughter, Mackenzie Cooper. Ann told me that she would be in her classroom.”

“Oh, so you’re the jackass who left Ann pregnant,” Jasmine said, “Hi, I’m Jasmine Betts, Mackenzie teacher.”

“Okay, please tell me you don’t say things like that about me in front of my daughter,” Brandon said getting a little pissed that this woman who didn’t even know him would say that about him.

“No, I don’t, and I don’t know for sure if you are a jackass. Some people say you are and some say you’re a decent guy. I’ll wait to find out for myself,” Jasmine replied, “Anyway you’re on the wrong hall. This is kindergarten. Ann teaches second grade. Go back to,”

“I know where the second grade hall is, thanks. I went here when I was a kid.”

“Her room is 203. Oh, and by the way, you should know that Mackenzie is already attached to you. She accepted you pretty quick. For show and tell this week she brought in a bear you got her at the fair, and told everyone how she now had a dad. Don’t screw it up. That little girl loves you,” Jasmine said.

“I won’t,” Brandon said and headed to Ann’s classroom.

He found her sitting at her desk grading papers and Mackenzie watching TV. “Hey ladies,” he said entering the room. “Dad,” Mackenzie said jumping up and running to him. “I got all gold stars this week on my work. Miss Betts says I’m one of the smartest kids at school. She said she thinks I’m smarter than some of the big kids.”

“Miss Betts is right. You are the smartest kid I have ever met,” Brandon said picking her up for a hug and kiss.

“We’re going to have so much fun this weekend. I can’t wait.”

“Well, the weekend has started, so let the fun start too,” Brandon said and began tickling her.

“The weekend doesn’t start until I leave the school,” Mackenzie said laughing.

“Oh, well in that case you have a few more minutes,” Brandon said and set Mackenzie’s back on her feet.

Ann just sat there and watched the father daughter exchange. It shocked her how well Brandon had taken to fatherhood, but he had always been good at surprising her. “Hey Brandon,” Ann said when he turned his attention to her.

“Hey, long day?” he asked, “You look a little ragged, no offense.”

“None taken. Second graders can get a little rowdy on Fridays. I spend most of the day reminding them that school is not out yet, and it’s still not out for me. I have a long evening of grading papers and working on next week’s lesson plan,” Ann replied. She would usually have all of this done, but between Brandon coming over every day this week, and Mackenzie asking her a ton of questions about him and his parents when he wasn’t there, she hadn’t had the time to do it.

“Sorry,” Brandon said actually sounding sincere.

“No problem, I’ll get it done and then relax for a while. I might actual go to bed early tonight.”

“Okay,” Brandon said laughing at the thought of Ann going to bed early. His Annie had never gone to bed before midnight. She had always been a night owl. “Well, I guess we’ll head out. Where’s her stuff?”

“In the truck,” Ann said getting up to go out with them.

“Mommy, are you going to be okay without me this weekend. I mean I know we usual spend the weekend together, and we were planning on going to the book fair in Montgomery,” Mackenzie said worrying her lip as they walked down the hall. Ann stopped and squatted down to eye level with Mackenzie. “I’ll be fine. You just enjoy your weekend with your dad.”

“But I’ve never stayed with anyone longer than one night. Are you sure?”

“I’m sure. I’ll be fine, and you’ll be having such a great time you won’t even think about me,” Ann said smiling.


“Come on let’s go get your stuff.”

Brandon listened to exchange and felt a little bad. It was obvious that Mackenzie and Ann didn’t spend that much time apart, and that weekends were their special time. When they got the chance to do all the fun mother daughter stuff that they didn’t get to do during the week. ‘But it’s my turn,’ Brandon thought, ‘I haven’t gotten to spend a lot of time with her. Ann has had five years. All I’m asking for is a weekend.’

When they got to the truck Ann grabbed Mackenzie’s safety seat and handed it to Brandon. She grabbed Mackenzie’s bag and walked over to Brandon’s car. “I see you got seat belts put in the back,” she said watching him buckle Mackenzie in. “Yeah, I figured it’d be a good idea,” he replied.

He stepped back from the car so Ann could tell Mackenzie good bye. “Bye baby,” Ann said leaning into the car and giving her a kiss. “Bye Mommy, I’ll see you Sunday,” Makenzie said smiling.

Ann stepped back and shut the door. “Okay, I know y’all are having movie night, don’t let her watch Alice in Wonderland before bed. She’ll have nightmares, no matter what she tells you. You’ll be up all night trying to calm her down,” Ann said. “No cokes before bed. She’ll be up all during the night wondering through the house. Too much caffeine, she’ll be able to sleep for about five minutes at a time, but that’s it. She’s allergic to mushrooms, so if you get pizza remember no mushrooms. She likes a bed time story, but she likes for you to make one up. She prefers for you tell her a story about yourself or someone she knows or her grandparents. I think that’s everything.”

“You sure?” Brandon said grinning. Ann looked so nervous. He could tell she just wanted to nix this whole thing in the bud. “Ann it’s okay. If I get in a bind I’ll call you, but I think I’ve got it all down. No Alice in Wonderland or coke before bed. No mushrooms under any circumstances, and a non-fictional bed time story about someone in the family.”

“Okay,” Ann said taking a deep breath, “Bye Brandon, take care of my baby.”

“I will Ann. I’m not going to hurt her Ann. She’s my daughter and I love her too,” Brandon said trying to reassure Ann, but knowing it was no good. She was a mom; she was going to worry about her baby. “Bye, I’ll bring her back Sunday evening.”

“Okay, bye,” Ann said walking back to the school as Brandon got in the car and pulled out of the parking lot.

“You okay?” Ann heard someone ask from behind her. It was Jason. “Yeah,” Ann said turning around to look at him. “What are you doing here?”

“Came by to see Jasmine.”

“You asked her out yet?”

“No. It’s weird when she first came to town she seemed interested, but now she doesn’t seem interested in anything but friendship with me,” Jason said discouraged.

“Why don’t you just ask her and see what she says? It could just be a misunderstanding, or you thinking too much, or her playing hard to get.”

“Yeah, I’ll ask her, but it’ll have to wait she just left.”

“Okay,” Ann said rolling her eyes. She knew for a fact that Jason had Jasmine’s number, but he refused to use it. ‘What happened to the suave guy who could get any girl he wanted?’ Ann thought looking at him. ‘He used to be so confident, even a little cocky.’

“So, since you don’t have Mac this weekend, you want to go out. Hang out with adults for once.”

“I hang out with adults.”

“You know what I mean. No kids allowed deal. Go to a bar or something. You haven’t gone out in six years. I think it’s time you go have fun.”

“I don’t know. I have a lot of work I need to catch up on.”

“You have all weekend to do that. Come on Annie live a little.”

“Maybe,” Ann said. ‘It would be nice to get out and have some fun, but I haven’t done anything like this in years. I don’t even know I know how to have fun like that anymore.’

“I’m taking that as a yes. I’ll pick you up at eight,” Jason said grinning.

“I didn’t say yes,” Ann said following Jason to his truck.

“I don’t care. Be ready at eight or I’m dragging your ass out no matter what you look like.”


“No arguing Miss Mackenzie,” Jason said in his mock teacher voice. “I’ll see you then,” he said and gave her a kiss on the forehead before he hopped in his truck and left.

“What just happened? I didn’t agree to go out. Oh my god, what am I going to wear?” Ann said to herself rushing back into the school to get her stuff so she could leave. “I don’t have any partying clothes. At least none that will fit, and they are probably dry rotted. Dammit I’m going to have to make a trip to the mall in Montgomery. I don’t have time for all this,” she as she walked back to her truck.

She hopped in and headed to Montgomery. No matter how much she complained she knew she was going out tonight, and was going to have adult fun for once. She was secretly happy, but every now and then she’d think about Mackenzie and want to turn around and go to Brandon’s and just to spend the weekend with her daughter.


Two hours later Ann was home and wondering what she was going to do until time to get ready. She wasn’t used to having free time. She stood in the middle of her living room for a few minutes at a loss before she decided to go out and treat herself to a supper that she didn’t have to cook.

She entered Lynn’s dinner five minutes later. “Hey girl,” Pam said as soon as she entered. “Where’s my favorite little girl?”

“At Brandon’s,” Ann said smiling.

“Ah, her first sleep over had her dad’s. How you handling that?” Pam asked as Ann sat down at the counter.

“Good,” Ann said knowing everyone in the dinner was listening. Lynn’s wasn’t popular with the college students, just the locals, and they all knew her and Brandon and the situation. She knew tongues had been wagging ever since Brandon had shown back up in town. She had had to go through all the gossip six years ago, and she didn’t like having to go through it again. Ann was a private person. She had never given the towns people much to talk about until six years ago. It wasn’t that she was a perfect little angel growing up, she just knew how to hide things, but she couldn’t hide this, just like she couldn’t hide the fact that she was pregnant and the father of her child had skipped town six years ago.

“That’s good,” Pam said. “What are all y’all looking at? Eat or leave. So sweetie what can I get you?”

“Country fried steak plate and sweet tea, please,” Ann said smiling. She knew Pam hadn’t been trying to stir up more gossip. Pam really did care about her and Mac. Pam was the type who knew everything about everyone in town, but she never told anyone what she knew. The way Pam saw it if they wanted everyone to know they tell them.

“Okay, coming right up,” Pam said and went to get her tea. She sat Ann’s tea down in front of her and went to fix her food.

“Hey,” a man said sitting down beside her. It was Rick Johnson. He had been the star quarterback when they were in high school. He still looked the same over all, tall about six foot with light brown hair and the physique of a quarter back, but he looked older somehow. He didn’t have wrinkles or grey hair. It was just an aura, adult hood. He had asked her out several time while they were in school, and then again after she had had Mac. Ann considered him a friend, but nothing more.

“Hey,” Ann said smiling at him.

“So, you have the night off?”

“Yeah, I guess you could say that.”

“You want to go out then?”

“Oh Rick, I already have plans, sorry,” Ann said shaking her head. He just wouldn’t give up. It was like he asked her out every time he saw her. Most of the time they just talked like old friends do, but when he was single for longer than a month at a time he asked. Ann remember then that he and the woman he had been dating from Montgomery had broken up about three months ago. “You know Rick, we’re not a good match. We’re too much alike. We’d end up killing each other on our first date,” she said jokingly to take the sting out of the rejection. Rick laughed, at true laugh, and said, “I know, but I keep trying. The one difference between us Annie is that I don’t mind living just a little on this side of danger.”

“Yeah, well I was never one for danger,” Ann said laughing. She knew overall him asking her out I had become nothing more than a joke over the years. He used to ask her out in high school just to bug Brandon. Jason, Brandon, and she had always been best friends, the three musketeers, but Rick had been part of their wider group of friends. His persistent offer for a date was just in good fun.

“So, who are you going out with?” Rick asked as Pam brought out their food.

“Jason,” Ann answered and took a bite of her country fried steak.

“Hmm, so you two finally got together.” Ann choked on her food when he said this. Rick beat her back until she stopped choking and said, “Guess not.”

“Yeah, not. Jason has always been like a brother to me. You know that.”

“True, but there is always speculation around here.”

“Yeah and most of the time the speculation is wrong.”

“True, like how everyone said we’d get married,” Rick said jokingly.

“Who said that?”

“Me,” Rick said laughing. Ann joined in on his laughter. She had always liked hanging out with Rick. He could always make her laugh.

“So, who you seeing these days?” Ann asked as she continued to eat.

“No one in particular. I figured I’d go back to my player ways for a while. Play the field and then maybe I might actual meet someone that I want to spend my life with, instead of someone who I spend a couple of months with trying to make a relationship work that was failed from the beginning.”

“Well you were always good at playing the field,” Ann said smiling. “And that’s probably a good idea. Instead of looking for a relationship, just look for fun. You’re more likely to find the right one when you’re not looking for her.”

“Is that what you’ve been doing all these years, just not looking because you’re more likely to fine the one that way?”

“No, I decided I wasn’t going to date again until Mac’s grown. Easier that way, I don’t have to explain to Mac who a new guy is, and I don’t have to worry about turning guys off by having a daughter. Plus it gives me more time to spend with her.”

“But what about now that Brandon’s back,” Rick whispered not wanting everyone to overhear their conversation. He knew Ann wouldn’t like that.

“What about it?” Ann whispered back.

“You’ll have a lot more free time now. Are you honestly telling me you’re not going to want to use that time for… personal relationships?”

“You mean sex,” Ann whispered and laughed at his wording.

“Not just sex. Get your mind out of the gutter. That just lets you know that you need to get laid if that’s the first thing that pops to mind,” Rick whispered laughing as he watched Ann start blushing.

“Shut up,” Ann said without any heat.

“What I meant was that connection, not all sexual, with some one of the opposite sex. Well unless you’ve switched sides then with some one of the same sex,” Rick whispered.

“First of all I haven’t switched sides. Secondly I don’t know. I’m still just taking things as they come. I’ve gotten good at that. If I find someone that I want to have a “personal relationship” with then I will, until then I’m single. And I don’t do casual sex, sorry,” she added to make him laugh.

“Oh well, I had to try,” Rick said jokingly and they both busted out laughing. They laughed even harder when the noticed everyone was looking at them. “Everyone in town will be talking about mine and your romantic involvement by the time we leave here,” Ann said laughing. Rick wiggled his eyebrows and said, “Want to give them something to talk about.”

He stood up, pulled a laughing up, dipped her, and kissed her. An obviously fake kiss by all the smacking and laughing, but they both new it would do the job. They would both have messages when they got home. They sat back down laughing. Ann just shook her head. She knew why he had done it. It would keep people from talking about the Brandon situation. Rick knew she would rather they gossip about something false, than something true in her life.

A few minutes later they paid their tabs and headed out. Rick walked Ann to her truck. “Thank for that,” she said to him.

“For what?” Rick said with a mischievous grin. “I didn’t do anything, other than finally kiss you.”

“Uh huh,” Ann said rolling her eyes and smiling.

“You’re welcome,” Rick said sincerely, “I thought it might help. You looked like you could use a laugh. Plus they’ll stop talking about you and Brandon and Mac for a while. They’ll be too busy talking about the hot affair we’re having.” Ann laughed and gave him a hug. “See you later,” Ann said and hopped up into the truck. “Bye beautiful,” Rick said grinning and wiggling his eyebrows. Ann just laughed and drove off.


Jason walked into Ann’s apartment at seven thirty. “Hey little orphan Annie,” he called as he shut the door. “Hey, don’t call me that. You know I hate that nick name. And stay in there I’m not dressed yet,” Ann yelled. “Okay, you can come on back now.”

Jason walked into Ann’s bedroom and just stopped. She looked hot was all he could think. She was wearing a little white sundress. He wanted to cover her up. He couldn’t take his sister, practically his sister, out with her dressed like that. “You’ve got to change,” he said seriously.

“Why? Do I look that bad? I know it’s a little young looking for me, but I thought I might be able to pull it off. Damn, I spent all that money on something that doesn’t even look good,” Ann said depressed as she went to her closet to find something else to wear.

“It’s not that it doesn’t look good. It looks to good. You need to be a little more covered up,” Jason said.

“Oh, do I look like a slut?” Ann asked worried for a completely different reason now.

“No, but I can’t have my sister looking like that.” Ann laughed. “I’m not your sister.”

“You’re practically my sister,” Jason said.

“Yeah, that’s true, but I’m not going to change for that reason,” Ann said and went into the bathroom to put her make-up on.

“Okay, fine don’t change,” Jason said following her into the bathroom. “So, I hear you’ve finally decided to give Rick a chance,” he said wiggling his eyebrows. Ann laughed. “Well it worked everyone in town’s talking about it, but no Rick and I are just friends.”

“Oh, so you’ve decided to do the casual thing now,” Jason said knowing the answer.

“Of course not, Jay, it was just a joke,” Ann said looking shocked. “Rick knew all the talk about the whole Brandon thing was getting to me, so he decided to give them something else to talk about.”

“And you’re okay with them saying you and Rick are together?”

“Yeah, we’re not really together, and eventually everyone will figure out it was just a big joke. And if it keeps them from talking about the Brandon situation then all the better,” Ann said as she put on eyeliner.

“Okay,” Jason said, “So, what did all of their faces look like when he kissed you? I heard it was a real dramatic kiss.”

“Oh it was hilarious,” Ann said laughing about it again. “It was so dramatic they should have realized it was just a joke. I mean it was obvious.” Jason laughed and said, “I heard he dipped you.”

“Yeah, that should have been their first clue. Who dips someone just to kiss them? I mean if they’re dancing sure, but we weren’t, and if that wasn’t enough of a hint all the laughing before and after should have been.”

“Yeah, but you know how people are around here. They like to believe every little piece of gossip. It makes life a little more interesting,” Jason said and laughed at the image of Rick and Ann laughing through the big dramatic kiss, it really was comical.

“You know I’ve secretly wanted you to go out with Rick for the past few years? I’m not saying marry him, just go out and have fun. He’s a good guy, Ann,” Jason said.

“I know he’s a good guy, but…”

“Just not the right guy for you,” Jason interrupted, “I get. I shouldn’t have said anything. I’ve just been thinking you need to get out there and live a little. You’re not just a mom you know. I figured Rick would be a good stepping stone.”

“A stepping stone, really Jason, that’s mean,” Ann said looking at him shaking her head.

“I’m trying to mean, and you know I don’t mean it that way.”

“I know. I get it. You worry about me. You want me to be happy, but I am happy, Jason. And when I’m ready to date again, when I meet someone I want to date, I will,” Ann said as she finished putting on her make-up. She turned around and gave him a kiss on the cheek. “But thanks anyway. You’re a good friend. I’m lucky I have you to worry about me.”

Jason and Ann left a little while later. “So, where are we going?” Ann asked as she got into Jason’s truck. “It’s a surprise,” he said as he pulled out onto the road.

A few minutes later they arrived at their destination. “Shakey’s, really?” Ann asked laughing. “And here I thought you were taking me somewhere special, not the local honkey tonk.”

“Hey, just getting you out of the house makes it a special occasion,” Jason said laughing as he got out of the truck.

Ann was surprised to realize that she was enjoying herself. She hadn’t done this in years. She drank and danced. She was hit on more times in one night than she had been in six years. It felt nice, but she still turned them all down. They weren’t what she was looking for. Jason never left her side the whole night. For a man who thought she needed to date, he sure wasn’t acting like it. He would stare down any man who dared to ask her to dance. Ann thought it was hilarious. He wanted her to be happy, but he wasn’t any more ready for her to date than she was. The man was way too over protective.


Chapter Five


Sunday evening came slowly in Ann’s mind. After her night out Friday she hopped the weekend would go by a little faster, but no she just couldn’t be that lucky. She was looking out her living room window when Brandon pulled up. She was out the front door before he got out of the car. “Impatient much?” he asked.

“I missed my baby,” Ann said as she walked to the car to help Mackenzie out of the back seat.

“Hey Mommy,” Mackenzie said excitedly as she crawled out of the back seat. “Dad and I stayed up late both nights and watched movies, and we went to the book fair yesterday, and went fishing today.”

“Sounds like you had a wonderful time,” Ann said smiling.

“Yep, and did you know Dad was an all-star running back in high school?”

“Yes I did. I was at every game cheering him on,” Ann said as she followed her little girl into the apartment. “Well I’m goin’ to go put my new books up,” Mackenzie said as she ran off to her room with a bag full of books.

“So, how was your weekend?” Brandon asked with a slight edge to his voice.

“Fine, I got caught up on all of my work,” Ann said looking at him.

“I heard you did more than that.”

“Okay, but you do remember how small town gossip is right, not all that reliable.”

“Well, this seems to have been. Seeing as I’ve seen the pictures. I don’t know if I think you are that great of a role model for my daughter. Really Ann, you make out with Rick at the dinner, and the go on a date with Jason in the same night. I never thought you’d turn into a slut, but I guess I was wrong,” Brandon said in a viscous whisper, and Ann punched him. “Where the hell do you get off calling me a slut? You know damn well I’m just friend with both Rick and Jason. Plus you have no damn right to say a damn word about who I see and who I don’t.”

“I have every right,” Brandon said touching his nose to make sure it wasn’t broke. “You are the mother of my child, and I want have you doing anything that affects her in a bad way. You being a whore does that.” This time Ann hit him hard enough to have his head snapping back.

“You don’t know a damn thing, and the next time you decide to call someone a slut or a whore you better get your fucking facts straight. Now get the hell out of my house.”

“It’s not house. It’s a fucking apartment. What you’re not good enough in the sack to get one of them to pay for you a house.”

“Get the fuck out, now, before I do something we will both regret.”

“Let me say good bye to my daughter first.”

“No! Get the hell out, now, before I call the cops and have you arrested for harassment,” Ann said as she pushed him toward.

“What the hell Ann. I’ll be back, for my daughter,” Brandon said walking out of the apartment.

Ann stood at the door gathering her composure. “Mommy,” Mackenzie said coming back into the living room. “Had dad already left?”

“Yeah sweetie. He had something important he had to take care of. He told me to tell you good bye and he loves you,” Ann said turning around. “Hey, do you want to go over to Sarah’s and play for a little while. Mommy needs to run a few errands.”

“Sure,” Mackenzie said.

Ann grabbed her keys and she and Mackenzie left. She dropped Mackenzie off at Sarah’s house and went to Jason’s. She barged in house and yelled, “Jason, where the hell are you?”

“Right here,” Jason said walking out of the kitchen looking worried. “What’s wrong?”

“That mother fucker had the audacity to call me a whore, and threaten to take my daughter away from me,” she said and just like that her anger dissipated and the tears started to flow. Jason hurried to her and wrapped his arm around her. “Calm down Annie. Shh, just calm down and start at the beginning,” Jason said holding her.

Ann pulled back and took a deep breath. She walked over to the couch and just collapsed. “When Brandon dropped Mackenzie off he accused me of being a slut because he had heard about Rick kissing me in the dinner and about me going out with you. I punched him, and told him he was wrong. But he wouldn’t listen. I hit him again and told him to get out of my house. Then he said that it wasn’t a house, it was an apartment and that as wasn’t good enough in the sack to get one of you pay for me a house. I told him to get out before I called the cops and had him arrested for harassment. He told me he would be back for his daughter,” Ann said and began to cry again.

Jason stood there shocked. He couldn’t believe that Brandon would ever say anything like that about Ann, but he obviously had. Part of Jason wanted to stay there and comfort Ann, but another part of him wanted to beat the shit out of Brandon. The latter won out and he ran out of the house, hopped in his truck, and took off to Brandon’s.

Jason found Brandon in the back yard. “You son of a bitch,” Jason said and when Brandon turned around to face him, he punched him. This time Brandon’s nose broke. Jason didn’t wait for Brandon to retaliate before he threw another punch. Brandon blocked that one and fought back, but they had always been evenly matched in a fight. A few minutes they were both wore out, bruised, and bloody laying on the ground.

“Why, Brandon, just tell me why you would say that to her?” Jason asked laying there looking up at the sky. “She was kissing on guy in the evening and out with another that night, what the hell am I supposed to think,” Brandon answered.

“Not what you thought? Damn Brandon, you know her better than that. Rick kissed her as a joke. They both just happened to be eating at Lynn’s and were sitting there talking and laughing. Tongues were already wagging just for that reason, and you know how Rick is, if they’re going to talk why don’t we give them something to talk about. Ann’s never been interested in Rick that way and you know it. Ann was just happy that the kiss would give them something other than the whole you, her, and Mac situation to talk about. And I had to twist her arm to get her to go out and just have fun. Dammit she hasn’t been out like that since she graduated, and I had twist her arm that time. She deserves to have a life. I’m going to tell you this once and only once so get it thru your thick skull there is nothing going on between me and Ann. She is like a sister to me.”

“It looked really bad though Jason. You have to admit that. She shouldn’t be doing stuff like that. She’s a mom.”

“Yeah, she’s a mom who hasn’t been on a date in six years. She’s a mom who has dedicated her entire life to her daughter. She’s a mom who never takes the time to do anything for herself. Dammit Brandon, she’s deserves a little fun. She hasn’t dated anyone since you. She spends all her time with Mackenzie, and if Mackenzie’s at a friend’s house for a little while Ann cleans house and grades papers and works on lesson plans. She doesn’t have a life outside of Mackenzie and school.”


“Whatever Brandon, I thought it was a good thing you were back. Mackenzie really does deserve to have her father, but if this is how you are now then I don’t know. Keep this in mind if you hurt Ann you hurt Mackenzie,” Jason said and got up.

“I didn’t mean to hurt her. It just pissed me off that she would do that,” Brandon said getting up and facing him. “By the way since when can she throw a punch like that?” Jason laughed. “Yeah, I heard she clocked you good. Something else you should remember, it takes a lot to piss her off, but when you do you are in for one hell of a fight.”

“I’ll keep that in mind. So, I guess I should apologize to her,” Brandon said sounding very uncomfortable.

“Duh idiot,” Jason said and turned around to walk off.

“Jason,” Brandon said and Jason turned back. “Yeah?” he asked. “Where is she at? Home or your house?”

“I don’t know. I left her at my house, but she could have gone on home by now.”

“Would you call her and find out?”

“How about I let you go look for her yourself,” Jason said and started to walk off.

“Fair enough. One more question.”


“Mackenzie doesn’t know anything about this, does she?”

“Of course not, Ann would never let her hear anything like this. Ann most likely took her over to her friend Sarah’s house,” Jason said and this time he left.

Brandon went inside and cleaned up some and then headed to Jason’s. He figured Ann was still there, and he was right. When he got to the front door he heard Ann yelling at Jason about the fight. He thought about waiting until she had finished yelling, but decided to give Jason a break. Even though Jason had tried to “kill” him, he had done him a favor by setting him straight. So Brandon manned up and knocked on the door.

A few seconds later Jason answered the door. “Thank you lord,” Jason said when he opened the door. “She’s in the living room, and all yours.” With that Jason walked out and Brandon walked in.

Brandon took a deep breath as he entered the living room. He had always hated apologizing, and this apology wasn’t going to be easy. “Ann,” he said quietly. Ann turned around and looked at him. “What are you doing here?” she asked.

“I came to apologize,” Brandon said having trouble getting the words out.

“Well, apologize.”

‘Damn, she’s not going to make this easy is she,’ Brandon thought. “I’m sorry Ann. I shouldn’t have assumed that the gossip was true. I should have known better.”

“And?” she asked with no signs of giving in.

“And… I shouldn’t have called you a slut and whore.”


“And…I shouldn’t have threatened to take Mackenzie away.”


“And… umm,” Brandon said trying to figure out what else he needed to apologize for, and then it hit him. “I have no right to tell you what you can and can’t do. I’m sorry I tried. I was wrong,” he said the last bit sounding like it fatally wounded him to say it.

“Fine,” Ann said, “Don’t do it again. Now if you will excuse me I need to go pick up my daughter. It’s getting late and we both have school tomorrow.” With that she walked past him and out of the house.

A few minutes late Jason walked into the living room and found Brandon sitting on the couch. “Went that well huh?” Jason asked from behind him.

“Yeah, I had to sit down for a second. I don’t think she forgives me, but on the upside I don’t think she hates me,” Brandon said as Jason walked around and sat down across from him in an arm chair.

“She forgave you, but she’s not goin’ to let you know that anytime soon.”

“What makes you think she forgave me?”

“Because she can’t stay mad at you. She’s never been able too. No matter what you do,” Jason said shaking his head. “It has always pissed me off that you treat her like crap sometimes and she would just let it go. You’d think you leaving her here to raise a kid on her own would make her mad, but nope she always stood up for you no matter what.”

“Really, why would she do that?” Brandon asked confused.

“You still don’t see it,” Jason said shaking his head. “You’re still as blind as you were at sixteen. She’s in love with you. That hasn’t changed, no matter how much I have wished it would over the years. I’ve tried to talk her into dating so many times, and her answer was always that she wasn’t ready yet. I finally gave up.”

“She doesn’t love me,” Brandon said certain Jason was wrong. “She told me she was over it, over me. That she had been for years, and you know she doesn’t lie.”

“No she doesn’t lie to anyone but herself. She’s been lying to herself about that for years. It was her way of coping. I think she’s been lying to herself for so long that she almost believes it. But think what you want,” Jason said. “Now leave, I have to get up early in the morning.”

“Yeah, right,” Brandon said, and got up and left.

As Brandon drove home he kept hearing Jason’s words “she’s still in love with you.” ‘No, he’s wrong,’ Brandon thought, ‘That’s one thing I’m sure of.’


Chapter Six

  It had been about a month since the big confrontation, and everything seemed to be going fine. There had been some talk about Brandon and Jason’s bruise and cuts, but other than that everything was going fine.

  It was Friday and Mackenzie was supposed to be going to Brandon’s to spend the weekend. Ann still wasn’t used to it. She was at a loss for what to do when Mackenzie wasn’t at home. The bell rang and Ann led her class out of the school to the teachers on transportation duty, and went back to her room. Mackenzie came running in five minutes later. “Mommy can I stay at Sarah’s tonight? She’s having a slumber party, and she invited me. Please,” Mackenzie begged.

“You’re supposed to go to your dad’s tonight, Mac,” Ann said.

“But I want to go to Sarah’s,” Mackenzie whined.

“Well, call your dad and ask him,” Ann said getting her phone out of her purse and dialing Brandon’s number. “Hey Brandon, Mackenzie wants to ask you something,” Ann said when he answered the phone. Ann handed the phone to Mackenzie. “Hey dad, Sarah’s having a slumber party tonight can I go,” Mackenzie said so fast Ann wondered if Brandon would be able to understand her. “I can. Thanks dad. Bye I love you,” Mackenzie said and handed the phone back to her mom. “He said I can go. Gotta go Sarah’s mom’s waiting on me,” Mackenzie said heading out the door. “Don’t forget to get your clothes out of the truck,” Ann yelled as Mackenzie ran out of the room.

 “Hello, hello,” Ann heard and looked down at the phone. “Hey, sorry didn’t know you were still on the line.”

“That’s okay. So do you always feel depressed when your kid blows you off to hang out with friends?” Brandon asked.

“Yeah, but you could have told her no. Seeing as it was such short notice.”

“Nah, she sounded so excited. I couldn’t disappoint her.”

“Yeah, I know the feeling.”

“So, what are you doing tonight?”

“Umm, nothing.”

“Well, since our daughter blew both of us off you want hang out, for old times’ sake.”

“Umm, I don’t know. Maybe.”

 “Maybe what?” Jason asked walking into the room. “Oh, Brandon wants to hang out tonight. Mac blew both of us off,” Ann told him. “Who’s that?” Brandon asked.

“Oh, Jason just walked in,” she said to Brandon. “You want to come? The three musketeers together again,” Ann asked Jason.

“Nope I’ve got a date,” he said grinning.

“Wow, you finally asked her out. Good,” Ann said smiling back at him. “I told you to just ask her. See I was right.”

“Who?” Brandon asked.

“Jasmine Betts,” she told him.

“Yeah, for some reason she thought we were together,” Jason said shaking his head.

“I don’t see why so many people think that,” she said.

“See why people think what?” Brandon asked. “Okay hate being able to hear only half the conversation.”

“Sorry, Jasmine thought that there was something going on between me and Jason. That’s the reason she was acting like she only liked him as a friend,” Ann explained.

“Well, I let you talk to Jason. Call me later and let me know if you want to hang out,” Brandon said.

“Okay, I will. Bye,” Ann said and hung up.

 “So, are you going?” Jason asked her when she set the phone down on her desk. “I don’t know. I don’t think it’s such a great idea, me and Brandon alone together,” Ann said.

“What are you afraid of? That you’ll kill him or have sex with him?” Jason asked with a grin.

“Neither,” Ann said turning away from him.

“Look at me, and tell me the truth. What are you afraid of?” Jason said in his stern big brother voice. Ann turned around and looked at him. He knew that look. He had seen that look six years ago when she came to tell him Brandon had left. “Oh, sweetie,” Jason said hugging her. “He’s not suggesting y’all have a hot affair. He’s not looking to hurt you again. He probably just wants to talk about Mac. You know her first steps and all of that.”

“Yeah, you’re right,” Ann said composing herself. “I don’t know why I thought that, or why I would even care.”

“Because you’re still in love with him.”

“No I’m not. I’ve told you time and again, I’m over it.”

“Over it not him.

“Semantics,” Ann said getting frustrated.

“No sweetie not semantics. There is a big difference between being over what he did and being over him, and you know that. Stop lying to yourself. You’ll be happier when you do.”

“And how will me saying I love him make me happier.”

“Because it’ll give you the chance to move on, with him or without him. The sooner you admit it the sooner you can work through your emotions.”

“I don’t think that…”

“Stop thinking! Dammit Ann! For once stop thinking and just feel,” Jason said getting frustrated himself. He was so tired of seeing her do this to herself. It was bad enough before Brandon came back, but now that he was back it was hell. All of her pent up emotions were going to boil over one day and hurt her. Why couldn’t she see that?

“Jason,” Ann said surprised and confused at his outburst. Jason took a deep breath and rubbed his hand over his face. “I’m sorry, but sweetie if you keep holding it all in it’s just going to hurt a hell of a lot more when it finally comes out. Do me a favor?”


“Go and hang out with him tonight. Figure out how you feel, how he feels, and try to move on, either together or apart, but move on.”

“I don’t know if I can?”

“You can. I know you can. Mackenzie gets her strength and resilience from you,” Jason said and hugged her. “You can do it. Don’t be afraid. What’s meant to be will be. So go figure out what’s meant to be. You don’t have to figure it all out tonight, but you need to at least take the first step.”

“Okay, I’ll go,” Ann said, “But if I need you I’m interrupting your date. Jasmine will understand.”

“Argh, but I don’t think I will,” Jason said with a pained look on his face. Ann just laughed at him.


Ann called Brandon when she got home. “Hey, I thought about it and sure why don’t we hang out for a little while,” Ann said as soon as he answered the phone.

“Okay, you want to just come and hang out at the house? I can order a pizza and I have some beer,” Brandon said a little surprised she had agreed to hang out with him, but happy about it.

“Umm… sure,” Ann said wondering if the two of them alone was a good thing. Then she thought back to what Jason had said and decided that type of conversation wasn’t meant for public.

“Okay, I’ll see you in a little bit,” Brandon said happily.

“Yeah, see ya soon,” Ann said and hung up.

 ‘Okay, so what do you wear to hang out with your ex, who happens to be the father of your child, who has be MIA for the past six years,’ Ann thought to herself as she headed to her room to get ready. “Jeans,” she said aloud, “don’t want him to think I’m expecting anything.”


   Ann arrived at Brandon’s about thirty minutes later. She sat in the car for a few minutes giving herself a pep talk. She was so into her thoughts she didn’t even notice Brandon come out of the house. When she heard the knock on the window she jumped. She looked over and saw Brandon standing there with a worried look on his face. “You okay?” he asked through the closed door and window.

    Ann opened the door and got out. “Yeah, why?” she asked as they headed toward the house. “Because you’ve been sitting out here for fifteen minutes,” Brandon said still looking at her worriedly.

“Oh was I. Sorry I got lost in my thoughts there for a second. I was planning my lessons for next week,” Ann lied.

“Okay,” Brandon said knowing she was lying. She had always been a terrible liar, but he wasn’t going to call her on it. If she wanted him to know what was on her mind she would tell him.

 “Well, I went ahead and ordered the pizza about ten minutes ago while I was waiting for you to come in. You still like your pizza with everything, right?” Brandon said as they entered the house. “Yeah, umm you said you had beer. May I have one?” Ann asked nervously.

“Sure, come on back and I’ll get you one,” he said heading toward the kitchen with Ann following.

 ‘She sure is acting weird,’ Brandon thought as he reached into the fridge to get the both of them a beer. ‘I wonder what’s going on. Maybe after I get a few beers in her she’ll tell me.’

 “Thanks,” Ann said when he handed her the beer, and took a big gulp. When Brandon raised his eyebrows she just shrugged and said, “Thirsty.”

“Okay,” Brandon said still worried. Ann had never been a big drinker, and from what Jason had told him, he concluded she still wasn’t. ‘Yep, something is going on here.’

 “So, Jason has a date with Kenzie’s teacher?” Brandon said heading back into the living room with Ann following. “Yeah,” Ann said smiling as she sat down on the couch. “It’s about time. Those two have been tip toeing around each other ever since she came to town.”

“Well, good for them,” Brandon said sitting down beside her only to have to get back the next second when someone knocked at the door. “Pizza,” Brandon said heading to the door.

  Jason came back a couple minutes later with the pizza. “Plate or just napkins?” he asked sitting the box down on the coffee table. “Ahh why don’t we be a little crazy and go with just napkins,” Ann said laughing.

“Napkins it is,” Brandon said smiling and headed into the kitchen to get some. ‘Well, she seems to finally be relaxing. That’s good,’ he thought as he headed back into the living room.

 “So, what all have you been up to since you’ve been gone?” Ann asked when he sat back down beside her. ‘Crap,’ he thought, ‘I knew I would have to answer that question eventually, but what do I tell her? Do I tell her I’ve just been working, and act like I’ve been living the life of a monk? No she won’t believe that, but how can I tell her I’ve been having a grand ole time, partying and well sleeping around.’

  “Umm, just working mostly,” Brandon said hoping she would be satisfied with that. Ann laughed. “Just working. Come on Brandon. You can tell me the truth. I’m a big girl. I can handle it.”

“Well what do you want to know?”

“The truth, however much you feel like telling.”

“Well, umm, I’ve dated some, nothing serious. I did a lot of partying for a while.”

“Okay,” Ann said seemingly unfazed.

 ‘I knew she wasn’t still in love with me. I told Jason he was wrong,’ Brandon thought when he got a non-reaction from Ann. “So what all have you been up to?” Brandon asked her.

“Well, I had a baby, buried my father a month later. Worked full time and went to school full time until I graduated. Thanks to Jason and his mom. If it wasn’t for them keeping Mac for me I would never have managed it. Then I got my job at the school, and I’ve just been working and raising Mackenzie ever since,” Ann replied.

 “I’m sorry, Ann. I should have been here. You shouldn’t have had to go through that alone,” Brandon said feeling like the jerk his daughter had called him the first night they had met.

“I wasn’t alone. I had Daddy while I was pregnant, and I had Jason and Mrs. Wright, and Miss Pam. I wasn’t alone just because you weren’t here. They wouldn’t let me be,” Ann said looking at him with a look of acceptance.

“So, I’ve been meaning to ask what happened to your daddy.” Brandon asked needing to change the topic from just how much he hadn’t been needed. Everyone else had been there. She didn’t need him then, and she still didn’t need him.

“Pancreatic cancer,” Ann answered, “He was already in stage four by the time they caught it. There was nothing they could do.”

 Brandon looked over to see one tear slide down her cheek. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to make you sad,” he said wondering if he could manage to do anything right tonight. “It’s okay. It’s not your fault. I still miss him, and I wish Mac had gotten the chance to know him…and momma and your parents. Fate damn sure screwed her out of that,” Ann said taking a bite of pizza. “Yeah,” Brandon said and continued to eat.

  After that they moved to more comfortable topics. How Mackenzie was doing in school? When her next dance recital was? All the different things going on at the school, and throughout town.

   It wasn’t until about midnight that Ann realized she was drunk. ‘Well, it’s now or never. If he doesn’t feel the same way I can at least blame it on the alcohol,’ she thought. “Brandon,” she said getting his attention. He was almost asleep on the couch beside her. “Yeah,” he said opening his eyes.

“There is something I think you ought to know.”

“What’s that?”

“I’m in love with you. I’ve always been in love with you. No matter how many times I have told myself I wasn’t, I am.”

 Brandon woke up and sober up then. He could tell Ann was slightly drunk, but not enough that she wouldn’t remember this in the morning. “Are you telling me the truth?”

“Of course,” Ann said indignant, “Why would I lie about something like that?”

“Don’t know,” he said. “But I guess you ought to know that there hasn’t been a day go by that I haven’t thought of you, and wished I had stayed. I love you. I just didn’t know what to do about it then.”

 “Oh,” Ann said her eyes wide. She hadn’t really expected him to reciprocate her feelings. If she had thought that she wouldn’t have gotten drunk before telling him, just buzzed.

“Not what you expected, huh?” Brandon asked seeing the stunned look on her face. He smiled and leaned in and kissed her.

  After a few minutes Brandon pulled back and looked at the love of his life. “Sweetie, you’re completely smashed and I don’t want to take advantage of you. I’d prefer we both be sober when we… you know.”

“I’m not all that drunk anymore,” Ann said seriously.

   Brandon took a close look at her, and realized she was telling the truth. “Are you sure you want to?” he asked. “I don’t want you to do anything you’re going to regret.”

“Don’t worry I won’t,” she said and kissed him. “I wouldn’t have come if I had meant to do something I’d regret. You know me, no regrets.” With that she got up. Brandon thought for a second she planned on leaving, until she headed up the stairs. He followed in awe.

He couldn’t believe that his life had taken this wonderfully happy turn. When he first came back to town, he thought he was just going to sell the house and leave. Then he found out he had a daughter, and he had a reason to stay. Now, he also had her mom, the love of his life back in his arms.

Chapter Seven


It had been a month since Brandon and Ann got back together. Ann still couldn’t believe it. She had never imagined the possibility of them ever getting back together. They were starting to become a family, her, Brandon, and Mackenzie.

Ann and Mackenzie still lived in their apartment, and Brandon still live in his childhood home, but they had dinner together every night. They spent every possible moment together. Life seemed to be going great, it appeared as though nothing could bring them down.

Ann pulled up at Brandon’s at about seven that Saturday morning. Before she could even get out of the truck Brandon was out the door. He met her at the truck and gave her a kiss. “Good morning,” Ann said smiling. “You been watching for us?”

“Yep, and I’m not ashamed to admit it,” Brandon said and opened the back door to get Mackenzie out.

“Hey Dad,” Mackenzie said smiling as he help her out. Then she made an ugly face and said, “Do you have to kiss like that all the time? It’s disgusting.” With that she ran around to the back of the house to play on her swing set that Brandon had gotten her about a week ago.

“Disgusting, huh,” Ann said and laughed. “Well,” Brandon said grinning, “Since she’s not here I think we should do some more of that disgusting kissing.” Brandon leaned down and kissed her again.

At lunch time Ann was in the kitchen fixing sandwiches when she heard someone pull up outside. She went to the front door to see Brandon walking toward a red headed woman. When he reached her she wrapped her arms around him and kissed him. It was a short kiss only because Brandon pulled back. ‘What’s going on?’ Ann thought standing there watching the two from the front door. No one had noticed her yet. The woman pouted for a moment and then said something that made Brandon laugh. ‘He is…she is…they’re together.’ Ann staggered as it hit her. This woman was Brandon’s lover, or whatever, from Texas. ‘Why didn’t he tell me?’ Ann thought.

Ann stood there for a second and then walked back into the house. She could her Mackenzie out back playing. She stood at the back door watching her daughter play for a minute composing herself. “Mackenzie,” Ann said walking out the door. “Come on sweetie, we’ve got to head home.”

“But you said we were spending the day with Dad,” Mackenzie said confused.

“I know sweetie, but something has come up. Your dad has some unexpected company that needs his attention.”


“But nothing Mackenzie, you’ll see him later,” Ann said. ‘Maybe, or he might just leave with Miss Red Head.’ “Come on sweetie. We’ll come back later.”

Mackenzie followed her mother through the house and out the front door reluctantly. Brandon looked up when he heard the front door slam. Mackenzie had slammed it and was now following Ann to her truck. “Umm hold on a second, Kelly. I’ve got to see what’s up,” Brandon told the woman standing in front of him. “Wait, who are they?” she asked.

“Just hold on,” Brandon said again walking away.

“Where are you going?” Brandon asked as he reached Ann. She was getting into the driver’s seat, Mackenzie was already strapped into the back. “Home, you have company,” Ann said reaching to shut the door. Brandon held the door open. “Why?” he asked.

“You have company.”

“So, she’s a friend from Texas. No reason for y’all to leave.”

“Yeah a friend, you know you could have told me about your friend before…” Ann stopped herself before she finished that sentence. Mackenzie didn’t need to hear this, and anyway she didn’t feel like dealing with him anymore. She should have known better. “Look I’ll bring Mackenzie back when your company leaves,” Ann said and shut the door. She cranked the truck and left.

“What just happened?” Brandon asked aloud. “Hey,” Kelly said walking up to him. “Since your company is gone how about we go have some fun inside.”

“What?” Brandon asked looking at her. “No, look not to be rude but you need to leave.”

“What?” Kelly said confused.

“Look the woman I love just drove away with my daughter because she thinks there is something going on between us so you need to leave and not come back.”

“What? There is something going on between us, or have you forgotten what we were doing before you decided to come back to your hometown to sell your parents’ house.”

“There is nothing going on between us. There never was. We hooked up whenever we were bored. That’s all and you know it.”

“That’s not true. You told me you loved me,” Kelly argued knowing very well he had never even come close to uttering those words to her.

“No I didn’t. I have only ever told one woman I love her and she just left. Now leave,” Brandon said turning around to go get his keys from the house so he could go straighten everything out with Ann.

“No,” Kelly said from behind.

“What the hell,” Brandon said turning around. “Listen I don’t give a shit how damn bored you are, or whatever limitations your dad has put on your trust fund. I don’t give a shit about you. All you ever were was a convenient fuck.”

Kelly just stood there staring at him for a second. She couldn’t believe he said that to her. No one had ever spoken to her that way. She couldn’t believe he was sending her away. No man had ever rejected her. She had always been the one to do the rejecting. “Fine, but when you get bored with the country bumpkin don’t come running back to me,” Kelly said and turned around and went back to her.

“Go to hell,” Brandon said and ran into the house to get his keys.


Not five minutes later Brandon knocked on Ann’s door and prayed she would let him in. Ann opened the door knowing who it was. “Come in Mackenzie in her room sulking. Why don’t you go see if you can get her to talk to you?” Ann said standing back.

“We need to talk first,” Brandon said. “Talk about what. Everything seems to be perfectly clear to me,” Ann replied.

“Ann please don’t be like this. Just let me explain.”

“There’s nothing to explain Brandon. I made a mistake. I let you back in. I was wrong to believe that we wanted the same thing, but don’t worry I’m not going to keep you away from Mackenzie. It would hurt her too much,” Ann said with absolutely no emotion on her face.

“Annie please,” Brandon pleaded seeing the future he had started to dream about slip out of his reach.

“Dad is that you?” Mackenzie said coming out of her room. Brandon gave Ann one more pleading look before turning to Mackenzie. Brandon forced a smile onto his face and said, “Yeah baby.” Mackenzie came running into the living room and jumped into his arms. “Is your company gone now?”

“Yeah sweetie she’s gone.”

“Can we go back to Dad’s house now, momma?” Mackenzie asked looking at her mother.

“You can sweetie,” Ann said smiling at her. “I’ve got some work I need to do before Monday.”

“But,” Mackenzie started.

“No, I need to get my work done sweetie. How about you stay at your dad’s house tonight?”

“Okay,” Mackenzie said a little happier. She knew something was wrong, but she wasn’t sure exactly what.

“Okay, I’ll get you some clothes while you and your dad get your seat out of the car,” Ann said and headed to Mackenzie’s bedroom.

Ann came out of the apartment a few minutes later with a bag of clothes for Mackenzie. She didn’t even look at Brandon. She went to the passenger side of the car and put Mackenzie’s bag in the floor board in front of her feet. “I’ll see you tomorrow sweetie. I love you,” Ann said and gave her kiss. “Be good.”

Ann shut the door and headed back to her apartment. “Ann please,” Brandon pleaded again. Ann didn’t even slow her stride as she walked back into her apartment. ‘Dammit, I’ve lost her for good this time,’ Brandon thought staring at the apartment door. ‘No I refuse to let that happen.’

Brandon got into his car. For now he would have to wait about talking to Ann. He had more important things to do, spending time with his daughter. He knew he was going to have to reassure Mackenzie that everything was okay. He just wished he could reassure himself.


Mackenzie didn’t bring up what had happened earlier that day, until Brandon was putting her to bed. He had just finished telling her the story of how he, Ann, and Jason had become best friends when Mackenzie asked, “Why is Momma mad at you?”

“It was just a misunderstanding baby,” Brandon said. “She’ll cool down soon and I’ll explain what was going on and everything will go back to the way it’s supposed to be.”

“But what happened? What do you have to explain? What if Momma doesn’t cool down and let you explain?” Mackenzie said getting upset.

“Shh, sweetie,” Brandon said picking her up at setting her in his lap. “Listen Kenzie everything is going to be fine. I promise you everything is going to be fine. Don’t worry, I’m going to fix everything.”

“You promise,” Mackenzie said sniffling.

“I promise,” Brandon said wiping the tears of her cheeks. He kissed her forehead and just held her for a few minutes. It killed him to see his precious little girl cry. He had never seen her cry before. He’d seen her fall and scrape her knee, and get back up laughing and go again. He’d seen her have nightmares that scared her so much she shook, but she never cried. That he knew she got from Ann. Ann had hardly ever cried. She said tears were a waste of time most of the time. If she was going to cry she was going to have a good reason to.

When Brandon heard Mackenzie’s breathing return to normal, he looked at her and said, “Better now.” She just nodded. “Good, now time for bed,” he said putting her back in bed.

“Daddy can I sleep with you tonight?” Mackenzie asked. Brandon was shocked Kenzie had never called him Daddy nor had she ever asked to sleep in bed with him, not even when she had nightmares. “Yeah sweetheart,” Brandon said.

He picked her back up and carried her to his room. He laid her down and grabbed some pajamas and went to the bathroom to change. He came back into the room and laid down beside her. Mackenzie scooted over and clung to him as though she expected him disappear if she didn’t hold on to him. Brandon’s heart ached for her. I hated to see her hurting, and knowing that he part of the cause for it killed him. He wrapped an arm around her and lay there awake hours after she had fallen asleep.


Chapter Eight


It had been over a week since the incident with Kelly and Ann still wouldn’t talk to him about anything other than Mackenzie. Brandon was starting to feel as though he couldn’t fix this. Technically he hadn’t done anything wrong. There wasn’t anything going on between him and Kelly since he had come back to Alabama, but there had been before then. And, he admitted to himself, he had lead Kelly on since he had been in Alabama. For the first month he was here he talked to her every day. Telling her how much he missed her, and he couldn’t wait to get back to Texas. He never once mentioned Ann or Mackenzie to her. Why he hadn’t, he didn’t know. He couldn’t figure that out. Maybe he thought she wouldn’t want anything to do with him if she knew he had a child. No, that wasn’t it. Everything seemed so surreal here. He had a daughter. He had had such a hard time wrapping his mind around that fact when Mackenzie was there with him. His conversations with Kelly felt like the only normalcy he had left.

Brandon entered the school not looking forward to the conversation he was about to have. He had to go back to Texas for a little while, to settle up everything there and get his stuff. He needed his work truck if he was ever going to get back to work, and he had to do that, his funds were running low.

Brandon walked into Ann’s classroom and saw her working and Mackenzie watching TV. “Hey, can I talk to you?” Brandon said. “Dad!” Mackenzie exclaimed getting up and running into his arms. He hadn’t see her as much as he would have like this past week, and it killed him to know he was going to be so far away from her for a little while. “Hey sweetie, can I talk to your mom alone for a minute?” he asked.

“Okay,” Mackenzie said unhappily, “I’ll go down to Miss Betts room.” Mackenzie walked out of the room after giving Brandon another hug.

“What?” Ann asked when they were alone. “I have to go back to Texas,” Brandon began.

“I should have known. Actually I did know, but I decided to be in denial. Great now you’re going to hurt Mackenzie now. Whatever just go,” Ann said and turned back to her work.

“I’m not going back to stay,” Brandon said mad that she would even think that. “I’m going back to settle everything up there. I have to sell my apartment and get my stuff. I’ll be back. I promise I’ll be back before Mackenzie’s birthday.”

“So, that gives you a month,” Ann said. She really hoped he would come back. Mackenzie was already hurt. Brandon’s and her split had caused her baby pain. She wished she could place all the blame on Brandon, but she knew she was just as responsible for Mackenzie’s pain. This trip was going to hurt her even more, but if he came back Mackenzie would be fine. He had to come back.

“Okay,” Ann said, “when are you going to tell Mac?”

“I was planning on telling right after I told you. I was hoping you would help me.”

“Okay, I’ll help you tell her. When are you leaving?”

“Tomorrow,” Brandon said and winced at the look Ann shot him.

“Such short notice, great. Come on, let’s go tell Mac. Procrastinating isn’t going to make it any easier,” Ann said getting up and heading to Jasmine’s classroom.

When they entered Jasmine’s classroom Mackenzie was busy showing Jasmine and Jason how to make a paper football. “Hey,” Ann said giving Jasmine and Jason a sad smile.

Jason shot Brandon a look that promised all sorts of horrid pain. Brandon had been avoiding Jason all week knowing that Ann had told him about what happened, and he didn’t think Jason would listen to him anymore than Ann. The only difference was he was sure Jason would make him bleed.

“Mac, your dad and I need to talk to you for a minute,” Ann said. “Let’s go back to my classroom.”

“No,” Mackenzie said knowing she wasn’t going to like what they had to say. “I want to stay here,” she said crawling up into Jason’s lap. Jason looked like this was killing him as much as it was Ann and Brandon. “Sweetie,” he said to Mackenzie, “go with your parents.”

“But I don’t wanna,” Mackenzie started to whine. “I don’t want to know what they have to say. It won’t be good.”

“Sweetie, it’ll be okay,” Jason said hugging her. “You can handle anything. You are the strongest person I know, and nothing is ever as bad as it seems. You might not like what they have to say, but I promise it will all be okay,” Jason whispered in her ear so she was the only one who could her. Times like this was when he saw Ann in her. Most of the time she was the spitting image of Brandon, and not in just looks, her personality was almost identical to his. But Mackenzie just like her mom had a soft heart that was easily bruised, and sometimes they both needed reminding of just how strong they were.

“Now go on,” he said loud enough for everyone to hear. “And remember what I said.” He gave her a kiss on the forehead and set her on her feet.

“Okay,” she said to him and turned around to her parents. She walked past them and headed out of the room.

“Thanks,” Ann said to Jason. “No problem,” Jason said, “But if she comes running in here crying I’m going to kick both of your asses.” Ann was shocked at Jason’s words he had never threatened her. Ann just nodded and walked from the room.

“I’m not trying to hurt them,” Brandon said. “I’m doing everything I can think of not to. I just can’t get Ann to listen to me. Jason, I didn’t mean to hurt her. It was a misunderstanding and she won’t let me explain.” Brandon looked at him with a pleading looking. He needed someone to understand. He needed someone to help him, and the only person who could was the man sitting across the room, the man who would have gladly killed him if it would stop Ann and Mackenzie’s pain.

Jason sighed and looked at Brandon, really looked at him. He looked like hell. He was suffering just as much as his girls. While Jason wanted to hurt him, he knew it wouldn’t help anything. “Give her time,” Jason said deciding that helping him would be best for everyone. “I’ll talk to her and try to convince her to listen to you. I can’t make any promises, but like I told you before she can’t stay mad at you. She’s probably already forgiven you, even though she doesn’t know what really happened. The problem Brandon is she doesn’t feel she can trust you. You’ve screwed her over twice now. You’re going to have to prove to her that you are trust worthy. No go tell your daughter whatever you have to.”

“Thank you,” Brandon said. “Take care of them for me while I’m gone. I’ll be back in less than a month. I have to settle things up in Texas, but I’m coming back to stay.” Brandon turned and walked out of the room without waiting for Jason’s answer who knew Jason would take care of them. He’d been doing it since the day he left.

When Brandon got back to Ann’s classroom he found Ann sitting on her desk watching Mackenzie who was sitting in a desk staring at the door, looking for him. He walked in and went straight to her. “Now, please don’t be mad at me, but I have to go back to Texas for a little while. Not to stay,” Brandon added quickly as he saw tears for in Kenzie’s eyes. As soon as the tears formed the disappeared. ‘She’s so much like Ann,’ Brandon thought. “I have to go get my stuff and bring it back here. I need my truck so I can work and make some money so I can spoil you some more,” he said trying to lighten the mood.

“Okay,” Mackenzie said not smiling, but not frowning either.

“I’ll be back in a month, most likely less than a month, but I promise I will be back before your birthday.”

“You promise?”

“I promise. How could I miss my princess’s birthday?” Brandon said smiling.

“I’m not a princess daddy. I’m a country girl. I don’t need tiaras and fancy dresses,” Mackenzie said rolling her eyes at him. Brandon laughed. He knew she hated it when he called her princess. “Okay country girl, no tiaras and dresses for you. How about some camo and a fishing pole?” he asked.

“Now we’re talking,” Mackenzie said smiling. “How about a pellet gun?”

“Don’t push it. No guns until you’re at least six.”

“But I’ll be six my birthday,” Mackenzie said and laughed.

“Hmm, I guess you’re right,” Brandon said smiling.

“When are you leaving?” Mackenzie asked. “Tomorrow,” Brandon said wishing he could just stay and all of his stuff in Texas would just magically appear here. “Why so soon?” Mackenzie asked. “The sooner I leave the sooner I’ll be back,” Brandon said.

“Okay,” Mackenzie said smiling. She wasn’t happy about him leaving, but she knew he’d be back for her, if for no other reason. “That’s my girl,” Brandon said smiling at her.

Ann sat on her desk and watched their exchange. He didn’t her help. He seemed to be better with Mackenzie than she was here lately. For the past week she and Mackenzie had been at each other’s throats. Mackenzie wanted her to just forgive Brandon for “whatever” he had done. No matter how many time Ann tried to explain to Mackenzie it wasn’t that simple, Mackenzie still didn’t understand. Of course she didn’t understand she was only five, but Mackenzie had stopped taking Ann at her word. She no long believed that everything Ann said was the truth. Mackenzie seemed to worship the ground Brandon walked on. Ann didn’t want to stop that, but she also didn’t want Mackenzie to hate her. This past week it had felt like she hated her. Ann didn’t know what to do. She hoped that with time Mackenzie would get over it.

“Ann,” Brandon said bringing her out of her reverie. “Can I take Mackenzie out for dinner? I’ll have home by seven. I know her bed times eight.”

“Yeah,” Ann said smiling. “That’s sounds like a great idea.”

“Thanks momma,” Mackenzie said and ran over to give her a hug.

“You’re welcome,” Ann said hugging her back.

“Okay,” Brandon said, “Well, let’s get going Kenzie. Thank you Ann.”

“No problem,” Ann said sincerely.

As Mackenzie and Brandon walked out of the school he thought that maybe Jason was right. Ann might have already forgiven him, but to get her to come back to him he would have to explain even if she didn’t want to hear it. He would also prove to her that she could trust him. The only way he knew to do that was to come back and just be here for her and Mackenzie. He would just have to wait for her to realize he wasn’t going anywhere, and that he wasn’t going to ever do anything to hurt her and Mackenzie again.


Chapter Nine


It was the day before Mackenzie’s birthday and Brandon was racing to get home. It had taken longer than he had expected to get everything straightened up in Texas. He had talked to Mackenzie and Ann both everyday he had been gone. It bothered him that Mackenzie was still giving Ann a hard time about him. Ann was starting to think her daughter hated her.

He had finally been able to explain what had happened with Kelly. That had been a rough conversation. He had to admit that he had used Kelly as a spot of normalcy after he had found out he had a daughter. He knew that had hurt Ann, but he also knew that she now believed him when he said that there hadn’t been anything going between him and Kelly since about a month after he came back, not so much as a phone call.

Jason had been right when he said that Ann had already forgiven him. Ann told him that herself before he even explained things. It had warmed his heart to hear that, then she told him she still couldn’t be with him and he felt his heart freeze over again, but he truly believed he was making progress with her.

Mackenzie on the other hand was another story. She didn’t seem to have a problem with him, but her mother was a different story. Mackenzie had decided to blame Ann for all the problems between him and Ann. Brandon tried every time he talked to her to get her to understand that it was all Ann’s fault, but she refused to believe that he was the one that had screwed up. He was hoping he could get her to understand that when they talked face to face.

Brandon reached Troy at midnight. He thought about going on home, but he wanted to see his girls. He pulled up at Ann’s apartment and saw all the lights off. Instead of knocking on the door, he called Ann’s cell phone. He knew it would be on and sitting on her night stand.

“Hey, I’m outside,” he said when she answered. “Okay,” she said without asking any questions and hung up. He wasn’t sure whether that meant she was going to let him in or just go back to sleep. A minute later he got his answer when the door opened.

He walked in and gave Ann a hug. “I’ve missed you,” he said holding her for a second. He was happy she didn’t pull away, but he was afraid that had more to do with her being asleep on her feet and not him.

He pulled away and said, “Sorry, I probably should have just gone on home, but I wanted to see you and Mackenzie. Go on back to bed I’m just going to look in on Kenzie and go.”

“No,” Ann said. Brandon stopped he was afraid that she was saying he couldn’t go see Kenzie. ‘I thought we were making progress,’ he thought.

“Stay here,” Ann continued, “It’s late and you’ve been driving all day and night.” Brandon let out a sigh of relief. “Okay, I will. Thanks,” he said and went into Mackenzie’s room.

Mackenzie was sound asleep clutching the teddy bear he had gotten the first night they had met. He stared at her in awe for a few minutes, then gave her a kiss on the head, and headed back into the living room to sleep on the couch.

When he came into the living room, Ann was sitting on the couch sound asleep. He picked her up and carried her to her bed. She awoke as he laid her down. “You can sleep in here,” she said. He wasn’t sure if she knew what she was saying or if she was dreaming. “The couch is horribly uncomfortable to sleep on. It would inhumane for me to make you sleep there.” Brandon laughed at how she could use words like inhumane when she was practically asleep. “Okay, I’ll sleep in here,” he said.

He stripped down to his boxers and laid down in bed beside her. ‘Home, I’m finally home,’ he thought right before he fell asleep.


The next morning Brandon was awoken by a scream of happiness and someone jumping on him. Mackenzie had gotten up before Brandon and Ann and come into her mother’s room to find not only her mom but her dad. “Morning Kenzie,” Brandon said not opening his eyes. “Can you take it down a few decibels?”

“Huh?” Mackenzie said not understanding.

“Quieter please,” Ann said, “Morning baby. Come here and I’ll sing you happy birthday like I always do.”

Surprisingly Mackenzie went to her mom. Mackenzie hugged Ann and laid down in bed between her and Brandon. Ann sang Happy Birthday to Mackenzie in her off key voice. Brandon lay there smiling, not wanting to ruin their moment. After Ann finished singing Mackenzie gave her a hug and kiss, and said, “I love you mommy.” It seemed she was over being mad at Ann all of a sudden. Brandon and Ann both decided not to question and just accept the miracle.

“Happy birthday Kenzie,” Brandon said finally opening his eyes. “Thank you,” Mackenzie replied. “But why in the world would you get up at this ungodly hour?” Brandon asked looking at the clock and seeing it was only five.

“Umm, I woke up,” Mackenzie said shrugging. Brandon could tell Ann was almost asleep again. She must have been getting enough sleep recently. “How about we go back to sleep? I could really use a couple more hours,” he said looking at Mackenzie. “Okay,” Mackenzie said with a long suffering sigh. “Can I sleep in here though?”

“Sure, you’re the birthday girl,” Brandon said and closed his eyes. He was asleep in seconds.


The next time Brandon woke up was when he heard someone open the bedroom door. He looked at the clock and saw it was now nine. He looked beside him and saw both Mackenzie and Ann. He looked over to the door to see Jason standing there with raised eyebrows. Brandon slid out of bed and pulled on his pants.

He walked out of the room with Jason. He went to kitchen and put coffee on without saying a word. “So, you going to tell about that?” Jason asked pointing towards Ann’s room.

“Coffee,” was all Brandon could manage.

After Brandon had gulped down a half cup of coffee he looked at Jason. “I gotten at midnight last night. I wanted to see them so I stopped by. Ann told me to stay because it was so late.”

“Okay, but how did you end up in the bed with her?”

“She said it would be inhumane to make me sleep on the couch. How does the woman use words like that when she’s half asleep, actually I think she was asleep,” Brandon said shaking his head.

Jason just laughed. “Well, I’d say you’re on your way to getting her back,” Jason said. “Give it a little more time. Don’t push, but don’t get discouraged either. She’s starting to come around.”

“Thank god,” Brandon said. “Oh, do you know what has been going on with her and Kenzie? I tried to figure it out through phone calls, but all I got was that Kenzie was mad at Ann because mine and Ann’s misunderstanding.”

“Well that’s not exactly it. She missed you and she took her frustration out on Ann. Sound like anyone you know?”

“What do you mean?”

“She has your attitude. It’s not a bad thing, but the girl does have a mean streak. I’ve never seen a kid that young hold a grudge like she can,” Jason said smiling and shaking his head.

“Okay, so she might have gotten some of my bad qualities,” Brandon said shrugging his shoulders.

“I wasn’t saying it was a bad thing. That mean streak will come in handy when she hits her teen years, and she has more than you mean streak.”

“Okay, your right. Wait what do you mean by her mean streak will come in handy when she’s a teen?” Brandon asked looking scared.

“One word,” Jason said enjoying this, “boys.” He laughed as Brandon shivered. “Nope, not going to happened she’s not allowed to date until she’s married.”

“Yeah, that’s what my dad said too,” Ann said walking into the kitchen.

“Okay, she’s never dating,” Brandon amended.

“Sweetie, it doesn’t work that way, sorry,” Ann said grinning. “Don’t worry she’ll be a good teen as much hell as she’s given me this past month she better be an angel the rest of her life.”

“That bad?” Brandon asked.

“It could’ve been worse,” Ann said and shrugged. “But if you leave again you’re taking her with you,” Ann joked.

“Is the little demon still asleep?” Jason asked. “Yeah, she wakes us up at five this morning and watch she’ll sleep till noon,” Ann said shaking her head.

“No she won’t. I’m going to wake her up,” Brandon said and got up to go do just that.

Brandon hopped on the bed and yelled, “Get up!” He bounced on the bed yelling until Mackenzie yelled, “Stop! I’m up!” and laughed at him. “Good,” he said and picked her up. He tossed her over his shoulder and toted her into the kitchen.

“Whatcha got there?” Jason asked as Brandon came into the kitchen.

“Not sure, I’m thinking either a princess or brat,” Brandon said grinning.

“I’m not a princess or a brat,” Mackenzie said offended.

“I say brat,” Ann said.

“Nuh uh,” Mackenzie said. Brandon set her down on her feet and they all laughed at the insulted look on her face. “We were just joking, Kenzie,” Brandon said and kissed his daughter on the top of her head.

“Well, we better go get ready for the party,” Jason said. “I think Mac invited the whole school.”

“Yep, we better get ready,” Ann said and looked over at Mackenzie, “That means go get dressed unless you want to miss your on birthday party.” They all busted out laughing as Mackenzie ran to her room to get ready.


At noon the whole town, it seemed, was at Brandon’s to celebrate Mackenzie’s birthday. Brandon stood at the grill flipping hamburgers and hot days, and watched as Mackenzie pulled Ann into a dance. “That child can get her to do anything,” Rick said from behind him. “Yep,” Brandon said looking at him. “Ann‘s never been much for dancing or heights and have seen Mackenzie get her to get over both at least for a short period of time. So hamburger or hot dog?”

“Nothing just yet, I just thought I’d come over her before I got pulled into dancing,” Rick said laughing. “Jasmine almost got me a while ago. Jason was dancing with Mac.” Rick just shook his head and laughed.

“So, how’s everything going?” Rick asked. Rick knew he and Brandon had never been best friends, but they had been friends. Rick had been meaning to come by and see who Brandon was handling thing. He knew how Ann was handling it, the same way she handled everything with the determination that everything would eventually work out.

“Fine,” Brandon said, unsure of exactly what answer Rick wanted. “Okay, that’s good,” Rick said. “I’m here if you need anything. I know we were never best friends, but Jason has become Ann’s protector so if you upset her you might not want to go to him for help.”

“I’ve noticed. He broke my nose a few months ago,” Brandon said with a little laugh. “Thanks man. Everything seems to be heading in the right direction now. We’ve had a few ups and downs, but I think we’re starting to make it work.”

“Good, all of you deserve to be happy,” Rick said. “Oh, and so you know there’s nothing going on between me and Ann. Never has been. After she turned me down in high school to be with you, I gave up on that one. We’re just friends. I joke around with her, but you know everyone needs a good laugh sometimes.”

“Yeah, I’ve already been set straight on that one. Two punches from Ann, and a broken nose from Jason.”

“Yeah, I heard. Well about Jason not Ann. She doesn’t usually hit people,” Rick said and laughed. “Whatever you said must have really pissed her off.”

“Yeah, I said some stuff that was completely untrue and way out of line, but somehow she forgave me.”

“Now, that’s the Ann I know. She can’t hold a grudge. She tries to make you think she can, but she usually forgives people five minutes after they’ve done whatever they need forgiving for. Mackenzie gets her tendency for grudges from you.”

“I don’t hold grudges,” Brandon said slightly insulted.

“You held a grudge against me for years, just because of a joke. Everyone knew I was joking with Ann all the times I asked her out, but you decided I wasn’t and that you hated me,” Rick said looking at him, daring him to deny it.

“Okay, so maybe I can hold a grudge, but I get over it eventually,” Brandon said sulkily.

“Yeah, you got over that after Jason broke your nose,” Rick said and laughed. “No hard feeling dude. I always knew you were in love with her. Hell, I’d probably hold a grudge to if I were you.”

“So, what have you been up to?” Brandon asked Rick. I was more than happy to change the topic. He really didn’t have a problem with Rick anymore. He still considered Rick a friend, and as Rick had said he was going to need a friend outside the three musketeers because if he so much as misworded something toward Ann Jason would be ready to hurt him. “Nothing much, just working, and spending time with Carol’s kids.”

“Yeah, I heard she had a brood. I couldn’t believe that your wild ass sister decided to settle down so soon, no offense,” Brandon said.

“None taken. I thought the same thing, at first, but John was what she wanted. They love each other, and he was just what she needed. Some days I go over there and am stilled shocked to see her in the kitchen cooking and running herd on three kids with a smile on her face,” Rick said with a little laugh.

“Yeah, it is a picture. So no one special for you? No kids in your future?”

“Still look for the right woman. I’ve dated a few whom I thought were the right one, only to find out that they were nothing like I originally thought,” Rick said shaking his head. “Unfortunately not everyone is as lucky as you and Ann and finds the one when there five.”

“Yeah, but I almost screwed that up. Still working on getting my family back. I can be an idiot sometimes,” Brandon replied.

“Everyone can be, even our precious Annie. Don’t tell her I said that. She will seek retribution, in the form of Mac. Mac will do her best to hurt me, and Ann will just stand there and laugh. Then pretend that she is getting on to her.”

“Yeah, I know. The first night I met Kenzie she stomped on my foot and called me a jerk. Ann laughed and then told her to apologize.”

“Fun,” Rick said, “Ann might not be the type to hold a grudge or resort to violence, but she thinks it’s hilarious when Mac does. Only because it means Mac want take crap off anyone. Mac doesn’t do anything to just be mean. You have to do something to her or someone she loves for her mean streak to come out. Her temper will get better as she gets older. Well she’ll learn control.”

“Yeah, that’s what I keep telling myself, but I’m still waiting to get a call saying she’s been suspended from school for fighting.”

“That’s not going to happen. She gets along with other kids. It’s just adults that she has problems with, at least for now. We’re a lot better at putting our foot in our mouth, and doing stupid stuff. The kids she’s around are still to innocent and naïve to screw up like we do.”

“True,” Brandon said and looked over to the swing set when he heard Kenzie call him. “Dad come play!” she yelled. Brandon smiled and gave Rick the grilling duties. “Coming,” he yelled back and went to play with his daughter.

“So, you enjoying you party?” Brandon asked her as he pushed her on the swing. “Yeppity yep yep yep,” Mackenzie answered. “But I can’t wait till I get to open presents. When can I open my presents?”

“Now, if you want. It’s you birthday,” Brandon said laughing. “Yay,” Mackenzie said and jumped off the swing, giving Brandon a heart attack. ‘Damn does she have to do that when the swing is so high? She’s going to break something one day,’ he thought shaking his head.

“Okay, everyone,” Brandon yelled, “the birthday is ready to open presents!” Everyone gathered around the table where Mackenzie’s mountain of presents were. “You know we were going to wait a little longer,” Ann said smiling at him when she reached him.

“Well, Kenzie wanted to open them now,” he said shrugging. “It’s okay. I would have given in too,” Ann said laughing.

Mackenzie loved all over her presents, well except or the tiara that Brandon bought her. It wasn’t her real present, but he couldn’t help but bug her with the whole princess thing. She was probably the only little girl he had ever met who didn’t want to be a princess.

The party dissipated around four. Mackenzie was asleep on the couch, and Ann and Brandon looked to be asleep on their feet as they cleaned up. “Hey, why don’t you and Mackenzie go on home and get some rest?” Brandon said.

“I’ll just help you clean up first,” Ann said as she continued to throw away plastic cups and paper plates.

“I’ve got this. Go get some rest. I’ll come by a little later and we can have movie night. Kenzie’ll love that.”

“You sure?”

“Yeah, go on. You need some rest.”

“Okay, I’ll see you in a few hours then,” Ann said and headed into the house to get Mackenzie.

Mackenzie didn’t wake up as Ann picked her up and took her to the truck. She didn’t wake when Ann put her in her safety seat and buckled her in. Ann had decided to leave Mac’s presents, she figured she’d let Mac decided what she wanted at her house and what she wanted to keep here.

Ann was a few miles from her house when it happened. She didn’t see the truck until it was too late. The truck came over the hill on her side of the road and hit her head on. All Ann saw was a huge black truck and the nothing.

Chapter Ten


Brandon had just finished cleaning up when he heard the truck pull up. He walked around to the front yard and saw a frazzled Jason jumping out of his truck. “Brandon, we’ve got to go,” Jason said as he got back into his truck. “What? What’s going on?” Brandon asked as he got in Jason’s truck. “Ann and Mackenzie were in an accident. From what they told me on the phone Mackenzie’s fine, but Ann…” Jason said as he tore out of the yard and Brandon went pale.

Brandon couldn’t say anything. Images from years ago kept flashing into his mind. The officer at the door telling him his parents were dead. His mom in her casket, and then she changed to Ann. “No,” he said as they pulled up at the hospital. “No, I won’t lose her.”

“We’re not going to,” Jason said as he parked.

They ran into the emergency room. “Where’s my daughter?” Brandon yelled at the receptionist. “What’s her name?” the receptionist asked unfazed. She was used to people yelling at her. People were always impatient around here.

“Mackenzie, Mackenzie Cooper,” Brandon said in a normal tone. “And can you tell me how her mother is, Ann Mackenzie.”

“Mr. Cooper your daughter is in room E5, and her mother is in surgery,” the receptionist said.

Brandon ran back to Mackenzie’s room in the ER. “Sweetie,” Brandon cried as he picked Mackenzie up and hugged her. “Are you okay?” he asked pulling back to look at her. A nurse came in behind him and said, “Not a scratch on her. You must be her dad.”

“Yes, umm can she leave? Well, actually can you point me to the OR waiting room? I need to go see what’s happening with her mom, and I don’t want her out of my sight,” Brandon said with a distraught voice. “Yeah, it’s one floor up. When you get off the elevator the nurses’ station will be in front of you. You can ask them, they’ll be able to tell how she’s doing,” nurse said feeling for him. She had seen the mom and little girl come in. The girl was truly lucky, her mom on the other hand…

Jason stood in the hall way outside Mac’s room fighting tears as he listened to the exchange. Brandon walked out a second later toting Mackenzie. She had her head on his shoulder crying. Without a word Brandon headed to the elevator and Jason followed.

Brandon walked to the nurses’ station as soon as he got off the elevator. “Can you tell me the status of Ann Mackenzie?” he asked the nurse behind the desk. “And you are?” the woman asked. “The father of her child,” Brandon said gritting his teeth. “She’s in surgery,” the nurse said looking at the screen. “I already know that,” Brandon said getting ill. “Can you tell me what’s wrong? Why they needed to do surgery and the surgery is going?”

“I’m only allowed to tell her next of kin that.”

“Look, he is her next of kin. Unless you want to tell her six year old daughter,” Jason said stepping in and flashing his badge. He’d grabbed it as he left the house. He’d had a feeling he was going to need it.

“Well then,” the nurse said flustered and looked back at the screen. “Here I’ll take Mac on to the waiting room,” Jason said taking her from Brandon. Brandon let her go reluctantly. “She has a fractured skull and a brain bleed. That is what they’re doing surgery on. I’m not sure how the surgery is going. No one has come out to inform us, but as soon as I know something I will let you know,” the nurse said.

Brandon nodded at the woman and walked to the waiting room where he saw Jason talking to a cop while Mackenzie clung to him. Brandon walked over and got Mackenzie from him. “Brandon this is the cop who was at the scene, Officer Johnson. Johnson this is Mackenzie’s father,” Jason introduced them.

“What happened?” Brandon asked and sat down in the nearest chair.

“A drunk driver hit them head on,” Officer Johnson replied. “A student from the university had started his partying a little early and decided it would be a good idea to drive is F-350 on the wrong side of the road. We have him in custody.”

Brandon nodded at just sat there. What was there to say? A stupid kid got drunk and drove, and now he might not have the love of his life. How was he going to explain this to Kenzie? Could he handle being a single dad? All of these thoughts ran through his head over and over again as he sat there and waited for news.

Brandon didn’t even realize he was crying until someone handed him a tissue. Jasmine Betts was sitting beside him. ‘When did she get her?’ he thought weakly. “She’s tough. Don’t worry we won’t lose her,” Jasmine said. “You won’t me take Mackenzie for a little while. She’s asleep.”

“No thanks,” Brandon said holding Kenzie to him tighter.

“Okay, do you want me to go get you anything?” Jasmine asked hoping there was something she could do to help.

“No thanks,” Brandon said and went back to staring in space.

Jasmine got up and walked over to Jason. He was standing outside the waiting room and watching the nurses’ desk. As soon as someone came out of the OR, behind the desk, he was going to be there. He wasn’t going to wait for the nurse to come and give them an amended version. He wanted to know the truth.

Jason jumped when he felt someone’s arms go around him, but settle into the embrace when he realized it was Jasmine. “Why her?” Jason asked pressing his face into Jasmine’s hair.

“I don’t know,” Jasmine said wishing she could do more to comfort him.

The doctor came out a couple of hours later. Brandon laid Mackenzie down on a couch, and walked to the door to talk to him. “How is she?” Brandon asked as Jason and Jasmine followed the doctor into the room. The doctor pointed to some chairs by the door and they all sat down.

“The surgery went fine, but she still has some swelling. It will take a little time for it to go down,” the doctor said and paused. “She’s in a coma. I’m not sure how long it will last. As long as there is still some swelling in her brain, at least.”

“But she will wake up,” Brandon said.

“I don’t know,” the doctor said. “It’s a waiting game now. All we can do is wait and see what happens. I wish I had better news.” Brandon stared at him for a second. “May I see her?” Brandon asked.

“She’s being moved to ICU. You should be able to see her in about thirty minutes.”

“Okay,” Brandon said nodding. “Thank you.”

Brandon stood up and walked over to where Mackenzie lay. He knelt down beside her and cried. After a few minutes he wiped his face, and picked Mackenzie up.

Jason and Jasmine sat by the door, and watched as Brandon broke down. Jason and Jasmine both had tears running down their faces. “How are we going to tell her?” Jason asked Jasmine. “How do you tell a child that her mom might not wake up?”

“We don’t,” Jasmine said. “We wait and see what happens. We stay optimistic.” Jason looked at Jasmine and broke down. He laid his head on her shoulder and cried like he never had before.

When Brandon walked toward the door with Mackenzie in his arms, Jason and Jasmine got up and followed him out and up two floors to the ICU.

“Daddy, do we get to see mommy now?” Mackenzie asked as they entered the ICU waiting room. “Yeah, baby,” Brandon said and gave her as kiss on the forehead. He set her on her feet and walked over to the nurses’ station. “May we see Ann Mackenzie now?” Brandon asked. “Are you family?” the nurse asked.

Brandon was truly getting tired of that damn question. He was getting tired of how damn rude they all were. “Yes, I’m her husband.” Brandon said in a clipped voice. “Me and our daughter would like to see her, along with her brother,” Brandon said pointing to Jason, “and his wife.” Brandon figured a couple of little white lies wouldn’t hurt anybody and would get them back there faster.

Mackenzie looked back at Jason when she heard Brandon tell the nurse a lie. Jason shook his head at her to let her know that she shouldn’t call him on it. “But,” Mackenzie began. “But nothing Mac,” Jason said, “I’ll explain later.”

“Okay,” Mackenzie said, “Can we see mommy now?”

“Yeah,” Brandon said turning around. He had wrote all of their names down on the list so they wouldn’t have to answer any more questions. He held Mackenzie’s hand as they all walked back to Ann’s room.

Mackenzie ran to the bed when they got to the room. “Mommy, mommy,” Mackenzie said. “Why won’t she wake up?”

“She needs her rest,” Brandon said squatting down to be eye level with Mackenzie. “Mommy got hurt pretty bad, and she needs a lot of sleep so she’ll get better.”

“Okay,” Mackenzie said in a little voice. “Can I give her a kiss? She always gives me a kiss when she tucks me in.”

“Yeah,” Brandon said over the lump in his throat and picked Kenzie up so she could give Ann a kiss on her cheek.

Jason walked to the other side of the bed. He pulled a chair up and sat down. He held Ann’s hand, and whispered into her ear, “You better get better. I’m not kidding, Annie. We need you here. You can do it. You can do anything. I know you can get through think.” Jason squeezed her hand and kissed her.

Jasmine just looked at her friend. Ann had been the first friend she’d made when she came to Troy. All Jasmine could do for her now was be here for the people she loved. Jasmine place her hand on Jason’s shoulder and squeezed.

After a couple of minutes Jason got up, and said, “Hey why we go to the waiting room and give your dad sometime with your mom?”

“Okay,” Mackenzie said in a small voice and grabbed his hand. Brandon nodded a thank you to him as the three of them filed out of the room.

“Hell of a birthday present huh?” Brandon said to Ann as he sat down in the chair Jason had just evacuated, and held her hand. “Anyway, you know we need you here. So take your time to get better and come back to us. I can’t do this without you. What do I know about being a dad? A dad to a feisty little girl at that. I need you to tell me what I’m doing wrong. Dammit Ann, I just need you.” Brandon laid his head on the bed beside Ann and just cried.

Brandon sat like that crying for about ten minutes. He raised his head when he had no more tears. “Well, as much as I hate to leave, I have to. I’ve got a little girl I have to take care of. I love you, always have, always will,” Brandon said and kissed Ann’s cheek. “So don’t leave me.”


Chapter Eleven


It had been a week since Mackenzie’s birthday and the accident, and there was no change. Ann was still in a coma and the doctors had no news for them. All the doctor kept saying was it could go either way, she could wake up or she could stay in a coma for the rest of her life.

Brandon had spending all day at the hospital with her. He would get up every morning fix Mackenzie’s breakfast and lunch, take her to school, and go to the hospital.

Mackenzie hadn’t wanted to go back to school. She wanted to stay with mommy until she got better, but Brandon knew it would be better for her to have some normalcy. They had argued for an hour Sunday night, until Mackenzie finally gave in. She hadn’t spoken to him for a couple of days after that.

Today he and Mackenzie had gone to the hospital for an hour that morning. Afterward he had taken her to Lynn’s for breakfast. He had decided not to stay at the hospital all day. Mackenzie didn’t need to spend all day at a hospital, and he needed to spend time with her. So instead they went fishing.

“Daddy, when’s momma going to wake up?” Mackenzie asked looking at the water holding her fishing pole.

“I don’t know,” Brandon said. He wished he had an answer for her. He wished he had answer for himself.

“Is she going to wake up? I heard the doctor say she might not ever wake up,” Mackenzie said and a small tear ran down her cheek.

Brandon picked her up and just held her for a second. “Mommy’s going to wake, sweetie. She knows we need her so she won’t leave us. She’ll wake up when she is all healed. I promise,” Brandon said and gave her a kiss on the top of her head.

‘I hope I’m right. I can’t do this without her, and how am I going to explain this to Kenzie if she doesn’t wake up. How am I going to explain that her momma is never coming home? How am I going to explain… anything?’ Brandon thought.

That evening they went to Jason’s for supper. “Hey, we’re here!” Brandon yelled walking into the house not bothering to knock. “In the kitchen,” Jason yelled back, and Mackenzie ran off to greet her Uncle Jay.

“Hey sweetie,” Jason said giving Mac a hug. “How was your day?”

“Okay, we went to see momma, and ate breakfast at Lynn’s. Miss Pam made me smiley face waffle. And we went fishing. And we’re going to go see momma again before we go home,” Mackenzie replied with a sad smile.

“Sounds like a good day,” Jason said. “Want some BBQ for supper?”

“Your BBQ?” Mackenzie asked.

“Of course, would I feed you anyone else’s?” Jason asked feigning hurt.

“Yay, BBQ,” Mackenzie said grinning.

Brandon walked into the kitchen and Mackenzie turned around and said, “Uncle Jay made BBQ. He has the best BBQ.”

“So I’ve heard,” Brandon said smiling at her. “Well, you better go wash up.” Mackenzie ran to the bathroom.

“So, how are you holding up?” Jason asked when they were alone. “I’m holding,” Brandon said. “Where’s Jasmine? I figured she’d be here.”

“She’ll be here in a few minutes. I didn’t realize that the only thing I had to drink was beer until a few minutes ago so she went to get something.”

“Good, I think Kenzie’s still a little too young for alcohol,” Brandon said with a small smile.

“Jasmine said the same thing,” Jason replied faking confusion. “I don’t get it.”

Jason turned back to the pan where the pork sat and went back to pulling it. “So, any news?”

“Nope, she’s the same,” Brandon said with a sigh. He rubbed his hand across his face. “It’s killing me.”

“I know,” Jason said and at the sound of little feet he changed the subject. “So did y’all catch anything?”

“Yeah, we’ll have to fry ‘em up sometime this week.”

“Hey, I didn’t know you had a cat,” Mackenzie said coming back into the kitchen. Jason laughed, “I don’t know. He belongs to Jasmine.”

“Oh, okay. That’s good cause you’re not a cat person.”

“What’s that supposed to mean?” Jason asked turning away from the pulled pork.

“Nothing, you’re just a dog person.”

“No, I’m just an animal person,” Jason said and rolled his eyes at her. He got the reaction he wanted, she laughed. “Ask your dad about all the animals I had growing up?”

“He’s right. He had dogs, cats, ducks, chickens, goats… What else did you have?” Brandon said.

“I think you about covered. No, you forgot the raccoon.”

“I blocked that out.”

“Don’t blame you. Rox didn’t like you.”

“That demon bit me.”

“You shouldn’t have been bothering him.”

“All I did was walk into the yard.”

“Well you shouldn’t have,” Jason said with a shrug.

“Why don’t you have any animals now?” Mackenzie asked. “Well, I’m not home often enough to take care of one. My schedule at the precinct is a little crazy. It would be fair to a pet,” Jason answered.

“Oh, well we could pet sit for you, when you have to work,” Mackenzie offered.

“Is that a sly attempt to ask for a pet?” Brandon asked smiling. He remembered trying something similar on his parents. He got a dog the next day.

“No, of course not,” Mackenzie said. “What’s sly?”

“Sneaky,” Jason answered.

“Oh,” Mackenzie said nodding her head. “So, are you going to get a dog?”

“I don’t know,” Jason said laughing.

“So, you want a dog?” Brandon asked Mackenzie trying to stifle a laugh.

“I didn’t say that. Uncle Jay wants a dog.”

“Uh huh, Uncle Jay do you want a dog?” Brandon asked Jason trying hard to sound serious. Jason acted like he was thinking about it before he shook his head and said, “Nope. I think Mac wants a dog.”

“Uh uh,” Mackenzie said.

“You sure? Because I’d been thinking about getting one, but if you don’t then I guess I won’t,” Brandon said.

“No, I want,” Mackenzie said quickly. Brandon and Jason both laughed outright then. “Okay, we’ll go get a dog tomorrow. “Yay! I get a dog,” Mackenzie said jumping up and down.

“What’s all the ruckus about?” Jasmine asked walking into the kitchen. “Daddy’s getting me a dog,” Mackenzie said smiling.

“Well that’s great,” Jasmine said smiling. It was good to see smiles on all of their faces. She hadn’t seen anything but sadness on their faces for a week. It warmed her heart to see them free for at least a moment. She knew they would go back to thinking about Ann, and be sad again. She understood, she was too, but she knew they needed to have some happiness too.


Later on Brandon and Mackenzie left Jason’s and went to the hospital. Brandon hated thinking of Ann there alone, but there wasn’t anything he could do about it. He had to take care of their daughter. Their little miracle.

Brandon sat in the chair beside Ann’s bed with Mackenzie in his lap, and told her about their day. Mackenzie joining in to tell about how many fish she had caught and the dog they were getting. They stayed there for about an hour, then went home.

“Daddy,” Mackenzie said as she settled into bed, “will you tell me a story about you and momma?”

“Yeah,” Brandon said, “Let’s see. Ah, I’ve got one. Our first kiss was under the oak tree out back. Now I wasn’t always so suave with the ladies. I had been trying to get my courage up to kiss your mother all day. We were twelve and I had just realized she was a girl. I mean I knew she was girl all along, but I had just realized the difference that actually made. I had a huge crush on her. Where I had been confident around her before I was now shy. She had been at my house all day. It was getting late, and we heard her daddy pull. I thought I’d lost my chance until your momma leaned over and kissed me. She said, ‘Well you weren’t going to do it’. “Brandon laughed. “All I could do was stare at her. I couldn’t believe she had just kissed me. By the time I got my wits back her dad was on the back porch telling her it was time to go. So, your mom made the first move, and she has never let me forget it.” Brandon laughed and sat there for a second lost in his memories.

“So, momma kissed you first,” Mackenzie said and laughed. “You were shy.”

“Yep, I was shy, and that’s what she won’t let me forget. She always asked me why I was so shy with a girl I had known my whole life.”

“Well, that’s okay, at least y’all ended up together,” Mackenzie said. “And when mommy gets better we’re going to be a real family.”

“Yeah,” Brandon said as he felt his heart break. He didn’t know if Ann was going to get better, and if she did would she even want him. “Good night sweetie,” Brandon said and gave Kenzie a kiss. “Night daddy.”

The next morning while Brandon was getting Mackenzie ready for school he got a call from the hospital, Ann was awake. Brandon raced to the hospital with Mackenzie sitting in the back seat with a big smile. When they arrived they went to the third floor, they had moved Ann to a regular room.

Mackenzie ran into the room ahead of him. “Mommy!” Mackenzie yelled when she saw her sitting up in bed awake. “Sweetie,” Ann said smiling. The doctor told her she had been in a coma for a week. She couldn’t believe it. She knew everyone must have been scared, especially the little angel running toward her. “Mommy, you’re awake,” Mackenzie said as she climbed up on the bed with Ann. “Yep, I’m awake,” Ann said hugging her. “How’s my baby?”

“Fine, daddy’s been taking care of me. He told me you’d wake up.”

“He did, did he?”

Brandon stood at the door watching them. He couldn’t stop the tears. He was so happy. She was back.

Ann looked up at the door and saw Brandon crying. He mouthed, “I love you.” Ann felt tears come to her eyes, but she smiled and said, “I love you too.”

“So, now we can be a real family,” Mackenzie said looking at her mother then her father.




Brandon stood under the oak tree in the back yard and waited for his bride. The music started and Mackenzie came skipping down the aisle. She waved at everyone and stopped in front of him for a hug and kiss. Brandon laughed and complied, then he pointed to where she was supposed to stand. Mackenzie ran to her spot and stood their grinning.

The music changed and everyone stood. A very pregnant Ann came down the aisle on Jason’s arm. When they reached him, Jason place Ann’s hand in Brandon’s, and said, “It’s about time you married her. You can’t do anything in the right order.” All three of them laughed as Jason went to stand on the other side of Brandon. They turned to the minister and he began, “Dearly beloved…”

As Brandon and Ann walked back down the aisle as husband and wife, Ann said, “Okay, now we need to go to the hospital.”

“What?” Brandon said going pale. “Your, umm…”

“Yeah, I’m in labor. No snap out of it. I don’t feel like driving myself to the hospital.”

“Right,” Brandon said and then yelled to everyone gathered at his house for the wedding, “We’re having a baby. Got to go.” Ann laughed at him as she walked around the house to his car.

Brandon got into the car after helping Ann in. “How close are the contractions?” Brandon asked remembering the teacher in their labor and delivery class saying something about it.

“Close,” Ann said wincing.

“How long have you been in labor?” Brandon asked afraid of the answer. “Since I woke up this morning,” Ann said calmly.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Well, I kind of wanted to get married before this one came.”

“Ann Mackenzie Cooper you completely crazy,” Brandon said laughing. “And I’m completely in love with you.”

About two hours later Ryan Cooper was born.



Texte: H.L.B. Adams
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.04.2014

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To my mom who has always supported me. Being a single mom isn’t easy, but some days she made it look like a piece of cake. Thank you for everything Momma. I love you.

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