
i wounder do you see when you look at me?

do you love me or hate me i cant tell becase you never look at me anymore or as much as we met.

my love for you hase not changed for you,i wish you can see that.

i dont know but every time i see you with HER it makes me mad and hurt a lot.

but when i see you i notice that your love for me is unsure too. i can see that you still ove me,but when i look into thoses blue eyes of yours they tell diffrent.

what i did hunts me very time i sleep. its my fault for what happend,its my fault that i hurt you so much. i wish i can do something to make the pain you fell go away.

i die every day i awake form my nightmares they never stop i cant get rid of them no matter how hard i try.

i wan to say this to you my love.i know that i hurt you deeply and i can see that too,i know that you may not for give me right away as i liked to but i can wait for you.

i know that you dont always trust me and i thought you hated me for what i did and let me say that i am sorry for what i did , if i could go back and change the past i would.

i cry almost every time inside for what happend an i wan your love back and you so that i can make you happy agian.

all i want is to be your girlfriend again and this time i am going to chage.i wish you could see that sometimes i feel like i dont exesit when you see me. i will love you for ever and always.


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