
The alarm clock beeped startling me, I jumped up excited; this is going to be the best summer, I will ever have, I hurried into the washroom, I had packed up most of the things weeks back… double checking everything, mom rolled her eyes seeing me, she was averse to the idea of sending me to grandpa’s.

She had to leave the town for a month on a special duty and she wasn’t sure of leaving me all alone and with Cousin Jenny’s marriage, she decided reluctantly to send me to grandpas. I could be never happier than that day when she said that she is sending me to grandpas.

“Be careful…” Mom said for the umpteenth time giving me a goodbye kiss, she waved to me until our car was out of her vicinity.

I relaxed and played my favorite songs, I drummed on my laps gazing out of the down as the buildings are slowly replaced by trees and mountains…the best thing about grandpa’s place is; it’s a small wood house tucked safely in a wide forest away from all the hubbub of city life. There are ponds, waterfalls, caves and what not.

My cousin Jerry is a best chum; he had unique abilities to climb trees and jumping from great heights into the lake. He is so much fun when around. Aunt Rose is the best cook; she cooks the best spicy foods. The best thing of going there is I’ll have freedom to do whatever I want, no restrictions.

As the woods came into sight, I couldn’t contain my excitement; I popped my head out the window and inhaled the fresh air that carried the woods smell. It was intoxicating… I heard a distant howl and from the corner of my eye I saw Ron, mom’s assistant flinch. Mom thought it was best idea to make him drop me at grandpas.

“Don’t worry…They are just wolves…grandpa said that the wolves that live here are friendly…”I said smiling.

Ron must be probably thinking that my grandpa is mad to say such thing but he didn’t know that my grandpa befriends them. True, he pets wolves. That is another reason for my mom’s reluctance; she never came back to the woods after she married except for the time when her brother, Uncle Frank died.

I jumped out of the car as soon as it skidded to a halt and ran into the house, it was empty.

“Grandpa …Aunt Rose…Jerry…” I shouted while Ron unloaded my trunk.

“Where did they all go?” I searched every room. Ron went rigid when he saw a wolf stealthily walking towards me.

“Wolf…”he stammered. “What?” Before I could cover the wolf tackled me to ground and licked my face just like a normal dog.

“Danny…”It cried in excitement as I recognized it. It’s huge paws restrained me from getting up. I rubbed its ears and it backed off from me and fell on the floor tossing.

“That… is a wolf…” he muttered.

“Told you…” I smiled.

“Yasmin…”Grandpa looked older than the last time; he pulled me into a bear like hug.

“You’re all grown.” He said with a twinkle in his eyes.

“What are you 20 or what?”He smirked.

“I’m 17…” I pouted. He chuckled pulling me into another hug. True, I looked older than my age, I had chestnut hair that fell over my shoulders in a mass of curls, almond eyes, olive skin, thin nose, lush lips, high cheek bones, the best assets that I had are; my dimpled cheeks and an hour glass body with 5’7 height.

“I think I should go now…” Ron mumbled.

I waved him off, poor guy; he must have been terrified when Danny jumped on me. Danny is Jerry’s wolf, he petted it but the weirdest thing is I never saw them together.

Grandpa grabbed my things and led me into the house, “I have cleaned up your room a bit…”he said dropping my bags in my room.

This used to be mom’s room and last summer when I visited granpa, I was given this room since it was too small for mom and dad.

“You must be hungry…freshen up and come down.” He left me. I sent message to mom, saying that I reached home safely. This was another agreement she made with me to send me here, I had to text her back every hour.

Delicious smells wafted from the kitchen… My stomach groaned in response to the smells. I heard loud chatter from the kitchen, it felt like 20 or more persons all trying to talk at the same time.

The kitchen room was filled with many people; they were all same; bulky, tall and shirtless… I blushed as they acknowledged my presence by eying my every move.

“Yas…” I heard a familiar voice… I met with cold blue eyes as he lifted up the ground and swirled me.

“Jerry…put me down…” I scowled, I felt wobbly as he set me on my feet.

I had to crane my neck to see him better, he towered over me. He had hefty shoulders, nicely chiseled body, strong muscles, tanned skin, he looked super hot. I noticed that even his eyes had changed a bit; there is a silver ring around the cold blue color. I winced as I felt an unusual chill in me.
“You’ve grown so much and what is it with being shirtless…”I said eying all the guys in the kitchen.

They casted an evil grin one after the other in perfect harmony… I rolled my eyes. This is getting more interesting a house full of boys, huh?

I walked into the kitchen two see three more new faces, one girl is about my age, she had thin frame, round face, wide set eyes, she had the darkest hair, another girl is like 15 or 14, another one is around 20’s, a brunette.

“Aunt Rose…” She was busy all the time chopping the vegetables as soon as she saw me her face lit up with joy.

“Yas...”She hugged me. “Um…Do you need any help?” I asked.

“Just go and talk to Jerome, I’ll be there in a few minutes…” That felt weird; I never heard aunt calling him with his real name.

I dragged Jerry out of the crowded room into the backyard, they are around 8 of them but still the house seemed to be crowded.

“Who are they?” I asked Jerry.

“They are my friends…” he said.

“Are you in a gang…?” He chuckled and nodded ‘no’

It does seem like one, with all those bulky and muscular bodies, with a freakish smile on their faces.

“Where’s Jen, I haven’t seen her around?” I asked.

“She is probably with Ulric…” he shrugged.

“You mean her fiancée…”I asked. “Did she know that I was coming?” I sulked.

“She is inseparable from him…he chuckled.

“Whatever…” I snapped when I heard a peeling laughter from the northern side of woods. I stared at the canopy of trees; the branches fluttered and out emerged a petite looking girl. She was so immersed in the eyes of a guy who held her hands lovingly, kissing her knuckles gentle, she blushed hard.

Jerry cleared his throat; the two love birds broke away the eye lock and spared a glimpse on us. Jenny’s eyes went wide as she saw me standing beside Jerry.

“Yas…” She skipped with joy and hugged me.

She pulled back in a second and enveloped her tiny hands into the guy’s that earned a grunt from me.

“Don’t mind them…they are like newlyweds.” Jerry gave a quick reply waving his hands at them.

Aunt Rose made me eat bellyful. Jerry introduced his friends, I picked up a few names; Jake the blonde his girl friend heather, the brunette I saw in kitchen. Caleb the poker faced and his girlfriend is dark haired girl, Julia. When he said that the small girl, lucy is with kris, I frowned.

Jerry’s best pal Sam is the only one, who seemed not to be affected by my presence, others are giving wary about me. He teased Jerry with me; I pretended to be oblivious about it.

“What are your plans, today?” Jerry asked munching on his sandwich. I shrugged.

“Let’s go swimming, then…”Sam said mouthfuls.

“Not today… let her take rest.” Aunt Rose said.

Jerry and I walked all the way up to the mouth of the waterfall, the water is very cold, I hesitated to go in but Jerry pushed me into the waterfall, the water fell over my head making me breathless, I stumbled a bit back, I took a deep breath before going in again.

It felt great, I was so immersed in the enjoying that I didn’t I didn’t notice Jerry, until he landed into the pool below with a splash; he raced back up to me.

<Kyle’s POV>
Kyle watched over the borders, their pack had already sensed another pack living here; they made plans to claim the territory soon. He had sent every day one of the pack members to watch over their activities. This day he felt like doing it. He let his wander into the forest and ran in the direction that the scent led him to. He heard laughter and chatter and counted them by distinguishing them by their voice, there are 9 of them and three girls.

The wind carried the smell of pines mixed with something else that had a faint smell of vanilla. A soft windy voice echoed in the forest, He cautiously moved forward to see who it was.

A girl is standing surrounded by pack members, her laughter is like ringing bells, her hair stuck to her olive skin, she had the curves that any girl would die for, her fragrance intoxicated him, and it unleashed the beast inside him. I waited impatiently for the girl to turn because all I could see was her back, which is picture perfect.

“Yasmin…”the beta of the pack splashed more water on her, that’s it she would turn her head away now. Everything moved in slow motion, her dimpled cheeks were tinged with pink, her lush lips quivered, her almond eyes held all my center of attraction, she had the most beautiful eyes that I had ever seen, I was oblivious to everything around me, every noise and every sound was cut off from me, it’s only her voice or nothing else, my heart beat slowly gathered momentum and began to beat vigorously as her laughter echoed in my chest walls. I could feel the burning desire welling up in my heart.

The pack sensed a foreign creature in their land and went alert, I had to move before they come and find me but I couldn’t will my legs to move, the alpha of the pack grabbed her and started to walk her away, she resisted him. He looked down at her; she shivered and followed after him.

I could sense her fear and that made me even mad, I wanted rip his head off for scaring her. All the girls are pushed to the center and the pack formed a protective circle around them and marched away. I longed to see her; she took away a piece of me along with her.

Reluctantly, I moved into the confines of the forest, I wanted her more than anything. I need to devise a new plan to attack this pack that held my heart. I ran in frustration to the pack house, my beta sensed everything that happened, his face is elated with joy knowing that I finally found my mate and that I had imprinted someone.

“Do you want to attack them tonight?” That idea sounded so exciting especially taking them down meant having her but I had something’s to take care of before we attacked.

<Yasmin’s pov>
I could never forget how his blue eyes turned into silver and how a feral growl just like Danny’s escaped from his lips. We are having a lot of fun and everything seemed to be fine until everyone wet rigid and Jerry started dragging me outside the pool, they formed a circle around us and walked us home, it was like there is something in the woods that is going to pounce on us at anytime. The girls comprehended to the situation and acted like but I missed something that they all knew.

I heard Danny scratching the door, he wanted to let me in and so I did, it pounced on to my bed and made comfortable. I pushed it aside to make some space for me; I fell asleep on the haunted by weird dreams that day.

It was like I was house arrested, they didn’t let me go out, I couldn’t even talk long walks. Most of the times I heard Jerry and his gang having arguments when I tried to eavesdrop, they would suddenly go silent as if they knew that I was hearing. It irritated me to a great extent. I couldn’t take it any longer after staying two days in the limits of the room. I sneaked out of my room and started walking at a leisure pace in the forest, I inhaled deeply the scent of wet soil, I watched amazed at the canopy of trees that protected me from sunlight. I sat by a tree and leaned my back towards it; I pulled out my I-pod and ear plugs… I startled as I hear a rustle of leaves, I shrugged. It must be probably Jerry but isn’t he in the house discussing something with the others.

“Jerry…”I whispered afraid to speak up. There is no answer.

“Sam…is that you? You are freaking me out guys.” I called.

“Am I?” A slow but steady voice replied, I could feel the power in that voice. It wasn’t like any voice that I heard.

“Who are you? Show yourself…” I said.

Another rustle of leaves again and then I saw a most handsome guy emerge out of the trees, he is as tall as Jerry, broad shouldered, his muscles flexed as he walked towards me, his hooded eyes held my gaze, his smart mouth set in a playful grin. I couldn’t avert my eyes away from him.

“Hello, Yasmin.” He flashed his brilliant smile.

“How do you know my name?” I couldn’t ignore the gut feeling that said that he is dangerous.

“Yas…run.” I heard the familiar voice of Jerry. A feral growl resounded in the forest and a huge white wolf stood separating me and Jerry, the white wolf bent his head lower and gestured me to fall back. Something about it seemed so familiar… I saw Jerry rushing charging towards the white wolf with a spike in his hand.

“Don’t…”I rushed towards him, he isn’t going to harm it. The white wolf send it’s paw and I stumbled and fell backwards.

“Watch…” the powerful voice that I heard before said, I searched for him but he was nowhere to be seen, I was damn sure that it was him that I heard.

I heard another growl and I saw Jerry jumping high up into the air, he jumped into the air with two legs and landed on four paws… Danny was standing in the place where Jerry had to be.

“Danny…” I shouted. It perked up its ears and gave fleeting glimpse towards me.

Growls erupted in the forest, I covered my eyes afraid to see what’s happening after a while I heard low whimper; the white wolf was standing majestically over Danny. It looked ferocious… Danny whimpered as blood oozed from its legs.

“Danny…”my voice was meek but it caught the white wolf attention, It released Danny and left.

“See you until the next time…” that same voice said. The white wolf raced off into the forest catching a last glimpse at me.

I rushed towards Danny, but there is no Danny all I could see was Jerry writhing in pain, I froze unable to understand anything, it didn’t make any sense. It was a long walk from here and I don’t know if he could make it there. Thankfully Sam and others walked towards us, they carried Jerry away into the house, I tagged along them checking out the forest for that mystery man again.

“Don’t you think we should call a doctor?” I asked as Aunt Rose cleaned up the wounds.

“He’ll heal don’t worry…” Grandpa said.

“Don’t you think we should give him tetanus shot or something because it’s an animal bite…”I said.

“He is fine…”Grandpa said. I scooted over to his side, something is really not right. I watched in amazement as his wound began to contract and cover up on whole, there isn’t a tiny scratch in its place, I prodded grandpa to see it, he just nodded as if it is a casual thing to see.

“What’s happening?” I screamed at him.

“You shouldn’t have gone out alone…” Jerry replied curtly.

“Don’t tell me that… I want to know what’s really happening.”

I heard grandpa heave a big sigh. “Jerry is a werewolf…” Did I hear it, right?

“In fact all the boys are werewolves…”he corrected. I thought it was my overactive imagination when I saw a few years back Jerry changing into a big dog… My family said that was my dream.

“And you are?” I asked.

“I used to be one…” Jerry cut me off before I could ask any more questions.

“It’s not important now; the important thing that we need to is to plan an attack…”

“Are you out of your mind?” Grandpa grumbled.

Jerry glared at him. “The chance of making it out alive after fighting a descendant is close to 0.”he said.

“What do they want?” Jenny put a quick question.

“They claim this territory to be their own and they want her…” Grandpa said eying me.

Chills ran down my body, what me? What do they want with me? What else they wanted to kill me but for what?

“Never… ” Jerry screamed.

I felt at ease after hearing that. “We have no other choice…” Jack said.

“Hey…What are you talking? You want him to handover me to him to become their meal?” I yelled at him.

“What are we going to do?” Jerry looked at Grandpa for answer.

“I know what I’m going to do….I’m going back home away from all this.” I said heading up the stairs.

“No… you aren’t honey.” I heard the familiar voice of the stranger.

Growls erupted in the room as the stranger walked in with a group, In a flick of second the stranger had pinned Jerry to the ground.

“I’m in a good mood so I’ll spare all the lives of your pack…” He sneered.

“Now… do we have any agreement?” He asked helping Jerry up.

Jerry nodded, that’s it? He is going to give up on me that easily. That hurt me a lot…

“I thought you loved me…” I said in a disappointed voice.

“I do…but I value my pack’s life more than anything.” He said.

I kicked him with all the force that I could muster and it felt like hitting a rock, I shouted in pain. The stranger and Jerry reached out for me at a time but I shoved them off.

“I’m not going anywhere… If I’m going anywhere that would be my home...” I said rubbing my feet with fingers.

“Let me help you…”The stranger knelled down and massaged my fingers.

“Who are you? Why do you want to kill me?” I said making a sad face. He chuckled.

“I’ll never dream of hurting you…” The way he said it offered me peace of my mind.

“Can I go home?” I asked tentatively.

“You cannot…”he said.

“But…”He hushed me, his eyes met mine and I felt trapped in those eyes, he scooped me up and carried me away.

I woke in a huge, plush bed. I was afraid to see myself in new surroundings. I got down the bed and soft feather mattress touched my feet.

“Good morning…” The mysterious stranger sat in front of my bed holding a steaming cup of coffee and sandwich set on the table.

“I hope you are hungry…”his face was set with the devilish grin.

“Who are you? Where am I?” I asked tentatively reaching for the cup.

I sat on the bed Indian style keeping a safe distance away from him, sipping the hot coffee, I know that he probably would have mixed something in it but my groaning stomach fogged my senses.

“I am Kyle and I think you probably guessed that I’m a were wolf.”

“The white wolf…” He grinned.

“You are in my house…” he said.

“Why did you bring me here? Do you want um…”

“You are my mate…” he said.

“That doesn’t make any sense…”I said.

“Close your eyes…” I frowned but did what he said.
“Take a few deep breaths… Do you hear my voice…” I nodded.

“Can you see me…? Can you feel my heart beat?” the faint rhythm of his heart pounded in my head, his heart was synchronized with that of my own hear beat. A slow smile spread across my face. Weird but fascinating.

“Our two hearts are bonded and if something happens to you…”he trailed off.

“I get it…” I could feel his pain literally when he uttered those sentences.

“Does that mean I’m stuck here forever…”I asked.

“For a few days…”

“Will you let me go after that?” I asked a bit too excited.

“You’ll get used to it…”he chuckled.

“Do you love me?” My question surprised him. “I mean imprinting on someone doesn’t mean that you love them, right? It’s just like an agreement between two hearts…”

He laughed merrily. “Imprinting a person is like love at first sight only stronger…”he said.

I nodded.

“Grandpa mentioned something about descendants what does that mean?” I asked.

“Descendants are the off springs of the originals, the real were wolves or you can say pure bloods… Your family is wolves made by the wolf bite.” I looked confused.

“My ancestors are spirit warriors, they used to use their different animal spirits using an animal spirit is like using a part of us but one of our ancestor totally gave into his animal spirit while fighting to save his family. The wolf spirit he gave into took our, his body and since then it was only his wolf that he changed into…” I nodded.

“So you are actually spirit warriors that are no longer using other animal spirits…” I asked. He nodded.

He slowly made to my side while telling me the story.

“Will you bite me to make me one of you…?”

“I’m not going to hurt you…” he said gently squeezing my hands. His warm and gentle touch fluttered my heart.

“Do you want to look around?” He asked casually.

I nodded. He led me through a huge house; my eyes went wide on just seeing how huge the house was. It was probably ten times bigger than grandpa’s house.

About 5 guys sat in the hall watching T.V, they stiffened up as soon as they saw us. They gentle bowed as we passed by them.

“What was that for?”

“You are the alpha female that brings you respect…” he said with a proud grin.
“I don’t like being curtsied; it’s like in ancient times…” I said. “How old are you?” I asked suddenly remembering all the myths about the were wolves age.

“Just a little over 300…”he tittered.

“Great…” I sneered.

He gave me a tour of the house and there are some females whom Kyle introduced as mates of the pack. He led me back to my room after gave me around tour.

“I’ll leave you now… lunch at 12.” He said closing the door behind.

All my tensions were dumped up on me as soon as his calming presence is out of my sight, I panicked remembering everything. I took a few long breaths but that doesn’t seem to calm down. I took a long shower; water seemed to calm my nerves.
I fumbled through his entire wardrobe and found his pajamas and a shirt; I had to make more than 10 folds to wear them. Two people like me could easily fit in that shirt.

My stomach groaned and I ran to the kitchen remembering about dinner. As soon as I entered the dining room, Kyle’s pack curtsied. I glared at them. I felt Kyle’s eyes checking me out and he burst into laughter.

“If you had given me enough time to get my things…” I pouted. That earned another smile.

“Tony…get her things.” He commanded to a guy sitting next to him. He pulled a chair close to him and made me sit.

“Tony aka Anthony is my second in command…”he said.

He introduced the whole pack but I couldn’t pick all their names… I need time, I thought.

I sat watching T.V with the pack; they seemed to ease off after a little while. They are like regular men when I watched them doing regular things like humans. I tried to remember their names… but I failed. After a few attempts I gave up and watched T.V.

“Why are you here…?” I asked all of a sudden.

“We move all the time, we don’t stay longer in any place…” he replied.

“What do you do for living?” I asked.

“We work just like other humans do…” he said.

“Where do you work?” I asked.

“I’m currently running an errand for an original…”

“What is that errand?”

“Shh…” he hushed me and gestured me to watch the movie. Evening passed by as we silently watched old movies.

Tony brought my things along with it a letter from Jenny. What’s that letter? Kyle asked, I shrugged and raced off into my room.

“What is it?” He asked coming in.

“She invited me for her wedding…”

“Take Tony with you…I may not be here tomorrow…” he said.

“Do you want to change? I can wait outside…”he said.

“No…I’m comfortable…” I said tapping on the bed beside me.

“My mom is going to be there…I don’t know how I’m going to explain all of this to her…” I said imagining how she would react. She would probably think I’m mad. I know that I had no choice but tell her the truth.

“Don’t worry… everything will sort out.”

“It’s easy for you to say…You’re not the one that had to do it…” I retorted.

His eyes were filled with pain; I could feel how much he is hurt by my words. He stood up to leave…

“Don’t go…”I clutched his hands. This mixed emotions is throwing me out of my mind; I couldn’t help but love him even after all that he did.

<Kyle’s POV>
Her confused feelings weren’t totally unexpected but it hurt me a lot to hear when she said something like that. I sat by her side as she dozed off into sleep, I spread a blanket over her, her calm and relaxed smile while she slept intrigued me, she wrapped my hands around her unconsciously, I had to move closer to make her feel comfortable, he vanilla scent wafted my nostrils, I had the sudden urge to kiss her, I locked the beast inside me as it urged for a release.
I watched over her as she slept carefree of the outer world. She tossed and wrapped her arms around me; she moved her head and placed her head over my chest gently. I wrapped my arms around her as she shivered suddenly in sleep. She relaxed after a while some time in the night I fell asleep.

I didn’t want to let her go but if I said no she would be hurt and I had to meet up with the Karl… I reluctantly let her go with Tony, Tony promised to take good care of her and I trust him on that.

I was in constant vigilance over Tony’s thoughts. I waited in Karl’s office tapping my feet impatiently.

“Did you get any useful information?” Karl’s power radiated as he walked into the office, he was one of the originals and a very powerful one at that. He peered at me as he sat on his huge oak chair.

“I reached the dead end sir, the last heir of the Nolan is dead 200 years back…”I informed him. He twitched his brow.

“You may go now but don’t stop the search…”he said.

What’s so important about finding a heir to a long last family? Whose family is it? Tony’s scream jerked me into reality. I searched his mind… Yas is missing. I shifted and ran into the darkness of night searching for the beat of her heart… I was able to pinpoint the direction after a few failed attempts… she was moving quickly. I reached a point where I could feel her so close to me. A car was racing through the road and I could hear the voice of Yas crying for help.

I landed on the bonnet and the tires screeched on the gravel coming to a halt, I broke open the door and got Yas out of the car, In a flicker someone pinned me to the ground. I recognized the scent.

“What owes me this pleasure, Flora?” I sneered.
I back flipped and changed into my wolf form, she changed back into a gray wolf, we fought neck to neck, it was hard beating her since she had over 100 years of experience than me but I knew her weak points. I flipped and hit her on the heel and pinned her to the ground in a quick movement.
“What are you doing here?” I restrained her hands from doing anything.

“I stopped by to see you,” she sweet talked me.

“Cut that out… I know you very well. So just spit the truth…” I pulled my hold on her neck closer.

“Kaius granted me freedom if I delivered her.” she said.

“What does Kaius want with her?” I asked.

I glanced at Yas for a fleeting second; Flora pulled away from my grip and ran into the darkness of the forest.

I looked at Yasmin, her face was struck with horror, she collapsed onto the floor.


Texte: The contents of the book are strictly mine and I hold evry right over them.
Bildmaterialien: The cover picture belongs to an excellent artist that I found online, I don't hold any tights over it.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 31.01.2012

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