
It couldn’t get any worse, all my life I have waited for this day to come. I’m inch away from achieving my goal only to be pulled away by my mother. I have been working hard to get this position and mom wants me to give up; to marry some random guy who is earning some 30 grand a month. Why doesn’t she understand that I can earn far better if only she would give me a chance. I tried talking to her but as soon as I start something, she would argue, yell and then start to cry. She would never change the sequence not for anyone. I usually end up doing whatever she asks me of but this is one matter that had discretion.

“Nina...Are you finished yet?” I wanted to yell at her to back off but I could never do that to her. She is the only one I had, she had gone through many things yet she would never give up on me, after papa passed away she had to work to maintain our small family and see to my needs. Life was hard on her, she had no family that could back her up when she was in trouble and papa’s family never liked her.

I found a new pair of Sari on my bed, what is a Sari doing on my bed? I made it pretty clear last night that I’m not going to see him. I wanted to make sure that I did so I reeled past the memory of last night.

“Nina…Um…” Why is she stuttering? Something is up, I thought. “Mama…Just say it.” I said drenching the Roti in Dal.

“Do you want more Dal?” She asked quickly. I dropped the piece of roti on my plate and stared at her.
“What is it?” I asked.

“Mr. Nayak brought a good match today…” I sighed. “Mama…I made it pretty clear last time…” she cut me off.

“He is working in some good company at USA, he earns thirty grand, I saw his picture he is even good looking, and you’ll definitely like him.” She pleaded.

“Mom… you wait a year and then I’ll earn more than him…” I said necessarily stressing the last part.

She glared icily at me. “He is coming to see you tomorrow.” She said scurrying into the kitchen.
“What…? Fine…I’ll not be at home tomorrow…” I shouted unnecessarily raising my voice a bit.

“You are not going anywhere; I’ve heard enough of your excuses. You are going to marry this guy. No more discussions…” Her voice pitched.

“I’ll die before I marry him…” I screamed. It took a melodramatic turn I guess when I said that. She winced at my sudden outburst and I could see her eyes clouding. Tears slipped through her eyes.

“Why do you have to deny everything I ask?” she cried. It wrenched my heart apart; I didn’t mean to make her cry.

“Mama… please… It’s just I need some time to get settled in life before I make any commitments.” I pleaded.

She wiped away the tears and looked at me.

“I’ll marry but not now…” I said and making sure that she ate something, I left to my room to check my mail.

With that last memory, I was brought back to the present with a red designer sari in my hands. I tucked it safely into my wardrobe furious that she had the guts to do exactly the opposite of what I asked. I wore a black salwar suit and headed downstairs, delicious smell of sweets wafted from the kitchen. I licked my lips and imagined how they would taste in my mouth as I saw them.

Mama had no time to look up, she was preparing various dishes, a plan formed in my mind, if I couldn’t get it from her, I would play nice just like her and do what I wanted to do.

The door bell went off and I rushed to see who it was on the door, a middle aged woman was standing on the door with a bright smile playing on her face, she was round and everything about her screamed money, plump lips smeared with lip gloss, she wore a pattern of pearls around her neck that matched her Sari. She had the meanest look on her face. I had the sudden urge to wipe coal on her neatly done face. Next to her, stood an elder gentleman wearing a blue suit, wearing gold rimmed glasses that hid his intelligent eyes, his lips were pulled in tight line as if his wife had ordered him not to make a sound; the woman placed her arm into his smiling at me.

“You are…?” I asked though I made a pretty good guess of who they are. “Nina…Who is it?” Mama said walking towards me. Her frown disappeared and a big smile played on her face.

“I’m sorry…come on in.” She held the door wide open for them making unwanted curtsy to them. I hate this part very much; In India groom’s parents are treated highly by the bride’s parents.

I stood by the door watching mama trying to make them comfortable on our sofa. I heard someone clear throat behind me. Now, what?

I met his deep brown eyes, his thin lips were holding a sweet smile, thin nose, and he looked like one of those typical NRI in his black suit.

“Can I come in?” his accent was mixed and kind of seemed funny to me. I moved aside to let him in. Mama stood beside me and poked me in the ribs while engaging them in talk.

“We didn’t expect you so early…” Mama said.

“You better have a good reason for not being in sari…”Mama chided and pushed me towards the stairs.

“Nina…You better get ready.” Mama said pushing me. I glared at her; I can’t argue, not now when there are outers in the house.

“That’s not necessary, Mrs. Sharma.” The NRI said. I gave a fake smile.

Mama spoke about my education and up bringing while they spoke about theirs; I lowered my head forming quick plans in my mind. After some usual chatter about it they left me alone with him hoping we would talk.

I wanted to scream and shout at him for coming here… what if mama likes the match? It’ll ruin any chances of my own career.

“Hi…I’m Siddanth but friends call me Sid.” He tried to make conversation. I never replied nor nodded my head to show him any positive sign that I was listening.

He started ranting about his job and how I would be comfortable in LA. The urge to make him shut his mouth grew more intense as seconds passed by.

“I don’t want to marry…” I said dropping a bomb on him and that did explode well. His eyes were wide like saucers.

“What do you mean?” His voice shook, he is obviously upset.

“Mama thinks it’s a good match but honestly, I’m not ready for commitment. I had plans for a job this year… “I was cut off when he stood up and walked away.

His parents scurried after him his mother throwing daggers at me with her eyes. I shrugged. Mama was standing beside me; her looks told me that she was beyond mad.

“What did you say?” she shouted. “The same… You didn’t listen to me so I had to say it to him.” I said and ran off into my room and closed the door behind until she cooled it off.

New mail popped up in my inbox, Ria is online.

Ria: How did it go?
Nina: Scared him off
Ria: Is he good looking?
Nina : What’s the point? It’s over.
Ria: Did you get the mail from Khanna industries?
Nina : no
Ria : gotta go

I logged off the system; I fell on my bed thinking about the mail, it’s been a week since the interview, I was one of the lucky few that got selected for the interview after a series of tests. The job offered us good pay, and all other allowances but the best thing about it was good position in India’s top must industries. I silently prayed to god to give me this job, if he doesn’t I could easily imagine what my life is going to be; married to some jerk and playing along with his wishes.

I perked my ears to hear any sounds from downstairs but it is unusually quiet. I stayed up for a while before going for lunch, mama wasn’t in kitchen so I quickly glutton some sweets, and they were delicious. One good thing that comes out of their visit, I licked my lips to feel the taste of syrup.

Mama walked past me as if I wasn’t there at all, she scooped up the rice into her plate and started eating without making even eye contact.

“Mama…I’m sorry. I told you that I need time…” I pleaded. She made no notion of hearing to me. I sat waiting for her to respond but she kept on eating and rinsed her plate and left into her room without a word. This is the worse way to express your anger against someone; I didn’t have the appetite to eat after that.

I took a nap and I woke up to see darkness surround me, I checked my mobile and it’s 8pm. I slept too long. My stomach groaned complaining that I had to eat; I rushed downstairs and munched on whatever I could. My mobile beeped and there is a text message from an unknown number. It stated.
“You have been selected for the post of P.A by Khanna industries, for further details check your mail.”

I hugged mama and cried in joy, “I got the job…” I shouted kissing her. I ran into my room and checked their service agreement and date of joining. I instantly mailed my friends about it and received a few replies asking for party.

I am in cloud9; my life has settled for the best, Mama should no longer have to work… She could retire now and spend the rest of the days peaceful; I would do everything that she wished for.

Early next morning, I woke up to see mama staring down at me. “Get ready soon…” She took me to temple, I don’t know what she wished exactly for but my life has turned topsy-turvy since that day. She made all my favorite dishes that day… We spent the rest of the day preparing for my big day.

“Finally… all our troubles came to an end. You don’t have to work anymore…We could do everything that you always wished for. We could go to Tajmahal, remember… you always wanted to see it.” I said.

She kissed me on my forehead. “I’m proud of you and so is your papa…I wish he is here to see his little girl grow up.” she said blinking back tears.

I had never seen mama so cheerful; her face was alive after so many years. I slept on her laps as she lulled me into sleep but there was a nagging feeling in my mind that this wasn’t going to last. Sometime in the night she kissed me goodnight and left to her room. She tucked me in as I fell asleep on the sofa.

The door bell startled me to wake up, I stretched myself and my neck felt soar from sleeping on the sofa. The wall clock said its 9, where is mama? I collected the milk can and newspaper from the door, I freshened up, still there is no noise from kitchen that is weird, mama usually wakes up early. May be she is sick and staying in bed. With that thought I finished off quickly and ran to her room with a cup of coffee. Coffee always seems to help her get started.

“Mama…Look what I got for you…” I said setting the coffee down on her bed side table. I opened the windows to let the sun rays filter in. She didn’t even flinch at the light… she lay so still in her bed that worried me.

“Mama… Get up…” I jerked her to wake up. She was so still, my heart began to race and I started to take deep breaths trying to calm down before checking on her pulse. Her skin was cold, I checked her pulse. Tears welled up in my eyes, I shouted at her to wake up, cursed her for leaving me…

Three days had gone since mama left me alone in this world…she took away a piece of my heart along with her. That small piece made all the difference, memories of her haunted my living days… Doesn’t she love me? If she did why would she leave me to fend myself? It’s not just her heart that stopped that day … I found nothing that I should live for… I locked myself away from the world hoping that I would disappear just as papa and mama did.

“Nina…Open the door.” Ria pounded on our door. She has been constantly trying to make me talk. I appreciate her concern but I wanted to be left alone, I don’t want to get closer to anyone. I was closer to papa when I was a kid, then I lost him. Later it was the same with my brother and now I lost mama. Every time I get close to someone, they are brutally ripped off from my life.

“Nina…Will you open it or shall I break in?” Ria was shouting. I gathered myself and slowly staggered to the door, I unlocked the door slumping on to the floor, I had not eaten anything for three days, I don’t even want to, whom should I live for? I heard Ria gasping seeing the state I’m in. She walked me to the sofa and sat me.

“You look like hell…”She said eying me.

“I’m in hell…” my voice was croaked from all the crying. Not even a second passed by when I didn’t see mom in my life and now all of a sudden… I trailed off as fresh tears began to make their way. Ria held on to me as I sobbed, everything I did was to make her happy now nothing seemed important. It was like she dreamed for me and I worked it to make it true, after papa passed away, we had a closely knitted relation, not one day passed without us fighting, mom was so selfless when it comes to me so was I, this always made us argue but deep down our heart our love was so great.

“Drink this…” I heard a familiar voice but couldn’t say who it was. I sealed my lips complaining like a child that I won’t but they thrust it into my mouth and the warm contents slowly slipped through my mouth and I could feel my numb body starting to feel the ache.

My eye lids were as heavy as lead, I blinked them twice to make sure that they are still there. Ria opened all the doors to let in the fresh air, the sudden light stung my eyes, “Don’t…” I screamed but my voice was barely above whisper.

“Oh my god! Nina. What have you done to yourself?” She said scooting over to my side.

“Nothing…I just want to be left alone…” My voice was raw and my throat just hurt me more, drinking that warm milk made my stomach remember that it had been starving. It didn’t help much with ache in the heart.

“We have been there… Look at what you have done when you were left alone…” She chided.

I shrugged. It doesn’t matter anymore to me even If I die…

“Your mother will be devastated if she sees you like this…” the words slipped too fast out of her mouth, she bit her tongue for reminding the one thing that she shouldn’t.

“The problem is; she isn’t here and will never be…” I mumbled.

She hugged me hard. “She is always by your side watching you all the time…”She said.

Vicky brought breakfast for me and Ria tried to make me eat, I couldn’t live after all this but she forced the breakfast down my throat.

“She always wanted you to be happy, her happiness lies in yours, and you should be strong and fulfill her dreams just like you thought you would do. She has sacrificed so much in her life; all her struggles would be in vain if you waste away.”

She was right; I’m tainting her dreams by doing exactly opposite of what she would like me to do. I nodded meekly.

“You need to start a new life… and joining in a job is the best way to do that. You’ve always dreamed for this job and now you’re not giving up on it.” She said pushing the offer letter into my hand.

“I don’t know if I could do that…”I said in low voice.

“I know that you can face anything… You are a strong girl…”she said all mother like, I crushed her in a bear like hug.

Vicky is Ria’s boy friend, they stayed with me the whole day, Vicky left in the evening and Ria stayed with me the night. She took my mind off things helping to cope up with the situation, she was helpful.

Life had taken many unexpected turns that had thrown me off the hook for a while but here I am feeling really nervous about the first day in office after all I had gone through. Ria had been instilling my lost confidence these past few days preparing me for this very day but my confidence is gone the very day, I lost my mother.

I sent a silent prayer to mama and papa before I walked in to the confines of the office. I showed my offer letter to a sleek woman sitting behind the desk; she is a friendly woman, dressed in typical Indian style. She shook my hands congratulating me. She led me through a couple of turns there are many cubicles and filled with different people all busy with their systems and sparing a few glances at the new girl in the office.

“Veeru, sir.” She curtsied to a person standing by one of the cubicles and instructing the girl about the corrections to be made.

He is about 5’9, lean and polished looks of a gentleman. I handed him my appointment letter, his face lit up.
“Welcome…”His voice was calm and cool. “Sir, is on a meeting so you wouldn’t be meeting him until tomorrow but he assigned you some work before he left.” He said and showed me to my desk in an isolated room.

“Thanks…” I said as he explained what my work was. I nodded and even raised a few questions about his schedule. My boss schedule was very packed; he just gave adequate time for lunch, rest of the day busy with all the meetings and working hours. The first impression I got after re-reading his schedule is he is a workaholic.

The rest of the day passed as I began to understand the deals that company dealt with and the type of customers we have, crucial assignments we are working with.

“Nina…Aren’t you hungry?” Veeru sir walked in, he is the one who held my interview process, he is the deputy of our boss.

I logged off the system and scurried after him into the cafeteria, it’s not like I wanted to eat but it gave me a chance to get to know the other members working here. A good secretary must have good relations with the staff.

He introduced most of the people, I lost track of their names, It would definitely take time before I get used to all their names. He passed by the last table where a girl was eying us with mean looks, She wore fashionable outfits and is surrounded by two more girls that gave dirty looks.

“Who are they?” I asked pointing to the mean looking girls.

“She is the last year best employee awardee…” A plump girl said joining us at our table. I didn’t remember her name but during the conversation I understood that she is Pooja. “What’s her name?” I asked pointing to the awardees.

“Tina…”I nodded.

Work wasn’t bad at all, I enjoyed doing it. It took my mind out of things and I was happy for that, I signed up the bond for a year before I left the office.

Ria is waiting at my house, she was all ears to hear about my first day, Vicky joined us later. We chatted for a while and they left me all alone in this house. Ria made sure that I ate something before she left.

I was up early the next morning and took extra care with my dressing since I’m going to meet my boss, I wanted to make a good impression on him, I made sure that I wasn’t showing off. Elder people like it when the younger generation is traditional. My straight jet black hair was made into a single plait few strands falling off here and there, I wore tiny ear tops that go with pink pajama suit, light pink was smeared on my lush lips, my long nose and high cheek bones are colored because of the cold, my olive skin stood out in pink.

I waited for my bus at the stop earlier than the usual time, hoping that I would make it first to the office and get some things done. I watched the people around me while I waited for the bus to pass the time, there is an old man covered from top to down and rubbing his hands to create heat, and younger boy waiting by his bike, probably here to pick up someone. A group of middle aged people nervously peeking at their watches. My eyes darted over to two little children all dressed up in their uniform holding hands and trying to pass the road. The boy was about 8 and the girl was about 5, siblings, I guessed. I glanced over the horizon and made my way to the kids. They took a few steps ahead and froze in the middle when a black car went straight at them; I ran towards them and pulled them away while the little girl started crying in fear. The driver alighted, panicked and made sure that he didn’t make an accident.

People gathered around us making a scene; scolding the driver about his driving sense, he tried to apologize but some of them were really using bad words, I helped the kids over to the other side and let them go after making sure there weren’t any bruises.

“Watch where you are going…” I warned the driver and tried to disperse the crowd.

“Why should he, it wasn’t his mistake at all…”a strong authoritative voice demanded. The owner of the voice was dressed in black suit wearing eye glasses, broad shoulders held in confident posture, perfect skin that never caught tan, chiseled jaw that unclenched as he spoke, long nose that flared with anger.

“You can’t teach traffic sense to a kid so it is you that should be careful while driving…” I snapped and the crowd dispersed as our much awaited bus has come.
I ran glaring at the spoiled, rich brat. If he could turn me into ash with his looks, he would definitely do that now.

I was in time to the office fortunately…I ran to my cabin and gave a quick glance over the files before I finally met up with my boss. Veeru Sir walked in to greet me; he seemed to be a nice person.

“Sir, wants to see you.” He said. I picked up the notepad and a pen, I knew he called me just to make acquaintance with his new secretary but I wanted to make my impression so I carried them along.

“Good morning, sir.” I said a little bit too cheerful. His back was turned towards me and I noticed that he was on phone so I waited patiently for him to turn towards me.

I was appalled as he faced me in slow motion; he was the guy that I saw today at my stop. “You…”We both shouted at a time, mine was a little loud.

“What are you doing in my office?” his voice was loud but definitely not shouting.

“Your office?” my eye brows held in deep frown.

Veeru sir walked just in time. “Is there any problem, sir?” He stammered.

“What is she doing here?” He asked eying me with disgust.

“She is your newly appointed secretary, sir.” He replied. What? I’m his secretary, He is Mr. K then? God ! I’m definitely going to be thrown out.

“I want her removed at once…”he said.

“We signed up an agreement, we can’t take her away…”he said.

“Who asked you to seal the contract?” he asked icily.

“We spoke about it, sir and you asked me to sign in the contract…”he said.

“Just go…” he said turning his back to us. I stood there wide eyed not understanding what I should do, Veeru sir dragged me out of the room.

I’m still having my job but I don’t know how long I’m going to stay here. I sat contemplating the situation I was in when Pooja walked in with a load of files in her arms.

“Mr. K wanted you to sort out these files and fed them into database by evening…” she said a little awkwardly.

“What all of this?” I asked surprised. I understood his plan, If the company breaks the bond they had to pay up and lose reputation. He wants me to break the agreement instead so he is loading me with work so that I would just fear and walk away. I’m not going to give up that easily. I took it as a challenge and started to work on it.

He didn’t know about my typing skills, I started on the work and was done with half of them by lunch. Pooja asked me to join them for lunch but I denied knowing that it would waste some of my valuable time in this challenge.

I was pretty impressed by myself when I finished the work just a few minutes before my duty off. I stacked the files in the table neatly and packed my things to leave.

“Are you just leaving without doing the assigned work?” his deep voice startled me all of a sudden. He stood closer to my desk inspecting things on my table.
I showed him all the files with a proud smile playing on my lips… He rubbed his chin in wonder but soon his eyes went cold and expressionless… He just nodded and left without saying anything more. I definitely won the challenge.

I called Ria to talk about the exciting events of the day.

“So you are saying that your boss is not just some old man but a hottie… I wish I got that job.” she exclaimed.

“Didn’t you listen to one word I said; he is spoiled and arrogant…” I screamed at her.

“There is always a thing about arrogant guys…” She smirked.

I nodded my head in disbelief; she is always playful and sees the life like a jolly ride while I’m the exact opposite to her, even when I was a child I knew my responsibilities growing up without father gave me a serious outlook on life, but don’t take me as a geek, I’m vivacious and funny once you get to know me. Mama always said that I speak a lot.

Back in Khanna’s residence, Mr. K aka Raj walked in with a grim looking face only to be stopped by an old lady, gray hair, round body, beady eyes, and staunch features.

“Did you see her?” she asked with face full of excitement.

“Yes…She needs to learn manners.” He replied curtly and walked away.

But the old lady followed after him. “Did you say…?” He cut her off. “Granny, All in good time…”he said sitting her on his bed and assuring her with his confident smile.
“I wish I was there for her when she needed me…”Two tiny tears slipped through her eyes.

“Do you have a picture of her? I would love to see my granddaughter…”she said wiping away her tears.

“I don’t have one now… but I’ll get you one tomorrow.” He promised trying to cheer her up.

“How does she look?” she asked eyes far away probably imagining how she looked like.

“She is a good looking girl with some temper issues…”Granny smiled at his supposition.

I’m late today by five minutes, I rushed into the building looking at my watch, I hit something hard and stumbled a bit before I fell on the ground, two strong arms caught me, I peeked at the person and let out a gasp as I saw dark, hooded eyes staring at me.

“Watch out, gorgeous…” his voice was cool and flirtatious.

“Um…sorry.”I mumbled and ran into the elevator followed by him closely behind. From the coroner of my eye I could see him checking me out. I felt awkward and ran out as soon as it hit my floor.

“You’re late…” Veeru sir said looking at his watch. “Sorry, caught up in traffic.” I made a lame excuse and hurried to my cabin.

“Sir has asked for you…” I could see the anxiety on his face; he is definitely worried about something.

“This is the second day of your office and you are late by five minutes.” Mr. K’s voice was rigid.

“I ran into her, bro and held her up…” The guy from the lift walked in.

“Dev…What are you doing here?” Mr. K walked towards his brother with a surprised face.

“You may go…”he said. I left thanking Dev for coming to my aid.

I’m so immersed in the file creation that I didn’t notice Dev coming in. “I didn’t know that cute girls are working in my bro’s office…”he said winking.

I blushed at his flattery. “When did you join?” He asked conversationally.

“Two days back…”

“I guess why I didn’t see you here before…”he said smiling.

“Um… thanks.” I mumbled.

“Cute girls shouldn’t say thanks…” I frowned.

“You can thank me over a cup of coffee someday…” he left without waiting for my reply rolling the keys on his finger and with a wave of his hand he is gone. He is so different from his brother. Though Mr. K is kind of cute, he had an attitude and his grim expression set him away from others. Dev is cool and charming.

The rest of the day passed without anything unusual, thankfully Mr. K had no tests for me to burden me with extra work. He stopped by my room as he was about to leave.

“Company cab will be picking you up and dropping you from now…”he said.

“Thanks…” I said.

“You can thank me by making it on time everyday at least from now…”He replied grimly.

I heard a car honk as I was half munching the cornflakes in my bowl. I gulped down last of the milk and hurried outside locking the door. It wasn’t a company cab; I walked slowly towards it wondering what Mr. K’s car was doing here.

“Are you going to walk faster, we don’t have much time…” His voice startled me. I scurried towards the car. The driver opened the door for me, the cool air and some floral scent hit my face with a blast as I locked the door.

Mr. K sat right beside me, he sat up straight, I wonder how he can sit so straight all the time, his shoulders were never down, they were always held in confident pose, his familiar cologne filled up the air around me. I sat nervously counting my breath waiting for him to talk or more likely make some snide comments.

The car skidded to a halt at the Viceroy hotel; I scurried after him carrying all the files he dumped on me previously in the car. We met with the delegates, he went straight on to business after greeting them, I liked the way he carried himself around, confident and proud. He gave a few pauses to seek from me the necessary files. I could see the same admiration from the other members in the meeting except for one guy who seemed to be about my age, he was staring at me all the time. The person who sat next to him poked him and gestured him to listen, he did for a while and then continued staring at me. I leaned back avoiding his eye contact that seemed to bug me.

He peeked at me even then, it was like we were playing hide and seek. It was hard to ignore him but I tried and thankfully the meeting ended. It was decided that we should discuss the deal after lunch. It felt awkward to eat with so many different people; It felt like I’m suddenly all alone here. I picked on the food feeling really out of place.

“I see that Mr. Raj has got a new and beautiful assistant…” the guy who stared at the meeting winked, checking me all over.

“I’m Rocky…”he introduced. The way he said his pet name gave me full impression on this guy. He seemed to be dragged into this meeting by his dad and he doesn’t like one bit of it so he is just hitting the only girl in the meeting. Rich kids, I rolled my eyes in frustration.

“Nina…Let’s go.” Mr. K walked just in time and giving one all over look at Rocky before he walked me away.

The agreement was finalized, it was really a big deal, it would take our company’s reputation to great heights, my face lit up at the very instant they started signing in. My eyes darted over to Mr. K, he stood calm and composed not affected by his great success, seriously I didn’t see him even smile.

It will sure be one of my best days… that proud grin never left my face. Mr. K shook hands with everyone and spoke some general things… I wanted to share this good news with Ria, after all this is the first project after I joined. Ria is totally excited and is up for a party which we scheduled this weekend.

“Hello, again.” Rocky’s face was inches from me.

“I’ll call you back…”I punched the call end button.

“Do you want to join me for coffee…?” he asked.

“I’m fine…” I said walking past him.

“Seriously…Just coffee.”He grabbed my arm.

“Let me go…” I glared at him.

Mr. K suddenly appeared out of nowhere slapping his hands off me.

“I think you should leave…” he said fixing his death glare on him.

He backed off instantly and scurried away.

“Thanks…”I mumbled.

“He wouldn’t have touched you, if it weren’t for you playing hide and seek with him…” What did he say? What does he think about me?

“It would be better if you think before you judge people…” I screamed. I had lost it… Seriously, an employee screaming at her boss but his remarks set me off.

I walked away briskly trying to cool off, I walked and walked, nobody dare judge me like that even if he is my boss, I’m a girl who strictly held on to the traditions and culture, I would never dream of fooling around.

I cooled off as fatigue set me in, my legs were numb from all the walking, I caught a bus and reached home. I fell on the bed not even minding about my groaning stomach.

“I still don’t know if I should go, I mean I practically screamed at him…” I said twisting the wire of the phone with my fingers and lying in my sofa…

There was a car honking vigorously right outside my house, who would it be at this time. I was about to start scolding the honker.

“Hello…Madam… Aren’t you coming?” he dragged the vowels too long.

“Just a minute…”I called.

I grabbed my things and ran; it’s a good thing I decided to sit all ready. I’m not fired, yet? May be the car driver didn’t know that I was fired so he came to pick me up. If I lost a job, it sure is going to be difficult for me to meet the household expenses. I don’t know how much time it would take for me to find another job.

I rushed into my cabin, my head pounding with many doubts. Veeru sir walked into my cabin, his face is filled with anxiety and his ragged breath said that he ran all the way to my cabin.

“What’s the matter? Am I fired?” I asked a little bit down.

“Fired?” he laughed, his laugh was totally different; it felt like he was worried about laughing whole heartedly.

“I don’t think so… in fact sir mentioned that you did a good job yesterday…” he said.

“When did he mention it?” I asked tentatively.

“Last night…”he said.
Pooja brought a file that Mr. K asked me to work me on. So, I guess I’m still not thrown out. I sighed and began to work on the file, why didn’t he throw me out? That question bugged me all the time.

Days passed by, I got to know all the members in the office everyone. They were all friendly and word spread out that I’m an efficient worker; it inspired me to do my best. Apart from the official taunts from Mr. K everything was good.

I learned that most of the girls had the hots for our arrogant Mr. K. Ria is right about girls having a thing for arrogant men. I got to know Veeru sir and Pooja very well, they became good friends along with another girl called Piya.

“Come to my cabin…” Mr. K rang me.

I collected the note pad and scurried to his room as quickly as possible, Last time when he called I had to log off the system before going to his room, as soon as I entered he glanced at his watch and glared at me. That look said many things that I didn’t want to hear, I’m not going to make that mistake again.

I stood by the door thinking whether I should knock or just go in, He chided for knocking on the door once and another time for barging in. Thankfully, he called me before I could do anything.

“I want you to get this file signed by Mr. Mehta…” he said without even looking at me, studying a report on his desk.

I hesitated, it’s already 3.40 and in a few minutes, my duty will be off not that I’m worried to work extra hours, I did like too but this place is so far and it is not even a good area.

“What?” he scowled still not taking time to look at me? I panicked and grabbed the file from his hands and hurried out of the office.

“Um…take the company cab…”he called. I nodded, gathered my stuff and rushed out of the building.
“Can you please stay here; I’ll be back in few minutes…” I pleaded the driver, he is already complaining about extra hours and I seriously doubt he would stay another hour more.

He nodded tentatively. “Be quick, madam. There is a curfew starting at 6pm.We should leave this place by then.” He said checking the horizon before parking the car.

I ran off into the main building, curfew? I didn’t know that. I spoke to the receptionist about my appointment, she nodded and made a quick call and then asked me to wait for a few minutes. I picked up the India today and started skipping through the pages; I was so lost in reading that I forgot about the time moving on.

After a quick glance over the pages, I found that it’s nearly 5.30. I spoke to receptionist, she directed me to his room, He took all his time to read the agreement and sign, he scratched his name on the papers as the clock ticked away, I really wanted to kick him for signing it at a leisure pace when I had to hurry back home.

I raced to the cab parked on the other end, I began to panic as I saw the cab nowhere in the parking area, I ran through the parking lot to make sure that he hasn’t parked elsewhere. He left and it’s only 5 minutes past 6. God! I stomped my foot on the gravel and cursed as the pain seared through my foot.

I began to walk on the roads; I heard the sounds of a patrolling van somewhere near, the sense of not being alone calmed me down. I made my way to the nearest bus stop cursing everyone who was the reason for this. My boss for sending me in the first place, My driver for leaving me alone, the receptionist for delaying my appointment, Mr. Mehta for being stupidly slow to sign the file.

My legs began to ache with all the walking, it seems like I’m walking so much now a days. I heard an ambulance van pass nearby. I prayed for whoever is in that van to get well. All of a sudden, I heard yells, and firing sounds. My heart pounded in my chest, I saw cops charging against ruffians, they are dangerously close, My heart began to speed up, I couldn’t think of anything, I just watched them move closer and closer, the ruffians began to throw stones at the cops, I covered myself behind the bench but few of them missed me by inches, tears welled up in my eyes… I moved away from the throng inch by inch carefully avoiding the shower of stones.

A cop caught my eye, his face registered shock and then he began to shout at me to run. I didn’t know if I could just do that. A horn blared in the distant, I never felt so relieved to see someone’s face in my life. Mr. K alighted from his car running towards me. Seeing him brought so much strength to my crumpled nerves, I ran towards him.

“Duck…”he shouted.

I couldn’t understand what he was saying in all the yells and screams. I frowned at him, he gestured me to duck, but it was too late for me to comprehend what he was saying. Something hit hard on my head, in an impulse I touched where I was hit, the smell of blood and its trails on my fingers made me oozy, I was caught by him before I hit the ground.

I never got the chance to look at his eyes before; they are honey colored and so deep that it made me want to drown in them. “You’ve beautiful eyes…” I croaked before I fell unconscious in his secure arms.

My heard hurt like hell when I tried to move, I lay quiet with my eyes closed.

“I trusted you in taking care of her…”I heard someone snuffle.

“You know I care for her just as you do…”I recognize that voice anywhere. Mr. K, what is he doing here?

“Why don’t we just ask her to stay…?” judging by the ripples in her voice, I guess she is an old woman.

I tossed on my bed and yelled as it hurt me more than I had imagined. I heard the shuffling of feet.

“Are you alright, dear?” Beady eyes stared down at me. I peeked from the corner of my eyes and saw Mr. K standing at a feet distance away from us.

I tried to sit up but the older woman pushed me gently on to the bed. “You should rest…” she said with a soft and caring voice.

I stared awkwardly at Mr. K, lying on the bed in front of him unnerved me. The older woman followed my glance and smiled.

“Go to your room, I will take care of her…” He left after a fleeting glimpse.

“I should probably go home…” I said gathering myself to stand up.

“You are not going anywhere until it is healed.” She ordered all in motherly fashion. Being cared for, after all these days brought involuntary tears. The older woman was confused by my feelings.

“You can call your parents if you want…”she said. “They are gone…”I rubbed away the tears.

The older woman held a painful expression on her face. “It’s okay…madam. I’m used to it. All the people I love are ripped of my life…” I said.

“Don’t say that…I’m your granny.” She said. I frowned.

“Think of me as your grandmother…” she replied quickly.

I smiled at her; she baby sat me forcefully all the day, feeding me enormous amounts of juice and food. A doctor came to check up in the evening and declared that I’m well, seriously granny knows how to kill a person with love.

“Hello, how are you feeling?” Dev walked in with a big smile playing on his face.

“I’m really good; I wish granny stops worrying about me and send me home…” He chuckled.

“Granny can be like that sometimes…”he said.

“I should go home now, I had so many things that I should take care of.” I said to her as she walked in with another glass of juice.

A lump formed in my throat, my belly was full and bursting. She was thoughtful for a second.

“I’ll let you go if you drink this and promise to take the medicines regularly…”she said shoving the glass into my hands.

I chugged it down and got up from the bed. “Dev, drop her at home.” She ordered.

“I’m fine; I can catch a bus…” I was cut off by one look from her, something of her reminded me mom, she had the same nose as her and the same way of showering people with your unconditional love, I smiled at the thought of comparing an unknown woman to her.

“Drive slow…”she called.

Dev shot fleeting glances at me, “Um… I heard that you lost both your parents…” I nodded.

“I never knew my parents… so it never mattered to me but brother has been with them and I know how difficult it is for him to forget them but we have granny to take care of us… Don’t you have any relatives?”

“I don’t… My father side never bothers about us and mom is an orphan…”I said and was genuinely surprised to see him hurt.
What did I say that hurt him a lot?

“Here you are…”he said with a cheerful face, all the hurt gone from his face. I even thought that I imagined it.

Ria came bouncing on to me and hugged.

“Where were you?” Her eyes darted over to the head band and she started to freak out.

“Don’t worry…she will be okay…”

I quickly introduced him to her.

“You are saying that…If it wasn’t for your stupid brother she wouldn’t have been hurt.”She scolded.

“Ria…Go in…”I shouted. She left reluctantly.

“I’m so sorry…” he cut me off. “I understand she is just worried about you…”he said with a smile.

“Do you want to come in?” I asked.

“I’m not talking any risks…”he humored.

I waved him off.

“I’m fine…” I said as she fussed on me.
“He is so going to get for doing this to you…” she scolded. It will take her a few minutes to get the steam off.

“He is the one that saved me…” I muttered feebly.

Ria slumped onto the sofa beside me, curious. I told her everything.

“Well, if it weren’t for him, you wouldn’t have ended up there in first place.” She argued.

I fell asleep since the pills made me drowsy. Ria woke me up early in the morning since she had to leave. I thought of taking a leave but being in home alone is something I have been avoiding since mom passed away, it always made me remember all those memories pricking those slowly healing wounds.

The company cab arrived right on time; the driver was a new one.

“Where is rajak?” I asked the new driver.

“He is fired from the job for being irresponsible.” He said.

My phone vibrated interrupting my thoughts.

“Hello, darling. Have you taken your medicines?” I instantly recognized granny’s voice.

How did she know my number? That’s not a big problem since her grandson owns the company. I thought. But… It seems so weird, why is she so nice to me? I mean taking care of employees is good thing but this is out of zone.


“Um…Yes…granny.” I mumbled.


“Can I call you back I reached office…” I asked tentatively.

“Are you okay?” Veeru sir scurried to me as soon as he saw me entering the office, people gathered around me with concerned faces.

I gave quick details about the incident and left to my cabin avoiding unwanted questions. The day was pretty gruesome, my heard hurt very much, it felt very heavy when I tried to move it sideways.

Lunch was another disaster, People gathered around me wishing to know more details but thankfully Pooja shooed them off noticing my apprehension. I heard some of them talking; they think that there is something going on between us. They never heard of a employee who had been to Mr. K’s house, this added fuel to the fire and they decided that there is really something between us.

“Um… Mr. K wants to see you in his office.” There is an unusual smirk on Tania’s face.

“What do you want to prove? Don’t make me regret saving you…” Mr. K said.

That didn’t make any sense, what is he trying to say? What did I do?

“What did I do?”

“You know exactly what I’m trying to say…spreading rumors…” I cut him off.

“If I knew what you are asking, I wouldn’t ask you again and what do you mean by spreading rumors?”

He glared icily at me. “I don’t have time for this…” he left me hanging my mouth open.

What was that all about? I walked out his room in dilemma; Tania stood there her mouth set in a wide grin. Great! She eavesdropped and heard everything, I nodded my head in disbelief and left to my room.

“What’s wrong with him? Why did he scold me?” I said frustrated.

“Didn’t you know why he did?”

“I really have no idea.” I said truthfully.

“Tania said that you spread out those rumors… um… you know the ones that there is something between you and him.”

“Why would she do that?”

“I guess she likes to put people in trouble.” She said.

That explains her smirk and grin even if she did say something why should he scold without knowing the truth. I planned to confront him and demand why he is treating me like that, I may be be working for him that doesn’t give him rights to lash me out for something I didn’t do.

I rehearsed what I should say wihtout makig him mad, I took long breaths before going in to keep calm mind. Even if he said something that hurts me, I’m not going to scream like I always did, I have to remember that he is my boss and I need to give him the respect he deserved even if he is arrogant.

“I had no intention of spreading rumors…”he cut me off without finishing.

“I know…” He replied curtly.

I raised my eye brows, that’s it? Nothing else?

“Anything else?” I shook my head.

What kind of person is he? Why can’t he start talkig like everyone else? What did he mean by I know? God! I’m going mad with his curt replies.

“Where are you…?” Piya hurried me to our cab, we share common cab.

“Is he always like that?” I asked.

“Who…?” “Mr. K…” she chuckled.

“I don’t know… I have been working here since last six months and in six months I never saw him any different.” I nodded still thinking about him.

“You should ask Veeru sir, he mentioned something about it once.” She replied and returned to chatting with her boyfriend.

I couldn’t sleep that night, I kept thinking of him and his family. I waited for the dawn as I restlessly tossed on the bed. I am all set and waited by my locked door, 30 minutes before the usual time. The slowly ticking clock irritated me, I wanted to find answers to frustrating questions.

I stole glances at my door to see the usual welcoming face of Veeru sir. My face lit up as he peeked in to greet me.

“Um…Sir…” He leaned in with a gentle smile.

“Can I ask you something?” I asked cautiously.

He pulled the chair closer and sat.

“It is about Mr. K… um… why is he always like that… um…I mean…. Secluded.” He gave a warm smile, thank god! He is not angry at me for stepping into personal matters.

“He lost someone very important to him.”

“You mean his parents…” I bit back my tongue.

“No…he lost the person. He loved a year ago, she died in an accident just before the day of wedding.”

I nodded so that’s the problem. Veeru sir left me as I was lost in thoughts. I could understand what he went through, losing his parents and then his love… Piya brought me a file and I had to shove this thoughts aside to begin work for the day.
Listening to his story somehow made me remember my family, I brought out all the albums and began to look at those long lost memories, tears welled up seeing them and sometimes involuntary smile spread on my face seeing those happy times together. I sat cross legged and spread all the albums, looking at them one after another. I clutched our family picture to my heart tightly and fell asleep.

The sun rays woke me up, all the albums lay spread on mom’s bed. I collected them and shoved them into the cupboard… I stretched myself and made my way to washroom. I felt something stick to my wet feet, I picked the brown, faded cover. I remembered something faintly from my childhood, mom snatching away this envelope when brother and I tried to open it.

It contained old, worn out picture of a family, I looked closer at picture of teenage version of mom who hugged a middle aged woman and a man enveloping his hands around them. It is definitely not dad,then who is it and who is this old woman. I looked closer and something hit me that shocked me to the core.

I ran as soon as the auto stopped at the Khanna’s home, a maid answered the door, sheasked my name and left to call granny, I strolled along the hall impatiently. After 5 long minutes the maid let me in.

Mr. K, granny and Dev sat at the breakfast table. I could see their surprised faces. Mr. K hid his head behind the newspaper.

I ignored him and marched straight to granny. “Did you know my mother?” She flinched and tears welled up in her eyes.I placed the picture on the table and she took it into her hands tentatively. She fingered my mom’s image trembling.

“You knew her, didn’t you? How did you know? Where we related?” I flooded her with questions.

She collapsed on to the chair, Mr. K hurried to her. “Go…”he shouted at me.

What did I do? I was just asking her some questions…her tears began to subside. Mr. K kept glaring at me.

“She is my daugher…” She mumbled weakly.

If she is her daughter? Why did mom say that she is an orphan? There is only one reason they must have hurt her so bad.

“What happened? Why did my mother say that her family is dead? Did you do anything to her?” I stumbled back as Mr. K caught my shoulders feircely and pushed me back.

“Get the hell out of here…” he shouted.

Her silent sobs answered me everything, I ran away from them, I can understand they must have disowned her for marrying dad…

I sent resignation letter with Piya… she tried to ask the reasons… I had nothing to say, I can’t work for a family who disowned my mom.

Two days passed by and I began to calm down… Why didn’t mom mention anything about them even when I got the job. Infact if I remember correctly she is the one who pushed me to get this job.if she disliked them than why did she sent me to this job? Whatever, they were never there for us when we needed so I think I don’t need them now.

After years of being alone, knowing that there is a whole family of mine out there eve if they don’t like us made me feel happy.

There is a huge commotion outside the house that jump started me, I ran to the door where a huge guy was standing by the door.

“Who are you? What do you want?” He was bulky and towered above me.
“Your mother pawned this house documents for loan, she never repaid the amount so we are taking our the house…” he said in a serious tone.

“What…?” My whole world shook. I ran into the house immeadiately and called Ria, I gathered all the cash that we had in the house which amounted less than 10k.

“Take this, sir. I will pay the whole amount from now along with the interest… please…”I begged.

He moved me aside and barged into the doors. I shouted at him as he began to throw all the photos hung on to our wall. He ignored all my pleas and shouts… I cried and cried but he was deaf eared to all my pleas.

Ria and Vicky rushed into the house… Their faces went pale when they saw the condition of the house. Vicky tried to talk to him while Ria hushed me down. He never yeilded, mom had taken that lao for my education and she hadn’t paid single rupee for six years… I never knew about it until know. That’s one thing about her, she never let her tension disturb my mind, she always said that thinking about those things will be her work and reading well and getting good grades is all that I had to do.

Ria packed all our things into a bag since they gave me one hour to clear the house… the house held so many memories… It was my parent’s dream house…I remember the first day we walked into the house, mom holding me and brother when we took our first step into the house, me and brother chasing all around the house, dad lying in the coffin, brother taking his last breath, mom and me fighting and lulling me to sleep on her lst day, I slumped on to the floor, our house is the last piece that held me together. I broke down into sobs, Ria helped me up and walked me out. I shattered as the closed the doors behind us.

I didn’t notice where we are heading, all I could think was that god had ruined every hope of me being happy. I’ll never trust him again, he is a traitor who had no heart, he had been brutal in taking everything away from life. The searing pain promised that my heart was still beating instead of all this.

I couldn’t eat anything or do nothing, falshes of everything being ripped of me tortured my mind. Ria forced me to eat all the time, I pushed her away; I can’t love her she will be taken away and I don’t want that to happen to her. She was by my side all the time patiently watching over me.
Something snapped in me, It’s like I became callous after everything that I had gone through. I wiped away my tears and strongly decided that I’m going to get that house back. I need a job…

“We can’t take anymore burden. Your dad already works hard to meet our needs and she will be an extra burden…” Ria’s mom voice interrupted my thoughts.

I can’t be burden to her, I packed my belongings and made it out of the room.

“Don’t listen to her…please.” Ria pleaded snatching my briefcase away from me and placing it iside the room.

“I have to go…I have so many things that I need to do.”

“You aren’t going anywhere not in this state…” I could easily what she was thinking.

“I’m fine…I’m not brave enough to die.” I said.

I ignored her pleas as she ran after me to stop, I was out of the house out of her vicinity in no time, I didn’t know where to go, I just kept walking until I could come up with an idea.

A car parked beside escaping my skin by inches.

“Get in the car…”Mr. K called. I ignored him and kept walking.

He grabbed the brief case away from me and threw it into the backseat.

“Let me go…” I shouted at him and tried to ease off from his grip.
People gathered around us thinking that he is harming me. He ignored their shouts to release me, he pushed me inside and locked the door, they tried to restrain him, he glared at them and walked past them.

“Let me go…” I shrieked.

“Where do you want to go?”

“I don’t know but definitely not to your place…”I snapped.

He sped the car past the roads until he reached an isolated area.

“Do you know how my father died?”his voice was contorted with pain.

Why is he asking that? I nodded ‘no’

“He was going to bring his sister back home when he met with an accident.” I stared at him speechless.

“He has regretted his decision since the very day your mom left him. He tried in everyway to find your address…if you think you lost everyone so are we… the only person that is left for us is granny and now she is…” he trailed off.


We dashed into her room, she is lying in her bed helpless, my legs carried towards her slowly, I cluctched her hands crying, it can’t happen, god has just shown me something worth living off, now he is not going take the last person of my family.

I stayed by her bed day and night crying, praying hard for her recovery. I relaized that it hadn’t been hatred towards her, I was just angry at her for leaving us.

Raj watched her, Nina had never left granny’s side, he saw her resting her head on granny’s bed and sleeping, he pulled a blanket from the cupboard and covered her with it.

I felt a gentle tap on my fingers, I woke up and rubbed my eyes to see that she was moving her fingers. Her eye lids fluttered and opened, I stared down at her. Tears escaped through her eyes, I wiped them away. She tried to say something, I hushed her and ran to call Mr. K and Dev.

They rushed, they held her hands into them, their faces lit up as she tapped their fingers gentle, it was a happy family re-union and I felt like an outsider, intruding their happy moments.

Granny’e eyes searched for me… she gestured me to come. I slowly walked towards her.

“Thanks…”she mumbled. I nodded.

After a week of taking extreme care of her, she finally had the strength to walk, we went for short walks in their garden,she got healthier day by day.

“Um…Granny…I need to go.” I slowly brought the courage to talk.

“What…?” she sounded shocked.

“I need to find a job…” she cut me off.

“You are not going anywhere…”she chided.

“But…” She held her head as if she is going to faint, I hurried towards her and gave her a glass of water. She gulped it down.

“Please…”she mumbled weakly.

“I’ll not go anywhere until you’re fine, okay?” I asked.

I failed to notice the wink that passed between Granny and Dev.

I was rounding all the vacancy posts with a marker when Granny sat beside gently moving her fingers through my hair.

"What is it?" she asked peeping at the newspaper spread on the table and I sat on the comfortbale rug squatting on the floor.

"I'm applying for a job..." She looked confused.

"I resigned in Mr. K's office..."I'm still not used to calling him Raj as granny suggested.

"Who said that you're resignation is accepted?" she asked.

I didn't know if I wanted to work with him anymore, he is an arrogant boss and to top it off we are realted. Living with him under one roof is more than enough for me, I thought.

"Granma, I can't." She shook her head.

"That office belongs to your grandfather not Raj's if that was your problem..."she chuckled.

She pulled me up and walked me to the living room where Mr. K is all set to go.

"Raj... Take Nina with you, she'll join the office today onwards..."she said.

His eyes flicked rapidly between me and granny, and he let out a sight. "Alright..."he said.

"Go..."Granma said kissing me on the forehead.

I can't believe that she did that, now, I'm stuck I've no other than go with him. We were enveloped in awkward silence, I really felt uncomfortable with him,I counted the seconds until the car pulled at the office. I jump started towards the door but Raj grabbed my hands and it was so unexpected that I fell back hitting the soft head stand.

"Listen... at home we are related but here I'm your boss so keep that in mind." He said.

"Do you mind?" I said pointing to his death grip on my wrist. God! what does he eat?

I rubbed my wrists as his fingers made an impression on my wrist, why does he hate me so much? What did I do to earn so much hatred from him?

"Nina...You're back?" Pia rushed towards followed by Veeru sir and others.

Apparently most of them heard what happened and they all knew that I was related to Mr. K so they were cautious when talking about him in my presence but they eased off when they noticed that I didn't change my attitude towards him.

The day was pretty normal except for the one time when Mr. K glared at me as I laughed at Pia's witty remarks. Why is he so against people smiling? Can we just have fun it's not like we are wasting our time, it's good to have smiles once in a while, right?

I was about the load of work that he dumed on me..."Are you coming?" Mr. K asked startling me.

I nodded and shut off the system, I scurried after him catching up his long stride, he buckled up in the driver's seat, I raised an eyebrow and shrugged, He held the passenger door open for me. Barely giving me time to buckle up before he sped off.

"I let you back again just beacuse granma asked me to, It won't take a second for me to fire you... Don't make me do that..." My mouth dropped open, what did I do?

"Don't look like that... You know why I'm saying this, I don't want you disturb the serenity in my office by wasting the office time cracking jokes with my staff."

I opened my mouth to protest but no, he would never give me chance, after all he is Mr. Arrogant.

"Don't you dare complain about this to granma..."he finished.

What does he think? I'm not a complaint box or a small kid to do such things... He pulled off at the house and briskly walked away into the home leaving me wide eyed. There should be something that I can do.

I stomped away into my room ignoring granma calling me... I'm fuming with anger when she came in with a worried look.

"Is everything okay, did Raj say something?" I put on a smile.

"I'm jut tired..." I said with a weak smile.

"Clean up and come down, I'll get you something to eat." she said caressing my cheek.

I gulped down the orange juice and slumped onto the couch next to her. "Nina..." Granma said massaging my head gently as I lay on her laps.

I sat up looking at her with curious eyes. " I have looked after this house for many years and I'm tired of all the responisibilities so..."she said pulling out the bunch of keys and placing them in my hand with a gentle squeeeze and smile.

"Granny... I don't know. I mean..."She cut me off.

"I know you'll do well just like Raj did with the office when I gave him it's responsibility." she winked touching my cheeks.

"But... I don't belong here." I replied meekly.

"Don't say that darling, You're grandfather wrote 40% of our shares on your name... you're our only grand daughter." She said as tears strolled along her wrinkled cheeks.

I nodded and relaxed into her laps once again, I wasn't ready for this, I'm just accepting that I had a family and now all off a sudden. I shot up as something struck my mind.

"Does that mean I make the rules at home?" I asked. She nodded with a smile.

"Mr. K...It's time for revenge." I nodded.

I ordered the cook what he should prepare for the dinner, I wanted it to be light without any masala food since granma was ordered by doctor not to eat it.

I called hari the house worker to call everyone for dinner while I set food on the table. Dev waved a hello and granma gave an appreciative wink, I was setting the plates when Mr. K walked in talking on the phone... A small smile grew on my lips, move1, I thought.

I let him sit and then quickly grabbed away the phone from him and puched the end button...

"What the hell?" I flinched at the death stare he fixed on me but braced myself and put on a sweet smile.

"No calls at dinner time, right granma?" I said looking at her for support.

"Yes, of course your home, your rules..."she said. I didn't miss the smile that spread on her lips.

"What...?" Mr. K glared at her.

"Don't look at me, It's her rules from now onwards, you follow it or else..."

"Starve..."I supplied for her restraining the laugh that escaped through my lips.

It's very funny to see Mr. Arrogant finally yeilding to someone and sitting down, shooting daggers at me.

I served them roti and al first... "Hari, where's my dinner?"he shouted at the poor Hari who stood their trembling.

"There is no your and mine here, we all eat the same thing..."I said.

"What..." I raised my hands up gesturing him to stop cutting him off in the middle with hateful look.

"My house.." " My rules..." Dev added suppressing a giggle.

Mr. K stomped away into his room...

I felt really bad, I just wanted to tease him, he must be starving. I couldn't sleep with that thought. I poured some cornflakes into a bowl and went to his room, I wanted to knock but something stopped me, I peeked into his room. Hari was standing with a glass of water in his hands while Mr. K muched on the cornflakes. It is so stupid of me to think that Mr. Arrogant would starve, he always got his way.

I'm serving breakfast as Mr. K walked in and sat at his usual place, he waited for a few seconds to see if I would serve him, knowing that I wouldn't, he began to scoop the idlis. I grabbed the plate away from him. Everyone was astonished by my act.

"It is for sneaking at night into the kitchen... "

"I didn't..."he grumbled.

"I saw you eating cornflakes at night..."

"I didn't sneak, I made him bring them for me..." He admitted.


"Fine..."he got up from the chair.

"I'll let this go for granma but don't repeat it again..."I said in a bossy tone setting the late down.

Grandma tugged his arm and gestured him to sit when he stood unsure of what to do... Dev greeted me with a nod and sat down talking on his phone, Mr. k's eyes flickered between Dev and me as if he was trying to understand why he is allowed to talk on phone and he is not.

"Oops...sorry. I forgot." Dev clicked the end button smiling at me.

"Well, that answers your question. I think..." I muttered under my breath.

"What the hell are you doing at home?" he asked as I hopped into the car.

"What did I do?" I said waving to granma who came out see me off.

Mr. K shrugged and raced his car. He asked the same question as he pulled off at the office.

"What did I do, boss?" I said pulling an innocent look.

He stared icily and let me go. I enjoyed this game very much, Tom and Jerry, I thought. I heaved sigh knowing that it will be Tom's time now... Let's what he can do?

It looks like Nina is enjoying is too much from this game but you never know what Mr. arrogant has in store for her.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.01.2012

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