
If it is the only way to live with him that will be a good reason to die…I never thought that I would say those words… I’m never a girl to think about other’s troubles or pain… I was well known in Crescent Heights for being stone heart…I had dumped boys just for the fun of it, leaving them broken heart. The first word I care for is “Me”

Life is too short… if it’s short then why waste it by brooding over past… enjoying the present is what we have to do… I had been doing the same until I met a special someone who taught me to be what I am now…

I’m Selena Crescent and this is my story… You have guessed it right… Crescent heights are found by our ancestors… we are respectable and richest family living in this small town.

“Selena…please be careful while you drive by the forest…”Laura said fixing my breakfast… She is my guardian, my parents passed away when I was a kid. Laura is my mom’s little sister, she is in mid 30’s, she is calm and reserved. If it wasn’t for Laura I would have ended up with my lunatic uncle George… I was grateful to her for that.

“Will do…” I gulped down the juice glass and ran to the door as I heard Janet honking vigorously…

Janet is my friend since preschool… she and I are the mischief makers of this town, she is petite looking, her innocent looks always gave way to escape.

She raced madly through the roads; another common thing we love is racing… It feels good when the wind blows hardly against your face… It would be hard to resist it if you have felt it once…

“Have you heard that the Lockhart’s are back in town?” Janet said giving a quick glance towards me.

“You mean the Lockhart’s…?” Lockhart’s are one of the oldest families that lived here, they left the town 100’s of years of ago…but they continued their business with the town. They owned many shops here and their name is still engraved on the founding pillar of Crescent heights town… That’s how most of the people in the town knew about them… Their coming back is definitely going to be great news to the townies…

“They brought their old house…” Janet smirked. That is another thing that made them well known… Sitting right on the edge of the forest is their ancestral home, we called it a haunted house since it looked like one…it was huge and creepy.

“You are kidding me…” My eyes went wide to know that someone has the guts to live in that place… It scared the hell out of me to go to that place as a kid…

“Yeah… they are remodeling it…” She smiled. Our school came into our view as we sped by… Our school is just some three storied, old building… it is tucked in between the forests of Redwood…

I must say our town is really a pretty place to live in, we are surrounded by green forest, there are lakes, waterfalls, and some nice places to camp in… I love my town as much as I love myself. The only thing I hate about it is meddling people that live here but Janet says that when there is so little population it is hard to be disconnected, maybe she is right…

Taylor was standing by my locker… I knew the look on his face very well; I sighed knowing that he in for another debate.

“Why can’t he just understand that I’m not going to take him back?” Janet shrugged her shoulders…

“Morning…Taylor…” I said plastering a fake smile. “Lena… I need to talk.” He said with a pleading look.

“I have a class…” I said brushing past him. He grabbed my hands and didn’t let me go… “Just few minutes…” I wiggled to break free from him.

“Let her go…” Janet warned locking her eyes on his. He let me go reluctantly… I did forget to mention Janet could make people do her biding… It’s kind of hard to ignore that death glare she would fix on people… I still don’t understand how a little thing like her controls people…

“Miss. Crescent.” Our principal an elder and old fashioned gentle man called. “What now…?” I huffed.

“Yes, sir.”

“I need you to show him to class…”My eyes darted towards the person Mr. White pointed to, he is steaming hot; the best thing about him was his lush lips and his honey colored eyes that seemed to draw attention. I realized that I was staring when Mr. White cleared his throat.

“Um...sure, sir.” I gave a quick reply.

“I’m Evan…Evan Lockhart.” I was really surprised to meet one of the famous Lockhart’s. His voice was like mellow music that I listen to in bed and his presence beside me tickled me body with unknown anxiety.

<Evan’s POV>
I walked through the familiar corridors…memories of past flooded through my mind. If I have to get my work done, I can’t let the emotions weaken me. I scanned the corridors…It’s filled with many noisy teenagers grouping at random places and chatting, as soon as I walked past them. I noticed some of the girls gawking at me...

I walked through corridors trying to remember where the office used to be…A woman in mid 40’s, plump and short sat at the desk.

“Evan Lockhart…” I said. Her mouth dropped open, I guess I knew the reason; we are famous and filthy rich… “Mr. White is expecting you… I will get your schedule meanwhile…”She said awkwardly raising from her chair and walking me into the White’s office.

He spoke sometime about the school rules and he concluded saying how glad he was to see us back in town…The woman at the desk handed me my schedule…he walked me through the school corridors showing different places in the school… The building was remodeled but the basic plan was the same as before.

“Is there a member of Crescent family studying here…?” My asking a question out of blue surprised him, he frowned but answered.

“Jonathan’s daughter Selena is in the same class with you…”he said tentatively.

A quick plan formed in my mind… I compelled him to do as I said. He walked me through a series of corridors and came to a halt and he called her name.

I waited patiently for whoever it is to respond… A small girl pushed through the crowd walking towards us, she had straight, black hair, she was of average height, she was wearing jeans and shirt, her thin lips were in tight lines, big, blue eyes unfocused, her cheeks and the tip of the nose are colored red, she is cold, I thought. She had beautiful features just like…

“I need you to show him to class…” Her eyes met mine for the first time, I wasn’t surprised when she stared at me, I got used to the affect that I had on my opposite sex, this is one of perks for being what I am.

“Um… sure, sir.” Her voice was sweet and unique.

She walked me through the corridors avoiding looking at me. She had an hour glass frame, the breeze carried her scent towards me…my throat burned instantly…A^-, my kind, I licked my lips at the thought of it. I cursed myself for giving into the hunger.

“I’m Evan…Evan Lockhart.” I could see her faint blush. This is going to be easy…Gain her trust and then it will not be hard to have her blood… It is only going to be a few days before you are out brother… I thought.

<Selena’s pov>
I still couldn’t control the funny feeling that I have as we walked together.

“Selena…”I managed to say. A warm smile spread across his face that lit his face…I blushed as my thoughts travelled to elsewhere.

“Can I see your schedule…?” I asked. He handed me his slip and his finger tips faintly brushed mine and I could tell from all my experience that he did so willingly.

“You have the same classes as mine…” I said eying the schedule.

“I know…” He grinned. What did he mean by that? How did he know?

“Mr. White told me so…” he replied quickly. Did he?

“Where is our first class?” I can say that he wanted to change the conversation.

I walked him to the Mr. Noel’s class, as I stepped in his line of vision.
“You are late…”he said in dead tone.

Evan side stepped making himself visible, I could see Mr. Noel assessing him with beady eyes, that old twit would use every reason to taunt me. He deals with our chemistry and he is a mystery to us…

“Sorry, I’m the reason for her hold up. Mr. White asked her to show me around…” Evan said flashing his dazzling smile.

Mr. Noel groaned and with one final look at me, he mumbled to come in. I walked past them and went to sit by Janet.

“Who is that, hottie?” She whispered.

“Evan Lockhart…” I mumbled. Her eyes went wide. Mr. Noel cleared his throat and an hour of his torture continued.

I felt relieved knowing that his class is over, I almost forgot about the new, hot guy in the class. Janet and I walked talking about how boring his classes are and how he always found new ideas to taunt us…

Janet and I parted at my English classroom; I took my usual place and started to wonder about the new guy… As soon as I thought about him, I saw him coming in… Erika was tagging along with him.

“Sit with me…” She batted her eye lashes and rolled the strands of hair with her fingers. I hate her… She is a bitch and she literally drools over hot guys.

Evan glanced all over and he caught me sitting alone…he walked over to me.

“Can I sit here?” he asked. I looked at Erika; she stomped away into her place throwing me dirty looks.

“Sure…” I scooted over to the edge; he sat with a wide smile playing on his face.

“What made your family come here after all this year’s…?” I asked trying to make conversation.

“We have some family business to take care of…” Ms. Havens walked in after that we couldn’t talk but all through the class I saw Taylor glaring at me and Evan.

Evan followed me through the next two periods but Taylor dodged him and secured his place beside me in the last hour…It seemed so childish of Taylor.

“Taylor… what are you doing?” I asked clearly confused about his behavior.

“I was just trying to sit in my place…” He said curtly. Evan smiled and sat with Erika.

“Did you dump me for him?” he scowled looking at Evan.

“You know that’s not true. I have seen him for the first time today…” I chided.

“What is the reason then?” he sulked.

I sighed, he is not going to give up…how can I ever explain that it’s not going to work between us, I still see him like a friend and that makes it difficult for me, With other’s it’s just two simple words; “It’s over” but I can’t hurt Taylor like that. He is my only friend besides Janet.

“Please…” I said.

Taylor is the football team captain, he is a good looking guy and popular ones of the schools but none ever knew that he is a sweet heart; he had the tenderness of child.

“I like you better as my friend…” I said. He looked at me confused but thankfully didn’t say anything back.

At lunch, Taylor walked beside me silently to dining hall, it’s filled up with people already but I’m sure Janet would have saved place for me.

Janet was sitting in our usual spot with Mike and Mitchell.

“Hi, guys…”I waved setting my plate down. Taylor grabbed a chair and sat next to me.
Janet gave a wary glance and frowned, I gestured that everything is okay. Mike and Mitchell spoke about their vacation…We listened to them intently and laughed as Mike humored us.

I watched out the window, the pitter patter of the rain drops on the windows had a faint rhythm to them. I zoned out… I drew patterns on the glasses and suddenly I found someone’s silhouette blocking the outside view, I rubbed the glass to make it visible.

I couldn’t see who it was properly but the ruffled dirty brown hair gave away. It was Evan standing alone in the rain… I saw him, glancing at his surroundings cautiously and then he walked into the forest.

What was he doing in forest at this time?

“I’ll be back…”I said gathering my jacket and rushing outside.

<Evan’s POV>
I should have known better… I could have waited until the school is finished. My stupidity is going to cost my brother’s freedom. How didn’t I see her following me?

Being with humans after all these years wore me out… I craved for their blood more by every passing hour. I couldn’t wait until the last hour, I carefully skipped out of the school without anyone noticing me…I ran into the forests and let my senses free searching for prey…

I found a deer, it won’t be delicious but it will be able to quench my hunger… one quick, swift move was all it takes to kill it; I sat there draining every ounce of it. It really felt better

I enjoyed the rush of blood flowing through my system… I retracted my canines and wiped off the blood from my face… I kicked the deer aside, that’s when I noticed a pale faced Selena; the look on her face was enough to tell that she had seen everything.

I cursed myself, I made a slight move and she broke into a run…Poor girl, don’t know what she messed with. I let her run as far as I could it will wear her down and I could easily kidnap her than. I took a quick leap and landed right in front of her.

She fell on the muddy earth and began to shout for help, I hit her on the neck and she fell unconscious. I carried her away to y cottage in the woods.

She woke up after what seemed to be like hours… I was in my living room when I heard her shouts…she panicked as she saw me enter her room, She crawled to the end of the room and covered her face in her knees.

“I’m not going to hurt you…” I said carefully walking towards him. She peeped through the slits of her eyes… She pursed her lips in deep thought.

“Are you a vegan?” She asked meekly.

I chuckled…how did she know that term?
I nodded showing my glass filled with blood. She eased off a little bit.

“Are you going to kill me or erase my memory?” she asked carefully.

“Which one is the better option for you?” I smiled.

“I will keep your secret…” she replied with all honesty.

“Can I trust on you with such a secret…”I asked.

“You have my word…my family doesn’t go back on their word…” she boasted.

“Okay… for now you will be safe but if I sense anything wrong…” She cut me off.

“You can have me as your meal…”she replied.

I backed away giving her enough space to stretch and stand up. She carefully walked over to the bed and sat on it tentatively touching her neck. I knew she was checking for marks.

“I promised that I won’t hurt besides I’m what you call as vegan…” I chuckled. She relaxed a bit.

“You knew about us before…?”I frowned. She hesitated for a moment and then she nodded.

“How…?” I asked.

“Can we talk about it later?” she asked, I could see the tears that she was trying hard to keep them back.

“Can I go home now?”She asked.

“You should stay here a while until I’m sure that you wouldn’t tell anyone about it…”I said eying her.

“Do you think I’m mad to tell someone about it and get thrown into an asylum or worse get killed…?” She was right and I can see the honesty in her words but I wasn’t completely letting her go so I thought of watching over secretly.

I dropped her home, “You would understand it, if I didn’t invite you in, right?” she said as I walked her up to her door.

I nodded. She knows so much about us…How was that? Did she ever encounter one? If she did why was she still alive? That cancels the option may be she read about us… You know there are so many books on us these days but that wouldn’t prepare her in this way; she took it really well after knowing I was a vegan.

I hate puzzles…I slammed my fist on the tree and it cracked… I made a mad dash to the cottage after making sure that she is sound asleep in her room.

When I came back, I watched her sleeping form from the window, she is restless in her sleep, she kept mumbling in her sleep. I could make the distinct words “Jason, come back…” Who is Jason?

After what seemed to be hours of restless tossing in her bed, her breath became soft and she finally was able drift off into sleep, she is even more beautiful then.
<Selena’s POV>
I had put up a façade of being brave but as soon as I shut my eyes hard, all I could see was the web of lies that I made is starting to crumble down and if that happens, I don’t if I could make it out sane and alive this time.

How could I be so oblivious to the signs? I should have seen it coming when an unearthly handsome walked in with a mysterious disposition. Jason, please come back…I prayed to god to let Jason know what I’m in.

The alarm went off at the right time but I wasn’t ready to wake up yet, last night was long and restless and I’m not sure if I could be wide awake today without a good night sleep. I just wanted to lay in the bed rest of the day, I snuggled closer into the sheets and looked out into the window, the sky is clear today, promising a good day of sun, I smelled Laura baking something, the trees swayed gently, I got up and opened the window to let in the fresh air, sun rays filtered in.

I closed my eyes and breathed in a huge amount of fresh air and let it go, this is something I do for calming my nerves. I jumped back startled when I heard a sharp sounding right in front of me. Evan’s face was inches far away from me.

“What the hell?” He grinned. I composed after taking a few deep breaths. “You have been watching me?” I asked.

“You can’t trust a human no matter how honest she is…” he smirked.

“Can I come in?” he asked kneeling by the window.

“You can’t trust a vampire even if he is a vegan.” I snapped and shut the blinds on his face. He sat there grinning like an idiot.

“Your friend is here to pick you up…” Laura said as I gulped down the juice.

“Who…?” I asked.

“Evan…”she said smiling.

“Did you invite him in?” I asked quickly. I knew she did, that jerk…

“You shouldn’t have…” I was cut off when Evan walked in.

“You have a beautiful home, Laura.” Laura blushed.

He is calling her Laura? Vampire and their charms, I nodded my head in disbelief.

“Let’s go…” I practically dragged him out of the house.

“You shouldn’t have tricked her into letting you in…”I stomped on him.

“I didn’t trick her, she invited willingly when I said I am your friend…” he smirked.

I don’t know what I’m going to do now that he is inside my house… what if he hurts Laura? It’s my entire fault... I shouldn’t have meddled into his life. Vampires like trading, what if I trade myself for her?

“You can always take your invitation back…” he said in a serious voice.

Oh! Yes, I can but why is he saying that to me? Is he playing game on me? May be he wants to be trusted. Let’s give him a chance. I know trusting a vampire is off limits but what choice do I have?

“Are you alone or with your clan?” I know this is a tricky question, a vampire without clan is an easy target, If he did answer this tricky question then I’ll play nice.

“I’m with the members of my human family, they are acting as my parents…”he said as a matter of fact.

“I’m rogue vampire…”he added. I flinched… What am I, in this time? Rogue vampires are those that are not members of clan, they live all by themselves, it is them we need to watch out for… vampires of a clan stick together and they lay low to protect their members of clan but being rogue vampire, you don’t have to care for anyone, they are usually brutal.

“You know that I can’t read your mind so just ask me what it is.” Evan said eying me as I bit my lower lip in deep thought.

“You just said you are a rogue vampire but your also a vegan, how is that possible?” He chuckled.

“I don’t want to kill people…” his voice was one of honest.

He may not want to kill people but the beast in him some day would or already has…”Did you kill anyone?” I asked tentatively. I dreaded his answer what if he said ‘yes’. It wouldn’t help my panicky heart anymore.

“I did when I was a first born.” His eyes were distant was that regret I see in his face. I faced away from him trying to assess him.

“Where are you?” Its Janet texting me; I clutched my head; she must have been to pick me up as usual. “I’ll talk to you at college…”I texted back.

We were at school and Evan held the door open for me as I unbuckled the strap. Unfortunately, Taylor was within our vicinity and he glared at us. Evan noticed him.

“Is he your boyfriend?” he asked. “We broke up…” He snaked his arms around my waist saying, “Good for me…”

“Don’t touch me…”I slapped him. He made a funny face, I chuckled.

“It would be a nice alibi for me to stalk you…” he added. My friends are not going to believe this, especially Janet.

Janet saw us approaching and looked quizzically at us.
“Where were you, you left school without a word?” I cut her off before she went on ranting.

“I had to go somewhere important…” My curt reply must have invoked more questions but strangely she kept quiet. I introduced Janet to Evan… Evan grabbed the next chair beside us.

I was thankful to Mr. White for entering the class at the right time, Janet didn’t get a chance to start on me but I’m sure she would have all the lunch hour to pry more information from me. What am I going to say?

“You seem so thoughtful?”Evan asked by the end of third hour. I shrugged.

I’m so worried about lunch, I had to face so many questions that I could never answer. “Is everything okay?” Janet asked noticing my awful face. I nodded.

I know she is waiting for my answer but I was dead quiet. Finally, she did ask the same question.

“I was out with Evan…”I lied but it had part truth in it.

“You barely met him…” I shrugged. I couldn’t meet her gaze, she would surely find out that I was holding something if she saw my eyes, She always said that my eyes always give me away.

She sighed and munched on her lunch… I couldn’t feel tears welling up; I never lied to her. Taylor made screeching noise as he rested his chair beside mine. I felt his boring eyes on me. How much I wanted to cry and tell them everything but that will lead them into trouble and I can’t do that to them.

“Selena…Can I have a word with you?” Evan’s voice sounded closer to me. He was standing by our group, Taylor glared at him.

I gathered my jacked and made an apology to my friends and quickly scurried after him.
“What is it?” I asked.

“Nothing…” he shrugged. He must have guessed what situation I was in so he came to rescue me but if it wasn’t for him, I wouldn’t be in this situation at all.

I headed to our next class as he trailed after me… “Don’t you want to go hunting?” I asked as he sat there staring at me awkwardly.

“I’m not going to make that mistake again…”He doesn’t have to fear, none would be dumb enough to follow him like me.

“Why did you come really?”I asked after a while.

<Evan’s pov>
I have learned from the townies that Selena has a stubborn heart and she doesn’t care for anyone. I know these are web of lies that surrounded her, deep down her there is a gentle girl trapped in. I doubt that there is something about her past that made her what she is now…

I could see her tears welling up as she tried hard to lie to her friend, I know she in a weak moment and that Taylor guy worries her, Morning when I pulled her close, her eyes darted to Taylor, she felt his pain. Though she wouldn’t admit, I know she cares for them deeply.

I couldn’t watch and enjoy when she is hurting. I walked over to their small group, they had no idea that I was there until I spoke.

“Selena…Can I have a word with you…”Her eyes met mine and they were brimming with tears…She quickly made an apology and scurried along with me.

“What is it?” her voice was croaked.

“Nothing…”I shrugged.

“Don’t you want to go hunting?” She asked after a while, her voice was composed now, I don’t know how she does that, it amazes me really. She gains composure so easily.

“I’m not going to make that mistake again…” even if I did, I’m not sure whether I’ll have the same luck as I did with her. Selena… took it really well and I’m damn sure that she would keep my secret but if someone else was in her place, I’ll be left with no choice but to kill her which I definitely couldn’t do.

“Why did you come really?” she tried to make a conversation for which I was thankful, I didn’t like her when she was gloomy.

“Family business…” I replied curtly.

She frowned but let it that way… “Did you ever lie to a friend?” she asked.

“I don’t remember being a human so I don’t remember any human emotions… but I’m pretty sure that it hurts you like hell to lie to her…”

She nodded. “You did the right thing. There are some things that better be not known.” I added.

“I wish I never saw you…”she mumbled.

Something pricked my heart when she said that… I shrugged off the feeling, what do I care about what she thought, I’m here to get my brother out and I’m going to do that at any cost.

I dropped her home and waited by the tree to see her climbing up into the bed… She walked to the window and checked her surroundings; I know that she is searching for me. She crawled into her bed shaking her head. She left the window open not that a window would stop me from going in, but her opening the window meant something to me.

I waited until she was deep in sleep and crawled into her room. The cold wind caresses her cheeks and her soft, velvet hair fell in a mess over the pillow, she tossed to the side, I had the strange urge to touch her, I gently fingered her smooth skin, it felt like bliss, her warmth spread into my whole system. She stirred in her sleep mumbling ‘Jason’

She clutched my hand in hers and placed it under his cheeks as a cushion, my whole system burned into fire… I felt as light as a feather, every regret, guilt, hatred washed away, the world seemed so bright and colorful, even the night sky held no gloom, My love, hatred, sorrow, anguish everything became centered on her. I was blind to everything around me, it’s only her…

I realized what just happened, I wiggled my hands away from her and ran into darkness after 400 years of soul searching, I finally mated with the one girl that I thought I never would. It’s making everything complicated. I punched in frustration at everything that was on my way.

<Janet’s POV>
I watched Selena as she held her down, I’m certain that she is lying and from the corner of my eyes moisty, She is crying that means she is hurt about something and what would it be?

“Selena, can I have a word with you…” I noticed that something flicker in his eyes as he sent Selena a silent message, she scurried after him murmuring apologies to us in a croaked voice. What’s going on? Who is he and how dare he budge into our group? Does he have something to do with Lena’s odd behavior? Is he hurting her? I felt like kicking the hell out of him in front of everyone.

My phone rang stopping me from going after him… I grabbed my jacket and made a mad dash into the corridors, ignoring the yells from my friends. My heart was pounding hard in my chest, what’s going on? Is he okay? Did he hit someone again? I should have locked him in instead of letting him out, to get drunk and hit random people. AS if mom passing away last year wasn’t enough, I should know take care of my drunken father. When will he realize that mom is not going to come back?

I pulled into the drive way hoping that everything is going to be okay…I didn’t see people swarming around my house or chief’s car, everything was calm which unnerved me even more. There was a black SUV standing outside in our lawn. I could hear voices from inside, they weren’t shouting like I imagined, they were talking.

“Jane…” That was my dad, his voice was steady and sober, and he is not drunk that relaxed me a bit. He was even tidy, his usual ruffled hair was neatly combed and his face had no trace of dirt, he wore clean clothes. His silver blue eyes glinted with happiness…

An extremely polished gentleman stood up, everything about him screamed money and then he held his hands towards a blonde head who wore her hair in bun… She looked exquisite.

“Hello…dear.” Her voice was as sweet as honey. She is familiar but where did I see her? I racked my brain to find any connection between her and my memories. An image flickered in my mind, her rich presence in our old and weathered living room long ago, she is mom’s friend. What was her name?

“Do you remember me darling, Aunt Eva?” She flashed a smile, yes, Eva. I remember her… with that realization truth hit me, time has come for me to part my family, tears welled up in my eyes but I blinked them back.

Years ago… when I was four, Mom as seriously ill when we didn’t have a penny for her medication. Eva stepped in to help save mom, Last year mom told me the agreement she made with Eva for helping her. I was furious when mom said what the agreement was but I couldn’t blame her for what she did. I would do the same if I was her…

“Is it time?” I asked. She smiled gently. I didn’t say one more word, I marched into my room and gathered all my stuff, I slumped into my bed, I didn’t expect it to happen this soon, What if I say I don’t want to go? It would mean that I’m breaking a promise that mom made but mom isn’t here… I was still confused of what do, I clutched my head in frustration.

I didn’t notice Eva until she walked into my room and cleared her throat, my eyes were brimmed with tears, and she sat beside me gently squeezing my hands…

“Can I ask you a favor?” I asked tentatively. She nodded.

“I want to finish my schooling here and I promise that I’ll do whatever you asked me to do after that…” I know that is a big promise, but I don’t want to ruin my career.

“I think you’ll understand…”She cut me off. “ In fact, I was going to say the same thing, we are going to stay here for a while, and we wanted to make sure that you get comfortable with us…”

“I see you’re packed, let’s make a move then…”she said. I carried the packed briefcase downstairs taking my time to look at everything; this place holds many memories of my mother.

Eva introduced her husband Tom to me… We drove past Selena’s home, I thought of asking for a quick stop there but I was in no mood to talk to her after she was obviously keeping secrets from me…

“What…? You brought this place?” I asked as I stared at the haunted house-2 of our small town, this sits right in front of the creepy Lockhart mansion, not that this one is any less creepy, these two houses were marked as northern boundaries for our small town.

“We didn’t buy it…It’s our ancestral home.” Tom grinned. “You mean you’re the Sinners?” I asked appalled.

Eva laughed melodiously. There is an odd feeling in my mind, The coming back of Lockhart’s is weird enough now these people move in to…This cannot be a mere co incidence, as the driver pulled into the drive way of Sinner mansion, my mind screamed to run. Eva helped me out as I tried to soothe my wrecking nerves.

As soon as my feet touched the ground, a gust of wind slightly staggered me; it felt like the wind was hissing at me…the lamp post flickered.

“Run…” That voice was eerie and cold, I nervously peeked at my surroundings, Eva and Tom are way ahead me, and the driver was oblivious to his surroundings.

I took a step further afraid to be alone, “Run…” I shouted as someone grabbed my hands suddenly.

“Run…Run…Run…”The voices grew urgent and menacing, I shrieked in pain as the words pounded in my brain, I screamed in pain and fell unconscious.

“Is she going to be okay?” I heard Eva’s voice faintly; I couldn’t open my eyes, they seemed to be glued together.

“She is fine…It must be her awakening call…” A soft voice that could melt any girl into a puddle spoke up.

“Sir…”He hushed Eva… he has soft, brown eyes, roman nose, plush lips, chiseled jaw, dark brown ruffled hair, he pointed his hads towards me, placing a finger over his lips to keep Eva quiet, I tossed on the bed, trying to open my eyes, Wait a minute, I didn’t open my eyes but how did I see everything, My eye balls flickered rapidly and then they shot open, I panicked as the darkness loomed.

“On the lights…” That soft voice commanded.

The lights flickered on, a silhouette loomed over me, as my eyes became adjusted, I saw the same soft, brown eyes, My breath became ragged, how did I see him without opening my eyes, Am I going insane?

“Calm down…everything is going to be alright…” He hushed, his soft voice began to ease my nerves. I peeked at him, I was about to blurt out when something stopped me, I’m must be mad, I was just having a dream and if I say something they would probably think that I’m insane.

“Are you okay? Drink this…”he said putting the glass to my mouth. Surprisingly, I began to calm down.

“Where am I?” my voice was croaked. “In our house, dear…” Eva said with a gentle smile.

“He is our son…” She was cut off when he looked at her, She flinched and bowed slightly and left. What is going on? Why is she bowing to her son? Is he really her son?

“I’m Alec…Alec Sinner…” He said with and alluring smile playing across his lips.

“I’m Jane..Janet mildrew.” I said. He frowned… I get that a lot. “I use my mother’s maiden name, um…It’s a weird tradition…” Girls of Mildrew family aren’t supposed to change their last name, that’s what mom said when I asked her, It was weird but I didn’t ask her further about it. She just said that one day I would know the reason.

“Do you remember anything?” he asked. I remember every thing but thinking about it made me shiver… He gently wrapped his around me.

“Nothing…I hadn’t eaten anything for a while, I guess…”I lied. He nodded. “Well, let’s get you something to eat…” He buzzed the bell and a man entered.

“Get her something to eat…”he said. “Are you the one that I’m supposed to marry?” My blunt question somehow amused him, he chuckled.

“Yes… that would be me…” he answered.

Janet woke up with a bad headache, she cursed as she heard the alarm go off suddenly giving her goose bumps, now that she was wide awake, she took in her surroundings with surprise, she was sitting in a huge, plush bed, the drapes were pulled away allowing light to filter in. There were fresh red roses sitting on my bed side table. She yawned and stretched on my bed, The room is lavishly furnished depicting the good taste of the owner.

“Aren’t you ready, yet?” a soft voice spoke. She jump started at the voice. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” Alec said with his soft, menacing smile.

Janet looked closer, though his voice is tender and soft, there is something that made her edgy, his eyes studied her, she shrugged the creepy feeling that she got as he checked her.

“Are you alright?” his eyebrows knitted together, She ignored the inner voice that taunted her to “Run”

“Headache…”She answered pressing her temples. “Do you want to rest for a while?” he asked carefully treading towards her.

“No…I have to go.” She noticed him moving closer and the voices in her head grew louder. It was like drums are being pounded in her head, not just one hundreds of them at once. The voices bellowed the same thing always; “Run.”

“Okay…I’ll wait for you downstairs…”He said with a sweet smile and left. The voices slowly faded as the distance between them grew and finally they left her in peace.

Janet was still puzzled about last night’s events, she could have ignored thinking it as a nightmare but it felt so real, she even heard the voices when she woke up in the morning. I’m going mad… she decided.

“Jane…Darling. I see your finished. Let’s get you something to eat before you rush off to school.” Seeing Eva popped another doubt in Janet’s mind, she remembered the weird exchange between the mother and son last night, it wasn’t like she is his mother, what mother would bow to her son? She thought.

Eva led her through stairs and coupe of doors in the first floor before she reached a two huge doors, she pushed them open and smells from the dining hall made Janet’s stomach grumble, Janet laughed at the funny sound her stomach made.She shoved all the thoughts aside and munched hungrily on her breakfast.

“I don’t see Alec anywhere…” she asked her eyes scanning the horizon.

“He is out, waiting for you…” Janet noticed how Eva pronounced he, it was hesitant. It’s like she is almost reluctant to call him like that, Janet shrugged.

Alec was leaning on to the car, Janet gave a quick glance at him, she hadn’t got chance to study him before. He was almost perfect now that she looked closer, she could see a small scar across his jawline, when her eyes met his, she couldn’t help but observe the coldness of his eyes.

Janet’s head started to pound again, It was like he is triggering the voices. Janet froze in the hall trying to not to break down. She fell on her knees as the voices grew louder.

“Are you alright? Let me help you…” Alec knelled in front of her, Janet flinched at his touch. Her body went rigid and lifeless, her eyes were distant and hollow, her eyes bore into him. Her breath became raspy and then went still.

“Don’t you dare touch her…She is not going to be a pawn in your filthy hands.” Janet’s voice was hoarse and crude unlike her sweet and mellow voice.

A small smile began to play on Alec’s lips, he leaned closer towards her until he was inches apart from her, Janet’s body convulsed, Alec gripped her shoulders steadying her. “Welcome back, Sera…”He whispered and then kissed her gently on her cheeks.

Janet’e eyes glared with fiery red, She threw her clenched fists on him, he pinned her to the ground and with other hand, he gentle placed his palm over her forehead. “Don’t…”She shrieked. The voice grew faint as Alec chanted something.
Janet fell unconscious on the floor… Alec carried her into the car and strapped her in the passenger seat.

Janet woke up yawning lazily, she was buckled,she didn’t remember getting into the car in fact she didn’t remember anything. She panicked as pieces of her memory were put together, she remembered Eva and Tom bringing to Sinner’s house, and then waking up in bed and talking to Eva, having delicious breakfast, and waking up in the car.

The pieces didn’t fit together, she found holes in her memory and that worried her, what’s happening to her? she cried.

She thought of asking Alec about it but she knew how he would look at her so she avoided the urge to talk to him but she needed to talk to someone or else she would go mad and she knew exactly who that someone is.

As soon as the car skidded to a halt in the school grounds, she rushed into the one place where she would find Selena, As usual Selena is sitting on the bench under the huge tree in our school yard.

Selena finished her chores and breakfast as soon as she could and waited for Evan to come and pick her, he didn’t turn up, she slowly made her way to school disappointed that he didn’t turn up. She ran over yesterday’s memories that’s when it struck her that Evan might be hurt of what she said. She didn’t mean it when she said that she wished that she didn’t meet him, It just slipped away from her and now Evan is upset about it, she thought.

She wanted to apologize but she couldn’t find him in the usual places that she always saw him. Other students started to come and soon it was time for her first class.

Evan watched Selena from the shadows as she searched the whole school from him, he wanted so much to go in front of her and talk to her, she wanted to be with her no matter what but there is the promise he need to keep. He couldn’t stand it any longer, he knew he was going to regret it but his heart was in no condition to listen to anything, it longed for her.

He saw her sitting by her tree, she was sad. Seeing her like that, gave him the strong urge to be with her and solve whatever problem she has, her face lit up as she saw him approaching her.

“I’m sorry about yesterday…I didn’t mean it.” Selena said.

For the first time in his life Evan lacked words to say all he did was just stare at her and admire her.

Selena waited biting her lower lip, she knew he was upset but him being so quiet unnerved her. She waited patiently to hear his voice, she urged him in her mind to say something.

“Selena…I need to talk…”Janet said giving quick look at Evan which said that she needed privacy. Selena could have groaned about Janet’s bad timing if not for the worried look on her face.

“What happened?” Selena enveloped her hands over her knowing that she would break down at any time.

Janet was able to tell her everything without breaking down into tears… “Do you think I’m going mad?”

“I don’t think so… unexpected changes are too much for your brain that’s it.” She tried convincing her but rational part of her doubted that.

She planned to talk about this to Evan that is if he would talk to me at all, something told her that Evan would have answers to it.

The morning hours passed sooner than expected; everyone was immersed in their own world. Lunch brought them closer to the real world filled with all the people.

“Jane…You left me…” Alec complained as he appeared beside Jane out of nowhere.
Jane shrugged and started picking her food, faking a smile towards him. He grabbed a chair and sat next to her.

“You must be the beautiful Selena Crescent…” he said.

“Your friend seems to be troubled about something…”He said eying her concernedly.

“It’s all so sudden, she needs time to sink that all in.” Selena said squeezing her hands with a warm smile.

“Selena…Come with me.” Evan grabbed her arms suddenly and started dragging her away from the group shooting daggers at Alec who had a mischievous grin playing on his face, she wasn’t oblivious to this weird exchange.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.01.2012

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