
It is said that girls are given equal rights with men; they are given reservation in some countries to encourage their development. We find women working in every field; some spread their wings and fly in the sky. Some travel into the deep blue ocean, some women are brave enough to fight for their mother land. Some enjoy the place in whatever field they work but are every woman in this world treated the same way?

I don’t know, but I have seen some cases where they still believe that girl child is nothing but a burden, they kill their baby without those eyes ever seeing the world. What’s worse is that they treat the girl child like mere trash. What’s so wrong about being a girl? If it weren’t for them there is no creation in this world.

People like a girl friend, mom, aunt, sister but not a girl child why is it so? I have recently read an article where I have seen that all the girl children born in a village are given the name “Nakusa” which means unwanted in Hindi.

The story is dedicated to all the women in the world…

“Linda… please wake up…” I felt a gentle tug on my shoulders. I pushed her hands away, “Mom, I’m tired…” I gently whispered. She is a woman in mid 40’s but all the grief took its toll on her and she looked more than her age.

“Your father is awake…If he sees you in bed you know what will happen…” She chided gently.

As soon as mother mentioned father’s name, I saw his distinct image in my mind, a tall and grim looking person coursing upon me with a lash, his very image sent chills. I pushed myself up and ran into the room to freshen up before I started my chaotic day.

I ran into the kitchen where my elder sisters already started the work for the day, “You are late…”they chorused. “Sorry…”I mumbled.

I have four elder sisters, elder sister Jane is the most sensible person, she is in 20’s, and she takes care of us all. Next to her is Emma who is in her 19’s, she always sulks about being born, she hates the fact that she is born like a girl at all. After her it’s Jenny who is 18, she is the optimist. My younger sister Julia is very close to me since she is only a year elder than me and for Dad we all are “Nakusa” unwanted children.

“Linda…I think it’s your day. You should serve breakfast today…”Emma said. Julia gave a weak nod, Everyday one of us were assigned to take breakfast to father and in return we get lashed. We agreed in between us that each day one should get the lashings since none of us could take them every day. He always found a reason to beat us if he didn’t find a reason even then he would beat us for just showing our face to him.

“Okay…”I said setting the breakfast into a tray. While I was about to open the door to kitchen, Jane stopped me. “Linda…Please do not answer back.” She said sighing. I nodded; I knew if I answered back it would only mean more lashes.

I took deep breath before knocking the door, “Come in…”His voice was rude and sent shivers to my spine at once.

“What took you so long? You are nothing but mere waste you never do any work properly…”He scolded to which our little brother laughed. It’s time like this I had the urge to kick him not even considering him as my brother.

I didn’t answer; I just set their breakfast avoiding eye contact with him all the time. I waited until they finished the breakfast and slowly began to gather breakfast thinking it had gone well. I slowly began to walk out of the room when I stumbled and fell down. The plates made a crashing sound… the sound wrecked my nerves... I knew what would come next. I picked up the glass splinters in frantic and the glass splinters cut through my skin…tears welled up in my eyes and I blinked them back…one thing that father hated more is to see us crying…it would make him even mad.

“You little bitch…”I heard his voice; I faced him slowly getting ready to face his wrath. He walked in quick stride to the corner of the room and grabbed the whip from its safe.

He began to charge me with the whip in his hands; it tore through my dress and then made marks on my exposed body parts, I promised not to cry but the tears slipped. It’s only a matter of time before you get used to the pain, I thought. My body and heart were so used to the pain that they no longer felt it but my eyes, I think they were still trying to get used to all these things. From the corner of my eye, I saw my little brother grin.

“It’s him… He put his legs in my way and made me fall…”I said glaring at him. “How dare you speak about your brother like that?” My father growled and intensity of the lashes increased with his rage. I saw my brother grinning widely enjoying the show, that made me furious. My sisters and mom soon walked into the room. Mom fell over me protecting from the lashes.

“She will die…”she said meekly as blood began to ooze from the open wounds. “She deserves it for her insolence…”he grumbled.

“Sir, you have visitors…” someone called and he left us with one last lash to us all.

“I told you to keep your mouth shut…”Emma glared rubbing her wounds. “Why should I? It’s not even my fault our stupid little brother made me fall…” I gritted my teeth as mom applied the ointment on my wounds. “Even if it’s not our fault, we need to keep our mouth shut because we are born as girls…” She said. “Mom…why is it so wrong to be a girl?” I asked. She just cried more and hugged me. My sisters gathered around us and hugged.

We ate what’s left of our breakfast and mom sent me to pick groceries while my sisters prepared lunch.
“Hello, missy. Had a good day?” The shopkeeper asked me. He is a nice person and always kind to us.

I gathered the groceries and hurried back to home greeting every person on my way. As soon as I reached home, I found my sisters crying.

“What happened? Did he come back to beat us again?” I asked checking for new wounds. There weren’t any fresh wounds on any of them. “What’s it?” I begged them to say something. “Linda….”I heard him call out loudly. His voice sent shivers, there was something wrong. I scurried to his room immediately.

“Yes, father…” I said eying the visitor. He is a well dressed gentleman in 40’s. “Pack your things and come down…”He said. I stared at him. Why should I pack my things? What’s he up to now?

“Didn’t you hear what I said?”He asked hoarsely. I rushed into my room where my sisters were eagerly waiting. “Why does he want me to pack?” I asked them. They stared at me with tear stained eyes.

“Linda… Are you done yet?” He called. “What’s it mom? Where is he sending me?” I asked. “That gentleman promised your father to give riches if he gives one of his daughters in return.” She said meekly.

“What?” I stammered. My eyes went wide as I deciphered the meaning… How low could he even go…? “Why don’t you say that my father sold me to him?” My mom cried out loud. “Linda…” My sisters hugged me crying. “I think anywhere is better than here but I’ll miss my family…” I said wiping away my tears.

“What’s taking you so much time?” He asked standing beside our door. He dragged me into the hall where the stranger was waiting.

Another man came and took my luggage from my hands and I took one last look at my sisters and mom who were peeping through the window, before I climbed into the horse cart. “This is what you get for you insolence…” my father whispered into my ears giving a wicked grin. “Any where is better than here…” I answered back. He glared at me as the horses pulled the carriage away.

I didn’t talk much to the gentleman sitting before me all through the ride. I had mixed feelings about him, gratitude for taking me away from the hell and hatred because he stole me away from only one thing that I had, my mom and sisters. The carriage pulled at huge, old building. I stared wide mouthed at the huge palace doors.

“Excuse me, sir. What work should I do here?” I asked for the first time. He was surprised at once; He shrugged his shoulders and walked me into a room.

He opened the doors to let me in. Inside there was a man and woman who looked very elegant, they are in mid 40’s, I guess. They smiled very attractively but not one of them had a genuine smile.

“Hello…Miss…”He paused to remember my name. One of the men standing behind him whispered something into his ear. “Miss. Linda. Of course, how was your journey, dear?” he asked.

The woman smiled. “Good, sir. What work do I need to do here?” I asked. He laughed merrily.

“You are here to be the bride of my son…” he said still laughing.

My mind raced with many ideas. Were they making fun of me? Of course, yes. That would be the only thing, what else would they want from a poor peasant girl? A poor girl like me marrying a prince and then living happily ever after happens only in stories that Jenny reads. Mother was brought up in a good family where they taught her how to read, she was the one who taught us how to read. We didn’t care much about learning to read when our life was so messed up, mother understood it and didn’t pressure us. However, Jenny had a wild interest to the fairy tales that mother used to say during our bed time so she learned to read from her and read whatever book she found…

“Do you need anything else, miss?” A girl about my age asked setting the dinner for me. I got down from the bed. “You don’t call me like that; I’m more like you, a house worker, call me Linda…” I said. She nodded and began to serve me in my plate.

“It’s okay…”I said taking the spoon from her hands and gave her an appreciative smile for helping me and thanked her.

“Did you eat?” I asked her. “We usually eat after our mistress ate…” She said. “I think it’s past nine, she should have eaten by now… Why don’t you eat with me? You know it would be sufficient for us…” I said smiling.

“No...I can’t eat when all the men in the house finish eating then we eat…” she said. “I really can’t eat alone, I usually eat with my sisters and besides I can’t eat all this food alone. I promise I won’t tell anyone…”I pleaded her.

“You don’t have to request me Miss.” she said. I shoved a plate into her hand. She seemed uncertain for a few seconds and then ate with me reluctantly. I smiled at her; she remained me so much of Julia.

“What’s your name?” I asked her. “Anna…” she said trying hard to keep her food down. I chuckled. “You know I have a sister who looks so much like you…” I said. She smiled.“I have to leave now…” she said tentatively setting the plates. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone about this and in return you should eat with me every day, is that agreed?” I asked.

“I miss my family.” I thought as I rested back on to the comfortable plush bed. Jenny would be retelling one of her fairy tales now…Julia would be all ears listening to her resting her chin on the pillow and staring wide eyed at Jenny, Emma trying to talk some sense into her while Jane restraining her from saying something that would hurt the girls…Mom would be sitting in the rock chair knitting and a faint smile on her lips looking proudly at her girls…

I woke up early in the morning when there was a gentle knock on the door. Mrs. Wilson was standing out the door a group of people tailing on her back. “Sorry, madam. I overslept…” I said quickly. “Its okay, my girl. I understand you must be very tired.” She said sweetly, pecking my cheek with her hands.

“You must be well groomed before you wedding…”she said clicking her hands. The women rushed to me and sat me on the chair, after that it was a blur but when everything was done and they felt that everything is attended to. They set some dresses before me; all designed in pure silk, the feel of the fabric in my hands made me feel excited. Back home my father couldn’t afford to buy us a single pair for a year but our brother got each week a new pair. I pushed my horrible past aside and concentrated on now.

They helped me get into the dress and walked me to a mirror. A young, beautiful woman smiled at me. I raised my hands to touch the face of the transformed me and sure it was me. Mrs. Wilson chuckled. I dropped my hands embarrassed.

“You do look good, now it’s time for you to learn things…” she said. What did she mean by things? Would they ask me to work now? I hope they wouldn’t, it’s not because I didn’t want to work but because my dress would spoil.

She walked me into a big room where an elderly woman sat with a book in her hand. “She’ll teach you everything you need to know.” She said gesturing me to go in. “But…madam I know how to cook, how to plough and every house chore…” I said confused of what more I should learn.

She chuckled. “You don’t have to do those again, she will educate you…” she said smiling.

It’s been weeks and everyday that’s what I did; I dress up and go to the classes, listen to the classes and come back and have dinner and lunch with Anna. Mrs. Jennings taught me how to read, and etiquette. She made me read different books explaining me the ways of the world…I was really fascinated to know that there is whole new world out there unlike the one I knew for years… Women were treated equally in the books… Jenny would be happy if she gets a chance to read these books. My life sorted out from a complicated mess to a perfect future but deep down my heart I know this wasn’t true.

I was walking back to my room from my classes, when I heard someone crying. I rushed towards the voice; Anna was being beaten by someone. “Stop…What do you think you are doing?” I shouted at the man who was beating Anna. He continued to lash her out. I caught his hands in the mid air and took away the whip from his hands. “What gives you the right to beat her like that?” I called.

“This little twit has been eating with you when she shouldn’t…”he said. “I asked her to do so…If you have a problem than it should be with me. If you strike her once again you will have to face me…” I said fixing him with murderous glare.

“I’m sorry…madam.”He said tentatively. “I’m sorry that you were hurt because of me…” I said rubbing ointment over the wounds.

“There, it will be better by tomorrow.” I said. She cried hugging me. “None has ever taken care of me like that…”she said. I soothed her and after a while she left to continue with her duties. “If that man lays a finger on you again, you come and tell me.” I called after her.

I was in deep sleep when I heard a gentle knock on the door. I rubbed my eyes and opened the door; Anna hurried into my room and shut the door behind her. “I was worried when you didn’t turn up for the dinner…” I said concerned. “Linda… you have to leave.”She said in a whisper. “Why?” I frowned.

“They want you to be bride because you’ll be dead and then…” She blabbered in between sobs. “Calm down…”I said sitting her on the bed and handing her a glass of water. She drank it all.

“There is a curse on the Wilson family. The first bride to the Wilson’s will be dead in over a month after their marriage. Mrs. Wilson wanted to marry her son to her niece but knowing about the curse…”She trailed off. I put the pieces together so if I were to be the first bride than I would die than she could marry her niece conveniently to him.

Involuntary tears began to fall from my eyes, why was it we were unwanted always? What wrong did we do? Me and my sisters, we did nothing but do whatever asked of us but still we were never seen or liked. My father he never liked to see us, when I saw him with my brother he was a different person loving and caring but when he was with us he was grim and ugly. I had always asked this question over and over, was it wrong to be a girl? Why couldn't anyone change this? That's when mom's words echoed in my mind. You shouldn't expect someone to come and change things for you... It's you who need to change. I wiped away my tears. I had taken enough of this hatred and being unwanted. I'll prove myself and make myself wanted.

Anna studied the face of Linda for any signs of shock since she seemed so still. “I’ll help you to run, come on…” Anna gently tugged my hands. “I can’t go back to my house, my dad… he will kill me for coming back…”I mumbled. “Then you have to go somewhere else but not here…”Anna pleaded.

“We need to think it clearly, we can’t take decisions in haste…”I said. “If I go away like that, you know people will defame me and it will have worse effect on my sisters and family. I have four sisters to think about before I do something…” “But surely it won’t be more than losing your life…”she said anxiously keeping her voice low and checking for any sounds.

“I have to figure out another way to get out from here…”I said. “What would that be? I suggest you come to my house, I’ll keep you away safe.” “How long can you keep me hidden? Running away is not a solution. True, it seems to be easy but it wouldn’t do us any good.” I said determined to sort out the problem in another way.

Anna sighed, “I wish that you are taking the right decision…”she said. I squeezed her hands and nodded showing my confidence about the decision.

“I better get going before anyone else caught me…”she said. I checked the corridors and when I saw it was absolutely empty, I gestured her to go. She ran without even turning back, to the kitchen.

Anna was still worried about Linda and her decision.

“Anna…”the head maid shrieked as soon as she saw wounds on her hands, she hurried to her and examined her wounds. She was a woman in mid 40’s, she is a pleasant woman, she treated all her helpers as her own children, and she cared like a mother. Anna told her the story of how she was eating everyday with Miss. Linda and how the chief lashed her for it and then how she was rescued by Miss. Linda.

“She seems to be a good soul…” The head cook Margaret said examining the wounds and seeing if they needed to be treated. “She is very good and kind…”Anna smiled. Margaret sighed. “I guess than Wilson’s family is going to pay for hurting an innocent girl…”

“What do you mean?” Anna asked confused by Margaret’s words. “It’s nothing for you to hear…”Margaret said and began to walk away from the unwanted questions that might pop.

“Aunt Margaret…please do tell me. What you mean by that?”Anna pleaded. Margaret thought for a while and then thought maybe it would help the poor little girl to know the truth. She told Anna about the curse and the Mrs. Wilson’s plan to counteract it which she overheard when she went to serve her breakfast. Anna was dumbfounded by it; she has only one thing in her mind at that time to save Linda. She waited until everyone slept and then went to Linda’s room to tell her all about the curse.

Now thinking back about it, Anna thought maybe she should have pleaded her more into running away from here. She sighed and thought that she couldn’t help her anymore even if she wanted to. She sneaked into the kitchen where the maids were sleeping. She tiptoed to her spot and went to sleep.

“Did you try to escape her from this place?” Margaret’s voice was barely a whisper but she could hear her, she rolled sideways and faced her. “No…She thought it wasn’t a good thing to run away from problems…” Anna said meekly. Margaret smiled as if she knew this would happen.

“I wish nothing happens to her…”Anna said. “God takes care of good girls…now, sleep. You have a long day ahead…” Margaret said. Anna nodded and drifted to sleep thinking about Linda. “Why is it always us; girls?” She whispered before letting the sleep consume her.

I studied Mrs. Wilson as she paced through the room frantically, she was graceful and vigilant. She looked so frail and vulnerable but after last night I know exactly that this is a façade to cover the beast behind a beauty mask. Mr. Wilson was almost poker faced reading the newspaper and occasionally glancing at his wife. How could I have been so naïve? I knew that this is too good to be true, may be small part of me believed like Jenny that there would be an ever after and now… so much for my optimism.

“I have something to do; I’ll be back in a few seconds…” I said. “Yes, dear…but be fast. “She said dazzling me with a smile. Oh! No, I was not going to be deceived by that smile again.

I relaxed on to the couch in my room, what should I do? I obviously cannot go back…Father would take it a chance to kill us…What would I say to mother she would be totally broken knowing what I went through…Do I want her to go through that…? I heard the car pulling sound on the gravel, I slowly got up and walked in a leisure pace to the room where Mr&Mrs. Wilson were waiting.

“Mom…What’s this I hear?” I heard a strong masculine voice. “I told you I don’t want to get married…” his voice was demanding.

“Andrew… everything I do is for your own good.” She said in her usual calm demeanor.

It was followed by a big sigh…”Mom…You know I’m not yet ready for this thing.” He said. “I’m not asking you to marry today, take your own time…”

“You have a month…”she said gruffly. “Mom…This is not fair. This is one thing that I would dare break your order…” he said it in a final tone. I could picture the shock on Mrs. Wilson’s face.

“You have one month time and that will be final.” she said and I heard her shuffling feet and decided to make my grand entrance.

“Linda…Darling.” She said at once changing to her usual charming self. I gave a quick smile before I turned to see the new member of the family.

“Andrew…this young lady here is Linda.” She said gesturing towards me. He looked at me and gave a weak smile, I returned it back. I wouldn’t expect him to fall on his knees as soon as he saw me. I’m not a great beauty. I’m 5’6, dark curly hair falling like a cascade until my shoulders, honey colored eyes and long lashes, tiny lips, pinched nose and fair skinned. Mom always said that I had beautiful heart and if people get to know it than I would be the most beautiful girl.

I studied Andrew as he stood up, he is like 6’1, strong body and he was so much like his mom. Dark hair neatly combed, long nose, high cheeks, deep set eyes, perfect lips, and tanned skin. He is graceful in his movements. He slightly bowed to me and left.

“Don’t mind him; he just had a very long journey.” Mrs. Wilson said. I smiled at her. I smiled to myself as I walked to my room, god is great. I didn’t have to do anything, Andrew didn’t like me or marriage so he would try and stop it. I’m sure. I kind of laughed at my luck.
Anna walked into my room. “You haven’t brought lunch today?” I looked surprised that she came empty handed. “Did you find another way?” she asked meekly. “It seems I don’t have to, Andrew has asked for three months and I’m sure he would find a way out to get out of this marriage in this time…”I said grinning. She smiled and nodded. “Mrs. Wilson wants you to join her in the dining hall…”she said.

Wilson’s were already having their breakfast, Mrs. Wilson made me sit beside Andrew, and he didn’t even peek at me as I sat nor did I expect him, and he picked at his lunch.

One of the servants scurried towards Mr. Wilson and whispered something into his ear. “Honey, finish your breakfast before you go…”Mrs. Wilson said in a sweet voice but none can ignore the demand in it.

“Tell them to wait in the hall…”the servant walked away fastly, Mr. Wilson ate in a hurry, and Mrs. Wilson just sighed thinking she couldn’t change him.

Linda started walking in the corridor aimlessly since Mrs. Jennings is out today, she didn’t have her usual classes and when she neared Mr. Wilson’s office, she came to an abrupt halt as she heard someone having argument. She waited by the door to listen what the problem was. Mr. Wilson is a lawyer by profession and being spokesperson of the village; people came to him for legal advices.

“He promised to give rest of the money after marriage now he is saying he can’t…” one of the man said throwing vicious glances at a person who looked weary.

“My father has given everything he can…”Cried a woman in mid 30’s.

“He betrayed us, he didn’t give us the promised sum of dowry and I think it is justice to divorce her for betraying us.” The rude guy remarked. He had gray hair and looked rough in his appearance.

The woman started to cry more at what his Father-in-law had decided to do to her, her father tried to comfort her.
Mr. Wilson was trying hard to decide. “Do you two agree to have divorce…?”He asked. The woman broke into sobs.

“We have two daughters and what will happen to them if I get separated…”she cried in between sobs.

“First of all she didn’t bring dowry and now she is asking to take the burden of girl child…we are not going to do that…”the father in law stated.

Girl child is a burden…those words rung in my mind. I was mad at him and as I looked him closer I could picture my father’s face in his. I walked into the room without looking at Mr. Wilson or any others.

“How much did they promise to give you?” I asked barely containing my anger in words. “Fifty thousand…” the man stated.

“For how many years were you married?” I asked the question directing to the woman. She blinked her tears looking at me.

“They were married for 15 years, madam but still they kept saying that they would give money some day or the other…” I cut him off by raising a hand towards him.

“She has been serving your family for around 15 years in every possible way…” I waited to see if they are following me or not, “If you need divorce pay her for all the years of service she has done to you…” I said.

“What…?” they shouted. “You heard me right, pay her for everything she has been doing to you and your family…”I said.

“How much do we need to pay?” the father in law asked tentatively. “Around 1lakh calculating the years and cost of workers…”Mr. Wilson said trying to hide a smile playing on his lips.

The father in law stared at him in disbelief. “If you need divorce pay her the money or…” “I don’t want divorce…”the woman’s husband spoke up for the first time. His father glared at him.

“If he asks you again for money just say that they should give you in return 1lakh…”I said smiling to the woman as they walked out of the room.

“I owe your family…”she said wiping away the tears. “I just wanted you to do something for me. Will you do?” I asked. She nodded.

“As long as you are weak they keep picking at you, stay strong and everything will change…” She smiled and thanked me. I didn’t know what came over me at that second… I was too angry at the man’s remarks about girl child being a burden or it’s just my situation that made me act like that. Whatever it was I’m glad that I helped that woman.

“You are good…” Mr. Wilson chuckled. I saw Andrew staring at me from the corner of my eyes.

“Linda…” Mrs. Wilson was walking towards me in quick strides giving orders to everyone like; take this away from here, keep it there, I need red flowers, change the curtains, I want everything done perfectly.

I wondered why she was fussing so much about the cleanliness of house today may be some guests are visiting the house today.

“We are throwing a party on behalf Andrews return…”she said plastering the sweet smile across her face.

I nodded. “Do you need any help, Mrs. Wilson?” I asked her knowing fully that she would never ask my help just because she wanted everything to be done in her way. That’s one more thing that I observed; Mrs. Wilson is the dominating person in their relationship, she got what she asks for if not, well, she would get it anyway.

“One help…” I was surprised to know that she was asking for my help actually. “Maria…” She called. Her voice was just loud not like shouting, I told you she is graceful in every move, right?

“Linda… I took the liberty of purchasing a dress for you. I hope you like it...”she said and Maria handed me a parcel.

“Thanks, Mrs. Wilson.” I said. She waved her hands and asked me to open the parcel. It indeed was a beautiful dress, she seems to have a good taste in things if only her heart was as good as her taste, I thought.

“It’s really beautiful…” I said smiling. She gave me look as if she knew that I would like it. “Wear it to the party and Maria will help you fix your hair…”she said and walked away.

I thought of saying that I could do it by myself but I knew better than that, I have no choice. She is like the woman who would ask you to pick a choice from the one finger she pointed to us instead of asking us to pick from two fingers.

I stayed in as Maria worked with my hair and makeup. Anna brought lunch to my room but left as soon as she saw Maria in my room. Maria is one of Mrs. Wilson’s loyal servants so if she sees Anna eating with me she would surely carry her piece of information.

It was dusk, when she finished with me and hurried to help Mrs. Wilson. I looked into the mirror; I definitely wasn’t the ugly peasant that I have always seen. I looked beautiful and classy. I walked out of the room having nothing to do sitting Idle in the room. I walked past the corridor and I could see people gathered in the backyard, I moved further to see who they were.

“Linda…” I was caught off guard and I trembled, I almost fell to the ground before Andrew caught me. He helped me to stand straight. I stood there for an awkward movement not knowing what to do. “Thanks…”I mumbled. “Oh my god, thank you Andrew, if she fell, her dress would have ruffled up and Wilson’s bride wearing ruffled clothes is not a good mark to our status…”she said and straightened the fabric gently touching it at the points.

“You my dear should see where you are going…”she said. She makes me feel like a small kid caught in the act of doing something wrong. What’s with this woman that I couldn’t act up to it?

“You two stay in the room, I don’t want to spoil the surprise for my friends…”she said and ushered us into Mr. Wilson’s office. Andrew sat by the corner skimming through the pages of a magazine.

I could hear the voices outside but it was like bees humming couldn’t clearly understand what they were talking. There was a clinking of glass and Mr. Wilson’s voice boomed.

“Thanks for all those gathered here on my invite, as you all know that we hold this party to celebrate the return of my son but there is something else that is needed to be celebrated…” What else was there to celebrate? I thought. As if in cue Mrs. Wilson’s voice was heard.

“We celebrate today the coming of one person into our family…My son’s bride…” she said. I gasped as soon as I heard her announcement. “Mom…” Andrew cursed and it was then that I noticed him standing beside me, by the window.

Mrs. Wilson walked in all excited. “Come now…” she said extending her hands towards me. What was she doing?

“Mom…What’s all this? You gave me one month time…”Andrew picked up. She silenced him with one look. “I promised to give time for your marriage and I remain on my word. This is just an engagement.” She said.

“Now…come on.” She said tugging my hands. My head reeled…engagement??? I followed her reluctantly. She is making sure that her son would marry me of course she wouldn’t let her son have his way.

She walked me through the whispering people and to the center where Mr. Wilson was standing. There was a cheer followed by sudden silence. Andrew was by my side, he was lost in his thoughts. Maria came forward with a silver plate in her hand in it were two tiffany boxes. My throat became dry; I thought I could avoid this thing but… I couldn’t probably run now even if I tried my legs wouldn’t.

“Andrew…” Mrs. Wilson gestured her son. He hesitated but picked up; I could see his annoyance and helplessness in doing it. He picked up my hand and placed the ring to my finger with such a force that told how much he hated to do it. He didn’t want this to happen, he didn’t want me. I was used to being unwanted but knowing that Andrew didn’t want me made me feel sad somehow. Moist began to form in my eyes; I rolled my eyes hoping to keep them at bay.

“Linda…” Mrs. Wilson thrust the ring into my hands. I tentatively did it. The crowd cheered for the new to be couple. Mr. & Mrs. Wilson joined the crowd in celebration. I quickly turned my back wiping out the one tear that escaped. Andrew saw me doing it and he frowned.

One by one people came to congratulate us; Andrew was giving them his best smiles but failed to fake the sadness in his eyes. I did my best to fake it too.

“Now…dear. You must be tired just go and have some rest…” Mrs. Wilson said as soon as the rest of our visitors left. I broke into a run as soon as I was out of their sight. I didn’t know that she was this clever. I thought I could… I sobbed into the pillow.

“Linda…” Anna walked in. “You should have left when I asked you too.” She said rubbing my shoulders.

“You still have chance to leave…” she sat with pleading eyes. I nodded. “I’ll come for you at 11 when everyone slept.” I gave another nod.

I fell sobbing on the pillow, I thought I could manage the whole situation, I was so wrong. I looked at the large diamond sitting on my finger; fresh tears ran through my checks as I remembered how reluctant Andrew was at that time. Why does it hurt me so much? Did I expect something different to happen? No, I always knew that I’m unwanted everywhere.

I sat rubbing my eyes as they began to sting; I got up and cleansed my face.

“Are you ready to go?” she asked. I nodded she wrapped a black cloak around me. She went out first and gestured me after making sure there is none outside. She walked me through the back door in the kitchen; all the maids were deep in sleep. She grabbed a lantern from the closet and shut the door behind carefully without even a creaky sound.

We sneaked past the gates, once I was outside the gates and away from the house vicinity. “Anna, I think you should go now.” I said turning towards her.

She stood reluctant to move. “Anna, I can find my way to my house…”I insisted. “It’s not safe for you to go alone…” I cut her off. “Anna, you should be back home, I don’t want you to be in any more trouble because of me. Just go…”

She handed me the lantern and left. I ran all the way to our house glad that I would finally meet my sisters after so many days.

All the way I never had any idea of what I should say at home. As soon as I reached home, it struck me for the first that I couldn’t go in barging through the doors because father will get upset, he may probably even beat us up. I can’t put my sisters through this besides I couldn’t explain anything to my father and I doubt he would even turn me in to the Wilson’s.

I glanced at the room where we usually slept, the windows were open, and I could climb there. I sighed. Taking deep breaths, I started climbing up the tree that leans on to the roof. I stumbled twice; I grew irritated and cut of the lower portion of the frock to make it an easy climb. From the tree, I made a jump on to the roof surprisingly I didn’t make much sound or didn’t fall. From there I made my way to the window. I jumped into the room, Julia stirred as she heard the noise, she rubbed her eyes staring at me, and I made a quick move and covered her mouth before she started shouting.

“It’s me Linda…” I whispered into her ears, I removed my hand when I was sure that she wouldn’t shout. She gave me a sisterly hug and cried. My other sisters and mom woke up soon; they were so excited to see me that they didn’t find it odd; me sneaking up at such an odd hour. They gave their share of hugs and cries when finally mother walked up to me and enveloped me in her arms, it felt so nice to be with her after long time. This is where I was needed and wanted. This is my family.

“How are you?” Mother asked sitting me on the bed. Why are you here? How did you come? Why at this odd hour? My sisters were asking me questions all at a time. “I missed you and I wanted to see you…” I said. “Oh! Dear.” They hugged me.

“I’m happy for you; at last you got what you deserved for…”Mom said smiling. “Didn’t I say there are happy endings?” Jenny said smiling. “You should have seen father’s face when he came to know that you are not a servant but the soon to be owner of the place…” Julia said laughing.

Jane slapped her to stop. “How did you come? Did father let you in?” Emma asked.

“I sneaked up…you know father wouldn’t have allowed me in…” I said. “Did you sneak from your house too?” Jane asked. I know where this will lead too. I held my head down as the tears began to make their way.

Mom hushed them all and walked me to the window. “I know how much you miss us all but this is not a good thing to do…” I opened my mouth to tell her the truth but her next words caught me like dagger.

“You know that your sister’s future lies in your hand since you are being married to a good family. I expect your sisters will be getting good matches too. Please think about it before you do this type of things. If they saw you missing at night what would they think of us? What if they broke your engagement, I don’t think I can stand it…”

“I’m sorry mother…” I replied meekly. I said my goodbyes to them and promised to come back soon for them to tell them all about the Wilson’s. Mother sneaked me outside the door and went to wake up our farm boy to accompany me to the Wilson’s house.

“Mother…There is no need for it. I can go by alone and if you wake anyone they will sure tell father about this and I don’t think it will do any good for us…” Mother looked dubious but seeing my confidence she let me go not before fussing about this.

I made my way back home, what to do now? Mother’s words echoed in my mind, I couldn’t escape now at least for the sake of my family but could I sacrifice my life for them? I gave it a thought, yes; I could if it can help them. If I wanted to help them, the Wilson’s shouldn’t know about my escapade. With that thought I ran as fast as I could through the dusty and dark roads.

I could feel someone following me, I stopped with an abrupt halt and saw a dark figure coming towards me, and he swayed while he was walking as if he is fully drunk. I stood paralyzed before I could move further, he strongly smelt of liquor. I could see another silhouette not far from him. I began to run but was tripped by a rock. They closed on me, feeling me under the black cloak. I winced at their touch.

“Give me the cloak…”he slurred. If I gave him the cloak he might go but what if he recognized me? I was considering the possibilities when another one joined.

“Cloak…” He croaked. “It’s mine…I saw it first.” The other slurred. I began to crawl back from their grip they both caught my cloak and began to tug it on both sides as if it is a tug of war.

I clenched my fists and hit them in the stomach and made a mad dash away from their grips. I didn’t notice the vehicle that was coming towards me in my hurry. It hit me and I fell down.

I hit my head and my skin scraped at my elbows. I tried to stand up and my knee hurt me very much in doing that.

“Let me help you, sir…”a familiar voice boomed. Where did I hear this voice? It sounded so familiar… He leaned down and grabbed my arm to make me stand. I was still focusing on his voice that I forgot to hide my face. He must have seen that I was indeed a girl not a boy; I could hear his sharp intake of breath. I raised my eyes to meet his. His deep brown eyes met mine, how stupid I could be? I stumbled into the very person that I shouldn’t.


“What are you doing here…?” He struggled to recollect my name. It hurt me to know that he even don’t know my name properly.

He helped me up and back to the car. He sat me in the front seat and started his engine. Andrew waited for the girl to say something when she didn’t say anything; he thought she was in shock. After all what girl wouldn’t be; running into thugs and ran over by car? He checked her.

“What are you staring at?” I scowled. Andrew was surprised to see her behave normal and she even scowled at him.

“I thought you are in shock…”he mumbled. “Why would I?” I asked. He could feel a smile escaping through his lips. Andrew knew this girl was different when she saw her that day in his dad’s office, bold and witty to solve the poor girl’s problem but he never guessed how different she was until now. Unlike other girls who would freak out at every possible situation, she is strong. She seemed so normal after all that she had gone through. This interested him to know more about her.

“What were you doing out at this time?” he asked tentatively. “I was visiting my family…” she said. He studied her while he drove home. She was wearing night gown and the lower part of it is torn that surprised him. He frowned.
I caught him staring at the torn fabric; I quickly covered it with the black cloak. He pulled over at his house.

“I don’t think mother would like late night walks. I’ll sneak you in…”he said. I nodded. He walked me to my room.

“Um…I think you owe me an explanation.” He said. “I’ll talk to you in morning. Take some rest and clean up those wounds…”he said eying the wounds.

I dreaded last night events very much; one thing that worried me most was if Andrew chose to say Mrs. Wilson about my escapade than what would happen? I found myself assuring saying that if he wanted to turn you in he would have done it so at that time instead of sneaking you in. May be he would have realized that he had a good chance to get me removed from his life after last night’s thoughts. After all that was what he wanted, right? I thought.

I was still brooding over my thoughts when I heard a knock. I had to be ready whatever he decided to do. I was strong in taking decisions but when it came to implementing them I lacked courage. There was another knock. I stood still staring unable to move, what if he told her and what if they decided to throw me away? My father would kill me and my sisters. Mother thought I was going to change my sister’s fate.

“Linda…Are you awake?” I didn’t even dare answer. There was another gentle knock maybe I should pretend sick, may be they would take sympathy in me and wouldn’t throw me out that way I would earn few more days and I could make a plan meanwhile not that I had any chance of staying here.

I slumped on to the bed as I felt giddy. “Linda…Are you okay?” Andrew budged through the door. “I’m sorry for entering without permission but I had to check whether you are okay.” He said coming in.

As soon as he saw me on the bed catching my head, he rushed to me. “Is everything okay?” he asked.
“You have fever…”he said after checking my vitals. “Wow! I thought I should pretend, turns out I don’t have to…” I mumbled. He looked at me as if I’m a freak.

“You should have cleaned your wounds properly…Trust a woman on this…”he said cleaning the wounds.
“It’ll hurt but you will feel better later…”he said and wrapped up my arm sleeves to clean them.

Andrew tentatively pulled her arm sleeves to find the wounds, he was shocked to see many scars on her hand, he looked keenly at her, her beautiful face has same scars around the end of cheeks too that were well covered by the loose hair strands. He wondered how she got all those scars.

He admired her will and strength; she didn’t even flinch when he cleaned the wounds with spirit. She’s not like others…He kept saying to himself.

He gave her a dose of medicines and left. He told that he would come back in evening to check on her, she just nodded closing her eyes. She looked so beautiful in her sleep, she smiled in her sleep like a small child, and it brought an involuntary smile to his lips.

I could feel all the weight on my head easing of little by little, I tried to stand up and my head felt heavy as if it was carrying something heavy on it, my legs staggered in response to the heavy weight.

“You have high fever…you need to take rest.” Andrew’s voice sounded distant but I knew he was near me because I felt his gentle touch.

“I’m okay…” I said trying to stand up once more. I staggered and fell down, I heard the shuffling of feet and then I was lifted up from the ground and placed on to my bed.

“You should listen when someone says something for your own good.” He said putting me to bed. I gave a weak smile.

“Linda…What are you doing in bed?” My father’s voice was crude. “I’m not feeling well, father…” I replied feebly.

“I know you’re just acting so that you can skip the work. Get up now…” He ordered. I willed my body to stand but I couldn’t; last night I was hit very badly by him. My body was sore and I couldn’t move sideways to sleep all the night, now it felt numb but I could feel myself as if I was inside a heater.

“Get up…”his voice was raging with fury. He gripped my wounded hand and jerked me off, I fell down stumbling from the bed with a thud, I shouted in pain but it came out as a croak. “Stop acting as if you are dying…” he shouted.

He lifted up my fragile body his bulky arms carrying me by shoulders, he shook me off, I slowly opened my eyes using every ounce of strength left in me, and his face was dangerously close to me.

“Get off to work…”he said dropping me on to the floor, I cried in pain. He loomed over as a death, I shrieked at him to stop when I found my voice back, I felt him jerking me heavily.

Andrew was frightened as he heard her sudden outburst, she was speaking incoherently in her sleep and when he tried to wake her, she closed her face as if she was protecting herself from someone.

“Linda…wake up…”he shouted. “Father…please…” Was all she kept mumbling in a childish voice. He couldn’t find any other way to get her out of the sleepy trance she was in. He slapped her hard against her face, she opened her eyes instantly, he couldn’t forget how much fear that cute eyes of her held. He thought he was responsible for that, he tried to move forward but in an instant her demeanor changed into calm. He wondered how she could change her emotions all of a sudden.

When I opened my eyes to see Andrew, I understood that I was dreaming about my past as a kid. Andrew’s face was pale with shock, I realized that he was shocked because of my behavior, I couldn’t let anyone see how I feared my past especially Andrew. I locked them all down and put the calm demeanor.

“What was all that shouting about?” Mrs. Wilson walked in. “She is just having a nightmare…” Andrew replied but by his voice I knew he suspected something else. I nodded.

“It’s common to have breakdowns in high fever…”He assured her mother. “I’m still not sure how she got the bruises…”she mumbled. “Let her take rest, mother…” he said.

“Yes…Yes…Linda take care sweetheart.” She replied walking away with a dubious look on her face.

“How are you feeling?”He asked checking on her avoiding eye contact. Linda studied him, he is worrying about something. What was it? The answer struck to her at once, he was worried about her. That brought a small smile to her face.
“Andrew…I’ll be okay. It’s not that first time I got sick and I heal fast…”I said. He nodded.

“I feel like walking…” I said. “No…you have to take rest…” I knew by his voice that it was an order. He gave some medicines and Anna brought milk. “Hi, Anna.” I said as soon as I saw her. She nodded and left giving wary looks at Andrew.

I slept this time carefully urging my mind not to bring up any painful memories.

Next morning I felt good, I woke up early in the morning and felt like stretching myself a bit, I grabbed the quilt around me and walked into the backyard. The early breezes were carrying a chill in them. The fresh wounds that I received during the accident began to prick my skin; I ignored them since it was very minute pain compared to all others I experienced.

“You shouldn’t be out in this cold weather. You’re wounds would hurt you more…” Andrew voice came out of nowhere.

I scanned the horizon; it was filled with fog revealing small parts of the misty leaves of the trees. Andrew appeared out of the snow. As he came near, I could hear my heart beat racing, he was breathtakingly beautiful, with the damp hair and translucent white shirt he put on, revealing his finely carved stomach muscles. His deep brown eyes had an unknown depth to them. His brown skin was an asset to his flawless beauty. Prince charming…Jenny’s voice popped into my mind. I shoved the thoughts aside and smiled at him.

“I couldn’t ignore this beautiful weather for some scratches…”I said smiling. Scratches? What a woman…? Andrew thought and smiled at her.

“How are you feeling?”He asked. “Very much alive…”I said. “Since you are not considering going back, would you like to walk with me?”

We walked for a while and he seemed to be considering what to ask, he sat me on a beach after a while.
“Um… where… did you go exactly that night?” he asked tentatively. “I told you I went to home…”I said indignantly.

“I saw the hem of your dress torn…” he mumbled this time. I thought of lying about it but something in his voice told me not to. He is obviously worried about something.

“I couldn’t get my family to open the door so I thought I should go by the open window on the roof, I climbed up but my dress wasn’t helping me much to climb so I tore it up to make an easy climb.”

Andrew had been having worse imaginations since he saw Linda behaving oddly last night, he thought she was…he shrugged his shoulders thinking to stop his weird imaginations. He left out a low chuckle as he imagined her climbing up the window.

“Do you do that a lot?”He asked. Linda was confused for a while and then understood that he was speaking about climbing up the roof tops. “Once in a while when it is needed.” I said smiling.

Whatever that had been troubling his mind must have been answered since he seemed normal again, I thought seeing him smile again.

“Where did you get those scars from?” He asked me looking at my hands as if he could see them through the fabric.

“I just had cuts by falling down…”I lied. He stared at me for a while and nodded. I knew he didn’t believe my lie.

“Are you thinking to say this to your mother?” I asked tentatively. “Why would I?” he asked shocked. “I thought since you don’t like me it would be a perfect reason for you to get me out of your life…” I mumbled.

He laughed that illuminated his face.
“I didn’t think about it that way, maybe that would be a great chance….” He said smiling. How stupid of me? I should have kept my mouth shut; he studied my awkwardness and quickly replied. “I am still not going to tell her…” I smiled.

We remained silent for a while, I took the chance to look at my surroundings, there was a pool right in front where we are sitting, and it’s filled with lotus. The fog seemed to clear off a bit because I could see the silhouettes of building and trees.

“Why did you cry on our… engagement… day?” He asked tentatively. How could I say that I was not sad about the engagement with him but I was sad about the curse part.

“I didn’t expect it to happen so soon and without my family.”I told him part truth. “I even noticed that you didn’t like which all added up to my tears…” I didn’t know why I told the last part, I cursed myself later about it.

He observed me shifting uncomfortable as I waited for him to answer. “It’s not that I hate you… It’s just that I’m not yet ready for a serious relationship…”he said. His very words brought solace to my heart so he didn’t hate me.

“You didn’t cry because you hate me?” he asked. I nodded no. He chuckled. “Well, then maybe we could be good friends…”he said extending his hand. I smiled and shook his hand.

“I think we should go back now before mom finds me and scolds me for being careless about your health…”he said standing up. He offered his hand. I stood up myself and started to walk with him.

Linda is not some damsel in distress, she is a strong and independent woman…he thought. Andrew walked me to my room.

I was still put to bed by Mrs. Wilson’s orders. Later that day Anna came in. She hurried to me and hugged me as soon as she closed the door behind.

“I thought Sir Andrew has done something to you…”she cried. “Why would you think so?” “I don’t know…your dress was torn and you were weak and had bruises.” She cried.

It hit me what Andrew was worried about now. My torn dress must have suggested that I was physically abused by someone, no wonder that Anna and Andrew were so much worried about the torn dress.

“What happened? Why did you come back?”She asked wiping away the tears. I told her my story she listened intently.

“What are you planning to do?” she asked. “I don’t know but I have two months time before my… death… to get my sisters settled.” I said. Fresh tears began to flow around her cheeks.

“Linda…”I heard Andrew’s voice at my door. “Yes...?” “I have a surprise for you…”I frowned. “Just get ready and meet me at the front gate…”he said beaming. I nodded still worried about what he was up to. What surprise was he speaking about…? I saw Andrew sitting in his car by the time I reached the front gate…

“Come in…” he said opening the passenger door for me. “Where are we going…?” “It wouldn’t be a surprise if I told you…”he said with a secretive smile on his face. I stared at him and that earned a laugh from him.

I glanced at the familiar paths that would lead to my house…My heart began to race may be I would see my family working in the front garden…She glanced at the sky…No…they would preparing meals now…I sighed. May be they would have some urgent work to tend to and they would be out…I hoped. As we wound through the next road that leads directly to my house…I gasped… I practically pushed my head out the window trying to look at my house… I heard a low chuckle and ignored it.

All my hopes crashed as I saw none in the front garden…I held my head down shaking my head in disbelief… Andrew skid the car to a halt… I raised my head to see that he parked his car right before my house…My eyes went wide like saucers… “Surprise…?” He smiled wide… I jumped practically out of the door eager like a child…
He followed me right behind…”Come on…”I said unable to wait anymore…Andrew saw how her eyes went so wide…they glistened with happiness, he always wanted to see them like that.

I was printing through the front yard and the mushy smell of my home hit me and brought me a pleasant feeling… the creaking woods below my feet were giving me a warm welcome…”What the hell…?” My father’s voice boomed. I hadn’t thought about him… his very voice made me a stumble a bit and Andrew caught me as I stumbled into him. “Watch your step…”he smiled. My father stood up and hurried towards us… “Sir. Andrew…please forgive me for my manners…” my father said with a slight bow…I had never seen him bow in front of anyone like that. Andrew shifted uncomfortably behind me. “It’s okay…sir. Linda wanted to see her family so I just came here to drop her by…” he said.

“Elizabeth…” he shouted. He showed us chairs…Andrew sat in one of the chairs and I didn’t know what to do…I stood uncomfortably…We weren’t supposed to sit in front of father… “Linda…” Andrew gestured me to sit… I sat uncomfortably throwing wary glances at my father.

Mother just walked in time to save me from all the awkwardness… I ran to her at once…she hugged me crying… “Linda…I’ll back in the evening to pick you up…”he said rising from his chair and a slight bow acknowledging my mother…

“Andrew…wait…”I called to him. He stopped and I rushed to him. “Please…don’t go…My sisters would want to meet you…” Andrew stood reluctant but seeing me my pleading face…he nodded. I caught him by his arms and dragged him to the back yard where my sisters would be working at this time… “Jane…”I shrieked as I ran and towing Andrew behind…

“Linda…”Julia ran to me… My sisters gathered around me hugging and crying oblivious of Andrew’s presence. Emma was the first one to notice Andrew standing awkwardly his one hand in mine… “Jane…”she tugged her pointing towards him. My sisters fell back suddenly standing awkwardly. I chuckled.

“Um…This is Andrew…my…” I was cut off when Julia filled the sentence for me…”Your fiancée…” she said with a big smile. I laughed at her. I made the formal introductions… Andrew left promising to come back to pick me up in the evening.

I helped my sisters with the chores and finished serving the lunch to my father who was surprisingly calm and didn’t make any gesture acknowledging my presence. We gathered in our room…

“So…tell me all about it…” Jenny said with exciting smile… my sisters sat round me eagerly waiting for my part of the story… Mom was sitting by the rock chair looking at us… “Oh my god! Is that your engagement ring…” Emma slapped her mouth with wide eyes. “Isn’t this a diamond, mother?” Julia asked examining my finger and tracing the ring delicately with her fingers… My mom smiled at her eying my ring finger.

“Andrew is really good looking, Isn’t he mother?” Jenny asked. “He is pretty decent too. “ Emma observed. Did I ever mention that Emma is very observant girl…nothing missed her intelligent eyes. “You are lucky…” Julia said. “No…he is the one lucky to have our sister…”Jane pointed. Everyone nodded. I saw mom’s eyes wet but I couldn’t miss the glint of pride in her eyes.

“When is the big day…?” Julia asked. “In a month…” I said. “Tell me all about your engagement…” she said. “Well, it came more as a surprise to us… so many people came on that day… everything was perfect like in your fairy tales and Mrs. Wilson made the announcement surprising us both and then…”I said waving my wedding finger in front of them.

“Why was it a surprise…You already knew about the marriage than why was the engagement a surprise…?”Emma asked. I planned my answer very well in my mind before I answered her. “Mrs. Wilson is a woman of surprises…” I said. “But…” “I wish someday that you all see the Wilson’s mansion…It’s really huge…There is a even a pond and a library full of books…”I winked at Jenny. “Mrs. Wilson appointed a teacher for me to teach me to read…”I said looking at mother.

“Did you read any book?”Jenny asked excited. “She let me reads a few selected books written by an author called Jane Austen…I find them really interesting… All her characters are strong and independent woman…” “Wow! I wish I could read them…” “Tell me about Andrew…” Julia said batting her eye lashes as she shied away to mention his name…

“He is really good and caring… He is unlike all other men I have so far met…” I said and I felt how much I missed him already. “He is a doctor in practice…” I added.

“Linda married Andrew and lived happily ever after…” Jenny said clapping her hands with joy… “There are no ever after’s especially for insolent girls like Linda…” her father voice boomed. He stood by the door with his crooked grin. Everyone stood up and went rigid by his appearance out of nowhere.

“Who knows what might happen, she may die soon after a month after her wedding…” He said with a pointed look towards me. “What did you just say…?” I asked walking up to him. Jane pulled me back. “I was just saying that…”his voice trailed off as his malicious smile replaced his face… He knew about the curse or else why would he say that and his secretive smile proved my point. How could he…? I thought he was unaware of this but knowing it was a fatal blow…I knew he hated us but wanting us dead…is something I never expected…Tears began to sting my eyes…Mother enveloped her arms around me…

“Don’t listen to him…He is upset that your life is going well…”Jenny assured. He is not upset about it…he is upset that I still get to live another month… I cried… Mother rubbed my shoulders… “I should go…” I said. “Please…” Julia whispered. I couldn’t stay one more second there… I couldn’t imagine my own family trying to see me dead. Wilson’s doing this… I could understand they never me really or not even related to me to care for me but my own father…? I just ran away from the house and none of them tried to stop.

I ran as tears welled up in my eyes… Thankfully back at the Wilson mansion none noticed me running into my room crying. I cried into sleep. “Linda…” Andrew walked into my room.

“I was told that you came back…” he said frowning. As soon as he saw my wrecked face, he asked. “Did you cry…What happened…?”He asked. “I just couldn’t part my family…”I lied. He looked at me dubiously… “Why did you come back so soon…I thought you would be reluctant even in the evening to come home…”he said. “I thought Mrs. Wilson would need my help…”I said. He was just about to ask something but remained silent.

Andrew left me alone after a while sitting with me for a few awkward moments…


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.11.2011

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To all the women around the world and especially to my grand mom for being there for us all the time.

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