
As I saw the trees and poles moving faster away from my view, Each and every milestone I passed by made me realize that I was one more mile away from home; my family, all my brothers and sisters. Brick buildings are replaced by fields now, everything is green as far as I could see. It looked pleasant and beautiful. For years I have been confined inside the walls of home. Our home, I mean orphanage has teachers to get us through primary schooling.
We occasionally had trips to the nearby places but never far away from home so it seems that suddenly I’m out from my shell.
“Little girl, the place you asked for is here.” The old man sitting next to me said breaking me out of my thoughts. I gathered my luggage which was a cheap satchel that my roommate borrowed me and I checked my pockets to see if it contained the letter.
I thanked him and he smiled gently giving me way to go. As the bus halted, I got down and there is a rustic looking person, carrying my name on a slate “Megha from Mother Theresa orphanage.” This has been my identity for years but now I will change it once and for all; there will be a day when people see me for who I am. I thought. I sighed and got down.

“Is this all little one?” the person asked with a thick accent of the region. I nodded. He opened the creaky doors of the truck and I got in. The truck smelled of vegetables and spilled milk. He got in and started the truck, it took him a while to do so, and the engine is noisy and ran slowly. As we neared by a farm, he impatiently honked and a little boy ran towards us to open the gate.

The farm house is indeed a beautiful sight to see, it’s a small brick building, the walls of it aren’t painted well exposing the brick color, there are large number of creepers over the walls, flowers blooming on them. I saw a women looking at us from the top window.

“Here we are. Go in…” he called. I stood with my legs shaking. New place…New people… How could I get on? “Come on in…” the lady I saw from the window called me from the main door.

I walked tentatively towards her, she is a good looking woman wearing a Sari that is tucked up giving the idea that she is working. She lowered her Sari down and pulled me in affectionately. I walked in… at the center of the house there is no roof, a mesh is laid on top and the light filtered in. That part is little down from the rest of the house’s flooring. She hurried me and gave me a mug of water to clean my legs and face since I traveled a long way.

She sat me on the chair and hurried into the kitchen to get me something to eat, I picked on the food and after that she showed me the whole house, lower floor, there is a kitchen and Mandir, a single bed room and a small living room with a color TV. Upstairs there are two bed rooms, one for her son who lives in town and comes occasionally. Another which I’m going to live is right beside it with a creeper at the window to climb down. My room is cozy compared to the one at the orphanage that I shared with six other girls.

“Get some rest you have had a long journey.” Mrs. Mehta said pointing me to the bed. I nodded. My body hurt so much with hours of sitting still; I badly wanted to stretch my muscles. As soon as she left I fell on the bed exhausted sleep consumed me soon enough.

The early morning rays woke me up; I cleaned up myself and went to help Mrs. Mehta. I may be a guest here but that doesn’t mean I shouldn’t help them anyways I got to do something to repay their generousness. I walked into the kitchen wearing only other pair left with me.

Mrs. Mehta saw me coming me in, she sighed seeing me. “Are those the only clothes you have?” she asked. I nodded. She gestured me to follow her. She led me into my room and fished the drawers for keys and unlocked the cupboard. “You may use these.” She said waving her hands at the clothes present in it. “These belonged to my daughter.” She said hiding her face. I didn’t notice the change in her voice. “I’m perfectly fine with these besides your daughter might need those…” she interrupted,” she will never need these and she is never going to come back. “I could feel her pain in just uttering those words.

“I’m sorry…I didn’t know…” I stammered. “She met with an accident last year.” She sniffled. I gently rubbed her shoulders unable to think of saying something to console her. “Use these… she will be happy to help you if she was here.” She said and walked away.

I stayed there for a few minutes before following her. She remained silent and I started to cut the vegetables to help her. I thought of making conversation but left it that way.

“Go get ready before he comes, don’t want to be late for the first day of college.” She said shooing me away from the kitchen.

I wore pink salvarkameez, it seemed to fit me well. I stared at the image in the long mirror. “She looks good in my dress…” I heard someone whisper. I glanced over my shoulder and a found a girl standing beside me. I jumped a few yards back startled at her sudden appearance.

“Who are you?” I stammered. She glanced around suspiciously to conform that I’m speaking to her. “Do you see me?” she said waving her hands. “I can see you waving hands…” I said slyly.

She jumped high in the air and glided across the room, Wait!!! She is flying? I mean that isn’t possible. I looked at her she is pale and I can see right through her. “What do you mean by that?” I asked.

“Ever since I’m dead none can hear me or see Me.” she said. “What…?” I shouted. She walked right through me without bumping; “See?” she said smiling. My head reeled and I fell unconscious and I could hear her faint voice ringing in my ears to wake up.

“You are going to be late on your first day, Get up.” Mrs. Mehta urged. My eye lids fluttered open and I glanced nervously to see the unnatural thing but I didn’t find her. I sighed and thought that it was all my imagination.

Mr. Mehta is honking vigorously, I stood up as she checked if I had any signs of coming down with illness, I assured that I’m just nervous, she nodded halfheartedly. She packed my bag with a lunch box and I walked into the front door to see Mr. Mehta sitting inside his noisy truck waving his hands to come faster.

I ran towards him, the drive was a long one it took us 10 minutes to reach. St. Xavier, the college which I’m going to read in is a really topmost college in this region, I was offered full scholarship here or else I wouldn’t dare to step in such an institution.

“Have a nice day, I’ll come and pick you at 4pm.” He said smiling. I tried to smile but I was really nervous. I walked slowly towards the main gate, I wish I could go back but that makes me coward. I took deep breaths and walked in, at once I was struck by the grandeur of the building, and it is old and huge. Thousands of students were playing, gossiping, reading and just enjoying the nature. They all are well dressed and seemed to be right from movies. I started to make my way to the office to know schedule and location of my classrooms before I was stopped by a group of all giggly girls.

“Are you a new join?” they asked all bullying. I nodded.

“Are you dumb?”One of them asked faking sympathy. “No.” I replied and started to step aside and they rounded me. One of the tallest and most beautiful girls in the group approached me, “Not so soon…” At once I hated her voice.

“There is a tradition here to welcome the juniors in a different way…”she continued. All the other girls nodded, it seems like she is the queen and these are her maids. I laughed to myself at the thought. She glared at me.

“Tell me about yourself…”she said. “Why should I answer you?” I asked. Ignoring them I walked away. I heard them calling after me but I ignored them.

I got the schedule from the office room and walked into the class, I am the first to enter in the class, soon after the bell, and everyone started piling in. Everyone obviously ignored me as if I’m some trash. I could see their disgusted looks as soon as they saw me. I pretended that I didn’t care though I was crying inside.

I’m having mathematics first hour, I started to scribble down whatever the teacher said and whenever she asked a question, I was the one to answer it first. People stared at me as if I’m some museum piece but I enjoyed the class since I like mathematics. When the class is about to finish someone asked our teachers permission to come in. She sighed and looked at the girl, we followed her gaze. A girl about my height, skinny and tall, fair and hair barely touching her shoulders stood smiling.

Before the teacher could ask anything, she came in and started to explain, “I’m sorry madam but I went to the temple to pray since it’s my first day to college.” Our teacher nodded and she slipped beside me.

“Hi…” she said extending her hands. She is the only girl who spoke to me after coming here. “I’m Neha” she said smiling “Megha…” I said.

Our teacher hushed us. When she left the class she started pouring out her questions… but thankfully our science professor arrived but that doesn’t seem to stop her.

“Neha… “Mr. Rahul (our science professor) called. “Oops! Sorry… “She said laughing. “I thought you would change since you are moving to higher classes.” “Bad guess…”she mumbled.

He asked us to introduce ourselves; he seems more friendly then our Math’s professor Avanthi. When he heard my name he asked whether I was the student who is here with full scholarship, I nodded and he congratulated me and asked me to continue the same way.

“You have Full scholarship? That is great!” Neha exclaimed. I nodded before I could ask anything the bell rang and he left. English and our optional computer subjects followed soon.

“Come let’s go to the canteen…”Neha called. “It’s okay, I brought food from home.” I said. “Oh! Your mom seems to be very particular about food.” Soon whole class started piling out to the canteen; I was left alone in the class, all these people arealike. They all wear branded jeans shirts, girls wear designer wear and everything about them said that they all are high class people. After a few minutes Neha walked in with boxes of sandwich and burger, she sat down munching on it.

“What are you staring at? I thought you would be alone here.”She said. I smiled and opened my box; Mrs. Mehta kept two rotis with it potato curry. “That seems so yummy… can I taste it?” Neha asked. I offered her my box. “Wow! Your mom really cooks well.” She said.

“There she is…” the girls who stopped me morning entered in. “How dare you…?” the leader started. “Hi…Poo…” Neha clearly smirked at her. “What…?” she shouted in shock when she saw her. “Do you have a problem Poo? May be Aryan will solve it for you, shall I call him?” she mocked.

Poo left throwing spiteful glances at me. Neha burst out laughing. I waited patiently for her to explain.
“She is my cousin and my brother is her boyfriend…” she still laughed. “Why did she come for you?” she asked after some time.

I explained my first meeting with her, she laughed even more until her eyes clouded with tears. “She thinks she is some queen here and you did right thing by ignoring her. She deserves it.” She laughed.

I like Neha; she is funny and very friendly and never seems to mind about my social status unlike others. In the afternoon we are allotted our locker keys, Neha’s locker is beside mine. “Wait here, I’ll be back.” Neha said handing her bag to me.

I sat on the table in the ground waiting for her. When Poo’s gang rounded me for the third time in the day, one of them snatched away my bag. I tried to take it but couldn’t. “If you want your bag then do as I say…”she ordered.

“Take this and say I love you to that person standing over there.” She said pointing to a stout and dark colored boy. I opened my mouth to protest when one of them made a motion of tearing my notes. I resigned and took the rose from her hand and walked to the person. I could hear them mocking me, after a while when I came back Neha is fighting with Poo and snatched my books and bag away from her.

The fat and dark person came running after me. “Poo, Is this true? You love me…?” He said clutching her hands. “What?”She shrieked. “Please don’t say no now…” he begged her on his knees. “What the freak? What did you say to him, idiot?”She shouted at me. “The same thing that you love him…” I said repeating her sentence. She shouted at me and went silent when she saw a handsome guy walking towards us laughing. She started combing her hair with her fingers. Neha high fived him as soon as he saw her.

“Aryan, this is Megha…” she introduced me. “You are good…” he said still laughing. He is probably most beautiful boy that I had ever seen. Poo lingered around us to get his attention but he stared at me with his affectionate eyes.

“Megha, we’ll drop you at home. Let’s go.” Neha said. “No… “I said when Mr. Mehta rode in his truck. “I got to go.” I said and waved at them as I got in. Aryan and Neha waved back, Aryan still staring at me.

“How was your day?”Mr. Mehta asked. “Good.” I said smiling.

I helped Mrs. Mehta with the dishes and lazily yawned and stretched on my bed. As we talked and did our chores, something on the wall caught my attention. I blinked hard to see it; there she is the ghost girl from my dream on the wall, smiling in a golden frame. She saw me staring at it. “She is my daughter Sapna.” She said. How did I dream about her when I barely know her? I thought.

“Are you sleeping?” I heard a low voice. I checked all directions until my eyes rested on the window sill where Sapna is sitting, I gazed at her and walked slowly towards her. “It’s been a long time since anyone spoke to me.” She said gloomily. “Why didn’t they talk to you?”I asked. She stared at me as if I’m stupid.

“People usually don’t see ghosts.” She smirked. “I can see you…?” I said indignantly. She shrugged her shoulders. “Wait! Technically I’m not seeing you, I’m just dreaming about you…” I answered myself.

“No, you are not. I’m real…I mean I’m really a ghost not your dream…” She huffed. “If you need proof pinch yourself.” She replied. I did and I felt the pain. “This isn’t possible…” I exclaimed.

“Believe me it is…” she said. “But… how?” I asked. “I think it has something to do with the messenger mark on your right palm.” She said turning my hands upside; there beside my middle finger is a star sign. I observed it many a times but thought it must be caused by some accident but something always told me it’s not.

“Every messenger carries that mark, they say.” She said. “Who is a messenger?” I asked. “The persons who help the ghosts to move on to their afterlife, that’s how you heard my call and came here to help me.” She said. “But I’m here to finish my graduation…” I said curtly.

“That is just another reason for you to be pulled to this place… You ought to help me.” “What should I do?” I asked. “I don’t know… but it is said that you help us to move on.” She replied.

“We will think about it tomorrow, go and sleep. You have a long day tomorrow…” She pushed me to bed. As soon as I hit the pillows, I slept deeply.

“Hi! Mr. Mehta.” Neha called coming in our direction. He stared at her, “Didn’t you tell him about me? That I’m your friend.” Without waiting for my answer; she introduced herself as my friend. Mr. Mehta seems to be nervous to talk to her, he nodded for all she said and left.

Neha threw her arms around my shoulders and began to drag me to my classes all the while throwing smiles at everyone who greeted her. Classes were a blur today, most of the time Neha commented or mimicked the lecturers; I enjoyed her chatter very much.

I walked back home since they left us one hour early today and Mr. Mehta had no chance of knowing that. The green trees on both sides formed an arch above my head; the cool breezes chilled my senses, I enjoyed the climate very much. When I heard someone crying for help, I glanced in every direction but I found none. I concentrated on the voice and found it coming from my left. I ran and found a small ditch covered behind the bushes, a person covered in blood lay in the weeds and the bike is on top of him. I panicked seeing so much blood for the first time.

“Help me, I cannot tackle that huge thing…”She said pointing to the bike. She shimmered in her white clothes, At once I knew whoever she is, and she is dead. “It’s my entire fault… I shouldn’t have asked him to drive at top speed, if it weren’t for me… that accident wouldn’t have happened or he…” she sobbed continuously.

I tried to pry his weak body away from the huge thing; she stood sobbing not even trying to help. “Stop crying… and help me with this thing.” I shouted. She was stunned at my rudeness but managed to talk. “I can never lift that thing…” she cried almost like pampered child. “Just try…” I shouted, she examined the thing dubiously and helped me as I guessed her unnatural strength helped her easily to throw the bike away. She laughed at her victory. “He should see me lifting that thing…” she cried with joy. I guess she still doesn’t know that she is dead. I don’t want to give her that news either; she might strangle me in her madness.

“I’ll go call someone for help.” I said. I ran back to the road and luckily I found a car coming towards us. I waved at it to stop. The car skidded to a halt and I ran towards it. I prayed that he would help me, as the person wound the window, I saw Aryan behind the wheel.

“What happened? Do you want a ride?” he said staring at me. Seeing me nervous and filled with dirt, he got down and I dragged him towards the ditch. He saw the man covered in blood and ran towards him. He picked his phone and called immediately to 108. I helped him to carry the body up but due to its slope we stumbled few times.

As we reached the top, 108 are there and they handled it from there. They took him in and gave him first aid meanwhile Aryan rushed back to the place and searched frantically all around the ditch and weeds.

“What are you looking for?” I called running towards him. He jumped down and called me for help. We found the woman’s body, she must have hit the stone beside her, and her face is totally covered in blood. When we brought her body up, I saw the shock registering in her face. She ran hands over her face to conform it. She is distraught when she realized what happened.

“Is he going to be okay?” she asked with muffled cries. I nodded. “You should come with us to give statement.” One of the policemen who arrived at the hospital said. “I saw someone crying for help and when I walked in that direction, I found them.” I admitted.

“Who called for help when his wife is spot dead and he is unconscious.” The police inquired. If I tell him the truth he probably wouldn’t believe me, I panicked. “Enough of this, she said everything she knows…” Aryan said in a stern voice. “If you have any problems speak to my dad.” He said roughly.

The police resigned when the doctor walked in. “He is out of danger.” He said. I sighed. The she ghost glided away, I went after her as she sat on the bench outside in the lawn. “He is safe… he is safe…” she cried.

“Can you give him a message because I doubt he would hear me now?” She said. I nodded. “Say him that I love him and always will be with him in his heart…” she said and started to vanish right in front of my eyes.

Aryan offered to take me back home. The ride to home was silent, many thoughts muddled up my mind. I waved him as Mrs. Mehta rushed to me.

I explained her everything that happened except for the ghost part. She listened intently soon her nerves calmed down. She said that she thought she lost her too same like her daughter. I rubbed her shoulders gently. As I walked into my room, I got cleaned up and thought about what happened earlier.

When Sapna came in with her usual gloomy face, I said that I wish to say something to her; I explained the whole thing and asked her like the woman if she has something to tell her parents. She was excited that I found a way to free her spirit. She said everything that she wanted to tell them. I listened intently and promised to deliver the same early next morning. Even after that I found no change, her light never dimmed nor did she vanish. May be I should say then she will go away.

Early morning I found them working in the barn. I said Mrs. Mehta that I had a strange dream yesterday in which I saw Sapna and told her everything that she wanted to tell. Mrs. Mehta’s eyes glistened with tears and Mr. Mehta looked gloomily. I ran to my room and found it empty. I sighed; thinking that at least I freed her.

There were many questions that disturbed my mind like how did Aryan know about the woman’s dead body and why did he support me and back me up as if he knew exactly what I was going to tell. I must ask him, I thought.

Neha greeted me as I got down from my noisy truck, she introduced her friend Lina, and she is kind of funny and childish. She is more into finding a prince charming rather than studying. She has the db (database) of every good looking guy in the college which is why Neha called her DB.

“Where is your brother, Aryan?” I asked as soon as DB left. Another important thing about DB is never speak about a boy in front of her, she will go ramming about the boy’s details.

“He must be somewhere in the ground. He said he’ll come around to our class at lunch. ““He also mentioned that he has something important to talk.” “ “As if he would say to me…” we walked to our lockers to get our morning hour books.

Professor.Avanthi has surprised us with a slip test, All went berserk but she didn’t change her decision when she started scribbling the questions on the board, most of the boys and girls started thumping the benches, protesting about the exam.

“It’s just a test to know how much you have learned in your previous classes.” She said.

“But madam, it’s just second day of our college…” Neha protested keeping her head down.

“Whoever wants extra marks in internals can write the exam.” This had them all, unwillingly; everyone tore papers from the books and started writing.

The problems madam gave were really easy so I started solving them when Neha poked and gestured to show her the answers. I moved aside slightly and started scribbling. After a while, I saw her carving her name on the bench. “Why did you stop writing?” I mumbled.

“If I solve every problem, she will get dubious.” She whispered. I smiled at her. I finished solving the sums in half an hour and sat looking at everyone in the class. There about 30 boys and 15 girls including us. Each one was immersed in either looking out of the class or playing with pen and paper.

“Hey,look at DB.” Neha pointed distracting me. She was staring at one of the cute boys in the class, we laughed at her.

“Megha… have you finished your exam?” Professor shouted at us. “Yes… madam.” I stammered. She snatched away both our papers and asked us to get out.

Neha was playing in the corridor and I sat reading a science book when Poo came. “Poor… Megha. Thrown out of the class…” she smirked. “Do you have a problem?” Neha butted in.

“Don’t mind her words…” Neha said and she stared at my face as tears began to roll in my eyes, I made an attempt to stop them when Lina was thrown out.

“Hey, DB. What happened?” Neha asked. “She caught me staring at Rahul…” she said sitting beside me gloomily.

We burst out into laughter.The next 10miutes passed by as Db complained about the injustice done to her. We laughed merrily as she ranted about Rahul’s cuteness.

I was careful in the next hour as to not to make any noise, Neha understood and kept her mouth shut. As soon as our professor left, she stood up. “I didn’t know that keeping quiet is this difficult. I can’t keep my mouth shut for another hour. I’m leaving… you enjoy the class.” She said and started walking out of the class when our “C” language professor; Mr. Bhatta walked in.

“Where are you going? Stay in the class.” He ordered. I smiled as she walked back to our desk.

“Class, here is an announcement for you… within three months of time we are having a project expo conducted here and students of first year are allowed to take part in it. I’ll be your guide and those who wanted to participate in it; I need their project title and team members within 2 weeks time.” He said.

I was excited about it. “Hey…will you be my partner?” I asked Neha. She thought for a few seconds and then replied, “I’ll be your partner but promise me that you’ll never ask me to do anything regarding it.” I nodded.

Lina, Neha and me sat together in the class during the lunch hour. Lina was gloomy; it was not like her to sit idle. “What happened?” I asked. “I thought I could pair up with Rahul and that way we could spend time together but no… he is paired with that bitchy; Ria.” “I’m sure that there lot more interesting boys in the class.” Neha said. I asked everyone but everyone got paired up, she said sighing. “You can be in our team. I’m sure sir would have no problem in accepting a team of 3 members.” I said.

“Really, thank you…”she said excited. “Wow! You are so generous…” Neha smirked. “Hi, girls…” Aryan came in. I totally forgot about him. With him, I remember how abnormal my life is.

“Can I have a moment with you?” Aryan gestured to me. “Hey, what secrets do you two have that you can’t share with us, huh?” Neha bullied. “She won’t come anywhere. If you have to talk, talk in front of us.”

He sighed and sat next to us. I know that he wouldn’t mention about it in front of them. “What’s up, girls?” he cheered us.

“You know what… that stupid Rahul…” Lina started ranting about the boys. Aryan listened to her patiently. “Hey, Lina. I will tell you about your prince charming.” He said. “Really? How?”

He took her hands and studied the lines on her palm and said that she will soon meet her prince charming and they will live happily ever after. She was excited to hear about it.

“Megha… show me your hands…” He said after a while. He took my hands and gasped when he saw the star mark on my palm. I knew at that time what was this all about; he wanted to check the messenger mark.

“What do you see?” Neha asked. “She will have a successful career in any field that she chooses.” “I never knew that you can read lines on palm… Tell me about mine…” she said extending her hands.

He gasped a few times and turned her hand up and down. “What….?” She cried. “You’ll be married to an old guy…” “Ha-ha…very funny. You don’t know anything.” She stomped away from the room slapping him on his head. Lina went after her.

“What you said are those true?” I asked tentatively. He shrugged his shoulders smiling. “You wanted to see the mark for yourself, Am I right?” I mumbled. He nodded. “So… Are you a messenger too?” He opened his palms to reveal the sign… I touched it tentatively as if it would bite me.

“Are there more like us?” I asked. “You are the only other messenger that I saw in flesh and blood.” He said. I nodded.

I was about to tell him about Sapna and seek his advice but my peers started coming in. They saw me and Aryan together and were apparently shocked.

“If they leave you early today… wait for me. Don’t go on alone helping the ghosts…”He whispered in my ears coming closer. His closeness ran tickles in my body, his scent lingered even after he left.

“What did my stupid freaky brother tell you?” Neha asked sitting beside me. “Nothing…he just sat there until others came in…” I said.

They left us early since the seniors wanted to plan for the fresher party. I started walking back home, If that was the reaction when people saw me talking to Aryan… they would go mad if they saw me going with him so I thought it’s better to walk home.

“Hey…” I saw Aryan stopping his car next to me. “I told you to wait for me, don’t you want to share your adventures with me?” he asked opening the car door. “Get in…”

“Didn’t you see how they were reacting when they saw us together in the class…?” “So…?” “I thought…” I stammered.

He laughed out loud. “Don’t you care about what others think…” he said. I sat silent for a few seconds. “I have a ghost in my house, her name is Sapna. I want your help in reliving her spirit.” “In most of the cases I have seen they wanted to deliver us messages to their beloved ones.” He said.

“I already tried that and I will know if I succeeded or not if I go home.” “Do you still have doubts about it…?” I nodded, “I don’t know something tells me that it isn’t it.” I said. “Anyways, do you know why she is haunting your home?” He asked eyes on the road. “Because it is her house…” I replied.

“You mean to say she is your sister…” he frowned. “No, I have no siblings except for the brothers and sisters that I have back in the orphanage…” I replied.

“I am an orphan…” I said in a low voice. “I’m sorry…” he said looking at me. “Don’t be… I never knew about my parents so I don’t miss them. All my life I have been in the orphanage…” I said.

“Mr & Mr’s Mehta are so kind to me, they offered me shelter. I wanted to repay them… will you help me if I didn’t get succeeded today?” I asked.

“Sure…” he said squeezing my hands lightly. I smiled at him.

I did every work as soon as I could and went into my room to wait for her, secretly I prayed that it was all needed to set her spirit free but something said that it wasn’t. I opened the project abstracts book that I borrowed from the library and started skimming through it. Soon, I fell asleep and I woke up startled as chilly breezes hit me hardly. I stared at the window and there she is sitting gloomily.

“I’m sorry that it didn’t work…”I said clutching her frozen hands. “ But don’t worry…I found another person who is messenger, he said he would help me in freeing your spirit.”

She gave a weak smile, “Please don’t give up…”I tried to console but she glided away. I stood there few minutes calling her back but she didn’t respond.

“Wake up… You’ll be late.” Sapna screamed. She ran her frozen hands over my neck and tickled me. I pulled up the bed sheet tightly when she started jumping over my bed happily. Something clicked in my mind. I never saw her so happy, I woke up instantly. “You are happy…” I exclaimed.

“Yes…I am. You see my condition is getting better every day. At first, I had none to talk to and then you came along… and the best thing is you happened to be a messenger and you’re trying hard to help me. Now… there is another messenger that is trying to help me…” she grinned.

“We are going to be dead today…” Neha said as she walked me to the class room. “Don’t you know today we have a get to know session with seniors, in the function hall…?” “So…?” I questioned. “They will be ragging us in the name of getting to know each other.” She said.

“What do we do?” I asked. She shrugged her shoulders. We sat for the math’s class when our seniors entered into the class and asked madam’s permission to send us out to the function hall. “Don’t you See I’m having a class now…” She said in grim tone.

We all sighed thanking her in mind at once. We all held our heads down sighing that at least we could escape it for a period. “Oh…! No…” I heard Neha curse herself. Why is she cursing, I looked up to see Aryan walking in. I frowned. “See...” she mouthed.

Aryan spoke to her for a few seconds and she smiled at him and then left without a word, carrying her books away. Our seniors cheered at once and boys patted Aryan on the back. Poo came in… “Come on hurry up. We don’t have the whole day for you…” she said casting spiteful glances at us. I knew she is up to something.

We piled ourselves into the function hall, we all stood closer at the end of the hall, and it was funny to see everyone fighting to stand in the back lines. In the middle of hustle pushing each other, we were thrown to the front line.

Poo walked up to the stage and her minions cheered for her. Aryan was sitting relaxed at the front row and Poo was giving side way glances to him while she continued to talk. “We’ll call you one by one on to the stage and you should do whatever we say…” she said glaring at me.

“Now…” she said searching the crowd but I knew she would call me first. She pretended some more time and then called me on to the stage first. My classmates cheered me. Aryan at once turned back when she announced my name. He gave thumbs up which added to Poo’s fury.

“Let’s see… what you’ll do… Perhaps you can sing us a song…” she smirked. I sighed and began to sing the only that I ever heard in the orphanage… a Hindi song from Krishna cottage (Suna..Suna...). She stopped me bursting out with laughter.

“Oh! I’m sorry I didn’t know that your desi type. Don’t you know any English songs…?” she smirked. “Come on Poo… Look at her. She …? English song…?” One of her minions began.

I never heard any English song except for the one that I heard when Aryan drove me to home. I tried to remember it in between the threatening tears and thanks to my photographic memory. I began to sing in my beautiful voice

I must be crazy now…
May be I dream too much…
But when I think of you…

I heard huge round of applause. Thankfully, I don’t remember the next lines exactly. Poo hit her minions when they started clapping too.

“Well, you should dance in the fresher’s party…” she ordered and noted my name. “But…” I started to protest. “Next… Lina.” She called cutting me off.

I got down the stage and started walking towards my classmates. Everyone congratulated me even those who don’t know me, seem to praise my voice and courage. I smiled at them.

“One song to become famous…” Neha laughed.

“Song…” Poo said uninterested. DB started singing Britney spears ooh baby when every one of the boys pounded on the chairs shouting Oooo….. But Poo made her stop. She smiled and bent in front of them in theatrical style and ran towards us.

“Neha…” she called. “It better be good.”She thought and went away. “You have a situation here. You have a girl friend that is as ugly as you are… She wants to break up with you what will you do?” she said satisfied with herself. (as she called Neha ugly in front of everyone…) Neha was clearly irritated by it but remember she is after all Neha…

“I need a person to act as my girlfriend…” She said scanning through the crowd. “Poo…” She called and Poo was startled. “Who could do that ugly girlfriend part better than you…” she said. “What…?” Aryan and other boys laughed out loud. “Are you feeling shy to come here..? Well, no problem. I’ll come there by myself.” She said getting down the stage.

“Get lost…” she screamed. Neha came back to us laughing madly. Next, they called Rahul and the boys asked him to do frog dance… He jumped from one place to another landing in different postures. We enjoyed when the boys ragged, it wasn’t like they wanted to tease us… They were friendly than the girls.

Each of us girls has to face Poo’s comments except for Ria; it seems they two have something in common. Five of the boys were selected to prepare a skit and some of the boys voluntarily gave names to dance but girls… we are all doing something that we aren’t interested in.

They had our entire morning session, Poo left as soon as the ball rang with her minions trailing behind. Our class boys were speaking with seniors and they were encouraging them to take part in different acts. “What do we do…? What concept do we have for the skit..?” My friends were discussing when I went to them.

I have my own problem I don’t know how to dance. Who will help me? May be Neha can help… “Neha…I really don’t know how to dance will you help me?” I asked her.

“I have a crazy idea…” she said and all my friends gathered around her and they whispered secretly and they all laughed at her crazy idea whatever that is… Soon everybody started leaving.

“Megha… Did you ask something before?” “Dance…” “I’m sorry, I don’t know dancing…” She cut me off. All my hopes crashed. I didn’t notice Aryan coming towards me.

“You sing well…”he said. I gave a weak smile. “What’s wrong?” he asked. “I can’t dance… I mean I never danced… “He cut me off. “I’ll teach you if it isn’t a problem…”he said. “Really… that would be great.” I said excited.

“Meet me at the ground before you go home.” He said and left. We went to our classroom and soon finished eating.

We talked about how Neha made fun of Poo when she tried to embarrass her. We laughed thinking of her expressions at that second. Few more girls joined to discuss and we were all like bitchy Poo.

“Hi…Megha. You really sang well. You have a beautiful voice…” one of the cute looking boys of our class said. Neha started poking me behind. “Thank you…” I said. He dragged the side bench a little closer and sat there. “What song did you choose for dancing..?” he asked.

“Karan, actually she doesn’t know how to dance. Will you help her?” Neha smirked. “Oh! Sure…” he said. “Actually, I have a friend who offered to help me. So… thanks and I’m sorry…” I said. “It’s okay...” he said.

“So... girls what have you planned about the skit…” Raj said sitting on the top of the bench in which Karan sat.

“Surprise…but I’m sure you’ll all enjoy…”Neha said. “You have terrific brain Neha… I’m sure that skit will be epic.” Rohan butted in.
She frowned. “I’m sorry…” Sonali said. “My girlfriend…” he said pulling her closer. Neha scolded her. “What’s the concept of the skit?” Karan asked. Neha screamed out loud before Rohan even began. “No… you aren’t going to spoil the fun… If you tell anyone about it I’m going to kill you…” Neha threatened.

“It seems we have to wait three more days then.” Raj said. “What’s with that Poo, I mean she literally spoke ill of everyone except for Ria… Neha you were awesome there.” Raj said laughing.

“Hey… don’t you scold my ugly girlfriend…” Neha said. We all burst into laughter once again remembering it. We were like literally rolling down with laughter, thinking about the famous Poo when Ria walked in.

“Guys… I have a small announcement. Someone here is a pet for my ugly girlfriend…” she said looking at Ria.

She huffed and stomped away and Rahul followed her giving dirty looks at Neha. We burst out into laughter once again.

Our English Professor Mrs. Khanna walked in; she is a kind, old lady who seemed to like me very much. “Do you have a joke to share?” she asked us while the boys straightened the benches and sat. We remained silent, she went on with lesson.

“I don’t know what’s with the math’s teachers, they are all seriously moody.” Neha exclaimed scribbling down our weekend assignment which is a total of 20 large problems.

He didn’t take class today so I started doing my assignment. As the bell went, I have almost done 10 problems. Karan sat in the next row beside me, he was smiling at me whenever I accidentally saw him and I did the same.

Usually we all would have rushed out soon after the bell but something changed today that brought us all together. Most of us stayed back, a few of them left waving goodbye to us. Rahul and Ria didn’t even do that.

“What do we do now?” Raj said sighing. “What’s wrong?” Neha asked. “Haven’t you seen the sums? It would take us total weekend… I thought we could practice this weekend well.” He said. Everyone nodded.

Neha was thinking hard about something. “Megha…How much time would it take for you to solve the rest of the problems…”

I glanced at the problems 5 of them are really easy and the rest I should have to work on them to get results. I calculated the expected time for each problem.

“May be another hour…” I said. “Take your own time but try to finish them today. Will you…?” she asked. I nodded. “What’s your plan?” Raj asked. “She’ll solve us all problems and tomorrow, Will it take us one hour at the max to copy those solutions?” she asked directing the question to me. I nodded.

“Good but where will we meet…?” Karan asked. Please.. Don’t say my home… I don’t want the burden on Mehta’s but secretly I don’t want them to know that I’m an orphan. I mean… just now they started to like me… who knows what they will do if they knew my background completely.

“Where else would it be? At my house…” she said. “Tomorrow, Sharp 10 at my house…” she said. We all started to disperse when Karan walked towards me. “Do you need any help with those?” He asked pointing to my assignment book. “Hey, don’t you remember? She is the most brilliant girl…” Neha butted in. “I’m good, I can finish them off easily. Anyways thanks…”I said.

He smiled and left. “Do you know his family is one of the most popular and richest of all the families here?” Neha said. “So…?” I asked. “I was just saying…” she said walking out.

“Megha…” I heard Aryan’s voice. I turned back to see him. “I’m sorry, I forgot about it…” I said. “The friend you mentioned is my brother, Oh my god…” Neha said.

“Hey, Bro. No dance classes today. I gave her some work. You can help her tomorrow at our home.” She said. “Is she coming to our home…?” he asked excited. “Yeah!” she said. “I should first ask Mrs. Mehta about it.” “What…? Don’t you give up now…?” Neha shrieked. I heard Mr. Mehta’s truck pulling in. “I have an idea, baby sis...” “Don’t call me that…” Neha slapped. “What’s the idea, anyway?”

“Ask Mr. Mehta now…” he said pointing towards his truck. “No need of that… I’ll ask myself.”I said but without even hearing she ran towards Mr. Mehta.

By the time I reached him, he was nodding nervously. “See, your dad agreed.”She said loudly to me. I glanced at him uncomfortably. She left us calling over the time at which I have to come.

“I’m sorry that she called you my dad…” I said tentatively as soon as we are on the road. He smiled at me. “We consider you as our Sapna already…” he said. I smiled at him.

I helped Mrs. Mehta with cleaning the house and doing the dishes. I ran back to my room and started to work on the assignment. It took me even lesser time than I thought. As soon as I finished Mrs. Mehta called me.

“Megha…your friend is on phone.” She said handing down the receiver to me. “Megha, I forgot about it, I never thought about it until Aryan mentioned it. Do you know our address…? Never mind, Aryan is coming to pick you up at 9.45 tomorrow.” She said. I felt uncomfortable talking to her. I mean it’s not even my house... do you get what I mean. It’s like I’m misusing their kindness. “What else?” she asked.

“I’ll talk to you tomorrow…” I said cutting her line off. “I’m sorry; I will make sure that none calls me again.” I said and turned to go upstairs.

“Megha… “Mrs. Mehta stopped me by holding hands. “We consider you part of the family… please don’t think that we are doing some favor to you… This is your home and I’m like your mom…” she said.

Tears rolled in my eyes at the thought of me having my own home and mom. I hugged her and cried. “Please call me mom from now on…” she said. “And my dad…”Mr. Mehta said coming in. “What no hug for me…?” he said, I ran to him and hugged him to. From the corner of my eye I saw Sapna shimmering. I went back to my room after that, Sapna was crying sitting on the window sill.

“I’m sorry…” I said squeezing her vapory hand it felt like I was trying to hold cool breezes. “Don’t be… I should thank you… I mean you literally filled my place in their hearts.” She said. She cried hugging me.

Next morning, I woke up early helped my parents with daily chores and got dressed and waited in the balcony by 9a.m. Mehta’s smiled at me seeing me strolling aimlessly. “Didn’t she mention that he would be here only after 9.30?” she asked. I nodded.

“Come on in and watch some TV until then.” she called from kitchen. “It’s okay…Mom…” I called. I hear a loud thump and turned to see Mrs. Mehta staring at me affectionately with tear stained eyes, I ran to her. “Is everything okay?” I asked. “What did you call me before? Please call me once again…” “Mom…” I mumbled. She hugged and cried…”Thank you…”

She done the rest of the chores excited that day. I was staring at her happily, I was happy that I made her happy. I heard someone honk and I ran to see Aryan alighting from the car. “Bye…Mom.” I said grabbing the book which I set on the stone bench outside the house. “Don’t be late…” Mom called.

“I won’t be…” I said. Mr. Mehta walked in at the same time. “Bye, dad…” I called. He beamed with joy. Aryan was all smiling and he opened the door for me. “They seem to be really happy…” he said. I nodded.

Their house is 15 min drive from our farm. At the very first glance, I stared at it wide mouthed. He parked in front of the main door, a person in white uniform rushed towards us. Aryan threw him the keys and he took the vehicle into the parking lot where there are many other cars like that. He opened the doors for me, “Welcome to my sweet home…”he said.

As I set my eyes on the interior of the house, I was speechless it’s like a film set in one of the Karan Johar’s movie. I said the same to him. He laughed merrily at that. He sat me on the chair and called for Neha… At the center of the hall there are broad steps on which a red carpet is laid. Neha glided through the steps and landed right in front of me. “Good, you are here. Mom….” She called at the top of her voice.

A woman walked in. She was wearing a blue jean and a handloom kurti above it. Neha ran to her and dragged her towards me. She is graceful and stylish at the same time

“Guess who she is?” she asked. “Megha…right?” she said. I opened my mouth in disbelief. “Neha hasn’t shut her mouth ever since you became friends. She likes you very much…” she said catching my hands and gently pulling me towards her in a light hug. “Even Aryan has so much to tell about you…” she said.

“Mom…” Aryan gestured her to stop. “I smiled at him. She called a servant and ordered him to bring drinks for us. “How is your college?” she asked conversationally. “Good, aunty.” I said tentatively.

“I’m glad that Mehta’s took you in…” she said. I smiled weakly. Aryan gestured her not to talk about it, “They were distraught when Sapna died but after your coming I see some life in Mr. Mehta’s face.” She said. “Mom…Please can you just stop it…” Aryan said. “It’s okay…” I said to him.

“Wait… Hold on a second. What are you talking about?” Neha asked. “Madam…” One of the servants interrupted us. “You go and have fun… “She said. “Will you tell me what this is all about?” she asked. Aryan tried to interrupt her but I cut him off. “I’m an orphan and I was taken in by Mehta’s this year.” I said.

“Sorry…” she said when Karan and Raj walked in. “Hi…” Neha walked us to the upper hall. We spoke for a few minutes about random things until everyone came.

“So let’s have fun…” Neha shouted. “No…wait. We’ll finish the assignment first then we can enjoy.” I said.

“But…” “Trust me; it won’t take even an hour…” I said. “She is right, sissy. If you finish your work then you’ll have no worries about it.” Aryan said. They placed my assignment book at the centre and circled around it. “Guys… I have a suggestion. Please don’t copy every problem. Leave one problem each. We don’t want to get caught in mass copying, right?” “I’ll leave the 11thproblem…” she said scanning the pages. That was the longest problem in the book, it consumed 4pages.

“Come on…I’ll show you around while they work on it.” Aryan offered. He showed me Neha’s room which was a complete mess and one of the servants was cleaning her room. He took me to his room, his was comparatively neat than her room. His room was huge and cute; there are posters of racing bikes plastered to the wall and a music system, a lappy, a shelf full of books and other shelf full of music. I immediately scurried towards the bookshelf. I picked a book randomly and that happened to be lord of the rings trio logy.

“Do you love books?”He asked.”Yes… although we don’t have many books back at orphanage. Two books of Enidblyton and one pride and prejudice that’s it. I read pride and prejudice many times.” I said.

“I don’t have many books, I read mostly horror and mystery but mom’s library has many books. I’m sure she’ll let you borrow them.” I nodded.

“I have taken the freedom of choosing a song for you to dance…” He said. He played it for me, It was light and melodious, “I like it…!”I said. He extended his hands and gestured me to take his hands, He danced at ease but I stumbled many times and even stamped on him.

“I suck…” I said as the music closed. “Don’t say that, close your eyes…feel the music now take my hand and look at me, let me do the rest and you just follow me.”

I let my feeling that I couldn’t dance go away for a second and started working steps with him. For the first few beats; when he was sure that I learned them, he played it. Doing it step by step is different from doing it in a pulse, he moved like a whirl wind and I with him. It really felt good.

We are interrupted by the loud Oooo…… from our friends. Neha gave a secretive smile towards Aryan and he shrugged his shoulders. We practiced for hours and hours till he taught me total steps, there are many pushes, pulls at one spot he even lifted me up easily and swirled over his shoulders and caught me bridal style. I felt excited about the whole dance thing.

“You are a fast learner.” He said. “You are a good teacher…”I said. He threw me a bottle from the mini fridge he is having in his room.

“Let’s see how far they got…” I said and we knocked on her door. She hushed us as if something important was going on. We went in and four of the girls from our class are acting like Poo and her minions, I laughed at her idea of skit. I mean none would even raise question about that but still everyone would know who they are.

“Sissy, you’ll be dead if mom knows about this…” Aryan said containing his laughter. “Yeah! Who will tell her? You..?”She threatened. “Don’t you think I don’t know about you…” she said casting a smile towards me. I ignored it but I thought to ask her about it later. “One second…I’ll be back.” he said talking into his phone.

The skit Neha played about is four girls who are always interested about other’s life and who are always ready to hurt others with their comments. Finally when the college year finishes for them they were completely useless. It was funny at the same time message oriented, so I guess the professors won’t have a problem with that. Boys skit is about younger generation in computer age. It was funny too.

“Megha…” Aryan called. I went up to him. “My friends need my help. I’ll be back soon, don’t go anywhere, okay?” he said. I nodded.

“Sissy, don’t you think they are hungry?” he called over the loud laughter. “Time for lunch…” she said standing up.

Neha’s mom Mrs. Mehra arranged lunch for us all, I said I would come back again but Neha scolded me and complained to her mom. Mrs. Mehra urged me to stay, they practiced the skit one more time and one by one everyone left.

“Do you want me to drop you at your home?” Karan asked me. “Her father will come for her.” Neha said. “Okay…bye…”he said.

“I’ll be back in a few minutes…” she said and ran to her room. I stood there feeling awkward when Mrs.Mehra came in.

“Where is Neha, darling?” she asked. “She went to her room…” I said. “Come with me…”she said and took me into a room where there are thousands and thousands of books. My face lit up at once, “I see that you like books very much.” I nodded. “Neha won’t even look at them and Aryan he reads only selected genres. I wish there would be someone to do justice to these huge volumes here.” She said.

I nodded barely listening to her; I ran my hands through the huge collections and picked a book by Sidney Sheldon “Tell me your dreams.” I just started reading through the pages, I was so entranced by the story that I didn’t notice that I was through 30pages already. Mrs.Mehra laughed and said that I could borrow as many as I like. She herself chose some books and gave to me, Rebecca, Isabel, princess dairies, Sense and sensibility; Philip Pullman’s his dark materials.

I carried them back to the living room, “Wow! Mom, you finally got someone to read all your books.” She said.

I sat there, it’s getting late. I stood up to go when someone walked in black suit and a briefcase, Neha jumped at him calling dad. He smiled at her daughter and then her wife who took his briefcase from his hands and gave it to the servant passing by. He saw me standing and stared at me for a while like he was accessing me.

“Dad…she is Megha…my friend.” Neha introduced me. He shook suddenly as if he was interrupted from a deep thought.

“Hello, Megha. Good to see you, my champ hasn’t shut her mouth speaking about you.” He said. “Dev, I’ll send some juice to your room.” Mrs. Mehra added.

Neha’s father behaved weirdly, even after climbing the last step and going into his room. He stared at me continuously. Aryan arrived while I was about to leave, “I told you not to go anywhere…” he said.
He dropped me back home and promised me to pick me up at 10 tomorrow though I protested that there is no need for that.

Back in Mehra’s house Mr.Mehra was going through all the old photographs and he threw most of them on the floor. Mrs. Mehra walked in; she was shocked to watch the condition of the room.

“Dev, what’s the problem?” she asked. He ignored her and still continued to search the old pics. He stared at one particular picture in his hands and slumped onto the sofa beside him.

“What…?” his wife asked worried about his behavior. He showed her the old photograph. It was the marriage photograph of a couple standing beside Mr.Mehra. “Who are they?”She asked. He didn’t answer. She examined the picture carefully and was appalled to see that the lady in the picture is so familiar. She began to think where she saw her than it struck to her she was exactly like Megha but a little bit older.

I told mom and dad everything about the Mehra’s house and how friendly they were. I even mentioned them talking about my parents respectfully. Mom nodded the entire time looking at me with her affectionate eyes.

“The Mehra’s are really good people, they are never the one’s to disrespect others. He stated as a matter of fact. I was really tired by all that dancing, so mom asked me to go and take rest. I tried to read the Rebecca book for a while but I slowly drifted to sleep in the middle.

I woke up yawning lazily, “You know shouldn’t sleep while reading books, you’ll crumple the pages…” Sapna said pointing to the book she kept on the bed side table.

I went to sit next to her on the window, I spoke to her all about the previous day to her in excited tone, she was a good listener, it made me tell more, I don’t know how much time I spent telling her about our college days.

“You don’t know how much I wanted a sister like you with whom I can share everything…”she said a tear escaping through her eyes.

“Megha…with whom you are talking?” Dad asked staring up at the blank space in the window. “I was just rehearsing the lines in the skit…” I shouted. He stared at the space dubiously and went back to work.

I got ready soon and then hurried to the barn to help him. I worked for a few minutes when I heard mom shouting from the kitchen. “Go and see what she wants…” I hurried into the kitchen.

“Don’t you remember that you have to go to Mehra’s house?” “Go, get ready. You still have 10minues…” she said. “I’ll just finish the work in the barn…” I said. “Now, go to your room and get ready.” Mom ordered. I nodded.

By the time I went down, Aryan was sitting in our living room, Mom gave him Sherbet and he was sipping it while mom was standing idle. “Hi…”I called. “Can we go?” I asked. “Mom…” I turned to take her leave; she gave a smile and nodded. “Your sherbet tastes very good, madam.” Aryan spoke. My mom blushed when he called her Madam. I stared at him; he certainly knows how to impress others.

“You are late…” Aryan said opening the front seat door to me. “I’m sorry…I was just…” He laughed at me. “I was just kidding, okay?”He said.

Sapna was waving to me from her window.. I smiled at her and waved back. “Is she the Sapna?” he asked. I nodded. He waved to her too. Sapna blushed if that was possible, I smiled.

Last year I found a ghost while I was taking a morning walk, I listened intently. He directed me to his home. He gave me some directions to find a hidden thing, in his bedroom. I found it difficult to convince his wife but he kept haunting me about the hidden thing… So one day I broke into their home and he asked me to move his bed aside and remove the center flooring plate. I did as he said and then hidden inside were some documents and some cash, by them time I retrieved his wife entered. She was shocked to see me. I panicked about it and I was sure that I’m dead. I stood frozen with cash and documents in my hand, You should have seen me that time… I was pale. She started to scream and I tried to escape but I wasn’t spontaneous then.

“What did you do then?” I asked curious. The ghost came to my rescue… he asked me to call her by some nickname that is only between them, I did and she stared at me. It took me a whole hour to calm her down and I gave her the money and documents. He saved it for his wife and children when he was alive. He also asked me to give a message to her. She thanked me and said sorry for being rude… I made her promise not to tell anyone about my freaky abilities, she laughed and nodded. He finished and sighed.

I thought about the story for a while and then asked him, “Do you want me to ask her if she has hidden anything from her parents that she wanted to give away?” “Yeah! That’s right.” He said.
“What did you call his wife?” I asked after a while. “I’ll tell you but promise me you won’t laugh…” he said. “Sure, I won’t.” I said. ”Fatso…” he mumbled. I burst into laughter. “What if she didn’t understand that and thought you are calling her fatty…?” I laughed thinking about it. “Yeah! Thank god! She understood it or else she would have killed me for calling that.” He said laughing.

We laughed until we reached his home… Everyone was gathered by the time we reached there, they were practicing skit and Neha didn’t allow us in… She said that there were some improvements that will be a surprise for us at the time of the show.

We went to his room and started practicing our dance. We did it almost 10times until we perfected each step. While we were practicing the 11thtime Neha came in. “We were doing dress rehearsal and I don’t want to spoil the surprise for you…” she said. I nodded. “Have you found a dress to wear?” she asked. “Never mind, we’ll try out mine and find a suitable one for you…” she said.
By afternoon everyone left excited about the next day’s party and they all planned what to wear and what not. Neha, Aryan and I went into her room as soon as they all left. Neha pulled out a bunch of dresses out of her cupboard and asked me to choose whatever I want. I couldn’t choose so she asked to try them out and she shooed Aryan out of her room.

First I tried blue floor length gown, with cap sleeves. I thought it looked good but she asked to try another. I tried next light pink which barely extended up to my knees, she rejected it and after that I tried almost seven dresses which I thought were good. At last I put on a purple floor length gown that fit my body perfectly and I looked good in too. Her face lit up when she saw me in it. “This is it…”she said excited with joy.

“Now… you need some styling.” She said and dragged me to her mom’s room. Mom look at her, he r mom said I was looking great in it. “Mom… I wanted her to have a makeover and you are going to help me with that…” she said. “Sure…”

“So, my darling Megha. Tomorrow you’ll go to college from here…”she said. “Neha…”I started to protest but she hushed me.

“Hey, won’t you show me your dress?” Aryan said peeking into her room. “No, bro. You have to wait until tomorrow…” she said. “Then how will I know what to wear…I mean we need to co-ordinate right?”

“Purple…”she said shutting the door on him. I helped Neha to pick a dress she choose red one, I saw her amazed, I mean she can be fashion chick if she wants to… but she likes to be a tomboy.

I waited for Aryan in the hall while Neha went to call him. I sat there idle staring at the vases when Mr. Mehra walked in.

“Megha…Good to see you again. How are you?”he asked. “I’m good, sir.” I said. He asked me to sit and then he sat opposite to me in another chair. “So…I hear that you are from an orphanage…” He started. I felt uncomfortable discussing that subject. I nodded. “Which orphanage was it?” he asked. “I mean you were brought up really good, look at you; strong, clever, courageous and sensible…”he said waiting for me to reply. “St.Theresa orphanage…” I said. “Where is it?” “It is 120 km away from here, in a small village.” I said.

“Hi…dad.” Aryan said coming towards us. I stood up briskly trying to avoid the questionnaire, Mr. Mehra is good but the way he looks and talks to me is weird.

“I’ll take your leave now, sir.” I said. He smiled. “Drive safe…”he called while we walked to the car.

I told Mom and Sapna everything that happened today. I also said that I couldn’t deny her kindness in offering her dress. She said it was okay as long as I return it to her safely. I told Sapna about the weirdness of Mr.Mehra. She said that he was just being careful about who his daughter is befriending. I nodded may be she is right.

Next day, I finished my chores and got ready to go to Mehra’s house. Dad dropped me at the outside gate of their house; I came to know that my dad sells milk and vegetables to this house that’s why he felt awkward and nervous when their daughter spoke to him.

Neha was waiting for me in the lounge… She hurried me saying that we need to be there in the college by noon. Mrs.Mehra took us to her mini parlor in the house and started by applying some face pack on my face. Neha said that her mom did fashion designing course in her early 20’s. She let us rest while she started inserting some rollers in my hair, she never allowed us to look into the mirror. After finishing with our face, she worked with my hair, she let my long brown hair fall into curls and she straightened Neha’s curls. She left my hair using a hair pin, few strands brushed my cheeks. Neha left her hair loose. Next thing was a blur she applied so many things on our face that I lost track of Neha’s commentary of what she was doing. Overall I heard and understood what they were all for. Being born as a orphan and living in a village in India, I never knew any of these things.
When we finished wearing she came into our room with a set and started to put it on me, I tried to protest but she ignored me, A silver sleek chain with a heart shaped pendent studded with white stones and matching ear rings to go with it. The ear rings were heavy. Neha wore Ruby stones. Final touch she showed me sandals to wear instead of my usual footwear that I wear to college.

“Now…Look at yourself.” I walked up to the long mirror and was appalled to see a gorgeous girl staring at me in the mirror. “Oooo… I’m sure you’ll be the star of today’s event.” She said. I blushed. “You look brilliant too…” I said. She raised her eyebrows. “Okay, let’s see who is good?” she smiled.

“Aryan is waiting for you downstairs, go on.” Mrs.Mehra said. Neha kissed her goodbye and I thanked for everything. “Don’t say that again, you are like my daughter dear.” She said and kissed me tenderly on the cheeks.

I walked down and was stunned when I saw Aryan standing looking good like in his black shirt that has purple cuff links. He really was cute in it, his fair skin glistened brilliantly, he was like a model.

He stared at me awestruck whatever I felt reflected in his eyes too… “You look…” He stammered.
“Awesome…see I told you. He hasn’t even seen me; he couldn’t turn his eyes from you…” Neha said. “You look good, sissy…” he said. “Just good…?” she asked.

“Hey, time for a picture…Smile…” Mr.Mehra came with a cam in his hands. I stood exactly at the center of them. “Now, single pictures…” he called and took a single picture for every one of us. Aryan rode us in his car; I sat in the back seat… “I know that you are pissed off because of me…” Neha smirked.

“I stole someone’s seat…” she smirked looking at me. Aryan slapped her teasingly. As soon as he parked the car, he came to open my door, Neha stood laughing like mad and he was glaring at her and gesturing her to stop.

The entire college transformed, there were banners, balloons, decorative materials… They chose the main auditorium to host the event. “How do you like the arrangement?” he asked. “Good, I have never been to like these events. It’s great…” I exclaimed excited. “There used to be a girl called maya that came to our orphanage frequently, she used to tell us tales about the events at her college, and I always wanted to be there.” I said excited. They smiled at my fancy for these things.

As we three walked in, people stared at us. I felt uncomfortable by all the attention I was gathering. I began to tremble a little, Aryan caught my hand and squeezed, “We’re here with you…” he said. I stared into his affectionate eyes which built up my confidence.
Neha cleared her throat… “Aryan…” someone called. “We need you here, dude.” He called. “Aryan… she is my friend too. I can take care of her.” She teased him. Aryan left me unwillingly turning every second back to see me. “Love is in the air…” Neha began to sing. “What?” I smacked her playfully. “As if you don’t know… Wait until he tells you bhabi( A Hindi word to call one’s brother’s wife)…”she teased.

I went after her trying to beat her up. We went into class after we finished fighting and calming down. As I walked into the class…” Wow…!” I heard them say in unison. I blushed. Karan walked wide eyed towards me… “You look stunning…”he said. I thanked him and returned the same comment. Everyone looked beautiful we praised one another about our dresses.
As we settled down and talked about the party decors then there was an announcement over the speaker box for all the juniors to gather at the auditorium. It was Aryan’s voice. Neha poked when she heard him.

At that time, I began to feel nervous again. One of our classmates took Neha away to talk about something; they were practicing their skit for the last time. I felt nervous… Karan sat beside me, he saw me trembling and gently squeezed my hands. “You’ll do great…Don’t worry. None of us are tension free… Well, except for Neha…” he said when we heard her loud laughter.

He sat with me all the while and then after a few minutes, we all went together to the auditorium. Aryan walked onto the stage carrying a sheet of paper, the crowd roared with joy shouting Hoorah! He made a motion to calm down. He invited the guests on to the stage and then after that each of the guests gave some suggestions to the fresher’s and seniors. It took almost one hour to finish their speeches. When the guests got off the stage and sat in the staff area. Poo came on to the stage… Everyone where like what the hell! Get down. Her minions cheered her again.

First went Rahul, though we don’t like him; we cheered for him. Next two more dances and role play by other branch fresher’s. Aryan came over to our place and gestured me to come… “All the best…” Everyone cheered me up. I felt nervous but soon as Aryan took my hand I felt at ease. There is so much noise that the music was barely audible to the people on the stage, I mean everyone was shouting, clapping and enjoying in their own way.

“Aryan went to set our song…” Poo came in giving evil looks; I knew she is up to something. As we got on to the stage my friends cheered and waved at me. The song began to play and the first few steps I danced when Aryan walks in and offers his hand to me. People clapped and shouted encouraging us. From the corner of my eye I saw Poo glaring, she hurried to the music system. I ignored her and started to feel the music and enjoy the moment with him. As we neared our ending the music suddenly stopped and my legs began to shake but Aryan never stopped he began to drag me through the rest of the steps and slowly whispered in my ears to look at him, I did and eased myself a bit and continued the steps without music. When the twist and turns came and finally when he caught me bridal style, the uproar of claps was tremendous. I was glad that I could finish the dance without any mistakes.

When I got down…Everyone surrounded me and praised. “It’s that stupid Poo, she stopped the song… I’m going to teach her a lesson. Ready, girls?” Neha shouted over the noise.
Neha’s skit was tremendous hit, people enjoyed it. When each of them secretly stared at Poo she was furious, she left the hall without even looking back. Rest of the day followed with many other programs.

As soon as our class programs finished we all sat in the garden, talking about our exploits in the party. We talked and laughed happily, some people took pictures in their mobiles. We passed them around to see. “Hey, Megha. I asked my friend to take video of our dance. Want to look at it?” Aryan called. I went to sit with him, his friends joined him. I watched the video, I thought I did okay but with Aryan I was like great. I noticed Aryan’s friends poking him and he cleared his throat. “Um…Megha. These are my friends; Sanjay, Rajiv, Arjun…” I couldn’t remember the rest. I said hello to everyone.

“Megha…come here.”Sonali called. I said bye to them and joined my friends. I saw DB sitting with one of our senior boys, she was blabbering and he wasn’t paying attention to her. When he tried to go she stopped him. We laughed seeing her.

“Where did you beg those things, Miss. Orphan?” Poo said loud enough, everyone to hear. “Poo… just shut your mouth, okay?” Neha snapped. “I’m sorry, did I say orphan…Oops…” Poo said. “What’s wrong in that babe’s when she is really an orphan.” One of her minion said. Tears started to roll in my eyes, what did I do to her? Why is she always after me? “I mean you begged for food and shelter and then Mehta’s took you in. You begged for clothes… then Neha helped you… Wow! Everyone offers you everything…” “Aryan was just being kind to you… because he knows that you’re a poor orphan. He’s always like that helping the poor so please… doesn’t take it otherwise…”she smirked.

Meanwhile Neha ran to bring Aryan. “Poo… just shut up and get out from here.” Aryan shouted at her. Poo tried to say something but one look from Aryan said her to stay away. Everyone around me was staring at me. I know everything got spoiled now… I ran away unable to stand there another second. I sat on the rock bench on the other end of the garden. I felt alone and disheartened.

“Megha…please just ignore her. She is so mean…” Neha tried to console. I hugged her crying. I felt another hand on my shoulders; I looked up to see Aryan. Poo’s words rand in my mind may be she is right they are just showing sympathy. “Megha… Please just don’t you think about her words for another second? Everything between us it’s just not sympathy… It’s…” He stammered to find right words to console. “I love you…” He said and I stared at him wide eyed.

“I never met a girl like you, you are bold, courageous, funny, kind, and sensible and above all you don’t have to wear makeup or good dress to look beautiful. You’re just beautiful the way you are…” He said. I hugged him too.

“Ooo… I should probably thanks to Poo.” Neha said.I frowned. “Yeah! Without her my brother wouldn’t say those all things to you and he wouldn’t get caught like this…”she said waving her mobile. “But brother… I’m happy for you at least your choice is good. “She laughed.

I gave gentle smile and then my other friends walked up to me. Karan knelled in front of me. “She doesn’t understand your worth. You are here on full scholarship which none of us have or will ever have… You ought to be proud of yourself… I mean every parent wishes to have a child like you.” He said. I nodded as silent tears rolled down my cheeks. “Yes… Megha. I’m sure where ever your parents are. They will proud of you.” Sonali said. Everyone nodded.

“Enough of the heavies…I’m hungry. Let’s go and eat something…” Neha said. “Megha…Stay here, I’ll get your plate.” Neha said and winked at Aryan. Everyone left leaving me and Aryan alone.

It felt awkward, I mean until now we were never silent, one of us always spoke but now both of us had nothing to say. Aryan just gazed at me with his affectionate eyes. I sat silent, thinking that at least now I don’t have to pretend before anyone and they all like me for what I am.

Neha brought us food plates, I didn’t eat much I just picked at the food. “Do you want to go home?” Aryan asked. I nodded slightly. “Neha… come on. Let’s go home.” He called. Neha said bye to everyone. My friends dropped off me until the parking area and went to enjoy the party.

Neha said she wanted sit back so I sat in the front. My eyes felt heavy and soar from all the crying, I didn’t know when I slept. As the car skidded to halt, I thought to wake up but I couldn’t try to keep my eyes open. Aryan carried me into my room. Mehta’s were worried about me so they hurried after him.

“What happened? Is anything wrong?” They asked. “She is just really tired with all their work and had to face some situation too… Let her sleep.” “I assure she is fine…” He added.

I woke up early in the morning, my eyes felt well. Sapna stood by the window and she greeted me as I dragged myself up from the bed. I heard mom’s voice calling me; it felt odd that she woke me up early this time. I gestured that I’ll be back and ran downstairs.

“Mrs.Mehra asked me to show it to you this morning when I went to deliver the milk bottles.” He said pointing to a newspaper.

“What’s written in that?” My mom asked excited. I took the new page and in the district edition, at the center page, there are many pictures taken in our college, I was in two pictures; one was taken when I walked in with Aryan and Neha, the other was when I was dancing on the stage with Aryan. They also mentioned that our dance was the best in the event. I told them so and showed my pics. Mom hugged me and gently kissed me. Dad patted me proudly.
I never had a chance after that day to be alone with Aryan, even if we met I shied away from him. I frequently visited Mehra’s house and borrowed books from Mrs. Mehra. We used to have long debates on the books after I read them. We enjoyed it very much, I was content and very much happy with my life except for one thing I still couldn’t figure out how to help Sapna, Aryan’s idea of hiding things didn’t work out. She had nothing of that sort to tell. Still she didn’t lose her faith on me. I used to have long chats with her every night telling her everything that happened on that day.

Three months passed by as we were busy with our projects. Our college administration decided to make this as a grand event of three days, two days for project expo and the final day for games and cultural and results. We worked to finish our project, we stayed up late the previous day to finish the presentation until 12pm and then I explained each of them the module and what they have to say. We slept at Neha’s house that day.

Sonali was at the registration desk, she registered our names. “I’ll make sure that your presentation will be today so we can enjoy the rest of the days…” She whispered to Neha. She winked at her.

One of our super seniors announced the list of the presenters for today, there are about 30 and Aryan is 5th on the list and I’m 12. Aryan is good at studies unlike Neha. He is good at everything sports, culturals, studies and most of all he is the best looking guy in the college which made most of the girls fall over him.

His friend Rajiv and he presented the project very well. He smiled at us before he left in triumph. They answered every single question. There are some projects that are even better than ours. I could feel the tension building up as the numbers came down to 8. My hands began to sweat and they are as cold as ice, even Neha is nervous. DB is still immersed in boy watching. As the 11th batch is winding up their presentation, I stood up with wobbly legs and began to gather the materials for presentation. The judges were out for a break and I relaxed onto the chair but still my nerves didn’t calm down so I went out for fresh air. All my friends were waiting outside.

“The judges were out for a break…” Db replied to their frowning. Karan approached me. “Do well…” He said and saw me nervous. “You know you are the only first year that is giving presentation…” neha cut him off. “That really helps…” she smiled nervously. “I was just saying that you did what we all couldn’t do so I’m sure you’ll do this fine too.”

Mean while the judges came back, we began to prepare for the presentation, we set the slides and pinned the poster to the wall, Our class were waiting eagerly at the door and they smiled at us encouragingly. While I was fixing the poster, Neha poked me to see Aryan. He was standing there smiling and mouthed ‘all the best’ to me. I took deep breathes before starting, after a few lines something triggered in me and I began to explain cool and confidently. Neha did well too in spite of being nervous. DB didn’t present anything as she has asked for it. She joined us in the query round. They answered the questions that we have already discussed and if there is a new one I did. It was my idea to do like that; I just don’t want the judges to see it as a one-man show rather than a team effort. I was relieved to see the content expressions on the judges faces.

There were three more presentations before we left for lunch.”Information says that you are on top 3.” Rohan called as we joined our little group. “It’s time to party about our little victory…” Neha shouted. “There are still 40 presentations… we don’t know it yet…” I made a point. “Going there and presenting is more than enough for me…” she said “Yeah!” DB supported her. She dragged us all into canteen; this was the first time that I came into the canteen. It was way big and there are circular tables arranged all over the place. There are many people like us sitting here. In the corner table I saw Aryan and his best buddy, Rajiv sitting together, sipping cokes. They waved at us and walked towards us. Meanwhile Rohan and Karan started putting three tables together for us to sit. Rohan and Sonali sat together, DB sat with Karan, Raj sat beside Neha and I sat between Neha and Aryan.

Neha ordered cokes for all of us… “Not for me…” I called. She frowned. “She doesn’t like drinks, order her butter scotch ice cream…”Aryan said. “How…?” I exclaimed. “If you love someone you need to know everything about them.” He whispered. Neha cleared her throat. I blushed hard.

Neha was talking all about the presentations and DB provided details about any cute boy over there. We all listened to them intently sipping our drinks. I saw from the corner of my eye that Aryan is eating my ice cream, I didn’t say anything, I blushed but nothing escaped eagle eyed Neha, She kicked him from under the table.

“You are eating her ice cream…Get another one if you want.” Neha scolded. “This tastes good, sissy.” He said. I blushed, she kicked him again. He stood up and walked away. I thought he was hurt so he left but he came back with another cup of icecream and gave it to me. He gently pulled my bag towards him and shoved five dairy milk chocolates into the front pocket which I happened to like most.

“To me?” Neha complained like a child. “I’ll get you too…” he said. She pouted and he left to get her chocolates. When he came back Sonali and DB were giving him the looks what about us. He went back again and returned with chocolates for everyone.

“This is really bad Aryan, Are there no chocolates for boys or they are just for pretty girls?” Rajiv teased. Aryan gave everyone a dairy milk and I laughed at him uncontrollably. We stayed there for almost an hour before we left.

We went and played in the different gaming stalls in the afternoon session, I felt someone staring at me and ignored that feeling and enjoyed the day. In the evening while I was walking back home, I saw two mean looking guys following me from college, thankfully dad came around and picked me up.

Aryan called in the night and said that I should be there for his final match tomorrow. I was so busy that I didn’t attend any of his matches that he played against other colleges because I was so immersed in the project.

Next day our group was early to go to college; we wanted to cheer our team. We occupied the front row seats in the stadium which is built in the northern wing of our college. The game started early and it seems that our opposite team is giving tough fight. Rajiv joined us as soon as the match began, Aryan smiled at me before joining the crease, Neha poked me and I blushed. It seems that these days, I’m doing a lot of blushing.

We were so immersed in the game when I felt someone dropping popcorn on me; I glared at them and resumed watching the match. They are the same fellows from yesterday, I moved aside little bit to which Neha scowled. Karan looked at me dubiously, I just shrugged my shoulders. Again they dropped pop corn on me this time it hit Neha too.

“Can’t you see?” She scolded. “Sorry…”they smirked. They did it again and this time Rajiv and Karan at once dragged them out. Raj, Rohan helped them to throw the mean guys out. The commotion was enough to attract every one; Aryan saw us from the crease and frowned. I shrugged my shoulders and they continued the match.

Last two over’s was a hell of tension, Aryan was batting and still 30 to win. We watched intently, Aryan was trying pretty well but the other team was doing good field work. Last ball and still 4 runs to win…We were all like practically half standing in our places. I closed my eyes hard praying for the god to let us win as the last ball is being delivered. There was absolute silence for a second I could hear everyone’s intake of breath and then as if a bomb blasted everyone shouted in joy but I didn’t who won still, I was praying continuously. Neha jerked me shouting “We won!” I opened my eyes and she hugged me hard. Team mates lifted Aryan up and marched him across the ground. They put him down and he ran towards us and next thing was really unexpected, he hugged me and I felt all the world freeze around me as the pleasant sensation hit me with full blast. Neha cleared her throat and he withdrew and hugged her sister instead. She laughed.

“Party!!!” we all shrieked. My friends and some of Aryan friends and team members joined us in the cafeteria; though Poo was uninvited she joined us too. Everyone ordered whatever they want and I sat still, as I never tasted anything except ice cream here and I don’t know what a pizza, burger or pasta tastes like.

I sat silently and Aryan came with handful of plates. “I know you haven’t tasted these foods so I took the lenience of placing your order. Hope you won’t mind…” he winked at me.

“These are my favorites, veg cheese pizza and chocolate brownie…” he said pointing to the plates. Poo was giving us an evil eye from the opposite table.

“How did you feel about the last shot, knowing that the fate is rested on your shoulders? You might have felt the entire burden but you managed pretty well…” Rohan pulled out pen from his pocket and placed it in front of Aryan as if it is a mike. Aryan smiled at him.

“I was pretty much tensed too but then I saw only one face praying hard for my victory probably for our victory,” he said smiling and I pinched him down the table, He was caught unaware and he shouted “Ouch…” Everyone stared at him. “After seeing her… I know I would do anything to make her wishes come true…” he said and relaxed on to the chair.

“Girl…Oooo…”They all cooed. “Babe, I never saw you praying.” One of Poo’s minions said. “That is something girls do…you might not know that.” Neha smirked. Poo glared at her.

“Who is she, man? We ought to thank her for giving us victory…” One of the players asked smiling.

I kicked him again and mouthed not to say anything. “I can’t…She is now praying that I shouldn’t say her name and I will not go against her wishes.” He said.

Everyone looked around and sighed knowing that they wouldn’t get my name but I knew that was good clue.

“Mega, aren’t you the one praying in the field when Neha jerked you…” DB said with such sweet innocence. This is another thing with her she doesn’t know what to talk and when to talk. Neha closed her mouth… but it was too late. Everyone knew who it was. Poo stood up at once and glared at me before leaving.

I was nervous and shaking uncontrollably, Aryan squeezed my hands gently without anyone seeing us.

“Anyone has any plans for this weekend?” Rajiv asked breaking all the awkwardness. I thanked him silently for shifting all the attention from me.

“We can go to the beach…” Rajiv said. “Cool…” everyone replied. Everyone left…living us alone.

“I’m sorry…” Aryan said. “It’s okay…” I smiled. “Is my taste good enough for you?”he asked. I frowned. He said pointing to the now empty plates of brownie and Pizza. “Good…” I said.

“Just good?”he sulked. “Great…”I said.

Aryan walked me to my classroom and left. My friends were all sitting together and talking when I came in. “Are you coming?” Sonali asked. “Where to?” I asked. “Of course, she will come.” Neha replied. “To the beach…” she said to me.

“I didn’t know that Aryan loves you…” Karan said sitting beside me. “We are just good friends…” I said. His face lit at once.

We went to the basket ball match in the afternoon in which Rajiv is playing and in the opposite team Sonali’s cousin is playing. Aryan saved places for us, along with Aryan a girl was sitting, she is tall, fair and good looking, something triggered in me seeing them together. I sat next to him.

When I was sure that everyone is immersed in the match, “Who is she?” I whispered eying her suspiciously. He smiled at seeing me jealous. “She is Rajiv’s girlfriend.” “Rihana…”he called her. He introduced us. “Rajiv said so much about you both… I always wanted to see who Aryan will love…” she said in a sweet tone. I blushed again looking at him.

“I never saw her…” as she was immersed in the match again. “She is studying in another college nearby, they are childhood friends.”
Rajiv’s team won with just a few points difference and again everyone shouted for a party. Rajiv said he would give party in the beach. We went back home feeling victorious.

Next morning I went late to college since there is nothing much to do there. Morning passed uneventful, most of the results of games we conducted were known to us before hand, only project expo results were pending. As the hours dragged down we felt tensed.

By evening every event is closed and the official meeting has been started. The dean and the chair person said how successful the event was and how we all are responsible for that and thanked us all. Finally the moment has come as expected Aryan’s batch received first prize and the second prize went to another college. The third prize they called and my friends at once shouted in joy. I never listened my name but my friends did, they pushed me onto the stage, I felt my heart thudding very fast. The dean congratulated us. We came back smiling still I couldn’t believe we won.

Neha took the trophy and passed it over to our friends. They all examined it and were satisfied that one of their friends has achieved something. Later we cheered for Aryan and Rajiv who went to receive their prizes.

We gathered at the back of the stage to have a little celebration among ourselves. “Tomorrow they are declaring it as a holiday for all the effort we put…” Rajiv announced.

“What about the weekend plan? Is it still on?” Rohan asked.

“Yes of course, those who are willing to come just tell me we need to arrange vehicles.” he replied.

Everyone said ‘yes’. I stayed quiet; I forgot to ask about it at home so I can’t say ‘yes.’ Every one stared at me for answer. “She will come…” Neha said. “It’s her choice, don’t drag her into it.” Aryan said.

“Come on…please it will be fun.” She insisted. “I’ll try…” I said. She was about to say something when someone sprayed drink all over my dress. I was stunned beyond belief before I could make a comment. Rajiv and Aryan are fighting with the two mean guys who happened to sprayed drink over me.
Aryan was kicking them very hardly soon Karan, Rohan, Raj joined them. We girls pulled them back before anyone saw all the commotion. Aryan was furious, I held him back when the two guys ran away.

My entire dress had stains and I felt uncomfortable and walked back into the darkness feeling embarrassed. My girl friends followed me, they tried to rub the stains with handkerchief but nothing helped.

“Wear this…”Aryan said throwing me his shirt, his face turning away from me. I wore his shirt and he brought his car around by the time I was out the waiting room. I sat silently, silent tears rolling down my eyes.

Aryan gently squeezed my hands. I rested my head on his shoulders, he dropped me at home. “It won’t be a good idea if I come this way. “Can you go?” he asked. He was shirtless and he is right it won’t be a good idea.

As soon as I walked in, Mom came running towards me. Her face was horror struck, “What happened?” She cried watching me all over. I sobbed uncontrollably hugging her. “Please… don’t say it happened again.” My father slumped on to the ground. Seeing him I understood that they are imagining the worse so I said them what happened at the college. They seemed to relax a bit. Mom helped me go to my room that’s when I saw Sapna staring at me, her face was emotionless as If she was in shock. I tried calling her but seeing mom I stopped.

I thought to talk to her alone in my room. I cleaned up myself and slumped onto the bed. Next morning I woke up late knowing it as a holiday.

I went to dad first and helped him in the barn and then helped mom with house chores. They were careful not to bring up the subject. About mid noon, Neha called home.

“How are you? Aryan wanted to know if you are okay?” she said.

“I’m okay…” I said. “One more thing, did you ask about the beach party?” she said.

“No, I didn’t ask.” “We have to leave today by evening, Dad made arrangements in our beach house for us… so please just ask them.” She insisted.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea.” I said numbly. Mom… she is saying she won’t come. Will you please tell her? She screamed at the top of the voice. After a few seconds I heard the phone click on another line.

“Hello, honey. How are you?” Mrs. Mehra’s voice came in. “Good, aunty.”

“Can you put your mom on the line, please?” She requested. I called mom and they seemed to have conversation for a few minutes and mom was all like yes…ok…sure…madam.

After he put the phone on the hook, she sighed. “Were your friends planning on a beach party?” she asked. “Do you want to go?”She asked.

“It’s your wish, mom.” I said. “Go, have fun but be careful. Okay?” she said. During the lunch Mr. Mehra asked about the beach party. “Just don’t go deep into the waters. I expect you to be safe and careful.” I nodded.

Afternoon I packed my bag with all the things that I need for two days stay, all the time I wondered where Sapna is, I haven’t seen her since yesterday night.

By evening, Aryan drove in and Neha jumped out of the car and ran towards me. She thanked mom and dad for allowing me to go with them. They smiled gently. Mr. Mehra called me aside while Mrs. Mehra spoke to Neha. “Take this, you might need this.” He said handing me thousand rupees. “Dad, it’s not necessary.” He just pressed the notes into my hand.

“Megha, I forgot yesterday they gave cash prize for winning third prize. Here’s the amount.” She said handing me 5000rs.

I gave them to mom and dad remembering for the first time that I didn’t tell them that I won third in project expo. Tears rolled down their eyes and mom kissed me on the top of the head. Dad reminded me about his instructions. I nodded.
Aryan greeted me as soon as I entered into his car. On the way we picked up DB and Sonali from her house.

The boys were waiting for us at the crossroads. Raj, Rohan, Karan and Arjun were waiting on bikes for us. Rajiv and Rihana joined us soon enough.

Sonali went on Rohan’s bike. Neha smiled at me and opened the door. “Where are you going?” I asked. “I’m bored with these four wheelers. I’ll have a change for today.” She said and hopped onto Raj’s bike. He smiled and an unknown wink passed between Raj and Rohan.

“Hey, DB. Come on, Karan will give you a ride.” she said. DB left me alone with Aryan in the car.

“Come front, it seems there will be none with us.” Aryan said. I shifted to the front seat. I was thinking about the secret exchange that happened between Raj and Rohan. “What are you thinking?” Aryan asked.

“I was just thinking about the secretive wink that passed between Raj and Rohan when Neha hopped onto his bike.”

“What’s there to think Raj likes Neha and Rohan knows about that so he is teasing Raj when Neha hopped on?”

“Wow! You know everything.” I exclaimed. “My sister and you think that you know everything but you still don’t know a thing.” He smirked.

“What?” I asked. “Nothing…” We travelled one hour before we reached the beach house. It wasn’t as big as their own home but big enough for all of us. It was a wooden house. The furniture inside was wood too. There are total four bed rooms. Rajiv, Aryan and Arjun shared one on the left to us. Karan, Raj, Rohan shared the bedroom right next to them. Neha and I shared the one on the right corner. Sonali, DB and Rihana shared the one next to us.

Apart from the four bed rooms, there is a huge hall and a kitchen room. We sat watching movies for a while and then returned to our beds hoping to have day full of fun tomorrow. I wasn’t able to sleep because of the frequent sounds of the waves near to us and the moonlight filtered in through the glasses.

I was staring at the moon very intently that I didn’t notice our door creaking open, I panicked and shouted at once when someone jerked me. Neha woke up too.

“Why did you shout?”She asked. I was staring at Aryan standing in front of me. She turned towards my stare. “What are you doing here?”She shouted at him. “I was just checking whether you slept or not. I mean I’m your elder brother so I have responsibility towards you…”he said.

“Is that so? I was sleeping well until you came and disturbed, now go back to bed.” She said. He walked away, “Close the door behind you…”she screamed.

She hugged me tightly in sleep and I drifted off to sleep thinking about the funny incident. I woke up startled when I heard someone scream. I ran outside my room and I saw Rajiv putting Aryan’s hands in the cool water.

“What happened?” I asked running towards him. I saw the milk spilled all over, I understood what happened. I rubbed his hands with cold water; he withdrew his hand in pain. I never saw him in so much pain; his eyes were moist with water. Involuntarily, tears rolled down my eyes.

“Who asked you to do this stuff?” I shouted at him. “What’s all this shouting about?” Neha came in rubbing her eyes. “What happened?” she hurried towards Aryan. I searched all the shelves frantically but couldn’t find anything suitable.

“Does anyone have here any cream that contains alovera?” I shouted. DB ran inside to bring the cream.

I snatched it away from her and applied the cream over his hands. “See how useful I’m?” she asked. “Yeah! Yeah! You are really useful…”Neha smirked.

“What’s up, bro? Are you hurt?” Neha said poking his hand. He winced in pain and I slapped her hand away. “Neha…”I shouted. “Sorry, mother.” She smirked.

I sat him on the chair beside the kitchen counter. “Father forgot to tell the housemaid here to come this day, I was hungry so I thought I could drink some milk.” He replied meekly. I glared at him. He remained silent.

I boiled the milk and gave everyone milk; I prepared the flour to make Rotis. The girls joined to help me and I gave them instructions about what to do and how to do. Db was chopping the vegetables to prepare curry while Rihana mixed the flour and made balls, Within 30 minutes we prepared breakfast.

We sat by the dining table, boys arranged plates and glasses. I served everyone and sat to eat myself. Aryan was trying hard to eat since his hand still hurt. I took his plate and put the rotis in his mouth.

“Oooo… I wish I hurt my hand too.” Rohan said. “Yeah! Everyone won’t be like Megha, Sona will ask you to eat with left hand if your right hand is hurt.”

We all laughed at once. By noon Mr. Mehra sent a cook for us, we got ready and left for the beach, we sat on the beach and at regular intervals I applied Burnol to his hand. In the evening we started a campfire and played truth or dare.

First, the bottle pointed towards me. “Is there any wish in your life?” they asked me. “I just wanted to see how my parents looked like and know what my surname was.” I said.

Everyone sat silent and silent tears slipped through Neha’s eyes. I spun the bottle to divert them and it stopped pointing towards Rihana.

“Tell a truth about your relationship?” they asked. “I’m a year older than him.” “wow!” DB exclaimed.

They spinned the bottle and it’s Karan’s turn. “I loved a girl who loves someone else.” He answered. “Who is she?” He silently stared at me. Did Karan love me? Why didn’t I know that?

Neha chose dare and Raj asked her to kiss the coolest guy in the group; she kissed her brother, Aryan on the cheeks. “Not brother…” Raj complained. “You should have mentioned that before.” She smirked.

Aryan’s turn, “Wait, I have a question for my brother.” “Whom will you choose if you have to choose between me and Megha.” “That’s ironical, you both are important.” He complained. She cut him off. “Now if we are to be hit by vehicle and you can save only one person at that time. What will you do?”

“I’ll push you aside and I stay with megha so that at least we can stay together in death.” I stared at him. Is he really serious about me? Does he love me that much to give away his life?

“Wow!” Everyone exclaimed.

Db’s turn. “Have you ever loved anyone?” Raj asked before Neha could shut his mouth. Db started right from her first class, Neha tried to stop her but she continued. “I’m going to bed…” Neha exclaimed and left yawning. One by one everyone started leaving…DB ran after them to finish the list.

I stayed back staring at the waves, Aryan moved close to me. “Are you… serious about what you said?” I asked tentatively.

“I said so many things which one do you mean in particular?” he asked. “About dying with me…” I mumbled. “Are you going to die soon?” he asked. “No…” “Then why do you think about that when time comes you will know the answer yourself.” He said.

“I never knew anyone who loved me so much…” I said. He smiled gently. “Me too…” he said staring at his wounded hand.

I stayed up for a while and fell asleep on his shoulders. He must have carried me back home because I woke up in my room. Boys went playing in the beach and we sat on the shore until Neha came and when she came she dragged us all inside. Boys warned us not to go deep inside so we had to stay in the hollow waters. After a while we got bored and went back to the shore, we shouted for them to come so that we can play volleyball.

I was drying my hair sitting on the beach when I felt a shadow on my face; I rose up my eyes to see Aryan taking off his tank top. I stared at his well defined muscles.

“Come on, Megha. Let’s play.” Neha called. I got up and walked towards them. “Hey, I don’t know how to play, I will sit and watch.”

“I have a better idea, why don’t you guys play, we will just have a walk and see if there is anything else to see here…” he said.

He pulled me up and we started walking towards the cliff. “I think you should put your shirt back on.” I said blushing hard. He saw me blushing… and smiled at me.

After we are far away from them, he took my hands into his. We sat on the nearby rocks. I felt my throat dry. “I want some water.” I said.

“I’ll get you…” he said running back. I sat there for a while when I heard strange sounds from the nearby place, I started following the sound. I climbed up the cliff and the sounds grew even louder until I reached a cave, the cave was dark, I couldn’t see anything. “You should listen to me… there is no other way for you.” An intense voice said.

“Who is there?” I asked moving further into the caves. I saw tiny flickers of light as I walked more into the cave. “Hello…”I called. “Get out from here you silly girl…” I heard the intense voice again. “Who is that?” I asked taking a step further. Then suddenly a pale white face shimmered before me. He is a small boy. I stared at it blinking carefully moving towards it. It tensed and moved back. “I won’t hurt you…” I said carefully walking towards it.

It roared at once and an immense amount of energy hit me and threw my body, I was floating in the air for a second, then I could see bright light coming from the cave and then I felt the heavy winds tearing my body and finally I felt the salt water over my face. Before I even realized I was drowning, I tried to push up to the surface but the waves were heavy they came crashing down on me each time I rose to the surface.

I was about to give up when an unknown face pulled me up and carried me to the shore. I flickered open my eyes. He stared at me with his deep blue eyes. He turned his face away from me. “Your friends are coming; I’ll leave you with them for now.” He said getting up. “Who are you?” I croaked. “Don’t go on hunting for the ghosts again…” he said kissing me tenderly which sent warmth into my body as an instant energy.

“Megha…” Aryan panicked seeing me. He hugged me strongly as if an unknown force is pulling him away from me.

“I’m okay…”I said. He let me go still holding my hands tightly. He scooped me up and carried back to the house though I said I was well enough to walk. Neha came hurrying towards us as she saw me.

“What happened to her?” she asked. Aryan ignored everyone and took me into my room and sat me on the bed. Everyone rushed in. “What happened?” They asked concerned.

I stood up to show that I’m perfectly okay but that was a bad mistake, I must have hurt my ankle when I fell as soon as I stood up the pain shot through me and I cried in pain and slumped on to the floor. Aryan sat me on the bed again. Neha hurried to get pain relief spray, she sprayed on the ankle and I felt a bit of relief. Aryan’s face twisted in pain. I squeezed his hands gently and said that I was okay.

“Don’t spoil your weekend. Please…I will be upset if I spoiled your fun. I just lost my footing while climbing the cliff.”

“Why didn’t you catch her before she fell?” Neha scolded. “He went to bring me water; it’s my entire fault I shouldn’t have climbed…”

“Stupid girl…” Neha scolded. “Please just don’t stand here staring at me like I’m a patient.” I said.

“What happened?” I explained him everything vomiting the part where the blue eyed boy kissed me. “It’s my fault I should have told you about the bad ghosts too. I thought ignorance is bliss, the more you know the more attracted you will be towards these bad souls…” he said tears spilling.

I couldn’t see him like that, I moved closer to him and hugged him patting him on the back. “It’s not your fault; you were just trying to protect me. But next time please don’t hide things from me.” I said.

He let me relax onto the bed and went to ask the cook to boil hot water. The cook is a woman in 40’, she came with hot water and a cloth, she applied balm over my ankle and then massaged with hot water.

I drifted off into sleep as the pain relaxed on a bit. Aryan kissed me on the forehead thinking I was asleep. “I’ll never let anything harm you again…”he said.

That night I had a strange dream, the blue eyed boy and Aryan were fighting over me and I was standing in the back ground waiting for one of them to win. I’m never a person to see someone hurt over me than why am I standing like that?

Neha woke me up at an early hour and we packed soon, none of them allowed me to help though I was feeling well. We went back at top speed to our home.

Mom fussed over my ankle though it was alright. When I went back I didn’t see Sapna. Mom made me stay home, evening Neha called.

“It’s your fault, if you hadn’t said about that, she would have let me go to college.” I complained. She laughed and asked whether my leg was healed. I said it was okay and I asked if there was any important class today.

That night I waited for Sapna a long time but she never was back. I sighed wishing I could see her, after a few minutes, I heard Sapna waking me up.

“Why did you call me?” she asked. “When?” I asked still sleepy. “You wished to see me…” she said. “Wow! Is that ghost thing to know what we wished for?” “No,it’s messenger thing to call the ghost at your command.” She said.
“Oh!” “Why did you call me?”She asked again. “I never saw you from that day, you were upset by something and I wanted to know what it was.” I said.

“That is the problem, seeing you in that state that day brought me back a memory from my life and I couldn’t make any head or tail of that memory. I was trying very hard to retrieve that memory from my past…” she said.

“Go to sleep…you must be tired.” I nodded and drifted off to sleep.

I saw very less off Sapna after that, on the rare occasion I met her she said that she was travelling all the places that she ever went as a human to know what was the memory about. Mean while days passed by soon… Without our knowing we wrote first year end exams and I topped the class and we were given a vacation after exams.

Being bored, I usually went to Mehra’s house to borrow books one of these visits is what turned my life forever.

“Are you coming home, today?”Neha called me to ask.

“I’m on my way…” I said. I reached her house usually Mehra’s house was always serene but today there was huge commotion.

Mrs. Mehra was shrieking on the phone at someone. When she ended the phone call she slumped onto the couch. I walked up to her.

“What happened, aunty?” I asked. “I’m having a photo shoot today on all the designs I’ve designed but at last minute the models turned down. This is a very important project in my career.” She said clutching her head.

“Leave it… We already have more than enough money…” Mr. Mehra said walking in.
“It’s not the question of money, Dev. I have been working for this all my years.” She said. “Can’t you postpone it until you get the models?” Mr. Mehra asked. “We can’t get these professional photographers and the settings ready again…” she said.

Mr. Mehra shrugged his shoulders and walked away. “Can’t we look for other models…?” I asked. “At last minute we can’t find one…” she said staring at me for a second. After few minutes of thought, “Will you do me a help?” she asked. “Anything I can do...”

“Will you be my model?” she asked. “Me…?” I stared at her. “Please…” she requested.
“It’s not that, I’m not good enough for a model…” I said. “You don’t know about you. Will you help me?” she asked. I nodded half heartedly.

“I need a male model too…” she mumbled when Aryan came in. She scurried towards him and dragged him to her room.

She came back for me again. Her models are related to wedding styles, she dressed me up and when I entered into the main hall, I was shocked to see the wedding settings. Aryan walked in shervani all groom like, He smiled at me, Neha smirked at us.

The photographers took pictures of us in different wedding postures… I enjoyed it. They gave all the directions to us when to keep my head high, when to keep it low and blush. It was easy with Aryan being there.

Once they took 30 to 50 snaps, we changed into a different dress, Like that aunt made me wear 8 different dresses, I waited patiently for the session to over It took us almost 8 whole hours with small intervals for us to have something.

Aunt ran to me and hugged me as soon as the session was over, She went away to talk with the photographers.

“Hello, Bhabi… Do you want to see your marriage pictures…” Neha smirked. She took photos in her camera, she showed them to me. I was never given time to have a look in the mirror but I looked stunning in those clothes. We looked like a perfect couple. Aryan changed back into his clothes and came into our room.
“Here, bro. Look at your marriage photos…” Neha smirked. Aryan slapped her playfully. “They never gave time to say this… you look gorgeous.” He said coming closer to me. “I’ll change and come back…” I said.

“Please… don’t go.” He said grabbing my hands and pulling me back. Aryan’s mom came in before I could say anything. He released me and I went into Neha’s room.

I changed back into my clothes and took leave of them. When I was half way through the hall Mr. Mehra walked in talking into his phone.

He saw me going and stopped me, “Megha…wait a second.” He said. “Yes, it is her. When will you be here?” he asked. “Okay… then we will wait.” He said clicking off the phone.

What does he want to talk to me? Judging by his expression I know he is serious about something. Did he know that Aryan loves me? May be he wanted me to break up with Aryan. I thought. I shivered at the thought of facing his anger.

“Dad, Let me talk first.” Aryan said. “It was me who loved her not her. It’s not her fault…” he said.

Mr. Mehra looked at us. “Aryan, go in…” he said grimly. “Dad…I’m not going until I say everything…” he said. Mr. Mehra glared at him. “I like her too.. Dad and Mom like her too…” Neha said meekly.

At the same instant, a car parked in front of the house. Mr. Mehra scurried towards him to greet him. He just ignored him and rushed inside. He gave a quick glance on every member in the house and settled his gaze on me. He was a man in mid 40’s unlike Mr. Mehra he has a rugged look even in the suit.

He rushed towards me and enveloped me in a bear like hug…I was panting for breath. “Finally…Finally…”He cried.

He kissed me all over my face; I struggled to get free from him. “Who are you?” I shrieked breaking away from him.

“Your dad…” Mother superior from St. Theresa orphanage said. I noticed her in the house for the first time. I ran to her and took her blessings. Why she is even here and what did she mean by your father. May be he is the new father to the church, I thought but that is unlikely.

She sat me on the chair, “When we found your mother dead, we preserved her things at our orphanage to give it back to you when you are off age… We never imagined they would contain a clue as of your parentage.” She said.

“When Mr. Mehra came in to enquire your details, we knew nothing about you since the mother who took you in is long dead so we had to deal with higher office to get your details and belongings if there any. As it is, after a long ransacking of our office we found your belongings and inside it was a chain, a bank a/c key and a photo of your family. She showed me an old picture in which the stranger and a woman were there holding a baby in their hands.

“Look at her closer…” she said. I did and she looked so like me. “We wanted to make sure it was you with proofs. “The chain your mother left has a small carving inside it…” On the back of the locket in small letters there are words Meghan mittal, I gasped.”The bank key was indeed your parent’s joint a/c key.” She concluded.

Tears rolled down my eyes… I stared at my real father who I always presumed as dead. I ran to him and hugged him.

I rested my head on his laps and cried for how many hours I didn’t know. “Why didn’t you come earlier? I thought you were dead too that’s why I had to grow up like an orphan…”

“I left you and your mom and went to foreign on a business trip and then when I came back, my manager said that your mom left me and handed me down a letter. It said that she was going back to her house as she couldn’t stand it alone. I came back to Mr. Mehra and asked him about her, he said that she wasn’t here. We both searched for her everywhere but couldn’t find her. Time flew and I gave up my hopes of ever finding you again…” he said and tears rolled down through his cheeks and fell on my face. I sat up and wiped his tears.

“Wow! That means you are related to us… I always knew there is something between us…” Neha shrieked in joy.

“Yes… She is your cousin.” Dad said in joy. “Your sister-in-law..” She whispered into Aryan’s ears.

Mrs. Mehra arranged dinner for us at her home while I sat with dad all the time, “Dad… what was mom like?”

“She was always a sweetheart, she loved you so much, we planned together how happy you must be in your life, she always wanted the best for you… She would be happy to see you as a fine, young lady.” He said tears dropping from his eyes.

“She was there to help if anyone needs; she even fought with my dad and gave all her savings to the flood struck areas. I remember how bold she stood in front of dad which none of us were able to do. She’s always the one to express her feelings strongly.” Mr. Mehra said recollecting his childhood.

“She even planned to construct an orphanage for old and abandoned people when you were born… but she couldn’t do it…” My dad said blinking back his tears.

I resolved to do whatever she has wished to do in her life and I’ll make my dad happy his whole life. Mrs. Mehra called us for lunch. I sat beside dad.

“When will you come back to settle here Sunil?” Mr. Mehra asked my dad. He frowned.

“I’m taking Megha with me, tomorrow…”he said. “But…uncle Megha is here on full scholarship and she can’t let that go…” Neha said tentatively.

“I have to finish my education…”I said. He was calm for a few minutes. “Well, then there is no other go, we’ll stay here in our house then.”He said.

“Well, then I’ll ask our servants to get your house ready to live in…” Mr. Mehra said.

“What about mom and dad, we haven’t told them anything, yet. I owe them a lot. They have been nothing but kind to me.” I said remembering for the first time about them.

“We’ll talk to them early in the morning, we can ask them to live with us, If that’s what you want.” Dad said smiling down from his gold rimmed spectacles.

“That will be great.” I said. “Now, kids. Go to your bed.” Aunt ushered me into Neha’s room. The elders sat down talking to each other. Dad gave me a good night kiss before I went to bed. I sat silently on the bed while Neha babbled how great it is to be a cousin. We heard the glass tap and looked at the door but no knock came from that side. Again the tap came; I turned to see Aryan at the glass window. I ran to open it.

“What are you doing here?” Neha shouted. He hushed her. As soon as he jumped in, I hugged him. “Wow! What was that for?” Neha smirked. I withdrew embarrassed.

“I’m just happy and I don’t how to express it.” I said. “Then you should give a hug to me…” she pouted. “Sissy…”
We sat on her bed while Aryan went to lock the door. “Mom would kill if she saw me in your room so…” he said meekly.

“I don’t want this day to end…” I said happily. “I know my parents and my surname is Meghan mittal…” I left the word roll on my tongue to feel it.

“And you being our cousin…” Neha said. “That’s so many things to learn in a day.” She said. I nodded. We sat silent for a few minutes enjoying the truth, Neha soon drifted off to sleep.

I rested my head on Aryan’s lap. “I don’t want to sleep. I’m afraid that tomorrow when I wake up this all will be a dream.” I mumbled. He gently pulled my hair back and kissed me on the forehead. “Nothing will change the truth; you have all that you wished for.” He said. I nodded.

“Do you know anything about my parents?” I asked. “I don’t know much… but that your mother was the one that chose name for me. My father loved her much… mom used to saythese things when I asked her about dad’s siblings. He also mentioned that your parents are married in love…” he said. I nodded.

I drifted off into sleep thinking about my new life, and wondering how exciting it would be. Early in the morning I heard someone knocking the door. It was Mrs. Mehra.

“Get ready; there is a long day ahead.” She said and hurried to wake up Neha who dragged her bed sheets over her face. Aryan walked in at the same time. He gave me a light hug and whispered “Good morning.”

“Aryan, get this lazy girl, ready.” Mrs. Mehra said. I went down and my dad was sitting in the living room with a cup of coffee and newspaper.

“I thought you will vanish into thin air by the time I wake up…” I said hugging him lightly. My dad chuckled. “Dev, did you listen what she said…” Mr. Mehra chuckled too. I frowned. “Your mom she used to speak the same little fantasies. That was the first word she spoke to me after the first day of our marriage.” He said with far away eyes.

“Megha… Go get ready…” Mrs. Mehra came in with a cup of milk. I nodded and hurried to Neha’s room. She is still in bed and Aryan is trying to wake her and she is kicking him to go away.

“Neha…” I tried to wake her up but she brushed me off. “Fine… Aryan let’s go to the movie alone…” I shouted enough for her to hear. “Wait, what movie?” she woke up suddenly. “As if they would play movies for you early in the morning.” I smirked. She threw blankets at us, we dodged off but unfortunately that hit Mrs. Mehra and she shrieked at her. Neha hurried into the wash room at once.

We got ready and went downstairs where our dad’s were waiting. Mrs. Mehra was already on her way to our house to get it cleaned before we go there.

I felt nervous, how would they feel about this, they are just getting used to me. I thought. Neha and Aryan dropped us off and went to help their mom. I thought I should give the elders some privacy and I also wanted to speak to Sapna. As expected she wasn’t home so I called for her and five minutes of waiting she glided back into my room.

I hugged her as soon as I saw her. “I know who my parents are…” I said excited. I explained her everything that happened yesterday. “I’m really happy for you…” she said.

“Megha…” I heard mom call. I ran to her. “I’m so happy for you my child…” she said crying with joy. I nodded.

Mr. Mehta patted me. “Come, let’s go…” Dad said. “Get your stuff…” he said. I nodded. “Are you coming with us?” I asked mom. She knelled in front of me. “This is our home and we have so many memories here,” She said looking at the portrait of Sapna, Tears rolled down my eyes so they aren’t going to come with us.

I went into my room heavy hearted… “I can’t go leaving them alone…” I said. “Can you leave your father who has been waiting for you all his years, Mom and dad has one another to look after but your dad has only you…” Sapna said squeezing my hands.

I sat there still not making up my mind. Mom came in, she sat beside me and squeezed my hands, and she said the same things as Sapna did. “Besides it’s not like you won’t see us again. You can come here whenever you want…” Mom said. I smiled weakly. I pulled my cheap satchels from the cupboard and started to walk out of the room.

“As much as I wanted to take her clothes but they are your memories of her…” I replied. I went down unwillingly, its worse to know that I can’t have both of them.

“Is this it?” dad asked as he helped me into the car. I nodded. “You can come and visit them anytime you want…” he said. I nodded.

We parked beside a hotel and dad made some calls and soon enough Mehra’s family joined us. Neha tried to cheer me up by saying about how my home looked. I barely listened. Life is unfair it gives you one thing then it takes another thing away.

“Neha, Aryan you help her shopping while we settle some business…” my dad said finishing with breakfast. He kissed me on forehead before leaving.

“Megha… you have to be happy at least for your dad.”Aryan said squeezing my hands. We went to the nearby mall, I let Neha pick clothes and things for me as I’m not in the mood of shopping.

“Let Neha pick for you, she will change you into a tomboy…” Aryan complained. He showed me the shopping cart; I frowned on seeing the contents inside it. “If you wear them, people will run away from you. That’s why mom won’t ever let you shop…” Aryan smirked. He threw them away from the cart.

“Aryan, please buy this for me…” she said showing a black t-shirt with dazzling colors and painting of a skull. I was shocked to see it. “Are you going to wear this?” I asked. When I wear it and walk in the campus, she acted how she would walk; keeping her legs and hands apart, head held high and pushing her stomach front. People will bend in front of me calling Neha madam… she said I imagined everything she said and burst into laughter.

“Imagine mom coming after you…” Aryan said. I laughed imagining how her mom would kick her. “Finally, the fairy has laughed.” She said.

Aryan helped me picking up the clothes, he said that jeans would fit perfectly with my physique. I thought why not give it a try. I mean I’m perfectly comfortable with any kind of dress as long as they are good enough to wear. It was by noon that we finished shopping.

We shopped almost everything that’s in the mall; I wondered how much it would all amount too. When I said they same too Aryan and Neha, they laughed heartily. I frowned.

“Your dad isn’t just some random person, he happens to be the business tycoon. “ He said checking in the items. It all amounted somewhere near a lakh rupees.
He handed the card that dad gave to him… “This will be like spending a 10 rupees note to him.” He said.

“Are you making fun of me?” I asked. “Wait a second…” He said and called the nearby cashier. “Sir, Do you happen to know Sunil Mittal?” he asked.

“Yes, of course, the business tycoon of India.” He said with pride. “See…” Aryan said. I nodded. We packed everything into his car and drove towards my new residence. I expected to see a house like Mehra’s by listening to what they all said.

There was an arch above us saying “Mittal’s Residence.” The arch was huge and creepers were entwined right from the pole to the arch. There was huge green spread before the house as we moved further in, I gasped at the first sight of the building. They laughed seeing me. Three Mehra houses would easily fit into it. One of the maids helped with our packages while Neha and Aryan ushered me in. It looked like some kind of palace.

I glanced at everything with exciting eyes. “Wow!” I exclaimed. “Do you like your house?” I heard my dad’s voice. I walked over to him. “Your mom designed every inch of this house, she put her whole heart into this house, It reminded me so much of her that’s why I never wanted to come back here.” He said in a muffled voice. I squeezed his hands.

We ate lunch in silence. My dad cleared his throat. “I have to go to city tomorrow to make some business arrangements so that we can settle in her. I don’t want to leave you but I had to go…” he said. “It’s okay, dad as long as you promises to return soon.” I said smiling.

“Dev, Let Aryan and Neha stay here until Megha adjusts here.” He said. Mr. Mehra nodded. “Wow!” Neha exclaimed.
“So… how do you like your house?” Dad asked. “Are there any secret passages and tunnels?” I joked looking at the size of the house. Dad chuckled. “Knowing your mom, she must have made some.” Dad said smiling.

Mr & Mrs Mehra left in the evening. Mrs. Mehra warned Neha not to do anything wrong. “I’ll show you something… Come on.” Neha dragged me.
She took me to through a twists and turns until she opened a double door, “A pool in the house?” I exclaimed. Just then the servants filled the pool with clean water.

“Wow! We should come here some time…”I said. “Why not now?” Neha asked. “Don’t you want to see the rest of the house?” I asked. She gave in. “Megha…” I heard dad’s voice.

“Choose a room for you… and see whether you wanting anything more.” dad said and left to his room. “Come…Let’s pick a room for you.” Neha said excited. There were almost four large bedrooms, each one is decorated in its own style. One room has an opening to sit and has a view of the mountains and fresh and cool air entered into it.

“I like this…” We said in unison. We laughed at the coincidence. I told about my choice to dad, “That was the room your mom picked for you when you were old enough to have your own room.” He said winking.

“Dad, do you have pictures of mom here?” I asked. “You’ll find them in the library in the photos section.” He said pointing to the library. We went in that direction, the library was as large as the house is , there are huge volumes of book each labeled into different genres, I found the photos and there are thousands of albums there.

They are marked year wise; there are mom’s marriage photos, when she was pregnant, when I was a baby. Aryan showed a picture of me when I was a baby. “You look cute…” he said. I smiled. When particular picture of her intrigued me very much I ran into his room catching the photo.

He saw the picture of mom standing confidently on stage all dressed up, “It was your mom’s last show… She used to organize fashion shows and with the money she collected she gave them to orphanages. Although she stopped modeling after our marriage she found other ways to help the poor and needy.” I took her photo to my room and put it in the frame that I found in the shelves.

Next morning, I woke up early and went to wake up dad. I freshened up soon and saw to that they set the breakfast table as soon as they did I asked them to leave.

When Dad,Aryan and Neha came in, I served them. “Where are the servants?” Dad shouted. “Dad… It’s just I wanted to serve with my own hands…” I said. He rushed towards me and embraced me. “Your mom always said the same thing.” I smiled.

He ate the breakfast quickly and rushed to his room to get ready when he was back we are waiting for him. “Take care of her, Aryan.” Dad said. He gave me a quick peck before he left. He was different from the first time I saw him, he is live and joy and I noticed for the first time how handsome he was.

“Let’s go to the pool. Please…” Neha said. “Okay…” I said. We changed into shorts and had fun in the pool. Neha was trying hard to teach me how to swim. We played for almost an hour till I got how to swim. It’s refreshing to be in water. I always felt calm in water, most of the time in orphanage when I was disturbed I sat in the shower for hours for which I used to get scolding later from mother for wasting water.

There is a small room for us to change into dry clothes, Neha hurried to get a drink while I took my time to get dried off. As I was walking back into the house, I stumbled upon Aryan and he caught me from falling into the pool again. He was shirtless again. His muscles tensed from holding my weight. I reached out to touch him. He pulled me at once and I fell on him. He gave me an evil smile knowing that I was blushing hard, he pulled me close and gave a sweet, tender kiss on the lips. Tickles ran all over my body and my face turned red, I pushed him away and ran into my room where Neha was waiting with a glass.

“It took you long enough…” she said noticing for the first time my face. “Why are you all red?” she asked. “It’s just the hours and hours of swimming. “I stammered. “Why are you stammering?” she asked. “I have been running…” I said. “Why were you running?” “Neha, do you want to waste the whole day asking her questions instead of going to watch a movie?” he asked.

We hurried and got dressed. Aryan was waiting for us by the time we went down. “Look at you…” He exclaimed seeing me in jeans for the first time. “We have in walk in closet and head length mirror…” she snapped.

“Madam… sir has called for you…” one of the servants handed me down the phone. “Go to my room…”dad instructed. “Did you forget anything?” I asked. He chuckled. “No…just go…” he said. “Go to the left cupboard and push open the drawers.” He said. I found a gift inside written with my name on it. I tore open the wrappers, it’s a mobile. “Now… you won’t be far away from me…”he said.
“Thanks… dad.” I said. “What’s your program for today?” he asked. “Aryan is taking us to a movie.” I said. “I almost forgot, inside the gift box there is a credit card you can use that for your purposes.” He said. “Thanks… dad.” “Have fun, Meg…” he said.

“Wow! It’s nokia e-series.” Neha exclaimed. “I’ll feed our numbers…” she said taking my mobile. We reached the multiplex, I handed down my card to Aryan to use it, I insisted that he use it.

He took us to a gore movie which I instantly hated but Neha enjoyed every bit of the gore. Most of the time I was trying to shut my eyes from seeing the scenes or else catching Aryan’s hand harder. As soon as the movie is over dad called me. He asked me about the movie, I expressed my disgust over it and Neha laughed at me. We ate there and left home.

“I wish DB should see your home, she’ll go mad with joy…” Neha exclaimed suddenly when we are watching the movie in our own theatre. There was a single sofa and a woolen carpet and a small glass table. On the side walls there are stacks of cds, all old and romantically of my taste.

“Why don’t we call them? We can just have a small gathering.” I said.”Great Idea!” Neha bounced up.
We called all our friends but didn’t say what the matter was. Neha made me stay in the room until they all came; she said that I should give a dramatic entrance.

When everyone came and got settled, Neha called me on top of her voice. I walked out of the room feeling like a holly wood star walking on the red carpet. They all stared at me wide mouthed. I went and sat gracefully on the sofa like Neha said to do.

“What? How?” They stammered. “Long story short, Megha is Mr. Mittal’s long lost daughter. The only heir of Mittal industries, she said with dramatic exuberance. “Wow! So like in movies…” DB exclaimed.
We showed them around the house. Dad called me and I said that my friends were home… He said to have fun, in the evening, everyone left feeling happy for me.

“Poo… should know about this.” Sona smirked. “She sure shall die…” DB smirked. Boys agreed.

I couldn’t sleep so I went into the library to read; I brought a book from the shelf and started reading. When I heard someone’s footsteps, I turned to see; Aryan walked in and sat on the arm of the sofa I was sitting in. I hugged him keeping the book aside.

“I’m happy for you…” he said. I raised my eyes to look at him; he kissed me on the forehead. “My life is full now…” I said.

“You should sleep, tomorrow the college re-opens and tomorrow your dad will be back…” He reminded.

“Yeah! I forgot totally about that.”I said. He walked me to my room and kissed me goodnight. Neha was already sleeping happily inside. I moved her aside and snuggled into the sheets.

I felt nervous; so many things have changed since the vacation. I thought. I got ready early and sat in the hall waiting for them.

Our ride to college seemed so long though it’s just 15km away. As I alighted from the car and walked in, people stared at me wide mouthed. “Wow!” some of them exclaimed.

I walked briskly to my class avoiding the stares. “I heard about it from Sona…That’s great.” Preethi one of our classmates said. An occasional member of our group . I thanked her. Apparently the whole town heard about the news.

In lunch hour I accompanied Neha into the canteen since our cook hasn’t cooked lunch for me at that early hour. It felt weird to sit and eat here; I have been taking my lunch my whole year in the class. Aryan, Rajiv, Arjun were sitting in the corner and they waved at us to come.

“Have you forgotten your lunch box at home and what’s with this dress, Did Neha throws you her old outfits?” Poo sneered.

“Meghan mittal doesn’t have to beg clothes from others and she could throw clothes for many people like you…” Neha snapped.

“Meghan mittal, huh? As if she is the daughter of Sunil Mittal” she sneered and went away. “There he is the new guy who got admitted early this morning… Wow! He looks super hot.” Db exclaimed. Involuntarily, I turned back and was shocked to see the blue eyed guy walking in, he glanced at the whole cafeteria and walked towards me.

“Aryan…Let’s go.” I said pulling Aryan away with me. “Wow! He is hot…” I heard Poo and her minions saying. “Hi… Megha.” He waved to me. How did he know my name? “Why do all the hot guys go after her? What do they see in her?” Poo was saying. I ignored him and walked away, he grabbed my hands. I felt tense.

“Leave her…” Aryan said grimly. “Oops…” the blue eyed boy pulled away his hands instantly lifting up his hands in air.

“I thought you might want to thank me for saving your life…” He said. “Thanks…” I mumbled and walked away from him briskly.

“Who is he?” Aryan asked as soon as we are out of the cafeteria. “He is the one I saw in the cave… He scares me…” I admitted. “It’s okay, I’m here with you…” Aryan assured.

Aryan dropped me home and promised to come back soon. As soon as I was in the house, I was appalled at once; the main hall was entirely transformed as if there is a party here. I ran into dad’s room.

“Megha…How do you like the decoration?” he asked. “What’s all this about?” I asked. When you said your friends were home for a gathering, an idea struck in my mind, I should celebrate the occasion of finding my daughter and hence the party. I nodded.

There is another surprise for you…Armaan, He called aloud. I waited to see who it was, I was stunned for the second time in the day, and there he is the blue eyed boy.
“He is my nephew; He’ll be staying with us. In fact he joined your college this day… Didn’t you see him?” he asked.

“I didn’t go to the classes so she might not have seen me, uncle.” Dad nodded. “Go and get ready before the guests come…” My dad said. I practically ran into my room, something about him scares so much, may be the fact that he could deal with bad souls or the fact that he behaved with me as if he owns me.

I was trying to figure out which dress to wear when he walked in, as he moved towards me, I walked back. He gave a smile that hit my heart like 100mw.

“I have waited so long for you to come and you’re going away from me every time I come close…” He said. I frowned. “You’re the long last daughter of my uncle…” he replied.

He picked up a dress eying me… “This will be good on you…” he said. “Thanks…”I said trying to take it from him. He gripped it tightly.

“Friends?” he said extending his hands. I shook them and he eased of his grip on the fabric. He walked away from me.

Mrs. Mehra walked in while I was trying on the dress. “That’s not good enough…All your father’s friends will be here. You ought to look gorgeous, he said searching for a good dress.” She picked up the dress Armaan gave me to wear.

“Aunty, not this one…” I insisted. “This will really look good on your skin…” she persisted. I resigned to do as she said.

“The only heir of Mittal industries, Miss. Meghan mittal.” Dad was announcing when I walked down the steps… talk about dramatic entrance… I thought. I saw from the corner of my eye, Poo’s mouth wide open. I gestured Neha to see Poo. She laughed seeing her expression. I walked over to my dad. One by one Dad’s business friends came and introduced them to me. Some of them are my friends parents like Karan’s and Rohan’s. They winked at me. Even my friends were there. As soon as I knew dad was finished with me, I spotted Aryan and walked over to him.

“Wow! You look great.” He said placing his arm around my waist and pulling me closer. I blushed. We talked for a while. “I’ll just come back.” I said and went into my room.

I went into the wash room and came back, I checked myself in the mirror once again before leaving. “You look beautiful as always…” I heard the same intense voice. I startled and jumped back when I saw Armaan’s face inches apart from me.

“You wore the dress I chose…” he grinned. I was about to say that I had no choice when he crashed his lips on to mine. I tried to push him away but he was too strong on me. Finally he withdrew himself after sometime.

He gave an evil grin and walked away; he stopped at the door and turned back, “You can call me, Maan.” He said. I slumped on to the bed catching my head. Who is he? Why can’t I control him? I’m usually a strong woman…

“What is he doing in your room?” Aryan asked. “He is dad’s nephew, Armaan.” I said blinking back tears. Aryan stared at me as if that wasn’t the answer. I hugged him crying… He didn’t ask anything again. He sat there rubbing my shoulders for a while… when I calmed down.

“Your dad is asking for you…come down.” He said. I nodded. I went into the room washed my face went down. What did Aryan think about my outburst, I must tell him something before he gets it wrong? I searched him but found him nowhere.

“You can’t impose yourself on her…” I heard a voice as I walked by the pool room. “What were you doing then?” It’s Armaan’s voice. “She loves me…” Aryan said. “It’s never a one way fight brother and this time she will be mine…”Armaan said. “I have waited for many centuries and this time you’re not going to take her away from me…” he replied grimly.

“We’ll see…” Armaan said throwing the doors open. I stepped back so that he wouldn’t see me. “What was that all about?”

I waited patiently until the last of the guests went, I said goodnight to dad and went back to room tired. Aryan came to my room, I was about to ask him about the conversation I overheard maybe I should let him tell instead of asking.

“Sleep well and be safe…” he said and kissed me goodnight before leaving. He didn’t mention anything about the conversation.

Early next morning dad woke me up. “You’ll be late to college…” he said. I freshened up quickly and joined dad for breakfast, I served dad when Armaan walked in. I walked towards him tentatively and served him too, He gave a wicked smile.

“Wait for a second…I’ll just get ready then I’ll drop you at college.” Dad said. “It’s okay, uncle. We’ll go in my car. From today onwards I’ll be Megha’s driver.” He joked. Dad chuckled but I gave a plastic smile fearing that I should go alone with him.

He opened the door for me. He sat me in the front seat; I sat silently to the edge of the seat. “I’m sorry about yesterday, I’m usually a good guy, and It’s just I couldn’t control my feelings in front of you… It’s just I love you so much…” he said.

“You met me just a few days ago…” I asked bringing up the courage. He chuckled. “But I have known you for many years…”he said. He is a weirdo… I thought.

“I’ll never behave like that again towards you…”he said. I gave a weak smile.

He seems to have certain charm around him; people gathered around him like flies around eatables, all my friends including Neha were no exceptions for his charms. Even during the lunch, he sat with us and people were listening to him intently whatever nonsense he was saying. I wondered what’s so interesting about him. Aryan was glaring at him all the time and he obviously ignored his threatening glares.

“I didn’t know that I had a charming cousin like him…” Neha exclaimed. Aryan walked away throwing his chair, I went after him. He was sitting in the ground hitting the ball repeatedly to the wall.

“Hey…” I took his hands into mine. “He is just a newbie and after a few days, everything is going to be the same way as it was once…” I said. “You are thinking it the wrong way… I’m worried about you… what if…” He stopped.

“What are you doing here alone?” Armaan asked coming towards us. Aryan hit the ball to the ground being vexed about his frequent interruption in his life.

“I just needed some fresh air so I came out…” I said. “Isn’t he the one to come out first…?” He asked with fake innocence.

Aryan walked away glaring at him, I just sighed and went away to our classroom. Before Armaan would come and impose me to go with him, I texted Aryan to drop me home and I would wait for him at the parking area. When he came back home, he knocked on my door and I made it sound like I was in wash room.

“Megha… Wake up…” Sapna jerked me. I woke up yawning, “What are you doing here?” I asked rubbing my eyes.

“Do you remember me saying about a memory that I lost and wanted to find out?” she said. She waited for me to reply, I nodded.

“I think it has something to do with my death…” she said feebly. “I think there is something wrong in the way I died…” She said grimly.

“Just give me a second…” I called Aryan, He didn’t lift the phone, I tried again and this time after the third ring, he lifted the phone.

“Megha…Is everything alright?” His voice sounded tense. “I’m good…Can you come to my house, I’ll wait for you outside.” I said. He seemed to relax a bit after he heard my voice. “I’ll be there in two minutes…”he said.

I closed the door carefully, and walked tip toed to the hall glancing everywhere careful to avoid being caught.

“Where are you going and who is this ghost lady, I see.” I heard the very voice that I shouldn’t.

“Please…Just stay quiet.” I said. I introduced them. “Can we go now?” I asked. “You are not going anywhere without me… It’s my responsibility to protect you.” He said. “She won’t hurt me…”

“Yeah! There are so many things out there that you don’t know…” he said. I huffed and went out silently.

We stood out there for a while waiting for Aryan to join us. “Why are we waiting here and what’s her problem?” he asked. He was bothering me with his questions, when Aryan’s car lights were visible.

“Who called him?” Armaan said clearly irritated. “I did.” I said. “What is he doing here?” Aryan asked eying Armaan. “I might ask the same question to you…” Armaan snapped back.

“Will you just stop that?” I explained what Sapna’s problem was. “Do you know where they found your body?” Armaan asked. Sapna flinched at his direct question. I kicked him in his ribs and asked to watch out his language.

“I don’t know, I forgot most of the things from human life.” She said. “I know the place; I saw it in the newspaper.” Aryan said.

“Let’s go then and see whether Sapna can remember anything from seeing that place.” I said. “He is not coming with us, is he?” Aryan asked eying Armaan. “He might be helpful…” That was all I said.

“We can go by walk…” Aryan said and led us the way. After 15min of walk from the road, he stopped us at a sign board pointing towards the right and a milestone indicating 40km to the city.

“This is it.” She was found here hit by the milestone. Sapna was concentrating hard on the place, “Do you remember anything?” I asked. “Go on touch the milestone may be it can help you…” Armaan said. She remembered nothing.

“Why can’t she remember anything?” I thought out loud. “That’s because she was not dead here…” I frowned. “Usually a ghost can feel vibes when they happen to see their places of death…” He said.

“Sapna… I want you to do exactly as I say…” Armaan said. She nodded. “Think of something that triggers anger and fear in you…” He waited for her to react, I saw her dull glow brighten up for a second and then there is an aura around her that was really intimidating. “Now… Follow the direction where the vibes hit you more…” he said.

Sapna stood still for a second and then began to glide away faster, we ran to keep up with her. She went pushing through the trees to a long away until she found a small clearing where there is a clearing where there are debris of recent fire. Sapna stopped at that place and stood still for many moments. We waited for her to react, but she was so still that I began to worry that something is absolutely wrong. I cautiously walked towards her and tentatively put my hands on her shoulder. She shook me with immense strength that I was flying in the air for a second and thumped on to the floor and something sharp hit my forehead, I tried to sit up when I saw Sapna gliding towards me, I was shocked to see her eyes blood red, her whole body was vibrating with immense energy and when I saw her eyes I flinched.

Aryan and Armaan stood in between me and Sapna. Aryan helped me up and I saw something strange happen an unknown energy surged through the air scaring away Sapna. Tentatively I touched where I hurt, something liquid touched my hands. Aryan pulled off his shirt and pressed it to my wound to stop the flow of blood.

“Where is she?” I mumbled. “She’ll be back when she is normal…” Aryan replied. I have never seen so much blood before which made me dizzy. I stumbled and two strong hands caught me before hitting the ground.

They scooped me up, “I’ll carry her… Just keep stopping her blood flow.” Armaan said. “Are you trying to show off by taking your shirt away like that?” Armaan asked. “I don’t have to pretend at least not like you…” Aryan snapped. I stayed awake for a while before I fell unconscious.

“My head hurts…” I said trying to open my eyes which felt like heavy leads. I heard a low chuckle, “If this is the way you deal with ghosts then expect you’ll be having more wounds…” he said.

“Aren’t you going to college?” I asked. “What by leaving you alone, no way.” He said. “I’ll bring your medicines and by the way I said to uncle that you have fallen down the stairs…” he said walking away.

“Thanks, Maan.” I said. He suddenly stopped and winked at me with a wide smile. “You are not that bad….” I said as he gave me a glass of water and medicines. “I told you so…” he said.

“Where’s Aryan?” I asked. “He’s tired of taking care of you so he just left…” he smirked. I glared at him. “He has some work to do…”

“Hi, Megha…How are you feeling?” Aryan asked at the same time entering in. He sat on my bed and gave me a quick kiss on the forehead; I could see Maan flaring with anger. What’s with these two guys?

“What do you think has happened with Sapna? I mean they found her body at one place but she led us somewhere else?” I asked bringing up the subject once again.

“I think we have to wait for her to tell us her version before we decide to do anything further...” Aryan said.
“And there is something I need to show…” I said. They frowned at me. “I found this at the place when I fell down…” I added showing my half burnt picture.

“Did you guys carry this picture there somehow?” I asked tentatively afraid to know the answer. They said no… “What is your picture doing there and why is it burnt half?” they thought out loud.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.08.2011

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TO my friends and family for their love and support. The cover page art is from some unknown author whom I would like to thank.

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