

“Nikki…” I heard a familiar voice calling.

My heart raced, he is back as he promised. I ran in the direction of voice, the voice grew more urgent. I could see him hidden well in the shadows. I reached out to him.

“Nikki…”his voice quivered.

I entwined my hands into his; he gazed at me with his beautiful blue eyes. I felt like melting away in his warm and cozy arms.

“Love you…” he whispered into my ears.

The word ‘you’ is lost in the wind, his hands that I caught slowly melted into the wind. His features slowly disappeared allowing me a fleeting glimpse at his beautiful blue eyes. I frantically tried catching the dissolving part of his hands but that felt like catching sand that is escaping through your finger gaps. I broke down cursing my fate for not taking me away with him.

“You pretended that you’ll never leave me.” I cried hoping that he would hear me wherever he is now.

I opened my eyes and everything seemed to be a blur, I couldn’t see anything clearly, I raised my hands to rub my eyes and clear my vision but that hurt a lot and something needle like pricked my skin when I did that.

“Ethan…” I whispered.

I felt someone hushing me and gently massaging my forehead. I blinked away the tears that came from the throbbing pain all over my body. Everything is white may be I’m in heaven. I squinted in every direction and saw two familiar figures mom and dad. How did they come here? I’m sure we are the only one’s dead; me and Ethan. That name brought a panic attack to my heart. I hyper ventilated at the very memory of him. I can die but not him… I shrieked. I was blanked out when a sharp needle hit my skin.

“Ethan…” I cried into the space.

“Please take me with you. I don’t want to be here without you.” I sobbed.

I fell onto the ground curling myself into ball, the white, spotless sky showed no mercy; it didn’t stop to show me my Ethan.

“Nikki…” I heard Mom calling in muffled sobs.

“Nikki… Find the will to live.” I heard an unknown voice.

She doesn’t want to live she isn’t responding to our treatment. I heard him say and then a cry burst out from Mom’s lips. It’s like I’m hanging onto a tiny thread between life and death. One side I can hear mom and dad and another side white vacuum where I might meet Ethan. I took two steps tentatively towards the white sky crying for Ethan and collapsed as I used very last ounce of my strength.

“Nikki…” I felt someone tug me.

“Hmmm….” I mumbled.

“You must live, there is a lot much you have to do on earth. Be brave to face the new world that I’m sending you into. You’ll find love again.” I heard him say.

I felt a wet kiss planted on my cheeks and then all of a sudden I could hear huge gasps escaping through my lips as I tried to inhale.

“I don’t think she’ll get through this.” I heard the same voice saying.

“Mr. Rupert, I want you all to leave, she is suffocating.” Another strange and melodic voice said.

A few moments later, I heard him say.

“Do this for your brother.”

I felt someone grazing my neck and then a piercing pain ran through my body. My body convulsed, every nerve in my body throbbed, my heart constricted at the pain, every organ in my body slowly going numb until my heart reduced into a faint beat and nothing at all, I could feel someone holding me and whispering into my ears.

“Please do it for Ethan.”

I caught hold of Ethan’s memories strongly to my heart never willing them to go away. Ethan smile, face, eyes and every second I spent with him until the terrible accident that took him away from me.

“How are you feeling?” I heard sweet motherly voice whisper.

I struggled to open my eyes, they felt very heavy. I relaxed for a little while and then slowly made an effort to open them. I saw three unknown faces hovering over me as my eyes grew focused their smiles grew wider. I didn’t know them from my past; I doubt that I ever saw such godly faces.

An elderly man of mid 30’s hurried to my side, he checked my vitals.

“How are you feeling?” he asked.

I knew this voice from the hospital, so he must be a doctor and I’m in a hospital. I checked my surroundings; it’s more like a house rather than a hospital. Well lit room, soft bed, two arm chairs, a small TV, totally well decorated.

“Where am I?” my voice was barely a whisper.

“You are home, honey. Get some rest.” The motherly figure requested.

She gave some liquid as my stomach rumbled. As she set the glass down, another cute looking boy helped me to fall back into the bed. Instantly my eyes closed and I went into my cozy state where I can dream of Ethan.

“Ethan…” I cried into the white sky but he didn’t appear as he did the last time.

I sank down on to the floor waiting for him. I closed my eyes praying to see him one last time. When I opened Ethan was staring at me with his beautiful blue eyes.

“Ethan…” I cried hugging him.

“Nikki…” he said rubbing my back as I sobbed into him.

“I have a favor to ask.” He mumbled.

“Anything you wish for.” My voice squeaked.

“Please, let me go. I want you to live your life without wasting it on me.”

How could he say that? I’m not wasting my life; doesn’t he know how precious he is to me? I stared blankly at him. His face is stern; I know that he is trying to hide his sorrow.

“Please take me away with you. I don’t even know why I’m living without you.” I cried clutching my face in hands, shaking my head.

“Please….” He begged me.

Two tiny tears dropped through his perfect face. It made me cry even more; he is hurt because of me. He drew me close, one arm wrapped around me and another wiping away my tears.

“I promise that I’ll come one day for you.” He said holding up my chin with his finger so that he would look straight in my eyes.

“I don’t want you to sit waiting for that day, enjoy every movement on earth; you know my happiness lies in yours.”

I was planning to do the same as he said; sit and wait for my death.

“Promise me that you’ll at least try to be the girl I loved.”

I nodded tears streaming, this almost sounded like a goodbye and I don’t want it to happen just yet. I sat in his laps, wrapped my arms around his waist and hid my head in his neck. It didn’t smell like it always was, in fact it didn’t smell anything which brought me more tears, I’m losing him, I wailed.

He sat pressing his head against deep brown curly hair singing my favorite tune; He pressed his lips on my fore head as I shifted in his laps sleepily.

“Time to go. Be safe, darling.” he kissed me once more.

He put me down on the white floor; He slowly eased away my fingers that held his collar. He stared at me for a while as I curled myself into a ball. He walked away with heavy heart glancing over his shoulders with each step.

As he walked closer to the white light that is pouring from sky, his whole form began to shimmer and soon he became one in the white light.

I woke up startled. The reminiscent of the dream still haunted me.

“Ethan…” I cried out loud hoping he would hear and come back for me.

“Hush… It’s going to be okay.” I heard a sweet voice and gentle hands rubbing my hands.

I saw a pair of golden brown eyes staring at me concerned. With sheer instinct I moved away from her.

“Who are you?” I asked not taking my eyes away from her.

“I’m Jane, your mother.” She said.

My mother? I tried to remember her from my previous life but I found nothing related her. In fact I don’t remember anything except Ethan. How could that be?

“I don’t remember anything.” I frowned.

I tried hard to remember but that only gave me headache. I caught my head in hands.

“It’s okay, darling. Your memories will be back soon.” She whispered.

Her affection and they way she treated me, assured me that she is my mother.

“At last the sleeping beauty woke up, huh?” a beautiful girl about my age walked in.

I frowned at her, I don’t remember her too.

“She is your sister; Rachel.” She pointed towards the doctor and said “Dad; Carl” he pointed to a young boy whom I didn’t see “Rachel’s boyfriend; Eric.” He grunted at the mention of boy friend. Rachel enveloped her hands into his.

Mom pointed to the corner where I saw the boy who happened to be in this room last time I woke up. He gave a weak smile. I tried my best to return it but couldn’t.

“Ethan.” She said, “Your cousin.” She added.

At the mention of his name my heartfelt heavy, the only thing I remember about him is his perfect face and that I’m in love with him and I can’t live without him. Who is he? How did I meet him? What’s our relationship? I know nothing about this. Only thing meant I love him more than my life.

“He can’t be.” I thought out loud.


“I don’t know who Ethan is? Or what he is to me? I know this I love him and he doesn’t look like him in anyway. Why can’t I remember anything? Who is this Ethan I love and why do I see him only in dreams? Why is he not here? Who is this other Ethan?” I babbled, I hid my head in pillows and cried.

Mom gently stroked my curls and whispered leaning towards me.
“Honey, you lost your memories when you met with accident.”

“What accident? When did it happen? Was Ethan with me in it? Did he die? Who is he?”

“It’s better to forget those bitter memories and it wouldn’t do any good if you keep thinking about them.”
Days passed by as I tried in vain to recollect the memories, Ethan frequented my dreams much lesser. I began to feel home even though I didn’t remember not even one of them from my previous life. I could tell that I’m missing something really important; the gloom of losing something I didn’t know made me want to tear myself apart. I wanted to put an end to all the pain.

“Nikki, just get out of the bed. You have been too long in there.” Rachel said and dragged me out of the bed.

I let her drag me though I wanted to bury myself in the bed covers and wait for the inevitable. Rachel took me through a flight of stairs and we came to halt after series of turns. I could smell the wet grass and soil.

“Isn’t it beautiful?” she asked.

I nodded mutely. She sat me on a chair placed in the centre of garden and poured me a glass of energy drink that I always drink. She spoke about how we can spend the rest of the days; I was deaf to her chatter. She seems like a good sis but my mind is full of Ethan, his face, smile and the love we shared in my dreams.

“Do you know who Ethan is? How did I meet him?” I asked involuntarily.

She froze in the mid sentence.

“Of course he is our cousin and there he is.” She said pointing to the guy I saw before.

“He is not the Ethan I’m speaking about.” I mumbled.

“There is no other Ethan, sis. He is the only Ethan you know.” She said.

I could see she is hiding something. She twitched uncomfortably in her chair.

“Hey, Nikki. How are you feeling?” he called.

My name felt different when my Ethan called it. It’s full of love and when this one called it didn’t feel the same. I’m sure they are hiding something from me.

“If he is Ethan why do I keep seeing another person as Ethan in my dreams?” I thought out loud.

Though Rachel pretended that she didn’t hear, I’m certain she heard me.

Ethan’s mind is flogging with Nikki’s memories, her half hearted smile at Rachel’s comments, the way she tried to remember each of us, distant thoughts and her distress at the very mention of his name. He is worried about her, he promised that he would keep her safe but he doubt that he would keep the promise.

“Ah! Ethan. We have been waiting for you.” Jane said coming towards me.

“Where is she?”

“I saw her to her room probably sleeping.” He said still his mind is filled with different pictures.

It’s like a slide show being played in his mind.

“We are thinking of moving back to our home town.” Jane said.

“Did I hear you right?” Rachel came in. Jane nodded to her. “It'll be so much fun living with my sis again.” She cooed.

“Why now?” Ethan asked absent minded.

“Don’t you like to go back home?” Rachel’s clearly irritated by his brothers lack of interest.

Jane cut her off before she made some comment. “We can’t tell Nikki what we have done to her; we can’t even expect her to stay in the room for the rest of her life, one day she has to come out and that day we can’t risk someone recognizing her. To the world she is long dead, remember?” Ethan nodded. “Good and she needs to start her schooling again and I want her to lead a normal life that way she would be innocent of the secrets.”

Ethan thought Jane is right; I want her to be normal though she isn’t and I promised that I would keep her safe and happy. We have to do this.

“When do you plan to go?” Ethan asked.

“Wow!” Rachel exclaimed.

As the last rays of sun disappeared, I wound my window down and peeked out, the cool breezes brought serenity to my nerves; I put my head out the window feeling the cool breezes hit me hard on the face but it felt like someone slapping me to wake up from amnesia. Its fun playing with the wind as it rudely pushed my hand backwards and I trying to oppose it.

The air began to chill me, darks clouds raced with our car; I imagined different forms painted by the clouds in the sky, bears, monkeys, lady on a couch, men riding horses. I chuckled as I went on with my wild imaginations.
“Honey, it’s going to rain and it’s so chilly. Please rise the glass.” Mom requested.

“Mom just let her enjoy.” Ethan said.

I smiled at her and gave him an appreciative nod. I could feel him watching me all the time and replicating my expressions, I smile he smiles, and I think he thinks. I wonder what this is all about.

As I neared our home, I couldn’t avert my eyes from it. It’s tucked away from the noise of the town, everywhere I see greenery probably we are in the middle of a forest. The building is huge and modernized. Two people stood hand in hand at the Porsche, they are beautiful in every way.

“She is your elder sister Eva and her fiancé Felix.”

Rachel rushed out and embraced Eva, Felix high fived her. Ethan gave a slight smile and Eric pounded him. It felt weird they all seem to be paired up except for Ethan and me.

“Nikki…” Eva smiled and embraced me. Though she seems to be quiet happy to see me, there is some unseen coldness between us. Maybe we aren’t in good terms, I thought.

I waited until they all got settled, I don’t know which room I used before so I waited for someone to show me. Ethan saw me and walked towards me.

“I’ll show you to your room.” He said and volunteered to carry my suitcase.

My room is cozy one with a view of the forest and a small pool below. I took a liking to the room instantly.

He hovered around the room awkwardly for a few minutes, I didn’t know what to say neither did he.

“Get settled. I’ll see you again.” I nodded.

I fell on my bed hoping that at least today Ethan would return in my dreams and answer me a few questions but it seems he just abandoned me. It’s always me crying on the floor waiting for the white light to flash and show him again.

“Nikki, wake up.” I heard Mom’s voice screaming.

I buried deep into the covers to avoid her voice, I want to await few more minutes to see whether he’ll come back or not. My dream began to waver as mom’s voice grew louder, I’m sure that I am drawn back from that place. I sat on the bed pushing away the covers and walked over to the glass doors, tiny droplets of water hung over the glass, I drew something on it unaware of what I’m doing, Ethan????

When I saw that I drew his name, I knew that I'm completely occupied only by his thoughts these days; he must be really important to me, I thought.

“You’re late.”Mom said trying to make an angry face at me. I don’t think she can do that an angel like her can never be like that.

My whole family sat around the table drinking from their glasses, Carl gestured me to sit beside him. I finished my glass and started walking up the stairs eyes on the thick forest outside, I must have stumbled by the loose carpet, I fell head on to the stairs and part of the carpet moved aside revealing blood stains, I touched them tentatively and a flash of my Ethan lying on this carpet; blood dripping from his broken chin. I gasped.

Ethan is by my side in no time. “What happened? Are you hurt?” he asked staring at me. I touched the blood once again and looked at him. “Ethan… he’s here and he hurt his chin.” I muttered. Ethan stared blankly at me.

He closed his eyes for a second as if thinking what to say. He heaved me onto my feet without any word and mumbled something like “You are not well.” He took me to my room.

“Has anyone had an Idea about what happened there?” Rachel asked stomping in the living room.

“Ethan…” Mom asked. Ethan explained them what Nikki said.

“Do you think she has the power to track past from things?” Eric thought out loud.

Ethan nodded his head held down. He is clearly worried about something. “We have to be extra careful from now on, we should make sure that she doesn’t stumble on Ethan’s stuff again. One more time it happens she’ll get suspicious.” He said.

“She took away Ethan and now because of her I should lose his things too?” Eva snapped.

“Remember when we offered immortality to Ethan he refused…” Eva continued.

“Yes he did and he even refused it on his death bed.” Ethan snapped.

“May be he just meant to save her but not change her… I mean he’s opposed to the idea right.”

“Ethan knew he couldn’t make through the transition at that stage but Nikki still has hope that’s why he asked us to change her not him.”

“At least you should have tried…” Eva cried.

“You know even if there is minute chance I would try it. I’m the one who brought him home and I’m the cause for him to be adopted by our family. I love him more than anyone here.” Ethan said grimly.

Eva stomped away into her room; she knew that Ethan is right. A flash of memory passed through her mind. Ethan is holding a human boy’s hand, the human shied away as Ethan pushed him into the house. Jane shrieked at Ethan as she saw him.

“Ethan… Why did you bring him here?” She shouted at him.

The human flinched and broke from Ethan’s hands and ran away without a backward glance. We never saw him until the day when mom's purse is stolen in the mall. He must have caught the thief, he came back to return it to mom. I saw him leaving the purse on the foot door after he rang the bell; I caught him before he left. Mom and dad are really impressed by his manners and took him in.
Eva is brought back to reality when Felix shook her.

“Nikki…Are you ready to go to school?” Mom called at the top of her voice.

The carefully painted dream of Ethan began to waver as I lost concentration. I woke up irritated. It’s been a month since we moved in here but still the mystery of this my dream boy was never solved. Though I don’t remember anything from my past, I felt strong feelings towards this one person and my family says that there is none like that they knew off.

Mom walked to me with a glass of protein shake that I always drink. “Mom…It’s been a month since I had that accident. I’m really better now why can’t I eat something?”

“Are you still hungry after drinking it?” Dad asked coming towards me. “It’s not so…dad. It really gives me energy and fills my belly. It’s just I don’t remember the taste of food anymore…”I complained.

“Nikki… You know we all drink the same thing everyday…” Rach said slumping onto the couch with her protein drink.

“That is the problem you all sacrificed food for me just because you think that I can’t resist once I see you eating…”She cut me off. “We didn’t sacrifice anything… we just like it this way…”She smiled.

“You are too humble…I know how much you love me when I see the sacrifices you make to make me happy, like dad leaving the best job in town for my speedy recovery and you all leaving food…”

“Do you want to be late for the first day of school?” Felix walked in. “Guys…Come on…”Felix said practically pushing me towards the door before I could say something.
“Aren’t you excited about the school?” Rach asked. “What’s so excited about it? I mean you already have a boyfriend and enough money to spend your life without work, Isn’t that the sole purpose of education to get settled.” I said laughing.

She laughed merrily, Eric frowned at us. “Girl talks…” I mumbled. She winked at him and he turned away from us.

“Well, maybe we can find a boy friend for you…”She said. I nodded and Ethan image flashed in my mind at once at the very mention of boy friend. Is he my boyfriend then? Why don’t I remember anything about him? Why do I always crave so much to see him even if it is in my dreams? It’s been a month since I saw him in one of my dreams.

We pulled over at the parking lot. “We’ll meet you at lunch…”Rach said and hurried away with Eric. “How’s the school? I mean you have been going to it for over a month, right?” I asked Ethan as he stepped out of the car.

“Boring…but now that you’re here may be I’ll have some fun.”He replied winking at me. I nodded.

Ethan walked me over to the office room and asked me to get my schedule and slip while he waited at the door. The receptionist was a friendly woman in 30’s, good looking, I thought. “You are the new student, Ms. Nikolai Reed?” I nodded. “Have a good day…”She said handing me the schedule. I smiled and left.

“I already like this place…” I whispered to Ethan. He walked me to the class, people moved away as we walked by, they stared at me.

“It’s hard to ignore the stares if you are a new comer and a beautiful girl in that…”Ethan whispered.

“Yeah! I get that…” I said eying them all.

We spotted two empty seats and sat there. A girl walked by us carrying many books in her hand and peeking over the books to find her seat.
“Let me help you…” I said standing. She dropped her books on to the floor giving me and Ethan quick glances all over. I picked up her books from the floor and gave it to her.

“Thanks…” she stuttered and hurried to her seat. “Who is she? She seems so weird?” I asked. Ethan shrugged his shoulders. “You have been here for a month and you don’t know your classmate’s names?” I asked.

“I keep to myself most of the time…”He said.

“Yeah! I noticed that…” I said.

Our first class was history… “I hate it when people speak about past because I don’t know mine…”I said. Ethan flinched.

I listened to our history teacher as patiently as I could…I yawned lazily as the second period passed by.

“I have leisure now…you have next science, down the hall first left…” Ethan said and left. I nodded and walked into the class and saw there is only one empty seat. The girl who dropped books sat next to me now.

“I’m Nikki…”I said putting my best of smiles. “Anna…” she said tentatively. “Why are you tensed? Is there a test today…” I enquired. “No…” she mumbled.

“I’m not used to being talked to by popular girls…”she said after a while. “I’m not popular in fact I’m a newbie…” I said.

“Your rich and very pretty that makes you popular automatically…” she said. I smiled at her. I have pale skin and dark black eyes, my hair flows till my waist, Clearly I don’t see why they think I’m beautiful. I ignored the question when I saw our science teacher entering.

His class was all about bacteria, I listened to the class intently when a chilly breeze opened the window wide, Anna was about to close the window when I smelled her soap scent. I smiled at her, she smells like lilacs.

I inhaled in more as I liked that scent very much…My stomach growled and I felt unusual thirst, my throat became dry at once and it burnt like hell. I tried to ignore it by paying attention to the class. I concentrated on my teacher alone and his words. He smelled like a fresh lemon, the ache in my throat grew more. It felt like my mouth is dried and the burn grew even more.

Thankfully, I ran out of the classroom to find something that quenches my thirst. I stumbled up on someone.

“Where are you running to?” Ethan asked. “My throat it hurts…” I stammered. His face registered shock and soon walked me out to ground and then far away from the school to nearby place where Eric and Rachel were laughing about something.

“I really need to drink something…where are you taking me?” I groaned. “Drink this…”he said handing the protein shake that he dug from Rachel’s bag.

“I’m hungry… I want to eat something else…”I sulked chugging down the contents of the bottle.

“You know the rules you cannot eat or drink anything; it’ll affect your health…” Ethan insisted.

“Just once…” I said irritated. He forced another bottle into my hands. I drank the contents and threw the bottle away into the woods.

“Do you feel better?”Rachel asked.

“I always feel better…”I said smiling, though my hunger is quenched it’s like, I wanted to eat pizza but I ate something else to sate my hunger.

“If you feel thirsty again just get out of that place and drink this bottle…” Eric said handing me another bottle; I shoved it off into my bag.

“Are you guys not going to eat? I mean I thought since I wasn’t here all these days… maybe you are eating here…” I mumbled.

“We don’t eat…”Eric started when Rachel tugged his hands and gestured to stop. “What?”I scowled.

“Don’t you think we should be somewhere else?”They left us as soon as they came.

I followed Ethan’s ideas and whenever I felt that unusual thirst, I would walk outside and take sips from the bottle. It was my last class and I drained the whole bottle. Ethan was nowhere near me. I shrugged and thought maybe I could finish off this class without that bottle.

“Hi…You must be the new girl, Nicolai.” One of the boys from my class said sitting beside me. “Nikki…”I corrected him. “Ben…”he said extending his hands. I shook it. “Are you not allowed to sports?”Ben asked.

“I recently met with an accident and my dad said that I shouldn’t take stress…”I replied putting a sad face though I enjoyed sitting there idle and watching.

“Ben…Come on…” Other boys called him. “I got to go…”he smiled. I watched them run around the track, as soon as the bell rang people left. I took time in packing the book that I have been trying to read all the while.

“Hi…”Ben came running to me again. “You already said hi…”I mentioned. He smiled still heavily breathing. I observed him, he must have run water over his face; he looked damp. He is kind of cute, with messy, brown hair, dark brown eyes, and tanned skin. My gazed darted to his vein in the neck which was beating faster, I could see the outline of it, I could feel the blood that was flowing inside, involuntarily I licked my lips and he took that as a sign and advanced towards me. He just brushed my lips but I could still feel the blood flowing, with one swift move I bent over his neck and grazed his neck, his arms darted over my back. Pain shot through my throat and it urged me to quench my thirst then again another pain in my gums, with an instant urge I bit his skin as warm fluid began to flow into my mouth, I felt someone pulling me away. I clutched to him more fiercely not wanting to let the delicious meal go waste.

“Ethan…Do something…”I heard the familiar voice of Rach. “I can’t she is in frenzy…” They pulled me apart with all the force.

“This is not who you are or what you wanted to do…Let him go…” My Ethan’s voice rang in my mind as if he was inside it. I could feel his presence inside me. I dropped Ben on to the ground and slumped on to the ground.

“Come back…”I cried as soon as my Ethan left my head. “Come back…please…I wanted to know who you are… please…”I begged him but all I could feel was the emptiness in my mind.

“Nikki…We should go before anyone finds us…”Eric said. “He is here…”I mumbled. I refused to go thinking that he would still come back to me.

“He is here…my Ethan is here, He talked to me…”I cried as he carried me away in to the forest. “Ethan…Take her back to home while I’ll see to him.”

Once I was at home, mom rushed to me. “Mom…Ethan…My Ethan talked to me….” I cried clutching her. Dad came over to me…”Honey…Just look at me…” Dad lifted my chin to meet his eyes.

There was a sharp sting in left arm and then slowly I could feel my eyes closing… Sleep consumed me.

“Ethan…you should wipe her memories before she wakes up…” Felix said.
“I think we should tell her the truth…”Eva snapped him.

Felix was about to say something, Ethan cut him off. “We should tell her or else she would go on feeding on humans without knowing what she was doing, Ben was lucky that he was not killed. I don’t think every day will turn out to be that lucky for us…”

“What do you propose to do?” Rach asked. “I think I should give her memories back…” Ethan replied and looked at Carl for approval. He nodded.

“What if she hates us for what we have done to her…”Rach asked with a sad smile. Ethan shrugged.

Nikki was having dreams of her and Ethan flying on a bike and them lying in a pool of blood and carried away to the hospital, her parents crying over her body, Ethan biting her and sucking away her memories as she lay limp on the bed and all of a sudden waking up in Reed’s house. I saw Flashes of my Ethan holding my hands…kissing me and looking at me with so much love. I woke up from stupor startled. The whole Reed’s family was standing by my bed with a guilt look on their face.

“You lied to me…”I blamed them. Jane hid her face in Carl’s shoulders.

“We had no other choice…”Rach replied meekly. I glared at her.

“We always have choice…” I snarled.

“You turned me into something that I would hate forever…”I scolded them tears trickling.

“It wasn’t our wish to turn you…” Eva stomped. Felix tried to keep her calm but she brushed him off. “If it weren’t for Ethan’s wish to save you we would have nothing to do with you…” She scowled.

“Ethan…My Ethan…Is he alive? Did you turn him too?”I asked eagerly standing up from the bed... Rachel eyes went wide, “No…Ethan… He had no possibility of going through it; he knew it and decided to save you…” Carl said barely above a whisper.

My hopes were crashed as soon as they hiked up… I fell on to the floor. “You didn’t save me… You took away my only chance to be happy… You killed my entire reason of being…” I sobbed.

“Nikki…” “Leave me alone….” I screamed and screamed until I felt alone in the room. “Ethan…Why did you do this to me…?”I cried. Images of him flashed which made me cry more in pain. I cried and cried until my heartfelt empty and there were no more tears left.

“Nikki…It wasn’t their fault. I asked them to do this…” Ethan whispered into my ears holding me in his hands.
“But I don’t want to live without you…”I complained.

“Please…Nikki this is not the way I wanted to see you…” I cut him off.
“I wanted to see you all the time…”I whispered to him.

“Do you remember my favorite line in the drama we played?” he asked. I tried to remember it. “Every person is sent to the earth to do something…” I cut him off again.

“I was sent to love you…” I said.

“If you die then how will you love me?” He grinned.

“I could love you even in heaven or hell…”I said.

“Nikki… Did I ever ask you anything to do?” I nodded no… “Well, will you do something for me?” he asked. I leaned on to his shoulders. “Try to be the Nikki that I always loved…” he said. I stared at him.

“But there is no Nikki without you…” I said as tears slipped through my eyes. He gave me a kiss on the forehead and let go off me, I tangled my hands around his waist to stop him, and He eased off my hands with a gorgeous smile playing on his lips…

He walked back to the white sky. I extended my hands to catch but couldn’t. “I will always be there with you until you don’t need me…”the gentle breeze whispered into my ears.

“I’ll always need you…” I cried into the white sky.

“Nikki…” Rachel’s voice dragged me to my present. “Drink this…” she said handing me the glass that I always thought as protein drink.

I faced away from her. “I don’t want to live…”I shouted at her. “If you don’t drink this you are going to kill more people in your madness…” Eva snapped.
I stared at her as if I had seen a ghost, of course she is ghost from past…I humored. Ethan thought Nikki was mad, she was crying, smiling at a time.

“I’m telling you the truth… if you don’t drink this there will be more Ben’s…” She snapped. Ben…? Why did the name sound so familiar…I heard Ethan telling her to shut up… Images of a boy wearing shorts running flashed in my mind…

“I killed a person…?” My eyes went wide as I realized what I did and slowly anger crept into me. “I killed a person…?” I chanted.

“No…Nikki. He is safe.” Ethan assured.

“We healed him but took away his memory of meeting you and the incident…” Eric supplied.

“What did I do to him?” I cried. “He is really safe…”Eric assured. “Oh! Shut up Nikki. It’s not very vampiric to cry…”Eva gritted her teeth. “Sister…one more word from your mouth, I’ll strangle you…”Ethan shrieked.

“Kids…” Carl gestured all of them to go out. “I know this is hard on you…” Jane started. “You can’t even imagine…” I said wiping away tears. She nodded her head. “You might be surprised to know that I do know what you are going through…” I frowned.

“I lived long ago… I had a beautiful family and a caring husband. He loved me so much and me him. We had adorable kids and we had wealth. I had everything that a woman would want to. One day we were returning from a business trip. Thugs looted us on the way; they killed my husband and my children in front of my very own eyes….” She waited for a long time probably remembering those days…

“Carl found me and…” She broke off. I could swear that I saw two tear drops around her cheeks. “I found it so hard to live…I blamed Carl for letting me live when my family died but he was so patient towards me. The important thing is I began to love him… and I still have the fond memories of my Ex- husband…” she said.

“I’m sorry… but I don’t think I could ever come to love someone else…” I mumbled.

“I’m not asking you to forget him because I didn’t…He is still a major part of me…” “You just need to find your happiness somewhere else that’s what Ethan would like you to do…”she said. I nodded.

“Aren’t you coming to school today?” Rach asked. Nikki ignored her, she didn’t feel like going anywhere or doing anything, she wanted to lie down and find a way to reach Ethan. If she could find a way to be put to sleep and never wake up…she thought.

“No interest…” She mumbled weakly. Rach stayed a while looking at Nikki and decided that she better be left alone. Weeks passed this way… Nikki was always lost in Ethan’s thoughts, she was always in her bed and when awake she would try to sleep. Her thoughts were always filled with Ethan.

“Nikki…Get up now….”Jane’s voice had intensity to it that made Nikki shiver. She promptly stood from her bed.

“You are going to school today…”She said and shoved a new pair of clothes into her hands. Nikki stood bewildered. “Are you going to do it yourself or should I help?”She asked in a serious tone. Nikki knew she would just do that if she hadn’t listened to her.

She did as she was asked to do and went to school. She ignored all the stares and friendly gestures from people. She went through the whole day mechanically, all her thoughts elsewhere.

Nikki couldn’t stand it anymore she ran into the forest behind her school; she ran and ran until exhausted. She fell on the ground curling into a ball and she cried out loud, she let herself cry out and fell asleep finding once again below the white sky. She struggled to stand up as soon as she recognized where she was, she glanced every side to see if her Ethan was there. He was nowhere to be seen, she ran in every direction until she was blocked by white walls.

Ethan’s voice echoed from the white skies…She searched for him frantically. Her despair grew even more by the passing of time.

“Ethan…Where’s Nikki…?”Jane asked as soon as she saw them coming alone. “Wasn’t she back home?” Rach asked easing herself on the couch.

“She went with you to school…”Jane reminded her. “She ran off from school during the last hour…”Ethan called and hurried to check her room. It was empty; his anxiety grew more as he searched every nook and cranny at house.

“Rachel…Are you sure she left school?” Ethan called still searching the entire place. “Positive…”Rachel replied.

“She is gone…”Ethan’s face registered shock. Everyone in the Reed’s house gathered in the hall as they heard the raised voices.

“Felix…Can you trace her out…?” Jane asked. Felix nodded and pressed his hands to his temples. He concentrated on Nikki’s scent…It was faint but still he could trace using the lingering trail she left behind in the forest.

He ran in the direction as the scent called him, Ethan ran after him followed by Eric. They used their vampire speed to reach the place where Nikki was. Nikki was crying in her sleep curled up in a ball. Ethan felt a sort of calmness spread over him… He picked her up gently from the ground where she was lying. She was still crying for Ethan in her dreams.

“It’s okay…”Ethan whispered to her as she whimpered. She snuggled close in his arms and enveloped her hands around his neck; her touch shook his entire frame. She laid her hand on his chest listening to his faint beat of heart. Her vanilla scent filled his nostrils, Ethan groaned as an unknown feeling crept through him. He peeped down at her, she was still disturbed in her sleep and her heart shaped face had the signs of sleeplessness and worry. Her tangled hair fell over her face. She leaned close to his neck and kissed him gently whispering something incoherently. That gentle touch of her lips electrified his whole body and jerked his entire being.

Ethan brought her home and walked her up stairs. His brothers never missed a minute detail of what happened back in the forest, they decided to tease their little brother about his new found love. “Ethan…Give her to me. I’ll take her to her room…”Eric said extending his hands towards sleeping Nikki.

Ethan growled at him and threw vicious glares at his extended hands which surprised the entire family very much. Ethan took her to her room and gently placed her on her bed. She curled up still catching his hands to her heart dearly.

Ethan shifted himself on the bed to be close to her, he moved her hair away from her face. He leaned forward to kiss her on the blushed cheeks of hers when he heard her whispering, “Please don’t go…”

Everything came back to him as if he was slapped away from the stupor; he pulled his hand away from her gently and ran away from her room cursing him for even thinking about her like that.

“Ethan…” Jane’s voice was soothing his tensed nerves. “Mom…I’m horrible. She is Ethan’s girlfriend and I’m…” He lost words as the full extent of what he did dawned on his mind.
Jane sat him on the couch and let him talk… “Ethan…It’s not wrong to love someone…”

“Mom…She is Ethan’s girlfriend…” Jane cut him off.
“Yes…She was Ethan’s girlfriend…”She emphasized ‘was’.
“Don’t you think she needed another chance in her life…?” She asked eying him.

“I think you should give her that chance…”
“Besides…Once a vampire finds his mate there is no way you can turn back…”Felix said grinning.
“I didn’t choose her…”Ethan replied meekly.

“We have seen that…”Eric grinned.
“You are in love…brother. There is no denying it…” Felix said.
“Of all the people, why should it be her?” Ethan thought out loud. “Love doesn’t happen when you want it to or with whom you wanted to…” “It just happens...” Carl finished for Eric.

Ethan was having hard time in being away from Nikki, he was always so near to her yet far away from her. She did everything mechanically always lost in the world of Ethan. Nikki was never aware of that night’s incidents but for Ethan that night changed his life forever.

“We should do something about them…” Rachel said as she eyed Ethan stealing glances at Nikki who stared into the space.

“I have an idea…” Rachel clicked her fingers and in one quick stride she was in the living room where the rest of the family was sitting.

“Mom…I think we should go somewhere nice this weekend maybe it will help to lift her mood up…” Rachel said excited.

“I think we are also in dire need of hunting…” Felix said. Everyone nodded. “This weekend camping on the mountains…” Carl said winking at his children.

“Prepare for the camp…”Carl said. Everyone was excited in the family to finally go hunting. When Rachel said Nikki about the plan she just nodded. Ethan also looked forward for the camping.

They packed all their stuff into two cars and one jeep. They wanted to give some space to Ethan and Nikki so those two were sent alone in a car. Nikki insisted on staying home but finally Jane convinced her to come.

“Where are we going…?” Ethan was surprised to hear her voice, he barely listened her voice these days…It was like music to his ears to listen her actually speaking.

“To the mountains…”he gave a quick answer eagerly. Nikki frowned.
“Why mountains…?” she asked.
“The mountains are full of wild animals for hunting…” he responded. Nikki considered his answer for a second… she understood after a while that hunting for vampires is unlike humans, vampire hunt for blood. She sighed.

“Why do you want to hunt…? I mean we are having blood supplies at home, right?” she asked.

“It helps to train our instincts…” Nikki pondered on the question whether she was ready to hunt, she couldn’t tell if she wanted to do or not. The Reed’s family set up the four small tents by the time they reached the clearing in the mountain.

“Nikki… since it’s your first time hunting. Ethan will help you to hunt…” Jane said.

“Yes… you should go with Ethan he would show you how to hunt a rabbit… if you want to know what a real hunt are you should come with me…”Felix boasted.
“We’ll see, brother…” Ethan snapped.

They ran into the forest in different directions paired up. Ethan caught Nikki’s hand and led her through stealthily. “First rule in hunting…you should be as inconspicuous as possible…” Nikki nodded.
“Second Rule; use your vampire senses to feel this place…” She nodded she pricked her ears and wrinkled her nose as if she was getting ready to a herculean task. Nikki was really excited about something for the first time. She heard a movement somewhere near the bushes.

“Now pinpoint the direction you heard it…”Ethan whispered. She nodded; she could feel the rustle of the bushes… It wasn’t a small animal, she thought. “Don’t give chance for it to escape, be quick and smart, one blow is all it should take…”he said. Nikki nodded.

When Ethan gestured her to go for the prey, she let her senses take over her, she made one swift move toward the animal and thrust her canines into the smooth skin off it, the warm liquid that poured into her mouth made all her senses go alert like an alarm. She finished off with the deer she caught and tossed it off. She licked her lips in satisfaction…Ethan was standing by her smiling.

“How do you feel?” he asked. “Great…” Nikki growled. Ethan laughed at her. “Are you ready for another yet?” he asked. “Sure…”her face alighted.

They were hunting this time together… Nikki was still up for another one even after she finished with two deer and one bear. “I think it’s enough for today…” Ethan said. “One more…”Nikki pouted, she was clearly having fun hunting. Ethan nodded and they started searching for a prey. Nikki caught Felix scent nearby somewhere, curiosity driven her to see how he was doing. She followed his scent and found Felix making a swift motion towards his prey; he wasn’t quick enough so the deer ran away as soon as it sensed danger. Felix ran after it and Nikki ran after him to see what he would do. She saw the deer escaping into the nearby bushes. Felix jumped towards it, none of us saw Eric coming from the opposite side they both bumped into one another and fell few meters apart which gave time for the deer to run away. I laughed so hard on seeing them covered in mud.

Ethan was seeing all that Felix was doing…His big brother better kept his words. He thought. He stared in shock when he saw them fall in the ground and was more than surprised to hear a musical laughter ringing through the forest. He looked at her; she was truly enjoying his brother’s stupidity. It was the first time that he saw Nikki laughing whole heartedly, his heart went out to her. Felix saw Nikki and growled at her for laughing at him.

Later that night they all gathered at the clearing, they set up a fire and sat around it to talk about their exploits… Nikki remembered the whole Felix incident and started to laugh again, everyone was surprised to see her laugh again. She explained them why she was laughing like mad, all the time ignoring threatening glares from Felix. Eva was angry at Nikki for making fun of Felix but she was happy that she was laughing after so many days. The party called it a night as the chilly winds began to descend them.

Ethan stayed out by the fire poking the dying down fire. Nikki wished goodnight and slipped into her tent. She watched him for a while trying hard to sleep outdoors. “Ethan…” She called.

“Come in…there’s so much room here.” She mumbled. Ethan tried to say something but she insisted. Finally he gave up and moved in to her tent. She smiled at him and slowly drifted into sleep. The couples in other tents grinned to themselves to see that their plan had indeed succeeded.

Ethan watched her for a while and drifted off to sleep. When Ethan woke up Nikki was in his arms, He wanted to get up but took his time to enjoy the moment; holding her close to his heart. Nikki stirred in her sleep and woke up to see that she was sleeping in Ethan’s arms. Her cheeks turned red from all the embarrassment. She jerked him away from her and in one quick stride she was out of the tent.

“We’ll go sightseeing today and later hunting…” Rachel cheered. “You should go…We’ll stay here…” Carl and Jane said.

The mountain was full of vegetation… Nikki soon forgot about the morning’s incident and enjoyed the greenery all around her but Ethan’s mind was full of the morning’s incident.

“First one to the lake…” Felix challenged.
“A single condition, there is no fun if you’re racing alone without baggage…”Eric quipped. Eva caught their game and was all in.
“Yes…darling. You’re going to run by carrying me.” Eva smiled sweetly tossing her hair.
“I’m in...”Felix and Eric replied. Ethan understood their brother’s game but he wasn’t sure how Nikki would take it.

“I think our little brother lacks courage to challenge us…” Felix teased. “You’re going to lose…”Nikki winked at him. Ethan was surprised that she wanted to participate; his grin grew wider as the girls jumped on to their backs.

“Are you sure you want to do this…?” Ethan asked Nikki eyeing her suspiciously. “Of course, yes…I would like every chance to beat my big bully brother…”Nikki winked.
“Wind your legs around my waist... and have a good grip over my shoulder…”Ethan instructed.
“Don’t worry about me…I want you to beat my big brother to dust…” Nikki said sticking out her tongue at Felix.

“Ready…” Rachel’s voice commanded us to move after the count of 3. “1…” Ethan took his position followed by others. “2” They bent low waiting impatiently for her count. “3””Ethan made a huge lurch forwards and then began to use all his muscles to run fast. Nikki gripped him tight around the neck, she could feel the wind ripping across her face, and she enjoyed the heavy blow of wind against her face… Nikki tried to see how the others were doing but everything seemed to be a blur, Nikki let her senses take over and she could see distinct images of Eric and Felix running just a few seconds apart. She found it fascinating to see that they are running at impossible speed without running into anything ahead. She thought they would bump into a tree one way or another, but wove a snaky path across the trees. I need to learn this thing…she thought.

She could smell fresh water somewhere close…She knew they must be close to the lake. Felix put extra effort to close the distance between us. “He is coming…”She whispered. If someone watches us with a human eye they would see nothing but to my eyes it was like slow motion movie. Felix trying to pick up the speed, Ethan pushing himself harder and Eric ignoring them and enjoying the run…

She was so immersed in watching them that she didn’t feel Ethan leaping into the water…Once the fresh water slapped across her face, she realized that they won. She untangled herself from Ethan and shouted about their victory, after few seconds Felix joined and then followed by Eric. She hugged Ethan in joy surprising him. He stumbled back by the force she jumped at him but managed to stand.

“I just let my little brother win this time…”Felix smirked. “Oh! Really…”Nikki said smiling walking towards Felix. She caught Felix unaware when she splashed water against him. Eva laughed at him. “You are so going to get for this…”Felix said pouncing on Nikki and making her go down into the water. She was shocked but soon recovered and made another splash at him.
“Hey…Look at Rach, it’s not fair for us to be wet and her…” Felix whispered in Nikki’s ear pointing to Rachel who was standing by the shore laughing madly at us. She winked at him. Felix with one swift move scooped up Rach and dumped her into the water. She growled complaining that it was her favorite dress. They laughed at her; she gave an evil eye and started to walk away from them without a word. Nikki thought she gave up but ran back right into Felix who turned his back on her, he fell into the water and completely soaked. Nikki thought it’s only justified if the other’s are completely wet like them, Nikki conveyed her plan to Felix and Rachel by gesturing while the others were getting dried off. Nikki pounced on Ethan sending him into the water, Rachel did the same to Eric, Felix scooped up Eva and dumped her into the water, Eva snarled at him. Ethan was electrified by the closeness when Nikki pounced on him. He lay still in the water looking at her fun filled eyes; Nikki was so much fun when she wanted to…he thought. Her eyes were sparkling when she laughed at him.

They played for a while in the water and started towards their tents completely soaked. This time there was no race, they walked talking about how much fun they had. Everyone was internally happy that at last Nikki was laughing which they never saw. Carl and Jane were very much surprised to see them all wet and they also noticed that Nikki was in good mood.

They changed back to dried clothes. “I’m hungry… “Rachel was shouting at them.

They went out into the forest similar to how they paired up yesterday. Nikki remembered all the techniques Ethan thought her and hunted down a grizzly bear. She found that it tasted better than deer. She tossed it aside when finished with it…She wanted to hunt something different…She let go all the restrain on her senses and felt around the forest for new prey. She smelled warm blood and her senses alerted her about the animal lurking by the bushes…She could smell the intoxicating smell of blood emitting from the animal, a low snarl escaped from her throat, she lurched forward following the scent. The smell was different from all other animals and Nikki wanted it so much…

Ethan saw Nikki following a trail, he joined her and was shocked to hear faint heart beat of a human somewhere near and Nikki was following the heart beat. He suddenly stepped in front of Nikki and grabbed her hands to turn her back before she did something wrong… Nikki growled when Ethan dragged her back. She could feel the pulsing beats and the smell…She growled at him and screamed for release. Ethan didn’t let her go…her eyes began to glow red when the smell lured her towards it.

She found it hard to ignore the burning ache in her throat; she slipped off from his grip and ran towards it. Ethan lunged at her pinning her to the ground…Nikki let her inner demon take control, she ripped his hands away from her, he pinned her to the ground using brutal strength. She threw him away from her; Ethan caught her before she could make a move. She struggled under his weight but soon gave up, Next thing was almost a blur, Ethan was trying hard to restrain her and she bit him in rage. His blood flowed through her mouth, it was not as good as human blood but it sated her hunger. She sucked him eagerly; she could feel a mix of emotions flowing through her that she couldn’t point, a funny feeling ran through her as she sucked on him. Ethan let her as she wanted but she wouldn’t stop and Ethan could feel all the strength slipping away from him.

“Nikki…You are hurting him…”The same voice echoed in her mind. She ignored it in her frenzy. The voice grew more urgent and pleading…”Nikki….”It shouted, Nikki blinked and found Ethan lying in her arms dripping in blood. She panicked and shrieked at the top of her voice for help. The whole Reed’s family heard Nikki screaming. They ran to her aid and found Ethan lying on the grass dripping in blood; they helped him up as he stared at Nikki who was wailing hiding her head in her knees.

“Ethan…how are you feeling?” Jane asked concerned. “Jane…It’s not like vampires get sick. Just a bag of blood than I’ll find my strength…”Ethan said standing up from his bed.

Jane nodded, she can be fussy mother sometimes, Ethan thought. “Hey, bro. Feeling alive…?” Felix smirked walking into the living room. “What happened back there…?” Carl asked. The whole Reed’s family joined except for Nikki who stayed in her room moping about what she did.

“She caught the scent of human while hunting; I tried to stop her…” Ethan replied curtly. He didn’t know why they were asking when they knew what happened.
“Don’t you think there is something that we are ignoring…?” Eva quipped. They frowned at her.
“She is been able to stop herself from going wild which is impossible for a new born vampire…”
“She is right…” Rachel agreed.
“Last time when she fed on Ben she said something like Ethan was here…She kept saying that…It was like he helped her to stop…” Ethan was thinking out loud.

“I heard that too…I thought she was again daydreaming.” Eric supplied. “Maybe she has good control over her senses…” Rachel said. They nodded.
“We’ll find out about that in time…Ethan I want you to go to her…She wanted to talk to you…”Carl said.

Ethan wanted so much to be there for her but he couldn’t see her crying, it tore his heart apart to see her like that and do nothing. Ethan saw her lying on the floor crying…as soon as she saw him she ran into his hands.

“I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to do it…” She cried. “I know…Don’t worry about it.” Ethan replied meekly.
“I’m really sorry…If I could do anything to make it up to you…”She asked peeking at him from her blood stained face.

“One thing…I don’t want to see you crying anymore at least try not to cry…”he said wiping away the marks of blood.

“You know if a vampire cries it’s not a good sight to see all the blood flowing from his eyes…” he chuckled. Nikki smiled at him.

“It’s not vampiric to cry…”She said mimicking Eva’s voice. “Oh! You remember that…”Ethan asked. She nodded.

“Making fun of me…?” Eva scowled. Nikki made an innocent face, “I’m not falling for that little sis…”she said.

“Carl…wants us in living room.” she said and disappeared. Ethan helped Nikki up and both walked into the living room hand in hand. The Reed’s were happy to see them together.

“What’s it, Carl?” Ethan asked a very disturbed Carl.

“I got a call from the vampire elders…it’s been over 100 years since vampire Knights society is formed so they thought of celebrating it. They invited our coven for the celebration. It’ll be two weeks hence…”

“I can understand if you don’t want to come but…” Carl said eying Nikki and Ethan at once. “Why wouldn’t I want to come…?” Nikki asked. Carl was surprised that Nikki actually considered going.

“You thought I would want to be left alone…” Carl nodded. “I wanted to but I can’t hurt my family anymore…”Nikki was cut off before she could say anything, Rachel hugged her fiercely. “Thanks…sis.”

“What was that for…?” Nikki said smiling. “For considering us a family…”Rach winked.

“I thought we are a family…” Nikki frowned. “We are a family but it’s good to hear from you…” Jane said giving her a light hug.

“Another freak in the Reed’s household…”Felix smirked. Eva punched him playfully and gave a hug to me. “I thought you are going to take forever to change…”Eva whispered into my ears. “I promised someone that I would try to change from now on…” She said remembering how she talked to her Ethan in her dream after that incident in forest. He had pleaded her to be the Nikki he always loved and he also threatened her that he’ll watch over her and if he saw her moping around, he would never talk to her.

“We have so much to do then…” Eva quizzed Rachel.

“Shopping…”Rachel clapped her hands with a childish grin on her face.

“Shopping trip…It’s going to take forever…”Eric said slumping on to the sofa.
“Yeah…Bro. These girls why do they waste time shopping…” Felix said slumping next to Eric on the couch.
“What else for…? To impress boys…”Nikki smirked. “I didn’t know that even vampire boys are dunce…” Nikki laughed.

“Boys will be boys…” Eva laughed.
“I get it…”Nikki laughed.

“Get dressed…I’ll be waiting for you in the car…”Rachel said shoving Nikki towards her room. Nikki finished dressing when she heard a knock on the door. Ethan was standing at her door. “Take this…”He said handing her a gold card. She frowned at him. “Carl said he would get a card for you until then you can use mine…” he said. “Thanks…”Nikki gave a quick hug and hurried downstairs where Eva was waiting. Ethan couldn’t get used to the electric currents that passed in him whenever she hugged, he sighed as he saw her hurrying away from him. He joined his brothers in the living room watching news.

“Feeling alone, huh?” Felix smirked. Felix is the big guy among three of them but still sometimes he was more like a kid; teasing others and having fun by bullying.

Nikki and her sisters spent the whole day shopping; Nikki enjoyed dressing up and picking dresses for her sisters. They didn’t allow her to use the card Ethan gave, they paid it for her. The shopkeeper thanked them of course wouldn’t he? The three sisters brought dresses like 10 for each of them and Jane.

“Where do you get all those money from?” Nikki asked staring at the shopping bags that filled the entire back seat except for her.

“We all had savings from our human life, Carl was a successful doctor for over three hundred years, we don’t have to spend money on food besides Carl is a coven master and very important member of Dark knights society so it gives him position and money…” Rachel explained.

“I thought you spent money on the blood bags…” Nikki thought out loud. “Not until you came…We used to go regular hunting instead of living on blood bags but after you came we couldn’t go hunting without exposing ourselves to you…” Rachel replied. Nikki felt a wave of gratitude and love towards them. They loved and cared for her.

Nikki sat silent for a few moments and remembered something that she thought to ask. “What’s dark knight society and who are the elders…?”
“Dark knight society is formed by rules and regulations, mainly to stop brutal killing of humans and to eliminate any rogue vampires, it was Carl’s idea. Elders are the first vampires in this world.” “One of the elders is a Reed…” Eva boasted.

“Who are rogue vampires…?” Nikki questioned. “Rogue vampires are those who kill humans for mere fun and who use black magic…”Rachel replied. “You mean to say as if in Voodoo and all…” “Sort of…”Rachel replied.

Nikki was cut off before she could ask anymore. Eva thought that she should get to know this world little by little; it may disturb her to take it all at once. May be she is right…Nikki thought.

By the time they reached home, Nikki fell asleep. Ethan heard the car honk and rushed towards the front door, Eva and Rachel were trying to take the bags from the car, Ethan walked to the car and saw Nikki sleeping in the back seat peacefully, and he realized how much he missed her in the 10 hours she was away. He carried her back to her room careful not to wake her.

By the time he walked to help his sisters, Eric and Felix were helping them to get the shopping bags out, “Have you looked at how much stuff they brought home…?” Ethan heard Felix remarking in his mind. He smiled at him.

“Wake up, sleeping beauty…”Nikki could feel Rachel’s voice pulling her away from her dreams of Ethan. She hissed at her. “Come on… We have so much to do, girl…”she said. Nikki yawned lazily.

“Get up…”Rachel pulled her away from the bed. “You sleep like a rock…”Rachel complained. “Jealous…” Nikki smirked. Rachel smacked her on the shoulders and scolded her to make it quick.

“Good morning, guys…”Nikki said climbing down the stairs. Rachel came in carrying a glass of blood.
“Hey, from now on there will be no blood bags only hunting…” Nikki said eying Rachel. That caught everyone’s attention. Nikki felt their questioning stares.
“What..?I thought you like hunting rather than drinking from blood bags…” Nikki scowled at them. “We are just getting to know you’re freakier side…”Felix laughed.

“He’s just saying that you’re surprising us every day with new changes…”Eva smiled.
“Why the hell did you wake me up so early…?” Nikki asked turning towards Rachel.
“9.30 isn’t early…sis…”she laughed. Nikki glared at her.

“Shopping…?” Rachel said. “I thought we shopped for the whole team…”Nikki smirked.

“We didn’t shop for the boys… They are too lazy to go shopping. They requested us to do their shopping…”

They were hitting the road, for the second time to do shopping. Eva and Rachel took the whole time to shop for Felix and Eric saying that their outfits should match. Nikki helped to pick for Carl and Ethan.

“One more thing…” Rachel yelled suddenly.
“Ethan needs an outfit for the ball…” “You could have said that instead of shouting…” Eva scolded her. Rachel made a pretty face and Eva laughed at her.

They picked up a gray suit for him… “I don’t think it will be good on him…”Nikki said tentatively.
“Your pick then…” They moved aside giving her way to take a look at all the suits. Nikki glanced at all the suits that hung, one suit caught her attention. She selected a black prom tuxedo style for him. She imagined it fitting perfectly to his translucent skin; she could see his square jaw line, deep golden eyes, perfect nose, full lips, and an alluring smile dazzling the people in front of him. His thin framed body looked so exquisite in the tuxedo.

“Hey…to earth…”Rachel said waving her hands in front of Nikki’s face. Nikki’s cheeks flushed with embarrassment.

They finished and headed back home…Rachel sat with her in the back seat. “I don’t know how I should say this to you…” She started tentatively.

“Just say it…”Nikki said turning her full attention to Rachel.

“Ethan wasn’t supposed to change you… he did it for Ethan… as it was his last wish but… we can’t take Ethan’s name because it would bring up the subject that he was adopted by our family which was very wrong…” I cut her off.
“Cut to the chase…”Nikki replied irritated of her going round in circles.

“We said that we found you when you were a new born vampire and you don’t remember anything from your past…” Rachel said quickly. Nikki nodded.
“You are okay with it…?” Rachel exclaimed.
“Stop acting like that. It’s not like I’m going to scream at you for everything you say…” Nikki snapped.

Rachel just hugged her, she didn’t know that Nikki was such a sport; she surely hadn’t seen her this way. Eva listened to the conversation and was as surprised as Rachel when Nikki just nodded. It must be this very nature of her that attracted her human brother Ethan towards her. Eva always wondered how Ethan loved such a girl, he always liked the girls who are sports and from the day she saw Nikki, she did nothing but cry…

Fond memories of him… brought tears to her eyes. Nikki sat thinking about Ethan who gave away his life to save her and an involuntary tear rolled down her eyes, she wiped it away remembering her promise to Ethan.

“How did you two meet?” Rachel asked tentatively. Nikki didn’t reply, Rachel didn’t expect her to.

“We were in the same college but never once met…” Nikki spoke in hushed voice. She continued staring into the forest outside. “My bestie was crying in girl’s room when I asked her she said that a boy named Ethan teased her calling names… I was furious at him for making her cry, I asked some of my friends to show who he was, and they pointed to a blonde in the cafeteria with a gang around him. I marched to him and slapped him on the face…” Nikki heard Rachel’s deep intake of breath.

“You didn’t…”
“It turned out that I got the wrong Ethan…” Nikki sighed.
“You are stupid…” Rachel said.
“I went to apologize to him but turned out that I slapped him yet again…” she said. “You went to say sorry and slapped him, why…?” Rachel was like eager child.

“He said that he loves me and he liked my guts to show up like that and slap him…” “So you slapped him again to show how much guts you got…” Rachel laughed. So…Like my brother to get slapped by a girl twice…Eva thought.

Rachel was about to ask something when she froze and concentrated on the message that Carl was sending. “It’s Carl…He wants us home…” Rachel said. Eva revved up the engine and hit 100.

Nikki was looking at Rachel confused. “Vampires can talk to one another using mind link…”Rachel said. Nikki nodded. “Why do you talk always then…?” she asked after a while. “I guess it’s a human habit that hadn’t gone yet…” Rachel said.

They reached home and Ethan was waiting by the door and as soon as the car skidded to halt, he helped Nikki out and walked her inside, his muscles were tense, she could feel his tension, she clutched his hands tightly. He squeezed her hands assuring that he was with her.

Nikki was pretty much tensed when she felt a peculiar, overpowering scent in the air. She tensed at the thought that there is another vampire in the house; she never got to meet another one in real. This would certainly test her strength. She stood ground and waited to see who it was and what purpose was his visit.

Carl walked him into the living room where the rest of the family was waiting. The stranger was dressed like a gentleman, he was tall, thin and good looking but one look at his eyes would change any opinion of him being a gentleman, his eyes were burning red, Nikki shivered as his gaze darted towards her, she tried not to make any eye contact with him.

“Young lady…It’s nice meeting you. I’m Charles an associate of Carl…” he said taking her hands gently into his and kissing on the knuckles. Nikki flinched at his bold touch and he intimidated her more than anyone, in normal world she would have punched him but here she didn’t know the game rules.

She saw a small chuckle escaping from Ethan but he quickly suppressed it, but most of them noticed and ignored it for the time being. Charles looked at her as if he was studying her, He came closer to her and inhaled her scent then let go, and he did the same for a while. Nikki felt the strong urge to kick him but clenched her fists to stop doing so.

“Carl…I need to talk to you…” Charles said in a serious tone. He gestured him to follow. Nikki relaxed as the guy went away from her.

“What were you thinking…? Do you know how powerful he is…?” Ethan said laughing. My family gathered around us to know what the joke was.

“Do you go around punching the people who intimidate you…?” he asked still laughing.
“If someone intimidates than show him how scary you can be…” Nikki memorized those lines.
“What…?” Rachel asked.
“That’s what Ethan always told me…” Nikki said as a silent tear passed down her cheeks. Ethan went rigid at the mention of his name. Everyone stared at her with painful expressions.

“Anyways that old man missed my world famous punches…”Nikki joked to relieve them from the pain she has caused. Carl came in with a grim expression on his face.

“What happened…?” Jane asked. Carl looked at Ethan and as if in cue Ethan pulled me towards my room. “Wait…I want to hear what he said if it is about me…” Nikki protested.

Carl nodded his head. “Charles thinks that there is something wrong with her scent…”
“Do I smell bad…?” Nikki asked quickly. Ethan nodded his head no, smiling.
“Vampires have a specific scent. Didn’t you smell him when you entered in…” She nodded.

“What’s wrong with it? Don’t I smell vampy?” she humored.
“He said that you smell different from vampire…”
“I was made a vampire just a month back so maybe I still have the human scent…”
“It’s not like that Nikki…The scent is not of human either…” Carl said. “It’s no big deal if I don’t smell like vamp, right?” Nikki asked.

Carl could tell that this was going nowhere so he just let it go. Ethan walked her to her room. “Hey, do you read mind? How did you know what I thought?” Nikki asked.
“No…It’s just when you drank from me a sort of bonding happened that’s how I feel everything you feel…” he said. Nikki remembered how she hurt him that day and mumbled sorry to him.

Next two weeks was a blur in Reed’s house hold; school, hunting, packing. Every one’s mind was consumed with the upcoming event except for Carl. He still couldn’t figure out why Nikki scent was different.

Nikki was no longer somber, she truly kept her word. Even at college she would spend some good time with her family. She took a liking to Ethan and Rachel most, Ethan for always being there for her and Rachel was a good companion to her.

“Ethan…I think you should tell her about how you feel…” Eric remarked in his mind.
“I don’t know…” Ethan watched Nikki playing chess with Rachel. She changed a lot but he knew deep down she still craved for Ethan and his confiding of love may pull her back to that dark mood once again.

“Ethan…” Jane called him. Rachel lost the game; Nikki knew tactics and played well. Nikki followed Ethan into Jane’s room, Rachel tagged along with her. Eva and Jane were looking at Jewelers, Jane spread her whole bed with them, and there are antique jewelers, modern day jewelers, simple and authentic. One ring caught Nikki’s eye; it was a diamond studded ring, the platinum metal wove around it in cross patterns, the cut was simple and small leaves wove around the diamond, Nikki picked up the box and examined it. She wanted to try it on her finger.

“Hey…Careful it is Ethan’s mother’s ring, he planned it to give it to his mate. “Rachel pointed.
“You know I could marry you for this ring…” Nikki said to Ethan not taking her eyes from the ring. She gently placed it in Ethan’s hands.

“Nikki… I think this would go well with your dress for the ball…” Jane said showing Neck chain with floral patterns and white diamonds.

“Ow! You opened a jeweler shop here, Jane…” Felix smirked. Jane smiled at him. “Which cars did Carl pick for journey? I’ll go and check them and get them into running…” Jane shrugged her shoulders.
“What do you mean by which car…?” Nikki asked.

“Haven’t you seen our garage yet, sissy?” Felix asked surprised.

“Come along…”he said dragging her with him. Nikki was amazed to see their garage filled with a wide range of cars all the best at speed. They were placed in a row; she counted them all, total 10. At the end of garage a bike was parked totally covered. Nikki ran towards, she removed the cover and was surprised to see Ethan’s bike. She ran her fingers tentatively on it.

“Um…That was Ethan’s bike…”Felix mumbled. Nikki nodded. The key was in the ignition, she sat on it and could feel as if she was sitting in his laps, she ran her hands through clutches, it felt like she was holding his hands.

“Do you know how to ride this thing…?” Felix asked. “Ethan taught me on this very bike…” She mumbled remembering how they had long rides on this bike. Two tiny drops slipped through her eyes. “You should teach me sometime then but not on this bike, Ethan would kill me if it got a scratch…” Felix said eying Ethan who was standing right next to him. Ethan looked at Nikki, she was crying, he felt the urge to wipe away her tears but clenched his hands from doing such things.

“Do you think you can allow me a ride…?” Nikki said blinking back her tears. Ethan nodded. “Not now… Nikki…”Carl walked up to them. Nikki nodded and hurried to her room. Carl glanced at the bike, he ran his hands over it and then covered it sighing, and he patted his son Ethan and walked him into the living room.

By evening, they all packed their stuff into three cars, Eric and Rachel, Felix and Eva travelled alone. Carl took the wheel instead of Ethan’s insistence to let him drive. Ethan and Nikki settled in the back seat. Nikki stayed awake for a while and drifted to sleep, Ethan adjusted himself to Make Nikki comfy but she fell asleep in Ethan’s laps, he fondly cradled her in his arms. Jane smiled at him.

Nikki woke up as dreams of Ethan faded thinly into her memory. She woke up in Ethan’s laps, she jerked herself away from him, why would she always end up in his arms. She nodded her head in disbelief.

It’s clearly midnight, “How far are we…?”
“We’ll be there by dawn…”Carl said looking at the reflection of Nikki in the mirror. Nikki nodded; she wound her window down, feeling the cool night breezes.

“What is that thing…?” She exclaimed as she took in the huge palace. They laughed at me. “Is that thing we are going to stay in…?” she asked.

“Yes…It’s the vampire elders house…” Ethan said. “House…that would be an understatement…”she said in a loud voice. They laughed again.

They checked in…They allotted four rooms in the third floor for us. Others got settled in by the time we reached. Ethan and Nikki had to share a room.
“Why is it always we end up together…?” she said unlocking the door. Ethan shrugged his shoulders.

“Atleast the room is big enough…” She said gasping at the size of the room. The décor was all in red…There was a huge bed occupying one-fourth of the room. “Wow!”was all she could say.

Rachel barged in through the doors as I was about to hit the bed. “Don’t you think…” she glared.
“Just 10 minutes…Rach…”I mumbled.
“I’m not hearing anything…”She said pulling me from the bed. I grumbled.

“Rachel…Leave her…”Ethan growled.
“I don’t want her to miss anything…”Rachel pouted.
“Okay…Give me 10 minutes…”she said.
“Fine…10 minutes…it is…”she said.

Rachel was too much…She is hurling me through the malls nonstop since five hours…Shopping is fine with me as long as I get to pick up and it won’t take more than half an hour but seriously…five hours shopping is something that I hate…Eva was complacent about all this…she would throw pitiful glances at me now and then, when I sulked about her dragging into another shop.

Rachel was talking about the designs to the mall owner giving him subtle tips to improve the designs better. She really had a good taste to it…”Was she always like this…?” I asked.

“She was a designer in her human life…I guess that didn’t go away from her…” Eva smiled.

“How did she change into…?” It seemed awkward even to mention that name. Eva laughed at me.
“Rachel…worked as a designer…one day she was called by a richest woman to design her wedding dress. She was supposed to leave at dusk but knowing Rachel she might have forgot about it in her designing world… Later when she was on her way back home…”She trailed off.

“Jane was a new born vampire than…she couldn’t resist the call of Rachel’s blood…” she added feebly.

I couldn’t imagine Jane hurting anyone; she is so sweet. “It happens…no new born could resist it…” Eva explained as if she understood my thought.

Thankfully, it was the last shop in the line and we headed back to the hotel… Rachel was excited about showing off the dresses. She had a perfect idea of every minute detail like hair, makeup, jewelry for each and everyone.

Rachel shooed of Ethan from my room, we girls helped each other, following the exact orders of Rachel, we couldn’t even think of disobeying her when it comes to fashion.

She chose me a light purple gown, it hugged my curves and then fell into waves of silk from waist down, she done my hair into a bun and few strands hung out here and there.
Nikki was appalled to see a most beautiful staring at her in the mirror; she looked perfect in every way… She could see the same admiration for her in everyone’s eye as they saw her.

Everyone came into escort their mates to the ball, she waited for Ethan who was supposed to escort me, she stood up excited as she heard him somewhere close, Ethan’s hungrily grazed at her as she stood tall and elegant in her purple floor length gown. A proud grin escaped his lips as he held out his hands.

Nikki sucked in her breath as soon as she laid her eyes on him. She enveloped her arm in his hands, eyes locked with his as they walked down the stairs. Ethan could feel the vibes, he led her to the dance floor, spinning her and pulling her closer, his arms resting on her waist, he was pleased to see that he was having an effect on her; she shivered at his slightest touch. After a few spins they were interrupted by a steel voice.

“Do you mind?” A blonde girl with fiery red eyes interrupted them and Ethan let go of Nikki reluctantly. As they swayed in sync with the music, Nikki could feel the snarls escaping through her lips; she ran away from them and poured herself some blood shake to calm her nerves.

“What are you doing here?” Rachel noticed Nikki shooting daggers at the Bree who was dancing with Ethan.

“I have an idea…” Rachel whispered something into her ears and Nikki stood up excited. She walked casually past the group with a glass in her hand and pretended to stumble upon something spilling the contents over Bree. She shrieked at the top of voice which was more like siren yelling.

She whisked off to the washroom to clean up her dress. Nikki suppressed her laughter, Ethan was taken aback seeing what she did just now, why would she do that? Only answer is she is envious… but is she? The inner demon roared with success.

He pulled her closer and kissed her passionately on the lips and regretted it as soon as he saw Nikki go pale… she flew back into her room. She was lost in the bliss of the kiss for a second, it was filled with pure passion, something snapped in her as she realized she was kissing Ethan. Why did she do that? What would he think now? I can’t risk losing his friendship for anything in this world.

She froze as she heard the gentle knock on the door and saw Ethan emerge with a remorseful look.

“I’m sorry; I have no idea of what happened there…” She said quickly.

“I love you…” she was too stunned to talk. Her eyes bore into his searching for truth. She knew he was serious about it.

“I’m really sorry…I never thought of you in that way…”She stammered.

“I know…I don’t even expect you to…I just wanted you to know how I feel for you.” He said and left without a word

Nikki hit the pillows crying…
“I don’t know… I never thought him that way and I don’t want this to come in between our friendship… I need him…” Ethan sat Indian style as I babbled crying, resting my head in his laps.

“I’m just a figment of your imagination and he is real… You need him more than me. You can’t live on with me forever like this… you need to let me go and move on with your life…” Ethan whispered rubbing my hands.

“But it’s you I love…” she replied firmly.

“One day you’ll grow to love him…he is a wonderful person, I’m not just saying this because he is my brother…”Ethan affirmed.

“Nikki…”Rachel jerked her to awake.

“Are you okay? Ethan said to check on you…” she mumbled.

“I’m fine…just feeling a bit down.” I lied.


Texte: The contents of the book solely belong to me and copying contents is strictly prohibited. The cover art doesn't belong to me, it's from online pages.
Bildmaterialien: The cover picture belongs to an excellent artist that I found online, I don't hold any tights over it.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 25.05.2011

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

To my friends and family for their love and support. cover art, is from some amazing artist which I found online, thanks to him.

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