
I lay on the roof of my home staring at the twinkling stars and moon. The wide spread sheet of blue sky with stars scattered all over couldn't hold my interest much longer. I am nervous and I tried to listen if the screams have subsided. As soon as I bent over the now, opened window I could hear them shouting at each other. I quickly shut the window sighing, I know they would take more time to get sorted out of the quarrel.
My life is perfect to the world outside but they never knew what I have to go through to make it look like perfect. Each day I come home with dread, home is like walking to a live hell. There is a no day that Mom and Dad went to bed without fighting with each other. They scream at one another never noticing that I'm still at home. Sometimes Dad gets so angry that he hits Mom and Mom; she screams at him and locks herself in their room.
I can't stand up for anyone because of both of them are right in their own way. They are really good parents when they don't quarrel but that is so rare. Dad feels that Mom is not trying to listen to what he says and Mom she complains the same. Usually they start by taking with each other about taking a decision and then they fire off complaining that the other is not valuing their needs or ideas. Though this is pretty childish to quarrel over but the fight between them makes me nervous.
I could see the days when dad walked out of our lives for a whole week and the day when Mom was hit so hard that she was put to bed for many days. I dreaded it will happen again when they started quarreling. Each time Mom or Dad says something abusive, my heart skips a bit for fear the worst would happen.
I tried to ignore these but even if I close my eyes, ears could hear them. Even if I shut both my eyes and ears, my mind displays images of them fighting which I cannot stop at any cause. So, I do the only thing that I can, staying away from them and concentrating hard on anything that takes my mind of what's going inside.
To make matters even worse, over the years not one of them took care of me or even worse spoke to me. Usually I don't see them together, Mom works day time and dad works until 9pm, if somehow I get to see them they are engaged in verbal fight. They take care of all my physical needs but I can't expect more from them. Love, care and time together with them is out of question.
I wish I could share my feelings with someone but to tell anyone about this is like betraying family secrets. I don't have a sibling either, if I have I would have been better because we would take care of each other.
Over the years I have learned pretty well to hide my emotions and play 'all is well' before others.
I don't want people to be sympathetic over me so I do the only thing that is possible. Though I am very much worried about how the day ends today, I pretend to be free of any worries. I hide my tears saying that they are from laughing out loud. Sometimes when I'm at the verge of tears I excuse myself saying that I need to use washroom and run into the embrace of loneliness. All through my sixteen years, I must say I did well to cover up my secret life because people believe that I have a perfect life. They admire me for having such life but my heart screams in the inside to say that it is all action and I'm a pathetic being.

I stared at the mirror, I could see the puffy eyes from crying all over the night about Mom and Dad. My neck is hurting a little bit when I tried to move it sideways,probably because of sleeping on the roof all the night.
I sprayed on the neck to give instant relief of the pain. Now, I have to cover the puffy eyes. I tried applying more powder on it but that made it worse so I resolved for saying to her friends that last night I was out with my family watching a movie. Other than the puffy eyes I still look pretty. Chocolate brown eyes, perfect lips and nose were an asset to my features.

I took a quick much of fruits and then gulped some juice finishing my breakfast. Mom never woke up until 9. I guess it's because they always fight until midnight everyday. I wrote on a quick slip that I need some money and pinned it to the fridge, hoping she would see when she wakes up. This is the only way I get to let them know what I need.
I can't wake her up because she must be so exhausted of all the screaming so I let it always be this way. Dad is never home when I woke up; He always leaves early.
I grabbed my back pack and ran to the end of the street to wait for my bus. Our home is the only one that lies here. We don't have neighbors which is a pretty good thing for my family because none would be knowing our little secret.
As soon as I reached,I heard the horn and sighed thinking that I'm not late for the bus.
"Hi, Meg." Julian cried.
Julian is my friend from school days. She is the only one I always consider close to my heart. We share every little secret or so she thinks, she is really a sweetheart.
"What's up?" I said recognizing her enthusiastic tone.
Obviously she has something up her sleeves.
"Do you remember my brother, Ryan?" she asked.
I nodded. I saw him when he left for a residential eight years back, he is pretty nice guy back then.
"He is joining our college today." she said excited.
I tried to sound excited for her. Julian dropped into the conversation with the other girl Lucy describing how we had played back then.
I turned to the window and started watching the green pastures racing back away from the bus, the trees that seem to move backward and the wind that played with my hair. I pulled my thick black curls behind my ears. I heard someone gasp out loud, I saw Mary staring outside her window, I followed her gaze. There is a stunning young guy, riding a muscular bike. He looked almost like a model, I didn't get much chance to have a look at him. He rode at full speed that he passed through our bus almost like a lightning.
The classes were quite boring today as it is the first day of the semester. We were introduced with different subjects that we have for the sem. At noon we enrolled ourselves in drama club and social service club. Acting is something I'm really good at considering how I pretend to have a perfect life in front of others.
Julia didn't join us at our table today which is very weird. She always does, our group always sits together and gossip about the stuff. Emma, Julia and me are like close friends. We always go together everywhere. Emma is more like me in the inside, though she is outgoing she is sort of reserved unlike me and Julia. Julia always pries her to be like us but I always reply to that in my mind saying that 'don't be like me, I'm a sick actor.'
"Where do you think Julia is?" I asked Emma.
"She went to see if everything is ok with Ryan."
"You know she overdoes everything, he is probably scolding her for going after him, like he is her small brother."
I smiled at the thought. Julia is a worry head that is one of the reason that I never spoke to her about my secret.
While i'm fidgeting with the bread crumbs. In the corner of my eye I saw Julia stomping into the cafeteria.
"What's wrong,Jules?" Emma asked.
"What does he think about himself?"
We waited for her to complete her ranting.
"He says that I shouldn't mention anyone that he is my brother and I shouldn't talk to him at college."
I patted her gently not knowing what to say.
"Boys.." Emma sighed.
"Let's go and see what play they are planning for the freshers day."
"Let's go." we dragged her with us.

“Back to hell again.” I sighed.
I groped for the key on the top of the door. Mom usually comes home after 6pm and mom lost the spare key so I came up with this plan.
The house looked calm and lifeless. I freshened up before Mom came in. I turned on my computer and started on the assignment that is due next week. At home I keep pretty much to myself since my parents aren’t interested to talk to me which gives me plenty of time to study and work on whatever I want to do.
Like every day I tried to get to bed early but woke up as usual when I heard their screams. I heard Mom saying that she had enough of him. Dad trying to explain something, I couldn’t hear him clearly and I plan not to. I grabbed for my jacket and hurried on to the roof by the window.
I tried to count the stars to take my mind out of the things, doing so I slept at around 100. I woke up after some time and hurried inside. They seem to have retired to the beds. While I was arranging my bed I heard a knock on my door.
My heart beat increased Was Mom hurt again? I thought. My nerves failed me; I hold my breath to hear dad’s frantic voice saying Mom is hurt. Whoever it is, they might have thought I’m fast asleep and left because there is not another knock.
“Meg, are you in there?” Dad whispered slightly opening the door and peeping in.
I said something like ‘yeah’
“Meg, honey. I wanted to talk something. Can I come in?” he said already in.
He made me sit on my bed. He sat beside me. My heart skipped with joy. I was never this close with dad.
“Can I ask you a favor?” he said.
“Anything for you.” I said.
It’s very nice to hear his voice so calm. I actually like his voice this way; it’s deep and full of emotions.
“Tomorrow, I’ll bring a guest home. Will you take care of her for me?” He said tentatively.
“I’ll but who is she?” I asked.
I saw his eyes drop down with guilt. Whatever it is, if it makes him feel guilty I didn’t want to know that.
“I’ll take care of her, I promise.” I said squeezing his hands gently.
He smiled at me though it was of full pain.

I am late today, I ran after the bus shouting to stop but none saw me running after the bus. I ran some distance and left the thought of chasing it.
“Nice start for the day and now what?” I sighed sitting on the wooden bench.
I walked up to some distance; it’s hard to find transport here because my home is in the outskirts. I hear the sound of some engine. I turned to see who it was.
“Want a lift?” the motor bike guy asked skidding to a halt beside me.
He freaked me out by appearing beside me suddenly. He took off his helmet which exposed his thick black hair, blue eyes and an intoxicating smile. I thought of his offer, I can’t probably get any other transport like for an hour and if I chose to go home. No way! I can’t live in that hell for a whole day. Seeing that I have no other option I jumped on his bike.
He smiled at me.
“What’s up, Meg?” He asked.
“How do you know my name?” I thought to ask but dropped in middle sentence, most of people in the college know me, I like making friends so it can keep me away from feeling lonely. It’s easy to guess someone would have told him.
“Everything is the way it is.” I said.
My words trembled when they are out. We are at such rapid speed and the cool air hitting me hard made it hard to speak. When we passed by the college bus I heard someone shouting my name as I turned to see I lost the sight of bus.
“Thanks for the ride.” I said trying to stand properly.
I feel giddy by the rate at which we came but truly speaking I felt like going on it again.
It seems like most of the college saw me and the biker coming to college together.
At lunch I waited for Julia and Emma to show up they had different classes today. I saw Julia practically running towards me and Emma at her tail.
“Is this true?” she asked.
Then suddenly I remembered about the ride and how people kept asking me about him whether he is my boyfriend? Whether we are going on date?
“I missed the bus morning and this hot dude seems to come out of nowhere offering me a ride. I had to come to college so I have no other choice than accepting his ride.” I said as a matter of fact.
“Meg, did you know that it was Ryan?”Julia said.
“Ryan? Who?”
“The hot dude who rode you to college.” She said smiling wildly.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t know that.” I apologized.
I felt silly of not recognizing him and stupid to say that he is hot in front of her sister. At the same time I saw him walking into the cafeteria with a group of his friends.
“Ryan, you idiot you should have told me who you are.” I shouted at him.
“And spoil the fun?” he smirked.
“You are going to get for this.” I said rushing upon him.
“Really?” he ran into the corridor.
I ran after him. Ryan and I were very close friends since our childhood. He was more like a good friend than a big brother. He caught my hands and whispered in my ear.
“I have an image to maintain before the girls here.” He said smiling.
I nodded. He let go me and I punched him playfully.
“I don’t think you have an image at all.” I shouted back at him joining my friends.
Julia hi- fived me. Emma smiled at me.
The day soon rolled out and I dreaded to go back home again.
I fished through the fridge for something to eat when I found a letter pinned to the fridge door.
“I’m leaving home.” Just like that nothing more than that. I recognized the handwriting its mom’s. What happened to her? Why would she leave all of a sudden? Tears welled up in my eyes. Why does this all happen only to me? Why can’t I have normal parents who tuck me into bed and kiss me good night or perhaps share my sorrows other than them being a pain to me?

I sat on the ground placing my head between the knees, crying and rewinding the piece of information on the paper in my mind. I never knew how much time I spent like that.

I felt someone's arms around me. I looked up half expecting to see Mom.
Dad's eyes are filled with concern. He wrapped his hands around me.
"Honey, are you alright?"
I was so immersed in my own pathos that I didn't see the little hand trying to wipe my tears.
She was saying something like don't cry meg only it sounded dhon cy me in her small squeaky voice.
I took a quick glance at her, she is so small with tiny hands and face, her big blue eyes stared at me with so much love in it.
Dad saw me staring at her.
"Honey, this is your sister, Stacie."
"Did I hear it right? she is my sister but how's that possible?"
While I tried to question him, I put the pieces of puzzle together. Mom left because she couldn't stand that dad betrayed their relation. That's the reason why she felt without much of a goodbye.
"Dad, how could you do this to Mom?" I shouted at him and ran into my room shutting the door behind me.
I fell on my bed crying how my family at last has torn apart. I cried for Mom for being cheated and I cried for Dad who was being punished to live alone for his mistake.

I could feel someone tugging my hair gently. I brushed away the hands from my hair.
I could hear a tiny voice whispering in my ear. Suddenly I remembered everything from last night. I pulled the little thing away from me and shooed her out of my room.She is the reason why my family broke up. I heard her cry when I shut the door behind her.
I tried to calm down running the hot water over my face. I heard her crying from down.
I grabbed my backpack not wanting to face dad or that little thing. I slipped out of the home unnoticed.
I reached my bus stop and prayed for god to let the bus come quick today. At least this was answered.
I saw Julia in deep discussion with Emma. She waved at me and gestured to sit beside her. I have no problem, I didn't want to talk to anyone right now. I replayed the events from the previous day. Tears strolled down my eyes unnoticed and I wiped them away without anyone seeing them.
I payed no heed to the classes or what my friends said over the whole day.
"Jules, can I stay at your home today?" I asked not wanting to go back to the hell again.
"Why not?"
"Dad and Mom are out of town so I thought instead of being alone i could stay at home." I said trying to sound casual.
She just smiled.
"What do you want to do at night? she asked making me sit on her bed.
"Nothing in particular, may be watch a movie or two." I said.
We watched twilight series when Ryan joined us. At first Jules made so much about him being here but soon she gave up. She fell asleep in the middle of the movie. I stayed up to watch the complete movie.
"What's up?" Ryan said.
I shrugged my shoulders.
"Will you do me a favor?" he asked.
I nodded.
"Will you stop fighting with me at college, you know you are seriously damaging my reputation." he said.
"Oh! Really?" I smirked.
"Come on! Meg, you yourself admitted that I'm hot." he said.
I was stunned that Jules said it to him. I wanted to beat her for telling it to her brother but I let it rest until the next day.
"Why do you care even about your reputation?" I asked.
"What else for? hot chicks." he replied.
"As if someone would fall for you." I smirked.
"Wanna see?" he asked.
"Yeah! sure." I challenged him.
"Give me two days." he said with confidence.
"Take a week."
"What will you do if I succeed?" he asked.
He left me wishing me goodbye, I thought of my home and the roof where I usually sleep at this time. I drifted into sleep thinking about Mom.
In the morning Jules woke me up and we hurried to the college. Ryan seems to have left early for the college.
"Jules, why did you say that to your brother?" I asked remembering my conversation with Ryan at night.
"What did I say?"
"Forget it, I don't want to repeat it again."
As soon as she understood what I meant, she smiled at me.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to say he made me." she said realizing I'm angry at her for what she did.
"What else did he speak to you, yesterday?" she asked after a while.
I said about our bet.
"Are you nuts? I'm sure he will win this one. Be ready to what he asks for." She said.
I frowned at her.
"Seriously, are you deaf these days? Don't you know how all the girls are over him? He can have anyone easily In fact our barbie doll over here is so over him." she said pointing at our college beauty Mary.
I shrugged. I was so lost in my own world that I never payed attention to anyone these days.
"I have a plan to backfire the charm of his on the girls but I need your help." I said.
"Sure anything to teach that stupid fellow." she said.
"What's the plan?"
"I'll tell you when it's time." I said.
I drowned into my thoughts again. College was a blur today.
All I thought in the college today was how I'm going to stay away from the house but I came out with no idea. If I ask Jules or Emma that I would stay at their home, they would welcome me but they would be suspicious that something is wrong. At last I decided that I should face it soon so why not today?
I took each step with dread towards my home. The doors were wide open when I reached home.
I took a deep breath and entered to face anything.
I heard a little voice crying something like 'Meg home.' The little girl hugged my legs and she is repeating the same words happily. I tried to run away into my room and shut the world behind but the little thing never let me go, her eyes full of happiness.
Every feeling I suppressed all through the day weighed so much that I broke down into tears. She wiped my tears with her little hands and planted wet kiss on my cheek. She saw me crying even harder and then she broke into tears to hugging me like a desperate kid for her Mom.
I couldn't bear to see a little one cry. I cradled her in my arms and hushed her. After some time she was asleep in my arms. I carried her to the couch and laid her there when I noticed Dad standing near the counter and looking at me.
"I'm sorry." I said.
I didn't know why I said that.
"It's me who has to apologize. Don't say that Meg, you have every right to be mad at me but I hope you'll understand why I did what I did." he said.
I walked over to him and hugged him.
"I don't want to know anything Dad, All I want is My family to stay together." I said crying.
He patted me gently.
"Freshen up. We'll have something to eat." he said.
I felt alive by taking away some of the burden by crying.
When I reached downstairs I saw Stacie nibbling with her food. She looked innocent and fragile. She saw me coming down and gave her big smile spreading all through her face. How can I be mean to her? She is just a little girl who doesn't anything other than smiling when someone smiles and crying when someone cries.
Dad prepared me sandwiches and some fries.
"Dad, what about her..?" I lost words to phrase it.
"She died of some serious disease." He mumbled.
"I'm sorry." I said looking at her.
She saw me looking at her and she took one piece of her bread and offered it to me. I smiled at her.
"Who is taking care of her when you are at office?" I asked.
"I'm leaving her at the day care center near by our office." he said.
She spilled the milk while trying to take huge gulp at a time. Dad hurried to get a cloth. I took her out of her chair and removed the cloth because she spilled all over. She smiled and played with my curls all the time while I did this. Dad cleaned up the table while I dressed her into new one's. She kissed me at the end.
Dad smiled at me and said that she likes me. I smiled at the thought. I made her cry,a day back and she likes me now.
I excused myself saying that I need to finish assignment. I turned on my computer and an saw an instant message from Ryan
Rockstar: "Are you alright?"
Megan:"Why do you ask that?"
Rockstar: You are so lost in your own world today
Megan:I was so worried about how to win the bet
Rockstar: Don't worry you will lose anyway.
Megan: Let's see.
Rockstar:I thought you'll be home today.
Megan: Parents are back home.
Rockstar: I got to go, you know the girls are lining up for me.
Megan: haha! they have pretty bad taste.
Rockstar: Oh! really.
Megan: bye, go on.

I switched the window to word to work with my assignment when someone else pinged me. It's Julia this time.
Jules: Got a plan?
Megan: about what?
jules: About the bet, Idiot.
Megan: Do you know who he is going to ask for date?
Jules: I guess it's Mary. I heard her call to him.
Megan: Good
Jules:Is there a plan?
Megan: Yes, I'll tell you first thing in the morning.
Jules: Can't you tell now? you know i'm very eager...
Megan: Do you remember when Mary freaked out when a puppy came to her.
Megan: Ryan is going to gift her a puppy.
Jules: Why would he do that? he knows very well how to impress Mary kind of girls.
Megan: He won't dumbass but you'll give her in the name of him.
Jules: Wow! meg.
Jules: Hey, I got to go. He is coming now.
I switched to my assignment when I heard someone behind me. She is pulling my chair to get my attention.
"Hi, sweetie. What do you want?" I asked her.
She stared at the monitor with big wide eyes. I laughed at her amazement. I scooped her up and sat her in my laps. I closed the window I'm working and opened another blank page. She pressed each key and clapped as if she achieved something and laughed. It's nice to see someone genuinely happy in this home. She played for a while when I heard the ping again. I opened the window again and saw Ryan messaging me.
Rockstar: what's up with you girls, yo are acting all weird. Jules left in a hurry on seeing me.
Megan: how would I know?
Rockstar: You are up to something.
Megan: May be you are hallucinating.oooooooooo
Stacie pressed 'O' and clapped her hands.
Rockstar: What's that?
Before I could say anything. she pressed with her both hands
Rockstar: what's with you girl?
Megan: Nothing. I got to go. prtpdedgsffd
I logged out of my terminal instantly.I thought about how confused he'll be because of me. I laughed at the thought. Seeing me laugh she pressed more keys thinking that it was what made me happy.
I turned off my lappy and carried her to my bed. She saw everything in my room with doubled interest. I saw her staring at the teddy bear with longing. I gave it to her, she kissed me on the cheek. She played with it and fell asleep on my bed after some time feeling tired. I stared at her, she looked so much like me except her eyes and blond hair.
I dozed into sleep beside her. As I am a light sleeper I heard Dad coming up for checking after us in the midnight. All these years of restless sleep made me like that.

I woke up and saw her still in deep sleep beside me. I hurried to my daily activities. She was still asleep when I got dressed and ready to go. I carried her to dad's room.
"She's still asleep." I said.
Dad tried take away the teddy from her hands but she held it tight to her heart. i saw it smiled to myself.
"Dad, I have to go."
"I made you breakfast, it's on the table." He said tentatively.
Dad made me breakfast. Wow! that's really a good thing I thought. None ever made me breakfast in all those years I remember. I ate eagerly and ran to the bus stop.
"All set." Jules gestured.
When Mary entered the bus we put forward our plan. She took it eagerly when Jules said that the gift was from her brother. She jumped hitting her head to the top of the bus. The puppy jumped from the box running allover the bus frantically. She is a white Pomeranian dog with patches of black near the eyes and like socks for the legs.
"She is cute." I said.
"You like it?" Jules asked.
I nodded.
"I brought it for you, When my dog gave birth to her. I thought of giving it you." she said.
"Really, thanks." I said surprised.
We caught her and placed her in the box so that it would be easy to carry and keep her safe until I take it home.
Our plan worked out. Mary ignored Ryan and gave him evil eye when he tried to talk to her.
We played with the puppy in the noon since we don't have any classes today.
"Stacie would be happy to see it." I blurted out loud.
"Who's Stacie?" Emma and Jules asked.
Why did I say that? I tried of thinking of something to say to them when luckily Ryan saved me.
"So, girls having a good time, huh?" he asked.
"I know about what you did?" he said.
"What did we do?" I said.
"Don't play smart." he said.
"By the way, you lose." he said pointing at me.
We frowned at him.
"Sophie," he called out loud.
"Yes, darling." Sophie stepped behind from him.
"What?" We shrieked.
Sophie is the next best girl in the class though I doubt she ever used at least a mg of her brain.
"Let's go." he said.
She hopped on to his bike and they left us in terrific speed.
"Stupid girl, spoiled our plan." Jules said.
I sighed and we together headed to our buses.
I thought of how Stacie would react when she would see the puppy. Our bus skidded to a sudden halt. Everyone stared to see what stopped the bus.
Ryan blocked the way of the bus. He walked towards our bus and straight towards us three in the last seat.
"You lost." he said.
I nodded.
"What's with you? Do you have to stop the bus for just saying that?" Jules shouted.
She hushed her.
"You are going on a date with me, Tomorrow at 7pm. I'll pick you at your home." He said.
"Are you kidding?" I said.
"You promised to do whatever I said." he said.
"But not this." I said stubbornly.
"You are afraid that you would fall for me."
"I'm not."
"Then accept it."
"I'll come."
He smiled triumphantly and walked away.
Jules was more in shock than anyone. She never said a word again.
I waved her goodbye.
As I walked towards home, my anticipation grew wider as I thought of how happy Stacie would look.
As I opened the door, she ran towards me.
After hugging her. I pointed her towards the box and with eyes full of wonder she opened it.
She clapped her mouth when she saw the puppy.
I brought it out of the bus and showed it her. She gently rubbed her fur and clapped laughing aloud. It makes me feel happy to see her like that.
Dad came into the hall and saw us. She ran to dad and pointed at the puppy in my hands. He smiled at her.
She played with her sometimes when dad asked.
"What is her name?" he asked.
"Stacie will give her name." I said.
She said 'bibi' jumping and turning around,clapping her hands.
"Bibi.." I said rubbing her fur.
When the puppy barked on hearing it's name. Stacie jumped laughing and tried to bark like her which made me and Dad laugh out loud. She saw us and laughed even more.
It felt like a regular happy family only it was not. I know dad is as much worried about Mom as I'm.

I saw Mom crying and sitting alone in a dark corner and then suddenly the scene changed, Mom and Dad are fighting in my home as usual. I smiled at them looking from my bed room. At least they are together now I thought to myself in my dream. I tried to look at them once more when the sun rays woke me up.
Dad is setting me breakfast when I went down. I heard Stacie crying from my dad’s room.
“I’ll go and check on her.” I said.
“She is fine, probably she had a bad dream.” I called out to dad.
I cradled her in my arms and sung a lullaby to her, the only I know which my Grandma used to sing when I was a kid. She dozed into sleep after a while. I laid her down cautiously and re-arranged the cushions around her so that she won’t fall in her sleep.
I hurried to the bus stop, I’m sure that I would the miss the bus today but thank god! I didn’t.
“What are you wearing today?” Emma asked.
“Is there any program today?” I asked.
“Don’t you remember? You have a date with Ryan today.” Emma said
“What date?” I remembered in the mid sentence and instead I said, “It’s not actually a date, It’s just I’m keeping my end of the bargain.”
“But you are going, right?” Jules asked.
“Yeah! Do I have any other choice?”
“Still it’s your first date.” Emma said making it a point.
“Stop saying that.” I said.
They knew I was uncomfortable with the whole idea of date with Ryan so they let it go that way.
We had a pop quiz on Mathematics today. We won boys group by one mark. Everyone cheered for me at the end because me and Emma are the only reason to win the quiz. I’m pretty good at academics, getting straight A’s all the time. You know with all the things that go around home, I always try to find solitude in reading and engaging myself in works.
We sat at our usual place at cafeteria celebrating on our success. I heard the whole cafeteria calm down all of a sudden. I looked up to see what caused this reaction. Ryan and two of his friends joined us at our table. It’s so rare that senior’s join the tables of juniors and that too people like Ryan.
“What are you doing here?” Jules shrieked.
“Cool it. I’m here for Meg.” He said.
“What?” I asked.
“I just came to remind you of our..” I cut him off.
“I remember.”
“Can we talk about something else?” I asked.
He introduced us to his friends the tall and fair skinned with black curls is Tom and the blonde is Ed, though they are quite handsome they are no way near to him. Ryan looked like a ‘Greek god’ among them.
Emma and Jules gave me instructions to what to wear and about the makeup but I’m deaf ear to them. I knew something is going to happen and my suspicions where confirmed when I saw our door locked. Dad is being early to home since Mom left us. I groped for the key in the hiding place and with luck I found it.
I poured out a glass of juice and went to sit on the sofa when I found something on the table. I picked it up and my heart started to pounce hard when I saw who it was from and what it is. I knew without doubt that it was a divorce paper but I wished it wasn’t. I tore it open and with every word I read, it hit me like a dagger in the heart. Tears swelled in my eyes. I fell on the pillow crying, I didn’t know how much time I spent crying.
I heard the phone ringing and I wished that was Mom saying that whole thing was a mistake and she is coming back soon. I know I sound silly but what else can I do?
I burst into the phone without even listening to the person on the other end, crying and shouting at her for leaving me alone. I know it’s not sensible thing to do but my mind was in no position to think and act.
“Meg.” The other voice called calmly.
What have I done? It’s Ryan. Now what should I tell him. He heard everything.
“Meg, are you okay?” his voice seemed concerned.
I abused myself for almost betraying my family.
“Ryan, I can’t go on date with you today. I have some problem.” I said controlling my sobs and I put down the receiver as soon as I said that.
I broke down into tears. I crouched on the floor thinking about my family, the thing I always dreaded has been done finally. Now what happens?
I dozed off sometime after. I felt someone shaking me. I tried to open my eyes; they felt like they are on fire from all the crying. I blinked back the water.
I saw Ryan’s face staring at me.
“Why are you here?” I said composing myself.
“I came to check on you.”
“I’m fine. It’s just a bad headache.” I said.
“Meg, you no need to act tough. You can tell me what happened.” He said taking my hands into his and squeezing them gently.
I don’t know what took over me. May be all these years of false pretenses, the next minute I found myself saying everything to him and crying on his shoulder.
“I’m sorry.” I said.
“Meg, why are you apologizing to me?” he asked.
He looked into my eyes.
“Each of us has problems in life. You should know the way to face it not just enduring the pain.”
I simply nodded.
“I’m always there to help you. You can share with me anything and I promise I won’t tell anyone.”
My throat felt dry and soar. I leaned into him and sighed thinking about what to do to keep my family together.
“Ryan..” I whispered.
“Will you help me to find my Mom?” I asked.
“Anything.” He said gently.
“Take some rest. I’ll stay here until your dad comes.” He said.
I tried to make him go but he said he wouldn’t leave me and he doubted that I would again burst into tears. I knew I would do the same if I’m alone. I slept in the couch while he sat in the chair all the time.

I woke up in my room next day, my head hurt from all the crying. I went downstairs to take something for my headache when I saw dad sitting on the couch and staring at the ceiling. Tears dropped from his eyes.
“Dad.” I sat beside him and gently squeezed his hands.
We sat silently for a while.
“I’m sorry; I was never a good dad or a good husband.”
“Don’t say that.”
“What do we do now? Did you speak to Mom about this?” I asked tentatively.
“I searched all the places I could think but she is nowhere.”
I wanted to ask more about it but I could see his struggle to talk about Mom.
I made some hot coffee for both of us.
“Where’s Stacie?” I asked.
He didn’t answer me.
“Dad. Where is she?” I asked.
“I left her at an orphanage.” He said hesitantly.
“How could you? She is just a kid.” I shrieked at him for the first time in life.
He noticed the change in my tone.
“I had to.” He replied.
“I know what you are thinking. Mom would never like to leave a small kid like that whoever she might be. She is mad at you not on her. She is mad because you betrayed her for another woman.” I stormed on him.
I ran to my room and made a call to Ryan. I couldn’t ask anyone for help except him.
“Ryan, I need your help. Can you come to my stop?” I asked him
“Is everything okay?” he asked.
“I’m coming.”
I ran to the front door, Dad tried to stop me but I ignored him. I’m really mad at him for leaving her like that.
I sat on the bench waiting for him when I heard the bike engine roaring.
“Thanks for coming.” I said.
I gave him the directions to the orphanage. It’s the only orphanage nearby and I believe this is where he left her.
I went in and informed to the orphanage head that I’m the daughter of Mr. Rupert and I have to take her back home. She called my home to confirm it, I think dad confirmed because she ordered someone to bring Stacie. I waited for her in the lounge, Ryan waited patiently as he thought it better to let me tell him what’s going on without him asking me.
Stacie ran to me with big eyes full of happiness when she saw me. I hugged her, tears running down my cheeks. She wiped them away with her hands while I wiped hers. This is what I asked for, a sibling to take care of each other and here she is. I thanked god for at least considering my wish.
“Ryan, this is my sister Stacie.” I said.
Ryan smiled at her extending his hands towards her. She smiled at him and kissed him on the cheek all smiling. We brought her back home. She hurried to her room as I set her down. She came back crying “Daa”
She must be looking for Dad, where did he go? My heart quickened maybe he left me too. I deserve it for being such a bad girl. I sat in the sofa clutching my head in hands.
“I deserve it. I’m such a bad girl.” I cried thinking about how I spoke to him before.
Ryan sat beside me.
“I said many bad things to him. I was mad at him for leaving Stacie behind. Now, he left me too. May be I’m the one who doesn’t deserves parents.” I said crying.
“Meg, May be he is out to be alone sometime. I’m sure he’ll be back.” He said.
Stacie came to me and she put her head in y laps and started crying. I wanted to assure her that dad is coming but I’m not sure that it’s true. I patted her gently on her back. I leaned on to him for support and he kept saying that everything will be alright. I wish it would be.
Ryan prepared us some sandwiches. I denied eating but he said I needed strength and pleaded me to eat. I eat some and I fed Stacie. It’s difficult to make her eat because she kept asking about dad. Ryan kept her entertained by telling her stories while I tried to make her eat.
Ryan’s cell beeped. It was from Jules, I think she was asking where he was, he replied at friends home. He was saying something and he just nodded and replied ‘He’ll call her after sometime.’
Stacie played with his phone; she was amazed at how the lights were coming whenever she pressed any key.
“May be you should leave. Your parents might be pretty worried about you.” I said.
“Meg, there is something that I wanted to tell you.”
“What’s it?”
“Jules know about your parents.”
My head spun at what he said. How did she know? May be he said it to her but he promised he won’t. He broke his promise then.
“How could you?” I shrieked at him.
“Calm down. I didn’t say anything to her.” He said.
I frowned.
“It’s all over the town.” He said tentatively.
“That is what she was saying on the phone thinking that I didn’t know about it.”
My secret life is now like an open book to the people. How could this all happen? I tried hard to keep it a secret and now it’s all over the town. The inevitable has happened at last. How can I face the truth? My head buzzed with many questions when I heard someone at the door.
I ran at once thinking it is dad. Emma and Jules stood there; they were shocked to see Ryan standing behind me.
I assured them in. I know why they are here probably to console me, I think.
“I’m sorry, Meg.” Emma said squeezing my hands gently.
“It’s okay. At least now I don’t have to pretend in front of you all.” I said trying to stay calm.
"May be it's not late. We still have time to get your parents together." Jules said.
"Yeah! We can give it a try." Emma assured.
"I don't know where mom is."I mumbled.
"We'll find her." they said.
"We are with you." Ryan said.
"This weekend we'll go to her office and see what we can find." Jules said.
I nodded. Stacie came into the room she might have woke up from her sleep.
I introduced her to my friends, Stacie kissed them both, may be it's her way of saying hello.
Emma left us at 7pm. Jules and Ryan stayed behind saying that they would leave only when my dad is home.
Jules took Stacie to sleep. Ryan and I stood in the lounge waiting for dad.
"It's too late. May be he won't come at all." I said.
"He need's time." he said.
He placed his arms around me and I leaned into him thinking about my parents.
"There he is." he said pointing to a figure in the dark.
"Dad." I ran to him.
"I'm sorry, I was bad to you." I apologized.
He smiled but that was full of pain. He thanked my friends for keeping me company when he wasn't there.

I know this will be a whole new start for me. Every one I knew knows my secret now. I have to face their sympathy.
I went to the college with dread today,I wish I could stay home. I laughed at myself for thinking that. All these years I wished I was at college and now I'm thinking of home. How typical is my mind?
Jules and Ema were silent all along the ride. Classes passed by unnoticed. Jules and Emma dragged me to cafeteria even though I said I have no appetite.
People at the cafeteria, looked at me with those pitiful eyes. I tried to ignore them but I could always their eyes on me. I wish I could kill Mary who was the only reason for all these. Mary's father was a legal adviser, she might have known about the divorce case from him. She could have kept her mouth shut but she didn't.
I tried to remain calm and composed to show the people that I'm not worried about this.
"I'm sorry, I heard that your parents are divorced." Mary said sitting at our table.
"They are not," Jules snapped.
"But they are going to, right?" she said.
Emma and Jules gave her evil eye as if to back off but she apparently ignored them and continued.
"Will you stay with your Mom or Dad?" she asked.
"She is going to stay with her parents." Ryan said sitting beside me.
His cold stare was obviously caught so she left us.
"I'm taking you home today." he said while leaving.
I nodded. I can't take this anymore and going in bus meant I have to endure those stares again.
I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't notice that we are going in the opposite way to our home.
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"I'm not kidnapping you."
"Not funny."
"For once in life do as I say." he pleaded.
"Close your eyes. Stretch your hands wide and move back a little." He said.
"What?" I shrieked.
"Do as I say." he ordered.
I did as he said.
"Forget about everything just concentrate the breeze." he said.
I tried to focus on the breeze, the cold wind hit me to a full extent, tugging me from all sides.I balanced myself and rose up to feel the wind,It felt like I'm flying.
"Wow!" I cried aloud.
He increased the speed. Now we are traveling through curved roads.
The feel of the wind felt great.
He pulled up after sometime. I opened my eyes, tears rolling through my eyes, all my life I never felt so happy and excited.
He walked me to the end of the cliff. We sat at the edge that looks all over the town. He opened his backpack and pulled out boxes of burgers and two coke tins.
"How did it feel like?" he asked.
"I'm never so excited or happy about something."
"I felt like I was flying. The sound of the breeze in my ears made feel like I could feel and see it."
He smiled at me.
"What do you see now?" He asked pointing at the small town down the hill.
"Tiny town, tiny houses." I said watching the place.
He took my hands into his.
"It's the same way with problems. When you feel they are big, they look the same way. Look at them in another perspective you'll find them very tiny. It's the same way to make a line smaller draw a big one before it. I believe the big problem in everyone's life is death in front of it nothing is big."
I was really surprised to know that there is a sensitive guy in him. Everything he said was right. I smiled at him.
"Promise me that this smile on your lips will never disappear."
I nodded and leaned into him. We sat there for a while.
"Thanks for the ride and thanks for everything." I said and kissed him on the cheeks.
I promise that you'll see a different Meg from tomorrow. I thought.

I am sitting by the fireplace with a book in my hand. Dad and Mom are having a discussion on wedding, only they are not fighting anymore as they usually do. I smiled at them when someone gently kissed me on the forehead and then gently caressed my lips. I looked at him, he is in black suit, He held out his hand. I took it and he lead me through a corridor all decorated in white. I looked at myself in his eyes, I was in white wedding dress looking so beautiful and happy. I looked at him longingly and all of a sudden I saw Ryan in the groom's place. I woke up startled.
I brought the memories of last night to remember what Ryan said while I'm doing it I remembered my dream. What's wrong with me? How can I ever think of him like that? He is my friend. I repeated the last sentence in my mind many times to get a hold of my feelings towards him.
Ryan is waiting at the bus stop for me. I jumped onto his bike.
"Thanks for coming." I said.
He grinned at me.
When he dropped me at college. Emma and Jules walked over to me. I smiled at them waving my hands. I could see their astonished faces.
I was pretty much alive in the class answering every question that our teachers asked.
At noon we sat at our usual place when Mary walked towards us.
"Any guess about where your going to stay?"
I smiled at her.
"I guess it's always home with my parents."
She started saying something when I cut her off and sat in my place.
Ryan and his friends joined a little while after.
"I'm happy about the change in you so what caused this change?" Jules asked.
"Someone said that the biggest problem in life is death and I believe he is true. We can't change that but all other things we can change." I said with an air of confidence.
He squeezed my hands and I smiled at him understandingly.
"Whoever that might be. I think you shouldn't lose him." Emma said smiling.
I nodded.
In all my life time I never spent a day without stressing over something but today it's different entirely.
When I came home. Dad is flipping the channels while Stacie is playing with Bibi. She hurried to hug me when she saw me, Bibi followed her wagging her tail.
I sat beside Dad and took his hands into mine.
"Dad, everything is going to be okay. We will be a regular and happy family; Mom,Dad and their two daughters." I assured him.
I don't How much Stacie understood what I said. She started dancing around and clapping her hands mumbling 'api fa' she meant happy family.
Dad was staring at me wide eyed when I left to my room to freshen up.
The next day when I reached My stop I saw Ryan and his friends on bikes. Emma rode with Tom and Jules rode with Ed.
Boys had a race to Mom's office. Ryan won, Ed was the next one.
"We'll go and talk to the branch head. You talk to the employees and try to know everything you can." Ryan said to the others.
I tagged along with him anticipating that I would see or talk to Mom in a few seconds.
"Hello, sir."
The Manager was a stout man in mid 40's. He gave a welcome and asked us to take a seat.
"We have come to seek your help." Ryan said.
"What can I do?" the manager's voice is gentle.
"She is Meg, Her Mom works in your office, Mrs. Alice."
He paused to see any reaction on his face.
"I'm sorry but she resigned the job a week ago."
We stared at each other.
"Can you tell us anything about her? Where she left or where she is?" I asked frantically.
"I don't know may be you should try asking Ms.Lucy, she is a close friend of your Mom." he said.
"Thank you, sir."
We approached Ms. Lucy but she said that she didn't know anything and she promised to tell me if she gets to know anything about her.
There is no good luck even with others. It's like she disappeared into thin air.
We gathered at our home.
"Now what?" Jules asked.
We stared at each other when Ryan's mobile beeped. Stacie lifted it and said 'Mama'. i grabbed the phone away from her and gave it to Ryan.
Stacie cried saying 'Mama' again and again. I tried to calm her.
"I have an idea." Ryan shrieked with happiness.
"What?" we chorused.
He glanced at his mobile. I understood what his plan was
"I tried her mobile but it is switched off." I said dumbly.
"It's not that. We'll track her calls on the last day she left home then we may get some clue from it." he said.
"We'll do that." Ed and Tom offered.
"Don't worry. We'll find her." Ryan said squeezing my hands gently.
I nodded. Tom and Ed left to get track record. Jules took Bibi for a walk. Emma stayed to keep Stacie busy. I went to set lunch for them all.
"Can I help you?" Ryan asked.
" Yeah! you sit over there and talk to me while I set our lunch." I replied smiling.

Ed and Tom returned after a while. There are 20 numbers that Mom called on that day.
Each one of us tried calling the numbers in the list. No luck so far.
"Wait! I remember this no." I said seeing the last one on the list.
I hurried to Mom's room and brought her personal pocket book. I flipped through the pages until I found what I wanted.
"Here it is. It is Aunt Margarete's no. She's Mom's cousin. She lives in the next town." I said.
"I think there is clue here." Ed said.
"Why wait? Call that number." Tom said to Ryan.
"I don't think we should call her, you know if she is there she will probably leave that place before we even go after her. We'll talk to her directly. Tomorrow, we'll go." he said meeting me in the eye.
"I'm coming with you." Jules replied.
"Me too." Emma said.
"We are in too." boys replied.
"You are doing so much for me. " I started.
Jules cut me off.
"We are coming."
"Okay, I'll borrow car from Dad." Ryan said easing on the couch.
Ryan's parents are pretty rich. They are really nice people. Though I met them only thrice I took a liking to them. Ryan's Mom pampered kids. His dad is pretty cool person, He cracked jokes and laughed at his own jokes. They treated me as I'm a member of their family.

Next day, Ryan picked me up early in the morning. All the time while driving, I thought of Mom. Will she be there? If she is what should I say to convince her to come home? Will she come home? What if she is not there? Where should I go if she is not there?
I was imagining pictures of Mom and my reunion, the joy of seeing her and feeling close to her, tears of joy rolling down my cheeks.
"Meg, We are here." Ryan shook me.
My knees buckled while I alighted from the car. I tensed to take a step forward.
Ryan squeezed my hands and smiled at me.
His supporting and encouraging smile helped me ease of my tension. We knocked at the door.
None answered it.
"May be none is at home." I said tentatively.
"Let's wait some time here." Emma replied.
"We'll go and check around." Ryan offered.
Boys went to check around the house and inquire the neighbors about the residents of this house.
My hope to meet Mom is weakened by the end of tenth minute. Tears are filling my eyes. When I heard someone along the path. I raised eagerly to see who it was. A lady in mid 40's, stout and grumpy but her face had the look of amicability.
"Hello, I'm Megan. I am Alice's daughter." I said.
Her face betrayed no expression. She nodded and gestured as to move aside and then she assured us in.
She made us sit on the sofa and she hurried inside to keep her shopping bags.
She looked at me and sighed.
"You so look like her." she said finally.
I smiled at her. I could see her trouble to talk to me.
"I want to know where Mom is." I said
"I'm sorry, I didn't understand what you are saying." she said.
"You might be knowing that Mom left home and now she filed divorce. I just wanted to try to talk her out of this." I said.
"I'm sorry, darling. I didn't know anything about this." she said.
"She called you before she left home, so we thought you would tell something about her whereabouts." Jules asked.
"I'm sorry, darling. I wish I could help but I can't."
Every hope that has ever rose in my heart turned into ashes. Tears flowed uncontrollably wetting my cheeks and face all over.
Emma and Jules tried to calm down when the boys returned.
"Madam, What exactly did she speak to you when she called. There might be something that helps us." Ryan said.
"It's general, what I was doing? how my health is?" she said trying to remember her conversation.
"There must be something." Ryan pleaded.
She tried to recollect but she couldn't. Ryan sighed and helped me up to leave, obviously disappointed.
We moved away from the house with heavy hearts when Aunt Margaret called to us.
"I remember her asking about my sister's home in the Island. She said she want to talk to her and asked her for mobile number." she said.
"Thank you, Aunt." I cried happily and hugged her.
"Can we have her number?" Ryan asked.
We noted her number and address.
"What now?" Jules asked.
"Island is far away from here, We need at least a full day to go there. Let's plan it for the next weekend." he said.
I nodded. Though I very much wanted to go mow, his reasoning was true too so we drove back home.
"Hi, kids." Dad greeted us at the door.
He assured us all in.
"I think you are all hungry." he said and brought us grilled sandwiches.
"Thanks." We chorused.
"Honey, come here." Emma scooped up Stacie into her arms.
"Bibi...bibi." she shouted.
I saw in the direction where Stace pointed. Bibi is running away into the backyard of our home.
I dashed at once into the yard. Others followed me while Emma carried Stace into the yard.
if any one tried to reach Bibi she escaped through their hold and ran away. It's fun chasing her all around. Tom and Jules bumped into each other while chasing Bibi. We fell down rolling with laughter. As soon as everyone dropped to the ground panting for breath. Bibi walked amidst our group wagging her tail. We all rocked with laughter.
"Bad Bibi." Stace said into her ears.
We sat on the ground while Stace pulled pink ribbons and tried to make ponytail with Bibi's fur while she tried to escape from her. We all understood know why Bibi was running away from us. Poor Bibi it doesn't like to wear ribbons. We burst into laughter once again.

Next day was really weird and dull. None of my friends were present. May be they were tired of the journey but at least Ryan would be there. He was not there too. I wish the day was over soon.
I checked my mail there's no message in my inbox. I wondered what happened? I left them a message but no answer.
I tried calling Ryan mobile but it's been switched off. I retired to bed early thinking about them.
"Meg, wake up." someone jerked me.
I woke up rubbing my eyes stifling a heavy yawn. I shrieked at seeing Ryan in my bedroom.
"What the hell.." I shrieked.
"Meg, there's no time for this. You need to come with me." he pleaded.
"Where? Is everybody okay?" I asked hurrying to put my clothes on.
"Hurry up," He pleaded with his back towards me while I changed.
He revved up his engine. The cold blast of wind hit me chilling my senses, normally I would have dozed out but the thought of someone in trouble made me conscious all through the ride.
He stopped at his home. It's dead silent which brought me goosebumps.
"Is Jules okay?" I asked.
He dragged me towards the main door. Panic struck me at full length Jules is down with something bad that is why all my friends were absent today. That explains everything. I threw open the doors and tried to rush into her room.
As soon as I opened the huge Oak doors. The lights went on. There in the center of the hall stood my friends and Jules parents.
"Happy Birthday, Meg." They sang when a balloon of flowers burst above me.
Tears flowed through my eyes. Jules ran to hug me, One by one they greeted me. Jules parents wished me and let us ourselves to enjoy.
I cut a cake which I doubt anyone ever ate because we threw the pieces at each other and at last they applied the cake all over my face.
Later while we girls left to change, boys settled down and arranged for us a home theater picking my favorite twilight series.
Sometime in the movie I snuggled close to Ryan and fell asleep.
I slipped into my home without disturbing anyone.
"Hey, honey. Happy birthday." Dad said and pointed at the table.
"Thanks, Dad." I said unwrapping the blue cover.
Stace hugged my knees and and glanced at the unwrapped gift. She smiled when I played tune from my new mobile. She turned round and round clapping her hands, dropping to the floor at once and shrieked with laughter.
The bell buzzed announcing someone at the door.
"I'll see." I called out to dad and ran towards it.
"Hey, I thought I could drive you to college today." Ryan said smiling.
I nodded and hurried to get my backpack and tell dad that I'm leaving.
Everything went the same today, the only thing that is out of place today was, the mysterious note in my locker, with a pinned red rose.
The note greeted me 'Happy Birthday."

I thought it was from one of my friends but i was wrong.
The next days were a blur, everything went same except for the love quotes and roses in my locker. Jules and Emma teased me saying that my secret admirer is a freak.
One day when I was reading the note, Ryan stopped by my locker to wish me good day when I saw him I thought may be it was him. I don't know why but that idea really interested me.
The days were really brightening for me. I am confident that I would make Mom come with me and stay with us. There is only hours behind to see my family all together.
Early in the morning, Ryan and my friends picked me up at my stop. We left for the island, I was really in high spirits hoping to see mom finally.
We traveled almost 4 hours to reach the place. We followed Aunt Margarete's instructions which were easy enough for us to guide to the right house.
My heart thumped hard in my chest when I ran the bell. I stayed holding my breath for one long minute when I finally heard someone calling out from inside.
She was an elderly women, short and round.
"I'm Meg..."
She cut me off in the mid sentence.
"Margarete told you would come. She is in the beach." She said.
I thanked her and ran along not wanting to waste a second.
I could recognize her even from a long distance. Her blond and curly hair was dancing in the wind.
"Mom.." I cried running towards her.
When she saw me she ran towards me and embraced me, tears flowed through our eyes.
"I miss you." we cried together.
She cradled me in her arms like I was 5 again.Time was lost by just sitting and staring at each other. Words never escaped our lips. It just felt right to sit beside her and hold her hands.
Finally I brought all my courage to ask her one thing that mattered.
"Let's go home." I said squeezing her hands gently.
"I can't."
"Mom,please for my sake."
"I can't honey. It's really unbearable to have him back in my life." she said nodding her head in distress.
"What about me then?" tears welled up in my eyes.
"I'm doing a favor to you both." she said.
"No, you are not." I shrieked this time.
I got up and started pacing around the beach ranting about how we miss her in our life. She listened quietly all the time. It seems like she made up her mind to break up.
"Fine,I'm not going to give up either. I'll come her every time. try and persuade you." I said.
She gave me a weak smile and handed me an envelope.
I tore it open. Inside it was a divorce paper. My nerves failed and I went on my knees in the sand. I cried out loud when Mom tried to console me. I jerked her away. If they don't want me then I don't want them too. There is none left for me in this world. Why should I even live? I ran into the deep blue waves not realizing what I'm even thinking to do.
I let the waves crush me. I could feel my nerves failing as I gulped the large amounts of water. I faintly heard cries of people. I thought of Mom and Dad, My pain increased as I let the waves hit one more time at full blast. Then I stace and my friends together in our backyard playing with Bibi. What will happen to them, after all they love me too? What about Ryan?Jules? Emma?Stace? Will they be able to cope up my loss? May be I should live for them, that was when I was completely submerged in water. I went blank.
I felt arms wrapping around me crying for help. I tried to focus on the voice.It's Ryan. he was crying loudly for help.
"It's all because of you, she is in this state now. you are going to lose your daughter because you can't accept something that has happened in the past. Now you don't touch her."
It's Ema crying out loud. I never heard Emma raise her voice against someone. They wrapped me up in something warm.
I felt that I was being carried away somewhere.
"I didn't even tell her it was me giving her notes and roses. Now, I can never tell her that." Ryan cried.
"Don't you give up. She is not going to leave us." Jules shrieked at him.
I felt someone rubbing my feet and hands. I tried to focus on the conversation going on but I was blocked out again.
I woke up my eyes, they hurt very much. Everything was white around me. May be I was in heaven. Then I saw tables and medicines. May be I wasn't dead. I tried to move my eyes in the opposite direction. Just that movement hurt me very much.
I saw from the corner of my eye. My friends with tear stained faces, Stace sleeping in the couch and Mom in Dad's arms crying.
"She is up." I heard Ryan shrieking with excitement.
Each face hovered around my bed.
"Thanks god." Emma and Jules shrieked with joy.
"Oh, baby!" Mom kissed me.

After all Meg's efforts never went vain. Her family is together again living happily as she wished.
Her friends were angry at her first, for doing such a stupid thing but they got over it soon. As for Ryan, he was happy to have her back.Hope some day he'll tell her what she already knew.
Meg now knew that she was never alone even when she thought she is. She learned to see that no matter what happens we are never alone in this world.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.01.2011

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To my friends and family for their love and support. cover art, is from some amazing artist which I found online, thanks to him.

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