
Shadow crouched on the top most branch staring straight at the road. At last the day has come and he is going to avenge the murder of his mate.

He took out the long necklace with heart shaped pendant on it. He opened the heart locket and inside it a smiling face of a girl in seventeen peered at him.

He closed his eyes remembering her, her long copper colored hair, her tiny and fragile body, her vanilla scent and the never fading smile adding extra credit to her pretty features. It's as if she is still with him.

A car horn sounded far brought him back to present.

His face is replaced with a malicious grin now. He waited until the car is right where he wanted, He could see the red swift racing at top speed towards his target area.

He dropped right on the bonnet, the tires squealed under his weight and the car skidded to a sudden halt. Shadow brought his fangs out smiling to himself.

"It's payback time." He screeched.

He pulled out the door of the car pulling out the girl who lay unconscious on the wheel. The girl fell on his chest helplessly. The scent of vanilla flared his nostrils increasing his rage. He slapped the fragile thing in his hands and threw her over the rocks.

He reached her as if to torture her to eternity is his main wish. She lay on the floor, blood gushing out. He grabbed her neck to rip it apart, seeing her for the first time.

He stood motionless his hands on her neck. He dropped her as a limp doll and ran into the forest never glancing back.

Summer stood on the balcony gazing at the thick forest sipping hot chocolate milk. She adjusted her weight on the other leg so that it wouldn't inflict pain on her injured legs. It's been almost a week since she is found on the road by some travelers almost half battered to death. The travelers admitted her in the hospital.

When the police asked for her statement about what happened back there. She couldn't tell them anything that they wish to hear from her, she just said she was blacked out all the time which is very true. They just stared at her dubiously. After a week of rigorous investigation they decided it is an animal attack.

She sighed thinking about it. She turned to leave but she felt like someone watching her, she stared into the forest and saw a quick rustle of leaves. She nodded her head in disbelief.

Shadow stood watching the familiar figure on the balcony; she regarded the resemblance of her with her mate. When she left the balcony part of him felt like going after her and part of him wanted to kill no matter who she resembles.

"It's going to be hard than I thought." He told himself.

"Summer, it's too cold outside, come in." dad shouted.

"Yeah! coming."

She shifted her weight uncomfortable on to the other leg. She staggered into the corridor.

Summer's father Daniel is waving at her a letter, all grinning. She frowned but it hurt her so much just to do that.

"Your admission letter."

"Thanks, dad." she said taking the letter into her limp hands.

She sighed when she flipped through contents of the letter.

Summer stood watching the entire ocean of new faces, she can see them staring at her back. She sighed knowing that it takes more time to get used to this place, let alone befriend one.

"Hi," someone waved at her.

"I'm luke, you must be the new girl summer."

She smiled at him. Her beautiful blue eyes looked at him, smile spreading over the gentle lips. She tossed her golden hair thinking of what to say next. It's not easy for a boy to ignore her beauty. He smiled at her making his best effort to appeal her.

"Yes, I am. I am heading towards my English class." she said stepping lightly away from him.

He moved towards her not wanting to let her go.

"I'll show you the way." he said.
She smiled at him and followed him through the corridors.

"I'm summer." she said introducing to the blond next to her.


She introduced Summer to the other one sitting right behind her, tony. Tony is good looking but her manners are quite different, she seems more like a tom boy.

"See you at the cafeteria." Tony shouted while we headed to the next class.

<Summer's POV>

Classes passed soon enough, it is boring to listen to the same classes again. Our previous college schedule was way ahead of this one's.

We gathered our plates and sat at the middle table. Tony joined us and soon enough our table filled with many strangers.

"She is the new girl, Summer." Tony introduced me.

I smiled at them. Dark haired guy is Mark. Tall and blond one is Dan and Luke. We spoke on simultaneous topics. I felt like I’m already in the group.

"Summer, we are having a basket ball match today. Would you like to join us?" Tony asked.

Without even waiting for my answer she decided I would come. I called Dad and said I would be late. He is happy that I made friends the very first day of my college.

Dan played very well; he seems to be the hottie of this college. It's weird but he seemed to stare at me all the time if not for the match I'm sure he would sit right in front of me staring.

"I think Dan has a thing for you." Ash nudged me looking at him.

I shrugged my shoulders.

I left in the middle of match remembering that I have to do dishes and cook for dad.

I turned on the t.v after getting everything done. I must have dozed off sometime in the middle. I woke up in sofa, a blanket covered on me. It must be Dad.

"Good morning, dad." I called out when I smelled the coffee.

I hurried to college since I woke up late. They won yesterday's match so everyone in the college were in cheerful mood.

I saw Dan coming towards me.

"Party at my place today, you should be there." he said smiling.

I nodded though I doubt I would go. I kind of hate late night parties.

The day rolled of soon enough. It's like the whole
college is invited for the party. All the day people are talking about when to go? what dress to wear and so many things like.

While I am leaving Luke's car stopped right behind me.

"We'll pick you up at 7." Ash said winding the window down.

I tried to protest but I heard Tony shouting from inside.

"You are coming."

I talked to Dad he has no problem with that as long as I'll be out of mischief which I always do. I'm good kid, you know.

"You look stunning." Dan said receiving me at his front door.

"Thank you." I said blushing.

Dan is really cute and he looks so familiar to me. I wondered how I knew him before.

Dan brought me drink while I stood in his Porsche away from the party area.

"Don't you like parties?" he asked.

"I have something to show." he said and took me into a room.

He rummaged his shelf and brought out a picture frame.Closing my eyes, he put the frame in my hands.

I am shocked to see child version of me smiling at me in the picture and a boy with a dog right beside me.

Danny pointed at the little girl and then to me. He pointed at the boy and then to him. Everything got into place; why he looked so familiar.

"Danny the dog." I shrieked with joy and embraced him.

When Dad and I lived here, Danny was my best friend in those days. Because of his dog I gave him that weird name Danny the dog.

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?" I asked.

"I thought you would recognize." he said smiling.

We spoke nearly for hours about our childhood days when Tony interrupted us.

Soon the guests left us.Danny said he would drop me home so I waited for him while he went to retrieve his car from the garage.

It's really chilly outside, I have known this place for many years but I'll never get used to the cold here.

I Heard someone's honk. I tried to see which way they are moving but the fog made it difficult to see. I could hear the honk very near but I couldn't make out which way to move.

I froze right on the road when I saw the car inches away from me. I closed my eyes in fear that the car would run over me. Someone pushed me away, I still closed my eyes and panicked when two strong hands around me assured that I was safe. I peered slightly at my rescuer. I couldn't see much of his face except for his dark black eyes that are so dark as night.

When he saw me staring at him, he released me and ran into the fog, disappearing from my view. I was sorry that I couldn't even thank him.

Dan came running towards me.

"Is everything okay? I heard you screaming." He said.

"I'm good." I said and told him what happened now.

"Must be one of our college friends, we'll search for him tomorrow." he said when I said about the person.

<Shadow's POV>

It's really tough watching her so close to me. Sometimes I felt like wringing her neck and sometimes I felt like kissing her. It was a battle of two feelings in my heart and I don't know which would win at last.

I watched people worshiping her beauty and I felt like rolling them in the mud for even laying an eye on her. Cathy said that I was in love with her. No, I'm not. I have to avenge my mate and that I would do only by killing her, I thought.

When she stepped out of the car, I was really shocked to see her. She was so much like her in that dress, I stared at her all the time from the top most branches.

When the other kid took her into another room, I was so frustrated to lose one second without seeing her. I hopped onto the next tree to get a better view of the room. They were speaking about something looking at a picture frame and suddenly her face lit up with excitement and she hugged that guy. Envy burst out through my veins, I stopped myself from going and killing him.

I saw the people leaving one by one. I waited for her to come outside; she stood on the road alone. This will be the perfect time to kill her, I thought.

I heard a car honk and squinted through the fog to see who it is? The car is directly heading towards her. I turned to see her; she froze and closed her eyes in fear. I'm sure that the car would run over her if she won't move.

"Let her die after all that's what I wanted, right?" one voice said in my mind.

"Save her." The other voice said.

I sat there contemplating what to do.

"I want her to die in my own hands." I said jumping off the tree.

I pushed her away from the car. She still closed her eyes and is hyperventilating; I placed my arms around her. I wanted so badly to hug her and caress her. She peeked at me.

"Kill her, now." My voice started again.

Her beautiful eyes full of such innocence and the way she looked at me remained me so much of her. I pushed her away from me and ran into the forest once again.

"Cathy is right, I can't kill her." I said to myself.

"Still I can make her father suffer if I turn her into one of us." I thought.

Cathy overheard my thoughts.

"You can't turn a human unless they offer themselves willingly." she remained me.

"I'll make her love me and then she will one day ask for it." I replied.

Cathy sighed and sat beside me. Cathy is my sister and Matt is her mate; we are the only family left after the vampire hunters attacked our coven in which I lost my mate too.

An image flickered in my mind where my mate was lying in a pool of blood and Daniel was charging at her with a sword. Her last smile, my anger flared. Cathy and Matt gently squeezed my hands.

I am determined to make him pay for it.

<Summer's POV>

The stranger's black eye's haunted me in my dreams. We looked all over the college but couldn't find my rescuer. Day's passed by, Dan and I got really close.

I came early home to get ready for my date with Dan. I kind of have a feeling that he is going to propose today. I looked my best in blue I did my hair up.

I rushed downstairs when I remembered I forgot to lock the kitchen door. When I reached downstairs I saw a kitty at our kitchen door, she stared me right in the eye. Its gaze made me uncomfortable like it's watching me. I shushed it away from the door, all the time it stared at me. It felt really weird.

"Summer." I heard Dan calling me from the front door.

I tried to calm my nerves. I don't want to look over excited about this and I don't want him to know that I knew the surprise which spoils his fun.
"You look gorgeous." He said smiling.

We drove to nearby restaurant enjoyed the meal. I waited eagerly as to when he would propose but that didn't happen in the restaurant. May be somewhere else I thought.

"Let's walk sometime." He said.

We walked for a while and he stopped near by a tree.

"Do you remember this tree?" he asked.

"It's this place where you said goodbye to me many years back."

He knelled and took out the ring from his pocket.

My eyes were moist; I rubbed them with back of my hands.

"Summer, I don't want to lose you again. I want you in my life forever. I promise to give you everything you wish for. I promise to make you happy every day of my life. Will you marry me?" he asked.

I cried with joy and hugged him. That's the sweetest thing anyone ever said to me.

"Yes." I whispered in his ears.

<Shadow's POV>

I watched her all the time. I didn't know what else to do. I don't know how to make my first move towards her.

I saw her getting ready for a date with Dan. This Dan guy is getting on my nerves. I really feel like tearing him apart whenever I saw him going near her.

I was furious when I saw him going down on his knees. I waited patiently to see what happens next, My rage burst when I saw summer accepting him. I jumped down the tree and ran into the forest hitting everything that is in my way.
I sat on the lake where I and Nina used to come. She liked this place very much. I felt my anger drain out just by sitting there.

"It's time, I make my move. Daniel, get ready to lose the only thing that matters to you." I cried out loud.

I watched Summer slip into the bed and she smiled staring at the ring.

I waited until she is sound asleep and tip toed into her room. I made sure she isn't awake and removed the ring from her finger and returned to my tree.

She woke up yawning; she still didn't notice the ring missing. She went to wash up soon she'll find out the ring missing. It's time I make my move when she frantically rummaged all her shelves.

I smiled at the way everything is going.

<Summer's POV>
I didn't notice the ring missing until now. My heart panicked. I searched frantically everywhere but I couldn't find it. I turned upside down the whole house still no sign of the ring. My heart cried so hard. I slumped on to the sofa crying when I heard the doorbell ringing.

I hurried to answer the door wiping my tears. If it is Dan what will I say? He will be upset with me, I thought.

I answered the door; a man stood facing his back towards me.

"Who are you?" I asked.

He turned towards me. I stared wide mouthed looking at the person before me. He is strikingly handsome and almost like a hot model.

"What do you want, sir?" I said regaining my conscious.

"I believe this is someone's in your home." He said showing something in his hands.

I moved closer to look at what he is showing my ring. I shrieked with joy and hugged him which I doubt is the worst thing I have ever done. As soon as I hugged him I felt some tension build up between us, He flinched at my touch. I pulled back and looked up to him and saw his dark eyes, the same eyes that saved me. It must be him.

"Where did you find it?" I asked.

"In your lawn." he said smiling.

"I would like to thank you over a cup of coffee but I am afraid I'll be late to college." I said genuinely.
"It's okay, I have to leave too." he said ad left without a word.

How did it get there? I am sure I saw it on my finger last night, I thought. I didn't want to lose it again so I safely hid it in my jewelry box.

Three days passed by with nothing out of usual same boring classes and chat with friends. I waited eagerly for the time when I would spend my time with Dan. Its fun having him around, he makes me forget everything. Even with Dan I couldn't remove the stranger's image from my mind. He seemed to haunt all my dreams these days and on top of that I saw one day that black kitty on my window staring at me when I woke up. I freaked up to see it there.

"Does your Dad come home today?" Dan asked me.

"He called me in the morning; he seems to be tied up with some work may be one more week. I think." I said thinking about him.

I miss him. Usually Dad goes on trips and sometimes he gets so stuck up with work that he may take 2-3 weeks to return home.

Dan drops me at home every day and picks me up in the morning. I sat in the lawn trying to read for the first time after I came here.

I finished almost 10 pages when I felt like someone watching me. I turn around to see but I couldn't find anyone. This thing is getting on my nerves, I thought.

I thought of making a cup of coffee when I saw the stranger walking on the road. I ran after him thinking of what to call him. Thank god! He turned back to see me.

He flashed an alluring smile.

"Do you remember me?" I asked.

He nodded.

"I wanted to say thanks for everything."

"Would you like to have a cup of coffee?" I asked him tentatively.

He seemed to think about it for a moment and then he nodded.

I sat him in the living room when I went inside to make him coffee.

"What's your name?" He asked me.


"And yours?"


I knew this name from somewhere, I thought.

"Do you like reading books?" he said examining my bookshelf.

"Yeah! a lot." I smiled.

"Where do you live?" I asked.

"In the near by town." he said.

"What do you do?" I asked.

He flinched at my question. I tried of asking him more when Tony came into my home.

I introduced her to him. She whispered in my ears

"Oh!!!hottie. Who is he?" she snickered.

I punched her.

"Did you forget today Dan has a match." she said.

"Sorry about that, you go on. I will join you after sometime." I said.

She laughed and left without saying anything stupid and embarrassing me in front of him.

I showed him all my books. He read all those books, he looks like person born in literature.

I hurried to pick up the ringing phone.
"Honey, where are you? the match is about to start." he shouted above the cheers.

"I'm on my way." I said.

"Well! come fast."

I flipped and saw Shadow's face inches away from me. I lost balance and fell when he caught me by placing his hands around my waist. When he steadied me I was staring at his perfect features and I wanted trace his face with my fingers. He pulled me even close to him gently kissing my lips. Tickles ran all over my body and then the kiss grew deep. I was so lost in his arms when I suddenly noticed the ring on my finger.

I pulled myself back with great strength and shrieked at the top of my voice.

"Shades, I'm engaged."

His face turned even paler than he usually is. I turned away from him to make myself control. When I am calmer, I felt guilty for shrieking at him like that. I thought of apologizing to him for shrieking at him but he is nowhere. He must have left.

<Shadow's POV>

I have been watching her over the three days. She is restless even during sleep. She is lost in thoughts. I knew it has something to do with me.

I walked past her home hoping she would notice me. She did and she ran after me.

When she offered me a cup of coffee I don't want to show my enthusiasm so I acted as if I was considering her offer.

When her friend Tony whispered something .She blushed red, I felt like kissing her there and then itself.

She was as interested in books as Nina was. She left me to answer the call but I don't want to be separated from her, I stood close to her trying to hear who it was on the phone.

Dan!!!! Damn it. He's always coming in between us. I wish I could tear him apart but I promised Nina that I would never hurt a human.

I caught her from falling; she stared at me with those beautiful eyes. I longed to touch her; she raised her hands trembling and traced my features. I stood still but I couldn't contain it any longer so I pulled her close and kissed her. I could feel her enjoying it and then suddenly she grew tense and pulled away from me.

"Shades, I'm engaged." she said and turned her face away from me.

I was dumbstruck that's what Nina used to call me. It almost felt like her calling me.

I ran out into the forest and then to our place.

Her words reverberated in my mind. Could she be Nina? How’s that possible?

<Summer’s POV>

I went to the match; I wanted to apologize to Dan for cheating on him. Dan’s team won the match; I couldn’t get a chance to speak to him.

That night I had a dream of Shadow and the exotic kiss, I woke up startled. I walked up to the window but I didn’t find kitty. It became regular companion of mine in this lonely place.

I stood beside the window for sometime waiting for the kitty to come. It didn't. I slipped into the bed hoping I wouldn't see him anymore.

Days passed but I didn't see of him anymore. It was what I wished for but still my heart ached to see him at least one more time. I found these thoughts very disturbing but couldn't remove them from my head.

I was walking through the thick dense trees until I reached a lake which is very beautiful in every sense of word. Moon shone over the lake playing hide and seeks through the branches. Shadow sat at the other end, one hand in the water. He is constantly moving his hand through water causing ripples and thinking about something. He must have heard me coming so he turned towards me and flashed a smile at me. If anything is beautiful in this world that would be him. He stretched his arms invitingly.

I moved shyly and then embraced him softly. He whispered softly in my ears, "I love you."

I smiled at him and nodded. He gently kissed me.

I woke up startled rubbing my eyes to clear away the remainders of the dream. I sat quietly staring at the moon peeping through my window. When I heard kitty purring at my window sill I walked gently towards him so that it wouldn't panic and run away.

"Hi, kitty. Please don't go." I pleased.

It seemed to understand me; it sat waiting for me to come closer.

"I wish I could talk to someone but there's none to hear me out."

I sighed.

"I hate to say this but I think I'm starting to fall for Shadow. I know it's wrong because I'm engaged. What can I do? I didn't feel anything like this anytime before. It's like I know him for many years and he is always there for me. May be I'm crazy." I said shaking my head in disbelief.

Stifling a yawn, I said goodbye to kitty and walked to my bed.

<Shadow's POV>
I didn't go after her after that day. I need time to think it out clearly. At a length I decided that she'll be mine after that kiss I longed for her. I decided that I should see her.

I saw her waiting by the window; I gazed at her longingly when I heard Cathy calling for me. Hesitantly, I ran after her voice taking one last look at the figure by the window.

"This better be a good reason to disturb me." I thought.

When I reached her she is standing along with two other vampires.

"Who are they?" I thought.

"She is Mary and he is Jasper." she said.

"Their coven is attacked by the vampire hunters today and these are the only people left." she said.

"The hunt is heading towards us now. We need all support we can to fight them off." Matt explained.

Our coven is increasing in number and that makes us easy to track but Matt is true we need all the support we can. I thought about the last time when everything I held dear was taken away from me. Rage filled me.

We walked to home to tell the news about the hunt heading towards us. There are almost 10 in the coven now including us; Matt and Cathy, Jasper and Mary, Lisa and Max, Lucy and Henry, Judy and me.
We told them the news. I'm the spokesperson and the lead of the coven.
"We have to be prepared and strike with a plan before they strike us." I said.
"We need to get trained in all possible ways, we'll start our training right from tomorrow and these time victory will be ours because we have a secret weapon." He said thinking about Summer.
Next day, I went to see her and she was still wide awake staring at the window. What was she waiting for? I thought. I let myself in.
"Hey, kitty. Please don't go." She called.
Was she calling me? How could that be? Does she know it's me in animal form? My mind raced with the possibilities of her knowing me and when she said that I'm falling for Shadow.
"This is it." I overjoyed.
My plan is working, in no time she'll be mine and this time Nina will be mine and that bloody hunter will be paying for what he did to her. He thought.

<Summer's POV>

My heart was still longing to see him once. I never saw him after that day obviously he must be upset by my reaction.

Dan is getting impatient with my behavior; he keeps asking me why I am so distant these days. I tried lying but it wouldn't work because he knew me very well.

He said he would pick me up in the evening for a movie. I nodded. I walked towards my home since it's near to my college when I saw someone standing in my lawn. I ran thinking it might be Shadow.

"Hi," I called.

My head dropped when I saw its Luke.

"Can I talk with you for a moment?" he asked.

I nodded and let him in.

"Look, I don't want to intrude or something but I'm worried about Dan." He said tentatively.

I frowned. What's he speaking about?

"Dan loves you very much and your behavior these days is getting on his nerves very much which is a bad thing for team."

"He is worried about you. He thinks you're being distant from him these days. He doesn't want to lose you. If you have any problems just talk to each other." He mumbled.

Dan is really good guy, I shouldn't worry him. He loves me a lot and I should return back his feelings than having silly crushes on some random persons, I thought.

"Thanks for telling me. We'll sort it out between us." I said.

He nodded and left me to think over.

That evening Dan picked me up. We went to a movie and then to a restaurant. I forgot about everything and truly tried to enjoy with him. When he dropped me at my steps, He kissed me passionately on my lips, I enjoyed it for second and then Shadow's image flickered in my mind. I pushed him back.

"I'm sorry." I said closing the door on his face.

I hurried into my room and fell face down on the bed.

"I'm messed up." I cried.

I felt something touch my legs. I saw kitty's paws on my legs. I sat on her my laps and rubbing her fur and spoke to it.
"I'm really messed up. What did I do back there with Dan?" I said crying.

It stared into my eyes. I wiped away my tears.

"I felt like I'm cheating on Shadow when I kissed him but.." I trailed off unable to put it in words.

It rubbed it's head on my hands. I looked at it.

"What do you think I'm gonna do. I don't know whether I'll see Shadow again. Even if I say I don't know whether he'll speak to me after all that happened and what about Dan? He’s just being nice to me and me????" I said still wiping my tears.

I slept crying and kitty slept beside me over the night. It's a comfort to have her around.

<Shadow's POV>

The moment she pushed Dan guy away from her, I knew she is all mine.
I went into her room and she is crying. I tried to comfort by rubbing her hands. She sat me on the lap. It felt like heaven only I couldn't see her crying like that.
When she babbled all her emotions to me I felt like taking her in my arms and whispering her that everything is going to be good but that would spoil everything. So I slept close to her watching her all the night.

<Summer's POV>

The first thing I have to do is apologize to Dan about everything and try to be nice to him.

"I'm sorry."

"It's my fault. I should go easy on you considering how you are these days." he said smiling.

"Thanks," I said and kissed him on the cheeks.

I knew he would come. There is an involuntary smile when I saw him crossing my home today. I called after him a few times before he heard me.

"I'm sorry." I said.

He nodded and started to walk away.

"Please..... Don’t go." I insisted.

He nodded and waited for me to speak. I didn't know how or what to say.

"Coffee.." I asked tentatively.

I turned to my door. He caught me that one touch sent chills all over my body. It's same as I imagined in the dream.

"Not at your place." he said.

We went to nearby coffee shop and he seems to be nervous and constantly watching over his shoulders. May be he is still upset over that day.

"I'm really sorry about that day." I said.

"I shouldn't have screamed at you when it's not your fault. Well, not completely." I said shying away.

He opened his mouth to say something when his face went rigid and he was concentrating hard on something.

"I must leave." He said and left me not without a word.

<Shadow's POV>

I was so immersed in taking in the beauty of Summer and her words that at first I didn't hear Matt's calling for help. When I stood up and said that I have to go. Her face registered shock and hurt. I couldn't see it; she's hurt because of me still Matt's seems to be in dire need of my help. As soon as I'm out of people sight, I ran at vamp speed in the direction of Matt's voice.

It's not happening again, I thought as I saw Matt trying to save Cathy from the vampire hunter; he looked around 20's, strong muscular build, his eyes are fierce in the battle. If it's not for Matt he would kill our entire coven. The only thing that he did wrong is to not to notice me. While fighting with vampires we need to watch our back may be he is half-trained hunter.

I watched him from the tree to find his Achilles heel. All the hunters are invincible but once we know their weak point it's easy to win over them. The wicked grin replaced my lips as I found that one place.

As I launched on him from the top branch Matt stared at me in surprise. I'm sure that he spoiled the surprise for my hunt. It's late though I'm already on top of him. I used all my strength to launch a blow at the right side of his neck but I made sure it's not a killer blow. He grunted before collapsing onto the floor.

Matt charged him with a knife but I stopped him. He frowned to know what I was thinking.

"Take him to our place." I ordered.

I need to think how I should convince them his use. A while later I returned to the coven which is a cave in the woods of the forest. Cave more like a normal house. We built it here since I lost my family. We have three rooms with rock furnishes and a gathering room where we discuss and strengthen our combat skills. It's in the place where all the people are gathered, I could see their vicious looks at the thing lying down on the ground. One nod at them will tear that person into shreds.

"Why did you bring him here?" Max snarled visibly.

I raised my voice to calm them down.

"He is here for our own good."

"What good comes from saving his life when he once didn't think for taking my family lives?" Jasper snarled.

"Judy, Can you explain them?" I asked.

She nodded and got up to her feet and looked at us nervously. Judy is a special persons she sees visions of the future, I found her after losing my family. She was devastated as she lost her coven too. We took her in and one day while we are hunting. She froze in the hunting ground when the animal tried to attack her. Matt warded it off but she stood still and when she was conscious she was blabbering something like we need to leave. That's when I found about her rare gift and it's her gift that keeps us from bumping into hunters.

"The hunters are devising a plan to get rid of us from the earth. They have been thinking about this for a while. They know that we are growing strong day after day and we know the tactic to protect ourselves so they are in need of something that gives them strength to kill us."

"What plan?" Max growled.

"I'm not sure about that."

"You know now why I need this human here." I stated.

They nodded but still there are murmurs of disagreement. I hated to see when my coven doesn't agree with me.

I glanced at Judy to see how she is holding up by being near a human. We all being elder vampires we could control our thirst to an extent but Judy is the young member of the family which makes her less resistant to smell of blood. She drew her lips tightly while glancing at the hunter. Her expression was confused, she is having mixed feelings, I couldn't pin point which is the most. I could feel emotions but couldn't alter or control them. I'm the eldest of all of them that's how I manage to change forms too.

"Judy, Is everything okay?" Cathy asked.

She nodded but she is clearly confused about something. I tend to know when she is her usual quite self.

<Summer's POV>

Why did he leave like that? May be he is still upset by that day, I should ask him what's wrong. I stared at the star lit sky and there she is. Kitty slowly jumped onto my bed and sat on my laps.

"Hi, kitty. How are you?" I said rubbing its neck.

It stared at me as if to see what I would tell.

"I saw him today and invited him over a cup of coffee. I even apologized to him but he seems to be still upset by that day..."

"He left me without a word.." I sighed.

It rubbed its head against my hands comforting me.

"I wish things were never this complicated. I hate to see that he hates me." I said.

"I wish I have never met him, I'm a loser. I lost Dan and now I'm wailing over some unknown person. "I said sobbing onto the pillow.

<Shadow's POV>
I shouldn't have done that. What am I thinking? She'll know now that I'm not normal. She may even walk away from me but I couldn't see her crying over me.
When I saw her sobbing uncontrollably I wanted to cradle her in my arms and say everything is going to be okay. The urge to do it was so intense that I changed into human form in front of her not that she saw me changing; she was sobbing into the pillow.
When I touched her, she saw with wonder and hugged me crying. I didn't know what to do; I just sat on her bed whispering that everything is going to be okay. She cried for long time and drifted into sleep sometime in the middle and before doing that she kissed me gently on the lips.

<Summer's POV>

When I saw Shadow in my room with his concerned eyes all I thought was to dissolve in his warm hug. I cried all the night and he whispered sweet nothings to me. My mind was so muddled that I never thought how he came into my room until now.

I recalled last night every detail of it. I wasn't sure how he came into my room. May be got through the door just to check on me but I'm sure that I locked all the doors. May be the window? I must be crazy now how can he climb a window in third floor. I was so immersed in my thoughts that I didn't notice the kitty slipping away from the kitchen door. I called after her. It peaked at me before going out. I stared into its eyes. They are so similar to Shadow's eyes. May be Kitty is Shadow... Oh! No... I'm mental now.

What's wrong with me???????? But I'm sure they are so similar.

Instead of having wild fantasies I'll ask him about it not about him being the kitty part. How he came to my room? I even wonder if it's all a dream. I could have believed that if it hadn't felt so real.

College was practically boring, I couldn't concentrate on anything. I fidgeted with pen all the time. When the last of the period finished I let out a huge sigh.

"Do you have any plans for the weekend?" Dan asked crossing my path in the hallway.

I nodded.

"I plan to take some rest and spend time alone. I need to think over something’s" I said stressing the last sentence.

He nodded but he was hurt beyond belief, I knew it but I really need sometime alone.

I went home and waited eagerly in the lounge but he didn’t come, frustrated I left to my room. I started reading a book but that didn’t help, I tried browsing the net the loading time vexed me so I shut down the system soon enough. Seeing that I had nothing better to do, I played music and drifted off to sleep.

I woke up startled when I had the same dream. The kitty purred as I jostled it by sudden movement.

“Sorry, dear. Just a bad dream.”

The kitty purred and rubbed its head against my hands. I patted gently and rubbing its neck. I looked into its eyes, his eyes.

“Are you Shadow?” I asked absentmindedly.

The kitty jumped off my bed staring at me.

I’m crazy now, I thought rubbing my head.

<Shadow’s POV>

I can’t go to her again she is starting to question. It would be too dangerous to reveal myself and who knows how she would react but my heart contrasted the thought of not seeing her again. Well, then I’ll visit her one last time.

I made sure none is staying with her before I knocked on her door.

I saw her surprise on seeing me and she assured me in.

I gave her a bunch of red roses that I picked up on the way. She took them from my hands with a surprise on her face.

“Do you by any chance know that I love red roses or it’s just a wild guess?” she asked.

I was caught off guard; I brought them because Nina loved red roses.

She smiled sweetly and thanked me before I could even reply.

“I just wanted to make it up to you for the last time, you know. I remembered that I need to attend to something important.” I said trying to sound sincere.

She nodded though I could see that she is disappointed about something.

“Would you like some coffee?” she asked.

I pretended to read the newspaper when I’m gazing at her every movement in the kitchen counter. She seemed so vulnerable; I felt the need to protect her from any danger. She boiled the milk and stood at the counter pursing her lips, she seems to make some conversation with her mind. She glanced at me and smiled alluringly. My heart skipped with joy and felt the strong need to embrace her. How could a mere human have such impact on me?

She gave me the coffee mug; we remained silent while she made some mental thinking.

“Um.. Shadow did you come to my room the previous night?” she asked.

“No...” I said trying to sound casual.

She is not convinced by what I said she still has doubts about it. What should I do? I couldn’t risk her questioning more about it. I did the only thing that next came to my mind. I kissed her not a passionate one but enough to waver her from the topic.
I wanted to distract her more so that she wouldn’t bring the topic again. I asked her about her college, she spoke about them and our discussion turned to his dad. She said that she loves her dad so much. I growled thinking about the murderer of my mate. Good thing she took it as a sign that I’m hungry. She hurried to get us something to eat.

I caught her staring at me when I’m playing with keyboard. She blushed red. The monster in me took over and I reached for her dragging her deep into my embrace and kissing her passionately. She complied with me. It felt good. This time none saw the need of breaking the perfect moment.

The phone rang bringing us back to the world. She hurried to it.

“Love you, Dad.” I heard her when she clicked off the phone.

Anger burst through my veins as I heard his name. I tried to rein my anger.

“I have to leave. “ I said.

Her face was down when I said that. This is the perfect time to say goodbye I mayn’t have the strength for later.

“I just came by to say good bye.” I said.

She instantly looked at me horrified.

“What?” she asked puzzled.

“I’m moving away to some other town on business purpose.” He said.

She slumped on to the couch catching her head in her hands. I instantly felt the urge to console her but I remained quiet.

“When?” She asked.

Her voice gave it away. She is fighting hard to restrain her tears.

“Early morning.”

“Will you stay here for at least this night?”

She was almost begging me too. I couldn’t resist the offer. I don’t want to be desperate so I acted like I was thinking and nodded after sometime. She smiled half-heatedly. It tore my heart to see her in pain.

What’s wrong with me? First I wanted to kill her and then I thought it’s better to change her and now I even abandoned the thought of it. The worst thing is I don’t want her to suffer from any pain then how am I going to avenge my mate?

We talked most of the time. She said about how her dad leaves her all the time alone and about her mom who died long ago. I doubt if she knows how her mom died. A vampire killed her for her blood. She said that it’s an accident that took her away. I nodded. She spoke about Dan at the mention of his name my stomach tightened. When I asked about her ring she said that she needed some time to think over their relation. I know about how she felt that she is betraying him by having feelings towards me, she spoke to me the other night when I curled up in her laps. She spoke about her friends tony and others whom I never saw or wanted to.

When she asked about me; I said that I lost my parents in an accident and I have a sister Cathy and she is married to matt. I didn’t give her the whole truth. I tried to avoid her questions by asking her loads of questions. Like favorite color, movie, place, food, book and it’s a wonder how most of her tastes are similar to Nina’s. May be it’s her born for me again or how else would she call me shades? I shoved that thought aside this is not helping me.

<Summer’s POV>

I know it’s wrong to ask him to stay at home when dad isn’t here but I wanted to spend some more time with him since he is obviously leaving me the next day. We talked most of the time, there’s something wrong about his personal life whenever I would try to learn more about him. He distracted me with another question.

I lay on my bed thinking that one floor below me Shadow is lying on his bed. I snuggled into covers and watched the window for kitty. It came when my eyelids were heavy and about to doze off. It snuggled closer to me.
I was walking through the same place and I sneaked around to wait for Shadow who for some sort of reason is not here today. I hid myself inside a bush and stared at the place where I usually see him. I began to feel tired as none came then when I’m about to get out from my hiding, I saw kitty coming close to the pond. My face elated on seeing her I reached out for her and as soon as I made a step towards it changed to Shadow. I smiled at him and ran into him, kissing him.

“Now.” I said.

He smiled crookedly and leaned on to my neck and bit before I knew to shriek. I woke up shrieking still bits of nightmare hanging to my conscious mind.

I felt someone rubbing my shoulders and whispering to calm down. I looked up and saw Shadow staring at me concerned. By sheer instinct I shook his hands away crying “Don’t bite me. Please…”

I shivered at the thoughts of the dream. I saw him appalled and realization of what I had done dawned me. I hugged him crying hard.

He sat on my bed and cuddled me whispering to calm down. It felt weird you know it’s him that I feared in my dream and it’s him in real that comforted me now. Strange, isn’t it?

I woke up as the sun rays hit me and saw my bed empty except for me. I ran downstairs hoping that Shadow wouldn’t leave without saying a proper goodbye. Thank god, he is here.

“Good morning.” I wished.

He smiled brilliantly.

“I would like to show you some place before I leave.” He said.

“Sure. I’ll go get ready.” I said hurrying up.

I’m happy that he is going to spend some more time with me.

When I came down he is already setting us breakfast, I munched on it as fast I could. He laughed at me for being so excited like a child.

We set out into the forest. What place would he want to show in a forest? We walked for almost 15 min before he said to close my eyes. I did. He led me through trees and asked me to open my eyes. I slowly opened my eyes taking in the surroundings one by one.

“God! This can’t be true.” I shrieked.

He mistook my apprehension as excitement.

All my nightmares rushed into my mind as I took in the place. It’s the place where I meet him in my dreams. Shadow was standing at the exact spot where he always does in dreams.

“Summer” I heard a familiar voice.

I turned in the direction of voice and saw dad emerging through the trees.

“Dad” I shrieked with joy and ran to hug him.

“You shouldn’t be here.” He said sternly.

“Sorry, my friend brought me here to show this place.” I said.
He frowned.

“Where is he?” he asked.

I turned to introduce Shadow to dad. He is nowhere to be seen, I ran hectically around but he is nowhere. I wonder where he is gone, he was here a second ago and how could he leave so fast or why did he leave anyway all of a sudden?

“I’m sorry, dad. He is here a moment ago, I don’t where he went.” I said irritated about shadow’s behavior.

“Let’s go home.” He said.

He is carrying something like a spear hanging to his back.

“What was that for?” I asked.

“To be protected from animals.”

I saw few more members joining us as we walked away they all are carrying the same thing. Something is wrong. Why is dad even here when he has to be in city for work? Where did Shadow go? Who are these people?

It’s good that others left us alone, they took leave of dad and he spoke something to them.

I hugged him once more. I realized how much I missed him.

“I’m hungry. Will you prepare something for me?” he asked.

I nodded. He went to his room to get refreshed.

“How was your college and friends?” he asked warming up for conversation.

I spoke how much I enjoy company of my friends; I spoke about Dan and asked why he didn’t say about him. He said that it would spoil fun. I told him about Shadow and kitty. He is more interested about Shadow. He asked me whether if he was the friend that I spoke about at the lake. I nodded. He rubbed his chin absentmindedly which meant he is thinking about something.

“Summer, will you promise me something and I don’t want you to question me back?” he said.

I nodded.

“I don’t think you should be friends with Shadow.”

I frowned but I promised I wouldn’t question him so I left it that way. I said that I won’t question him about this but I can ask others right.

“How come you are here?” I started but was cut off in the middle sentence.

“I’m sorry but I should leave now.” He said.

“You just came.” I mumbled.

“I know sweetheart but there is some work unfinished.” He said.

He packed his backpack with some things and kissed me goodbye.

“Remember don’t go to forest and don’t talk to him.” He said.

I nodded.

Around noon I heard my doorbell buzzing. I ran wishing it would be Shadow. I was surprised to see Dan with a backpack on his shoulders.

“Hi,” he said allowing himself in.

I frowned at him.

“My dad is leaving to town and I’m alone in that big house so I thought I could spend here some days.” He said.

Dan is never good at lying. The thing he told is well rehearsed.

“You know Dan, you are never a good lair.” I said waiting for him to tell the truth.

He raised his hands in defeat.

“Your Dad wants me to babysit you and he didn’t say anything else.” He said.

I was shocked.

“You shouldn’t worry; I can take care of myself.” I said carefully choosing my words.

“I made a promise to him and Dad so I can’t back out now. I’m sorry that you don’t like it.” He said sadly.

“It’s not that I don’t like your company but the idea of babysitting is gross.” I said.

He laughed and his childish smile made me want to forget everything else. We played games and chatted. It’s good to have him.

<Shadow’s POV>

How did everything go so wrong? Everything went fine until her father interrupted us. His presence only means that we have to be prepared for the attack. I can’t see Summer anymore at that mere thought sadness loomed over me.

“The hunters in the area, we need to prepare for the attack.”

“Can’t we strike them before they do?” Max pointed.

“We are not sure still what the weapon is. We can’t risk our numbers and this place gives us advantage in battle, they are not well versed with roots here.” I explained.

Max disagreed with me, his hands have been itching to fight. I smiled at him.

“Patience, brother.”

“We need to train ourselves to face the worst.” I said.

They nodded and piled up into the main room.

I saw Judy sitting beside the human. She leaned against the wall and closed her eyes. I patted her shoulders and when she saw me she slightly twitched, she is hiding something.

“Walk with me; I have to talk to you.”

She stood and glanced at the human and unwillingly followed me out.

“What’s on your mind? May be I can help you.” I said.

“It’s just I haven’t been so close to a human before without drinking his blood.”

“You know that it’s not true.” I said.

She is struggling hard; her emotions are filled with guilt, confusion, anger and love. Each passed through her for a second which made it difficult to pinpoint the greater one.

“You know I’ll be always there for you.” I said.

She nodded.

“Did you find out their plan? Did that mutt tell you anything about it?” I asked.
I could feel that I hurt her feelings but why?

I walked her back home; she is worried about something now. As soon as we entered the room she ran to sit beside the human. I gazed at her from the corner, she closed her eyes and tried to concentrate on something but when someone went close to her and she opened her eyes startled and looked at the helpless figure beside her. The way she looked at him made no sense.

“You are right, she loves him.” Cathy said sitting beside me.

I thought about it but knowing that’s true is entirely different.

“She saw him coming and that one day they would end up with each other.” Cathy said.

She tenderly touched him and offered food but he scowled at her which hurt her more than anything.

He threw away the food from her hands but she smiled at him and gave him the tray again and again.

“Do you want to die?” Max asked him ferociously.

“I have no fear for you.” He smirked.

“Perhaps, you will when I hit you.” He said raising his hands to launch a heavy blow.

Everything happened so fast, Max brought his hands to hit him but instead of it reaching the human the blow was tackled by Judy. She let out a huge gasp as she landed against the wall in the far corner. Cathy ran to help her.

“Stupid girl.” Max shrieked stomping away into his room.

Cathy shoved her onto her feet.

“What’s your name?” I asked the bewildered human.

“Alan.” He said reluctantly.

“You better watch out.” I said.

Judy sat by her post again closing her eyes.

In the evening when I passed by them, I saw him talking to her and munching on the food. Though he is talking he is having trouble to do so. I wouldn’t blame him because we are his natural enemies.

Days passed by, there is no sign of the hunters. My team is beginning to vex since they couldn’t have much fun waiting here. Judy and Alan seem to like each other. She spent most of the time with him. I could feel his tension subdued and he cared for Judy now.

As for me, my heart hurt whenever I thought of Summer which I do every second of the day.

<Summer’s POV>
There is something very wrong going on. Kitty, Shadow and Dad seemed to completely disappear. Every day I sat in the lounge waiting for him and at nights I stared at the window to see the familiar black figure rolling on the window sill in vain.

Dan is most of the time at her home. He only left her alone few minutes a day.

"Summer, do you have any picture of your mom?"

I frowned.

"It just occurred to me that I never saw her let alone a picture of her." he said.

She thought of her mother tried to picture her in mind but couldn't and then she remembered that she never saw her.

"May be dad have a picture of her somewhere in his old files." I mumbled.

I'm really bored to death. Why not search for it. I thought.

"Let's go and see." I said.

"No, it's okay. You don't have to trouble yourself over it." Dan replied.

"I haven't seen her too. I never thought of it not even when dad is away." I said.

“We have nothing else to do then why not search for it.” I pleased.

We brought down the stacks of files that dad kept in the attic. I flipped through contents of files most of them are some business documents. I grew frustrated as nothing turned out.

“May be he keeps it in his shelves or drawers or beneath the mattresses.” Dan thought out loud.

“You go and search them.” I said.

I just wanted to take a last glance to make sure that I left nothing. I stood stretching my legs and saw a red color file below the bed. I opened it and there is world map stuck to the first page and crosses were marked with red ink at random places. The next page has many names written in serial order and all crossed at the end. I squinted through the pages there are some pictures and names all written in the same script and pictures were pinned to the pages. I saw the pictures and someone struck the faces of person in the pictures with red ink. Who would do that? I thought. I turned the next page and I noticed the same for many pages, list of names and pictures oddly struck across the faces. The odd thing about the pictures are they were all taken when they people in it are busy doing some work, it’s like they took the pictures without their knowledge. The last one picture is different in it three faces are left without being struck. I didn’t find mom’s picture in any of it so I threw it aside. I stood up to go away when something caught my attention. I slumped on to the floor and grabbed the red file, I gazed at the familiar figure in the picture, I rubbed my eyes unable to believe that I am seeing it right. Shadow stared at me from the picture and it was him, I am 100% sure of it.

“Did you find anything?” Dan asked.

I quickly hid the file back as a reflex.


“Um…. Dan will you put them back. I’m having a headache.” I said.

“Summer, don’t worry. If we can’t find her picture here may be it will be at my home. You know our families have been friends since like forever.”

He thought that I was disappointed about not finding mom’s photo. I’m kind of disappointed about it that’s true but at this time I’m more interested about the picture and the file.

I ran into my room and shut the door behind making sure he wouldn’t come. I took out the picture again. It’s him, okay. My eyes darted to the date on the right corner of the picture March 1970. Something is fishy here; if it’s dated around 1970, then Shadow in the picture must be now in his mid 50’s but the Shadow I see today is much like the person in the photo, the same pale skin, the same weird yet beautiful eyes, not even a day over it. May be he is his father, I thought. I fell onto the pillow since the mystery is solved.

I thought about Shadow and our time together, our first kiss, his first night here and our casual talks.

That’s when I remembered how Shadow flinched at the mention of his family name. May be I could find a clue as to why he felt like that, I didn’t find anything except the names, this sure doesn’t help I thought. I read word to word from top to down. When my eyes flicked to the end of the page, I saw in small letters at the footage in spidery handwriting “West Hills Coven”

Coven? That one word struck me odd. What does it mean? You mean, coven? like vampires coven? My mind raced with all the possibilities.

"Summer, do you need medicine for your headache?" Dan called from behind my door.

I shoved the file and pictures under my bed and opened the door for him.

"I'm good. I just need to rest." I said.

He sat with me until I was fast asleep holding my hands. Dan knew about my nightmares he is with me almost every night since he came here.

"Summer,wake up." Dan called.

I hurried through the rest of the stairs.

"I have a match today. I don't want to be late." He prodded me.

"I am having a bad headache. I need some rest, you please go on." I said.


He called Luke and said that he won't come. I practically let my mouth hanging open. I had something on my mind that I want to do alone that's why I lied him and now I'm completely trapped.

"Why did you cancel the match?"

"It's not important than you." he said firmly.

"Oh! come on. It's just a headache."

"Besides your friends need you in the team to win, you are the key player."

"They can do well without me." He assured searching the first aid box for my medicine probably.

"But they can do best with you on their side."

It's really great to have a friend like Dan. I mean who would cancel their match for a backstabber like me?

"You should go. I can take care of myself. Please…"I said kissing his cheeks gently.

"I'll go but promise you'll be safe." he said.

I nodded and tugged him to make a move.

I went through the names of the west hill coven and their pictures again and again. What struck to me was this. Didn't Shadow mention that he has a sister Catherine and brother in law Matt; Weirdly their names are on the list. I stared at the ruined pictures

I should talk to him. How???I grabbed my jacket and ran towards the forest.

<Shadow's POV>

I couldn't wait any longer to see her and feel her in my arms. I felt restless as the days passed by without seeing her. Mean while members in the coven worked hard they won't back up until all the hunters die, I'm positive about it. Speaking of hunters, Judy and Alan are in love. They didn't admit it but I know it because of my power. Cathy says that they are up to something. She caught glimpses of their plan in their mind but they are keeping her out purposefully by thinking about random things.

I nodded. May be they are planning to elope?

She shrugged. Even if they do, I know he will keep her safe and she him. She nodded.

Cathy left me and huddled close to Matt, slapping him playfully for his stupid comments. Everyone in the room is in pairs now. Each emotion shrieked out loud; lust and love which took me back to Summer.

I have to go away; I thought and briskly stood up and walked away. I went in the way where my legs took me. It's little later that I realized I'm on my way to the lake.

If I'm going to be there may be its safe to be in animal form, I thought and transformed into kitten.

<Summer's POV>

I stumbled through the forest. I thought I was lost for a second but something in me said to walk... walk..

Finally, I caught the glimmer of water on the green leaves and I knew that I'm so near to it. Part of the plan is successful but will he come? I waited for almost an hour still there is no sign of him. I am flustered; I stood up peeking all the corners for any movement. It's nearly time Dan is home. He will be upset and worried about me. May be this is all a bad idea, I thought.

I turned to go away when I heard rustle of the leaves. I turned to see kitty coming towards the lake, a feeling of dejavu, I hid behind the bushes trying to make sense where I had seen this.

The kitty looked straight at me, even though I wouldn't be seen through the thick bush that covered me. I shrugged off the feeling and waited...

I stared at it, there's impossible smile on the kitty's face. At first I didn't notice the changes but soon I saw that its paws turning into feet and its whole body expanding.


Shadow stood in front of me, his perfectly carved face, a grin on the face and everything about him is god like. I pondered on the feelings for a while.

"Summer, I know you are here. Come out,please." He said in his intoxicating voice.

How did he know? That's when I resolved the feeling of dejavu, I'm in my dream again. I walked towards him as if I’m in trance. He held out his hands and I reached out tentatively. He pulled me closer staring into my eyes, I waited for the writhing pain that comes from my neck now but nothing happened. He leaned closer to me. Now... I thought.

He inhaled my scent and I felt his lips touching my smooth skin under the neck. Now.. I thought again. He kissed me gently and pulled himself away.

It's not how the dream went, I screamed in my head. I'm not sure why I was so upset about it, I mean none would like pain but I must be psycho to enjoy it and feel welcome of it. I smirked about my thoughts.

Shadow smiled and all my stupid thoughts fled off and I found myself in his arms once again. We sat on the edge of the lake. I removed my sandals and put my legs in the water allowing the cold water to calm my senses. Shadow took my hands into his, gently rubbing on the back, he stared at me. I leaned onto his shoulder. I didn't know how much time we passed sitting absolutely still like that.

I felt Shadow straighten up and glancing around nervously and a few minutes later he relaxed.

"Cathy, please don't spy on me. Show yourself." He said in barely audible tone.

I wondered who he is speaking to and who could listen a barely made whisper.

"Sorry, brother. Didn't mean to do that. We are just worried." a musical voice rang.

I heard the rustle and glanced in that direction. A young girl walked out of the canopy of trees, all angels like in normal human dress. Another rustle and then a boy emerged from the shadows. He is almost god like too but nowhere near to the man have I held now. They looked at me and gasped.

“Nina…” She cried in joy.
The young boy protectively placed his arms above the girl’s shoulders. What was he protecting her from? Me? An involuntary thought occurred. I dusted it off.

Shadow stood on his feet and pulled me up gently. I leaned even more close to him inhaling his sweet scent.

"Summer, this is my sister, Cathy and brother Matt." he introduced them.

They smiled at me but kept distance between us as possible as they could.

She nodded to Shadow as if he said something to her. Did he?

She took few nervous steps towards me, I smiled and extended my hands towards her. She brushed it off and hugged me fiercely. Wow! she is strong though she looked fragile. Shadow squeezed her shoulders and she let me go embarrassed.

"Sorry." she said.

"No problem." I smiled.

“I think you should go, it’s getting late.” Shadow said.

She smiled and glanced at her watch.

“Oh my god! I’m late.” I said.

I gave him a quick peck on the cheeks and left running towards my home.
“Thank god, you are here.” Dan cried hugging me in the doorway.

“Um… Dan. Will you put me down?” I asked.

“Where did you go?” he asked.

“I needed some things so I went to the store.” I said.

He is not convinced by that but he left it like that. Thank him for that.

I went to my room and fell face down on the pillow. I thought about how serene it felt to hold him and be near to him. Now that I’m away from him more questions popped up into my mind. I wondered how I accepted the fact that he is the kitty all the time. I didn’t even freak out, I mean I behaved like it never happened at all may be I’m not in right mind. I think it’s his magic whenever I’m near him I think absolutely of nothing. It’s just him.

So, Shadow changes into kitty, is he a shape-shifter? I wonder what other forms he can change into. I picked up the red file to look at his picture, there he is standing and smiling alluringly. Something caught my eye; the other two people in the picture whose face isn’t struck are indeed Matt and Cathy. My mind reeled at the revelation. How come they too didn’t age? This is absurd. Why did Dad keep all these files? What are these records exactly? I thought he works in some random company as employee but this list have nothing to do with his work. Something is really wrong!

I threw the file frustrated on the bed when I saw a letter falling from the file on my bed. I opened it gingerly not wanting to see any more surprises.

Dear Daniel,
Congratulations on wiping out the entire region from them. I have good news for you, we killed the vampire who killed your wife, I know you wanted to do it yourself but we didn’t have any other choice. But know this mate you have restored peace to your mate.

What’s the letter about? The vampire who killed your wife what does this mean? Mom died in a car accident? Vampire? Did I see it right? My mind raced with the new findings.

“Summer.” I heard Dad shrieking at the top of his voice.

Dad! When did he come home? Why is he shouting? I ran downstairs.

“Where did you go?” he asked.

I saw Dan mouthing a sorry. He must have told dad when he got worried about me.
“I went to the store.” I mumbled.

“I want the truth.” He demanded.

“It is the truth.” I said.

He realized that he won’t get anything out of me if he is that way so he calmed himself down.

“We promised to not to keep secrets.” He replied.

“You tell me that when your whole life you are holding a secret life behind me.” I shrieked throwing the papers at him from the red file.

I could see his face registered shock. I didn’t know why I did that may be the frustration about not being able to know about Shadow more or the unanswered questions or how Dad has something to do Shadow and I didn’t know what.

“Where did you get that?” he asked.

He slumped on to the chair and caught his head in his hands.

“May be it’s time she knows everything at least that would keep her away from danger.” Dan said.

So, Dan has a part in this too. He lied to me. I always thought he is my friend.

“The business we do is just a way of living but we are born to be something else..” he waited for me to respond but I didn’t I was too furious to do anything.

“When your mom died in a mysterious circumstance, I never understood how it happened that’s when Dan’s father told me about the vampires. The way he explained everything fell into place with the circumstance of yours mother death. He asked me to join the hunters pack because I wanted so bad to avenge her and when I did, I just wanted none to be ever hurt like that so I became one of them.” He sighed.

I was crying aloud, I didn’t know that Mom suffered a bad fate. My dad sat squeezing my hands gently. I cried hugging him.

“I thought it’s not good for you to know the dangerous world that we live in, that way you would be safe. How I was wrong?” he said.

Something struck to me.

“Those papers…” I mumbled.

“ Yes, they are the list of the vampires that we killed and their pictures.”

“You didn’t kill all of them in the pictures.” I mumbled.

He frowned at me.

“I mean some are still alive.” I mumbled.

My father quickly grabbed the pictures.

“Is your friend from the lake in these pictures?” he asked.

I nodded.

“Show me.” My dad ordered.

I pointed towards his picture trembling.

“I knew.” He shouted and ran to make some urgent calls.

I went into my room and stared at the ceiling. In a few seconds the world turns upside down. Tears silently escaped running through my cheeks. My Shadow is a vampire, I concluded.

“Summer, can I talk to you?” Dan asked tapping the door gently.

“Go away, “ I shouted.

“I’m sorry.” He said.

“You hid things from me when I thought you are my best friend.” I shouted.

“Didn’t you do the same? You were seeing a guy all the time and tony is the one to tell me not you.” He slapped.

He is right. I have been cheating him too but I did this so that he wouldn’t get hurt because of me and he did the same thing to me.

“I’m sorry.” I said hugging him.

“I feel like stupid everybody hid things from me even the one I loved so much.” I said crying.

He cradled me in his arms while I cried to sleep.

Dad woke me up in the early morning. I tagged along him to the lounge. Dan was already there with a newspaper in his hands and three cups of coffee on the table.

“Before I go away, I wanted to talk to you.” He said.

I nodded.

“Now that you know who your friend really is, please stay away from him. Vampire’s have the power to lure you into their trap by faking the feelings as love. You just have to be strong enough to keep away from him. “he stated.

I nodded mutely.

“Dad, what they show in films is that true?” I asked.

“Yes, they drink blood of humans and kill them brutally for blood.”

“I don’t think there any Cullen like vampires here in real world.” He smirked.

I nodded, that’s exactly what I have been thinking about.

The way I felt about him is only his mere trick on me? Something told me it’s not.

Days passed by but the feelings for Shadow never changed though in front of them I acted as if I did. Dan is my constant companion these days he tried to cheer me in every way he could think of.

I went into my room thinking of shadow for the umpteenth time. Everything and every place reminds me of him. I stretched on the bed when I felt something on the pillow. I sat up and saw a chain with heart shaped locket lying on the pillow with a note.

It’s always been yours and I’m only returning it to you.

What does he mean by that? I took the locket into my hands and examined it. I wore the chain to my neck. I left the note safely tucked under my bed.

“Nina, please don’t leave me.” Shadow cried hugging to my limp body.

“Shades, Go, please… protect Cathy and Matt.” I said kissing on his forehead and shoved him away.

“I can’t leave you.”

“You have to. There is a responsibility for you and I’ll come back for you.” I promised though she didn’t believe that.

I removed the chain around her neck and gave it to him and asked him to keep safe, I watched the locket from her eyes and it’s the same locket that Shadow gave to me today.

Shadow cried hugging her and gave a passionate kiss on her lips for the last time.

I woke up startled that is really weird. I sat up making head or tail of the dream. May be it’s my future and I’m going to die? At the thought my stomach clenched. I’m forgetting something here I remember him calling me Nina and I heard that name somewhere else. Where? I thought about it picking my food.

Over the classes and over the lunch practically every minute I thought about where I heard it. At last as if a lightning struck I knew where I heard it. Shadow sister Cathy called me with that name and with that thought I thought of something else too.

I ran to my room as soon as I’m home. I opened the file and flipped through the contents. Here it is, Nina her name on the list. When will the surprises stop? It’s like my whole life is Boo! Surprise!

I was fidgeting with the chain thinking about what this all meant when the chain opened and revealed two pictures one heart contains Shadow and the other Nina I thought. So, Shadow has a mate in his previous who is so much like me and her name is Nina. For some reason she died and she must be some spirit showing me her life as dreams to me. What does she want from me?

“Summer,” I heard Dan calling which brought me back from my reverie.

“Your dad wants us. Get ready.” He called.

Now what? Another surprise? I dressed myself quickly and ran downstairs, we rode Dan’s car a while later we stopped in front of a farm house.

“What’s he doing here?” I thought aloud.

Dan shrugged his shoulders. I felt something weird about this place. I moved closer to him for protection. My nerves weakened as I went inside this place screamed of death.

“Summer, this way.” My dad called.

I tagged along him. We went into a room and we saw cages on both sides made of hard steel and I thought they are empty until I saw a movement in one of the cage. I glanced sideways to see what animal it is. I heard snarls emitting from the cage, I raised my eyes to see what it is, It is a human but something about him is wrong, He is animal like and has bloodshot eyes. I flinched on seeing him.

“Nina….” Someone shrieked from the behind cage.

I turned to see him but Dad hurried me into another room.

“Dad someone called me back there.” I mumbled.
“They called Nina.. not Summer.” Dan pointed.

But I am Nina; an involuntary thought occurred I ignored it.

“Why did you ask us to come here?”

“I wanted to show how dangerous these creatures are.” He replied.

We sat in front of a mirrored room and a girl of my age was tied in straps against a wooden board. She looked in pain and a boy was holding her hands unwilling to move away from her. Another person fully covered in some metallic suit, moved close to her and took her hands gingerly and injected a red color liquid. She flinched at first and the person holding the syringe moved back. The girls brow creased and she began to whimper in pain and a while later she was rolling on the wood emitting ear piercing cries all the while the boy stayed comforting her but she was tossing up and down around the board and the bands that held were beginning to tear off under the pressure. She broke free at last and tried to escape when the persons above her tried to shoot more injections at her. She threw the things around her all the enduring the pain. She broke through the doors running when the boy tried to stop she bit her in the neck drawing blood.

I gasped in horror but the boy gently caressed her on the cheeks and she instantly withdrew from him and ran away before she did that she looked at him. She was in pain; I think it’s not because of the injection but because of hurting him. The boy staggered on to his feet and I saw dad running towards her carrying a spear that I saw previously. I ran after him though Dan tried to stop me.

She was running through the corridors but the pain was too much for her so she fell right on the floor and writhed in pain. Dad ran towards her, He raised the spear targeting her head. I stared at the figure on the floor and to my utter astonishment. Instead of her I saw myself there as I was in my dream. I let out a shrill cry calling Shades and collapsed on to the floor.

I woke up and I was in a room that I didn’t recognize, why am I here? It all came back to me, I shivered. They were not just dreams but memories of my past. Nina is never a spirit but it’s me. I was trying to collect my memories from my past life through dreams. I felt tense, happy and many things altogether.
I heard someone crying beside me, I pulled away the cover and saw the boy who was bitten lying beside me.

“The girl, did she die...” I stammered.

The boy was shocked to see me talking to him.

“I convinced them to wait until morning hoping there would be changes taking place during the night.” He sighed.

“What if the changes don’t take place?”

“They will kill her brutally. It’s my entire fault I shouldn’t have convinced her into coming here. I never thought of this side though she insisted me to. “He babbled.

“Can we save her?” I asked.

He was shocked to hear that.

“We can take her away in the night that is the only thing we can do. I doubt I could do that.”

“I will help you.”

We devised a plan for the rest of the night. I pretend to be in deep sleep while Dad came in so that he wouldn’t take me home. When everyone left, Alan went out and made sure they are sound sleep.

I recovered keys from my dad’s desk and gave it to him. He went into the room tentatively afraid to see her condition. She was in deep sleep when he woke her up.

“We are leaving. “ he said.

She looked surprised at him and nodded. He caught her hand and lead her out, She was slightly taken back when she saw me but he assured her. I went first and signaled them to come when the coast was clear. She was trying to control her pain by biting her lips. I felt sorry for her. Dad wanted to show me how cruel they are but it turned out that vampire hunters are the cruel ones. I felt chills creep up my spine when I entered the cages room.

I searched familiar face that called me.

“Nina..” I heard someone whispering.
I saw a man in mid 40’s looking at me with those astonishing black eyes.

“Charlie…” I cried wrapping my hand around his , the wire doesn’t seem to separate us.

“How? Why?” He stuttered.

I tried every key that’s in my hand but the lock didn’t open. Other vampires started to stir, Alan hurried me. I focused the beam of light and found and iron rod. I tried to pry open but it didn’t budge. I heard someone's footsteps coming towards us.

Alan tugged my hand to come. I looked at Charlie his face dropped.

“I promise I’ll come back for you.” I said.

He gave a weak smile.

We ran into the night at full speed, I let Alan guide me the way. I waited to catch my breath for a second.

Though she is in pain, she looked at me.

“The coven is just a few meters away.” She assured.

We ran again until we reached some cave hidden well beneath trees. She let out a huge gasp before she fell on to the floor.

“Help…” Alan cried.

Almost nine vampires hurried in a second to her side. I wasn’t surprised to see Shadow, Cathy and Matt in them.

“Can you heal her?” Shadow asked the bear like person beside him.

“What happened?” He demanded Alan.

“They injected anti- venom into her but it didn’t work.” He cried.

"I told her not to believe him. He murmured checking her." bear like person mumbled.

“I need to draw the anti venom out.” He said.

They gave space to him. I didn’t know what to do; I heard someone snarl and looked at the direction of sound. Someone was ready to pounce at me. Before I could feel her blow Shadow whisked her away. The three people stood protecting me in circle. They hurried me into what seems to be like a room with rock furnishings.

“Shades, I’m sorry I didn’t recognize you soon.” I said hugging my love of the two lives I had.

He frowned and in reflex moved away from me.

“I promised that I would come back. Wasn’t that my last promise to you?” I asked.

He stood there recollecting my last words to him. His face brightens as he realized what is going on. He scooped and kissed me all over until I’m out of breath.

“Sorry,” he pulled himself away.

“It’s okay.” I giggled.

“It’s her.” Cathy screamed hugging me.

“You never learn to control emotions.” I said.

“It’s you…”she cried again.

Matt smiled at me, I high fived him that’s what I used to do when I was Nina. He grinned.

“We’ll leave you two to catch up but remember I want time with her too.” Cathy called out loud.

“How…”Shadow stuttered.

I sat on the rock bed gesturing him to sit beside me. I lay in his arms while I narrated him everything from the day I left him in the lake. He was playing with my curls all the time I doubt he even heard a bit of what I said.

“I saw Charlie in that house.” I said remembering it for the first time.

“What? It couldn’t be.” He shrieked with joy.

“’I promised to go back for him.” I said.

“The hunters killed him when our coven was attacked.”

“Obviously not, I swear that I saw and he recognized me too.” I said stubbornly.

He stood and in one swift movement he is out of the room and later he came in with Matt and Cathy.

“Is this true, you saw Dad?” Matt asked wide eyed.

I nodded.

“What did they want from him and why did they let him live?” he asked.

“It’s not just Charlie there are many others trapped in cages. I saw them; they are using them for some sort of experiments.” I sighed remembering the girl’s pain.

“What experiment?” he asked.

“I don’t know may be Alan could tell us.” Cathy supplied.

We went into the main room where everyone gathered, Judy was lying on the floor and her face looked peaceful.

“Is she alright?” I asked.

Shadow nodded.

“Alan, what were the experiments for?” Shadow asked all business like.

“They are anti venom; it’s the venom that created you so they thought of creating anti venom that can change you back.”

“Is that why they held others prisoners? To experiment on them” I thought out loud.

I heard a few gasps when the others took in what she said.

“Yes.” Alan mumbled.

“Shades, we need to get them out. That anti venom is really excruciating and it would kill them.” I managed to say.

They all nodded in unison.

“Your dad will be careful this time he will tighten the security.” Alan said.

“Wait, whose dad? And who is she?” Lisa asked.

“Summer’s dad is the vampire head hunter.” Cathy said.

“Why is she even here?” Max growled.

“She is Shadows Mate. Does someone have problem with it?” Cathy growled.

It felt strange that angelic Cathy is showing her negative side. I could see that they hate for who I am but I couldn’t do anything about where I was born? To whom I was born?

They visibly snarled at me and left to their rooms.

“Ignore them.” Cathy said squeezing my hands gently.

Shades took me into his room and Cathy and Matt walked in with us.

“Do you remember everything about your past life?” Cathy asked.

“Not all. I’m trying. ” I said.

Remembering that I didn’t even believed reincarnation, vampires and all this stuff a few months back and now I’m related with all it. An involuntary smile spread across my face.

“All that I need you to remember is this.” Shadow said kissing me on the lips.

I brushed him away embarrassed that I have audience in front of me.

Cathy and Matt left us a while later, Shadow stared at me.

“What?” I asked.

“You are the most beautiful woman I ever know.” He said.

“You said the same to Nina.” I smirked.

He silenced me with his lips.

I woke up early in the morning; Shades protectively wrapped his arms around me as if I would go away again. This is how I want every morning to be, I thought. I kissed him gently and he woke up startled.

“Sorry,” I smiled.

He embraced and kissed me again.

We gathered in the hall again to discuss about our future plans.

I saw her sitting across the corner. I walked up to her.

“Hi, “I said extending my hand.


“Judy,” she said shaking my hand for just a second.

She must be new to this life. The first years are always like this but I appreciated her power of control over her thirst. Alan moved close to her and she entwined her hands into his. Now, I know how she gained control, she must be really in love with him.

The other vampires stared at me and growls escaped from them. Seriously what’s with these guys?

“Loosen it up, okay. What’s with you? If it weren’t for me being dead in my previous life I would be the eldest one among you all and I could have dusted you all to ground.” I shouted.

The bulky one called Max snarled. Shades hushed him by raising his hand.

“You will never learn to shut your mouth.” Cathy said smiling.

What am I thinking? I was a vampire but now I’m still a human and I’m picking up a fight with room full of vampires? What’s wrong with me?

Cathy smirked. It must be your instincts. You were never the one to back out in a fight. I remember Shadow always trying to keep you down.

I nodded; I forgot that she is mind reader. Past life is going to need time to get used to it. I thought.
What was my power back then and why didn’t I remember that? I thought.

“You have power of persuasion. Its how you let Shadow to go away from you during your last seconds.” Cathy explained.

I nodded though I didn’t remember that. I was worried how much time it would take for me to remember all my past.

Cathy gently squeezed my shoulders.

“You don’t have to remember anything as long as you are here for him.” She said.

I nodded.

“Who are these people?” I asked.

The bulky one is Max and the guy who healed Judy is Henry, The short haired Girl is Lucy, and the blond is Lisa. They are the new joins Jasper and Mary. She pointed to a couple standing in the corner.

“They don’t feel like home.” I said observing them.

“Our food habits are different from them. We are what we call veggies.” She giggled.

A flash of memory where I am persuading Shadow to stop hurting humans so he did it, I thought.

“What do you plan to do with that girl?” Lisa was asking.

I stood from the place and walked to them, I curled my hands into Shadow’s and he stood staring at me.
“Of course he will change me.” I stated.

He stared at me to see any sign of confusion in my mind but I’m crystal clear about it.

“What about our plans for attack?” Max grunted.

“Work on your skills first. We’ll see what to do.” Shadow said.

I could see that he is worried about something. I tend to ask when we are alone.

The meeting was adjourned after few more discussions and Shadow walked into his room, I tagged along him.

“What were you worried about?” I asked.

“Did you mean that thing when you said it?” he asked.

“Of course, I did. What else would I want?”

He sighed.

“Don’t you want me to change?”

“Ever since I remembered you, you never wanted this life.”

“That’s Nina not me.” I shrieked.

“You are her and you will feel the same way once you gain your past memories.” He explained.

“That’s different, Shades. Even if I recollect my memories I’m sure I want the same.” I said determined.

He shook his head in disbelief.

“Fine, if you don’t change I’m going to pick up a fight with one of the vampires here.” I huffed.

“You will do nothing of that sort.” He said still his head down.

“Try me.” I said barging into the main room.

I forgot how fast the vamp speed could be, he was upon me in seconds. He scooped me on to his shoulders and carried me into the room. I protested him all the way.

Cathy came inside giggling.

“Cat, Will you change me?” I asked not even looking at him.

“Wow! After so long, it’s good to hear my nickname again.” She clapped with joy.

“Will you?” I asked.

“Of course, if you wish.” She said.

One glare from Shades cut her off in the mid sentence.

“What?” I scoffed.

He shook his head in disbelief.

“At least give me some time.” He said.

“A month.” He added.

“ 2 days.”

“3 weeks”

“1 day”

“Oh! Come on. At least 2 weeks.” He pleaded.

“All I could give you is a week and I’m sure there will be no change even after a week.”

“Fine.” He growled.

I kissed him gently on the lips.

“I’ll get you some food and clothes.”

He said and left me. I thought about our fight, I never was the one to throw tantrums; I feel different here and at the same time I feel myself after many years. I feel alive and energetic. Why the difference?

“You feel home.” Cathy mumbled.

That’s true, it’s like we can be ourselves in front of our loved ones. It’s not like dad didn’t love me but he is never home for long. The isolation must have made me reserved and pious.

“When did you find this place?” I asked.

“We traveled many places thinking to be away from our home but one day destiny brought us here. When we are traveling by this place, it reeked of blood. As natural instinct we headed here and found two bodies lying here. We cremated them. Judy said that this will be our place for years. At first Shadow denied to live anywhere nearby home but then Judy said that he’ll have chance to avenge his mate. So he settled up unwillingly.”

She showed me the way to wash room and I relaxed into a tub of water. Cathy sat beside the tub explaining how they made changes to the place. At first the house consisted of only three rooms, wash room, main room ad a bed room. Later as the coven grew we found the necessity of making two more rooms.

“I think we need three more rooms now; can’t be away from him after all this time.” I giggled.

“Is Judy a seer?” I asked.

She nodded.

“What’s with the story of avenging her?”

“Shadow thought it’s only fair to make your father suffer by killing you as he killed you in the past.”

I laughed. Isn’t it funny? Shades want to kill me to avenge me. Cat giggled too.

“Is he the one who attacked me when I first arrived here?” I asked remembering the incident.

I knew deep down in my heart that it’s not animal attack since then, It would fit now.

She nodded.

“Shades tried to kill you but when he saw he freaked out. From then he watched over you all the time but he was the one to save you from the car accident.”

I sighed remembering the eyes of my savior.

“He realized that some way you’re truly Nina herself so he decided to change you to punish your father. He visited almost every day in his cat form and he grew close. He realized that your Nina when you called him Shades and your dreams about him only justified it so he dropped the idea of ever hurting you.”

“Why did he leave the locket at my bed?” I said fingering the locket.

“When you left us at the lake he came back to see you, he overheard your conversation. When you cried all the night and you decided to stay away from him, he thought he should return you the thing that you gave him for safe keeping.”

“If it weren’t for the locket, I couldn’t have known who I truly was?” I said.
I replayed every picture from that day to let her see. She nodded.

“I missed you a lot. The fun we had together in those days. Mom,Dad, Stacy.” She sighed.

I tried to recollect their faces but couldn’t, I grow vexed. I didn’t even remember my family.

“It’s good thing you forgot those painful memories.” She said squeezing my hands gently.

Cathy gave me some new pair of clothes from the cupboard. They are perfect fit.

Shades was already in the room. He brought some sandwiches, coke and fries. I didn’t know how hungry I was until then. As I finished I heard someone cry with pain. I frowned.

“They didn’t care to clear the venom properly and Judy bit him again last night.” Shades mumbled.

“He is turning,”

They nodded.

“I forgot how painful the change was.” I muttered.

Shadow gave me a knowing look.

“Hey, I don’t mind a few hours pain for eternal bliss.” I smacked him.

He smiled and nodded his head regretfully.

“By evening his change will be complete.” Matt said entering our room.

“How are you?”

“Good, just imagining myself in that place.” I said.

Shades caught his head in his hands.

“You won’t love this life if you remember your past when you changed. I don’t want you to regret your decision.” He said weakly.

I silenced him with my lips. He was surprised at first but soon he gave in. He sat me on his laps while twisting my curls with his hands.

“We need to show him our vegetarian meals tonight. “ Matt punched Shades playfully.

“I’m not coming.” He said looking at me.

“No, he isn’t. Don’t you dare separate us?” I said smacking him on the shoulders.

It hurt me to kick hard rock like body.

“Does it hurt?” Matt giggled.

Shades growled at him.

“Let me enjoy this moment, I never won against you in hand wrestling when you’re Nina.” Matt complained.

“Wait for a week.” I said.

Shades stiffened at the mention of a week. Rest of the day we spent catching up with each other’s life while I was away. It seems they traveled a lot to keep away from the hunters. They met many other covens on the way and befriended them. In the rest parts of the world vamps are living normal life as humans as long as they follow veggi meal.

“Why don’t we make a treaty with them?” I said thinking.

“Your dad is full of hatred for us. He won’t hear us out.” Shades said.

“I’ll talk to him.” I said.

“No, you won’t. If you go to him, he won’t let you go again.” He said clutching my arms as if I would leave right now.

“I’m not going now but I’ll do one day.” I said determined.

He knows me very well, if I make a decision I stick to it no matter what happens. The cries were subdued by the night and Matt and Cathy took him to hunting.

“It might work.” Judy said entering into our room.


“The decision you made this morning.” She said.

I nodded. Two days passed by and I have to go to Dad before I change so I decided to leave this day. I told so to my family. Shadow protested. I ignored him while I related my plan to Cathy and Matt. I said if anything turns out wrong. I would meet them at the lake on Friday. They agreed. Shadow remained cold to me he didn’t even come to see me off and I have a hunch that he is lurking behind the trees not so far from me.

There isn’t a sign of any living person at home when I entered in. I looked in all rooms but he is nowhere to be seen. I tiptoed to my room and saw dad sitting beside my bed clutching a photo frame to his heart. It broke my heart to see him like that.

“Dad,” I whispered.

He blinked his eyes and tears rolled down his cheeks. His eyes went wide when he saw me. He cried hugging me for a long time.

“Don’t you ever leave me like that again.”

“I won’t.” I said.

He was observing me from top to bottom. I’m sure he was checking me to see that I bore any marks. His eyes rested on my arms where there are scratch marks. I forgot all about them. Last night Alan lost control and he attacked me while I was walking in the corridors but Shades was instantly beside me and warded him off. I covered them with my other hand.

“It’s just a scratch, dad.” I said.

“Scratch? You have done enough. From now on you are never leaving this room.” He said locking me inside the room.

I knocked the door vigorously with my fists but he didn’t respond.

“Dad, I need to talk.” I cried out loud in vain.

At night dad came in with a plate of food. He set the plate beside me and he is still smug.

“Dad, I need to talk to you.” I said.

He sat on the chair with a sigh.

“First I have a story to tell.” I said waiting for his response when he didn’t I continued.

I told him our story without revealing who the characters are. He listened carefully; He knew whom I was speaking about when I came to the part of helping a vampire.

“Do you say that you’re a dead vampire that has been reincarnated?” He asked in disbelief.

I nodded.

“They are tricking you into this. There is no such thing.” He shouted at me.

I felt like we are moving away from the subject. I caught his hands and gave him pleading look to listen me out first.

“I want you to let them leave their own life. They promised me that they would never harm a human, they live only on animal blood.” I said.

He gave me a disgusted look.

“You’re totally hypnotized. There is no such thing like letting them live and letting you out again.”

He stomped out of the room and locked me inside. Days passed and dad never gave me a chance to talk. Most of the day I cried into sleep for not listening to Shades, dad set my food on the table everyday when I’m asleep.

I devised a plan to escape; I would wait for dad to come in. I would push him away and run into the forest as fast as I could, it’s not a pretty good plan but that’s what I came up with. I waited for dad. When I heard the key in the door, I stood ready to run but I was surprised to see my friends bringing in food.

Ash and Tony, I ran to them and embraced them fiercely.

“God! You look like heck.” Tony said eying me.

“Being locked inside a room for ages will leave you like this.” I said smiling.

“You know why you are being punished. I mean playing with dangerous things is good but you are way out of it.” Tony said.

Ash nudged her to keep her mouth shut.

“So you know about the whole thing.”

“My grand dad is a hunter once.” Tony replied.

“I knew there is something weird about him who would be so abnormal hot?” she thought out loud.

Images of Shades flickered through my mind, tears rolled across my cheeks unknowingly. Ash hugged me and hushed me.

“Tell me your story, we heard about it from Dan but I want to listen your version of it.” Ash said.

I narrated them everything which left Ash in tears. Tony was staring at me wide eyed.

“How romantic? I wish I have someone that loves me like that.” Ash said rubbing away her tears.

“You want to escape and you need our help.” Tony concluded.

I nodded.

“When Mr. Wilson is out, Dan will be here. Ash will trick him into going out with her for some reason and I’ll get you out.”

We waited until Dad went away. Ash nodded and left my room, it took her almost half an hour to convince him to go out with her. Tony was shocked when Dan called her out and locked me in my room. As he jiggled with keys I could see tony formulating a new plan. I prayed silently that this should work out.

I counted seconds waiting for the door of freedom to open. I heard someone footsteps approaching, my heart thudded hoping it would be Tony. When the key turned I wished it was her.

“Go find your true love.” She said dropping me at the forest.

I hugged her and thanked her. I asked to thank Ash too. I ran into the forest trying to remember the way. I leaped in joy when I could see our home. I ran straight into it and into Shades room. He is nowhere to be seen. I went out and searched every room.

I found Lisa and Mary in the main room.

“You came?” They said in unison.

“Where are Shades and others?”

“You promised to come back but you didn’t turn up so they planned to get you back by attacking your home.” Lisa mumbled.

“No,” I cried.

Without even further thought I ran into the forest once again this time heading towards home. My breath was becoming shorter. I was almost drained out of the little energy I had within me. I collapsed onto the floor and when I felt someone scooping me up onto their shoulders and I felt the cool breeze tear through my skin.

“Summer, wake up. You have to stop Shadow he won’t listen to anyone until he sees you.” Someone shook me vigorously.

“if you don’t wake up now. Your friends are going to die.”

Images of Ash, Tony and Dan flickered in my mind. I took out a huge breath before my eyes flickered.

“Come on,” Mary scooped me up.

I ran towards my home. I barged into the hall and found Max clutching Dan by neck. He was suffocating; Ash and Tony were rounded by Cathy, Shades and Matt.

“Max, leave him alone.” I glared at him.

He thought about it for a second and dropped him onto the floor. Dan coughed to catch his breath. I ran towards the kitchen and gave him some water. Ash and Tony slowly walked towards us cautious of their movement.

“Shades, I didn’t expect you to do this. These are my friends and what do you think you are doing to them.” I shrieked.

“I thought…” he trailed off.

“Leave the house now.” I shouted.

They walked away unwillingly but Shades stayed in the corner. Tony helped me to sit Dan on near by sofa.

“Are you okay?” I asked.

He nodded.

“I’m really sorry for what happened.” I apologized them.

They nodded glancing at Shades. When I felt they are good.

“I must go now before dad returns.” I said and stood up.

Dan caught my hand fiercely.

“You are not going anywhere.” He said and tried to drag me towards steps.

Shades moved to my side but I gestured him to stay away.

“Dan, I have to go. He is my life and I can’t live without him. Do you wish to see me in pain?” I asked.

He flinched at the thought and his grip was even tighter.

“Dan, please…”

“I won’t let you go, they will hurt you.” He whimpered.

I kissed him on his cheeks out of the corner of my eyes, I saw Shadow flinch at this. Dan hugged me not willing to let me go.

“If they meant to hurt you wouldn’t last for a second. I believe them because I was once one of them and trust me they never meant to hurt anyone.” I said comforting him.

“I love you.” He mumbled.

“I know that you love me and I love you too but not as much as I love him. He is my whole reason for existence.” I said.

New tears rolled down his cheeks, I know I’m breaking his heart apart but this has to happen someday and that will be this day.

He embraced me in a bear hug when I heard growl escape from Shades. Ash and Tony giggled. Dan let me go kissing me gently on my cheeks.

“Hope to see you someday soon.” I said hugging each one back.

I went towards Shadow hiding in the shadows. He took my hand tentatively and when I hugged him, he scooped me up and kissed passionately. I heard a giggle and huge gasps.

I waved them goodbye, Shadow scooped me onto his shoulders and ran into the night. I could see the three forms waving at me disappear.

I woke up entangled in Shades arms. He kissed me good morning. I freshened up and went in search of Mary.

“Thanks, for helping me last night.”

She smiled at me.

I thanked each person who came after me. They frowned.

“You came to help me.” I remained them.

“What now? I’m sure he’ll wage a war against us for kidnapping her daughter?” Lisa smirked.

“You didn’t kidnap, I came here by my wish.” I pointed.

“That doesn’t matter.” Lisa said.

“More the reason to wage war.” Jasper mumbled.

Shadow stood erect concentrating on something.

“Someone is here to talk to you.” He said looking at me.

He scooped me on to his shoulders and ran into the forest. When we reached the lake he put me down on his feet. I staggered because of the lightening speed we traveled. I saw Dan standing beside the lake his face is filled with distress. I ran to hug him.

“They are planning to attack your coven by nightfall. You should leave now.” He spoke rapidly.

“How many?” Shades asked.

Dan was surprised that Shades indeed spoke to him. He clearly didn’t like him because he ignored him and spoke to me.

“There are around 30 members.” He replied.
Something struck in my mind.

“How many of them will be guarding the Farm house?” I asked.

“Most of them will be heading to the coven so I think maybe 5 of them will stand guard.”

“We have to go. We need to inform others and get prepared.” I said.

I smiled at him and pecked him before I left. Shadow growled and I smirked at him.

“We need to be prepared for the fight.” Shadow said.

I am standing away from them thinking of how to put this plan before them. Cathy came near to me.

“I have something to say.” I said aloud.

Every one fixed their gaze on me.

“We need to rescue the people in the farm.” I said.

“I don’t want to miss the fight.” Max grunted.

“There are 30 of them against us which means three for each. It may not be impossible to win but some of us are sure going to get hurt. Do you want that?” I explained.

Though they are averse to the idea they seem to understand me.

“What do you propose to do? Release them and go to hiding. I’m done with that.”

“I don’t want that life for you. You’re my family now and I want you to live peacefully.” I said.

“After we release them we’ll have the advantage of added number to fight against them.”

Everyone nodded.

“We have speed so we’ll go to the farm when they start and come back to claim back our home.” I said.

“God! How much I missed your strategies.” Cathy said hugging me.

Shades kissed me tenderly as a token of appreciation.

“Man, I must say your girl has brains.” Max said and winked at me.

Shades wanted me to be somewhere safe but I denied it. I’m not going to miss the fun. I threatened him that I would walk right into the fight no matter where he hides me. He gave up. By dusk we’re all set to go.

Lisa went to watch, she will inform us when the troop left the farm house. Lisa has special power of communicating through mind. Max was impatient for the fight. Others are so quiet and waiting with their mates by their side. Shades didn’t talk to me he was clearly upset by me.

“Go!” Max shrieked running through the forests. Each of them ran at light speed. Shadow scooped me up and ran after them.

As we approached the farm house Max was already in barging through the door. He took an axe and started hitting the locks with all his might. Matt was already with Charlie hugging him and filling him the details. Most of them are out. Max was running through the last trap when I cried no but it was too late. He is out.

“Shades stop him. He is not like us, he will kill them all.” I said pointing to the running vampire.

Shades dropped me and winked at Cathy, she stood beside me while Max, Matt, Charlie and Shadow went after him. I ran after them Cathy tried to stop me but I whisked her away.

He already hurt one of the people, I ran to him he’s alive and has weak pulse. I shouted for help but they moved away. I knew it will be hard for them to get near bleeding person without hurting him. Lisa, Mary and Lucy are trying to hold back Alan. An alarm went off sending signals. I heaved the bleeding person on to my shoulders and walked in. If only I could find another human to help him.

The boys were having fun stopping the vampire when I saw him his eyes darted towards me. He jumped towards me, Shadow and Max ran quickly to my aid. It’s a bit late I could say he bit my hand with which I covered my face. Shadow cringed at my blood. This is not the time for lying down in pain. I heaved myself up wearing a plastic smile but Shadow knew I wasn’t alright. I called for help when I heard someone crying.

“Go after him, kill him before he hurts more.” I shouted.

Charlie stayed with me to help but he kept his distance from me. I gritted my teeth and walked towards the sounds of cry. Please, I want you to help me. He is dying. Please… I begged. At first there is no movement and then I saw a pair of eyes peeking from the shadows. He is the one in the suit that injected anti venom into Judy before.

He helped me carry him into the diagnose room where they perform experiments. The doc checked his vitals and moved back from him.

“He is changing.” He said bewildered.

“SO?” I cried out holding my pain is becoming more impossible.

“Its better he is dead than to save him to kill him more people.”

“It doesn’t have to be that way; you see these people her live on animal blood. They never hurt humans.” I said.

He is still hesitant to make a step towards him.

“Will you or not?” Charlie snarled.

The doctor rushed to him covering the inflicted wounds with cotton. He must be strong enough to endure the pain for that we need to stop his bleeding.

I heard a gunshot fire. I ran hoping everything would be okay. Charlie ran after me. I watched as Shades and Cathy are running from roof to roof missing the spears and gun shots. I saw many of them surrounding the entire building. They must have heard the siren and came back. Charlie scooped me up and ran through the roofs. I glanced in every direction when I saw Max going for my father.

I cried out loud. I stumbled and rolled across the roof and fell down hitting the ground. Charlie shook me but my head hit very hard and the venom was excruciating, I closed my eyes to let the darkness fill.

I heard distant murmurs and gunshots firing. Everything came back to me. Someone helped me up to my feet and I blinked back my tears and saw my dad hovering above me. The venom was still hurting me but it’s not time to think about myself.

I looked around. My family were tied up and Lying on the ground with three men watching them, pointing spears and guns at them. I mustered up all my courage and ran towards them. Shades eyes were filled with tears.

“You are alive. I thought I lost you again.” He said.

I cried hugging him. Besides my family Alan and Judy are left behind.

“Where are others?”

“Jasper and Mary ran away. Max was killed by that vampire and Lisa was killed by these people in an attempt to protect Max. The others are still fighting.” Cathy informed.

Dad dragged me away from them.

“Enough of this.” I shouted at him.

He was shocked.

“Don’t you realize that they aren’t what you thought? I have been trying to explain you over and over but you are deaf eared to me. It’s you who are most cruel. They were just trying to save your precious army and you’re trying to kill them instead. You’re the monsters not them.”

“Mr. Wilson, she is right. If it weren’t for them all the members keeping guard in the farm house would have died. They killed the other vampire to protect us.” The doctor said.

“You killed the vampire that killed mom, you seek revenge. But these people didn’t even touch me even after knowing I’m the daughter of the murderer of their families. Humanity is to forgive and love but is that what you are doing. You said these people aren’t even humans.Is that because they forgave me and love me?” I cried slumping on the floor.

The venom hit my heart and I fell unconscious on the floor.


“Charlie, you are squashing the flowers.” Cathy shrieked in shrill tone.

“I need white not red flowers,”

“Cat, you need to cool off.” I said.

“It’s your wedding and you ask me to cool off?” Cathy shrieked.

“Remember, none of us wanted this wedding. It’s dad’s wish.” I said.

She shrugged off her shoulders. My mortal friends Dan, Ash and Tony were trying to set the altar. Dad winked at me from the far end. It turns out that I didn’t get my persuasion power when I changed instead I got the power to control that’s how I managed to control my pain and let the others listen to me when I asked for during the fight.

“Let’s get you dressed.” Cathy said and hurried me to my room in our totally rebuilt farm house. My family spent all the money they have saved over the years on the house and totally rebuilt it like a grand hotel. To my surprise there’s still left a room full of money.

Ash and tony helped Cat, they admired her beauty and vivacity. Cat even gave them styling tips she was very excited to do so.

“We have prom tomorrow night, will you help us to dress up?” They asked in unison.

“Sure.” She whistled in joy.

Jasper and Mary left us, I miss the bulky Max and poker faced Lisa. Judy and Alan stayed with us. Henry and Lucy were staying in a nearby place. The human I rescued in the farm house; Mark is living with us too. The people we have rescued left us to start a new life.

Dad would be friends with us as long as we don’t break the treaty. I have my family, my friends and most important of all I’m going to marry the love of my life and live in peace “everafter”


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 20.11.2010

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To my friends and family for their love and support. cover art, is from some amazing artist which I found online, thanks to him.

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