
Darkness prevails
Eliminating the barriers
Mortals and Immortals
Together face their end
comes forth the

Red Witch

Only hope left for the future
Leading the world against dark forces
She preserves the barrier
Ruling as Queen forever!!!!!!


I stared at the people waiting at the palace gates; were's, vamp's, fairies, dragons, witches and many other mythical creatures that I couldn't name.

"It's time, my Queen." one of the maids who attended me said.

I left pushing through the thick wooden doors to the gathering, heart thudding. I took a deep breath before opening the door to the community hall where I was going to address the people of Madira, My Kingdom.

I stole a quick glance over the crowd. They were full of hope. Would I be able to do this right? What if I failed them?

Alec squeezed my hand gently. His Eyes were back to that creamy brown color; his handsome face had a scar now. If I hadn't gone through the bitter experiences for the past month, I could easily imagine him as a high school hottie rather than a Vampire Royal.

"You'll do great," Alec whispered.

"We are always with you," Lyall said with those deep wolfish eyes.

Lyall is the tallest person I had ever seen. He is bulky and muscular. He is kind of handsome in a weird way.

Lyall and Alec had been my best friends since the past few months. We faced many hurdles together. We stood for each other all the time. Now it’s time to stand up for the people of our kingdoms.
The Royals of the new era;

Alec, 'The Vampire Royal'; Lyall, 'The Werewolf Royal';

Sera, 'Queen of witches'.

"It's time, It's time." Lia chanted.
I brushed away her hands and covered my face with the bed sheet.

"Wake up,"

"Let me sleep, Caelia." I said in rude tone.

Lia hates to be called by her full name Caelia. I thought she would ignore me and let me sleep but I was wrong.

"Come on, wake up, it's your birthday." She pulled away my covers.

I woke up from my bed stifling a yawn. She hurried me to the common room where Mom and Dad sat waiting.

" Happy birthday, my dear." they sang in chorus.

I climbed up my tree and watched over the vast stretch of green grass. I hate to live in this meadow. The quietness is very disturbing, why should we live here, in this god forbidden place, someday I would run away from this place; It’s one thing with the place and another with the people around here. They were no friends for me because of my weird appearance; red hair, hazel brown eyes and the creamy white skin. I was lost in a train of thoughts.

I watched the sun settle down on its horizon. It's time I get back to home I thought.

"Where have you been, Sera?" Mom asked.


"He wants to see you in his room."

Dad is poking the coal in the fireplace when I entered the living room.

"Hey, dad."

"Sera, um… there is something I have to tell you. It's not good news but try to stay calm."

Dad watched me relax into the chair; he was always worried about my tantrums. When I had one, strange things happened like glass would break and my hair would turn into deep red.

"You have to leave the meadows." Dad sighed holding his head down.

Did I hear that? At last we were going to leave the meadows. Great! But something was not right in the way he said it.

"Did you say 'you' instead of ‘we’?”

"You should go away from this place for your own safety." He said audibly.

Why just me? A voice said in the back of my head because you’re freak and they didn’t want you like others. They were tired of taking care of you. I tried to remain calm but that only made things worse. The tickling sensation I get when I do strange things is crawling through my body slowly.

I stormed away into my room and fell face down on the pillow. I tried to count my breath to calm my senses and in doing so dozed off into sleep.

I woke up trying hard to catch my breath. It's the worst nightmare I had ever had. I dreamed someone sucking out Mom and Dad's blood. I tried to reach for the bed lamp. Lia was sound asleep at the other end of the bed. Not wanting to disturb her sound sleep, I groped my way into the wash room.

When I came back, I saw a silhouette standing over Lia, he leaned closer to her. Panic struck over me and I groped for the light switch. As the light flicked on, my nerves went weak on seeing him, he was in full black and blood was dripping right from his mouth.

Lia woke up as the light turned on. She froze dead still on seeing that creature. He turned his attention towards me and in a nick of a second; he was in front of me.

"Lia, call for help." I barely made the words out loud.

“Your Mom and Dad taste really good, it is an easy kill." He hissed.

What? He killed them? The reminiscent of dream flogged my mind, Mom and Dad they are the only people I have in this world. How dare he take them away from me? He was going to pay for this.

I thought of nothing but my one wish to kill him for what he did to my parents. Tickles ran all over my body filling me with immense strength. I felt light as a feather. My entire body went stone cold. Then blinding blue light appeared out of nowhere, striking the creature hard on his chest, He fell on the floor. My crazy laugh filled in the room.

Lia is staring at me from other corner with a horrified look. What’s she staring at? My body is wrapped in the blue flames. It felt really good as if sitting in front of warm flames of the fire.

Someone broke me from the reverie.

"Your dad wants to see you." A strong hand dragged me the entire flight of steps.

I compiled. As soon as I entered their room, metallic scent of blood hit my nostrils, bringing me back to the present. Mom and Dad are dripping with blood, lying on the floor. Mom looks like a ghost; no color is left in her pink cheeks. I ran to Dad at once.

“Go to Madira at once, take care of Caelia." He said taking his last breath.

I stood there frozen for many minutes; this is all in my dream. I will wake up any minute, I shut my eyes hard and opened them after a few seconds, I pictured everything to be normal in vain. Tears silently spilled through my eyes. I tried doing it many times with no good, each time the cries grew louder.

"We got to go, My Queen, they will come back soon." a hoarse voice said.

I noticed for the first time there is someone else in the room. Who is he? Who is going to come back?

"Where? Who will come back?" I said gaining every ounce of strength left in me.

"There is no time for us to speak about it. I'll tell you everything on our way home." he said and hurried me through the back door of the house.

I let him drag me. Home…? This is my home and now everything left of it is bare walls, visions of Mom and Dad's body brought tears into my eyes. I broke down in the middle of the road.

"Sera… please talk. I'm afraid..." Lia mumbled.

I glanced at her; she is holding onto me and crying. Dad’s words echoed in my mind; Take care of Caelia. She is the younger one; I have a responsibility towards her. Her deep blue eyes filled with tears and her cheeks are flushed with color, probably she has been crying all along. How rude of me? I didn't notice her until now. She is the only relation I'm left with and I'll do anything to keep her safe, I determined.

I stood up, bracing myself. I looked at the other person with us. I couldn't see him clearly.

"We got to go." He hurried us.

"I'm not going anywhere with a stranger." I said.

"I'm here to help you, My Queen." he said.

“How can I believe you, few hours back I saw my parents murdered…"

"There is no way I could prove my loyalty here; you just need to trust me on this,"

Could I trust him? I never saw him and what’s in for him to protect me?

"Do you want to get yourself killed along with your only sibling?" He said in harsh tone.

His words struck me like dagger, I can't risk losing Lia but can I trust him?

"Fine. Let's go." I said.

All the time, my mind is reeling with infinite possibilities about his plans about us. I decided if anything happens then I will give my life to save Lia. We walked several miles the entire night not resting anywhere. After what seemed to be hours of walk, he asked us to stop at the foot of a mountain in the early hours. He approached the mountain double checking over his shoulders to see whether any one followed us. He mumbled some strange words under his breath and moved a step back.

There is rumble across the ground and the ground began to shake, small stones began to roll of from the mountain and then a narrow split is formed at the foot of the mountain, wide enough for a person to squeeze in. He gestured us to follow as he squeezed in through the hole. Tentatively I went along.
I thought he is taking us into a cave but I’m surprised to see an entire town living inside this place. Houses are built of rock, it seems like we travelled back into Stone Age. We walked through the streets laid of stones and reached a huge building resting on the top of the mountain. People bowed to us all over the way it felt really weird which remained me of this stranger calling me, My Queen.

A maid opened the door for us and ushered us in. She slightly bowed and smiled at us. I smiled back.

We walked through a couple of passages all decorated in old fashion like Maharajah's palace of India.

A person in large black robes is sitting in a huge throne head in his hands. As he heard our footsteps he looked at us, me in particular and flashed a brilliant smile. He looked weird, His skin is pale white.

"Thanks, Alec for bringing the Queen safely, home."

I turned to look to the guy; Alec who brought us here. I saw him clearly for the first time. He is so much like him, same pale skinned, perfect features and attractively handsome.

"Who are you? Why do you keep calling me Queen? What is that… that killed my parents?"

"You have lots of questions, I'll answer every question but you have to rest for now." He said clapping his hands and then a maid appeared.

"No, I want the answers first." I demanded.

He sighed and sat me on the chair.

"I'm Damian, the King of vampires who believes in prophecy. The one who killed your parents is a non believer."

" Vampire? As if in Twilight Vampire?" I stammered.

"Sort of,"

"What does that mean, are you going to drink our blood?" I panicked.

"No, My Lady." he said smiling.

"We only drink blood when it's absolutely necessary even then we drink it from our enemies."

I sighed.

"I'm not your Queen, you got the wrong one." I mumbled.

"What's with the prophecy?" I added curious about something in it.

"It says that,
A red witch comes forth and with her a new era begins. She, The Queen of immortals, brings peace to the believers and secures the boundary between mortals and immortals." He recited.

Haha, this is turning out to be a very stupid dream.

"May be your mistaken, I'm not a witch or Queen." I said with a smirk.

"I may be mistaken but not your mother, Queen Riona, The seer is not mistaken."

I laughed hard. My mother's name is Lucy not Riona, It figures out that you are mistaken.

"Am I? Ask Lia about it."

I looked at Lia, She stared right at him and dropped on to her knees.

"I don't want this to happen... why now???" she cried.

"Lia, tell him that he is wrong."

"He is right, Father made me promise to never say it to you, he said that Riona is your mother although he never mentioned she is a queen."

What…? Lia, I shook her hard to tell truth. She remained silent gesturing that what she told is right. My mind reeled with images of Lucy...

I didn't know how much time I spent thinking about the days I spent with my step mom.

"My Lady," someone shook me.

"It doesn't change anything between you and me. You are still my sweet little sis." I said.

She cried hugging me. I patted her gently on her shoulders, whispering soothing words.

"You need some rest; we have many things to discuss later." The vamps king said.

One of the maids showed us to a room. My life turned upside down all in a day. I lost my family and I came to know that Lucy is my step-mom. Above all I’m related to a prophecy and I’m in a world that I thought never existed until now. I wish this could be a dream but I’m never that lucky.

I miss the warmth of the sun that wakes me up every day. I recalled everything that happened these past two days. Everything is about to change, I thought. No, it’s already changed my mind replied. Lia snuggled close to me in her sleep.

There is gentle knock on the door. There stood a line of people beside my doors, lead by the maid that showed us to this room.

I ignored them turning my attention to the maid.

“What’s your name?"

"Kora," she mumbled.
I gazed at her. She is a woman of thirties, a little over weight, gentle smile on her lips which doesn't match the deep red color of eyes. I flinched on seeing the color of her eyes.

"I quenched my thirst. In case..." she dropped the mid sentence.

I knew what she wanted to say. In case my blood lures her, she had to keep control of herself.

I smiled at her. In the mean time, others who came into my room took leave of me, bowing their heads.

"I will help you with your dress but first you must eat something." Kora sat me in the chair.

She hurried towards the bed to wake up Lia. I stared at the plates containing my laughter. Are this people kidding me? Even if I start eating it will last for a week. Everything we take for breakfast is here. Lia dropped her mouth open when she saw our breakfast.

"My lady, King Damian wants to see you." Alec said standing beside my door.

"Alec? Isn’t it?"

Alec stood before me in nick of a second.
"I didn't get a proper chance to introduce myself, Yesterday."

"Yes, my lady."

"Ok, stop calling me like that. Call me Sera." I demanded.

"As you say, my... Sera." he said with an effort.

"Thanks for saving our lives. I owe you one."

"It's my duty."

"Will you be my friend?" I said extending my hand.

He shook it smiling. It felt like I caught a piece of ice.

"This is Lia,"

He smiled at her.

Lia walked towards him and shook his hand displaying her sweet smile.

"Are you a real vampire? Do you really drink blood? Can you lift this? How old are you?" She was pouring out her questions.

He answered her everything patiently.

"You need to get dressed your majesty."Kora said.

" Kora, call me Sera." I said impatient.

She smiled.

"I can dress myself. Just show me the wash room and give me some clothes."

She handed me a ball type gown. I looked at her.

"Don't you have some casual wear like jeans?" I asked.


"How old are you? Did you ever come out of this place?"

"I'm 300 years old. I never went out after the war and we settled here."

"Alec, Can you get me something decent to wear?"

He smiled at me.

"Just this day, you need to be dressed like a queen when you are about to face the vampire royals." He said.

Vampire Royals? Who are they?

“Vampire Royals are the people who rule different kingdoms similar to this one. Alec is royal himself. He is the Prince." It's Kora who replied.

"Alec, prince, huh?” I said bowing to him playfully.

He smiled alluringly. I am so lost in his beauty that Kora shook me.

Kora is skillful at dressing up, people. "You look wonderful," she said admiring her handwork.

I stared at the head length mirror. She is right, I look beautiful. I stared at the queen like figure in the mirror. Lia whistled with happiness seeing me.

"You look…" She lost words and gave me a deep hug.

I never thought I could be beautiful but Kora is really skilled.

"It's not me. It's you; people will line up to be your suitor. Didn't anyone say how beautiful you are?"

Except for my family, none ever dared to glance at me let alone talk to me.

"May be they don't have the sense to appreciate beauty." Kora thought aloud. I smiled and waved a hand at her. We walked through the huge corridors until we reached the gathering; all dressed alike in old fashion.

Damian showed me to the bejeweled throne next to his, I spotted Alec in the crowd talking to some youngsters of his age. I gestured him to come.

"Stay beside me. I feel nervous."

He smiled and squeezed my hands gently. Lia is happy chatting with some young vampires, Kora stood right next to her with the look of a lioness ready to pounce on anyone who could hurt her.

Rufus, The king of west hills, walked towards me, knelled in front of me and kissed my hand. Followed by king of eastern highlands, king of Deccan and the list followed.

It all happened in a second; Alec pushed away the visitor beside me and crouched in front of me as if ready to pounce.

I heard snarls all over the hall. I turned towards Lia, she is safely tucked behind Kora. Thank god!

A person walked in full stride towards us, Towering over all the persons. He walked straight towards me not one glance on the crowd. Who is he? Can't he see these people all around me?

"My Queen, I come here to deliver a message from our lord," the intruder said.

“State your message.” Alec scowled at him.

The intruder squared his shoulders and looked at me. He took out a parchment and read the content in his deep voice.

“Greetings lord Damian, you have secured our future by saving our queen. We are in gratitude to you. However, you might consider that Dark kingdom is no place for a human; I offer my home as the queen’s refuge. Lyall, will bring her safely here.”

I interrupted his message. Everyone stared at me when I cleared my throat to speak.

“What’s your name?” I asked pointing my glance at the stranger.

“Lyall, my queen.”

“Take this message to your king,”

He nodded.

“Thanks for the concern on me. However, I’m not going to leave my home, I feel perfectly safe here.”

“My Queen but I cannot leave you alone here,”

“Lyall, didn’t you listen what I said; I’m not leaving this place.”

“In that case I will stay here as your protector.” He said on a second thought.

“I don’t need anyone’s protection. I can take care of myself.”

Sera voice quivers and when she speaks these words, her eyes are bright red and her body is engulfed in the red flames and her voice seems to be distant.

“There is much on your hands now. Your people are being attacked and your pack size is decreasing day by day, your presence as a beta is foremost important in the war.”
“Now, leave me to my own devices, I can farewell without your little help.”

When the anger drained out, I looked at the awestruck faces and the hunger in their eyes. I heard loud growl from my right and turned to see a wolf charging towards us. Alec, scooped me up and ran leaving the sea of hungry vampires behind. The wolf tagged along throwing away any vampires that are in our way. I heard Caelia calling my name from the other end. She is attracting attention. I turned to the wolf behind me.

“Get her out of here.”

I don’t know whether it can understand me or not but I prayed that it better understand. It seemed to hesitate for a second and then ran in the direction of Lia.

Alec ran at top speed of a jet to a higher peak and when he is sure no one followed us, he put me down. I felt dizzy at the overwhelming speed we traveled.

“They are coming.” Alec said.

I glanced in the direction he is watching. I saw a huge brown wolf and his ride a small, fragile creature.

“Caelia.” I cried and hugged her.

“What was that stunt you pulled there, you could have killed yourself.” She started ranting. Sometimes she makes me feel like I’m the younger one, I laughed at her.

“Very funny.” She tossed her hair as she always does to show her disapproval.

“I’m glad that you are okay.” I said.

She smiled.

“What did you do there? You were engulfed in red flames. I was worried that someone lit you up.”

“I don’t know what you are talking about.” I said as a matter of fact.

May be I performed magic but I didn’t feel any tickling. All I felt is a void inside me I don’t even remember what I spoke.

Lyall sat down next to me in his human form. He looked at me with his wolfish eyes, I felt like he is searching my soul.

“You predicted your first vision, My queen.”

“Sera…” I shrieked.

It’s making me mad to be called like that. Lia gently squeezed my hand.

“What do you mean by predicted your first vision?” Lia asked.

“Your sister is a seer, she predicts the future.”

“You mean like fortune tellers.”

“No, it’s bit different. She can see the future of only mythical creatures. “

“Can she see now?”

“No, you can’t make a seer to see things, it just comes to her.”

“Will she be doing that regularly?”

“Not until the other seer stops seeing”

“Does that mean she will not be a fire ball soon?” Lia said with hint of mockery.

“I’m not sure about it, your sister is a special person, she is different from all the witches.”
“Have you seen more witches?”

“Yes, there are more people like her but not as powerful as Riona or your sister.”

“What makes Sera different from others?”

“When Riona sees she is engulfed in blue flames.”

“I saw her engulfed in blue flames too.”

“When? “
Lia narrated and as she did tears strolled gently around her cheeks.

“Witches are always engulfed in the blue aura when they perform magic. It seems that we know very little about her.”

I listened to the conversation deeply leaning on the trunk of the tree.

“Why did they come after me when they are perfectly quite before the seer thing happened.”

“Blood of a mythical creature is more appealing to the Vampires. To see the future the magic in your blood has to be invoked. The pull will be more to them when you perform magic.”

“How come Alec, didn’t try to kill me?”

“That he has to answer.”

I glanced around. He is nowhere to be seen.

“Where’s Alec?”

“He may be out hunting; it must have taken him all the strength to restrain himself from doing anything to you and at the same time being close to you.”

“I wish he is safe. Please go and check on him” I pleaded.

“I can’t leave you alone, Sera.”

I pleaded him.

“He will be perfectly safe. He is a great warrior.”

I remain unconvinced and ordered him. He was so stubborn. I wish I could kick his butt.

“Fine, I’ll go then.” I said and stood facing towards the downhill.

I heard the snap of twigs and Alec emerged from the bushes. I rushed to him and hugged him. He flinched at my touch but hug me lightly.

Why did I do that? I lost all my worries looking into his eyes. I heard a low growl at the other end.

“Cut it out, Lyall.”

Lia laughed.

“Let me tell you one thing if you are to win against your common enemy, you should forget your differences and work together.”

“Let’s go back. I’m sure they took care of everything by now.”

“Sera, consider your decision once again.” Lyall pleaded.

“I’m staying.”

“Me too.” Lia chanted.

“Well, then. I have no other choice I’m staying with you.”

“Lyall, maybe you should be helping your pack as sis said.” Lia said.

“Okay, Can anyone tell what rubbish did I speak there?”

Lia gave me word to word detail of my prediction.

We walked for many miles still there is no sign of the palace.

“Who is the faster one between you?”

“Let’s race.” Lyall said playfully.

Alec seemed to consider it.

“Come on, Alec.” Lia pleaded.

He nodded. Alec scooped me up and Lyall scooped up Lia. Alec ran like a whirlwind. I’m sure they are miles behind.

When we reached the palace gates and Alec put me down. I saw Lia right next to me.

“You are fast.” I said to Lyall.

“I could run even faster if I’m in wolf form.”

“Show off.” I punched him playfully.

I felt like I’m back in a family.

“Sorry for that.” Damian apologized. I smiled.

“May I ask you a favor?”

“Anything you wish for.”

“Make arrangements for Lyall to stay here and tomorrow I ask the audience of all the vampire kings.”

He was doubtful of what I was asking for. He nodded. Damian called for a maid and repeated the same instruction to her.

“I’ll take the room near to the Queen.” Lyall said indignantly. I nodded.
“You two come with me, I have so much to catch up.”

I sat in the nearby sofa. Alec ordered for some refreshments.

“Let’s start from the very first, I understand that there is a war between good and bad, I understand that there is some prophecy on me and that I’m your hope. I even understand that there is some possible danger for humans if we lose the war. What I can’t understand is what I can do. I merely know how to defend myself. How will I lead you to war against them?”

“I’ll train you to defend.” Alec said.

“I’ll train you in combats with weapons.” Lyall said.

“What about her magical training?” Lia asked.

“We can’t help with that. You need to use your own devices.”

“What would that be?”

“How will I know?”

“May be your temper is the key to unlock your magic. Every time you performed magic it’s because you’re angry at someone or something.” Lia sang.
“Yeah! Maybe”

“Try it.”


“Think of something that makes you angry.”

I began to think of the murderer of my parents as soon as I thought of him, tickles ran over my body. Lia, felt excited.

” Think of something you want to do so badly.”

I tried hard to concentrate but nothing changed. Lyall burst into laughter at once.

“What was that for?” I snapped at him.

“Sorry but are you worried about your dress after all these things?”

I frowned. Lia gestured me to take a look at myself. I’m no more in that hell gown. I’m my usual self again, wearing black jeans and a tank top. I sighed.

“At least now I feel comfortable.”

Each of them laughed.

“Well, it was certainly a good try. You have to practice on regular basis tomorrow onwards.” Alec said.

“What about me?” Lia chanted.

“I want to help you teach me how to fight.”

“No, Lia. You are staying behind all these, safely.” I said.

“Come on, I want to help.”

“No, you are not.”

“We need to teach her too.” Lyall said.

“She is just a kid.” I shrieked. Red flames began to shimmer around my body. Alec squeezed my hands and looked deep into my eyes.

“It’s for her safety; I promise you she will not be a part of the war.” He whispered softly.
The closeness between us drained my anger out and is filled with some funny emotions that I can’t point out right.

“Go to bed, we’ll meet in the morning.” Alec said and gestured Lyall to come with him. After the use of magic I felt drained of energy. I slept peacefully.

I took a deep breath before entering into the gathering hall. It felt like I always belonged here that’s why I have come to accept the facts more quickly than any other girl of my age. If I’m going to lead an army, I’m going to do it my own way.

“Greetings, everyone.” I said.

I breathed in and out to calm my nerves. I can do this, I assured myself.

“If I’m going to lead an army, I’m going to do it my own way.” I said and glanced at the crowd for complacency.

“If we are to win them, I want their strengths and weakness first. I want the exact number of their army. You should be reporting everything to either Alec or Lyall.”

“Let’s give a chance for them to change if they are not willing it will be war”. I ended.

They chorused “LONG LIVE QUEEN”

Everyone took leave of us apologizing for yesterday which remained me of something. I dragged Alec away from the audience.

“Alec, I have something to ask you.”

He smiled.

“When they were trying to kill me, How come you were able to keep your thirst? I know it’s a lot difficult to do that.”

He looked appalled.

“I can never think of hurting you.” He said and left me alone in one quick stride. I could feel his agony all over the place when he uttered those words.

“Are you going to teach me sword fight today?” I asked Lyall.

“May be we should start with bows and arrows. You know witches don’t like to use swords.”

“May be I’m not a witch then.”

“Very funny.”
Lyall is quite different from Alec; Alec is always poised and well mannered. Lyall is fun type. Even in their features they are totally different. Alec is thin and dangerously handsome, he has perfect features and the alluring smile is able to break anyone’s heart while Lyall is muscular, tall and his childish smile wins heart of even enemies.

Lyall brought the bow and arrows from the arsenal. He pointed towards a tree. He showed me how to shoot arrows at a target then he handed me the bow and asked me to do the same. My arrows instead of soaring up into the air and hitting the target, they traveled over the ground cutting the grass blades. With every arrow his laughter became wild. I snapped him.

“You are here to train me. Remember.” I said.

He stood at my back and lifted my arms straight at right angle with shoulders and the other one carrying the bow at straight line. I could feel his heat radiating. He instructed me to look straight at the target and nothing else. He then instructed me to loosen the string when I’m sure that my focus is on the target.

I DID IT!!!!!!!!!

I hugged him happy about my little success. He let out a small growl.

“What was that for?” I asked backing from him.

“Don’t worry. We do that whenever we are most happy or sad.” He said. I thought of asking more but Lia interrupted.

“What about my lessons?” she asked.

“Coming, Lia.” He said.

“Are you ready for one more class?” Alec asked.

“Always I am.”

He showed me some moves when someone attacks on you, how you need to ward off his blows and launch the same against him.

“I need some practical sessions.”

“I’m stronger than you. I would hurt you.” He said.

“No, you won’t.” I said determined.

“I can’t’”

“Well then it’s no use for these classes if I’m going to battle in real life.”

He agreed half-halfheartedly. I know that he would be extra careful with me not like a true opponent who makes it difficult to learn but hey, something is always better than nothing.

This time we practiced all those tricks he said to me. I sat on the floor exhausted; he is so quick for me to counter attack.

He lingered for a while here and there than sat beside me. He looked at me; I was so lost in his eyes. He pulled my locks of hair away from my face. I reached for his face to touch; he moved so close to me that I can smell his cologne. I am hyperventilating by his closeness. One second he is near and in another away from me at the far end of the hall.

“I’m sorry.” He whispered.

I walked to him silently. I don’t know why I even did that, I gently caressed his lips with mine and left without a word.

Days passed by. I became skilled in archery and combats. I can even use my magic without thinking of something that causes my anger. Though Alec is teaching me, he is always careful with me we never spoke much after that incident. I left it that way, I don’t want any awkward questions popping up but I miss him a lot.

“Sera, the kings of other deep kingdom sent you information that you asked for.” Alec said one day standing near my door.

He walked inside. I sent a message to Lia and Lyall through our mind link. I have stumbled upon this rare magic one day while I was working with Lyall.

Lyall was helping me with archery. Lia insisted on learning the lessons herself. Lyall pleaded her to wait until her turn, she didn’t she started shooting the arrows disturbing my focus. Lyall got irritated and called her by her full name, Caelia… She stormed upon him.

“What did you call me?” Don’t say it Lyall she will kill you. Please don’t say it. I thought.

“Nothing.” He said. Lia left in rage.

“Thanks for helping me, I don’t know that she hated her name so much.” He said grinning.

“What? Did you hear what I thought?” I asked.

“I heard you but not your thought.” He said confused.

“I didn’t say anything. I just thought.”

“But I heard you.”


“Try doing it again.”

“Your hair is black.”

“Wow! I can hear you.” He said containing his laughter.
I smacked him. Seriously, when someone asks you to speak, we get no words but usually you can be a chatterbox. That’s how we are communicating these days.

“What’s up?” she said sitting on the arm of the sofa where Alec sat. Lyall sat beside me. Alec counted the total non believers present, it rounded to 200,000. Double our strength he said.

“Did they accept peace?” I asked.

“I don’t think so, we are suspecting an attack soon.” Alec said.

“Well we have to be prepared in that case.”

“You have a letter from Riona.” Alec said tentatively.

He pointed to the letter on the table.

“Read it.”

“I cannot,”


“It’s for you. It opens only for you.” Lyall said.

“Are you kidding me?”

Lia tried tearing it open but it didn’t.

I took the letter cautiously into my hands. At that very instant it soared up in the air and opened. An image of a woman so like me stood in front of us. She was wearing a blue ball gown. She looked so much like me, when she spoke it was like music.

“Sera, days will become bitter. Find courage and travel in the right path, before you start your journey for the greater good. Find your companion, the great bird. A witch is nothing without its companion. Head towards north you’ll be lead to it. Fear nothing my child, your ancestors are always watching over you. ” Now, she turned towards Lia.

“Caelia, you are not what you think. You’ll find your true destiny in this journey. I know you will accompany your sister anywhere. I’m proud of you two, you both share the affection that I and Lucy shared.” She gazed at Lyall.

“Lyall, you have heard the prediction of Sera but there is more to it. Be prepared for everything.”

“Alec, never fear your heart. Keep her safe.”

“I wish you all a happy and safe journey.”

Soon after the message her image quivered and vanished. The letter was burned to ashes

”Wow! I actually spoke too my step mom.” Lia exclaimed.

“Yeah! What does she mean by the great bird?” I said nonchalantly.

“Witches have a great bird that lives with them forever and takes them everywhere.” Lyall said.

“Aren’t witches supposed to be flying using broomsticks?”

“Sometimes people make a few things up.” He smiled.

“Does that mean I have to search for this bird?” I asked.

“Yes, it is said that witches are less powerful without their companion bird.”

“When do we start then?”

“At sun rise.”

“What did she mean by the messages to you, Lia and Lyall?”

“I wish these witches can stop speaking in riddles.” He said smiling.

I punched him playfully.

“Remind me that when I predict next time.” I said.

I am so lost in thought that I didn’t notice Lia and Lyall leaving. Alec stood beside me near the window.
“You are sad?” he asked. During these days I learned that Vampires have certain gifts; Alec can sense people’s emotions, Damian can control emotions and Kora can read minds. Alec spoke to me for the first time after that kiss.

“She didn’t even ask me how I was.” I said.

“It’s not that she doesn’t care for you. It’s just she is secluded.”

I sighed. He squeezed my arms gently. I leaned on his shoulders gazing at the palace grounds.

Early in the morning, we headed towards north with our backpacks filled with six days accommodations.

We passed through thick forest and entered into meadows. I felt the wave of emotions hitting me hard, after so long I’m back to my home. I stared at my tree where I usually sit all the time. Alec squeezed my hands gently. With heavy footsteps we walked towards our home.

Lyall placed his arms around Lia reassuringly. I thanked him silently. He nodded. It brought the memories fresh into my mind. Tears welled up in my eyes. Alec, is trying hard to distract me by talking randomly but I am deaf eared to him.

I went into my parent’s bedroom. I could see everything in front of my eyes clearly. The way mom looked almost like a ghost, dad drenched in blood and speaking to me with much effort. I went into the living room where mom and dad wished me “Happy birthday” for the last time. I could remember those days when dad and I used to play chess here, Mom scolding for not listening to her when she talked. I went into my room; I searched in the cupboard frantically for the picture of my family.

I placed it safely enveloped in my clothes, inside my backpack. I wiped away my tears; I looked at the unopened gifts from my birthday on my study table.

I sat down and opened dad’s first. In it is a letter and a locket in pear shaped with ruby stone on it.
Dear Sera,
This may be the last time, I wish you ‘Happy Birthday.” You will probably know why I said that when you read this. I just wanted to tell you your birth secret; you are not Lucy’s child. Your mom is quite a different person. Her name is ‘Riona’. She left you in my protection for your own good. It’s complicated to tell who she is or where she is? I hope one day she herself will tell you everything.
I can tell you one thing; she loves you a lot as does Lucy. You are lucky to have two mother’s love.
I want you to leave the meadows because it is not safe for you to be here. I wish I could come with you but that attracts more danger towards you. I care for your safety that’s why I asked you to leave this place. Don’t consider this danger as an old man’s wild imaginations; you are indeed in great peril. Be safe, that’s the only thing this old man could ask of you.
You’re my special angel. You know dad loves you a lot. This pendent is from ‘Riona’ . She said to give it to you on your 17th birthday.
With love,

Tears ran down my cheeks. I wiped them away with the back of my hands. They knew everything, Riona could have predicted this long before but why didn’t she try to stop it. I hate her.

I opened mom’s box. In it a red scarf with my initials embroidered in it and a letter.

Dear Sera,
I know you read your dad’s letter first. I wanted to tell you one thing, though I didn’t give birth to you. I never thought you are not mine. No matter what, I loved you darling.
Don’t blame Riona for everything. Sometimes we cannot change things, they should go the way they are planned by the god.
Lots of love,

“Sera.” Lyall said looking concerned.

I cried hugging him. He whispered soothing words. After a few minutes of crying I felt better.

“Sera, let’s go.” He said squeezing my hands gently.

I wore the scarf and necklace and went down. Lia is crying and Alec is trying to comfort her. I ran to her side.

“At least, we have each other.” I thought.

She cried for some time and we left the house.

We sat by my tree, Alec is trying to make conversation with Lia, he must have known her depressed feelings. I climbed up to my place and sat silently. Lyall followed me up.

“You should eat something.”

“I have no appetite.”

“Who will take care of Lia, if you are depressed?”

I know it’s true that I have a responsibility towards Lia but losing both of them makes me helpless. I laid my head on Lyall’s shoulder; I might have dozed off to sleep. I woke up in his laps.

“Let’s go.” I said.

Lia is sleeping under the shade of the tree. Alec is staring into space. Lia slept clutching his hands. I woke up Lia and we went walking towards further north.

“Look at this.” Lia said pulling me after her. We stepped in through the thick curtain of creepers. I couldn’t avert my eyes from what I have seen there.

Everything sparkled with vibrant colors. Middle of it is a fountain with sparkling water sprinkling; sun light lit the entire place. The beauty of this place is unexplainable.

“What’s this place?” I murmured trying not to disturb the serenity of the place.

“Hope Springs, land of fairies.”


Disturbing the serenity; I heard a cry of panic and I ran in the direction of the cry. I could see someone fighting against an animal. I shot an arrow at the animal. It whelped in pain and turned in my direction but left the idea of attacking anyone and ran into the bushes. Lia ran to the aid of the person lying on the ground.

“Are you hurt?” she asked.

“No, my lady.” She said. Lia burst into laughter.

“That’s not me. Sera, is my lady.” She snickered.

“Caelia…” I shrieked.

“Your name is Caelia?” The person asked trying to stand up on her legs. She is clearly surprised by something. Lia helped her up. I am amazed to see that she has wings, very beautiful one’s; light pink in color that matches her skin tone. Everything of her face, hands every part of her body is tiny and fragile. She seemed to be a beauty of her own kind.

“It’s Lia.” She corrected her.

“Thanks for the help.” She said.

“What’s your name?”Lia asked.

“It’s Aine.” She said. Her voice is like bells.

Lia introduced us to her. She bowed when she mentioned my name, she flinched when she saw Alec and Lyall with me.

“I owe you for saving my life but I have to hurry to save my Queen.” She said almost like she doesn’t like to say it.

“It’s not safe for you to travel alone at this time.” Alec said.

“Where do you want to go?” I asked.

“I’m heading towards north to the garden of spirits.”

“We are going in the same way you can come with us.”

“Thank you.”

“Why do you want to go there?” Lia asked.

“I have to bring the fruits of peace to my queen so that she can rest in peace.”

“I don’t understand.”

“It’s our tradition to give the fruits of peace for the fading away fairies, In case of Queen the person who brings the fruit to her will be her successor to the throne.”

“Good custom.” Lia murmured.

We travelled until the dark loomed on us, all the time Lia poured over her questions to Aine. They seem to like each other. One particular question caught my attention in their conversation

“Why are you walking when you can fly?” Lia asked.

“It takes us lots of strength to fly, that’s why most of the time I prefer walking. We can admire the beauty of the nature more while walking.”

“We need to stay somewhere safe for the night.” Alec said.

“Twenty meters from here there is a hiding.” Aine said.

We climbed over the rocks and there is small opening hidden behind the creepers.

“I’ll keep the watch you all go and sleep.” Alec offered.

“Lyall brought some twigs and grass and arranged them as bed for us girls. Aine glowed in the dark.

“Wow!” we exclaimed.

Aine snuggled closer to the walls of the cave and slept peacefully. Lia sat with Lyall for some time and slept. I woke up by Lyall’s snore. I walked over to Alec, he is silently gazing at the sky. I sat beside him.

“Didn’t you sleep?” he asked.

“Lyall’s snore woke me up.”

He gazed at Lyall and smiled. He began to sing a lullaby in his seductive voice; I moved closer to him and rested my head on his shoulders. His voice is as alluring as his smile is. I didn’t know when I dozed off to sleep but all I remember Alec carrying me to the grass bed and kissing me gently on my forehead.

“Wake up, sleeping beauty.” Lyall prodded.

“Idiot, I haven’t slept all the night because of your snoring.”

“Get used to it, My lady.” He smirked. I punched him on the back. It hurt my hand.

“Strong, right?” he smiled crookedly.

“I’m going to kill you.”

We walked for miles and miles still there is no sign of the great bird or the garden of spirit.

“How much longer do we have to walk?” I asked frustrated.

“It takes at least two days. May be you should be on your way, I’ll take care of myself.” Aine replied.

“Aine, we are not sure of our destination so there’s no problem with us to walk with you.” Lia added.

I nodded giving her an appreciative smile.

“What is the purpose of your journey?” Aine asked.

“We need to find the great bird for Sera.”

“Great bird? Well there is supposed to be a nest of a strange and gigantic bird in the nearby mountains of the garden of spirits. May be you should try your luck there.”

“Thanks,” I mumbled.

“I’m tired,” Lia sighed.

“Let’s just sit here for a while.” I said.

“Perhaps, you would like something to eat?” Aine asked.

“I’m starving…”

She brought out some apples from her backpack and shared with us.

“Do you know anything about witch magic?” Lia asked biting her apple.

“Little, only I know that their magic is stronger than us.”

“What do you know?”

“One kind of magic is that they draw their power from the thoughts.”

“Are there other kinds?” I asked since I knew the first kind.

“Yes by using spells.” She replied.

I thought of asking more when a loud growl interrupted from Lyall’s throat. Alec stood up and glanced in every direction, He stood frozen all his senses alert.

“Fly Aine take Lia with you.” He growled.

Aine stared at him obvious of changes, I nodded. Lia resisted her trying to know what’s happening.
“Lia, go.” Alec growled. Lia is stunned by the sudden change. Aine gripped her tightly by her waist and spread her wings and soared up. I felt happy at least Lia will be safe from whatever the danger is.

Alec put me in between him and the wolf. The trees snapped to make room for the giant wolf that headed towards us. Lyall took him immediately. His paws boring into the wolfs neck, the wolf side stepped and lunged at his throat. Lyall twisted its limbs ad pinned it to the ground. It broke from him and cut him. I gasped.

I am so immersed in the fight that I didn’t notice Alec fighting with another dark cloaked person. He raised high in the air caught by the fist of the dark one; He propelled back and landed a heavy blow upon him. He staggered back but that didn’t stop him. I can’t just watch, I have to help them. I took my bow and inserted an arrow.

“You are not doing that.” A hoarse and seductive voice said.

I saw a woman in mid thirties, walking towards me, she is wearing a light colored and knee length gown, at knees it cut into pieces barely hiding the legs, and she is almost like a fashion chick.

“Who are you?” I shouted.

“Little miss sunshine doesn’t know me, huh?” she smirked.

She spoke like stupid bimbos in my college. I ignored her and aimed my arrow at the cloaked person. The arrow whirled in the air and it went direct to Alec, I knew this stupid bitch in front of me is a witch now. I struck the arrow down at mental thought and scowled at her.

“You are good; let me see how you’ll take this.” She laughed at me evilly.

At first I felt nothing but the thorns pricked at the walls of my mind and then the pain soared all through my body making me numb. I fell on the floor trying to control my pain, it worked for a second but she applied more force on me.

“To think that you will save them…” she laughed evilly.

I saw that my friends are still fighting and the good thing is that they are upper hand now. Hopefully, they will help me; another surge of energy hit me, my whole body convulsed at it. Alec and Lyall tried to reach me but they are stopped by their opponents. My eyes started to close; this will be my end I thought as the searing pain hit my body with fresh waves of energy. Her evil laugh echoed through my brains and is suddenly cut off. I opened my eyes to see what stopped her maniac laughter.

She is lying on the floor few inches away from me and she stared in fear at a woman standing in front of me in ragged clothes.

“Go, Serena. Before I fry you, I don’t want my children fighting with each other.” She said.

“Sorry, mother.” She apologized.

She stood up gracefully and bowed to her and turned to leave and before that she gave me death glare. I blanked out knowing that at least I’m not dead.

“Sera… please wake up.” I heard a familiar voice.

I tried to pry open eyes but the eyes lids were like heavy, I tried to feel but my body is numb, I’m dead. I thought. Someone shook my frame but I couldn’t respond even by a slight nod.

“Carry her to my home; I know what to do with her.” A strange voice said.

Last thing I knew I’m being carried away by two strong arms. I tried hard to find who it is when a faint earth smell hit me, Lyall I smiled and dozed off.

A warm and sticky liquid is poured into my mouth, it flowed through my entire system, I felt ticklish all over that only means my body is energizing. My eyelids fluttered to open.

“Not so soon, take some rest for a while.” The same strange and motherly voice commanded.

I woke up to the smell of coffee and home baked cakes. I’m resting in a small and yet cozy room. The room seems to be very old, parched walls, the old and creaky floorboards. I’m managed in one piece to the living room. The room is crowded, as they heard my footsteps they all stared at me. Their grim faces are slowly replaced by smiles.

“Having a snack without me, huh?” I cheered.

“Come and sit,” The lady gestured towards a small stool that is beside her.

She offered me some coffee and cake, I munched on them. It felt good to eat some real food after days of travelling.

“Thanks,” I replied with sweet smile.

“You are so like your mother.” She replied.

“Do you know my mom?” I asked.

“Of course, I would know my daughter.” She said.

That’s when I understood that she is speaking about Riona not my mom; of course none would know my mom here.

“Is that my aunt who attacked me?” I asked tentatively.

She nodded, her smile faded.

“Why is she on bad side?”

“I can’t choose sides for them, it’s their calling.” She must be clearly disappointed by her daughter. “Good thing at least one daughter is good.” I tried to pacify her.

“Lucy raised you well.” She smiled.

“You know my mom.” Lia and I said in chorus.

“Of course, it’s me who left you in their protection.” I am dumbfounded. “Why did you leave me? What happened?” I asked.

She sighed and leaned back into her chair; she closed her eyes and began.

When you’re still in your mother’s womb there is a prophecy told by your mother. According to the prophecy the first born in the next generation will be bearer of the prophecy. Your mom had child of human and Serena she carried child too. People expected the prophecy child will be Serena’s since it carried pure royal blood unlike you who is tainted with human blood. You were born under human supervision and a few seconds later Raven; Serena’s child is born. Damphir heard about the prophecy, he doesn’t want his reign to end so he chose to kill the prophecy child. She paused long before she began again. Your mother knew some day he would know that you’re the real prophecy child and he would come after you. She decided to keep you safe soon after your birth, she gave you to me. A year later she sent me a message that I should return the child to her human father. Being a seer she knows what is right for you so I took you to them. I even stayed a week to make sure you’re indeed safe.

“Did mom know that my parents…” I trailed off.

“She has no hint of that when she gave you away but as soon as she saw it, she told them. They accepted it gracefully. Your mom stayed there for a week and performed spells to keep your identity hidden hoping that would change everything.” So they knew what would become of them that night. Never once did they take it on me, they must really love me, Tears spilled and Lia enveloped her arms in mine, she rested her head on my shoulders and silently cried.

“How did they find me then?”

“Didn’t Alec tell you?” she asked.

I stared at him frowning, he sighed.

“I found you when you’re six. I smelled your blood when I’m on my way home. I followed the scent and it led me to your home. I didn’t know what happened in there but I saw a small child shrieking and crying, she is enveloped in red flames and the pull is great to me. I saw your father calming you down and your mom sang you to bed. I waited until everyone slept and got into your room. Even the magic drained you… you still had great pull, I took a look closer and when I saw you, I knew you’re Riona’s child since you are so like her and I knew you’re the prophecy child. From that day, I watched over you as per Damien’s instructions.”

“If you’re watching over me, why didn’t you save my parents?” It almost sounded like an abuse.

“I’m sorry, I was fighting with another vampire and when I reached your home. It’s already late.” He said his head held down.

“Child, don’t grieve over the past. You can’t change anything that has to happen.” Granma said.

I felt sorry for Alec, it isn’t his fault. It’s my entire fault; I’m the one who brought all this. I killed my cousin Raven and my parents.

“Is that why she turned into bad side?”

Granma frowned but a little after she understood me. “Serena blamed your mother and she wanted to kill you since she thought you’re the reason for Raven’s death.”

I hid my head on my knees and cried for everything that happened and is going to happen. Lyall sat beside me and hushed me; I hid in his shoulders and cried. One by one I heard them leaving the room. I cried into sleep, Lyall must have carried me here, I found lying in the feather bed.

The first thing I thought to do; to find Alec and apologize to him. He is standing outside in the barn when I walked to him, he turned towards me without a smile he turned his head away from me.

“I’m sorry,” we both said in unison.

I cut him off. “I know it’s not your fault, Will you forgive me for being rude?” I asked.

He smiled weakly.

“It’s not your fault for being the chosen one.” I nodded.

“Sera…” I heard granma calling. I ran inside. We ate breakfast.

“I’m going to teach you some particularly useful spells; you’re not going to last one more time if Serena plays on your mind. It’s a good thing that Aine thought of me and I reached you in time. ” She said.

I could see worried glances in everyone’s face; I must have scared them to death by my near death experience.

She taught me how to strike down someone with your energy; all you have to do is draw all your strength and gather them in your hands until a blue ball of energy is formed and throw it at a target in one swift movement. I tried a couple of times and at last when I felt the energy warm in my hands, I threw it randomly at the barn. It lit into fire, Lyall broke into laughter. I glared at him. Granma used the same energy to wipe away the flames.

“How did you do that?” I asked.

“It’s our thought that controls the power or kind of power.” She said.

She said that witches can stupefy a person; all she has to do is use the charm.

“I’m no charm caster.” I smirked.

She explained me how to do and made me remember since I can’t practice it on anyone here. She told me some really small spells for our daily needs. It’s nearly afternoon when she thought me how to use a shield. My mind is buzzing with all the new information.

“Granma, your powers are great advantage to us.” I chirped.

I sat exhausted on the floor. She looked uncomfortable at my comment.

“What’s wrong, granma?” I asked.

“I can’t take sides, they are both my children.” She mumbled.

What? What’s she talking about? I saw Lia held her mouth open, others are quite normal as if they heard nothing unusual, they must have known this.

“How could you, knowing what is at stake?” I asked.

She held her head down.” My mom always said that it takes courage to stand by truth and I don’t think you have the courage to do that.” I stomped away into my room and called, “Guys we’re leaving.”

Granma didn’t try to stop us. After a few miles walk I began to calm myself down. I should have been easy on her; she is just old and vulnerable. No, I didn’t think so she is capable of burning down the whole enemy clan but still she denies choosing.

None spoke to me; we made few quick stops and reached the garden of spirits. It looked almost like heaven, green grass shone making a thick blanket, and there are several trees that rose high into the air shielding us from sun.

“How do you know which one is the right tree?” Lia asked.

She showed the pattern in which the trees stood. The strange thing is that trees all seemed to circle around a particular tree, we moved in closer, I can see the power radiating all over.

“That is the tree,” she pointed to the center one.

“Good, get the fruit. We’ll go visit the nest.” I said.

I could see Aine beaming with joy. I smiled at her at least Aine found what she came for.

“Alec, stay with them please and ensure they are safe.” I pleaded him.

“Hop on,” Lyall changed into his wolf form as we neared the foot of the mountain. I sat on his back and buried my hands into his thick fur. He took me to the top of mountain in jet speed. He changed into human form and we walked over the mountains searching for the great nest but found none.

“I can’t walk any further.” I said sitting by a rock.

“I can carry you.” He offered.

“No need to be all hero, you must be tired too since you carried me all the way here.”

“I’m strong dude.” He smiled.

“Really?” I said.

I tried to smack but he side stepped and I lost my footing and fell from the edge of the cliff. He caught me in time. I felt my hands slipping by the wet, “Hold on tight.” He cried. He tried to get a good grip before hauling me up. I searched frantically for something to support me, I held on to the rock nearby and tried to push myself up, the big rock broke apart and fell down revealing a large cave inside before I could see what’s in, he pulled me up.

“I saw something down there.” I said.


“There’s a cave inside.”


“May be the nest is in.” I explained scowling at him for his dumb head.

“Lower me down,” I said.

“I can’t, you may slip, you’re hands are too slippery.”

I rubbed my hands on the earth and gestured him to hold my hands. He shook them.

“Okay but it’s too risky, what if there is nothing in there?”

“You have to find a way to get me out of that place.” I said.

He lowered me still not sure about this.

“A little lower.” He did. “Swing me,” I cried, “Are you mad?”

“Do as I say.”

I landed cleanly on the floor. I am so sure about this until now but I feared my decision as soon as I took a step in. Loud and weird sounds came from the cave. You came this far and you’re not going to turn away now. I said to myself with every step the cave grew wider and colder.

I know that Lyall would be worried about me so I planned to send a message about my safety every few minutes through our mind link. The cave opened into a large clearing and it’s almost like a valley the sun shone bright but how did this come here inside a mountain, Magic, I think. I took another tentative step out of the shadows and into the sunlight.

At first I thought it as a rock until it moved. It’s all grey and giant, a feeling of dejavu hit I have seen this somewhere. Buck beak in harry potter, I shrieked. How people write so close to the reality. Only this is bigger and it has soft feathers and it seems that it’s a vegetarian as it grazing over the grass and leaves. It must have heard my scream since it saw straight at me. It uttered a loud cry. It walked towards me; do I really think its veggie? I thought out loud. Soon more birds joined and these must be baby birds since they are smaller in size compare to it.

“Greetings, my queen.” I heard someone say.

I checked abruptly in each direction, none. I shook my head and peeped at the giant bird.

“I’m Mika and these are my children.” I heard.

I must be mad, I can hear the bird. I shook my head, magic lands remember, I thought.

“I don’t know how I choose my companion.” I stated as a matter of fact.

“Your blood will choose the right one when you touch us.” She replied.

I nodded and made tentative steps towards the children. The first one is the same as her mother, it propped up its head for me to reach, my hand shivered as I placed a gentle hand on its head. Nothing abnormal happened. I did the same to other two, nothing. Last of her children this must be it, if it isn’t her what should I do? May be use another technique or else I should find another nest? Will there be one? I thought of all possibilities before touching the last one, as soon as I touched it a blast of energy hit me, I felt my energy raise up high and I illuminated. It nuzzled its head under my palm so she knows it too.

“Zera, Serve your queen well.” Her mom replied.

She enveloped her in her giant wings and let her go after some time. It walked with me until the cave mouth occasionally glancing backwards. It felt weird walking besides a giant bird. I heard Lyall cries as soon as I reached on the mouth of the cave. I send him a message.

“How do we go now?” I asked.

“You can ride on my back, my queen.” It’s a wonder to know that even birds have sweet voice.

She helped me up onto its back. She stretched her wings that are as large as airplanes wings. She took one last look at her home and soared into air. I caught tightly onto her neck grabbing the surprisingly smooth fur. It made a circle high in the air. The cool breeze ripped through my skin. It felt really good.

“Wow!” I cried out loud.

Everything seems so tiny up from here, The Mountain seems like a tiny speck and Zera began to descend and I saw a small figure strolling across the mountain.

“Lyall.” I remembered him.

“Can you give him a ride?” I said.

“He is a were wolf.” She said and I didn’t miss the skepticism.

“Hey, he is my friend.” I cried.

She hovered above him and caught him by her legs and began to fly.

“Put me down.” Lyall began to swear.

“Lyall, shut up.” I sent him a message.

“Hope, mom doesn’t hear that I’m carrying filth around.” Zera said.

“Zera, he’ll be hurt if he hears you.” I said.

“He can’t hear me only witches can hear us and once you’ve owned me only you can hear me.” She said.

“Where to, my queen?” she asked.

“Call me Sera.” I said. It felt weird talking with a bird and more weird to ask her to call me by name.

“Garden of spirits,” I said.

She hovered a little lower and I prepared for a bumpy landing but we landed smooth, I appreciated her for that. I heard Lia’s loud cries of Yippee!

“You did it.” She said hugging me.

Lia, this is Zera and Zera this is my sister Lia. Lia frowned at me as if I’ve gone mad talking to a bird but she didn’t show that thankfully.
Zera nodded and bowed her head to her.

“Does Zera understand you?” Lia asked doubtfully.

I explained how it works. She nodded. I introduced my small group of friends; she remained cold when I introduced her to Alec and Lyall. Lyall is still swearing for the bumpy ride she gave and Lia smirked at him.

“You got the fruit? Let’s go then.” I said.

“It’ll be dark in a few hours and I suggest that we stay here for this night.” Alec said. I conjured us some food and ate, I explained them my story, Alec glared at Lyall at the part where I fell down. Lyall missed the look but I caught it. Thank god! I didn’t take him with me; I doubt he would haul me down as Lyall did.

It got really chilly and we moved close to each other. We can’t even make a fire in this sacred place and I grew even cold. I couldn’t feel my hands as seconds passed. Even Lyall the space heater couldn’t generate enough heat for three of us. I heard Zera coming down from the sky.

“Get under my wings, you’ll be warm inside.” She said.

She spread her wings wide and we three snuggled in closer under the wing. It felt warm and soon we drifted off to sleep. I got a strange dream; a lady in pure white who seemed like an angel came to me. She called me forward and offered an apple; I took it tentatively feeling that her image would waver if I touch her.

“Use it wisely.” She said.

I woke up and found apple in my hand and thought that accidentally Aine kept her apple in my hand. As soon as I saw her apple, I knew that dream is actually true. I woke up others up and we soon found out that each of us had the same dream and each carried an apple.

“She is the spirit fairy. You are lucky to see her.” She said disappointed that she didn’t see her.

Zera offered ride for the girls, Alec and Lyall promised us to meet at the fairy castle. She soared high into the air, it felt chilly. We enjoyed the ride and the fog made it difficult to see. Aine spread her wings out for a second and began to hover around us.

“Why are you wasting your energy?” Lia shrieked as it’s hard to hear in the wind.

“It’s good to stretch your wings once in a while.” Aine said coming closer.

Lia hugged me moving closer and dozed off. I caught her tightly to prevent her from falling. I heard a sharp cry and I whisked my head and saw Aine falling off to the ground.

“Zera, catch her before she falls.” I said.

Zera soared down and before Aine hit the ground she caught her. Lia woke up too, we jumped off from her back and hurried towards Aine, She is lying on the ground, and blood seared through her clothes and one of her wings is badly hurt. I hurried to her and moved her into my laps, I tried all the healing spells that Grandma taught me but none worked. I grew frustrated. Her glow began to fade, Lia is staring at her.

“I knew this will be my destiny since the day you caught the falling apple that I ought to have caught. Lia take this to queen and set her free.”

“I’m offered to set my spirit free by the spirit goddess.” She said in almost a whisper.

I saw the white fairy standing over her and the light faded away right in front of my eyes. Aine looked like an empty vessel. The spirit goddess lowered onto her and kissed her on the forehead. Light began to shimmer and enter into her body from Aine’s body.

“She is set free. Caelia finish the task that is assigned to you.” She said in bellish voice. Lia nodded mutely with tears spilling down. I stared down in my hands, Aine’s body is gone. I hauled Crying Lia up on to Zera and sat beside her, hoping who ever that hurt Aine would get me first before they got Lia.

I concentrated on my breathing and summoned the power in me and drew an imaginary circle around us, and poured my power into it.

“I vest my power into thee…” I muttered.

The shield grew bright blue, I knew I did it correct. Zera rose into the air as soon as I finished. I kept my eyes open to see for any signs of Serena. As I suspected after a few minutes, I felt an energy hitting the shield around us. I turned in the direction of energy surge; it’s not Serena whoever it is they are going to pay for hurting an innocent. I used all my strength to gather energy in my hands and put all my hatred and anger into it and the blue flame turned red, I threw it at her with immense strength. Her face went black and she caught her breath as the full force hit her.

“She is dead, Sera.” I heard Zera saying.

“I know, I want her to that’s why I used my feelings as a power against her. Grandma said that witch’s feelings are really powerful so I thought I could use them.” I explained.

“I never heard anyone using it. I thought it’s just saying but I now knew it’s not…” Zera trailed off.

She dropped her altitude and we landed in the garden where we rescued Aine. Alec and Lyall were pacing around tensely.

“Can’t you use a little bit speed?” Lyall scowled at Zera.

Alec saw the unconscious Lia and hurried towards her. He scooped her off from Zera’s back. Zera made a strange noise as Alec hands brushed her skin. Lyall rushed to her.

“What happened?” He asked.

“No time, let’s take her in.”

The castle people gave us way uncomfortably, clearly they aren’t used to strangers.

“Can anyone help us, she is unconscious.” I shouted.

A little fairy stepped tentatively towards her and sprinkled some water and made her drink some of it. Lia’s eyelids fluttered open. Alec set her down; she stood for a minute and then broke down.

“Aine…” she cried.

“What happened to my sister?” the little girl who helped us asked.

“We have to meet the queen first. I’ll tell you what happened there.” I said. I don’t want her to take it in public. With every step we took she kept asking about her sister.

“Lia, you have a responsibility that Aine set on you…” I said massaging her shoulders.

She nodded still crying, we went into the queen’s room and gave her the apple. She took a bite and smiled at Lia, She gestured her to lower her head, she removed her crown with shivering hands and placed it on Lia.

“Caelia; the fairy queen.” She whispered before she had her last breath.

Lia fell on her crying, I couldn’t see her like that anymore. I heaved her onto her feet and dragged her out of the room. I sat her on chair and another little fairy hurried to her.

“Please take care of her for a few seconds.” I said when I remembered that I need to give the story to Aine’s sister and others.

Aine’s sister broke into tears as she heard about her tragic death. As I knew I did my duty, I hurried to the place where I left Caelia. She is staring into the space. I heard someone coming into the room.

“Aine got what she wished for; she always wished to set her spirit free. I know she’ll be happy wherever she is.” Aine’s sister said.

“Thanks,” I mouthed.

“What’s your name?” I asked.

“Alina, my lady.” She bowed.

“You can call me Sera.”

She showed us into a room, I sat beside Lia while she cried into sleep. Lia has already seen much death in her life; I have to do something to protect her.

Lia slept in the bed which fit her perfectly. Lyall, Alec and Me slept on the floor since everything is of their size. Alina offered to use her magic to make the things big enough for us to fit in. I denied her and said that I wanted to be with Lia when she wakes up.

Alina woke us up early in the morning; she said there is some ritual to make Lia a fairy before she is crowned. We got dressed as quickly as possible and followed the instructions to the garden where they will be performing the ritual.

More than Ten elder fairies are standing in a circle, Lia sat inside the circle her eyes are still sore from all the crying, I winked at her and she gave a half hearted smile. The fairies closed in making Lia completely invisible. Slowly each of them had their wings out; they are all multicolored and bright. They seem to catch the little light present in the sky and glitter.

One after another the sky burst with a single color and the fairies made a uniform motion of grabbing the colors and weave them in intricate patterns to make beautifully designed wings. They attached them to Lia’s back. They seemed to be saying some words in their mind all the while their hands on her and the wings. A little while they moved away from her and standing in a circle; they held their hands together and whispered something again. Sizzling lights seemed to be passing through their hands and the circle grew brighter until a blinding light occurred. We closed our eyes with our hands.

“Sera…” I heard bellish voice.

I opened my eyes slowly and Lia stood in front of me, she is transformed entirely, her entire body glowed. She seemed more fragile than any day and more beautiful and peaceful. The multicolored wings added more radiance to her appearance. Her sweet voice that I’m so used to is now replaced by bells.

I entwined my arms around her careful that I would suffocate her even if I hug her. She is more like angel that I used to imagine in my childhood days.

“It’s time people meet their queen.” One of the elder fairies said.

Lia nodded and Alina followed her into her room and we’re accompanied to the grounds where Lia will be crowned as the queen of fairies.

Lia walked in her perfect authentic way in a white ball gown. She smiled brilliantly as she walked past her people and her steps are as light as feather as if she is kissing the ground gently. One of the finest men offered his help and walked her to the throne, the elder fairies walked towards her and one of them placed the crown on her head graciously. It fit her perfectly and Alina sat her on the throne.

Everyone is in the mood of celebrating the coronation of their queen, delicious food is being served all over the palace and the palace is filled with many fairies, I saw people drinking and dancing in joy. I wandered to the window and called for Zera as I saw her wandering aimlessly in the sky.

“Zera, I have an odd feeling about dark kingdom. Could you just check out on them?” She nodded and flew into the sky.

“Is everything fine? You seem so worried.” Lyall asked.

“It’s just…” I trailed off as I saw Lia and Alec walking towards us.

Alec scrutinized me and I shrugged. We all walked back to the grounds, people bowed as Lia passed through them.

That odd feeling grew stronger by every second; I sat by the fountain waiting for her to come. Lyall joined me, he knew something is wrong. Alec joined me after a while.

“Lia is busy meeting the prominent people.” He said.

I heard Zera’s voice as she began to descend; she showed me the pictures of slaughter going on in dark kingdom. I hauled on to her as soon as I knew what’s happening.

Alec and Lyall stared at me; I can’t waste time explaining them. I ordered Zera to take us there. Zera caught each of them by her legs and flew as fast as she could. Mean while I sent messages to Alec and Lyall about the attack.

As we neared the dark kingdom, I saw the fierce battle going on; both werewolves and vampires of the enemy clan attacked us. The werewolves are tearing apart everyone they found, vampires savagely bored teeth into the believers taking their heads apart. I marked two fierce warriors in them. My first aim is to kill them or else they would go on decreasing our strength. I conjured my strength into a single bolt in my hands and pushed my hands forward after a circular motion directing the energy towards the targets. The energy split into two as it reached near and hit its target throwing them against the stone walls. I made another swift motion and the spear that the brass statue is holding ripped through the monsters heart. Zera dropped off, Lyall and Alec in the middle of the battle. Lyall tore every non believer into pieces, with his bulky paws. Alec used his mighty hands to ward off enemies; he bore his teeth into their necks, tearing apart. They were fierce in the battle, soon the enemy numbers dwindled. We fought with all our might not taking even a second to breathe.

Seeing Alec and Lyall in the battle made me shiver, non believers tried to stay away from their grasp but sooner or later everyone were a prey to them. The only non-believers who are alive are the ones that ran away from the battle.

Soon people piled up in the main hall, most of them were badly hurt but they weren’t fatal; the only good thing with us immortals is we couldn’t be killed that easily. We attended to the serious things like discarding the bodies and tending the badly injured. Damien was badly injured and he wasn’t willing to live anymore. He called us to his chamber; we rushed to him as he was lying on the bed.

“I wish to leave this world and have peace atlast.” “We need you…” I said. He cut me off, “You will do fine without me, I know that. However, I have something to offer.” He said turning his attention on Alec who was looking at his father distraughtly.
Damien held his hands into hands and pressed them to his forehead, Alec restrained himself but the king strongly held on to his hands.

“What’s happening?” I asked as I saw Damien writhing in pain as different scars and wounds began to surface on his skin.

“He is giving away all his powers to his son willingly to make him even stronger. When one does that they have to endure all the things from the past which were healed with his powers. It is very…” he said. Damien started shouting unable to fathom all that pain he missed in his long years.

Alec writhed in pain seeing his father suffer. I placed my hands over his arms reassuringly. He gave a weak smile. I couldn’t avert my eyes from the rotten body who was once the most handsome king Damien. Alec whisked his hands away from his father’s grip and walked away towards the window.

“I think you should talk to him.” Lyall said. “I’ll make sure that he will have a proper burial.” He said.

“Wait!”I said as a brilliant idea struck in my mind. “Hurry up, bring his body to the garden.” I said running towards the backyard.

I made the maids to dig a grave enough for the king to rest when Alec brought Damien all wrapped up in his best robes. I asked him to place his body inside the grave. I placed my hands upon the heart of the once king and tried to remember the old magic spell that I learned from the book.

“Hope this works out…” I said taking a deep breath. “Let this kind soul rest in peace; let his soul be as strong as bark, as cool as tree shade, as fruitful as fruits. Let his soul be ever helping as a long living tree.”

I rose up waiting to see the consequences, at first nothing happened. I almost thought that I did something wrong. “Look…” Lyall said pointing to the ground, where a little plant started to sprout out. I heard gasps of amazement. It grew in front of our eyes from a small plant to a huge tree spreading its cool shade and bearing fruits, in a few seconds.

Alec hugged me in joy and everyone appreciated me for making a wise move and letting their king be a part of them forever.

I wrote a letter to Lia explaining about my sudden departure. I know she would be upset but I have to assure her of our safety or else she would come looking for us. I also made a point that she need to take care of her people now and promised that I would meet her soon.

“I need to say something, Gather them in the hall.” I ordered Mary.

As I walked into the main hall, I could sense their apprehension. I cleared my thought. “The dark kingdom is no longer safe for us. We should move to another place as fast as we can. Gather whatever supply we have and make preparations to leave.”

I could see their dubious glances. “We are going to the woods.” I said. I heard murmurs of disapproval.

“If we are to live and fight against them; It is our only choice since there is no hide out that is so near to us.” I said.

“Do as the queen asks…” Alec ordered in a rough voice that made everyone obey. Soon everyone gathered packing anything that might be useful. They packed necessary things like arms, supplies of blood, clothes and valuables.

Lyall, Alec and I led the way. They filed after us. As we walked all our senses are alert against the dangers that lurk in the forest. We placed the women and young vamps in the middle and formed a wall on four sides while walking. It took us hours to reach the thick forests.

As the trees thickened, Lyall’s sober mood changed to joyous one. He let out a loud howl of joy as we stepped into the woods, catching me off guard. I punched him. Alec is still lost in his own thoughts; I need to talk to him alone.

Lyall’s kingdom was very different; we entered into a clearing in the middle forest where each house is built of wood. People towered over us; they threw vicious glances at the vampire procession marching towards them. If not for Lyall’s warning there could have been a war here. Alec silenced the low snarls escaping from the vamps.

At the center of the houses there is another large building that is as large as the dark kingdom’s palace. Lyall walked me in, the floor boards creaked under his weight. Alec and other vamps waited patiently outside the alpha’s chamber.

Alpha bowed as soon as he saw me. He is a man in his early twenties and he is as good looking as Lyall, but the thing is I found Lyall more attractive. “I seek the audience of your people.” I said with a determined look. He looked at me dubiously but with unwavering confidence, I stood.

He let out a piercing howl and walked me outside taking my hands into his. I could see Alec’s discomfort as I held hands with him.

“I know that you of all people hate vampires and the same is true for them but there is something common in you all. You are working for one cause and your reasons are same then why not work together? United we have the strength in numbers, If we work divided; today it is dark kingdom and tomorrow it will be woods… do you want to see your loved one’s die when you can prevent it by working together.”

I could see that most of them considered what I said, others they will come around, I’m sure about that.

Alpha and few important members of the pack, Alec and his council were waiting for me at the hall, to see what strategies I had for the upcomig war, Truly, I came up with nothing… Alpha filled in the things that happened since Lyall left home, there were random attacks on woods and their strength has dwindled too as I predicted. I listened to him and uderstood that the attacks were planned on single groups but not on the whole community.

“I think we need to make a war call to all the kingdoms…” Sera said after giving it a thought. “Lyall can you communicate my message to all the wolves…?” She asked quizzically. Lyall looked at the Alpha and nodded.

Sera nodded and hurried outside into the woods, she used her magic to create a cloud in the air, She whispered some make spells that she learned from her book and nodded at Lyall and the Alpha. “To all the believers of new era, I, Sera the seer and the red witch address you all, In this dark times our only hope is in helping each other and working together for the great cause, If we stand alone we’ll be the easy targets and if we are together strength is ours, Forgot all those days when one hated the other mythical creature, these days come to test our strength and beliefs. Those who all wanted to be the warriors in this battle for new era will have my protection. I welcome, you all to Madira my kingdom, where we will stay together and help each other….”

Sera finsihed, her voice had unknown strength and authentic. She finished the incantation, “The message will be passed to every believer of the world… Lyall did you get my message to other wolves…” he nodded.

She addressed all the wolves and vampires standing in front of her…”We leave at the dusk...” she said and returned back to the hall.

All the night they helped each other for packing all the arms ad resources…by dusk every family waited for her queen to march the procession. Sera had a difficult night, she stayed by all night worried about her next vision… She shook of the fear knowing this is no time to sit and cry.

Alec and Lyall were talking about stats, I gave a warm smile to them, they winked and went to think of the plans. As expected the kids and woman were in the middle and the the male warriors covered us in circle. Zera soared up into the sky to give the message of us coming to Madira…

The message I had sent reached all the believers, we made stops at every village and they joined us. It was one large procession and everyone had their faith in me which nerved me a bit, Alec squeezed my hands whenever he saw signs of me worried.

“It’s the elves in next kingdom…I don’t think they would join us…They always treat others less than themselves and I think they would do the same now…”Lyall said.

“Let’s see…”I said and we made a stop in the elf kingdom for the night. I took Alec and Lyall to talk to the Elf king who grumbled as soon as he saw us but his wife gave a fond smile towards me. She is unlike him, The elf king was pale and godly and his ears were pointed which was a major give away but the queen looked so like…me. She thought.

“Yes…Sera. I’m your elder sister…” she remarked in my mind. I glanced at her and nodded.“As you know the intention of our coming…”I was cut off by him.

“I don’t want to put the lives of my people in jeopardy…” he said with a final tone. “So you think if they don’t participate in the war then they will be safe…Do you think the non- believers will let you live peacefully…Do you think if they would consider whether you are in the war or not…?”

The king didn’t answer, “Why should I think of the othe people…I have my warriors to protect my kingdom if there was any attack…” he said.

“You are strength is nothing compared to the non believers…if you see reason then you’ll know that joining us is your safest option…”I said.

His Queen was having internal turmoil in her mind… in these times of need she need to be with her family and her family means both Witches and Elves, how could she choose one among them?

“My king…I stand by her in these times of need. They need us and so do we…” She admitted. He looked shocked at her, the queen whispered some chant ad the king froze for a second and then his face contorted with pain as he saw his true form of his wife…

“You are a witch…” he cried. “What’s happening…?” Lyall asked seeing the drama play before us. “Love…She used glamor on him and disguised herself into an elf to marry him…” I said smiling.

The king hid his head in disgrace all these years he was living with a woman who cheated her very existence, She walked closer to him, he flinched at her touch. “My king…I may have cheated you of my birth but my love was so true, I had unpledged my undying with my whole heart the day I saw you…”she said as two tears slipped through her eyes.

The king sobbed like a weak man, “I don’t understand these things…” Lyall said shrugging his shoulders. “One day you will…”I said winking at Alec. He was surprised at my answer.

“I think we need to give them a moment alone…”I said. We went away and stood in the corridor watching the elve kingdom. A handsome warrior walked towards us… “You must be Sera… Mother told so much about you…It’s great to see you… I wish father would decide to join the war…” he said.

“I wish the same…”I said. The next thing surprised me very much, he pulled me closer and planted a tentative kiss on the head.

In flash of a second…He was lying on the floor with Alec above him ready to strangle his throat. “Alec…wait…He didn’t mean it in the wrong way…Let him go…Now…”I shouted.

“I was just trying to do our elfish welcome…” he smiled. “Alec…What’s wrong with you…?” I chided him gently. He walked away from me. “Lyall… go and talk to him…”I said.

“Is he your…”The elf prince mumbled. I was really stupid how could I not notice his indifference towards me since the day of kiss was indeed his love.

“I’ll just be back…” I said and rushed to Alec and Lyall who were waiting by the farther end of the castle. I hugged him and kissed him longingly. I heard Lyall saying something in the back that didn’t matter. I have always loved Alec and from the day he started to be away from me, my love only grew more. I never wanted to confess it though thinking he would leave me broken hearted but after seeing what my elder sister did to gain her love, I thought letting go off my ego is no big problem.

Alec was surprised very much at first and then I could feel his hands pulling me closer to him. “Oh my god!” Lyall shouted which broke our magical moment.

“Wow!” Lyall said sheepishly as Alec hugged me close to his arms. “Young love…” My sister said with and excited smile. I ran to her and thanked her for helping me decide what I wanted.

She smiled sweetly. “The king wants to see you all…” she said. We nodded and walked in…”Give us some time to alert all my warriors…” was all he said. “There are my people out in the palace grounds…Could you see to their necessities…?” I asked.

The king ordered his men to look after them, “Nessa…show your sister to her chambers…”he said. “How did you…?” “A man will always heed to love…”She said smiling.

She showed me into my bed chamber. I had totally forgot about Lia… I sent a message to her about my where abouts when I heard a silent knock on the door. Alec walked in, I went into his arms at once.

“Why did you…?” I was cut off by his tender kiss. “When you withdrew on that day, I thought you never liked me that way so…” I cut him off by another kiss. We stood there enjoying the warmth in love.

Dusk broke through the sky, I found myself in the arms of Alec as I woke up to the mornig light, I kissed him gently and went to see how the preparations where going on.Lyall was standing by the door considering if he should knock or not. “All ready to go…”he said. I nodded.

By noon, we reached eastern mountains and once we pass through the we’ll reach Madira. We sat for a while and cotinued on the way… I heard Zera soaring up above in the sky…”She said there is someone lurkig in the woods…” I stood straight and conveyed my message to Alec and Lyall. Lyall sniffed the air and pointed towards the right bushes. He jumped into the bushes when we heard a cry of pain.

Lyall was strangling a dwarf… “Lyall…let him go…” he released him reluctantly. “Why are you here…?” I commanded. He bet on his knees… “I come here to serve you my queen…” he said. “Don’t believe him, the dwarves are always traitors…” Lyall growled.
“No…my queen. We have been seen as traitors for years but not anymore, we dwarves stand by truth in this times… We wanted to gift a world with no evil to our children…”he pleaded. I found nothing but truth in his words.

“Raise…You shall be given a chance but know this traitors are not in my good eye…” The dwarf nodded. He made a funny sound with his lips and many dwarves rounded us in a second. They all bowed to me… “Our gratitude for giving us a chance to prove our loyalty…” they said in unison.

By dusk we reached Madira… all the residents of the Madira waited for my arrival. A maid walked in strides towards me… “Attend to their needs…”I said to her. She scurried towards the group… I walked towards Zera…She was grinning ear to ear…”What…?” I asked. “I was surprised to see Zera’s whole family in the back yard of the castle grazing on leaves…”

“I thought you served none…” I asked her family… “We come here to aid my daughter in times of need…” she said. “We have brought visitors too…”she said and gestured me to see.

There were huge red scaled dragons… frying the trees around them. “They are our other family and they agreed to help us on one condition…” she said.

“Name it…” “That they should be allowed to serve the witches as we do and they should be treated not like some mosters…” “You are not monsters…I always had a fascination about the dragons I read in my books…” I complained like a child. I could see their lips curl up. They are smiling…I thought.

Lyall walked to me and stumbled back as soon as he saw who I was talking too. I laughed at him. “Hey…this is my friend Lyall… a werewolf…”I said. “ You are talking to dragon…?” He pretend that he was dizzy. I slapped him.

“Someone is here to see you…”he said and led me to the castle. “Mom…” I said as I saw her in flesh and blood for the first time… “My child…You have done wonderfully…”She hugged me feircely. She kissed me on the top of head. “Come…” she walked me to the great hall where heads of each witch clan sat.

“My home…My people…”I thought. “They walked one by one towards me and said how well I did and how they are so proud of me…tears slipped out.

The next three days were a blur people trained among themselves for the battle and others began to join us… Riona had a pact with the trolls years ago so she went to remind them of it. She said that they would join us in the day of war which would be a surprise element for them.

My vision of war unnerved me all the time when I was all by myself… the final day has come as we everyone took positions… Children and women were sent deep into the castle dungeons to prevent them from gettig hurt.Alec, Lyall and the elf king positioned up the men at various stations…

Dragons were the first line of attack, they sent scorching flames at anyone that passed the borders, The witches alighted to the sky to prevent the attack from sky, gaint birds flew and clashed against one another, their feathers rained through the sky… I called for Zera and flied on to the sky above everyone targeting everyone who came too close to the knigdoms outer walls, I soar high to see the enemy numbers, we were out numbered. There are many of them… some of them broke through the castle gates and entered in… Lyall and Alec were engaged in feirce battle. Many people were getting hurt and the bloodshed continued, I scanned for mother and spotted her engaged in feirce battle with one of the witches…I am sure that she was doing good but I remembered my vision and checked her surroundings…It was too late before I spotted Serena and stopped her… She used dark magic against mom when she was dealing with another one… Serena…I felt pity for her all these days but today she will pay for all that she was doing… I surged an immense bolt of energy into my hands and whispered threw it her, she stared at me for a second and then blasted into millions of pieces. Mom was faliing down from as her great bird disappeared.

Zera soared down and picked her up before she felt the ground…She let me down… my mom was lying still on the floor, I should have prevented it…It was all my fault, I get to know her and she leaves me alone…this is not fair…

“It’s not your fault…we can never prevent something that has to happen…”I felt a chilly hand on my shoulder. I saw my mother’s spirit lingering above me.

“Don’t worry about me, my love… I finally get to live with your dad…” she said as her words echoed the sky brighten up and the clouds moving close to form the images of mom and dad… Dad extended his hands towards her, mom gracefully took his hands with a good bye kiss to me.

“Take care of yourself and Lia…” Dad whispered. As the sun began to go down, the enemies retreated back to their camps… There was much loss…Many lives are lost. Lyall’s pack Alpha lost his life saving a dwarf. One of the dragon got hurt and one died. The trolls never came to our aid.

“Sera…” Alec came running towards me. “Lia…is hurt…”he said. That did it to me… I couldn’t lose her too, I ran fast into the castle rooms…The fairies were lying around her…She lost color and looked drained of energy…The fairies tended to her… I clutched her hands… “Stupid girl…Why did you come…?”I scolded her. Alec hugged me as I cried into his shoulders, Lia was fading away quickly… “Do something…”I shouted at the other fairies standing by her. I couldn’t see it anymore…I had lost my parents and now mom and I can’t stand by to see Lia… I cried.

“Get up…” I heard a familiar voice.I was shocked to see grandma applying herbs on to Lia’s wounds. She made her drink some green, slimy liquid. We all waited her to see if it had any effect. It didn’t work…All hopes shattered in me… I sobbed on to his shoulders unable to see what was to come…

“Look…”he said raising up my chin, I saw her fingers twitch, she coughed and everyone gasped as she woke up as if from deep slumber coughing…

“What was that gross thing…?” she complained. I rushed to her hugging her feircely. Lyall hugged her at the same time…”What happened did I get some lottery or what…?” she humored. I withdrew from her laughing. “I missed you…” I said smiling.

The fairies one by one left as they saw it’s a family moment assured of their queen’s safety.” Grandma…I’m so glad you came…”I said giving her a hug. “You were right about me being in the wrong notion… It cost my two daughter’s lives to know that…” as her eyes moistured with tears.

My confidence rose as I saw her, Lyall was craddling Lia in his arms never letting her go. “I never saw that coming…”I said eying them. Lia blushed and Lyall growled.
I turned towards Alec to see blood dripping from his brow, I hadn’t noticed that until now. Grandma tended to it as I fussed about how selfish I’m to not notice his pain. “It’s nothing…” He assured me.

Grandma left us alone to have a talk. “I’m sorry…”I cried. “Don’t be…you have lot of things going on and it’s nothing…”he said pulling me closer to him. I nodded ad he kissed me on the forehead.

I looked at Lia entwined in Lyall’s arms… “I never thought of it…” I said. “For a clever person…you miss so many things…”Alec said winking. “You knew…?” I asked. “Even before Lyall could understand his feelings towards Lia…”he said winking.

I woke up as I had yet another vision… I couldn’t let this happen. My heart raced at the image of Alec lying on the floor lifeless. What should Ido…? I can’t lose him… I sobbed until he woke up from beside me and pulled me into his laps… “Is everything,okay…?”he asked. I nodded how could I say such thing to him…

With morning, My nerves failed me, I couldn’t face this day…not at the cost of my love… I’m being selfish as ever, I couldn’t risk the life of my people at this time, they were here by trusting my words, if I failed them… I stared at the people waiting at the palace gates; were's, vamp's, fairies, dragons, witches and many other mythical creatures that I couldn't name.

"It's time, my Queen." one of the maids who attended me said.

I left pushing through the thick wooden doors to the gathering, heart thudding. I took a deep breath before opening the door to the community hall where I was going to address the people of Madira, My Kingdom.

I stole a quick glance over the crowd. They were full of hope. Would I be able to do this right? What if I failed them?

Alec squeezed my hand gently. His Eyes were back to that creamy brown color; his handsome face had a scar now. If I hadn't gone through the bitter experiences for the past month, I could easily imagine him as a high school hottie rather than a Vampire Royal.

"You'll do great," Alec whispered.

"We are always with you," Lyall said with those deep wolfish eyes.

“I had to do this…” I said to myself. “I gave them my plan of attck today and assured them with my whole heart that I would keep them safe.”

Alec and Lyall took positions… I placed a protection charm around Alec putting all my life souce into it. I learned this charm from Zera, Great birds bound themselves to us in such a way that if the witch dies so would it but the vice versa doesn’t happen. And I plan to kill Damphir before anything before he gets to Alec.

Damphir lead the enemy troops since Serena died. He was pretty much invicible in the field, I saw Alec heading towards him and quickly jumped in between them. I stopped Alec by raising his hands.

“It’s great pleasure meeting you Sera…I was told of your rare beauty but all their words would never justify your beauty… I planned something different for you after you lose the war.” He said. Alec growled as he planted his idea of what he wated to do to me… He leaped on to him and they fought feircely, I was kept busy by a group of vampires but from the corner of my eye, I saw Alec and Damphir literally at each other’s thoughts.

“I have to do something before the inevitable happens…” I formed tow balls of fire in my both hands and directed one of them towards Damphir and another one towards the vampire that attacked me.

Damphir was too wuick to eye, he stepped back and Threw Alec in the path of my energy… Alec let out a shrill cry of pain and fell lifeless on the floor, Damphir laughed evilly and kicked Alec’s body that lay on the ground… “You made things easy for me…You killed him for me…” I laughed.

I slumped on to the ground, I felt all my energy drain away… I felt empty inside… the world freezed around me…finally the one thing that I feared had happened. My heart shattered as I saw his lifeless body on the ground…Nothing mattered any more to me… Why should I live or for whom do I have to live?

Damphir dragged me away from Alec’s body… I didn’t want to get separated. “ You have to fight… for people whom you promised freedom…” Riona’s voice echoed through the sky.

“How could people believe that a petty charmer like you could help them…”Damphir laughed. Riona’s words showed me my destiny… I grabbed all the energy that is left in me into finger tips and chanted the death curse that I saw in dark magic spells. It would drai away the magic in this place but it should be done it’s necessary… I decided and mumbled an apology to the spirits of nature for taking away their source of energy.

I aimed the bolt at Damphir with one swift move, it was all too quick for him to react as he was so much immersed in taunting me about how he would use my body to sate his lust. His evil luaghter echoed one last time in the universe… And as he struck the ground so did I, my eyes darted towards Alec before the darkness consumed me.

“Use the apples wisely…” The nature spirit was chanting in my dreams… My eye lids flickered and started to open slightly… my vision was blury, I blinked twice to clear it to see Lia’s face staring above me… “Oh my god! You are awake…” she cried.

Lyall helped me up to sit…I glanced around and met so many familiar faces but not the one that I wanted to see, Why wasn’t he here…?That’s when it hit me, he is dead… My heart clenched at the very thought. How could I live when he was dead? “Alec…”I muttered crying. Lyall enveloped me in his arms ad cradled me in his arms… I cried more and more as I truly felt his loss.

“I thought you would be happy finally relieved of every burden…” A familiar voice echoed. I jumped up in bed as I saw the very face that I thought I wouldn’t see again. I showered him with kisses as his merry laughter echoed in my ears.

“I thought I lost you…”I cried. “For two days…I thought the same…” he whispered. “It’s a good thing you put a protection spell around him, when you threw the energy at him, it backfired since the source is same but rendered him unconscious…” Grandma said walking towards my bed.

“But…I had a vision…”I said. “Yeah! Didn’t you think that you saw his lifeless body…” she said.I nodded. “The vision was fulfilled but you didn’t predict the next part of the vision so the confusion…” she said.

I nodded giving her a tight hug…”I think you should rest for a while…”Alec said. “I have my whole life to rest, for now I need to get things into order…” I said. I gave quick orders for the maids to gather everyone at the palace grounds…

“ I need to talk to you something in private grandma…” I said. Everyone left us alone, Alec reluctantly left my side with a quick kiss on the forehead.

I noticed all of my people waiting for me in the palace grounds… It turned out that the trolls after all joined in the war and they were an element of surprise since seeing them most of the enemy camp ran away.

“The day we have all waited and faught for has come…the fruits of glory shall now be enjoyed for generations… Madira shall no more be a kingdom of witches…It shall be a land for every mythical creature that loves to spend their life peacefully…Dwarves shall no more be treated as traitors, they will be given equal respect…” at which the dwarves cheered. “Dragons shall be at our service and shall not be treated with derision… and my deep gratitude for our troll friends…” The trolls gave a lop sided grin hitting their clubs as a sign of respect to me. “The non believers will be given a chance to live peacefully with us or else they could chose to abandon this world forever…” I said.

I hurried into the forest as soon as I finished addressing my people, Zera carried me further north covering dark kingdom’s border. Lis flew to the east covering her kingdom… Lyall went to the west covering the woods, Alec went to the edge of the southern mountains. “Ready…” I said to them through our mind link. We placed the apples that were given to us on the ground. I repeated the spell that I learned from grandma before and waited for it to finish… The apple was dragged into the ground and it grew into a huge tree, and when it finished reaching it’s height, It emitted a blue barrier, I jumped on to Zera’s back and soared into the sky and watched the Blue barrier covering the fours sides of my kingdom… The power that I had sucked away with the dark curse was replaced. It looked no more dry,barren and lifeless, every direction I saw was green and filled with life…


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.11.2010

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To all my friends and family for their love and support. The cover art 'red witch' by Gary e sluder

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