
I woke up early in the morning gentle breezes,tugging my hair and chiding me to wake up,the cool breezes chilled my senses.The aroma of coffee that mom left at the table beside my bed, the tiny rays of light filtering through my windows,Isn’t very easy to ignore.I got up yawning lazily on the bed.
“Meg,hon,you will be late for the test.”Mom called probably preparing my breakfast.
I memorized my lines while getting dressed.
“Hi,dad.”I said sliding beside him on the couch.
My dad is going through the news paper.I flicked through the channels to see anything worth, going on around the world.
“Stop,there.” Dad said when I turned to the news channel.
“The weather forecast says that there is a cyclone ahead.”dad repeated to none in particular.
“I’m sure it’s going to be sunny day,it’s always the opposite of what they say,isn’t it deary?”mama said.
Suddenly,I lost focus on the chattering,my vision became blurred, it's like I was pulled with great force into nothingness and like a heavy weight was placed on my heart. Then pictures of flood flashed through my mind.The images moved at rapid pace,all containing the same details,flood and people drowning.When a voice repeated in my mind,
“Brace yourself my child,lead them to the right way,Bravery is always rewarded.”
Little by little, I am losing the visions and then the distinct voices of mama and dad are
“ You,okay?” Mama said concerned.
“I’m great,Why do you ask that?”I said.
“Oh!honey,you are pale and lost so deep in thoughts,We called you like 50 times before you answered.”
“I’m good,it’s just.. I’m tired. I haven’t slept the whole night because of the test.”I said.
“Eat something you will feel good.” Dad suggested.
I kissed them goodbye because I have a feeling that I won’t see them for a long time.
When I got to Radhi’s home she is standing outside all set to go. Radhi is my best buddy,we ride together to the college.She is so thin and tall,her curly hair is cut short last month,it touches her cheeks,she has brown highlights over that dark jet lack hair.she has a pretty face that goes well with her beautiful smile.
"How did the preparation go?" I asked.
"Oh!as if, you don't know." Radhi said not without a single glance towards me.
We walked in silence for a few minutes,it's not like Radhi to maintain silence even for a second.

"Hey, what's wrong with you,you are so lost in thoughts?" I asked after a few minutes consideration.
"I don't know. I feel like something terrible is going to happen."she said tentatively.
“Weird,I have the same feeling too.”I said.
She nodded.
"Now,whats bugging you?"she added seeing me lost in my own thoughts.
I told about my strange vision and repeated the exact words of the voice, I have no trouble in remembering those words since the voice has strange tones,having a thick accent like he is from another century.She is considering whether it has something to do with weather forecast.I could see that since I have the same thought.
We are lost in deep thought when someone caught me by the arm.We shrieked at once.
"Listen to me. I mean no harm,I have a message for you."he said.
The urgency in his voice calmed me down.When I saw who the speaker is,I stared at a gentleman in full white. Though he is shabby something about him is different.
"Here is the thing. Whatever happens today, you two should stay together.It's very important.Do you understand, what I say?"he said in an authoritative tone.
We nodded.As fast as he came he is gone.I thought I am daydreaming but when I turned towards Radhi, I knew I wasn't.
My mind is wandering on all the day events.It is lunch time but I could hardly tell what classes have passed by in the morning hour.Our test is canceled since the power cut and there is heavy down pour of rain. Our lecturers agreed to cancel the classes on condition that we stay silent where ever we are.
"Meg,turn back," Radhi whispered in my ear.
"not so fast, idiot."
I met Abhi's gaze,he smiled at me.I smiled ridiculously but he seemed not to notice so I turn around apparently lost in thoughts.I felt a nudge and looked in the way where Radhi is trying to point to me.
"Hey,meg" I heard a familiar voice.
" Megha ."I said correcting him.
"Like the rain?"he asked ignoring my rudeness.
"Yeah,the rain. It sucks." I said.
"I think, you are not in a mood to talk." he said never dropping his pleasant smile.
"Thanks,for understanding." I said this time not too rude I thought.
"Oh!come on Meg. Don't be so rude to him." Radhi said.
"He is a nice guy," she added.
"Most of the girls are ready to please him and u..." she said eying me carefully.
"He is not my type." I added curtly.
Many hours passed still there isn’t a sign of the cloud bank to clear.Panic was obvious in everyone's face when it is announced that we are to stay here until it stops raining.We tried to reach our parents through mobiles to assure them of our safety but every network seems to be down. Some of girls started crying hysterically. It took us a while to calm them down meanwhile we dozed into sleep. The rays of sun woke me up early in the morning. I went out of our classroom to see if it stopped raining.
"Oh! Radhi wake up," I shouted jerking her wildly.
"What is it? Give me five more minutes to sleep." Radhi mumbled.
"Wake up." I jerked her heavily.
She ran into the corridor. I bumped into Abhi coming outside from the beside classroom.
"Hey,good morning." Abhi greeted.
I gestured both of them to look down. Our college building is completely surrounded by water. Water level is raised until the second floor. There are boats at the end of the hallway in the second floor.
"What the hell?" Radhi said.
It is my maths lecturer's voice. He gestured us to come over.
"Wake up all the students and meet me down stairs." he ordered us.
"The boats are here to take us to a safe place,we are in sort of trouble. Be as quick as possible.Is that clear?"he added.
"But...u said trouble. What sort of trouble?" I asked tentatively.
"Storm" Radhi mumbled.
"Yeah,that's right. Be quick."he said impatiently.
We ran into our classrooms and woke up everyone as quickly as possible. We told them; all about the rescue team but we ignored the part of storm. We helped our friends to get into the boats, watching one by one sail away.Soon me, Radhi, Abhi and four of our classmates were left out with few lecturers, since it was decided that in each boat two of our lecturers should be sent. By noon we got into the boat and are sailing through endless flow of water.
Radhi sat beside me on the deck. It’s still 1 in the noon but the darkness seemed to be impenetrable for light. The only light in the dark is that of the lamp that hung over the deck. The cold air was biting me;I moved close to Radhi.
LAND….someone shrieked.
I raised up,feeling happy that the tiresome journey has ended at last. A sudden gust of wind tipped our boat and I lost my footing and fell into the water,the cold water practically ripped through my skin,I tried to keep myself float,I gulped salt water and the water caused my eyes and throat to ache. There is a whirlpool ahead and the current of the water dragged me into it. I tried swimming in the opposite direction of current but my muscles ached. I gave up after a few efforts to stay away from drowning.When suddenly someone caught me and heaved up into the boat,I felt the wood under my body and some screams of panic that’s when I blacked out.
Radhi is staring right into my eyes when I woke up.
“You are awake,Mano call Abhi and the doctor. Hurry up.”she cried tears streaming through her eyes.
My throat is soar and dry. Radhi helped me up to sit. I am in a bunk inside tent.The tent is so small made of canvas.There are many beds similar to mine,all empty. By the look of the syringes and the medicines scattered all over and the pungent odor of medicines. I can say it is a hospital.
The doctor is tall,dark and clean shaved. He wore spectacles over the black dog like eyes. He made some mental notes of my temp,pulse and handed Radhi medicines and instructed their usage. He left giving me a pleasant smile.
I followed him with my eyes when he left the tent. Abhi came running through when he saw me, he stood staring at me.
I smiled at him. He ran over to me and embraced me in a bear hug. As soon as he did it, he flinched and apologized and left the tent. I’m too weak to protest.
“Do you know he is the one that saved you.”
“The current is so strong. No one dared to move but he jumped in after you.”she added,”he loves you a lot.”
I smiled weakly.It took me two more days to recover;These days my daily routine is to take the medicines and listen to the chatter of Abhi and Radhi. Radhi made a new friend in the camp;Mano.

I stared at the ripples in the water.I dropped about 50 stones in the water still no sign of Radhi.
“Hey,Radhi said I’ll find you here.How are you?” Abhi asked coming towards me.
“What’s up?” Radhi asked.
“I want to see my parents,I miss them so much.”I said tears trickling in my eyes.
“Is there any other camp around here?”I asked to none in particular.
“A few kilometers ahead,there is another one.” Mano replied.
“Which way is it located?”I asked.
“I’ll take you,myself.” he said.
“No,it’s ok. Just give me the direction.”I insisted.
He gave me some rough instructions to reach that camp.
The next day, I woke up early so that I won’t get caught leaving the camp. Camp has laid strict rules for all the people. One of them is none leaves the camp until he gets permission from the camp officer that includes lot of explanation to do.(I doubt, they would consider my homesick as a reason)So,I thought I should go without informing them and morning is the best time to pass by unnoticed.
The second rule is once we break the rules of the camp,we are not allowed to stay here anymore. That’s why, I asked my friends not to come. I cannot take away their only shelter.
I walked in silence for a few seconds when I heard someone following me.
“Radhi,come out.”I said turning towards the bushes.
“You caught me,”she said with sheepish grin.
I mouthed my disapproval and before that she hushed me.
“You won’t leave me if I were in your place. I’m coming with you. No more arguments, okay?”
“So are We.” Abhi and Mano chorused stepping out of the bushes.
“Seriously..”I blurted .
“Mad,I know.”Abhi said.
I smiled at him.
“Let’s go,we don’t want to get caught.” Mano said.
We walked like 20 kilometers still no sign of the camp. Now,we are in a thick forest; even the sun cannot penetrate through the canopy of trees.
“I’m starving.” Radhi said.
“Let’s eat something.” Abhi said.
I frowned. Seriously,there is nothing to eat here except for the leaves and not even a fruit.
Mano opened his backpack and inside it are some wrapped covers.
“You unpack the food,I’ll get some water.” Abhi said.
“I’ll come with you.”I said quickly.
I have a lot of things; I need to ask about Radhi and Mano.
“Does Mano love Radhi?”I asked.
He nodded.
“Who is he?”I asked.
“He is from Xavier’s college our parallel.He is a good guy. Don’t worry about Radhi.”he said.
I nodded.
“Thanks for saving me.”I said after a while.
He remained silent for a moment.
“I saved you because I don’t want to miss you in my life.”he said.
I stared at him, how deep is his love for me?I thought.
I could see Radhi and Mano in deep conversation when we approached them.
We have bread for our breakfast. We ate them heartily.
“Why did you come from that camp to this one?”I asked Mano remembering Radhi telling me that he is from the other camp and moved in a few days back.
“I came here in search of a friend of mine.”he said.
“Did you find him?”I asked.
“No,he is dead. The camp officer said that he is one of the victims in the tripped boat accident."
“I’m sorry,”I whispered.
Radhi moved close to him and squeezed his hands gently.We set out at once after the breakfast.I saw someone in the woods far away from us,I could clearly see the white suit,few steps towards him made pretty clear that he is the stranger whom I met at the college few days back.
“Hi,kids,good to see you.”he said beaming.
I ignored him.
“Let’s have a talk.”he said blocking our way.
“I don’t speak to strangers.” Radhi replied.
“I’m not a stranger.”he said.
“Say it, we don’t have much time.”I said.
He looked at the ground,I thought he is framing the words of what to say to us but then slowly the grass began to move,A pile of grass formed in front of us and then it twisted and twisted;My vision became blurry of those rapid moments and then finally in front of us, is a chair made of grass. He sat into it with a majestic flicker of his hands,he gestured us to sit. When I turned back to the direction he pointed there are four more chairs,we sat in them awkwardly;it felt soft to sit on them.
“So,you are a magician.”I said decidedly.
“You can think better.”he said.
“I love to but I can’t”I said.
“I come here seeking your help.”he said.
“What should we do?”I asked.
“Just follow my instructions.”he said.
“What kind of instructions would that be?”I asked.
“Anything for now it is to head towards the highway.”he said.
“No, we can’t.I have to see my parents.”I said.
“Well! they are not in that camp.”he said.
“Come on,he is a mad guy and he doesn’t know what he talks.” Radhi said and rushed me to the opposite side.
We walked in silence,he didn’t follow us or stop us from going. After some time the air smelled of burnt charcoal.
“What’s that odor?”I asked.
“I think the camp is on fire.” Mano said and rushed towards the camp.
People are running away from the camp. The trees and tents are completely in fire. I heard someone crying and looked towards the direction from which the cry is heard. A small girl was lying on the floor; hurt in the stampede. I rushed towards her to help.I helped her up.
“Look out.” Abhi shrieked.
I saw the half burnt tree falling towards us,I thought of saving the girl but she is in no condition to move. I crouched on her so that branch would fall only on me.I counted seconds but still no pain of the sharp blow,gently opening my eyes,I stared at the tree suspended in the air. Abhi rushed towards me,he dragged me away from the tree while Mano scooped up the little girl into this hands.
I stared in astonishment when the tree hit the ground as soon as we are out of there. I sat there unable to contemplate what has just happened.
“Meg,your parents are not here. I checked your parents names on the list of the campers with the officer.” Mano said.
“Is there any other camp,then?”I said regaining my conscious suddenly.
“Not that I know of,”he said.
“Where could they be,If not here,unless….”I stammered and burst into tears.
“No,girlie. They are safe.”the strangers voice echoed.
“Who are you? Why do you follow us everywhere?” Radhi shouted.
“Your parents are safe with me, Meg.”he said.
“Take me to them.”I said.
“I can’t,”he said.
“What do you mean by you can’t?”I asked.
“Ignore him, he is just lying.” Radhi mumbled.
“Am I?”
“How did you save her from drowning?”he asked directing his question towards Abhi.
He flinched.
“See,you know there is something wrong.”he smiled.
“And,you meg, how did you save yourself and the girl from the burnt tree.”he asked.
He caught me there.I was wondering about it myself and what does he mean by the question he asked Abhi.
“The task I’m going to give you is an important one and the whole life of the planet depends on it.”he said.
He continued,”I know you don’t believe me but what else can you do,where will you go in search of your parents and by now the campers will know you are missing so you are not welcome there. This one is completely burnt.You have to go somewhere. Why can’t it be the place I direct you to go?”
“I mean no harm to you and you have to trust me on this.”he said.
“Will you show my parents,first?”I asked.
“Meg,you are not considering what he is saying?” Abhi asked.
“She has to.” Radhi said.
“Radhi..” Mano screamed.
“Yes,I know.I sound stupid but something tells me that she has to.”she mumbled.
“Fine,if that’s your decision. I’m coming with you.” Abhi added.
“No,you won’t.”I said.
He just shrugged his shoulders.
“Where should we go?What we have to do?”Radhi asked the stranger.
“To the highway as I said before.”he said.
“Wait,I have some questions.”I mumbled.
“You are not a magician,that I’m sure then who are you?”I asked.
“You won’t believe me even if I say,it gives you more chance to think I’m nuts.”he said.
“Try me,”I said.
“I’m Indra,the king of gods.”he said.
Abhi burst into laughter.I smacked him. The stranger glared at him that’s when a thunder burst through the sky,one after the other,blinding us.We covered our ears unable to bear the sound.I stared at the stranger.
“Okay,I believe you are Indra,stop the thunders.”I quizzed him.
His face grew pleasant and then the roar of thunders instantly subdued.
“How did I save, the girl?”I asked after a few moments of silence.
All our gods agreed upon giving powers to the people who goes for this secret mission on condition the powers are rewarded for those with brave heart and true love.That’s how you get the shield power and that is how you protected yourself by creating a shield around you.That’s how you are able to breath easily and feel no pressure in that strong currents.He said the last sentence to Abhi.
“Do you say that we are rewarded with these powers.” Abhi said.
“Cool.”abhi said.
“Are we set to go?”lord Indra asked.
“One last question,you told that only people on this secret mission will be awarded powers.We never agreed upon it until now,”I said.
"Very clever."he said smiling at me.
“I know you will because you are destined to.”he said.
“Okay,let’s go then.”I mumbled not sure of what I'm getting in to.
We all turned towards Mano.To see,if he is following us.He is been silent all through the conversation.
“I’m not going on fool’s mission.”he said and left us.
Radhi lowered her head in sadness.
“Don’t worry,my child. He’ll back in no time.”Indra said.
She gave him a weak smile.
We all tagged along him. I stayed beside Radhi comforting her.After a few hours we reached the highway.
“Let’s wait here for a moment.”Indra said.
We stood there staring at the stars.I’m no mood for discussion.
“Do you really have thunderbolt?” Abhi asked.
“Can I see it?”
“It’s at my home,I don’t carry it around."
“I’ll show you,one day.”he added.
Abhi’s face enlightened.
We heard footsteps.We stared into the woods.
“Mano..”radhi screamed and embraced him tightly.
“How did you know that he’ll come?”I asked Indra.
“The prophecy says four children and here you are.” he winked.
"What prophecy?" I asked.
"All in time."
I don't know why I even believe him but something said that this is really important.
“Where to now?”I asked.
“To where the destiny leads you.”he said.
We followed him on to the highway.
"This is where I leave you. From here your on your own but remember one thing I'll always watch over you."
"Wait, what are we supposed to do. Where do we go now."
"You will realize everything in time. Now, go on until you find a home." he said.
I turned to ask him one more question when he disappeared right in front of my eyes.
We walked along the road for a long time so it grew dark. I was bone tired and we couldn't find any home as Indra said.
"Meg, look at that." Radhi shrieked in happiness.
There's a huge building standing right in front of our eyes.
"Do you have any money. If it's a motel we need to pay right." Abhi said.
They started discussing about what to do but I was so immersed in watching something weird.
"Guys, I don't think we need any money." I said.
"I don't think it's even real world thing. Look at the people who are passing by they aren't even looking at. It's not in human nature to appreciate something so beautiful as this. They seem to drive away as if there is nothing existed here." I added.
"Let's go and check your deduction." Mano said.
We stood in front of the huge doors for few minutes none opened them for us. Abhi apparently tired of waiting pushed it open.
I'm not surprised to see that the doors opened easily. The interior was really exquisitely built. We tried to take in every detail when the smell of food invited us in.
"Wow! seems like we are in star hotel." Radhi exclaimed seeing the dining table all set with many dishes.
We ate heartily and retired to our beds as we are so tired of all the day's events.
Early in the morning I woke up and freshened up. I thought of washing my clothes since they are really dirty but thank god, I found new one in the closet which I accidentally stumbled upon. I dressed myself and woke up Radhi. We all gathered in the dining hall.
"What do we do today?" Abhi asked.
"I feel like staying here for ever."
I smiled at her who would leave such a place where we don't need to anything except eat and live.
"What do you think Indra want from us?" Abhi asked.
"I'm not sure myself." I replied.
"Why do you think he chose us of all the people?" Radhi asked.
"What about the prophecy?" Mano added.
"Lots of questions unanswered.." I said.
"If we want to know the answers to these. Only thing we can do is get out of this home and do What we can." I added.
"Yeah! right." Radhi said somewhat disappointed.
We stuffed two more pairs of dresses each in our backpacks and some food. When we reached the main door we found a bag left at the door step.
"What's it?"
"The question is, whose it is and why did they leave it here?" Mano said.
"May be we should take it with us." Radhi said tentatively.
"Well, may be." Mano said and carried it on his other shoulder.
As soon as we set our foot outside the door, the house vanished. We walked for several miles still we didn't find Indra. We eat what's left by sunset. Let's stay here tonight.
Mano is still trying to figure out what the bag contains. It's empty and why do you think they left it there if it's empty? He saw us laying on the floor.
"Too bad, we need a tent." He said still his hands in the bag.
"I found something." he shrieked with joy.
He dragged it out of the bag.
"It's a cloth. I think." he said while dragging the thing in the bank.
"It's a tent." Abhi said examining the huge canvas that's out of the bag.
"How come this large fit into one bag and didn't weigh a thing?" Radhi asked.
I took bag from his hands and searched inside it. It's empty.
" I wish it contains something to eat." I said disappointed.
I found something touch my fingers in the bag. I rummaged it once again and found a packet of food.
"I think it's a magical bag." I said.
"Here,let me try." Radhi took and rummaged inside it.
Here,she produced water bottles from it. We laughed at ourselves.
The boys set up the tent and we went inside it.
"It's so small I think We four won't fit inside." I said thoughtful.
"It's okay. You go inside and we'll sleep outside." he offered us.
We set a fire and sat around it and ate heartily.
"Radhi, you are dozing off. Go inside and sleep." Mano said.
She nodded and went inside. We started talking again when we heard Radhi shrieked. I raced at once into the tent. Radhi was still shrieking but her expressions confused me. She wasn't shrieking out of fear but it was out of excitement.
"What?" I said turning to look at what she was saying.
The tent was as big as a house. It seemed like harry potter's magical tent, it could easily fit a family.
"I called out for the boys."
"Is everything, okay?" they said pulling me aside and they were as stunned as I was.
"Wow! I love gods." Abhi smirked.
We girls shared a bunk while the boys took another one. We slept peacefully.

Three days passed but there is no sign of Indra. I knew they are getting irritated by not just doing anything.
"How long do we have to travel before we get to know what we have to do?" Radhi moaned.
We set down for having breakfast and started chatting about what to do when I heard someone cry for help.
We ran in the direction of the cries. Smoke filled the air making it difficult to breath which remained me of the burnt camp site.
A woman was crying for help, we ran to her.
"What happened,madam?" I asked.
"My daughter is struck inside our home." she said weeping.
I ran into the house, if I can create a shield once I can do now, I thought. I don't know what Radhi was thinking she ran after as a mad dog. I could hear Mano protesting her to come back.
"Meg..." she cried looking in the opposite direction when I saw what she was pointing.
I saw a dog kernel where a cute little puppy got struck in the barbed wire and the charred wood is falling upon it. I prayed to god that they both get safely out.
"Go after them. I'll get the girl inside." I shouted at her.
As soon as I entered the house, The shield surrounded me protecting me from everything menacing.
i found a little girl hiding under the bed. I tried to talk to her but she was so frightened that she never moved an inch towards me.
"Sweety, mama is waiting for you outside. Don't you want to see her?" I asked.
I could see a flicker in her eyes. It's working i need to talk more.
"Close your baby and give me your hand. I'll take you to mama." I said.
At first she didn't move but then she slowly placed her tiny little hands into mine. I grabbed her and ran outside as first as I could.
The little girls mother thanked me and embraced her baby girl, kissing her all over. I Miss my Mama, I thought.
"We need to go." Abhi said and slowly dragged me out of the small crowd.
We walked back to our tent and sat for a cup of coffee.
I heard Lord Indra's voice after so many days.
"Greetings." he said in his majestic voice.
"Where were you all this time?" I asked irritated about his long absence.
"I'm sorry, I was too busy watching you." He smirked.
"You have done a good job, cool power you have?" he said looking at Radhi.
She nodded embarrassed.
"What? How?" I asked excited for my friend.
"When you went inside she went to save the puppy but when she was trying to remove the puppies tangled legs from wire. Burnt logs part of the house broke and were about to fall on her and everything happened so suddenly she flicked her hands that's what she said and then the log fell away from her."
"WoW!" I said.
"Is this the task we are supposed to do?" I asked.
"Yeah! but this is just a piece of cake, right?" Indra smirked.
I frowned at him.
"The task we set you is really bigger than this you need to fight against the nature forces." He said in his deep voice.
"What does that mean?" Radhi asked.
"All in time." he replied.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.10.2010

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dedicated to friends and family. cover art, is from some amazing artist which I found online, thanks to him.

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