

Everything seemed to be still. The dusty roads are empty, not even an engine roared to life. The houses are empty. Even the wind carried the tragedy that hung over the village as a veil. Not even a single thing, to show the existence of life. Fear creeps through your spine when you look at this village.
At the distant end of the village, a cry of pain of is heard. One sight at the building from which the cry is heard, can paralyze even the most courageous person in the world.
There is a circle of hooded figures in the main hall of the building. The hooded figures are so tall that anyone can mistake them as giants. In the center of their vicious circle, a girl is kneeling and begging for her life. She knew it is her end and she is doomed for the worst fate. One of the hooded figures walks towards her with a malicious grin, he catches her hands fiercely and another one lungs at her throat. The girl screamed with terror when the person sucks her life out,her body lay limp on the floor.
The circle moves aside giving way to another hooded figure. He radiates power and fear. He steps towards the girl’s body and put his cupped hands at her throat, where the other person sucked her life out. A silver thread began to enter into the body from the cupped hands. When the silver thread vanished, the girl twitches. She is not the same girl, technically the body is same but the person is different. When the other girl looked innocent and fragile, this one is murderous. She stood on her feet and glanced at the circle.
"Come my Queen to our new Kingdom." the hooded figure that created this being said.
Other person's forming the circle kneels in front of them. Together they walk to the front of the circle hand in hand.
"This day marks our first step towards creating our new Kingdom." he says in a rough tone.
"No human will be spared; they will not be shown mercy since they are not worth it. Today it will only be this village and tomorrow it'll be another. The creation never stops, until the humans are completely eliminated from the face of earth."
"Long live King! Long live Queen!" the followers chanted.
The queen looks at her creator, the king and whispers something in his ears. The king grins wickedly.

1.New Start

I am being chased by a dark hooded figure, I ran into every possible direction trying to escape from him. He is closing on me with a rapid pace. In few moments, I'll be under his clutches. Even if I beg for my life, he may not spare .It seems that he is so interested to rip my soul apart. I thought it better to run until I find someone to help me.

I have been running since like years but there aren't a single people to help me. Where did they all go?

I ran without a glance at the hooded figure, I can feel him close to me. It's a dead end. I dropped on to my knees cursing my bad luck. It's time I say goodbye to my life. I prayed for the well of Granny and Grand pa. The hooded figure is laughing with full malice of its victory. I crouched hiding my head in laps. It spread its black cloak over me. I shrieked with pain.
I am shaking uncontrollably sweat all over my face. Gran ma's hands comforted me. She wipes away my tears soothing with her words. Her blue eyes filled with concern and her fragile her hands wrapped around me, as if to protect me from my dreams.
"I'll tell you girlie, stop seeing those horror movies." Grand pa said standing at the post of the bed.

Invasions on the earth? Gifted people trying to protect the mother earth? A school for training the gifted to fight against the invaders? Don’t you think I'm taking about a sci-fi movie? It's true. Til now, I thought the same way as you probably do now.

It all started with my stupid cousin. Granny arranged a party on my 15th birthday. My aunt and cousins were invited to the party.
Aunt Annie is very amicable, she looked beautiful that day, her brown eyes matching her Kurtis, her jet black hair touched her cheeks gently and the cheek powder she put is so vivid against her pale skin.
My cousins are weird they say things, that I don't understand and they boast for their knowledge. They even call me names.

I am sick of their bullying me. I screamed at them to stop but they went on and on. I was so mad at them that I wanted to throw them high into the air and kick their butt.

It all happened so sudden, I don't even remember the details of how it happened, all I remember now is my elder cousin falling on the ground as a failed rocket missile, far away from me. It was really wonderful sight to see him all covered in dust and the arrogant look, replaced by a bashful glance.

I was sent into my room by Aunt Annie. There was a lot of talking going on downstairs. After what seemed to be 3 to 4 hours Granny sent for me. Mean while I sat on the bed, to make head or tail of what happened.After a brief thought, all I decided is to apologize to my cousin.

"Rose, come here my darling. Meet Mr. James." Aunt Annie said.

"He is the caretaker of saviors’ camp and he will accompany you there." she added.

I didn't understand a word of what she said. I frowned but all I got as an answer is, you will be answered everything on the journey to the camp. I requested that I wanted to stay with Granny, for it's my birthday. All she said was that I have to leave now, before it's too late. Aunt Annie can be so hard sometimes. I packed a few things but when I went down.
Aunt was practically screaming, "Will that be all? If you’re going to stay there for the year."

"You said it's a camp, so I packed for a week." I stammered.

"Annie, stop yelling at her and go help her packing." Granny said.

Here I am now, with a complete stranger traveling to an unknown place. At first I couldn't make conversation with this person. He is really weird frantically looking in all directions, as if ready to pounce on any person near to me. It makes me really nervous. It's like I am back in one of my dreams.

"HI, I'm rose,"

"Hi," he says.

"Where are we heading to?"

"Saviors Academy."

"What kind of place is this?"

"A school”


"Why should I go without saying goodbye to my grandpa?" I thought to myself.

"It's for your own safety." he said as if reading my thoughts.

I frowned. He shrugged his shoulders.

I thought about what I did to my cousin and thought maybe that is the reason why they are kicking me out from my home, to this school for weirdo’s where I will be taught to be good. Am I really bad? I even thought of apologizing to him. May be I should apologize to him and then they may ask me to come back after all.

James burst into laughter. He is middle aged with thick beard, big black eyes, and ruffled hair and he is tanned. He is like a villain in films.

"I'm sorry, rose. That's not the reason why you are kicked out of your home." he said smiling.

"How did you do that? Do you read mind?" I asked appalled.

He nodded.

"DO you know how I did it to my cousin?" I asked.

"Nah, but you will know it when you meet Mr. Harry." he said.

"Who's Harry?" I asked.

"He is a very intelligent being; you'll find him amusing too. He is a member of the academy." he said.

Before I could ask him any more questions, he gestured to me to get off the bus. The cool air is practically biting my skin, I think it's midnight. I stared to look at my watch but there isn't much light. James sat beside me on the bench, clicked his fingers, a tiny spark produced. I am looking at him dumbfounded when he gestures me to look at the watch. It's half past one.

"How did you do that?"I asked dumbfound.

"A little trick." he said.

"Are you a magician?" I asked.

"Sort of," he said.

I nodded. It's freezing here and I don't think any transport will be available, at this odd hour in a deserted place.

"In five minutes, there is a bus for students of saviors." he said.

"Please don't do that." I said embarrassed that he is in constant vigilance over my thoughts.

"I'm sorry but I don't hear every thought, just the ones that concerns Me." he said.

I smiled. He is right a bus arrived, he handed my luggage to the conductor and gave him a note and waved me good bye.

"Wait, where are you going?" I asked.

"Don't worry, you are safe now." he said.

"Won't you come with me?" I asked.

"NO, I can't travel in a student bus." he said.

I hugged him. Though he is a weird, I kind of liked him. If at all papa is here maybe he would be like him I thought.

"Will I see you again?" I asked.

"At the pet house," he said.

That's when I noticed kitty purring in its home. Kitty is my pet. It's with me, like forever. In all my 14 years, I never saw kitty away from me a second. It follows me everywhere. While in school, it sits on the wall outside my classroom and looks at me with those weird blue eyes. People were always saying that it's really weird, that how it watches and when they ask me about its age. They say cats don't live that many years but all I could say against that fact is, kitty is an exception for that.

There are many people of my age so deep in sleep. Conductor showed me to a bunk on the other end of the bus. I thought of every minute detail that has happened past these two days. Sometime in between, I dozed off to sleep.

The same dream and the same hooded person but this time it's not Granny comforting me. It’s a girl of my age, her black eyes are filled with concern. She has short brown hair wore in ponytail .Here eyes are tiny, a perfect set of lips below it. Her skin complexion matched that of her hair.
“You, okay?" she asked.

"Fine." I said.

The bunks are removed and all the people are staring at me. I braced myself quickly.

"I'm rose," I said.


She occupied the chair next to mine.

"How much time does it take to reach the school?" I asked.

"We are almost there."

The pace at which we are moving doubled. We traveled straight not even a turn. After sometime, I saw there is a dead end but the bus driver is unaware, he is still continuing at the same pace. Even the students are too busy to notice this. I'm the only one aware of the obstacle. The conductor is humming a tune closing his eyes. I tried to shout to the driver about the dead end but it's too late, we are inches away from the wall. I screamed closing my eyes. I'm going to be dead in a few seconds away from my family. Will they know about my demise? Granny will be shattered when she knows about it.

Helen is shaking me. May be the bus skidded to a sudden halt, how could that be? Without a sudden jolt?


"It's fine. Look at me." Helen said.

I peeped. Not even a scratch on the bus and the people in it are as intact as ever.

The wall...the wall
I stared at the front mirror of the bus there is no wall ahead.

Everyone burst into laughter at once.

"Oh! It's an apparition." Helen said.

"What?" I said turning to look through the rear view mirror.

I am surprised to see the wall.

"Didn't anyone tell you about it?" she asked.

"There are many things that I wasn't told." I said embarrassed.


I remained silent for a while. Helen tucked me and points at something. It's like a palace .I think it would be the world's biggest palace, if only someone has seen it I thought. It's all square shaped and there is a dome made of glass and on the glass the letters glistened

"Welcome to saviors"

I stared at it and then a strange thing happened, the letters disappeared, as if in computer screen and then new words

"Welcome to new Saviors”

A list of names displayed on the dome.

Helen pointed to my name in the list. Helen's name is right next to mine on the list.

Another message saying that, all the new students should gather at the main building, in Harry's room.

"DO you know where this place is?" I asked.

As if in answer to my question, an arrow pointed us, to my right. We all moved in that direction, there are about 15 people along with me. Each time we stopped to check for the direction, the dome pointed us an arrow.

After what seemed to be a 15 min walk, we reached a place where the words appeared Harry's room.

"Come in." A voice sounded and the doors opened itself.

We entered into a beautifully decorated room.

"WELCOME TO SAVIORS" a voice boomed.

I looked frantically in every direction for the source of voice, but everyone seemed to be staring straight ahead, I turned to look at what they are seeing. It's a mirror of head length and in it is the speaker, he is in black suit, his dark skin, neatly trimmed hair and beard, remained me of will smith so much.

AS you all know, there are three houses, each have different work and different things to learn. Each of these houses is important for the sustenance of life on the earth but these houses are divided based on your strengths and what you will be good at. Those who have patience and sympathy for the suffering will be placed in the healer’s house. The persons with excellent methodologies and never ending stream of ideas will be placed in the trackers team. Brave at heart will be placed in the fighter's team. Your classes and training will be done according to your house.

Mr. Harry asked, one by one to step forward and few minutes of interaction with the person, he declared the house of the person. I thought it would be good if I have Helen in my house I thought. We are both classified as healers, three other persons classified as healers apart from us.

"Rose," Mr. Harry called me as I am about to leave the room.

He gestured me to come closer.

"Learn all the principles quickly, for you will not be staying in that house forever." he said.

I thought of asking what he meant but he disappeared, so I let it go. After all when am I told vividly? I thought.

Helen was waiting for me in the corridor.
"Let's go, find our rooms we don't have any classes for today."

"I need to visit pet house." I said.

"You have a pet?"

I nodded.

"Let's go then." she added.

It's no difficult to find a place here, because the dome seems to be guiding us where ever we want to go. James is playing with kitty when I reached there. Kitty saw me coming and purred at me.

"The cat is so persistent of seeing you." he said smiling.

"You read animals mind too?" I questioned.

"NO, it's the first time. You have a special cat." he said.

"Thank you," I said.

"Can I take it to my room?" I asked.

"I don't think so."

"Why? Aren't pets allowed in room?" I asked.

"Your roommate has to approve of your cat or else it stays here and you can come and see it whenever you want."Helen said.

"Oh! Well than I have to ask her." I said.

"When will I know who my roommate is?" I asked.

"Wait a sec." he said and drifted into thoughts (Probably reading mind of some person)

"Helen," he said after a while.

"Me?" she shrieked with excitement.

Kitty came to her and started rubbing at her legs and giving her the innocent look that she does when she wants some extra milk. Helen took her into her hands and cuddled it.

"It's settled then."James said.

He took kitty and placed a tag on her saying

Kitty [pet of Ms. Rose woods]

I thanked him.

"Let's go, find our rooms."

We reached a narrow passageway and there are rooms on either side of the passage. There are about 15 doors on each side.

"How do we find our room?" I asked.

"You take left and I’ll take right when I find our room. I'll call you." I added.

"NO need," she said and unlocked the door right next to us.

Our room is well furnished and above all, it's same as my room at home. The same pink rose wallpaper and the ceiling is painted with full moon and many stars. There are two beds at the center of the room one covered with pink sheets (obviously mine) other in sky blue color. A small couch on the left corner where kitty is relaxing. A big window enough to sit, with a view of the vast spread green sheet.

Helen is arranging her books on the table which remained me of something.

"How did you know it's our room? There's not even a name plate on it?" I asked.

"Magic." she replied smiling.

I frowned.

These rooms are all build with magic. You can open any door here to get into your room. It's not the door but it's your thought that allows you to enter into your room. Wasn't the room just decorated according to your taste?

I nodded. This all works on magic?
“Didn't anyone tell you about this place?” Helen asked.

"I have some questions, will you tell me?" I asked.

"What's this place? What do they teach here?" I asked.

She sat down on my bed with a huge sigh.

This place is savior’s academy. They teach us, how to fight the invaders and how to protect mother earth. They teach us; all that we need for living safely on this planet. They teach us, how to save our fellow beings from invaders. You are here because you are gifted.

"Gifted? What?" I asked.

That, you have to tell me. What's your power? Saying so she clapped her hands and everything went so dark that I couldn't even see her in the broad daylight.

"This is my power." she said.

"I don't know what I'm gifted with." I said embarrassed.

"How come you are here?" she asked vexed.

I told her my story right from my birthday mishap. She listened to everything keenly and gasped when I said about how my fury caused my cousin to be launched over the ground as a rocket missile.

"May be your power is, to move matter according to your will." she said.

"May be," I murmured not knowing what to say.

"Give it a try." she urged pointing the pillow on her bed.

I didn’t know what to do. I just stared at the pillow but it didn't budge an inch. She urged to focus on lifting the pillow. I concentrated only on the pillow and thought of having it in my hands.

I DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!

The pillow did come into my hands. Later I practiced on many things around me, lifting them and placing them at different places. At last I focused on kitty. Kitty is irritated to see her lifted up, in the air. It purred at me giving a malicious look.

We amused at the discovery of my power. Then there goes a strange voice announcing that, it's time for lunch. I gathered up my jacket and followed Helen to the canteen.

It is really big place, thousands of people could eat here. There are three rows of tables along the whole length of the hall. At the other end of the tables, a big round table and the dome stated that it's reserved for staff .On our right there is another small table, only 3 seats to sit. Dome stated that it is reserved for leads. Leads???May be some higher authorities I thought.

I tagged along with Helen and we found a seat near the right end. Formal introductions are going. While I am busy in remembering every name that I heard. I heard a familiar voice calling me.

I choked when I saw who the speaker is. It's my cousin’s who are responsible for all this sudden change in my life, I am glad to see them here, after all they are the only people I know here.

"Andy! Kenny!" I ran into them and gave them a big hug.

"You go here?" I asked.

Andy patted me on the shoulder. My friends made room for them to sit. Andy is good looking but kind of frightening and Kenny is bulky and looks like a weirdo.

"How's the journey?"Andy asked.


"Don't blame mama for this; she really cares about your safety. That's why she didn't give time for goodbyes" he said.

"I don't blame anyone except for myself." I said smiling.

"I'm sorry for what I did to you. I didn't mean to." I murmured.

"It's fun to see him like that."Kenny said. [Kenny is the younger one.]

Andy punched him on the back. I smiled at them. I introduced Helen to my cousins. I can see that Andy is flirting with her and Helen is responding in a positive way to his flattery.

"Hot chick for Andy." Kenny murmured to me.

I smiled. We pretend not to notice, though there are frequent remarks from Kenny and me bursting into laughter. After sometime I heard a musical laughter ringing right from the leads table. That's when I first saw JESSE!!!!!!!!

He is good looking, tall and muscular. His skin was translucent and his hair is little ruffled and falling into his eyes giving him the ted look. He is my type I thought. As if reading my thoughts, he gazed towards me. I dropped my eyes down on the salad. When I'm sure that he is not looking at me anymore. I asked Kenny who he is.

"He is one of the leads." he said curtly.

"Leads?" I frowned.

"I got to go." he said and left hurriedly.

"See you at dinner." he called me back.

I turned to look at Helen. Andy is busy shoveling the beans down into his mouth.

"Who are leads? Mr. Harry hasn't told us about them." I asked Helen.

"They are different from us. They have powers." she said.

"We too have powers, right?" I said sheepishly.

"We have power, only one thing that we are gifted with but they have powers, they are magical beings who are able to perform magic." she said.

"Can't we perform magic? If they teach us?" I asked.

"Magic is not taught. It comes by birth."

I nodded, though it's confusing to understand all that she said. I poked Andy and asked who he is, pointing to the guy that I saw before in the leads team.

He looked a little taken aback but he dropped his voice low and whispered.

"That's Jesse." he said.

"If I were you, I wouldn't think about him again." he added.

"Why? Is that because he is a lead?" I asked.

"NO, it's because he is both gifted and magical and such things happen very rare." he said.

"He is powerful mind reader. He collects everyone's thoughts and turns them according to his wish, they say." he added.

Jesse gave a crooked laugh, the same time this is being said. He is still alluring to me. I turned my attention on what Andy is saying to stop looking at him.

"I'm having a class. I need to leave, see you at supper."Andy said winking at both of us.

I remembered something that I forgot to ask them.

"Andy, are you a healer?" I asked.

"NO. Is that what you are? Your cousins are fighters’ babe." he shouted back to me.

2.More surprises

I'll find answers too many questions today which have been nagging in my mind for a while I thought. We have only 4 hours daily, morning session two and in the noon two. My first class is history, second is brewing medicines, third is simple combats and fourth is life skills.

History of saviors and the invaders, this is what I have been waiting all along. The classroom is no different from the regular classrooms, the only change is, instead of board we have white screen.

Ms. Harriet is like a moving library, she poured on us all the information about the history. Saviors’ was established 50 years ago when they first found the invaders on our land. At first they agreed on a treaty, invaders can stay in our lands as long as they mean us no harm. Saviors worked to see the treaty is followed peacefully. The unexplained disappearances of humans were brought to the notice of saviors, which is when the whole motto of establishing saviors was changed.

Ms. Elisa, Mr. Harry and Mr. Rupert were the people who laid the foundation to new motto in saviors. They are the prominent members of Council of magic, a government body that is responsible for the regulation of laws. The rest of the class is on, the years of laying laws and the laws itself, the biography of some the important people. I found the biography of Elisa and Harry's interesting. Elisa because they say that she is the most powerful woman in the world and is the queen of magical beings. Harry, because I think it's our Mr. Harry who sorted us into different houses.

Brewing medicines is really gruesome task. We need to use right portions of all the things or else the medicine will have drastic side-effects. On top of it the horrible smell that ejected from others cauldrons. One funny thing that happened was while Mr. Paul is instructing us the ingredients, we need to use. There is a bang at my back table. Mr. Paul hurried in the direction of the sound and a boy covered with smoke said sheepishly that he thought he knew the ingredients well, so he went on adding them without listening to the instructions.

It is exciting to see all my favorite dishes on the table. Andy and Kenny saved us a seat at the front row, near the leads table.

"What's your power, Andy?"Helen asked blushing.

"You want to see?"

He asked her to extend her hand and he closed his hands over her cuff and removed it after a few seconds. A bracelet made of ice is present on her hand and it's really pretty with heart shape at the center. She turned red and exclaimed over and over that it is beautiful.

"Kenny, what's yours?" I asked trying to distract their attention.

"I'll show you when time comes." he said.

"Do you know? Who cooks food for us?" I asked.

“For what?" Helen asked.

"It's just the food is delicious and i think it's proper to thank the cook, for serving us delicious food every day." I said.

She shrugged her shoulders as if that it wasn't her concern.

I was heading back to my room, since there is still an hour for the simple combats. Helen said that she has some work in the main building and left after Andy. I doubt if that was the real reason.

After a few minutes’ walk through the corridors I realized, someone following me.

"Are you stalking me?" I asked but I left the words drop in the midst.

Guess who is my stalker? It's Jesse...


I heard his voice in my mind. Is he dumb? Why can't he say it aloud I thought .His musical laughter chimed around the entire hallway.

"I'm not dumb," he said still laughing.

Shut your thoughts away from him. I thought, irritated to know that he is reading my mind.

I walked away from him a few steps, when he came running after me.

"Didn't you say that you wanted to see the cook?" he asked.


"I'll take you to him but promise me, that you will not stare at him." he said.

"Why will I stare at him? I know its bad manners." I replied.

"Just a word."

He led me through a couple of passageways, until we reached a flight of steps, leading us to the underground.

At once the air is filled with delicious smell. I moved further in, there are hundreds of workers. When we went through, they all greeted Jesse happily. We walked through a series of columns, until we reached a small cabin.

"Come in, Jesse. I know it's you." A hoarse voice replied when Jesse knocked on the cabin door.

We walked in and there, in the chair is a man. NO...I don't think he is a human. His skin color is pale green, as if he is sick. His ears are pierced and long .His eyes were round and big, dark green in color and two small slits, in the place of nose, a tiny curve below that, I think it's his mouth. His head..This is when Jesse tugged me and repeated the words in my mind.


I realized, I was staring, so I dropped my gaze.

"This is rose," Jesse said introducing me to the person. That is the first time, I felt that my name sounds really good.

"HI, you do look like a beautiful rose." he said. His accent was thick, as if English is a foreign language to him.

"Thank you," I said smiling.

"Don't flirt with the only girl that has ever come to see you."Jesse said smiling.

That green creature coughed only it was a laugh.

"I just wanted to say thanks, for the delicious food you make for us." I said.


He brought two cups of hot chocolate milk and brownies and gave them to us.

"Don't you want to know my name?" he asked conversationally.

"My name is crack head." he added.

I looked at him, as if he is cracking a joke. What kind of name is that? When I turned to look at him, I saw what he meant, his head was slight open, as if someone cut through it and a small part of what I think is brain, is visible. I was dazed by the sight of it. Jesse caught me by the arm and said that he has to hurry to the class and rushed me out of the room.

After a few minutes of silent walk, I regained my conscious.

"I'm sorry," I murmured.

"You don't have to be sorry. You really managed well, until the end." he said.

"What..? Who is he?" I stammered.

"An invader from the frying pot planet." he said.

"What from another planet?" I screamed.

"Of course he is. Isn't he?" he added.

"Does that mean invaders are creatures from other planets?" I stammered.

"Rose, are you nuts?" he said irritated.

"How foolish I am. I didn't know that when Ms. Harriet mentioned invaders, I thought they are from far off lands but not from the far planets."

"How come you are here, without even knowing what we are fighting against?"

"Didn't your parents say?" he added.

"My parents..." I stammered tears filled my eyes. If only they were here...

"They are dead." I moaned.

I ran away from him to hide my tears.

I went to my room and slumped on the couch. Kitty purred but as soon as it saw my face, filled with tear stains. It curled and sat on my lap, staring at me. It's a strange feeling, as if it feels my pain and is concerned about me. I thought about mama and papa. Granny said that mama left me while I was a baby and papa went after her and never returned. A few years later, someone brought the message that they both are dead. Why did mama leave? How did they die? These questions were never answered, granny just ignored, when I questioned about them. I never saw them not even in photos. When I asked granny to show my parents, she said that she doesn't have any picture of them, not even their wedding days. I thought granny is lying; I searched every nook and cranny of my home but in vain.

I am not going to cry over spilled broth, I have much to know and do. I said to myself .

Simple combats is really an easy class. I learned everything quickly and my opponent is Ronny, it's easy to disarm him. Though I doubt it would be as easy as, it seems if it is an invader for opponent.

Life skills is the most informative of all the hours, I have. Mr. Pinto told us all about how to identify good invaders from bad ones. He told invasions are started by the frying pot, when their planet died of vegetation. These people are called crack heads, because there is a slit on everyone's head and flourish by eating and drinking. Their life is simple; they grow plants in front of their home and cook them to live on. There is no other work except for eating, sleeping and procreating.

One of the boys shouted "I love that planet" and everyone burst into laughter.

"Their planet is like sun, it has high temperatures a little less hot than sun. The bodies of the crack heads are built to sustain those temperatures. If you go, probably you will be roasted." Mr. Pinto said smiling to Ronny (my opponent in simple combats and the one, who said I love that planet)

"How do they cultivate at such high temperatures?" I asked.

"Very intelligent.” he said.

"Similar to how their bodies are able to sustain it, the crops they cultivate are able to sustain the heat too."

These crack heads are said to be the best cooks ever. (I KNOW THAT I thought)They are certainly not dangerous. They love to tell stories for their pastime. They are easy to identify because of their slit on heads, even if that is covered, we can identify them because they are entirely different in appearance from humans. They are short, skin is pale green in color and their eyes are without eye lashes, two slits for nose and a curve for lips.

It's fun to be in his class. He is very humorous, the only odd thing about him is, he is wearing a black cloak that covered him from top to bottom. Hiding every detail of his skin and wore glasses and a hat. It's really weird. (What's not weird here? I thought.)

I was walking through the corridor. Helen said that she would join a few minutes later, so that she can have a word with her partner in brewing medicines. I heard someone gasp loud; I turned to see what it is. It's Jesse.

He is walking in a hurry towards my direction. I ignored him and walked away, but he is fast, he caught me by the arm.

"I'm sorry," he said.

I nodded and moved further.

"Come on, I said I'm sorry." he pleaded.

"Hungry?" he asked.

I thought to say, no, but what's wrong in that and moreover, I want to get away from the appalled faces.

We went into the backyard, where there are huge trees and a canopy of branches around it, to sit. We walked to the farthest tree, away from the building.

He conjured coke tins and then a bag of popcorn. I smiled at him.

"Are we here to watch a movie?" I sneered.

"Of course, yes." he smiled.

"Where will you project?" I asked.

"Here," he said and opened a notebook.

It's actually not even a written notebook. The pages are empty. I thought he was trying to make fun of me. Then slowly the book began to emit light and than a screen shot of saviors academy, though it looked a lot different. One by one, the images started to move as in theater. The movie is about the history of saviors’ academy, all that I have learned in the morning session, but it's real fun to see all the characters alive. Elisa is a beautiful woman, she has the same long silky brown hair as mine and her eyes are chocolate color, matching her pale white skin. Her body seemed to radiate the power within it. Her smile was alluring. I have many features in common with her except for my dimple and the aura of power around her. Maybe, someday I'll be as powerful as she is. I thought.

"Thanks a lot." I said.

"Anything for you." he said smiling.

Was he flirting? Why would he? A guy like Jesse, would never like a girl like me.(hey, remember he is a mind reader keep your thoughts hidden)

"Don't you get bored?" I added."To hang around with the same people."

"No. Though Henry and Sam get bored sometimes."

"I have an interesting habit, reading minds." he added.

"Why don't you sit with all others, that way you can meet many interesting people."

"Besides, it would be fun to hang out with others."

"That's why I am here. You are more interesting to read than anyone here." he said.

"Oh!" I said embarrassed.

Your cousin is searching for you. He thinks, I altered your thought that’s why you have come with me this far to talk.

"Let's go," I said.

"Is it true that you alter thoughts?" I asked after a while.

"To an extent, yes but no."

"What does that mean?"

"I can alter thoughts only for few minutes but not for long." he said smiling.

Jesse dropped me off, at the corridor to our rooms. Andy is waiting for me there with Helen. He gave an evil eye at Jesse. He shrugged and went off, humming a tune.

"Rose, you will not see him again. He is not good."Andy said in a commanding voice.

"He is good. He wishes to be friends with everyone. It's you, who are rude to him." I said.

"Whatever, you are not going to talk to him again." he said.

I stomped away into my room.

"It's for your own good."Helen said.

"Why do you snub him?" I asked.

"Because he plays with your mind and he is arrogant." she said.

I let the conversation drop. I can't tell them anything when they are prejudiced about it.

3.Jesse Makes Changes

The dark hooded figure is waiting for me at the corner and I'm willingly walking towards him. I felt nervous but it's not the fear of death but something else. I couldn't tell what it was. The further I moved his croaked laughter is ringing in my ears.

"Where is he?" I asked trying to sound bold enough.

"Oh! You love him. Don't you?" he asked with a wicked grin.

He gestured someone to come and then another dark hooded figure was dragging a boy with him. He was covered completely in dust and he's beaten to death. I think he is unconscious by the way his head dropped hanging.

My blood boiled seeing the poor thing.

"You will pay for this." I said and ran to the aid of the poor guy but the dark hooded figure was upon him and stretched his hands on to the face as if to break his head. I shrieked to stop.


Helen is shaking me awake.

"Good morning." I said feeling happy because it's just a dream.

"Is it a bad dream again?" she asked.

I nodded.

"Do you watch horrors often?" she asked.

I gave a weak smile.

History was really interesting today. Ms. Harriet gave us a list of the possible invaders that live on the earth. Their names and the planets they come from. The names are as funny as crack head from frying pot.

Students all over the class were really enjoying reading the list.

"Why do we name them this way?"Ronny asked.

"They are names are based on how they look or so I think." I whispered to myself.

"That's right, Ms. Rose." she said and repeated to Ronny what i said.

I didn't even make a exasperated sigh in that class ever again, now that I know, her power is to hear even the distant tiny voice.

"Have you ever seen an invader?"Ronny asked me in brewing medicines. (He is my partner)

"Yeah! Haven’t you?"

"Where did you see?"

"Not now, I need to concentrate on the portions." I said.

He nodded; hopefully he kept his mouth shut for the next few minutes.

"Will you tell me about it at lunch?"

I nodded.

By the time I got to the hall. Andy and Helen are deep in conversation. Kenny is debating about the possibilities of winners in some match with a guy next to him. I squeezed in between Kenny and Andy.

"Hi," Ronny said grabbing a seat opposite to me.

"Do you go to gym?" he asked Kenny (I know he is flattering Kenny, so that he wouldn't say anything to him, for sitting with us.)

Kenny smiled and said no.

"I heard you're the best fighters in that team," he said.

"See rose your cousins are best." they said together.

He introduced himself to them saying he's a friend of mine. After a few minutes he turned his attention towards me and said "I thought you agreed to tell me where you saw an alien at lunch."


He caught the attention of Andy, Kenny and Helen by his words.

"No way! She saw an alien; she doesn't know anything about this until yesterday."Helen said.

"No, I think she's just showing off."Andy said.

"No, I don't think so. She probably saw one or else how would she answer to Ms. Harriet today and in yesterday life skills she spoke something about the body color of crack heads."Ronny said.

Ronny caught me there. I shouldn't tell them probably may be this is a secret of the academy. If it is a secret what would they do if they knew about me and Jesse?

"Do you want to know where she saw an alien?" a sweet voice is ringing.

To everyone's utter astonishment he sat beside Ronny smiling at me. All the people in the food court were staring at our table. My friends are good enough to know their manners. It was Ronny who spoke first.

"Yes, I would like to." he said.

The two other leads were sitting beside Jesse.

"Our head cook is an alien I introduced him to Rose and he is a crack head." he said

"What? It can't be."Kenny said aloud.

"Ask your cousin." he said.

I nodded.

"Don't they teach us how to fight against invaders?" Ronny said confused.

"Yes but don't they say that all the invaders are not bad."Jesse said.

"Can I see him?" Ronny asked.

"Of course, even the academy wants us to be good to them." he said.

"How come we didn't know this? Are there more here?"Kenny asked.

"Yes there are lots of invaders in this place. Invaders like Mr. Pinto, Mr. Harry and lot many others that work here."

"Mr. Pinto? Mr. Harry?" I asked.

"Mr. Pinto couldn't be he is a teacher. We would know if he is."Ronny said.

"How would we know if he is covered from top to bottom?" I said.

He nodded.

"Pinto's from lady cactus?" I remembered one of the names from the list.

"You are wise."Jesse said.

"Mr. Pinto is an invader that's why he is covered from top to bottom." he added.

"He wouldn't want his students to be thoroughly repulsed by seeing him." one of the friends of Jesse said. (The dark one)

"Why would we be?" I asked.

"Because pinto their body is covered with pricking pins like cactus."Kenny said.

Jesse nodded.

They left the conversation drop for a while because they are not ready for anymore shocks right now. One thing is the leads are practically talking to them and eating with them and for another there are invaders in this academy.

"Do you get bad dreams all the time?" Jesse whispered.

"What?" I asked.

"I saw you screaming in the morning because of a bad dream you are pretty tensed." he said.

"How did you do that? Were you in my room?" I asked.

"Of course not, you know that none can enter into others room unless they are invited." he said.

"Is that so?" I said.

"Don't you know that is a rule Mr. Dom has laid and follows strictly." he said.

"Who is Mr. Dom?" I asked.

He chuckled and looked at the dome.


"Is he an alien too?" I asked.

"Nope, he lives in the tower in the Westside; none has ever tried to go there. Mr. Harry says that he is a touch me not." he said.

While I'm heading to my room Jesse caught me near the corridor.

"Don't you want to know how I saw you in the morning." he said.

"I'm sorry there's a lot in my mind." I said.

He gestured me to look at his palms. Then there is a picture of Helen and Andy. Andy snogging Helen. I covered his hand with mine.

"You shouldn't do that." I said.

"Were you not interested to know what they are doing? A little while ago." he said.

"I keep forgetting that you are a mind reader." I said.

"My friends want to be introduced to you. Will you see them?" he said.

"It's my pleasure." I said.

We walked to the same tree where we sat yesterday.

"Where are they?" I asked.

"Here," he gestured me to look at his hands.

The dark one appeared and is waving at me. I moved in close to have a good view of them. Jesse really smelled good. His scent was of lemon and soap.

"Wave to him" he said.

"Hey," I waved at him.

"I'm Henry," he said.

The image shifted and replaced the fair one. I waved at him. He said his name was Sam. Jesse clapped his hands and then there is nothing in there again.

"He is about to say something." I said.

"I don't want someone to get in between. After all you spend only a few minutes with me." he said.

What does he mean? Is he flirting? Remember rose he is a mind reader.

"Hey, how did you do that?" he asked.

"What did I do?" I asked.

"You shut me off your mind." he complained.

"Me?" I asked.

"Yes you were thinking about me and everything goes blank. You did the same thing last time too but I thought it's just my imagination but I know now better."

"I don't know what you are saying."

"What's your power?"

"To move things, without touching." I said.

"How do you do that? I mean move the things."

"I just imagine them."

"What were you thinking before you blocked me?" he asked.

"I just remembered that you are a mind reader and so I said to myself that I shouldn't allow you to hear my thoughts."

"Now I'll tell you something to do. Will you do it for me?" he asked after a few minutes of thought

"Anything for you." I said.

He clapped his hands and then again an image appeared where Sam and Henry are playing chess in their room.

"Now imagine that Henry is giving Sam a nice and tight slap." he whispered to me.

I did as he said and to my surprise Henry who is immersed in the game got up suddenly and walked to Sam and slapped. Jesse burst into laughter at once. Sam looked at us.

"What was that about?" he said angry.

"Our rose is a mind controller." Jesse said excited.

"Mind controller?" they both shrieked at once.

He clapped his hands again and turned towards me.

"Is that bad?" I asked.

"Bad?" he exclaimed.

"It's a rare talent to control minds. In all these years there is only another person who can control minds. She is Elisa's mother."

"Don't you alter thoughts of people? So you must be mind controller too."

"It's different rose, I can't make someone do my bidding besides when I alter thoughts they only last for a few seconds not more than that."

"You can make people fight against evil and let them die fighting your battle. Though I doubt you would be able to do that." he said.

"Will you promise me something?" he asked.

"Anything" I said.

"You shouldn't make me love you. I don't like a goose head as my girlfriend." he said laughing.

I chased him through the garden and corridors unto the corridor of our rooms threatening to slap him. He stopped at our corridor panting.

"You can't make me do the same thing twice." he said and kissed me on the forehead and left humming.

Andy cleared his throat.

"Hi," I said and was stepping away from him.

"Rose," he called after me.

"I know what you wanted to say but he is just a friend." I said.

He was about to say something when I got irritated and I shouted it's just a perk. It's not like you are snogging my friend.

He was staring at me when I went into my room. I felt sorry for shouting at him. He's just concerned about me.

Simple combats, Ronny was still easy to disarm. Mr. Philip thought us how to parry a blow and launch the same against our opponent.

"I just wanted to make you happy by losing."Ronny boasted.

"Oh! Really?" I said and launched a heavy blow in his stomach.
He squealed and fell down to the floor. Mr. Philip ran to the aid of him one of the stronger boys heaved him up and took him into the hospital wing and Mr. Philip followed them dispersing the class. I ran away into the garden thinking what I did to that poor guy.

I sat down under the tree crying for what I have done. I'll never be able to forgive myself I thought.

"Rose."Jesse sat beside me squeezing my hands gently. I cried on his shoulders.

"I'm bad." I moaned.

"No, you are not." he said.

"You would say that, if you knew what I did."I said.

"I imagined me launching a blow to Ronny and he writhing in pain on the ground. I didn't want that to happen. It's just a silly thought because I was so frustrated about Andy's comments but..." I stammered.

"Do you know that Rosalie (Elisa's mother) once accidentally imagined killing a person with her bare hands." he said.

"Did he die?" I asked.

"It's not that worse right? You can help him if you want to." he said.

"How do I do that?" I asked.

"Imagine him being healed, healthy and happy." he said.

I nodded and closed my eyes and prayed to god for his well and imagined. When I opened my eyes Ronny was sleeping in the bed smiling and eased from the pain.

"Thanks," I said to Jesse for showing him.

"Come with me," Jesse said.

We went to Harry's room.

"Ah! I have been expecting you." harry said.

"Do you know about her power a very useful but quite dangerous." he said smiling.

"How do I stop myself imagining such things?" I asked.

"You simply have to order your mind not to do everything you imagine." he said.

"But wouldn't that shut her powers off and not be useful at the right time?" Jesse asked.

"She can order her mind to give her powers back again." he said.

"To switch between your powers you need a lot of practice." harry said.

"Until then you watch over her and warn her when she is about to do something drastic." harry added.

"May be I should go and check on Ronny." I said.

"Let's go." he said.

"Don't you have a class now?" I asked.

"Professor Quirell wouldn't mind.” he said.

"His name sounds different is he an alien too?" I asked.

"Nope, that isn't his name. His name is Dan." he said.

I frowned then he explained how his face resembles a squirrel.

Ronny smiled on seeing me.

"I'm sorry; I didn't mean to punch you that hard."

"Oh! I shouldn't have provoked you. It's my entire fault."

"I'm really sorry."

"If you are going to say sorry again I’m going to throw myself out of this window “he said smiling.

I smiled.

"Can we go to the class now?" Ronny asked the nurse.

"What's the hurry? Stay here take some rest." I said.

"Oh! No," he added, "I’m going to miss life skills."

"The class work is suspended." Jesse said.


"I think there is someone here to visit us." he said.

"How did you know that? Did they announce or what?"

"No, I read headmaster's thoughts."


It's huge room but it seems like it wasn't dusted for years. The house is eerie. I was going through the rooms to call someone for help when I heard someone shouting. I walked in the direction of the voice. The voice is loud and clear now. I am trembling may be I sensed danger but I urged it to move forward in vain. I knew the voice I thought. I took a step forward reached for the door. I opened it a little when i saw someone in black cloak .He is as tall as giraffe and the other man turned stared at the door and then he looked at the dark figure. It's kind of funny to look at them.

"I want that girl. I don't want to take chances." the dark figure said, "bring me the girl, Cyrus."

"Can't we wait until the girl finds her soul-mate?" Cyrus asked.

"After all she may turn into one of us. Imagine the power we have if she turns out to be a nightling." Cyrus added.

"What if she turns to be a protector of earthlings? We can't afford that." the dark cloak man said.

"I don't think that rose girl has so much power. I have seen her she is just a mere healer." Cyrus said.

(He said that last words I mean the healer part with a sneer.)My heart pounded when I heard my name from them.

"I don't think she might be the girl." Cyrus added.

"You don't understand it. The seer has shown her vividly." the dark cloak man said.

He made a movement as if he is rubbing away the flames. Then in the mantel images flickered and two persons were standing they are of same height as the cloak person. The other one is asking the cloak person to look into a ball with white mist .It turned and turned until it formed an image of me!!!!!!!!

I gasped and the cloak person stared right through my place.

"I don't think we are alone." the cloak person said.

Panicked, I tried to run but I couldn’t I was paralyzed. I cried for help.


"You are freaking me, girl."Helen said.

"I'm sorry it's just a bad dream." I said.

The classes have been canceled. Since, there is a meeting in the afternoon. We are to be the audience of Ms. Elisa. I wanted to find Jesse I have to ask many questions

"Hey." Jesse said.


"Want to talk to me. Let's go to our place." he said.

We sat under our tree.

"Jesse, I really had a weird dream yesterday. My dreams they are like I'm literally there in that dreams."

I can see his dubious look.

"I can't explain of how it is but one thing I can tell you is they are not my dreams they are like really happening to me."

I told him about him about my dream. He listened patiently.

"Do you know what a soul-mate means?" he asked.

"A person ideally suited to another." I murmured.


"There is a rule for the magical beings set by our great grandfathers. It says that once you choose a soul-mate you will be destined whether you are a night ling or an earthling. It's complicated to differentiate but all i can say is this, a nightling is like a bad guy and where as an earthling is a good guy."

“The guy you have seen in your dream is the lord of nightlings. He is the cruelest person I have ever heard about." he added.

"What's all this got to do with me? I'm not even a magical being and you said this law is for magical beings."I muttered.

"That's what bugs Me." he said.

"May be it's just a weird dream."I said.

"In this world everything has a meaning, Rose." he said.

I nodded not knowing what to say

"Let's go and meet harry." he said.

"Good morning, Mr. Harry." I said.

"Morning, Ms. Rose."

Jesse said all about my weird dream to Mr. Harry. He listened intently and asked for every minor detail to fill in.

"As I have already mentioned you are not going to stay longer in that house." Mr. Harry said.

"Does that mean she will become one of us?" Jesse said excited.

"Not so fast." Mr. Harry said.

"What does Cyrus want from her?" Jesse asked.

"We will find it sooner if he is the lord of nightlings himself or some random person." he said.

"Harry, you know everything why don't you say it and spare us from waiting." Jesse said.

"Learning is a process." He said it and disappeared.

"Jesse," harry reappeared.

"I need to talk in private." He added looking at me.

"I'll wait outside, Jesse." I said.

"What is it?" Jesse asked.

"Do me a favor. I need you to come at midnight to my room." he said.

"What for?" Jesse said.

"Okay, I'll come if it is about Rose." he said indignantly.

"Ha! All these years of waiting has ended." harry added with a smirk.

Jesse waved his hands in disposal of Harry's comments.

"What did he say?"

"Nothing important."

"You know I can make you tell."


"Hey, there. Where have you been?" Ronny said coming towards us.

"You know he likes you more than you think." Jesse said.

"No, he is not." I said.

"I read minds not you."

"May be you got it wrong."

"May be he likes me as a sister."

"I hope that would be true but it's not like that." he said.

How can he love me? I'm neither beautiful nor intelligent. I thought that is what guys look for most in girls.

Jesse burst into laughter at once.

"What's that for?" I asked.

"Just hearing your thoughts."

I wanted to smack him but seeing Ronny I knew I shouldn't do that.

"Rose, I'll be at the end of the corridor. Talk to him and please say no to him for my sake."


He smiled and went away humming his tune.

"Hey, Rose."

"Feeling better?" I asked.


"You know we have time until noon." he said.

I looked at Jesse at the end of the corridor. He looked smug.

"So?" I asked.

"Can I buy you coffee?" he asked.

"Oh! I'm sorry I 'm kind of busy right now."

"May be some other time then." he said.


"Rose, this is for you." he said giving me a chocolate.


"Heard you love chocolates." he said.

I went to Jesse and he was really concentrating on something hard.

"What's it?" I asked.

"I heard Elisa speaking about you to harry but then when I tried to listen. It's like they shut me off from hearing." he said.

"What were they talking about?" I asked.

"I don't know," he said.

"Let's find out." he added.

"How? I mean didn't you say they shut you off." I asked.

"They want to talk to you. They sent Henry to search for you."

We went into harry for the second time in the day. I was really surprised to see Elisa there. She is really the most beautiful person than anyone in this world. She seemed to wrap in the aura of power. I can feel her power radiating all over the room. Her smile was so alluring.

"Rose, I have heard so much about you. It’s a pleasure meeting you. “She said smiling.

I felt embarrassed what could she have listened about me. Probably that I’m a dim witted girl.

"I have heard that you are a mind controller."

I murmured something like yes. I was so lost in her beauty and power.

"Do me a favor shut him off from trying so hard to listen to my thoughts? He is only straining himself." she said smiling at Jesse.

"I'm sorry," He mumbled.

"You are a great mind reader but sometimes it does better not to know everything."

"Your gift is very rare so use it wise my child."

"I have something for you it's to keep bad dreams away." she said and presented me a bracelet.

"Thanks, Ms. Elisa." I said.

"You can call me Lisa." she said smiling.

"Put it on tomorrow when I leave and never take it away." she said.

I nodded.

"Jesse I need to ask you a personal favor." she said.

She remained silent for a while.

"I can do that." Jesse said after a while.

We went into the dining hall tables were removed and chairs are placed. When Lisa entered the room the chattering was stopped and everyone looked at her with awe.

She addressed the gathering and her words echoed through the hall.

"Enough of the learning sessions, now it's time for us to practice everything we have learned. You must know the danger you are about to face and be prepared to fight against the nightlings.Our enemies have strengthened their powers and they have a plot to destroy us all .They wish to spare no earthling and we are the only hope that world has got. From now on your capability is not measured by a series of written tests but by the tasks we assign to you. Task may be anything but do not take them as simple thing because you may even die in finishing this task.(gasps!!!!!All over).I don't want to spread fear among you but trust me you have to get prepared for the worse that is going to happen. United we fight the evil and bring peace to our loved ones."

"All I ask you is to start practicing what you have learned all these days. From this year onwards there will be no written exams. (Everyone cheered at this announcement but she hushed them with a single wave of her hand.)You will be having tests where you will encounter your true fears and where you will put to practice all that you have learned for many years. The simple combats will be arranged among the three groups not in between a single group, as everyone has to learn their defenses. To mark the end of every academic year you will be having a hunt. The rules of the hunt will be given when it's right time".

"Do well and think well. “she added and hurried to the headmaster's room.

There are lots of questions in everyone's mind but there seemed to be no other way to find out the answers because everyone hurried after Lisa.

5.Dream walker

"Hello, Harry." Jesse said.

"You asked me to come here." he said.

"You wanted to know more about Rose. Right?" harry asked.

"I'll show you what she really is." he added.

At that Elisa entered the room. I greeted her. What's she doing here? She sat right next to me and harry.

"Jesse, project the visions of rose." he said.

I did what he said. Rose is lying on her bed covered in pink mattresses and the color is similar to her cheek color. She looked pleased with her dream for her face was pretty much serene. I was so lost in her beauty when Elisa tugged me to see what she was pointing at. Rose's forehead creased with a line and then another, her body became rigid as if she was staring right at a ghost.

"Read her mind." Elisa whispered.

I concentrated on her mind and then I saw a blurry vision of a dark hooded figure staring right at me. Then everything went blank. Now I looked at the projector rose is turning pale. In a few seconds she is a like ghost .I gasped for breath. I continued to stare at her for many hours. I didn't know how much time we sat there staring at the ghost form of rose. After what seemed to be 3 hrs, rose was coming back to her body. Slowly color appeared in her skin and then the lines of her skin and the tension lines and then she shrieked at the top of her voice at first her voice seemed to be distant. It’s like her voice is traveling from a distant place to her own mouth. Helen came scuttling towards her hushing her. I clapped my hands and closed the projection.

I closed my eyes and worked on something practical to speak about the thing I saw now. Elisa patted me.

"She is a dream walker." I mumbled.

Elisa and harry nodded.

"Jesse, she in more trouble then we can imagine. If the person she sees in her dreams is truly whom we think then one day she will get caught wandering through her dreams and we may see of her no more. She has an important role in this war. That's why I need you to speak to her and take care of her." Harry said.

I nodded. Elisa caught me by the arm while I'm leaving.

"Take care of my girl, Jesse." she said.

The way she speaks rose as her girl, was there more to her words? I thought.

I caught rose while heading to her room.

"Hi, Jesse."

How should I bring up the subject I didn't even know how she would react. I got an idea and borrowed the dream walker book from Henry and pretended to reading it. It worked.

"What's that book about?" rose asked.

"I told the story of a man who is a dream walker who used to move in dreams to various place and once he got accidentally stuck at some place and died a terrible death."

"How does he move around places in dreams?" rose asked.

"Some people are gifted with this ability like while you are sleeping you'll will have a dream and you can imagine your being there but with dream walkers they really go to that place. They fell the pain, anguish, love or whatever that is happening to them in the dream. It's like they are really in the dream."

She seemed to be lost in thoughts. She pulled her hair behind her eyes the way she always does when she is thinking over something.

"Jesse, I think it's weird but..I think I’m a dream walker."

I nodded.

"You knew it?"

"Not until yesterday."

She frowned. I told her about the whole night and vomited the parts where harry and Lisa are involved. It seemed good to keep it a secret about them.

"Isn't it an interesting power?" she asked.

"No, it isn't." I shouted.

She was appalled.

"I'm sorry. You do not understand the terrible danger it could put you in. If that black cloak person is really Cyrus. He will kill you or worse you may even get trapped in the dreams world. Promise me, you wouldn't try anything like that." I asked.

She seemed to consider it. Truly sometimes power is so tempting even for a girl like rose.

"Remember the one time you used your power on Ronny." I said.

It hit her and her face was grim.

"Okay, I'll not do but I don't know how to stop those dreams." she said.

"Wear that bracelet Lisa gave you and don't ever remove it." I urged.

She was tying the bracelet to her arms.

"Does she know about it? I mean dream walker thing?" she asked.

"I think she guessed. I'm not sure about it." I said.

"Helen said that we people are gifted with only one thing." she murmured.

"Sometimes it happens that one is gifted with more than a single power."I said (Even I am not sure about how she has two powers at a time).

I think she understood my hesitation and dropped the subject.

She was struggling to tie the bracelet to her left arm. It seemed funny to see her like that. She moved real close and poked me and gestured to tie the bracelet. I got a whiff of her scent when the wind played with her strands of her beautiful long brown hair. She tucked them behind her ears but one or two came along.She looked most pretty than ever.

"You are staring." she said.

"Let's go."I said embarrassed.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 05.09.2010

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To my aunt mythili and my parents,granny and dhi for their love and support.

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