
A Word From The Author

When I was a little girl, I've been inspired by wolves and the natural world. The green forests filled with trees, blue rivers and endless undergrowth was realistic. Just enough to write a book about it. 

When I found out about BookRix, it was just wonderful. You have your own quiet, organized space and chapters to write your story in. It's just like a real book store and a real desk for authors to write their stories in. You can buy the book, download it, favorite and read samples or all of it. You can have your own cover, dedication and you can even upload a file of your book to BookRix. 

Wolves are strong, swift and smart creatures. I've always been fascinated in their ways of survival. How they raise their pups, hunt prey, how Alphas lead their Packs, and how they make dens. It's always interesting to study the closeness of how animals survive in the wild realms. 

I always thought about different stories when I was little. About cats, people, horses and eagles. I always wanted to write it down on the computer, but I couldn't. Their was no way. Untill BookRix came along. 

 Fang is the main character of the story. On being bold, funny, smart and ready for adventure, he's the perfect trait to start out the story. His Carer, Snowflake, who's caring, sweet and nice, is second. 

All stories must have dramatic deaths. It's what keeps it going. This story has that, must I say. But I will not ruin the story for you. 

 It's a perfect mixture. With the forest and wolves, it makes sense. But the ranks and names are slightly a bit confusing but unique. 

 There must be a bad guy in every story. And their is, in this one. He doesn't show himself much in the first book, but the second is the part. 

 Now, I must stop. Any father I will ruin the story for you. All at once, this tale is heroic, dramatic and also a bit of a comedy here and there. 

 Enjoy the story, reader. Let your heart soar to new heights. 

 ~ Kaitlyn Radgowski 

Alliances of Fallen Wolves

The code and codiance of the Fallen Wolves Packs are simple. The ranks are a bit confusing but the higher ranks are more easier to understand. Every wolf has a special name. Like Sun in/of Sky. Sun is the first name for the wolf, being the nickname. It may get it's first name for it's personality, fur color or it's resemble to something. It's last name, or it's pure name, is resembled to it's first name. Like Branch of Trees. Branches are connected to trees, so it's last name resembles tree to branch. 


 Pups are called by their first name after they are born. For example, Pebbles of 'Creek'. Pebbles is it's name untill it grows older, to a Hunter/ Defender. Pups don't move on to the next rank untill 5 months. The pups stay with their Carers untill then. 


 After 5 months on being a Pup, the wolf moves to Trainee. Trainees train to be a Hunter or a Defender or a Carer. One may be chosen to train as the Healer Trainee. Spirits pick on what their to train for. The Trainees train with about five or ten other pups that have the same goal. They have a Captain of the Trainees for that rank. They keep their first name. 


 After 7 months on being a Trainee, one wolf may be chosen to be a Hunter. Now, they are picked their names. The last name is chosen from the sample of it's first name. Like if it's name is Rock, it would be named Rock in Mountain etc etc. The Hunter is the one who goes on the Prey Patrols. They hunt elk, deer, rabbits, mice and other edible foods. They even collect fruit and berries. 



 Like the Hunter, the wolf changes it's name to it's Pure one after 8 months. The Defender defends the hollow (camp) of the wolves. They also go on Search Patrols around the territory to search for trespassers and other enemies, like hunting dogs, panthers, bears and other rogue wolves. Defenders take 1 month extra from the Hunters so they can learn all the quickest ways through the territory and the best moves to take down enemies. 


 Carers are chosen their Pure name after 7 months, like the Hunter. Carers care for the newborn pups and sick wolves in the Infirmary underground of the hollow. All Carers are mostly females. When one female wolf gives birth to the litter, after a week of spending time of the Infirmary, the female goes back to duties and one or two Carers take care of the pups. Sick wolves are healed by the Healer and his/her Trainee, then the Carer takes over. Carers mostly stay in the hollow at all times and can't have mates and pups of their own.


 The Healer takes almost a year to be chosen it's Pure name. Spirits chose the Healer's name. The Healer has a cave out of the hollow and in the territory. It uses medicene herbs and berries to heal the sick and wounded. Healers live longer then any other wolf rank, given an extra life by it's ancestors. Healers can only have a mate if it's the Leader of the Pack. 


 The General is the second in command of the Pack. The General takes over leadership when the Leader dies. The General is like any other wolf. 


 The Leader is the top command of the Pack. The Leader's name is changed to "Leader" when it becomes one. For example, if it was called Moon in Sky, it would be called Moon Leader. The Leader lives long, but not longer like the Healer. The Leader can have any mate in any rank except the Carer. The Leader is in charge of battles, Patrols and any other things. 


 Bright Lightning Pack: 

 Leader: Moon Leader~ pale gray female wolf with white crescent marked chest and ears with blue eyes 

 General: Stone of Crevice (Stone): dark gray male wolf with black paws and ears with dark yellow eyes 

 Healer: Acorn of Oak (Acorn): small ginger female wolf with dappled green eyes 

 Defenders (defends the hollow): 

 Lead Defender~ Storm in Clouds (Storm): gray male wolf with dark gray stripes with blue eyes 

  Fire of Forest (Fire): dark ginger male wolf with pale green eyes 

  Rain of Air (Rain): light gray female wolf with amber eyes 

  Thunder of Day (Thunder): large black male wolf with yellow eyes and missing ear 

  Shadow of Night (Shadow): dark gray male wolf with blue eyes and black spots 

  Sun in Sky (Sun): golden female wolf with green eyes and ginger paws 

  Tiger of Jungle (Tiger): large ginger and white male wolf with stripes and with yellow eyes 

  Flower of Field (Flower): ginger and white female wolf with green eyes 

 Hunters (hunt for Pack): 

 Lead Hunter~ Wind in Moor (Wind): small but swift gray male wolf with amber eyes 

 Fawn of Valley (Fawn): white spotted ginger female wolf with green eyes 

 Mountain of Earth (Mountain): large but lean gray and white male wolf with yellow eyes 

 Badger of Woods (Badger): large black and white male wolf with green eyes 

 Dusk at Sunset (Dusk): black, white, brown and gray female wolf with blue icy eyes 

 Coal of Flames (Coal): light black male wolf with small ears with green/yellow eyes 

 Grass of Field (Grass): gray female wolf with amber eyes and long fur 

 Horn of Elk (Horn): dark brown male wolf with black paws and amber eyes 


 Lead Carer~ Seed of Plant: creamy colored female wolf with green eyes 

 Snowflake of Frost: gentle white female wolf with crystal blue eyes 

 Ice of Lake: white and gray female wolf with green eyes 

 Velvet of Eyes (Velvet): brown female wolf with velvet amber eyes 

 Rose of Pelt (Rose): dark ginger female wolf with yellow eyes 

 Bird of Flight (Bird): brown and white female wolf with blue eyes 

 Swan of Pond (Swan): white female wolf with hard blue eyes and black ears 

 Snow of Sky (Snow): pretty white female wolf with blue eyes and a gray tail and muzzle 

 Honey of Hive (Honey): pale creamy and ginger female wolf with foresty green eyes 


 Fang: dark brown and light brown male wolf with green speckled eyes

 Misty: gray and white female wolf with green eyes 

 Feather: light gray and white female wolf with icy blue eyes 

 Twig: light brown male wolf with yellow eyes

 Flint: black male wolf with amber eyes 

 Maple: ginger female wolf with green eyes 

 Sap: thick light ginger female wolf with amber eyes 





Moon Leader sat as the pale moonlight glimmered off the surface of the limestone rock that jutted from the ground. The river at the bottom of the gorge roared in her ears as he hooting of the owls in the tree's branches echoed through the still air. The snores of her Packmates, the wolves of Bright Lightning Pack, traveled through the forest. 

Moon Leader looked at the sky. Only a week ago, Edge of Cliff, the Healer of her Pack, was murdered by a grizzly bear. Moon Leader remembered as she and her General, Stone of Crevice, were running through the forest and how they followed the bear's roars and Edge's fierce growls. But they arrived too late. The bear already fled when they came to the cave. Moon Leader's heart almost stopped as she remembered on how she saw Edge, limp and dead on the stone floor, as his throat was cut up and bleeding. 

Moon Leader has been the Pack's leader for four seasons. Already she was wise and knew the dangers out in her territory. Like posion oak, bears, panthers, snakes, hunting dogs, rogue wolves and eagles. And she knew to warn the Pack if she ever saw any enemies. But, of course, she didn't. 

Moon Leader missed him more then ever. His white, snowy pelt, blue icy gaze and soft, smooth voice. He was perfect. Spirits wouldn't stop her from picking him as a mate. But now he was gone. 

Moon Leader and her General carried his body back to the hollow after that. The other wolves were puzzled. But not her. She was guilty. She saw that bear eating berries near the gorge two days before his death. She should've warned him, but didn't. How STUPID. 

 Moon Leader didn't like any other wolf in the Pack. Like, LIKE LIKE. Only Edge. He was so handsome and smart. "STUPID BEAR!" Moon Leader snarled as her claws dug into the jutting rock's cracks. 

Moon Leader almost felt cold tears run down her muzzle as they hit the limestone. The moonlight washed the jutted rock white. Moon Leader felt as if her life was ruined. 

 Suddenly, Moon Leader could make out a white, misty shape forming near the gorge. Soon, it has blue, glowing eyes and a white pelt. The breeze carried the shape's scent to her nose and she froze. Edge. 

 Moon Leader slid from the limestone rock and sprinted acorss the grass without a thought. She soon came to the gorge line and stopped. The shape blinked and it became the shape of a handsome, young wolf. 

 "Moon," The wolf began. 

  "EDGE!" Moon Leader barked as she jumped forward and licked his muzzle happily. "You're here! I've missed you so much." 

 "Me too." Edge murmured as he licked her ear caringly. "I never thought I would see you. You look more prettier then ever."

 Moon Leader and Edge stood together for a moment, his icy eyes locked into her frosty ones. Moon Leader felt her tail wag slightly. 

 Edge hesitated before speaking. Moon Leader felt a huge stone land in her belly. Edge used to never hesitate while speaking. So this must be important.

 "Listen, I've came with important news." Edge began. "It's about this wolf. His name is Dark Shadows. He's traveling across Graymarsh, with his evil horde. He's looking for power of one wolf. That one wolf is in your Pack. You must protect that wolf and your pack from Dark Shadows. Or it's the end. Protect them all," Edge's voice suddenly softened, "and yourself."  

 Moon Leader's ear twitched. This was important. This wolf mean't danger, for her and her Pack. But who was this magical wolf? 


 "No questions. I must go warn the other Packs. Sorry for such a short time with you. I-I... I love you so much. Good bye." Edge whispered as he pressed his muzzle into her fur. 

 "I love you too." Moon Leader murmured as she licked his muzzle. That was it? She only saw him for about 5 minutes!

Edge etched back as he dipped his head and turned. He spreaded out his legs and then in a flash, ZOOM. He ran across the flatland in seconds, only leaving white, sparkly star dust. The Star Sprint power of a Spirit. It was magical but somewhat wierd. Moon Leader had full faith in her ancestors but when it came to this, how?

 Moon Leader turned as she slowly walked away. She must not cry. Edge was doing his duty. But she must watch out for the evil wolf. And protect the mysterious one. 

 She walked back to the forest, the breeze ruffled her pelt. She heard a voice on it, whispering in the wind; 

 "I love you more then ever. I wanted us to be together forever, but that can't happen. Protect your Pack and your loved ones. I will always be with you, my love." 

 It was Edge. 

Chapter 1: Big Prey, Little Wolf

Fang sighed as he stood stock still in the mossy nest. Snowflake of Frost, Snowflake for short, tongue rasped on his pelt, smoothing it down so he looked elegant. Fang's ears pricked as he heard the excited squealing of the other Pups as they jumped around outside and in front of the Infirmary entrance, playing Pinecone Ball with each other. It was Fang's Pack tradition for all Pups to play it before becoming a Trainee. One team must keep the pinecone from bouncing into their goal while the other team did the same. The teams had to try to get the pinecone in each other's goals. It was fun but they rarely played it. And Fang was missing it because of his stupid dirty fur! 

"Snowflake, you've cleaned it enough." Fang complained as he tried to scramble out of the nest. But Snowflake pressed an hefty paw on his back gently as she sighed. 

"Fang, your fur is dirtier then the soil itself! I'm not going to let the other Carers think I can't take care of you properly. I'm not your real mother, but I'm trying, sweetie. Just stand still for a moment, please. I'm almost done." Snowflake started licking the back of his ears. 

 Fang groaned as he forced himself from rolling over. Fang sat in silence as he heard the barks and jibberish from the other Pups outside. Fang had to agree, though, with Snowflake that he had the most fluffiest and dirtiest pelt then any other Pup. It was natural, for his shaggy fur to get dirty. I mean, really? 

 Fang barked joyfully as he heard pawsteps and a joyable scent come from the dirt tunnel that led to the hollow and Infirmary. Fang's father, Storm in Clouds, short for Storm, came padding from the tunnel and to his nest. He had a huge buck head in his jaws, about the size of Fang itself! Snowflake let Fang go as he ran around his father's paws. 

 "Woah, that's a big elk head, Dad!" Fang gasped as he started climbing up the buck's white and huge horns when Storm dropped it. 

 "Yep." Storm laughed as he nuzzled Fang a greeting. "The Hunters brought it back. I thought you may love to see it. Maybe you'll  be a Hunter some day and get to hunt elk as big as these." 

 Storm's gaze traveled to Snowflake. Snowflake's crystal like eyes were wide as she gazed at the elk. Her voice sounded sweet but a bit hesitated as she barked. "It's big. Very neat, I must say." 

Fang lifted his head from chewing on the elk's horns and looked from his Carer and to his father. They were both staring at each other. Fang always thought that Storm liked Snowflake and Snowflake liked him. Fang considered Storm never liked his mother, but had to accept her as a mate because of the Pack's population. He didn't even know who his mother was, but hoped that she was proud of his growth. And Fang would love it if Snowflake was his real mum. 

 "Er, yeah." Storm mumbled as he diverted his eyes from Snowflake. "Cool, isn't it?" 

 Fang climbed off the elk's head as he nodded. "It's awesome! I want to be a Defender, though. I want to battle panthers and bears, Beings and hunting dogs and rival Packs!" 

Snowflake stepped forward as her snowy paw stepped in front of Fang. "I would prefer if you were a Hunter, sweetheart. It's more cooler, hunting fast prey and taking down huge moose. And besides, more safer too." 

 "Yeah yeah." Fang muttered. "But still." 

 "Okay, I have to go." Storm announced as he licked Fang's ear. "Stay strong, son." He shyly raised his muzzle and nodded to Snowflake. "Bye." 

 "Bye." Snowflake and Fang said together at once as he padded back up the tunnel, his pawsteps echoing through the chamber. 

 "Okay, you can go out now." Snowflake exclaimed after a moment of silence. "And Fang, be careful. It's a dangerous sport." 

 "Don't worry, mum." Fang reported as he bounced to his paws and ran up the tunnel. "I'll be safe!" Fang didn't like to call her Snowflake all the time, so it made him feel homey if he called her mum instead. 

 It was better. 



Chapter 2: The Pinecone Game

Fang raced up the tunnel and bursted out of the entrance. The hollow was buzzing with busy wolves. The Search Patrols and Prey Patrols headed out into the territory while Moon Leader, his Pack's leader and the General, Stone of Crevice, were talking near the Storage Chamber. The Trainees were doing some battle moves (Defenders of course) near the Trainee Den while the Pups were nearby, doing the Pinecone Ball Game. 

Fang padded over. He saw that the first game started. The Pups were racing evenly over the soft nettle bedded ground as they threw the pinecone in the air with their teeth. About six Pups were on each team as some busted into each other as the goalie swatted his or her paw to keep the pinecone from scoring in. Fang walked over to the small boulder patch where the Pups who were waiting were sitting. Fang sat by one Pup called Misty. 

"Hey, can I join next game?" Fang asked her as she turned her leafy eyes at him. Her gray and white fur was a bit dirty but otherwise, clean. 

 "Sure." Misty replied. "We needed one other Pup, too. Your name is Fang, right?" 

 "Yep." Fang barked. "I know, your name is Misty. How long as the game been going on?" Fang looked at the Pups playing in the area. 

   "Not for long, actually. About five minutes ago they started. All the pups who have the high ranked Carers go first. Rubbish, it is." Misty murmured. 

 "Well, that's stupid." Fang agreed quietly. He watched as one of the teams, a team with pure black Pups, got a score and howled in the other team's faces. Fang felt his belly boil in rage. What a loath of fatties! 

 "Hey, how about we help the losing team and teach those blackies a lesson?" Fang asked Misty as he rose to his paws. 

 "What?" Misty gasped in puzzlement. "That's crazy! We'll never be able to play again if we disturb the game! You know the rules, Fang!" 

 Fang shrugged as he descended from the boulder patch and to the arena. He called from his shoulder. "I don't care!" 

 Fang then ran into the game. The other Pups from the boulder patch gasped in shock as they lifted their muzzles to see what he was up too. Misty was along the line that matched the field, yelling his name. 

The Pups who were playing barked angrily as they howled for him to get off the field. But Fang didn't listen. He kept running. He then saw the pinecone flying in the air, aiming straight for him! 

 With a yelp, he jumped above the other Pups and smashed his paw to it. The pinecone flipped, being carried with the wind, as it aimed for the losing team's goal. The Pups on the boulder patch cheered but they stopped quickly. 

 One large, male black Pup leapt forward and hit the pinecone back with his muzzle, sending it back across the field. Fang turned and ran sharply, beating the other Pups by incredible speed. The goalie for the losing team was talking to another Pup who was near the sideline. Fang knew he couldn't let the pinecone get in the goal. Or the blackies, as he liked to call Full-blood pups in higher rank Carers, would win the game! It was too bearing. 

 Fang felt energy surge into his limbs as he jumped through the air. The wind blowed through his fur as he grabbed the pinecone in his teeth, carefullly so he didn't crush it. The Pups on the boulder patch, who were now on the sideline, cheered loudly. Fang could see Misty in the crowd, her sage like eyes glowing as she howled cheerfully. 

 Fang landed on his paws. The blackies were advancing, their tongues lolling from their mouths as their eyes glimmered. Fang stepped back then charged forward, soaring above them as his belly fur touched the tip of their ears. 

 The blackies suddenly crashed into the losing team's goalie and the post. They soon were in a pile of black fur, mumbling and groaning in pain. Misty and the other Pups laughed and howled their heads off. 

 Fang was now running toward's the blackie's goal, his team's goal for points. His heart pounded in his chest as he felt as if his paws were smashing into the Earth. He didn't feel heavy or tired. But hungry for victory and cheering.

Fang suddenly heard panting behind him. Giving back a short glance over his shoulder, Fang saw the big blackie from before who hit the pinecone back with his muzzle. The blackie was advancing, panting as his teeth were bared. Fang reconized the blackie as Flint, who was a Full-blood Pup and had a high ranked Carer. Anger soared through him. 

Flint caught up with Fang. Not actually, but close. Fang felt his dewy claws digging into the grass as he pushed his legs harder, trying to run faster. 

 "Drop the pinecone, Half-blood, and you won't get hurt." Flint snarled to Fang as he caught up. Fang felt cold sweat run down his fur, but he ignored it. 

 "Never!" Fang retorted through a mouth-full of pinecone. "You'll have to get me first!" 

 Fang suddenly felt a burst of speed pump into his body. Flint growled an high pitch growl in anger. Fang never felt so alive! 

 His team's goal was in view. The goalie for the blackies was out, since he broke a paw on the first minute. No goalie, easy goal! Fang knew he could prove to the Full-blood's that Half-blood's were just as better if he made this! 

 Suddenly, Fang yelped as he tripped. He didn't know how, but he did. Pain seared through him as he started to fall off the field. 

 Fang felt the whole world go gray and suddenly white. His body shook as he lifted his muzzle back and threw the pinecone. The pinecone flew through the thin air, and if by luck, hit the goal! 

 Flint stopped running and howled in fury. Misty and the Half-bloods cheered as they ran across the field. Fang was lying on his back in the grass, breathing in fresh air quickly but barking cheerfully. 

 Fang found his paws as Misty and the Pups ran over. Misty licked his shoulder blade in a 'congrats' while the other Pups made fanciful cheers. 

 "You were great!" 

  "Awesome, dude!" 

 "We beat 'em!" 

 "You're so great!" 

Fang laughed as he barked to the Half-bloods. "Told you! With some effort, we can be better then Full-bloo-" 

"Fang, get over here this instant! You invalidated the rules of the Pinecone Game! Come to the Infirmary! NOW." 

 Fang and the Half-bloods turned to see Flint, smirking beside the one and only, 






Chapter 3: Of Secrets, Punishment and Food

"He dishonored our tradition!" Stone snapped to Snowflake in the Infirmary. "If he had a brain, he would know the pure rules of the Pack!" 

 Fang was near Snowflake's belly, burying his head into her soft fur, trying stop the snarling. SO WHAT? He was helping his friends! Did the Fallen Law say that wolves couldn't help their own Packmates at a Pinecone Game? 

 "He's just a Pup!" Snowflake argued back as her tail wrapped around Fang. "I would do the same. You can't blame a small Pup for this!" 

 "Oh, yes you can." Stone growled back. "He's about 5 months old, Carer. Soon, he'll be a Trainee. He should know by now the Fallen Law. When he's older, and he does this, their will be bigger punishments. For now on, he has to clean up the Infirmary with the other Carers everyday until said so." 

 "What?" Fang blurted out as he swished back to face Stone. "That's not fair! I was helping my Packmates. What, now the stupid Law says I can't help my own Packmates?" 

"It's not stupid!" Stone barked back angrily. "It's what tells the difference of what you must follow and what you must not. Such a Pup like you wouldn't understand it by a claw." 

 "Stone, stop being a total jerk!" A dark creamy female wolf, Seed of Plant, short for Seed, snapped as she came over. Seed was the head of Carers, being gentle but always tough at her job. Fang was grateful for her help and by the look of Snowflake, she was too. 

 "Seed, stay out of this. It's just between me, this Pup and Carer." 

 "No. Snowflake is my fellow worker and I will not let her be yelled at, for the least of a pup. General, Fang know's his punishment. Leave my Infirmary. Now." 

 Stone flashed Fang a hard, amber glance as he stalked up the tunnel and out of the Infirmary. Seed sighed as she gazed at Fang and Snowflake. 

 "Thank you, for getting him out." Snowflake finally said at last. "I was afraid he wouldn't ever stop." 

 "Stone is a bit hard when it comes to one of his Packmates breaking a Fallen Law. Trust me, I know." Seed chuckled for a slight moment before she went on more seriously. "Fang, I'm sorry but you must do what he given you for a punishment. He's the General and you must follow his orders." 

 "He's a snobby idiot, that's what he is!" Fang shot back. "Why can't Moon Leader do more things around the hollow except sit in her den, talking about riddles and hunting frogs and lizards?" 

"Fang, sweetie," Snowflake said, a bit aghast like as she licked his ear calmly, "Moon Leader is just... sick right now. The General is in charge for more things. Hopefully, Moon Leader will regain her pawsteps soon. Just... calm down. I'll help you with your punishment, ok?" 

 Fang felt his neck fur flatten. He was calm now... hopefully. But he didn't want Snowflake doing the punishment with him. It was unfair. Snowflake would probably refuse a "no thanks" for an answer, but Fang couldn't be a snotty wolf. No one liked a selfish, snotty wolf. Only independent wolves made it out here in the wild. It's how they survived. 

"No thanks, mum." Fang mumbled. "It's my punishment and I have to take it-" He paused bitterly before he went on-" alone." 

 Snowflake's eyes sparkled with... joyfulness...independence..? Fang wasn't sure, but she was happy. 

 "Fang, you've grown up so fast." She murmured proudly. "Taking your own punishment alone is the most greatest thing a wolf could do. As a punishment you have yourself. But I'll help you on some days, when your tired. Deal?" 

 Fang dipped his head. "Deal." 

 "Now that that's covered, how about we go have some delicous elk legs at the Storage Chamber?" Seed asked. 

 Fang and Snowflake agreed as Seed led them out of the Infirmary. It was dark outside, the sounds of nightime flowing around. The moon shown half of it's light into the hollow. It made Fang feel energetic for some reason. 

 The Storage Chamber was crowded. Many wolves sat in groups, eating their pieces of delicious food as they talked. Fang followed Snowflake and Seed as they made their way through the line. Fang felt his ears flatten as he saw Flint and the blackies sitting together. 

 Snowflake picked Fang a fawn's leg as it was their turn. "Okay, Fang, go sit with your friends but be back at the Infirmary near midnight." 

 "Okay." Fang agreed as Snowflake padded away. Fang quickly made his way over to Misty, who was sitting alone. 

 "Had a good night?" Fang asked her as she gave him a greeting. 

 "Yeah." Misty replied. "Fairly ok. You?" 

"Yeah, mine's was good." Fang said. 

 Fang and Misty were silent for a moment. Misty suddenly gave off a good topic. The Pinecone Game last evening. 

"You were great! You ran like a cat and you jumped like an eagle flying! How'd you do that?" Misty asked as her gaze widened. 

 Fang finished eating the meat. It smoky and flavorful. As he gobbled down the meat, he replied thickly. "Just pure skill. I mean, every wolf will show it once in a while." 

 "Not me."  Misty muttered as she looked away. 

 "Why?" Fang asked, puzzled. "I mean, your doubting it? That's unusual. You probably have a lot of skills, Misty. I bet you." 

 "Promise you'll keep this secret and tell no wolf soul ever?" Misty suddenly whispered urgently. Fang almost reared back from the way her muzzle shoved sharply in his face. 

 "I promise." 

 "Okay, I'm not Bright Lightning Pack blood." Misty admitted quietly. "My mother was from the Cold Shadows Pack while my dad was a rogue. My mother couldn't keep me, so she gave me to my father. Then, my father gave me to Ice of Arctic, my Carer, and she told the Pack that I was the child of her sister, Flower of Field. So yeah, I'm not any blood, actually." 

Fang was silent. Misty? Not from the Pack? WOW. That was new. Misty seemed like a Pack wolf, with her posture, looks and personality. So she was half blood of a rogue and a Cold Shadow member? Strange. He suddenly felt bad for Misty. Not being loved much by her parents. Fang's mother probably didn't care about him, but Snowflake and Storm loved him as if he was Snowflake's Pup and Storm and her were mates. 

 "So yeah, you get the point. Just, pretend I never said that. For our sake." Misty whispered. 


 He then realized that the Storage Chamber was quieter. It was midnight! 

 "I have to go." Fang barked as he rose to his paws. "See ya tommorow." 

 "See ya." Misty sighed. Fang flashed her a sympathy like glance. He gave her ear a quick nuzzle before running back to the Infirmary. 







Chapter 4: The Fight

Fang woke up near Snowflake's belly. The white wolf was laying on her side in the nest, sleeping peacefully. Fang slowly slid from the nest, careful to not wake her. 

 He padded up the tunnel and out into the morning air. It was chilly, the sun rising slowly rising above the trees as the sunlight poured into the hollow. Fang could hear the snores of his Packmates flow from the Dens. 

Fang made his way through the frosted clearing, careful not to step on any large twigs and cracked leaves. He was supposed to meet Misty, one light gray female Pup called Feather and one light brown male Pup named Twig near the boulder patch. Just before he went to the Infirmary last night, Misty invited him to join the HBF Club. It stood for "Half-bloods Forever". Fang accepted, willing to go to secret meetings and put schemes on the blackies. It was worth it. 

 Fang arrived at the boulder patch. The boulders were glazed over with frost, as the small field the Pups played the Pinecone Game in was speckled with patches of ice. Fang was puzzled. Where was the others? He started sniffing around, hoping for a scent. 

 What if the blackies found out about the Club? Fang thought frantically.They'll surely beat them into small pulps! 

 "Psst." A small voice whispered from two holly bushes. "Over here!" 

 Fang turned his head. Two forest like eyes were peering from between two curving thick holly bushes. Fang stepped closer. The waving scent of Misty was strong against the leaves. It was Misty! 

"Misty!" Fang yelped as he jumped over. "Your ok!" 

"Of course I am!" Misty's reply sounded bitter. "Just come inside, so no one, like the blackies, hear us! I don't want any other Packmates knowing our clubhouse." 

Fang squeezed inside the holly bush. It was large, about the same size as the Infirmary. It had brambles, vines and roots growing all around it, making it bigger and bigger. The clubhouse looked like a tree, for the thought, and was behind the boulder patch. A perfect clubhouse. 

"Nice place." Fang remarked to Misty as she made him a small seat with leaves and moss. 

 "Thanks." Misty mumbled through a mouthful of moss. "Feather found it, actually. Hey, come and meet them, will ya?" 

Fang let Misty lead him across the den. Fang saw the gray fluffy coat of a blue-eyed Pup and the pale brown fur of a large yellow-eyed Pup near the corner. 

 "Feather, Twig, meet Fang. Fang, meet Feather and Twig." Misty announced. 

 "Hi." Fang barked. 

 "Hey." The Pups replied, their voices sounding the same. Feather's voice was high but soft like while Twig's voice was deep, like a senior Trainee. 

 "Okay, Fang, you've arrived just in time for our little meeting." Feather said as she led Fang and the others to the middle of the den. "We're talking about how we can stop blackies from ruling over us." 

"Awesome." Fang mused. "I think I have a suggestion." 

 Fang and the Pups sat clustered around. Fang thought this was neat, being able to share thoughts with others who understood. 

 "I think we should get a rabbit, stuff some nasty bile in it, and give Flint it to eat. I want to see his face when he tries it!" Fang laughed. 

 "Perfect plan!" Twig agreed sheepishly. 

 "This is serious." Misty snapped. "We can't sit around, telling what funny pranks we should do. The fate of Half-bloods rests in our paws!" 

 "How about you think of the plan when I snap your tiny necks?" A sharp growl snapped. 

 Fang turned to see Flint standing in the entrance. His black, sleek fur was slick against his body as his amber eyes glowed angrily. Fang got up, teeth bared. Misty did the same. 

 "Get out of here, blackie!" Misty snarled. "This is a private club." 

 "Yeah!" Fang agreed. "Get out, Flint. Or it's your neck I'm gonna snap!" 

 "Oh, so scared!" Flint yowled in fake terror. His voice suddenly hardened as he growled. "You don't scare me, Half-bloods. Your all weak, scrawny, wierd and ugly." Flint's eyes rested on Feather. "Except this pretty Pup." 

 Feather stepped back, a look of total disgust on her muzzle. 

 "Go, Flint. NOW. It's the last warning." Fang spat. His claws flexed as he bunched his muscles. He needed a good fight. And his oppent would be Flint. 

 "It's you who will be leaving, Half-blood!" Flint howled as he jumped forward, claws outstretched. 

 Fang dodged easily, raking his claws down Flint's haunches as he passed. Flint yelped in pain as he stumbled into the holly bushes dirt floor. 

 Twig dragged Feather and Misty back, away from the fighting. Twig cared about the two female Pups safety, and Fang was glad for his help. He didn't want Misty or Feather flinging into battle and getting bit or clawed. 

 Flint managed to scramble to his paws. Fang noticed that the blackie's cheek was bleeding, cut by a sharp stone when he fell. Flint licked the welling blood from his muzzle as it slid down to his tongue. 

 Flint hurled himself forward again. Fang reared on his hindpaws, wincing as the tips of Flint's claws sliced his belly fur. But Fang pushed the pain away. 

 Fang's jaw shot forward. Flint yowled in pain as Fang grabbed him by the hindpaw with his jaw. Fang's teeth sunk into Flint's hindpaw. Fang could taste the cold blood run into his mouth as he heard the sound of the hindpaw's bone crack between his teeth. 

 Fang let go off Flint's hindpaw. Flint was yelping, howling and whining in pain. Twig let Misty and Feather go as they ran to Fang, who was gasping for breath. 

 "Are you ok?" Misty asked with a worried gaze. She licked Fang's fur, trying to get any stones and blood droplets out. 

 "I'm fine." Fang replied as he licked her ear. He felt warmed by Misty, even though she wasn't Pack-blood. But he didn't care. She was pretty, nice and caring. But of course, tough. 

 "You were amazing." Twig barked. "I've never seen a wolf fight like that." 

 "And you beat a blackie at a fight." Feather agreed as she yelped. "New record!" 

 "Hall-oo?" Flint snapped into their conversation. He was lying on the ground, blood welling from his cheek, hindpaw and flanks. "I'm hurt! Go get Acorn before I die!"  

 "Your not gonna die." Twig retorted. 

 Fang felt happiness well inside his chest. He was different, wasn't he? Beating a blackie? Amazing! He felt... so... powerful when he held hold of Flint. Was that what the feeling felt like? To be the winner? The victory of the fight? It was amazing. 

 Suddenly, a high scream caught his ear. Flint's carer, Rose of Pelt, was standing at the entrance, cowarding a bit because of the low brambled ceiling. But she had a look of pure terror.  

"Disgrace! Fang attacked and injuried my precious Flint!" 



Chapter 5: Always Loved

Snowflake silently stared at Fang for a moment. Her soft, pretty blue eyes were troubled. Moon Leader herself came and scolded Fang for attacking a Packmate with teeth and claws that evening. Acorn fixed up Flint and Fang, but Fang felt ashamed of himself. Moon Leader even snapped at Snowflake, telling her she couldn't raise a Pup right. Storm, of course, stood up for her, snarling at his Leader. Snowflake was upset after that. 

 Now, Snowflake and Fang sat silently in the nest of the Infirmary. The whole Pack went into the forest, as to celebrate some Trainees graduations. Snowflake and Fang were forced to stay in the camp. Flint was too wounded to go, so some point made Fang happy. 

 He was still ashamed of himself. Snowflake didn't deserve the yelling and scolding. It was Fang's fault. Fang boldly told Moon Leader to shut her muzzle and don't blame it on Snowflake, but that got him in too more trouble. 

 Now, the Infirmary was quiet and barley lit up by the dusk's gloom. It was cool in the Infirmary but the air hung with sadness. 

 "Snowflake, I'm really sorry. I-I didn't know what I was doing. I mean, Flint made me so angry. I'm sorry I got you in to this." Fang murmured as he looked up at Snowflake, his green eyes dark. 

 Snowflake wrapped her tail around Fang. Fang suddenly felt a spark of warmth inside him. Every time Snowflake did that, it made Fang feel comforted and made him feel that everything was going to be all right. 

 "It's ok." Snowflake sighed as she gently grabbed a leaf that was lodged in Fang's fur with her teeth and pulled it out. "We all make mistakes. But you are a good wolf, Fang. Something lighted inside you, darkness maybe, that made you go like that. I blame nothing on you. Your a small Pup. You have a bright heart, a determined mind and strong posture. Something that makes you special." 

Fang wasn't comforted by her words. He didn't deserve NICENESS. He deserved scolding and dissapointment. 

 Fang slid from her tail wrap. It made his heart ache to do so, but he did. He slid from the nest and turned to face her. "I don't deserve love. Or care. I'm a Pup with a stupid brain and I don't deserve... your endless love and adoration." Fang looked away. His heart stopped. It choked him to say it, but it was true. 

 "Fang.." Snowflake whispered. "Your like my own Pup. I love you more then I love my own littermate, Acorn. But I want you to know, I will always be on your side. You do these stuff for a reason. Not for your own sastifacation. I believe in you. I took you as my Pup because no one wanted to be your Carer. I thought you were perfect, a happy and great Pup to raise. And I was right." 

 Snowflake gently lifted his chin with her soft paw as Fang turned. Fang now knew. Snowflake loved him not because he had a unique pelt and his size, because of his personality and his choices. Snowflake was a great Carer and Fang was actually blessed by Spirits to have her as a Carer. Snowflake would watch over him when she passed on and the days when he turned to a Hunter or Defender. 

 Fang ran forward and buried his head into her fur. Snowflake licked his head gently. Fang didn't care for his mother all the sudden. No wolf could bring as much love and affection as Snowflake did to him. Fang felt bad for the other Pups. They didn't have such a Carer to watch over them. 

"Now," Snowflake exclaimed as Fang raised his head, "let's have a nice walk in the forest. Me and you. Alone." 

 Fang agreed as Snowflake let him climb onto her soft back fur. With a heave, she walked up the tunnel and to the evening air. 

Chapter 6: Crystal Memories

Fang walked beside Snowflake as they headed out into the night stricken forest. Owls hooted in the branches, as the soft breeze rustled the trees above. Fang could see perfectly, since the moon's light shown down into the forest and created a white path for the two wolves. The endless cricketing noises made him nervous, for he was afraid a snake might slither out of no where, fangs bared, and gobble him whole. 

 Snowflake lowered a palm's branch that was bended in the path so Fang could jump over it. "You'll love this place, Fang. It's lovely and peaceful. Plus, plenty of fun!" 

 "I bet!" Fang boasted as he walked close to his Carer. Fang always wanted to think of her a his kind, gentle mother but he couldn't. Something in his mind refused to carry it to his brain. Or memory box. 

 Snowflake stopped walking after some moments. They stopped near a sandy beached pond. The water was washed silver by the moonlight, rippling as the lilypads floated lazily around. A frog croaked nearby, as a long white rivered waterfall fell into the pond from above a cobblestone cliff. Sprays of water hit Fang gently as his paws sunk softly into the wet sand. The moon was directly above the pond. It was lovely and a peaceful sight. Fang loved it already.

 "My Carer took me here when I was a Pup." Snowflake exclaimed as she sat down and gazed longingly over the pond's view. "We played in the water, counted the stars in the sky and built sand dens. We also catched frogs and skipped stones across the water. The fun we had was not enough." A ting of sadness drove her voice.

 Snowflake's Carer died a month later after Snowflake became a Carer. Her Carer was old and got sick. She died shortly after she got badly ill. 

 "Want to go play in the water?" Fang asked, hopeful enough to cheer her up. Fang wanted his Carer to be happy, joyful for once. 

 "Sure." Snowflake smiled, a misted in her long past memories. 

 Fang raced off the shore and into the pond. His teeth chattered as the water soaked into his fur and touched his skin. It was extremely cold! How could anyone, such as a frog, like this kind of water? 

 "I-It's f-freezig-g!" Fang gasped as he climbed out of the pond, fur drenched and eyes wide. "How c-can you s-swim in t-that? 

 "Easy." Snowflake responded. She suddenly launched herself into the water. Fang blinked his eyes to make sure he saw what she done. 

 Well, not EXACTLY in the water. 

 Snowflake landed on a smooth, gray stepping stone in the water. It was barley visible, but it was there. She jumped to the far other side of the pond, near the waterfall. She barked to Fang. "Come on over here! It's warm!" 

 Fang followed her. He slid into the water where the waterfall was. It was warm, drenching the coldness from his skin. He pawed a lilypad away as he swam over. 

 "This is epic!" Fang announced. "I never felt this much fun in my life!" 

 Suddenly, Fang felt something slimy and cold on his muzzle. He heard a croak and a amused chirp from Snowflake. EW! It was a toad!

 "Ah!" Fang screeched as he tumbled back. The toad let out a deep croak as it jumped into the water with a plop sound. 

 Fang's head emerged from the surface. Snowflake was laughing as she barked. "Toad fight! Just pick a toad up with your paw and throw it. Come on, Fang, it's fun." 

 Fang snorted as he saw a slimy green toad on a lilypad. Grabbing it quickly, he threw it forward and it hit Snowflake's head. Fang howled in amusement as Snowflake shook the toad off, laughing too. 

Snowflake and Fang had a toad war for the next twenty breezes. Snowflake won, knocking Fang with two more hits. But both wolves admitted it, it was pretty fun. 


 Snowflake and Fang rested on the shoreline. The whole next hour, they built sand dens, swam, told jokes and jumped into the water from the waterfall line. Now, the two rested, looking at the bright, gleaming stars. 

 "You know," Snowflake began, "I've never had this much fun untill my Carer passed. See, Fang, you have good in you. You just gotta show it, from fun or pain!" 

 Fang giggled as she nipped his ear playfully. "Yeah. Snowflake, I hope you live forever. So you can see me get my Pure name and stuff." 

 Snowflake's eyes were dull as she replied. "Me too, sweetie. Remember, wolves can't live forever. Nor can any creature. Only Sky Lupus, the great wolf Spirit, can." 

 "I know." Fang muttered. 

 Fang looked up at the sky. The stars were twinkling, some bigger then others. He swore he saw a starry wolf, running through the sky, howling with others. 

 Spirits. I'll be up there some day, with Dad and Snowflake. Endless prey and sunlight, it'll be perfect. Fang thought. 

 "Come on." Snowflake murmured in his ear as she got up and stretched. "Time we should be heading back. The rest of the Pack should be back by now." 

 Fang got up and stretched his hindlegs. His scars on his belly stung a bit, but he didn't care. Pain didn't kill fun. 

Fang followed Snowflake into the forest. The pool rippled one last time behind them before it stopped. 

 For now, at least. 




Chapter 7: The Graduation

Fang felt excited as he let Snowflake smooth down his fur. He was gonna be a Trainee! Moon Leader announced it yesterday night, and Fang couldn't wait to see what he will be! Misty was excited too, with Twig and Feather. Flint wasn't going to have his ceremony today, since of his injuried hindpaw. Fang was glad, too, so the blackie didn't show off his rank at the clearing. 

"I'm so proud of you." Snowflake murmured as she licked Fang's forehead. "Make me proud. Best behaviour?"

"You got it!" Fang yelped. "I won't let you down, mum!" Great. The mum word. Here we go again. How long will I say that?  

 Fang padded out of the tunnel and into the hollow, Snowflake closely behind. All the Pack was there! Carers, Hunters, Defenders, the Healer and everyone! He saw the Pups in the front, waiting for Moon Leader to come down and salute what their rank was, chosen from Spirits. He padded forward, sitting beside Misty. 

 "This is awesome!" Misty was shaking. "I can't wait!" 

 "Me too!" Feather agreed from beside her. "It's just too epic to think about!" 

 "I don't care what rank I get." Twig suggested calmly. "I just hope it's a good rank to get the Pack more of what it needs." 

 "I want to be a Defender." Fang barked excitedly. "Just think about it!" 

 Moon Leader then padded down the ivy covered rock that led to the uphill of the hollow, where the leader's den and General's den was. It also led to Star Gulley Creek. 

All the wolves went silent. Fang puffed out his chest, licking down some fluffed up fur. He needed to look his best. 

Moon Leader stopped in front of Twig. Her pelt was sticking out, with dull eyes and a strange, reeking scent coming from her. Fang wanted to wrinkle his nose but he forced himself not too. He might not get ranked. 

"Twig, I have spoken with Lupus." Moon Leader began in a strong, deep voice. "He said he wants your rank to be a Defender. You have wisdom, strength and bravery. All is needed for that rank. Join your new Soulmates." A Soulmate(s) is a wolf who is in your rank. 

 Twig brightened as he got up and dipped his head. Feather gave his shoulder a swift nudge. He blinked a "thanks" at her before he padded to the other Defenders. Storm, the Head Defender, trained the Trainees. Soon, more will join. 

 Moon Leader came in front of Feather. Feather seemed nervous, trembling slightly. 

 "Feather, I have spoken with Lupus." The wolf Leader repeated. "He values you to train as a Hunter. You have swiftness, a force of speed, and an agile body. Go join your Soulmates." 

 Feather got up and accepted Misty's and I's cheerful looks. She bounced over to the Hunters, where the Lead Hunter, Wind, gave her a lick of welcome. 

 "Misty, I have spoken with Lupus." Moon Leader went on. "He said for you to be a Hunter. You have sharpness to eye, speed and alertness. Join your Soulmates." 

 Fang licked her shoulder before she joined Feather and the Hunters. 

 Fang's heart almost stopped as Moon Leader stepped in front of him. Her blue eyes glazed as she began. "You are to be a Hunter. Lupus believes in your speed, quick brain and strength. Go join your Soulmates." 


 This couldn't be happening! He needed to be a Defender! But Moon Leader moved on to the next Pup and Fang dragged his paws to the Hunters. 

 "Yay! We're together!" Misty exclaimed as she licked Fang's nose. Fang nodded cheerfully as Feather's tongue lolled out. 

 Fang didn't want to be a stupid Hunter. He wanted to be with Twig!  

Soon, the wolves cleared as the ceramony ended. Snowflake burst over, with Fang's friends Carers too. Snowflake licked Fang's cheek sweetly. 

 "Good job, Fang! A Hunter! Lupus chose well, as always. You'll make a great hunter, I know you will." Fang got quite annoyed at Snowflake's boasting. 

 "But I don't want to be a Hunter!" Fang complained. 

 "Don't worry, it'll be fun." Snowflake reassured him with a nuzzle. "I wanted to be one, but chose the other rank. You'll do great!" 

 Fang sighed. Didn't she understand? She wanted to be a Carer. I DON'T want to be a Hunter. It's totally different in concepts! 

 Misty and Feather were led off by Wind. Another multi-colored female wolf Trainee, Maple, followed them quietly. Snowflake whispered in his ear. 

 "Go with them. Make friends with new wolves. And have fun." 

 Fang pressed his cheek onto hers as he bounded after them, his paws itching to run after Storm. 




Chapter 8: Stampede!

Fang was surprised on how big the territory was as he padded shoulder by shoulder next to Misty. The tall, endless trees and curling vines seemed big, but what about the streams and huge boulders? Amazing! 

 Wind led them to the end of the forest territory, where it met the valley. Wind was small and swift but nice and funny. Fang liked him as a mentor, but still had the heavy pull for the heart of defending the hollow with Twig. The irony! 

 The valley seemed endless. It had short, green grass and a few green shrubs here and there. It was flat, but there was some steep hills around the area. Fang even saw brown specks in the distance, where he made out the grazing elk. 

 "Okay." Wind instructed as they stopped at the valley's border. "There are rules you must understand about valley hunting. First, when hunting, make sure it's bright and sunny outside. Weak, poor weather is dangerous, with lightning and pouring rain. Second, make sure you hunt elk with more then one partner. A group leads to less injuries and greater success. Third, mainly, make sure you know the hunting rights before chasing moose. Moose are big, deadly creatures." 

 Fang and the Trainees promised. Of course, Fang wasn't dumb enough to go running underneath moose' hooves and get trampled. He wasn't a Pup anymore! 

 Wind led them down the hill and to the valley. The breeze lessened, becoming calmer and more straight. The touch underpaw was smoother and softer. And it was quiet. But not for long. 

 They followed Wind to the outskirts of the elk herd. Fang felt his heart almost stop. The elk were huge, brown creatures, some with tall horns and some without. They all had hard, black hooves and lived in a huge herd. Fang could see small elk, calves and older ones. They all grazed, making clicking noises and other wierd noises to each other once in a while. 

 "Elks live in huge herds, as you see." Wind barked to the Trainees. "They keep the young ones in the middle, while the older ones guard the outside from bears and wolves. Elk are smart when it comes to protection but not to statics. Wolves kill 5,000 elks a year. That's alot. Wolves are smarter and you must be careful with them." 

 The multi-colored pup, Maple, suddenly bursted out. "Are we going to hunt one today?" 

 Wind laughed. "No, Maple. Your not trained well enough. Elk may be pretty stupid but their dangerous with their hooves and horns. Mostly to young wolves." 

Maple flattened her ears in dissapointment as Misty and Feather sighed. Fang felt down too, but not alot. He didn't want to hunt today. Not till he got over his dissapointment of the ranks. 

 Wind started to lead them away from the herd. Fang followed slowly. 

 Suddenly, Fang stopped walking. His ears perked as he heard the noises of clattering on the ground. The valley seemed to shake and the noise of the herd welled up in his ears. 

 "Run! Run to the forest! The elks are panicking!" Wind howled suddenly. 

 Fang turned. He saw the herd rising on their hind legs as they made high pitched noises. They turned and, to Fang's horror, started running full speed toward's them! 

 Fang ran after Wind and the Trainees. The herd seemed to gain up on them, running swiftly as the bumped into each other. Fang could see a sandy pelt on the far side of the herd. UGH! A panther was running alongside the herd, snapping it's huge fangs at them. 

 Fang felt his muscles ache as he caught up to the others. The forest's trees now loomed ahead, their branches swaying in the wind. The elk were still running, snorting louder and louder. 

 Fang suddenly felt his legs give up. Yelping, he tumbled into the grass, while the Hunters ran ahead. "FANG!" Misty gasped. 

 Fang felt pain slice through him as he hit a thornbush. Breathing in quick breaths, he saw the elk were running right toward's him! 

 Suddenly, waves of black pasted by him. The elk's hooves were tripping and tumbling as they tried to stop when they saw Fang. Fang lowered himself to the grass, while some elks jumped over him and fell over, snorting. 

 One elk was running toward's him. Fang saw another wave of elks coming. He couldn't survive this any longer! 

 With a snarl, he jumped forward and dug his claws into the elk's fur. The elk shrieked as it ran faster. Fang clawed his way up as he tried to keep his balance. This was harder then he thought it would be at first. 

 The trees were right ahead. The elk was stilling sprinting, snorting and whining. Fang saw a huge redwood trunk loom in front of them. And the elk wasn't stopping! 

 Please let this work! Fang thought. 

 He suddenly dug his claws into the elk's haunches. It shrieked as it came to a halting stop. The elk flipped over, Fang with it. He heard a crack before he hit one trunk, splattering into it like a bug. 

 Fang fell into the grass. After some breath taking moments, he stood to his paws and looked around. The elk, who's neck was twisted around, lay right next to him. It was dead. 

 "Fang!" Misty suddenly bursted from the trees and licked him. "Your alright!" 

The others came too. Feather licked him too as Wind barked happily. 

 "Fang, you've killed it!" Wind remarked. "Your first catch!" 




Chapter 9: Asking & Wanting

"I'm so proud of you!" Snowflake wheezed as she licked Fang's nose. "You've got an elk, on the first day!" 

 Fang stood in the Infirmary, while Snowflake washed his fur from grass tendrils. Fang was excited. His first elk! And he did it while panicking! 

 "It's not a 'catch', Snowflake." Fang pointed out as his chest puffed out. "Just a lucky shot, I'm guessing." Fang couldn't stop a slight huff of accelaration. 

Snowflake rolled her eyes playfully. "Uh huh. Fang, you have the hunting blood within you. You killed that elk like that! See, your special." 

Fang flicked his ear. Fang wasn't that special. But he did have to admit, it was a special shot. Now, the Pack was eating the elk hungrily, happy for his effort. 

"Who's my great hunter?" A voice suddenly sung from the tunnel. 

 Fang felt his spirit lift as his father entered the chamber. Storm's fur was sleek, with a forest scent wafting off him. Fang barked as he danced around Storm's paws, like he usually did. 

 "Did you see me, Dad?" 

 "I sure did." Storm replied joyfully. "Soon, you'll be the best Hunter in the Pack!" 

 Fang nodded. He was glad of his father's happy spirit. It made him feel better and more envied in the Pack. 

 Storm lifted his gaze to meet Snowflake's. Suddenly, Fang felt like Storm came down here for a talk with Snowflake, not for him. Fang didn't mind though. He knew how much Snowflake meant to Storm. 

 "Er... Snowflake.... I wanted to ask you... something." Storm began slowly, his face suddenly turning red. 


"Would you like to go... on a... um.... forest walk?" Storm asked, his gaze locked to Snowflake's blue eyes. "Just... saying. You don't have to accept, though, if you don't want... er..." 

Fang's tail lifted. A forest walk is like a date, in Lupus Language. Fang always wanted Storm and Snowflake to go on forest walk's but they couldn't be mates. It was not aloud. 

 "Say yes!" Fang whispered into Snowflake's ear. Snowflake let out a timid laugh. 

 "Sure." She replied. "I would love that." 

 Fang brightened as Storm padded over and brushed his tail to Snowflake's. It didn't make Fang feel sick, only happy. If Storm secretly had Snowflake as a mate, would that be good? No. Storm was too loyal to the Fallen Law to break it. 

 "Okay, meet you later." Storm barked to Snowflake. 

 He then padded out, with a encouraging glance at Fang. 

 For a moment, Snowflake's eyes were glazed over, like if she was lovesick. It made Fang uncomfortable for some reason. 

 If Storm would ask Snowflake out, then it meant that he didn't like Fang's real mother. It was confusing but rather stupid. 

Who was Fang's mother? 



Chapter 10: Final Shot

It was about two months later. Fang's belly fur brushed the ground as his eyes narrowed to the grazing, quiet elk on the valley. So much in the Pack has passed since when he was a new Trainee, careless and stupid with his work. 

 The General, Stone, died last month of a battle with another rival Pack. He died from a throat wound. Storm was chosen as the next General, and Fang was happy for him. 

  Fang slowly advanced on the elk. Suddenly, he remembered that these weren't elk. They were Being's cattle! 

 "Ok, watch your back. Cattle are dangerous, with Beings around. Beings can kill a wolf with a death-branch (gun). Just watch it." Wind muttered to his Trainees. 

 "Good luck." Snowflake, who was with them on the expedtion, murmured in his ear as she licked his muzzle. "Be careful." 

 Fang nodded and licked her ear in goodbye. 

 Fang advanced forward with Misty and Feather. The two young females have grown older, serious and more prettier. Both were tough and swift now and both used to hunting, like Fang. 

 The cattle had ginger and white patches and curved horns. They seemed fat and more careless then elk. They grazed peacefully, their tails flicking at fleas. 

 Then, Misty, Feather and Fang burst from the grass, jumping over the wooden fence that was surronding the barrier and charged at the cattle. They mooed frantically as they moved around. But the fence area was crowded and they were trapped. 

 Fang sliced his claws down one's back as Misty and Feather tried to take down one large male. No Beings were in sight, so Fang's heart calmed down a bit. 

 The cattle made a lot of noise. Some slammed into the fence, in an attempt to escape while the calves whined to their mothers for protection. 

 Fang dug his teeth into one calf's neck. The calf was alone, whining for it's mum. But Fang caught it and cut it's throat easily, seeing how thick it was and how much food it would be for the Pack since it was now the end of fall. 

 Feather also brought down a huge cow as Misty killed two very young ones. Slowly, they picked off the herd, with Wind, Snowflake and the Hunters behind the fence watching for any danger. 

 Suddenly, Fang heard the noise of crunching leaves. Turning, he saw the pale outline of tan and gray. A long, wooden stick was pointing toward's them from beyond. 

 A Being. 

 "Fang, run!" Maple, who was on the other side of the fence, screamed as Feather and Misty ran to the cover of the fence. 

 Fang turned but he realized the fence was too far. This was the end. 

 Fang closed his eyes tight, claws digging into the soil as the cattle retreated to the far side of the pasture. A death-stick shot went off. 


 Fang was still for a moment. Everything was silent. He realized no pain was throbbing inside him and he was still breathing. Quickly but still breathing. 

 Fang turned around and opened his eyes. The cattle was still there, he was alive and the Being was gone. But... 

 Oh no. 

 A still, white shape was lying in the grass, red splotches covered on it's fur. 

 "Snowflake, no!" 


Chapter 11: Snow & Blood

Fang ran over. Snowflake was laying on the ground, cold and as still as a block of stone. Her blue eyes were glazed over in death as the bullet wound, which was on her head, bleeded out. Soon, a whole puddle was around her. 

 "Snowflake, wake up! You can't be dead! This isn't happening! Wake up!" Fang yelped as he tried shaking her. No use. She rolled over limply again, cold as ice. 

 Fang felt wet tears slid down his muzzle as he buried his face into her fur. Some blood soaked into his fur but he didn't care. 

 This wasn't happening... 

 It couldn't happen... 

 Snowflake couldn't be dead! 

 Wind and the Hunters slowly walked up behind him. The sky suddenly was covered in gray, thick clouds. Rain slowly started to sprinkle down as the breeze blew through the empty valley. 

 "She can't be dead! Someone, go get Acorn!" Fang cried as he lifted his muzzle to face them, his eyes clouded with tears. 

 "Fang... there's nothing we can do. She's-she's gone." Misty whispered. 

 Fang's heart broke in half as he wrapped his paw around Snowflake's limp neck. The wolf who cared for him, raised him, loved him and who always was on his side was gone. She was dead. 

 Thunder rumbled above, flashing the valley white as lightning glowed in the clouds. The rain soaked Fang's pelt, causing him to shiver. 

 His teeth gritted together as he curled next to Snowflake. He put her paw on his shoulder blade, wanting to feel her warmth and breathe in her sweet, frosty smell. But he couldn't. All he felt was coldness, and the overwhelming stench of death. 

 "Fang," Wind soft voice reached him after a moment. "Let's bring her body back to camp." 

 Fang slowly got up, helping the Hunters as they lowered Snowflake's body on their backs. They padded in silence back to the hollow. 


 "You sended them out to chase cattle! How stupid can you get! Look at this! Snowflake is dead now because of your stupid actions! You shouldn't deserve to be Lead Hunter!" Storm snarled to Wind as they returned to the hollow. 

 They settled Snowflake's body on a large strip of bark and away from the muddy ground. Fang's Packmates padded slowly into the dens and away from the cold rain that came down in sleets now. Fang sat next to Snowflake's body, his fur drenched in icy water as his ears flattened, trying to break the noises of Storm's outragish voice. 

 Seed and Acorn were licking the blood and dirt clumps from Snowflake's fur. Acorn already stopped the bleeding and patched it up with grasswraps. The two females were getting Snowflake's body ready for her final journey. 

 Down Star Gulley Creek. 

 Fang blinked the water droplets from his eyes as he saw Moon Leader come down the hill. She seemed frail and old with her fur plastered to her sides but she still had the same emptiness and sorrow longed into her gaze. She stopped about a foot from Snowflake's body, her eyes traveling along the dramatic scene. 

 "Pity. Snowflake was young. Such a caring wolf. She raised a responsible wolf into my Pack. I was too foolish to see it, though." Moon Leader mumbled as he tail drooped into the mud. 

 Storm finally padded over. Wind retreated into the Hunter's den, shamed for his act. Fang didn't know if he blamed him or not. 

 Storm sat close to Snowflake's body. His large, gray tail smoothed down her sticked up fur near her eyes. His breathing patterns told Fang he was upset. But not as upset as him. 

 "Come on, Fang, let's go inside and get a bite to eat." Seed exclaimed as her tail tip rested on his shoulder.  

 "No thanks." Fang muttered as he shrugged her tail off. "I'm not hungry." 

Seed had a look of hurt in her eyes. Fang felt bad for breaking her spirits but her eyes suddenly glowed with understandment as she turned and padded to the Storage Chamber. 

 "My littermate had a good heart." A voice suddenly whimpered next to him. 

 Acorn, the new Healer, was sitting next to Snowflake's body. Her ginger fur was soaked, too, as her ears were flattened to her head. Fang liked Acorn, mostly because she was always polite to him and taught him some herb remedies too. But right now, Fang was pure empty to the core. Nothing could fill it in now. 

 "Come on, Fang, let's go inside." Acorn murmured as she pushed Snowflake's body under a large fern, sheltered from the endless rain. "We'll get sick." 

 Fang agreed quietly. He was feeling pretty cold and needed some warmth. Storm already left, not making a sound. Fang didn't want to see him, though, since Snowflake's death was probably the biggest hit in his heart. 

 Fang followed Acorn to the Storage Chamber. Fang stopped for a moment as he looked at the sky, which was still cloudy but Fang could see the tiny shimmers of stars above. 

 Why did you have to leave now, Snowflake? I or no one wasn't ready. 



Chapter 12: Star Gulley Creek And It's Shadows

Fang gently placed a bright, red rose on next to Snowflake's limp paw on the strip of bark. The wolves were now near Star Gulley Creek. The rain cleared, showing a bright sky and cool night. The silver rippled water waved gently on the shore as the wolves put down their final fairwells to Snowflake, who's body was lying on a firm strip of bark in the water. 

 Fang watched as Acorn placed a piece of red colored moss near Snowflake's belly. Storm put down a black feather that reflected the moonlight. Even the blackies had stuff to put down to honor Snowflake's heroic death. 

 Softly, Moon Leader pushed the bark which Snowflake was laying on off the shore. The water gently carried it off the small bay and to the river, which was calm. No one knew where it led, some saying it led to an island where all bodies go, or some said it vanished into a dark pit that led to Sky Lupus. Only Spirits knew. 

 Misty leaned against him, her fur cold and icy. Feather was next to Twig, burying her muzzle into his neck fur. Fang wished to comfort his Packmates, but how could he, when he couldn't even comfort himself? The shocking thought that Snowflake was dead was too much for him to bear. He didn't know how he could survive himself with the endless grief. 

 Fang looked at the sky once more. He thought, and swore again, he saw a shooting star, bright and silver against the black sky, shoot across it. Snowflake was on her way. 

Fang suddenly felt lonely. Who would comfort him now? It wasn't long before he would become a true Hunter, and not a Trainee. Who would be there, saying congrats and brushing his muzzle with their soft, snowy paw? No one. 

 Fang only hoped for the best. Maybe everything would turn out fine. Snowflake was always in his heart. Even if he couldn't feel it, she was there. 

 Soon, the Pack retreated back to the hollow. Only Fang was left. He stared at the river, which rippled white and silver constantly as lilypads floated on the water silently. 

 Fang suddenly heard voices. They came from downstream of the river, loud and harsh. Fang felt curiosty naw his heart as he slid into the undergrowth, going to the sound of the anxious voices. 

 Fang slid into a thick root bush. Two wolves, rogues as the smell of it, were by the river. One had a shaggy brown pelt, which smelled as elk dung, as another had a brownish white pelt, which was woven with thorns and brambles. Both were waiting by the river, tails wagging as their tongues lolled out. 

 "I can't wait to taste the next meal comin'!" The brown wolf exclaimed as it's eyes gleamed. "I haven't had a meal in days!" 

"Me too." The white rogue agreed. "I'm so 'ungry I can eat a cow!" 

 Fang's ears pricked. What meal were they talking about? They seemed excited and joyful about it. And by their bones showing through their fur, they seemed to be starving. 

 "'Ere is comes!" The brown rogue barked as his muzzle poked from the reeds. 

 Fang's heart fell to his belly. He saw Snowflake's body, still laying peacefully on the bark, as it floated downstream. The white wolf led the bark strip over with a long, flat stick as Snowflake's board hit the shore. The rogues dragged it out, licking their chops hungrily. 

 Fang felt anger rise into his throat. They were going to EAT Snowflake!? In-humane! These rogues were starving so much that they ate their own kind! Maybe the last few dead wolves that got send down Star Gulley Creek were now in the rogue's bellies! 

 Fang let out a snap as he launched himself from the bush and shot straight into the rogues! 


Chapter 13: Betrayal To Fallen Law

Fang slammed the brown rogue, who was about to start feasting, into the mud. The white wolf yelped in surprise as it turned to flee, but Fang grabbed his tail with his hindpaw and dragged him back through the reeds. He held the two rogues still under his paws, teeth bared in a gruesome snarl. 

 "Who do you think you are, mudbrains?" Fang spat. "Eating wolves bodies as they travel down the creek! Who do you think you are? SPEAK!" 

 "I ain' the ones who been doin' it, s-sir!" The brown rogue stammered as his eyes widened in fear. "It was hims! He was eatin' those poor likkle dead wolves! Dun k-kill me, sirs!" 

"What?" The white wolf snapped as his gaze traveled to his companion. "You lies! I didn' do its! You been killin' 'em! Ugly, fat likkle slug!" 

 "Call yourselves slugs, maggots!" Fang interrupted bitterly as his claws slid out. "I should kill you, for eating Pack wolves bodies and about to eat this one." 

 "No! Dun eat us, sir!" The rogues whimpered. 

 "I'm not going to eat you." Fang replied coldly. "I'm not like you. I don't eat my own kind. And I won't kill you." 

 "Why's?" The brown rogue asked in puzzlement. "Ain't you mads at us?" 

 "Yes, I am!" Fang snapped as he slammed their heads deeper into the mud. "But I won't kill another wolf. Too much blood has been spilled already." Fang added softly. 

 The rogues tried squirming out of his grip, but Fang dug his claws into their fur. They yelped as blood trinkled out, spilling into the creek. The blue, diamond like water mixed with the red blood as it carried it downstream. 

 "Now, you must promise you won't ever come back. Got it? Or if you do, I'll kill you myself." Fang growled. 

 "But we have no where to go, sirs!" The brown rogue whined. "We ain' go no foods or no homes! We dun knows how to hunt, eithers!" 

 Fang growled. Of course, rogues were stupid, mindless and iditoic wolves. Fang decided he should probably lead them back to the Pack, so they can get proper food and some fresh water before they settled out. 

 "Okay, you'll come back with me to my Pack." Fang decided as he let them up. The rogues licked the mud and reeds from their pelt. "My Packmates will probably give you some prey and water but that's it. You gotta go after that. Maybe my mentor will teach you how to hunt properly." 

 "Oh, thankies." The white rogue sighed. "I was so 'orrieds we woulds starve." 

 "My name is Muddy and this is Frostpaw." The brown rogue announced. "What's your names?" 

 "Fang." Fang replied simply as he led them back to the hollow. "A Hunter, in your correction." 



Chapter 14: Newcomers

"You brought rogues to the holllow? Have you gone mudbrain?" Storm barked to Fang. "These wolves are cannibals! They ate their own species! How do you think that get's them? It makes them horrible!" 

The Pack surrounded Fang and the rogues in the hollow. The rogues cowered next to each other, head's lowered as Fang stood boldly in front of them. Carers dragged the Pups close as the mentors blocked the new curious Trainees from sniffing at the rogues. Moon Leader was silent as she looked at the rogues, frosty eyes narrowed. 

 "Hey, I don't like them either, ok?" Fang retorted. "But just give them some fresh prey and water for the night, with shelter, and they'll be gone by morning." 

 Storm was silent for a moment as he looked at his paws. He seemed to change so much after Snowflake was shot. He became harder and tougher to get your emotions too and always seemed to trail off at different subjects. Fang didn't know if he was his father anymore, by his new self. It made Fang feel empty, without his father's usual love and encouraging phraises. 

 "Fine." Storm replied thickly. "Just keep them away from the Infirmary and the Trainee Den. I don't want them to stir up trouble." 

 Storm padded away with Moon Leader as the wolves retreated into the dens. Fang led the rogues to a small den below two boulder crevices that were near the Defenders den. It was what Fang's Pack usually kept rival Pack prisoners in and other enemies. Fang felt pretty bad for the poor condition off it, with soggy moss beds and a dripping roof. 

 "Sorry guys," Fang said, "rules are rules." 

 "Yeah, we knows." Muddy replied as he curled into a ball in the small den. "Goodnights." 

 Fang dipped his head as he padded away, the rogues stares boring into his fur. 


 "Ew, get your little butt in that rockpool!" Seed snapped to Muddy. "You smell as if you were rolling in a lake of elk dung!" 

 Muddy obeyed as he clambored into it. Muddy and Frostpaw were in the back of the Infirmary, where the rockpools were. Rockpools were like baths. But more natural and were deep. Carers usually cleaned Pups back in the rockpools when they were done playing. 

 Fang sat and watched. He remembered how Snowflake would put him in a rockpool, tickling his belly with her fluffy paw as she washed the mud from his pelt. He used to love the suds that fizzed from it. He always dived underneath the surface, feeling the warm glow of sunlight as it crossed into the water. Snowflake would dry him off with wool from elk. He loved the clean smell that reflected from his fur. 

 "It's c-cold, ma'm!" Frostpaw complained as he slid into the rockpool with Muddy. "I hates it! Turn it warms!" 

 "Well sorry for not having the powers of warm water!" Seed snarled back. "Just live with it! Be glad that your getting a bath, the stinky lot of you." 

 Fang surpressed a soft chuckle. Seed had a temper with these rogues now. Fang could see why. The rogues were picky. They wanted the freshest prey, coldest water and warmest bath. Fang would go crazy after one night with them. 

 Seed poured in some suds. The suds were pink, made by Acorn with water, salt, blossoms and limestone. The suds smell traveled through the Infirmary, clean and soft like. Seed started scrubbing the suds into the rogues fur, getting fleas and ticks out. 

 Muddy blew a bubble at Frostpaw. Frostpaw blew one back. Soon, it became a bath fight. Seed barked and jumped back as a wave of cold water splashed into her. Muddy and Frostpaw tried pinning each other down, their fur wet as they sprinkled it onto the nests of other wolves. 

 "Sit down, you filthy animals!" Seed howled as she shook the droplets from her pelt. "Or I'll bubble you till you die!" 

 Fang jumped from his post and padded over. He bared his fangs as he snapped to the fighting rogues. "Listen to Seed now! Or I'll throw you in a river filled with hungry, dangerous alligators waiting for wolf snacks fresh from the shore!" 

 Frostpaw and Muddy went still. They flashed each other hostile glances but made no sudden movements. 

 "Thanks." Seed muttered to Fang under her breath. "They really need to be thrown into a river filled with alligators, for the Pack's and my sake!" 

 Fang laughed. "They do, don't they?" 

 Even the rogues started bursting out laughing. Some bubbles floated into the air, pink and glowing in the dim light. 

 There strong wolves. They just don't know it. Fang thought. They'll make it just fine out in the forest by themselves. 


Chapter 15: To Be A True Hunter

Fang felt himself glow as Moon Leader stepped forward. It was Fang's day to be a true Hunter. Storm was there with the rest of the Pack. Even the rogues were aloud to stay, or to see his ceramony. It wasn't the same without Snowflake, but Fang would live with it. 

 "Fang, Spirits have chosen." Moon Leader murmured as she looked at him. "Your full name is Fang of Jaw. It represents courge, strength and boldness. Your now a true Hunter, to hunt all kinds of prey for your Pack. Your the future of the Pack's survival, use your skills well and live up to your name with your boldness." 

 The wolves cheered and howled his name to the sky. Fang swelled up in pride. He felt Snowflake's warm scent around him, wrapping him in a soft phraise. Fang dipped his head to his cheering Packmates. They settled down, waiting for him to make his speech. 

 "I lost alot since I was born." Fang began, loudly and clearly. "I've lost my Carer and some other deep down traits. But now, with my new name and rank, I can start over. I can hunt, focus on my duties and make you all proud of my true, inner self that is growing to be a strong Hunter. Maybe I will fail in winter, with endless snow and frost and failing to find the herds and rabbits. 

 But I will make it up to you. I will find mice, fish, birds or even sleeping mole and bring back fresh-kill. Not any junk with rotten spoils. Something that is delicous, warm and fresh. Every pawstep our Trainees take to a new rank is our future. We must courage them to move on, to make the right choices and be on the honest side. Thank you." 

 More cheering. So loud and clear that Fang's ears almost busted. Misty, who gotten her name that was Misty of Mist, Feather's name, Feather of Bird and Twig's name Twig of Branch, were nearby. Fang padded down and joined them. They cheered him too. 

 Everything was going great. 

 Snowflake's comforting smell lounged into his mind. He could see her frosty eyes gazing at him, with a bright smile over his muzzle. 

 Fang knew no one could replace her. Soon, he'll find out who his real mother was. But he felt as if he didn't want to. 

 He only wanted one mother and that mother to stay in his heart forever. 


Chapter 16: Revealed At Last

Fang followed Storm into the forest. Fang's heart pumped loudly in his chest. Storm was going to tell him who his real mother was. Storm was silent the whole way, pushing past undergrowth and vines. Fang kept up, feeling older and more responsible. 

 And he liked the feeling. It made him feel different. A kind of feeling of a different Fang. 

 Storm led him to a small sandy clearing that was surronded by tall boulders and thick, green vines that came down from two large maple trees around it. The territory was quiet, except for birds chirping and Star Gulley Creek's noises of it's water pounding against the shoreline. Fang felt comforted by the forest. 

 Storm hesitated as he spoke. "Fang, I never wanted to tell you who your real mother was. It makes me feel... sick. I didn't love her as much as I did to.. S-Snowflake. But remember," Storm's gaze locked into his, "I wouldn't have a Pup with a female wolf I didn't care about." 

 Fang nodded. He understood. It made sense and Fang didn't want to hear who his real mother was, but a clatter inside him was nawing at his body to know who it was. 

 "It's... it's...." 

 Fang stepped closer, ears perked. 

"Stream of Prairie." Storm admitted at last. "In the Pack of Silent Winds." 

 Fang felt himself go still. ANOTHER WOLF FROM ANOTHER PACK? 

 Fang stepped back, shaking his head. "No. No... it can't be." 

 Storm stepped closer, his eyes wide with guilt. "Yes, it is. Fang, I'm sorry. I loved her so much when I was younger. She then had you, and gave you up. I took you in and found out my heart wasn't devoted to her. But to Snowflake. I couldn't believe Snowflake took you in. It was like she was the mother. I was happy. But until she died... I didn't know what I could say to you who was you real mother without hurting you. Snowflake would've made it much easier to explain it with me. I wasn't worried then until after she died. I'm so sorry. I betrayed my Pack in many ways by picking another wolf from a rival Pack as a mate. I-I don't know who I am anymore." 

 Fang felt sadness gulf his chest. He was half-Blood? He had Pack blood, but not pure Bright Lightning. Only half, one with his Pack and one with a rival. 

 Then, anger rose inside him. He met his father's gaze with sharp, cruel green eyes as his claws dug into the dry sand underpaw. 

 "You know what! I hate you! You lied to your Pack, me and Snowflake! How could you do this? I thought you were loyal to the Fallen Law! I've been raised in a lie! The only one who I can trust was Snowflake, but she's gone. I devoted to be like you, Father. But not anymore. Your a big, fat, ugly liar who shouldn't meet Lupus! I will never like you, Storm! I HATE you forever!" 

Fang turned and bursted out of the clearing, running to the valley. Storm's voice echoed behind him as he tried to call him back.  

 Fang felt his paws ache as he ran forever. He fianlly reached the valley, it's smooth, green appreance calming him down. He couldn't go back to Storm. Not to the hollow. Or until he calmed down, he would. 

 Fang padded down the slope and to the valley. It was quiet and breezey. 

 A perfect place to devote dark thoughts. 

Chapter 17: Panther VS. Wolf

Fang felt his pads cool down as they hit the soft grass underneath. The sky was covered in clouds now. Fang wasn't worried about rain. Not anymore, actually. 

 Fang didn't see any elk herds. Not any rabbits. No prey. It was unusual but he was too furious to think about it. Storm betrayed him, and never told him his darkest secret for years. How could any wolf still have a heart to a big, fat liar? Fang wasn't that kind of wolf. He would never be that kind of wolf. Not ever, in a billion years he wouldn't. 

 Fang stopped walking. He still saw the forest's trees outlined against the sky. He didn't want to stray too far, in case he got lost in the endless wilderness. 

 Fang lowered himself on the grass. It felt cool against his sweaty skin. He closed his eyes as he tried to tune out the dark, dangerous thoughts from his mind. Snowflake wouldn't accept if he tried to get bloody revenge on Storm, since she liked Storm before and didn't think 'revenge' was good to solve any bad, typical problem that one wolf had to face alone. 

 Fang raised his muzzle. He saw the gray, pale outline of a sharp point in the way distance. 

 The mountains. 

 Fang was always interrested in the mountains. It seemed different up there. Wind told him that it was freezing, with rocky cliffs and scarce prey. Fang wouldn't mind living up there for once. Or to at least get away from Storm. 

 But enemies, bigger then forest enemies, lived up there. Bears, mountain lions, snow leopards, other or lots of other wolves, eagles, hawks, rams, Beings, winter coyotes and traveling creatures. Fang could fight them off easily, with a flick of a claw. But he loved the green of the forest and valley suddenly. 

 Going away seemed harder enough. 

 Fang could smell rain on the breeze. It was pale but still rain. It rained a lot this fall. Clouds covered the sky in low, slow movements as the sun was covered up. 

 Fang ignored it. A shallow, sad day was enough until it got covered with endless sheets of pouring rain. Icy, cold, wet rain. 

 Fang suddenly heard a low snarl in the distance. He raised his muzzle and looked around. Nothing. Was this some kind of joke from the Pups or Trainees? 

 Fang froze as he saw a sandy pelt below the slope. It had long, white fangs and glinting amber eyes. Fang swalllowed. 


 Fang felt his claws slide out as he bared his teeth. He tasted the air. Oh no.The panther now prowled over the slope and stalked toward's him, it's long tail swishing as it let out a roar. Fang knew that panthers were huge, deadly creatures. He growled back in response. 

 He wouldn't show cowardness. Fang would fight to the last breath. Wolves were strong creatures and powerful. They could kill a panther with a tooth in minutes. 

 The panther lunged forward, roaring. Fang jumped back. But the panther was smart. It landed on it's paws as it flew past. It turned again and leaped, black claws curved as it sliced his flesh. Fang barked in pain as he stumbled backwards.

 Fang wouldn't let the panther have victory for long. Gaining his posture in seconds, he hurled himself forward, digging his fangs into the panther's fur. Blood spattered on his muzzle as the panther tried to shake him off, yowling in pain and anger for it's helpless, weak protests. 

 The panther turned and snapped it's fangs at him. Fang loosened his grip and jumped back. The taste of blood was covered on his teeth and tongue. But he didn't mind. 

 "I will never fall down!" Fang snarled to the panther, even though it didn't understand him. "Coward!" 

 The panther roared as it threw it's paw in the air. Fang grabbed the paw by his powerful jaws and crushed it until he heard a bone crack. The panther roared in pain as it jumped back. 

 Blood dropped to the grass, flowing some strands red. Rain was pouring down softly, making his fur wet. His back hurt, clawed by the panther deeply. 

 The panther looked around and then ran back up the slope. It left bloody pawprints in it's wake. Fang stood there, gasping for breath. Blood trikkled into his eyes from a scar on his brow. 

 He won. 




Chapter 18: The Dream

Fang lay in the Healer's cave, listening to the pattering of rain on the roof. He came back to the hollow after the fight, bloody and weak. Misty, Feather, Twig and his Packmates helped him to Acorn's cave out in the territory, where she patched his wounds up. Acorn left a moment ago to find Moon Leader as she left Fang in a nest in the middle of the Healer cave, listening to the soft rain outside and seeing the endless white in front of the entrance. 

 Fang sighed. He missed the Hunter's den and Seed, Misty, Feather, Twig and Maple right now. He may even missed Frostpaw and Muddy, who stayed at the hollow. Fang didn't know if they were staying forever or if they were leaving to their own long, quiet lives. 

 His back stung as he rose to his paws. The panther clawed pretty deep into his flesh, as Acorn described, and it wouldn't heal for a while. Fang bitterly thought that it was Storm's fault for the scar. It meant a scar of a battle, but it also opened because of the emptiness that weighed inside him. His skin easily was ripped because of loneliness. 

 Fang sniffed around. There were grasswraps, herbs and water all around the cave, also with some puddles and other nests. It was interesting. Acorn said to him once when he was a Pup that it wasn't lonely in the cave, because Edge's, the last Healer of the Pack, Spirit still wandered around in there, giving her endless company and friendship. 

 Fang bit into a mouse that Acorn gave him before she left. It was small but tasty and sweet. His belly rumbled for more. After he finished the mouse, Fang padded to the entrance. Rain still poured outside while the wind was cold against his body. 

 Fang felt old and weak. He never felt like this before. Never. 

Fang padded back to his nest as he laid down. He closed his eyes, trying to pitcure endless prey and sunshine. His ears flattened to the sides of his head to block out of noises of rain and wind. 

 He then lolled into dark, misty sleep. 


 Fang woke up. He was lying on a soft patch of green ferns. He was in a forest. It wasn't raining, though. It was dry and warm. The green of the forest was back, with green, dappled leaves and curling vines and undergrowth. Sunlight filtered through the canopy, washing the forest floor gold. He saw mice and squirrels running into the undergrowth as birds flew ahead, chirping a song. 

 Where was he? Not in his territory. The pain in his back was gone and when he turned his head, his back was healed. No scar or grasswrap.  

What was happening? 

 "Fang." A soft voice murmured from the trees. 

 Fang jumped to his paws from the fern bed and looked around. Snowflake's voice! It was clear, soft and smooth as it passed through the branches. The wind gently blew through his fur, carrying her lovely scent with it. 

 She was around. Fang had to find her and see her lively blue gaze and long, pretty fur blow in the breeze. He had too! 

 He suddenly ran in the direction of the voice. It kept calling his name, sweeter and sweeter everytime. Fang jumped over large tree roots, streams and bushes. The scent of her along the breeze was his ticket. He tasted the air as he followed the wind. She was around here somewhere! 

 Suddenly, the green forest, blue streams, fresh wind and golden sky was gone. Blank. 

 He was in a black forest. A gloomy one, by the looks of it. The trees were moldy and shrunk with age. When he stepped, the crackle of dead leaves rose into the still air. The streams had black, oily water. The undergrowth was dead with brittle grass and brown plants. He saw dead birds, rotten and spoiled, in branches and on the ground. There was no moonlight or sunlight. Only darkness. The only alive things he saw were ravens, crows and vultures. Picking on animal's dead remains. 

 Fang shivered. Where was he? 

 "Faaang." The voice sung again. "Come to me." 

 Fang heard Snowflake's voice. Her howl came from the top of a brown slope with brittle covered plants. Fang raced up it, feeling slower now. 

 The voice stopped. Fang looked around, his gaze searching. "Snowflake?" He called. 

 No answer. He looked around. 

 Suddenly, his veins turned to ice. He scented something shadowy, dark and bloodthirsty near. It was crawling in the shadows, it's red eyes glowing from the brown thickets. Fang felt frozen. He tried to call out but he throat was puffy and hurting. 

 Then, the creatures leapt out, it's claws bared with it's horrible teeth and snake like tongue and with it's bulging red eyes!  


 Fang suddenly woke up. Sweat trinkled down his fur as he realized that it was a dream. He scrambled to his feet, gasping for breath as he looked around. What did the dream mean? First, a bright sunlit forest and then a living hell with it's Devil. A sign from Lupus. 

 Fang looked up to see a starry figure next to him. It blinked before it dissapered. 


Chapter 19: Tales of The Old and Dark

Fang padded back to the hollow after it stopped raining. He couldn't stay in the Healer's den. It became a dark, creepy hell every time he blinked in there. Acorn let him go, saying it was ok for him to walk now. 

 Fang entered the hollow. Not much wolves were active. Some were sleeping while some others were on patrols. Fang got nods and ear flicks from his Packmates as greetings and welcome backs. Fang was surprised they noticed him, but he dipped his head in response to each wolf before padding to the eldest Senior den. 

 Eldest Seniors were wolves who retired from their ranks. Their was a few in the Pack, old and cranky as ever. Well, some of them. Fang never met them, but he decided that the best wolves to tell his dream to was to the eldest Seniors, since they were more knowledgeable about the old times. 

 Fang entered the high hanging bramble den. There was a pale ginger female wolf, Sand, a pure black male, Black, a dark gray striped male, Snake, a creamy female wolf, Leaf, and a white male wolf with large brown paws, known as Foot. They were laying in their nests, talking and eating a large rabbit together. It felt warm and cozy in the Senior den. 

 The Seniors stopped talking as they heard him come in. Leaf turned, blinking a soft, friendly gaze at him. "May we help you, Fang of Jaw?" 

 Fang felt his neck fur rise as she called him by his Pure name. But of course, Fang knew it meant his rank. He wasn't used to it yet. 

 "Erm, I have to speak with you." Fang replied as he jumped softly to paw to paw, nervous of being in their presence with a blank mind. 

 "Well, your more then welcome." Sand exclaimed as she stood up from her nest. Fang realized that she was one of the oldest, with a silver muzzle and flecks of gray fur. Snake and Foot looked like that too. Leaf and Black must be the youngest of the Seniors. "Come on, sit down in our humble, cranky home." 

 "Hey, we may be old but not cranky enough to call our den cranky." Snake rasped as his eyes narrowed. 

 "Of course." Sand laughed as she flicked his ear with her tail tip. She turned back to Fang. "You may have some rabbit if you want, Fang." 

 Fang shook his head. "No thank you. I'm not hungry. I ate a mouse." 

 "A mouse would be better then this rabbit. It tastes of rot-prey!" Black mumbled as he shifted in his nest, uncomfortable to be near the prey. 

 Sand ignored him as she let Fang sit down in a mossy nest on the corner of the den, close to the Seniors. "Okay, ask away." 

 "Well, I had a dream about an hour ago-" 

 "A dream! Fantastic. Ready to tell us how you flocked in daises?" Foot croaked sarcastically. He closed his mouth as Leaf turned to him, teeth bared in an annoyed snarl. 

 "Shut up, Foot! Let the poor Hunter talk. The dream sounds important." 

 "-and it was wierd." Fang began. "I was in a leafy green forest, with bright sunlight and birds chirping. I then heard Snowflake's voice. I ran to it, but then the whole forest turned to a living hell. The birds were dead, plants and bushes dead, trees shrivled up and the streams were made of tar. I then went up to this hill, where I heard Snowflake's voice. Suddenly, I felt frozen. My veins turned cold and I felt like an ice cube. I saw a demon like creature in the shadows, with blood like eyes and bared teeth and a snake tongue. It lunged at me then I woke up." 

 The Seniors were silent. Sand seemed troubled as Snake's ears flattened. Leaf seemed afraid as she flashed glances with the stocked Black. 

 "This sound's like Dark Shadows, the demon wolf." Snake suddenly said in a quiet voice. "And he's real, I can give you that." 

 "Who is he?" 

 "Dark Shadows is a terrible, bloody-thirsty wolf who's been roaming Graymarsh." Sand explained. "With his evil horde. He wants to find one power, to rule over us all. He's killed hundreds of innocents. He's terrible, like Death Wolf himself. He's also like Death Wolf's General, dragging wolves to hell as he sliced their throats. He's bad trouble." 

 "Well, the dream couldn't come from him." Fang pointed out. "It was bright, pretty forest land at first." 

 "It must've been Sky Lupus." Leaf suddenly barked. "He was trying to warn you, Fang. I just know it from the tip of my tongue." 

 "That mean's danger is coming." Black growled. "We must tell Moon Leader and get ready. What if Dark Shadows comes now? We would all be goners." 

 "But he's not, mudbrain." Foot spat. "I wouldn't worry about it, kiddo." He added to Fang. "It's all complete elk-dung. Sky Lupus must've sended it to the wrong wolf." 

 "How dare you?" Leaf snapped to Foot. "Your rejecting Lupus's choice? He chosen and sended Fang the dream. No wolf else. Lupus did it for a reason." 

 "Leaf is right. Lupus sended it to me for a reason. I know it." Fang agreed. 

 "Calm down." Sand barked. "This is important. We must believe Fang as he tells us this and try to think of what it mean's." 

 "It mean's elk-dung, that's what it mean's!" Snake retorted sharply as he rose to his paws slowly. "I'm not getting mixed up in this. Dark Shadows is across Graymarsh, far away. He couldn't cross the mountains, too. Why be so foolish for this?" 

 "Because it's real!" Fang argued. "I know it! I could feel everything I would've felt in real life in the dream! Not kidding!" 

 "I'm believing him." Sand suddenly growled. "Fang wouldn't lie. Not after what he's been through." 

 "Me too." Black and Leaf agreed. 

 "Well, Snake and I aren't." Foot replied evenly. "We're sensible Seniors. We don't believe in kiddie tales." 

"Fine, die in the hands of the Devil himself, mudbrains. I don't care!" Fang snarled to Foot and Snake as he marched out, pelt burning in rage. 



Chapter 20: Birth of Reconization

Fang saw his Packmates crowd the Infirmary. About an hour ago, one of the females in the Pack, a Hunter named Dusk, gave birth to four pups. Their father, Mountain, another Hunter, stood proudly at the entrance as wolves poured in, trying to sneak peeks at the tiny new Pups. 

 Fang stood on the outcrowds, watching the wolves. The dim light from the Infirmary washed the hollow yellow as the sun sunk behind the trees to leave a starry night. 

 Fang felt his heart grow cold. Did his mother feel that way when she gave birth to him long ago? Did she feel blessed and joyful to her new son? Or did she feel empty, bitter coldness to him that she gave him away to the caring father? Fang wished it wasn't like that. Maybe if his mother kept him, everything would be different. But he realized it would be different. He would've never met Snowflake, Misty and his friends and his father and Packmates. 

 Fang felt something warm against him. Misty was next to him, her eyes soft as she gazed at the Infirmary's crowded entrance. "What are you doing, Fang?" 

"Nothing. Just... standing here." Fang replied quickly.  

 "Aren't you gonna go see the newborns?" Misty asked. "There so cute! Two males and two females. Dusk is blessed." 

 "Yeah." Fang agreed quietly. He didn't want to surpress his feelings to Misty. For some reason, she changed over the last month. She became softer, quiter and became more caring to Fang. Fang felt uncomfortable around her now, since she always brushed her pelt to his. Misty was a pretty wolf, he had to admit, but he just wasn't ready for a mate or pups of his own. Not yet, anyway. Being a father and a mate was a big deal and Fang didn't live off his rank years to be stumbling around tiny furballs of joy that wanted to climb over his belly and back. 

 "You know, when Storm dies, you'll be General. Since Stone was Storm's father, the son or daughter of the General get's picked when the former one dies." 

 "Yes, I know." Fang replied, his voice unknown. "Seem's like a big job, sorting patrols, battles, lesson plans, hollow construction and all. I'm not ready." 

 "Of course you are." Misty mumured as she brushed her muzzle into his fur. "I, and everyone trusts you in the future. You saved Snowflake's body from rogues, fought a panther, risked your life to hunt cattle-" 

"-and it got Snowflake killed." Fang reminded her sharply as he pulled away. "Look where it got me! I'm nothing without her. If I didn't hunt those stupid Being cattle, Snowflake would be alive, breathing and laughing. But she's not. She's dead. How could anyone trust me after when I was the whole blame for Snowflake's death?" 

 Misty's eyes darkened. Fang could see she couldn't answer. No one could. Fang looked away, his gaze staring at his paws. 

 "Listen, I know your upset. But, if you just stay strong, you can make it through. With me." Misty said as she pulled his muzzle to face her. She seemed lovely when he looked into her strong, sage green eyes. 

 Fang sighed as he dropped the pain from his chest. Fang licked her muzzle. "Thanks." 

 Misty eyes clouded as she got up and padded away to the Hunter's den. Fang watched her go, his belly flipping. 

 Fang realized he missed what Snowflake was trying to teach him all along. Love. His love could create something that can make his generation go on and on through his Pack. 

 Misty was his solution. They were both weren't pure Pack blood and both were close friends. Misty was old enough now to love some other wolf and pick a mate. That's why she changed. Fang had to lie low and accept the charges. 

 Misty and him were meant for each other. 

Chapter 21: Falling

Fang followed Moon Leader through the undergrowth, with Mountain, one Defender named Tiger of Jungle and one Defender named Sun of Sky. Twig followed with Sap, one multi-colored female wolf Hunter, as they traveled to the creek. 

 One patrol came back with a report on something glowing in the water near the regular creek of Fang's Pack's territory that evening. Fang was thinking of it as those colorful fish that lived in the water, but Sand said those fish lived in deeper water regions. Now, the patrol was going to check it out, with the special leader of the patrol as Moon Leader.

 They reached the creek. The water was a bit rapid today, going swiftly against the shore as the cold water slammed into some jutting stones. The roar of the water was deafening. Moon Leader led the patrol near the wet, sandy bank where the sand met the pebbles underwater further down.

 "Ok, the creek seem's more dangerous then ever. We must be careful. Everyone spread out and check the deeper water on the pebble beds. Be careful." Moon Leader explained.

 Fang slowly stumbled into the creek. The icy water lashed through his fur and skin, making him shiver and chatter his teeth instantly. The pebbles underpaw that was the shallow part slid a bit from it's place in the mud. Fang carefully moved forward, going so deep into the water that the water was swirling to his shoulders. He saw the dark, shadowy end of the pebble bed, where it met the deeper and more dangerous part of the creek where the rapids were more active. 

 "Fang, be careful!" Sun warned from a bit further off. The golden colored female was belly deep in the water, her face wet from trying to scout underneath the surface. 

 "I will, Sun. Don't worry." Fang reassured her. But his mind raced. He felt nervous about even being in the creek, if he would explain. His Pack wasn't to good with swimming. The only part he could cope with about water was the part that he drunk it from streams and puddles. 

 Suddenly, Fang felt the pebbles underpaw sink into the mud before they raced down the underwater slope, bellowing into the rapids. Fang yelped in fear and surprise as he was sucked down into the rapids with the rolling pebbles. 

 The world turned dark and cold. Fang felt himself being brutally carried off by the rapids underwater. He could only see blue and black, mixed with bubbles and the colors of the pebbles. Pain reeked him as he cut his pads on sharp pebbles on the bottom creek bed. He slammed into several large boulders underwater as his lungs screeched for air. He felt numb and his bones felt like icicles. 

 Fang saw a large stick bending in the water. It waved side to side as the water pounded against it. Fang flailed his paws until he got into range before he dug his teeth into the bark, clawing his way up until he felt the warm, moist air of the forest hit his body. The water pushed his hindquarters back, while he stopped climbing the stick in exaustion. 

 Blinking water droplets from his eyes to see clearly, he saw Twig close to the stick, wading toward's him as the water hungrily swept around his pelt. 

 "Hold on, Fang!" Twig called. "I'm coming for you!" 

 Fang wanted to respond but his voice was frozen over with fear and coldness. His fur drenched to his sides as his wet ears plastered to his head. 

 The branch shook. Fang felt his claws giveaway from the bark as he got sucked down into the rapids again, howling in fear. 

 Fang felt to tired to try to swim in the strong water. The black water pumped around him and his lungs seemed to stop. 

 Suddenly, Fang heard a roaring sound as the rapids shot him through the water. He saw bubbles forming near the end of the creek and on the bottom creek bed. A black, huge gap was formed, sucking in the water into total darkness. 

 Fang howled in horror as the water sucked him through the muddy gap and into the endless dark. 




Chapter 22: The Marking Stones

Fang felt the air gushed out of him as he hit something hard and smooth. He coughed, spitting out river water and grit that was covered over the branch. His pads felt sore as his fur was coped to the sides of his body, making him look skinny and boney. He gasped in the fresh air to relax his hurting lungs. The air around him was chilly and the roar of the water echoed in his ears. 

 Fang lifted his muzzle weakly to see he was in a cave. The water from the creek that fell into the gaping hole plummeted into a large, crystal pool. The cave's walls were wet and misty as the floor was covered in sand. The cave was large sized, with puddles, branches, debris, and dead weeds. 

 Fang felt as if his throat was covered in ice as he tried to howl to the gaping hole in the ceiling. He fell into a river cave below the surface of the forest floor. His Packmates were probably on the bank of the creek, calling his name as they maybe were scouting the river's bed. 

 "Great," Fang muttered. 

 Fang felt something glowing rustily on the right wall of the cave. He padded over, seeing it as something red smeared over it's smooth surface. The smell as he padded toward the wall smelled like cold blood and iron. His fur prickled with unease. 

 His breath caught in his throat. All along the wet, shiny surface of the stone lay hundreds of red pawprints. To small, large or crooked, all were the pawprints of wolves. They were smeared into the rocky wall. 

 Fang felt pain lay beneath the stone wall. His eyes slowly gazed over the markings. They seemed strange, made by wolves who were... well... slaved. 

 Fang suddenly whirled into a different dimension. He saw hundreds of wolves next to the stone wall. Their pelts were scarred and bruised. They all had dull eyes and their bones shown through their fur that they looked like skeletons. They all seemed half-dead, starved and dehydrated. 

 All the wolf slaves were in a line, one by one coming to the stone wall and printing a pawprint of their paw onto it. Fang realized that they weren't putting regular red markings on the wall. 

It was their own blood. 

 Fang could see Pups, Seniors, Trainees and all kinds of wolves in the crowd. They were all the same, almost bald with blank gazes.  

Fang stepped forward. His leg walked right through one small, young wolf. Fang walked forward and through the ghostly wolves until he stepped in front of the wall, marked with bloody pawprints. Fang rubbed his paw across it, feeling horror and pain through every marking. Some blood of the pawprints brushed into his fur, washing it red. 

 "Hey, stop staring at that pawprint and start marking, slave!" 

 Fang jumped around to see a dark, shadowy wolf near the middle of the cave, towering over one old male slave. The shadowy wolf had a black, hard gaze with long, needle claws and black fur that was flecked with swirling shadows. His black, snake like tongue flickered from his mouth as he opened his mouth to show sharp white teeth and golden liquid dripping from them. 


 Fang steadied his breath. He thought at first that the shadowy wolf was talking to him. Fang reminded himself sharply that this was a flashback of something that happened, so no one saw or heard him. 

 "S-sorry, Shadow Lord." The slave stammered back as he placed his pawprint on the wall. The pawprint glistened as the pale moonlight shown through the gap in the ceiling. 

 "Sorry doesn't cover interrupted progress, mudbrain." The shadowy wolf replied. "This can't happen again, you know." 

 "Yes, I know, sir. I'll be more quicker next time." 

 "There won't be a next time with you, slave. So sorry." The shadow wolf hissed. 

 The slave let out a screech of horror as the dark wolf lunged forward, digging his front teeth into the slave's neck. Blood spattered the stone floor, as the poison set into the slave wolf. 

 Fang stiffened as his mind seemed to open up. It was Dark Shadows! He was using slaves to mark the presence of where they've been! To the Fallen Law, if any wolf marked it's pawprint on stone with it's own blood on purpose, was a disgrace and a immediate loyalty to Death Wolf. Dark Shadows wanted more wolves to join him. Cruel. Mindless. Bloody.

 Dark Shadows dropped the slave wolf. The slave twitched and went still. After some moments of silence, foam formed in the slave's mouth. The slave turned over, eyes glistening red. Fang gasped as he saw the slave's fur was now black. The slave's teeth turned crooked, long and yellow as it's paws were huge. It had shredded ears and a spiky tail with curled claws and gray fur along it's back. 

 "There." Dark Shadows murmured as his muzzle turned to an evil smile. "No Shadow Slave of mine has ever failed me." 

 The Shadow Slave barked. The whole stone cave shook and turned cold. Fang shivered. 

 The Shadow Slave turned and jumped forward into the crowd of slaves. It wrapped it's jaws around one wolf's neck, digging it's teeth in and turning it into a Shadow Slave. It spreaded quickly through the slaves, like a disease. 

 Fang suddenly knew what Sand was talking about. Dark Shadows's evil horde was wolves who were once innocent and had good minds. But turned into reckless monsters and having the crave for fresh blood. 

 "We will rule Graymarsh, kill wolves who refuse to join us and become rulers of Sky Lupus! Long live shadows!" Dark Shadows howled as he jumped on a jutting boulder that was raised above the other's heads. 

 The Shadow Slaves howled with their Lord, filling into Fang's ears until he couldn't take it anymore. 

 Fang jumped back into the present. He was lieing on the stone floor of the cave, his head turned to the wall of pawprints. 

 Fang felt fear lodge into his heart. Dark Shadows was stronger and clever then he thought. How would a tiny wolf, like him, defeat such a powerful Lord? 

Chapter 23: "It Must Be Told"

Fang padded into hollow with the patrol. Fang managed to find a sandstone tunnel that led from the cave and to the creek bed. The patrol was surprised that he survived the fall, but Fang told them it was pure luck. Feather and Twig were the happiest to see him alright. 

 Everyone greeted him with nudges and barks when they saw him. Misty licked his muzzle joyfully as Seed nuzzled his ear. Storm stayed behind the crowd, avoiding Fang's gaze. He didn't care. 

 "He survived the fall down to the cave." Tiger described to the others. "It was puzzling, really, that one wolf can survive that." 

 "How'd you do it, sir?" One Pup named Silver asked as she padded forward. Silver was Dusk's Pup. Her littermates padded after her. 

 "It was called luck, young one." Fang replied as he nudged Silver's soft, fluffy coat. 

 "Hey, your not to young yourself." Sand rasped as she walked up. "Good job." 

 Leaf and Black followed. Leaf nipped his ear in affection as Black gave him an approving and strong nod. Rare from him. 

 "Fang, I need to talk to you. In private." It was Acorn. 

 Acorn was standing next to him. Her ginger fur was spiked out as her eyes were wider then ususal. Her scent was unbearable. 

 Fang nodded. "Ok." 

 Fang let Twig settle down the impatient crowd as he followed Acorn into the forest. It was almost night, the shadows lengthing over the forest floor as the branches swayed in the soft wind. Fang felt cold being out under the trees. 

 Acorn led him near the creek. It was calmer, the water sliding down the shore in ease. 

 Acorn sat in the sand as Fang did the same. Acorn hesitated slightly before she barked. 

 "I had a dream from Spirit Valley. It wasn't good, I'm afraid. I must speak with you about it right now, before time runs out." 

 Fang's ears pricked. If any Healer dreamed a dream from Spirit Valley, they would tell the leader right away and not some regular Hunter wolf. 

 "Why ask me?" Fang asked. 

 "Because, it involves you." She replied matter-of-factly. "No other wolf. It's about Dark Shadows." 

 Fang's neck fur bristled. He hated the word. It made him feel cold and empty. Fang didn't like the feeling, and he already had enough problem with the word. 

"What about it?"

 "He's growing, Fang. He ruled over one small Pack, Pack of Yellow Sun. I saw their Healer in the Valley. He told me he was killed when he refused to join Dark Shadows. The poor soul." She paused before going on, "you must stop him. He killed many and turned many lives upside down. Soon, he'll get to our Pack and do the same." 

 "But he'll never cross the mountains. It's impossible. They'll starve, go thristy to death, freeze or get eaten by bears." Fang pointed out. He remembered what Foot had said and he knew it was true. 

 "No. No, they won't. Dark Shadows has his ways and can freeze or heat things to over the top degrees. We'll have to get ready. You must defeat him, Fang. You were born with powers to defeat the dark. You must.." 

 Fang sighed. Acorn was right. He had the power but what WAS his power? 

"I don't even know my power. How will I defeat Dark Shadows when I have no clue?" Fang growled dimly. 

 "You'll find out soon enough." Acorn mumured. "But you must tell the Pack about this." 

 Fang stiffened. Tell the Pack? Acorn had mud in her brain! They would freak out about it, or just ask too much questions. Could it be done without chaos?


 Acorn's eyes darkened as she whispered. "Just tell them. Explain it. Be filled with details. All must know the danger. No one can live in sunshine with so much dark is near." 

Chapter 24: For Every Wolf To Hear

Fang padded up the hill as he towered over the Pack. They all crowded below, pelts brushing as their eyes grew weary. The Pups even came out, their Carers thinking of this announcement as important. They were right.

 Fang felt his belly flutter. What would they all do? Panic? Howl? Be scared? It was all the things that they should be feeling after the announcement. Fang was scared himself to think of him battling the most powerful wolf in history of Graymarsh. Fang forced himself not to go butter-flied (stomach ace and vomit) on his crowding Packmates.

 Acorn was a little way off, watching him intently. Acorn was just as nervous as he was. But she was trying to keep in and look bold in front of the others, like another Healer would do. 

 "Packmates," Fang began as they hushed down, "I have an announcement to make. T-There's been rumors of one wolf and his horde traveling across Graymarsh. One powerful, evil wolf. He want's to rule over us, kill whoever refuses, and let dark control over the land. We must step up and save our homeland, before this evil, cruel wolf comes and takes it all with bloodshed and evil." 

 "Why should we join you?" Flint snarled from below. His shaggy pelt stood out from the others as his teeth were bared. 

 "Because if you don't, we all will die." Fang replied rather sharply. "Don't you get it? This wolf is powerful and will kill all of us, even the Pups. He wants slaves to him and Death Wolf. Don't you guys get it?" 

 They were silent for a couple of moments, looking at each other wearily. 

 "I am stepping up with my son." Storm announced after a moment. "I believe him, and I have faith in him also." 

Fang flashed his father a glance. He was still outraged with him, but he was grateful for his support. Fang nodded at him. Storm nodded back. 

 Slowly, more wolves joined in. Misty joined, with Seed, Feather, Twig, some blackies and finally Flint. 

 "We will join you, Fang." Moon Leader murmured as she padded up and locked her gaze into his.  

 "To get ready, double up hunting patrols, double up defending patrols, make the thorn shield stronger and make the dens more natural!" Moon Leader barked to her Pack. "We will be ready when he comes!" 

 The wolves joined in her howls. Pups scampered around their Carers paws excitedly, while Trainees tussled each other. The Seniors howled in with the rest. Storm barked the loudest. 

 Fang felt his heart soar as he gazed over the wolves. It was time. They would be ready for Dark Shadows. 

They were ready. 


About The Author

Katie Radgowski is inspired by the natural world of valleys and forests and the ways of wolves survival and history. She created a fictional, bold tale of a wolf battling the lost of his loved one and the truth that he's the only one who can stop a growing dark threat from looming above his Pack. Katie lives in Leesburg, Florida with her mother, father and older sister in their small, old house. 

Sneak Preview of Fallen Wolves #2: Everlasting Shadows Introduction

Fang and his Pack are ready. Bolted up, they believe they can withstand Dark Shadows's powerful, killing grasp. But they are wrong. 

 His horde is even bigger. With bears and panthers, their making their way across the mountain. Fang know's that his Pack wouldn't stand a chance. That's why he's given a omen to find the Second One to help him. Fang first must go beyond his mind, to another dimension. 



 See more in the next book, Fallen Wolves #2: Everlasting Shadows! 

 Coming to Bookrix soon in Summer, 2013. 

Sneak Peek at Two New Series Made By Katie Radgowski!

Check out the two new series coming to BookRix in 2013, Mice of the Forest and The Isolated Diares. Here are some sneak previews at the two new series! 


Mice of the Forest 1#: Soft Murmurs: 


One mouse, Solo, must save his Clan from a vicous cat, who is looking for mice flesh in the dark wilderness. (Short story, working on) 


The Isolated Diares: The Holocaust of 1941: 


Emma Blackclover is one 12 year old Jewish girl who has nothing to worry about. She has warm clothes, fresh food on the table, a loving family and her endless imagination. She has friends, small amounts of money and books to read at night. But that changed when the Holocaust happened. Many Jews were dieing. Nazis were marching into towns, dividing families and killing Jews right in their houses. Tim Blackclover, Emma's father, tries to get his family into hiding. Too late. Emma is taken away on November 2, 1941. Her parents were killed, as her younger brother was taken away. Emma is sended to a concentration camp. Only with her imagination and memories left, Emma stumbles around thousands of other hungry Jews, trying to find her younger brother. But she meet's John, another 12 year old Jewish boy who is looking for his older sister. Emma and John have a plan to escape, but could they really escape with so many Jews dieing of the attempt and the endless cold?



Lektorat: Kaitlyn E. Radgowski
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 24.04.2013

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

To Marissa Allen, Nicole Swindle, Jazmin Cornejo, Kaylee Rouuse and Amelia Garback for the friendship.

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