
The Banshee corpse dream

The Banshee corpse dream from Deep Sorcery

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I Saw my grandfather and my grandmother Glowing Green Kept Alive by Deep Sorcery

I had a dream, of a skeleton from nowhere, of a corpse in a house, and of woods, I was walking through, surrounded by trees and leaves, and so I walked on the path, and there above on the hill I saw an old abandoned graying house, and a corpse Banshee, with yellow skin and rotten teeth, and long feminine hair, started to scream, and I started to run, and then I woke up.

Predictions are dreams.

Dreams are Prophetic.

After this dream my grandmother died years later symbolized by the corpse in the house and even the Banshee screaming, my grandmother was Kept Alive a corpse Zombie, screaming at me in a dream like a corpse Banshee, about her being dead, trying to warn me, or even just trying to scare me away, trying to show me as the dream of ghosts, that something was wrong, that in the dream of houses and me on the rooftops during nightfall I was as good as homeless even in my grandparents house because they had been murdered and Kept Alive with Dark Sorcery, Resurrected from the dead as corpse mummy Zombies, Animated by the Sorcerer and Sorceress, corresponding too my grandfather, and grandmother.

The dreams started Happening and Coinciding with the sleeping in the new house, after we moved mysteriously further away than where I was born from Pennsylvania to Arkansas, in the middle of nowhere, separated the Sorceress did deliberately from my family and Britain over seas, separated from myself, and from my grandparents in America who are now dead and deceased, and never coming back, yet after those dreams I Saw my grandfather Glowing Green, and grandmother Glowing Green, Alive, Kept Alive by Dark Sorcery.

My grandfather and grandmother each I Saw in Missouri State.

The Green Light Form Steals, Absorbs, and Liquidates lives Frozen in Light like the Blob, the Thing, and the Borg.


Texte: John Love
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.01.2019

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

tfufufutfuyfuyfufuyuyfuyfuyfufuy All Spirits to east Blk Wolf Form to west, Red Wolf Man Light Form to south, Wolf Spirit to east, Shapeshifting think like em, behave like em, feel like em to north Consciousness, Sorcerer, Sorceress, Sorcery, Will, want, Blue Luminescence of Awareness, too the west Reality IS Virtual Quantum Reality Physics blk overhauls, ski mask, windbreakers, army boots, leather gloves army greens Quantum IS Real Grunge, white skull pirates of carribean, black skull mask, skulls ne cklace, satanic Pan In Void, flanel over, green windbreaker shell jacket, greenish scarf, Assassin neoprene skull face, camo bdus, army boots, bare foot, or w sandals, army liners pants, army liner upper body, camo boonie hat, army balaclava, camo tube, grandfathers leather gloves, grandfather jacket, at home green bath robe, flanel could have been Christmas long sleeve dress shirt, and underneath striped with green candy cane, can wear green corporal hat, and shirt can be army

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