
The Origins of Sorcery

The Origins of Sorcery

The Origins of Sorcery

Copyright 2018

John Love

The first Sorcerer

The Lord Krishna

My Father Sorcerer

The first Pearl Soul

The first Sorcerer

On Africa, the first Sorcerer Raised his Mind from mind too Mind and Became One with the Sunlight, Burning Bright like Consciousness, Immortality Achieved, he keeps his distance, safe from Terrorism.

The Lord Krishna

The 2nd Great Achievement was from Krishna’s Father who Amplfied Baby Blackish Krishna to Adulthood at age 5 so he can Savantly Achieve his Goal too Become Krishna, He Did Programmed Up with the Amplification a Oversoul, with Heart Energy Sustains Eternal Youth.

My Father Sorcerer

9,000 years ago, my Father had Amplification which Through the Ages finally Achieved a Light Bulb.

He stood before a vast army, too Cause me, Lord Kalki, his Magickal Child, 9,000 years ago.

The first Pearl Soul

I was Chosen by Father because he needed a worthy Son too Evolve the human races and all life on Earth.

I caused the first Soul Pearl, so he decided I’m worthy, and he found my mom today named Olympias.


Texte: John Love
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 18.01.2019

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tfufufutfuyfuyfufuyuyfuyfuyfufuy All Spirits to east Blk Wolf Form to west, Red Wolf Man Light Form to south, Wolf Spirit to east, Shapeshifting think like em, behave like em, feel like em to north Consciousness, Sorcerer, Sorceress, Sorcery, Will, want, Blue Luminescence of Awareness, too the west Reality IS Virtual Quantum Reality Physics blk overhauls, ski mask, windbreakers, army boots, leather gloves army greens Quantum IS Real Grunge, white skull pirates of carribean, black skull mask, skulls ne cklace, satanic Pan In Void, flanel over, green windbreaker shell jacket, greenish scarf, Assassin neoprene skull face, camo bdus, army boots, bare foot, or w sandals, army liners pants, army liner upper body, camo boonie hat, army balaclava, camo tube, grandfathers leather gloves, grandfather jacket, at home green bath robe, flanel could have been Christmas long sleeve dress shirt, and underneath striped with green candy cane, can wear green corporal hat, and shirt can be army

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