

This is a CONTINUATION of "Justice." If you read this first, it is almost definite you will not understand it at all. If you have not read "Justice," the first book, then go back and read it now for this to make sense.


The long journey, the aching feet, the painful moments, all of it leads up to this final encounter with my true father, the Emperor of Justice, Emperor Myles, so they call him. An old man in comparison to me, as so I think. I had been told I was given away because I’d been unfit to be emperor. It’s all because of this single man that such widespread pain had been distributed to the people. It’s due to this man that my loved ones have died. It all rests on my shoulders, my aching shoulders, to put an end to his reign and pain. As I stood at the doors, which slowly closed with a menacing sound to them, the Emperor stood from his throne, several people standing aside him, one being the advisor of him. Next to his throne sat an empty throne, where my true mother would be, but she, too, had been slain by him out of rage. Hardly did I know that it was him until some few years ago. I couldn’t fail to carry out the plan here, I wouldn’t allow myself to. He slowly approached me, taking slow steps down each stair in front of him, his long black cloak draping below him, dragging along the ground behind him. His hair had been somewhat gray with a bit of black. He held a cane in his right hand, stopping at the bottom step, holding it directly in front of him in both hands. The few others around him, likely generals, stood just behind him.

“My dear son,” his voice boomed around the room, strong and unbending. He just smiled as he looked at me.

“You hardly have true purpose to call me your son,” I said angrily.

“Now, don’t be so harsh. After all, this is a touching reunion, wouldn’t you say?” he chuckled a bit, “My, look at how much you’ve grown since your younger years.”

“Cut the crap,” I swung my blade as ferociously shouting at him.

“Alright,” his smile disappeared quickly and he gestured towards one of the generals, who then pulled out a large sword and approached. Without a word, he immediately swung his large blade down upon me, so I blocked it with my old sword, in my left hand. I swung at him with my other sword, releasing scalding heat as I swung it. However, it failed to reach him, as he quickly lowered his blade to intercept the heat, which just pushed him back. I continued to swing my two swords at him uselessly, as they each just struck his sword or completely missed. Suddenly, though, his footwork failed him, as he started stumbling backwards. With quick reaction, I plunged my sword into his chest and kicked him off my sword, out of a window, watching it shatter, then watching him fall to the bottom of the castle. Without rest, another one came at me with two small daggers. A female, this time, with a long dress and some sort of mechanical garment on her back and shoulder. She threw one of her daggers at me, which I quickly batted away with one of my swords. With hardly a second’s worth of time, another was coming towards me, in which I batted away again. However, to my surprise, the mechanical object lunged towards me. It was a large hand, which had grabbed me around the torso and pulled me towards her, then tossed me across the room. I slammed into the wall and fell to the floor, quickly getting back up and recovering. She just slowly walked towards me, picking up her daggers as she came closer. She threw one of them again, and I sliced it in two with the heated blade, then slammed downwards on the other, watching it melt onto the floor. Then came the hand once more. I held up my blade and it grabbed the sword instead, slowly melting away. I then pulled it out from the hand’s grip and cut off the hand of it, making it practically useless. She then stepped back in fear, knowing she no longer had any weapons. Instead of letting her go, I threw my old sword at her, in which it penetrated just between her bosom. I walked over to her, grabbing the hilt of my sword, twisting it, and then pulling it out, watching her fall. Like before, another came down over to me, this one holding a longsword in a stance in which it was above his head. This was a stance I knew very well, and so I approached him. He swung diagonally, but my sword clashed with his and, quickly ending it, I stabbed my heated blade into his chest, watching as he yelled in agony at his melting flesh. I quickly pulled it out and, just as he fell, another came towards me, swinging something that wasn’t a sword. Instead, it was like a pole. It slammed into my side, causing me to stagger to my left. I raised one of my swords and swung down to divert his attention, which I did successfully. I then lunged one forward into his abdomen, watching as it slowly split his flesh apart as it went upwards through his body, spilling out tons of blood and some of his organs, as well.

The last of them, other than the Emperor, came forward. The advisor. He held two curved swords in his hand, each of the same kind. He swung one down at me, which I deflected, but the other came unexpectedly, which I just barely scraped it. It managed to cut a portion of my left arm, so I flinched and stepped back. However, he came forward and lunged one of his swords towards me, which I deflected just fine. The other, again, I barely scraped, causing the forearm of my right arm to get cut. It continued to go this way for a bit, until there had been multiple cuts on my chest, my abdomen, my arms, and my legs. Each were practically just scratches, but they stung. I soon threw one of my swords at him, which he batted aside. I ran forward and swung my heated blade down upon him, melting through one of the swords he used to block. However, just before hitting him, he stepped back, then stepped forward again, stabbing his sword towards me. However, it went into the hole of my sword, so I turned my blade, causing it to fling out of his hand and far from him. He started flinging his other sword at me, which had been only half the size it was with a dull tip. I swung horizontally, severing his left arm from his body, then stabbed into his neck, pulling it out and watching him fall. I looked up to the Emperor, who had just been laughing with a huge smile on his face.

“What a show,” he was clapping, enjoying what was going on in front of him, “Oh my, is it over already?” I glared at him, my sword in my hand, looking over to my other sword.

“What do you want?” I asked.

“To unite the lands,” he replied.

“By killing hundreds of thousands of innocent people?”

“If that is the only way, then I shall. Strike fear into those you want to rule. That is the law I abide by.” I gritted my teeth and ran forward, but he pulled a sword from his cane, something huge and absolutely out of proportion to the cane. He swung at me quickly with ferocious speed. I tried blocking, but instead, it flung my body into a wall. I slid down and looked up to him, stabbing my sword into the ground and using it to lift my body up. I felt my left leg, down at my calf, suddenly feeling as though it were beginning to split. I was pushing myself too much, but if I didn’t continue like this, there was absolutely no way I could win against him. I grunted and ran towards him again, swinging down at him, only to have him dodge it as though it were nothing. He was suddenly behind me. Planting his foot into my back, he forcefully kicked forward, causing me to fall forward onto the ground. I lifted my body and looked forward, seeing my other sword just in front of me. I grabbed it and threw it at him. He swung his blade to block it, so I ran forward and swung my blade at him, but he grabbed it with his bare hand. Suddenly, due to the heat of the sword, the clothes on his arm combusted into flames, revealing his arm, which wasn’t even a human arm anymore. It wasn’t even made of flesh. It was some dark blue object in the shape of an arm with light blue veins pulsating. I quickly pulled my sword back and hopped up and away from him.

“What the hell?” I suddenly blurted out.

“The arm of a god,” he said, looking up and down his arm, “It’s rather a curse to me. It feeds off me, giving nothing but one single power in return. I’ve been getting weaker and weaker as it has gotten stronger.” He clenched his fist and lowered his arm. I swung my sword at him regardless, but he just slapped it aside and swung his sword at me. I dodged it just barely, but it practically melted a portion of my clothes off. I swiftly got behind him and kicked his side, into his ribcage. He staggered a bit and then swung backwards with his arm, slamming it into my cheek, causing my to practically fly over to his throne. I stood up slowly and looked up to him.

“Do you enjoy killing your family?” I growled.

“I enjoy killing anyone without the same views as I,” he said. A narcissistic fool he is most certainly. I swung my sword at him, but he grabbed it again and yanked it away. I almost lost my balance as he pulled it out of my hands. He threw it aside and turned back to me.

“You bastard,” I said.

“Powerless, he stood below me, my son, a fool to challenge his father,” he said grimacing, “And powerless he will fall at the feet of his father, failing his one task.” He lifted his sword, but in that time, I jumped up and ran over to him. He swung down, managing to miss my body, but sliced into my left shoulder, cutting my arm off from my body. As I reached out for his neck, I yelled, both in pain and anger. My hand successfully gripped his neck, causing him to fall onto his back. I tightened my grip, but he grabbed my arm with his arm and threw me aside. I lay there in pain with my severed arm. I looked around myself, finding my sword nearby. He stood and walked over to me, already preparing his sword. I reached over just as he got in range and grabbed my sword, quickly lunging the sword through his lower abdomen, twisting it and pulling it out. He fell to his knees in pain, dropping his sword and reaching down to his wound. I then stabbed my sword into his chest. He gasped as it went through him.

“Damn you,” I said to him.

“My son,” his tone seemed to change, “Please don’t let me die.”

“Begging for mercy?” I said.

“Think about it. We could rule this world together, make all the wrongs right. You could change all I did, you could be the right of this impure world,” he started ranting. Just as I was about to pull my sword out and cut his head clean off, I felt something penetrate my chest. I looked down and saw his arm in my chest.

“What?” I said, releasing my sword and grabbing his arm.

“Feel my pain, child,” he said, “Take my arm and continue forward.” He said. Suddenly, his arm began flowing into my body, causing pain all throughout my body. I fell over, shouting in pain, clawing at my chest as it continued to burn inside. The Emperor fell as well, immobile and drained of life. Soon, I started to cough and hack up a bit of blood. When the immense pain stopped, I looked over at my missing left arm and, surely, it was there. The arm which had been on the Emperor was now on me. Suddenly, a voice started speaking in my head, forcing thoughts into my head that I didn’t want to know or see. Suddenly, I lost control of my body. I was beginning to move on my own. I was conscious, I could see everything, but I couldn’t control myself. I heard the door slam open, and so my, or rather “its” head jolted over to it.

“Kimbo?” Randolph said, “Kimbo, did you do it.”

“Kimbo, your arm!” Alicia pointed out my arm. “No please, don’t come near me!” Or so I wanted to say, but I couldn’t say anything. The thing controlling me had walked over to Randolph and Alicia, suddenly jutting out its arm and grabbing the throat and Randolph, throwing him aside. With surprising strength that I couldn’t ever have obtained, he smashed through the wall. Just as Alicia was about it speak, its hand reached up to her mouth, keeping her silent, but it didn’t do anything to her. Did it recognize her as the one I love, so it didn’t attack her? Regardless, it released her and then grabbed her, pulling her towards me. It grabbed her in its arms. Suddenly, I felt jealous. It was myself, but at the same time, it wasn’t. I couldn’t control it, nor could I do anything. She struggled to free herself, but couldn’t manage to release its grip. It reached down and grabbed the hilt of the sword at her side and turned, then threw the sword at Randolph, in which it penetrated completely through his arm, the hilt and all. He fell to one knee and held his arm, now bleeding furiously. It lifted Alicia into both of its arms and walked over to the throne, setting her down into the slightly less decorated throne and tore cloth off from one of the dead bodies, binding her to the chair. It walked over to Randolph and, with one arm, grabbed him, lifting him with hardly any struggle. It walked over to the broken window and held him out it, ready to release its grip. However, just before it did, Alicia screamed my name, causing it to turn. Suddenly, a loud screeching sound pained my head, causing it to toss Randolph as it released him. He flung out the window and the thing fell to its knees, grabbing its head. It darted a gaze over to Alicia, which it then walked over to it and tore the cloth off of the chair, lifting her and keeping one hand over her mouth. It ran through the hall until it reached some sort of chamber in the lower parts of the castle. I threw her into one of the cells and closed the heavy metal door. She stood up and went over to the window, but it walked away and I was unable to do anything, even still. My body was entirely under the control of the arm, but I could see, hear, and think of everything. The only possible way I could think of removing it was to sever my arm once more, or to die.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.02.2017

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Dedicated to Samuel Holloway and Makyla Sampson for being two of the greatest friends I've had throughout the roughest times.

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