

My name is Alex and I'm on the run from my abusive father. I have my baby sister with me, her name is Millie and our mother died giving birth to Millie and her twin Mikey. Millie survived whereas Mikey was stillborn. It's sad to watch your family destroyed after you find out your mother cheated on your father with someone of different color. Millie is a mixed baby girl with blue eyes, if you don't know that is very rare. She must have gotten them from our mother. Anyway back to what I was talking about, I'm 17 and running from an abusive home. I refuse to let anyone watch Millie so she's with me at school all day and I find friends to stay with, this is just until my best friend and current crush gets back home. I miss him a lot. Joey is my "rock," if you knew him you would understand why I call him my rock. He has been there through it all... My twin's car wreck, the funeral, Mom's secret boyfriends, Dad getting angry with Mom and having sex with me, my miscarriage, my car wreck, and my first prom (with him). He's been gone for over seven months. He's in the Marines and should be coming home soon. My friend Ashley has been helping me get diapers and things needed for Millie.

Chapter 1 Alex's P.O.V.

Ashley's big brother Shawn and his buddies Alec and Shane were sitting in the living room watching the game. We walk in and Millie starts to cry causing the guys to look at Ashley and me. Alec gets up and walks over to us and Millie starts to get quiet. Alec looks at me with loving eyes and offers to take Millie so I can be alone for awhile and get some sleep, but he doesn't realize I can't sleep without her. After an hour Alec comes and checks on me seeing I'm still awake.

"Hey can't sleep?"

"Not without Millie."

"Here," he lays her down next to me and to my surprise he lays with us.

I slowly fall asleep with his arms around me and Millie. Alec moves closer to me trying not to squash Millie. I can feel him there, but I'm afraid to open my eyes. I'm afraid to look at him.

Chapter 2 Alec's P.O.V.

When I heard the baby I knew it was Alex holding Millie. I love her, but she don't see me the way I see her. I was watching football with the guys and Millie distracted me. I am the only one Alex trusts with Millie.

"Hey can't sleep?"

No, not without Millie," She admitted.

"Here," I lay her down next to Alex and decide to lay with her.

She slowly falls asleep with my arms around her and Millie. I move closer to her trying not to squash Millie. I want to kiss her, but don't know if she'll hit me. I am inches away from her lips and Ashley walks in so I pretend to be asleep so she can't say anything to us.

Chapter 3 Alex's P.O.V.

 Ashley wakes me up wondering what was going on and why Alec was laying with me. I didn't know so I told her that he wanted to make sure Millie was okay. After trying to wake him up she gives up and leaves. I let out my breath I didn't realize I was holding, I feel a pull towards Alec and wish I knew why.

"Alec?" I whisper seeing if he is awake.

"Yeah?" He asks.

"Why do you care so much about Millie and me?"

"I don't think I can explain it to you."

"Can you try?"

"It feels as if I have known you all my life."

"How? We met just two years ago."

"No, it's deeper than that."

"How is it deeper?"

"I think we were around each other when we were younger. Do you remember your childhood?"

"Not much, just a fire, screaming, and being taken to my dad's house."

"How old were you when it happened?"

"I think I was six."

Chapter 4 Alec's P.O.V.

She was six! She's my mate. I thought I would never find her. Her mother took her to safety or so we thought.

"Alex do you remember anybody you played with?" I ask in hopes of her remembering the oath our parents made us take when we were four and I kissed her because she dared me to.

"No, that's all fuzzy. I just started to remember the fire." She looks so hurt, "Did we grow up together?"

"Yeah, we did. Our parents said we would be mates."


"Yeah, you were the alpha's daughter, but she ran after someone killed her mate and twin sons."

"I had twin brothers?"

"Yeah." How could she not remember? They were her everything, they taught her how to shift, hunt, and control her anger.

"I'm sorry I don't remember." She looked sad. I wanna hold her to me and tell her it's okay.

Chapter 5 Alex's P.O.V.

 I'm sad I can't really remember my early childhood. I feel as if I feel as if I should be able to. Wait where did these voices come from

'I really wanna fuck her,' a male voice booms

'He's cute,' another male thinks

'Is Alex okay?' Ashley's voice sounds in my head.

I let out a small whimper.

"Are you okay Alex?"

"Yeah, I just have a headache."

"May I hug you?" Alec whispers.

I nod and he moves to hug me. As soon as I'm in his arms the voices stop and without warning I kiss his neck.


"Yeah?" I whisper.

"Did you mean to do that?"

"I think so."

He gets me to look at him and our lips meet in a sweet kiss. I'm afraid to end this kiss, but Millie woke up and started crying.

Chapter 6 Alec's P.O.V.

I kissed her and Millie woke up. I feel bad for kissing her as she hurts. I must make her remember our childhood. We were meant to be together. If I can get her to see it, then maybe she'll date me and we'll get married. I watch as she takes care of Millie. Millie falls back asleep and Alex wants to cuddle, I can tell she feels the connection between us.


"Yeah Alec?"

"Is it weird that I want to share the world with you?"

"Not as weird as how I feel."

"Well, how do you feel?"

"Like I love you, but I don't remember much about my childhood."

"When we were little we lived next to each other. Your real dad and brothers died in a fire when we were six. After they died your mother took you, naming my father the alpha, to live with the man you know as your father. Your sister is also like us, but her father is from a different pack."

"I don't believe you," She shakes her head.

"Alex, please trust me."

Chapter 7 Alex's P.O.V.

 Trust him, is he crazy? Why would I trust him? He makes me regret letting him lay with me.

"Alec can you give me some time alone with Millie?"

"Yeah, just let me know when I can come back in here."


Alec walks out looking hurt and as soon as he's out I start crying. I hold Millie to me and cry for a couple hours.

I hear a knock on my door, "Alex are you okay?"

"Yeah, please don't come in."

"Anything for you dear."

It was Shawn at the door, "Shawn?"

"Yes Alex."

"How long have you known?"

"Known what?"

"About me being a wolf."

"Since you were born."

"Did we grow up together?"

"Yes. Shane, Alec, you, Ashley, and me."

 "You may come in."

Shawn walks in and sits next to me, "During the full moon I would let my wolf take over and I'd run to you. You were always ready to talk to me about how you thought you didn't belong there and how he was abusing you. I remember one night when you told me he raped you because you told him no. We were only twelve."

"So you are the big black dog I cried on?"

"Yes I am. You used to sleep in a tent in the very back of your yard by the fence so that whatever dog wanted to could sleep next to you."

"Yeah." I smile.

"I would lay next to you every full moon you were there. I would always shift and lay there, I think I was your first kiss aside from the asshole from hell."

"What do you mean?"

Chapter 8 Shawn's P.O.V.

"Alex, we were fifteen and you called to me on a full moon so I came to you and we made love from midnight until three when I had to leave you."

"Why did you have to leave me?"

"Do you remember that night?"

"Yeah, Mom was gone and she told me to stay in my tent no matter what."

"I bit you and you told me to go and never come back, but I had to make sure you were okay."

"You didn't listen to me?"

"No, only because your mother wanted me to keep coming around you."

"Why did she want you around me?"

"She seen us as mates."

Chapter 9 Alex's P.O.V.

"How do you know when you have found your mate?"

"Well, you feel as if you can't stay away from them."

"Have you found yours?"

"Yes and I've been visiting her for years. I stopped after her mother started sleeping with the alpha from another pack."

"Are you talking about me?"

"You are the only person whom has ever had my heart. When I couldn't see you I was lost and I knew you would talk to me as a wolf."

"So every full moon you would run to me?"

"It's all that was on my mind."

"I needed to see that dog every month, and when I didn't get to I threw so huge fits."

"I was told about them, your mother told me everything."

"I miss her," I blinked back tears and Shawn reached out to hold me causing me to scoot closer.

"Alex, may I?"

"May you what?"

Chapter 10 Shawn's P.O.V.

 "May I kiss you?"

"Of course you can Shawn."

Her lips meet mine and I can tell she feels it because I can. I want her to know I'm here for her. I'm all she'll ever need. We need to get Millie back to her pack. I lick her lower lip and she grants me access. Our tongues dance as passion explodes between us. My fingers tangle in her hair as she starts to play with the hair on the back of my neck. I let out a soft groan and she breaks the kiss gasping for air.

"Are you alright Alex?"

She nods and nuzzles into my neck kissing and sucking my collar bone. I don't think she realizes it, but she is turning me on.

"Alex," I moan out and she lets me know she's comfortable with me holding her like this.

"Shawn, please." She moans in my ear.

I don't know how long I can hold back with her. I want to claim her as my mate, but I don't want to rush things.

"Alex, we need to wait."

"Shawn, I don't want to wait."

"We need to though."


Chapter 11 Alex's P.O.V.

We need to wait, why? I know he loves me, and I love him. Millie is sound asleep and she sleeps heavily for a baby. I've never wanted someone so bad, I feel as if I need him around all the time. Is this what it feels like when you find your mate?

"Shawn I don't want to wait."

"It's best for us to wait."

My lips meet his unexpectedly and he lays me down on the bed. He balances his weight evenly over me and I wrap my legs around his waist. He starts to grind against me and I lick his bottom lip to get access. He grants me access to his mouth and next thing I know our clothes are coming off, his shirt, my shirt, his pants, my shorts. The only thing between us making love is my lace panties. I want to go further, but he stopped.

"Shawn," I whisper.

"Hold on baby girl," He was breathing heavily in my ear.

He reaches for his jeans and pulls out a condom, "Protection."

I nod and he puts it on as I pull down my panties for him.

Chapter 12 Shawn's P.O.V.

I don't think she's ready, but I know not to make her angry so I slowly enter her. She moans and wiggles, I can see the pain in her eyes plus through our bond I can feel it.

"Shawn, f-faster." She moans out as I cover her lips with a kiss so everyone else don't hear us.

"Baby girl," I whisper on her lips.

She kisses me and I lose all control. I start thrusting faster making her moan against my lips. We hear the door open as Alec gets Millie so we don't have to worry about her.

As soon as Alec takes Millie out we move onto the bed more and Alex is close to cumming around me, I can feel it and see it in her eyes.

"Shawn what are you doing to my best friend?" Ashley asks through the closed door.

"Go away Ash," I yell back.

Alex starts to gasp in pain and I start to feel it. I started to thrust too fast for her.

"Baby girl, do you want me to pull out?"

She shakes her head and starts to kiss my neck. I groan as she grazes my collar bone with her teeth.

"Want me to go faster?"

She nods and kisses my jaw line and I thrust faster and harder.


Chapter 13 Alex's P.O.V.

My vision is blurring as he is thrusting faster. All that matters as of right now is us and our mating.

"Oh yeah," I moan out in his ear.

"You like that?"

I nod as he gets me to moan with every thrust he does.

We have sex for two hours and both of us have reached our climaxes at least five times and are afraid to pull apart. We stay together for a while and cuddle. We hear someone knock on the door then hear Millie start to cry.

With Millie next to me Shawn and I lay here and fall asleep. I wake up in his arms and Millie on his chest, her head next to mine. Millie smiles at me as we all wake up slowly. Shawn was the last one up so Millie and I start to kiss/lick him until he wakes up.

"It's time to wake up."

"Five more minutes Baby."

"Nope, Millie is hungry and we are not getting up until you do."

"Fine," he sighs as we get up slowly.

We head down stairs and make our breakfasts and I get a bottle made for Millie.

Chapter 14 Shawn's P.O.V.

 We are standing here in the kitchen making our breakfasts as Alex feeds Millie. I am making eggs while our toast is in the toaster.

"How do you want your eggs?"

"Over easy. Please."

"Alright, Love"

I finish with her eggs knowing that Millie will eat half of them and start making more in case they want more. After their eggs I start on mine making them sunny side up. My sister walks in with Alec and Shane following close behind her.

"Hey Bubby."

"What Ashley?"

"Are you and Alex together?"

"Why do you ask?" Alex asks before I could answer.

"Just a question Alex."

"Well, I don't like it."

Millie starts to cry and I move over to take her and calm her down by picking her up. "Millie, you're ok."

Ashley looks at me and I can tell she is upset over Alex jumping in our conversation.

Chapter 15 Alex's P.O.V.

 Why is Ashley in my business? Who does she think she is? If I wanna be with Shawn, then I will be with him. I love him and it hurts to be away from him.

"Ashley why do you wanna know?"

"Because he is my brother and I care about my brother and I don't want to see him get hurt."


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.08.2016

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