
Chapter 1
"Mr.Chess how do you feel about giving me a D- on my history report on the Cold War?Does it make you feel like you have power to take a girls straight As into a horrible grades?" Heather said holding her pen to her history teacher's mouth like it was a michpone.

"Ms.Will please have a seat your the middle of class we will talk about your grade after class" Said Mr.Chess pushing Heather's pen out of the way of his mouth.

"I don't understand why we have to talk about after class the public has the right to know right,classmates of mine?" Heather said putting her hands on her hips.

Grace began to chant "THE PUBLIC HAS THE RIGHT TO KNOW!" Grace repeated it again and the whole class began Chantting "THE PUBLIC HAS THE RIGHT TO KNOW,THE PUBLIC HAS THE RIGHT TO KNOW"

"See Mr.Chess the public has spoken" Heather grab a near by chair and stand onb top of it and began to chant with class.


"All right already!!!!Be quiet already we talk about it now."Mr.Chess threw his hands up in defeat.

Everyone howled in laughter and Heather hope down from the chair.

"Now Mr.Chess why didn't I get a A?It was the perfect report."Heather said sitting down crossing her legs.

"Cause you didn't really get the piont of it."

"Really,well lets read shall we,:

The Origins of the Cold War are widely regarded to lie most directly in the relations between the Soviet Union and its allies the United States, Britain and France in the years 1945–1947. Those events led to the Cold War that endured for just under half a century.

Events preceding the Second World War, and even the Russian Revolution of 1917, underlay pre–World War II tensions between the Soviet Union, western European countries and the United States. A series of events during and after World War II exacerbated tensions, including the Soviet-German pact during the first two years of the war leading to subsequent invasions, the perceived delay of an amphibious invasion of German-occupied Europe, the western allies' support of the Atlantic Charter, disagreement in wartime conferences over the fate of Eastern Europe, the Soviets' creation of an Eastern Bloc of Soviet satellite states, western allies scrapping the Morgenthau Plan to support the rebuilding of German industry, and the Marshall Plan."

Grace then shouted out "Well it sounds pretty damn good enough to me isn't that right class?"

The whole class shouted "Hell yea!"

Heather had the a big grin across her face."Well it seems like everyone said its pretty damn good."

"No,ugh,I'm not going to argue with a child"Mr chess went over to his desk and put his head down.

"A child!!! Well, thats the biggest insult I ever gotten in my life.For your info I'm 16 turning 17.I like it if you said young adult."
Heather cross her arms.

The whole class mocke Heather and shouted "YOUNG ADULT!"

The door to the classroom door flew open and principal Smith came in.

"I was just passing by and heard a loud amount of niose coming from this class."Principal Smith narrowed his eyes on Heather."I should've had known it was your doing Ms.Will."

"Well Bill,what a pleasant suprise did you stop by to visted little old me" Heather couldn't help but smile how she enjoyed making Bill mad.

The class laughed,but when Smith glared at them the quiet down."I my office now,Ms.Will."

"Oh,are we having a tea party cause I need to call my aunt to bring me my tea time dress" Heather said not moving from where she sat in her seat.

"OUT!"Smith yelled.
"Okay,geez don't have to yell,what crawed up your ass and bite you?"
"What was that?"
"Oh,nothing....See you my fellow classmates"

Heather got up and took a bow before leavinghe class,Mr.Smith close behind.
At the front office"there was the front counter and a red head woman with a blue blouse on.She looked very plum.Heather went over to her and looked down at the counter.

"Well hello Mrs.Chill how was the baby shower?Did you get the flowers and baby clothes i send you?" Heather ask the front counter lady.

"Oh yes,Thank you.I my baby going to be most happy to have such a good sister."Resonded Mrs.Chill,looking up from her computure.Mrs.Chill had the most beaufil green eyes ever.

Mr.Smith glared at Mrs.Chilled and she went back to doing her work on the computure.

"Now Bill no need to scare the woman,she has enough stress from seeing your face everyday,I know do."
Heather said havin a big smile on her face,Mrs.Chill snicker.

"To my office now."Mr.Smith pionted down the hall that was just next to the counter.

"Yes sir!" Heather march all the way to Mr.Smith office passing doors as she went.
Mr.Smith behind.

Mr.smith office was painted royal blue and and had a gold words that said Mr.Smith's office.Heather grab the door knob and went in.

In the office was a large wooden desk, a black wheel chair behind it and a two red chairs in front of it.
Heather went to sit down in the red chair on the right.

"So,what seems to be the problem today Ms.Will?"Mr.Smith said sitting down in his chair behind the desk.
"Oh,you know the same old,sa old.Teachers thinking thier better than everyone and taking away students right to talk." Heather put her hands behind her back of her head."I mean this is America,we have to the right to speak out."

"Well,this is school and you respect your elders ms.Will.If you can't respect your elders you can't -

"Respect yourself yea,yea I heard it to many times in my life and no offense its a bunch of bullshit."

"Ms.Will,that is no way a young lady should talk your Lizy would be out rage if you talk that way."

"You should know since your in love with her,no offense but its kinda gross when my favortive aunt is dating my school principal."

"Ms.Will,we are not talking about lizy and my relationship.This is about your behavior in class."

"Well-"Heather looked down at watch."Hey can we finish this over at dinner tonight cause my next class is newspaper.And I don't want to miss a second of it"

"Very well"

"Thanks Bill."Heather ran out the office and Mr.Smith shouted "Walk!" after her.

At room number #234, which is the newspaper club,Heathers BFF was standing by waiting for Her.

"Sup geek,how did it go with Smith?"Grace ask holding out Heather bag she left in Mr.Chess's class.

"Oh,well.I guess we are going to talk about my behavior over dinner tonight.Doesn't that sound fun~!"
Heather took her bag."Hey,that can be the next topic of Thuderbirds newspaper.Aunt liz and Bill are dating"

"Well thats a great topic Hun"Said Mrs.Cark from behind Heather.Heather jumped and turn around.

"Geez,Cark you scared me."
"Your such a scaredy cat geek."Grace said moving out the way of the door so Mrs.Cark can unlock it.

"Shut up Grace Mace."

Mrs.Cark went into the club room first,Heather second and Grace third.

"Anyways whats the good topic" Heather went over to her seat in the front row.

"Yea,Do we really want to talk about Smith's relationship with Liz?"Grace ask taking a seat next to Heather.

"Whats this about Smith?"Ask Austin Right from the class room door.

"Thats nothing you need to now Austin"Heather said putting down her bag and taking out her noteook.

"Come on Heather,I can keep a sercret."Austin mad his way to the front row beside on the right of heather.

"Ha,you couldn't keep a secrect if your life depended on it" Said Tracey woodcock,walking to the seat next to Grace.

"There a secrect?I want to know about it!" Walter Hillman said coming over to seat behind Heather.

"Hey Walter don't leave me like that you know I'm not a fast walker like you."Amy Church taking a seat left of Walter.

"Hello my fellow club members and Heather." said Catlin Horn said walking over to the seat behind Austin.

"The main-man is here"Collin Moore said taking a seat behind Tracey.

There was a total of 8 members in the newspaper club.
Heather,Grace,Austin,Tracey,Walter,AMY,catlin,and collin.
The all had thier attion on the best teacher ever,well to them,Mrs.Clark.

"Good we are all here.Well this weeks newspaper is about mainly Love."

"Lame,What guy wants to talk about love,come on teens want to talk about drama." Collin said.

"Well,think about it most Drama starts out with love."
Mrs.Cark said.

"Well,my friend Alexes and a girl name Baylee got into caus of Rick seeman."Tracey said.

"Oh I heard about that,I heard Alexes kick baylee ass"Grace said.

"Yea she did,I was there when it happen"said Austin.

"Well there you this happen cause of love,right?" Mrs.Cark ask.

"Okay,I see your point Cark"Heather said "I think Tracey and Grace should write about the fight between Alexex and Baylee,We could call it HE'S MINE MAN."

"Good thinking Heather.Lets do that got it Tracey,Garce I want you to find behind the scoop of that."

"Sure thing" Both Tracey and Grace said together.

"Austin and Walter can talk about things to do and don't do to get a girl.DO's and DON't's is what it should be called Caltin said happily.

"Yes,thats good as well"Mrs.Cark nodded enagreement.

"Collin you find out the inside scoop of teacher's lov life sense your mom is the school nurse and every teacher loves you.Call it: Teacher love."Heather said writing everything down.

"Well I think I should write about how to get a boyfriend."said Catlin."Since I'm the ONLY one with a boyfriend."

"I'll do the Gay love"Amy shouted out happily."Since I have a lot of gay guy friends."

"Hey,I'm not Gay"Walter said turning in his seat to face Amy.

"Sure your not like Catlin's boyfriend isn't using her for a cover up."Heather rolled her eyes.

"HE'S NOT GAY,YOU NERD"Catlin hissed at Heather.

"Okay,Calm down catlin and I think Heather should do how to get a boyfriend since she doesn't have yet and it would be a real life experince." Mrs.Cark said.

Everyone agree except Heather and Catlin.

"Why should she get to do when it was my idea and plus its not like anyone would want the dork for a girlfriend."Catlin said getting up ou her seat and pionting her finger right in Heather's face.

"Get your finger out my face you trail trash bitch before I brake it"Heather said mad now.Everyone said OOOO even mrs.Cark.

"LOL,Damn Catlin you just got told by that dork."Austin chuckled.

Catlin open her mouth in resond to what Heather just said but Mrs.Cark said "Catlin you do gay love with Amy and if Heather can't find a guy yo like by oct 15 two weeks before the paper is due,you can trade places."

Both Catlin and Heather snored and said "FINE!"

"Good now lets get started"Mrs.Cark said.

Everyone got up and split in there groups to go scout the school for news.Since Heather didn't have anyone like at this school she went to Tracey and Grace.

Heather,Grace and Tracey are walking threw the halls trying to find Alexes who should be at cheerleading practice,which is at the gym.

"I really don't like anyone in this school,IDk,sheould I do the article?"Heather ask both Grace and Tracey.

"Yea,it be like a new advanture for you" said Grace

"Plus,you can't let fucking Bitch(Catlin) win against you your the greatest writer of the club."Tracey said.

"Thanks Trace,but still how do you know when you like someone?" Heather ask.

"Well,Wheyour near them you want to huge,and kiss them and never stop."Grace said.

"And when your far from them you miss them a lot" Tracey added.

"Yea,well I don't have that feeling for and one."Heather said.

"Oh,since you don't like anyone in the school you should come to Crazy Girl with me" said Grace."Maybe there someone for you there."

"OH you mean that new club!!I want to go there it said it was the hottest place to be in Kell city."
Tracey said happily.

"Crazy girl,doesn't that sound,Idk gay?" Heather ask.

"Well,it sounds gay but it's not,I went there last week with kelsey.It's when all the chicks get in for free and you know guys they'll follow where ever the chicks are."Grace said.

"I'll go too,just to check it out and maybe give you a few pionters to get guys"Said tracey."Hell I might sag up some boys of mine own."

THanks guys so when do we go"Heather ask.

"This Friday after school lets meet at your place tracey."Grace said."we'll go at 7 sharp.

"Sounds cool to me"said Tracey.

The rest of the why to the gym,they talk and laugh about the funny things in life.

When they got to the Gym they found Alexes doing some warm ups.They went over to her.Axles had black hair and brownish and green eyes.She's wearing her Thuderbird unionform with yellow and black on it.Its skirt came down to the kneeds and the skirt showed a little stomach.She had on white tennis sheos.

"Well,isn't the news girls,what can I help yall with."Alexes said in her very country vioce.

"Hey girl,its about what happen between you and baylee.Just a few qestions kay?"Tracey said.

"Sure,I'll be glad to."Alexes said "Coach Fox I'll be ready in 15mins"

Coach Fox made a okay sign with her hands.

"Okay first question how did it all stared?" Grace ask.
It turns out that it was Alexes who stole baylee's man but Andrew(the boy who gets Alexes to fight Baylee) belonged to Alexes in the first place cause he was only using Baylee to get Alexes jelly(Jelouse).
He told Bayllee they wanted to brake up but Baylee kept on bothering Andrew.So Alexes only did she had to do,which was beat up Baylee.-Alexes side of the storiie.

Tracey and Grace had to catch Andrew and Baylee later cause they didn't do after school clubs or sports.Newspaper club was over anyways so Tracey,Grace,and Heather said their good byes.

Tracey left in her sliver ford truck and Grace gave Heather the ride home.
"Thanks for the ride see you tomorrow girl."Heather said before getting out of Grace's blue Vovle.

Grace called from the window "Text me later bye!" and drove off.

Heather looked at her two storie home.It was a Tan looking house with a porch and a side walk connected to the drive way.It had bushes in the front.

Heather made her way across the grass and into the house where her two German sheapers Beast and Vell, Greeted her.Heather pated them both on the head.

Heather didn't hear her aunt coming to greet her so she guess she went out shopping for food when Bill got over for dinner and to pick Max up from school.Heather went the kichen and Bear and Vill close behind.

In the Kichen Heather got a soda out the refrigerator and took out two dog treats one each from the cabinet.Then when up the stairs to her room.

Heather took her glasses off and place it on her wooden desk,left of her bed room door.Her room was very big.It had a black couch on the back wall of her room and a queen size bed next to it.She had 2 small bookshelfs filled with notebooks,and books.Over her bed was some old famous newspapers.

Heather left her door open,since no ones here,she could change as she pleased.Heather unzip her pants and walk over to her desser to pull out a ex-large t-shirt.It wasn't because she was fat she just liked whereing big t-shirts when she went to sleep.

She then took off her orange shirt with a big yellow star on it and then her bra next.Then she took off her skin-jeans.Putting on the black t-shirt,she walked over ro her bed.

Heather crawled layed on the bed for a while before crawling under the covers and beast came in and jump on the couchand curled up and a ball.Heather giggled and said"Lets take a nap together then beast."

Now under the covers Heather when to sleep.
Heather was in the woods just walking around until she got to a clearing where there was a stream.

There was a boy,ten years,swatting down at the stream.Heather saw the boy was naked.Heather met to move closer with out the boy noticing but she stepped on a twig,and it made a snap sound when it broke.

The boy turn his head turn to see Heather,his eyes got wide and he got u and face her.Heather looked up and down his body to see he had scars on his chest.Heather then gasped and wonder what this things this young boy been through.

"Hey are you okay?"Heather ask breaking the distance between them.Heather huged the small boy and the boy push her away.Stepping back,in a blink of an eye the boy wasn't 10 but now look about 18.He had sliver hair and golden eyes,just like the boy did.

He turn back around and got on hands and kneeds and black smoke cover him and in a blink of the eye the 18 year old was gone but a wolf left in his place.

The wolf had sliver fur and golden eyes,like the 10 and 18 year olds.It took one last look at Heather and then turn to leave.

Heather watched how the wolf walked away and vanished into trees.Heather then ran in after the wolf.She didn't know why but she wanted to be with the wolf.

She ran and ran threw the woods but never found the wolf again.Heather slup against a tree and began to cry.Heather sobs being echo threw the woods.
Heather woke up to see Beast's face,the dog was wimpering.Heather patted the dog on the head and got up out of bed and went to her huge,full length
mirror on the outside of her closet door.

Heather was shhocked by what she saw,she was crying.She touched her cheek where a tear was falling.

"Okay this is weird"Heather said to herself.

"Whats weird"ask Max from the door way of Heather's room.Heather looked at Max ,he's 9 years old and turning ten this month.He had orange hair like Heather, and purplish,brow eyes like she did as well.Max is Heather's younger brother.

"Nothing"Heather wipe her tears awy with the back of her hand."When did you guys get her?"

"About 5,oh yea get ready cause Bill is coming over and 30mins."Max said making his away across the room to Heather.

"What time is it now."Heather said giving her brother a huge.

"About 6."Max hugged Heather back.

Heather broke the huge first and open her closet to get her towel hanging on the hook.Max was playing with Beast.And Heather left the room,to the bathroom.

Chapter 2


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 10.04.2011

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