
Chapter 1
Crap!Crap!!I'm late!Amber kept repeating to herself.Amber ran down the hall,lockers flashing by as she ran.up the stairs,took a right,took a left at the next corner and kept going staight, to another staircase.
Blast it!Why do my locker have to be all the way down to the first floor?Amber thought to herself as she ran.When Amber got to the top of the stairs she went straight,a left at the corner. Finally she was there on the hall her homeroom was at.Amber slowed her down,to jogging,and to speed walking. Her homeroom was the last door on the hall to the right.

Now standing in front of room #356's door,Amber bent over panting.All this running going to be the death of me one day,Amber thought to herself.Amber stood up straight,fixed her glasses,pulled down her skirt and went in room 356.

When Amber enter the room no one looked up,except her best friend Jenny,who waved.Amber waved back.
"Miss.Stone you are late again I see,what your excuse this time?"Mr.Cob said looking up from book.He was at his desk, his desk at the left corner.Amber went over to Mr.Cob and said "Well,I over selpt but for a good reason."
"Really now?What this so called good reason?"Mr.Cod putting the book down.
"Well,I was studying for the test we're having today."Amber answer truefully.
"Really now?"Mr.Cod ask.Amber Nodded quickly,and Mr.Cod said"Well,if you really were studying for a test,I guess your not in trouble?"
"Really"Amber asked hopfully.
"No,if you were studying for a test your why in head of the whole class because we don't have a test until next friday,Miss Stone."Mr.cod said getting out a pink slip of paper and writig something down.
Amber already knew what it was a detention slip.She got one almost everyday.Mr.Cod handed her slip and piont at her seat,for her to sit down.

Amber slowly turn around to face the class,kids in the way back were laughing,and then putting thier heads down when Amber looked at them.Well,only one girl kept her head when Amber looked over there,it was her devilish cousin Emily Sweetwater.

Emily put her hand on her head making the letter L with her fingers and mouthed the words "Loser".Amber turn way from her cousin and sat next to Jenny,which was in the front row,as far from her cousin as possible.Amber sat down and hit her head on the desk and groan.
When class was over Amber hurried to leave.She didn't fill like facing her evil cousin,plus she had to hurry to her next class,before the next bell rang.Amber started speed walking.Jenny was jogging next to her.
"Hey,Cherry slowed down would you?"Jenny ask.Ugh,Cherry,Amber thought to herself.She hated when people call her that,she also hated the names Red,Apple,and flames.The only reason ever on saids that is because she had bright red hair and eyes.I didn't really bother her when her friend called her that,just other people she not close to.
"Sorry"Amber said slowing down a bit."You know my next class is all the way back down stairs."
"yea, anyways are you going to the dnace tonight,I heard there going to be a after party at Daniel Weatherspoon's place"Jenny said and added "We shpuld go together,You'll have a blast!"
"No,my the she-devil will be there for sure if its Daneil Weatherspoon's party and I don't feel like going anywhere tonight."Amber said.
"Oh come on Cherry,you can't let Emily ruin your party life"Jenny said.
"No and thats the end of it"Amber said and took off full speed down the hall.Amber knew if she talked to her friend Jenny about the party,she would end up going,lets just say Jenny knows how to get Amber to do things she wants her to.
At class room #123,Math class, was Amber next class.The door was wide open when she got there.Good at least I'm not late for this class,Amber thought to herself.She went in,and heard a laugh.

Amber looked at the back of the class room and there was Daneil Weatherspoon.He was surrounded by a group of people,the cool kids.Daneil most had said domething funny cause the whole group laughed at whatever he said.
Amber stared at Daneil,Daneil Weatherspoon is the hottest,smarttest,coolest,fuuniest,nicest and athiltic guy in school.Daniel had pale blond hair and nice soft blue eyes to go with it.Today he was wearing a tight jocker t-shirt and blue jeans,on his right and left risk was one wooden bracelt.There was some kind of designed on it but Amber never got close enough to see the design.
Daneil sense someone staring at him he looked at the front of class to see a little red head staring at him.He met her eye for a second he felt a spark until she turn her head away and went to seat down in the front row of class.
"Hey who the red head?"Daneil ask his best friend,Kendy Helmen.
"oh you mean Cherry,Emily's cousin"Kendy answer.
"Cherry,weird name."Daineil said.
"Well,its not her real name its Amber but everyone calls her Cherry or red.Or flames when she really pissed off"Said Cory Hartel.
Daneil nodded in understandment of Amber's nicknames.Daniel looked again at the red head.
Amber,Daneil said to himself and as if he called her name out loud,she turn around and her seat an looked at him.
Amber looked Daneil in the eye for 10 seconds and then blushed, realizing how long been staring in his eyes.She turn back around and put her head down to hide her red face.Just then Mrs.Corn walked in.
After two classes more classes it was finally lunch time.Amber wasn't really hungry so she just went to the libary to enjoy some books.

At the libary her friend Jenny was waiting for her at the table far back of the libary.

"Hey Cherry."Jenny then took a bag of chips out her book bag and began muching on it.

"I hope you know that there expose to be no food at the libary." Amber took her seat in front Jenny.

"Yea i know but I don't care."Jenny put the bag of infront of Amber."You want some."

"No thanks,anyways you know Daneil Weatherspoon right?"Amber lower her vioce.

"Yea,who doesnt know the hottest guy in school"

"Well,You now I have math,History,and P.E. classes right."

Jenny nodded here head.

"Well the whole three classes he was staring right at me.Even when I looked at him he stared."

"Well,come on Cherry,you have so bright hair on you.Its easy to spot you."Jenny took a hand full of chips and crush it into her mouth.

"Yea but I been in his classes for about a year now and finally see that I have red hair.I think he would have notice it a long time ago."

"True maybe he just likes you"

"Ha-ha very funny Jenny."

"No really,Do you want me to ask him why he wa staring at you in class?"

"NO!"Amber shouted.The libaran came from the back room.

"Now who was yelling out here"Mrs.Tass said looking between Jenny and Amber."I hope you know miss,but no food in the libary."Mrs.Tass narrowed her eyes at Jenny.

Jenny then smiled and put the chips back into her bag."Sorry,wont happen again."

Mrs.Tass then when back it the back room.And Jenny took back out her chips and began munching again.

"Anyways,If you don't want me to ask then lets go to the Party tonight and you ask."

"No" Amber said getting out her seat and went to the bookshelfs.

"Why not,you dont even have to go to the dance."

"cause I wasn't invited."

"Well,I heard Daneil said-yelled that everyones invited,well everyone in the 10th grade."

"I don't have a good outfit."

"You can borrow one of mines,you know we're the same size."

"I don't think my aunt would let me go"

"If she letting Emily go,she'll let you go"

Amber was quiet,she was trying to think of a good excuse.

"Just go,come on we'll only be there for aout 30mins.Don't you want to ask Daneil why he was staring?"

"Fine"Amber threw her hands up in defeat.Grabbing a book of tthe shelf and went back to her seat.

"Yay,come over after A.S.D." Jenny said eating the last chip and then got up to throw it away.

The Bell ranged.

"Come on lets go to science class"Jenny said picking up her book bag an walking to the front.

Amber pick up her bag too and followed Jenny and they both went out the door together.
Science class was really boring to Amber,but Jenny it was great because she kept blabbing about the party and outfits to wear.

After science was Art class for Amber,she couldn't wait.Art class was her favorite class ever.Maybe cause she wanted to be a arist when she grew up.

In Art class her techer Ms.Jew told them to draw a picture of someone they loved.For some reason Abmer drew Daneil.She was quict to throw that drawing away before anyone saw it.

At the trash can Amber couldnt throw the Daneil drawing away so she took and fold it up and put it in her pocket.She began drawing her die Mother.

Yes,saddly Amber mother was die.She die when Amber was 4 years old.Her mother was a waiter and was about to go home when someone dragged her into alley way and killed her.The police nerver found out who did but the only clue they had were two little bite marks.

When Amber found out she was die,she cried for weeks and months.She went to live with her aunt and her two cousins Emily and Jason.
Chapter 2
After Art school was finally over.Amber went to the snack machine and then went to detention.The detention room was room #345.

Amber walked in and saw a kinds good friend Sam.They met in the begining of the 10th Detention room.

"Hey Red,What are you in for this time?" Sam ask looking up at Amber.

"I was late for class yet again."Amber took a seat next to sam."What about you"

"Talking back to the stupid teacher"

Just then Jack came and sat next to Amber.

"Sup ladies,Where the rest of the detention group?"

Just then Finn came in.And sat next to Sam on the on the left side.

"Yo,I got in trouble cause I threw paper at the teacher.I mean I met to throw it Kalo but the freakin teacher got in the way."Finn said.

Amber,Sam,Jack,and Finn were always detention students.They got detention monday-friday.They all chit chat with an other.Finn was mostly teasing Amber about her pale skin and Red hair.

Just then Mr.Block came in and told to huss up.Thats when they all hold out thier snacks to him and he said they could keep talking.

Thats how detention worked,give the teacher a snack and you can talk all you want to.Don't bring one don't talk at all.Sam was talking about what happe in math class,when Daneil walked in.

All the kids in the class stop talking and looked at Daneil with confused faces.Even the teacher made a face.Daneil Wheatherspoon NEVER got detention.Thats was when Daneil took out a sheet of paper and gave it to Mr.Block.

Mr.Block face relaxed when he saw Daneil just came to give the note.Amber face turn red when she saw him.

Finn then yelled out "Look at Apple aint she cute when she all red.

Thats when Daneil looked right at Amber and Amber stared back.

For 16secs Amber stared into Daneil eyes,it was almost like she saw something safe but dangerous inside those eyes.Amber then put her head down,it took all her strength to pull away from daneil's glaze.

Daneil then walked out the door.

"OMG,Daneil is even hotter closer up,did you see the way he looked at me.I think he likes me" Sam said with joy.

Out of no where Amber said "He doesn't like you!" Eveyone in the room looked at Amber and then Amber lower her vioce "I mean he likes my cousin Emily,well thats at least what she said."Everyone went back to what they where doing before.

"Yea right,who would like a slut like Emily?"Sam said taking out chap stick.

"We'll I like her she so H-O-T"Jack said

"Idk,man I like queit,calm,cute and sweet girls"Finn then looked at Amber.

"Like queit,calm,cute,queit and sweet" Said Jack and sam.

Finn blushed and said"Nah,Amber more like a cute pet dog"

"I'm glad you think I'm a dog"Amber rolled her eyes and glared at Finn.

"Wow,nice going man thats the worst thing you can call a girl you like so much.You'll never have a real chance now" Jack said and grin.

Finn shrug and slump down in his chair.

"Anyways I can't wait till Daneil's party! Sam said."Who going?"

"I am."Jack said proudly.
"Me too."Amber said.

Thats when jack,sam,and Finn liked at Amber shocked.They never heard of Amber going to a party before.

"What?"Amber scratch her head.
"OMG,Red!I never thought I see the day your going to a pary~!"Sam said getting up to hug Amber.

"I'm going too"Finn said sheepish.

"Since when do you want to go Daneil Wheatherspoon party?You said you hated him."Jack ask Finn.

Finn just shrugged.

"I know why your going,cause of Red."Sam said looking at Finn

"No,because I heard his parties were pretty awsome."Finn said.

"Why do you hate Daneil?"Amber ask Finn.

Amber never heard of anyone hating Daneil Wheatherspoon.So his answer had to be good.

Finn just shrugged.

"Come on-"RANG!!!!!!!! The bell rang which meant detention was over.Finn was the first to leave the room and Amber chase after him.No way in hell he getting away from her question.

Amber chased Finn into the halls,when she was outside the school building and saw his red truck pull out of the parking lot.Geez,he really most not wanted to answer that question,Amber thought to herself.The more she wonder why Finn hated Daneil the more she wanted to find out.

A blue ladybug car came and stop to at Amber,it was jenny coming to pick her up.Amber walked to the car and got in.

"Hey girl"Jenny said greeting Amber as she got in the car.

"Hi,what time are we leaving for the party and what time are we coming back"Amber ask pulling her cell phone out her bag.Amber was going to text her Aunt what she was doing.

"Just spend the night at my place and we'll drop by your house so you can get your contacts."Jenny said pulling away from the school building.

"Okay,why would I need my contacts?"Amber ask

"Cause you look a lot pettier with out your glasses"

"Okay,I guess.Hey You know Finn Almoe"

"Yea,you mean the Really hot dude.He almost like Daneil but not quit that hot"

"Yea him,um did you know why he hates Daneil"

Jenny gasped "HE HATES DANEIL?"



"yea,anyways why would you think he hates daneil"

"I dont maybe he jealous of him,i mean finn would be the hottest guy if Daneil wasnt there to steal his thunder."

"Yea I guess your right.So we're not going to the school dance before the party right?"

"No,we are cause the dance is just the warm up"

"But I dont have a date"

"I dont Either,so lets be eachother dates."Jenny smiled "Maybe we can pull some tricks on Emily.I heard she was going to the dance."

Amber really like that idea,matter of fact it was her favorite thing besides drawing.Amber smiled a wicked smile and so did Jenny.

"Wicked"They both said in the same dark tone and then busted out laughing.

Chapter 3

Daneil found it shocking to see Amber in dentention she seem like the goody-goody two shoes type.Daneil now seem more interested in her then before.Daneil walked up the stairs of his home and then something came flying at him,before it could hit him in the face daniel dodge out the way.

"FINN!WHAT THE HELL?!?"Daneil hissed.
Finn then came out of the next room with full speed and tackle daneil to the ground.Soon both of them were rolling on the floor.

Daniel really had enough of this childern act and in one switf movement had Finn on the floor under his foot.

"What are you doing"Daneil ask Finn now really mad,his soft blue eyes turn a dark blue.Finn was gasping for air and Daneil took his foot off him and picked him up slamming him to the wall.

"What the HELL are you doing?"Daneil said.

"STAY THE HELL AWAY FROM AMBER"Finn light hazel eyes became a dark grey.

Daneil blinked,Amber,all this had to do with Amber?"What about the girl"Daneil soft blue eyes returned.

"I saw the way looked at her in detention,you want her i saw it in your eyes,she your next prey isnt she?Well dont you dare go near her or I'll kill you"

Daneil laughed at Finn threat,Finn killing him.What a laugh,daneil thought.

"I'm serious,I know I'm not stronger than you but I we do everything I can to kill you.Daniel eyes turned blackish grey.Then Finn dispear from Daneil's clunches.

Daneil blinked,what just happen,Did he really mean that?Daneil knew what Finn was sersous very mad,this was the maddest Daneil ever seen him.

Daniel laughed and said "Let the games begin,I'll make you mine,Amber Stone.

Chapter 4

Amber sneezed,why did she feel like something bad was going to happen to her?Everytime she at least one time she knew something bad was going to happen,Her cousin Emily was going to do something to her.No,thats not it.

"Hello,Cherry?We're at your place you getting out the car or what?Jenny waved her hand in front of Amber face.Amber blinked.

"Oh sorry Jen,I just was in deep thought."

"Yea I bet you were,everytime your not blinking and just freeze up,your like that.I hope your not like that at the party cause your never going to get a guy acting like that."Jenny got out of the car.Amber did the same.

"Who said I wanted to meet a guy?"Amber said coming to the side jenny was standing on.

"Well,you are going to talk to Daneil about the staring problem right?"

"Yea,just asking a question,not asking him out."Amber began to walk to the her house,well her aunt's house.It was yellow and hade dark green windows.It had a flower bed next to the door.It was three storie house.

They walked to the door and before Amber could get her keys out her bag,the door open and guess who it was,her devilish cousin,Emily.

"Move out the way Loser"Emily said pushing Amber out the way.Jenny then put her feet out as Emily was passing by.Emily stumble a little and turn and glared at Jenny.

"What expecting apoloize?Well good luck with that"Jenny said taking Amber by the elbow and walked into the house.Emily was about to follow them in when Jenny kicked the door shut in her face.

Amber had the biggest smirk she ever had.The one thang Amber loved best about Jenny was she really hated Emily cause she stole her first boyfriend.

"I love you so much Jen"Amber said with a smile."No homo"

"Back at you girl."Jenny said with a grin.

They both elbow to elbow skipped over to the stairs.Thats when Amber'aunt came down the stairs.

"Hey girls whats happening today"Amber's aunt said.Amber aunt name is Elithabeth Stone,she had blond hair and brown eyes just like Emily.

"Oh,nothing lizy I just got Amber to come to a party and dance with me.She also sending the night."Jenny said cherrfully.

Lizy gasped."OMG,Little red is going to a dance and a party?Thats so amazing.I never thought you could get her to go to one"

"Yea but I did,Lets just say I have my ways with words."

"So who party is it"

"Oh just Daneil Wheatherspoon's partie,you know the same one the she de-I mean Emily is going to."

"Oh well have fun,Im just going to get Jason from school,see you guys later."Lizy said grabbing her car eyes off the hook near the stairs.

Jenny and Amber walked up the stairs and closed the door behind them.Amber grab her contacts off her desser and then they both walked back down the stairs and went out the door.

Chapter 5

At Jenny's place,Amber felt sick because Jenny was doing her hair and make up and wont let Amber see how she looked like until she was finished.

Amber closed her eyes trying to think about what to say to daneil at the party,how to get him alone with her without anyone hassling her about.She knew she had to talk to daneil when Emily wasnt there,which be hard sine Emily in love,well puppy love,with Daneil.She'll probly hang around the whole time.

"Okay,you are going to love me after you see yourself"Jenny said cheerful,she went over to her dresser and picked her sliver mirror and bought it over to Amber.

"I already love you Jen."Amber said.
"Well you'll love more than you already do"Jenny put the mirror behind her back."Close your eyes and slowly open them when i say so"

Amber did as told.
"open slowly now"Jenny said.

Amber her eyes slowly to see a hot red head with black eye shade and pink rosey cheeks staring at her.her hair was in pulled up into a neat bun with her red curls faming her face.

Amber couldnt believe it was her,she thought it was someone else for a second.

Amber got up and bear huged Jenny.

"OMG,Jen your the best!"
"I know,come on lets get your outfit on"Jenny went over to the closet and brought out a short black dress with a fake crystal on it forming a skull.

Amber loved it,she began strping her clothes off and put on the dress.Jenny did the same except she but on a dark Green skinnies and a light yellow tank top with yeellow sandles and she let her black hair hang down.

Amber put on some black high tops because she wouldnt wear high heels.Amber and Jenny looked in the mirror at the same time and they both said
"Dang,I look good."
They looked at each other and started giggling and out the door they went.

At the school the parking lot was pack so Jenny had to park 1 block away.When Amber and Jenny got th=o the school gym,it had Orange,black and yellow ballons up on th cieling and orange strimers on it.

Amber was a little embrass,okay she was 100 percent embrass,never before has she been to the school dance.Well once in the 8th,that was only to sell tickets.

Amber thought about running but before she could Jenny grabbed her arm and drag her in.There were a lot of people at the dance.Jenny and Amber made thier way to the punch table where some cute guys were hanging.

AS they got closer the one of the guy face light up with shock.It was Jack,Amber could tell by the goofy grin.

"Well it isnt miss Sexy Cherry."Jack said with a flirty vioce."Who the friend?"

"He Jack,this is Jenny.Jenny Jack."

Jenny began to check jack out.Jack had light brown hair with hazel eyes and was wearing a white shirt with blue jeans with holes in them.

"Hello"Jenny purred,Amber then knewed that Jenny wanted Jack.

"Would you like to dance Jenny?"Jack ask.
"Sure"Jenny took Jack by the hand and drag him to the dance floor.Amber was now alone with a bunch of guys she didnt know,it was werid because they were all checking her out.

Emily then came over.Saving Amber from the hungry looking beast,for the first time in her life she was glad to see Emily.All the Hungry Beast were looking at Emily.Emily was wearing a boot shorts with a purple tue top,something Amber's aunt would agree with.

"Hey red geek,I see you came to the dance."Emily said pushing her hair out her face.

"Yea,and Im going to the Party to."Amber took a sip of her drink.

"Well you are,not trying to get my daneil are you?"

"No,Jenny is dragging there."Amber lied.She thought to herself damn Emily not as dum as she looks.

"Whatever,just stay out my way and dont talk t me unless spoken to"Emily fill her blonde hair and walked away.

"Bitch."Amber said hoping Emily would hear her.

"Emily Stone is your Sister?"Ask one of the boys.

"No,my freakin cousin."Amber said turning around to see a tall,tan skinned guy with black spiky hair and dark brown eyes.

"Oh,um Im Shag by the way."Shag said holding out his hand.

"Amber Stone"Amber shook his hand.
"So you want to dance?"Shag ask Amber.
"O-okay"Amber said with a blush,Shag was a really cute and was the first boy to ask her to dance.

They walked to the dance floor and began dancing.Amber wasnt a good dancer but wasnt bad neither,she just watch some girls around dancing and decide to copy some.

After dancing with shag,Jenny came to find Amber with Jack behind her.
"Hey Cherry its time to mess with E-M-I-L-Y,and Jacky knows a trick or two."
Shag looked confused and the got the idea that Amber and Jenny didnt like Emily.
"Want my help?"Shag ask.
"Yea,since Emily doesnt know you"Jenny said Cheerfully.

They all huddle together,like some football group,and whisper about thier little trick.

Chapter 6

Shag went go find Emily,he spotted her on the bleachers with a Jock called Beef.Shag gulped,he really was nerves,he wonder why he went along with this.

Emily narrow her eyes ar Shag.Ugh,great an other loser Emily thought to herself.

"Hi,Emily"Shag put out his hand "Im Shag."

Emily looked at his hand then looked at him and rolled her eyes.Beef glared at Shag which meant what the fuck do you want with her?

"Anyways let me get to the piont"Shag lower his hand "Daniel Wheatherspoon wants to talk to you."

That got Emily attention,Emily took out her mini-mirror out her purse and checked her teeth and put on a fresh shade of lip gloss.

"Where and when"Emily said with a smugged smile.

"In the hallway outside of the gym."Shag said."In about 5mins."

Emily jumped off the bleachers and ran to the gym door ways.Shag pulled out his cell phon and dail Amber's number.Beef looked at Shag.

The phone answer on its first time.

"Hi honey"Amber said in a cheery vioce.
"hi mom can you pick me up from school now?"
"Sure honey."Amber hanged up the phone.

Beef looked at Shag,Shag knew what the Jock was thinking 'loser,mom has to drive him everywhere'.

Shag shrugged and went to meet Amber and Jenny.
"okay,Shag did the job"Amber said turning to Jenny.
"Okay"Jenny grabbed Amber wrist and they both ran to the hallway where Emily waited for 'Daniel.'.



Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.04.2011

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