

Texte: once apun a time lived a girl named sarah she loved sundays . It was the day she got to go to church. The day the birds would sing the most.A day when the sun shined the mosst.But one day...........she got some news that made Sundays horrible in someways.Her family told her that they were moving .She couldnt stand to hear .the words so she pretended she never heard them. Thats when she relizied that just becouse they move Sundays wont be any difrent so when she left she lleft proud knowing eavrything was going to be aright.And to her suprise when they got to the new house the sun shined brighter, the church was closer so she wouldnt have to drive far,and her house was sarrounded by the worlds most happiest and merriest birds.She now new that she should never judje something befor she tries it ...........................YOU SHOULD DO THE SAME. And she also found out that there new house was very close to a beach.She made many new friends even dough she still liked her old ones.She was thrilled.She started to love her new house on the beach better than her old house.She found out the only reason they moved in the first place was becouse her father got transferd she was kinda happy but she still missed her old life even though she liked her new life better.But she grew to love it more than any other place in the world. THE END. Hungry for more go to the end of the book and see a picture of Sarah.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.03.2010

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