
"For the sake of peace one may lie, but peace itself should never be a lie." Chapter 1

I was just finishing the last touches to my clothes when my bedroom door swung open. "Girl come on. You're slower than a dead sea snail on the bottom of the ocean." Said my best friend Amy.
"I was about to be done when you came barging in. But now that I think about it, I don't really like this shirt."
She just rolled her eyes and dragged me out of my room. "I want to get to school early so we can torment the freshmen."
I just smiled and followed her out the door. "You've been doing that since you were a sophomore. Don't you think it's time grow up, and act like a senior?"
She busted out laughing. "Don't start acting like you're miss perfect. You love doing this as much as I do." She opened her door and climbed in. "Now get your ass in the car or we we're going to miss the freshmen."
I did as she said and climbed in. "I hope we have some good classes together this year. I hate being stuck with all the freshmen. They think they can do anything."
"You're right. I was thinking of trying out for the soccer team next week, you want to try out to?"
"Sure. I don't see why not. Maybe we'll even be on Varsity again this year."
She just laughed. We both knew we were going to make it. The coach had already promised us a spot on the team, we just had to go through the tryouts. Since we were knee high, we've been playing soccer. And together we've won ever award out there that child could get. Now we have one more year of school left until we get our scholar ships and go to college.
When we got to school we found a nice spot that wasn't to far from the entrance. Everywhere the freshmen were standing around in groups, talking and looking around fearfully. I just laughed at them and walked into the building. "I'm going to go to the auditorium so I can give that speech. See you later." I hugged Amy and left.
When I got to the auditorium it was packed to the roof. I had to push my way to the stage, more then once a freshman bumped into me. I gave them a growl and they backed off.
I tapped on the microphone to get everyone's attention. "Eyes to me please." I said calmly. Only the people in the front row seemed to hear me. I smiled at them and waited a few more seconds. "FRESHMEN. EYES AND EARS ON ME." I yelled in to the microphone. That seemed to get their attention. "Thank you for your attention. I am Meghan Younge. Captain of the girls varsity soccer team, and Hotel Flight commander. Traditionally this is we're I'm supposed to tell you about the up and downs of high school. But that's not how I'm going to do it." So I went off into my speech. Telling them about all of the bad things, nothing good. By the end of my speech I was sure that I had a few of them in tears. Then I turned my voice bright and cheery. "Now, if any of y'all have a problem, you can come to me and I will take care of it. Now you all are dismissed."
I watched as they slowly got up and left. From we're I was standing I heard a small groups of boys talking. "That girl is crazy. I don't know why they put her in charge of anything."
I jumped off the stage and walked over to them. "You're right. I am crazy. But I have good reasons for it. Especially when fresh meat like you come into my school. Now let me see your schedules."
The little leader of the groups spoke up first. "Why should we? We can just go tell the principal that we're being bullied. That should take care of you."
"Your right. You can do that. But that wouldn't work anyway. My dad is the principal of the school. He's not going to do anything to me. Now let me see your schedules or you all will get a month's detention." He cursed something under his breath. "I heard that. You care to say it were your friends can hear it?"
"No." Then they all handed me their schedules.
I looked them over. "Well Mr. Stone. It seems like you're going to be in ROTC with me. Pray that you won't be in my flight." I dismissed them.
I walked to my first class feeling like a powerful person. "Miss Younge. Nice to see you again this year, but please try to be to class on time."
"I can try. But there will be no promises."
"At least don't scare the freshmen to much. You know I don't like criers in my class." She said laughing.

"There are two most abundant things in the universe hydrogen stupidity" Chapter 2

The rest of my classes went by smoothly. It wasn't until sixth period that I got to see Amy. She sat next to me on the bench."I heard about what happened in the auditorium. I hope you put some fear into them."
"I sure did. And one of them has class with us." I pointed to the boy standing off by himself. "Can you believe he called me crazy?"
"With your wonderful personality, I can. Let's get class started so we can get to athletics."
"Right. I'm aching for a good work out."
I stood in the center of the room. "Hotel flight, Fall in." The returning cadets went to their spots. The One's tried to mimic them. Mr. Stone looked totally confused. I smiled. "Mr. Stone. Would you please come to the front so we can demonstrate the proper way to stand at Attention." He gave me a nasty look but came forward. "I want you to put your feet at a forty-five degree angle. Then face your arms and hands like mine." I demonstrated everything to him. "Now stand there like that until I tell you to stop."
I went on for the rest of class instructing my new flight. The whole time I kept glancing at Stone. Just to make sure he was doing what he was told.
Ten minutes before class ended, I called my flight to fall in. "You to Stone." He stood I front of me shaking. "Do you think I'm crazy now?"
"No ma'am."
"Good. Now go take a rest."
I stood there watching my flight mingle together. "I think we're going to have a good Flight this year." Said Amy.
"I do to. Let's see how long the newbies can last though." She laughed my response.
For the rest of class me and Amy stood there talking with the other Flight Commander and Flight Sergeant. When the bell rang everybody took off.
"Stone will you please come back here for a minute so I can talk to you?"
He looked at me kind of scared. But he came over. "Yes Miss. Younge?" By his tone it was obvious that he thought he did something wrong.
"Do you still wish to be in ROTC after today?"
He looked like he was debating. "I want to, but I don't know."
I nodded. "Alright then. I will not go any easier on you. In fact I will only go harder on you. But by the time I'm done with you, people here will recognized you for being a great leader. And you will thank me for it in the end."
He seemed to think things over. "Will you be teaching me one on one?"
"In order for you to know what I want you to know, yes we will be."
"Alright then. I accept."
"Good. Let me walk you to class then."
For the rest of the walk we were quiet. I dropped him off at class and told his teacher that I was talking to him about something important.
When I got to athletics, they were outside on the field stretching. "I'll be right out coach." I changed quickly into my clothes. "What are we working on today coach?"
"Good to see you Younge. We're running laps."
"Great. I'll see you once I'm done. Oh, by the way. Is there going to be soccer practice today?"
"Yes Younge. Are you and Miss. Right going to be there?"
"We wouldn't miss it for the world."
As Amy and I ran, we tested each other. She would run a mile nonstop, then I would run two miles non stop. We did that until we could barely stand a moment longer. "I think we should start running again." Amy said to me.
"You're right. We should make a running team again. That was fun." I looked towards her jeep and saw a guy standing against the side watching us. "Who's that guy watching us?"
She looked up and looked at the guy. "That would be my cousin Kierran. He's going to be staying with us for a while."
I looked at him again and smiled. "Does he know how to cook at least?"
"He does. And he's pretty good if I do say so myself."
We grabbed our bags and headed to the jeep. "Kierran, this is my best friend Meghan Younge. The one I'm always telling you about."
He nodded his head but did not speak. "Let's get to the house so we can take our showers. Afterward we can have a good dinner and talk."
I nodded in agreement. I didn't bother to get into the front, I just climbed into the back. "So what are we going to have for dinner?" I asked Amy.
"I honestly have no clue. I was thinking whatever we can find. Them tomorrow we can have a real dinner.
"Sounds good to me."
When we got to the house, I raced to my room. I grabbed my clothes and hopped into the shower. Good thing each bathroom had its own water heater, because I didn't get out until the water ran cold.
When I walked down stairs, nobody was to be found.
Just as I was about to walk into the kitchen, I heard hushed voices. "Are you sure this is her this time?" Said a voice I didn't recognize.
"I'm sure. She has the mark of the Rider." I recognized the other voice as Amy's.
"We can not afford to fail again. I will be here long enough to judge if it is really her. If it is, then we will train her." I put a couple things together and realized the other voice belonged to Kierran.
"Alright then. Let's not talk about it anymore for now. She should be down any moment."
I waited a few moments before walking into the kitchen. When I did, I had a smile on my face. "I've decided who I want to be my successor."
The question caught Amy off guard because she dropped the knife. "That's good. But are you sure you want to decide this early. I mean it's only the first day of school."
"I'm sure. I see this kid doing great things. He just needs somebody to push him along."

"Courage is the art of being the only one who knows you're scared to death." Chapter 3

We all sat in the living room doing our own things. Amy was watching T.V. Kierran was reading a book. And I was drawing a picture.
"That is an amazing picture."
I looked up and smiled. "Thanks. I have a thing for dragons."
"Really? You don't seem like the type." I couldn't tell if his tone was mocking or sarcastic.
"Yep. I've loved them for as long as I can remember."
"Would you care to explain?"
I looked at him suspiciously. "It has something to do with this weird birth mark on my leg." I stretched out my leg to show him. "I've always thought that it looked like a dragon. And I've had these wired dreams all my life about me and a dragon. They felt so right somehow, so they've always been my symbol."
"That's pretty amazing. I have always been fascinated with dragon to." He took his shirt off, showing his nicely toned chest. He pointed to a tattoo that ran the length of his torso. "I got that when I was fifteen. It is a tattoo that all of the young Dragon Warriors get when they come of age." Then he put his shirt back on.
"That's nice. What are Dragon Warriors? I've never heard of them before."
Kierran sighed. "Of course you have not. It is a story log forgotten by man. All that remains are pieces and broken stories. It is to long of a story to be told in one night, but I have a book on the people of you wish to read it."
"Sure. Anything that has Dragons in it is bound to be interesting."
He nodded his head. "My only request when you read this book, don't let it leave the walls of this house. There are a few people out there that would kill to get their hands on it.".
"Alright." I said a little confused.
Then I got on with the picture I was drawling. When I was done, I was looking at a beautiful picture of Kierran and I. We were both riding our own dragons. It looked so life like that I almost wanted to believe it was true. "We'll guys, I'm going off to bed see you in the morning."
Once in my room protected by my walls, and all of my dragon things. Is when I felt truly safe. I wondered what they were talking about when I heard them in the kitchen, but I knew they had been talking about me. That I was sure of. Then Kierran. He shows up out of know where, and now lives with us? That was kind of weird. I got this odd feeling from him that I knew him from somewhere, but I couldn't exactly place where.
I laid down on my bed and fell asleep.
I had that dream again. The one where I was a riding a dragon into battle.
Usually I never saw the faces of anyone around me, but one face was clear. Kierran. He was also riding a great dragon into battle. He looked extremely fierce in his battle armor. We rode side to side in the battle. He never let anything to near me, and I did the same for him.
We twisted and slashed, defying gravity in the most wondrous of ways.
At some point we had managed to get separated. And it always ended disastrously.
It was like a scene in a movie. A great giant being stepped up from the shadows. All fierce and demonic looking. It bellowed in laughter at our attempts to stop it. Nothing was slowing down its progress.
Kierran had his back turned to the beast for one moment. And that one moment was all the beast needed.
The creature picked up a fallen spear and threw it. Before my mind could process what it was doing, I was leading my dragon to the spear.
It went right through my chest and out the other side. I fell from the sky in a flurry of wings. I landed on the ground with a bone shattering thud. If I hadn't been in shock, I knew the pain would be unbearable.
Kierran kneeled above me with tears in his eyes. "Dragon Gods, I am so sorry." He held me to his chest crying. "We'll get you to a healer, and you'll be alright."
I was breathing hard and shallow. Panting I said. "I'm not going to make it, and I know you know that."
"You don't know that." A tear slid down his face, and landed on mine. "You're going to be alright."
I smiled sadly at him. "You can think that. But I love you."
"Don't act like you're going to die. I won't let you."
I closed my eyes. Breathing slowly. "I will see you later. Keep Kassie safe for me." Then my body went slack in his arms.

Chapter4 The way I see it, if you want the rainbow you gotta put up with the rain

I woke up with tears in my eyes. I always woke feeling broken hearted.
I went outside to sit on the veranda. I wept quietly. "Why are you crying?" I looked up and saw Kierran standing next to me.
"I had a bad dream."
"Would you care to tell me? It might make things easier on you."
"You would really sit here and listen to me talk about my problems?"
"You could say that is one reason why I am here. Among other things."
"If things go right in the future, you will find out. Till then tell me about bad dream."
So I got on with my story. I told every detail that I could remember. I told him how the story made me feel, and what it thought of it.
When I was done, Kierran was nodding with tears in his eyes. "It seems like the dream made you as upset as me."
"Just a little. I have not heard that story in a very long time. It shocked me to hear you account things so well."
"I have the dream every once in a while. But this is the first time that I have see your face clearly."
"I hope everything is alright now. But I must go inside and prepare for school. I will see you in less than an hour." He got up and went into the sliding doors next to mine.
I went to my shower and took the longest one I remember taking. Surprisingly the way had stayed hot the entire time.
I walked into my closet, not sure what to pick.
Finally I decided on a black sleeveless shirt, a black and yellow mini skirt, fishnet leggings, and converse that had straps on them.
When I was done I headed down into the kitchen. Kierran was there in a nicely fitted black Day-Suit. "Are you sure you want to wear that to school? The kids might make fun of you."
"I would like to see them try. Plus, there is nothing wrong with dressing nicely. Better to dress professionally, and be thought of as a goody goody. Then dress as trash, and be trash."
"I think we're going to get along just fine." I laughed.
He smiled at me. "Would you like some coffee?"
"Sure. Black, one sugar." A moment later he handed me a mug. I took a sip. "Wow. This taste amazing. What is it?"
"It is a special coffee that I have brought back from my homeland."
"It taste amazing. Almost like power in a cup."
"You can say that is exactly what it is."
Before I could get another word in, Amy came barging into the kitchen. "I just got off the phone with Coach Higgins, he wants us to stay after school to help coach soccer practice."
"Did you tell him I'm training somebody?"
"I did. But he begged me to ask. He said this would be a special favor to him."
I sighed. "Fine. We'll go. Just let me grab my work out clothes." I turned to Kierran. "Would you like to come to practice with us?"
"Sure. I haven't played soccer in many years."
"Great. Just make sure to bring another change of clothes." I ran up to my room and grabbed my clothes. When I got back down stairs, Kierran was there with his clothes. "No way could you have gotten your clothes that fast."
"You never know. Maybe you're just getting slow." I looked at him completely shocked.
"Cousin, I would not have said that to her. You have just earned yourself a challenge."
"I highly doubt she could beat me. She looks like a weakling to me." He said with a teasing smile on his face.
"I have nothing to say to that. Let's just get to school so we can get practice over with."


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Tag der Veröffentlichung: 31.12.2012

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To that special person out there who told me that love can be a war, but as long as you have somebody at your side, you're good to go.

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