
chapter 1

All my life I had done what I was told. I worked from dawn till dusk. Hardly ever having a moment to myself. My parents treated me like I was a slave, and I had come to believe that I was one. No matter what I did to make them happy, it never worked. Then one day they sold me to a rich stranger. I thought my life was going to be better with him. But I was totally wrong. It was even worse than before.

  “I thought I told you to get your lazy ass up!” The switch sounded with a crack against my back. I knew better than to cry out. If did that would mean an even harder hit. “Now get up and start your chores.”

  “Yes master.” I quickly got up. “What shall I start with?”

  “Scrub the floors in the ball room. Then go outside and clean up the grounds. After that do your regular chores.” With that Master left the room.

  I quickly changed into my cleaning clothes. Then got to work.

  First I went to the laundry room and got the cleaning supplies. Then I made my way to the ballroom.

  I had no idea why master wanted me to clean this room. He hardly ever used it. Only when something important was going on. So something was going to happen.

  I got down on my hands and knees and began to scrub the floor. Several hours later I was finally done. I stretched out my back, careful not to pull any muscles. I quickly put the things away and headed out to the shed.

  Today was pretty hot so I put on a hat and a little bit of sunscreen. Then I got the wheel barrel and put the gardening supplies in it.

  The first thing I decided to do was fix up the bushes around the house. Master always liked to have those the most presentable. Then I slowly started to pull the weeds, careful not to leave holes in the ground. Then I went and worked on the bushes and trees by the gate.

  “Excuse me. Can you tell me where Mr. Isles lives?” I turned and saw a man standing outside the gate. I looked down. Master never liked me looking at people.

  “He lives here. Is he expecting you?”

  “I would say so.”

  “Do you have any proof?” Master never liked anyone on his property unless they were invited, or had proof for being here.

  I heard the rustling of a coat. “Here you go.” He passed me an envelope through the gate. Our fingers touched at the tips.

  I took the paper quickly. “Sorry sir.” I looked the paper over and then handed it back to him. “Please give me a moment to let you in.” I got out the jug of water and rinsed off my hands. Then I opened the gate. “Are there any bags you wish for me to take?”

  “No thank you. I got it.”

  I looked at him strangely. “But I must.”

  “I said I got it.” I recognized the tone in his voice, and it made me cringe.

  “Sorry sir. If you would just follow me up to the house I will take you to Mr. Isles.”


  I started to walk up the drive way. Careful to move the weeds out of his way. I had to resist the urge to look back at the man.

  I opened the door widely for the man. Then I followed in right behind him.

  I went to Master’s study. I knocked three times before entering. “A visitor come to see you.”

  I opened the door for the man to come in. He sat his bag down by the door. “What is my son doing carrying his own bags?” There was a hard tone to his voice.

  Son? “I asked to take them for him, but he denied it.”

  “Come here.” I walked to his desk. He snatched me by my hair and pulled me down to him. “Do what you have been told to do, and you won’t get beaten as bad.” He pushed me down to the ground. “Now take his bag to the room three doors down from mine. Then get cleaned up for dinner, you smell like a dead pig.”

  “Yes Master.” I left without anymore words.

  I went back to my small closet of a room and scrubbed myself down. Then I got dressed in my dinner attire.

  I quickly made my way to the kitchen. The cook already had everything ready for Master. “Thank you Ms. Crane for cooking the meal. I don’t know what I would have done without you.” I balanced food on my arms.

  “You’re welcome my dear. Now get out there before he gets angry.”

  I nodded before walking quickly walking out the kitchen.

  Master was sitting at the head of the table  and his son was sitting to the right of him. I gave Master His food first, then his son. “What would you like to drink Master?”

  “What I have every other night.”

  I turned towards his son. “What would you like sir?”

  “When you talk towards my son, you will refer to him as Young Master.”

  “Yes Master. What can I get for you Young Master?”

  “Whatever my dad is having.”

  I nodded my head. “I will be back momentarily.” I scurried off to the kitchen, trying to ignore the feeling of someone watching me.

  I quickly poured two glasses of wine and brought them back to the dining room. “I am so happy to finally have you back home. I hope that you will stay this time.”

  “I was hesitant at first. But I decided to come just to see how you’ve been doing. And it looks like you’ve been doing well.” I felt his eyes on mine. “I will have to think about staying.”

  “Just tell me if there’s anything that will keep you here.”

  “I think there just might be.” Again I felt his eyes on me.

  “Did I give you permission to stand there?”

  “Sorry Master.”

  “For listening to our conversation you will go without dinner. Now go to your room for the rest of the night.”

  I did as I was told. I heard his son say something as I left. “Who is that?”

chapter 2

The morning came too soon. I rushed to get Master his morning coffee. I got there just before he did. “Good you’re here.” He sat down in his chair. “For the remainder of the time my son is here, you will be his personal maid. You will do anything he tells you. If I hear that you don’t, you will be punished severely. Am I understood?”

  “Yes Master. What do you wish for me to do now?”

  “Go to his room and wait for him to awake.”

  I nodded then left.

  The house was quiet as I walked up the stairs. The only sound was the wind brushing against the house.

  I opened the door quietly to Young Master’s. Careful not to let any of the light from the hallway come in.

  I stood in the corner of the room. Waiting for the moment when he would wake up.

  Slowly the sun rose up. As it came in the room, I got a better look at Young Master. He had black shaggy hair, nice, lips, and lean body.

  I wondered if he was anything like his father. For some reason I don’t think he is. He had already been so nice to me. But that didn’t mean anything.

  The rustle of sheets brought me back to the world. “If you keep staring at me like that, you’re going to burn a hole through me.”

  “Sorry Young Master.”

  “That’s alright. Can you hand me my shirt?”

  “Yes Young Master.” I went to the couch and grabbed his shirt. “Here is your shirt.”

  I set it by him and went back to my position. “Thank you. Do you mind coming here for a moment.”

  I stood before him. “Yes Young Master?”

  “I’m going to be staying here for a while, and I didn’t nearly bring enough clothes with me. Do you know any good places around here to get some clothes?”

  “Sorry, but no. I am not allowed off the grounds.”

  “That’s alright. I’ll just ask my dad. Would you come with me?”

  “If it is what you desire. Then I shall go.”

  He smiled at me. “When my dad isn’t around, you don’t have to act like that.”

  “Like what?”

  “All proper and what not. It doesn’t suit you.”

  “Sorry Young Master, but I know no other way to speak.”

  “Huh. I’ll just have to change that then.” He stood up and stretched. “I’m going to get changed, and then we’re going to go and do some shopping.”

  “I’ll be right outside if you need me.” Young Master just nodded his head.

  I was standing outside thinking of how much trouble I would get in if Master found out what I was about to do. He would be beyond furious. I would get the worse beating I ever have.

  “You ready to go?”

  “Yes Young Master.”

  “You don’t have to call me Young Master. You can call me Kiva.”

  “Master will not allow it. I am not a high enough ranking to call you by your first name.”

  He just looked at me. “If what I’m thinking is true, he gave you to me until I leave. And you would have to do whatever I told you. Am I correct?”

  “Yes Young Master.”

  “Then I order you to call me Kiva.”

  “Yes Kiva.”

  “Good. Now let’s go find my dad.”

chapter 3

Soon we were driving through town.

  All the sights and sounds were beginning to give me a headache. But I couldn’t concern Young Master with that.

  “My dad said that there was a clothing store right down the road from his house. But I can’t seem to find it. I guess we’ll just have to get out and walk.” He pulled the car to a stop. “I mean if that’s alright with you?”

  “It is all up to you Kiva.” He smiled at the use of his name.

  “Good.” He got out of the car. I excited right after him.

  “If it wouldn’t be to forward of me asking, but why did you decide to come back home?”

  For a minute he didn’t answer. “Honestly I don’t know. There was just this feeling I had, something like I had to be here.”

  I nodded my head. “Well I hope that your stay will be a good one.”

  Just then we came up to a men’s clothing store. He opened the door for me. I just looked at him strange. “Aren’t you going to go in?”

  “Yes. But after you first.”

  I hesitantly walked in. I was so confused.

  “¿Qué podemos hacer por usted señorita?” What can we do for you Miss?

  “Islas Sr. gustaría comprar algo de ropa.”  Mr. Isles would like to buy some clothes.

  “Si, Si.” Yes, yes.

  “You know I can speak for myself.”

  “Sorry Kiva. It is a force of habit.”

  “That’s alright. No harm, no foul. I’m going to go talk to the person. You just stay in the store and look around.”

  “If that is what you wish.”

  He turned and left. I followed a few feet behind him. “I told you go look around.”

  I said the first thing that popped into my head. “I was walking this way.” I hoped he believed me.

  “If you say so.” He smiled at me.    

          I walked past him and looked at the ties. There were so many different styles. Some were absolutely beautiful, others were not so much.

          I eventually came upon a red silk tie. I gently held it between my fingers. It was so soft.              Soft like roses petals. “Do you like this tie?”

          I looked up at Kiva. “Yes it’s a beautiful tie. I also love the color. It’s so mesmerizing.”

          “It is a beautiful color. It just happens to be my favorite color.” I smiled at him not knowing what to say. “While I was talking to the manager, I was thinking. I don’t know your name. And it would make things a lot easier if I knew your name.”

          Now that is one thing I haven’t thought about in years. And to be honest, I don’t remember my name. I said the first thing that felt nice coming out of my mouth. “Florencia.”

  “Well it’s nice to meet you Florencia. Would you mind coming and helping me decide on what I should buy? I’m afraid I might buy something that would make me look foolish. And it would be nice to have a second opinion.”

          “If that is what you want Kiva, I shall do it.”

           “Great. You’re helping me out a lot Florencia.”

Thanks to bookzilla for helping come up with a name for the girl.

chapter 4

“I don’t really like that one. The fold on the bottom was sewn crooked. So I wouldn’t get it.”

          “Alright then. What about the vest at least?”

          “The color goes well with you. It also matches some of the other things you picked out.”

          “Alright then. I’m going to change back into my regular clothes. Then we’re going to go out to eat.”

          I just nodded my head. I went to the sales person in the front and him that we would be checking out, and to send the items to house.

          “Muchas gracias.”


          We were walking out the store when Kiva spoke. “How did you learn Spanish?”

          “My original keepers had guest that would often come up from Mexico. They thought it would be useful for me to learn, so I did.”

          “That’s amazing.”

          “What about you? Can you speak Spanish?”

          “Yes I can. My story is kind of like yours. Except I’m not a thrall.”

          “Thrall is not the correct word. I am a slave.”

          “If that’s what you want to call it.”

          I wanted to give him a nasty look, but I feared the consequences that would follow. “I am sorry. I should not have spoken that way. You are my master, so you have the authority to call me whatever you want.”

         “I’m not really the kind of person that accepts apologies. I get over things quickly. So don’t do anything you don’t mean to do.”

         What he just said could mean a world of different possibilities. “Yes Kiva.”

        “Here’s a restaurant. You sit down and look at the menu, while I speak with the manager.”

        I sat down at a empty table near the back of the store. This whole restaurant was decorated kind of like Master’s house. Dark and gloomy. Everywhere I looked I kept seeing this symbol. It was a snake on a cross. I could only wonder what it meant.

        After that I just looked at the menu.

        Some of the things on here sounded so amazing. Fettuccini Alfredo, lasagna, lemon grilled shrimp. These were beyond ant of the best dreams I’ve ever had. If he was serious about letting me pick something, I was seriously going to be in his debt.

        Eventually I decided on the lemon grilled shrimp.

        “Your employer sent me to take your order. What would you like?”

        “The lemon grilled chicken. And lemon water.”

         “Your food will be served in a few minutes.”

         I just nodded my head.

         I was getting nervous. Kiva had been gone for a while now, and I didn’t know what to do. I kind of wanted to go look for him, but I had no clue on where to start.

         Moments later Kiva returned. “Sorry about that. I was having a discussion on wine with the owner. I hope I didn’t worry you.”

         “Just a little bit.”

         “A question just formed in my mind. I was gone long enough for you to get away, why didn’t you?

         I gave him a sad smile. “For a number of reasons. But mostly because I would have nowhere to go. This is the only world that I know, and I’m happy to stay in it."

           “Huh.” Was the only response I got out of him.

           We sat in silence until my food came. I ate then we left.

           When we got back to the house it was late afternoon. The day was at its best. A great time to go for a walk. “Thank you for the day. But I have to go put your things away.”

           I stepped away from him. I felt his eyes droop. “Alright then. Afterwards I want you to accompany for a walk.”

           It was as if he read my mind. “Yes Young Master.” I said with a small smile on my face.

chapter 5

It had taken some time to get all the clothes put up properly, but when I did, I was happy when it was done.

           I walked around the house looking for Kiva. But I couldn’t seem to find him.

          Then I saw Ms. Crane. “Have you seen K-Young Master?”

          “Sorry dear. Not recently. Last I saw he was in the kitchen getting a drink.”

          “Thank you for helping.”

          I went into the kitchen and looked around. I didn’t see him anywhere. But I did see a glass with some wine in it.

          I went back to his room and decided to wait for him there.

         As the day turned into twilight, is when he returned. “Sorry about that. My dad wanted to have a talk with me. Do you still want to go on that walk?”

        “Yes, Young Master. I would be delighted.”

        A smile spread across his face. “Well then. We should get going before it gets to dark. We don’t know what kind of creatures are out there.”

       What did he mean by creatures?

       When we excited the house I took him down my favorite trail. On this trail I always saw different types of animals. My favorites were the squirrels. They were so cute when eating nuts.

       “This is the trail I walk whenever I have any free time.” I picked up a flower and inhaled it deeply.

       “It’s a nice trail. There’s a lot of different wild life to see. I can understand why you like it.”

       “If it’s alright with you, I was wondering if you could answer me a few questions.”

       “Sure. That’s fine with me. Ask away.”

       “I noticed that you look young, but you seem far older. Why is that?”

        “Interesting question. Let’s just say something happened in my past, and that it made me look at the world differently.”

         I nodded my head. “Alright then. Another thing. I’ve been here for a few years, and not once have I seen a picture of you, or has Master spoken of you. What happened that made him do that?”

       “My mother had gotten sick. And I mean very sick. There was nothing that could save her. Then she died. And my father blamed me. In a way it was my fault, but not completely. My father disowned me. Cut me off from my inheritance. So I made my way up in the world. Became friends with some very powerful people, and started my own business. Since then I have been very successful. When my dad heard of this, he tried to coax me back. But nothing he offered made me want to come back to this place.”

      “Well I’m sorry about your mother. And everything that happened between you and your father. But I say that you should try to make up with him. If you don’t, then you’ll be like me. No family in this world, nobody to care for you. And you don’t want to live your life knowing things could have been different.” I sat down on a broken log and examined my shoes.

      “How is that you know how to say things like that?”

      “I have no idea. It comes to me naturally.”

      “I can tell.” He said with a smile on his face.

Chapter 6

       By the time we got back to the house it was dark. "I guess it's time for you to go."

       "Yes Young Master. Is there anything you wish for me to do before you retire?"

       "Yes. I would like for you to get me a glass of the wine from the cellar."

       In reaching the cellar, I got a cold dark feeling. But that usually happened when ever I came down here.

        As I grabbed a wine glass, I dropped the wine glass on the floor. Shattering the glass into a million pieces. I picked it up carefully. Not carefully enough though. I ended up slicing my hand open on a piece of glass.

       It bled profusely at first. When I wrapped it up in a old rag. It seemed to stop.

       I quickly walked back up to Young Master's room trying not to get blood on his glass.

       I knocked on the door before entering. "I'm sorry it took me so long to get your drink. I had an accident." I set his glass of wine down on the bedside table. "Are you here Young Master?"

       A shape stirred from the shadows. And out walked the Young Master. "Sorry I didn't answer you. I was caught up doing something." He stiffened and looked at my hand. "What did you do."

      His question caught me off guard. Nobody cared about what ever happened to me. "I was getting your wine when I dropped the glass, slicing my hand in the process."

      "I have this special drink that will help heal you right up. If you want to try it."

      "No thank you. I will be fine." As I turned to leave he spoke.

      "Alright then. Your being difficult. How about I just order you to drink it?"

      I smiled at him. "Then I will just have to drink it."

      "Wait right here." He walked into the bathroom, coming out a few minutes later with a vial in his hands. "I want you to drink this." He tossed it to me.

      "May I ask what this is?"

      He shook his head no. I opened the bottle and downed it. It tasted slightly coppery, but in a good way. "Now I want you to lay down on the bed and sleep until morning."

      For some odd reason I felt a strong need to listen to him. I did as he said.

      The last I remember was him kissing my hand were the cut was.

      The warm glow of the sun was like a soft blanket on my skin. I wanted to do nothing but lay there and bask in the wonderful feeling it created. But I had things to do that needed to be done.

      I reluctantly got out of the bed and went to look for Kiva.

      He was know where in the house. Or on the grounds.

      I knocked three times on the door before entering. "Master, I have come to ask if you know where Young Master might be."

      "Yes. He went out to breakfast with a friend. In the mean time, I want you to decorate the ballroom. We're going to be hosting a very important ball this coming weekend. I want this ball to be perfect."

      "Yes, Master. Is there anything else I can do for you?"

      "No. You may go now."

Chapter 7

I was standing on the scaffold putting up decorations when one of my dusters rolled away. I tried reaching for it, but on the process I fell over the edge.

      I knew a fall from this height wouldn't kill me. But it was guaranteed to break a few bones. I waited for the moment of impact. But the moment never came.

      When I looked around I realized somebody had caught me. I jumped up. "Thank you for your kindness. But it was unnecessary." I turned to get away.

      But a handsome southern voice stopped me. "Heaven forbid if my mother ever found out I didn't help a lady in need. Bless my heart."

      I looked at this man strangely. "Thank you for the help. But I really must be getting back to work. Master will be angry if he finds out I'm not keeping to the deadline."

      The man rolled his eyes. "If there is one thing I hate the most, it's the men that dare to keep a humans as slaves. Nothing good ever comes from it."

      This man obviously didn't know who he was talking about. "Pease stop talking about my Master like that. He is a kind man that gives me food and a roof over my head. Now please go. I don't want any problems."

      The man nodded. "Alright ma'am. But I'll be seeing you later." With a grin he was gone.

      I could only stand there for a moment before getting back to work.

      "Will you come here for a moment Florencia?"

      I walked into Master's study. "What can I do for you Master?"

      "Like I mentioned, I'm going to be hosting a very important ball this weekend. Some very important people are going to be coming. And a friend of my son's requires a escort to this ball. I want you to escort him."

      I stood there dumbfounded. "Are you sure?"

      "I would not have told you to do something if I did not mean it. Now go to the library, Kiva waits for you there."

      "I take it my father has told you about the ball he's throwing."

      "Yes. I was setting up the ballroom."

      "He told me that. He asked me to take you to get ready. It's going to take the rest of the week to prepare you. If we wish to get everything done in time, we need to start now. What do you say?'

      "Of it pleases you."

      Kiva nodded. "Alright then. Well start with the dress shop then."

      I gasped for air as the lady tightened to strings to the corset. "Are these things normally so tight?"

      The lady laughed. "Yes. They need to be. Women often wear them to give themselves a great figure. But you my dear don't need one. You have an exquisite figure."

      I didn't know how to respond. "I can hardly breath. Are you sure this is going to be acceptable?" I fingered some of the silk between my fingers.

      "Quite sure. If you wear this dress, no man on this earth will be able to resist the temptation you offer."

      "I don't know what's so tempting about me. I'm mundane in every sense."

      "That's where you're wrong Miss. I can name several things right now that aren't mundane about you."

      I turned and saw the man from earlier. "What are you doing here?"

      "I came to see what you would be wearing to the ball. This lady is right. You are very tempting I that dress. And you are going to be the prize of the ball."

      I shook my head. "There's nothing special about me. I'm mundane."

      "No you're not. You have eyes that would have any man take a second look. The shape of your head would fit perfectly in the hands of anyone. A figure that women would kill for. Not to mention your lips. I bet with a single kiss you could have any man do your bidding. You are a dangerous prize."

      I blushed. "Thank you for your kind words. But I can not accept them."

      "Why not?"

      "Because I'm already going to the ball with another man."

      The man grinned. "That man is going to be very lucky to have you by his side."

      "I guess."

      He tipped his head. "I have you be going now. I'll be seeing you later." He said as he left.

      "You already said that."

      Only the sound of his laughter could be heard. "Would you like me to get the young man you came with?"

      "Yes please."

      When Kiva walked in, he immediately stopped and stared. "Is there something wrong?"

      "Not at all. You look absolutely beautiful in that dress."

      "Thank you. But do you think I can take it off now? It is uncomfortable."

      "Of course. After this we'll grab some lunch. Then we need to head back so we can start the dancing lessons."

Chapter 8


When Kiva walked in, he immediately stopped and stared. "Is there something wrong?"

      "Not at all. You look absolutely beautiful in that dress."

      "Thank you. But do you think I can take it off now? It is uncomfortable."

      "Of course. After this we'll grab some lunch. Then we need to head back so we can start the dancing lessons."

      "When ever my father holds these kind of events, what do you do?"

      "I organize every detail of the party. From the number of napkins that are going to be needed, to hiring the valets. Then I stay in my room until the party is over and I clean up everything afterwards."

      Kiva looked genuinely surprised. "So you're the secrete behind the legendary parties my father has thrown these paste few years."

      "I don't know anything about legendary. Master tells me what he wants. And I go down to the tiniest detail to make everything perfect. I even think of things he would want at the party that he didn't mention."

      "That's what party planners lack these days. They don't think outside the box like you do. If the parties are as good as people talk about, things are going to be fun." He looked at his watch. "If we wait any longer, were going to miss the dancing lesson."

      I half frowned. "That's alright. These lessons are important. Food can wait until after." I got up. "After all, I'm to excited to eat."

Chapter 9


We walked into the ballroom. A stereo had been set up with slow music playing. "Are we late?"

      "No. You're right on time." I turned and saw the man with the nice southern accent. "I told you I'd be seeing you later." He had a boyish smile on his face.

      "You two have already met?" Kiva asked in question.

      "Yes. He saved my life."

      "She gives me to much credit. I was at the right place at the right time. I did what any gentleman would have done."

      I gave a small smile. "Since the two of you already know each other, there are no need for introductions."

      I was about to say something when the southern gentleman took me in his arms. "What you want to do is place your left hand on the outside of my forearm. Then take your right hand and place it in my other hand." I did as he said. "Good. From there I want you to do the opposite of my foot steps. I step back, you step forward."

      For a few minutes we stepped back and forth. "Now I want you to trust me." Before I could respond, this man had me spinning in circles so fast I thought my head would fly off. I couldn't help but laugh. "That's what I was waiting for. When you practice ballroom dancing, you want to have fun doing it. You can't be stiff, or you'll mess up."

      "I understand. But I have a question, why were we dancing a version of the tango?"

      He raised an eyebrow. "Is that what we were doing?"

      "Yes. I am quite familiar with many forms of dances. So I am not clueless."

      He smiled. "Good to know. Lets try something more difficult then."

      "I thought you said we were going to do something more difficult. The foxtrot is like the easiest thing to do in the world."

      "You're better than I thought you would be. I'm happy about that."

      "Why would you be happy?"

      "Because my date to the ball can dance."

      "So you're the friend Master has told me to escort."

      "Yes ma'am.  Let me say, every other man is going to be jealous."

      "Why would that be?"

      "Because you're going to be the most beautiful woman there."

      "If you say so. If you don't mind, I need to go find Young Master."

      "Of course. He's not to happy right now. So it might not be the best idea to mess with him. I would hate to see you get hurt." I nodded and began to leave the ball room. "By the way my name is Robert."

      I found Kiva in the kitchen with a bottle of wine. He sat there drinking large glasses at a time. "I do not think it is a good idea for you to drink to much. You'll get a headache."

      "I'll do as I want." He said in a cold harsh tone.

      "As you say. But may I suggest something."


      "Alright, Young Master. Is there anything I can get you?"

      He sighed heavily. "It would be wonderful if I had some peace and quiet. And some privacy."

      "Yes, Young Master. I'm sorry for bothering you." I did a slight bow and left.

I waited for Kiva in his bedroom. He was angry about something that I did. I raked my mind to figure it out, but nothing came forward. I was left thinking about it. But what ever it was, it was my job to fix it.

      The door handle jiggled slightly. I jumped from my position to the door. When it opened, it was only Master. "How can I be of a service to you Master."

      "You don't have to look so disappointed. I know who you were expecting."

      "I don't know what you mean."

      "You're nothing but a harlot. A tease in my home." He took a strand of my hair and rubbed it between his fingers. I knew better than to move. "It's actually quite a wonder that my son has taken after you. After all, you have nothing."

      "I'm sorry for any discomfort I have caused. It was unintentional. I will do what ever it takes to make things right again."

      "No. You'll keep going as things are." He turned to leave the bedroom.

      "Why Master?"

      He turned around quickly and slapped me hard against my face. "It is not a slave's job to question their master."

      I didn't speak again after he left.

      It was close to midnight when Kiva returned to his room. He faintly smelled of blood and alcohol. I rushed to his side immediately. "Are you hurt Young Master?"

      "No. Just leave me alone."

      I did as he said and stepped back. "Is there anything that I can get that will make you more comfortable?"

      He turned around suddenly. "Why is it that you always have to be up my ass? Can't you just leave me alone for once?" His voice was harsher than Master's had been.

      For some odd reason, tears sprung to my eyes. "I give you my humblest apologies. I will not bother you again. " It was as if his words just registered in his mind. A look of shock spread across his face. He tried to reach out and touch my face, but I flinched away. "I will leave you now."

      Before he could take the chance of hitting me, I was out the door running down the hall.

chapter 10

There was nothing productive for me to do until the sun came up. And that wasn't for another several hours. So I had to figure out something to do until then.

      So I figured I would catch up on some sleep.

      There was this one spot I had found under a staircase. You wouldn't notice it unless you knew it was there. All but one part was completely blocked off. So it was somewhat difficult to get into. But I learned how. It offered me a small refuge in this hallowed hall. The space was big enough for me to stretch out completely and one other person. But that never happened. I was all alone.

      A hand faintly touched the side of my face. My body reacted automatically.

     My arms went backwards hitting the person in the head. Then I was up and straddling the person to the ground. Ready to do what ever it took to stay alive. "Who is are you?"

     "I guess your not completely clueless about fighting." A light flickered on and I found myself looking at Robert. "I really like this position, but I would appreciate it if you moved."

     I did as he asked. "How did you find me?'

     "By accident to be honest. I found this spot when I was younger. I come here when I don't want to deal with Kiva's father."

     "I can leave if you wish."

    He shook his head. "No. You can stay." He looked at my face carefully. "Who hit you?" His voice was as cold as steel.

   "It was my fault. I shouldn't have questioned what I was told to do."

   "No woman should be hit for any reason. It isn't appropriate."

   "I know the rules of this house. He was just reminding me of my place." I turned my head away. "Plus, I can take anything these bastards throw at me."

   "You shouldn't have to. You deserve better than you've been given."

   "I'm happy with what I've got. So I will not allow myself to give into lustful fantasies."

   A wicked grin spread across his face. "With me around, you're going to be having all sorts of lustful fantasies."

   "Is that true?"

   "Yes. And I'll prove it to you."


 I want to apologize for not updating in so long. I plan on updating more now that i have a computer to use. So message me if you have any questions anout the characters, or what is going to hapen later on in the story. I will glady take any ideas. In fact i am kind of stuck at the moment.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 31.07.2012

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to all the cinderellas out there looking for their prince charming. and a special thanks to the wanted.

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