
I've been on my own since I was thirteen. I had to go through something that no child should ever have to go through, I buried my parents before their time. I had been in a car accident that killed both of my parents. Leaving all alone in this world.
Those people in the big offices Houston tried putting me into foster care, but I Kept running away. I guess they got tired of trying to keep track of me, and just put in my file that i was emancipated.
That was perfectly fine with me.
As younge child my parents put me through boxing. Even at the age of thirteen i was known for my skills. Being a boxer helped me in the streets, often I had to protect. Then after a few months after I met this old man. He taught me how to use knives, swords, and an assortment of other useful weapons. No person to this day has been able to best me. And i highly doubt there ever will be.
I had the same dream again. The one were my parents had died.
We were listening to music, talking about the up coming school dance. I was excited because we were going to pick out a dress.
The next thing I know two bright lights are heading straight for us. They slam into the side of our car, t-boning us. Sending a shower of sparks and a waterfall of glass everywhere.
I looked around wildly. It was as if the whole world had turned upside down. I then realized that it was that car that had turned upside down.
I crawled out of the car being careful not to cut myself.
The next thing I know theres spark in the corner of my eye, and I'm being thrown across the road.
I always have that dream when things are going to get bad. I always loved when that happened. It gave me a chance to unwind and relax.
But something about that dream felt a little off. I could only wonder this time what the dream would bring to mean.
I get out of my bed and looked at myself in the mirror.
I had long wavy brown hair that curled at the ends. I had a nice lean body, with a carmel tan, with violet eyes. In other words i looked nothing like my mother or father. It never really bothered me to ask them, so I never did.
I put on my usual outfit of black converse, black skinny jeans, black tank top, black slim fit tee, and a black hoodie.
You hardly ever caught me wearing anything else. This was the best way i found to blend into the back grounf. The best best way to stay unnoticed.
I left my house feeling slightly happy. I walked the short distance from here to school.
Once in the school I went straight to my locker and got the books that i needed for the day.
A note fell from within my locker. I picked it up and read it out loud. "Freak"
"What an original name, I love it." I crumpled up the paper and tossed it into the trash can.
People bumped into me, I ignored it completly. Everybody blamed me for my parents dying, and for strange things that have happened afterward. Saying I had some 'freaky' powers. That might be true, because when ever I get upset things tend to go flying. But that hasn't in six months.
I was in my own little world thinking about buying a spider motorcyle. I wasn'y paying attention to my surroundings, and I walked right into someone. Causing me to fall flat on my butt.
I stood back up quickly. Bruushing off the back of my jeans. "Sorry. I didn't mean to bump into you. I wasn't paying attention." I walked right past not even bothering to see who i bumped into.
But I heard the voice of who that body belonged to. Or at least a friend. "Ash, the freak touched you. Better count you blessings."
"Yeah, I know. Can't have me dieing during football season." He said laughing.
Ash was short for Ashton. He was class president, student council president, football captain, quarter back, and star of the track and soccer teams. He was the it guy. The guy everbody wanted to be seen with. He was known for being cruel to the people he thought were beneath him. The truely sad part of that is he just moved here six months ago.
I never thought of him more than a nuscience. He had especially made my life worse. Before he came here I blended in to the background. Whenever he had the chance, he would make my life a living hell.
So I tried to avoid him whenever possible. Hopefully I could make it throught the rest of today.
I walked into my noisy biology class and sat down.
Clanking, tip tap, was the sound of our teachether walking down hallway. The class qieted as she neared. She had the personality of a cobra ready to strike. She was always wound up. And she always seemed to take her anger out on us. Not that I minded, she actually liked me. I was one of the few students she did like.
She stood infront of the class assing us. Probably deciding who she was going to send to the office first.
"Today class we are going to be disecting frogs." Cheers went up from the guys, and groans from the girls. "Quiet down. I know many of you haven't done this assignment before. So I'm going to give you to oppurtunity not to. But if you choose the alternate, you must write a five page essay on the anatomy of frogs. And I want it turned in the day after tomorrow. Now- Begin."
I tied my hair up into a pony tail. And got to work. I was so into it I didn't notice that the teacher was talking to me. "Yes, sorry. What did you say?"
"We have a new student in class. And he needs a place to sit, do you mind?"
I kind of deflated. She was one of the few people who were nice to me. And it was the least I could do. "Tell him to come on back. But to stay out of my way. I'm getting a hundred on this."
She smiled and went to the front of the room. And I went back to work. I heard a grunt, so I looked up. It was Ash. My day was getting better and better. "Great. I get stuck with the douche." I muttered and went back to work.
"Well you don't have to be so rude freak. I'm just talking."
I looked him square in the eyes. "Stop calling me freak." He waled even closer to me.
There was a crack and then the breaking of glass. The beaker that held the water had exploded. "You know what they say about me right?"
"Yeah that you're a freak. And you killed your parents." Nobody brought up my parents without getting hurt.
I could feel the heat rising up my body, blood rushing in a heated frenzy.
All around me glass shattered going everywhere. The frogs exploded sending guts in all directions. The girls screamed, trying to get the guts out of their hair.The boys just laughed. "Wrong answer." All the glass, scapels, anything sharp and pointed rose into the air.
It flew straight towards ASh, stopping mere centimeters from his face. "Do you want to apologize?"
"Your little magic tricks wont work on me." The glass and most of the scapels fell to the ground with a clank.
One stayed in the air and went right into his right shoulder blade. "You bitch." He pulled out the scapel.
I grabbed my things and ran to the window and jumped out. I ignored the shouts of the campus police telling me to stop. I ran all the way to my special place.
I sat against the wall breathing haevily. I rubbed my arms feeling the scars. I wanted to cut myself again, but I couldn't for a number of reasons. The cops were bound to be looking for me now.
I got up and walked down the alley way. I was going to have to move again. This was going to have to move again. And I just got back home. This was going to be tough.
I walked by a dumpster and two men stepped in front of me. "Little miss you've come to play." Said one of the guys.
"Don't mess with me, I'm not in the mood." I stopped and looked at them.
"That's not how you play the game. were going to have to teach you.
Both men came at me from opposite sides. "Yall don't want to do this." I dropped my bag on the ground.
The two me laughed and continued to advance. I reached into my pocket to grab my knife, when I remembered I left it at home. The day was getting better and better.
"You don't know what we want Little miss. But its about high time we got it."
I kicked one in the head, causing him to go flying backwards. I prepared for the next guy. "Leave now while you still have the chance." The other took a stepforward, but then stopped. I guess he took my threat seriously. When he stopped he smiled. "Little miss, that's a very bad idea. You're coming with us."
Just then I heard foot steps behind me, but I didn't stop fast enough. He hit me upside the head. Sending me to the ground, stunned. My vision went in and out, black spots everywhere. "You see Little miss, you should have just listened. We saved you this pain."
I felt my brain throbbing against my skull. It felt like an epic hangover. It didn't feel broken, But I couldn't be sure. I could have a concussion. That din't stop my smart alike remarks. "I'll be fine in a moment. Just stay here so I can kick your ass."
"Yeah right Little miss." they picked me up and dragged me through a door. "Your ours now. So no runnng away. Am I clear?"
Where were those powers when you needed them? Not here apparenty. "I've got to tell you something Mr. I'm not normal. Just let me go and save yourself the agony."
He just smiled. He threw me against a wall. I just slummped there trying to ignore the pain in my head. "We don't care if your not normal. People pay for that kind of stuff."
I realized what they wanted me for. They thought I was going to become one of their little whores. "I'm not going to be one of your whores. Might as well beat me."
"I'll take you upon that offer." He came towards me slowly. "Any last words?"
"Yeah." At the top of my lungs I screamed. "HELP!"
"You little bitch." He came at me and everything went black.
I was floating in a world of darkness. No where for me to go. An unshapable land. Nothing was wrong, and the world was just great. And I was finally happy.
Then it seemed as if the darkness began to come inside of me. My seemingly happyworld went away. I was struggling to stay afloat. My life was going down into the world of darkness.
My body going cold and dark. Now I was finally at an end. I was no more.
In the darkness abright light descended upon me. Sending away the darkness. Warming me up.
As it got closer to me, I heard a single voice. It seemed quite urgent, and a little frantic. I could only catch bits and peices of what it said. "Please...need...wake up."
I don't know how it happened, but the voice started to pull me back. Back to the world of the living. Soon i was engulfed in nothing but light.
I sat up coughing. So that was just a dream. Or was it?
The pounding in my head was gone, but my whole body ached. It felt as if I had been beaten. Then I remembered I had been beaten.
As I tried to look around I could tell I wasn't in that stinky old apartment. I was in a darkened room. I just couldn't tell where I was.
I got up and put my hands out in front of me. I bumped into something, then into something else.
As my hand followed the never ending wall, I sat down frustrated. "God Where am I?"
"It's about time you woke up. You've been out for a while."
I jumped up into fightning position. "Who's there?"
"I'm surprised that you don't know, all things considered."
"Sorry I'm just having a hard time remembering things since I was half beaten."
"If you promise not to fight me, I'll turn on the lights."
"I don't make promises to people I can't see."
"You're choice. I'm the one who can see in the dark."
For the longest time neither of us spoke. I relaxed my stance. But stayed on guard. "Fine I won't attack. Just don't come near me."
"I knew you would come around," the lights flicked on. "Eventually."
I was stuck in a mini crypt, something you would see in a horror movie. I finally noticed a person in the corner. "Great, my day keeps getting better and better."
"Do you really think I would do this to you?"
"Of course. Your Ash, you live to make mylife nothing but hell."
"I'm not the guy I'm at school."
"You could have fooled me. Just show me the way out of here. I need to get home."
He looked at me intensly. "You're not even going to thank me?"
"I would. But you're the last person the earth I would ever thank."
"I deserved that."
Then a thought popped into my mind. "First of all, how did I end up here with the likes of you? And why would someone like you help someone like me?"
"That's a story for another day. And lets just say I was hungry."
"Well I hope you got you're meal. But I'm ready to leave."
He sighed deeply. "Fine just let me give you a ride home."
I thought about it carefully. "Considering that I have no idea where I'm at, I'll take you upon that offer."
"Good. Just follow me." He turned around and left.
We walked down a dark hallway. I was to bust thinking about how I got here, than to notice where I was.
When we exited, I was met with a blinding light. "At least its still day time."I muttered. "Can you tell me what time it is?"
"It's three-thirty-six."
That means I lost eight hourse of the day. "Did you happen to see my backpack?"
"Yeah, its in my car." We walked down a stone pathway and up to a shiny black mustang. "You don't have to worry, I didn't touch anything."
"That's not what I'm worried about." I hopped into the car, savoring the smell of the warm leather.
I grabbed my bag going through it looking for my credit card. Of course, it was at the very bottom. "I was wondering if you could stop by a army surplus store. I need to get a few things."
"That's fine. But what do you need to get?"
I smiled. "Nothing much. Just a camping backpack, and a few other things."
Ash just nodded his head. As we drove in silence, I got this wierd feeling that we were being watched.
He stopped in front of a store. "You go in. I'll be waiting here."
I just shrugged and got out.
I immediately went to the backpacks. I picked out one that looked like it could hold several days worth of clothes and provisions. I then went and got a rope, a stove, matches, a fold up tent, and several knives.
I paid for my items and left.
Ash wasn't in the car, so I put my things in the trunk and got in.
I decided to wait for ten minutes. When that time was up, he hadn't returned. And I was tired of waiting.
I grabbed my stuff an left. I had no idea were I was at, but that wouldn't stop me from getting home.
I was walking down the road. Cars were coming and going. None bothering to stop and help. Not that I would accept a ride. I felt my phone vibrate. I pulled it out and it said one new message.
Were are you?
Who is this?
Ash. tell me where you are so i can come get you.
No thanks. I don't want your help.

I turned off my phone and stuck it back into my backpack.
I walked off the road, into the woods.
I walked until i couldn't hear the sounds of the highway behind me.
I cleared away leaves, sticks, branches, anything that would mess up my tent. Once that was done I actually set up my tent. It wasn't that hard, thank god. It provided the shelter I wanted and needed.
I then went looking for dead branches to make a fire. All the while looking for places that would be good for snares.
I set the fire wood down. I got out the rope and cut them into even peices.
I went back into the woods and set up the snares. I made sure they were all well hidden. Then I went back to my campsite.
For a little while I just sat in my tent. I wondered what Ash was doing. Not that I really cared. But still.
After a while I got up and went to check my snares. Only one caught something. A fluffy white bunny.
I took it off and held it by the ears, my knife ready to slit its throat.
I couldn't do it. I dropped the rabbit, and it quickly jumped away.
The thought of killing another creature like that left a cile taste in my mouth.
I could go without a meal.
I slowly made my way back to my campsite. I sat down on the ground outside of my tent. Breathing in and out deeply, letting my whole body relax.
The little white rabbit from before appeared. It looked at me with its to human eyes.
Then it hoppedd closer, and closer. All until I could lift my hand and pet it. I put it on my lap and petted it.
"I'm sorry little rabbit. I didn't mean for you to get caught in the trap. I hope you can forgive me."
It just looked at me. "Do you want something to eat?" It bobbed its head. "Good . I found some wild carrots back in the forest. I'll go get them." I set the rabbit down.
It took a few minutes to find the carrots. When I did, I filled my arms with as much as I could carry.
I walked back to my campsite. "I was thinking little rabbit-"
I stopped were I was standing. Where I had left the little rabbit were two large foot prints. To large to be mine. I dropped the carrots, and lunged for my knife.
I held it in attack position. "I know your out there. So come out and face me."
I heard the cracking of a branch. I didn't wait to see if anyone was there. I threw my knife and took off running in the other direction.
I ran as fast as my feet could carry me. Branches and bushes snagged at my clothes. Thorns got caught in my hair. None of that stopped me, I kept going.
Then I came to a giant lake. On the far side was land. In between that was water. Water that could be holding anything.
I heard footsteps behind me. I took off towards a cliff.
I stood on a high cliff. My back facing the water. "If you try to hurt me, I'll jump."
For a moment I wanted to think that I just made it up in my head. But then a person stepped out from the trees.
He was about six feet tall with a lean build, tan skin, and black eyes.He stepped forward, and I stepped back. "Who are you?"
"Somebody that you'll end up loving." Then he was at me faster than I thought possible. "As long as you don't struggle, I'll make this quick for you." Then he grabbed my shoulders and pulled me towards him.
I tried kicking him in the shin, but that wouldn't work. he just tightened his grip on me.
He pushed my hair aside, then did the strangest thing. He bit down into m neck, hard. Hard enough to break the skin. After a moment it started to hurt. I tried to scream, but I was paralized. None of my body wanted to work.
I could feel the blood slowly pooring out of my body, and into his mouth. What kind of psycho was this? Suddenly he dropped me to the ground. And laughed at me. "You really made this to easy. Where is your protector when you need him?" He picked me up again, this time caressing my head. "To bad I have to kill you, to make you like me. You were such a beautiful creature."
He moved his head to where he could bit me again. Just as he brought his head down, he went flying backwards. I crumpled to the ground in a heap.
I heard another voice, but couldn't see who it belonged to. "How dare you attack her?"
"What do you care? She's just some random witch. Plus theres not much you can do to stop the change. She's already going through the first stage."
I heard a roar. Then what sounded like someone being tackled to the ground.
Then I was picked up again. By the same person before, then I saw who the other person was. Ash. I tried to call out, but I couldn't get the words out. "Choose who you want the most. Me or the girl." Ash just stood there staring, and waiting. "Fine. You won't choose, then I'll make you." He turned to the water and dropped me.
I was falling through the air faster than I would have thought possible. My head hit the edge of a out stretched rock. I heard the distinct sound of my head being crushed against the stone. Pain racked through my body.
Then I hit the water. It was just like in the movies. But it hurt a hell of alot worse. It was like doing a belly flop on my back.
My lungs began to fill with water from the lake. What was left of my blood floted in the water around me.
The last thought I had was, "Great job for letting a psycho kill you."

I had a split second to choose. This vampire, or Tess. I chose Tess.
I dived off the cliff into the water. I hit it at a force that would have killed a normal human being. I wasn't normal, nor was I human.
I swam deeper, searching, but not finding what I was looking for.
Then I saw a single arm sticking out from some sea grass. I swam to that spot and found Tess. I dragged her to the surface.
I could feel a heart beat, but only faintly. I swam against the current, doing my best to get to the shore fast.
After a minute of swimming, I finally made it to shore. I laid her down gently on the sand.
I felt for a heart beat, but theere was nothing. I contemplated on what to do. If she died, then I would be killed. If I turned her into a vampire, than there was the possibly a chance I wouldn't be killed.
Either way she couldn't die. People were counting on me. She was counting on me.
I cut my wrist. Putting it to her mouth, letting it stay there for a few moments. Letting my blood flow through out her body.
For several heart pounding minutes nothing happened. No heart beat, no breathing. Only death.
I gave up. My mission was done and over. "I'm sorry Tess." I kissed her lips softly. I lifted her into my arms. Just then I heard a faint beating. Something small, but it was there. There was going to be some help after all. "I'll take care of you Tess. I won't let anything hurt you again." I ran off into the woods.
I was having this really weird dream. In it I was a vampire. I had a pile of dead bodies layed off in front of me.. On bottom people I didn't know. On top my were my parents. The sight of this didn't send me screaming. Instead I wanted more.
I turned around aand saw Ashstanding there. He smiled at me, fangs glinting in the light. He came forward, and kissed me hungrily. I kissed him back with just as much feirceness.
At that point I was on fire. My screaming echoing through the hall. Ash was saying things in a forgein language. "Usted estara bien." Or "No puedes morir. Te necesito." At this point I didn't know if I was dreaming. Parts of it seemed so real.
Suddenly I woke up. I tried sitting up, but I was strapped down to something. On either side of me was blood baggies connected to IV's, running into my arms.
I swung my body around, trying to get free. The table flipped down onto the floor. One of the IV stands broke, I grabbed it and cut one arm free. Then the other, finally the rest of my body.
I kicked the door down, then took off running. I found a tall wooden door. I tried kicking it, ramming it, anything else I could think of. But nothing would work.
I found a chair, I picked it up and tossed it at a window. It shattered into a million peices. I jumped out of it and took off running.
I ran a few miles before stopping.
There was a man on the side of the road changing his tire. Suddenly he swore loudly. Dropping his tool on the ground. I could smell the blood before I saw it. I walked next to him. "Sir, do you need some help?"
Thw man smiled kindly at me. "No thanks sweet thang. Injust cut my finger here, the bleeding should stop in a minute."
"Trust me. I can fix it, you won't feel a thing." I knelt down and took his finger in my mouth. I sucked down the blood. Enjoying the warm sweet flavor.
After a minute I stopped. I looked down at the man. He was dead. I stood there horrified I was that terrible creature from my dream.
I ran down the road, the surrounding world ablur to me. People didn't see me. Twice I almost ran into somebody.
As I ran across a street, I got hit by a car. I went flying through the air. I landed on the ground with a hard 'thud'.
People were screaming to call the police. The person who knelt down on the ground. "I'm sorry miss. I didn't know you were there." The lady had tears running down her faces.
I didn't feel any broken bones, so I sat up. The woman screamed at my movements. "Yeah. RUN. GO. NOW." I screamed at the lady and who ever else was close by.
I got up and ran to the nearest alley way. I hid behind some old crates. And finally let myself cry.
I was out rying to find the vampire from my past. The one that had attacked Tess. But I couldn't, he was long gone.
So I left Tess at my house by herself. She wouldn't be waking up anytime soon, so I was alright.
When I found one of the windows smashed open. I knew something was wrong.
Immediately I ran to her room. The door had been kicked out from the inside. The bed was flipped over. Her bonds had been caught.
She had escaped, woken up ahead of scheduel.
I followed her scent down the road. It stopped by a truck. I didn't bother to stop because I already knew what was there.
When I arrived in town, everything was up in a frenzy. Some girl had gotten hit by a car and had gotten up and walked away like everything was ok.
I walked into the nearest alleyway, careful not to draw attention to myself.
The smell of rotten garbage was overwhelming to my senses.
I found Tess behind some crates. She was crying and shaking really bad. Oblivious to me. I touched her shoulder.
She fell backwards. "Stay away from me."
I tried picking her up. But she clawed at my face. Then took off running.
She was fast. But I was faster. I grabbed her by the shoulder and spun her to face me. "You need to calm down. I'm not going to hurt you." I used my commanding tone.
She stopped crying, but continued to shake. "Ash?" She said to me through teary eyes.
"Yes its me."
She punched me extrenely hard in the jaw. I was pretty sure she fracturedd it. "Yoou did this to me. You turned me into a monster."
"I'll take you back to my house and explain everything to you."
"No." She said calmly. "You've ruined my already crappy life. I have nobody left. Now I can't even die normally." She whispered the last part.
"That's not true. There are people out there who care for you. I'll tell you who, just come with me."
"Tell me something first, are you like me?"
"Not completly."
My mind waas all fuzzy. The world was spinning. I had collapsed into Ash's arms.
When I came back to the world, I was lying on a couch. Another IV running down my arm. I reached to take out the needle, but a cool hand stopped mine. "Leave it."
Ash was sitting in a chair next to me. "Where am I?"
"My house."
I sighed. "How long have I been out?"
"Three days the first time. After you got hit by that car, another four."
I just nodded my head. I remembered what he said earlier this week. "I sked if you were like me, and you said not completly. What did you mean by that?"
"I was born in 1657. I met a man named Eugene. He said I could live forever, as long as I served him. I was foolish enough to accept. He turned me into a vampire that very night. For a hundred years I served him faithfully. After my time was up with him, he let me go. I wondered around for a while. Roaming the country. Discovering new places. Then I came across a couple named Ivan and Rosa Cantu. They offered me me immunity for my past sins I helped them." He stopped for a moment and pulled out his wallet. "For about nine months I had no contact from them. Then one day they called me. They told me to watch and protect a girl named Tess. She was supposed to be just like any other assignment. But you were difficult. I had to track you down. The family that was taking care of you had died. I barely got there in time." He handed me the wallet. I saw a picture of me lying down inthe grass a fe weeks aftter the accident. "Then I lost you again. Then six months ago I found you. I enrolled in our school. And I got to know you." I raised an eyebrow. "Not very well obviously. A week ago you were attacked. I was forced between choosing you or your attacker. I chose to save you. You were dead for several minutes. After your heart started again, I knew everything was going to be alright."
"So you turned me into a vampire?"
I shivered. He put a blanket over me. "For some reason I'm not surprised. But who are Rosa and Ivan Cantu?"
"Your biological parents."
"No. They died after I was born."
"Trust me. They're very much alive."
All things considered, she had taken things pretty well. She didn't spek for several minutes though. "Since you turned me into a vampire, am I still a witch?"
"Yes. You're a full vampire. But also a full witch. You're more powerful than any other creature in the supernatural world."
She just nodded her head. Closing her eyes and drifting off to sleep. She said one last thingbefore falling asleep. "Too much power can destroy a person."
For the threehundred and fifty-fiveyears I've been on this earth, I gave not ever met a person who didn't want more power. What she said had hit me to the core. Made me think of the choices of my past.
I pulled out my phone and pressed one. They answered on the first ring. "I got the girl here with me. There's been a slight complication, but it's been resolved now."-"Yes. I'll bring her to you. Just give me a month to prepare."-"Yes. I'll bring her on the twenty-third."-"See you soon."
I turned my phone off and set it on the bedside table. "I'll be back soon." I kissed her lips softly. "Don't go anywhere."
I came around fully this time. I didn't freak out. I was calm and collected.
I stood up. My legs were kind of shaky. ButI still stood.
I was in the same room as before. The door had been replaced. I smiled gladly at the thought.
I grabbed the IV stand and walked to the door. I jiggled the handle slightly and opened.
I looked out and saw a dark hallway. The lights were all off, but I could see everything perfectly.
I heard music playing somewhere down the hall. I followed it down to a set of swinging doors. The music was louder and more pronounced.
It was the end of 'Bring me to life', by Everescence. It really fit the situation I was in. I kept coming back to life. "I've cheated death to many times. Their not going to let me go again."
Just then Ash walked into the kitchen. "Oh. Nice to see you up. wasn't expecting you for a few hours."
"I can always leave."
"No, no. I didn't mean it like that. I was going to fix you something to eat."
I wrinkled my nose. "I'm not hungry."
"You need to eat. You haven't eaten regular food in a week."
"You can't make me eat." I saidcrossing my arms.
"Fine. let me put it this way. If you don't eat willingly, I'll blend it up and make you eat it."
I laughed. "When I was fourteen I broke my jaw. I had to eat like that for two months. Try something else."
He thought for a moment. "Ok. I'll put it this way. If you don't keep your diet balanced, you'll go into withdraw."
I squinted at him. "Fine." I picked up an apple and bit into it. "I was trying to be a smart ass."
"Something other than fruit." He pushed forward a plate of eggs, bacon, and sausage.
"I'm not eating that." I said disgusted.
"Why not?"
"I don't eat any of that. Its all disgusting."
She was being difficult. Not wanting to eat. "All I have in the fridge is blood baggies and steak."
"If you want me to eat you should get some real food."
"Alright. What do you want."
"Human food."
"Can I trust you here by yourself?'
I sighed deeply. "You're making things difficult for me."
"Now you know how I feel. I'm just being alot nicer."
"You're not being nice. You're being spiteful."
"Would you rather I throw a knife into your shoulder? I can always do that again?"
"I'm not going to argue with you. I'm going to get you're food. You're going to stay here, behave, and not get into trouble." I grabbed my keys and walked out of the kitchen.
I heard a thud behind me. "I hate you." I didn't respond.
In truth part of me did hate him. But most of me didn't. I just wanted him to know how I felt.
I walked out of the kitchen into the hall. I walked around for a few minutes trying to find a door that led outside.
When I finally found one, I was shocked. There was this huge olympic sized pool. The crystal clear water beckoned me closer.
I took the IV out and ran to the pool. I jumped right in. Relishing the feel of the cool water against my skin.
I stayed under the water for a long while, just to see how long I could hold my breath.
When I finally resurfaced, I swam a few laps.
I was all pruney after a while. So I layed on one of the deck chairs.
The sun was slowly heating and drying my skin.
A shadow passed over me. I opened my eyes. Ash was standing right above me. With his shirt off. "I wasn't expecting you back so soon."
"I have no clue what you're talking about."
"You were supposed to get me human food."
Ash raised his eyebrow. "Ahh. I get it now. You're the one my brother has been keeping an eye on."
"Wait, what? So your not Ash?"
He gave me a wolfish grin. "God no. He's so stiff and cold hearted. I'm Adom." He held out his hand.
I shook it. "I'm Tess."
"Nice to meet you Tess." He sat down on the chair across from me. "So tell me how you know my unfortunate brother."
"I went to or go to high-school with him. Not sure at the moment."
He nodded his head. "School is for humans."
"Not necessarly. I'm a witch and I go to school"
"So true. But you're not just a witch are you?"
I lookedat him shocked. "How did you know?"
"Several reasons. One, I smelt another vampire in the house. Two, you're getting a little pale. Three, you're eyes have a silver ring around them. And four, you're IV is on th ground."
I lightly hit his arm. "You're a smart ass."
He grinned. "Of course. That's why people keep me around. That and I'm a werewolf."
My jaw dropped to the ground. "That is so cool. Do you change into a wolf every full moon?" I said sarcastically.
"Ha ha. Now who's being a smart ass?"
"Me. Seriously, do you change every full moon."
"I can change when ever I want. But Its mandatorey on the full moon." Just then he looked back at the house. "I need to leave now. But I'll be back later." He took my hand. "Till then Tess." He kissed the back of my hand. Then took off.
I stared after him. I really liked Adom. He was a lot nicer than Ash. I wanted to know more about this brother. "What are you doing outside?"
"Nothing much. Getting some vitaman D. Don't want to end up looking like one of those vampires from twilight.And talking to a werewolf."
His face paled. "Did this werewolf do anything to you?"
"Nope. Well there is one thing. He treated me alot better than you ever have."
"You have to get over that since you're going to be staying here."
I laughed at his suggestion. "I'm not going to be staying here. I have my own house. And I need to get back to school."
"I've made a promise to protect you. And I'm not going to break it because some little girl is throwing a timper tantrum."
"You've kept a good eye on me all these years. Obviously I'll be fin without you. And you haven't seen me through a timper tantrum." I stood up eye level to him. "If you want to see me have one, I dare you to try to make me stay."
He stepped out of my way and let me through. "Don't call me when something goes wrong."
I grabbed the keys to his car and left.
This woman was so infuriating.
Of course I was going to follow Tess. But when I went to get my car keys, they were gone. Tess's scent was strong in this area. "God help me." I yelled into the air.
"God can't help you, but I can." I turned and saw my brother standing there.
"What are you doing in my house."
"It's just not your house. It was left to both of us."
"You haven't been here in more than a hundred years. What makes you think your still welcome here?"
"Your girlfriend."
"Tess is not my girlfriend."
"Tess is not my girlfriend. and you will not go near her."
"I'll do what ever I want. You're going to be seeing alot more of me around her."

I ditched Ash's car a few blocks from my house. From there I walked.
I saw the front door of my house slightly open. I automatically went into defense mode. I grabbed one of the knives I kept around my house.
I walked into my house all ninja like. Careful to make sure that my footsteps made no sound. As I smelt the air, I caught something familiar. I set my knife down on a table in the hall. When I got to the living room I saw someone lying on the couch. "What the hell are you doing in my house?"
The person looked up at me. "I told you I would see you later." The person smiled.
"It's been less than an hour, and what makes you think I want you around?"
"My charm, and whit. Plus, I was thinking when my brother shows up, he'll think twice about seeing the two of us together."
I smiled. "And what do y want in return?"
"Nothing much. Just to get to know you better. And to piss off my brother."
"Deal. You can take the spare bedroom. If you try to do anything weird, you'll be sleeping in the dog house."
"Nice joke." He looked to the door and frowned. "Speak of the Devil, and he shall appear. You want me to answer it?"
"No. Its alright." I walked to the front door. "How come you can jar these things and I can't?"
"It takes practice."
I opened the door widely. "What can I do for you Ash?"
"You can start by giving me my car keys back." I picked them up off of the hall table and tossed the, to him. "And telling my brother to leave."
"You're not my brother, boyfriend or dad. So you can't tell me what to do. Adom is my guest and friend. So there will be no chance of me kicking him out. If you have a problem with that, go to hell." Then I slammed the door in his face.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.06.2012

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to all those people who actually take the time to read my story. I praise you. thank you. without out you i don't know what i would do.

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