

Hi I'm Kevin and I am 16 years old and I live in South Carolina and  I will tell you all about my life. When I was 10 years old 

we had a new neighbor and her name is Kendall when I first saw her I was riding a bike I 

accidentally fell in the bike when I first saw her. She pack her things with her mom and dad and 

went inside the house. when I first saw her my heart is beating so fast ( bug bug bug) I say to 

myself I think this is the girl that I like. I stand and I went home. when I was already in our house 

I grab my guitar And play " One Call Away" By "Charlie Puth" so when I am playing the guitar I 

Imagine how I first saw Kendall. She's so beautiful even if I first saw her I think God made her

for me. I know this not yet the time to be with her forever but I know in myself the time will come 

she will be mine. At the 2nd day with my new neighbor I open my diary at 6 a.m. in the morning 

I wrote something in my diary. I wrote there the date " Febuary 20, 2009" " Dear Diary I hope this second day  I can see Kendall in our window. I heared someone is knocking on our door.

( Knock! Knock!) Kevin! this is your mom it's time for breakfast better woke up there and take a bath

and after that go down because it's time to eat your breakfast and don't be a sleepy heads in there.

I close my diary and lock it I turn my head at the right and I look at in my window I saw Kendall

after that she look at me and smile. My cheeks are blushing my hands are sweating my heart is

beating so fast and I feel I want to kiss her on the cheeks I smiled on her and I close the window I

also closed the curtain and I jump to my bed and scream " She is mine... she is the joy in my world. I go to the bathroom and I take a bath. I'm in a hurry to wear my clothes when I am already finished wearing my clothes I went downstairs  and say goodbye to my parents "bye mom bye dad" " Mwah bye". My mom said are you going to eat your breakfast? (Grasp) I just grab my sandwich and ride into my bycycle and eat my sandwich going to the school. In my school in Middle School I was in 5ft grade with my friends BJ and Joshua they're  my two good friends. I went inside the classroom and I was shocked to see Kendall in there. She is there sitting so lonely so I seat beside her. I feel great in this first day of class because i sa her. I open my diary and I wrote something on it. I wrote there "Dear Diary, thank you God that my classmate is Kendall I feel so grateful that she is my classmate here in the Middle School. I'm seating beside her for a couple of minutes. I went to the bathroom and I talk to myself in the mirror "Hey Kevin you know you can do it you can talk to her" I know in my heart I totally like her. BJ and Joshua heard what I said BJ said something " Dude you know I think you like Kendall not just as a friend you know I think you are in love with her for sure" Joshua answered " Yeah Kevin you really think i love her" I slapped BJ and Joshua and I tell them lets go back to the classroom guys. When I am at the classroom I look at the time " Oh my gosh its already lunch time" I went to the cafeteria and bought a food a meatloaf and a milk. I turn around and I see Kendall in the table she is lonely eating her food. I seat beside her when I already seat beside Kendall I try to talk to her " Um Kendall" she answer "Yes" I answer "I am Kevin" she answer " Its nice to meet you Kevin" the bell rings Kendall told me " Oh I'm sorry Kevin I have class I need to go bye" she walks like an angel to if she is an Angel sent down from heaven.I am waiting for our dismissal time so i can talk to her. I kept on thinking of her that I almost forgot my mom who just text me awhile ago reminding me to come home early.i am feeling disappointed because mom tells me to be home soon as i am done with my class. I went at the parking lot where I park my bike. I ride in my bicycle a bit sad for i miss the chance of seeing and talking to Kendall. I change my clothes and I lie down in my bed and i started imagining how I met Kendall. At that time I'm imagining I'm looking at the celling and imagining the stars are shining bright like a diamond. I am connecting the constellation and I imagine how I first saw Kendall in my life. For me she is the prittiest and perfect girl for my life.







 After 6 years I am now 16 years old and I am already in 4th year highschool. Kendall has been here in this school for 5 years. She change a lot she became matured. she is always together with the boys. One day my mom drive the car to go to the school and when I go out of the car there are many changes happening on school everything has change since I start my 4th year highschool life. I tought that BJ and Joshua are good friends I thought before they are giving me good influence as a friend but when I am already in 4th year highschool they change a lot but I know they are not the right friends for me. Two of them are bullies since last year. Many things change and I know people change. I still got my old diary since I was on 5th grade. Everytime I go to the cafeteria I always buy meatloaf and milk since I was on 5th grade. When I was walking at the cafeteria and finding a seat. I have found already a seat I am closer to sit on the chair but suddenly BJ and Joshua say " Back off loser we will sit here" I answer " I suppost to seat here because I am the one who found that chair. BJ and Joshua get my food BJ put the meatloaf on my head and joshua pour my milk in my head they say " Don't you try to fight with us loser because if you just try I'm going to kick you and punch you on the face Understand it ( BJ shouted)" I answer "ok" Joshua is holding my shirt. They push me away from my chair and then they walk and say goodbye loser. I run and I went at the bathroom. I look at myself in the mirror. I told myself in the mirror I'm a mess I open the faucet and wash my my face (SSSSSSSS) that is the sound of the faucet this day is the worst day it is so embarassing. For me this 4th year highschool is the worst year ever. There are always bullying me when I always go at the cafeteria. I wrote in my diary and I go to the bathroom I wrote something on my diary,"Dear Diary I wish this 4th year highschool will be not the worst day everyday what did I do why I'm always having a bad luck when it come to school?" I finish writting I open the door in the classroom and it bang. All of them are looking at me also my teacher and ofcourse Kendall is looking at me Ms.Nina my teacher just clap,clap clap clap and she said " So Mr. Kevin Gibson why are you late in my class?" I answer " Um Ms. Nina I am so sorry I am late" Ms. Nina answer "Take your seat,seat beside Kendall. In that time I feel so embarassing in that time. I'm closing my hands I look at them and I want to punch them I look at BJ and Joshua they just laugh and making funny faces and making the loser signs. I am so angry I just walk and seat beside Kendall. A few minutes Kendall talk to me " Pssst hey Kevin" (she whispered) I look at heshe get r and I answer "what" ( I aslo whispered) she get a paper and she write something she gave the paper the paper to me I read it and it says in the paper " What happen why are you late?" I write " I am late because something bad happen to me at the cafeteria" I gave her the paper and she read it and she write " what happen?" she gave me the paper and I read it and I write " Its non of your buisness you don't need to know it" I gave her the paper and she write "ok" she write a question "Can you be my friend?" she gave me the paper and I read it and when I read it my cheeks are blushing my hands are sweating I said in myself "This is it Kevin this is your chance to be her close friend and be the boy in her life. I wrote in the paper "Sure Kendall you can be my friend" I gave her the paper she read it and she write "Lets eat together at the cafeteria" she fold the paper and she gave it to me. I read it my hands are sweating my cheeks are blushing and I wrote "Sure no problem" I gave her the paper and she read it she smiled at me. After 5 minutes its already breaktime so the bells ring (Kring! Kring! Kring!) Kendall told me lets go to the cafeteria so she hold my hands tightly and run together with Kendall. When we are at the cafeteria I buy food. After I buy food Kendall told me "Come here Kevin seat beside me" I seat beside her and we et are food together. Kendall ask me a question "So kevin who are your friends" I answer " I have no friends" she smile and say "Now you have a friend me" (grasp) and I smile. After we eat the bells ring so we go back to our classroom. I open my diary and I wrote there " Dear Diary, Thankyou that I have a friend Kendall I love her since we are in 5th grade when she talks to me I feel like I have nothing to say but when she looks at me and she smile on me she is so beautiful but I can't tell her my feelings for her because maybe if I tell her I love her maybe she don't love me so I think is not yet the right time to tell her my feelings for her. I think I will tell her in our prom that I love her. 2 days more before prom and 3 days more before the end of school year. I close my diary. We are seatmates so she look at me and say "whats that?" I said "nothing' she get a paper and she wrote something she give me the paper and I read it "Call me" I smile. 5 minutes more and it will be dissmisal time. After 5 minutesthe bells ring so I stand up and I say bye to Kendall and see you tomorrow. My mom fetch me from the school and I go inside the car. I am already at my house and I cross out the calenar. At 9pm I call Kendall on my phone (Kring! Kring!) she answer "Hello who is this?" I answer "This Is Kevin" she answer "Oh hi Kevin what are you doing? I answer "I'm doing nothing" she answer "Me too" I whisper "Oh I love you"she answer "What" I answer Nothing good night have a sweet dreams" I end call my phone. I sleep, Its already 6am in the morning its saturday I crossmy calendar 1 more day ts already prom I need to wear mask in the prom so kendall will not know me who will say I love you to her. I look at my phone someone text me I click my inbox and Kendall text at 6 am " Good morning Kevin are you having you breakfast already" I text back "Good Morning Kendall" I look at her windowshe is there texting she look at me and smile.I text a smiley face. She text "Are you ready for the prom for tomorrow" I received her message and I read it I message "There a special girl tomorrow on the prom that I want to dance with her" she received my message and then she read it then she look at me like she is jelouse I think she become jelouse because what I have message so she close the curtains. I have nothing to do inside the house so I decided to go to kendall's house and ask her if she wants to go with me at the mall. I wear my clothes and I go to Kendall's house.I push the doorbell ( Ding Dong!) Kendall open the door and she say "Oh Kevin what are you doing here?" I answer " I,I just wanna tell you do you want to go with me" she answer"Where are we going to go?" I answer her "We are going to the mall" to buy my clothes for tomorrow so do you want to go with me?" she answer "Wait I will just change my clothes" she close the door and I turn around and I say "yes" after 5 minutes Kendall open the door and she say "Lets go" I hold her hand and I smile to her. I open thedoor of my car and go inside the car. I drive the car and go to the mall with kendall. After 10 minutes we are already at the mall. I ask Kendall"Do you want to have our dinner first or I will just buy my clothes first"she answer "lets buy your clothes first" I answer "ok" We went at the department store and buy my clothes. Kendall pick my clothes to wear for tomorrow she pick a black and white tuxido. I wear the tuxido inside the fitting room after I see myself in the mirror I say to myself I'm so handsome "I know you will say yes Kendall. I change my clothes back and I go out of the fitting room and Kendall says "Is it beautiful?" I answer her "Yes its beautiful ok lets buy this tuxido" I walk and we go to the cashier and buy the tuxido. I ask Kendall "Do you want to buy your dress for tomorrow?" she answer "No I have a dress to wear for tomorrow" I answer her "Ok" after I bought my tuxido we went to resto bar. We have our dinner in the resto bar. Kendall told me "This is a great place right Kevin?" I answer her question "Yes Kendall this is a great and a peaceful place that I have ever seen in my life" She eat her fries she dip her fries on the ketchup and when she eat the fries theres a ketchup on her lips I get the table napkin and I wipe her lips she smiled on me and she say "Thankyou". She ordered beer she had already drink 13 shots of beer. I told her thats enough I hold her hand and say "We are going home you are already drunk" but she says "I am not yet drunk" I carry her and I put her inside the car. I drive the car to go to her house she is sleeping at the front seat of the car and she is snoring so loud. After 10 minutes I am already at Kendall's house. I open the car door and I carry her she wake up but she is still drunk. She told me "You know Kevin I don't know your cute you know when I first saw you I told myself a hundred times that you are so........" then she sleep again I don't what is she talking about. I push the doorbell (Ding Dong!) her mom open the door. I say to her mom " Sorry tita that Kendall has been drunk I try to tell her not to drink she want to drink I cannot stop her" Kendall's mom say "Its ok Kevin am I write?" I answer "Yes tita your right I am Kevin" she answer "Thankyou Kevin that nothing something bad happen to Kendall thankyou for bringing her safe here in our house" I answer "Your welcome tita no problem I will always be there with Kendall" she answer "Do you love my daughter?" I answer "Yes tita I love your daughter I will promise I will never hurt her and I promise I will always guide her" she answer " I'm voting for you Kevin your responsible your good your honest I will say yes I will let you be the boyfriend of Kendall if he answer you yes" I answer " Thanks tita" she answer " No problem ok lets bring Kendall on her room she is so sleepy" I answer "I will be the one who brings her on her room tita you can go back to your room and I will also lock the gate before I live" she answer "What a good boy" I bring Kendall on her room and I put her on her bed. She said softly "I love you Kevin" I smile on her and I kiss her in the forehead (Mwah!)  I whisper "Goodnight Kendall sweet dreams" I go downstairs and I say "Bye tita" I lock the door of the house. I heard someone is barking (Arf! Arf! Arf!) thres a dog was about to bite me in the legs. I open my car and I go inside the car The dog was about to chase me. I just drive I reverse the car because my house is just beside Kendall's house. I park the car and I go out of the car and go inside the house. "Mom,Dad I'm home this is Kevin" no one hears me. I go upstairs and I take a bath and I change my clothes I look at Kendall's house and I say "Goonight Kendall I love you too" I check the time " Oh no its already 9pm I need to go to bed sleep,there are how many hours before prom so I need enough of sleep so I will not get big eyebugs goodnight to myself" I wake up at 8am in tthe morning today is the day the prom this is the day that we are having our prom I have 5 hours to get ready for the prom. I eat my breakfast and I take a bath "Kevin this is the right time that you need to tell her that you love her" I have more time to buy that special girl a gift. I go to the mall and buy her a ring that worth $1,000 I will give this ring to the girl that I love. After 5 hours I change my clothes and I wear the tuxido for the prom. I bring my mask and I drive the car to go to the school. After 10 minutes I am at the school before I leave my car I wear my mask and I bring the ring its inside my pocket. I leave the car and I go inside the school the program is just starting. After the program you can pick your first dance. In the first dance I don't dance but in the last dance I will tell later Kendall "Can you dance with me? that dance is my last dance for Kendall" I take off my mask first so Kendall will never know what kind of mask that I am going to wear. A couple of hours the MC announce "Everybody stop what your doing because its time for the last dance you can pick your partner right now" I stand up and I find Kendall she is wearing a pink dress. After 1 minute I found her and I told her "Kendall Do you want to dance with me?" She answer "sure" Ihold her hand and dance I told myself this is the right ime Kevin you can tell her you ove her. When we are dancing I ask Kendall " Um Kendall I just wanna tell you something " she answer "Whats that " I answer "Kendall I just wanna tell you since we are in 5ft grade since I first saw you I have feelings for you Kendall I told myself a hundred times that you know I love her for me Kendall you are the perfect girl in my life" she answer "Who are you?" she remove my mask and she said "Kevin you love me?" I answer "Yes Kendall since we are in fifth grade I love you you are my life you are the stage on my life Its ok Kendall if you don't  like me I just wanna tell you my feelings for you" "So Kendall can you be my girlfriend?" she answer " Yes Kevin Gibson yes I love you" I answer "The girl that I was talking about is you ,you are the special girl in my life" I put the ring inside her ring finger.We kiss on the lips together. I thought before if a person change all of there attitude change but its not like Kendall she is the old Kendall that I know before. This is my highschool life and this is Kevin Gibson.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.12.2015

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