

The Glass City

I'M a runner, an escapee. Fleeing this world for the next,

Sierra thought as she stepped into the darkened pathway between worlds. Leaving this way is best. It has to be best because there's nothing at home left for me.

The moment Sierra's foot touched the soft plush green grass, she broke. She still cannot believe what just happened with Travis. The way he said that he would never in a million years love someone like her, crushed her. She felt the weight of the world on her shoulders. How did she manage to have everything she has ever wanted one minute and then the next have it ripped apart and taken away to be forever lost? The tears ran down her face and she felt exhausted inside and out.
Caedman kept his distance for awhile but as the sun's set, he moved closer. "We need to get into town before dark. It may seem like a peaceful place but at night things change." He whispered reaching down and pulling her into his arms. The warmth she felt from him sent shivers down her spine and goose bumps on her skin. She didn't even know she was cold until now.
"Your right and I'm sorry. It seems every time I've seen you, I'm crying. It's not fair for you and for that, I'm truly sorry." Sierra whispered looking up at his face. He wore a small smile that lit up the darkening sky. Even the stars dulled in comparison.
Soon enough they were on their way into town. Passing the plush green hills and rolling mountain sides. There was a river that gave off the most beautiful colors. A mixture of greens, blues and whites. Sierra could only imagine what it must look like with two different sun's shinning down on it in the daylight.
While her eyes were glued to the river, she felt a nudge from Caedman. Looking away from the water to his eyes. She saw that he was pointing at something. Turning her head in the direction he was pointing to, she saw the most spectacular sight imaginable. The entire town was encased in glass. Turning her head to look up at the sky, she couldn't tell where the glass itself ended or even where it began. It reminded her of a snow globe, the way it enclosed the town. The ones you shake to watch the snow fall on the forest below.
"Where are we?" Sierra asked not sure if this was Serenity or maybe something else entirely. She didn't take her eyes away from the glass while asking this but the sudden tightness of his hold diverted her eyes and now she was looking straight ahead. "Is there something wrong?" She could tell there was but just couldn't tell what it was. Or if she had said something wrong.
"Humans are not allowed here. But your not any ordinary human. Let me talk when we get to the gates. I'll explain why I've brought you here. I'll take the punishment for it just please don't say anything." He said while catching her eye then turning away before she could see the fear in his. What did he mean punishment? And why did he all the sudden looked so frightened?
"I'm not going to sit by and let you get hurt for something that's clearly my own doing. I've hurt enough people I care about today. Please don't ask me to do this." Sierra whispered catching his face in her hand and turning him so she could see his eyes.
"You don't understand. The Glass City is full of spirit warriors. Their whole mission is to keep humans out. Please for my sake, don't say a word. Keep your eyes on the ground in front of you. Don't make eye contact with anyone." He whispered urgently. Only after she nodded in agreement did they started walking again.
All of this conversation took place behind the tree line, out of view from the city itself. Picking her feet up off the ground, she tried to move as quietly as he did so, no one would pick up on the fact that after much argument she was human after all. It was a lot harder than she thought. Without even thinking, she glanced up and saw two guard standing post in front of a doorway. But her focus on them slowly became unfocused as she took in the sight in front of her. The door could have easily gone up for miles and the width was just as big. This made her wonder what other creatures they let in and how big they were. With Sierra being short and petite, she must have looked to everyone else like the smallest creature ever. Everyone around including the two guards were about the same height as Caedman or taller. So here she was standing next to giants. Talk about a complex.
"What have we here, Caedman. Picking up another stray?" One of the guards asked in a teasing way. He even laughed a little and that made her upset. But not enough to do anything about it. And to look him in the face and scold him for his words would mean a neck breaking event for her.
"Your missing out on the celebration, man. What I wouldn't give to be in there right now instead of standing out here. Your lucky through, you can always join in while I have guard the city against your occasional boogeyman." The other guard stated. He didn't laugh at all and the sadness in his voice, Sierra heard clearly. She actually felt sorry for him until the last words he spoke registered in her brain. Were there such things as boogeymen?
The breeze whipped up behind her so fast it almost knocked her over. It wasn't the usual breeze she's accustomed to, it was hot and sticky. And without a second thought Sierra turned around and saw a huge wolf staring down at her. Shaken with fear, she opened her mouth to scream but nothing come out. Not even a whimper. Her legs went numb almost instantly and she felt the world tilting in an odd way.
"Jeremiah stop being such an animal. You know you can't enter the city that way. Change back to your human form and leave Caedman and his girlfriend alone." One of the guards said behind her. His joking manner did not bring a smile to my face. All funny business aside, Jeremiah was one horrifyingly scary creature.
All Sierra saw were teeth, fangs and his yellow eyes. She couldn't take her eyes off of him as he walked away to change. When the shape of a man returned from where the creature had disappeared to, she still couldn't look away. Not believing what she had just seen.
"Sorry didn't mean to scare you. I'm Jeremiah and you are?" He asked walking up to stand in front of her. Once again she opened her mouth to answer him but no sound come out. Quickly shutting it, she turned into Caedman and placed her head on his chest. Her stomach was twisting and turning and she was sure her face was giving all the signs away. Her legs still felt numb and all to soon she know she would loss control of them as well. Lightly Sierra swayed in his arms but never did he released his grip. If anything he held on tighter.
"Sorry guys my dates not feeling well. Could we go inside so I can take her somewhere to lay down?" Caedman asked, relieved by the change in subject. Sierra couldn't tell if they were going to agree to it or not and she couldn't look away from where her eyes were without throwing up. It took everything she had right now to keep from falling over.
"Sure man, go inside." The guards said together and then the door open. But when she looked up slightly, just so she could see where she was going. The door wasn't opened at all. In fact there was no doors in sight. It only looked like there were from a distance but it was a solid piece of glass all around.
Sierra hesitated for a second before Caedman practically pulled her through. It was like walking through a doorway without opening the door before hand. But as solid as it looks, it's more like jello when you pass through. Strange, very strange. Yet it's also very refreshing too. Almost immediately her stomach stopped hurting and the numbness subsided. She felt almost a hundred times better. If only it could heal her broken heart then she would be perfect.
She looked up at Caedman, the first time since passing through the wall and saw that he was neither smiling or frowning. Something was wrong, she could tell. "I need to get you off the street and fast. There's something going on here." He said urgently. The strength of his arms as he pulled her out of sight would definitely leave bruises. But the way he slammed her back against the wall knocked the breath out of her. Sending her falling on my knees on the hard stones and holding her chest.
"What are you doing? Now is no time to rest!" He yelled at her, quietly. The sound of his voice and the way his face looked had her terrified. What in God's name was going on?

"'t... I'" Sierra gasped between words. Still not able to catch her breath. But the little amount of air that was getting in was helping. She felt his hands on her shoulder and looked up to meet his eyes only to find he was gone. She looked up and down were she was but there was no one around. There was however a faint sound of music and voices but she couldn't tell where they were coming from.
Once Sierra caught her breath, she stood. Not certain in which direction she should go, so she guessed. Hoping she was right as she stepped out from between the building and onto a crowded street. There were people all around, shouting and celebrating. From the sight she saw before her it looked like a party. But she was probably wrong. Most of the time she is wrong.
She lowered her head and walked around aimlessly for awhile before catching sight of Caedman. He was surrounded by many, many beautiful females and seemed to be enjoying himself. Laughing out loud with not a care in the world. Sierra felt betrayed and foolish for thinking a man like him would ever be remotely interested in her.
"Ah don't tell me you fell for his charm as well. He says your his date and brings you to the party promising you the best time of your life. Then he leaves you high and dry. While he is enjoying himself being surrounded by every female he can find and your sitting here thinking how could you have ever fallen for him. Don't worry I've been there before and I'll tell you one thing I've learned. He's not worth your time. If he truly feels something for you, he'll come to you." The girl said sitting down next to her and staring off in the same direction.
Sierra caught everything she said but she wasn't looking directly at him but past him to the one she left behind. Wishing Travis would feel something for her or at least show some sort of emotion other than hatred. Sierra wished he was here right now to protect and hold her even if he didn't like her anymore. His arms have always been comforting.
"You've got it all wrong. We're just friends. It wouldn't matter one way or another if he's over there or over here." Sierra said still staring out into space.
"I'm sorry I don't mean to pry but you look like your on the verge of crying. Is there anything I can get you or maybe go over and kick his butt for you?" The girl asked and Sierra could see the smile forming on her face.
"No I don't need anything. Thank you anyway." Sierra said looking at the girl for the first time since she sat down. She looked exactly like Carmen did except that her eyes were a blue-green color. And just staring at her for the short amount of time that Sierra did, brought on more regret than she thought possible. Along with the regret came the tears and being out here in the open with what feels like everyone's eyes on her, she couldn't stay seated long. Standing up, she smiled shaking her head slightly and then walked off.
"Do you mind if I come with you? The view here is boring me." The girl said rather loudly then stood up herself. Sierra nodded not feeling the need for words and continued to stare at the ground in front of her. Not wanting to get anymore attention than she already had.
"Sierra where are you going?" Caedman yelled. He made his way over to where they were. Putting his hand on her shoulder to stop her from going any further. Sierra was about to open her mouth when the girl that was walking with her spoke first.
"Caedman she's not going to wait for you all night. Besides we're going for a walk. That's all and there's nothing wrong with that." She said next to Sierra. Sierra saw out of the corner of her eye the look the girl was giving him. She looked very pleased with herself but Sierra didn't hold the same pleasure.
"Giselle stay out of this. It's none of your business." He spoke firmly, still with his hand on Sierra's shoulder but his grip was gentle. Looking around Sierra saw that they had more of an audience than she would have liked.
"I just want to go for a walk and clear my head. It's safe here, right? I can walk without someone trying to kill me?" Sierra said in a whisper. Looking up at his face and seeing the pain. But why would he look pained? Just a second ago when he was with all those females he looked happy. Smiling and laughing along with them and now looking at her, he looked hurt. Is this how everyone looked when they were around her? Do she cause pain for everyone?
Feeling the tears at the edge of her eyes Sierra tried hard to keep them at bay. No one deserved to see her break down. She didn't realize the tears had escaped her eyes until his warm fingers gently wiped them off her cheek. Closing her eyes and believing for a moment that he actually did care.
"Caedman can't you see you've caused enough pain. Can't you let her just walk away. Do you not care about anyone's feeling?" Giselle asked. This time her voice came out softly with a hint of sadness.
"Giselle just go back to the party. I'll take care of her." He said. His fingers were gently wiping away more tears but as much as he wiped them away, more came.
"You go back. You seem to be having more fun than I am and I'll take her home to rest." Giselle said and Sierra felt her hand on her arm. It was just as warm as his was.
"Your going to take her to your house. Why not take her to mine?" He asked. This whole conversation was just above a whisper but Sierra knew everyone could hear. She could feel their eyes boring into her back and was instantly uncomfortable.
“Because when you do

decide to come home. Whenever that may be. I don't want her to have to hear you bringing someone else home with you. She'll be safe.” Giselle said and Sierra could hear the venom in her voice as she spoke. Sierra opened her eyes and saw them both standing very close to each other. Her heart felt like it had broken into a million pieces again and she couldn't stand being there anymore.
Walking back into the celebration wasn't entirely what she wanted to do. Sierra really wanted to go somewhere where no one else was so she could be alone. She wanted to sit and cry out all the tears she had left and be done with it. Instead of having them appear when she least expected them too.
Looking at the ground and not paying attention to anyone around her while she dealt with her own self pity. But the feeling of someone staring at her was too great. Nervous and unsure of herself, she quickly glanced up and was broken again.



HER eyes stayed glued to his face while she lost her footing and came crashing down. The scrapes and bruises were worth it if who she's seeing is really there. Could she have both at the same time? A safe place without always looking over her shoulder and the man she has loved forever.
"Are you okay? You look pale. Do you need something to drink?" He asked as he crouched down in front of her. Everything about him looked the same except his eyes. They were a sparkling blue color. Much like the river itself. Sierra looked him up and down - with her eyes only - to see if he was really there or if this was just a cruel trick her heart and mind were playing on her.
"I'm fine, really. Thank you for your help but I need to leave." She whispered but didn't blink or avert her eyes, afraid he'd disappear or some how fade away.
When he reached out to touch her, to help her to her feet, memories flooded her and she flinched away. A pain to horrible to explain shoot across her chest that was almost unbearable but she gasped a breath in and managed to pull herself up and back away from him.
"I can walk you home if you'd like." He said with a smile that tore her up.
How can this be?

Everything about him was the same but it didn't make sense. How? Did she hit her head harder than she thought because what she has seen so far is killing her. Literally. Am I in heaven or hell?

Sierra thought coming here would help her get over the pain and heart break but all it's done so far is cause more. This man that's standing in front of her looked a whole hell of lot like Travis but he couldn't be. And then Giselle looks exactly like Carmen but she's not. How many others are out there that look like her friends? The ones she'd left behind.
She closed her eyes for a minute and sent up a silent prayed, “Please God, don't let me see anyone who have died, walking around here. If I'm here for a purpose, please let me do that and not be tormented by my past.” Opening her eyes brought her back to reality to see him still standing in front of her, shocked her further.
He looked sad if only for a minute then composed his face, replacing the sadness she had glimpsed with a smile. Sierra tried to do the same but didn't accomplish it. Having to look away before grief took over completely and the tears returned. This has to be my punishment for loving Travis.

This stranger standing in front of her, smiling his devilishly handsome smile and not having a clue what he was doing. Even his simple touch brought memories she'd tried hard to suppress.
"Hey, man. I see you've met my date, Sierra. And this is my friend Patrick." Caedman said appearing out of nowhere. At some point between staring at Patrick and turning away did Caedman and Giselle end their argument and join them. Giselle walked over to where Sierra was and putting her arm, steadied Sierra's swaying for the moment.
"Guys while you two catch up, I'm going to take Sierra over to meet some other friends and get something to drink." Giselle said with a wink then turned them both around and pulled Sierra along with her. By the forcefulness Giselle was taking, Sierra thought one of two things. One: Giselle was really wanting her to meet her friends – which didn't seem likely - or, two: she wanted to speak with her alone. Either way Sierra didn't like it.
Turning herself around Sierra pleaded silently with Caedman to help her. She didn't want to be alone with Giselle. But it was hopeless, watching him turn away and continue talking with Patrick. A single tear rolled down her cheek and abandonment stole her heart. This might be a place where Caedman felt safe but Sierra felt far from it.
"Sierra my dear. I'm just going to lay this out straight for you because

your new here but Caedman is off limits. He's my man. We've been together for a long time and even if we don't act like it all the time, it doesn't mean you can swoop in and take him from me. I know he's fond of you and says your important but I don't care

. Leave him alone! Do I make myself clear?" She asked after walking far enough away from everyone else so no one could eaves drop. The fierceness in her voice scared Sierra enough to heed her warning. As far as Sierra knew Giselle could probably turn into some horrific animal and kill her if that's what she wanted to do. There was no doubt about it and that along with fear was the reason why she nodded in agreement.
"Good I'm glad we can come to this little agreement. Now do you want something to drink or are you still planning on leaving?" She asked with a smile on her face.
"You go on ahead. I don't know what I'm going to do." Sierra said just above a whisper. Her voice shook with fear she couldn't possibly control. But one thing for sure Sierra knew she didn't want to be here any longer.
Giselle dropped her arm that was more than supporting Sierra upright and walked away. With her out of sight, Sierra sunk down on the plush green grass and stared off into the night. Caedman is the only one she knew here and now because of her fear she's agreed to leave him alone. Stupid, blah! Left one nightmare behind only to end up in another.
Laying back and staring up at the sky felt like she was in a dream. This was her first cloudless sky and the stars all shone brightly, looking like someone had thrown pixie dust into the air to watch it sparkle and shine. Some stars shone brighter than others while most of them stayed further back and twinkled. It was beautiful and peaceful and made her want to cry. The moon itself was the brightest star of all. Giving off colors of it's own into the mixture. It looked so close, that Sierra reached her hand out and attempted to reach for it. For some resemblance of what she knew. Something to connect the worlds together.
Sierra closed her eyes and saw both Patrick and Travis standing side by side. Their similarities were uncanny. The same height, facial features, build, muscles, they had to be the same person. Had to be! It was torturous. This was definitely

“Sierra, my love. Your safe, I'll always be there to protect you.” Her eyes shot open at the sound of his voice. Was it real? She sat up and listened closer to hear it again. But the only sound came from the wind and the trees swaying in it. Dreaming about Travis was stupid. She had to close that door, tightly. Push it with all her might and seal it forever.
He's not here to protect you, your on your own Sierra. Travis is gone.

But when she turned the corner and saw Giselle standing across the street, Sierra could feel the fear seeping back in. Giselle's eyes were sparkling with hatred as she glared at Caedman and the females that surrounded him. He on the other hand looked to be having the time of his life. Smiling and laughing, enjoying being home again. And seeing this Sierra wanted to run, to escape this horrible place.
"Sierra why don't I take you home, you look exhausted." Patrick said coming up behind her silently. And before she could stop him, he had his arm around her waist, holding her close.
"Of course if your waiting for Caedman. I can tell you he'll be awhile before he'll leave. And Giselle, don't worry about her. She's all bark and no bite." He smiled and laughed a little at his own joke. As horrible as Sierra felt his smile actually made my heart skip a beat and his touch was warm just like everyone else but it didn't have the electricity that Travis' touch had. This comparing and remembering sucked.
"Sounds great but I don't have anywhere to go." She spoke just above a whisper. Looking around everywhere but at his face. And then Sierra locked eyes with Giselle's and she wanted to find the deepest hole and bury herself in it. Trembling with fear.
"She won't hurt you. She has a habit of telling everyone to leave Caedman alone, even me every once in awhile but really she's harmless. If it makes you feel better, I'll tell her to back off. I won't let anything bad happen to you." As he said this she turned her head and stared at him. Could he have said what she thought he'd said? Or was she just hearing things that she so desperately needed to hear? Her heart beat faster in her chest and her breath was trapped in her throat.
His arm dropped from around her waist and started walking towards Giselle, taking her non-response as answer enough. But at the last moment she reached out to stop him. More afraid of being alone than whatever he intended to say to Giselle. "Please don't leave me." Her voice broke with tears.
"I'll be right back. I wasn't really going to talk to her but if you want, I will. I'm going to get us something to drink unless of course you want to come with me." He said with a smile. Sierra shook her head no, her legs were still shaky and she'd probably end up falling on her face. So instead of doing that she found a wall that happened to be close by and slid down it, until she was securely seated on the ground. Stretching her legs to get some feeling back in them so she could walk without the fear of falling. Or the need of support.
"I see you've met Patrick. He's a nice guy but I've never seen him around a female longer than ten minutes before. He tends to loss interest fast so when I saw him talking to you, it really surprised me." Sierra turned her head to see who was talking and received yet another shock of her lifetime.
Oh, God, why?

Sierra dug deep inside hoping to get her lungs to work, needing air but feeling as if the tight hold on her chest would not ease.
"A-are you two...?" Her voice squeaked and the hold on her tightened more. Out of the corner of her eye she spied Patrick moving this way. Feeling light headed from lack of oxygen caused Sierra to see things that couldn't possibly be there. Did his eyes lighten? Was he smiling at me?

"Patrick and I together. Oh no. Don't get me wrong, I've tried to make things work but he's clearly not interested in me." She said and her eyes looked to where he was too.
"Casey. What a surprise. I didn't think you were talking to me." Patrick said as he took a seat next to Sierra. And once again for reasons unknown she felt like the third wheel.
"Patrick don't be silly, I'm not talking to you. I'm talking to her." Casey said but her eyes filled with sadness.
"Here Sierra. I picked up something to eat for you and a drink just in case." He said handing her what he brought. Turning her head to him she saw again that sparkle in his eye.
"Thank you." Sierra felt the corners of her mouth tilt up and quickly moved her eyes to look at the ground. Being in the middle here felt worse than being in the middle before. Maybe it has a lot to do with Patrick looking a lot like Travis and feelings that she's never let go of towards him. Ugh! She wanted to scream, this is too much for one night!

"Sierra since you're new here and probably haven't met that many people do you want to come to the lake tomorrow? We're going to have a picnic and swim and I can introduce you to everyone else." Casey said starting up a new conversation. Clearly the silence between them was too much for her.
"That sounds nice but I don't have anything to wear." Sierra whispered, diverting her eyes back to the ground. Heat rose in her cheeks as she thought about going in what she had on or worse, nothing at all. And then her memory resurfaced on the last swimsuit she wore and shuddered.
"Oh that won't be a problem. I have plenty and Patrick, if you're not to busy you're welcome to join. If you want to." Casey stated and began to stand up.
"I'll go if she goes." He said looking at Sierra.
Oh great, this just gets better and better

, Sierra thought as she looked up and saw his eyes pleading with her. Nodding her head, she thought this could be fun. God, please let this be fun. I really need fun right now.

"Good I'll see you both tomorrow then. Bye, Sierra. Patrick." Casey whispered his name and walked away. She watched her leave before turning her attention back to him.
For some reason Sierra felt herself leaning closer to him, their shoulders touching and for a moment she thought there'd been electricity between them. Did his eyes widened at that same moment then slowly softened? Hope cascaded inside her as his arm wrapped around and she placed her head on his shoulder, closing her eyes. Not realizing until this moment how tired she really was. And with the smell of him, his scent was soothing her tensed muscles, relaxing them Sierra felt herself fall into peaceful bliss.



REMEMBERING his strong arms picking her up off the ground and the gentle breeze blowing her hair around brought a smile to her face. And when she raised her own hands putting them around his neck, it was a dream come true. Never once did Sierra open her eyes and see exactly who he was. Wanting every thing that's happened so far to be a dream and this feeling now to be real. In her mind this person who was carrying her was Travis. So wrapping her arms around his neck seemed harmless and falling deeper into sleep, she breathed in his scent and dreamed more. The calmness of it caused her mind slip away and all thoughts to disappear. This very night she didn't want to dream at all. No nightmares or heart breaks just peacefulness. For once she wanted to be able to sleep throughout the night.
When she woke to both the sun's shining on her face she still didn't open her eyes and face reality. Maybe, she thought, if she kept them closed then believing all that's happened being a dream will come true. Rolling on to her back she brushed her hand across the bed. The softness of the sheets made her mind believe she was in her bed, in her house. And any minute now Travis will be coming in to tell her good morning and lay down beside her. Pulling her close to his side to whisper in her ear. Any minute now. Holding her breath she waited for him. Silently begging.
When she brushed her hand across the empty space beside her, she realized it wasn't so empty after all. There was someone else in the bed with her. This person whoever it was had no shirt on and was very well proportioned. Her insides quivered but still she forced her eyes to remain closed and rolled over, snuggled closer to this person. Feeling the warmth against her side as she leaned over more. Behind her closed eyelids Sierra saw who she wanted it to be. Her one true love, Travis. Smiling, she thought, how comical everything would be when she opened her eyes and saw that she was in his arms and they were at home.
"Good morning, Sierra." The voice come out in a musical tone, causing her heart leap up in joy. "I came up to see if you wanted anything and when I stood close to you and asked. You pulled me into bed with you." He laughed, wrapping his arms tighter around her.
What would it be like to laugh along side him, never opening her eyes and living as a blind person? Seeing only what she wanted to see and nothing else. It would be heaven

, she thought.
At the last moment she opened her eyes, not being able to stand not knowing who this man was beside her any longer. And when she did, her heart plummeted. It wasn't Travis at all but Patrick who laid besides her, with her arms wrapped so tightly around him. The dream she wanted to savor faded away. The face of the man she gave her heart to disappeared and all she saw was the painful truth. The truth of knowing that everything that's happened, has really happened.
“Patrick! I said you could take her here so she could rest but I didn't expect to see you resting with her.” Caedman yelled, barging into the room. Sierra jumped at the sound of his voice and nearly fell off the bed in the process, grabbing the sheets in a effort to keep from doing just that. Her head started spinning from sitting up to quickly but she didn't utter a word in her own defense to what she'd been doing or thinking. Putting as much distance between herself and the two of them as was possible.
The danger level was rising in this little room and looking between the two of them, neither was safe for her. Stuck in the middle, that's where she was and hating it with a passion. Thinking quickly to dissolve the situation Sierra blurted our, “it's my fault. I'm the one who pulled him on the bed and kept him there. Please Caedman, Patrick has been very kind and hasn't once stepped over the line. Please don't be mad at him. If anything you should be mad at me.”
Her little speech seemed to erase the anger off of both their faces and watching them both take a deep breath she thought the situation was resolved. So changing the subject Sierra asked, “Caedman I was asked to go to the lake with a few friends today and I wanted to know if that would be okay?”
Caedman visibly tensed before saying, “Patrick could you give us a minute, I need to talk to Sierra, alone.” He walked over and sat on the edge of the bed. Keeping the distance she'd put between them the same.
Patrick stood up stared at Caedman for a moment and then walked out of the room. Sierra watched their silent conversation but didn't understand what was said or in this case not said. But her eyes followed Patrick's every move until he disappeared behind the door. Then sighing inwardly to herself she asked, “what do you want to talk about?”
“The lake.” He simply stated. Giving nothing more than that.
“Is there something wrong with the lake?” Sierra asked raising an eyebrow.
“There is nothing wrong with it, the lake is our source of life here. It provides us with the strength we need to live for as long as we have. That is the reason why we've enclosed this town in glass to protect it. The lake as you call it has a name 'Angel Lake'. We all come from sources within that lake. Everyone here has the blood of angels in them regardless to what you see on the outside. But for you to go to the lake and as much as touch the water, I'm afraid of what will happen to you. No human has ever survived after coming in contact with it. Please for me, don't go.” He said in a tone that demanded to be obedience.
Sierra's eyes widened with shock, she couldn't believe what he was saying. The source of life here came from the water? Everyone had angel blood? What? This wasn't possibly. She had to still be dreaming.
Opening her mouth to say something to what he'd just said, to respond with something but nothing came out. She tried again taking a deep breath as well and finally was able to talk. “How do you know human's cannot survive the water if there was never one here? You told me human's weren't allowed. Why did you bring me here if it's that dangerous for me? I was safer where I was. You should have left me alone!” Sierra screamed, pushing beyond her own control and wanting to escape his presents. Useless tears, tears that had no business falling were running down her face.
“You were the one who called for my help, remember! And it isn't dangerous here if you listen to me. I'll keep you safe. If you want you can always return home but you'll be on your own.” He yelled back letting anger take control of him. Caedman knew she was hurting, could see it in her eyes and he wanted her to understand. His protection only reached so far. Looking up at her tear stained face he pleaded for her understanding.
All the fire and rage she felt died a slow burning death inside her. “I wouldn't last a day at home but from what I've gathered so far I won't last that long here either. I don't know what to do. If I go, then everyone will find out I'm human. But if I stay, they'll find that out eventually anyway. It's a no win situation. What do I do?” Sierra asked quietly. The last question was more for herself than Caedman or any other.
“If you really want to go. Then I'll go with you and protect you. I won't let anything happen to you.” He said and slowly stood up.
“I won't let anything happen to you either.” Patrick said standing at the door. Sierra stared at him wide eyes, asking herself how long had he been standing there? Did he hear everything that was said? The answers were clear on his face, he'd heard.
“With the two of you there to protect me, how much trouble could I get into?” Sierra said, laughing without humor. Her eyes locked on Patrick's and she couldn't look away. Her breath catching in her throat, she watched every slight movements of his muscles as he flexed his arms to cross them across his chest.
“We'll leave so you to get dressed and see you down stairs.” Caedman said and walked to where Patrick was standing, pushing him out the door and closing it behind him.
Sierra felt her knees wobble and knew she should have told Caedman at least that she's been having dreams about this place and mostly about the lake itself. But what they meant she wasn't sure. Still after years of trying to sort through those dreams all she's come up with are more questions. With no answers in sight. And the latest question was: Have I ever been here before?
In her dream she was able to walk out in the water and saw both her parents standing there waving for her to join them. When her feet touched the water, nothing happened. She remembered being able to place her foot on top of the water and felt as if was a solid sheet of glass but moist beneath her feet.
Shaking out of her thoughts Sierra stood up and walked over to the closet. Surprisingly it was full of clothes but none of her own. Who do they belong to and where was this person now? Ran through her mind. Whoever she is/was had great taste in clothing. Brushing her fingers across the tops of some of them, Sierra felt a sense of regret and sorrow. In the back of her mind a voice spoke softly answering her question. The clothes were your mother's when she was young. My mothers.....

Sierra felt the moisture in her eyes again and slid to the floor, crying softly to herself. Was that voice from a memory?
“Sierra are you ready yet?” Patrick asked just like Travis would have done at home when she took to long getting ready. He opened the door a crack and looked in seeing Sierra sitting on the floor, crying. Patrick walked to rest of the way and crouched down beside her. Unsure of what to do he asked, “what happened? What's wrong?” Looking around the room for any signs that someone broke in.
“Why are my mother's clothes here?” She asked looking up through tear soaked eyes and catching her trembling lip between her teeth.
“They're not. These are my mother's clothes. She died years ago and I haven't gotten around to giving them away yet. For some reason I cannot part with them just yet. I know it sounds stupid but it feels like she's still here.” He said in whispers.
She watched him with questions in her eyes. His mother? Her mother? Were they the same person? Does this mean, they're.....siblings? The thought of this possibly being true ripped her heart to shreds.
“I sorry.” Sierra cried. I know how you feel. Both my mother and father were killed years ago and then my brother only recently. God, I am truly alone.

The intensity of his stare said he heard every unspoken word as well.
“Do you still want to go to the lake or would you rather stay here? I'm sure we could find something interesting to do.” His voice was hoarse but he tried smiling to cheer them up.
“I'd like to see the lake while the sun's are up. That is if you still want to go with me.” Sierra's voice was growing with strength.
“If you”ll have me.” He said.
“You'll do.” Sierra said biting her lip. She wanted to believe that what she was feeling was right but she wasn't sure. And his stare was reeking havoc on her heart, causing all thoughts to flee. She knew better but felt herself leaning in closer, almost touching his lips against her own when the door opened making her jump back.
“I thought I'd find you up here again. Patrick your going to have to leave so she can get dressed. Since she can't seem to think straight with you in the room. Come on, man. Let's go.” Caedman smiled to himself then laughed the whole way out of the room.
“I won't be far.” Patrick whispered as he straightened himself out. Again here we go again, watching his every move as he walks away.
This time around Sierra managed to pick out something with her eyes closed because she couldn't face seeing the clothes in the closet at this moment without feeling the pain. Closing it securely, she opened her eyes again and saw the sun dress in all it's brilliance. It was shockingly similar to the one she had at home but with the colors were brighter.
Quickly stripping off her clothes she pulled the sun dress over her head and felt the fabric mold itself to her. When it was completely on Sierra stepped into some sandals that happened to have appeared out of nowhere and left the room. Walking down the stairs, Sierra looked around her to see where she'd been brought. Glancing inside rooms quickly and then darting back out made her feel like a thief but the last room stilled her. There were hundreds maybe thousands of books stacked neatly on the shelves. The very next thought that crossed her mind was later she'd have to come back to this room and spend some extra time here. Reading has always been her favorite past time, taking her away from everything and into favorite fantasy worlds.
Taking a deep breath Sierra stepped back closer to the stairs and started her decent. Taking in everything that she could see around her. The house alone – from the inside – was beautifully designed. All the furniture looked like it belonged right where it was. Like the house itself had put it there. And the spaces were breathtaking.
She could hear the guys talking but couldn't figure out where it was coming from. With the open spacing of the living room the voices seemed to echo. Looking here and there she decided that standing where she was was probably the wisest decision she's made.
“Patrick I know how you feel about her but listen, she just had her heart broken. I don't think it's wise for you to be around her right now. I know she thinks she needs you but she really doesn't need anyone. She's a lot stronger than the last one I had but she hasn't realized it yet. When she does, that's when she'll need support. That's when you can come to her but not now.” Caedman said. His voice was very stern.
“I'm not going to just leave her. If she wants me to stay then I will. You're not going to tell me otherwise. I feel the need to protect her. And I know I've said it before but with her it's different. I can't explain why I feel this way. I just do.” Patrick said.
Sierra couldn't figure out what either of them was talking about but she'd had enough of just standing there listening. Wanting to be apart of the conversation because hearing her name she already was, she rounded the corner to where they sat comfortably and let her voice be heard, “please let's not start this again. I don't want either of you to leave me.”
“Well that settles that.” Patrick said smiling across the room to her.
“We should be going.” Caedman smirked and turned his back on them. Before he'd completely turned around Sierra had caught the pain in his eyes. Why couldn't she make both of them happy at the same time?
Both Patrick and Sierra turned and followed Caedman out the door and down the pathway to the lake. The house sat a mile from the shoreline and where they were headed, it seemed. There were a few others there that could be heard laughing the closer they got.
There was no need for a swimsuit since Sierra wasn't getting close to the water she headed to the group that was sitting in the sand and sat down with them.
“Sierra, Patrick and

Caedman. Surprise, surprise! I knew the two of you would be coming but bringing him along, it just makes it that much more fun. Do you want to get in the water?” Casey asked all three of them. And since Caedman was the spokes person Sierra waited for him to answer. Because thinking up an excuse to why she couldn't get near the water, well lets just say nothing brilliant has come to mind.
“Not at this moment but maybe later.” Caedman stopped to say this then walked past them to where everyone else was. Catching glimpses of his face through her hand as I shielded her eyes from the sun's, Sierra saw a rare smile light his face but somewhere deep inside she knew it was false. Because it was worse than the fake one she'd worn all those times.
“Okay then you have to at least come and meet everyone else.” Casey said cheerfully and held her hand out for Sierra to grab. Reluctant at first to meet so many people, Sierra stood up and walked with her to where they all were. “Everyone this is Sierra. Sierra this is Calvin, Gage and Christina.” Sierra nodded to all of them then took a step back, feeling overwhelmed all the sudden. Out of the blue fear slipped in and took precedence over everything else. Sierra searched the surrounding area, looking for whatever was making her tremble inside but saw nothing.
“Hey what's going on with them?” Calvin asked, shaking Sierra out of her state. All eyes followed to see Caedman and Patrick deep in conversation, sitting far away from everyone else.
“My guess is their fighting over Sierra.” Casey laughed out.
“Why would you say that?” Sierra asked. I'm not that much of a prize.

“Like I was telling you yesterday. I've never seen Patrick show any kind of interest towards any other female before and to what I'm seeing now it looks like Caedman has that same interest for you as well.” Casey smiled hugely. “Anyway let the boys fight among themselves while us girls have fun.” She grabbed Sierra's hand before she could stop her and pulled to the water's edge. Sierra's mind froze, afraid of what Caedman had said would happen to her if she so much as touched the water itself.
A scream escaped her lips when the water lapped across her skin. It was so cold it numbed her entirely and left her shaking were she stood. Seeing the world tilt to one side, Sierra closed her eyes and let go.
Then next thing she knew she was waist deep in the water and what had felt cold before now burned. Her skin was on fire and she screamed again. Water was everywhere, making her limbs crawl with scorching flames. Blackness edged it's way in and enveloped her completely.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 08.08.2011

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

To my boys, Daniel, Gabriel and Jeremiah who's imagination of how the world should be has helped me create this one.

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