

My family, our friends, and I were hoping and wishing that the war with The Volturi would just get over with and let our life go back to well not normal but back to the way it was before they came. Be happy with my new husband, Edward, our daughter, Renesmee aka Nessie,(She got that name from my best friend ever, Jacob BLack which he imprinted on her so now she is his girlfriend), my father was safe, my old friends were safe, and now my new family and new friend are enjoying life how it was before they came to kill my daughter.

I was having a good time with my husband, our daughter, and my BFF, Jacob Black. When i became a Vampire and found out that Jacob imprinted on her, I was a little upset about it but until i found out that she liked him and he loved her and that he would keep her safe from what ever happens was ok with me. Jacob didn't care that I was a vampire or not he thought I was still me.

I just never knew what life would be until I had my little girl. She's my reason for living and she is my life, well mine and Edward's life. Oh, I don't want to forget Jacob's life too. The rest of the Cullen's fell in love with her too. Mostly Alice and Rosalie. They always played dressed up with her adn she did look cute when they did that too her. I will tell you this Rosalie and I came closer then ever when I had her. But she still don't like Jacob that much but she has to live thru it since Jacob and Renesmee is together.

I know that Alice and Jacob became closer. Alice calls him 'hers pain killer'. When i found about that I laugh my ass off on that. I'm just happy that I'm with Edward still after that war was over with the Volturi. I just hope that they will not come back forever but that will not happen. But I can wish can I.

Bella's P.O.V

After the battle was over we went back to the house and we had a little party from us winning and glad that Alice and Jasper was back home with us.

Everyone left but Jacob, Huilen, and Nahuel. They stayed with us for a little bit. Nessie was asleep in my arms. I looked up from Nessie and then I seen Nahuel looking at me or he was looking at Nessie.

I didn't like it when he was looking at her like she was his sister or something. I wonder if Jacob saw. I looked at Edward and I wonder if he is thinking what I was, about taking her home and put her in her own bed.

“Should we take her-” I said.

“Yea, we should. She hasn't had enough sleep last night because of someone snoring.” Edward laughed.

“Yea, well I think I should go back home to my bed. My dad would be so glad that I'm back.” Jacob said.

“Thank you.” I said.

“Anytime, Bella. But you already knew that Bella.”

I got up with her in my arms real slowly so I would not wake her up. She had a lot on her little shoulder.

Jacob kissed her on the forehead and then kissed me on my forehead, then punched Edward in the arm and left. I was just Bella to him. I wasn't a vampire, I was just like myself, no one else to him.

After he left, we left. We were hugged and kissed by our family. We took our time to get to our place. When we did get there we put her into her bed. I took off my necklace that Aro gave me and threw it in the corner. She can play with it if she wants. She likes pretty things.

Edward and I walk to our room holding hands. He looked at me and said. “A night for celebrations.” he murmured, and he put his hand under my chin to lift my lips to his.

“Wait,” I hesitated, pulling away.

He looked at me in confusion. As a general rule, I didn't pull away. Okay, it was more than a general rule. This was a first.

“I want to try something,” I informed him, smiling slightly at his bewildered expression.

I put my hands on both sides of his face and closed my eyes in concentration.

I hadn't done very well with this when Zafrina had tried to teach me before, but I knew my shield better now.

It stills wasn't anywhere near as easy as shielding other people along with myself. I felt the elastic recoil again as my shield fought to protect me. I had to strain to push it entirely away from; it took all of my focus.

“Bella!” Edward whispered in shock.

I knew it was working then, so I concentrated even harder. Some of the memories were not clear – dim human memories seen through weak eye and heard through weak ears: the first time I'd seen his face... the way it felt when he'd held me in the meadow... the sound of his voice through the darkness of my faltering consciousness when he'd saved me from James... his face as he waited under a canopy of flowers to marry me... every precious moment from the island... his cold hands touching out baby through my skin...

And the sharp memories, perfectly recalled: his face when I'd opened my eyes to my new life, to the endless dawn of immortality... that first kiss... that first night...

His lips, suddenly fierce against mine, broke my concentration.

With a gasp, I lost my grip on the struggling weight I was holding away from myself. It snapped back like stressed elastic, protecting my thought once again.

“Oops, lost it!” I sighed.

“I heard you,” he breathed. “How? How did you do that?”

“Zafrina's idea. We practiced with it a few times.”

He was dazed. He blinked twice and shook his head.

“Now you know,” I said lightly, and shrugged. “No one's ever loved anyone as much as I love you.”

“You're almost right.” he smiled, his eyes still a little wider than usual. “I know of just one exception.”


He started to kiss me again, but then stopped abruptly.

“Can you do it again?” he wondered.

I grimaced. “It's very difficult.”

He waited, his expression eager.

“I can't keep it up if I'm even that slightest bit distracted,” I warned him.

“I'll be good,” he promised.

I pursed my lips, my eyes narrowing. Then I smiled. I pressed my hands to his face again, hefted the shield right out of my mind, and with the crystal – clear memory of the first night of my new lift... lingering on the details.

I laughed breathlessly when urgent kiss interrupted my efforts again.

“Damnit,” he growled, kissing hungrily down the edge of my jaw.

“We have plenty of time to work on it,” I reminded him.

“Forever and forever and forever.” he murmured.

“That sounds exactly right to me.”

And then we continued blissfully into this small but perfect place of ours forever.

I have my old family and friends, and now my new family and friends. What else could go wrong, well Alice is here now to let us know.

Edward and I were on the bed holding each other, just kissing when the sun was just coming up. It was about 7 or 8 A.M. I was thinking.

I was about to get up and get dressed, when I heard Nessie scream. I grabbed my blanket and ran into her room with Edward right behind me.

“Honey, what's wrong?” I asked.

“Mommy! Oh mommy.” Nessie said. Tears coming down her face.

“Oh baby, it was just dream. Don't worry I'm here.” I said to her.

“But it felt so real.”

“What was it about?” Edward asked her.

“It was like you two, grandma, grandpa, Aunty Rose and Alice, uncle Emmett and Jasper, and all out friends were dead. Even the werewolves were dead. I was the only one alive. Aro wanted me to join him.” she was crying harder.

“Don't worry hun, they are done forever, they will never hurt us again. Let's get to the house.” Edward and I said to her.

He was already dressed. I put on a baby blue dress on. It was one of Edward's favorites on me. Put some heels on too. But when we ran to go to the house I was barefoot.

When we got to the back door I put my heels on. Edward carried Nessie in and got her some food. When I walked in Alice came in the kitchen.

“Hey Nessie, hows my baby girl?”

Nessie ran to Alice crying to her. That's when Rosalie and everyone came in the kitchen.

“What's wrong with her?” Rosalie asked.

“She had a nightmare.” I said.

“Of what?” Emmett and Carlisle said at the same time.

“About what happen at the clearing.” Edward said. Then I added. “She thought we were all dead and Aro wanted her to join them.”

“That will never happen,” Rosalie hissed. “Over my damn body.” Rosalie walked to Alice and Nessie. “Come here baby. Don't worry, he will never get you. And if her does I will kill him before he gets you.”

“Damn right, Rosalie.” Emmett said.

“Thanks, guy. I love y'all so much.” Nessie said and whipped her tears away.

“We love you, too baby.” Esme said.

Rosalie put her down so she can eat.

“Mommy, you look very pretty.”

“Thank you.” I kissed her on her forehead.

Then my phone went off. It was my dad Charlie.

“Good, morning Charlie.”

“Hi Bella, Ummm... are you busy?”

“No, I am not. What's wrong dad?”

Edward looked at me when I said that.

“Can you come over I need to tell you, well show you something in person.”

“Okay, Charlie. I'll be there in about 10 minutes.”

“Okay bye.” then he hung up.

“What's wrong?” Edward said.

“I don't know. Alice did you see anything that happen with my dad?”

“No, I have not.”

“Hmm... well I'll be back he wants me to come over.”

“Do you want me to come with you?”

“Well he said he wanted to tell well shoe me something in person so, no honey.”

“Okay love you.” he said then kissed me good-bye.

I grabbed my keys on the hook and went to the garage and and took my new red Lambo car.

When I got on to the freeway I hit the gas. I was going about 80 miles per hour. When I turn off the freeway I thought I seen a werewolf but I wasn't sure.

I got to my dad's house. There was a black Mercedes car there behind my old Chevy truck.

I got out and walked up to the door and walked in the house. I smell someone else was here with my dad.

“Dad. Charlie, I'm here what's up?” when I walked into the front room. That's when it hit me.

“Hi Bella.”

“Mom.” I said. If I could cry I would be crying a lot right now. I have not seen my mom since the day of my wedding. “Oh my god, mom. What are you doing here?”

“Came here to see you, and Phil is playing ball here this week. How have you been. How's my new son-in-law and granddaughter. Charlie told me after I saw the Christmas pictures.”

“Well, one he's at home and she's with him and they are okay.” I told her.

“Bella, god, look at you. You are so beautiful. I like the new look.”

“Ummm... Yea new look... Thanks mom.” I said.

“So is it true what your father said that you are a vampire and Edward and his family and Renesmee is your and Edward's real daughter, that you had her and dies to have her?”

“Yes, it is. I am very sorry mom. I wanted to tell you so bad about it but I didn't know if you would be strong as dad about it. Would you like to come to my place to see Renesmee mom.”

“Well I don't know.”

“I won't hurt you. I swear.”

“Can Charlie come?”

“Yes, he can. Dad can you drive her there?”

“Yes.” Charlie said.

“Okay. I'll meet y'all there.”

I walked to my Lambo and hit the gas as hard as I could to get to the house. I was there in about 5 minutes. I didn't even walk in, I ran in the house.

“Bella, what's wrong.” Emmett and Jasper asked.

Edward's head snapped up when they said that and looked right at me.

“I have bad news. Charlie told Renee and they are on there way here.”

“What did he tell her.” Jasper was the one asking.

“Everything that Jacob had told him. But about me and us. About us being vampires and that I have a daughter.”

Alice came into the room. “Jacob is coming in 5, 4, 3, 2...”

“Hey guys, what's up?” he said. “Hey, Nessie.”

She smiled at him, and then said. “Did you know that grandpa Charlie told grandma Renee about mommy?”

“What?” he looked at me. “Are you freaking kidding me.”

“No, they are on there way here. And was that you that crossed the freeway right before you get off to go to Charlie's?”

“Yea, Billy sent me over there to give Charlie some fish but your mom wasn't there.” he said.

“Well.” I stop and turn my head to the freeway and heard Charlie's car. “They are here.”

I started pacing to the door and to back to Jake. I was so mad like I was going to lose it. Edward came to me and put his hands on my shoulders.

“Bella, stop.” Edward said and put his hand on my chin to make me look up at him.

I looked up at him and he said again. “You can do this. It is just like it when Charlie came here.”

'Knock, knock, knock,' Charlie or Renee knocked.

I frozen where I stood and Jasper opened the door. Nessie ran to me before Charlie and Renee came in. I guess she was scared too. I unfrozen and turn around.

“Hi mom, Charlie.” I said.

“Hi Charlie nice to see you again.” Jake said.

“Hi.” Charlie said. “Hi Nessie, hows grandpa's girl?”

She looked at me and I shook my head. “Okay.”

“Can I have a hug?”

“Yes.” she walked over to him.

He picked her up. “Oh, Renee this is our granddaughter Renesmee Carlie Cullen, but you can also call her Nessie.” he said.

“Hi Nessie.” my mom said.

“Hi grandma.”

I grabbed Edwards hand. He whispered to me in my ear so low that only vampires could hear. “Don't worry Bella.”

“Mom, Charlie why don't you guys sit down on the couch.”

“Here I'll get up, here y'all.” Emmett said.

“Emmett you don't have to do that.” Charlie said.

“It's good. I have to work on my jeep. Rosalie, come help me.”

“Nice to meeting you again Renee. Charlie. Coming honey.”

“Rose.” they both said.

“Hi, Renee. How have you been?” Esme asked her.

“Oh Esme I'm so good. How are you?”

“I been good. Keeping the kids, grandchild, and husband good.” Esme said and smiled at Nessie and winked at me.

“Well, that's good. Jake are you gonna say anything.” Renee said.

I laughed so did Jake then he said. “Ummm... yea Renee or should I say Aunt Renee.” he laughed again. “We are just like family.”

“Yea, we are.” she said. Then she looked at Edward. “Edward.”

“Renee. Hows Phil doing?”

“Very good really.” she said. Well, he's here playing baseball.”

“Sweet!” Jasper said well yelled.

Charlie, Renee, and Jacob jumped. Alice started giggling. Carlisle came downstairs, well flew downstairs. Then he seen Renee.

“Oh hi Renee. I didn't see or hear you were hear. How are you?”

“I been well. What about you, Carlisle?”

“I been better.” he said. “I been busy at the hospital. Speaking of the hospital I got to leave to get to the hospital. I got two mothers that's having babies.”

“Oh okay.” she said.

“Sorry, I have to leave like this and all when you just got her.”

“Its good. Do what you have to do.” Renee said.

He shooked his head, gave Esme a kiss and left.

I sat on the couch and talk to my mother and father. Nessie went over to the piano started plating one of her's and Edward's songs.

Edward went over to sit next to her and started playing with her. She was the 3rd best person to play the piano.

When she did that she just looked so much like her father. And she's only about 5 or 6 months old but she looks like a 3 or 4 year old. Could be even more than that. She just growing so fast and she is very smart for her age. She knows how to read and write. She is so smart she started playing the piano when she was about 2 months old. She just kept watching Rosalie and Edward play the piano a lot. She learned how to dance all by herself well with a little help from her aunty Alice at the age of 3 or 4 weeks old. She look her first word at the age of 1 or 2 weeks old and that word went into her first sentence. If I could cry I would have. She's my little angel, my sweet heart, my gift from god.

When Edward and Nessie was done Renee, Charlie, Jacob, and I clapped at her.

“She looks a whole lot like you Bella.”

“Yea, but she acts a lot like Edward tho.” I said. “But she has Charlie's curly hair.”

Charlie smiled about that. “Thanks, honey.”

“Your welcome, dad.” I said.

“So, Bella.... I want to know everything.” my mom asked me.

“What do you want to know?”

“Well... How strong are you?”

Emmett had to say something about this. “Ha!” Renee jumped. “Your on.” Emmett came running into the house from the garage.

Renee looked confused. “What?”

“You asked, 'How strong Bella is,' well your on. I am the strongest one here before she came along.” Emmett said smiling.

“Oh okay.”

“Really Emmett. After what happen two days ago.” I said.

“What happen two days ago?” Renee asked.

“Nothing mom.” I murmured.

“Ummm...., Bella, 'need to know' is a good idea to tell me. I am your mother. I do care about you.” She reply. She'd used the same sentence what Charlie said to me when Jacob told him about us.

“Renee, I know you are my mother but you don't need to know about everything. I am dead anyway so, don't worry, damn!” I hissed at her and flew out of the house.

Edward went to turn around and Esme or Alice grabbed his arm and told him to let me be. I don't know who is was that all I heard.

I knew I shouldn't have don't that. I went to mine and Edward's meadow.

I knew it wouldn't be long until someone came looking for me and the person who came I didn't have in mind would come to find me.

It was Esme that came looking for me. I was in a tree when I seen her into view. I jumped down.

“Esme, what are you doing here? How did you know I was here?” I said.

“Alice saw you come here. And I told your mom I would talk to you but I am a mom, Bella.” Esme said.

“I can't believe I even said that to her.” I put my head in my hands.

“Bella, if you want your mother in your life, you need to tell her everything.”

Esme was a mom to me. And she was right. “Your right. Thank you.”

“Your welcome, hun. And oh Ummm.... Nessie told well, “showed” Renee what happen.” Esme told me.

“She did. What did Renee say.”

“She said, she was sorry for what we went thru and all. And she knew what you were coming from.”

“Oh.” that was all what I said.

“Come on. Let's go home, Bella.” she said.

I shooked my head and hugged Esme. “Thank you.”

She kissed my forehead. “Your welcome.”

When we got back to the house, Jacob, Renesmee, and Edward was gone. They must have went hunting. Alice was next to Renee. Charlie was watching New York and Green Bay with Emmett. Jasper was not in the room. Rosalie was under the steps humming to herself.

“Mom , I'm sorry.” I told her.

“Bella, don't. I'm sorry. I should not have said anything about it. Nessie showed me what happen. Why would they want to kill someone so good.” Renee murmured the last part.

“Mom, please.”

“Sorry, I'll stop.”

“Emmett... you ready.”

“Ready for what?” Jacob said walking into the kitchen door with Edward and Renesmee behind them.

“To see if Bella is still strong.” Emmett said.

“Hell yea. I'm gonna beat your ass again.” I said. I flew to Edward and kissed him for good luck. “Love you.”

“I love you, too. What was that for?”

“It was for luck.” I said. “Charlie, Renee, come one. Follow us.”

Emmett flew outside to our big rock that was still had the crack on it from us the last time. “Come on little sister.”

I sat down and I put my arm on the rock. He counted down and he tried to move his hand, but like the last time nothing happen. I smiled at him and I did what I did the last time. I let him win for a second, then I moved my arm and he lost.

He was mad that he lost again. Everyone laughed. Nessie flew to me and jumped in my arms.

“YAY MOMMY!” she laughed.

After she said that, everyone laughed with her. My mother walked over to me smiling like she was proud of me.

“What do you think mom?” I asked.

“Wow that was cool. Emmett looks mad tho.” she said.

“He'll get over it.” Edward said. “She is amazing isn't she, Renee?”

“Yea, she always was amazing ever since she was born.” Renee said. Then Charlie added. “I say she's God's child.” he laughed.

If I could blush I would have big time.

“Nessie, come on you have to go to bed.” I told my daughter.

Renee and Charlie left together. Jacob left like about 10 minutes after they did. Thanks to him he got Nessie all wide awake now by playing with her.

“Edward, get her to bed.” I told him.

“Nessie, listen to your mother. I know you had fun playing with Jacob, but it's time to go to bed.” he said to her.

“Awww, okay.” she said. “Love you mommy. Love you daddy.”

She ran to me and gave me a kiss good night and then ran to Edward and did the same thing. Then Edward put her into her bed and then came into our room.

I was looking up at the moon when he came behind me and put his arms around me.

“It's Twilight out.” he said, “The same night I stayed with you.” he murmured into my ear.

“Yea, the same day that we kissed too.” I murmured back.

I turned around to look at him. His eyes were bright yellow cause of the moon. I out my arms around his neck, so I could kiss his lips.

A warm sound came out of his throat. Then he picked me up and then he jumped onto the bed. This was the first night we made love, after I was reborn. A lot of things had happen on this night ever since me and Edward got together from day one.

Edward and I made love until about 6:30 A.M. We had to stop because Emmett and Jasper came to the cottage and knocked on the door asking if Edward wanted to hurt with them. Edward looked at me and I shook my head yes that he could go. So Edward left and I had the cottage to myself for a little bit until Nessie woke up. While I was waiting for Nessie to wake up I was reading one of my books that I had.

By 7:30 A.M. Nessie woke up. Edward was still hunting with Emmett and Jasper. I grabbed Nessie out of her bed and we went to the house. Rosalie was playing the piano when we came to the house. She was the second person that knew how to play the piano.

Alice was sitting on the floor next Esme looking thru some pictures. She looked up and smiled at me when we came into the room. I smiled back at her and Esme.

Nessie still doesn't like talking out loud sometimes so she put her hand on my neck. She wanted down so she could go play with her Aunty Rose. I put her down and I watched her walk over to Rosalie.

I stood there about 5 minutes until my phone vibrated in my pocket. I looked at the number. It was Seth.

“Hi Seth, what's wrong.” I said. Alice looked up at me when I said that.

“Hi Bella. Have you heard from Jacob?” Seth asked.

“No, I have not. He left last night after my parents left.”

“Ummm..... Bella he's upstairs asleep.” Alice said.

“Oh thanks Alice.” I thanked her. “Seth Jake's upstairs asleep.”

“Oh okay, good. Tell him Sam wants him for something, okay.”

“Sure Seth.”


I hung up the phone. And went over to where Esme and Alice was.

“He did leave for a little bit Bella, but he came back. So I told him he can go to the spare room and go to sleep. And speaking of spare rooms Bella, I was talking to Emmett, Rosalie, and Esme about Edward's old room. I was thinking about adding some more room in there and a bed for Renesmee to sleep in there since she is getting bigger and I bet she is getting tired of that baby bed.” Alice said.

I nodded my head and looked at the pictures that were in the table. I heard Nessie get up and walked up the steps. I didn't say anything to her. I knew where she was going and I knew what she waned. She wanted to lay down with Jacob, so I let her.

“So, why are you going thru all the pictures for?” I murmured to Alice and Esme.

Rosalie was the one that spoke. “Your mother wants photos of everything from the wedding to now. Photos of you and Edward dancing, you and Emmett dancing which was a little funny.” she giggled.

“Yea, sure was.” Alice said.

Rosalie continued. “Edward biting the garnet off of you.” she giggled again. That was embarrassing having Edward do that in front of my family but it was what he wanted. “Ummm.... you and Edward feeding cake into each others mouth. Then the pictures of Renesmee with everyone.”

“Here's one of Renesmee and Zafrina and Renesmee and Carmen.” Alice said.

“I like those of them.” I murmured. “So, Renee wants you to make copy's of them.”

“Yea pretty much.”

“Oh, here Bella. You got some mail.” Esme said. She handed me my mail.

I took my mail and there was a letter from Aro and one from Zafrina. I hissed when I seen Aro's name. I opened it and read it.

Dear Bella,
'I am so sorry about me trying to kill your poor daughter. So please forgive me. I will be visiting you and your family in about a year or two to see how your little girl is doing and please tell your mate, Edward, my friend, that I'm sorry also.'
Yours Truly,

I hissed again and I dug my fingers into the table. Then got up and I walked into the kitchen and hit well punched the wall and put a hole in the wall too. Edward came into the door from the garage, at the same time that I punched the wall.

“Bella” he hissed. “What's the matter my love?”

Emmett and Jasper flew in after they heard me punched the wall and Edward hissed. If I were human I know I would have broke my hand.

“What the hell was that?” Emmett asked. “What's the matter?” Jasper said at the same time.

I was surprised that Jacob didn't come downstairs from what I did. But two or three seconds later, he came running down.

“What happen. What the hell was that?” he asked the same thing what Emmett and Jasper asked.

I was so mad, I couldn't speak. Rosalie got up from the piano and walked over to the table and read it out loud.

“Dear Bella, I am so sorry about me trying to kill your poor daughter. So please forgive me. I will be visiting you and your family in about a year or two to see how your little girl is doing and please tell your mate, Edward, my friend, that I'm sorry. Yours truly, Aro.” Rosalie hissed Aro's name just like I did.

Nessie came downstairs. “Mommy!” she was crying. “Mommy, please don't be upset.”

“Honey, mommy will be okay. Don't worry.” I heard Esme murmured to her.

“Why? That's all I want to know?” I hissed. “Why!?”

“I don't know, Bella. But I don't think it's Aro's idea.” Edward said.

“Then who?” Jake and Emmett said.

“Who else wanted to kill Nessie.” Rosalie said. “Or her to die I should say.”

I hissed when she said that. Edward put his hands on my shoulder to turn me around to look at my eyes to clam me down but when I didn't look up he let go of me. Like he could have read my mind. Maybe he did because when I get mad or real shitty I should say my shield comes out so he might have read my head. That is the only time he can read my thoughts.

“Caius.” Alice murmured.

“Well, we don't need to worry now. We have plenty of time. He did say a year or two.” Emmett said.

That's when it hit me. I turned around and started going off on him. “So, that doesn't matter Emmett, they are still coming after my little girl. I don't want them near her.” I flew away from Edward and went to Esme and Renesmee. I put my arms out to grab Renesmee from Esme. Esme gave Renesmee to me. “They have no damn right to be around her or here Emmett.”

Jasper flew to me and put his hands on my shoulders and spoke. I wish he hadn't put his hands on me right now because I was shitty. “Bella, clam down. Emmett is right.” Emmett smiled. “So, are you Bella.” Jasper turned his head and looked at Emmett. He's smile went away. “But, I agree with both of you. Emmett don't get Bella upset anymore than she is. Bell just clam down. Renesmee will be safe. No one and I mean no one will take or hurt her. They will have to get thru a lot of people. All of us, Jacob and the pack, Zafrina, Carmen, Kate, and the others. There is enough of us. If I didn't love you or Renesmee or even my family, Bella, I would let them get to her.”

He was right. And after all what he said clam me down. All my worries were gone for now. I turn to Emmett.

“Emmett, I'm sorry.” I said.

Emmett walked over to me. “I am too. No one is gonna get or hurt my little niece.” he smiled and Renesmee turned her body and reached over to him. I gave her a big hug and handed her to him.

“Thank, for waking me up. I was sleeping good.” Jake teased.

“Sorry, Jake. And oh Seth called. Sam wanted you for something. He didn't say what he needed you for.”

“Oh, I do. Me and my sister, Rachel, got into it.” Jake reply.

“For what?” I asked.

“Oh, because of me being here so much and I brought up Paul eating all our food.” Jake laughed at that. “And my dad bitched us out well mostly her. He understands me being here. Then when after that was over, I took off and ended up here falling asleep. So he might have told Sam about it, or told him to tell me come home for something, I don't know.”

“Well, go home.” I said. While me and Jake was busy talking, everyone else went back to what they were doing. Jake and I went outside.

“I might, but I'll be back. I feel like I live here. I know Carlisle said I could stay here as long as I could.”

“Jake, I know it hurts not being here close to Renesmee. Stay home for a little. Spend time with your family. I'll call you if anything happens.”

“Okay. Thanks.” he kissed my forehead.

He was about to take off his shirt when I threw my keys to the lambo. I knew how much he loved it.

“Here take my car. I know how much you like it.” I said.

“Thanks again Bella.” he caught the keys and opened my car door and got in and started it up. “Love you Bells.”

“Love you too, Jake. No matter what, your in my life forever.”

He smiled and said again. “Thanks again. See you later.”

I nodded at him and watched him leave. I did love him, I always will love him. I know it hurts him that I'm with Edward. I walked inside and went to the wall window and looked out. I heard little foot steps coming from behind me.

“Mommy, can you read this letter from Zafrina?” Renesmee asked.

“Oh, yea. I almost forgot about that letter from her thank you so much baby.” I took the letter from her and walked over to the arm chair and sat down in it. I opened the letter and started to read it to her out loud. I didn't care who all heard me.

“Dear Bella and Nessie, Hi guys, how are you doing? I miss Nessie so much. I miss you too. Don't worry, you were my favorite. Ha Ha. Hows my little angel doing, has she been good, is she getting bigger. Ha Ha on that. Tell everyone 'Hi' for me. Mostly Edward and Alice.” I laughed and I wasn't the only one. Edward and Alice was too. “I wish you and Nessie was here. Ever since I met you and Nessie I feel like you guys are like family. I mean close family. Like you are my sister and Nessie is my niece. Give Nessie a hug and kiss for me. Hug Alice for me too. My sisters said, 'Hello'. Well write me back you and Nessie if she can write now. Ha ha. Love Always, Zafrina P.S. Send pictures please.” I laughed. I kissed Renesmee on her head and hugged her. I whisper to her and told her. “Go give your Aunty Alice a hug and kiss.”

She got off of me and walked over to Alice and hugged and kissed her.

“Awww..... thanks Renesmee so much.” Alice said.

“I love you, Aunty Alice.”

“Awww..... I love you too.” Alice said.

“Mommy when are we going to go see Zafrina?” she asked.

I looked up at Edward. Then at Alice. “Well, honey. I don't know. I got to talk to daddy and grandpa about it. I don't know where she really lives but grandpa and Alice. Why don't you go write Zafrina and tell her how you are and stuff, while I think about it okay. She will love that.”

“Okay.” she flew upstairs into Edward's old room. Well soon to be her room.

I didn't hear Carlisle come in the house from the garage. “So, a trip to Zafrina's?” Carlisle said.

“Oh, hi Carlisle.” I welcomed him. “Yea, Nessie wants to see her and Zafrina wants to see us. But I really don't know where she lives at.”

“Cool. Well it's down south close to where you and Edward went on your honeymoon.” he said.

“Oh okay.”

He went into his room and Esme went up there with him. I went and got my notebook and went under the stairs and started writing her. I wrote.

'Hi girly, everything is doing okay. I'm fine, so is Nessie. She's upstairs in Edward's old room, well soon to be hers, writing you. She spends a lot of time up there when we are at the big house with the family. I gave Nessie a hug and kiss for you and she gave Alice one for you too. Ha ha. They said 'hi' back. Well, I gonna go hurt with Nessie, we have not hurt in a while. I don't want to lose my temper. Ha ha. Love yea OXOXOXOX.... Love, Bella P.S. I will send pictures.

I sat there thinking for awhile, like no one was in the room. Thinking about everything at the same time, all at once. Thinking about life really. Mostly for my daughter. I was really glad that Jasper wasn't in the room right now. Jasper, Emmett, Edward, and Rosalie went out back and was playing fighting. Alice was somewhere in the house or maybe she was outside fighting with Jasper.

I glad Renesmee hasn't asked us to teach her how to fight yet but she knows some from what she has saw from us. But she will still need to learn some more moved. We will teach her one day when that day comes. Only thing she knows how to do is tackle someone down to the ground. She taught herself that when she saw me, Edward, Jacob, and the family go hunting.

Jacob's P.O.V

I was so glad that Bella let me take her Lambo. She was right, I did love it. When I got off the freeway, I hit the gas to get to La Push faster.

When I pulled up Quil and Embry was walking up to the house. I honked at them. They turned and looked at me, well looked at the car. I bet they were wondering who the hell was in that car. I got out of the car and that was when they saw me and ran to me.

“Wow, where in the hell did you get this?” Embry asked.

Quil added. “Yea, where?”

“It's Bella's Lambo. She let me drive it.” I said.

“So, how does it drive?” Quil asked.

“It drives good. So what's up? Why y'all here?” I said.

“Well, Sam is looking for you.” Quil said.

“What does Sam want.” I asked.

“Why don't you, Ummm..... ask him yourself.” Embry pointed.

I turned around and looked where Embry pointed. Sam and Seth was coming from the back of the house.

“Jacob, there you are. Where in the hell have you been?” Sam asked.

“I been at the Cullen's house. I kinda stay there. Bella said you wanted me.” I said.

“Yea, well I took off in wolf form this morning and I think we have a visitor in our woods. You might want to tell the Cullen's about this.” he said.

I knew where this was coming from. “So, Aro or Caius has came sooner then we thought.”

“What are you talking about Jacob.” Sam look confused.

“Well this morning, Bella got a letter from Aro or his brother Ummm....” I stopped to this of his name.

“Caius.” Seth said.

“Yea, thanks Seth. Bella got a letter from Aro or Caius.” when I said his name I looked at Seth.

“About what?” Seth asked.

“I'm getting there Seth. In the letter who ever wrote it. Said that they were coming back in a year or two to see how Ness- I mean Renesmee is doing.” I said. I didn't say her nickname to them while we were talking about her. They like her real name because they are not use to calling her by her nickname.

“What do you mean how Renesmee is doing?” Quil and Seth said.

“Well how big she's getting. And if she has control of herself. I guess, the letter didn't say much. But I will tell you this. I was upstairs asleep and I heard Bella hiss and punched the kitchen wall and left a hole in the wall. That's how mad Bella is. She even went off on Emmett and Jasper had to clam Bella down.” I said. “Renesmee is scared a little about this whole thing. I'm afraid to be away from her right now guys.”

“I feel you Jake since you imprinted on her, I bet it is hard to be away from you. You are clam around her when you are with her or close to her. I know Bella is glad your there.” Seth said. “So is Alice like she likes you there too.”

“Yea. I should get back to the Cullen's place and warn them.” I said to them.

“Okay. Call me or Seth if you need anything.” Sam said.

“Hmm.... okay. If you need me call me on Bella's phone. And oh tell Paul to look out okay just in case Sam.” I said. “You too Seth, Quil and Embry.”

they shook their heads and went inside my house. I went to the Lambo and before I got in I yelled at Seth.

“Seth, tell my dad, 'Hi' for me and that 'I love him'.” I yelled.

“Okay, I will. Bye Jake.”


I got in the car and started it up. It didn't take long to get to the freeway. When I got onto the freeway, I hit the gas to 60 miles. I needed to get back home to Renesmee and tell the Cullen's about what Sam said. I let my mind wonder while I was driving.

'So, if Aro or Caius wants Renesmee well they will have to go thru me. I hope they are not here. I just hope it's one of the Cullen's friends, like a very good vampire and not a bad one. But if someone was gonna come here Alice would have seen and Bella would have told me.'

when I showed up at the house, I parked the car in the garage, I was still thinking about the visitor in the woods and the letter that Bella got this morning. I walked inside the house, I didn't see anyone in the house, but Carlisle he was reading a book in the family room.

“Oh, hi Jacob. I didn't know you were here.” he said.

“Yea, just got here. Where's everyone at?” I asked.

“Edward, Bella, and Renesmee went hurting. They should be coming back soon. Rosalie, Emmett, Jasper, and Alice are in there rooms and Esme is in out office working.” he said. “How was your day so far?”

“Ummm..... okay.” I lied. 'Thank God Edward wasn't here. Should I tell him or not.' I thought.

“Tell him what Jacob?” Edward said walking in with Bella and Nessie flew to me. “What are you gonna tell Carlisle?”

'Damn.' I thought. 'Why, couldn't you be gone longer.'

“Because, we were done. Now stop thinking and say it.” Edward said.

“What are you thinking Jake?” Bella said. “Stop making Edward mad. Just say what you know.”

'Okay. But before I do, get the others this is important.' I thought.

He nodded. “Guys get in here.”

I went to sit down on the couch. They flew down the stairs. Esme flew to Carlisle, Alice came and sat down next to me. Renesmee climb into my lap.

“What's up?” Emmett said.

“Yea, what do you want.” Rosalie murmured. Then rolled her eyes at me.

“Yea, what's up?” Alice said looking at me. “Jake, you look tried.”

“Well, he will worry about that later. Jake has info for us. Now spill it.” Edward hissed.

Bella grabbed his hand and looked at me, and smiled at me. Jasper looked at me too. I was feeling a little wrong but what the hell.

“Jacob, go on and tell us son.” Esme said.

I nodded. 'Wish Sam was here telling them about the visitor that was in the woods.'

“What!? There was a visitor in the woods and Sam told you to tell us.” Edward hissed.

“What!?” everyone said but Nessie.

“What is he talking about Jake.” Bella and Alice asked. “Are you sure I didn't see anyone in the woods.” Alice added.

“Yea, that's what Sam told me. That's why he called for me.” I said.

Before I went on, Bella's phone vibrated. She got her phone out.

“Hello?” she said.

“Yea, he's right here, hold on.” she reply. “Here it's Seth.” she threw her phone to me.

“Hello Seth, what's up?” I said.

“Sam, what's to talk to you.” Seth said.

“Okay, put him on.” I said. 'Good Sam.' Edward looked up at me.

“Jacob.” Sam said.

“Yea, I'm here. Before you say anything, I'm gonna put you on speaker tell everyone what you told me to tell them.” I said. I put it on speaker.

“Well that's what I wanted to tell you. We found the smell again just about 10 miles North of La Push. Who ever it is, it's coming your way.” Sam said.

Edward, Bella, Emmett, Jasper, and Rosalie hissed.

“Are you sure Sam. Does the smell, smell like one of us or different?” it was Carlisle that said it.

“No, well I don't really know Doc. But it sure was strong so maybe it is a vampire.” Sam said. “But I smelled all of you guys and your vampire friends and the Volturi. It smells like there is someone new.”

“Well you haven't met one vampire. You didn't met Alistair. He left before you meeting him.”

“Carlisle, do you think your friend is back?” Rosalie asked.

“Rose, I truly don't know. If it is him, we better be alarmed.” Carlisle told all of us.

“Sam, tell everyone to stay close to La Push just in case if it isn't Carlisle's friend.” I ordered him in Alpha voice.

Ever since what happen when I found out that Bella and Edward was back from there honeymoon and I thought she was really dead or they were just saying that for Charlie's sake so Bella could be a vampire I disobeyed Sam order and when I left it split us up. After the fight ended the pack got back together and Sam said I could have the spot.

“Okay, Jacob.” Sam said.

“Check in with me on Bella's phone if anything new comes up.”

“Will do. Talk to you later. Bye.”

“Bye.” I hung up the phone and threw it back to Bella.

“What about Charlie?” Bella said.

“Well if it is Alistair, we don't need to worry.” Carlisle said.

“But –”

“But,” Carlisle looked at me than at Bella. “Be on the safe side, you or Jacob will have to stay with him for a little bit. Until we know.”

“Momma, I want to go to grandpa's house. Can we momma.” Renesmee said. She turn around and put her hand on my neck. She showed me; Bella and herself at Charlie's house.

I looked at Bella, I wonder what she was thinking. Bella was staring at me and her, like she was thinking real hard. Edward must have read my mind because he asked her the same thing that I was thinking.

“What are you thinking Bella.” Edward asked.

She looked at him. “Nothing, I just hope it's Alistair, and not Aro or who ever.” Bella said and then went into the kitchen.

Edward was about to turn around and go into the kitchen to talk to Bella until I thought.. 'Edward.' Edward looked up at me. 'I'll talk to her okay.'

he nodded. “Okay.”

“Nessie, why don't you go to your daddy or someone sweetie. I'm gonna go talk to your mommy.”

She got up from my lap and went to Edward. I got up also and went into the kitchen. Bella was looking out the window and drinking a glass of water. I never really saw her eat or drink something other than blood. I guess water made her clam down.

“Hey, what's wrong?” I asked.

“Everything, Jake. I feel like everything that happen to me, is happening to her. Like when I first got here, when James was tracking me. Then Laurent almost killing me, thanks to y'all killing him, and then last summer when Victoria and the newborns.” she said.

“Bella, don't worry. Like what Jasper said this morning, 'No one, will get to her.' there's a lot of people that loves her.” I told her. “They will have to go thru me before they get to her. I will kill them and I mean that Bella.”

“I know that Jake.” she said then she turned around and ran into my arms. I hold her in my arms.

'God, why can't she be mine and not his. Nessie could have been mine. Oh shit, shut up Jake he can hear you.' I thought. I even listen to see if he would do anything, but he didn't.

“Bella,” I started to say.

“Yea.” she looked up at me.

“So, you and Nessie going to Charlie?”

“Yea, I guess. For a little bit.” she said. “Why?” do you want too.”

“Nah, you can go.” I said.

“Mkay.” she walked into the other room. “Nessie, come on lets go home and get some of our clothes packed up to go to grandpa's.”

“Mkay. Mommy. Daddy are you coming home with us?”

'She look so sweet.' I thought.

Edward smiled. “Of course baby.”

She took his hand and Bella's hand and left out the back door.

“Boy, Ummm..... Alice tell Bella I took her Lambo, I'm gonna stay in La Push for a little while until we find out who this visitor is. If she needs me tell her to call me at my house.” I said.

“Okay. I will.” Alice said.

I walked out the front room and went out to the garage. Got into the Lambo and took off again. I went down the Cullen's long drive way real slow to get on the freeway. I was gonna take my time getting to La Push. It was starting to get dark outside to I hit the gas a little to get there. I didn't want to hit anyone or anything. But when I got to La Push o slow down. I got to my house right when the sunset went down.

“Dad.” I yelled.

“Yea, in here.”

“Hey, I staying here for a little bit okay.”

“Yea sure. I heard about the visitor.”

“Yea. Bella and Renesmee is staying with Charlie for awhile too.” I said. “I'm going to bed. I didn't have a very good night sleep last night. Good night.”

“Good night.”

I went to my room and fell down onto my bed and I was too tired I fell asleep real fast.

Edward's P.O.V

Bella, Renesmee, and I went to our little cottage to get packed up. We didn't run when passed the river. Bella hold Renesmee hand and I hold her other hand. We swung her back and fourth. We were having family hun time. Renesmee was having fun, she was laughing the whole time. So was me and Bella.

When we got to our cottage we stop swinging her. I picked her up in my arms like a little baby again. I was rocking her back and fourth and plus I was saying. 'Rock a by baby, in the tree top, when the wind blows, the cradle will fall, and the baby in all.'

“Daddy, you silly.” Renesmee giggled.

“Yes, he is. But mommy loves him very much.” Bella said.

“Yea so are you. That's why daddy loves both of you guys.” I said.

Bella looked at me with the most beautiful look ever, god if I were human still I could have melted in her arms.

“I love you.” Bella said. She took the words right out of my mouth.

“I love you, too Bella.” I said. “So, Ummm...... can I ask you something?” I asked when we walked into our room. I put Renesmee down and she went to our bed and sat down on it.

“Yea you can.”

“Would your father mind if I come along too?” I asked.

“Ummm..... no he wouldn't mind. Your my husband silly. Why would you ask something like that?”

“Oh I don't know. It just came up.” I said. “Oh pick out that baby blue and baby pink dress that Alice got you for Christmas.”

“Okay, I will.” she said. “Do you know how long we will be there?”

“I don't know. A few weeks tops.” I guessed.

“Alright then.”

“Why you ask Bella?” I asked her.

“To make sure I have enough clothes for Renesmee.” she said to me.

“Bring at least 10 outfits, for all of us.” I said.

She nodded. “Okay, love.”

She went to our closet and got her some clothes and when she was done with hers, she went into Renesmee's room and got some clothes for her. She packed them into a suitcases and then put them by the door.

When she did that, I packed my clothes and put them into a suitcase. When I was done I put my suitcase by the door. I walked back into the bedroom and Renesmee was laying on out bed playing with her necklace. I walked toward her and put my hand under her chin.

Renesmee looked at me and smiled. “Love you daddy all my heart.”

“As much as I love you.” I kissed her on her forehead. “And oh Renesmee while we are gone I talked to aunty Alice, aunty Rosalie, grandma Esme, and uncle Emmett into redoing my old room for you so you can stay in there. Okay, they know what you like and what you don't like. You will like that won't you, since you like to spend a lot of time up there when we are at the house.”

“Yes, daddy. I over heard aunty Alice and mommy talking about it.”

“Edward, are you ready to go.” Bella came into the room and asked.

“Yes, honey. I'm ready when you are.”

“Alright then, Renesmee are you ready to go see grandpa.” Bella asked our daughter.

“Yes I am, momma.” Renesmee jumped up and she went to the door waiting for us.

I laughed. And Bella looked at me. “Whats so funny baby?”


“What she say.”

“She said, 'come on guys.' Well she thought of it.” I was still laughing. Bella join me.

“Lets, go.” Bella said and grabbed my hand.

We grabbed our bags and we flew to the other house. We didn't go inside, we went straight into the garage. I went to my Volvo and pop the trunk and I put our bags in the trunk.

“I hope y'all aren't leaving without saying goodbye, are you?” it was Alice saying that to Renesmee.

“No, Alice. We weren't leaving before we said goodbye. Do you think I'm stupid, Alice?” Bella reply to Alice.

It took Alice a second to think about that. “No, I don't, Bella.”

“Bella, why don't you take Renesmee inside to say goodbye and I'll pull the car up front.” I said to Bella.

“Okay.” she kissed me before she went inside with Alice and Renesmee.

Alice looked at me before I got into the car. 'Be careful Edward. We don't know who or what this is. I'll call you or Bella if I see anything.' she thought. Then she went in the house.

I started the car and drove out of the garage and pulled up front of the house. When I pulled up Bella and Renesmee was coming up front.

“i love you, Renesmee.” Rosalie said. “Call me when you want to talk to me, okay.”

Renesmee smiled at her and then flew to the car and got in.

“I'll have her call you Rose, don't worry.” Bella said.

“Its not like your not gonna see them again, god Rose.” Emmett yelled from inside.

“Shut up, Emmett.” Rosalie hissed.

Bell and I laughed. Bella got in the car. Rosalie blew Renesmee a kiss before she went inside.

We drove off on to the freeway. I looked in the mirror and seen Renesmee just sitting there listening to her Iphone. She was listening to a song called, 'Just A Kiss' Bella said it was a good song for her to remember us at night.

Bella seen me looking at our daughter. She grabs my hand and kissed it. When she put our hands down, I shook my head. She looked at me and was about to say something. I stopped her by leaning over and kissing her lips.

I mouthed, 'I love you' to her, and she smiled and said, “I will always love you.”

I thought, Renesmee was “too busy” listening to her song, she was laughing at Bella for what she said.

“What's so funny, Renesmee.” I asked.

“Mommy.” she laughed again.

“Oh, I'm funny, huh?” Bella asked.

“Yea. Both of you guys are.” she said.

“Well, we always will love you, Renesmee.” Bella told her. And kissed her on her forehead.

Bella turned around, looked at me and smiled and then looked forward. Renesmee continue listening to her Iphone.

About 30 minutes later, we were almost to Charlie's house when Bella's phone vibrated. She took her phone out of she pocket and answered it.


“Hi Bella, it's Mike Newton. Jessica's boyfriend.” he said.

“Oh hi. You guys got back together?” she asked.

“Who is it mommy?” Renesmee asked.

“A friend of mommy's baby. Go back to listening to your music.” Bella told her.

“Mommy? You have a kid?” he asked. “When was this?”

Bella looked at me, scared. “Well, Ummm...... Edward's brother and his wife got into a car crash and died but she lived thru it so me and him kept her for about 5 or 6 months now. She's about 2 or 3 years old. We treat like she's our daughter.”

“Oh, that was sweet of you guys. What's her name?” Mike asked.

“Her name is Renesmee Carlie Cullen.” Bella said.

“Oh, cool. That's a nice name.”

“Yea, well I got to go I'm on my way over my dad's house Mike. I'll talk to yea later. Tell Jess I said 'hi' for me, will you.”

“Okay, I will. Bye.”

“Bye.” she hung up the phone. “God that was close.”

“Yea.” I said.

We were quiet the rest of the ride to Charlie's, the only thing you could hear was Renesmee's Iphone. Charlie's cruiser was done so he must have been at work. So, we parked on the curb behind Bella's old Chevy truck and got out.

We got our bags and went to the house. Bella open the door and we went to Bella's old room and put our bags in there for right now.

“Should you call him and tell him that we are here, Bella.” I asked.

“Yea, I should. Honey, why don't you go watch TV in the living room.” Bella said.

“Okay.” she reply. She flew downstairs.

Bella and I went downstairs as well. We went into the kitchen, and Bella use the phone in there. She dialed the phone and someone answer the phone on the 4th ring.

“Deputy Mark, Forks Police Department. How can I help you?”

“Hi Mark, it's Bella. Is Charlie there?”

“Oh, hi Bella. How are you and your new husband. Was it Edward.” Deputy Mark asked.

“Yea, Edward is good. He's right here next to me. Is my dad there.” Bella asked again.

“Ummm..... Let me see if he's is.”


On the other live, it was quiet. Bella pulled me over to her started playing with me.

“Don't start something, when you can't finch Bella.” I laughed.

“Don't hold on that.” she kissed me.

“Bella, your dad is gone so I guess he is on his way home.”

“Okay, thanks. I guess I'll make something good for him for dinner. Talk to you later Mark.”

“You too, Bella.”

Bella hung up the phone and started looking at all the food. She took out some chicken. I sat at the kitchen table, watching her cook. About half an hour later Charlie showed up and his dinner was done. She put his dinner in the oven and we went into the other room.

“Baby, be quiet. We gonna surprise grandpa, okay.” Bella told Renesmee.

Renesmee touched her to tell her, that she understood. Bell kissed her forehead. We sat still in the living room listening for Charlie to com inside. He unlocked the door and came in and hung his coat, keys, and gun belt.

After he did that he walked into the kitchen. We heard him sniff the air like he took a deep breathe and hum, 'Mm'.

He walked into the living room where we were hiding and he turn on the light. That's when he seen us.

“Oh my god, you guys scared the hell out of me.” Charlie said.

“Sorry, Charlie. It was Bella's idea to hide and surprise you.” I said.

“Well thanks Edward. Thanks a lot.” Bella remarked.

Renesmee laughed. “Hi grandpa.” Renesmee went to him and he picked her up.

“Your very welcome, sweetheart.” I kissed her forehead.

“Somethings smells good what is it?” Charlie asked.

“Mommy, cooked you dinner. It's in the oven to stay warm.” Renesmee.

“You did? How did you know I was on my way home?” he asked.

“I called your station and Mark said you just left. I wanted to surprise you.”

“Grandpa,” Renesmee was about to say.

“Sweetie, wait until grandpa is done eating okay.” I told her.

“Okay, daddy.” she said.

Charlie put her down and we went into the kitchen. Bell got Charlie's dinner out and put it out on the table.

“Your favorite, fried chicken.” Bella said. “Do you want some Nessie?”

“Yes, momma.” she reply to Bella.

Bella made Nessie's and Charlie's plates. Bella sat down on one of the chairs. I just stood next to her.

“This is good, momma.” she said. “I didn't know you could cook.”

“Yea. Your mother can cook. She's just like grandma, Renee.” Charlie said.

“It also smells good too, momma.”

“Well, thank you sweetie.” Bella said.
I put my hands on Bella's shoulders and she looked up at me and smiled. She even put one of her hands on mine hand and rubbed it. I was watching Renesmee eat when she thought, 'Daddy', to me. I looked at her and she went on, when she saw me look at her. 'Can I ask him now?' she thought. I shook my head yes.

“Grandpa, Ummm.....” she started to say.

“Yes, honey.” Charlie said.

“Mommy, daddy, and I, Ummm......” she said and looked at Bella then me. Then went on. “Are gonna stay with you for a little bit okay.”

Charlie looked confused. All I heard from him was, 'What is she talking about.' then he looked at Bella. “Do you mind telling me what's going on here?”

“Dad, Charlie well Renesmee wanted to see you and I asked Edward about us staying her for a little bit. Nothing is going on.” she told him. “Well, there's someone here visiting and we don't know who or what it is okay, Charlie.” I added. “Carlisle wanted us or Jake to do it, but Renesmee asked Bella and me if we could stay here with you.”

Charlie didn't say anything, and I read what was going thru his head. He was still confused that was all he was thinking.

Bella put her hand on his and said. “Charlie, don't worry. I will keep you safe. Trust me.” she said to him. “I love you too much to lose you.” she choked on that sentence, but mostly on lose.

Renesmee looked at her mommy and got up and walked to her. “Mommy, don't worry either we will keep grandpa safe. Won't we daddy?”

“Yes, we will honey. Bella she's right, don't worry we will keep him safe.” I told her.

“Bella, you guys can stay here.” he told her.

“Thank you dad.”


“Yea, dad.”

“I love you.”

“I love you too, dad.” she got up and walked over to Charlie and hugged him.

They hugged for about 5 minutes. Until Bella's phone started vibrating. She didn't answer it. I was gonna answer it but Renesmee got it.


“Where's your mommy.” I heard on the other end, it was Alice. I put my hand out toward her.

“Right here, but daddy wants to talk to you.”

“Okay. Put him on the phone.”

She handed me the phone. “Hello Alice?”

“Why didn't Bella answer the phone? Is she okay?” Alice asked.

“Yes, she's fine. She's talking to her dad. They are having a father daughter moment right now. What do you need.” I asked.

“I will tell you guys later.”

“Okay, then.”


“Bye. Oh tell cal that Charlie knows and understands.”

“Okay.” she said.

I clicked “end” and put the phone on the table.

Charlie did the dishes and Bella and I were upstairs putting things away. Renesmee was downstairs watching TV.

“I'm gonna give Renesmee my bed.” Bella told me.

I nodded. “Okay.”

Bella made the bed and I put our clothes in the closet and Renesmee clothes in the dresser. Bella also put some of her books that she like to read to Renesmee on her desk next to her laptop.

While we were doing all that someone came over because we both heard Renesmee say, 'Hi'. Bella and I looked at each other and flew downstairs. When we went downstairs we saw it was Sue, Billy, and Emily that came in.

“Bella? Oh my god, Bella. You look good. I mean as a vampire and married.” Emily said to Bella.

“Thanks, Emily. I heard about you and Sam is getting married in a few months.”

“Yea. And guess who's the flower girl?”

“Let's see, your niece, Claire?”

“Yup. She's almost four. And she's getting big too.” Emily laughed.

We all laughed but Renesmee. She got up off the couch and went to Bella.

“Mommy.” she whisper and pulled on Bella's arm.

Bella picked her up. And Renesmee put her hand on Bella's neck. Renesmee still doesn't like speaking out loud when there's a lot of people around but me and Bella and her family.

“This is mommy's friend, baby.” Bella told her. “Her name is Emily. This is uncle Sams soon-to-be-wife.”

“Mommy? Wait she's your baby?”

“Yea. You didn't know?”

“I knew you had a kid. Jacob told me. But I didn't know she was this big. How old is she?” Emily asked.

“She's only about 5 or 6 months old. But she looks like a 3 or 4 year old. She can talk, read, write, play the piano, and everything else. But she like to show you thins instead of talking.”

“Wow. What's your name sweetie?” Emily asked Renesmee.

She touched Bella's neck again. And Bella nodded. “Renesmee Carlie Cullen but you can call me Nessie. I don't care.”

“Awww, she is so cute.”

“Thank you, Emily.”

“Baby, why don't you go watch TV.”

Renesmee shook her head yes and Bella put her down. Renesmee went into the living room and started watching TV.

“Hi, Billy. Nice to see you out of the house.” Bella laughed.

“Nice to see you too. You too, Edward.” Billy said.

“Thanks Billy.” I said. “I'm gonna go watch TV with Renesmee.” I told her. “Love you.”

“Love you, too. And okay.” she kissed me.

I went into the living room to watch some cartoons with Renesmee while Bella, Emily, and the others talked in the kitchen. Renesmee fell asleep on the couch while a new show of “Life on Deck with Zach and Cody.” I got up off the couch and picked her up and walked toward the stairs until Emily said something.

“Edward, hold on.” she said.

I stopped and turned around.

“She is so cute when she is sleeping. And the only parents that don't sleep and she does.” Emily laughed and kissed her forehead. “Goodnight sweetie.”

“Well, we got to go. I told Jake I'll be back soon. Nice talking to you again Bella.” Billy said.

“Yea, me too.” Bella said. “Nice seeing you again Sue, Emily, and Billy. Be careful on the way back.”

“We will. Sues the one driving.” Billy tried to joke around.

“Here, I'll walk y'all out.” Charlie said.

“Okay.” Sue said.

“Well we gonna put her in bed. Emily call me some time.”

“Okay.” Emily said.

Renesmee snoring lightly in my arms, Emily smiled. Bella and I went upstairs to her bedroom. I put her in the bed softly. And Bella covered her up and kissed her goodnight. We went back downstairs into the kitchen where Charlie was.

“Hey kids, you guys can have my room okay. I'll sleep down here.”

“No, dad. You can have your room. We don't sleep. All we be doing is watch TV and cuddle with each other.”

“Are you sure? You can have it.”

“Yes, I am sure.” Bella told her dad. “Go to bed, you look dead tried.”

“I am. And okay. Goodnight kids.”

“Good night Charlie.” I said.

“Good night dad and love you.”

“You too.”

Charlie went upstairs to his room. We went into the front room to see if anything was on. We did what Bella told Charlie. So just in case he came downstairs to check on us. All we did was kissed and cuddle.

Renesmee's P.O.V

When I woke up, I looked at the clock. The clock said it was about 8:00 A.M. Damn I must have been tired if I slept that long. I went downstairs to see if my mom and dad were there. My mom and dad wasn't nowhere in the house, but my grandpa, Charlie was in the kitchen eating something.

“Morning, Nessie. Are you hungry?” he asked me.

I was hungry, but not hungry for food. I was more thirsty then hungry for blood. I shook my head no. I went to him and he picked me up. I touched his neck and asked, 'Where's my mommy and daddy at?' he knew about my gift.

He didn't like me using it on him like I do with everyone else. He wanted me to talk to him. But he answered my question that I asked. “They went up North for a bit.” he shivered when he said 'went up North for a bit.'

“Is it sunny outside grandpa?” I asked him.

“No, it's cloudy out. Why, do you want to go outside?”

I shook my head yes.

“Okay. Stay close that you can hear me call your name. And be careful, Nessie.” he told me.

“Okay, I will.” I said and then rolled my eyes. Then smiled and kissed him on his cheek.

I went outside and it was cloudy out. It looked like it was gonna rain. I looked around me to make sure no one was around to see me. I climbed up grandpa's tree to sit on a branch. I could see the whole block.

I could see if someone was coming down the street both ends. I wasn't up there long until I seen someone in a red, two door, rabbit. I knew who that was. It was my Jacob, my love. After I turned about 7 months old Jacob and me started getting serious. Everyone knew we loved each other, well our family and our friends did that was it. Until I start high school the humans will know too. I look like I am 15. I grew a lot almost every day. I have 26 chromosomes in me so I am like Jacob and my vampire family. My vampire family has 25 chromosomes and Jacob and his pack has 24 chromosomes. I'm not normal like my human family, they have 23 chromosomes. But I am look like 15 but I am about 7 months old.

I stayed in the tree when he pulled up. I watched him parked his car and got out of his car rabbit. I even watched him walked up to the house to knock on the door. Before he knocked one the door, I jumped out of the tree on to his shoulders.

“Jacob!” I yelled.

He looked up right when I yelled his name. He caught me. “Hi Nessie. What were you doing?”

I touched his neck. 'I was in the tree.'

“Why were you in the tree for?” he asked.

“Because.” I said. I smiled at him and then kissed his cheek. We didn't go anywhere pass that, at least not yet. We wasn't ready for that. We only kissed our cheeks. Like we started going out. But we been going out since I was born, I laugh at that every time, so does he. “Miss you.”

“Miss you, too. Where's your mother?” he asked.

Jacob and my mother were still friends. I knew everything about them before I was born and before my mother got married. I even knew that my father left her too, and that Jasper tried to kill her. I knew everything about their past. I knew that Jacob and my mother kissed too. But I still loved Jacob, I didn't care what happen before I was born. I didn't care if they had sex before I was born either. Thank god they didn't I wanted to be his first.

“My mommy and daddy went hunting. They left me here with grandpa.”

“Okay.” he laughed, then he smiled at me.

We went inside the house and my grandpa was on the phone.

“Thank you Mark. I'll be up there in about 10 minutes.” he told him and hung up the phone.

“Hi Charlie, what's up?” Jacob said.

“Hi, well I have to go sweetie. I thought we would be spending time with each other like going fishing. Grandpa has to go to work. Something bad happen down South and they need me.” grandpa told me.

“Okay.” I told him.

Sweet that would mean that I could spend time with my Jacob since he's going to work. Thank god my dad wasn't here to hear my head. I was just be laughing in my head if he was here and then he would be asking, 'What is so funny, Renesmee.' then I would have said, 'Oh nothing daddy.' then he would have given me a look and then went on what he was doing.

“Jacob can you watch her while Bella and Edward is gone?”

“Yes I can. We can hang out in La Push for a little bit.”

I smiled at that. 'Yes I can my way. Woo Hoo.' I laughed in my head.

“Call Bella and tell her.”

“I will and I'll leave a note too if she don't answer.”

“'Kay. Love you sweetie.” he kissed my head.

He head out the with his gun and coat in his hand. Jacob went to the phone and called my mom.

“You have reached Bella, please leave a message and I'll get back with you.” 'Beep'

He hung up the phone and got a pen and paper and wrote down.

'Bella, Renesmee is with me. Your dad had to go to work. Well we will be in La Push for a little bit. I'll bring her back home before dark.
Love Jacob & Renesmee
P.S. I love you mommy & daddy. :P'

Jake laughed at me when I put the smiley face on there. We walked outside. When Jake open the door someone was at the door.

“Hello, can I help you?”

“Hi, Jessica Stanley, Bella's best friend is she home? She told me she was staying here for a while.”

“No, she is out. I just got here to pick up Bella's daughter up. Charlie had to go to work.”

“Oh okay. Do you know when she'll be back.” she asked.

“Nope.” Jacob told her.

“Do you know when your mother will be home?” she asked me.

I looked at her, then at Jake then back at her. I shook my head no. “No, I was asleep when she and my daddy was left.”

“Okay, well tell her that I came by okay.”

“Okay.” Jacob said. “Hey is it Jessica right?”

“Yea.” Jessica said.

“How did you know that Bella had a daughter and she was hers.”

“Well Bella told my boyfriend, Mike Newton, and he told me Bella and Edward adopted her as one of theirs. And you said you came here to pick up Bella's daughter so, I figure she was Bella's.” Jessica answered his questions. “She sure looks like Bella and Edward. I mean she has Bella's eyes and she has Edward's hair color.”

“Oh okay.”

“I got to go, bye.” she waved at me.

I waved back and she got in her car and left. Jacob looked at me and I looked up at him. “What? Why are you looking at me like that for?”

“I was just thinking. Let's go.”

I looked both sides of me to make sure no one was around and then I flew to the Rabbit. Jacob ran, well try to run, to the car.

“Your no fair. Do you know that.”

I shrug my shoulders at him then stuck my tongue out at him. I put my seat belt on and he started the car and took off. I was use of my mom and dad driving fast. He drove fast but not as fast as them.

Thru the whole trip to La Push, I looked out the side window. We got off the highway and about 5 minutes. Later we showed up at La Push beach.

He parked the car and we got out of the car. We walk on to the beach. We walk hand in hand on the beach just walking. Then someone yelled out Jacob's name out of nowhere.

“Hey Jacob!” someone yelled.

We stopped and turn around until we saw who it was.

“Jacob!” It was Quil waving us down.

“Quil, what are you doing here?” Jacob asked when he got closer to us.

Quil had a little girl with him. I never saw her before. I tugged on Jacob's arm. He knew what I wanted. He bent down to my height and I touched his neck. I was looked at her, while I did that.

“That's Claire. Emily Young's niece.” he answered my question. “Quil watches her for her mom and Emily.”

“Hey guys. You babysitting too.” Quil said.

I hissed under my breath and gave him an ugly look. I touched Jacob's neck again.

“Well, yes and no. Nessie doesn't like the word babysitting when I am with her. Bella and Edward is out hunting, and Charlie went to work. So Charlie asked me to watch her. Well we are hanging out you can call it. She likes to hang out with me a lot since we took out relationship a little more serious.” Jacob explain to Quil.

“Oh, sorry Nessie.” Quil said to me. “Claire why don't you say 'Hi' to Nessie?”

“Hi, Nasty.” Claire said and waved.

Quil laughed, “No, Nessie. Say Ness then, ie.”

“Ness – ie, Ness – ie, Nessie.” Claire said.

I waved back. I looked at Jacob. “Put me down please.”

“So what's up Jake?” Quil asked.

I was walking toward the ocean. I stopped when the water came toward my feet. I took off my shoes and touched the water with my toes. The water felt warm to me, but not as warm Jake was to me.

I was in some shorts and a tank top. It was better than pants and a long sleeve shirt or just in my underwear or even naked. I looked back toward where Jacob and Quil was. Claire was playing in the sand.

I walked into the water, when I got to my waist I dived under water. I can hold my breath as long as I can until I need to come up for another good breath. I swam all the way to the bottom, to see all the colorful fishes.

I seen blue, red, and yellow ones. I even seen a seahorse and a starfish. i swam back up to get some air. I was under about 5 minutes. I looked back toward Jacob, he was still talking to Quil. Claire was where my shoes was. She waved when she seen me pop up. She even laughed too.

When she laughed Jacob and Quil looked our way. I went back under the water. I went back to the bottom where they couldn't see me but I could see them.

I heard Quil say to Claire. “What do you think your doing little lady?”

“Where's Nessie?” Jacob said to Claire.

She pointed toward the water and when she did that I went our further then I was.

I heard Jacob yell my name. “Renesmee!”

“She not gonna hear you under water just wait for her to come back up.” Quil said.

I laughed at Quil when he said that 'just wait for her to come back up.' I was under water for I don't know about 10 minutes.

“Can she breath under water?” Quil asked. “Shes been under water about I don't know about 15 minutes.”

“I don't know.” Jacob said.

I saw him take his shirt and shoes off. God he was hot. I wish we could do more than just kiss but I'm still a little too young. 'He is so sexy.' I thought. He walked into the water and drove under water.

I smiled when I saw him do that. 'Sweet we are gonna have some fun.' I swam up to him a little bit so he could see me. When I saw him real good I waved at him.

He swam toward me. We swam a little bit and when he was almost out of breath he was about to swim up to get air. I grabbed his arm and I put my hands on his face and I put my mouth on his and blew air into his mouth.

We swam a little more out then we swam up. We were a little out but we could still see Quil.

“What are you guys doing? Are you guys crazy or what?” Quil asked.

“No we are not. We are having fun.” I yelled out.

Jacob looked at me and laughed. “Yea, what she said.”

'Renesmee Carlie Cullen what do you think your doing!' it felt like someone called my name. I looked everywhere. I didn't see anyone yelling my name.

“What's the matter Nessie.” Jake asked.

I swam toward him and touched his neck.

“No, I didn't hear anyone call your name.” he said.

'Nessie!' there it went again. I thought I saw someone by the woods. A guy or some what. I tried to smell the air but all I could smell was wolf and salt water.

“Jacob look toward the woods, do you see a person over there.”

He looked and said, “No, I don't. Why do you?”

“Yes, like someone I know.” I said.

I drove under water before he said anything. I used all of that I got to swim real fast over to where I saw him. I was about half way there. I went up for one more breath. I looked back toward where Jacob was he was on the beach now.

I heard Jacob calling my name but I didn't turn. I drove back under and kept going. I reached the edge of the woods I jumped up in the air and touched the ground.

“Come forward, Nessie.” the voice was calling.

I flew forward until I saw him. It was Nahuel, Huilen's nephew, he was the one calling my name.

“Nahuel is that you?” I asked.

“Yes it is. Hi Renesmee.” Nahuel said.

“What are you doing here?” I asked.

“I wanted to see you. Why were you swimming with your wolf friend for?” Nahuel asked.

When he asked me that I was about to go off on him but I told myself, not to lose my temper. “Because I can. And he's watching me while my parents were on their hunt. We are staying at my mom's dad's place.” I told him.

“Why are you staying there for?” he asked.

“Because their was someone here that the wolfs didn't know who it was. We thought it was Aro and them or one of Carlisle's friends. But I guess it was you all along huh?” I said.

“Oh yea it was me.” he said.

“Thank god it was you and not Aro. Where's your Aunt Huilen?” I asked.

“She's here with me too.” he told me. “God, I missed you so much Renesmee. I'm so glad to see you.” he walked toward me and hugged me.

I hugged him back. “I got to get back. Why don't you come? I'll have Jacob take us back to where Carlisle lives.”

“Hold on.” he said. “I want to see you first.”

He stood there in front of me, staring at me. He put his hand on the side of my face. He took one step forward, and put his other hand on my face and began to kiss me. I let him kiss me until his Aunt came to us.

“Nahuel!” Huilen said.

We stopped kissing. And he turned around and looked at her.

“Renesmee?” Huilen asked.

“Hi.” I said.

“What are you doing here and wet?” she asked.

“I was swimming with my wolf friend until, Nahuel yelled my name. Then I swam my way over here.” I said.

“Oh. Why were you kissing her for, Nahuel?”

“Because I can. And I missed her so much.” he told her.

“She's too young for you, tho.” she said.

“I'm only six months old, but I look like a six or seven year older, maybe even older than that.” I said. “Maybe we should go to the beach and tell my wolf friend to take us to Carlisle's house and then we can talk about all of this.”

“She's right. They know someone is here visiting but they don't know it's us.” Nahuel said.


“Come follow.”

It took us about 5 minutes. To get to Jacob and Quil.

Claire was the one that saw. “Nessie!”

Jacob and Quil looked. And Jacob spoke. “Oh my god, Nessie don't scare me like that.”

“I'm sorry Jake.” I said.

Then he saw Nahuel and his Aunt Huilen.

“Hey, your the half human, half vampire child.” Quil said. “Why you guys here.”

“Passing thru.” Huilen said.

“So you guys are the ones we been smelling. So your visitors.” Quil said.

“Yea.” Nahuel said.

“But wait do you guys drink human blood or animal blood?” Jacob asked.

“We drink animal blood why?” Huilen asked.

“Then there's someone else here then. Because Charlie got called in this morning. Something happen down South.” Jacob said.

“Well that could mean a lot of things silly wolf.” Huilen rolled her eyes.

I laughed when she said, 'silly wolf'. So did Claire and Quil. Jacob hit Quil in the head.

“Hey, what was that for?” Quil asked.

“Your a wolf too stupid.” Jacob told him.

“Can you take us to Carlisle's place, wolf or not.” Nahuel asked.

“Yea, I guess. I have no choice, because your on our turf.” he told him. “My ride is over there. I'll talk to you later Quil. Tell Sam okay.”

“Okay.” Quil said. “Bye Nessie.” he rubbed my head.

“Race yea.” Nahuel said.

“Hey, I got shot gun.” Huilen said. “Do you mind?” she asked Jacob.

“No, I don't.” Jacob said.

I beat Nahuel to the car. We got into the back seats while Jacob and Huilen walked over to the car. When they got to the car, Jacob started the car and backed the car, honked the horn at Quil and hit the gas.

About 20 minutes later we showed up at my grandpa Carlisle's house. I told them to stay outside for a minute.

“Nahuel, Huilen stay out here for a little bit so I can fill them in.” I said.

“Okay.” Nahuel said.

“Jacob, stay out here with then okay.”

“Alright.” he said.

I flew inside the house and Emmett, in the armchair, watching TV. Alice was on the couch with Jasper, in her lap, sat up quick when I flew in the room.

“Renesmee, what's wrong?” Jasper asked.

“Nothing.” I said to him. “Carlisle!” I yelled. “Alice call my mom and dad.”

he flew down the stairs with Esme and Rosalie right behind him. Alice was on the phone with my mom and dad.

“Tell them to get here now.” I told Alice.

She nodded. And went into the other room to talk.

“Hey, Renesmee. What's wrong.” Carlisle asked.

“Well, we have a visitor all right,” Emmett jumped up out of his seat and was about to say something. “But, it's not who you think it is.” o told them. “Jacob, bring them in.”

Jasper's eye went narrow on 'them'. Nahuel, Huilen, and Jacob came in the room.

“Bella and Edward is on their way in about 10 minutes.” Alice said then she seen Nahuel and Huilen.

“Hi, Carlisle, everybody.” Huilen said.

“Huilen, Nahuel what brings you here?” Carlisle asked them.

“We are just passing thru.” Huilen said.

“Oh, okay. So how's it been since the last time we talk.” Carlisle asked.

“Aunt Rose can you go get me some clothes I'm all wet.” I said.

“Why you wet?” Alice and Rosalie asked.

“Swimming with Jake in La Push. That's where I found them.”

“Y'all were in La Push? Why were you guys in La Push for?” Alice asked.

“Like I said, 'passing bye.'” Huilen said again.

I followed Rosalie to my dad's old room which was different it had a bed for me and my clothes. Rosalie got me some clothes for me to change into. When I was done we went back downstairs, my mom and dad was there on the couch talking to Nahuel and Huilen.

When I walked into view Nahuel looked at me. I was wearing a baby pink shirt and blue jeans. I was wondering what ha was thinking, while my dad was sitting there next to him.

I smiled at him and went to my momma and I kissed my dad's cheek on the ways.

“Hi mommy.” I sung to her.

“Hi sweetie.” she said. “What you been doing Huilen and Nahuel?”

while my mom and them were talking I was thinking of earlier when Nahuel kissed me in the woods before his aunt came and saw us. I wonder what Jacob would have done if he saw. I looked at Nahuel and he seen me staring at him. He smiled and I looked away blushing. He kept staring at me. I looked at him again and he winked at me that made me blush even more.

I was wondering how the room felt right now to my uncle Jasper. I looked for my uncle Jasper and he looked when I turn to look at him. He gave me a look like he was wondering what I was staring at him for. I shook my head at him.

I looked away from Jasper and looked at my Jacob. Jacob seen that I was looking at him. I moved my eyes toward the stairs and he looked and shooked his head.

I got up off my mom's lap. She looked at me and Jake but didn't say anything. I was a big girl now. Well not really. I was only like 6 or 7 months old but I look like I was at least in my teens. The way I was growing.

Since I was getting older, my dad gave me his room and a new phone too. Alice and Rosalie re-did the room. They repainted the walls, put a bed in there, got a new radio, a computer, a shelf to put all my books and CD's o, and they even took out a wall to add on a walk in closet space. Alice and Rosalie went all out buying me new clothes and everything.

I even had my own bathroom. My bathroom and closet was just like Alice's and Rosalie's. When Jacob and I got to my room, we went to my bed. Jacob closed the door when we came in. We layed on the bed together for about ten minutes without saying anything. We just cuddled with each other.

Jake was the first one to say something. “So when did you get this room?”

“My dad told me while we were gone that Alice, Rosalie, Esme, and Emmett was gonna work on his old room to make it mine since I was getting older. That means you can sleep in here with me from now on. And if I'm not here you can still sleep in here. I have my own bathroom too.” I told him.

“Cool. So, when are you starting high school?”

“I'm gonna start next school year. My mom and dad is gonna put me in Forks High School, and put me in 9th grade. I'm skipping some grades.” I laughed.

“Your gonna be a freshman wow. You better study a lot.” he said. “What are you gonna tell them if they ask why you are starting school now.”

“Well, dad was gonna tell them that him, mom and grandpa Carlisle home school me until now.” I told him.

“Oh, if you need help I'll help you. I'll be a Jr. next year.”

“I know smarty pants.” I laughed.

He joined me. “Yea, so what are you gonna do about it.”

I thought about that and I got on top of him and started kissing him. We never really went this far. Well we kissed but not like this. I t was always a kiss on the cheek or on the forehead. He did not push me when I was kissing him. He put his hands on my face. This was like step 2 or 3.

Everyone knew we were together, well our family and friends knew. We stop to catch our breathe. Then he said something.

“I love you, Ness.” Jake said.

“I love you too, Jake.” I told him.

“I'm so glad your mind, Jakey.”

“Me too, Nessie.” he said.

While he was kissing me my new phone was going off. I hissed and he growled. Then we laughed. I got off of Jake and went to my nightstand. I grabbed my new phone and answered it.


“Hi Renesmee, it's Sam. Is Jake there?” he said.

“Oh hi Sam. How did you get my number?” I looked at Jake when I said his name.

Jacob looked at me and shook his head yes and handed out his hand for the phone.

“Your mom gave it too me.” he said.

“Oh and yes, he's here.” I told him.

“Can I talk to him.”

“Yea. Here he is.” I handed him the phone/

“Hey Sam, what's up?”

Thank god I had good hearing. “Well, we are having a bomb fire this Saturday and I wanted to know if you were in for it.”

He looked at me and asked me if I wanted to go. “Nessie, do you wanna come to the bomb fire?”

“Yea, I don't care. I'll have to ask my mother.” I said.

“Sam, we'll be there. Just save us some food.” Jake told Sam.

“I'll try too.” Sam said.

“Alright. Talk to you later.”

“Okay. Bye.”

Jacob hung up the phone and put it on the table. I was standing with my arms crossed looking out the window. Jacob walked over to me and put his arms around me, started kissing my neck.

“So we have plans Saturday?” I asked.

“Yea, I guess we do.” he said.

The bomb fire was in 3 days, and I wonder if everyone was gonna be there.

“What's the matter, Nessie.” he asked me. “You were in a horny as mood and now your not.”

“Nothing is wrong Jake. Can't I just think.” I told him. I wanted to tell him about what happen with Nahuel.

“What are you thinking?” he asked.

“Your gonna be mad if I tell you.” I looked at him. He crossed his arms. “Okay I warned you. When I swam to the woods and found Nahuel and Huilen. Nahuel kissed me.”

“What!?” he shouted. He ran downstairs.

“Jacob!” I yelled. I ran downstairs too.

When we came into view everyone looked at us. Then Jacob just started going off on Nahuel.

“If you ever kiss her again I swear I'll kill you.”

Emmett jumped up and walked over and put himself in front of Jacob.

Then my mom said. “What the hell is going on?”

“That half breed kissed my Nessie.”

“Your Nessie.” Nahuel smirked. “Ha she didn't stop me when I kissed her.”

“I was shocked that you kissed me. What was I suppose to do, hit you. Your hard as rock we all are, but if that's what you want I'll do it now.”

I flew into his face until my dad grabbed me. “Let me go!” I yelled.

“Stop this now. Renesmee go to your room now.” my mother told me.

“What? Why I didn't do anything.”

“Just do what your mother says.” my father said. “Jacob go with her or leave.”

“As for you Nahuel – ” my mother was saying when me and Jacob went upstairs.

“Jake, I'm sorry.” I said as I went to my bed.

I put my knees up and I put my head on them. I started crying. Jacob sat on the bed and pulled me close to him. He let me cry myself to sleep.

“No, I'm glad you told me, sweetie.” he told me.

We were laying down on my bed. Jacob was holding me while he let me cry myself to sleep. He did love me very much, after what I did to him and he still loves me. About 5 or 10 minutes of crying I did fall asleep.

I heard my mother and father come into the room but Jake told them I was asleep.

“Renesmee we need to talk –” my mother started to say but Jake stopped her.

“Bella she's asleep. She cried herself to sleep. Your gonna have to talk to her tomorrow morning.” he told her.

“Okay, but Jake don't ever do that again. Please not in front of her. At least please.” my mother told him.

“Anything for you. Edward I'm sorry.”

“I already knew about this I just didn't say anything. He was thinking about it the whole time she was down there before you guys went upstairs the first time.” he said.

So he knew about the whole kiss thing and he didn't bother say anything to me about it. How rude of him and hes my father.

“Can we talk about this in the morning, please.” Jacob told them.

“Yes, we will.” my father said.

My mother and father kissed me on my forehead and left the room. Jacob started to get up until I said something.

“Jacob,” I whispered.

“Yes, sweetie.”

“Stay with me please.” I told him.

“Okay, sweetie. I'll stay with you.” he said and kissed me on my lips.

“Thank you, Jake. I love you.”

“I love you too. Now go back to sleep.”

And I did fall back to sleep.

Question: This is for the readers.

Do you think Jacob and Renesmee will stay together after what happen with Renesmee and Nahuel?

Comment on my page or on the book.

Yes or No and Why they should or shouldn't?

And thank you for reading my books.

Old Days. Old Memories.

Bella's P.O.V

Edward and I went to the cottage after Jacob kicked us out of Renesmee's room. He thought 'we should talk about this in the morning.' Edward agreed with him about it too.

I was quiet thru the whole walk to our cottage. I was remembering this night what happen with Renesmee for mine. The day that Jacob kissed me and Edward wanted to kill him.

I feel like my life is happening over again but with her life. When we reached the cottage Edward looked at me when I open the door. I always looked at Edward when I open the door.

“Bella, what are you thinking?” he asked.

I didn't answer him until we got to our room.

“Bella, tell me before I go crazy.” he warn me.

He always go crazy when I didn't tell him what I was thinking. So I sat down on the bed and he stood there looking at me. I looked up at him and I started telling him everything.

“Edward, don't this make you remember about us. When Jacob kissed me and you wanted to kill him.” I told him.

“And you broke your hand. And asked your dad if he had a ball bat so you could hit Jacob in the head. Yes, I remember it. Why you ask?”

“Well because, Nahuel kissed Renesmee and Jacob wants to kill him and she almost hit him until you grabbed her. Don't it make since.”

“At least she didn't break her hand.” he tried to laugh about it.

It took me a moment to think about that. And then I started to laugh about it too.

“Well thank god for that.” I laughed.

“Yea. We don't know if she heals.” Edward still laughing about it.

I rolled my eyes at him. I grabbed his shirt and pulled him down on top of me. He let out a warm sound out of his throat. We started kissing.

“Your over ruled by your horn moans.” he said when he lift his head to kiss my neck.

“At least I can control them.” I said, as I was taking his shirt off of him.

He let out another warm sound out again, when he took off my blouse. After that it just got crazy.

About 6 o'clock in the morning, we were just finishing. I got off of him and rolled on my back. We were trying to slow our breathing.

Our little bird outside our little window was singing our song. I looked at him and smiled. Then I turn on my side to kiss him and I got up. I went to our closet and was looking for something to wear. When I got up without my blanket he whistled at me. If I could blush I would have big time.

“God Damn, Bella.” he said and did a sexy growl at me. “You are so God Damn Sexy.”

I looked at him and rolled my eyes. He got up off the bed and walked over to where I was and started kissing my neck. I turned around and put my hands on his face and kissed him.

“Now, can I get dress?” I asked.

“I don't know.” he teased.

“God, Edward.” I said laughing and pushed him on the bed.

I found something to wear. I grabbed my red and white strapless top and my blue skinny jeans. And also grabbed my red high heel boots that go up to my knee. I put them on the bed and I started looking for my strapless red bra and my red thong. The bra and thong were both lace and sexy.

I put on everything that I picked out. I was tying my boots when Edward was finish getting dressed. I went into the bathroom and picked out my hair and turn on my straighter and started putting on my make-up.

I put on my red lipstick that won't come off and some sparkly red and pink eye shadow and then my straighter was warmed up. It took me about 5 minutes to straighten my hair. When I was done, I walked into the bedroom. The sun was starting to come up.

“Damn, you look kinda hot.” Edward said. “Who are you? Am I married to you?”

“Yes. You are so silly and thank you.” I said and kissed him.

We ran to the house and I went into the kitchen and started cooking Renesmee and Jacob something to eat.

Renesmee P.O.V

When I woke up it was about 8:00 A.M. Jacob was still asleep. He was snoring in my ear. I got up slowly and walked into the bathroom. I took a hot shower to relax me. When I got out I turn on my curler. I still had on my towel on, so I flew into my room and grabbed me some clothes.

I took my clothes and went back into my bathroom. I got dressed and then I brushed my teeth, and picked my hair. I put moose and gel in my hair, then I grabbed my curler and started putting curls in my hair. I put at least 4 curls in my hair and left the rest of my hair alone. I was gonna let it be wavy.

When I was done I cleaned my mess up and walked back into my room. When I walked into my room, Jacob was up.

“Good morning, sleepy head.” I said.

“Good morning.” he said yawning.

I giggled. “Yea it is a good morning.” I said and kissed him on the lips.

“You look cute.” he said.

“Well thank you.”

“Your welcome. I think you mom made us breakfast.” he said.

“Yea, I know. I smelled it when I got up.”

“Well, lets go eat.” he said grabbing my hand. I started giggling when we ran downstairs.

Bella's P.O.V

“Well, don't you look cute.” Alice said when I was putting Renesmee and Jacob's food on their plates.

“Thanks Alice.” I said.

“No, she looks hot.” Edward said.

He was in the front room watching the news.

“Shut up and watch your news.” I said laughing.

“Good morning, daddy.” she said to Edward. “Good morning, Aunt Alice.”

“Good morning to you too. What's a matter to this family.” Alice said. “Why are you guys all dressed up.”

Alice was looking at me then at Renesmee.

“Because I can Aunt Alice. You do it all the time.” she said when she was walking into the kitchen. “Good morning mommy.” she said. “Wow, now I know what Aunt Alice is talking about. You look cute momma.”

“Thank you, sweetie and so do you.”

“No, she hot.” Edward and Jacob both said.

I threw a fork at both at Edward and Jacob. Edward caught his but the one that I threw at Jacob hit him.

“Ow.... that hurt.” Jacob said.

Renesmee started laughing. “Nice throw mommy. And nice catch daddy.”

“Thanks.” we both said.

“What was that for.” Jacob asked.

“That was for calling my daughter hot.”

“Well she is.” I was about to throw another one at him. “Okay, okay. She's cute then.”

“Thank you.” I said.

“Awww, my poor Jake. Here I'll kiss it for yea.” Renesmee said.

Edward looked at them and at me. Rosalie was coming down from her room. She had to say something.

“Eww.... get a life mutt.” I threw a fork at her but she moved her head and the fork went into the wall.

“Throwing forks are we Bella.” Jasper said coming into the kitchen.

“Yes, she is. She threw one at me and hit me and threw one at Edward but he caught his.” Jake said. “Lucky son of bitch.” he murmured under his breathe.

Edward looked at him and smiled.

“Come eat Renesmee and Jacob.” I said.

“Morning Aunt Rosalie.” Renesmee kissed Rosalie on the cheek.

“You look so cute. I like the way you did your hair.” Rosalie said.

“Thank you.”

“Ummm.... Edward can you come in here please. And Alice, Rosalie, Jasper, and Emmett can you guys leave the kitchen. Edward and I would like to talk to Jacob and Renesmee alone.”

“Sure Bella.” Alice said. Her and Jasper went out the window to their tree.

“Yea, Bella.” Emmett said. Emmett and Rosalie went out to the garage.

“Is this about last night?” Nessie asked me.

“Yes baby. But before you say anything, I have to tell you something.”

She nodded and Edward came in here and sat down. Jacob started eating when he sat down.

“Nessie, before you were born and before me and your father got married. This happen to me.” I started to say.

“What do you mean this happen to you?” she asked me.

“You know about me and Jake were real good friends right. Well your father let me and him see each other until I became a vampire. Well Jacob kissed me and I hit him. I broke my hand when I did that. Well he took me back to my house and your father came and got into Jacob's face.” I said.

“I told Jacob I would kill him if he did it again without your mother telling him he could.” Edward told her.

“Then your mom asked grandpa Charlie if he had a ball bat or something hard to hit me with.” Jacob told her.

“Yes, I did. I wanted to hit him because he kissed me and made me break my hand. Your father took me here to have grandpa Carlisle to fix my hand.” I said. “Do you remember the story that I told you about the newborns wanted to kill me.”

“Yes, that's when daddy asked you to marry him.” she said.

“Yes, he did.” I smiled at him.

“I heard your mom and dad talking about it. I was mad about it. Then your mother ran after me and I told her I was gonna have myself killed.” Jacob told her.

“What!?” she yelled.

“Hold on baby. When he said that I begged Jacob to kiss me.” I told her.

“Did y'all kiss?” she asked.

“Yes, we did. And I was glad that your mother told me to kiss her. I loved your mother so much Nessie until she had you.” he said. “I have never met anyone like you and your mother ever before. Nessie you are my world now. I love you so much.”

“When I heard from Jacob's head that they kissed I was so mad but when I heard that your mother told him to, I was hurt but, I was okay with it.” Edward told her.

“I love both your father and Jacob. But I married your father. So now I know what you are going thru. I know what you meant from last night.” I told her.

“You are just like your mother. The temper and the behavior, and everything. But if you have anything to talk about, anything sweetie you can talk about it with me or your mother. We are here for you.”

“But if you don't want to tell me or your father you can go talk to grandpa and grandma, aunty Rosalie and Alice, and uncle Emmett and Jasper.” I told her.

Renesmee P.O.V

“Okay, well you said last night 'you knew we kiss' why didn't you tell me you knew.” I asked.

“Renesmee, I wanted you to tell me, your mother, or even Jacob since you love him.”

“Okay and one more thing. Why didn't you hear me thinking about it. But you heard him and not me.”

“I was wondering that too. But I think it was because you were sitting on your mother's lap.”

“What did I do?” my mother asked.

“Because of your shield Bella. She was sitting in your lap and I was outside of your shield. I can hear your thought or anyone else if I am inside your shield.”

“Oh okay. Is there anything else you want to talk about Nessie.”

“What did he say last night when me and Jake went upstairs.”

“Well he told me the whole thing what happen. He said you were swimming with Jacob and that he was calling your name and you swam all the way to him. He said that you kissed him too.” my mother said.

“I didn't kiss him. He kissed me, I can show you.”

“That's where I come in. I read his mind. He kissed you, but he said that he missed you so much. And his aunt Huilen caught y'all kissing.” my father said.

“Nessie, I don't care if you guys become friends but if he kissed you tell me or your parents. I really love you and care about you. That's why I didn't leave you last night.” Jacob told me.

'Jacob did love me and care about me. That's why I love him so much. I wish we were like my parents being married, with kids, but I didn't know if I could have kids since I'm a half breed.' I thought.

'And speaking of half breeds.' that's when it hit me.

“And oh don't call him a half breed again or I kick your ass myself.” I told him.

“Renesmee Carlie Cullen watch your mouth young lady.” my mother said. “You are still a little young cussing like that.”

“Yes, mama.” I said. “But still Jacob.”

“I am sorry, Nessie.” he said then he lean over to kiss me. “Love you.”

“Love you too.”

'So my mother and my Jacob had a thing when I wasn't born nor thought of. How rude.' I thought. 'Thank god he's mine now. That means if Nahuel kisses me again, he has to watch for Jacob.' I thought. 'Ha Nahuel and Jacob fighting for me. Jacob would kick his sorry ass.'

My dad cleared his throat. I guess he heard me. 'Damnit, mom. Keep your shield up.' I smiled at him and went back to eating.

There are rules for the two of you.

Edward P.O.V

Bella and I went into the living room to watch TV while Renesmee and Jacob ate in peace. I wouldn't say in 'peace'. They were both thinking about each other.

'That's cool that Bella married the vamp, I got their daughter to worry about.' Jacob thought.

I hissed when he said that but Bella was the only one who heard me. She grab my hand.

“Edward, stop listening to their heads if you don't like it.” she told.

“Only you knew, Bella.” I told her.

“Let me see. Jacob or Nessie is thinking about them being together.” she said.

“Your close, but still.” I said. “Jacob is saying, good thing you married me because he has to worry about our daughter.”

“Well the same thing I said. Just leave them alone. We were them one time. Remember Jasper got mad when you were trying to get me on a different subject when Charlie was coming here.” she told me. “They're just kids. Live with it.” she kissed me.

“Okay. But I'm giving them rules since school is about to start.” I told her.

“Okay. Don't be to mean about them. They can't live without each other.” she stopped what she was saying then began again. “You are right. She is like me.” she laughed.

“Told you so.” I said.

Jacob P.O.V

Nessie and I were just finishing our breakfast that Bella cooked. She can cook even still being a vampire.

“Are you done, Jake.” Nessie asked me.

“Yea, I am. Here are you going to wash the dishes?” I asked.

“Yup. So my momma don't have to do them. You wanna help.”

“Sure. I use to help your mom do the dishes, until I cut myself.”

“Why you cut yourself.” she asked.

“Well, your father wanted me to come smell her room to if I would come close to the visitor she had in her room. And I was helping her and she told me something and I forgot I had a knife in my hand.”

“Silly. What was she telling you.” she asked.

“I forget what she told me. Give me a minute to see if I can remember what we were talking about.” I told her.


I went over and over thru all the talks that Bella and I had. Was it because that she was with him. No, oh I remember. I asked her, 'When was he going to change her into what he was.'

“Got it. I remember now.” I said.

I scared Nessie when I said that. She had soap all over her.

“Ahhh!!!!” she screamed. “Thanks a lot Jake.”

Bella, Edward and Emmett Cameron running into the kitchen. When Emmett came in he started laughing at Nessie.

“You know the water and soap is suppose to be in the sink and on the dishes.” he said laughing.

“Not funny, Uncle Emmett.” she said.

“So, you said you got it.” Bella said. “What do you got?”

“When I cut myself when I was helping you do the dishes.”

“You cut yourself by doing the dishes?” Emmett was still laughing.

Nessie grabbed the hose and started spraying Emmett. “How do you like that, Uncle Emmett.”

“Nessie, no!” Edward said.

But he was too late. She was spraying him like hell. Jasper and Alice came flying into the kitchen. Jasper started laughing at us and Emmett.

Edward flew into the kitchen from the back door since he couldn't get in from not getting wet. He grabbed the hose from Nessie and turn off the water.

“Daddy.” she started to say.

“Now young lady clean up this mess now and after you are done go to your room.” he said to her.

“Yes, daddy. Thanks a lot Jake and Uncle Emmett.”

“What did I do.” Emmett and I said at the same.

“One Jacob, you got me wet in the first place, and two Uncle Emmett, you were laughing.”

“We all were, Renesmee.” Jasper said.

Edward cleared his throat at Jasper.

“Well some of us were.” Jasper said.

“Clean this up.” Edward told her.

I started to leave the kitchen until Bella stopped me.

“Your gonna help her too, Jacob.” Bella said.

“Yes, mama.” I said.

Edward P.O.V

“That's why I said they need rules.”

“They were just playing Edward.” Emmett said.

“Are you her father Emmett. No I didn't think so.” I said.

“Honey, your brother is right. They were just playing.” Bella said.

“They need rules Bella!” I yelled at her. Wishing I hadn't but I was mad.

“I understand that Edward.”

“Rules!?” Renesmee yelled from the kitchen. She flew into the living room. “What do you mean rules?”

“Your father is giving you and Jake rules. School is about to start and I agree with your father.” Bella said to her.

“Why are you giving me rules. I'm not your child.” Jacob said.

I hissed and Bella grabbed my hand. She must threw out her shield because I heard her mind.

'Edward, don't fight with him please.' she thought.

I looked at her and nodded. “Well if your gonna date my daughter your gonna have rules.” I said.

“Why should he?” Renesmee asked.

“Because I said so. If you don't like it then don't date him.”

“You didn't just go there!” she yelled at me. “Mommy!” she went to Bella.

Bella looked at me and shook her head. 'Edward, no. Didn't we just have this talk.' she thought.

I signed. “Guy can y'all leave me and Renesmee alone for a minute.”

Emmett, Rosalie, Jasper, Alice, Jacob, and Bella left the living room.

“Jacob, don't go far.” she told him. He shook his head.

“Sweetheart.” I started to say. “I'm sorry okay. You just got me upset, what you did in the kitchen was no call for. I mean the hose thing and Emmett. I know he's pain in the ass sometimes.”

“Hey not funny, Edward.” Emmett said.

“No one said you could listen either, did they.” I said.

“No.” he said.

“Didn't think so.” I said back.

Renesmee was laughing at Emmett. “Yes he is a pain in the butt.”

“But you love him.”

“Of course I do. But why give me and Jake rules tho.”

“Because, your not my little girl anymore, sweetie. I don't wanna lose you. Nor does your mother. We love you both.”

“I love you guys too. Mommy come in here.” she told Bella to come in the living room.

Bella came into the living room from the kitchen.

“Mommy, I love you and daddy so much. I don't wanna lose both of you. So please don't make me and Jake break up. I love him.” she started to cry.

“Sweetheart, me and daddy is not gonna break no one up. Unless it's a fight. All your father wants is a little respect from you and Jacob.”

“We give you respect daddy.”

“That's not what I'm talking about. School is starting in a few months and I want you two to respect me when I say goes. Like when I want you in bed at, when I want him to bring you home at, and etc.” I said.

“Jake come in here.” Bella said.

Jake came in the house from the front door and came and sat down on the couch. Renesmee sat with him.

“Okay. School is starting up for both of you and since you are dating my daughter there are rules and I want you to respect them and me.”

“Okay, what are they.”

“1 I want Renesmee in bed about 10:30 no later than 11. 2 if you take her some where I want her back by 10 on weekends 10:30. 3 if you are living here with us I want you in bed during school night same as her. 4 clean after yourself both of you. That's all I'm asking from both of you guys.

Jacob P.O.V

“Well, I will do what I can Edward but, if Sam needs me.” I said.

“I was just thinking about that. If he needs you do what you do but will you have enough time to sleep.” Edward asked.

“Yes, I think so.” I said.

“When does school really start.” Renesmee asked.

“Well for you since your going to Forks High School. August 16th and for you Jacob I don't know.” Bella said.

“My school starts about August 8th.” I said.

“Ha Ha.” Renesmee said laughing.

“I'll get you.”

“No you won't.” she ran out the house.

I looked at Edward and he smiled and nodded. I ran after her when I got out of the house I changed into my wolf form. I ran as fast as I could after her. She jumped over that 50 year river. I just ran thru it. She was laughing at me.

I barked out a laugh at her. I caught up with her and I wasn't looking I tripped over a root and I fell over and I even knocked her over as well. She was laughing at me. I turn back in my human form. She had my pants, she handed them to me and she turn around so I could change.

“Are you all right Jacob.” she asked.

“Yea, I'm good. How about you.” me too.” she said.

I was tired so I layed down and she got on top of me. She kissed my head and then kissed my lips. I kissed her back.

“I love you Jake.”

“I love you Nessie.”

“I love you more.” she said.

“No, I love you more.” I said.

She rolled her eyes at me. She looked so like her mother when she did that. We were like this about 10 minutes until we heard something. Renesmee looked around us but she didn't see anything. When she got up a Mountain Lion attacked her.

“Nessie!” I yelled.

“I'm fine.” she said.

She started to fight with the lion. She had it down about two minutes. She put her mouth on it's neck and started drinking it's blood. When she was done she got up and whipped her mouth off.

“Are you okay?” I asked her.

“Yea, I think so. But he ripped my shirt tho. I like this shirt too.” she said. “I can't believe he attacked me.”

“Me too. Are you sure you are okay.” I asked again.

“Yea. Now since we are alone. What do you remember?” she asked.

“Oh yea. I asked your mother when your father was gonna change her and she said after graduation. But that's when the newborns came to kill your mother and the rest of your family.”

“Oh and you help my family to save my mother.” she asked.

“Well, your mother and father had a fight of their own.”

“What do you mean, my mother was still human.” she said.

“I know. But Victoria and Riley found your father and mother. I was in the clearing with the rest of my pack and your aunts and uncles and grandparents. Seth was there helping your father. Your father almost died that day too.”

“What do you mean, my father almost died?” she asked.

“Yea, Victoria and Riley had your father pin down about to rip his head off. Until your mother took a rock and cut your arm. They stopped when they smelled blood.” I said. “I got all that from Seth's head.”

“Wow. Next time I see Seth I own him big time.” she said.

I laughed. “Okay.”

“So why was Victoria after my mother and father for?” she asked.

“Oh well, this is when your mother first came to Forks and she met your father. Your father took your mother out on 'a date' with his family to play baseball and James, Victoria, and Laurent heard them playing. James found out that your mother was human. James was Victoria's mate and they were both trackers.

“Alice and Jasper took your mother South and Emmett, Carlisle, and your father was going North and Rosalie and Esme was watching over Charlie. When James found out that your mother was not where your father was he went to Forks High School to see where she use to live.”

“Where did she use to live?” she asked me.

“Your mother lived in Phoenix, Arizona and so James went there to find her. James called your mother and told her to meet him at her old Ballet Studio. Your mother went there and met him.”

“Did my dad know?” she asked.

“No. No one knew she left until your aunt Alice had a vision that James was hurting her. James broke her leg and when he threw her she hit her head. James even bit her too.”

“Wait what? What do you mean he bit her?”

“Will you let me finish.”


“Yes, look at your moms arm. He bit her but your dad sucked the poison out.” I told her.

“Wow. Did my dad kill him?” she asked.

I almost forgot to tell her that. “Yes he did. Your dad bit his neck and your uncle Emmett, uncle Jasper and aunt Alice took care of the rest.”

She looked at me like I was crazy. “Took care of the rest?”

“Yea, Alice broke his neck and Emmett and Jasper burned him.”

“Wow. Way to go uncle Jasper, uncle Emmett, and aunt Alice.” she said.

“Yup. Your mom almost died like 4 times and your dad almost died 2 times.”

“Huh? How she almost die 4 time and my dad almost die 2 times.”

“With your mother; 1 she got bit by James, 2 she went cliff diving when your father left her, 3 the Volturi try to kill her, and 4 with the newborns. And your father; 1 with the Volturi and 2 with the newborns.” I told her.

“O I forgot about the Volturi and forgot that my father left my mother.” she said.

“Yup. Well lets take you back home to change.”

“Okay.” she said. “Can I ride on your back?”

“Yea, if you can hold my pants again.” I smiled at her. She shook her head yes, then she climbed on my back and I was gone.

Last Two Weeks

While I was on Jake's back, running toward the house, Emmett and Jasper were wrestling when we jumped over the river. Jacob let out a bark toward them, they looked and moved so Jacob could come thru.

Emmett looked at us and said. “I hope your not going in the house like that Jake.”

Jake let out another bark and my mother and father came out the back door. I pulled Jacob's fur to tell him to stop. When I pulled his hair he yelped, then stop. I got off and he went around the house to change.

“Ow, that hurt.” he said while rubbing his head.

“Sorry. I thought you were going to go into the house like that.”

“I was until you pulled my hair.”

Emmett and Jasper was laughing. “Awww, poor doggy.” Emmett said.

I turn around to look at him. “What happen to you Nessie?” my mother asked.

“Ummm.... A mountain lion attacked me.”

“Yea right. Y'all were doing something bad. I can smell it.”

“No, we didn't. And we were just kissing so shut up.”

“Or what.” he asked.

“I'll fight you.” I told him. “I'm not scared to fight a boy”

“A boy really.” he smirked.

“Yea, a boy. I'll get this shirt ripped up more if I have too.”

“I like to see that.” Jasper said.

My mother and father looked at him. Then the others came outside to see what we were talking about. “What y'all hissing about out here.” Rosalie said. “Oh look at you.”

Rosalie's P.O.V

“I like to see that.” I heard Jasper telling someone.

Then me and the others came outside to see what they were talking about. “What y'all hissing about out here.” I said, then I looked at Nessie. “Oh look at you.”

“What happen to you Nessie.” Esme asked her.

“A mountain lion attacked me, grandma. And Uncle Emmett does not believe me.” she said. Then looked at Emmett. “And I told him I would wrestle him for saying I was doing something else.”

“What did he think you were doing.” Alice and I asked.

“That Jake and I were doing something bad like 'sex'. But we were just kissing.” she stuck her tongue out at him.

“Is that why Uncle Jasper said, 'I'd like to see that' Nessie.” Alice said.


“Yes, I did say it. I think Nessie needs to learn how to fight. We taught Bella, now it's Renesmee's turn.” Jasper said.

Bella and Edward looked at each other then looked at Renesmee, then looked at Jasper.

“Bella, I know what your thinking. Well, not really, but I can feel what you are thinking. Renesmee is small and young but,” Jasper walked over to Nessie and put his hand on her head and bent down next to her. “She needs to learn, Bella. As your only daughter, she needs to be taught.”

Bella's P.O.V

Edward and I looked at each other then looked at Renesmee then looked back at Jasper.

“Bella, I know what your thinking. Well, not really, but I can feel what you are thinking. Renesmee is small and young but,” Jasper walked over to Nessie and put his hand on her head and bent down next to her. “She needs to learn, Bella. As your only daughter, she needs to be taught.”

I didn't know what to say so I threw out my shield and asked Edward. 'Edward, I don't know what to do or think. Our little girl fighting.' I thought then I did a tearless cry in my head.

Edward put his arm around me. “Bella, Jasper is right.” he said looking at Jasper and Renesmee. “But you are too.” he put both of his hands on my face. “She has to learn. We did it with you, but you have a shield that can protect you but she has nothing.” he kissed my forehead and I felt a little better.

Carlisle came over to me and put his hand on my shoulder. “Bella, I know you worry about her a lot hell we all do and she may be young but she is growling so fast and if Aro wants ti visit us again, well she needs to know hoe to fight.”

I still didn't say anything. I was just thinking of my little girl getting hurt. 'I don't want to lose my little girl.' if I were human right now, I would be crying and my legs would be shaking.

“Bella, I don't want to lose her either.” Edward said. I still had my shield down.

Then Renesmee walk to me and I bent down to her. She put her hand on my cheek. “Momma, you won't lose me. If Uncle Emmett and Jasper and Aunt Alice and Rosalie, and daddy, and grandma and grandpa will help me to know how to fight, you won't lose me.”

“Renesmee...” I started to say.

“Yes, mommy.”

“I love you so much and I just don't want you hurt. But...” I looked at Carlisle. “But her being human.”

“Well, I was thinking about that. She can get hurt but also she can heal because he's part vampire. But not as fast as us or Jacob. But Jasper is right. She has to know how. And she 2 weeks left to know how before school starts. And she can still do it on the weekends to fight.” he said. “Jasper teach her as much as you can and if you need help I will be able to help. We all will.”

Jasper looked at Carlisle and shook his head. “Bella, we got this.”

I shook my head and hugged Renesmee. “Have fun. If you need to stop, stop okay. Two weeks to know how to fight.”

“Okay.” she kissed me then ran into the house.

Renesmee's P.O.V

After I kissed my mom I ran into the house to my room to put on some old pants and shoes. I kept the shirt on since it was already ripped. I put my hair in a bun so it wouldn't get in my face. I open my windows and seen Uncle Jasper standing there talking to Emmett. I jumped and landed on Uncle Jasper's shoulders.

“Got yea.” I laughed then kissed his cheek and got down.

“You little rascal.” He said laughing.

“Who's a rascal?” Alice asked.

“Renesmee is, because she did the same thing you did. She got on my back and kissed my cheek.”

Alice was giggling. “That's my girl.” She gave me a high five.

I smiled and gave her a high five back. “So who am I starting on first.”

“Me.” Emmett said. “You already wanted to fight me so lets go. Do your worst.”

“No, Emmett. Your last.” Jasper said.

“I'm going to go first. I'm smaller.” Alice said.

'Dang, and I wanted Emmett too.' I said in my head. I heard my dad laugh inside the house. Only people that was outside was Emmett, Jasper, Alice and Jacob. 'He was in wolf form laying down by the back door. He looked like a guard dog, for god sakes.' I heard my dad laughing again.

“Get out of my head, dad.” I yelled at him. Then was laughing. “Okay, Alice. Are you in for this.”

“Do you mean, 'Are you in this'.” she said.

“Yea, whatever.”

“Come at me anyway you want.”

I rolled my eyes at her and went at her. 'I missed.' I went after again. This time I got her but when I got up, she tackled me down.

“1 don't loose your focus on your prey.” Jasper said.

I did everything I could do to everyone. I fought with everyone but my mother. I didn't want to fight with my father or Jacob, but they wanted too. With Jacob it was hard not to hurt. I broke his arm, but I didn't mean too.
Carlisle took care of him. Jacob sat on the ground watching us. I fought with everyone twice. It was hard with Emmett but it was not hard to deal with him when I got different moves from everyone twice.
I did this everyday for a week and 2 days. I had to stop for a little bit, because in about 4 and a half days left was school. And my mother asked Jasper and Carlisle if we could stop so I could catch up on some rest. They agreed to it. Jacob was better now. His arm was back to normal. It healed back quick in about 3 days.
I told him sorry everyday until he got healed. He always told me 'No big deal. I had worst.' Then he would kiss me. I know it hurt him when we were in bed asleep, since he couldn't hold me for 3 days. But when those 3 days were up, he hold me close to him in bed. Sometimes I had to tell him let go of me a few times, because I was burning up.
On the last 4 days left, Aunty Alice and Rose took me school shopping. We went to 4 clothes stores and went to one store to get school stuff. I got up to $300 in clothes and about $100 in school stuff. With my Aunts they went all out and crazy when we go shopping. But I loved them.
When we got home from shopping, we carried about 20 bags in the house to my room. My mom looked at us when we came in the house with a lot of bags.

“What did y'all do. But the store out.” my mother said.

“Nope.” Alice said when we went to my room.

When we got into my room we put the bags on my bed. Then Alice told me go eat and go have fun, so I did. I went downstairs and went into the kitchen. I fixed me some pizza and a coke. When I was eating I notice that Jake didn't come into the kitchen.

“Mom, where's Jake?”

“Oh, he left. He went to La Push. Sam wanted him to help with a problem down south in another Rev. He left a note in your room on your desk. He wanted to wait til you got back but you know how Sam gets.”

I nodded and went back into my room. And like my mother said there was a note on my desk. It said to 'My Sweet Heart'. I open it up and read what he wrote.

'Dear Nessie,
I'm sorry that I left like this while you were out shopping but Sam called me and said there were some issues in the Makah Rev. I'll be gone fore a little bit. Sam says about 2 to do 3 weeks. I hope I will be back sooner then that. I will call and text you everyday, I swear Nessie. I love you so much.
Love your wolf,
P.S. I left half of my heart with you Renesmee, watch over it for me.'

I sat on my bed and started crying. Alice heard me crying when they were just finishing up putting my clothes in my closet. She walked over to me.

“Nessie, what's the matter?” she asked.

“Jake left for a little bit. And I didn't even say good bye or kiss him good bye.” I told her.

Then I thought I heard Rose mumble something under her breathe like 'good he's gone.'. Alice looked at her then back to me. She grabbed letter that Jacob wrote me.

“Sweetie, he will be back soon. He has to work on something. Don't worry honey, he will be back trust me.” he hugged me and kissed me on my forehead.

“Well, everything is put up. All you got to do is go thru your school stuff and see what your gonna take with you.” Rosalie said. “School starts in 2 days.”

“Okay. Thank you guys for the shopping spree. I needed it.” I laughed a little.

“Your welcome sweet heart.” Rosalie and Alice said. Then Alice whipped the tears away from my face and then they left my room.

I got up and walk to the end of my bed and sat down. I went thru everything. I put one 5 subject notebook and a binder in my new Hello Kitty book bag, also I put 2 pens and 2 pencils, with 1big purple eraser, led holder all in a pencil case. When I was done I put my book bag in my closet to the side and the extra school stuff on a shelve then went back to my bed.
But on the way there, I grabbed my little doggy that looked like Jacob and went to cuddle with it. I needed to clam down, and the dog was not helping me. Only person could do that was Uncle Jasper and he wasn't here.
I rolled over to my side still cuddling the doggy, my wolf Jacob, and I started to cry again. Not even 5 minutes someone knocked on my door.


“Go away.” I mumbled.

But who ever it was, came in my room. Then they climbed in my bed with me, rubbing my hair.

“Nessie, are you okay.” it was Jasper that climb in my bed. “Sweetie what's the matter. Tell Uncle Jasper.”

“Jake left.” I mumbled, in my doggy.

“Oh,” he said. “Well how about this. Why don't you get another pair of clothes and a towel and meet me in the Jeep, okay.”

“Why you need the Jeep?” I rolled over to look at him.

“Because where we are going, the Jeep can handle it.” he said smiling.

“Where are we going.”

“You'll find out when we get there.” he said, then pointed my nose. “Get ready.” he said when he walked out.

“Okay.” I said.

Then I got up and went to my dresser and got a shirt and pants and then went into my bathroom and got a towel. 'I bet we are going cliff diving.' I thought to myself. So I went back to my dresser and grabbed my 2 piece and went back into the bathroom and put it on then put my clothes over them. I put on my flip flops and flew downstairs, then went into the garage. Then I almost forgot my phone so I ran back upstairs in my room and grab my phone and went back to the Jeep. Then my dad came out to the garage.

“Aren't you gonna say good-bye to your father.” he said.

“Oh, sorry. Bye daddy.” I said to him. “Bye mommy!” I yelled when Jasper came out to the Jeep in a T-shirt, flip flops and shorts, and a bag of things in it.

“Bye sweet heart.” she yelled back.

I giggled. Then Emmett came out and asked us where we going. “Where y'all going?”

“Some where.” Jasper said.

“We are going cliff diving. He is taking my mind off of Jacob while he is gonna be gone for a little bit.”

“How did you know I was taking you there?” he asked me.

“Why else would you tell me get another pair of clothes and a towel.” I said. “Duh Uncle Jazz.”

Jasper smiled. Then my dad said. “Yes she is.” then laughed.

“She acts like you and bell. Mostly you sometimes. But I love her.” he said messing my hair up.”

I rolled my eyes at them. Then Emmett said to both of us. “Have fun.”

“Oh, we will.” I said.

“Ready?” he asked me.

“Yupperz.” I said smiling.

I waved at them when Jasper drove out of the garage. They waved back. I sat back in the seat with my sunglasses on and relaxed in the wind. Since I was still human, I could still get sun burn but it does not hurt me like other humans. So I closed my eyes and let my hair blow with the wind, and the sun beam on me.
Where we were going was far about 2 or 3 hour drive but since the way 'us' Cullens' drove it was about an hour maybe less but I was not really worried about time right now. I was spending time with my Uncle Jasper.
All of us always come came here to go cliff jumping. It was the only place we could go swimming in the summer time when the sun was up. I remember Jake was in his wolf form with me on his back and jumped in the water. It was fun a little. That was my first time cliff jumping and I didn't want to go in by myself.
It feels like it was just the other day. My mother telling Jacob to be careful with me on his back while jumping. I even remember my Uncle Emmett throwing me off the cliff. I was screaming too until I was under. Everyone was laughing at me, but my mother and father tried so hard not to laugh but they did.
About 20 minutes later my phone was going off. 'Beautiful Soul' by Jesse McCartney.

'I don't want another pretty face.
I don't want just anyone to hold.
I don't want my love to go to waste.
I want you and your Beautiful Soul.

Your the one I wanna chase.
Your the one I wanna hold.
I won't let another minute go to waste.
I want you and your Beautiful Soul.'

It was my ring tone for Jacob. I sat up and got my phone and answered it.


“Hi, are you mad?” he asked.

“No, not really. I was at first when you left.”

“Oh, why were you hurt.”

“Because I didn't say good-bye or even give you a good-bye kiss.”

“Oh sorry. What are you doing.”

“Ummm.... Uncle Jasper is taking me cliff diving to cheer me up.”

“Oh, have fun.” he sounded hurt.



“I miss you.”

“Oh Renesmee, I miss you too. I swear when I come back, I will do anything you want; my treat.”

When he said that 'anything I want' huh. Mm.... there was a lot of things I wanna do to him.

“Nessie, control your emotions please. I'm still here.”

“Sorry Uncle Jasper.” I said. I started to blush when he said that.

“What were you doing.” he said laughing.

“Nothing. I'll tell you later. Just remind me later.” I told him.

“Okay, I will.”

We just turn off the highway to where we were going.

“Jake, I'll call you later when I get home okay.”


“I love you, Jake.”

“I love you too, Nessie.”


“Bye.” then we hung up.

I looked at Jasper still blushing. Then he looked at me smiling.

“What?” he said.

“Nothing.” I said still blushing.

“Its okay to think about that just don't do it around me okay.”

“Sorry, Uncle Jasper.” I told him when we parked.

“Its okay. I won't tell your parents, but I can't stop your father when he reads my mind.” he said messing my hair again.

When we got our things out of the Jeep; I stuck my tongue our at him. And I took off before he could catch me.

“I got you Nessie.” he yelled when I took off.

But I beat him there to our cliff. I took off my shirt and pants off and ran and jumped in the water.

“WOO HOO!” I yelled.

Like about a minute later he jumped in the water after me. I drove under the water then came up to see where he was. He was a few feet in front of me. We were laughing. I drove back under and swam toward him and swan up and scared him. (Well not really.)


“Nice try.” he said laughing.

“I'll race yea again to the top.” I said laughing.


“On your mark,”

“Get set,”


We drove under water and swan toward the beach and ran to the cliff again. I beat him by 2 seconds.

“Beat yea.”

“Yes you did.”

“Can I get on your back and you can jump with me.” I asked.

“Sure, climb on.”

I got on his back and he walked back a little.

“Hold on.” he said.

I hold on real tight to him and he took off and he jumped. My eyes got big when we jumped but it was fun. We did this for two hours now. And it was getting dark. We even raced back to the Jeep.
When we got back to the Jeep; we changed clothes. I took off my bottoms and put on underwear and pants; then took off my top and put on my bra and shirt on. I ran my hair threw my towel and put it up in a bun. I threw everything in my bag and put them in the back. I got in the Jeep and lay back.
On the way home, I fell asleep. So I didn't know how long it was. But all I know when I woke back up we were pulling in the garage.

“Nessie, we're home.” Jasper said.

I sat up and blink a dew times. “Okay.” I got out and got my things and went in the house. I went up to my room and put my wet clothes in my bathroom and threw my other clothes in the hamper. Went back into my room and fell on my bed and fell back asleep.

When I woke back up; it was noon. I slept the rest of the night and slept most of the day. When I woke up I was covered up. So someone came upstairs and tucked me in. When I got up my stomach was growling; since I went to bed without eating.
After I got out of the shower, I went downstairs. When I went downstairs there was no one in the house so they went hunting without me. So I went into the kitchen and fixed me a hot pocket; it was a hot ham and cheese. I fixed me two of then and had a small glass of milk.
When I done I went upstairs and put on short shorts and my top of my other 2 piece on, grab my beach towel, my sunglasses, and my book; 'Living Without My Love'. When I got everything that I needed, went downstairs; then went out back and layed my beach towel down' put my sunglasses on and layed on my stomach, and started reading my book.
I wanted my last day to myself, before I started school tomorrow. I was a little hurt that Jake wasn't here with me before I started school, but he's got to do, what he's got to do.
I layed down on my stomach for about 20 minutes until I heard everyone running thru the forest. I got up, moved my glasses on top of my head and stood up watching them jump over the river.

“About time you wake up.” Alice said.

I smiled at her. Then my mother flew to me. “Are you okay.”

“Yes momma. Uncle Jasper wore mt our yesterday. It was fun.”

“I'm glad you had fun sweetie.”

“I even beat Uncle Jasper too, like 3 times.”

“Yea, she did. She's fast; she took Edward's talent.” he said laughing.

Then everyone started laughing with him. “Yea, I guess she did.” my father said. “She even got scared when y'all jumped together too. Her eyes got real big.”

“Hey, now. I didn't get scared okay. Maybe a little but it was fun.”

“Okay, hun whatever you say.” he said laughing.

They all went into the house. But mom. “Jake called last night. When you didn't answer your phone he called me.”

“What you tell him.”

“I told him you were in bed. Jasper wore your ass out.” she giggled.

I blushed then told her. “Oh, I told him that we were cliff diving.”

“Yea, he told me.”

“I'll call him tonight before bed.”

“Okay, I'll leave you back to your tanning.”

I nodded and put my sunglasses back over my face and my mother went in the house. I layed on my back this time and closed my eyes. I fell asleep (Well not really, I took a little nap) but while I was dreaming of Jake in his wolf form licking my face.

“Jake, stop licking me.” I told him.

He stop for a minute, then he started licking me again.

“Jake, I said 'stop'.” I said sitting up and removing my glasses. “Oh my god.” I saw a little puppy.

My mother, father, and everyone else came outside. They stopped at the back door.

“Awww, mommy can I keep him.” I was petting him. It was a little pup. I don't know it was a dog or a wolf. But it look so cute. It was the same color as Jake, reddish brown.

“I don't know. Maybe someone lost it or it's a stray or even a wolf pup. But if it's a wolf pup, his mother is not far away.”

The little guy was barking at me, it was so cute.

“Please mommy. I'll take of him, I swear. And if we are trying to be 'human' then a pet would be cool.”

“Like we don't have a pet as it is.” Rosalie mumbled. Then walked back in the house.

“Rose,” Esme said. Then walked over to me. “He is cute.”

“Please mommy.” I begged.

“You have to ask grandma and grandpa.” my mother told me.

I looked at grandma and grandpa and asked them. “Grandma. Grandpa can I keep him.” I gave them the puppy eye look. I use that look to get my way.

Esme looked at me and the dog/wolf then looked at Carlisle. “Hun, what do you think.”

“Hmm,” he started to say, then walked over to us. Then the puppy jumped on him and started licking him.

I started laughing at him. Everyone but Rosalie was laughing too. “Can I grandpa?”

“Okay, Renesmee. But it's your job to take care of him. Feed him, walk him, wash him, clean up after him.”

“Thank you grandpa. Oh thank you.” I got up and hugged him.

“Your welcome, sweet heart.”

“Daddy, can I use your truck to go to the store and but little Jake some food and stuff.” I asked him.

“Yea, but be careful.”

“I will you know that.”

He threw me his keys and I grab the puppy and brought him with me. I went to my daddy's Volvo and hit the garage button on top of the roof and started it. When the door open; I put on my seat belt and drove out. I drove to Seattle to the mall. They had a pet market in the mall. It was called 'Uncle Bill's Pet Store'. Seattle was about an hour drive but I hit the gas so I can be back home early to play with Little Jake.
When I got to Uncle Bill's, I took Little Jake in with me. I asked one of the workers if they could help me.

“Welcome to Uncle Bill's,” a patriot said. “Welcome to Uncle Bill's.” it said again.

I smiled at it. “Hi, I would like some help to get some things for my puppy.”

“Okay. What's his name?”

“Little Jake. I named him after my boyfriend. I got him today.”

“So it's a boy huh. Cool, we got a lot of boy clothes for dogs. A lot of blue too.”

I nodded. She got me a chart and help me look. I found a baby blue collar with a matching letch to it. I put them on him so I would not have to carry him.
I even found the cutest clothes for him. I found one that says, 'Am I Cute', I got that and another on. It was blue that had angel wings on the back. Then, I got him some chew toys, some treats and a big bag of puppy chow. I even got dog shampoo and a dog brush too.
Everything I got was about $50 together. When I was done, she helped me carry everything to my car.

“Thank you.”

“Your welcome. Thanks for coming, come back again.” she said.

I waved when I drove off and headed back home. It was almost 3 o'clock when I got back. When I got back, Emmett and Jasper was in the garage in the Jeep. When I parked I closed the door and got out with Little Jake, I grabbed his stuff and took it in the house to my room.

“Hey, guys.”

“Hey, do you need help?” Jasper asked.

“No, I don't think so.” when I said that I almost drop the dog food, until Jasper grabbed it. “Thanks.”

“Your welcome.”

“What did you get?” Emmett asked.

“2 pairs of clothes, dog food, dog treats, chew toys, dog shampoo, dog brush, collar and letch, and bowels for him.” I told them.

“Oh. Well, here let us help.” Emmett said.

They each got 2 bags and we went to my room. I carried Little Jake to my room. They put the bags on my bed and left. I thanked them and went into my bathroom to give him a bath. He was so small I washed him in the sink.
When I was done doing that o put that shirt that says, 'Am I Cute' on him. Then carried him in my room and put him on the floor. I closed the door so he wouldn't get out. I got his bowels out and filled them up with puppy chow and water. I put the food and treats in the closet with his other outfit. I put out one bone so he can have something to chew.
While I was on the floor playing with him my phone was going off. It was Jacob's ring tone.

'I don't want another pretty face.
I don't want just anyone to hold.
I don't want my love to go to waste.
I want you and your Beautiful Soul.

Your the one I wanna chase.
Your the one I wanna hold.
I won't let another minute go to waste.
I want you and your Beautiful Soul.'

“Hello 'Beautiful Soul,' I said to him.

He laughed when I said that. “Hello Angel, how did you sleep.”

“Good, Uncle Jasper wore me out.” I giggled at what I said and at Little Jake.

“Oh, so you had lots of fun.”


“'Ruff, Ruff.'” the puppy barked.

“What was that?” he asked.

“Oh, my puppy name, Little Jake. I was suntanning and I was dreaming of you in your wolf form and he came and started licking my face and I kept saying, 'Stop licking me Jake.' When I open my eyes he was standing above my head.” I told him. “He looks a lot like you. I mean the fur color.” I giggled a little when Little Jake was licking me.

“Oh okay. How old is he?”

“I don't know. A few months maybe. My mother doesn't know what he is. A dog or a wolf.”

“Oh, well if he is a wolf be careful okay. Because the mother wouldn't be that far away.”

“That's what my mother told me. But grandma and grandpa said I could keep it. Rose doesn't like it. Because...”

“Of me being a dog/wolf. I know, I know.”

“Jake, don't get mad okay. I love you.”

“I love you too. I will always love you.”

“Me too. And I feel like you took half of my heart with you.”

“I left half of my heart with you.”

“Well come and get it then.”

“I wish I could. But I'll be there soon. I promise Nessie.”

Then someone knocked on my door.


Then the dog starting barking at the door.

“ 'Ruff, Ruff, Ruff, Ruff' ”

“Little Jake stop barking.” I told him. “Come in.” I told who ever was at the door.

“Sweetie, time for dinner.” my grandma told me.

“Okay, grandma. I'll be down in a minute.” I said to her.

“Okay. Hey buddy.” she started petting Little Jake.

“ 'Ruff, Ruff.”

“Well, I let you go so you can eat, take a shower or what ever and go to bed. You got school tomorrow.”

“Okay. Love you Jake.”

“Love you too.”

“Bye, Jake. Get some rest and keep safe.”

“I will. Bye.”

Then we hung up. Grandma, Little Jake and I went downstairs. I went into the kitchen table and grandma took Little Jake outside and put him on his chain that Emmett put out there for him. My mother and father was not in the house. They must have went to the cottage or they outside talking or doing whatever. Grandma made my favorite meal; Italian. She says she gets everything from an Italian store in Port Angeles. What she made, I had 2 plates of it; that's how good it was. I even burped too; loud.


“Renesmee, said 'excuse me!” my grandma said from the front room.

“Excuse maw. Sorry grandma. It was good. That was your kiss for the dinner.” I said laughing.

“Ha! Good one.” Emmett said coming down the stairs. “Feel better after eating, don't yea.”

“Yes sir re.” I said laughing again. “Well, I'm going to bed.” then went outside to get Little Jake and went upstairs. “Good night y'all.”

“Good night sweetie.”

Me and Little Jake went to my room, after I said goodnight to Emmett and grandma. I put Little Jake on my bed and I went to my dresser and pulled out one of my PJ's. When I got my PJ's on; I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth.
When I was done; I went back into my room; and I saw that Little Jake was asleep on the foot of my bed. I turn off the light and crawled in my bed. I didn't fall asleep fast; well I couldn't fall asleep. So I got back up and walked to my window doors and open them. I stood there about 10 minutes until I heard foot steps coming up to my door.

“Who ever it is, you can come in.”

Then I smelt it was Alice and my mother. They came in and walked over to me.

“Honey, what's the matter.” my mother asks me.

“Nothing, momma. Just can't sleep. Worried about Jacob and tomorrow.” I said then looked at her.

Then I walk to her and hugged her for a second then I touched her cheek. When I touched her; I asked her in my thoughts, 'What's wrong?'

“Nothing sweetheart. You will be okay. And Jacob will be home soon okay.”

'Where's daddy.' I thought and pulled his face up.

“Downstairs with grandpa and your Uncles. They are making plans in a few weeks. They're planning to go up North to Canada to fix an animal problem. Grandma, your Aunts and I are staying here with you while you are in school.”

“And speaking of 'school', what are you going to wear?” Aunt Alice asked.

“I don't know yet til morning. Would you help me in the morning Aunt Alice?”

“Sure, I'll help ya. I'll do your hair too. I'll wake you up about 5 A.M so you can take a shower; find what to wear; and do your hair.”

I nodded. “Thanks. Well I'm gonna try and go to bed. Love y'all.”

“We love you too.”

They both kissed and hugged me. I kissed and hugged them both back and watched them walk out of my room and I went to my bed and crawled in.
I kissed Little Jake goodnight and layed in bed. Then when I looked at the clock it was almost 11 P.M. Then about 10 minutes later I fell asleep.

The First Day

I was sleeping so good until my Aunt Alice woke me up at 5 A.M like she said she was.

“Nessie, wake up. Time for school sweetheart.” she says to me.

“No,” I moaned.

“Come on, Ness. I won't do your hair if you don't get up.”

“No,” I moaned again and rolled over to my other side.

“God, Damnit, Renesmee Carlie Cullen get your ass up now before I go get your mother and father.” she scolded me.

I moaned again for the third time. “Give me five minutes to wake up.”

“Fine. But if your ass is not up Renesmee; I'm gonna pour cold water on you and get your parents.”

“I will. Go. Leave me be.”

“Okay. Come on Little Jake. Lets go out.” she told Little Jake.

They left my room and then about 3 minutes later I got up and stumble to the bathroom; then got in the shower. I stood there in the shower for about five minutes to wake up.
After I woke up I hurried up in the shower and got out. I put on a towel around me and put my hair in a towel; walked out of the bath into my room.
Alice was sitting on my bed with Little Jake in her lap. She was petting him when I got out. Then she seen me coming out of the bathroom.
She put Little Jake down on the floor and went into my closet; to find me some clothes. While she was doing that; I went to my dresser and put on bootie shorts and a bra on. Then I put on my rob while I waited for her to get me some clothes.
About 15 minutes later, she found me an outfit. She put it on my bed, then looked for some kind of shoes for me to wear with the outfit. But while she was doing that I put on the skinny blue jeans on with a light pink shirt with a ribbon that ties in the back.
When I put them on she handed me some black heels that were like two or three inches that strapped around my ankles. When I put them on she grab my hand and towed me to her and Jasper's room.
When we walked in there he was on the couch reading a book. He looked up when we walked in and smiled at me. He started to laugh at me when Alice towed me to her big well large bathroom.
She sat me down in the chair that was in there and started brushing my hair.

“Uncle Jasper,”

“Yea, sweetie.” he said walking to the door.

“Can you stop with the mood control please. It's no fair.”

Him and Alice both giggled. “Sorry Renesmee. I was trying to clam you down a little.”

“Yea. Well, it's not gonna happen.”

He smiled and walked back into the bedroom. I rolled my eyes while Alice was working on my hair. While she was doing my hair, I fell asleep, well took a little 'cat nap'.
But about 20 or 30 minutes later she woke me up. When I woke up; my hair was all straight then put up in a pony tail; it was a high pony tail too.

“Thanks Alice for helping me.” I said as I looked in the mirror. “I didn't know you could straight my hair since my hair is so curly.”

“Your welcome. Now go, get your bag and head downstairs and eat. Grandma is fixing you something to eat..”

I nodded at her; kissed her on cheek; flew to Jasper kissed him too. Then I went to my room grab my bag; pet LJ good-bye; then walked down the steps.
My mother and father were on the love seat together holding hands. I bet if no one was in the house they would make out in here. Then I thought, 'Get a room.' My father looked at me, then my mother.

“Well good morning Nessie.” my mother says. “You look cute. Alice get to you?”

I nodded and walked into the kitchen and sat at the table. Esme was fixing me a breakfast burrito. She fixed me two of them. When she was done; she handed them and a large glass of orange juice.
I smiled at her when she say them on the table. then I started eating them. They were good. I drunk all of the orange juice and then put the dishes in the sink. My mother got off of the loveseat and walked in the kitchen.
She hugged me then went to wash the glass and plates then put them away. Then Alice came down the stairs with her keys in her hand. 'Oh, boy. Alice is taking me.' I thought. 'Why can't I drive myself.' I thought again.

My father looked at me. “Well, because Renesmee. We have not gotten you a car yet. And Alice 'wants' to drive you.” he told me.

I rolled my eyes. 'Tell her, I'll be in her car.' He nodded. I grabbed my bag; kissed my father; and went into the garage.
Emmett and Rosalie were in the garage working on the Jeep again. When my high heels hit the ground and made a 'tap' noise; Emmett and Rosalie looked up from the hood.

“Awww, Nessie. You look beautiful.” Aunt Rose said.

I smiled at her and said “Thanks.” Then walked to Alice's yellow Porsche. While I was waiting for Alice; I closed my eyes. Then I heard her door open and close. I open my eyes to make sure it was her and it was. She hit the button to open the garage door and drove out.
About 10 minutes later, we showed up in the school parking lot. She parked the car and we got out. When we walked toward the school to the front; the office; went inside.
When we went inside; there was a red-hair lady behind the counter, when we walked to it.

“Good morning, Ms. Cope.” my Aunt Alice says.

The red-hair lady looked at her for a minute. “Alice?” she walked to the counter. “Wow, Alice. You have not change much in a year; other than the hair.”

“Thank you Ms. Cope. I'm here to help my niece set up here before everyone else gets here.”

“Your niece?” she looked at me. “Hi sweetie. What's your name?”


“She's Edward's and Bella's daughter. Well she's Edward's niece but they adopted her as their daughter. Her real parents died.”

“Awww, I am so sorry Renesmee.”

“It's okay.”

“What grade is she in?”

“She's a Freshman. This is her first time going to school in awhile. She has been home schooled.”

“Okay; give me a minute.”

She went back to her desk and started working on my classes. About 10 minutes later, she came back to us. When she came back she handed me some papers. 1) was my classes. 2) a map of the school to make it easy for me to find where my classes were and 3) a paper with my locker number on it and the code to it.

“There you go sweetie. If you need anything come see me.”

“Thanks.” I told her.

Then Alice and I went outside. Everyone started pulling into the parking lot, teacher and students. When I walked Alice to her car she gave me $20 for lunch and drove away.
When I turned around everyone was starting at me. The boys had their mouths hanging open and their eyes were big like they never met or saw anyone like me before. Well they might haven't. At the same time, I wished Jake was here with me, I mean going to this school and not the Rev.
I walked toward building 3. It had 3 of my classes there. Algebra, English, and Biology. I had those classes the first 3 hours, then lunch, then the last 2 hours I had Reading and Gym. I had to take Gym for the first 9 weeks then I could change it to whatever I wanted.
When I reached building 3, a young man open the door for me, and let me go in first.

“Thanks.” I said.

“Your welcome.” he said back. “Where you heading?”

“Ummm... Algebra.”

“Oh in 3B right?”

“Yea, how did you know.”

“This is my 3rd year being at this school. I'm Blake. Blake Campbell.”

“Renesmee. Renesmee Cullen. But you can call me Nessie if you want. My family and boyfriend does. He came up with the name.”

“Oh. You got a boyfriend. Then I should stay away.” he looked around to see if he seen anybody he didn't know.

“Don't worry about it. He don't go here. He goes to the Rev. in La Push. Your safe.”

“Phew, that's good. I didn't want to start anything with him.” he said when we reached 3B. He open the door like before. “Here you go.”

We walked in and took our seats. The teacher was writing something on the white board when we walked in. I walked to the back of the room to be by the window. He sat in front of me. Then 2 minutes before the bell rung everyone started coming in the classroom. They took their seats. One girl with long, straight brown hair coming my way.

“Is someone sitting here?” she said in a deep French ascent.

“No, you can sit here.”

“Thanks. I'm Luna.”

“Your welcome. I'm Renesmee.”

We shook hands and when we shook hands, I jerked my hand back from her touch. Her hand was cold. She did the same with mine, since mine was hot.
I looked at her face mostly her eyes. They were a butterscotch color. She had purple rings under her eye lids. 'Vampire'. I thought.
I was scared at first but who knows if she is one. Her hand could have been just cold to me since I'm warm. I'll try talking to her after class when the bell rings.
While I was watching her the teacher was calling our names. She called my name twice before I answered.

“Renesmee Cullen,” she called the first time. “Renesmee Cullen.”

“Oh, here.” I raised my hand.

“Thank you, Ms. Cullen.”

“LeAnn Parkers.”

“It's Luna Parkerz with a Z on Parkerz.” she said, raising her hand. “It's French.” Saying the word 'French' with a deep French ascent.

“Thank you, Ms. Parkerz. And sorry for saying your name wrong.”

“No, biggy.”

She called the others and put some more math problems on the white board and when she was done, she told us we had 20 minutes to do it.
I took out my notebook out of my backpack and a pencil and started going to work. There were 15 problems and they were easy. To me they were.

1 – 6 if r = -2, n = -3, and t = 3.

1. |8 – t| + 3 = 8
2. |t – 3| - 7 = -7
3. 5 + |3 – n| = 11
4. |r + n| - 7 = 5
5. |n – t| + 4 = -12
6. -|r + n + t| = 2

7 – 15 if n = 2, q = -1.5, r = -3, v = -8, w = 4.5, and x = 4.

7. |2q + r| = -6
8. 10 - |2n + v| = -2
9. |3x – 2w| - q = -4.5
10. v - |3n + x| = -16
11. 1 + |5q – w| = 4
12. 2 |3r – v| = 15
13. |-2x + 5n| + (n – x) = 16
14. 4w - |2r + v| = 16
15. 3 |w – n| - 5 |q – r| = 15

They were so easy I got done in 5 minutes. When I was done I turned in my work.
When I got up to walk, Luna got up a second after I did. We both walked to the teacher and turned our work in.

“Thank you girls.” the teacher said.

When I was walking to my seat, Blake got up and smiled at me and turned in his paper. When he turned it in he walked to his seat and moved it over to my seat and sat down when I sat down.

“That was a little hard.” Blake said.

“I thought it was easy.” I told him.

“I thought it was alright.” Luna said.

A low growl came out of my throat when I grounded my teeth together. Out of the corner of my eye I saw that she looked at me.

“It was okay.” he said to her. “I'm Blake.”

“I'm Luna.”

They shook hands but did not jerk like we did. So she was a vampire. She looked like one, I mean the paleness, the purple rings around her eyes, and her eye color. While I was thinking that, Alice was calling me. I hit the end button and texted her.

'In class.' I texted.

A few seconds later she texted back.

'Are you okay.' she texted.

'Yes, I'm fine. I'll talk to you after school at home.'


'And don't have no one pick me up 'Kay. I'll explain when I get home.'


I put my phone away when the teacher was coming to our way. She handed us our paper to us.

“Good job, Ms. Cullen. Have you done this before.”

“Yes, ma'am. I was home schooled by my family ever since I was little.”

“You must have a very smart family.”

“Yup. My grandma and grandpa helps me a lot when they're not busy. Mostly my grandpa, Carlisle. Then my mother and father and my uncles and aunts help too.”

“Dr. Carlisle is your grandpa?”

“Yes, ma'am.”

“Who's your parents?”

“Bella and Edward.”

“I used to have them in my class. So they got married.”

“Yea, well they not really my parents. Edward is like my father because they adopted me. I'm his niece. My real parents died. So I count them as my parents and family.” I lied. That was our story to the humans. They didn't know that vampires and humans could have kids. And they didn't know that vampires exist.

“Oh okay. How long have you been with them.”

“About 2 years.” I lied. I been with them for about my whole life. A year almost.

“Well welcome to Forks High School, Ms. Cullen.”

“Thank you.”

Then she turned to Luna. “Nice work, you did a good job. But you still need to work on it a little bit, Ms. Parkerz.”

She nodded. I looked at her paper, she only missed 3 problems. Then the teacher turn to Blake.

“You need to work on it a little too.”

He nodded and she went to her desk. “I told you it was hard.” he showed me his paper. He missed 5 of them.

“I missed none.” I showed him my paper.

“'Cause you got family that helps you.”

I shrugged then took out a piece of paper out of my notebook and started drawing. I drew Jacob's face. I was missing him, a lot.

“Who's that.”

“This is my boyfriend, Jacob. He's 2 years older than me. He's my mother, Bella's, best friend.”

“How old are you?”

“16 years old. He's 19 and Bella is 20.”

“Oh, your about to turn 17 are you?”

“Yea, September 11th.” my age was a lie but my birthday isn't.

“Your good.' Luna said.

“Ummm.... thanks Luna.”

“Your welcome.”

When the bell rung, Blake turned his chair around, grabbed his stuff and waited for me. I put my notebook in my bag and when I got up, Luna was gone.
When we walked in the hall she wasn't there. 'Huh, fast aren't yea'. I thought. Blake had the same class together again. This time he sat with me in the back.
The teacher was putting books on our desk when we walked in. When we got to our desk, I looked at the book. The title of the book was 'Romeo & Juliet'. Ha, my mother and father can help me with this maybe.

“Great, Romeo and Juliet.”

“Don't hate it. I love this story. I seen all of the movies of Romeo and Juliet's. My favorite is, the last one they made. They used guns instead of swords.” I laughed. “'Oh Romeo, oh Romeo, oh my dearest Romeo'. 'Juliet you are the Sunday of my eternity'.” I laughed when I said the lines from Romeo and Juliet.

“Real funny Renesmee.”

“That was very good young lady.”

“Thanks Mr. Berty.” I said blushing.

While I was waiting for everyone to come in, I got on my phone and looked at my pictures of me and Jake.

“You guys look cute together.”

“Thanks, I miss him so much.”

“He's at school. You'll see him after school.”

“I wish. He's out of town for a little bit. Visiting family.” I lied about Jake visiting family.

“Oh when will he be back?”

“I don't know. He said 3 weeks tops. He's been gone for 3 days. I'm just so used to him being home with me everyday. Laying in bed with me, cuddling, holding hands, playing around outside with him and my uncles and aunts. We wrestle a lot in our back yards. We do it for fun. Like tag sorta. We play hide-in-seek in the woods. I'm a good climber.” I laughed.

“Awww, that sound sweet. Wish I could find someone like you. Your so sweet.”

“Thanks and you will one day. He's like my bed teddy bear with muscles.”

I showed him a pictures of him and Uncle Emmett arm wrestling.

“Wow. He's bi. Both of them are. Which ones your boyfriend again.”

“The Indian. The other guy is my Uncle Emmett. He's like my teddy bear too in a way.”

“That's cool. Your family sound nice.”

“Yea they are. Just don't get on my mothers, fathers, or my Aunt Rosalie's bad side. They will rip your throat out.” I giggled.

While me and Blake were talking about our families when I got a long text from Jacob.

'If you ever leave me, baby,
Leave some morphine at my door
Cause it would take a whole lot of medication
To realize what we used to have,
We don't have it anymore.

There's no religion that could save me
No matter how long my knees are on the floor, oh
So keep in mind all the sacrifices I'm making
To keep you by my side
And keep you from walking out the door.

Cause there'll be no sunlight
if I lose you, baby
There'll be no clear skies
if I lose you, bab7y
Just like the clouds,
my eyes will do the same if you walk away
Everyday, it will rain,
rain, rain

I'll never be your mother's favorite
ah ,Your daddy can't even look me in the eye
Oooh if I were in their shoes, I'd be doing the same thing
Saying there goes my little girl
walking with that troublesome guy
But they're just afraid of something they can't understand
Oooh well little darling watch me change their minds
Yeah for you I'll try, I'll try, I'll try, I'll try
I'll pick up these broken pieces 'til I'm bleeding
If that'll make it right

Cause there'll be no sunlight
if I lose you, baby
There'll be no clear skies
if I lose you, baby
Just like the clouds,
my eyes will do the same if you walk away
Everyday, it will rain,
rain, rain

Ooooh Don't just say
goodbye, don't just say, goodbye
I'll pick up these broken pieces 'til I'm bleeding
If that'll make it right

Cause there'll be no sunlight
if I lose you, baby
There'll be no clear skies
if I lose you, baby
Just like the clouds,
my eyes will do the same if you walk away
Everyday, it will rain,
rain, rain, rain...'

That was the first text I got from him. Then 3 minutes later he sent another.

'You are my world
I will die to the end if I lose you.
In my world, your my Angel
My Angel from God.

I know I can do better than this
But sometimes I can't do better than that.
I love you for the rest of my life.
You take all of my might that I have.

I like how it feels when I touch you.
I like how it feels when your in my arms asleep.
You know how it feels to be close to you every freaking minute.
You know how it feels to be away from each other.

One day we will be together again.
If may be not now
But it sure will be soon.
All I want to do is put you in my arms again.'

Awww, it was a poem from his heart to tell me he loves me. I started to cry, cry happy tears.
Blake seen me crying and asked me what the matter was. I handed him my phone and told him to read what he wrote.
When he was done, he gave me my phone back.

“Wow, he wrote a lot. And I like that poem. It was sweet. But the first text it looks to me it's from a song.”

“It is. The song is called, 'It Will Rain' by Bruno Mars.”


Lektorat: Heather Reed
Übersetzung: Heather Reed
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.02.2012

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

I dedicate this book to everyone that loves Twilight and Stephenie Meyer for writing Twilight Saga for all the time she took. I also dedicate this book to my mother Sandy, my brother Daniel, his girlfriend Melissa, and this to God to give me a very good talent. God Bless You Lord!

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