

This is Sakura, the shy girl who thinks she has the normal boring Monday when things change for her.

This is Ino Sakura's friend but rival for their true love.


Chatpter1: Monday

Suddley beep! Beep! “Wake up you will be late,” called mum from the kitchen down stairs. “Ok 5 more minutes,” I yelled back I couldn’t be bothered getting up and leaving my warm cosy bed. “Your toast will get cold,” called back mum, she knew I hated cold toast. I slowly got out of bed and got dressed and went down stairs with a moody face. Today wasn’t going to be my day.

I came down quickly got the toast from in the plate and I shoved the toast in my mouth. I looked at the time in the living room and nearly had a heart attack then quickly pulling my legs to speed I ran to the car. My dad said “you ok,” he smiled as he usually did. “Yeh but I just hate Mondays,” I replied it was true; Monday was one day I couldn’t stand. As we drove on I felt tiered. It was so quite in the car as normal.
We finely reached school. As soon as I got out the car my friend came to me and began to yell in my face “have you heard the big news Sakura?” asked Hinata. “What?” I asked. “Ino said there is a new person in school,” she answered not fully answering. “WHO?” I asked feeling a little inpatient. “Some boy called Saskue,” she beamed when she said the name Saskue. “Saskue,” I repeated confirming it to myself. “Yeh!” she said again beaming with delight.

Then the bell rang for the beginning of school so I started to walk to the first lesson I had, which was boring English. Hinata followed right beside me. She was speaking about this new boy to some other girls who had seen him are they were having little heart attacks just saying his name.

Finally getting to the classroom, I went to my seat and sat beginning to pull out my books from my bag. Then in walked the dreamiest boy ever, his amazing black hair that fell just between his ears and shoulders and his eyes also black but not the same black as his hair. They were more of a star shinning black with a hint of bad boy in them.
The lesson went on and on. Something about Shakespeare and Romeo and Juliet, I really wasn’t interested so I didn’t know what was going on. The only thing I was interested in was this new guy Saskue. I watched him most of the lesson and at one point in the lesson I saw his eyes twitch to me. He saw me looking at him.

After class whilst everyone was leaving the classroom I was picking my book up when it slipped out of my hand and ended up on the floor. As I went down to pick it up Saskue came and picked it up for me. He smiled this strange smile and said “hi, this yours?” I nodded because I was too amazed at his beauty to say anything. Then he gave me the book and I slowly put it in my bag I could see behind him all the girls were watching what was going on and Hinata kept miming something I couldn’t figure out. Then he asked “what’s your name?” I looked at him very shyly unable to speak at all then when I did it all went down the toilet I answered “ Hinata,” instead of my own name. He smiled then walked to the door. Then stopped for a second and looked back and said “sorry but on your book it said….Sakura?” his expression had changed now. I didn’t know what to do or answer. I would sound really dumb if I said I didn’t know my own name.

I stood there sheepishly unable to say anything without waiting for my answer he walked out. I looked like a complete idiot.

When all the girls came running up to me asking what Saskue had said I was unable to answer them as well. This was the most embarrassing moment in my life something I would never forgive myself for doing. I left them with Hinata to deal with and walked out to the corridor to go to my nest lesson where I hope and wish he isn’t in.
I went to History. I know most people hate history but I love it because it teachers us about our ancestors. I didn’t want this also to be hated because of that Saskue guy, I know he’s dreamy, amazing, beautiful, charming……what I am saying. Ok I know he is but I can’t see him, not after what I did.

I walked in being the first student I took my place and began to answer the quiz which was on the board. Slowly everyone drifted in Hinata had also caught up. But her seat was near the back of the classroom so I couldn’t see her, however when I finished the quiz I began to fiddle with my pencil when in walked my dooms day. Saskue came and stood beside the teacher and asked “I’m new, where do I sit?” the teacher smiled and said “your that new student, yes Saskue very talented but needs help in History.” then with that the teacher began to look around the classroom I knew he was going to place him with me because I was the best student so I ducked me head and wished he would miss me.
Then he said “you can sit beside our best student Sakura,” Saskue looked where the teacher was pointing and made a face and said “Hinata?” it sounded more of a question directed at me. Then the teacher corrected “no Sakura,” he nodded and came and sat next to me in the empty seat.

The rest of the lesson went with the teacher telling us about the uses of gakura and how it came to be that our ancestors learned this and implemented it. but me and Saskue didn’t say anything throughout the whole lesson, I wished we didn’t then again I wanted to but I worried that I would say something dumb again.

That was Monday, told you I hated Mondays but I know I can make a better impression on Tuesday.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.12.2012

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this is for all those people who like Naruto, i hope you enjoy it.

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