
Chapter 1:

Chapter 1:


"Get out of my house!" my mom yelled at my dad and I while holding my brother captive behind her in the corner of our living room. It was hard to hear what she was saying through my loud sobbing noises. My brother tried to get through the little space next to my mom but my mom wouldn't let him past.


"Mom please!" I screamed at her.


"Get out!!" She wouldn't let us any further into the house than the front doorway.


"Tina let's talk about this, and what's best for our children.." my dad tried to negotiate with her.


"No! I don't care about Rebecca or you! I only care for my baby Noah! Get out, now!" Noah wasn't a baby he was fucking 14! But those words hurt like hell. I could tell Noah was freaking out because he started balling. He dropped to the floor and my mother bent down and slapped him. He started crying more and more, some because of the pain, and some because of the heartbreak.

Let's all be honest, this family was falling a part in a matter of seconds.


"Tina! You don't know what you're doing! You've just had too much to drink!" My father yelled at her.


"Shut up Bonnie!" She yelled so loud I had to cover my ears.


"Tina, just tell me what you're expecting out of this....a new life? A new family? We were chosen as a family for a reason, why do you want to change that?" My dad asked with sorrow. My mom pauses at his statement thinking over what he said then looks at me and my red puffy tear stained face.


"I'm expecting everything to be new. And just to make sure," she opens her purse pocket that as on the table next to her and throws 2 pieces of paper at us."That everything is new." I fixed my sight at the pieces of paper and stumble towards it. I grab them in hand and flip them over to read 'Ticket to San Francisco, CA. Gate 17, 6/29/15, 10:32 P.M.' Both of them were the same, and the date and time was tonight. I glanced at Seth who was quietly sobbing and looking at me while in the corner of the living room rocking himself, then I took a glance at my intoxicated mother swaying from side to side, and then turned to my father behind me.


"Dad, maybe it's for the best.." I whimper. He nodded. A few tears escaped. I look at my now broken family. 'Will things get better later on?' I ask myself. 'Probably not..'

I look at my little brother who has slightly stopped sobbing.


"Beckie....don't leave me!" Noah started off in a faint whisper to a heartbroken scream. I remember the nickname he gave me when he was 9. I smiled at that.


"Noah, things will get better I promise." I said in a now strong voice. "I will come visit as much as I can and as soon as possible-"


"Which won't be very often," my mother cut in.


"Can I just give him one hug then we will be off, please, I promise." I begged her.


"Fine." She said sternly. Noah jumps up and I start walking towards him. Instead of walking, he runs. Once we collide I sigh in comfort, and he does the same.


"I'll miss you so much!" I cry.


"I'll miss you more Beckie!" Noah's sobbs come back.


"Okay thats enough, now run along before I get the pistol!" My mom yells at me. I grab Noah's face and kiss his forehead.


"Be safe.." I whisper so only he can hear. He nods and we let go. I walk over to our father and our mom comes to take Seth. "Goodbye Seth, mother." Noah runs upstairs to his room I'm assuming. My father grabs my hand and the suitcases that were already down here and ready when we got home from the store. He drags them, along with me, down the driveway towards our cars. His being a dark orange Lamborghini, and mine being a bright yellow 2015 Jaguar. I love my car but I would trade it and all the money I had to be a full family again.

Chapter 2:

 Chapter 2:


   I drove my car to the airport, following my father. It was a sad day  today. Will I ever see Noah again? I don’t really care if I never see that evil bitch again. She makes me so mad that I could just rip her head off. I gripped the steering wheel. But thinking of Noah, my hands fell to the bottom of the steering wheel. I’m effing sad. My dads car turns off of the highway and onto that little ramp thing that led to a road which led to the airport parking lot. We pull up one by one in front of the sliding airport doors. I see my dad getting out so I grab my phone from being plugged into the car charger and shove it in my back pocket. I open the car door and waltz out.

                  "Dad, are we taking our cars to California?" I asked. I haven’t really been thinking about my car. Obviously I would be thinking about how life is going to be now.


"Sorry Becca, no can do." My dad said with a pout. "And about today, just forget about your mother and….Noah."


  "Dad you can’t just ask me to do that!" I yelled, causing a few people to stare at us. "This is getting out of hand. First I lose half my family and then I’m being told to forget about everything that just happened?!" He was acting rational.


  "Becca.." He trailed off with guilt. "Were not coming back anytime soon.."


          It was true. He was right. And I couldn’t do anything about it, I’m just a kid. Life sucks when you're a kid because you don’t have a say in anything. How could I forget my whole family though, that’s crazy.


“Becca were going to be late for our flight, if you're mother finds out that we didn’t board she will seriously hunt us down.” He pointed out truthfully. I got a little nervous from what he said, would she really? ‘Probably’. For Noah, I finish getting my luggage out of the trunk of the car and stepped onto the sidewalk.


“Okay, I’m going to leave this wretched place for Noah, and Noah only. I don’t want him to get hurt because I refused to leave.” I sigh. This wasn’t going to be a piece of cake, I was leaving Noah, and my friends. This is too much to take in at once but it’s happening that way it seems.

               Dad closes the trunk and sends the driver my now old car away. He traded it for $250.00. Such a rip-off. It was a great car.


“Becca let’s go.” He tugs at my arm for me to come along. He walks to the doors that open and close automatically and we stumble into the airport. We walk up to some women behind some desks and they check our tickets and grab our luggage, only to be dropped onto a thing that carries it along to the people who load it onto the plane. We go through security. Then they let us into the center of the airport with all the restaurants and little shops.

              I signal to my dad that I’m making a stop at a random store to get some snacks and a drink for the plane. He nods. I waltz into the store and grab a Mountain Dew out of their little mini fridge and then I get a large bag of Bugles. The register rings up to $8.47. ‘That’s fucking expensive. Damn. Stupid people who set the prices for things like this.’ I sigh in frustration. I pay the money I owed and then walked out of the store looking for dad. I can’t find him. I look around frantically.

             Searching the crowd I see a maroon jacket that looks exactly like my father’s. With my little plastic bag I rush over to him. Grabbing his shoulder and turning him around, it was a mistake. His jacket is the same from behind but has more pockets and openings in the front, therefore it’s the wrong guy. I get embarrassed and I blush, almost matching his coat.


     "Uhm hello?" A hand waves in front of my face. I snap out of my trance of being embarrassed and look up to see a very attractive man.


   "Oh um, I’m so sorry I thought you were my dad.." I trail off uncomfortably "Same looking jacket." He nods understanding what I was saying, like it’s happened before.



    "What's your name?" He asks, eyebrow raised.



    "Rebecca." I start to feel awkward.



    "Pretty name, I’m Alexander O’Brown. Nice to meet you." He put out his hand for me to shake. I stick my skinny little arm out and my small hand fits inside his smoothly. He gives me a firm handshake and takes his hand away, as do I.


   "Becca?" Someone behind me questions. I turn around seeing it was my father. He stalks over to where Alexander and I were. "Who’s this?"


  "Dad this is Alexander O’Brown." I explain.


   "The Alexander O’Brown?!" He gets all cheery like a little girl. I get confused. I turn to Alexander.


  "The Alexander O'Brown?" I ask.


   "You don’t know who I am?" He asks, shock clear on his face. "I thought you were just playing around to get my autograph or something, with that story of your dad." I motioned no with my head. "I think you're the only person in this world to not know who I am.." He starts to get flustered.


  "So who are you?" I interrupt.


  "Becca, he owns one of the biggest companies in the world, he’s also a part of a modeling agency." He sounds honored to be in Alexander’s presents. "He works with the judges for models, and he is one. Must be a dream come true, huh?"


  "It can be good at times, but it could be a real pain in my ass." He groans.


"Uh-huh, okay, so dad let’s go?" I’m getting paranoid. Annoyance surrounds me. Alex examines me. Walking around me in a circle looking at me up and down. I try to cover my body as much as I can, even though I have clothes on. He stands in front of me again and suddenly grabs my hips, pulling me towards his, hands moving around my torso. My fathers about to cut in when Alex stops and looks at me straight in the eye.


He smirks saying, "how would you like to be a model?"

Chapter 3:

 Chapter 3:


          "She would absolutely love to," my dad exclaimed. He cut me off when I was about to politely decline. I mean it would be cool and all to be a model but would it really? All that fame and glory, all for me. It just seems too surreal. Imagining myself up there with Francisco Lachowski just doesn’t seem right. I’m not a gorgeous girl, I have my flaws, and models can’t have flaws am I right? "Right Becca?"


 "Not really, dad." I roll my eyes, looking around for a clock. Since airports were all about time I spotted one in an instant. It read 10:03 PM. My eyes widened with surprise. We only had thirty minutes to get the the correct gate and board on. I poke my dad’s arm repeatedly until he notices me.


 He turns to me annoyed, "What Becca?"


   "We have thirty minutes until we board dad, this place is a maze and full of people. We need to get going." He holds his sleeve up to look at his fancy rist watch and gasps.


    "We have to go." He looks confused. I look at Alex, seeing that’s he’s been watching all of this. Why is he still here? "Mr. O’Brown, let me give you my number so we could talk more about this modeling gig for Becca." Alex nods very pleasantly


 "Certainly." He motions for my dad to say his phone number so he can enter it on his own phone. I tune them out opening the plastic bag and get my not even touched soda out. I open it and it almost fizzes to the top and over. I get a tap on my shoulder from Alex as I’m taking a sip. I give him my best ‘what-the-heck-do-you-want’ face. “Well since your father and I have agreed for you to become a model, aside from all the paperwork, I will need your phone number also because I am your new agent,” he says cheerfully. I look at my dad trying to give him a hint that he should tell Alex my number instead of myself. He catches on in a few seconds and they’re talking about the agency. It seems as if my dad has forgotten the time situation, and I look at the clock again. Ten minutes has passed so it would be 10:15 PM.


     "Come on dad we need to hurry up." I’m getting so frustrated with him right now. "It’s been ten minutes." He looks at me and nods understanding.


   "Alright so you guys have to go, I have to go, we’ll both talk later, I’ll text you both. Goodbye Rebecca, Rebecca’s dad." He waves as he walks off to who knows where. Well it’s over now so that’s all that matters. Hallelujah.


   "C’mon Becca let’s go now." He tugs on my arm indicating that we're going. He starts walking the opposite way that Alex went and I gladly followed.


    Forgetting everything that happened earlier wasn’t easy but I managed to do so.

         We roll our suitcases over to where the gates were. Passing some, stopping at the ones we thought were it, didn’t turn out to be that way. We finally got to where we needed to be, sitting down in the little lobby until boarding time. Not much to do right now. I look around at all the people I would be on the plane with. I spot a few nice looking girls who don’t seem too far apart from my age group. One looks over at me. She has blonde hair, blue eyes. People could think she’s a slurrt, but she doesn’t put off that vibe. She smiles at me kindly and I smile back.   


     Later a boy walks over to their group and two of them look away, they probably like him. The one that’s not looking away is talking with him perfectly fine. I look him over, he’s very good-looking. He has chestnut hair and tannish skin. He’s not close enough for me to clarify his eye color, but I do see a deep dimple on his left cheek. Very cute. The two girls start to giggle and look over at him a couple times, not as subtle as they had hoped I’m guessing. The blonde girl keeps on talking and talking to chestnut guy.


     Sometime in their conversation she points at me, more subtly than the laughing girls but I caught it. He glances over at me and then does a double take. I then turn my phone on and look at it, not wanting to be caught staring. It’s a little creepy to find someone staring at you, isn’t it? I start to feel awkward so I get my black skull candy ear buds in my ears and turn on “Used to Love You” by Gwen Stefani. I open the bag of Bugles that I was planning on saving for the flight but it’s too late for that now. I close my eyes and sway my head a little, crunching on a corn chip. Randomly, a force moves my bag a little. I open my eyes to see a hand in my bag getting some chips. I look up at the person to see it was the boy. He smiles at me. ‘How dare he.’ I grab his hand and pull it out of the bag and I throw it back at him.


  "These," I say pointing to the Bugles, "Are my Bugles. Not yours. What makes you think you have the right to do such a thing?"


  "Well it’s a free country-"


I cut him off, "It’s my property, it doesn’t matter if it’s a free country. These are mine." I look into his beautiful eyes and sneer. He laughs. ‘What a beautiful sound,’ I think to myself.


      "Fine…...fine." He grunts and starts to walk over to the girls again. I roll my eyes. I watch him, he turns around and comes back over to me. I look at him as if he’s the dumbest person on earth. He holds his hand out, “I’m Jasper.”


 "Becca," I sigh. I put out my hand to grab his. Once my hand is firmly in his, he yanks me out of my seat. He holds me to his body in the hug formation. I try to break free. He sets his hand on the side of my face and pushes me into his chest even more, making me groan in pain. ‘Such a strong grip, can’t breathe.’ I silently gasp for air. This position isn’t my favorite. ‘Where’s my dad?’ I try to get out of his hold again, failing like the time before. ‘How long has this hug been? What the fuck?’ I’m just like standing here for an hour it feels like.


    An intercom came on and a woman’s voice said, "people, flight 17 will be boarding shortly, please line-up in order. A goes first, then B." Jasper let’s me go after giving my body one last squeeze.


      "What the hell was that man!" I yelled at Jasper.



         "What," he asked as if he had no clue.



         "Why’d you hug me?"



         "Because I wanted to."



         "You can’t go around hugging people."



         "I only hugged you, what makes you think I’ll hug other people?"



         "Because you’re crazy."



         "Thanks, so much. Made me feel a lot better. Want to hug again?"



         I scoff, "no thanks." This guy was insane. He can’t go around hugging people, even if he only did to me. If he did that to some other girl I bet she’d slap him for think he’s a pervert. I should’ve done that, dammit. I turn around to my dad who was sound asleep, taking a nap. I bump him on purpose so he can get his stuff ready. He wakes up in a hurry, looking exhausted. I point over to the line that’s started up with my head and he gets, up along with his stuff.

         We walk over to a line and try to get in order the best we can, probably failing miserably. I get a poke from behind me, turning around to see Jasper. I look at his hand which has his ticket looking for where he sat. Seeing that he sat in row E seat 3, and down to mine, row E seat 2. I mumble random crap in annoyance, ignoring Jasper. We walk forward and flight attendants scan our tickets and we board on. I put my stuff in the little compartments above and I sit at the window seat because apparently there was no E1. Jasper sits down next to me, not the isle seat like I was hoping. This was going to be a long, long flight.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 07.08.2015

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