

Prologue – Before Us

Arelie gazed out through her window, wincing as she heard the crash of glass downstairs. Oh God, she thought, please let this not be another fight.

Arelie had been getting so tired and weary with all of the fights and arguments that went on between her parents, they never seemed to stop anymore, sometimes they’d start hitting each other and Arelie would get scared, she’d get worried that maybe the neighbors would hear. She’d usually stay upstairs in her bed, hoping they would just get exhausted from yelling and screaming and would just stop. But they didn’t.

“I’m tired of trying to reason with you! I’m tired of you and your shit!” Ben yelled.

“I don’t give a damn anymore, Ben, I give up. We shouldn’t have even started this relationship.”

Relationship?” Ben spat. “This was more than I hoped, but you . . . you just made my life hell these past seventeen years. What about our daughter? Did you forget about her?”

“How can I? She’s always up in my face! God, I hate all of you.” Jen screamed.

“Keep your voice down! Are you stupid? The neighbors probably called the cops already.” Ben hissed.

“Get out.” Jen said; her voice flat.

“What?!” Ben laughed nervously.

“Get out. Now. I don’t want to see you near my house again.” Jen slammed her beer bottle on the counter.

“You’re drunk; you don’t know what you’re saying. When you get sober we’ll figure this out-”

“I don’t want to figure this out, I don’t want to solve unending problems with you, I’m done Ben, get out or I’ll call the cops.” Jen’s voice croaked; dry from lack of water.

“You can’t do that.” Ben declared.

“You don’t do a damn in this house. I work, I pay the bills, I get food on the table, if I needed your help I would’ve asked.” Jen threw another bottle, it shattered against the wall.

“I work! I help you pay those bills!” Ben protested.

“Really? From where? Your girl toy?” Jen’s eyes narrowed. “You don’t think I know about Laura? You ass, did you really think I was that stupid? Sure, I might be drunk. Yeah, I’m not around, but that doesn’t mean I’m dead!”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about-”

“Stop giving me lies, Ben. If you want a perfect life so badly marry Laura. Hell, I’ll give you the divorce papers tomorrow!”

“Just stop!” Ben shouted. Arelie could hear padded foot-steps on the floor, and dialing. Then a choking sound, shortness of breath, glass breaking once more, and then silence.

Arelie sat up, threw her door open and bounded down stairs, her mind was in a panic, and her whole body ached with fear. When she got downstairs there was no one there. Arelie quickly went through the whole house, scouring for any trace or sign of her parents but there were none. Suddenly, the house just seemed too quiet. She ran to the phone in the kitchen and dialed 911. After frustrating moments of stuttering and stammering and trying to explain the situation, the police were finally able to come to the house and investigate.

Arelie was shaking, where had her parents gone? What had occurred downstairs? There seemed to be too many questions and no answers at all! Elie just wanted to leave, disappear. She hated her life at home.

Why? Why me? She asked to no one. The police officers were attempting to talk to her, to understand what was happening in the house, but Arelie didn’t hear any of it. Only air, everything that happened just now was shocking and terrifying that Arelie had to remind herself that it was reality, whether she liked it or not. Right now, reality didn’t feel good, neither did she feel well herself.

Chapter 1

Chapter 1- Us

One year later.

“C’mon Arelie. School!” Arelie groaned and stretched. She looked at the clock.


Perfect, she thought, her first day at school.

After a year of sorting out everything with DCF she finally got a place to stay; in Florida, with her aunt. The police had tried to track down her parents; they sent a bunch of their detectives on the run for them. After a week, they found her mother’s body in a dumping yard, thirty seven miles from her home. They also found out that their neighbor, Laura Stevens, had vanished and was suspected as a runaway with Ben O’Neil.

After several months they decided that they might have gotten out of the country, or was dead.

Arelie decided not to care. But when she had started going back to school, just to be able to pass to the next grade, everyone piled her up with questions. Some asked if she knew her mom died, others asked if she was the cause of everything, some tried to reassure her everything would be alright. After three months of putting up with their questions she gave up. Arelie, who had never been independent before, finally gave up on people, only relying on her true source – her bedroom.

Sometimes she wondered where her father might be, if he was really dead or not, but then quickly cleared all her thoughts with the music pumping through her earphones. Arelie worried sometimes over the situation that had happened around a year ago. Everything seemed perfect right now, not exactly picture perfect but good enough.

Arelie bounded off the bed, into the bathroom and cleansed herself, as she was going into her closet her phone buzzed. Awkwardly she bounded back to the bed and unlocked her phone, tapping the message.

It’s me. I’m waiting.

Arelie looked around, after pulling on her t-shirt that loosely hung on her body and then pulling on her jeggings she went to her window. Lifting the blind, she peeked through it. No one was there, after trying to figure out the number and coming up empty, she shrugged off her eerie feeling. She grabbed her handbag, with all of her old school supplies in it, stuffing her wallet and phone in the side pocket, grabbing her keys and heading downstairs.

She bumped right into her aunt on the way down.

“Good.” Beatrice smiled, “Your up.”

“Been up” Elie mumbled, heading toward the kitchen. Bea just nodded.

“I put breakfast on the table, its cereal and milk, works every time.” Bea smiled.

“Seriously? ’Cause I thought it was only for old people and little kids.” Arelie muttered, reluctantly stuffing the cereal into her mouth and dropping it in the sink. Bea had taken her in a few days after the incident with her mom and dad. She was barely home, though, always doing her business trips. But she was kind and sometimes Arelie disliked being rude to her. But what could she say? After all she grew up with Ben and Jen O’Neil.

“Do you remember the way?” Bea asked, Arelie nodded, and unlocked the door. “I won’t be here! Not until nine thirty; Late business trip.”

Elie raised a brow, “When are you leaving?”

Bea looked at the time and bit her lower lip, “Maybe in half an hour. Call me when you get home, please.”

“Sure.” Arelie shrugged off her aunt’s concern. Focusing back on her cereal she ignored her aunt.

“Arelie.” Arelie paused with her hand on the door knob. “Have a good day.”

“Maybe.” With that Elie left, and Bea shook her head ruefully.


The bell rung right in Arelie’s ears and she winced.

Why is it that she had to endure high school after everything she’s been put through? Arelie felt weighed down and weak. Everything just seemed to be happening to fast for her; she hated the way she felt, being bottled up and not knowing anyone here. It felt like a waste of her time, and she just wanted to scream with frustration.

She glanced down at her schedule. She looked up right in time before bumping into someone, but it didn’t avoid him bumping into her. He knocked her off her feet, and sent her things scattering on the floor. His arm shot forward, grabbing her from the waist and breaking her fall.

“Sorry, didn’t see you.” He said softly. Arelie cast her eyes downward, and bent down to retrieve her things. But she was able to make out a pair of green eyes and midnight black hair. He was probably over six feet. When his arm shot out to her she saw ripped muscles, the veins popping out slightly.

He was probably every girls dream, she thought wryly.

He bent with her and grabbed her schedule by his feet. He handed it to her without looking then stood up and left. She had noticed a tattoo, barely noticeable, on his wrist. Arelie shrugged it off, and continued on. She walked through the hallways, praying to God she wouldn’t get lost. This was one of the reasons why she hated new schools, but the thought of starting fresh in a new school was definitely tempting to the mind right now.

She found her first hour – Ms. Treddale, Geometry.

Without looking at the class she handed the teacher her schedule, and quickly took the farthest seat from the front. The teacher stood up and beamed at her class. The teacher had brown short hair and dark brown eyes, she looked around the classroom, she finally caught Arelie’s gaze and smiled.

“Class, I’d like to introduce to you a new student.” Ms. Treddale nodded at Arelie. Arelie groaned inside.

She hated anything that had to do with the words ‘new school’. Just keep your head down, she reminded, don’t look at them,

“Arelie O’ Neil.” Everyone’s gaze seem centered on her but she didn’t look up, quickly nodding and back to looking at her blank sheet of paper. Someone whistled, another laughed.

“Isn’t that the girl who’s mom died?” a kid whispered loudly. Arelie suppressed and exasperated groan.

“Hell, nah.” Another kid protested

“It’s true! It’s her.”

Everyone again seem to look at her, Arelie looked up and gave them all a hard gaze until they finally looked the other way. Ms. Treddale started teaching, asking the students for last nights’ homework and announcing a pop quiz.

Arelie had already learned most of the things they already did, but because she didn’t attend to many school days last year she had to make up for it this year. Many people considered Arelie like an encyclopedia, swearing she was too smart for her own good.

Arelie was just glad that she could learn such things so fast. Otherwise her life would be hell, especially with parents like hers. She gazed at the clock, half an hour was ahead of her, she sighed. It was going to be a long day.


Throughout the rest of the day many girls came by, trying to make a conversation, trying to be friends, trying to gossip. But when they came by, Arelie was either on her iPod or drawing, or both. She ignored them, pretending that they were talking to somebody else.

The guys were not so hard; they came up, said their game and if she shook her head they left, most of the guys though were stubborn, though. One guy had come up to her and tried to physically assault her when he tried Arelie used self defense against him. Arelie frowned, she had started learning because her mom and dad were violent, and she had made it her goal to avoid the abuse as much as possible.

Arelie decided that having friends could be ok, but she didn’t have the patience for it. Most girls would want to do stuff together, or chat, and some of them touched each other, trying to connect but Arelie didn’t go that way. Her best friend – Valoree – was one person she would probably have missed if Valoree hadn’t avoided her after the incident. Arelie hated the way she’d have to worry over someone – if she had a friend here. Valoree had proven to her that she was worth nothing when it came to true friends and that had broken Elie, being ignored by your best friend because you happened to be the wrong person in the wrong place . . . well, let’s just say it wasn’t nice.

Arelie had felt like a piece of her had broken, now that piece had stone walls around it, she knew how to handle the situation better, she knew how to take care of people like Valoree, and she wouldn’t go through that again.

She didn’t have to have a friend here. She just had to worry about herself, and the next day, and the next and the next.

“Excuse me.” Arelie looked up and saw, again, that she was about to walk into someone. Arelie observed her opponent – brown hair and brown eyes, ordinary, but the angle of her face and the way she styled gave her flare that Arelie admired. Arelie was about to walk away. She had no interest in girls like her! They were just idiots!

“Sorry.” Arelie mumbled, moving around her.

“Wait, it’s my fault, I just wanted to see if you were ok.” She asked hesitantly.

Arelie nodded, and started to move when the girl interrupted again. Seriously, Elie was starting to get frustrated; she just wanted to go home!  “Um, I’m not usually good – with talking, but I wanted to know . . . if you needed a friend, just to bug on or get angry at.” The girls’ eyes pleaded to not reject her – as if rejection had become too often and too expected.

That’s how Arelie met Victoria Brood.

Chapter 2

Chapter 2

February 21

Two days after her first day at school Arelie gazed at the homework in front of her. That Monday had been a bit depressing, but Elie saw future. This was her new future, from now on she’d have to plan for the days ahead of her here – in Florida.

She was almost finished with her French homework. Miss Louie thought that preparing ahead of time for their French test two weeks from now was appropriate. Arelie thought otherwise. Without Tori’s help she’d pummel down into an F. yes, Arelie spoke some French, but she hated tests. Arelie glanced at the clock.


Not to late to go anywhere. Arelie grabbed her phone. No text messages. She wanted to visit that new coffee place a few blocks from there, if she finished her homework in ten minutes she’d be able to make it home by eight. On that thought she quickly wrote down a few more answers on her sheet, finished her Biology homework and jumped off the bed.

She went into her closet and found her tights, she pulled them on with a tang-top her Aunt had bought her and a jacket. She pulled on her sneakers, and grabbed her keys. She paused to text Victoria.

Hey, on my way 2 new café. Wnt 2 join?

After texting her friend, Arelie grabbed her wallet, checked inside and satisfied herself with the fifty dollar bill and dropped it in her bag. Sooner or later she’d have to get a job, her Aunt wouldn’t always be able to provide for her. Arelie started for the door and paused, grabbing a sheet of paper she scribbled the place where her Aunt could find her if she arrived home early.

With that she left the house and got into her car. She put it in reverse and slowly backed out; after she did that she put it in drive. Her phone buzzed then. She looked at the screen, Victoria had texted her back.

Sure, c u in 5.

On her way to the café, she noticed a five member group on the sidewalk. They all wore the color red, either bandanas, wrist bracelets, t-shirts, or sneakers. She passed them, but couldn’t help noticing they all had a tattoo on their wrist, that was when she noticed the boy who had bumped into her on Monday. He didn’t smile, though.

She didn’t think he was capable of it. Then, as if he sensed her eyes, he looked up. Their eyes met and after five seconds, Arelie blinked out of her trance and zoomed away, looking at the rear view mirror she could see that he was still watching her.

Five minutes later she met Victoria at the entrance of the café. They went inside and ordered two sandwiches and two coffees. After choosing a seat, they started talking.

“So, how do you like the past two days so far?” Tori asked. Arelie shrugged.

“Its fine, but I didn’t expect to be loaded with homework.” Arelie replied. Tori nodded; there was a moment of silence between them.

“I . . . I noticed that you drive home right after school.” Tori said, breaking through the thick silence. Arelie nodded at her. “You . . . why don’t you, you know, wait for me or something? I mean, not that I mind, it’s just . . . unusual.”

Arelie chewed away the rest of her food before answering. “I don’t mean to hurt your feelings. It’s just that I’m used to having to ignore everyone. It’s starting to become a habit. I . . . you could say I’m not really a people type, I don’t really find it comfortable staying at school for so long, you know?” Arelie explained. Tori nodded.

“I understand. Don’t think I’m the touchy type now, I just – I was curious.” Arelie nodded at her, and continued eating. Then as if she felt his presence, Arelie looked up and saw the same guy with the tattoo on his wrist walk in. Once she caught sight of him; it became difficult to look away.

Tori caught her staring and followed her gaze.

“No,” Tori said out loud, and Arelie snapped out of her trance to look at Tori.

“What?” Elie asked.

“No.” Tori repeated, Arelie gave her a curious expression, “I mean, no. Not him, Elie, out of all the guys in our school, or even out of our school, not him.”

“What’re you talking about?” Arelie asked.

“Trystan Levi.” Tori answered, Elie raised a brow at her, and Tori sighed, “Trystan, the guy you were staring at.”

“Oh. What about him?” Elie asked.

“I saw the look you gave him.” Tori explained, “He’s not the type of guy you need.”

“How do you know if he’s my type or not?” Elie asked, “You’ve known me for only two days.”

“Trust me, being observant helps a lot.” Tori retorted. “Just don’t get involved. I’m saying this as a friend.”

“And here a thought you were the enemy.” Elie muttered, Tori grinned.

“Either way.” Tori shrugged. She glanced outside; the sky was starting to dark with storm clouds.

“What’s the tattoo about?” Elie asked.

“Tattoo? Where?” Tori looked around, Elie shook her head.

“Never mind. Just, at least, tell me why I shouldn’t associate with him.”

“He’s rumored to be in a gang.” Tori said softly. “Have you heard any of the gang names down here?”

“A few.” Elie allowed. “What gang is he in?”

“Blood Lust.” Tori answered. Elie held back a gasp. Slowly she inhaled and exhaled. Rain, outside started fall, lighting flashed.

Blood Lust! That gang was the most famous one known down here. They were ruthless, they killed for pleasure, did anything violent for amusement. Not too long ago was it found that they got into some nonsense with the FBI.

“If he’s in that gang,” Elie lowered her eyes, “then why haven’t they arrested him yet?”

“They don’t have any proof, not only is Blood Lust callous, but they’re subtle. No one knows who’s in the gang. The only thing the police have on Trystan was a fight last week. He and this other kid – Devon, got into a hot argument, it started to heat up and Devon took a swing at Trystan. Big mistake, though, by the time the police got there Devon was unconscious, blood every where.” Tori paused, looking at Trystan as he said something low to the girl at the counter. It was obvious the girl – Millie – was scared.

“It would make sense, though, if he was in that gang.” Tori shrugged and looked away.

“What were they fighting about?” Arelie asked.

“Devon’s girlfriend. Lilly.” Tori drank a little bit of her coffee. “Devon thought Lilly and Trystan slept together.” Tori explained, wincing slightly.

“Did he?” Elie whispered. Tori shrugged. Outside had gotten worse. Thunder started heavy, so did the rain. Lightning flashed every few minutes.

“No one really knows, Lilly – the Chatterbox – keeps saying they did.” Tori smiled. “But Lilly lies most of the time to get attention. But I don’t believe it’s true. Trystan doesn’t even look at Lilly. He hates her.”

“How would you know all of this? He could’ve slept with her, even if he hated her. All men just want one thing.”

“Oh but I would know.” Thunder boomed again. “He was my friend.”


After eating at the café, both girls thought it best to go straight home, especially with the storm outside. Arelie was still reeling from what Tori told her. Tori and Trystan – friends? It sounded impossible. They were so different, but Elie didn’t know Tori that long. Tori had explained that when she first moved her, she was neighbors with Trystan, after some time they started hanging out. Tori told her of how she used to have a crush on him, until she met Trystan’s best friend – Joshua Torrez. Elie had relaxed then.

But still, Arelie thought as she was driving down the road, them . . . as friends? It sounded surreal!

All of a sudden lightning hit a street lamp light and the light went out. Elie groaned. She hit the headlights but remembered she forgot to fix them; she left that alone and moved forward. The wind outside was rocking her car; if she didn’t get home she’d most likely flip over!

The other street lights came back on and Elie breathed out a sigh of relief. Then her car stopped.

She turned the ignition, hoping it was just a play of her mind, but when it didn’t start up she wanted to cry out in despair. She took out her phone – dead.

“Well that’s goddamn perfect!” she yelled to herself. She threw the phone in the opposite seat and tried the ignition again. It stuttered a bit, she took out her keys. She would have to get out there and check the hood out – which was not a possibility with the lightning and rain and thunder.

She sat there for maybe about a minute when her window was tapped. She jumped and looked out, glad she locked the door. Out there in the storm, on the opposite side of her in her car was none other than Trystan Levi himself.

Chapter 3

Chapter 3

She was thinking of whether to put down the window and invite him in, or scream and run in the direction of her house. She chose the first option; assuring herself it was because she didn’t want to get struck by lightning she opened the door.

“Um . . . Hi?” her voice sounded too high for her. Trystan nodded.

“Do you need help?” he asked. At first, Elie thought he was asking her if she was ok – mentally, she was about to give him the cut right there when she realized he was talking about her car. Elie wanted to smack her hand to her forehead for her stupidity, but then he’d really think she was crazy.

“Yes.” She answered, he nodded. He closed her door, motioned for her to pop the hood. Once he set it up, he bent down low, out of her vision, and started working on the engine. After a few minutes, he popped up, yelled for her to start the car. She put her key in the ignition and started it; it stuttered for a few minutes and then went smooth. He put her hood back down and shook  his wet hair.

Elie thought he looked like a fallen angel. A dark one.

She was about to thank him when she realized he already left. She sat up straighter and looked around. Trystan Levi was gone. After five minutes, she started moving.

When she got home, there was a note from her aunt.


Hey, sweets!

Sorry I wasn’t there to see you, but I’m still working, I’m going to be in D.C for two days, I made food for the rest of the week, and money if it runs out. I’ll call you tomorrow night to check up on you.

Call my hotel number, it’s faxed to you!




Arelie sighed. She put her keys down and texted Victoria to make sure she got home safe. After texting her goodnight, she went up stairs to take a shower. She was in there for maybe about an hour, soaking her skin in the hot water and contemplating Trystan.

Yes, the guy was hot. Ok, maybe she was interested in him. But what he was she had no clue, struggling to understand the situation at hand but not getting far enough to realize Trystan was a gang member, one of Florida’s deadliest – according to rumor. Elie sighed again.

She pulled on a big t-shirt over her towel-covered body and grabbed a pair of panties. After Elie had come to live with her Aunt, Beatrice thought it would be nice if Elie had a wider wardrobe to pick from, and because Bea had the money she decided that she could cure one part of Elie’s life, if not another. Elie had her one lamp on, drying her hair with a towel, another lightning flash, another roll of thunder.

Suddenly a noise came from downstairs. Elie paused with drying her hair. The sound came again – padding footsteps. Elie’s breathing hitched. She looked around for her phone and found it at her bed corner. Quietly she came to her bedside; she prayed a thanksgiving to the Lord that she remembered to charge her dead phone.

She grabbed her phone and held it with shaking hands.

The silent footsteps climbed the stairs, Elie held her breath. She quickly started to dial 911 when she heard doors opening. The sound was coming closer. Elie quickly raced through her mind, trying to think of something that would get the intruders attention away from her.

Swiftly and quietly she turned on her bathroom lights and put on the sink; trying to be aware of the approaching intruder. The water was quiet but loud enough to hear. She closed the bathroom door and nearly ran to the opposite side of her room.

Suddenly, she heard the room next to hers being opened, the silent feet roaming the room and the doors being closed again. Then her room door was open, Elie held her breath for what felt like to be an eternity.

The intruder walked stealthily to her bathroom, pausing and hearing the radio she left on and the running water. She heard him silently opening the door and she ran like hell. Slamming her door shut, she flew downstairs, screaming with the roll of thunder as she heard the intruder following her, daring to look back she didn’t see anything, not daring to slow down she kept going and slammed right into a massive chest. Hands secured over her upper arms and she screamed.

Struggling wildly, she tried to budge the man, but he wouldn’t budge.

“For Christ’s sake! Calm down, open your eyes.” Distantly, as she struggled, Elie heard Trystan’s voice. Elie stopped; she looked up at Trystan, her heart stopping. Trystan saw the scared look on Elie’s face and knew, without a doubt, what she was thinking. “It wasn’t me.” He nearly bellowed. They were in the kitchen, near the sink.

“Y-y-you c-came into my h-house?” she struggle to calm her voice.

“Yes.” He answered. Elie moved a few feet back and hugged herself.

“W-why?” she asked calmly. But all that was a façade, she was dying – slowly, from fear.

“I saw someone come inside your house, on my way . . . home.” Trystan decided it was best to just make that last part a lie.

“Oh God. Someone’s in here-” a crash of glass sounded as Elie screamed, Trystan grabbed her and shoved her behind him. He turned to her; his eyes dark, his hair wet and ruffled.

“Don’t move.” He warned, telling her through his words that the danger may not be over. Elie nodded vigorously, not trusting her voice. Trystan left and Elie suddenly felt really cold. Trystan had come to her rescue again, Elie thought. What would I do without him? She thought with a shiver.

A hand fell on her shoulder and Elie jumped.

“It’s me. The guy left, he broke a mirror, I think, and left through the back door. I would’ve chased him but I didn’t want to leave you here alone.” Trystan blew a frustrated sigh. He looked down at her, “Arelie?”

She jumped again and looked up at him. He pulled her up and watched her with a hard expression.

“Not really the way I hoped your first visit to my house would be.” She offered up a helpless, faint smile. Trystan still watched her.

He saw the shaking of her hands, heard her breathe in brokenly, and caught her when she collapsed against him and burst into tears. He held her there for a long time. His arms wrapped around her waist as she buried her face into his shoulder.

Soon enough, Elie’s tears still flowing she searched for comfort in Trystan’s arms. Her arms had wound around his neck, her face pressed up against his shoulder, her face towards his neck. Trystan braced against the counter of the sink. One large muscular arm at Elie waist, another at her back; was steadying her, supporting her, comforting her.

Elie looked up at Trystan and he stared down at her, his scar deepening and his green eyes darkening as they met her brown ones. His face came down to hers, their eye contact never breaking, as his lips descended down to hers.

The kiss was powerful, electrical. They both couldn’t seem to get enough. Elie pulled Trystan’s head down, tugging at his smooth dark hair, begging for more. Trystan’s hand at Elie’s waist tightened as he drew her closer. They back up into the corner of the kitchen, Trystan pressing Elie against wall as he kissed her with such passion that she forgot her name.

Elie found out how dominant and male Trystan was. All male. His powerful, bulging muscles were so big she was sure he could crush her with one flick of his wrist. But the gentle way he was handling her made her moan with such yearning she could’ve died.

Trystan was sure he’d died and gone to heaven, even though his seat was reserved in the deepest Hell. Elie was warm, complying and soft. Her red curls were clouds, he was sure of it. They had the aroma of cinnamon, her skin was different. She had cocoa butter softness applied to her pale skin, making her soft and shining. He heard her moan through his haze of desire, he brought her closer, kissing her deeper.

And then the cops came.

Chapter 4

Chapter 4

February 23

“Why the hell didn’t you call me? Were cops there?” Victoria nearly yelled, when she heard what happened, Arelie sighed, trying not to catch any attention.

“Yes, calm down, Victoria. It ended up that the neighbor heard the screams and called 911. By the time they got there though, the intruder had already left.”

“How did he get in?” Tori asked.

“Front door. It so happens that I forgot to lock the front door.” Arelie wanted to hit herself when she found out the cause of all this.

Of course, Arelie didn’t tell Tori that Trystan had been there, had rescued her again, and comforted her. She couldn’t, Tori would start her yelling all over again! After the cops came, Trystan had pulled away from her, he said a few curses, and then looked at her.

She didn’t realize then, what a sight she was, because the corner of Trystan’s mouth twisted up in a half smile. He looked away, heard the cops slam their car door and start up the steps. He asked her if she was alright, if she was going to be fine. After she assured him she was; he left.

He probably vanished out of thin air, because he was so quick, Arelie didn’t see him. The cops knocked on her door, then. She had run to the front door, opened it widely and breathed a sigh of relief. There were two cop cars. The second two cops checked the backyard of the house, securing all the doors and windows. The backdoor had been unlocked.

After a few questions, the cops left. They had forced her to call her aunt. Arelie took about twenty minutes explaining things to her aunt and that she was fine, that Bea didn’t have to come home early. The cops had assured her that they’d have a nightly visit before she went to bed. They also helped her figure out the security system and updated it. Now, if someone even tried to break-in the alarm would go off and if she didn’t take it off, they’d send the police to check up on her.

The next day and Friday Arelie didn’t get a visit from Trystan. She saw him at school, but he never approached her. She found it saddening but if he wanted to act like nothing happened between them, she was ok with it. But two could play the game. Arelie didn’t even spare Trystan a glance now. She even tries not to fill her mind up with crazy ideas and visions. But maybe once or twice, she’d see him take a glance at her.

Whenever he did this she’d turn the other way, ignoring him. Rejecting anything he had to offer her.

“Maybe I should just check up on you, just to help the entire world.” Arelie gave Tori a half smile.

“No. Seriously, I’m not going to forget that experience. It wasn’t comforting to know someone was in my house.” searching for me, but Elie didn’t add the last part. Tori didn’t know the intruder was looking for her, Elie hadn’t told her. Tori looked down at her watch, she sighed for a long time.

“I have to go. I’m heading to New York this weekend, won’t be back until next week Wednesday night.” Tori gave Elie a frown. “I was hoping we could get together after that, if you’re not doing anything.”

Elie shrugged. “That’s fine. How about next week . . . Saturday?” Tori nodded, after giving her a farewell hug, Arelie started on to her car. She pulled out her iPod and put her earphones in her ear. She unlocked her car; she locked the doors and started her car.

She plugged her iPod to her speaker system, and put the volume on high. She started to back out when she saw her father. Elie pulled out her phone when it buzzed.

The neighborhood park. I’ll be waiting.

Had it been her father that texted her? What the hell was he doing in Florida? Arelie shivered with dislike. Ben O’Neil was a wanted man for murdering her mother. He was dangerous. Arelie kept repeating the thought in her head as she started for her neighborhood. On her way home she saw Trystan with another guy, the guy handed Trystan a load of cash and a bag, then ran. Elie shook her head, and kept driving.

She didn’t have time for Trystan right now, she had her own problems. When she got to the neighborhood park she parked right in front of it. She tried to think this over in her head; was this a good idea? Coming here to see her wanted father?

She made her decision when she took the keys out of the ignition, and got out of her car. She slid her phone in her pocket. She walked through the park, watching warily for her father. She sat down at a bench. She’d been waiting almost an hour when she heard his voice;

“I’ve been searching for you, darling.” Her father’s voice crooned, a cold shiver slid down her spine. Arelie turned around, she faced her father. Other than the barely noticeable bags under his eyes and the few gray hairs on his head, he looked the same.

“Father.” Arelie’s voice sounded out, cold and distanced.

“So loving,” Ben mocked, “You look like your mother, but you’re just another me.”

“I’m nothing like you.” Elie disagreed.

“Ah, but you are, love.” Ben’s voice assured, in a soothing tone. Elie decided to jump the gun.

“Why are you here?” Elie asked.

“Why else? To see my daughter. I’m taking you home, Elie.” Ben smiled.

“There is no home for us, for you. I’m not going anywhere with you. I suggest you leave.” Elie said hoarsely.

Ben’s smile turned cold. “But we don’t have to go back. We could make our place elsewhere. We could start over, you and me. I’m not old, darling, you’re not too young . . .” Ben trailed with a sensual smile. Elie moved back to bump into the bench.

“You’re disgusting!” Elie’s voice was laced with fear.

“Come with me, love, come to your father.” Ben lured.

“Get away from me! Get out of here! I don’t want to see you ever again!” Elie ordered. Ben’s smile left his face. He advanced on her, grabbing her hand and pulling her to him. He put his mouth to her ear.

“You can’t make me go away, Elie, we’re family, you and I, we’re blood. I’ll be back, always. Next time . . . well, you’ll see.” Ben kissed her below her ear. Looking at her the whole time, he left, disappearing in the patch of woods. Elie let out her breath, she held her throat, her body felt shattered, and pain was starting everywhere.

She kept her balance, without looking back she ran to her car. All she was focused on was getting inside. A family was walking the sidewalk, their two children riding their scooters, Elie clutched at the steering wheel. She couldn’t believe what had conspired between her and her father. It was an unending nightmare.

Elie had no doubt that it was her father who broke in the other night. It would be something he’d do.

Elie started her car. She couldn’t go home. Bea wasn’t there yet, wouldn’t be there until Sunday. Did Bea know Ben was here? Elie thought.

No, she couldn’t. She wasn’t even here! And if she did know, she’d have already contacted the police. Elie thought of the places to go. Being outside didn’t help at all.

The library. It would be quiet; no one would start a commotion at the library. With that decision, Elie headed to the library. When she got there, she wanted to bang her head against her window. Sitting on the bench, with another girl was no other than Trystan. Elie groaned.

Maybe if she got out of there quickly, he wouldn’t see her. With that hope in mind, Elie started backing up, but before she could drive away, Trystan saw her. He said something quickly to the girl, who nodded. He started getting up. Elie put her car in drive.

“Arelie.” Trystan’s voice boomed from the outside. With four long strides, he made it to her car. Before she could lock it he opened the passenger door, and stepped inside. He seated himself on the seat and gave her a hard look that told her he wasn’t happy. She gave him back his hard look, not putting up with his sullen mood.

“I don’t remember inviting you in my car,” Arelie hissed.

“Well now you don’t have to worry about it.” Trystan’s said calmly, Elie glared at him.

“Get out.” She commanded.

“Drive or I will.” Arelie hesitated. She didn’t doubt his words. With another glare towards him, she started driving. Not at all happy with the situation at hand, she brooded, not looking at Trystan. When she got to the stop light, she finally spared him a glance, and found that he had never taken his eyes off of her. Unnerved she looked away.

“What do you want?” she stated.

“Why are you ignoring me?” he asked, ignoring her question.

“Why were you ignoring me?” she said, ignoring his question. He stared at her, his stare made Elie feel intimidated.

“I never ignored you.” He said; his voice low. Elie snorted.

“Yeah, sure you didn’t.” Elie said with heavy sarcasm. “So the past two days now, you haven’t ignored me.”

“I was busy, did you ever think of that?” he asked softly.

“Is that your excuse? You couldn’t at least drop by to make sure I was ok?” she whispered brokenly.

“I knew you were; I have my resources. And that was my reason. I’ve never given excuses. Excuses are for cowards and liars.” He stated stiffly. Elie spared him a moment’s glance. The man was stubborn.

“You know,” she said, after a while. “It doesn’t assure a girl that you have stalker’s following her.”

He made a half smile, he looked to the road. They sat there in silence; Trystan brooded for a while before looking back at Arelie.

“Are you?” he asked. She raised a brow at him, questioningly. “Are you ok?”

She smiled at him, one that made him feel really special. “At least you care.” She said.

“What made you think I didn’t care?” he inquired.

“Nothing.” She shook her head, “It’s just . . . some people need reassurance. Have you ever heard that before?” Trystan shrugged.

When they had finally made it back at her house, Trystan jumped out and looked up at her. Elie smiled, and assured him, “No one’s home. My aunt’s coming back in a few days.” Trystan nodded and followed her to her door, once they got inside, Trystan turned; he closed the door and locked it. Elie gave him a half smile.

“Learned my lesson.” She promised. He gave her a look that showed her he didn’t think so. They passed through the kitchen, Elie caught Trystan gaze and blushed as she realized that he was remembering the night they had first kissed. Elie looked away. “Do you want a sandwich?” she gave him a sorry smile. “I’m afraid that’s all I know how to make.”

He grinned. “Why not?”

She started making her famous turkey sandwich, she felt Trystan’s stare at the back of her head. She ignored the heat coiling in the pit of her stomach. She finally turned around to face him; she grabbed two plates and set them at the bar. She put the two sandwiches on the plates, she open the fridge and glanced at him.

“Soda or orange juice – most pulp.” She gave him a lazy smile. He sat back and pretended to contemplate the decision.

“Orange juice.” He decided. She glanced back at him.

“Really? Trystan Levi – rumored to be in gang – chooses orange juice over soda?” she asked incredulously. He only smiled and shrugged. She grabbed the carton of orange juice, and placed it on the counter. She grabbed two glasses and set them before Trystan. After she hopped into a seat next to him, she started on her sandwich. Trystan took a few minutes to see her devour her sandwich.

She drank her orange juice and licked the pulp away from her lips in a slow motion that Trystan started to ache. She caught him staring and gave him a curious expression.

“You don’t want your food?” she asked, he looked back at his sandwich and wanted to tell her what he really wanted, but decided against it. He took a bite out of his sandwich and smiled. “Is it good?” she asked.

“No.”  he said, and watched her face fall, “It’s great.” It took her a moment to process his words, after she finally understood his “joke” she gave him a hard punch. But he didn’t budge, didn’t even move! He smiled and took a gulp of his orange juice. The orange juice left a pulpy mustache on Trystan’s face.

Elie broke into a wide grin. Trystan lifted a brow. She continued to smile at him, in obvious amusement. Seeing his impatience with whatever she found funny, she grabbed a napkin and scooted closer to him. He watched her every move.

She placed a hand on his shoulder and felt male heat emanate through his t-shirt. She took the napkin and wiped at his upper lip, her index finger patting away the pulp.

Trystan watched as Arelie wiped away the pulp on his lip she was staring at his lips and then at his eyes. Trystan desperately wanted to take her in his arms, and kiss her until she didn’t know who she was. Damn, already her eyes were clouding with passion.

“Trystan . . .” she murmured.

Her next words were cut off. He couldn’t help himself, she looked so beautiful sitting there, just sitting there, that he had to kiss her. What the hell was wrong with him? He didn’t even know Arelie well enough. She could be a cheater, or a liar, or a . . . or worse. But for some odd reason, Trystan refused to believe it. Arelie was too . . . too innocent to know anything! God help him, but he was falling for her. Hard.

All Arelie felt was Trystan’s hard, demanding lips on hers. He had his arms circled around her waist and he had pulled her onto his lap. She moaned into his mouth, and plunged her hands into his hair, pulling him close.

They stayed that way, wrapped in each other’s embrace. Trystan held her to him; Arelie rested her head on his shoulder, stroking the hair at his nape. Trystan was content for the moment with holding her, and breathing in her scent. She was so amazing, so beautiful, and exotic.

When Arelie pulled back to look at him she smiled. He couldn’t help but get lost in that smile, a smile with unending promises. Elie started to move off his lap but he held on to her. Held her to him, she pulled back to look at him, he was looking down at her.

He was so handsome, in that dark, bad boy way of his. His green eyes were darkening, that Arelie didn’t know if she could still call them green.

“A little longer, Elie.” He breathed into her hair. She smiled. She held his face in her hands and pulled him down to her, he greedily came on to her attempt, kissing her with such passion that it took her breath away. Elie stroked his face, his neck, his chest. Her hands rested at his chest, and his kiss became gentle, teasing, light.

But Elie would have none of it, with a growl of frustration, she pressed into him as she pulled him down to her. Trystan smiled against her lips, gladly kissing her with as much fervor as they both wanted. It was a while before Trystan reluctantly let her go, and Arelie started packing everything away. Trystan went to help her.

They both bumped into each other numerous times, Elie would blush and murmur an apology, Trystan would just peck her on the lips. Arelie ended up doing the dishes, and soon, after Trystan finished, Trystan slid behind Elie, slid his arms down hers and lean into her, helping her wash the dishes, as he kissed her throat and tickled her.

Elie had never laughed so much, never in her entire life had she found such peace and contentment in the world. Later, as they both laid on Arelie’s bed, she wondered aloud,

“What would I do without you?” Elie rolled onto her side, facing Trystan. She put a hand on his muscular chest, and her head on his shoulder.

“Probably have a better life.” Trystan suggested. Elie snorted, he smiled in reaction. Elie’s phone rung at that moment. Elie looked at her clock.


Would Ben call that late? Elie held back a shiver. She hesitantly grabbed her phone.

Victoria Brood.

Elie breathed a sigh of relief and almost laughed.

“Hello?” Elie answered.

“Hey, I reached New York.” Tori’s voice sounded through the phone. In the background, Elie could hear shouts, honking, driving, yelling, and talking. Elie had to hold the phone away from her ear because it was so loud.

“That’s great. How is it?” Elie asked.

“Cold. Bright.” Tori answered, Arelie laughed. “We’re trying to call a taxi.”

“Ah,” Elie sighed, “That’s difficult, sometimes. How’s everyone? How was the flight?”

Elie glanced over at Trystan and saw that he was going through her drawers. She stopped smiling when she saw he was opening her underwear draw. She gasped when he pulled out one of her panties. She nearly ran across the room to him. He grinned like a little boy and brushed his hair aside.

She snatched her underwear from him and stuffed it back in her draw; she hit his stomach and made him roll over so she could sit. She turned the lamp on, and arranged her things around while she talked. She might’ve been on the phone for thirty minutes when Trystan lost his patience. He started kissing her neck and she giggled.

Giving Tori a reluctant good-bye, she hung up and gave her attention to Trystan.

“You are just something else,” she sighed, as he relaxed against her bed. She rolled up next to him and kissed his cheek.

“Do you know who broke in?” he asked after a moment of silence.

“No. the police started searching the house, looking for signs, but nothing was found, other than the broken mirror, the intruder left nothing that could have left a little evidence of who he was.” Arelie sighed.

“What were you doing?” he questioned.

“I was in my room, I had just gotten out of the shower and I was drying my hair when I heard footsteps.” Elie suppressed a shiver. She looked up at him, but he was staring at the ceiling.

“That’s weird.” He murmured. Elie sat up beside him, but he stayed still.

“What is?” she asked, gazing at him curiously.

“You said you heard his footsteps. An intruder – a professional intruder – would have been light on his fight. No one – especially you – would have heard him. It was unusual, too, when I saw him using the front door.” Trystan pondered for a long minute before asking, “What else did you notice?”

“Well, by the time I heard him, he was coming up the stairs. I was a little shocked when I heard it. He entered the first room near the stairs.” Elie informed, Trystan sat up straighter. “When I finally realized what was going on, I snapped back to reality and turned my bathroom light on, hoping to divert his attention when he came into my room. He searched all the rooms, I was so scared when I heard him next door, and he seemed to be searching, searching for something.”

Trystan’s stare unnerved her. “You took a risk at your life.”

“I had to. I keep wondering what would’ve happened if I hadn’t heard him, if I was still in the shower when he entered my room.” Trystan gave her a hard gaze that showed he didn’t like her thoughts.

“No, Trystan, seriously, think about it. If he was easily heard, don’t you think he would’ve kept on coming? I think . . . maybe, he might’ve wanted me to hear him.”

Trystan shook his head. “And you would know who it was.” Trystan sighed, and looked at Arelie. She was giving him a fearful stare. “What’s wrong?”

“I feel . . . I think I know who it is. I’m not sure.” Arelie hesitated. She looked around her room and then at Trystan, licking her lips. Trystan had come into a sitting position, giving her his utmost attention. He was no longer the teasing, warm Trystan Arelie was warming up to, but the hard, reserved Trystan, the one she had full confidence had gotten his reputation as a member of Florida’s most notorious gang.

“You know? You haven’t told anyone?” Trystan’s voice was starting to rise. Elie held up her hands.

“I’m just starting to find this out! Don’t give me that look, Trystan.” Elie looked away, Trystan waited patiently.

“I think it’s my dad.” Elie whispered, Trystan started. He looked at her with such incredulity that she was afraid he’d think she was crazy. But he didn’t say anything.

“How do you know? Did you see him?” he asked, his eyes burning. Lightning flashed and then suddenly a loud roll of thunder. Elie jumped. Trystan grabbed her by the shoulders and made her look him in the eye before repeating his question.

“I saw him first at school. Today.” Arelie answered softly. Trystan said a few vile curses, gazed at her, looked away and then cursed again. “He texted me, asked me to go to our neighborhood park. I agreed. When I saw him there . . . I didn’t see my dad. I saw Ben O’Neil, the murderer, the wanted man.” Elie shivered.

“He . . . he asked to start over, with me. Somewhere new; we could change our lifestyle, where we lived, make up new personalities . . . our life together.” Elie gave Trystan a disgusted glance and Trystan had no doubt the bastard tried to make their relationship . . . intimate. Trystan cursed.

“Jesus . . . and you didn’t think to tell anybody?” Trystan asked, after a few moments.

“No.” she whispered ruefully. He looked away, airing out his frustration. Then he laughed harshly.

“Some first date, huh?” he asked, mostly to himself. Elie paused. She looked at him for a long time, until finally he smiled fondly at her. She smiled back, inching toward him. She put her hand on his cheek.

“Is this a date?” she whispered, and he looked her in the eye, put his own hand over hers and kissed it. She drew in a hoarse breath.

“It is.” He answered. She gave him a wide smile, and he grinned, like a boy with a bunch of chocolates in his hand. But Arelie was chocolate. His chocolate. Startled by the fierce possession of her in his thoughts, he looked at the girl who he intended to make his.

Her red curls were long and came up to her lower back. Her brown eyes were filled with life, ready to be his. She looked striking, beautiful, she was wonderful. She crept up toward him, with a lovely smile. He sat back against her pillows and watched as she laughed and threw her arms around him. He balanced her on her knees as she leaned forward to press a kiss on his mouth. He groaned, she really was amazing!

Chapter 5

Chapter 5

February 28

Arelie sighed as she contemplated the question in front of her. She absolutely abhorred science. She understood nothing about it. The teacher was worse, being German, she barely understood him at times. She quickly closed her eyes and tried to remember at least something she had learned from last year about this. Finally, she got a relapse of what the question was about and quickly bubbled in the correct answer.


She had studied so long, and so hard for this test. Finally, she was done with it. It was over; she no longer had to worry about another test. She had been so happy for the past five days. Trystan was a romantic, but he denied it every time. They would have the same arguments about him being such a gentleman.

Trystan was so shocked he couldn’t say anything to her. He had scowled and looked away; thrusting his gift to her and walked away, muttering.

Arelie had looked down and saw that he had gotten her a rose. There was a small card attached to the stem of the rose. Arelie opened it and smiled;



Forever and Always,



It had been so sweet that as soon as she found him, she kissed. So tenderly and passionate at the same time that she heard, vaguely, some girls sigh and murmur their jealousy that Trystan was such a man. Arelie had snorted and Trystan laughed so hard. All the girls had stopped to hear him laugh. The expression on their faces showed that they were shocked.

Of course, Trystan and Arelie didn’t see because Trystan was literally dragging her towards his car. All of the girls who saw and heard him laugh, wondered: What in the world got him to laugh so easily with her, when there were other funny times that he was present at? Why was he so happy? Was Arelie O’Neil the cause of it?

But all the girls knew what it really was; they admired and envied Trystan and Elie’s relationship. It was obvious that the couple were desperately, lovingly, tenderly in love.


School had just finished, and Arelie was walking outside with her iPod on. She nodded her head to the music, grabbing her keys from her backpack. She pulled out her earphones and put the key in the lock; she unlocked the car and started to put her things in.

“Arelie.” Trystan’s voice; so familiar and tender to her by now, was calling out to her. She turned to face him, and turned up her face to receive his kiss. Just like every other time this kiss was passionate, Arelie-Trystan-Starved-For-Each-Other kiss. She smiled into it and put her arms around his neck. He pulled back, his hands settled on her waist, but made her lean into the car.

“Hey,” she whispered.

“Hey. Where are you going?” he asked.

“Victoria’s house, she just got back from New York. I’m going to be at her house for a while, and then I’ll head home. Bea should be home by then, so you don’t have to come by . . . if you don’t want to.” Elie trailed.

“No. It’s fine. I’ve got some things to do too, but if I can; I’ll come by.” Trystan suggested. Elie nodded, unsure. Trystan didn’t look too happy today, he looked behind her, distracted and she turned. A gang was formed not too far away from the school; they were hidden, but easy to see, if you tried hard enough. Arelie’s breathing hitched.

He can’t be serious. Was all she thought when she looked back at him, he was gazing at her. His eyes were stormy.

“Trystan . . .” Elie’s voice got choked up; she looked away and then looked back at him. She waited for him to answer her unspoken question, to at least say something, but he just walked away; just like the Trystan she feared he was.


“Arelie!” Victoria happily greeted that evening. Elie smiled at her friend. Instead of her normal wavy hair, her hair was straightened. Tori invited her friend in and they went up to her room. She flopped down onto the bed and smiled at Elie.

“Where’s your parents?” Elie asked.

“Oh, God. I’ve been away longer than I thought possible. You sound like a teacher!” Tori shrieked, Elie smiled and shrugged. She glanced quickly at her phone. She sat beside Tori on her bed.

“Just curious.” She explained.

“They’re dropping my sister and her husband off at their house. So anything changed since I was gone? Any intruders?” Tori asked, reaching for her lamp beside her bed and turning it on.

“No intruders. But, there have been some changes.” Arelie allowed, taking a peek at her phone again. She looked back at Tori.

“What changes?” Tori asked.

“Well . . .um, please don’t get mad and all. I know you warned me . . .” Elie trailed.

“Oh no. You did it didn’t you.” Tori accused. “Who was it?”

“Wait. What’re you talking about?” Elie paused.

“Sex. Isn’t that what you meant? I did remember warning you about it. God, Elie, you’d think someone like you would know better.” Tori sighed, Elie was still shocked. “Spill it.”

“I didn’t do . . . that! I meant . . . Trystan.” Elie hesitated. Tori sat up straighter, her eyes darkened slightly.

“What do you mean Trystan?” Tori asked. Elie stood up; she paced for a few minutes before blurting out everything.

“So . . . that’s what happened, and he . . . he’s really amazing.” Elie groaned. She collapsed on the bed with a distressed sigh.

“So . . . Trystan and Arelie. I did warn you.” Tori paused. “He kissed you? Really kissed you?”

Elie nodded. She blushed and looked away, back to her phone.

“What the hell has got you stuck to that damn phone? You’ve looked at it three times already.” Elie looked at Tori as she voiced her complaint. Elie sat silent for a few minutes. “It’s Trystan you’re waiting for, isn’t it?”

“Yes, but not for the reasons that you may think.” Elie gave Tori a meaningful look. “I’m worried about him. Trystan . . . before I left the school, he came up to me and we talked. I told him I was coming here tonight, he was ok with it, and then he said he was busy too. He didn’t look really happy either, but-”

“When has the kid ever been happy?” Tori interrupted. Elie gave her a look.

“You’ll see what I mean . . . anyways, I think,” Elie licked her lips. “I think I saw his gang. Blood Lust.” Her voice quivered a little. Tori’s eyes widened and slowly went back to normal. “I was hoping Trystan would explain,” Elie hastily explained, “but he just walked away, didn’t even look at me. I don’t want to be one of those girlfriends, who are always on their boyfriends back, but I’m worried.”

Tori took a long time soaking all of this in. “Wow,” she said after a long time, “I’ve been gone a really long time.” Elie laughed half-heartedly.

“I don’t want to loose him, Tori, not now. I just don’t want him thinking I’m gonna be on his back about this.” Elie sighed.

“I know, I’ve actually never been in this situation.” Tori gave her a skeptical glance and smiled faintly. Elie smiled. “But I think you just need to give Trystan a little time. You two, apparently, have a lot to talk about, and I promise not to tell anybody what occurred just now. Ok?” Tori whispered.

“Yeah, thank you, Tori, it really helps to have a friend like you, really.” Elie confided, just then the door downstairs came open and Elie heard Tori’s parents come in.

“Tori!” her mom called, Tori rolled her eyes and smiled.

“I have to go anyway. Trystan might come over.” Tori smiled and nodded.

After Elie left Tori’s house, getting on the main road to her home she got a text, at the stop light she checked the message.

I’m still here, darling. I’m coming back for you, don’t make me wait.

Arelie stared in horror at the message; quickly she looked around the streets. It was 11:39pm, there were a few cars on the road, not that many though. She kept her breathing calm. When the lights turned green she drove, speeding a bit, not wanting to get home any later than necessary.

She finally got home ten minutes later, the lights were off, Bea’s bedroom gleaming lights, and Elie breathed a sigh of relief. Quickly she got out of the car and nearly ran to the front door, she unlocked the door and yanked it open, slamming it behind her and locking it.

“I’m home, Bea!” She yelled.

“Hey, honey.” Bea turned on a few lights and came into the kitchen. She smiled at Elie. “I made rice and chicken, not sure if you had eaten already.”

“I did. I was at Tori’s house, the girl from school. She came back from New York today.” Elie informed, dropping her keys in the key holder.

“That’s nice.” Bea smiled, “Did she enjoy herself?”

“Yeah, they had a few pictures they had taken. They went up there for a wedding. One of Tori’s brothers. He’s the youngest boy at twenty two.” Elie sat down at the bar as Bea handed her the food. She drank the entire glass of water.

“That’s interesting, how many siblings does she have?”

“Five. Three elder brothers and two elder sisters, Tori’s the youngest. The one that got married, the youngest of the brothers was . . . I think it was William. Her eldest brother – Aaron, he’s twenty seven, he’s already married. Then the middle brother, Elliot, he’s twenty five, and not married. Her elder sister . . . Jocelyn is twenty, she’s married, and her other sister, Myra she’s nineteen and she’s in college.”

“Wow, your friend has a big family.” Bea smiled.

“I know. Tori loves her family though. She’s really happy.” Elie smile faintly. Bea ached a little for Arelie. She knew Arelie had a tough life with her brother and his wife. They were such horrible people, her brother especially; Bea was so scared when Jen had announced she was pregnant.

“Well, I’m ready for bed.” Elie announced, “Thanks for food.” Elie smiled, starting towards the sink. Bea took the plate and ushered her to her room, after giving in to her aunt’s urgings she left for her bedroom. She headed toward the bathroom, in her room, shedding her clothes and turning the shower on. She showered for half an hour before coming out. The warm shower had relieved a lot of her tension, she felt refreshed.

She pulled a tee over her body and grabbed the panty that was on the counter. She opened her bedroom door and walked into the room, she nearly screamed when she saw a figure lounging on her bed.

Author's Note


Hey guys! It's me - the author of us! I just wanted to let you all know that I am NOT going to put a price on this book ...but I cannot say so for the future, since my dream is to be published! But I'm so excited to have my book posted up on yet ANOTHER website and getting good reviews so far!

I also wanted to let you all know that I would appreciate it sooo much if you guys wouldn't mind to leave me some feedback! I already know that I cannot possibly be the best writer on Earth, but I'd love to know how you feel about it anyway! I appreciate criticism but I do know there is a difference between that and cruelty, so guys, please be nice!

I'm also looking forward to some great feedback and what you're definitely looking forward to! I'm so excited to be hearing from new people and also to be able to converse with some new fans! I have been getting GREAT feedback so far so hopefully you all will also enjoy this book!

Don't feel shy to message me! I love messages and I love hearing from my readers! But I also must prepare you all . . . Us is my own story! Everything in this book is under Copyright 2012 so please, NO PLAGIRISM! YOU WILL BE CAUGHT!

I will warn you, too, that Us has upset some of my readers and they were angry with me at the end of the book, and I do understand that, but I also know that I will not change the way my book ends for anybody, It's how it is, it's how I wrote it, so please respect that!

If you have any questions - any at all - please feel free to ask on my profile, message, chat, or even email me if you must! All I ask is that you enjoy this book!

Chapter 6

Chapter 6

Trystan watched Arelie walk out of the bathroom in a t-shirt and drying her hair with the towel. She jumped and made a squeaky sound in the back of her throat.

“Oh my God.” She clutched her chest, “How did you get in here? In the house?” she asked.

Trystan shrugged. For the first time, Arelie was annoyed with that small movement, that small excuse. She went back in the bathroom, tied her hair after drying it and walked back out to her bedroom, Trystan was still there.

“I . . . really think you should go. I’m really tired.” Arelie said a little stiffly. Trystan gave her a look and lifted his brow. His muscular body seemed to swallow up her queen bed. She swallowed audibly. Trystan cursed.

“Are you afraid of me?” he asked with dangerous calm.

“No.” she answered, and it was true. She could never be afraid of Trystan; she cared for him too deeply to fear him. Trystan stared at her.

“Really?” he asked. She stared right back at him.

“It’s true, whether you believe it or not.” Arelie commented. Trystan scowled and stood up, he strode toward her. They were barely an inch apart. “I’m not afraid of you,” she repeated, staring up at him, “I’m afraid of what you are.” She looked away now. Trystan was about to reach out to her, but she moved away.

“You can’t be one Trystan at one time, and then switch to another whenever you want. I . . . I can’t . . .” she trailed, Trystan turned to face her across from her room. She was worrying her bed sheets. She still couldn’t look at him, but Trystan kept staring.

“I’m still Trystan.” He assured, she looked up now.

“Are you? Are you still the Trystan I like, the guy that I enjoy being with, his smile, his laughter . . .” she trailed away.

“Jesus Christ, Arelie. I was never that person before I met you. I didn’t even smile, don’t you realize how hard it is for me to . . .” he stopped abruptly, but Arelie knew what he was going to say. She tilted her head.

“So that’s it.” She said bitterly. “Being apart of . . . oh God . . . I thought they were wrong, I thought you were different . . .” Elie sat on her bed, looking away from him, towards the window. “You really are in that gang, aren’t you?” It was not a question, but a statement.

Trystan tensed. “Yes,” he breathed, she still didn’t turn. Trystan started to panic. He walked over to her. “This was me before you, Elie. I can’t stop that, can’t stop my past. I’ve done a lot of damn things, but that was before.”

“Why do I feel like this is still going on? What was that at the parking lot?” Trystan glanced away briefly.

“You can’t expect me to give it up in just one day. Those guys . . . they’re apart of my family, I can’t just abandon family.” Trystan argued, Elie breathed in raggedly.

“I know,” she paused. “I’m not forcing you to choose, Trystan; I won’t ever make you do that. I know family is important to you. Maybe . . . we just need to take a little break.” She finished hoarsely. She wanted to scream with such uncertainty. How could she give him up so easily? But she’d die before making him choose.

Trystan suddenly grabbed her shoulders, “No,” he said harshly, pulling her into his embrace and giving her a dominated kiss. Possessing her heart and soul in one kiss. She whimpered, and put her hands around his neck, pulling him closer, her tears falling on his cheek.

She could never leave him, Trystan thought determinedly.

Trystan held her for the rest of the night. They had searched the warmth of her bed. He had pulled her close, cradling her head in the crook of his arm. He brushed back curly locks of her auburn hair, her lips were slightly parted, gentle breathing. She had an arm hooked around his waist and he smiled.

Even though she wanted to give their relationship a break she couldn’t. Their connection to each other was too strong and powerful. He turned the light out, and pulled her closer, burying his face in her cinnamon scented hair and falling asleep, content.


He looked away from the window as the lights went out, angry and frustrated. He wanted her, he couldn’t stay there too much longer, or they’d find him. He couldn’t give up yet, though. He needed her as badly as he wanted her.

He had waited years for her; years of watching her grow in his care, years of drawing her into his loving arms. He could do it again, if he wanted to. He could lure her back to him. There were ways, and he knew her so well.

Yes, he could wait. Victory would be his, yet! She’d come back to him, she’d leave the other bastard; she’d have to, no attachments to anybody. He’d have to make sure she knew that. And she would, she always did know how to obey.

With a wicked sneer he walked away from the house, from the window. There would be other times.

Arelie O’Neil was his.


Arelie woke up with startling recall of the night before. Her head was on skin; a shoulder. She looked up and saw Trystan staring down at her; she stayed there, staring at him. Then, as if she struck by lightning she jumped off the bed. Trystan didn’t try to do anything, didn’t try to explain, or grab her and demand she stay with him, he just laid there. Waiting.

Arelie ran her hands through her hair, worrying them. She looked away from him, she looked down and blushed. Quickly, she opened a drawer and grabbed a pair of night pants. She walked to her bathroom and closed the door. After a loud conversation with herself, an hour shower, and more talking she walked back out.

Trystan had obviously left and come back because his hair was wet, he had on fresh new clothes, and he brought food.

“I don’t eat in my room.” Arelie stated. Trystan gave her a grin.

“You don’t have to, but I can.” Trystan stated. Arelie went over to him and snatched the bag. There was coffee and a chocolate bagel inside. She was touched. Apparently Trystan was really paying attention to her . . . or did he make his gang spy on her? Did Blood Lust know she was dating one of their members? Did they kill girlfriends?

“Arelie.” Trystan exclaimed softly. She looked down at him.

“Stop being nervous. You said you weren’t afraid of me.” Trystan reminded, Arelie nodded. Her phone buzzed then. Most likely a text message; but it kept on buzzing. She walked over to the nightstand and grabbed her phone; she looked at the caller ID.


Arelie cautiously answered it.


“Good morning, Darling.” Ben’s voice seemed to sizzle through the phone and burn her. She nearly threw the phone across the room.

“What do you want? Stop calling me.” Arelie ordered; there was a soft laughter in the background.

“You already know what I want.” Ben’s voice became seductive, sensual. She caught Trystan’s eye and saw he wasn’t happy. She could see the steam coming from his body, reaching her. She looked away from him and went to the window, Trystan, of course, followed her standing right behind her.

“Leave me the hell alone! I’m gonna call the cops on you’re sorry ass!” quickly, without waiting for Ben to respond Elie pressed the end button. She turned and found Trystan right behind her, she gasped.

“Was it him?” Trystan asked softly, but Elie could see his clenched jaw and the rage-filled eyes. Elie gave him a faint smile, putting a hand on his arm, she nodded.

Shit” Trystan muttered. He didn't say anything for a while and then looked back at her. Elie watched his expression. "I don't give a damn if he's your father, Arelie, but I swear . . . If he calls you again, I'm gonna beat the shit out of him!" Trystan growled.

Arelie smiled, "And I will happily support you." Trystan clenched his fists.

"I can't believe a . . . I can't believe he's your father!" Trystan walked away from the window. Arelie caught his arm.

"Hey, don't worry about it. We'll figure this out." she promised. Trystan sighed and pulled her in his arms.

"I don't think I'd be able to live with myself if anything happened to you, El." Trystan whispered hoarsely, Arelie burrowed her face in his neck and kissed him there. "I don't understand why I feel like this . . ." suddenly he pulled her away from him and she yelped in surprise. "Tell me I'm not the only one that feels like this. Tell me you do too." he demanded.

It was then Arelie saw the desperation in Trystan's eyes, the way his eyes came from anger to fear as he didn't know his feelings for Arelie anymore.

"I feel the same, Trystan. Ever since I've met you . . . I've always felt the same." she whispered. Trystan let out a satisfied male growl and smashed his lips onto hers. Cutting off her air, but Arelie didn't need air. Trystan was her resource for life, for everything.

Arelie snaked her hands and latching them at his nape. She moaned as he deepened the kiss and demanded entrance for his tongue to ravish her. She readily opened up for him and he devoured her whole. It was no longer just Arelie and just Trystan; they became one at that moment.

Afterwards, as they lay together, basking in satisfaction Trystan pulled her close, the sounds of the nights returning to them.

"I love you." he whispered.

Arelie sighed, and snuggled closer to him. "I love you too."

Chapter 7


Chapter 7

March 2

Arelie woke up in an empty bed. For a minute she forgot what had occurred last night and just nestled back into the comforters. Then she sat up abruptly.


“Oh my God.” she said out loud. She looked around and put a hand over her mouth. Had she and Trystan . . . ‘do it’ last night? She peeked underneath the covers and saw a smear . . . “Oh my God.” She whispered again. She put the cover back down, she opened the drawer next to her and searched the contents; finding a shirt, she slipped it on. She got up from the bed and walked over to the bathroom.

After taking a long, hot shower she wrapped herself in a towel and stared at herself; she was a different person today. She was no longer the virginal Elie, she lost her virginity to a guy she’d only known for a few weeks! But she felt giddy. Not only did they do it but Trystan said he loved her! Her! As in Arelie O’Neil!

But where was he? Arelie wondered. Dwelling on that thought she quickly got dressed; she was a little tender down there – most likely from last night. After getting ready and finding another note from Bea about another business trip.

She quickly got into her car, school would start soon. She had already missed yesterday with Trystan, she couldn’t miss another.


When Elie got to the school, the bell had just rung; she ran to her class and was able to get to her first period without trouble. Elie sat down next to her partner – Ivy Jean.

“Did I miss anything yesterday?” Elie whispered. Ivy shrugged, looking away.

What the Hell?!

Elie gazed at Ivy for a while and then shrugged off her own frustration. The late bell rung and everyone piled in, Ms. Treddale stood up from the desk and took attendance. Afterwards she looked towards Arelie and said;

“Ms. O’Neil, I’d like to see you after class.” She announced, Elie nodded and pulled out her notebook. When she glanced up she saw most of the girls give her stares, but she was used to it. Elie got those stares ever since she started going out with Trystan. But Trystan was being an ass today, so she didn’t really want a reminder of him.

Her thoughts wandered to the events of last night. How could he say those words and then leave her afterwards? Was he that cold-hearted?

“Ms. O’Neil.” Ms. Treddale’s voice snapped through her hazy thoughts. “Please pay attention.”

Elie nodded. God, Elie thought, this is going to be a long day.


After class, Elie stayed back a little and waited for students to leave the classroom. She walked over to Ms. Treddale, waiting for her to speak. Ms. Treddale put her glasses down and rubbed her eyes and sighed.

“Arelie,” she started, smiling faintly. “Are you ok? I was concerned about you yesterday, you didn’t show up.”

“I was fine, just personal problems,” that lie was slightly true, since she had to deal with her pedophile father.

“Oh,” Ms. Treddale nodded, as if she knew.

“May I go now?”  Elie muttered, Ms. Treddale held up her hand.

“That’s not the only . . . thing I wanted to talk to you about. Arelie, everyone in this school knows you are going out with Trystan Levi.”

“Probably not for long,” Elie muttered, but the teacher didn’t seem to hear her and went on.

“I just wanted to make sure you know what you’re doing.” Ms. Treddale ended.

“What?” Elie asked, “What am I doing?”

“Well, it’s not what you’re doing; it’s who you’re dating.” Ms. Treddale corrected.

“What’s wrong with the Trystan?” Elie asked.

“We just want you to be careful.” Ms. Treddale replied.

“We?” Arelie questioned.

“Yes, the teachers and I.” Ms. Treddale hesitated slightly, “We just want to make sure you’re safe . . . and know that we’re here for you, should Trystan try anything.”

“Are you intending that my boyfriend is causing me harm?” Elie asked incredulously.

“It’s not that-”

Elie cut her off, “Ms. Treddale, I don’t know where you are hearing this, but I’m telling you now, Trystan has done me no harm, he’s the best boyfriend I could ever have. The person who told you this obviously doesn’t know him like I do. Now, can I go now? I’m late for class.” Elie said, trying to calm herself from her outburst.

Ms. Treddale hesitated again, “Of course.”

Elie left right after, huffing out steam. Trystan was careless and hard-headed, but abusive? Puh-lease! As if! Elie walked away determinedly, with her father hanging around like a crazed-ass and her boyfriend abandoning her, along with hated looks and harsh rumors, she was doing well!

She couldn’t have a normal life, could she?


After school Elie walked to her car in a hurry, trying to avoid Trystan at all costs! After last night she really didn’t want to face him. It would just be too much. But before she could make it to her car, Tori stopped her.

“El!” she shouted, obviously wanting the whole school to hear her. She kept shouting the name until I finally turned around and waited for her to catch up. “You know,” she panted, “It’s rude to ignore your friend like that!” she scolded.

“I didn’t hear you, though” Elie said innocently. Tori huffed.

“I thought I was loud.” Tori protested; Elie shrugged. “Anywho . . . why were you in a rush? Don’t you usually wait for Trystan?” she asked.

“Yeah,” Elie said slowly.

“Then why-”

Elie cut her, “Do I have to be his dog, where he beckons and calls? I can have my own life.” Elie growled.

“Ok, tiger. Just saying.” Tori said. “You sound as if you’re mad at him.”

“Maybe.” Elie allowed.

“Why, then?”

“You promise not to tell anyone?” Elie turned to her. Tori nodded. “I slept with him.”

“You what?!” she shrieked, “When?”

“Yesterday.” Elie answered with a wince.

“Yester-that’s why you weren’t there?” she asked, Elie nodded again. “Oh . . . El! Was it good?”

Now it was Elie’s turn to yell, “What?! What kind of question is that?”

“I was asking. It was your first time, wasn’t it?” Elie nodded again. “So . . .”

Elie blushed, “It was . . . amazing.” She whispered.

“Awww . . . but why are you mad at him?” she asked.

“Well after . . . after we-he said that he loved me.” Elie said softly.

“What the freak! Seriously? You’re kidding me, Trystan Levi? This is the same Trystan, right? You’re not whoring around now, are you, Elie?” Tori asked. Elie gave her a shocked expression.

“What? No! Yes, it was Trystan. I . . . I told him I loved him too,” Elie said shyly.

“Shoot, this is like one of those foreign romances.” Tori laughed.

“It’s not funny.” Elie growled.

“Calm down, tiger, I never said it was. If he said the L word, then why are you mad at him?” Tori asked.

“This morning . . . he,” Elie paused. “He was gone the next morning, no note, no goodbye, no nothing!” Tori snorted.

“Notes? Like love letters? C’mon El, this is Levi! He doesn’t leave notes!” Tori made a face.

“He does for me.” Elie protested.

“Wow. He’s got it bad then.” Tori chuckled.


“Sorry, continue in your sorrowful story.” Elie gave her a glare.

“What? You get bratty because your gang member boyfriend doesn’t tell you where he’s going. So what? Get over it.”

“But last night-”

“Forget that for a minute. Trystan said he loves you, God help us, and like you said today, your not Trystan’s dog and Trystan isn’t yours, just give him space, I’m sure he’ll explain everything.”

Elie stopped at Tori’s house, seeing a few cars in the parking lot.

“You wanna come in?” she asked, Elie shook her head.

“No. I have homework, and things to take care of.” Elie said; Tori nodded hopping out of the car and heading for the front door. Elie stopped her. “Thanks, Tori. For listening to my sorrows.”

Tori grinned. “That’s what friends are for.” Elie smiled. Watching Tori enter her house. Elie sighed.

She started on the road to where she lived. Her phone started buzzing and she looked down at it.


There was no way she going to answer that. All of a sudden there was honking. Elie looked up and her face blanched. She looked to the side to see a moving truck slam into her car, she opened her mouth to scream, but nothing came out her head hit the window as it bounced.

Then she saw blackness.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 06.05.2013

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

I'd like to dedicate this to my family first, for definitely supporting me in what I do, they have been my rock through the good and bad times and honestly, I couldn't have gotten far without them. This is also dedicated to my friends who've stuck with me to the end and decided that my work was worth something, so thank you to them to. The last is always the best - isn't that a saying? Or some type of phrase? Well, it's true, because I'd also like to dedicate it to my readers who've been absolutely AMAZING! I mean, I still recall going back and forth and checking my numerous websites to see if I got a single read, vote, or like. Ah, those were the days! I'm so glad I have everyone that I have, because I can't imagine life without them!

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