always busy i am ..
busy always because of you...
thinking, imaging dreaming only about you..
nothing can bother me..
no one can busy me...
while i am thinking of you..
you are all my life..
all my job which i should do..
all my nights created just for you..
every night preparing my bed ready waiting for you...
waiting you,to share me always my dreams..
let`s make a love...
my lips long for yours...
i want to feel the warm depth inside you..
want your body so close...
even to be part of me...
lets bathe into each others desires...
swimming,melting and tasting our fires..
with no stop...
let`s make a madness that we can no longer control...
till there is no beginning no end...
no night...
forever till we get the lust from each others..
By hazem02
© 2009 hazem02 (All rights reserved)
please feel free to read and to leave your comments through my link which i gave above...
lots of love...
hazem al....
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.02.2010
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