
Ordinary School Days Or Not?

I looked outside the window while being bored after finishing my geometry assignment and listening to my teacher scolding to my measly boy classmates. I sighed as I looked around the classroom of boys and girls in grade 10, but they seem so boring for me or I'm boring for them. I came to the school last year as new student, and I hardly made a single friend.

Due to some awkwardness, they thought I was someone in a gang. Because my grey hair. My hair is from my dad's side along with my intense red eye from my mom. Since of that I look evil when I'm actually someone who wants some friends. A couple of bad things is that I'm very shy, I can hardly speak to people but all suddenly when I speak it is very tensed.

Along with other things I'm just a loner in school with no typical friends at all. I am very used to it but I'm getting a bit annoyed I have no friends at all. I just hope I would get friends soon before school ends. Which I think is not even close.

"Sienna?" the teacher asked and I looked up asking, "Yes?"

"Can you do the problem on the board?"

I nodded my head and I silently went up to the board doing the math problem. I soon stared at it at first then soon did the work finishing it and finding it easy. I found it very easy and back down. The school bell soon rang for lunch and every student went out to the cafeteria.

I was soon watching every student as they ate food and talked to each other in endless conservation. I sat down on a bench alone until I heard someone saying;” Let go of me right now!" It made me very curious and I followed the voice where it came from. I soon saw a guy in the 11th grade who has blonde hair saying harshly to a girl with shining long black hair, "Didn't you say you liked me?" He was holding the girl's wrist harshly and was trying to stop her move.

"I never said anything like that you fool! Now let go of me!"

Still the guy did not let go which wanted to help her. I walked near them and said loudly, "Didn't she say already she doesn't like you?" The boy looked at me and said, "I'm not talking to you squirt."

That made me really angered which was true, since I am 4’3. "Really? You would actually say that?" I soon held his shoulders while he didn't notice and flipped him over. "Say squirt to me again and this is your punishment." It seems that he was knocked out. I turned to the girl who was watching in pure amazement and said,” It seems he hurt your wrist badly... I'll take you to the nurse office."

"Okay... and by the way thanks." she said still in amazement. I took her hand and I found it very rough and tough unlike soft like a girl. As we went to the nurse office I found the nurse out but the office was open. I looked in the drawers and got some bandages and wrapped it around her wrist. While doing that I soon noticed this. "Aren't you Rowan Seagan? The vice-president of the student council?"
She soon blushed and said, "Hehehe. I guess I am." While she was shrugging suddenly all of the buttons of her shirt opened up and soon revealed her chest which to my surprise she has no breast.

"Oh shoot." Soon the voice changed to a bit not feminine instead like a man, which make know right there she is not a 'she' But 'she' is a he.

I looked at the person for ten minutes and ran backward yelling, "You're a guy?!"


Rowan's Explanation

"Please don't yell!" he said with a hopeless look in his eyes trying to calm me down. Still I would not calm down seeing the popular vice-president is actually a guy dressing as a girl.

"Then tell me this. Who the heck are you and why are you a guy instead of a girl?" I asked putting my self together about to do one of my kung-fu move. "If you don't answer you'll end up like him." I said warningly.

He soon tensed up and he had a worried smile. ‘Why is he always calm? I'm about to get his bones broken sooner or later!' I thought as I saw his worried and tensed smile.

He soon sighed and said, "My name is still Rowan Seagan like you said before."

"Geh. Why do you have a girl name weirdo?" I soon asked and Rowan frowned slightly but he smiled again saying, "Rowan is a unisex name."

"Urrk.... Also why are you dressed as a girl?" Rowan soon blushed and I said this, "And why do you have so long hair even when you are guy?"

He blushed even more soon murmuring, "Me dressing as a girl does not mean I want to truly be a girl, and it is not a habit. I dress as a girl because it helps me with suppressing something."

I was more confused and then he turned around folding the back of his shirt pulling his long black hair over his shoulder. There it was when I saw it, a strange peculiar symbol on the center of his back. It was grayish and it was like big right in the middle. It looked like three spirals all together. ‘Just what is that symbol?' I thought tensing up in fear. The symbol look scary, and it looked like it was carved in to his body.

"Is that a tattoo?" I asked and he turned around nodding his head no. "It appeared on my back when I was ten years old. Then strange things happened. I saw dreams of six other people with symbols on their back different from mine."

I soon fell down on my butt after seeing his symbol and Rowan said suddenly, "Do you somehow in believe magic?" I immediately stared at him, and strangely his eyes were sparkling.

"Magic? Like in movies or in book? Are you a kid in disguise too?" I asked being a little more ticked off.

Rowan just smiled again and he just snapped his fingers and all a sudden a staff came in his hands. I soon rubbed my eyes and suddenly thought, ‘I felt wind surround when he just snapped.' "Where'd that come from? And I think I felt wind surrounding you as did that..."

"That is my power. I can control the wind and use this staff to channel the wind. But the thing I do not understand why do I have to be the one who has powers of wind or has this symbol on my back." Rowan said making the staff disappear and putting back his shirt on.

He soon put his long hair the way it was before and there he was the vice-president although he was truly a guy not a girl.

"I want to help you." I said after hearing everything he told me and Rowan stared at me in surprise, saying, "Eh?"

"I said I want to help you." "Er, Why?"

"Sure I don't believe in magic but I'll help you find the meaning of your symbol and your powers, also the dreams of those six other people." I said folding my arm together and Rowan gaped at me.

"Seriously? You're going to help me? Thank you! Oh yeah what is your name again?"

I blushed and I soon said, "It's Sienna. Sienna Dickinson."

"Thank you Sienna!" Rowan said soon hugging me with me struggling, "Don't hug me!"

Dreaming & Sudden Clues

"Stop hugging me!"

I was squirming and struggling in his hug. It was embarrassing, being hugged by a guy and more likely a cross dresser.

"Oh, sorry." Rowan said and let me go and asked, "Are you okay Sienna?"
"I'm not okay after being squished by someone like you." I muttered dusting myself of which he did not hear.

Rowan soon put his hair into a ponytail and then he buttoned his shirt. I turned around blushing and thinking of what I saw earlier. 'I'm such a pervert!' As he was done the school bell rang for that lunch was done and it was time for the next class.

"It's fourth period right?" he asked as he dusted himself grabbing his backpack.
"Umm... Yeah. Aren't you the vice-president of the student council?" I asked mocking him while getting my backpack with my textbook and he said wryly, "Well I am busy with paperwork. The president sometimes is sick or busy with event she forgets about the paperwork.... Shoot. She's absent today along with the treasurer. There are a lot of fees and money to give to clubs." Rowan looked like he was going explode until he soon turned to me with pleading eyes. "Can you help me with the treasurer work while I do the paperwork?"

"Why me?" I asked and I looked at the clock, "I'm going to be late if I do help you."

"I'll give you an excuse and a pass. Don't worry!" He said taking my hand and we both ran to the council room.

I was soon dizzy as we reached the room and he opened the door. Inside there was six people in the room doing work, they soon looked up as they saw Rowan. I soon hid behind him being embarrassed being stared at. "Hi Rowan." They all said at the same time. One person who was in the same grade like Rowan who was a girl suddenly went up to him and looked behind him and asked me, "And who must you be?"

I soon blushed and I murmured, "Sienna. Sienna Dickinson."

"Oh. I'm Dinah Garrison, the secretary. But why are you hiding behind Rowan, Sienna?"

"H-She asked me to help him to do the work of the treasurer while she does the president's work."

"Really? Then come out and meet the others! Obviously the President Zuni Cadieux and the Treasurer Jet Walker are not here but let me introduce you to Xenia who is our historian." Dinah said as she pointed to a girl with blonde hair and brown eyes she smiled saying hi. "And there is Raleigh who is our social chairperson." Pointing to a guy who is in the tenth grade as me.

He slightly smiled. "Then there's our class officers who are coincidently identical twins who Tai and Saul." Tai is a girl with light auburn hair that was longer than Rowan with her hair parted in two braids and her brother has messy and spiky auburn hair, the both of the smiled.

"Nice to meet you..." I said looking down with my face turning very scarlet. I feel like crying all a sudden, although I did not, but I felt ultimately happy meeting new people.

"Sienna come and sit down." Rowan said going to his seat and I followed him.
Everything was soon busy. I was doing the paperwork and counting fees that the absent treasurer was supposed to do

There was also a lot more things to do and it took the whole three periods to do. I didn't get in trouble though and I didn't have homework so I was safe. They sent a messenger to my three teachers that I was needed with the student council. I also had a lot of fun.

When school ended Dinah, Xenia and Tai gave me their email and phone numbers which made me more happier and Rowan took me by the arm whispering to my ear while giving me a small paper in my hand, "Call me or email me if you got any ideas or clues okay?"

"Sure." I took it and I looked down being slightly embarrassed of him being so close to me. I went off walking home and he waved goodbye to me as I left.

I took the bus home and I reached home which was small but two stories. I went up the step and grabbed the key out of my pocket and I opened the door. I went inside whispering to no one inside the house, "I'm home."

I already know no one is home at all, which is a habit to say I'm home.

My parents are good lawyers; my older sister is in university studying the science of genealogy, my older brother working in a computer company, while I am just a bored high school student with nothing to do but study for the future.

I went up stairs down the hall to my room passing my parents room, my brother's room and my sisters going inside my room.

While in my room I immediately sat on my bed laying down thinking of the symbol on Rowan's back soon sleeping all a sudden.
As I slept I dream of something I would never thought I see before. I saw seven people in my dream holding something in their hands.

The only person I recognize was Rowan who was carrying his symbol formed into shape like crystal.

I then noticed someone I recognized but I could not see her face and she was carrying a symbol that is seems to represent fire.

Her body was covered with fire and her hair was flowing with the fire. Like Rowan she seems to have something that channels her power that looked like gloves which has claws.

‘How terrifying.' I thought seeing those gloves. While looking at the others they looked like they are not visible but in the dark.

I soon had an idea that they have no notice of their powers.

My dream ended with me waking up in the present. I went off my bed walking to my bed with my books surrounding me and I picked out a book and another one above me. Taking those two books I sat on my desk grabbing my notebook also getting my laptop from my desk drawer.

I ended up looking through my books for answers but couldn't find anything about the Rowan's symbol and new symbol I saw in my dream.

‘Better go to the attic,' I thought sighing getting out of my seat then out of my room. The attic of our house is actually a library with lots and lots of books.
I went out of my room and I stopped in the hallway reaching for the rope above me and steps immediately came down.

I went up the stairs and I turned on the light. While the light was on I was able to see very well and I looked around.

‘I never been up here in years!' I thought as I looked around the deserted library. It was so dusty and I had a coughing fit.

I went far back and I looked up on the shelf I saw the book that caught my eye. Unfortunately it was way to high but I was determined.

I jumped and I managed to climb the shelf, getting it. The only thing is that I'm hanging on a ledge on a shelf.

'Shoot!' I thought as I fell down and it hurt. 'At least I got the book.'

I got up dusting myself, and I went down from the attic soon closing it. I went to my room and I picked up my phone reading the number on the paper waiting for the signal.

'Ah he picked up.'


"It's me Sienna." I said with a tiny gulp blushing.

"Oh Hi Sienna. What's up?"

"I think I got some good information."


I slightly giggled at his happy voice and all a sudden he said to me, "Since tomorrow's Saturday... Why not you come over my house?"

"What do you mean-" I asked and then he cut me off saying, "I live quite close to the school. Give me your email and I'll send you my address."

"Sure... sienna435@email."

"Thanks! See you tomorrow!"

'Gee. Deciding things quickly.' I thought as I opened up my laptop logging into my email. 'I wonder what will happen tomorrow?'


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.01.2011

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