
Chapter 1: Welcome

*Rileys (Mila) POV*

"The customer is always right."

That saying has been around for as long as businesses have been going about.

Who would have known that it would also become one of the most hated quotes in the business industry, especially today.

I came in to work just like any other day, got into my uniform, and transformed into a one of a kind, breath taking beauty. Greeted all of the regular customers, got their orders, and provided five-star service. The bell chime of the door jingles, signaling a new customer arriving in our cafe. 

"Welc.....ome Masters" my heart feels like it would explode at any moment now, a smile plastered on my face hiding my growing fear. Guide them to their table, act normal, and out menus, act normal, I keep telling myself. 

"What would my masters like for this afternoon?" I asked, analyzing if I had been discovered or even recognized.

"I want..." "This sounds good, I'll try" "I..." "Maybe...." this was all I heard from each one of the handsome guys around the table, why is he ordering last... and why is he looking at me....

"A hazelnut mocha, and a serving of your...." he trailed off staring at me intensely

OH GOD, OH GOD, I've been discovered... 

"...your, Chocolate Mint Cheesecake" he finished, still staring at me.

"Would that be all master?" why is he staring so intently, has he noticed its me, this is slowly unnerving me.

"I would love to know your name" he said shyly.

A lot of ohhhs and ahhhs broke out from the table.

"My name?" I exhaled, not even noticing that I had been holding my breath, "my name is Mila. Your orders will be ready in a moment" I smiled and walked off to leave, grabbing my hand quicky and gently the customer said " name is Logan." 

Another rounds of ohhhs and ahhhs, accompanied by awwhs.

"Your order will be ready shortly master Logan" smiling again and this time not being stopped walked gracefully but briskly out and into the kitchen delivering their orders.

My mind is spinning, my heart feels like it will come out of my throat. Of course I know who the bloody hell you are, your the king of jerks, the one who plays with all the girls feelings at school. You are the king of players, of heartbreaks, and of flirtatious actions. Why, just why did you have to come into this shop, on my shift and show that.. that face!......... that face? I've never seen you ever show that sort of face, ever. What the heck....



Chapter 2: Pinch Me, I'm Dreaming Right?

This sucks, I wish it was a nightmare, but my red cheek goes to show that im wide awake. 

"Riley, you've been pinching your cheek for a while now, anything wrong?"

"Sorry bro, it's just, UHG my teammates from track and feild are in the shop and im their waiter..."

"Let me guess, you don't want them to recognize who you are" he finished.

"Exactly, so thats why i've been pinching my cheeks for a while hoping this was a nightmare"

"Unfortunately its not Ry." "Just remember you have to act normal, and remember the rule...the customer is always right."

"The customer is always right" i mimicked.

My brother, David, owns this cafe. He asked me to help out because he did not have enough waitresses. I agreed, only if my best friend Naomi would join me, and she agreed. She didn't think twice, she has had a HUGE crush on my brother ever since we were younger. But hey, i guess thats what its like when you really like someone.

"Okay Ry, your orders ready, go out there and give 'em your best!"

Groaning, I got their orders and plastered on a smile. As I walked out I could hear Naomi laughing with the guys.

"Excuse me" i flashed a look at Nao, and she gave me one back, we have some sort of telepathic communication to each other so we understand each other eenif its from eye contact, *you gonna be okay Ry?* *hope so, don't think they noticed it's me so i think i'll be okay* "Your orders are ready"

"Okay guys, I'll see you later"

"Awh okay bye Naomi"

"Wait aren't you and Riley always together? Is she working here too?"

"No...." before she could finish someone said

"NO WAYS, Riley would never put on a girly outfit like that, and i bet she would not even match" snickering "shes a tomboy remember!!!" roars of laughter erupted and all the guys were trying to catch their breath.

Shessh, the person is right in front of you. I want to smash these orders in their faces and see their reaction. A quick look at Nao and she knew what I was thinking. *Don't you dare do it Ry, even though it would be funny think about what your about to do*

Interupting their irritatingly joyious time, I set out their orders and resisted the urge to run. "Is there anything else you gentlemen would like?"

"Nah, this will be enough, thanks Mila" all the boys said.

"Dude, these are really good!" said Noah.

"Yeah, I could eat a bunch of these" Jake said.

"Thank you, I'm sure the chef would be very delighted to hear that" i smiled "If there anything else I'll be over there" I pointed to the counter.

"Oh can we have extra napkins, if thats okay?" said Jake. "Noah here can make a mess of things one way or another."

 "Sure, ill be right back"

placing the extra napkins i smiled and then left, god it hasn't even been 30 minutes and I'm dead tired, i walked into the kitchen 

"hey dave can i have and expresso or something to boost my energy, i feel sapped"

"yea but hurry up okay" making my expresso and continuing "so do you think they noticed you yet?" 

"I hope not, and hopefully they never will know"

"DOONNNEE, well what happens if they do?" he looked at me questioningly

"I don't know" i said sipping the expresso "god this is good, but i hope they dont find out.... if they do well who knows" finishing the last sip i said thanks to my brother and then popped a mint in my mouth... hey i have to do it for the service, no ways would they want to smell coffee on my breath.

I saw Nao back at Logan and his crews table, oh wheres logan i wonder, uhg why do my thoughts run to him right away, hes my RIVAL for gods sake! 

"Miilaaaa" cooed Daemon "sorry to interrupt your snooping but you have another customer" 

"I was not snooping Dae, just observing from a distance"

"What ever you say...table 4"

"table 4, got it" 


i had just gotten table 4's orders of water when i overheard Nao and the guys talking about me... naturally i would have ignored it but my curiousity got the best of me, crouching behind one of the dividers i tried to listen to what they were saying

"I would have never thought you and Riley were seperable, ya know Naomi" Mark said.

"Yea, i mean you guys are kinda like twins, but i dont think she would have ever followed you into this shop" scoffed Jake.

I was kind of irittated that they complimented me a few moments ago but just shoot it down behind my back afterwards, wait they dont even think this is me this is 'Mila'... tired of their pointless chat i stood up not even noticing Logan coming right out of the bathroom and worst yet... I spilled the water on him.

*to be continued from Logans POV :D*

Chapter 3: Chilling with the Mates

"Hey, lets go somewhere to eat"

"starvin' for something sweet" 

"Mark, your sweet tooth is whats gonna get you into trouble" 

"Chill dudes, lets go to that new cafe down by XXXXX"

These are my mates, Noah whose hungry all the time, Mark the one with the sweet tooth as you may have noticed, and his twin Jake. I've known them since middle school and we've been together ever since. We are all Juniors in Highschool, and we're all on the track and feild club. 

A little about myself, some would say im a jock or a player but just to make things clear, thats all because of the looks i've inherited from my parents. I've been on the track and feild club since middle school, not only because i loved to feel the air rushing past me as i run, but because there was this girl that i had a HUGE major crush on since elementary. We use to get along so well, but she started to hate me for some reason. When we got into middle school, we became known as "Tom and Jerry". We were like cat and dog every time we saw each other, and we were "rivals" as she put it. I couldn't understand her, she was such a tomboy and totally not my ideal type (which was girly, sexy, and NOT A TOMBOY) but I was head over heels for her ever since my eyes landed on her. Cheesy right! 

The squad (nickname for the guys) finally arrived at the cafe, and i'm a huge coffee lover, so i could smell the scent of coffee that was kinda seeping out from the doors. As soon as i opened the door the smell of coffee took over my nose and it made me happy, but the next thing i saw almost made my jaw drop and have me melt except i saw the small and fleeting sign of tension that built up in her beautiful eyes. I had to play it cool, and act as if there was nothing there but a very beautiful girl. I hoped no one would hear the beating of my loud heartbeat as I just looked at her, I mean she was so GOD DAMN HOT!!!

Riley just kinda stood there tensing for the moment she thought we would recognize her....

"WHOA, a BABE!!" said an almost drooling Mark "your so HOT"

"you took the words outta my mouth bro" Jake said, while raking her body with his lust filled eyes.

"okay guys can't you see your scaring her" said Noah "sorry babe, I know your not into those types of dweebs. your daddys here now"

"EW, that was so cheesy Noah" ive got to supress my jealousy and anger "sorry about those perverted idiots, and please dont mind them" I said.

"No harm done" said Ry.

I could see from her face that she was trying to see if any one of use had noticed who she was, I mean in the getup she was in, i doubt anyone would have noticed unless you look really closely.

I would notice her anywhere because of her body frame (no im not a pervert, i just look at her a lot and yea) and her eyes... they were the most beautiful hazel that i just love.

She was wearing a wig, it was redish and in a loose braid which reached her mid-waist. Her natural hair is like a dirty blonde mixed with brown, and her skin was kind of a light tan.

She was wearing a knee length dress that was blue and white... she looked so perfect and beautiful and hot and sexy and, and, and, UHG to perfect to explain!

I don't understand why would Riley want to work here and the hide who she is.

I mean without the getup (dont get me wrong she looks amazing in it) she is the definition of perfect, scene styled hair, beautiful hazel eyes, smoking hot body, and everything i could every wish for, but I cannot tell her to her face no matter how much I want to.

I'm her rival, she hates me, but I really love her.

I've had a huge crush on her that no one, and i mean NO ONE even knows about, not even my best friends.

Chapter 4: HOLD UP... I'm Blushing?!

As Ry leads us to our table, I cant help but notice how pretty she looks. I can feel myself falling for her much more. A deep growl rippled through my chest, and a desire of monopoly followed. I have to keep my calm, who knows what might happen. 

"Heres your table masters" Ry said with a dry smile. 

I am probably the only one who noticed it, because the guys just went gooey over her. As she took our orders I wanted to know more about her and why she was working here, I think she noticed that I kept looking at her while she took everyone elses orders, so when it was my turn she looked really flustered and nervous. 

"I'll have a  hazelnut mocha," i said looking her straight in the eye "and a serving of your Chocolate Mint Cheesecake. "

I couldn't help thinking that shes really cute. 

"Will that be all master?" she asked. I could tell she wanted to get away as soon as possible. Not yet, I want to spend more time with you.

"Um, can I know your name" i could feel myself blushing, oh god, im friggen blushing. I could hear her breath hitch as soon as I asked her. I could hear her heart racing, and the look on her face looked relieved, scared, and happy at the same time.

She quietly sighed before she spoke, "Mila, my name is Mila" she said with a smile. It was a real smile, like she just won the jackpot. Was is such a good feeling that I couldn't recognize her?

Just as she was about to walk away I took her hand "Logan, my name is Logan."

I could see how she looked absolutely horrified when i took her hand, she probably was thinking that i knew she was lying or testing her, what ever she was dreading or looking for but didnt find, that look disappeared in the blink of an eye. I got a lot of Ohhhs and Ahhs from my group, but i didnt care, I wanted her, and I would use any way i could to get her. Even if it meant I had to pretend.

"Your order will be ready soon, Master Logan" with that she walked away. I watched her go and the desire to monopolize her came yet again. I'm such a freak.

"Dude that was seriously NOT YOU!" Noah yelled in my face.

"YOU WERE BLUSHING" screamed Jake. 

"I've got pictures" Mark said "and this will be uploaded to tumblr... look at him he looks so adorable, my little boy is growing up" trying to copy a motherly tone.

"You guys are jackasses, and Mark that girly tone does not match, you sound like a howling monkey trying to sing"

"Thats so mean Logan!" said Mark, imitating fake shock. "I, your mother, am just trying to make sure you grow up correctly as a wonderful man."

"Grow up you sick bastard" Jake said. "Its enough that I had to see Logan get all shy and gaga over a girl, and now i have to hear your incessant nagging of how your his long lost mother."

"Shut up" i could still feel that my face was red "I'll be right back, I gotta take a piss."

I got up and left heading for the bathroom, I have to cool off, my mind and heart is running over 100 miles an hour. How stupid and gay can I be, I have to play it cool or else I cannot get close to Ry. I wonder if I ask her on a date if she will agree, fuck it, I'll take my chances. Theres no harm done if you never try it. 


As I walked out of the bathroom, I saw Ry crouched behind one of the many walls in the cafe, I wondered what she was doing there, I looked to the direction i guessed she was listening, and thats when I heard Jake talking about Ry not being brave enough to work with Naomi in this shop, because she would never have the guts to act like a girl. I could feel my anger rising, no it was boiling, and a menancing growl escaped from me. Mark, Jake, and Noah could probably feel my anger when they stopped talking and all their eyes snapped towards me. Their eyes all said sorry, they knew I didnt like what I heard, but they had no idea why i snapped. 

I walked forward going to tell them to shut up when i suddenly felt cold, and wet. I looked at Rys horrified face as she realized that she spilled water on me. Haha, her face looks so cute when shes flustered, it makes me want to tease her. 

"Oh My God, I'm so sorry!" she said in a jumble of words "Daemon can you cover me at table 4, and can you tell david ima leave early"

"Sure no prob" said the guy im assuming was Daemon "try not to have too much fun" he said with a smirk.

"Shut up, and come here" she said, dragging me to the STAFF ONLY door, "Im so sorry that I spilled water on you, erm, Logan"

"No harm done" I smiled, maybe i could take this chance to ask her out on a date...

"Um, I'm terribly sorry" she said yet again "If you want you could change into this spare shirt, so I can dry up your shirt for you"

"Okay, thats fine"

"Sorry" she said again, blushing and turning away to give me some 'privacy', shes seen me take off my shirt before in track, but then again i think she got embarassed because we're in a room by ourselves. 

"You like to say sorry, dont you" i said with a laugh "dont say sorry anymore, its totally fine" i said putting on the shirt she gave me.

"sorry...erm sorry again... oh god whatever" she said fustrated and flustered at the same time, putting my shirt into the dryer. "This will probably take around 10 minutes, is there anything you want while you wait"

"Nah, i fine, but you could keep me company"


she sat down a few feet away from me, and i could see her getting nervous 

"no need to be nervous you know, its not like i'll do anything to you"

"im not nervous, its just...." she said trailing off and looking at me

"wanna go out on a date with me" i said totaly cutting her off. I totaly shocked myself at this sudden proposal, and I shocked her too. I could see her emotions quickly changing, and to be frank i was scared she was going to turn me down or curse me out.

After what seemed like a million years, she looked at me with a weird expression

trying to keep my head straight and not blurt out that i know that shes Ry, and that i loved her, "Well?" i said backing up my previous question, "Don't worry about it, its fine if you dont want to, i mean i blurted it out on a whim"

"No,'s not that i dont want its just, it caught me off guard" she said hiding her smile and blushing cheeks with her hands.

the way she said that made me want to completely melt and blurt out my deepest secrets, but i cant, not yet. 

"Oh, sorry" i said sounding like a total loser, at this rate, shes gonna turn me down.

"Its fine, and I'll go on a date with you, it'll be fun, and anyways its a way that i can repay you for spilling water on you" 

HOLY SHIT did i just hear correctly, i think my heart jumped out of my chest, and my face was in total shock because Ry started to laugh

"Your face is so hillarious, did you think i was going to turn you down?" she said in between laughs

I could feel my blood rushing up to my face "s-s-sorry, i mean, i never expected you to say y-yes, i'll admit I thought you would say no to me"  i said slightly stuttering from the shock.

We burst laughing

"Your such a dork" she said in between laughs.

"i'd be glad to be your dork" i smiled, god that sounded cheesy.

"Cheesy bastard" she said, only making both of us laugh even harder.

This was totally unexpected. But i feel like im in heaven, if thats even possible.

The dryer interupted our laughs, and she got up an tossed me my dry shirt

"Get dressed and wait for me outside" she said "I'ma clock out"

With that she winked and walked out... Oh god im so lucky.

After i got dressed, i went out to my buds "sorry ima leave early, heres my part of the bill"

"Ohhhh your getting it on aren't ya sonny" said mark, "protection" laughed jake, "dont break her" noah also chimed in.

"GROW UP YOU SICK BASTARDS" laughing along with them, "anyways i wanna take it slow, Bye."

I walked out of the store and looked up at the setting sun, i took out my phone and took a picture... i loved taking pictures, it inspired me.

"pretty" Ry murmmered from behind me, she smelled good "sorry, i didnt mean to bother you but that picture you took was pretty"

"no problem, wanna get something to eat?" i turned to her, HOLY CRAP she looked good in those clothes. Black ripped skinnies, a dark grey shirt with a skateboard on it, and she still had on the red wig.... still gonna keep her identity secret huh, oh well, ill play along.

"sure" she said skipping off and then stopping, "you comming or will you keep gawking at me?"

i hadn't notice that my mouth was open so i closed it and walked towards her "Sorry you just looked so amazing that i had to gawk"

"Staring is so not romantic you know" Ry said smirking "but if its you, ill make an exception, come on i want to try out this new sushi place" with that she grabbed my hand and we started to walk to the sushi shop.

Dear god, this is the best day of my life. I only hope that this will last forever.





Chapter 5: Pity Date

*Hello dearies, I know it's been a while since I've last updated, but I was getting behind with my schoolwork so I had to finish up before break. I'm all caught up and I can update a lot now!! I think I've metioned this before but I'm not going to continue Logans POV, maybe i will but rarely. Okay well enjoy dearies*


I can't believe Logan asked me out on a date like that. I keep wondering if it is because it's Mila, and not Riley who was in front of him. I really hate him, or am suppose to but I'm having so much fun when I'm around him.

I walked out of the shop and the cool evening air hit me. It was a nice feeling, but when I looked over to my left, Logan was there taking a beautiful picture on his iPhone. He looked absolutely stunning, the way he was poised and the sun radiating off of him.

I laughed over my silly thoughts, how god like he looked surrounded by the setting suns colors. 

I attempted to look over his shoulder, he was tall maybe a head taller than me. I stood by his side, the picture was breath taking... you could see the sea in the background reflecting the colors of the sun and the sky. 

"Pretty" i heard myself mumble.

I startled Logan, but he recovered pretty fast.

"Thanks.. Wanna get something to eat" he said then stopped and just looked me over.

Usually I would hate it if someone would to that, but I didnt mind, as long as it was him. I asked Naomi to put some makeup on me and fix my "hair" to match with my outfit. I could tell from his face that he liked what he saw, and it made my stomach flip in happiness. 

Walking a few steps forward then turning around he was still staring, his mouth slightly hanging. 

Smirking i asked "You just gonna stay there and gawk? or are we gonna go on this date?"

Recovering he sheepishly said "I just had to gawk", so cheesy i thought, "you look so amazing"

"Soo not romantic, but your the only exception" i said, then grabbed his hand "I wanna try out this new sushi place. "

I hope he can't hear my heart pounding because that would be super embarassing. We talked about random things like what bands we liked and what type of sports we liked. Of course I knew everything that he liked, and that he ran track. I had to make stuff up like what school I went to, what bands I liked and I didnt do any sports. Looking up at him, I could tell that he was nervous, which made me feel a bit better knowing that I was not the only one.

"We're here!" i squealed "sorry,I love asian cusine."

"It's fine, Asian food is actually one of my faves" 

We got a really nice seat, considering how busy they were. We both ordered hot black tea for starters. I looked around to see what others ordered and admired their architecture.

"Mila" Logan said, pulling my attention back from examining the infrastructure. "I'm happy you agreed to go on this date with me" a sheepish grin playing on his lips "I swear when i first asked you, I thought you hated me and were going to turn me down" he said frowning.

"I dont hate you, but i was thinking of turning you down" i said honestly "but i could not turn you down especially after i spilt water on you, cheer up."

"This is a pity date or a apology date" logan replied rather shocked

"Um, well kinda?"

"Okay this does not count as a date then" he said teasingly. "We are going to go on a REAL date"


"Because I want to get to know you better"

"And why do you want to get to know me better logan?"

We were both silent for a while, examining each others face. 

He opened his mouth to reply but was cut off by the server, "Your black teas, I'll be back shortly to take your orders."

"Okay" looking back at me Logan said "I want to get to know you better because I fancy you, no thats not the right words" 

trying to fight back a laugh i urged him to continue "because...."

"because i like you, thats how i feel" he said turning pink "i feel this attraction to you"

"haha what are we in the 18th century logan! man you crack me up, first its i fancy you and then attraction.. just plain out say you like me, but why me? theres a whole bunch of other girls in the store that are better than me, why choose to be attracted to me?"

"If i could choose, I would still choose you. I dont know why, but theres something there that just draws me to you"

"Okay, okay enough with those century old pick up lines. Fine, Im not sure when i'll be free but ill tell you when im free so we can have our date"

"Okay, can i have your number then?"

"Yeah...." i looked in my bag and suddenly realized if i gave him my number it would be the same one that he has now, and then he would find out that i'm riley! uhg im so careless. "shoots, i forgot my phone at home" i said smoothly.

"No problem, I'll just give you my number then..." he took a napkin from the table and took out a pen from inside him jacket "and here we go" he said smiling at me.

Why was his presence so enjoyable, I feel totally at ease with him, but it makes me sad that its only Mila that makes him show these types of faces. I feel torn between my feeling of hate and this new feeling that i cannot fully explain. 


Chapter 6: Inner Conflict

*Hello dearies!!!! I'm so sorry I haven't updated in a LONG time... ive got sick and stopped doing school so now i have to catch up, im almost there but i feel that i needed to update for all of you :) Enjoy!!!!*





 The waiter came back and we ordered our food. loads and loads of sushi... i mean comeon when you think asian you think japanese and korean and chinese.... I mean i know its weird and all being your typical american kid, but i like my fare share of culture.

Looking down at the number scribbled on my hand, i wondered if i should buy another cellphone just for him. Then again i don't want to spend money on another phone, that would just be a waste. I'm pretty happy with my iPhone, and i dont really want to change it.

"So Mila, this pity date" he said while air quoting, it was rather cute "what would you like to do?"

"for one, im starving..." i know that sometimes its a HUGE turnoff when the girl acts like a glutton, but hey i havent eaten anything for the whole day except that one coffee my bro made. "but i think anything would be fine"

"How about a movie? or a stroll?"

I had to laugh at him, it was too funny "okay logan, first its your use of fancy and antique words, and now the ever so romantic 'pity' date" i said through my giggling fit.... WOAH im giggling... i DONT giggle ogod

"Haha, glad to be of amusement, but yes cliche as it may be im your hopeless romantic" he said winking, i have to admit, it was very cute and romatic.

"well then, i shall take you up on your generous offer my good sir" i said trying to copy the oldern style that people use to speak...i mean seriously.. SIR?

we both started laughing at how ridiculous i sounded, soon after our third attempt to compose ourselves our waiter came back with 2 plates filled with sushi, sashimi, rice, and ice tea.


Over dinner we talked about many things like where do we go to school, to match up with my story i said i was just a exchange student from NY, and im going to school at one of the highschools around here in Cali. I mean i dont have to mention that i know everything about logan so i dont really listen when he says hes in his junior year and that he goes to Trianglian Highschool not to far from here, hes the captain of the boys track and feild club, hes one of the top 5 students in the whole school, and not to mention one of the top 10 in the whole nation. 

As for me I am in the top 2 in the whole school, more likely to say i am number 2. And I am in the top 3 in the nation. I am the captain of the girls track and feild club but i also like to play soccer. Well just knowing that we are one of the smartest in our school and nation, and also both the captians of the track and field its kinda natural that we'd be rivals. 

We finished dinner and i suggested that we'd split the bill, but logan insisted 

"im the supposed gentleman, please let me pay" 

"okay then, just this once!"

"haha maybe, you can wait for me outside Mila," he said smiling "ill be there soon" with that he went to the cashier leaving me with a wink

I stepped out into the chilly night, once again my thoughts went back to the number that was written on my arm... i think i'll just download some app on my phone later and text him, yea that sounds good. Staring out and up to the almost unviewable stars i sighed and wondered to myself what am i really doing. 

before i could even come up with a answer, logan came out "ready?" offering his arm to me

"yea, i think a stroll to the boardwalk would be nice" i told him

"your wish is my command" he said bowing slightly. "how was that?" he asked with a playful wink.

"So CORNY! haha, lets go"

we walked in silence just admiring the pretty lights heading towards the boardwalk


Little to our knowledge, everything, all the lies, the mean words, the arguing, and this facade would be revealed. EVERYTHING would be uncovered... and there was no turning back once it happened




-So my dears! i hope you enjoyed!!! I know i made it seem like it is going to be something horrible but i can assure you, its going to be a very good result!!! I hope to update again soon!-

Chapter 7: Boardwalk

We walked approximately thirty minutes, much longer than it should have taken us to get to the boardwalk.

Logan and I walked slowly, not like a turtle, but like those romantic strolls you always see in movies.  We talked about unimportant stuff, joked around.

I must say, Logan is a horrible joker and truly hopeless and cheesy romantic.  "Did it hurt?"  "What?" I looked at Logan, I didn't get hurt, not that I know of. So what was he asking. 

Sensing and seeing my eyebrows arch in confusion he continued "I ask if it hurt..." For a second he had me completely fooled, had I hurt myself without noticing?!?

I know I became this total blob of corny, flirtatious, hormones driven teenage girl that was holding on to Logan's arm for support. 

But was it to the point where I had become a total sleepwalking klutz??? "...if it hurt when you fell out from heaven and into my arms?" Wagging his eyebrows. 

I laughed, completely fooled into thinking I had been somehow hurt without me knowing, I realized how embarrassing that would be if he ever find out.

"I don't think it'd hurt" I tried to say between peals of laughter, Logan just looked at me chuckling in response to my sudden outburst, "because I know that if you were the one to catch me, it'd be like I was landing on Cloud-9" Wagging my eyebrows at him suggestively.

His reaction was so cute and sexy at the same time that it was a sin.

His whole face turned a light shade of pink. And he had the most amazing smirk I have ever seen. 

Realizing what I just said I turned my head feeling a full on blush alert going off in my blood stream. I could feel the blood rushing to my face so fast that I almost felt a little dizzy.


Just as I turned my head, Logan stopped and took my hand in one of his hands, and cupped my face in his other. 

I could feel the sparks as he touched my skin.

It was a chilly evening, but where our bodies touched I felt an overwhelming heat.

Not just in my hands or my face but throughout my whole body. As if he set my whole soul on fire. 


"R----Mila" I said in a husky but soft tone. 

Danngit Logan! Don't slip up!! I mentally screamed at myself. 

I could feel the intensity and the sparks from our touch. 

I wanted to crush her to me so that there was no space left between us, but I had to keep myself in check.

  'Mine', a voice said deep inside my head.

I ignored it and shoved it to the back if my head. "Mila, don't hide your face from me, I want to see your face." 

Cupping her face in my one hand, again it could feel the sparks erupting wherever I touched her. 

I couldn't tell if she could feel it before, until I touched her face. Her breath hitched, her eyes widened slightly, and she lightly squeezed my hand. 

She gave me full control, allowing me to turn her head so I could see her very pretty reaction. 

Pretty was an understatement, her reaction was the biggest turn on I had ever had from just looking at a woman. 

I looked at her reddened cheeks, the way she was biting her bottom lip, and her eyes that I could see was filled with embarrassment, and a tiny hint of lust. 

She was so beautiful, and sexy at the same time. 

I couldn't understand why she would ever want to hide herself behind her facade, I loved her to no end. 

I hope one day she will tell me 'who' she really is but I doubt that it will ever happen. 



As soon as the words left Logan's lips, I knew I wouldn't be able to fight back. 

I didn't notice that I was holding a breath when he touched my face until I felt the burning sensation in my lungs. 

Gulping in some air, partly to south my burning and aching lungs, and partly hoping that it would calm my over reacting nerves. 

We were locked in an emotional and intense stare-down.

Neither of us wanted it to end. 

Still holding my hand, he ran a hand through his attractive chestnut brown, skater boy hair. 

"Shall we go?" He asked still looking at me. 

A little disappointed that our moment had to end, I nodded my head and we continued on our way, talking with every moment becoming a good memory of the night. 


Honestly, I'm scared as hell. Walking through the city lights in this outfit while men walk past me and whistle their satsfaction. Logan putting his arm around me to show that I'm taken. My heart isn't fully prepared for all of this.

I've totally forgotten my original purpose for doing all of this. Why did I say yes to this crazy date? Oh right, I split water on him....

When I'm with Logan its as if my logic ran out of the window somewhere. I just have so much fun when I am around him, its crazy.

I was sitting on a bench waiting for Logan to come back with the tickets so that we could ride on some of the boardwalks attractions. Logan was coming back with what seemed like an armful of tickets.

"Dear god, please tell me that you aren't going to make me ride some dopy kid ride" i said teasing him.

"Nope" he said popping his p. "We're gonna go on all of those thrill rides first."

I loved thrill rides, their awesome. I suddenly remembered my wig, what if it falls off!!!!! ogod!!!

I thought of it for a moment before grabbing Logan’s hand dragging him to the bumper cars. I loved bumper cars for as long as I could remember.

“Bumper cars?” Logan said with a smirk.

“First thing you have to do when you come to the boardwalk!” I teased, sticking my tongue out.

“Is this a challenge?” his smirk still on his sexy face.

How could his smirk be so seductive?

“Bring it on” I replied with my own smirk.

Dear god please HELP ME go through these few hours without wanting to crush my lips to hers every single second!!!!

“Challenge accepted, babe.”

Her eyes slightly widened from my new nickname, but her smirk told me that she loved it.

‘Mine’ the same irking voice said in my head. Slightly irritated for messing up the moment, I shoved it to the back of my head again locking it behind numerous walls.

“Let’s get this party started!” She hollered, dancing around in a circle holding her hand’s up into the air. She took my hand as she led me to our first ride.




Three hours later tired from all the rides and the different booths, we sat down at a bench overlooking the ocean. 

Logan helped me carry all of the prizes we won from the different booths. Who knew the guy was an ace at those shooting games!!

"Let's rest before we do anything else" I said. 

Nodding he turned to me and asked if I wanted anything to eat.

"Yeah, pizza sounds nice." He got up to go, but I grabbed his hand, "Can I come with?" 

Shaking his head with his sexy smile, "Babe, rest. I'll be back in a few. Drink?" 


Nodding again he gave my hand a light squeeze then turned and disappeared into the bustling crowd. 

This was the best day of my life. I sighed, but I know Logan is only like this because it's 'Mila' and not me, his rival. 

Sighing again, I pushed those thoughts out if my head. 

I thought back to the way he called me babe, it was so simple but it made my heart flutter. 

Again I thought of the reason for everything he was doing. 

Shaking my head, I'll tell him probably, but I doubt he is going to like it. 



I could see her troubled over something.

I didn't want to walk up just yet.

I kept observing her, and when she shook her head I was beyond curious as to what she was so troubled about. 

Taking it as a cue, I walked over and smiled. "Whatcha thinking 'bout babe?" 

"Nothing" she said with a smile.

I'll find out sooner or later... Hopefully.

"I'm starving!!"

I handed her a pepperoni pizza, her favorite with a lot of cheese. 

She gasped. "This. Is. My. Favorite. Pizza!!!" She squealed.

 I watched her take one bite and let her head go back in pleasure. 

She ate so seductively that I forgot how to chew.

I just stare at her. 

"Babe" she said, and god it sounded so good coming from her mouth, "if you don't close your mouth a flys gonna end up in it." 

Embarrassed, I shut my mouth and began eating while she giggled at me. 

After we were done eating, we rested a little but more.

Riley decided that we'd ride the Ferris wheel next, so off we went. 



* Mkay all my darlin's I'm gonna leave you guys with this for now. Spoiler alert, the secret is going to be revealed :) How do you think Logan's gonna take it? How's Riley going to react? Hope you enjoyed!!*

Chapter 8: Thoughts for a fool

The line was long. Not 20 people kind of long. I mean a WHOLE GOD DAMN 500 feet line!!!!


Sigh this is going to be a long wait. Not that I mind of course.


I looked up at Logan, he looked so funny. Standing there slightly tippietoed to see the entrance gate.


Sighing he turned to me, "I think this is going to be a long wait."


"No duh Sherlock" rolling my eyes and doing a quick scan of the area. "Wait here."


Before he could even stop me, I stepped out of line, ducked under the divider bars, and jogged to the food stalls.


Hay, a girls gotta eat. Yeah yeah, I'm a fatty so shut up.


I went to 3 different stalls ordered some popcorn, candy apples, cotton candy, soda, and some corn on the cob.


Thankfully the lady gave me a bag, so I dumped in everything except the popcorn and soda. 


I started to head back to the line, then felt like I was being watched. I looked up and sure enough, Logan was there tryind to burn a hole into me.


Even his angry face was hot. Wait, back up... did I just say HOT?! Uhg, I'm starting to have the feels.


No actually I've had the feels for him a long time ago, but it's been under lock and key for a long time. Don't ask... 


Calmly getting back into line with him, I tried to hide a laugh. Of course because it's me, I couldn't hold it in.


"Your *gasp* face is so *gasp* red!!!" I said pointing and laughing at him.


"Mils" ohh a nickname! "you made me think you were going to ditch me!" he said shaking his head sighing.


Shaking off the feeling of giddyness I looked at him in the eye "Now why would I do that?" questioning him.


"I don't know... sorry, I think I'm just insecure."


WOW! The one and only great king of players is insecure. BY ME?! I could feel the corners of my mouth twitching and curving upwards into a smirk. He was insecure, because of me. I wanted to smile and jump for joy at the effect that I had on him.


But I knew my gut feeling, and the sinking that was overflowing throughout my thoughts. This wasn't caused by me, Riley Springer. But by this fake non existent person, Mila. A character or the supporting actor. 


The one and only Logan Fallor would never look twice my way. I was a tomboy in his eyes. And this girl in front of him, was nothing like a tomboy.


I shook off the uncomfortable feeling. "I just went to buy some food, the way it looks right now... I think we're gonna be in this line for a long time."


-Logans POV-

She seemed troubled by something, again. I wonder if it is connected to whatever she was thinking about a while ago.


I seriously felt insecure. I wanted to run after her, and make sure she wasn't leaving me. But I didn't. I stayed in line, a thin hope that she would come back. 


I resolved that if she didn't come back in 10 minutes I would have left the line and looked for her. 


I was all fidgety, counting the minutes. Hell I was counting the seconds until she would come back.


I felt my heart drop when I thought that she might have stood me up. I quickly shook that thought out of my head. I wanted to trust her. 


I knew Riley. And I knew that she wouldn't stand anyone up. 


If anything, and if worse came to worse she would at least tell someone to tell me.


I couldn't tell you how much relief I felt when I saw her 'red' hair. 


I felt my insecurities sort of blown away. I was left with relief and small hint of anger. 


When she offered me the food, I took it. She came back, and cared. That's all that mattered to me.


"Hey, while we're waiting" I grabbed my phone out of my jacket "wanna play some games on my phone?"


I knew she liked games, and I can tell you one thing we definitely have in common. A competivite spirit, and we never like to lose. 


But this time, if she wants, I will put that behind me. SOMETIMES. A man's got his pride you know.


"Your on." She said. 


So there we were, waiting in line, with a lot of food.


I looked up from our temple run game to check on the distance.


We've moved only 50 feet so far.


"Long way to go?" arching her eyebrows, and questioning me even with her eyes. I saw a flash of hope but it was gone so fast, I'm not sure if it was really there.


"Yep" popping the P. 


Yep, so we can spend a lot of time in this position. You cuddled into me, your back against my chest. 


I put my chin on top of her head, "Your turn Mils" handing her the phone.


*sorry it's short! and my a/n is going to be short too... I have a slight headache and my head's pounding... How was your new years? Everyone back in school yet? I know I am, just started. Bleh... Heres to a new year*




Hello my readers, Thank you for reading. This is still a work in progress. 

I hope you will all continue reading.

I hope to post updates regularly.

If you would like an update, just add me as a friend and I will definitely update you :)


Thank you!! 


Texte: HB
Bildmaterialien: Google
Lektorat: HB
Übersetzung: HB
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.09.2013

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I dedicate this to all that read this book. All who struggled. And all that Dream.

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