

Bones breaking, blood gushing out from the wounds that I inflicted only seconds ago.

"Say that again punk"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry... it will never happen again."

"It better be, next time I hear you do that your dead."


"Comon mate, give the poor guy a break, he already promised, no need to scare him to death."

"Shut up stupid slave..."

"I'm not your slave"

"Whatever. Well he's a real whimp, look he fainted, and anyways its better to scare him now than have another incident like this..."

"Okay. Shouldn't we put him somewhere safe? Your not that cold blooded are you Cassie?"

"Probably... put him on that bench will you Chase, the stench of this blood is killing me."



Shit, that voice.... "Chase make a dash for it" I silently yelled.

Why of all times did Robert have to be here, hadn't I promised to stay away from fighting. I know that he recognized me, even though he could not see my face, and I am sure I'm going to hear an earful of lectures coming from him on how I broke our promise.


*Cassandra's POV*


*Sleeping with Sirens: Alone* started blasting in my ears, "great, morning" 


I sat up groggily and shut up my phone. 4 in the morning is not my ideal time of waking up, but if i want to maintain how i look i just have to live with it.


I walked out of my dark room and head down the hall opening my brothers door and shaking him.


"wake up squirt...WAKE UP"


GOD hes a heavy sleeper


"5 more minutes"


"you better be up by the time i get back chase"




how can that guy sleep so deeply...urgh i gotta get ready. I


start brushing my teeth, and walk out attempting to fix my bed.


eventually i gave up so i just walked back into the bathroom to finish up.


finally refreshed, i walked back into my brothers room... still sleeping


"Chase...wake up dude"


"5 more minutes"


"NO, now dimwit" i said plopping myself on his chest


a loud grunt mixed in with shock was followed by a ton of cussing


"get over it chasey, i told you to be up when i get back"


"im up already, now get off, i dont like the feeling of your ass on my wonderfully sculpted abs"


"shut the hell up, at least i have an ass, now get ready so we can run, be quick"


walking out i could hear grumbling which made me giggle... Chase and i are not morning people, I guess you can say we are nocturnal.


Flipping through my clothes, i find some athletic shorts and sports bra and tank, slip them on then head downstairs




better get some breakfast while im at it... maybe a shake will suffice for now.


I take two protien shakes out and put them on the counter, i grab both mine and chase's shoes and set them near the stools... opening one of the bottles i take a sip and bend over to get the shoes on.


"I thought we were going for a run, not yoga"


"haha, funny" i said dryly "hurry up, theres a shake on the counter for you and your shoes are right by the stool"


finished with my shoes i turn back to the counter to drink and finish it


"you done chase?"




"'kay, lets go"


As we head out, its dark and cold. 


"Okay. 5 miles in less than 1 hour..."




This is the start of our mornings, together in silence as we run.



Oh God

*Chase's POV*

God when did Cass get so fast? Ever since we were younger she was slow, what happened, I mean yesterday I was faster than her... I didnt go easy on her either.


"Chaaasseee hurry up" Cass yelled.


Shes about 50 feet in front of me, i should seriously pick up my pace... why do i feel so slow?


"Yeah, yeah, how come your faster today? yesterday you were as slow as a slug."


"This is not even my fastest bro, you should see my time in track"


"3 million years?" a sly smirk on my face


Imitating my smirk, Cass stopped "you might wanna cover your mouth 'cuz your gonna flip out, its around 2 minutes for a mile"




"CHASE YOUR FUCKEN VOICE" she whisper screamed at me


Okay we're twins and everything and we knew everything about each other but why did i seem to not know this? "since when were you so fast?"


"ever since i started track dummy" she said with a laugh "you've always been at the races but your always sucking some girls face" sticking out her tounge.


"hey those chicks come running to me, you know im a natural chick magnet"


"Mhmm sure...Hey, whos that at our door?" We slowed down to a jog and sure enough we could see a stillouette of a person at our door.


"GUYS, where have you been?! I've been waiting here for about 40 minutes trying to call you guys but your phones were up in your room!"


"Oh my god, mom we go running every day, are you okay did anything happen?" Cass now scanning her face to see if anything was wrong.


"No, no... its just i got an emergency call and i had to leave so i was going to say good bye but you were gone" she turned to us, her look of worry changed to relief.


"are you going to be late? do you want me to drop you off?" 


"it's okay, i have to leave in 10 minutes and John is going to pick me up, dont worry chase john is just a friend"


"whatever, i dont like him, not after disrespecting you, if he tries to do anything again tell me and..." I didnt finish because of the dam prick calling out to our mom.


"okay guys, im going... and dont worry if he does do anything" turning to cass and winking "lets just say it wont be pretty" she left with a chuckle and hugs from both of us.


"what was that about" i asked feeling sorry and scared for john, see whenever our mom winks at cass like that it means cass taught her something outrageous again.


"ohh, nothing just a little pleasure" winking at me then running up the stairs, probably to shower and get ready for school.


dear god what ever cass taught, it was not pleasure more precise tourture or worse.


Then again that guy really got it from her last time so i doubt he would try anything again.


Oh well, I need a shower.


Heading up the stairs i can hear cass's music on full blast, cass is a music addict, and thats all my doing introducing her to the ledgend and beauty of rock.


turning on my own music i hopped into the shower reliving my muscles and body with the hot water.



*sorry guys i think this will be the first and the last of Chase's POV...*


My name is Cassandra by the way. Cass for short.


I'm 5'6", average looks. I have platinum lilac hair (its dyed) that's cut scene style.


I just find that style to suit me better than those long no layered hair... My regular hair is sandy brown and it is kinda wavy.


I have a six pack from all my training in martial arts and workouts.


I'm not muscular, I like to say that i am evenly toned. Sounds pretty exotic.


My favorite color is black, and my favorite band is Bring Me the Horizon, Mice of Men, sorry I've probably bored you already right?


My twin brother Chase, i like to call him chasey just to irk him, introduced me to rock, and thank GOD for that.


I'm a total music nerd, I play the guitar, piano, violin, harp, drums, bass, and I have if i can say myself, a pretty decent singing voice.


I think the one thing I am most confident in myself would be my speed and my strength.


As I think i mentioned earlier both me and Chase have been training in every single type of martial arts ever since we were kids.


We both have black belts is everything, but I am the only one who continues to train.


Chase is one of your average jocks, well built, a to die for body, cocky and confident attitude, and looks that can turn any girl on with just a simple look.


Yes, hes that much of a player, but hey I love him.


Our mom, Miranda, Mira for short, has raised us singlehandedly for most of our lives.


We both inherited our looks from her, but she says I inherited my dads attitude, except I never do anything half assed.


Our dad died of brain cancer when we were 3 years old, so we do not remember a lot about him. 


We are a very close family that does not have any secrets.


Everything we do is shared with each other, even the embarassing things.



After saying bye to our mom, i ran upstairs to shower and get ready for school.


The way Chase looked at me and my mom, then at John told me that he felt sorry for him if he tried anything fishy to our mom. 


My mom and I have this thing, I teach her stuff that makes the guy have "unexplainable pleasure."


Chase thinks its tourture, but from what my mom says, they guys cannot help but obey everything she says afterwards.


I ran the shower waiting for it to get hot. 


I cant begin to explain how much i loved the feeling of hot water falling down on my skin.


It was is all of my worries and troubles were drowned along with the water.


Running also helped to relieve myself of all of my troubles, like they flew away with the air. 


I stripped off all of my clothes and tossed them into my laundry basket.


Untying my hair, I went to the sink and brushed my teeth.


I could feel the moisture building up so i put my itunes on shuffle and stepped into the shower.


As soon as I stepped into the shower i could feel my muscles relaxing, I stood there for a second then started

cleaning myself. 




As soon as i got out of the shower, my phone started ringing. 


i looked at the caller id, Robert.


"Morning Rob, I just got outta the shower, 'sup?" i could swear my voice hitched a bit, but im not sure.


"Nothing much, your voice just cracked you know" he said pointing out the obvious. "anyways I'm going to starbucks, want anything?"


"The regular, Mocha Frappe" I was at my closet treasure searching for something to wear "oh and can you get me a bagel, and some fruits"


"sure, no prob" Rob said "by the way stop spending hours upon hours looking for something to wear because anything you put together will look good on you"


"yea, wait how'd you know i was looking for clothes" i said while deciding on a pair of grey pair of skinnies over black ripped skinnies.


"well many reasons, one you just got out of the shower, two i could hear you looking in your closet, and three your always monotone when your deliberating on what to wear" Rob said "and your rolling your eyes right about... now."


"Perfect you aced the test" i said rolling my eyes yet again at my physic friend.


Robert, or Rob, is mine and my brothers best friend.


We've been together for as long as i could remember.


And a lil confession, I kinda might slightly ishy like him.... MIGHT catch it.


"Okay then, gotta ask your bro what he wants, see ya later" he said hanging up.


I looked at the time before i dropped my phone on my bed. 5:45, loads of time before school actually starts.


I decided to go with the ripped skinnies and threw on a random shirt.


I grabbed my backpack making sure i had everything in it before i went downstairs.


Double checking everything i grabbed my black high top converse, socks, phone, and wallet placing them all on the bed.


I went back into my bathroom and started drying my hair, it takes less than 10 minutes to dry and style my hair. I was too lazy to tease it so i let it be.


Grabbing my makeup from my bag, i put on eyeliner, mascara, and a little bit of eyeshadow.


I dont like to put on loads of makeup it just makes you look fake. 


Satisfied, I went back to my bed, grabbed everything and knocked at Chases door...


"I'll be downstairs" not waiting for a response i walked down the stairs and dropped everything onto the couch in the living room.


I headed into the kitchen to make coffee, I am a big coffee lover.


I made enough for me and Chase, then went into the cupboard and fished out a silver packet of s'mores poptart. Popped those into the toaster, then walked back into the living room and turned on the t.v.


News is depressing so i hardly watch it, the mornings are the only exception because I like to know what the weather will be and hows traffic.


I fished out my homework, checking them over to make sure i didnt miss anything and if they were all correct.


I am the number 1 in all of my grade, but it's not something many would expect in me. Well thats if they judge me from how i look.


Chase came stomping down the stairs like some giant and put his stuff next to me. He went back into the kitchen, and took out some cups making our coffee. Hes a klutz, and super noisy.


He placed the two mugs on the table and gave me a napkin with two poptarts.


"thanks" briefly looking up and giving him a smile, i turned back towards my work when the t.v. anchor started to give out traffic information.


"Cass, you know no matter how many times you check your work, they will always be correct" chase said sighing.


"we'll im done anyways, and give me yours, lemme check" i said turning to my brother, just to say, I do not have to check his work because hes the second smartest kid in our grade. So i do not have to worry about him.


"no need sis" he said "I'm all good"


We both laughed at each other, it was a stupid joke but funny all the same.


Eatting and drinking away in silence, both of us watching the t.v. it was our type of bonding.


We didnt have to speak, or make faces.


We could just sit there silent, not moving, watching the t.v. and we had fun. 


It was our bond as twins. 

Race you

We didn't notice the time fly past us. 


"Fuck" mentally slapping myself on the head, groaning and stretching my stiff limbs from my very comfortable position from the couch I looked to Chase sleeping peacefully slightly snoring. "Chasey wakey wakey."


"Shut up, 5 more minutes," he said swatting my hand that was shaking him on the shoulder.


I looked back to the clock, we have 30 minutes to get to school. We slept for about an hour and a half. Sighing i calculated how long it would take to actually get him up and moving on his lazy ass.


Too long. Have I mentioned that Chase was so L-A-Z-Y!


"WAKE THE HELL UP CHASE" I shouted near his face, but not close within his reach.


"FUCK CASS!" he glared at me.


I pointed to my watch, "30 minutes Chase, now hurry up."


I could hear him groaning, we're not morning people to say the least.


I walked to the kitchen grabbed my keys for my white 2008 Ducati 848. He's my baby and I love him.


Yes I love my motorcyle. In total I have 2 Ducati's a white and a black one, 1 red Ninja, 2 Jeeps a black and a white one, 1 gray Camaro, and a black Bugattii Veyron.


Yeah, we're rich to say the least. But my white Ducati will always be my baby because my dad owned a white Ducati back when he was younger. 


My mom owns one of the largest computer software companies, and her company cooperates with HUGE companies like Apple, Microsoft, yada yada. 




"CHASE HURRY UP!" I yelled into the house. 


I was outside with my things putting on my helmet.


Chase came out as soon as I started up my manwhore. 


YEP, hes my manwhore. ;)


"HURRYYYYY" I practically pleaded with him, GOD why was he so fucken SLOW!


"Shut your god damn trap, tramp" he said climbing into his red Lamborghini.


YEP! He has a Ducati, a Lamborghini, a Corvette, a vintage Cadillac, a Ferrari, and a Hummer. 




I glared at him playfully, "race you tramp."  


"Now that's what I'm talking about" whatever he said after that was droned off by his bitch roaring to life. I like to nickname her the dragon. 


Another roar approached, I didn't need to turn around to know who it was. 




"Hay you dirty carwhore strippers" he yelled out. We both flipped him the bird. We love him but still never insult our cars.


"You guys gonna race again today" I could hear his smirk even with this helmet on. 


"Hell yeah!" I screamed pumping my fist into the air, both Chase and Rob chuckled "What was the score again?"


"5 for you Cass, 4 for Chase" Rob is like our coach and tally keeper "Hope you win this time Chase or we owe her both 5k"


I heard Chase groan "I know, but this time for sure I'll win."


We're a competitive bunch huh?


"Mkay we'll I'll see you guys at school, and I have your guy's Starbucks so hurry your asses up."


We waited as Robs tire squeals from his Hummer dissapated.


"Ready to have your ass whooped?" I asked 


"Says the person whos gonna have her ass whooped?" 


I smiled, I loved this sibling bonding thing we have going on.










Both of our vehicles roared to life, and all that was left was a trail of smoke.



*A/N  How was it? Hope you liked it!!!! :) There's not that much action so far, sorry I just wanted you guys to get to know these peoples... anyone love the cars?!!! I know I do!! *



If you would like to know when I update again just friend me and I will message you on my books. :)


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.02.2013

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