
Chapter 1

It was a Wednesday morning, the last day of school. It was 6:23 and I already did my hair and ate my breakfast. It was quite warm out with a total of 71 degrees so I wanted to wear light clothes… But what exactly did I want to wear? So I asked my mom, Sara to come and help me decide between two outfits.
“Do you like the pink and brown silk shirt with the white skirt and my cowboy boots, or the emerald green shirt with the black skirt and black boots?” I asked my mom, holding both outfits up with a confused look on my face.
“Well... I like them both. But I think you should wear the first one. Didn’t you wear the black boots the first day of school?” She asked raising one eyebrow.
“I did! Thanks mom.”
I threw my clothes on, grabbed my bag and ran down the steps and out the front door. It was 6:42, and I needed to wait by the front porch of Erin and Nichole’s house. So I set my bag down and sat on the bottom step.
“Hey.” I said as I got up before I was trampled.
“Hey!” Nichole jumped off the porch and ran right into me throwing her arms around me like she hasn’t seen me in years.
“Whoa!” I said nearly falling over.
“Hey. Last day of school!” Erin smiled, throwing her hands in the air as she walked down the steps.
“I know. I’m so excited!” I screamed.
“Ok. Let’s go, we don’t want to be late for the bus.” Erin said.
“Yeah. I DO NOT want to have to walk to school on the last day.” Nichole said and started skipping across the street.
“Wait up!” Erin and I yelled in unison. I grabbed my new pink and yellow flowered bag from off the sidewalk and smiled at Erin.
Then Erin and I ran across the street to try and catch up with her. Finally when we did, she was singing some song by Evanescence.
“What do you want to do after school today?” I asked, interrupting her singing.
“I’m not sure. Maybe take a walk…” Erin said all happy like.
“Sounds fun to me.” Nichole said and I nodded in agreement.
The bus turned the corner and pulled to a stop just as we got to the bus stop. I was always the first on the bus because I loved being able to relax before going to a hectic day of school. I always sat against the window with Erin next to me and Nichole on the outside. We also always sat on the 2nd seat from the front on the way to school and the first seat on our way home.
When the bus came to a stop and one by one we all climbed off the bus, I got nervous… Why am I so nervous. I thought. We all walked in the same door and split up and headed to our lockers. Erin and I were in the same grade but Nichole was a year younger. So Erin and I had to go to the fourth floor to get to our lockers, but Nichole only had to go to the second. But because out last names where different we had to go to different hallways.
I got my English and Social Studies books, and my art project and notebook, then left. On my way to first period I realized that summer is gonna be busy as ever! Erin, Nichole and I are going to stay with my grandma and grandpa at Harvey’s Lake for three weeks. Then we are going to visit my Uncle Bobby and Aunt Shelly in Massachusetts for two weeks. Then home for three weeks, and then to their Aunt Lora’s in LeRaysville for the rest of summer. I guess I walked slowly to class because when I got there, the teacher was already taking roll. Thank goodness my last name was near the end because that always gave me extra time if I was late. Mrs. Evans was on L when I walked in and ran to my seat.
Justin, who sits behind me, leaned forward and whispered “Somebody’s a little late for class today…” and leaned back. I just rolled my eyes and waited for my name to be called.
“Beth Trust?” Miss. Evans asked.
“Here!” I answered raising my hand then dropping it on my bag.
“Take out your books, page 675 and some paper, MLA Format. Today we are reading some poems. And then we are writing one by ourselves.” She said, as she wrote everything she was saying on the chalkboard.
I did exactly what she said to do. I read the poems on the page and the following. They were very good poems. One was about summer, and the other about dolphins. What to write about in my poem… I thought. As I looked around the room it came to me. I saw people texting, playing paper football, applying lip-gloss and more. So I decided to write about how everyone in school is different.
“Now, who would like to read there poem? Beth, how about you?” Miss. Evans asked, even though I didn’t raise my hand…
“Ok… Well. My poem goes like so:
As I look around the room, I see different, unique individuals.
Some may be attached to others at the hip, but others are spread farther apart.
There are the” BRING!
“Thank you Beth but we are out of time. Have a good summer and although it’s no fun, be good!” Miss. Evans waved good bye to everyone as we all filed out of the classroom door. On to my next class… GROSS! I really don’t like Social Studies. I mean really, why do you even have to know who the members of Congress are. Well that’s not the only reason I hate that class… I don’t like my teacher, at all! She’s so annoying, and we do so many packets and worksheets. I mean, I basically fall asleep in that class because it is so boring. Thank goodness it’s the last day of school!
When I got to class the teacher was calling names to see your end of the year grade. Oh great… I’m going to fail. Well when she called my name, I closed my eyes and then got up to walk to her desk. When I got there she glared at me and pointed to my grade. Great. I got a C+… Ugh darn. I was really trying to get straight A’s this marking period but it’s always this class that keeps me from getting all A’s. Well, at least I tried…
Eighth period. Only 15 minutes until the end of the year! So my friend Simantha and I decided to go to our lockers like we did almost every day before the bell rang. We ran up the steps and like always, something or someone made us laugh. We always took our time because we knew Miss. Fetter didn’t mind how long we took as long as we were back before the bell rang. When we got to Samantha’s locker, she grabbed her coat and her bag with all of extra papers and notebooks. Then we ran up the steps laughing because of something this kid said as he ran down the steps. When we got to my locker, I couldn’t open it. So I ended up kicking it, and hurting my toe, which made Simantha laugh even more. Finally I got it open and I grabbed all of my stuff from my locker and stuffed it into my bag, slammed my locker, and like always, I kissed my hand and pressed it to it.
“Why’d you do that?” Simantha asked with a smirk on her face.
“It’s a thing my friends and I do every year. We always have so many memories of our lockers and stuff we did that year. It’s kind of silly but, we always stay after school one day on the last week of school, and take a picture of our lockers with us and we write the combination above it in a scrapbook.”
“Oh, that’s kind of silly. But I guess that’s cool.” Simantha looked a little confused and weirded out. We ran down the steps and into the class room. Then we handed Miss. Fetter the pass and went to sit down.
“Five minutes. Just five minutes!” Mrs. Fetter yelled to the class.
“Yeah!” yelled some kid from the back of the room.
Some kids giggled and then the room got loud and everyone was talking. The teacher walked to each and every one of us and said good bye to us and gave each and every one of us a bag of candy with a little note on the inside written in French. Although we didn’t learn that much French that year because of snow days, and she was sick a lot, I still enjoyed it. She was my favorite teacher. And I’m kind of sad that it was time to go. BRING! Everyone yelled and ran out of the room, nearly knocking each other over on the way out.
Simantha and I ran down the steps and outside to wait for Rosina like always. Rosina and Simantha where great friends of mine. But I never got to hang out with them because Samantha’s always with her dad, and Rosina is always busy. We both waited until she got there, we gave each other hugs and then we went to our buses.
I knocked on the bus door and waited for it to open. Erin and Nichole were already on the bus. They got up and let me in by the window.
“How was your last day?” Nichole asked.
“Good, boring, as always. A little sad, but all together good.” I replied. “How was yours?”
“About the same.” Nichole answered.
“Same here.” Erin sighed.
It was a loud bus ride as always. Everyone in the back of the bus was throwing paper balls, and screaming. Once the bus pulled around the corner of Kelly, we all got ready to get off. The bus came to a stop at the corner of Kelly and Miller, the door opened and off we went. We had to walk up the hill, because Luzerne, Pennsylvania had a lot of hills. We got to my house first, I said my good-byes and they said there’s, then we laughed and walked into our own houses.
“Hi mom.”
“Hi sweetie. How was your day?”
“Good. I’m hungry, so I’m gonna get something to eat.”
I walked up the steps and threw my bag on the bed and skipped threw the hall to the Guinea Pig cage.
“Hi Toby-Muffin!” I smiled.
I picked up my guinea pig Toby-Muffin, and took him to the kitchen to get my snack. I held him against my chest and pet him. I set him on the floor, and quickly grabbed my snack before the cat came. I picked Toby up and took him back to my room. We both lay on the bed and relaxed until my brother came home. Then I gave Toby a kiss and a hug, and put him back in his cage with Hannah, my brother’s guinea pig. I went back to my room to pack, and listen to my I-pod…
After packing my suitcase and carry on full of clothes and many necessities, I ended up falling asleep with one ear-bud in and the other lying on my stomach.

“Beth… Beth sweetie. Beth.” My mom said softly trying to wake me up.
“What?” I said sleepily.
“Honey, you fell asleep. I’m going to the store now; I will be back in about an hour or so.”
“Oh, ok. Um… Where’s Tad?”
“He is in his room watching T.V.” she said pointing down the hall. Then she walked down the steps and out the door.
I just laid there for a few minutes until I heard the car start, and drive away. I took my other ear bud out and turned my I-pod off. Then I searched under my pillows, and then under my blanket, and my bed until I found my phone next to my cat, S’mores.
“What are you doing with my phone you silly kitty cat.” I said, petting the cat and then I grabbed my phone and flipped off my bed, landing on my knees. I got up, shut my light off and headed for Tad’s room.
“What are you doing?”
“Watching SpongeBob.”
“Ok. Well Erin and Nichole are coming over soon. If you need anything I will be in my room.” I said as I dialed Erin’s number.
“Hey you.”
“Hey, what’s up?” Erin said, sounding distant.
“Babysitting. You want to come over?”
“Sure. Be over in a few.”
As I walked to my room I heard a bark. “TAD!!! Did you leave Cinnamon outside again?!” I screamed, walking towards my room.
“Oops!” I heard him get out of bed and run to the door. I then heard the pitter-patter of Cinnamons feet go down the steps and then it faded away. I felt tired and excited at the same time.
Then the door bell rang three times to let me know it was them. “Coming!” I yelled as I ran down the steps to answer the door.
“Hey!” Nichole screamed as she strode past me and over to Cinnamon, giving her a kiss on her head.
“Hey. I’m not sure what we are going to do, but I figured if I’m gonna be bored, we can be bored together.” And I smiled and walked up the steps.
As I walked up the steps I heard four foot steps behind me. I turned into my room I plopped on my bed and they did as well. I turned my T.V. on and I Love Lucy was on.
“Ooh. I love this show!” Erin said lying down on her stomach, facing the T.V.
“Me too.” I replied. Letting my feet hang off the bed as I lay down on my back and watch Lucy and Ethel try to get Lucy out of a giant chest.
The episode was going good until Tad interrupted. “Sissy, can I have lunch?”
“Yeah. Hold on.” I got up and walked to the kitchen and grabbed one of the Lunchabels that was supposed to be for lunch during the past week. “Here, have this.” I handed him the container and headed back to my room. The show was over and they were both sitting on my bed with the T.V. off.
“You’re room still smells like paint.” Nichole complained.
“I know. It’s because I finished the zebra stripes on my shelves yesterday. And they’re in the corner drying.”
“Anyway we thought we should make secret handshakes, so Erin and I made one up. Pay attention.” Nichole suggested.
“Ok.” I said watching them do the handshake a few times.
“Now you try with me, I thought all three of us should have the same one and just do it with each other after one another.” Erin said, holding her hands together, out in front of her.
“I hope I get it right. But ok.” So we tried and tried again to get it perfect. We ended up changing it twice but once we got it right, it was the perfect handshake.
We all heard a bang, so we all went into the hall to find Tad on his pillow, at the bottom of the steps. “What are you doing?” I asked, staring at him in confusion.
“Pillow sledding…” Tad replied with a silly look on his face.
“Typical Tad.” I said, to Erin. Little Tad always did stupid, but funny stuff. And for some reason, we always wanted to try it. For example: this past winter we were all sledding in my backyard, it has a lot of different levels and steps. Tad decided to go on the sled, headfirst, and he hit a step, making him fly off the sled and land in the snow bank. So we all decided to do it as well.
Later that day he decided that we get in a big line, with all of our sleds. Keep in mind that there were four of us, which meant four sleds. We all got on our sleds and helped push, getting us started down the first hill, headed toward the first set of steps. As we went down, Tad’s sled hit a step and he flipped and rolled down the hill a bit more. Nichole ended up flying over tad and landing on her sled still, but hit the fence. Then I flew over Erin as she hit Tad and flipped, rolling and hitting a snow bank, and landed backward on my sled, sliding down some more steps and hitting the shed.
Tad came up with some crazy and silly things. And although we ended up getting hurt some way, we still followed his lead.
“Sounds awesome I’m trying next!” Nichole said running back into my room. A few seconds later, returning with a pillow and setting it on the first step.
Then she sat on it and went down screaming as she flew off and landed on the floor. It sounded fun so Erin and I decided to go and get more pillows and we all did it. It was actually a lot of fun. A lot of screaming and laughing. And later, some black and blue marks. We all took turns going down so we didn’t collide into each other. But we only established this half way through, when I got side swiped and tumbled down the steps. In the middle of my turn to slide down the steps, I heard my mom’s car door slam. I basically fell off of my pillow and screamed to the rooms! We all ran up the steps and Little Tad ran into his room and I heard him jump on his bed. We all jumped on my bed and threw the pillows onto the floor. I tried looking for the remote but couldn’t find it. So I grabbed Erin’s arm and spun her around and by this time we could hear my mom walking up the steps so we started doing our handshake, acting like nothing had happened. She looked at us for a second, and then with all of her bags of groceries, walked to the kitchen and set them down. I got up and followed, helping her put them away.
“Was he good?”
“Actually, yes. He stayed in his room the whole time.”
“We practiced a handshake and watched some T.V.”
“Good. You don’t have to help. Go back to your friends.”
“Ok. Thanks.”
As I walked past my brother’s room I smiled and he did as well. “That was fun.” I said to Erin and Nichole as I walked in my room, closing the door behind me. We all giggled and then Nichole got a phone call saying that she had to come home, along with Erin. So I walked them out of the house, closing the door behind them. I went to my brother’s room and hopped on the bed. I watched T.V. with him until dinner. I guess I wasn’t paying attention because Tad came home and I didn’t even hear my mom cooking or anything. Little Tad and I walked to the kitchen, sitting in our usual seats next to each other on the bench, followed by my mom on the chair to the right of us, and tad to the left.
Dinner was actually very good. We had pork chops, and macaroni and cheese.
“Dad really broke the sink this time. But I managed to fix it.” Tad said to my mom.
“Good, I’m glad.” She replied.
“How was babysitting?” Tad asked me.
“Good actually. Erin and Nichole came over and we hung out while Tad hung out in his room. I got him lunch and then he went to watch T.V.” I then winked at Little Tad and he smiled.
“Good.” Tad said, taking a sip of his tall glass of milk.
Of course, I had to clean off the table, but I didn’t mind it because I wouldn’t have to do this for the rest of summer. Because I won’t be home long. After clearing the table, and putting the dishes in the dishwasher, I went to see where Tad was. He ended up being down stairs playing Wii with my mom and Tad.
So I decided I wanted to play as well. So they had to stop there game and restart it so I could join. We played Mario, and then switched over to Mini Golf half way through the game. We were all laughing and having fun on my last day home. It was kind of hard and frustrating because it was a hard world and I kept going over par. All 18 holes of the Egypt world where over around 8 o’clock so we decided to shut the game off for the night.
Saying our “goodnights”, and “I love you’s” before heading to our rooms for bed, Little Tad squeezed me and almost made me cry.
“I love you sissy. And I’m going to miss you. I hope you have lots of fun. I will see you in the morning. Good night.”
“Aw buddy. I love you too. And I’m going to miss you. But you can call me whenever you want. I will always answer. But it’s going to be summer vacation, and you will be playing with your friends the whole time. But I will be back before you know it. Night.” And I walked up stairs to my room.
After lying in bed for a half hour, doing absolutely nothing, I decided to read a book. But which one? I thought to myself. I got up and walked over to my book shelf, but it smelled really bad, like paint. Because that’s where I had my shelves drying. So I quickly grabbed my Pretty Little Liars book and lay back in bed until I lost track of time. And when I finally looked up at the clock it was already quarter to midnight. I was almost finished with the book, so I waited, holding my head up with my pillows, and when I finished the book, I rolled over and set the book on the floor. Falling asleep in that exact position, with my arm hanging off the bed, no blankets, and the light was still on and my pillows where barely under my head.
I fell into a deep sleep, having many dreams of school, and Little Tad. I was really going to miss it here. But I would be back by the end of vacation. And this summer is going to be a blast. After having a dream that I was in Wonderland, I woke up to the coldness of my cat’s nose. He was lying next to my head, laying his head against my face. So his nose was lightly touching my chin. I picked him up, and pet him and gave him a kiss on his head.
I glanced to the hall and saw cinnamon laying on the floor looking at me. So I got out of bed and sat the cat on my fluffy pillow. I walked over to Cinnamon and lay down next to her. I hugged her, and gave her kisses and rubbed her belly. After a while I realized she was falling asleep. So I brought a pillow and laid it under her head, but left enough room for me. I then, laid my head down and kissed her nose. I ended up just lying there for a while. Then eventually falling asleep, dreaming of my soon to come, amazing summer vacation.

Chapter 2

I was awake before everyone else, and I was just laying there on the floor. I glanced down the hall to see Cinnamon eating her food. And the cat was sitting on his new cat stand by the guinea pig cage. I got up and threw my pillow into my room. I decided, since I’m not going to be home for a while I should tidy up mu room. I threw all of my blankets and pillows on the floor and one by one, laid them on just right. After I made my bed, I went to the breezeway and grabbed the broom. I closed the door a little louder than I should of because I forgot that everyone else was still asleep. I walked back down the hall and into my room and began sweeping my floor. I heard my mom walk up the steps and into the kitchen to get her morning coffee.
“I’m sorry if I woke you.” I said as I walked into the kitchen.
“It’s ok. I was getting up soon anyway.” My mom said in an unbelieving tone. “Do you want some coffee?”
“Sure, I’ll get the creamer.” I said as I opened the fridge and grabbed the caramel mocha creamer. “Here ya go.” I handed her the container. And then she handed it back after pouring it in the three coffee cups in front of her.
“Do you want me to make you pancakes? Waffles? Eggs?”
“Um… Sure. How about eggs and toast.” I smiled and sat down at the table with my cup of coffee.
“Ok.” She put her cup of coffee to the side and out from under the sink, she grabbed the pan. Then she made me my eggs and toast just the way I like it. Crispy toast with scrambled eggs and American cheese. Yum.
I heard another person walk up the steps. Then from down the hall, Tad came around the corner all groggily like. He headed towards my mom and reached around her, grabbing his cup of coffee. Then he sat down in the chair next to me and sipped his coffee and yawned.
“Morning.” I said to him.
“Morning. How’d you sleep?”
“On the floor.”
“I slept next to Cinnamon… But that was later on in the night or early morning…” It was silent and Tad nodded. Then my mom handed me my breakfast and sat down at the table with us.
“So… When are you and the girls planning on leaving?” My mom asked with a sad look on her face.
“Around three. Gram is coming to pick us up.” I said. Looking down at my plate before I took a bite.
“I see. I heard all of the family is going to be there on Sunday… We will come down as well.”
“Okay! Good. Then I can see you more, and you can see the family and spend time with everyone as well.”
It was silent so I started to eat my breakfast. Stopping every once in a while to look at them both and drink some of my coffee.
“This is really good. Thank you for making it for me.” I said, smiling at my mom.
“You’re welcome sweetie.” She smiled and got up to go to the bathroom.
I finished eating and was putting my breakfast dishes in the dishwasher when Little Tad came around the corner and hugged me.
“You didn’t leave yet!” He screamed.
“Nope. Not until later.”
“Yay! We can play together. I want to play Lego’s!” Tad yelled and hugged me again and then ran to his room.
I sighed and sat at the table until I finished my coffee. Then I went to the hallway and sat by the guinea pig cage. I then opened it to grab Toby-Muffin. I opened it and attempted to get him but he was very squirmy. So I waited. And just stared at him until I thought I could grab him. I reached my hand in and grabbed him. I closed the cage with one hand, holding Toby with the other. I held him against my chest. Talking to him always made him calm down. So I talked to him and hugged him. Then I lie down and let him climb all over my stomach. Tad came out of his room and opened the cage so he could grab Hannah from the cage. After he got her we both went into his room to let them play in there.
I love hanging with my brother. And I love my life. I thought. I just sat there for almost an hour, watching Tad play with the guinea pigs. He made them a fort and a house out of Lego’s. I laughed at some of the things he did and what the guinea pigs did.
After a while, I got bored and grabbed Toby and gave him a kiss and said good bye and put him back in his cage. I went o my room and got ready for a shower. I had to wait in the kitchen because tad was in the bathroom. I waited for like five minutes and got bored so I went o my room and plugged my I-pod into my portable speaker and when I came back to the kitchen the bathroom was empty so I set up the speaker so I could hear it with the water running, and I took a shower.

After a hot shower, I went to my room to get ready. I forgot to pick out my outfit last night. So I had to dig through what was left of my clothes and find something to wear. I had a total of four full outfits left in my room after packing. I picked out my long jean shorts and a black tank top with sneakers.
After getting dressed and putting my make-up on. I put my make-up, hair products, bathroom stuff and jewelry into my bag. I looked cute today. I had my hair in a pony-tail and my legs where very smooth.
It was almost time. I made a check list and opened up my suitcase and bag to make sure I have everything. The only thing I forgot was extra batteries. I knew I was going to be taking A LOT of pictures. So I went down stairs and opened the drawer hoping to find the batteries I bought the other day. They were in the way back, by all of the flashlights. I grabbed it and ran up stairs to find my camera case. I found it and put my batteries and my camera into it and shoved it into my purse, and then went to find my mom.
“Mom, can I have my money?”
“Sure.” She said as she walked over to her purse on the counter and pulled out her wallet. She handed me $300 and my airplane tickets. I took them and walked back to my room. I put them in my wallet and zippered it up and put it in my purse, and then put my purse in my carry on.
I sat in bed and watched T.V. for a bit. My favorite show was on, Sabrina the Teenage Witch. Although I’ve seen almost every episode, I still love watching it. Out of nowhere I felt vibration on my bed. I got up and looked all around it until I found my phone. Nichole was calling me.
“Hey. I was wondering… How many suitcases are you bringing?”
“I’m bringing one suitcase and a carry on thingy. I put all of my clothes and shoes in my suitcase and my other stuff in my other bag.”
“Okay. Thanks. I will be over in about an hour.”
I only had about an hour until my grandma would be here. So I decided to go outside, where everyone else was. Little Tad was in the sandbox and Tad and my mom were gardening. They had a basket of strawberries on the table. I grabbed a few and walked up the steps to where Little Tad was.
“Buddy, I’m leaving soon. Do you want to swing with me for a bit?”
“Sure.” He got up and did a summer-salt and then got up and ran to the swings. I caught up to him and we swung for about 20 minutes. The whole time we were swinging the dog and cat were playing together and my mom and Tad stopped gardening and they were sitting at the table having a cigarette and playing cards. Little Tad jumped off the swing and I followed. I never was good at jumping off because I am very much uncoordinated. When I jumped off I landed on one foot and fell and then rolled. I quickly got up because I didn’t want to get dirty. Tad and the dog started wrestling and playing so I decided to look for a ball. I got up and walked to the toy chest. I opened it and dug for a ball. Once I found one I threw it to the dog and she jumped in the air and caught it.
It was getting quite warm outside and I was getting hungry. I walked down the steps and into the house, closing the door behind me so the cat doesn’t get out. I decided to get string cheese and a glass of White Cran-Strawberry juice. I went back outside and sat on the deck and watched everyone hang out. I was going to definitely miss this.
I sat there for a bit and then remembered! I ran back into the house and into my bedroom. I jumped over my bags and grabbed my school bag. I opened it, trying to find my art work. I’ve been working on a painting for my mom for about a month. It was a picture of a fruit basket and it had her favorite fruit in it: nectarines. I grabbed it, and ran back outside. I jumped over the dog and over to my mom. I gave her a huge hug and handed her the painting. She was so happy. She gave me a hug and showed tad and Little Tad the painting. I smiled and she smiled back.
She took it inside the house and when she came out she had my phone in her hand.
“It was ringing. But I didn’t get to it in time. And by the way your room looks very nice.” She handed me the phone and sat down. I went up the steps and checked my missed calls. Gram called me.
It rang for a while and then I heard a honk. I looked down the driveway to the front of the house. My grandma had come early and was in her car. She parked and got out. She headed up the driveway to the back yard where we were.
“Hello.” She said in her usual voice.
“Hi mom.” My mom said as she got up to greet her.
“Hi.” Tad said and waved.
“Where are the girls?” Grandma asked looking around past Sara and I.
“They are still at home. I will call them.” I said and walked away dialing Nichole’s number.
“Sara, they are in for a treat this week.” I heard my grandma say and laugh.
“My grandma’s here. Can you come over now?” I asked as soon as she answered the phone.
“Yeah. I will tell Erin and we will say our goodbyes and we’ll be over.”
I went inside the house and looked for the cat. He was on the windowsill. I said goodbye to him and gave him a hug. I grabbed my bags and hoodie and went down the steps and out the front door. I put my stuff in the back of my grandmother’s car and waited for Erin and Nichole. They came out and I could hear her mom saying goodbye and I love you’s. They came down the steps and waved before they got off of their porch. They walked over to me and put all of their bags in the trunk.
We walked up the driveway and onto the deck where my grandmother was.
“There here, and we are ready.” I said as I walked over to my mom.
“Okay-dokey. I will start the car.” She said and she turned and walked towards her car.
I walked up to my mom and gave her a big hug and a kiss. Then I walked to Tad and gave him a hug and then to Cinnamon and gave her a kiss on the forehead. Then I walked up the yard to where Tad was.
“I love you buddy. I will be back soon. Bye.” And I gave him a huge hug. And then walked down the steps to Erin and Nichole. “I love you!” I yelled and got three in return. We walked down the steps and down the driveway and into my grandma’s car.
All three of us sat in the backseat. It was silent for a while. Nichole brought out her cell and texted me something. We all texted one other because we hated not being able to talk to each other when we were sitting right next to each other. Yes that might sound weird but it’s easier than silence.
The ride was only supposed to be a half hour to forty-five minutes but it felt like an hour and forty-five minutes. My grandma kept glancing at us in the mirror but didn’t say anything until we were almost there.
“What are you girl’s names?” she asked Erin and Nichole.
“I’m Erin, and that’s my sister Nichole.” Erin replied for them both.
“Well, nice to meet you both. I’m Barbara. You can call me grandma if you want.” She smiled and kept driving.
After a few minutes she asked “Have you ever swam in a lake? Or fished?”
“No we have a pool in our back yard.” Nichole said bluntly.
“Well you won’t be able to say that by the time you leave.” She said and winked in the mirror. I knew it was for me. I’ve fished and swam in the lake before and I love it. I’m not good at fishing and I don’t like to take the fish off the hook or put the worms on them, but I do enjoy it. Swimming in the lake is AMAZING. I’ve had so much fun in past summers at Harvey’s Lake.
Ever since my grandparents moved here when I was little, we come out with my cousins and swim, and take boat rides at least once a week during summer.
“You two will love Bob. He’s my husband. He’s the candy eatin’, boat ridin’, fishin’ best grandpa around.” She said. They smiled and I looked at them both. They had that look like ‘I’m nervous...’
“Yeah, I love grandpa. He’s so funny and nice.” I said. And in text I wrote. He’s the best, and you two will very much enjoy him. ;)
I looked around and knew where we were. We were almost there. I pointed out the window at the lake. Boats were going around and jet skis. You could see people swimming and tubing. We all looked at the lake. I smiled, knowing that they would enjoy it. We passed the little country store and then made the slight turn and kept going around the lake. I could see the dock and we had about five minutes to go. I pointed it out across the lake. They looked and smiled. It had a blue slide, a boat house, and a pontoon boat on the other side of the dock, there was a jumping spot and a roof top that you could sit on.
As we went around the turning road, getting closer to the house, I thought to myself, summer vacation had just begun. My grandma turned into the driveway and parked the car. We all got out and got our bags form the trunk. My grandma pointed toward the door and we all went in.
The house was a small ranch style house, with big bay windows in the front that leads to a porch and then a hallway. There was a kitchen straight ahead and our rooms and the bathroom was off of another hallway to our right. The kitchen, dining room, and living room all circled and met up with the hallway by the front door. My grandpa wasn’t home yet, so we went to the spare bedroom and laid our bags on the floor and waited for him to arrive.
I heard them both sigh and I looked at them. “Our summer just began.” I said, and smiled. They both smiled back and shook their heads in a agreement.
“Summer is going to be great!” Nichole stated and stood up and jumped. Then fell back on the bed.
“I agree! And I’m excited!” Erin stated laying her head against Nichole’s shoulder.
“Secret handshake?” I suggested. We all got up and one by one, did our secret handshake to one another.
“To summer!” We all screamed as we shook each other’s ankles completing the handshake.

Chapter 3

Ding dong! Ding dong! The bell in the front room went off as my grandpa Bob came in the house. I got up off of the bed and darted towards the door. I jumped over the step and attacked my grandpa. I hugged him and he squeezed back.
“I’ve missed you.” I told him in a loud voice that echoed through the house. IN the few seconds of silence I could hear footsteps coming towards us.
“I’ve missed you too.” He said just as loud, smiling. “How’s that mother of yours?”
“Good, missing you and grandma, but good.” I smiled and gave him another hug and then turned around. “Grandpa, this is Erin and this is Nichole. They are my friends that I’m going on vacation with this summer.” I said as I pointed to them and smiled.
“Well hi there. I’m Bob and you will have a blast here.” He said as he gave them each individual smiles and walked past and down the hall.
“Yeah, so that’s my grandpa.” I smiled and they did in return.
“He seems really nice.” Nichole said as she broke the awkward silence.
“Yeah...” Erin agreed and she walked toward our room and we both followed.
We walked to the spare room and I grabbed my flip-flops from my suitcase and put them on. I walked down the hall toward the kitchen to tell my grandma and grandpa that we were going to the dock for a bit.
“Where are you going?” Erin asked as she struggled to put her shoes on.
“To the dock. Go tell Nichole.” I told her. Then she ran down the hall to get Nichole. I waved to my grandparents and yelled that we were going down to the lake as I headed to the porch. A few moments later they were by my side and we were walking down the front lawn. We had to pause at the road because a bunch of trucks and cars were going by. So when they stopped and let us cross we ran and laughed when we got to the other side.
The air by the water was colder than by the house. We walked down the steps to get to the dock. As I stepped foot on the dock a flash of good memories fluttered over me. I just stood there while Erin and Nichole walked past me to scout out the dock. I finally snapped out of it and ran up to them. We stood on the edge of the dock, staring down at the pond. The water was clear and I could see the tire on the bottom and some fish coming up towards the surface looking for food. We walked onward, looking at the boat, and inside the shed where we catch fish. Then I showed them the sliding bored and the roof top. I stared at the water and so did they. I knew this summer would be wonderful. All of a sudden the water started to ripple and I glanced up to the sky, getting wet on my cheek. I realized it was starting to rain and at Harvey’s Lake; it rained hard and got heavy quick. So we got up and ran up the docks stairs and by the road, waiting for the cars to let us cross. It felt like forever as we covered our heads with our arms and finally crossed the busy road and into the house.
As we flew open the door the smell of fresh fruit and pancakes flew in our faces. Mmmmm I thought. My grandpa made the best pancakes. We walked to the kitchen and my grandma wavered for us to sit down. I sat at the chair next to my grandpa, and Erin and Nichole sat next to me and my grandma. We waited for my grandpa to bring us over our plates. First were grandma, then Nichole and Erin then me and grandpa. It looked delicious! Two light, fluffy pancakes with very light cream cheese in between with freshly picked strawberries and blueberries with a cup of water. Grandpa always took care of his guests like family. I could tell that the berries were previously picked because I found a few sticks on the counter when I put the dishes in the sink.
“Thank you for dinner grandpa it was AMAZING!” I said picking up everyone’s empty cups and plates and bringing them to the sink to wash.
“Thank you. I thought you’d like it.” He smiled and pushed his chair out and looked towards the girls. “How did you like it?” he asked.
“Very well, thank you very much.” Erin said in a very polite manor.
“I really liked the touch of cream cheese.” Nichole added and smiled in return.
“Good.” My grandpa answered and got up to stretch. “I will be in my office. I have some paper work to be done by Sunday when everyone comes over.” He walked away and into his office.
“Girls, what would you like to do? It’s six o’clock so you have until 10. The games are on the porch and the remote is in the T.V. cabinet. I will be in my room reading.” She grabbed her reading glasses from off of the counter and headed for her room.
“Well… What do you want to do?” I asked as I slouched into my chair.
“We could read, play a game, watch a movie or T.V…” Erin suggested looking around the room boredly.
“I want to watch T.V. I’m super tired.” She got up and headed to the living room, plopping herself on the couch with one foot hanging off the arm of the couch and the other against the back. We both shrugged and followed.
Looking for something to watch took a long time because they had like no channels. Finally we found ABC family. A Pretty Little Liar marathon was on until midnight. We all sat intensely watching as we were astounded by the things that were happening. Although we all knew what was going to happen next because we’ve seen them like four times.
It was exactly ten o’clock and we heard footsteps coming down the hall. My grandma came around the corner and turned the kitchen light off.
“Come on girls it’s ten o’clock. Shut the television off and into bed.” My grandma said as she walked towards us. We all got up and I shut the T.V. off and we headed to the hall. “I will be in in a minute to say goodnight.”
“Ok.” I said as I entered the room. Erin and Nichole were getting out there clothes.
“I wish we didn’t have to go to bed now…” Nichole said.
“Well...” I gave them a little grin “We could wait a bit and then when we hear snoring we could go out and watch the rest.” I smiled and sat on the bed.
“Sounds good to me.” Nichole answered, smiling as well.
Erin had a worried look on her face. I smiled to her and she did as well in return. We heard footsteps and some talking between my grandma and grandpa. The footsteps were getting closer and then my grandma knocked on the door.
“Hold on one second gram, I’m still changing.” I lied.
“Ok.” She said still standing there.
I pointed to the bed and got under the blankets, pulling them up to my neck. Nichole and Erin did as well. “You can come in now.” I said.
The door opened and my grandma stepped in. “Good night girls. Busy day tomorrow, sleep well.” She smiled and turned around and left, closing the door behind her.
I waited until I heard her bedroom door close before I spoke. “Just until we hear snoring.” I said.
We waited and just laid there. Then about 20 minutes later we heard snoring and no movement through the house. We slowly got out of bed and filed out of the room one by one. We walked to the living room quietly and sat on the couch. I grabbed the remote and turned the T.V. on and as soon as I heard volume I turned it down. We sat intensely as the second to last episode of the marathon was halfway over.
Nichole lied her head on Erin’s shoulder and Erin held her head up with her arm, which was leaning on the arm of the couch. I was turned the other way with my feet off of the couch and my head against the couch’s arm. I guess I fell asleep because I don’t remember seeing the first half of the next episode. I sat up and glanced towards Nichole and Erin. They were both awake and watching the show.
It was the end of the last episode and I didn’t want to get up but we had too or we’d get in trouble. After a few commercials after the show ended I got up and turned the television off. I grabbed Nichole’s hand and pulling with all of my might to get her out of her seat. My might wasn’t much because I was half asleep but it was enough to get her to stand up. Erin followed and skipped down the hall. We tip-toed into the spare room, listening to the sound of snoring coming from my grandparents room, and closed the door before we turned the light off. We laughed because my grandpa snored so funny. And we were tired and when we get tired we get silly and everything makes us laugh. After we changed into our pajamas we got our beds situated and ready. It wasn’t long before all three of us were passed out.
It was about four A.M. when I got poked in the back twice. I turned around and Nichole was staring at me wide eyed. I was about to say something when a clap of thunder startled me and I jumped. Nichole giggled and I smiled.
“This storm is horrible.” Nichole said and shuttered.
“I know. I hate storms. How long have you been awake?” I asked closing my eyes and then quickly opening them because of another clap of thunder.
“About fifteen minutes. I waited because I thought you or Erin would of woken up as well.”
“Oh. Sorry but I guess I was super tired…”
“Yeah. I thought I was too but I guess not. For some reason I don’t want to go back to bed.”
“I don’t either but yet I do… Haha.”
“Come with me to the kitchen.”
“Okay. My throat hurts so I’m gonna try to find some meds.”
As quietly as possible we climbed out of bed trying not to wake anyone up. We were just about to shut the door behind us when we heard a whisper.
“Where are you going?” Erin asked in a soft voice.
“To the kitchen.” I said as I reopened the door.
“I’m coming too.” Erin said and rolled over and off the bed. She closed the door behind her and we walked to the kitchen.
“Do you want a drink?” I asked Erin as I tossed Nichole one.
“Sure” she replied.
I threw her water and grabbed my own. I let go of the fridge door letting it close by itself. I quietly opened the cupboard and looked for the Excedrin bottle. After moving a bunch of bottles and containers around I found it. The little green bottle only had two left but I needed one. I grabbed one and put the container back, shutting the cupboard door and taking the pill.
The rain washed over the kitchen window and the lightning flash lit up the whole kitchen, showing all of our faces for a split second. It was dark but the sound of the storm was so soothing. We stood there in silence for a while and then another clap of thunder scared us. We all jumped towards each other. It happened again and again but instead of going back to our room we stayed there and just huddled around each other drinking our waters.
After the thunder was done we headed for our rooms. I was the last to enter the room so I closed the door behind me and turned the light on. We sat on the bed in a circle. Erin was sitting with her knees to her chest, Nichole sat with her legs spread apart and partly off of the bed. I sat down Indian style with my hands holding me up behind me. We sat there and listened to the rain and watched the lightning. Every now and then we would talk or make a comment about people from school.
“What are we doing tomorrow?” Erin asked.
“I was thinking, maybe we could go swimming, or my grandpa could take us on a boat ride… I don’t know. Just thinking.”
“That sounds good. I guess it all depends on the weather tomorrow…” Erin stated.
“True… What’s wrong Nichole?” I asked, staring at her.
“Nothing. I was just listening to the rain.” Nichole said as she kept staring out of the window.
“Oh. Well what do you think we should do tomorrow?” I asked.
“I don’t know. What ever you want I guess… I hope the rain stops. I would like to take a walk.”
“That sounds good!” Erin said, hoping up and down on her butt.
“Yeah, if the rain stops, we could go to the store around the lake.” I said and laid down staying in the same position. We laughed and I got back up.
By this time it was already quarter to five. We decided to go to bed because I knew my grandparents’ would wake up around 7. I got up and turned the light off and they both hopped into bed and so did I. After crawling under the blankets I rested my head on the corner of my pillow, curled up in a ball. I guess I was the first one asleep because I didn’t hear the regular snoring as always. The sound of breathing got lighter and lighter and then I fell into a nice, relaxing sleep.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.03.2011

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