

I danced for you, yet I didn’t dance
I song lullabies for you, but I don’t sing
I'd cook dinners that required my heart and soul,
I never cooked for another,
It was for your eyes only

You call me and I ran
But I was not paid
You touch me and I let you
But I was afraid
You called me baby
Yet you deceive me with infidelity
It was for your eyes only

I called for you but you never came
I wrote you, you did not reply
I cried for your touch, your words,
But the telegram stated
It was for your eyes only

By Rosa Johnson

Graceful Dreams

Notes and words dancing on air
Intangible, but always there
My eyes shut to block out the crowd
I turn my music up too loud
And listen
With my spirit
With my body
Swaying slowly in my soul
I’m dancing, but they cannot see
The pirouettes inside of me
At a time I dreamed me a dancer
Dressed in petals in winter snow
But age and feat it bound me
And I had to let it go
But I’ll always hate the notes
And the words
Inside me
Dancing on their toes
Piute, leap, and fall
Land gracefully into the arms of a partner
And die on the stage




Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.10.2011

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