



Mikhail Putin:

As soon as I boarded the plane I knew it was a mistake, I wished I could take my private jet but it was already too late, I knew if I backed out of this trip now my father’s men would soon catch up with me. I forced myself to relax and settle in the most suitable business class seats we had on the plane, my face was well know in Russia therefore I wore huge goggles and a cape with my knee length coat and gloves, it was the coldest months in Russia and everything outside the plane seemed to be freezing cold. I wondered why we were not taking off, I usually made sure I was always the last to board on the plane if I was traveling by the family airline. My questions were soon answered when the flight attendants voice came through the microphone asking for patience as they waited for their last passenger whose little boy got sick and was being checked but we would soon be taking off.

Nothing could go worse than that. I was being forced to marry Bianca Khodorkovsky since she was my father’s best friend daughter and business partner. Bianca was so full of herself, I could not begin to think how a selfish, mean and an arrogant combination could all be packed in one package called Bianca and worse off all she was a pretty little thing and she knew it. She slept with every available bachelors and married men she could seduce, it was her greatest conquer when she gets a well respected man entangled into her sheets. How could father think I would ever marry the bitch? I groaned out loudly. I looked out my window deep in thoughts, I could hear the flight attendant voice from a distance announcing our departure. It was a ten hours flight from Russia to USA and I needed all the sleep in the world to confront my big brother when I get to United states he would surely challenge me and call me a coward for running away from our ruthless father a character in which Vladimir seemed to have naturally inherit from him but at list he got married to the wife of his choice and has a happy loving family. At least Vladimir had embraced our mothers love for seven years the chance I never had because our mother died giving birth to me, thinking about the mother I never had the chance to embrace hurts so much, the only love I knew came from my nanny “Maggie” she was the only parent figure I had. My father was so busy making business deals and contract to realize how much his little son needed him, the only connection that I and my father had was after I got old enough to be participating in business deal and because I had the ability to swoon, impress and draw business deals back to our company my father used me pretty well when it comes to complicated business deals. We had come to a mutual understanding whenever I saw my father’s call ID in my phone I knew I would be traveling across the world to settle down a business deal, dispute or calm workers, at twenty six I was the youngest multi billionaire owning my own second most used social network, oil industries in four Arabic nations and a shoe industry in Canada. I was my father’s pride and joy since I never disappoint him, all my life I had done everything my father asked for, thinking I could get my father’s attention and love but now I knew better.


I barely made it to the plane before we were to depart. I thanked the flight attendant who showed us to our seats. There were just one man sleeping across from me and Tajir’s seats, to say he was gorgeous was an understatement, he had raven black hair that escaped to his closed left eye as he slept, he had the most pinkish lips I had never seen apart from mine of course, the lower lip was plump and they just seemed so sweet and kissable, he had a straight nose and had high cheek bones as that of an aristocrat I made an effort to drag my eyes down his body and my breath just got caught in my throat he was muscular, very in that sense. I could see his rippled muscles as they hold on tight to that tight sweater he wore, his long coat as I reckoned was removed and kept behind his head, he seemed so tall and his skin was flawless soft and no tan anywhere. He bite his lower lip as if sucking it in his sleep and I could not help but groan, suddenly I felt Tajir’s little arms tagging me, I looked down to see the most bluest eyes I had never seen so big and innocent, I slapped myself mentally, how could I be ogling at a man like that, I hurried to our seats as I was about to settle Tajir down to his seat he held on tight to me. I realized he did not want to seat on his own so I carried him on my lap and let his head fall on my chest.

Momma” Tajir called looking at me; I looked down and smiled as tears filled my eyes.

Yes honey am your momma”. I hugged him tight and I could feel his little figures hold the front of my sweater tight as if afraid I would ran away. I kissed the boy’s forehead and hummed quietly as the boy fell asleep on my lap. I looked out the window I saw Russia at a very far distant. The last four months in Russia had been the most dreaded month in my life. We were only two girls in the family of six children, four brothers, my sister Sam as I called her was my best friend, mother figure and my business advisor, I was the little girl of the family. I came ten years after Samantha, my parents died when I was a year old in a car accident as they were coming from a party, since then my sister and brother’s gave me all the love and care, they spoilt me and taught me all there is in our family business. Even though Samantha got married six years ago to the love of her life who was a Russian tycoon Alexei Valentin and we lived far from each other our bond, affection and love were unbreakable. I preferred Canadian weather and therefore settled myself in a huge beautiful mansion in a very large piece of land in Canada. I owned the Air Canada also owned four famous art galleries in North America and I was a famous fashion designer. I was flawless when it comes to anything I touched, my brothers were all in the family shipping company and were also multi billionaires but I was the most successful in the family and also among the wealthiest women in America let alone the youngest as I will only be getting twenty two June 2nd this year. Even though I was a busy woman I made time to visit my sister every weekend in Russian since she had given birth the last year my sister had freaked out, she never wanted to have a baby in the first place since and she claimed to have had enough being a mother to me, I was not offended, I understood her perfectly. Being forced to be a mom for your younger sister is not something I would relish too, I knew she loved me too much and she sacrificed a lot into making me the woman I am today but she also never wanted to bring a child so as to leave them alone when she dies to her it was too much painful to even think of it and she never wanted to subject anyone to that kind of situation, even though we tried hard to convince her that what happened to us would not happen to her children Samantha had seemed reluctant, she was also a model and therefore she was scared her figure would deter when she gives birth but her husband had talked her into it, when the baby was born she seemed not be able to handle him, therefore I took the responsibility to care for the little boy. I was the mother figure in Tajir life since the day of his birth, I took the responsibility not because I wanted to repay my sister but I fell in love with that little boy the moment I laid my eyes on him by the way I love being of some assistance to my sister, she has done a lot for me. Samantha and Alexie had begged me to care for Tajir until he was at list two years old and therefore after a month in Russia I returned back to Canada with the little boy in my arms, I loved him so much as if he were my own son, usually I told my friends of how I felt as if Tajir were my first son. When Tajir was a year and nine months old Alexei asked me to bring the boy back to Russia even though the boy and I were very attached to each other I had no other way but to bring the boy back to his parents. Only to be called back to Russia in three months time to bury my sister and her husband. They were killed with many others who were with them at a party in their friend’s house.

Samantha greatest fear had just come true then. I found all my brothers in Russia. I could not begin to think how they all got there so fast to think that we lived in different places around the world. We conducted a private burial services for our sister and her husband since Alexei had no other family but ours. The services just involved family members and close friends of the Valentin’s family and the O’connors family friends. I had been so devastated, I would usually put on different eye irises and wigs so as to disguise my identity when in public, the famous Claire O’connor was known to have black raven hair, chocolate brown eyes and was used to be seen in the most casual baggy clothes designed by myself making my figure impossible to be observed but I never wanted to be disguised during my sisters funeral, I wanted to be ME when I said my fair wells to my best friend. My four brothers surrounded me as I carried Tajir in my arms from all angle as we made our way to the burial place, I have dodged and avoided paparazzi and camera attentions as much as possible even though I was a famous artist and fashion designer I only appeared on magazines and TV whenever necessary. During Samantha’s burial I wore a knee length black dress that made my hour glass like figure and my long legs stand out. It was a V neck dress designed by myself and Samantha during the early days in fashion designing world, the dress was tight on the top hugging my curves and breasts so well but when it reaches the waist it flawed to the knee length. As we made our way to where other people were standing waiting for the priest to start the service, there were body guards everywhere as almost all the tycoons in Russia attended the burial services and others sent their wives, sons and daughters to pass their condolence. From a distance the paparazzi were heard and camera flashes could be seen, everyone wanted to see the orphaned little boy that was now the heir to the multibillion dollar companies that his parents had left for him, it already linked that until Tajir was eighteen I was left with the care for those companies making me amongst the top three richest people in America. That was not a problem since we were all pros when it comes to running companies the only thing that we seemed not to be able to grasp was the death of our beloved, funny, outgoing beautiful sister. All my brother’s eyes were blood red and teary, before we came to the burial service we all swore to find the master minds of the bombing of the Afanasy’s house where the party was taking place. We reached the burial place and my brothers divided themselves in two’s standing at my left and right behind each one of us were five bodyguards, my brothers knew I was dying slowly inside to scream and make the sonofabitch who killed my sister and her husband pay. I even forgot that had no any disguise or any make up to cover the real color of my honey colored skin that I got from my mama. The burial service went on, I was not even paying attention, I was just remembering all the times I shared together with Samantha and Alexei, they were my two favorites people because they just understood me better, they were both even able to describe some of my ideas when I got tongue tied to explain them as I tried to create new fashion ideas or when I drew a picture and I just could not fathom its meaning. They were always there and now they are no more because some jackass could not get his hands alone on the Afanasy’s the only possible target was to blow up their house with their four best friends family with them, it was very fortunate that Alexei and Samantha parental instincts never kicked in and they had left Tajir home with a nanny, tears started pouring down my cheeks. I felt little hands rubbing away my tears, I looked down to find Tajir’s big blue eyes with tears and his lips were shaking as if he was trying not to cry, I kissed his raven black hair .

No more cry mama”. Tajir stated shaking his head making his wild hair shake. He spoke loud and everyone who was listening to the priest turned their attention to us, I involuntary took a step backward but my third brother who was at my left had already put his hand on my back making me unable to move anymore. My brothers were both aware as I had voiced my worries that the one involved in bombing the Afanasy’s home might be among the ones standing among us now but my brothers had assured me that they trusted and checked every member that had attended the burial service. I ignore everything else and focused my attention straight ahead I came face to face with the most Angelic handsome face I had never seen, it was not the face that had my attention though. It was the intense hazel eyes that were staring at me that had me motionless, my brother felt me stiffening in his arm he looked where my attention was, he leaned close to my ear, he whispered “that is MIKHAIL PUTIN, Alexei’s best friend”.



I was awaked by the most beautiful soft lullaby humming voice I have never heard that was coming from across my seat, I turned on my seat my eyes collided with those of a little boy who was watching me curiously, the boy had the most bluest large eyes I had never seen, he was so cute and chubby, he was sucking his thumb while his other hand he kept it on his mother’s chest. The woman’s face was turned from me but I knew the boys face was familiar even though I could not place where I had seen it. The little boy started tugging at his mother’s hand that’s when the woman turned to look down at her son. I inhaled sharply, I knew he had seen those long wild red locks and the boy somewhere but seeing her again apart from the high security and protective brothers surrounding the beautiful woman was not something I thought he would live to see. As if sensing that she was being watched the lady turned her elegant neck slowly to face me, the expression that I saw was priceless, she was shocked at first but then she gave me a shy smile making her cheeks to dimple so deep at the sides.

Papa” the boy said pointing at me. The woman looked the child and I could not help but feel jealousy for the little boy, the love that I saw shining from the woman face was too much for me to take, I turned to look at the clouds out my window, if only I could be loved that way. Seconds later I felt little hands touching my knee, I turned to face the little boy whose hands were stretched forward expectantly waiting to be lifted onto my lap. I smiled at the woman Claire O’Connor my best friend’s little sister in law who just nodded her silent permission. I took the boy in my arms careful scared he would break in my arms. I started conversing with the little boy who seemed eager to be talking after a long nap.


I watched silently as Tajir and Mikhail were deep in a conversation about flying horses, I smiled seeing how Mikhail could easily talk to Tajir while so many people could not get the boy talking. I watched them giving each other a high five.

I had done my research on Mikhail in the internet, he was always with another woman on his arms whenever he appeared on the media. His longest relationship had lasted six months; he had broken it abruptly causing a fuss in the Russian and American Medias. How could I blame him, he was beautifully made, unforgivably handsome, sinful muscular and ooh lord that killer smile was the last bullet. He was a master piece. I slapped myself mentally, “where were my thoughts leading me these days?” I wondered shaking my head, the man was so out of my league, what can I do with an experienced man like Mikhail Putin? Am sure the man is experienced as a fish in water only him in bed unlike him am totally white when it comes to romancing. The only man that I have been seen with was Ricky who is my co-fashonista. For six years six since the beginning of my fashion career Ricky had been the only man that the famous Claire O’Connor had been seen with. Two years ago it leaked that we were planning to get married, what others never knew was that Ricky was gay (ha ha ha it’s really funny). He had a partner who worked as a tour guide in Tanzania and Ricky used his private jet to go see him whenever possible. I never thought a long distance relationship such as that would last but for three good years the lovers had made it work. Eddy who was Ricky’s partner had also become my biggest buddy and an overseer of my business all over Africa.

Mama” Tajir called, my heart tighten at the sound of the little boy who was so precious to me call me mama.

Yes honey”

Come over, I would like to introduce you to my friend” the little boy said proudly. I moved from across the seat to were Mikhail and Tajir were seated.

This is Mr. Mikhail Putin, my friend and partner” Tajir said proudly. Mikhail smiled at me wickedly.

Hello” Mikhail said extending his right hand. I stared at the hand as if not knowing why he had extended it.

Mama” Tajir called out scolding me. My face flashed out of embarrassment.

Sorry” I said taking Mikhail’s hand. His hands were so muscular, he swallowed my little hand in his and tighten his hand smiling at me looking straight into my eyes. I could not hold his gaze those intense hazel eyes seems to be reading my soul. Tajir cleared his little throat loudly making both of us look at him.

You still holding mama’s hand” he stated irritated now. I smiled at that, my little boy was protective.

She has very soft hands” Mikhail stated turning his gaze to me. I turned beet red to that statement.

Tajir gave him a huge knowing smile. He peeked at me, my face was turned my hair covered the side of my face.

she does and she can also sing beautiful until I sleep” Tajir informed Mikhail, if I could throttle any one this was the right time to throttle Tajir I thought miserably, how could a little boy talk that much and make a conversation like that while so young, definitely Alexei’s son.

My thoughts were interrupted as I heard Tajir gleeful voice stating

Mama is blushing” he dragged out that last word as if making an emphasis, I heard Mikhail chuckle. I instantly saw red; these two were becoming very good partners into making me miserable. I turned to Tajir with my most motherly scornful look;

no am not, and you should not make fun at your mama” I said looking expectantly at the little boy who just smiled giving me a “whatever” look and started sucking his thumb, he turned his little head looking at Mikhail then at me and as if a huge decision was made he stretched his little arms towards me, I took him and settled him on my lap.

Me sleeping” Tajir said. Sometimes Tajir could be so commanding I simply smiled and kissed his head and let the boy fall asleep as I hummed twinkle twinkle. After almost 15 minutes I stopped humming instead I was playing with Tajir’s hair which were a little too long for him but I loved his hair that way. Mikhail cleared his throat loudly making me jump in my seat. I turned to look at him, the hunger that I saw in his eyes made me feel tinkled all the way to my last toe. Was that really hunger I was seeing or my thoughts were now controlling even sights.

Am sorry” I said even though I did not know why I was apologizing.

For what” Mikhail asked.

I could not answer that question, I was blushing furiously, I hated myself for doing that. As I tried to escape his gaze, he turned my face back to him. The electricity shot that passed between us after that touch made me shiver uncontrollable.

You felt that too, didn’t you?” Mikhail asked his voice a little gruff; I tried to turn away from him.

Don’t”His harsh voice made me stop.


I felt like kicking myself, my voice had come out so harsh I saw how Claire shoulders hard stiffened from my stupid command. I just didn’t know a woman like her existed at all. She was so beautiful, intelligent and a very successful business woman, how did she accomplish all that while blushing like that?

She looks so innocent and vulnerable as she holds the boy close to her. She was now looking at him with those beautiful round eyes of hers, the woman had very long lashes and her lips seemed so plump soft, good Lord how can she be this beautiful. I researched about her on the internet and since there was not much there, I had to go and ask my friend who also happened to be amongst Claire’s big brothers, Jack had warned me not to even try get near his sister or hurt her, I was not surprised by my friend’s warning, he knew of my ways and if I had a sister like Claire I would slaughter any man who hurts her let alone come near her. What I had found out about Claire from Jack I still find it hard to comprehend but seeing how the woman reacts to Tajir and my compliments earlier made me believe Jack. The woman was as if she had never really dated. I felt protective of her; I did not know what I would do to any man who would come closer to my Claire. “My Claire” the thought of her being mine made me go hard that instance, hell!! The woman drives me wild.

Am sorry, I didn’t mean to sound so harsh” I tried to control my now gruff voice as much as possible.

It’s ok” Claire replied she was not looking at me in the eyes, instead her eyes were glued on my lips; I watched as she wet her lower lips, I could not help the groan that escaped my throat.

Claire” my voice came out as a whisper I then held her face and kissed her so passionately. At first I felt Claire stiffen as I kissed her but after moment of hesitance she started kissing me back shyly, she had very soft lips, I groaned as she put one hand behind my head and played with hair. As if realizing what she was doing Claire broke the kiss and looked away whispering a sorry that if I was not looking at her now flushed face I would not have heard her.

Claire” I called her name softly she turned to look at me, my heart tighten at the confusion, vulnerability and yet the strong promising passion that I saw there.

This is my woman, I thought. She has to be mine, Claire O’Connor has to give me that love, passion, compassion and partnership I seek. I could see all of those feelings reflecting on Claire’s face. Only God knew that I would search the earth if I had to but Claire has to love me and she will I promised myself.



It had been two weeks since we had arrived in USA and one week plus four days since coming back to Canada from New York, I have been busy trying to settle Tajir into the environment and since he had flue when we were traveling at list now he seemed to coping quite well. My schedule had been hectic the past two weeks and still was, with Tajir to care for, I had a fashion week coming up, a gallery show to upheld, I had to appear in the press with my brothers to clarify some of the rumors about Victoria and her husband’s death, I had a mask gala to attend to which my stupid best friend and assistant have added into my schedule without my consent.

That’s the problem of having your best friend as an assistant” I grumbled miserably.

I will get back at him, just wait”

Who?” chipped in Ricky’s voice from the door way

Ricky is a 6’2 tall, muscular man with dirty blond hair and green eyes. He had a cute face and a million dollar smile, with me at his side people usually say we are an angelic couple, at first I had used Ricky as a companion so as to shoo away other men from my back who kept pestering me, Ricky had willingly agreed. It was an understanding between us that he helps my relationship status remain “taken” and I do the same for him and also to help him keep his real relationship private, I was very understanding with Ricky’s request because I hated the spotlight life most of the times especially when it comes to my private life “if I ever have any private life” I thought, plus Ricky’s partner was abundant onto their privacy. Ricky was a women magnet, they tend to throw themselves at him even when am at his side, he usually acts cool and in a gentlemanly way rejects their offers, no one would ever say Ricky was gay considering his spotlight life.

You” I glared at him

my… my… MY queen Sheebah is in her worst today” he said laughing

Seriously Ricky how could you do this to me, you know how I hate balls and at list you would have informed me earlier, I have Tajir now. I can’t be running around always leaving him” I said pretending to be devastated.

Mmmh mhh Claire you won’t pull that crap about Tajir with me. This is not the first time you have been living with that boy, you nursed him since his birth and you still had followed your time table perfectly. First you would not be going alone, I you’re so known boyfriend to became fiancée will be there with you” he said teasingly

and about Tajir do not worry Rose said she would love to baby sit him for us (Rose was Ricky’s neighbor, she also cares for Ricky’s German shepherd breed called Simba when we are running around the world) and ooh I took the liberty of choosing you a nice gown from “CLARIC GOWN COLLECTION” the best there is in New York” He winked at the grumbling me as he was moving toward his office just opposite mine.

CLARIC GOWN COLLECTION is a gown shop best known in New York that is co owned by myself and Ricky.

I groaned slapping my forehead I know Ricky very well he must have everything under control, I couldn’t escape this one. I would just have to make Ricky’s time at the ball a living hell so that he could take me back home early, how to do that I was not sure yet. I loved every moment I spent with Tajir. Usually the nanny would bring Tajir at the gallery in the late afternoon whenever I am there and he would stay with me until when we eat our supper together, I made a place where Tajir could take a nap. We usually leave for home together even though Tajir is usually asleep by the time we get home. Today she would not be bringing him though, I have seven meetings to attend to before 5pm this evening and afterwards I have dinner with one of our biggest client at the gallery store. The client had wanted my expertise helping him with a certain painting he had bought. Ricky had said the dinner is very important and therefore I had agreed to attend the meeting in person. We have been doing business with this client for almost two years now it’s only convenient for us to meet in person.


Two godamn weeks and I could not find Claire O’Connor anywhere, I tried calling her place but she is never there or maybe she did not want to receive or return my calls ”How could a public figure such as hers just vanish from my reach?”. I remembered the day we had landed on the USA ground. We were the first people to come out of the plane, I was holding Claire’s waist and Tajir was asleep on Claire’s arms his head rested on her shoulder as he sucked his thumb peacefully, we seemed a perfect happy angelic family, beautiful couple and a handsome son. Claire was laughing at a joke that I had made that was when the first flashlight had hit us, Claire had been mortified. Flashlights came from every angle.

How did they know?, I used a public airline to avoid this same thing from happening and no one knows that am returning with the boy today expect Ricky” she had asked as my body guards and hers tried to block us from the ongoing flash cameras.

shit!, Claire am really sorry they must have somehow known I was coming with one of the family air planes” I tried to explain, I knew my father must have made sure that the press is tipped so that he could surely know if I really came to my brother after our hot argument, not that he would not have known in any other way but when my father does something he does them in certain fashion and this is surely one of them. Now he not only made certain that he had me cornered he will surely know I was with a woman and a child on board, how this would look on the papers would certainly get my father’s attention, not that I care much but the woman and child beside me have stolen my heart for just in ten hours and seven minutes I spent with them.

I can’t do with the press pressure right now Mr. Putin, Tajir does not need the kind of attention and spotlight right now. Am sorry” I stood there listening to Claire stupidly.

Mr. Putin? Claire I thought we are past formalities by now? Do not let this affect what we just started”

What have we started exactly?” she had whispered silently as she slipped into her limo. That had been the last statement Claire had left me with. The next day we were all over the papers, each paper with its own speculation. The snapshot of me holding Claire close to my side my head bent down looking at her adoringly as she laughed and Tajir sleeping peacefully his head rested by her shoulders had brought great attention to the media and our funs. I already had six requests to be interviewed about the photo and the relationship between the famous handsome multibillionaire heart breaker Mikhail Putin and the art and fashion flawless angel Claire O’Connor. I declined each request to the interviews; this had raised more eyebrows because Mikhail Putin the press god never declines an interview especially when it concerns a declaration about his relationship status.

I knew my brother was watching me closely the whole two weeks since the incident with Claire, I also knew my brother was talking to our father about Claire, I overhead my brother the night before conversing with our father.

I do not think it’s a good idea father, he seemed taken with the O’Connor woman and even though I have never met her personally, she is praised well enough to get a picture of who she is” Vladimir had said.

I know it’s not enough that’s why I have arranged a meeting to meet with her personally tomorrow, I have been doing business with her for the last two years dad, the woman is kind, patient and a hard head when it comes to business, everyone knows it’s not easy to please Vladimir Putin but she has for two years, I have to give her a credit there father” Vladimir continued and then listen to the reply of his father.

I will father, but let Mikhail be. Bianca is a witch, no wonder Mikhail ran away” Vladimir said laughing.

Since then I had been careful hiding my continuous search of Claire I did not want my brother to know how far deep the woman had caught me in her love net. Our father would view Claire as a distraction and a threat towards his biggest asset in the company, I knew well enough if our father finds out how deep I felt for Claire he would make sure our relationship does not last even before it has started. My father never wanted any other person to have upper hold of his son’s attention rather than himself and the companies. It was not because father loved us but because I was the heart of the Putin Empire and Vladimir the iron will.



it’s yours Madame” Prisca Claire’s house help handed the phone to me as I was getting ready to go the meeting.

Ricky you know this client better than I do, I’d better find you there or else I’ll cut off your neck myself” I said sternly.

The heavy chuckle that came from the other end was definitely not Ricky’s; I knew that voice so well.

What has he done now?”

Mikhail how d… did you gets this number?” My voice seemed to have a problem coming out.

Ouch Claire that’s not the kind of welcoming I expected” the smile in his voice made my legs slither. How can he have so much power over my stupid senses I thought miserably.

I just never thought…..”


I never expected to hear your voice”

You missed me?” his voice held an inch of sarcasm.

Am wh…. Why are you calling Mikhail? I thought I made myself clear that...” before I finished my sentence Mikhail cut me off.

don’t flutter yourself Claire, my brother who also happens to be the client your supposedly to meet tonight his wife went into labor, am calling you to let you know I will be representing him instead, 8pm it is”. He hang up the phone before I could reply.

How dare him?” I shouted at the phone, my heart was hammering so fast and loudly.

hopeful that has nothing to do with me?” come in Ricky looking as handsome as always wearing a suit from black label designed by Sheria Ngowi, his dark blue suit coat button was loose he did not put on a tie, his top shirt button was loose revealing a glimpse of his muscular chest.

No… not you” I stuttered as I turned giving Ricky my back, I was so angry at Mikhail. ‘How dare he hang up on me?’ I thought angrily. Rick closed the distance between us and zipped my dress. I was wearing a white sexy buttons design long sleeve round neck pullover women’s dress that hugged my curvy figure so well, with my black peep toe gold heel shoes that showed my well molded long legs, my black tiger tattoo by my ankle standing out on my flawless honey colour skin, my hair was kept in a loose pony tail being held by a tiny golden band that shone well in construct with my red long hair that reached my waist, the only jewel that I wore were my Golconda diamond earrings that had cost my late sister $9.3 million. Sam had given me the earrings on my 20th birthday. I added a little blush and lip gloss on my lips, many people have wondered about my lips, the side lines of my lips are naturally black as if I had put black lip liner or wanja but my lips were full and so pinkish making the natural side black lip lines stand out, I usually laughs about the jokes my friends makes about my lips calling me “kissable goddess” I must have inherited from my mum’s Nyamwezi genes that she also got from her mama. Ricky’s arms remained on my shoulders, we stayed staring at each other on the huge mirror of my dressing table in my dressing room for what seemed so long than the two minutes that we stood there.

It’s time you find that prince charming Claire” Ricky patted my shoulder, kissed my cheek and took his leave. As he reached the door he turned

I will be waiting for you down stairs.” Then closed the down slowly behind him.

I finished dressing, I passed Tajir room the boy was already asleep. I kissed his forehead and left. On our way to the hotel Ricky was unusual quite, he seemed distance and serious, unlike the Ricky I was so used to.

Ricky is something wrong?” I touched his hand that he had put on his left lap, he turned to watch the passing scene outside, and he shook his head as if a little boy denying something.

I just miss Sam, she knew what to do with that hard nut head of yours better than anyone, you have to enjoy your life Claire, its not just about money, wealth, success and fame. Find that man who would steal your heart away, feel the love and just forget it all but being loved” he inhaled deeply.

I do too Ricky, I miss her and am….am scared of having my heart broken or something like what happened to our parents and Sam to repeat itself” my eyes shimmered with unshed tears.

Come here baby” he hugged me to him. Ricky was more like a big close brother to me apart from Samantha Ricky knew me well enough than anyone.


As Claire walked into the olive tree restaurant every man in the restaurant turned to watch her as she swayed her hips leisurely, beside her Ricky held her by the waist closely to him, Claire was looking at Ricky’s face and smiling adoringly at him. I swore under my breath if only Ricky and Jack hadn’t sworn that Ricky was safe I could have slaughtered him already, with the act he and Claire put no wonder why the press thinks I am trying to come between the loving couple. I stood up as they neared the table. Ricky introduced the two of us as if he didn’t know we knew each or he was blind to all the magazines, social networks and medias that have had our encounter at the airplane discussed for more than a week. As Claire was taking her sit Ricky’s phone rang.

Excuse me, Claire I really have to take this call”

Alright just don’t take too long” as he was leaving Ricky gave me a wink that Claire did not see, he nearly pumped into the waiter as he laughed at the face that I made,

So how have you been Claire?”

Ok, busy, tight but well enough. What about you?”

Apart from being heartbroken that my Cinderella left without dropping her shoe, life has been fair” as I finished the sentence Claire’s phone rang, it was Ricky

Ricky?” The news that she was listening to was not at all pleasant I could see Claire eye brows wrinkle as she listened.

It’s alright Ricky… he would understand, just keep me posted” she hang up.

Ricky would not be joining us anymore, it seems there is a problem with one of our models so he had to go and see her” as Claire finished explaining the waiter brought up the menu, I ordered rack lamb while Claire ordered beef shawarma platter. We eat discussing nothing in particular from the weather, politics, fashion, art to the current ongoing events in our life, I asked about Tajir and Claire seemed so delighted that I cared enough to ask about him. After we finished our meal I summoned the waiter and he brought the check.

The art that needs your expertise is at the king pacific lodge, princess royal island, British Columbia; I have my private jet ready to fly us…”

know where king pacific lodge is Mikhail, but why didn’t your brother bring it here, he never told me anything about the painting being at the pacific and pacific is too far, I thought I’d be home before 11pm.”

I thought Ricky knew about this piece of information and need remained you my brother is a very impatient man”

Fine. Let’s get going I need to be back as soon as possible.”

As we moved towards the door I noticed the men envying my lucky stars, I smiled triumphantly. As soon as we stepped out the door we were blinded by the flashlights, our bodyguards guided us to my limo which took us to the airport.


I knew we would be on tomorrows paper AGAIN but that was less of my concerns at the moment the man sitting next to me was really giving me a hard time breathing much worse my senses seemed to be heightened by his close presences, ooh my the man smells good enough to be eaten alive. My phone shows I have a text message on the screen; I open and read Ricky’s text

E.N.J.O.Y Tajir is with me for the night, don wanna c u til 2mor evening, xoxo”

Claire is everything alright?” Mikhail asked turning me to face him.

Yeah… I just… Ricky is staying with Tajir for the night”

That’s good then, we can take all the time we need”

No… I mean… it’s just…”

Claire…look at me” Mikhail raised my chin I was now looking at him straight in the eyes. My breath hitched my heart skipped a bit, Mikhail smiled slowly bending his head. I knew what was coming; he was going to kiss me. As he was an inch from my lips he turned his head and straightened my dress that I did not know I have been fidgeting with my hands.

If you keep doing that to that sexy dress of yours, we might as well as remain in this car for the night” he smirked

I gasp my eyes widening, slowly I broke into a fit of giggles. He was taken aback by this sudden change of mood


Oh shut up and kiss me Mikhail”


Though shocked; that was a hell of an invitation that needn’t to be asked twice. I pulled Claire to onto my lap and kissed her as if my whole life depended on that kiss. I felt Claire’s arms snaking around my shoulders; she played with the nape hairs. She was driving me wild. The tap by the window was what brought us both back to earth. We came out of the limo hand in hand, Claire seemed carefree. She held my hand as we ran towards the private jet awaiting for us as if we were little kids running away from the rain drops of flash lights that seemed to be coming from each side. As we reached the top stairs of the plane, Claire pulled me to a stop.

Wanna give them a better piece to gossip about?’

Miss Claire O’Connor your one full of surprises. With all the pleasure...” I pulled her into my arms as the camera flashlights went off from every corner and paparazzi were heard shouting and whistling from every angle. I held Claire in my arms she was smiling and looking at me with happiness written all over her, it was as if she was in a conspiracy skim. I kissed her slowly, tenderly but still passionately; I deepened the kiss as Claire arms circled behind my shoulders. I gave her one last kiss and turned to the cameras smiling. I winked at them and took Claire into the plane.



I woke up due to the chill of my exposed shoulders, disoriented and blinking at the low lit candles the clock said it was 2pm, I moved to tug the blankets higher. They refused to move. Stuck beneath a decidedly male hip and a long, hairy leg, my paltry efforts to dislodge them accomplished nothing. Instantly awareness flooded me, with the realization that I was naked as a new born babe. I lifted my arm to cover my breasts, rosy and warm despite the chill. A broad, muscled hand stilled my motion.

Don’t,” came Mikhail’s sleep-roughed voice. “I want to see your skin, as it glows in the candlelight.”

He was awake. Watching me. Warmth radiated from my stomach, turning the tips of my exposed breast to a hard knotted pink.

Magnificent” he breathed, the back of his hand rising to brush delicately against my nipple. “You look good enough to eat, do you know that?”

I blushed furiously, my impulsive decision of the night before came back with bruising, jarring clarity. What had I been thinking? I made love to him. I agreed to date him. How would I ever survive once he realized he no longer wanted me?

Hey,” he said, jostling me out of my morose thoughts. “Why the long face?”

Ricky’s voice came to my mind instantly: “I just miss Sam, she knew what to do with that hard nut head of yours better than anyone, you have to enjoy your life Claire, it’s not just about money, wealth, success and fame. Find that man who would steal your heart away, feel the love and just forget it all but being loved” he had said, tonight that’s all I will do, I will forget it all but the man beside me and the passion that we shared together.

So rather than reply Mikhail, I leaned toward him, pressing my mouth to his. It was easier than talking.

He obliged me with a deep kiss that sent my pulse careening yet again. Sliding me over the sex scented sheets, he tucked me up against his flesh, his warm, wide palms cupping my buttocks as he pulled me in close. It was easy to feel safe when we were kissing, when I could burry my second thoughts behind the blurring effects of desire. So I reached for the rigid length of his erection where it strained against my stomach, circling his huge thick circumference and slowly sliding south. Then north. Then south again.

Do you have a condom?” I breathed against his lips.

He chuckled, “we didn’t use it the first time or the second, why now?” but even as he said the words he obliged my wish with startling swiftness, I took the condom from him and slide it down his eager length as I watched him. I took my time, concentrating on the here and now and steeping myself in the heady power I wielded over him. He held himself still, watching me through silted eyes, until I pressed my thumb against the broad tip and gently squeezed. He jerked within my hand with a groan, he then pulled me up for a wild, voracious kiss.


Hell, I couldn’t take it any longer, if it weren’t for the stains on the white sheets and the fact that I knew I was her first, I would say the woman is experienced as a lioness in the jungle. She drove me wild, I never found so much pleasure in my sexual life as I found it with her, that was one of the reasons my relationships never last longer that six month but this woman keeps me wanting for more. I am addicted.

I twisted to my back, with her atop me, and pressed her onto my length in one long smooth, sleek slide. She gasped in surprise, the ease with which I impaled her sending shudders of delight clear on her scalp.

We fit perfectly, don’t we?” I murmured into her ears.

She flung her head back smiling and closed her eyes. Setting a steady rhythm, she angled her hips so I stroked with every pass. She lifted, tilted, pressed, the pace of our love making slowly increasing as her pleasure spread and climbed to an almost unbreakable peak. I observed her as she drove higher and higher, thoughts failed me as we reached our summit together, her body trembling and spamming with each delicious stroke. An aching combination of desperation and love filled my heart. The realization hit me so hard, making my male parts go hard in an instance; I gripped her hips, drawing out the pulsing pleasure of her inner muscles. Sensing my arousal in her, she raised her eyes to look at me, hell the woman was blushing!!! She bite her lower lip as she clenched me deep inside her she leaned to balance against the granite plane of my stomach her left hand playing with my testicles, she did a wild twist of her hips on me. I could not hold the bucking release.

Oooh Lord, Claire…” she just stayed there on top of me, watching me with a smile of triumphant, her dimpled cheeks making her look so young and beautiful.

Woman I’d kill any bastard that would hold your attention even for a minute” I was rewarded with a husky laugh. I kissed her forehead and rolled over; I moved from inside her and disposed the condom. I returned to the bed, she was already slumbering; I took her in my arms just held her as she fell asleep on my chest.

I love you…” she whispered. My heart skipped a beat, I felt like hitting my ears. Did she really say that? Lord knows I would not let this woman go, not now, tomorrow or six month to come. She was mine and mine alone.

A month later.


I never thought my life would have been any better but Mikhail just made it so. It has been a month since we started dating and our life though hectic and busy we just found time to fit our schedule into each other’s lives. I know it might seem as a rush decision as Jack (my brother) and Ricky thinks but we thought it as the only best way to spend more time together. We decided to buy another family home in Washington not just for our sakes but for Tajir sake too, the house we bought encompasses of more than 1.5 acres. The major rooms in the house include seven major bed rooms, 24 four bathrooms, three kitchens and four fire places. We both fell in love with the house the instance we finished the tour, Mikhail had suggested we buy the house right away, the following week we bought the house. I love the fact that lights would automatically come on when you came into the house, speakers are hidden beneath the wallpaper to allow music to follow you from room to room, portable touch pads allows us to control everything from the Tv sets to the temperature and the lights. The house also has grand stairs size 80 feet long and 60 feet high with 74 steps, Mikhail and I agree Tajir have had a lot of shifting lately and we agreed Maggie who was Mikhail’s nanny to come help us with Tajir instead of travelling with him whenever I fly out of the country which was a lot. Since shifting to our new home we have guarded our privacy so closely that the media probably thinks we live in Palo Alto; we travel every weekend to Russia so as to check the businesses there. I never got the chance to meet Mikhail’s dad even though I went with him at their home place a lot where never we are in Russia. His nanny Maggie had fell in love with Tajir the first day we went there. She has acted so wonderful towards us and we felt an automatic bond between her and us, she had instantly agreed to come with us to Washington when we asked her to care for Tajir. Mikhail has been so wonderful and considerate; he and Tajir have formed a bond so beautiful, when you look at them playing together you might say they have together like forever, they seemed so inseparable. We are definitely a beautiful family as Maggie says. Mikhail big brother also seems to be taken with us, he would always bring his family on the weekends whenever we are home. We would do a barbeque and play different games with his three teenage kids. Our lives were so wonderful it is sometimes hard to believe I never found Mikhail sooner.


Even though the living together part suggestion that Vladimir had suggested to me had seemed absurd in the beginning right now I just don’t know how I have lived my entire life without Claire or Tajir. Am totally hooked and now definitely a family man, I know Claire is a very reasonable woman she had agreed to became my fiancée but not to get married just yet, she wants us to try family hood first before jumping into the boat, Tajir has just became my first son at list that’s how I feel, the boy is so intelligent and lovable, if anything my best friend just left me with the most beautiful gift ever. He gave me a family, a complete family filled with love, care, laughter and a place I call my home. All that I ever wanted now waits for me at home.

Stop day dreaming…” it was the second time Jamal tells me that. We have been having this meeting for three hours now and it just seems un ending.

I miss my home… I miss Claire already” I whispered back

You’re dead hooked men” Jamal laughed heartedly.

I sure am my dear friend” I said.

Excuse me gentlemen” I said standing up. I headed straight to my office my secretary behind me, as soon as I got there I waved her out, I dialed Claire’s number. It was answered on the third ring

At last…” I breathed released a breath I did not know I was holding after hearing hear beautiful voice. “Am seriously diagnosed with a disease called missing you badly” I said.

I miss you too Didi, I will be home early I still don’t feel too well… would you be able to pick me up say mmmh 5pm?”

Definitely babe, I will be there. Now am having this meeting with the advertising unit and I hate all their ideas for the children shoes.” Claire high pitched laughter warmed my heart to the extent that I thought it would melt.

Mr. Putin did call me because you missed me or you needed an advice?” she said playful.

Honestly Claire both of the two.”

You should definitely postpone the meeting to tomorrow, we will discuss some ideas after we put TJ to bed tonight” she stated simply. For the past month Claire have been almost my business advisor and me hers. We have been great partners and a very beautiful couple and parents to our little boy. Mmmh that’s sounds too good.

Alright, see you later then.”

Don’t forget to pick me up’

Not in this life and nether the next.” I hung up the call hearing Claire still laughing. For once in my life I have a home to look forward to returning to.



Definitely the doctor isn’t saying what I think he is saying.

P…pardon me doctor, are you saying am pregnant?” Ricky just sat there beside me smirking with a I told you so look. I ignored him and focused my attention to the doctor. I now regret the decision of wanting Ricky with me when I receive my test results, I definitely did not expect this.

Definitely miss Claire 99.9%”

My God’ I whispered” my head started spinning I tried to stand but all I saw was blur then darkness.


Ricky’s call sounded so urgent, I just hope nothing bad happened to them. He took Claire to the hospital after we had our first ever argument between me and her Ricky had convinced Claire to go to the hospital just so to please me, the woman can be a pain, she had been sick for almost a week or so and still did not want to attend the hospital. Receiving Ricky’s urgent call just confirmed she was either sick or something bad because Ricky definitely did not sound happy.

I found him at the waiting area.

Where’s Claire?” I asked a very grumpy Rick who did nothing but eye me disgustedly.

Where the hell is she Ricky?” I asked now my voice rising and panic started to take control.

You fucking got her pregnant” he stated furiously. Thank God the wall was nearby because my legs nearly gave me out. I sat slowly beside Ricky, my head on my hands. I know how much Claire was scared of bringing a child to the world, the fact that she experienced her parents loss, went together with her late sister fear of bringing a child to this world only to have their greatest fear come true after her sister was murdered in cold blood, getting pregnant was the last thing that Claire wanted right now and even though I did not expect this, the thought of having a mini me and Claire in my arms, a child of my own with the first woman who has loved me for who I am and not what I have, a shared living bond of the woman who has just became my very own happiness and joy filled my heart with so much joy.

How is she?” I asked Ricky who was now polishing his flawless nails. He looked at me, he then smiled.

You’re not running away are you?” he asked now seeming to relax a little. I shook my head.

Definitely not running, in fact I wanna see my woman. You just don’t know how happy I am to know that am going to have a mini us with Claire and how sad I am to know what she must be going through right now Ricky” I said. Ricky looked sympathetically at me.

She did not want you to know; in fact she wanted to have an abortion. The doctor also advised her to rest a while her BP seems so high” I nearly fell down from the chair hearing Ricky’s apologetic voice.

No baby of mine is getting aborted, I swear I will go with her to hell and back but that baby stays” I said with determination.

Don’t pressure her Mike; she is going through a taught time”

I know but that does not give her the right to first try to hide this information from me and second to make a huge decision such as that with ought consulting ME.” I stood up heading towards the Claire’s room.

As I entered my heartfelt as it was stubbed a thousand times, she curled herself into a ball rocking back and forth whispering her late sister’s name “Samantha”. I walked towards the bed her back was turned to me therefore she definitely did not hear me come in. I sat on the bed and put my hand on her hip, I bent down and kissed her ear, I then whispered to her.

No matter what, I will always be here, to care, protect and love you forever babe, please let me be a father… do not rob this happiness from me Claire…” she burst into tears and then turned and hugged me as she cried on my shoulders.

Am scared didi” she said in between her tears, for a woman as strong, powerful and wise as Claire to admit she was scared just robbed the very last resistance wall that I built around myself. I felt so protective of her; I swore to protect this woman with all the power I wield.

I know… but we will do this together, am here always” I whispered back. She nodded her head.

So am gonna be a dad?” I asked smiling widely, she nodded and started laughing. I kissed her fore head and hugged her close.

The clearing of throats made us turn. We both turned to find Jack and my dad… MY DAD looking at us.

Congratulation sis am so happy for both of you” Jack hugged his little sis while nodding and whispering a thank you to me, I guess they both heard our little conversation. My dad seemed as if he wanted to explode, as Claire was busy talking to her brother and happily making phone calls I kissed her and told her I’d be back. I stood and followed my father to the waiting area.

What the hell do you think you’re doing?” he nearly shouted at me, my father never loses his temper at list it is said for the ones who had been unfortunate enough to witness his temper had never lived to see the next morning.

What does it seem like am doing father?” I asked sarcastically. One of his body guards came forth but father waved him off, the waiting room seemed deserted that what my father’s presence did wherever he went, people tend to scatter away from him.

You get back to Russia and head to Hong Kong right away, there’s a business that needs your attention there and please do not delay” he said as he walked away towards the exit.

Do not order me around father, am not one of your dogs” I said through my clenched teeth.

He turned and looked at me silently, our eyes held each other.

You have never disobeyed me son, it seems the woman is not good for our mutual relationship… mmh does she know your engaged?” he said smiling slyly.

What??!!” came Ricky’s shocked yet angry voice behind me. I turned to see his face going pale, he was looking at me as if I had a horn in front of my forehead.

It’s not tru...”

ENOUGH” my father cut in. “you first disobey my order and now you want to call me a liar?” he stated his voice becoming dangerously low.

YES, I was never engaged to Bianca and I never agreed to the marriage that you arranged for us. I engaged Claire a week ago father and there’s nothing… and I mean NOTHING that would keep me apart from that woman… not YOU, not death or even the devil himself.”

We stood there watching each other for a full minute before my father started laughing. The change of his mood caught not only me off guard but even his body guards and Ricky.

Very well son… have it your way” He winked at us and took his leave; as he reached the exit he turned “congratulation son, I can’t wait to be a grandfather and pass my love to Miss O’Connor” he then exited.

I turned to Ricky confused and angry. “How the hell did he find out so soon about the baby” I asked no one in particular. I was really frustrated and angry, a deep voice from the door way answered.

The same way we knew I guess” I turned to face the man on the door way, I instantly realized who he was. It was Robert Claire’s first brother, he looked so much like Claire, the honey colored skin, the lips and eyes, he was a 6’5 tall from my guess, and he was muscular. He was definitely Claire’s male version.

And how did you know if I might ask?” I asked now really pissed off.

Tagged Claire’s and Ricky’s phone and as a family man the symptoms that you guys were texting each other definitely lead to one conclusion. Pregnancy” he stated calmly.

I wondered how two people I believed to be among the most intelligent people and the two people I leave my little sis under their care would be so dumb to figure out such a Cristal clear fact such as that.” He said as he moved to the coffee table and settled himself. He watched both of us as he drummed his fingers on the table. I have to admit my father is scary but the man in front of us scattered my wits away and am not a person to be easily scared. I did not become a multi billionaire when I was scared at every opportunity. So definitely the man is dangerous.

He is not finished yet” Robert said looking straight at me.

I know” I said simply

I know you know but you also should know am not finished with either him or you and if… I mean IF my little Angel in there as much as shade a tear let those tears be happy ones because otherwise… you’ll come to realize not only O’Connor’s are ruthless but murderers, you would wish to have met the devil himself instead of us.” he stood up, I could not think of an answer, all I could do was node as if a little boy. He walked towards us and patted my shoulders.

We should celebrate; we will be at your home at 7pm tonight, for now I have got a little sis to congratulate”.



Texte: MBIKI
Bildmaterialien: GOOGLE.COM
Lektorat: MBIKI
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 12.01.2015

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