
Chapter One- Daily Life with Souma's

~Nagato's POV~



My stomach grumbled as I waited for breakfast. No wonder Daiki gets up so early in the morning. Or at least I think that is. Whatever.

"Breakfast is ready!" Daiki shouted as we were chatting and everybody got up from the living room and ran into the dining room like a stampede!

"Whoa! No crashing into the table. It took me like forever to make it."  The phone rang, "Excuse me for a sec." Daiki polietly left the room to get the phone.


~Daiki's POV~


The phone was ringing and I picked it up and...

"WHAT HAPPENED TO NAGATO?? DID SHE GET SICK? IS SHE DYING?" A girl was yelling so loud almost breaking my eardrum.

"Umm, Miss? She only has a fever. What is your name?" I asked the girl


"Ah, is Saki Kana there?"


"May I speak to her?"

"NOOOO! You gon' ask her out?"

"Nooo! I only want to ask her something else!" I shouted in fear of being heard by the others


~Nagato's POV~


"What was that?" I asked as I heard yelling coming from another room.


~Daiki's POV~


"This is Saki." Saki said dully

"Ah, would you and Miss Emiko come and vist her? I'm sure she would appreciate it." 

"Ah, yes, we-" 

"NEED TO!! WHERE?!?" Emiko interupted

"1844 Souma Hill" 


"Yes, M'am"  I hung up and walked down the hallway calmly, to find everybody staring at me. "What did I do?" 


~Nagato's POV~


 "Um, Daiki? What was that, um, yelling about?" I nervously asked, fearing the worst

"Ah, Miss Uochan asked me if I was going to ask Saki out, I was so suprised that I yelled." Daiki responded shyly. "Um, I'm hungry!" 


"Yes?" Daiki said as he opened the door, only to get shoved by Emiko,

"Are you ok?" She worried

"Oh, so now you don't yell?" Daiki said chuckling

"Hey! It could hurt her ear drum!"

"Like if it didn't hurt me!"

"Boy, you can survive, she can't."

"That's an insult, because she has lived in a tent for two weeks!" 

"Oh, yeah." 

"Proved you wrong, Uochan-0 Souma-1"

"You cheated."

"No, I did not. By the way, I need my breakfast so, GTG" He went to the table and started eating like a little boy, KAWAIIII!!

"Oh, I just remembered! I need to call Hauki!" Daiki panicked

"I'll do it, Master Daiki." Sebastian said calmly. He walked down the hallway to the phone.


~Sebastian's POV~


I dialed Hauki's number, expecting a message machine, since he barely talks on the phone, but I got something different.

"Hello, this is Hauki Souma."

"Ah, hello Hauki. I need you to please come and check a young female."

"What is her name? I need to check her family history."

"Nagato Riku Harada Honda."


"Yep, they gave her a large name, sir."

"Give me a sec."

"Ok, time's up."

"I meant more time."

"Okay!" I said laughing while he chuckled on the phone. Oh! By the way, he is a tall male with black hair and strange ameythst eyes.

"How did she inherit her name?"

"She got Riku from her mother's first name, Harada from her father and Honda from mother's last name."

"And her first name?"

"Ah, yes. Her parents gave her that name, in order to honor their family's true name, the Nagato's."

"Ok, now I have her history, hmm, she has a weak immune system, just like Satoshi, but for a different cause, genetics. Unlike Nagato, Satoshi's immune system is weakened by "changing"."

"Yeah, but she has a fever of 100 F."

"Oh, I'll be right there."

"Thank You." He hung up and I silently walked down the hallway.


~Nagato's POV~ 



"Um, Miss Honda?" Sebastian asked

"Yes, um, I forgot your name, sorry."

"Ah, Sebastian, I think you need to go to your room to.... organize your things."

"Oh, yeah!" I walked down the hallway to the room, now called mine! I have a white room with beautiful paintings that looked like the one's that Dark stole for some reason and the bed was like a golden throne! Man, the Soumas are rich! 

"Oh and this isn't the only room with beautiful decorations, all the rooms are as well!" I swiftly turned around to see Daiki

"I-I didn't e-even hear y-you come in the r-r-room! You are like the Phantom Dark!" I stammered

"I am."  He whispered

"W-what did y-you say?" He disappeared in a blink of an eye. I stood there in confusion for a few seconds but continued putting my things away.

What if that was not him?  I thought while I was organizing.

"Miss Honda! Dr.Hauki is here to see chu!" Toa cheered as Hauki walked into the room.

"I expect that you are Miss Nagato Honda, am I right?" He said with a smile

"Oh! Yes, I am Nagato Honda!"

"Do you mind if Daiki helps me? Since he is a pharmicist, he can help me with your medication, just in case. Is that alright?"

 "Oh, yes!"

"Ok, now open your mouth."


"Hmm, smells like Daiki's rice cakes and tea." He said with a laugh

"How did you know that?" I giggled

"I can smell it! Let's see, pulse?"

"Normal." Daiki responded, "May I check your temperature?"


"Here. Put this in your mouth. Hmm, still 100 F."

"Yeah and her lymph nodes are swollen."

"It's only a cold. Take this. It will help you, but only take 2 teaspoons a day, one in the morning and another in the afternoon."

Chapter Two- Please Answer My Questions!

 After Daiki told me how to take the medicine, I remembered the question that nobody answered yesterday. Why did Satoshi not like Daiki? I mean, they are cousins! They should be able to get along for at least five minutes.

"Satoshi!" I shouted down the hallway

"Yes, Miss Honda? You shouldn't be shouting down the hallways." He responded

"Oh, I'm feeling better, but may I ask you a question? Personally?"

"Okay, Miss Honda." We walked down the hallway, into my room, then I turned around and shut the door

"Um, I really would like for you to give me a detailed explaination, please?"


"Um, why do you dislike, ah, Daiki?" I sat on the bed, he let out a sigh


~Satoshi's POV~


How do I explain this? I pondered while she looked at me, pouting

"It's in my blood. My part of the family hates him, and Sebastian. Well, let me explain this better, ah, our families, even if we are part of the same family, are rivals. We have never had peace for 3 centuries. Daiki and Sebastian's part of the family, are more "sly"."

"What do you mean?"

"His family, er, part, um, are thieves, but Daiki had to inherit that, since he is the older twin. On the other hand, Sebastian is the one who helps him. Daiki tries to make peace with the Hikari's but has failed."

"Now I get it. But this morning I was unpacking my things when he appeared, spoke and disapeared like mist."

"Yeah, he's special. I wish I could do that and be a part of his family, but he says it's a curse. We don't even hate each other, but fake it." I said chuckling, she giggled


~Nagato's POV~


"I like that you don't hate each other!" I smiled

"Yeah, but we do fight, but not like, ah, humans. Um, me, Sebastian and Kinshiro, usually fight."

"Uh-oh. What time is it?"

"Um, 1:30 pm."

"I need to make lunch! You must be s-"


"Hungry Young man, aren't you?" I laughed so hard I turned red

"Miss Honda! Breathe!" He laughed so much as well that when we walked to the living room we tripped on everything!

"Here comes the Prince of Drunkness!" Kyo cracked up

"Dude, he's only drunk, but man!" Daiki was dying and everybody else

"OKAY! W-WE NEE-EED A-AIR!" Toa gasped while laughing, Daiki ran out the door to breathe!

"That's enough! We are going to DIE!!!" Daiki yelled

"HOW BOUT YOU STOP YELLIN!!!" Kyo shouted back while we relaxed and Toa gave everybody some warm tea and we sat and watched the news

"We have just recieved reports on a new thief named Light, said to be an oppisite of Dark, but this warning still has not been confirmed yet. He says he and Dark will take the Fiery Thorns and the Ice Crown at 11 pm tonight."

"What? Another thief?" Kyo said confused

"Yeah, that's, um strange?" Sebastian responded

"I wonder if it's Krad or Israel. Must be Israel because Dark and Krad would NEVER team up." I pondered

"But what if it were Dainiel? He and Enoc look alike..." Satoshi wondered "Hmm."

"Hey, um. Miss Honda?" Daiki asked, probably trying to change to conversation


"I assume you have another question for me? Am I right?"



"So, I wanted to know, why are your side of family and Satoshi's side of the family rivals?"


"Well? Can you answer? Please answer my questions!!!" I demanded politly as I could

"Um, No. We can tell you that when you stay with us long enough." Daiki said with a strict tone that I had never heard, so I stayed silent then nodded my head. "Good. BUt I was going to ask you a question, Mis-"

"I would love for you to please call me Riku." I pouted


"Please, Daiki. And everybody else?"

"Yes, Miss Riku, I will." He smiled a million dollar smile that almost made me melt.

Chapter Three- Lonely, then....

 "I'm tired. I think I'll go to my room." I said as I walked down the hallway to my room. I was laying on my bed, a song came into my head, and I started singing it and I couldn't stop. That song was something that kept me from thinking that I was lonely in the world, remembering my mom, made me start crying and I heard a smooth voice singing:

I will come back for you, Don’t worry about me

Don’t Shed a Tear, I love you

My heart and soul is always connected to you, My love as well

I will love you forever, until infinity ends

I might leave this world, but my love and spirit will stay with you

¡Te amo mas que todo en este mundo!

No lloras, yo volveré por ti, yo te amo

Ashite Imasu!

There are many ways to say my soul is your’s

Remember, you are me and I am you

We are each other,

And my love will never end…

I continued to cry when I remembered my first love, Niwa. He was always so warm and loving and he was not like any other boy I had ever me, but he moved from Japan in to the US, because of crisis in his family. The voice sounded like his voice, 

My love... I will find you... I whispered to myself. Maybe I should take a walk outside, it's really pretty outside. Let me go wash my face then go to walk!  I went to the bathroom, or should I say, THE SPA!! I went and told them:

"I going to take a walk. Where's Daiki?"

"He said he needed to do something outside. Are you ok?" Shitan told me

"Yeah. And Satoshi?" I rubbed my eyes

"He went on the trail to get some fresh air." Sebastian responded

"Ok. I'm going outside as well." I said as I shut the door gently and walked and breathed in fresh air and began to walk in the woods."It's so beautiful today! I wish I could share this moment with my mom and Niwa. But maybe I can find Satoshi and Daiki. What if they fight? I have to find them!" I panicked and ran through the woods, then gasped for air because of how tired I get very quickly.


"Daiki! What are you do-"

"Shut Up!" He interrupted, yelling, but quietly and politly

"What? Who's that?!?" I looked across the field to see a long haired, male with golden cat eyes, and a harsh smile

"Why, my name is Krad, mademoiselle. I need you to become my Third Hand Of Time! Come girl!" He hissed

"You will not! She is the Chosen One of the Angels!" Daiki pissed off. "RIKU, GET OUT OF HERE AND TELL SEBASTIAN AND TOA!!!" I ran back and I stopped because of a hot force


~Daiki's POV~


I turned around to see Riku starting to be possesed by Krad so I launched myself toward Krad, only to be kicked in the face.

"You dammed demon!" I said recovering from the blow and while he was cackling, I grabbed his sword and slashed him with it, making him let go of Riku.





"Dainiel! You are cheating, you f****** ANGEL! I WILL SEAL AND DESTROY YOU!!! AND DARK AS WELL!" He darted towards me, so I focused on his wings and blasted fire by focusing very hard. I was burning inside and I had to try to contain myself, but failed. I started to feel the fiery burn in my hands and shot out the flame!

"AHHH! You may have won this time, Dainiel, but not the next!" He knocked me out and dissapeared. I was out unconsicous for about 10 minutes.


~Nagato's POV~


"Ugh, Daiki!" I saw Daiki, inresponsive and brused. I rushed to pick him up and for no apparent reason, tears started flowing.


"Are you ok?"

"Yeah, ugh, only a little brused." He chuckled, trying to get up, "Don't shed a tear. I am fine, I won't die, Miss Riku." He said it like if he were singing. When I heard those words I started to cry even more, so he got up and picked me up, since I sprained my ankle and brought me home. When we arrived, he wiped my tears and he kicked the door open.

"What the Heck?" Kyo shouted. "Knock first, you say and you don't even knock the door!"

"I had no choice. You did not see me approach the door and my hands are busy anyways!"

"What happened?" Toa and Shitan asked, just when Satoshi fell through the doorway.

"Master Satoshi!" Sebastian shouted as he picked him up. "Toa! Dial Hauki's number!"

"Yes, Sire!" She dashed to the phone down the hallway


~Toa's POV~


I romped down the hallway, toward the room that has the phone and dialed, er, punched in Hauki's number and he picked up quickly.


"What's wrong, Toa?"


"What? Slowly please!"


"Master... Satoshi... PASSED OUT!!"

"Oh! He had an attack! I'll bring Kaito, Isamu and Daichi to help!"


"Tell Daisuke to get him to the medical room in the house, since he is a "Great Helper"!"

"He.. likes.. *PANT* to... *PANT, PANT* be called... DAIKI!"

"Well, I wonder why he took his grandfather's name, because his name is very wonderful and I envy it."

"Well, *PANT* come here *PANT* NOW!!!"

"Oh yeah, coming!" He hung up and I managed to gasp the orders of Hauki, desperately!


~Daiki's POV~


"Toa, I've told him several times to not call me "that". He just wants to annoy me and remind me of her..." I said, fighting the tears in the small room with Satoshi on the bed.

"But why can't I call you "Daisuke" like when I met you? You are just too kawaii to resist!" She blushed and gushed as she spoke, this weird woman.

"Well, I like my name," I insisted "But it reminds me of my mother, father and grandfather in which they passed away in what Akito calls an "accident", but I forgive her."

"How could you forgive someone who destroyed your life!? And plus, how do you know Akito's a she?"

"Forgiving someone is not something you would like to do, E-chan, but it will save your heart from going into Darkness. Akito fell already into darkness when her parents rejected her, then she went into despair and she tortured me and Satoshi for fun to find comfort in her agony." I put on my glasses as I spoke.

"Oh." she teared up

 "Toa, don't cry, it kills me seeing females crying and past is the past. Forgive and forget as they say." I wiped the tear from Toa's eyes.


"Satoshi?" I heard

"Yun-Yun?" Toa giggled

"Hey, Toa let him sleep." I hesitated as Hauki and Kaito came in. Just saying, Kaito is a male with whitish-blue hair and has aquamarine eyes; he always wears white clothes and has an extreme politeness and temper,(we are always in competion to see who's more angel-like and stronger.

"Why hello, Daisuke," he smirked."I guess I'm winning right now, I just won that Nagato's heart."

"Ha! You just failed, *Teikyuu." *That means someone low ranked*,"She's not a "that", she's the chosen one." I grinned.

"For real? I did not know! Why didn't you tell me?!? I disrespected her!" he stammered

"Yeah, Teikyuu, you still need to be unleashed as angel to understand and right now that's not important. Satoshi needs to be attended!"

"Stop calling me that and why do you care so much about him? He almost killed you once!"

"I told you stop asking, we will talk about this later, Teikyuu!"


Chapter Four- Whoa! How many family members do you guys have?

 ~Nagato's POV~

~While Toa and Daiki (Daisuke) are talking~


I heard the door bell and got out of bed to see who it was and I was suprised to see other Souma's! Man, how many are there?

"Ah, hello and sorry, Miss Nagato. We are just more Souma's and just saying, we are not the last ones!" A whitish-blue haired male said.

"Um, how do you know my name?" I said struggling to get up and walk

"Miss Nagato Honda! Don't strain yourself!" Hauki said worried and he carried me back to my room.

"We should introduce ourselves, my name is Kaito Souma, the Souma Prince. Bienvenue dans la famille Souma!" I was staring at him, dressed in a white cloak, he looked like Dainiel. Maybe he's the one possesed by him. And plus, what language?

"Ja! Hallo! mein Name ist Alwin Souma!" Said the cutest, small male!

"Um, nein German?" I said confused

"Oh, gomen! My name is Alwin Souma, but they call me Daichi!"

"Yo soy Isamu Souma, ¡pero a veces me llaman Hiroyuki!" A brown haired male with chocolate eyes said to me.

"Ah, no español?" I tried to say with a spanish accent (TRIED).

"I'm sorry. My name is Isamu Souma, the "Mexican" Souma, since the family only knows that Mexico speaks Spanish, but I'm actually from Spain, well, my mother."

"Always mütti!" Daichi adored

"Yup, but I have problems speaking english so please help me!" He begged pouting.

"Ah, okay! I'll just make I won't strain or stress myself." 

"We heard you met the Black Wings." Daichi said worried,"That demon did not hurt you, right?" He told me like if I were a part of his family. Now I see that the Souma's accept me now.

~Kaito goes and talks with Daiki~

"Who? How'd he look like?" I wondered so I could remember what happened.

"Golden ojos de gato, harsh smile, golden hair, white vings?" Hiroyuki tried to explain in Spanglish accent."Gomen, I tried to explain!"

"I know who he is! He did sprain my ankle and try to possese me. But something about him reminded me of Satoshi, I just don't remember."

"Maybe you should change the conversation." Daiki said sternly,"He might be that possesive but he is still part human!" He stormed out into the rain.

"Daiki?!" I tried to run after him but Kyo stopped me.

"You can't just run out like that when your ankle is sprained! Plus, right now you shouldn't talk to him, he's hostile right now. Nobody can understand his anger, not even Ayame." 

"Why and who's Ayame?" I asked curiously and worried

"He's just different and Ayame is the Souma psychologist." Kaito stormed into the living room and out the door, going after Daiki.

"DAISUKE!" He shouted


"WHAT? YOU WANT TO DIE?!?" He hissed

"BRING IT ON, TEIKYUU, YOU CAN'T EVEN KILL AN ANT!" Daiki growled back, running to the forest to have combat.

"Hey! You two shouldn't fight! YOU MIGHT CAUSE ANOTHER LANDSLIDE AND KILL PEOPLE WITH RADIATION!" Kyo shouted while running angrily but managed to speak to me calmly. "I'll be right back, Riku! At least if I don't die..." 

"What? You could die?"

"It's okay, maybe we can get those two under control soon." Daichi said nervously. "I got a bad feeling about this. I'll take you on my back!"


Chapter Five- Combat Zone

 Daichi picked me up as Satoshi walked out of his room, hydrated and well.

"What are you guys doing, Daichi and Miss Honda?" Satoshi pondered

"Oh, we are going to stop Kaito and Daisuke from fighting!" We said at the same time.

"What? Let me come!" Satoshi begged and we had to let him come. Just then we felt an earthquake and everything in the house started falling! Toa, Sebastian, Shitan, and Satoshi fell to the ground, and of course, Daichi and I fell as well, but I banged my leg hard.


"Riku!" Sebastian and Toa shouted

"They have gone too far this time! Sebastian, Satoshi and Kinshiro, go find-" Another earthquake hit before Hauki could finish his sentence. "GO FIND KAITO AND DAISUKE AND STOP THEM!!" They all dashed out the door, with determination.


~Sebastian's POV~


I dashed as fast as my legs could take me and I started feeling the vibrations more and more as we got closer to the site of the combat. I looked across the field and saw Daisuke, with fiery eyes and anger. On the other side I saw Kaito, with freezing cold eyes and anger as well.

"Hey! You two are going to destroy the forest if you keep fighting!" I yelled with Kinshiro

"Don't get in our business!" Daisuke snapped back with fury

"I'm trying to stop him!" Kaito yelled as well

"DAISUKE!" Daisuke turned around rapidly to see Mio!

"What are you doing here?" 

"I could feel you, don't you do it." Mio said calmly

"Stop reading my thoughts and don't get near me, I might hurt you since I'm burning hot." I stared at him and his eyes met mine and I felt his heat, inhumane. I got to be careful, he might change from human to fiery angel.

"You're sure that you can beat me?" He smirked. "Not to be prideful, right?"

"Well, I want to beat you, pride or no pride!"

"Daisuke! Listen to me! Look at his eyes, they are full of fear! Don't do it!" She shouted sweetly "I love you!" Daiki shivered as she said that; he then looked at Kaito's eyes, cold with fear of fury.

"Back down, Kaito. Fear will destroy you if you don't."


~Omnicient POV (For the rest of the series)~


Kaito looked into Daiki's eyes, seeing that they were inverted, meaning his pupils were white and the other part, red.

"Fine. Who are you?"

"Ask things later, boy."


Texte: BookRix
Bildmaterialien: BookRix
Lektorat: Daisuke
Übersetzung: Daisuke
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 16.10.2015

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