
Fate Intervened...

BlackFate Intervened...
I bumped along inside the cab, staring at the view of Kyoto in autumn. The leaves were shades of red, orange and yellows, sometimes the leaves that were scattered over the ground lifted a bit in the wind. The sun shone through the clouds. It was only the end of October.
Why did mum and dad have to move to Kyoto? I loved New Orleans, all my friends were there. I knew my teachers. I knew what I was capable of but I don’t know how it’s gonna be like in Kyoto. What if I don’t fit in? I guess what’s good in life is that it’s full of surprises; I’ll just have to wait. Also I’m not very good at Japanese!

Chapter One:

The place was a three story house if including the attic and had a side garage and a back garden. The walls were painted white and the front garden were clean of weeds.
Finally! I’ve moved into my room. It’s still a bit messy though. The walls had mountain dew, yellow paint peeling off it. I’ll have to re-decorate this room my way soon. My books were still in their boxes. I can’t be bothered to pack all of it right now. I need bed! I laid there on my blue covers and sleep came instantly.

My alarm clock rang loudly on my left. Stupid alarm clock! I sat up with half my body still under the covers and rubbed my eyes hastily. Golden beams of light streamed into my room. My hand shot up to shield my eyes. Uh! First day of school today; this is gonna be horrible. I dragged myself out of bed and headed for the bathroom.
I washed my face, brushed my teeth and studied myself in the mirror. I saw a girl with pale face, dark eyes and dark wavy hair hanging past her shoulders, staring back at me. Dude, did I look bad or what! I lost all the colours in my cheeks. Maybe pinching it a little bit might help? Uh! It’s no use! I stormed back to my room to change and headed downstairs for breakfast.
“Morning luv, what do you want to eat today? Aren’t you excited it’s your first day today! You look a bit down,” said my mum as I walked lazily down the stairs. A worried frown settled on her face. I sat down on the barstool; gruffly I tied my hair up into a ponytail.
“Pancakes and it’s nothing, honestly. I’m just a bit nervous about my first day and I miss my friends. Why did we have to move? Can we move back soon?” I said, I felt anger building up inside me.
She sighed,” We’ve been through this! We won’t be moving back to Tokyo for some time,” she said. “Pancakes it is.”
My brother skipped into the room happily in his new school uniform. “So, how do you feel sis? Scared?” I scowled at him. I grabbed my pancakes off the plate and raced out of the door. The uniform was horrible! I had to wear a white shirt, a green skirt, knee high socks, a red bow, a green blazer and school shoes, which were black (thank god!). Everybody stared at me; well I guess it’s because of the school uniform. We didn’t have to wear blazers at my old school but I’m glad that we don’t need to wear a tie.
I rode on the bus and then took the train. I plugged in my iPod and was pulled away from this world by my own thoughts. I didn’t want to come here, I didn’t want to have this uniform and I certainly didn’t want to come to this school. My mum said that it was one of the best schools that would accept me here because of my grades. (Which were okay, honestly !) Okay so maybe I slip up a bit sometimes.
After about half an hour I got off the train. On the way out I accidentally trod on an old man’s foot. He yelped and grunted as I pass through the doors. I started searching for this new school of mine. From the train station you turn right, then turn on your second left and then turn again on your last right. Not one thing has gone right since I moved to this bloody place! Even the route was complicated. I soon found the building right next to a cemetery.
I walked though the main gates and was greeted by a huge ancient building. It looked like Hogwarts more than a normal junior high school. (Harry potter) Oh well; did I mention that I love old buildings? Oh no, there’s a guy walking towards me!
“Hi. Nice to meet you; you must be the new student, Mikan Kiryu. My names Junn Takashi.” he said as he stretched out his hand. He had chocolate brown eyes and blue black hair that almost reached his shoulders.
“Y...Yes, I am Mikan Kiryu,” I stuttered as I reached out to shake his hand.
He smiled warmly and continued, “Well I will be your guide today, and you are welcomed to ask me anything you want.” Then he dropped my hand and led me to the main entrance, where there were thousands of kids streaming through it.
“You’re in the same class as me,” he said. “This will be our home room.” He said after a few flights of stairs. He knocked on the door and walked in first. I quickly scrambled in after him. As I walked into the classroom everybody turned to glance at me.
“Good morning sir this is Miss Kiryu,” Junn explained. There was a man at the front of the room. He was tall, skinny and was wearing a red sweater over his blue shirt.
“Well, Miss Kiryu feel free to take a seat somewhere. I am Mr Tzaku, your homeroom teacher for this year.” he said rubbing his almost-bald-head. His eyes were old and tired. They were the colour of caramel. I scanned the room for a seat; well it was kind of limited because there was ever only one empty seat in the whole of this room. So I walked towards it and sat down. I was next to Junn and to my left was a pretty girl with bright red curls running down her back and big, innocent green eyes. She seemed like a nice girl. I shook out of my blazer. It fitted me perfectly but I just didn’t want to wear it.
Mr Tzaku went though his expectations of this year ran through the register and so on. Then the bell rang, always a bell. “Hi I’m Kiko Anderson, nice to meet you seeming as you’re going to be sitting next to me for the coming year unless there are any delays,” she said smiling brightly at me. “You must be a bit confused about my surname. My real parents are American. My adoptive parents are Japanese and I decided that it was time I moved back here with them. I’ve studied Japanese for a few years so communication isn’t a problem.” She had a peachy face and everything seemed just right about her. She was around the same height as me. I had a good feeling about this girl. Suddenly a girl with light pink hair swishing behind her jogged up to us. I couldn’t tell what colour eyes she had because she wore purple contacts.
“Hi, you must be the new girl. Hi, I’m Yuki Yuri.” She said extending a hand. I took it and shook lightly.
“Well hi. You both already know my name.” I replied. We both waited for Junn outside the door.
“Can I ask you a favour?” Kiko asked.
“Well people think I’m weird and they don’t really hang out with me besides Junn…”
I cut her off. “Of course I’ll be your friend. You’ve been nice to me and anyways we weird people should stick together!”
She let out a breath. “Gee, thanks. I was really nervous. I only asked ‘coz you seemed like a nice girl.”
“You seemed like a nice girl to.” I said smiling. Then a tall girl with a perfectly styled ginger bob bumped into me. She looked at me through almond shape hazel eyes. She was perfect. I’ve never seen someone quite like her until she stared daggers at me.
“Watch where you’re going.” she said with a voice that could freeze all things, and then stalked off.
“What’s her problem?” I questioned after her.
“Ah, I see that you have finally encountered the class drama queen. Don’t tell her that otherwise she’ll shred me with her perfectly manicured purple nails! It’s okay. She won’t murder you. She’s like that sometimes.” He said and faked a damsel in distress pose with the back of his right hand to his forehead. Then we all cracked up laughing.
“Anyways Junn hurry up, I don’t want to be late for my first class on my first day. Also if you keep doing this to me I’ll explode!” I said between gasps for air.
“You don’t think Yahiro’s coming today do you?” Junn asked Kiko. She shook her head. “Okay let’s go then!”
“Hey guys, I’m not in your form anymore. I got science. I’ll see you guys around. Okay?” Yuki said.
“Sure,” I answered. She smiled at me. Then walked down the corridor opposite the way we’re going.
My first lesson was maths. The maths teacher was alright but it’s not really my subject. It’s pretty much okay, between advanced and easy, so medium. I wonder who Yahiro is. Maybe I can add him to my friends list. Anyways the next lesson is art, I’m so glad! After all my favourite lessons are art and music! “So what did ya think of maths?” asked Kiko. “It’s not my favourite subject but sir’s kind.”
As we made our way to art I saw the drama queen again. I ducted my head and kept on walking. Apparently she had a posse of girls that were just like her (everything to perfection!).
At lunch we sat outside on the bench and this Yahiro guy was still a no show. “So how do you feel about our school today?” Junn questioned.
“Who is this Yahiro guy, why is he a no show today?” Oh heck! I just figured that I said it out loud! I quickly looked away. Maybe I should just act curious, that is me after all. I turned around to find that Junn was in my face, our noses were almost touching.
“You’ve got pretty eyes you know.” He commented. I felt my cheeks warm up. Quickly I looked away. Then Kiko came.
“Gee Junn you’re already making the new girl blush?” She said, shaking her head as she took a seat to my left.
“It’s okay, you’re still the only one for me,” he said, putting his hands over his left heart as Romeo would, exaggeratingly. We didn’t see Yuki either the whole day.

That evening I sat crossed legs on my bed with my laptop balancing on two knees. I guess today was okay. At least I met Junn and Kiko. Suddenly remembering what happened with Junn made me blush all over again. I cried and blushed easily.
My Blog wrote:
Today was better than I thought. Junn was very funny and nice. Kiko was really kind. Yuki was very cheery. There’s that honesty about her that I loved, she says what she thinks. Maybe tomorrow this Yahiro won’t be a know show. Why was I so concerned about him? Oh well I’ll just have to wait and see…
There! I clicked save and shut my laptop down. That night sleep came fast again.

Chapter Two:

Either it’s my longing for Yahiro or because of Junn and Kiko. I had a feeling that it was more because of option one. It’s bad but it makes me feel good.
I met Kiko at the school gat Today I got ready really quickly and for some reason I was in a pretty good mood. e and walked to homeroom together. “So, where’s Junn?” I asked.
“He’s trying to catch Yahiro on the way. He went out of the way to show you around yesterday only ‘coz it was your first day. He normally looks out for Yahiro ‘coz Yahiro’s dad told him to.” She replied.
“So he works for Yahiro’s family.”
“Well yeah, ‘coz Junn’s family has been working for them, like, forever.”
“Oh.” I bit my lip. A bit embarrassed about what I said.
“It’s okay Yahiro treats Junn like a friend. They studied together in Los Angeles since in secondary school.”
“Okay.” I shrugged.
We walked into class. Junn was sitting next to a guy with black guy. His black wasn’t a light black. It was a midnight black. I didn’t see his eyes though because he was looking outside the window but I can tell that his hair flopped a bit over his face.“Hi Junn,” I said as I sat down next to him.
All through registration the guy didn’t turn to look once at me. What is it with him huh? The first bell rang. I shouldered my bag I scurried towards first period.
I spent the first period doodling in my book. Kiko tried to cheer me up but I never told her anything. Third period was good. It cheered me up a bit. I was able to laugh at a few jokes Kiko and Junn cracked up. Every time I pass Yahiro on the way I feel a twisted feeling in my stomach. What’s up with me?
I had lunch outside today. Junn and Kiko ate inside with Yahiro. I felt that I needed a break. The sky was orange with strikes of yellow and pink across it. I didn’t need to spend another hour with a stubborn cow, which doesn’t speak or look at you, besides it’s my free time. A little fresh air made me feel a bit better. I had a sandwich today; didn’t feel like eating much. Why was I letting a mysterious guy get me down? This was just what I needed!
At five past two I made my way to Miss Jenson’s room for art. When I walked in everybody was in aprons. (I mesmerised the way to art!) Junn and Kiko were together at a station. Oh no. That means that there was only one spare bench left. Next to you know who. “Right Mikan if you could quickly get on you apron and stand next to Yahiro that would be great.” Ms Jenson said, pulling me out of my thoughts. I realised that I stood in near the door dazed. Everybody turned to look at me.
“Yes miss.”
There you go; my favourite lesson is wasted on this baboon. Kiko caught my eye. I must have frowned because she shot me an apologetic look. I looked away first. I turned around to find myself staring into beautiful dark blue eyes. Must be contacts, See? Why would I think about that sort of thing at a time like this? I quickly looked elsewhere. Why did he give me that look? The, oh hey I’m working with the new girl, kind of look. I stared at my favourite piece of artwork in the whole room. It was of a strawberry field at sunset. The brushstrokes were neat and confident. Miss Jenson clapped her hands and held them like that after the noise died down. “Right students today let you creativity run wild. You will make what you want with clay and you will paint it next lesson.” Yahiro split the clay in half and passed the other half to me. I took it, making sure that I didn’t make any contact .I started rolling and shaping it, often adding a bit of water to it. Besides that entire he was a whole head taller than me so was always looking down at me. I felt his stare at the back of my neck.
Finally after the first half of the lesson I made the shape of an angel, without legs, and shaped its hand to look like it was making a heart. Not once had I dared look at Yahiro’s work. His hands were working very fast. I’m not sure what he’s making though. Kiko was making a treble clef. Junn was making a rose.
With the next half of the lesson trying to get the angel wings right. Every time I did it, it turned out ugly, bad thing to say but it really was ugly if you saw it for yourself. The wings drooped every time I fixed it onto the back of the actual model. “Yahiro, give your partner a hand. For a fact I know that you are excellent at making wings.” The teacher said as she passed our bench. Smiling. We were so quiet. Every other pairs were chatting and laughing. Yahiro glared at Miss Jenson’s back. If she knew, she took no notice of it. Yahiro leaned across and started reshaping the droopy wings.
“You shouldn’t make the wings too thin or too heavy because they start to droop like before. When it dries it won’t stand up properly.” He commented as his fast hand moved across the table top. His voice was cold and toneless. His fingers were long and slender. Then he was done.
“Thanks,” I muttered feeling embarrassed about what I had produced. I attached the wings to my figure and I was done. I was surprised. The wings stood up perfectly and didn’t once seem to want to droop. I placed my product to the side and washed my hands. I went back to my seat and studied Yahiro’s product. It was a mug. Not just any old mug. It was flawless and had beautiful patterns around it. There wasn’t much so it wasn’t overwhelming. It was amazing. He saw me look and smirked. I walked towards Junn, feeling my heart pound inside my chest.

Blog time, again I sat crossed leg on my bed with my laptop open in front of me.
Today I had art. I had to work with the creep. Feeling a bit down.>

Chapter Three:

I went to school with my headphones over my ears. I met Yuki at the gate and put my headphones away. “Hi, how you doing?” I said as I turned up to face her from my bag.
“I’m okay, are you?” she asked, uncertain.
“Sure. Where are Kiko and Junn?”
“Oh, they’ve headed to form already.”
“I’ll see you later okay?” she said smiling. I hugged her tightly.
“Okay! Thank you very much.” I said giving her a smile. I hope I hid my stress well enough. I watched her walk down the hall. I slammed my locker shut a bit frustrated.
“Hey there lovely, you look a bit stressed. Why don’t you hang out with us for a bit?” a voice said. I recognised that voice but I wasn’t sure. I turned around. It was the guy with the slick-red hair- the one that was with Yahiro.
“Thanks but no thanks.” I said wanting to leave. He walked towards me and put his palms on the lockers that were on either the side of my head. Somehow all the students have gotten to class early.
“Aww, too bad. You’re staying with me.”
“Mr Juke, I’d advise you to keep your hands off our new student!” said Ms Davidson walking towards us. The guy moved his hands. She grabbed my hand and pulled me to her side. “Thank you.” The guy walked off to god knows where. “I’ll never get tired of scolding them. Now, dear, go to your form.”
“Yes miss, thanks miss.” I said as I turned and hurried to form.
“Stay clear of that guy!” I heard her calling after me. I walked into form. I sat at my usual seats and said my usual hi’s to Junn and Kiko. All the girls seem so excited I noticed and Mr Tzaku doesn’t seem to mind either.
“Is there something I’m missing today? Why does all the girls seem so excited?” I asked Kiko as I leaned across to her. She smiled mischievously.
“You’ll see in a minute.” She answered with a smile pasted on her face. All the guys had a conversation of their own too. After two minutes a girl walked in with a basket full of flowers- roses- yellow, pink, red and white. She started to hand them out. They all seemed to have tags on them. “Yellow means luv you as a friend, pink means secret crush, the rare ones are red and white. Red means passion and White is a commitment- it means I luv you forever.” I stared at her. What the hell? “Guys would buy or order them and then pay for it and then someone delivers it.”
“Why?” I asked.
“I’m not sure. I think it’s like a tradition at this school.” She said pointedly. The girl handed me a yellow rose.
The tag said:
Welcome, I hope you’re enjoying the new school.
Luv, J, xx
“That would be Junn. He does it every year to me and Yuki and now you too.” Kiko said showing me her yellow rose from Junn. I turned and smiled at Junn.
“Thanks.” I said.
“It’s okay.” he said. He was obviously embarrassed because he casually moved his hand to the back of his head. Most of the girls got yellow roses, even at the extreme some got pink. Some guys got some too and Junn was one of them. The girl dropped a pink rose in front of him.
“Ooh, someone has a secret crush on you!” chided Kiko. I giggled.
“Whatever, Kiks. I know that it was you.” he said smiling. His eyes glinted in the light. The girl left the room. Yahiro walked in. He sat at his usual place. He shot me a grin before swinging his bag to the floor. I felt myself blush automatically at it. My legs were about to drop out from beneath me. Then another girl walked into the room with a bouquet of red roses and placed it in front of Tara. She smiled coldly. Another bouquet of red roses was placed in front of Yahiro. I just realised how every girl looks and murmurs when they see us enter the canteen. They all loved him. Suddenly a guy with dyed blond hair enters the room with a big bunch of white flowers. They were all beautiful and have not bloomed fully yet. Tara smiled at them. She seemed very confident that they were gonna be hers but they guy walked right passed her. Everybody gasped and froze for a second. It was placed in front of me. I felt my eyes widen at the sight of it. Every petal looked soft and velvety but I daren’t touch it.
“Wow!” whispered Kiko. They walked out of the room. Everybody stared at me.
“Okay everybody I think that’s the last of it!” Mr Tzaku said clapping his hands. Tara scowled at me. Great!
I quickly read the tag as he did the register. It said:
Hey gorgeous. These are for you.
Luv you, Y. xx
Yahiro. I looked at him. He caught my eye and winked at me. I blushed furiously. I quickly hid the tag so the others didn’t see. What was the meaning of this? I stormed out of the door and waited for the others. Others on the corridor looked at me- more at the roses. They were thinking, who gave them those? That’s a big commitment. Yahiro leaned against the wall next to me. “Do you like the roses?” he asked looking at me.
“Thanks, they were beautiful but please leave me alone.” I said grudgingly shoving the roses back to him. I linked my arm through Kik’s as she walked out of the door and half dragged her to English. Unfortunately we don’t have a seating plan. I took the seat near the window. I’ve always been attracted to nature because of my dad. He worked as a – well I not sure what you call it but he works with lots of herbs and stuff. Mum worked for a technology company. That is why we’re here in the first place. I don’t understand how they match. I guess love does amazing things. Yahiro took a seat next to me. A lady came in and spoke to Ms Davidson quietly so I couldn’t quite catch it. Then she said turning to look at me. “Miss Kiryu, please come with me.” I suddenly had that wax-orangey taste in my mouth. I hadn’t gotten that in ages- not since gran passed away two years ago. Nervously I followed her out of the door.
We walked to the office where another women sat with a telephone held in her hand. The lady that came to fetch me urged me forward gently. The other lady handed me the phone and then they both excited the room.
“Hello?” I said into the phone. Very faintly I heard a sobbing sound.
“Love, I need you to come to the hospital near our house, the one you see on the way to school. Your dad had an accident and they’re still trying to save him. I’ve informed the office already, hurry!” Her voice sounded upset and panicky. I almost dropped the phone after I heard the message.
“Okay mum. I’m coming.” I said shell shocked. I slammed the phone down onto the receiver and raced out of the door and back to English. I burst into the room and rushed to my seat and picked up my blazer and bag. “Sorry Ms Davidson, I have to go. It’s an emergency.” I quickly bowed and galloped to the train station, got on the bus and ran the rest of the way.
I ran down the hospital corridor after asking what room my dad was in. When I finally got there my mum was there and so was my brother. They were crowding round the bed. I walked slowly to the bed. It took me so much energy to place one foot in front of another. My mum and brother moved so I could see my dad. All their voices didn’t matter to me anymore. It was like a TV on mute. My dad was lying on the bed and his eyes were barely open. I crouched down and took his hand in mine. “Dad I’m here now. You have to get better okay?” I said letting tears pour down my face. His head was cut and his hands were bruised. I didn’t recognise my dad anymore. Most of all, I didn’t want this dad. I wanted my usual dad who was always smiling. This dad was frowning. I sobbed. He moved his hand to cup one side of my face.
“Look after …your mum luv…and…your brother. In…the wooden chest…in my study room…is my gifts…to you. I’ll miss…you…cupcake.” He said as I inched closer. Then his eyes slowly drifted close. And hi hand dropped from my face.
“No dad! That’s your job!” I said shaking him. He really was gone. “No!” I covered my face and sobbed. Mum came and placed her arms around me and cried also. Tamaki-my brother moved in and hugged us.

Over the next few days I skipped school and helped with dad’s funeral. He wanted to be cremated so we did just that. That few days there were lots of crying. I sobbed a lot at night and I knew none of us could sleep. After about two weeks mum recovered a little. We all did but without dad a lot of things were different. In the morning when I walked down the stairs I expected to hear dad to say hi but he wasn’t there anymore. His coffee didn’t sit where it use to and there were no newspaper on the table. A few nights back mum had gathered us to the bar stool at the kitchen and declared that it was time to move on and that dad wouldn’t want to see us like this. Tamaki seemed to agree absolutely and tried to fall back into his schedule but I just nodded along to what mum said. Reluctantly I also tried to do the same as mum and Tama. I really did but me and dad were close. Really close. We both liked the nature and love Christmas and winter. Probably also because mum was rarely home. I took on dad’s side a lot. I had a tall medium build and dark hair like dad. I was “5’5” almost “5’6” after all. Tama had warm light brown hair like mum and he was quite short. Mum was “5’3”.
I got changed and skipped breakfast. Silently and moodily I travelled to school. When I got there all of them were there at the gate in a circle. By them I meant Yahiro, Junn, Kik and Yuki. I walked slowly and placed my new head phones in mw bag. I wasn’t exactly prepared for all the questions yet. I walked up to them anyways. “Hi guys,” I said quietly. They turned to look at me. I braced myself for the questions to come but it never did.
“Nelson asked me out!” squealed Yuki as she enveloped me in a deep hug.
“He luvs her, like totally!” Said Kiko coming to join the hug. I felt a tear escape. I looked down.
“Why are you crying, hon?” asked Yuki tilting my chin up with a finger.
“Nothing,” I said wiping the tear away. “Why aren’t you asking me questions like those other kids?” I asked frowning.
“Because we can tell that it stresses you and if you wanted us to know you tell us by yourself.” Said Junn sheepishly. I hugged Yuki and Kiko tightly.
“Thanks you guys,” I murmured against them. “I have to head to my locker, I’ll meet you at form okay?”
“Okay, hun.” Kiko replied.
“I’ll see you at break and lunch okay Mika?” asked Yuki. I nodded. After that I quickly scurried to my locker. I put the key in the lock and twisted. Inside my locker was my usual stuff. Books, spare pens and the hat dad bought me last Christmas. No wonder I couldn’t find it. My vision blurred. Then long arms circled my waist from behind. My quick reflex led me to elbow the person. It hugged me tighter. It felt, amazingly, comforting. I dropped my elbow. I spun around. It was him. “What are you doing here?”
My vision cleared. “Nothing. I just thought you might need the hug. I go now.” He said shrugging his shoulders and turned to walk away.
“Thanks. I did really need it!” I cried after. He didn’t turn; he just lifted a hand and waved. I gathered my things and closed the door. Behind it stood Tara. I took a step back.
“Stay away from Yahiro. I swear it!” she hissed.
“Why?” I asked. That came out a bit dumb.
“Because I love him. They way you never would.” She replied. Her eyes seem distant. I kinda finally understood.
“Yeah, your right. You can have him. He’s a friend anyways. I think.” I said, not quite believing what I was saying myself. Suddenly my heart seemed to collapse inside my best. Tara stared wide eyed at me but quickly recovered from it.
“Glad that you understand.” She said finally and strode off to class. I walked in slowly with my head hanging. I didn’t make eye contact with anybody. In my heart I longed for him to hold me again but I said what I said so I have to stick to it. After form I hurried to art.
Just as I got in when Miss Jenson began to speak. I dropped my bag under the desk and listened to her seriously. I didn’t once turn to look at Yahiro. “Okay everybody, your pieces of work were beautiful and I loved every single one of them especially your one, Miss Kiryu.” She said looking at me before continuing. “Today you will be making one more object you want as a finale to this topic of clay work. Aprons on and work, work, work!” I ran to get an apron on before he could utter a word- Yahiro.
I was working half way through my treble clef, after all music was one of my talents, when he spoke. “Why are you not speaking to us Mikan?” he whispered. I felt Tara’s steady eyes stare at us. So I remained silent. My heart was about to burst in my chest.
At lunch I went out and bought a quick coffee from this café round the corner. (Yep, we were allowed out of school for a snack but had to be back soon!) The coffee ended up tasting disgusting so I dumped it. I didn’t want to see anyone so hid in the library the whole time. Nelson came and offered me some chocolate. “So what’s up? I heard that you were upset.” He asked awkwardly after I finished the whole of his chocolate.
“I’m okay. Let’s head to class the pip’s gonna go anyways.” I said pulling him up by the hand. I really was okay after the chocolate and I’m glad Nelson was the one to offer it! (Cause I knew he wouldn’t mind me eating all of it!) We walked to class together and I felt normal again. We were laughing and joking around. I knew for real that I wouldn’t have wanted to spend that last 20minutes with anyone else. I met Kiko and Junn at the door of the English classroom. “Hey,” I began. “How’s your break?” Kiko was wearing a big smile.
“Yuki finally spilled it! The party’s gonna be at the start of November!” she said with delight.
“Oh.” I said simply as I walked into the classroom and took my usual seat by the window. I wasn’t going for sure but I still needed to know who Yahiro was going with. Yahiro walked in and sat across the room instead. My heart lurched in my chest. He smiled at a girl who I did not know. She had chestnut brown hair in a plait that went off her shoulders. They talked and laughed. I felt jealous. I didn’t like that feeling.

That night I opened the wooden trunk/chest dad left for me. Inside were pictures of when we use to go on holiday- since I was a baby. Also inside were some classics of some books like: Jane Eyre, Emily Bronte and some like that. Oh and a fat book full of Shakespeare plays including Romeo and Juliet. I’m really glad. I love old and ancient books and stuff. Buried at the bottom was a dog-eared copy of Wuthering Heights and some silk bags that were beautifully sewn with roses. Inside were some of the rarest herbs that dad have shown me before. In one bag, it was white and embroided with red roses and black thorns, were a beautiful necklace. It was simple but exotic. It was a brown string instead of a metal chain and at the end of it was a clear white stone in the shape of a heart. At the very bottom of the chest, stuffed in a corner was a deep blue box. I opened it. Resting in the velvety material was a silver ring shaped like a bird wrapping its wings round itself. It glinted as it caught the light on my bedside table. I shoved it back into the box, practically threw everything back into the trunk before finding a leather bound book on the floor. It was my dad’s journal. Inside were his discoveries and tasty recipes with his herbs. Awesome. I put the book carefully back into the box. I’ll look at it another day. Right now I needed some sleep. I snuggled under the light fluffy covers and fell into the trap of sleep.
I woke up to the smell of bacon and eggs. Quickly I got dressed and raced down the stairs. You could never miss a breakfast like this because my brother would gobble the whole plate of bacon down into his stomach. These mornings were vital. I galloped down the stairs and quickly snatched myself a plate full of mum’s eggs. It was still different without dad but I made it through.
“Bacon please, Mikan.” She said sighing. I made a face. “If this is about your veggie thing, than please put it aside just for today.”
“Mum. Fine. Only one slice.” I said showing her my index finger. She smiled. Dad told me about how he was a vegetarian when I was ten. After that I just stopped having meat. At dinner dad would always back me up. I couldn’t really bring myself to eat them poor animals. Dad told me how they would kill the animal and mince they’re meat.
I bought hot hazelnut drink from the local starbucks down the street. Mmm…tasty! I travelled with it to school and finished it when I arrived right in front of the school gates. I was in a really good mood today because of dad’s journal and his truck load of stuff for me. “Hi! Good morning you guys!” I said hugging Yuki and Kiko.
“Hey. It seems like Yahiro’s got himself some fans.” She said nodding his head towards Yahiro and some girls who looked pretty amazing.
“You should be happy for him because that’s some improvement from how he was at the start of school!” I said giggling as Yuki arrived.
“First of all remember that the party is in two weeks time! Secondly Mikan and Kiko you guys need to go shopping with me for a dress. Thirdly Yahiro is ridiculous.” She said rolling her eyes.
“What just because he’s getting some girlfriends for himself?” I said unaffected.
“Nothing, let’s head to class.” She said walking ahead. We followed.
That day we barely saw Yahiro besides in classes. At lunch he was having a picnic with the same girl I saw him talking to in class. It was okay though because the rest of us were sitting on our usual bench by ourselves. That was my Friday gone.

I sat alone that night in my room no homework no books just with the chest full of stuff. I started flipping through the leather book and saw that there were some recipes I could try because dad still had some of the herbs. I lay on my bed and stared at the ceiling. I didn’t want to do any of this. I felt so tired. Putting up a fight. Resisting everything. I cried myself to sleep.
Saturday morning. I woke up at 10 and wore my favourite yellow long sleeve t-shirt and put on tights. I didn’t want to wear a skirt firstly because it didn’t feel right and secondly I couldn’t really move comfortably in them. At last I settled on dungaree shorts. I studied myself in the mirror. I do look more like dad. Sighing I grabbed my canvas bag and went downstairs. “Morning mum.” I said seeing her in the kitchen.
“Morning love.” She replied not looking up from the stack of papers in front of her. I had some toast with jam and buttoned up my coat.
“Mikan, go upstairs and grab a scarf. It’s cold.” She said and she needn’t say twice. I jogged up the stairs and grabbed my black scarf. It matched my coat -it was navy. When I got downstairs she took out some money from her purse and put it in my hand. I tried to give it back but she told me to keep it and use it wisely. So I accepted it.
“Bye mum. Don’t wait for me tonight. I’m not having dinner. I’m gonna go dress shopping with Yuki and Kiko and then we’re gonna grab some food.” I said giving her a smile. I opened the door and stepped out into the cold street. The sun was shining. At least that was good. I wonder why she gave me money. She probably thought that’ll treat them to ice-cream but she gave me a lot more than needed.
I met Yuki and Kiko outside the train station. “Hey,” said Yuki waving as she ran up to me.
“Hey, so where are we going?” I asked.
“A mall. You’ll see. It’s really big!” said Kiko. I let them drag me along down the train station.
“In 2 minutes the train to central Kyoto will leave.” The speakers growled. We ran. It was exciting. We raced through the station. Just the three of us. Everybody stared. After lots of excuse me’s and apologies we made it. We sat down huffing and Puffing. Then we all looked at each other silently and bursted into laughter.
When we arrived there were lots of shops. There were quite a lot of dress shops.
“Hey Mikan, I was gonna ask you the other day but I didn’t get the chance to. Would you mind working out at the maid café as a waitress? Its cause my friends quitting and we definitely need a hand. Kiko can’t do it because she already works for Yahiro.” asked Yuki.
“I guess I could.” I replied.
“Thank you!” she said saluting to me. She turned back to the rack full of dresses.
After quite a few shops Kiko fond a dress that suited her. She walked out of the dressing room in a flowing green dress that went from emerald green and blended into plunging darkness. It was beautiful! It had a tight looking fabric strap that went from her left shoulder to right side of her dress. That was quick.
“It’s beautiful!” said Yuki practically jumping onto Kiko. “It brings out your eyes!”
“Yeah.” Quickly she changed out of it and paid out at the counter. “Junn kinda asked me to go with him individually to the dance. As his date.” She added quietly.
“That’s awesome.” I said and I meant it.
“Really? But that leaves you to go with Yahiro.” She said concerned.
“I’m not going. It’ll be fine. Yahiro will have tons of people asking him to go with them.” I said suddenly forced.
“Okay, but are you sure that you’re not going?” she asked clutching my hands. I nodded.
“No one’s asked me yet anyways.” I said scanning the dresses. We walked a bit more and Yuki came across a big dress shop. She rushed in. Quickly I walked in after her. The dresses were all very exotic and pretty but they were just too… girly and frilly! Yuki shook me hard.
“I’ve found it! I’ve found it!” she screeched after trying on about 20 dresses-pink, red, orange and every other colour. She dragged me to wait outside the changing room. She stepped out of the changing room. She was wearing the softest looking deep purple dress ever! It was strapless and hugged every curve Yuki had. It showed off her light looking skin and had a pink bow on the side of the waist. My skin was really pale and Kiko was really tanned. We had some slushie and continued to walk around. I stopped outside a small shop. Something beeped. I turned around. It was Yuki’s phone. “Newest message… it’s been changed to a masquerade ball!” she said, eyes wide.
“That is sooo cool!” said Kiko happily. Secretly inside I smiled.
“Hey you guys should go and look for masks then. Run along! I’ll look at some shops by myself and meet you guys back at the slushie shop in 20 minutes.” I said already walking off. I paused for some time outside the shop. I wouldn’t say that it looked shabby just old, antiquely you know. I stepped inside. It was calm. There were a number of things there – dresses, brooches, jewellery, stuff really. It was amazing though. “Hello dear,” said an old lady. “It’s been a long time since someone came here.” She had white hair but dark eyes, very dark eyes. She was wearing a traditional kimono. It was red and full of cherry blossoms. Cool.
“Really?” I asked feeling peace.
“I know just the thing for you. You’re beautiful. I wasn’t sure about the dress but now that you’ve come along.”
“What’re …” I began.
“There there.” She handed me a cream coloured dress and ushered me into the changing room. I changed. The fabric was smooth and the colour was just right. It was a light cream colour. It hugged my curves (if I had any) and showed off my small waist. It had two straps and pulled in at the waist. It split after that but there was a mini skirt under it that stopped a little before my knees. It was beautiful and simple. “Dear are you done? Step out here so I can see you.” I stepped out from behind the curtain. “Oh! You look gorgeous!” I changed out of it and handed it back to her. I peered inside the glass cabinets. Something caught my eye. It was a white mask. It had some gold jewels on it around the side. “Try it on luv.” I did and it just covered my eyes. Is this a dream? I took it off.
“Here. Thanks it’s been wonderful. All your things are very pretty but I have nothing to wear it to.” I said handing the mask back to her. She placed it into a white bag.
“Take them. I have no use of them. You would need them some time soon.” She said handing the bag to me. Surprisingly I accepted.
“Thanks.” I shrugged. I place some money on the counter. She picked it up and stuffed it into my hand. Her eyes told everything. It was her gift to me. I nodded slowly and stepped out of the shop. Coldness made every hair on the back of my neck stand up. I shuddered and pulled my coat tighter around myself and set off towards the slushie shop.
I met them outside. “Hey you guys. Let’s go. Let’s go and have some coffee and cake. I know this shop near my house. My treat.” I walked ahead. We arrived at the station. They muttered behind me. “Come on!” I said dragging them into the shop with me. I sat them down and bought a two cheesecakes, a chocolate cake for Kiko and three cups of the famous hazelnut drink. I set it on the table. “Eat.” I simply ordered. They took the first bites out of their cakes.
“It’s amazing!” said Yuki. Kiko sat there grinning. I beamed. Later we had some sushi and went home. It was great today. I galloped up the stairs as quietly as I can. I just had to try the dress and mask on together. I know. Curiosity right? I stripped off today’s clothes and had a quick shower. I let the warm water drip from head to toe.
I rushed out of the shower room. I quickly dried and slipped into the soft fabric of the dress. I pulled the mask over my head. I stared at my reflection. There was a stranger there in my place. The person in the reflection looked much older and more independent. Uh! This isn’t me! I said that I wasn’t going so I’m not going! I peeled out of the stunning crap and stuffed them back into the bag. I pulled into my p-jays and crawled into bed. Why is this all happening to me?

I rubbed my eyes and pushed them open. Uh! I have to experience another first day again! Sunday school! I shrugged into a red, long sleeved t-shirt and white skirt ending with a pair of black tights and white ankle boots. My wardrobe is kinda limited even if it doesn’t seem so. Mum always had insisted on wearing a skirt or dress to church. It was sort of a no jean wearing zone. Jeans were more my type of thing because it was comfortable and from all the sports in my previous school I didn’t have a great pair of legs. I jogged down the corridor and opened the door to my brother’s room. It’s usually a bad thing if we don’t wake up on time on a Sunday. Mum would literally shout the house down. I shoved my brother. He hid deeper into the duvet. Uh! I pulled the duvet off the bed. He flinched. I threw it on the floor and sat down on the side of his bed. “Tama wake up. Its Sunday morning.” I hissed into his ear, making sure mum didn’t hear us was vital on a Sunday. Even that can get her pissed. Tama didn’t even stir. “Mum?” I said again straining the importance of the word. He shot up like a bullet. I smirked. He climbed out of bed to get dress. I headed to the bathroom.
Breakfast was tasty. We walked to church. It wasn’t that far butt it’s a Sunday morning that’s all. Anyways so we got to church, me and my brother were in different groups. I was surrounded by people around sixteen, seventeen? Anyways so we worshipped and talked a bit about ourselves among the group. Then the double doors of the quite room opened. Yahiro walked in. Is he stalking me? I looked elsewhere. He just had to but in. He took a seat next to me and slouched. He was wearing a black t-shirt and jeans with red converses. Typical. It was getting closer and closer to the start of November. In less than one week it’s gonna be the start of November.
After the session he walked up to me. “Hey.”
“Hey.” I said back in a slightly annoyed.
“You’re annoyed with me.”
“I don’t know.” I said looking away from his steady blue eyes. He grabbed me in for a hug. He released me and put a hand on my head. Then he walked out of the doors. My heart thudded in my chest. I walked out a bit after and collected Tamaki from his session. We met our mum outside. Oh god, she’s been crying again. In the crowd I saw Yahiro flirting with a blonde hair girl and she laughed at something he said. That crazy bastard! Him and his bastardized words.

Chapter Four:

On Tuesday I sat in class the whole day without looking at Yahiro but I spoke to Junn and stuff. I just pretended that he wasn’t there. At lunch I ate silently and in music I played the music in front of me. I felt really annoyed and upset. No one seemed to care very much about how I felt. After school I stormed off for home. I stopped outside an ice-cream shop. It reminded me a lot of the one me and Yoshi se to go to. Yoshi was my best friend. I stepped inside and ordered a taro ice-cream. It was sweet and melted inside my mouth. Somehow I didn’t feel cold inside at all.
“Mum. I’m starting to work at my friends place on Monday. She needs a hand and don’t worry. I’m getting paid.” I said remembering what happened last time. I helped out at a shop in Tokyo for three months without being paid. I stomped up the stairs moodily.
After dinner I browsed the internet for a bit. I e-mailed my friends and updated them on how I was doing at school. Then my mum came in. “Hey honey. I was just wondering if you wanted to wear one of my old dresses. It’s really not that old.” I whisked around in my chair to face my mum. I looked at the dress eyes wide. It was a pearly colour and had jewels at the top. I gave it a try.
“Mum the backs really low.” I said as my mum tied the strap behind my neck. It was gorgeous though.
“Keep it.” My mum answered instead.

At music Shinogue came up to me. “Hey.” He said nervously.
“Hi.” I said back smiling. He had sandy blond hair and a keen smile. His eyes were a welcoming hazel.
“I… don’t have a date for the dance so I was wondering if you wanted to go with me.”
He said. “If you don’t have a date.” He added quickly studying his shoes. Thinking about this made me feel better.
“Okay.” I said simply. It made me feel better. Two more days and it’ll be the start of November. I resumed practicing the piece set in front of me. I felt Yahiro’s gaze rest on me as I played. Even if I was sure of how I felt about him he wasn’t mine to have. I stick to my words.
On Friday night Yuki and Kiko came over with their dresses and make up. “Hey I haven’t seen you buy a dress. Do you have one?” Kiko asked.
“Yeah.” I replied. They spread their dresses flat on my bed and placed their matching shoes at the end of my bed. After sorting out the things they needed they dressed and started to apply makeup.
“So who are you going with?” Yuki asked curiously.
“Shinogue. From the football team.” I said.
“Oh my god. I heard that he is really cute! I’m so glad for you.” Yuki said thrillingly.
I didn’t get ready until they were almost done. I had a quick shower and let my hair dry. It curved around my face and framed it. I changed into my chosen dress and borrowed matching heels from my mum. I tucked my fringe behind my ear and drew some eyeliner over my eyes, then put on a thin shine of cherry lip gloss. I looked at myself in the mirror again. Something doesn’t look right. I let my side fringe fall lightly over my eye. There. We agreed that we weren’t gonna show each other our masks until we got to the party which was held at the school sports hall. Junn and Nelson came to pick the girls up and then Shinogue came to pick me up.
Kiko had her hair into a high messy ponytail. Not a tight, strict ponytail. A loose, relaxed one. Her fringe framed her face. Yuki’s hair was pulled into a smooth plait that led off her left shoulder. “Mika I know you need the toilet. When we see Yahiro come you can go okay?” I nodded.
I hid my mask in my purse I borrowed from mum again and met the girls and their dates outside the school gate. We waited for about 10 minutes then we saw a black car pulled into the parking lot. I hurried to the toilet. Yahiro walked up to meet us and guess who his date was? Tara. She walked up to us in a glamorous red dress that was strapless and clung to her. “Guys this is Tara.” Yahiro introduced. I turned and continued to walk.
Once I was done in the cubicle I examined myself in the mirror. I wet my hands and brushed a bit of hair back from my face. Carefully I pulled the mask over my head. You can still see my eyes through the holes- sought of. I walked out of the toilet and saw Shinogue waiting. “The others went ahead so I waited here for you.”
“Thanks.” I said and linked my arm through his. We walked into the sports hall. All eyes turned to stare at us. “They’re staring at you. You look beautiful!” he whispered into my ear. I felt a smile tugging at my lips. We stopped and searched for the others. The room was totally transformed from its usual dull plain walls. Through the pink and green colours of the light I spotted them at a table near the corner of the room. I pointed. We walked over and sat next to Yuki and Nelson. “Hey,” I said as I sat down. All the guys were the same. They wore black suits. Through the gaps in my mask I saw that Tara was wearing a fitted strapless red dress that clung to her like her second skin. The little gems shimmered in the florescence of the lights. She looked brilliant and she had red strappy heels to match her outfit. All the girls wore masks that matched their dresses. Kiko green, Yuki purple, Tara red, Shinogue light chocolate brown, Junn gold, Yahiro black and Nelson deep royal blue.
Then the music changed to a slow calm beat. Shinogue stood up and offered me a hand. I took it. At this moment I was too happy to care about anything else in this world. The other boys did the same. Shinogue pulled to the dance floor and looped his arms around my waist lightly as if I would break. I placed my arms around his neck and rested my head on his left shoulder. We swayed to the slow music. I saw Yahiro hold Tara closely and placed his chin on the top of her head. I turned so that my head rested on Shinogue’s right shoulder and looked at my two other friends who were smiling sweetly as they danced with their partners. I smiled. When it was time for the next dance Shinogue offered to grab some drinks. A guy came up to me and took my hand. We started dancing. I stared up into his luminous blue eyes.
I spotted that a lot of girls came with guy partners but mooned over our guys. After a few dances we got tired and started to sit around. The party started at seven. So around ten thirty Kiko suggested that we go get sushi and of course most of us agreed. Together we walked out of the hall. We all headed to our separate cars and drove to the sushi bar.

We ordered some sushi and just ate. Later on things got spiced up because I felt pissed. (I’m temperamental.) I just got bored and there was nothing to do and it was late. “Guys do you want to go anywhere?” I asked lightly.
“Nah. I’m gonna finish this and head home even though it’s a Saturday tomorrow.” Yuki said.
“Me too.” Kiko agreed. The boys nodded. I smiled to Shinogue, questioning. He looked away. Something flared up inside me.
“I’m leaving.” I said standing up from the table. I walked out. Tara followed.
“What’s up?” she asked.
“Nothing I just don’t feel so great.” I said sighing. “Would you come with me to a place?”
“Sure.” She said and linked her arm through mine. She was nicer once she knew that I wasn’t going to get in her way of being with Yahiro.
“Just where do you think you’re taking my date Kiryu?” a voice shouted.
“Follow if you wish o' idiot of the century.” I cried, not looking back.
“Get to the car first.” He said. We followed. He shrugged out of his coat and tie and was only wearing his white shirt and black trousers. Then we resumed to pacing down the street. I walked along in my scraping heels. We strolled along the street and occasionally went into cute shops.
Then we came across a park which was lit up by lights thousands of different bright colours. They were probably about one hundred watt. I automatically walked into the park. It was an autumn festival of some sort. There were lots of stalls. I clung onto Tara and beckoned for her to follow me. It was all on the grass. Not one bit of concrete. I felt a smile play at my lips. I smiled mischievously at Tara and she looked at me suspiciously. I tugged my heels off my foot and held them in my left hand. The grass was comforting. It felt nice to be able to feel to feel ground again. I tilted my head to my left and gave her a Mary- Kate smile. I extended my arm with my palm facing up. She rolled her eyes in a “what the heck” way and smiled as she tugged off her heels. Yahiro stared at us wide eyed.
I laughed a lot. We stopped at a variety of stalls. There were jewellery stalls, food stalls and lot’s more. I stopped at stall. It said bubble tea. Then there was a menu. I looked at it and ordered a taro flavoured bubble tea. I brought the thick straw to my lips and drank. The sweet taste of the content filled my senses. “Do you want to try some?” I asked Tara holding the plastic cup up after I finished chewing on the jelly. It was a pastel purple colour with black blobs of jelly inside. She made a face and shook her head. “It tastes nice.”
“I’ll try some.” Yahiro said. He was mute the whole way here and now finally spoke.
“I wasn’t offering it to you.” I replied coolly. He grabbed the cup out of my hand and took a long sip. I scowled. He handed it back to me.
“You can keep it.” I said glaring at him.
“Your loss. It tastes great.” He said teasingly. He touched the straw on to my lip. I pulled a face and backed away. He kept coming. I backed up. “One sip.”
“Nope.” I replied with a straight face. He wasn’t my date. Why’s he playing with me? I looked at Tara. She didn’t look that comfortable. I ran to her. “You drink it. Pleeeease?”
“Okay.” She said smirking. She took it and slurped. I giggled.
“Three, two, one. I, by law, now pronounce you husband and wife!” I said bursting out. Tara raised her eyebrows at me and Yahiro stared at me. Hard. “Your right, it’s totally not funny!” I said trying to hide my laugh.
We walked on for about fifteen minutes and came across a small charm shop. My eyes quickly picked out a bright fiery red coloured marble in the shape of a sphere and around it was curling gold metal. It had also a little gold heart that hung onto the curling frame of the necklace. It was cool on my palm. I bought it.
“Turn around,” I ordered Tara. “Here. It suits you.” she looked down at the stone that rested on her breast bone.
“It’s beautiful. Here,” she put something around my neck as well. “I got a little something for you too.” It was a medium swirly blue colour. Then I realised that it was the same one I got for her but instead of a heart it had a treble clef hanging on it. Cool.
“Thanks.” I replied. “Let’s go sit on that bench.” We settled onto the wooden bench under the lifeless tree. I slouched. The dark sky was filled with stars. Tara started to doze off to sleep. “Take her home.” I said to Yahiro, not looking at him. He lifted her into his arms and walked to his car.
“Hop in.” he said as soon he settled her in the back of his car. I shook my head.
“No need to.” I said matter of factly. He lifted me off of my feet and dumped into the front seat. “Hey.” After that we didn’t exchange a single word and Tara never woke up. He dropped her home first and then drove me home. He stopped outside my house and looked around. I just got out of the car. I can’t really afford to let a dope stare all around at my house. I feel exposed. He quickly rushed out of the car after me. Trust me, he looked like an imbecile.
“You were meant to wait for me to open the door like a gentleman.” He said.
“Screw you. One: What if you never open the door. Two: You’re not a gentlemen.” I said knitting my brows together. He sighed and grabbed my forearm. He pulled me to is chest. Suddenly I remembered. Stay away from Yahiro. I swear it! I pushed away from him and looked at the dirt beneath my feet. “What’s wrong?” he asked.
“Nothing, good night.” I replied hurriedly. He grabbed my hand and pulled me in for a deep kiss. It was soft and well, weird at the same time. He held my elbows. This person was not the same person I see at school every day. I’m sure of it. No! It came to me again. Because I love him. The way you never would. I pulled back, breathless. “Leave.” I said in between gasps for breathe. “I’ll see you tomorrow.” I rushed into the house.

I lay on my bed and went over every detail of the night. From when we left the dance to when Yahiro dropped me off home. I rolled back and forth on my bed and clutched my head. I won’t think about it. That’s right! I won’t think about it!

Chapter Five:

“Morning.” Yahiro said and with a wave of his hand he walked into the school building. I blushed- only lightly and walked into school as well. I stared into space during form. I was a tad bit nervous about work today. First class was English as well.
In English Yahiro sat down and winked at me. I blushed furiously. That didn’t clear anything up though. Tara’s presence still bugged me. I tried to avoid seeing Yahiro but it seemed as if every corner I turned he was there. “Hey, what’s your next lesson?” he asked falling in step with me.
“Biology.” I said looking down.
“I’m with you then. What’s up? Is something wrong?” he said tilting my chin up with a finger so I was facing him.
“It’s Tara. I don’t think it’s fair on her.” I said calmly. “You have to know by now that she likes you.”
“Yeah sure but I like you. So she can’t really do anything to change it.” He said as he walked on. Hearing him say that he liked me made a fluttering movement in my chest.
“Yeah but I said she could have you.” I said running after him.
“Exactly when was that conversation carried out? I was never yours to give unless...”I stormed into the classroom and clamped my mouth shut the whole lesson. I didn’t once look at him nor communicate with him even though he kept trying to catch my eye.
Lunch was always a painful period now. I sat down between the girls and ate in silence. Yahiro never showed. Great. Wonderful in fact.
After school I headed home. Just like usual. My snotty brother was there and so was my mum. Great. She’s probably gonna start firing questions at me. I took my chance and tried to bolt up the stairs. I successfully made it only to be busted anyways. The door to my room swung open. Wide open. “Honey you have a visitor. Downstairs. Guy. Get change okay?” without giving me a chance to protest she shut the door. I shrugged into a big t-shirt, grey cardigan and a pair of comfortable shorts I wore at home. In case you’re wondering, work got cancelled today.
Yahiro sat on one of the barstools. I tried to make a quick retreat but as I turned my back my mum spoke. “Mikan is that you? Come down here so we can see you.” I did. More like I had to. I slowly placed one foot in front of another until I reached the end of the stairs. I smiled tightly.
“Your friend is looking for you.” my mum said slyly. I shot her a deadly glare.
“What are you doing here? What do you want?” I asked him, faking a smile.
“We were just talking?” My mum said looking up from her chopping board.
“Talking?! How long?” I questioned both of them. The fake smile immediately dropped from my face as my mum and Yahiro looked at each other.
“Let’s go out. Your mum said it was okay.” He said turning back to me. Then my mum sat down on the sofa.
“I…I don’t know.” I said.
“Please?” please was not something he’d normally say so I gave in.
“So I don’t need to cook you dinner Mikan?” my mum said from the sofa. Before I could say anything Yahiro answered for me.
“Mrs Kiryu, you may enjoy your dinner in peace.” Yahiro said smiling at my mother. She smirked in return. This was so unbelievable. It was like they shared a secret language that I didn’t know.

“Where are we going?” I asked once I buckled my seat belt.
“We’re gonna visit my little brother. He’s gotten better since the last time you came over. He wanted to see you again.” He said as he shifted into gear.
“Well he’s definitely sweeter than you.” I said looking out the window. I just felt as if I didn’t care anymore. Actually I didn’t anymore. I didn’t want to anymore. I’m tired of being the one who worries, who cares. He obviously doesn’t. We drove in silence. Even after the little incident in the kitchen.
When we got out of the car we walked to the front door. “I’m sorry Mikan. I don’t how to show you that I actually mean it but I am okay?” he said and took a deep breath. We stepped into the spacious space of the big house. Immediately we went into Zero’s bedroom. Thinking about what happened last time I came made me kind of feel bad about my own brother. I did treat him pretty badly. Anyways, when I walked into the bedroom I saw a healthy kid sitting up in his bed. His face lit up when he saw Yahiro.
“How old is he?” I asked quietly.
“Three. Almost four.” He replied picking up the kid. Cute. (Zero’s age- NOT the fact that he was picking the kid up like a loving brother.)
“Cool!” I said as I watch Zero open his arms and reach for me. I took him from Yahiro and cradled him. I realised for the first time that where Yahiro was dark Zero was light. Yahiro had dark hair and light eyes and strong features where as Zero had light hair and dark eyes with soft features. Zero’s so young he can’t wear contacts. Are their eyes naturally blue? I ask him later.
“Hiya. You okay?” he giggled and pointed to the spotty giraffe toy on his bed. Yahiro handed it to him and he hugged it to his chest.
“I’m okay. I missed you. What’s your name?” he asked as his deep blue eyes shone brightly from the glowing light in the bedroom.
“Mikan. My name’s Mikan.” I said smiling. I couldn’t help it. He was just so adorable.
“Told you he liked you.” Yahiro said sitting back to front on the chair. I smiled.
“His room’s really empty. We should probably buy him some more toys or wallpapers and we could probably take him out on day.” As soon as I said the last bit I kind of regretted it. He nodded in agreement.
“Does he like pandas?”
“Yeah. He likes giraffes and pandas the most. I think dinner is almost ready.”
“Cool. I’m staying for dinner?” I said as I handed Zero back to his brother. I sighed. I followed him back down the stairs passing quite a few doors before hitting the right one. He settled Zero on a higher chair before sitting next to me.
“I don’t think it’s one of you brightest ideas.” I said looking at him.
“What? Because you eat like a pig?” he asked chuckling. I gawped at him. “Okay, okay. I’m kidding.”
I smiled gently. We sat at the huge table and ate. Just ate. I don’t think I want to go through that dinner ever again. It was dead quiet at the table. I ate silently as well. Once we were all done we went to Zero’s room again. We played around and talked a bit. Then I read Zero a story to put him to sleep. After I tucked him properly into bed, me and Yahiro went to the living room. I slouched on the sofa stretched my arms and yawned. I closed my eyes and felt the exhaustion seep in almost instantly. “Can I go home now?” I asked looking back up at Yahiro. He stood up and took my hand.
“Come on then.” He said pulling me up from the couch. Pulling me up from the couch became pulling me in for a hug. I rested my head on his shoulder. He was so warm I wished I could stay in his embrace forever. We finally broke apart. He kissed me on my forehead. I smiled at him. We walked slowly to his car hand in hand.

I got out of the door and stepped onto the gravel on our driveway. “Thanks.” I said.
“It’s okay. I like having you around.” He said holding my hands.
“I’ve got work tomorrow and I’m not really looking forward to it.” I said smiling weakly. “Anyways, I’d better go.” I couldn’t help it. He’s just so cute. I reached up and kissed him lightly. “Don’t look forward to more.” I warned as he grinned. I’m not sure when the kissing and hugging started, it just did. I crept into the house quietly. Luckily mum and Tama were asleep. I changed into my pyjamas and got under the covers. I curled into a ball to keep warm.

Chapter Six:

I woke feeling really warm. I kicked off my duvet. A moment after my alarm bleeped. I got up and did my usual routine. Today I decided to tie my hair into a long plait going down my back. My fringe curled around my cheek. “Hey mum.” I said as I took my usual place for breakfast.
“Hi darling.” She said as she carried on looking down at her newspaper.
“What’s for breakfast?” I asked. She looked up confused.
“I’m sorry. I forgot. Here. Go buy something to eat on the way to school.” She said handing me some yen. I smiled at her and set off to school.
I arrived at school a little earlier than usual. Funny thing was that Yahiro was waiting at the gate already with a swarm of girls around him. I walked right past him. When I reached the classroom there was nobody there so I went in and sat at my desk with my headphones on and rested my head on my bag. I tapped my feet to the rhythm of the music. Something nudged at my bag. I sat up quickly. “Hey.” said Yahiro lightly. I rolled my eyes and put my head down again. He took my headphones off and closed his arms round my neck. “You’re not angry about the girls are you? If you are then I’m sorry.”
“I’m not angry about the girls. Why would I be? It’s just because mum’s a bit off today she forgot to make breakfast.” I said. She did seem a little weird. It felt nice that his cheek was against mine. I took his arms from around my neck and turned to look at him. “What are you gonna do about Tara?” he sighed. He didn’t want to sort it out. I dropped his hand and turned back to put my headphones away.
“Why do we have to talk about her?” he asked as he sat on my desk facing me.
“Because. When I’m with you I feel guilty.” I said not looking at him.
“Why? She has no place in our relationship.” He said plainly.
“We are not in a relationship at the moment Ryuuzaki and we never will be, not properly anyways, if you don’t sort it out with her.” I said strongly. Then I caved. “How about this-You give her a chance and if you really don’t like her then you can tell her properly.” He stared.
“Why?” he asked impatiently.
“Because she wanted to be with you before I butted in. You didn’t even give her a chance. Please Yahiro. You have no idea how kind she was to me once she found out that I wasn’t with you.” I explained as I cross my arms across my chest.
“Look I promise you I’ll sort it out with her,” he said as he turned to crouch down next to me. “but I can’t do what you want me to do. Not while the person I like is you.”
“That’s sweet.” I said finally showing a hint of smile. He stole a quick kiss on my nose just as the first bell went off. Students slowly filed into the classroom. I said hi to Kiko and Junn. First class is art! Tara wasn’t in as I glanced around the room.
As we walked out of the room I noticed that Kiko and Junn were murmuring. “What’s up guys?” I asked walking up next to Junn.
“Well if you’re asking then the answer is Junn and I are together.” Kiko said not quite believing it either.
“That’s great you guys!” I said smiling. I’m gonna roast her about the details later. Actually she grabbed my arm and steered me forward. “Well? Did he ask you or what?”
“It was on the weekend after you left he gave me a lift home and well kissed me.”
“You’re kidding me. He just kissed you?” I said surprised. She nodded. “That’s nice.”
“What about you and Yahiro? Still not able to get along, I noticed you guys were the earliest in the room.” She said. I moved my head side to side in a so-so motion. She smiled. The truth is me and Yahiro, I’m not sure if we’re official yet because of Tara. We walked into the art room and went straight for our seats.
“Right students, today you will be sketching a portrait of your partner. This art requires concentration and how much you see that person. You can always draw as if they’re statues. Talking and interacting with them much can help you bring life into the portrait you draw of them. Now start. Pencils are on the right and papers are on the left.” Miss Jenson said as she sat down on her chair facing the computer. Yahiro came back with two pencils and two sheets of paper.
“Thanks.” I said as I took one of ach from him. I sat facing him and he did the same. It was hard to look and not say anything. I can’t. Not here. I started drawing the shape of his face. Now and then I would look up at him and catch him staring at me. I smiled up at him. I’m pretty sure the smile reached my eyes. That’s why he’s grinning.
“I promise I’ll sort Tara out, first thing when I see her tomorrow, for your sake.” He said slowly. Good I mouthed. I drew his eyes and his nose then his tousled blond hair. At the very end I drew his grin in. I started shading in bits of his face to show his high cheekbones when Miss Jenson took the picture away from me.
“It’s amazing Miss Kiryu, almost as if it was alive. Why, I for one would be happy if this was the real Yahiro we saw every day. It’s amazing as if he had once also worn this face on him.” She said breathlessly. I cringed at the bit about seeing him like that every day. Yahiro saw and winked at me. She handed the picture back to me.
“I can’t wait to see you finish it. I wonder if it really does look like me.” Yahiro commented teasingly. I finished shading it in. By the time I finished so was Yahiro. Miss Jenson passed by and thought to use ours as display. Crikey.
Once the whole class finished tidying up she showed the class our work. I gasped at the picture of me. It was so much like me, the eyes and the hair. My eyes filled up just a little. It was beautiful. Yahiro reached for my hand under the table. This guy is amazing. “You’re amazing. You know that?” I whispered moving my thumb in circles on his hand.
“I know but so are you.” he said. I smiled brightly.
Break was quiet. I didn’t see Yuki. Kiko and Junn wondered off and Tara wasn’t in. So I took the chance and took Yahiro to my favourite rose garden. We sat down at the base of the tree. He wrapped his arms around. “You know, I have a feeling something is gonna happen. I don’t know if it’s good or bad. I just feel something.” I said looking up at him. He rested his chin on the top of my head. “As I said before, mums a bit weird. Do you think you could give me a lift back home before my shift? It’s a lot quicker.”
“Yeah.” He replied. The bell rang soundly through the space and the plants seemed to waver a little. A gasp escaped me as Yahiro pulled me in for a kiss. His arms went around my waist as I responded to his kiss. I pulled away first.
“Come on and you should stop doing that. What if someone saw.” I said. He just smirked at me. I shake my head. We walked together to class.

“Hey did Junn tell you about, well, him and Kiko? I mean I’m just asking so it’s your choice.” I said as we were walking to lunch.
“Sure he spoke about it. I didn’t know he liked her because she’s so you know, babbly.” he replied. I elbow him in the ribs.
“She’s not babbly. She’s just straight.” I said matter of factly.
“Whatever you say.” He said and shoved both his hands deep into his trouser pockets. As we sat down at the table we noticed that Junn and Kiko seemed kinda off. They weren’t speaking to each other very much after what they told us. I gave Kiko a little nudge.
“What’s up with you guys?” I asked quietly.
“We had an argument. About stuff.” She said sulkily.
“Stuff? Be more specific.” I pressed.
“Ex’s. We were talking about ex’s. He said about his recent ex. It’s my next door neighbour. We were friends but then one she just started to be really mean. Since then she’s been pretty spiteful and you have no idea about the things she says. I asked him about the time they were going out and he just kept on stuttering. Do you get it Mikan? He won’t tell me the truth.” She said. I saw the green vein in her head popping out. From what I knew that was never a good sign. She was really stressed and angry. I sighed. I looked at Yahiro. He just pressed his lips together.
“It’s gonna be okay but you seriously need to cut some slack on the guy. The person he likes right now is you so you don’t need to worry about what happened between them.” I said soothing her.
The rest of the day went okay but me and Yahiro never got any time to our selves.

After school he drove me home quickly to check on mum. Mum wasn’t there when I arrived. So I quickly changed into my own clothes and set off towards the café.
It wasn’t really busy when I got there but there were quite a few people. There was a very nice warm smell to the place. I went straight to Yuki. “Hey, I haven’t seen you all day. What do I do now?” I asked.
“Hi. I’m sorry about today. I had meeting all day. Just go through there and tell them you’re new and grab an apron.” She replied pointing at the coffee counter. I walked over there.
“Hey. I’m new and I was just wondering if there’s anything I need to do.” I said to the guy. He had brown hair and eyes like Junn. He shot me a crooked smile. He was a lot taller and bigger than Junn. Not big as in flabby big but just ‘working out’ big. H must work out a lot. He was like 5’7, 5’8? Probably a nine. Yahiro’s only, well, 5’6 so he’s only taller than me buy an inch.
“Hey. Here’s your apron and all you need to do is collect in all the empty cups.” He says. Great.
“Okay.” I said nodding. I pulled the apron over my head and tied it behind my back. I went round the tables and picked up a lot of empty cups. After a whole round around the small coffee shop I returned to the counter. “Where do I put them?” I asked the guy.
“In that empty plastic box.” He said motioning to the blue box in the corner. I walked over and started to put them in. I didn’t speak to anybody else the whole night, just kept on collecting empty cups.
“Hey my shifts over so I’ll see you tomorrow. I’m really sorry I can’t stay when it’s your first day.” Yuki said apologetically as she grabbed her stuff from the staff room. “But hey your official first day is actually tomorrow because they’re gonna give you your locker in the staff room.”
“It’s okay,” I replied as I dumped another pile of cups into the box. “I’ll see you tomorrow. Hurry up and go now.” I stand up and gave her a quick hug. I smiled and waved at her as she walked down the street. I gave myself a little smile and continued to work. It was quite exhausting.
I finished my shift at eleven. “You can go now.” The guy said.
“I know but I just wanna finish putting them away.” I said. The clean cups were left stashed there so I wanted to put them away. He sighed and crouched down next to me and helped me sort through the cups. “Thanks.”
“It’s okay. You going now?” he asks once we were finish. He looked about my age.
“Yep.” I replied standing up. We walked out in front of the shop and he locked everything up. “Are you always the last one to leave?” he looked at me. “It’s just a question.”
“Yes. I am always the last one to leave. My name’s Ryuu. Yours?” he asked turning to face me.
“No surname?” I asked.
“No. My question?” he replied.
“Mikan. Anyways I gotta dash. Early day tomorrow.” I replied.
“Do you live close?” he asked.
“Round the corner almost.” I replied easily.
“Come on then. I’ll walk you home.” He said. I was taken aback by that.
“Okay.” We walked a little while in silence. Passed through the park.
“So you go to school with Yuki. What books do you read?” he asked.
“I read mangas and some other stuff. Oh hey we’re here.” I said nodding towards my house.
“Okay. Nice meeting you and I’ll sort you out a locker soon. See you tomorrow.” He said and turned to walk away. I went in. He seemed okay. Maybe working isn’t as bad as it sounds.

Chapter Seven:

I woke up to cold air rushing into my room. I flinched. My window was opened. I walked over to it. It was beautiful. The rise of the sun made a fuzzy orangey pink colour paint the sky. I shivered at the cold wind. Quickly I pulled my window shut.
School was okay and we had history. “In this box is papers label lord/lady. If you get that then you are lucky. Then there are the Knights which protect the royal. Then there are the clerics. If you are a cleric then you are either a nun or a priest. Next are the serfs if you are a serf then you are basically a slave. Lastly there’s the king.”Mr Lyndon said. “This exercise will help you understand the position of some people during that time. The time period we’re studying is 1901. Gina, please take your pick. Gina was like one of those girls who were popular and well wanted to be the centre of attention. She flicked her dyed strawberry blonde hair behind her shoulder and reached into the box. “I’m gonna be king.” Did I mention that she was also one of the over confident girls as well. “Lady.” She read from the paper. Next was the Juke guy to chose. He got a knight. I turned as he read his paper and he winked at me. I narrowed my eyes at him. I was a cleric, Yahiro was a serf, Kiko was a lady and Junn was king. I laughed at the thought of the mighty Yahiro as a serf. Him as a serf is a sight!

At break I hid in the library and did some research of my own. I’m trying to write a book. Influences are important but also planning and background/history is also important. Maybe write about magic or High school or both?
I clutched my books and walked out of the gates. There were so many fields in magic and so much history. It was almost amazing. Mum and Kookie would immediately object. I felt a warm tingle go up my arm. I turn around to see Yahiro. I shivered at his touch. I looked to his right and left. “What’s up?” I asked. I felt so good about my research I was kinda lost, immune.
“Can I talk to you?” he asked.
“You are.” I said bluntly. His face was serious. Something echoed in his eyes. Almost like fear.
“In private, if you can. It’s important.” He replied tightly.
“Yeah sure. Sorry.” I said apologetically. We walked to the park near the school and sat at a bench. “I’m sorry, is something wrong?”
“I was thinking that we take my brother out. He has gotten worse. He might not …live for very long.” He said taking a deep breath. He looked up to the sky. I froze. I touched his elbow lightly.
“How come?” I asked quietly.
“They think his heart has problems. Something about his heart being very week.” His eyes glistened with tears. My heart ached seeing him like that and that Zero was…you know. I didn’t really know what to say.
“Hey we’ll take him out on Saturday okay? I got work.” I said standing up. I pulled him onto his feet. “It’ll be okay. Maybe they just got it wrong or something. I’ll see you tomorrow.” I kissed him quickly on the cheek. “Please. Just be careful.” I walked out of the park feeling a heavy weight on my chest.

I got to work just in time. “Hey.” I said to Ryuu.
“Here’s your locker.” He said pointing at a locker.
“Cheers.” I said nodding. I tied an apron around my waist and got to work. The whole night I watched as people filed in and out of the café. I did all the regular things and collected the empty cups.
“Is something wrong?” Ryuu asked as he walked me home that night. I stayed silent for some time before speaking.
“A friend of mine’s brother has heart problems and he’s only five he might not live past six. I feel really helpless I don’t know how to help.” I said not looking up. “I felt really good about my life before I heard about the news. I felt that everything was working out, that the world can be a better place. Now I don’t know what to think. I am a weird person. I don’t know where to go I just work on and in the present. Sometimes I get very lost about what to do and my faith. I am a bit thick and immune sometimes. It makes me feel like I’m trapped. I bet only I feel like that.”
“Not true. Sometimes I feel like that. Not all of the things you said, just some of it. Life can be like that. You just gotta take what life throws in your way. I tell you what. Spend as much time as you can with your friends brother. Make him feel loved and happy before he…leaves.” He said matter of factly. We stopped in front of my house. I turned to face him. For the first time I actually noticed his hair colour. It was ash blonde. He rested both hands on my shoulders. “Look that’s all the advice I can give you. Relax. I’ve lost some people in my life too.” His eyes were so comforting. I leaned in to hug him. I think I felt his eyes go a little wide but he soon recovered by hugging me back. A little shocked by my own reaction I pulled away, blushing.
“Sorry but you were just so nice. I couldn’t help it. Thanks. I’ll see you at work.” I said smiling a little before ducking into the house. What the heck was that?!

Chapter Eight:

Yahiro didn’t say much during the week at school. At lunch and break he’d disappear no matter how hard I try to find him. Like he was wiped off the face of the earth. My week wasn’t that great. Mum had been working frantically. Overtime and lots of paperwork piled on her desk. Mum had sold dads shop and didn’t even think to sort out is stuff. It was as if she was wiping him of his existence in our life. The shop was gone and so were the others of his stuff. I don’t think mum took his death very well. That’s the only explanation for this constant working. Weird right? Most people would be devastated and constantly drink alcohol or something. I guess work is a pain killer for my mum. I don’t understand why she is still staying here. This is the place where my dad perished. I half expected her to drag me and my brother all the way back to the states. I’m sort of dreading Saturday. It’s probably not long before I get the waxy orange taste in my mouth.

Chapter Nine:

I dressed quickly into a green t-shirt, dungarees and a big cardigan. The sun was shining exceptionally bright today. I dialled Yahiro’s number and my thumb hovered over the call button. My phone suddenly rang causing me to dash away from it. I picked it up after recovering from the shock. It was Yahiro. “Hello?”
“Hey, you ready? I’m outside with Zero.” He replied lightly. He sounded happy. I heard him ruffle Zero’s hair through the phone.
“Yeah I’m ready. I’m coming.” I ended the call. Smiling I tied my hair into a pony tail and jogged down the stairs. “Mum I’m skipping breakfast. I’m going out.”
“Okay. Have fun and remember to eat!” she said giving me a thumbs up. I smiled a little. There was no shimmer in her eyes. She was saying it for the sake of me. I picked up my canvas bag and carried on walking to the door still. Yahiro was sitting with Zero inside the car. The kid waved excitedly as he saw me. I smiled at him brightly. I’ve always liked kids but the fact of having some myself freaked me out a bit. Yahiro leaned over Zero to open the door and moved to the far side of the car as I slipped in.
“Hey. How are you today?” I asked Zero as he adjusted on his seat to hold my hand. I felt my heart sink at the thought of his illness. I shot him a bright smile. My heart pulled. He smiled back sheepishly. I faced forward.
As we got out of the car I asked. “Where’re we going?”
“Park and then we’re going for ice cream. Then we’re going for a toy hunt.” Yahiro replied brightly. I bit my lip and nodded. He came to hug me as Zero looked around. “It’s okay. I know what you’re thinking but I’m gonna forget about that for now. I’m just gonna make sure he has lots of happy memories to remember. Okay.”
“Okay. I’ll try.” I murmured against him as I tried to hold back tears. I hugged him tightly before pulling away. I wiped away the tears with the back of my hand. “What do you want to do first sweetie?” I said. I heard my voice waver as I kneeled down next to Zero.
“I want to play on the huge slide.” He said pointing to the tall metal slide. I took his hand and walked across towards the slide. Having another person die on me wasn’t something I was gonna get used to. I lifted him onto the slide as my thoughts slid in between the upsetting bullcrap. Yahiro circled and went to the end of the slide to catch the kid. I didn’t want to do this even though I knew this was all I could do. Crying wasn’t going to help. This was torturing me. I don’t know Zero that well but I knew enough to know that he was innocent. The bible always said that when our hearts are as pure and innocent as a child’s are we only to enter heaven. He loves children. Then why is he taking his life away from him! He doesn’t deserve it. I pushed him down the slide. After a couple of slides we went to the swing. The sunlight reflected on the metal bars.
“Hey, I’ll push him on this.” Yahiro said. I sat down on the next slide and watched him as he pushed the swing forward. Things like this hurt me the most. He doesn’t realise that he’s gonna die.
“Let’s go grab that ice cream. What flavour do you like Zero? I like strawberry cheesecake.” I said as I picked him up.
“I like chocolate, chocolate, chocolate!” he said punching the air. I held him tighter. I turned to wriggle my eyebrows at Yahiro. Obviously it came out wrong because he chuckled.

We went to Ciao. It was an Italian ice cream shop I found when I was on the bus the other day. It wasn’t grand and beautiful it was simple, just like I wanted. We ordered chocolate ice cream with sprinkles for Zero, a ferorochia ice cream for Yahiro and me a hazelnut and cheesecake ice cream waffle. Tasty. Zero finished his at maximum speed. Here one minute gone the next. I laughed as he licked his lips. He eyed my dessert greedily and bit his lower lip. He wanted my ice cream. “Do you want to share mine?” I asked. He nodded enthusiastically.
“No Zero. You know you’re not allowed to eat that much ice cream. Also I am the only one who’s allowed to share her dessert.” He said winking as he finished off his cup of ice cream. I kicked him under the desk. I divided the waffle, which was now covered by half melted ice cream, into small bits. Zero lifted his clean fork and poked the bits of waffle. “What’s up kiddo?”I asked giving him a little nudge.
“It looks disgusting.” He said simply. Now it was my turn to chuckle. I took his fork and lifted the small piece of waffle to his mouth. Surprisingly he knew exactly what to do without me making the ‘ahh’ sound.
“So? Does it taste nice?”
“I like my chocolate better.” I couldn’t help but smile. Yahiro slouched in his seat. He opened his mouth and pointed a finger to it. I forked a piece of waffle and brought it near his mouth but at the last moment as he was gonna close his mouth over it I turned it around and put it my mouth. I stuck my tongue out at him. He stuck out his bottom lip and crossed his arms across his chest
“You’re a big baby, brother.” Zero commented. I held out a piece of waffle to Yahiro. He held my hand as he came near it. I struggled to pull my hand away.
“You’re right Zero it doesn’t taste that nice, weird taste for a weird person.” He commented after he finished chewing. My jaw dropped.
“Don’t share my dessert then, simple as that.” I said as he paid the bill.
Next we visited some toy shops in town. First we went to a panda shop. The panda shop was full of panda products and zero squealed as we walked in. Yes he actually squealed. There were panda covered notebooks, bus pass holders, pencil case and slippers. As me and Yahiro were looking at the products hand in hand Zero had already set his eyes on the prize. It was a panda bear a little taller than him. He came over and tugged at my sleeve. “You want that panda, I’m guessing.” I said slowly. He gave a little nod. He was scared that he was asking for too much. I picked up the panda and held Zero’s tiny hand in my other. I dumped the panda on the counter and pulled out my purse. Thank god I had enough money. The big fat panda wasn’t exactly cheap but I’m glad he’s happy. My shifts at the café were helping a lot. Yahiro eyed the panda sitting in the bag but didn’t say anything.

“You didn’t have to buy him that panda you know. In return I got you a little something as well.” He handed me a brown bag as we got out of the car. I gasped. Inside was the notebook I saw in the shop. It was a leather bound book with proper thick pages like you’d find in a proper old book, a quill and an ink well.
“You didn’t have to buy me this. It’s beautiful though. It’s amazing. Thank you so much. I’m gonna treasure it.” I said smiling happily.
“Good cause now you owe me.”
“Owe you? I thought it was in return of my present to your brother.”
“That only goes for half of it. The other half you still owe me.” He said grinning mischievously. I kissed him quickly. He tasted like hazelnut ice cream. I licked my lips quickly.
“I’d better go and where is your dad?”
“Working. He doesn’t have time to come back to check on Zero. The nanny usually looks after him now I look after him most of the time. When I was little he used to do that as well but I had my mum. Zero only has me.”
“And me.” I added quietly. I took both his hands in mine. “He’s going to get better. You have to believe that.”
“I’m trying.” He said looking at my face.
“Good.” He slowly closed the distance between us. The tip of our noses touched.
“Thanks Mikan.” My eyes closed automatically. I waited for the feel of his lips on mine but it never came. My cheeks burned. My eyes fluttered open. I felt his eyes on me.
“What?” I asked.
“Just thinking about how pretty you are.” I raised an eyebrow.
“If you’re not gonna kiss me I’m gonna leave. Couldn’t you see the cue?” I said.
“What cue? Oh, when you drifted to sleep and your cheeks became as pink as a pig? I didn’t realise that was what you called a cue.” He said falsely. I thumped him hard on the shoulder. “Okay, okay.” Our lips met. His strong arms circled my waist and sent shivers down my spine. His kisses were deep and luring. I rested the palms of my hand on his chest. He bit down on my lower lip a little too hard. I winced.
“Ow.” His head shot up. “Do you always bite down so hard?”
“No sorry.” He said sheepishly. He touched the back of his head. He’s so cute when he does that.
“I’ll probably see you at church tomorrow.” That came out more as a question. He nodded. That is probably the only place we can actually act like a couple. The rest of my evening just involved me listening to music.

Chapter Ten:

I woke up to the sun shining like it was midsummer. I wanted it to be midsummer but then I started feeling a bit grouchy. Something at the pit of my stomach made me a bit nervous. I fished out a pale green dress white over the knee socks and white flats. I felt like wearing a dress. Then of course I slipped into a thin grey cardigan because I would be wearing my coat.
When I got downstairs I found note on the table saying that mum won’t make it to church with us today an gave instructions. So responsible. Just like mum.
A note which said:
Here is a list of stuff I need you to do luv:
1. Buy groceries
2. clean the back yard
3. clear out your room
4. return some books for your brother at the
5. collect some stones and powder from herbal
Herbal craze
I have work so I can’t. thank you for doing this. I Know it’s your day off and all. Your brother has gone To Tadashi’s and he will be sleeping over. There are going to go find some action figures and Buy some mangas. I will make it up to you and I Know that I have been away most of the time. We’ll go shopping next Saturday okay? Just me and There are some money in the coffee cupboard and Your brothers books are on the couch. There are Weed clippers and gardening gloves in the shed. Remember to get the receipt from herbal craze. It’s Just Some rose quartz and saffron and cinnamon.
Luv you,
Great. This was just great. I headed to church since it’s the first thing I need to do. I stuffed the note into my coat pocket had some toast and a cup of hot chocolate before heading out.
Church was still the same but was a bit quiet. I met Yahiro after the session. “Hey, can I have a lift?” I asked. His hands rested my hips.
“Yeah sure. Where to?” he asked hugging me.
“Groceries.” I replied taking the crumbled note from my pocket. He read it over.
“Yeah sure I can take you to every single one these places.” He said his lips grazing mine lightly.
“Yahiro? Mikan?” a voice said behind us. We straightened. It was Tara.
“Hey. I was just about to take off because my mum sent me to do some stuff.” I said. From the look on Yahiro’s face I knew he hadn’t talked to her yet. “Why don’t you have a chat with Yahiro? I don’t think he has anything to do.” I took the piece of paper from Yahiro and headed towards the exit. I was out halfway down the road before Yahiro jogged up to me.
“Mikan listen I know it’s my fault that I haven’t spoken to her yet but…” he started.
“Well go talk to her then, now. There’s no point in explaining it to me.” I cut in as heat rose inside me. I kept walking and sped up. He grabbed both my arms and turned me to face him.
“Mikan you know I love you. Why can’t you just listen to me for a second? Why are you always storming ahead?!” he said angrily. I gasped. He dropped his hands.
“Me? I always listen to you. I listened to you about your brother about your plans and I trust you. I can’t and don’t even want to share my problems with you.” I point to my heart . I share it with a college I’ve only met twice than you because I know you’ve got your own problems. Sometimes you don’t even stop to think a little about me.” I say panting.
“What?” he asked. Hurt flashed across his eyes. I immediately regret saying what I said. I don’t even share my problems with Ryuu only that once about Zero.
“I know you care Yahiro but you can’t say that I race ahead. I love you too. I care about you and your brother. It’s just with Tara. I don’t want to hurt her.” I said. I held his hand. “Just please sort it out with her already. It’s not like I’m not giving you time or that I haven’t given you time.” With that I walked away from him. If that didn’t get him thinking that he seriously needed to get his messed up head around me sometime he is gonna suffer. Forget that ride. I’m going home to borrow dad’s ancient bike instead of siding a ride with him. That jerk.
I changed into a pair of combat trousers and sneakers and rode the bike first to the library for Tama’s books. He borrowed way too much. I do a lot of reading too but he was always reading mangas! There are so many of them! It is absolutely out of this world crazy. I only had the basket in the front to hold the stuff and wasn’t even sure if the basket would hold under the weight of his books.
Next I went to collect mums stuff. Herbal craze was just off the main road, well as mums dodgy map shows. I left the bike outside quickly. The shop was dim with warm lights making the shop glow pink and orange. The smell of scented candles invaded my system. With two fingers under my nose a I walked to the counter. The shop was silent with the occasional tap of the keyword which the lady was tapping away on. “Excuse me? I’m here to pick up some stuff my mum perhaps purchased? Her name is Sara kiryu.” Mum often left her maiden name out. The lady smiled. It was a warm familiar smile. She smelled of apple and cinnamon, a homey smell, her light brown hair into a pony tail.
“Please follow me through here. My name is Yora and yours?” She said. Her voice was full of positive energy. As I followed her through a beaded curtain I saw that the room we came to was small with a tall cupboard full of little drawers. Like the ones you’d see in an Asian medic shop. They were labelled with bits of paper saying camomile or mint.
“Mikan Kiryu.” I replied.”
“I have yet to put together her list that Sara. Amazing she is, visited me couple of times before with her husband your dad. Sweet couple they make.” My eyes stung. Mum had never showed an interest in herbs. “Sit down dear. I know about your dad. I’m sorry. We had so much in common about those herbs.” She said frowning at some memory.
“I didn’t see you at the funeral.” I squeaked. I could barely get the words out.
“I was away that week. At least you have your mum. Come. I need to gather your mums stuff. You must have a busy day.” She said standing up. I didn’t even realise she sat down.
“If you count that grocery shopping and cleaning your weedy garden a busy day then yes. I’d rather this day didn’t come.” I said also standing up and rubbing my eyes. She moved around the space and pried into the little drawers taking handfuls of different coloured hers into little seal bags. She opened a jewellery holder type of box and went through a few stones. I stared with fascination as she examined a purple stone in the suns raise from the window on the far side of the room. When she was finished there were about twenty little seal bags full of hers and a big embroided gag with stones in it. She put each of them in a big bag saying herbal craze in green as she ticked something off a piece of paper. That’s when he walked in.
“Hey Yora I got Tessa’s homemade chicken right over.” The voice said. I turned to see Ryuu walk in through the door a blue chequered shirt and a brown bag in his hand. I must have raised an eyebrow because he raised his hands in surrender and smirked. “I didn’t think I’d see you here Mikan.” Yora looked up for a moment.
“Y’guys know each other?” she asked resuming to her ticking.
“Sure do Yora. She getting stuff?” he asked peeping into the bag.
“I’m collecting stuff for my mum.” I replied instead. I shoved my hands deep into the pockets of my cardigan.
“Here you go darling. Come back anytime if you want something. Actually forget that. I’d love to have you over anytime.” Yora said handing me the bag. I tugged up the corner of my lips. “Now boy, put that bag inside.” She continued as she ruffled his hair. I exited the shop. He had also ridden the bike here. Its weird how, I thought that he didn’t like me very much when I first met him. I dumped the bag into the basket where my canvas bag also sat. I quickly took a sip of water. Funny, what was I waiting for? I grabbed the handles of my bike and was about to push off when my name stopped me. I turned around to see Ryuu pick up his blue bike.
“What?” I asked as I sat onto the seat of my bike.
“Do you need a hand? Yora said you had to do some shopping and some cleaning of your garden.” He said as he also sat down onto his bike seat. I processed that invitation.
“Sure I need a hand. First we’re going to go shopping then we’re going to unwed my garden.” I took off and he followed.

I slowed down as the supermarket came into view. I felt Ryuu stop behind because he always radiates a lot of warmth which drives me crazy.
“Wait here while I buy some stuff.” I said as I took my canvas bag from the basket.
“Sure thing princess.” He said casually leaning against his bike. I scowled.
“Don’t call me that.” I said and stalked into the shop. I took a basket and started dropping things in that I think we need. I bought two cartons of soy milk, some tofu, chocolate cookies, two cans of coke and some vegetables. I never have to buy the meat. I walked out of the sliding doors to meet Ryuu.
“What did you buy?” he asked straightening up.
“Stuff.” I said as I threw a can of coke to him. He caught in midair. He clicked it open and a fountain of coke went into his face. I laughed. “That teaches you to tap the can before you open it. Come on. We’ve still got some gardening to do.” I pushed off as he rubbed at his face.
We arrived home shortly after the outburst. I threw my keys into the basket on the table. His red t-shirt clung to him and I could see the faint outline of his abs. I pulled my eyes away from that to face the gardening tool box outside the glass doors. I rumbled through the box for clippers and two pairs of gardening gloves. “Do you need a new shirt?” I asked as I continued to rumble through the box for nothing in particular because I already have the stuff I need.
“Possibly because it’s sticky and wet now.” He replied. I wanted him to say that but at the same time I didn’t. What if he doesn’t give back dads shirt? He can’t possibly fit into Tama’s because he’s way too big and Tama is still quite small compared to him even though I know that he’s grown up a lot. I ascended the stairs two at a time anyways and returned with one of dad’s shirt. It’ll have to do. I handed it to him.
“Thanks. What do you have to do?” he asked. I kept my back facing him.
“Well, I have to clean out the entire weed and get rid of plants I don’t think we need.” I said motioning to the backyard that was high with grass and bits of moss. “We also probably need to mow it.” I said hands on hips. I felt him behind me. All the heat that radiated off his body made me feel like it was summer. I moved to pick up a pair of gloves. I handed a pair to him.
“You’ve got a nice place. Do you like it here?” he asked slipping the gloves on. The question startled me.
“Why do you ask?” I asked back. I took the clippers and racks outside. The air was a little warm. Spring had finally settled.
“I asked because I know you just moved in.” he said.
“Well. I do like it here then. We should start.” I said. I froze for a second. “How should we start?”
“Do you have some flower seeds?”
“Yes. Mum was meaning to sow them before.” I said not wanting to expose more.
“We’ll start by measuring out a flower bed then. Then we can sharpen up the grass area.”
“We’ll do that then.”
“Of course we’ll do that because you don’t have a plan.” He said laughing.
“Hey!” I said whacking him on the arm. We measured a flower bed for mum on the far other end of the ground away from the door. Then we cleared it out and sowed the seeds for red tulips. Then we couldn’t really do much for the rest of the garden because mum didn’t have a mower. We sat down on the couch when we finished washing our hands. “How do you know Yora? I just met her today.” I started.
“I live with her.” He replied looking straight ahead. “My parents left me with her when I was very young cause they had to work a lot and then when I was four they both died in a car crash.” He said it as if it was nothing but I was always able to see the real emotion in people. I could tell that he wished he’d knew his parents a bit more.
“Sorry. I didn’t mean to bring it up.”
“It’s okay. It was a long time ago.”
“Exactly how old are you? I’ve never asked and you’ve never said.”
“Seventeen. You?” he asked glancing at me steadily.
“Sixteen. Come let’s get a drink from the kitchen. Do you want something to eat?” I asked.
“Nah. A coke would be nice.” I snickered.
“Don’t laugh like that.” He said smacking the back of my head. It sent ripples through me. Probably because of the impact of his smack. At least I hoped so.
“What? It’s bad to drink that much fizzy drink.”
“Yeah? Well I had barely any just now.” He said. I handed him a can od pop anyways. I poured myself a cup of soy milk.
“That was kind of your own fault. You should’ve known. It was flying right atcha.” I said sipping my milk.
“You like soy milk.” He asked nodding to my cup.
“Why can’t you just shut it and sip your drink? You’re full of questions today.” I said rolling my eyes.
“My bad.” He said and we carried on drinkiong our liquid in silence. I picked up a cushion and whacked him round the head with it. I stood up on the couch. He leaped to immediate attention and picked up a cushion. He swung it under my feet and I jumped up.
“Ha! Pillow fight much?” I said blocking an attack.
“Well no. it’s hard to pillow fight when you have nobody to fight.” He replied blocking my attack.
“You can always fight me now. Come on is that the best you can do?” I said teasingly. He took a swing from behind me and knocked my legs out from under me and I fell on my ass. Hard.
“KO.” He said laughing and sat down beside me panting. I pelted the pillow in his face. I sat up. Straight. “Hey. I didn’t seriously hur you did i?” he touched both my shoulders and ran down my arm. I rolled my eyes. I hrugged off his hands.
“I nees to clean my room.” I said sulking. “You should go home first. I’ll see you at work. Thanks for helping me lean the garden and stuff.” I said as I walked him to the front door. He shrugged into his big coat and gave me a nod.
“I’ll see you at work and I’ll return the t-shirt as soon as possible. I know it’s your dads.” He said. “Take care.” With that he left. The sun was just setting. Must be about three? Four? I sighed, shut the door and sunk to the floor with my back to it. You’d think I didn’t have much to clean up right but that’s not true because I was very messy. I raced up the stairs and flung open my door. Clothes were across the floor. My bed wasn’t made, paper and essays were scattered across the table and some of my boxes were in the corners of the room. If this is how bad it looks then why don’t I just completely fixed the place? I sorted my essays and reading books into the boxes and moved my lamps and stuff out to the living room. I changed into my painting dungarees and vest top. My painting dungarees had been with me on various projects that involved paiting. I then pulled my wardrobe, bed, mini sofa and desk to the centre of the room away from the walls which I was gonna paint. I didn’t know what colour I was gonna paint it. I wanted it to have style and it’s own charactaristics. Blue? Or green?
I went to the garage to find some paint. I hope dad hadn’t forgotten to buy the paints I told him to a while ago. The garage smelled of car petrol and fresh paint. Maybe he didn’t forget after all. There were tins of coloured paint. Every colour actually. Maybe I should give the girls a call to ask what colour I should paint it. No. this is my room so I’m gonna paint it my way. I took a big white rough cloth to first cover my wardrobe and bed and stuff then another to go on the floor. I grabbed all the different tins of paint to my room. I was gonna have to work fast with what I had in mind.
I threw the cloth over my bed and put the cloth on the floor near the first wall I was gonna paint. I placed a big brush and a roller and a palet on top of the fabric. What colour was I going to paint it? It is my room and should be about me. How about I paint it white then with the other colours I will paint the things I like. After all Yuki and Kiko had frowned at the sight of my walls when we were getting ready for the party.I scraped off all the peeling paint, poured the white paint into the palet and was painting my wall with the roller when my phone rang. “Hello?” I said with my phone tucked between my ear and my shoulder.
“Honey. I can’t come back for dinner today. See hat you can do about dinner.” Mum said. I heard a lot of paper shuffling.
“Fine.” I said sighing. It’s not like she’s always around for dinner these days. St least Tama isn’t home. That meant I have all night all to myself to get my room done. The line went dead. I flipped my phone shut and chucked it on the floor. A second after that my phone rang again. I dropped the roller and picked up the phone. “Mum, I know that Tama’s got a sleep over and I’ll sort out dinner by myself.”
“Well that’s very good news because I’m not your mum.”
“Who else?” I rolled my eyes. “Don’t roll your eyes. Just listen to me first. I wanted to tell you I’m sorry about today. I know you want me to talk to Tara really badly.”
“Can we talk when we actually see each other tomorrow please? I’ve had a good day today and I’m working on something. If you don’t have anything to do then go search for something you ought to do okay? I’ll talk to you then. Please I just can’t deal with the problem right now.”
“Sure. Take care. I’ll see you tomorrow.” saying nothing more, he was gone. I tucked the phone into my pocket and resumed painting. I finished painting the walls at four and already the paints were drying. It was four thirty, so I gave it another ten minutes. I felt along the walls as they dried and the were all ready for the next step. I took the black paint and a small brush and painted the wall of where my bed was mean’t to be and where the door was in treble clefs, bass clefs, crochets, quavers and the scale with black, red and dark blue. Followed by names of artists I liked. Like Taylor Swift, Mariah Carey, Whitney Houston and Avril Lavigne. I even filled in some of the lyrics from my favourite songs and ended them with elipsies.
On the next wall where my desk should be I decorated it with cherry blossoms of different colours. Mostly colours of the rainbow.
With the opposite wall I covered it with lots and lots of stars. I stiffled a yawn. It was already eight. I left the fourth wall where my patio and wardrobe was blank and headed for food. The only thing that was in the fridge was a chicken and mushroom pie.Can you believe it?! Oh well. I microwaved it anyways and sat eating it all alone in the kitchen.
After I finished, I hit the showers and moved my stuff back into my room and rearranged them all to make it look better. Then I lunged for my bed and hit total darkness.

Chapter Eleven:

“Darling wake up. You’re going to be late.” I heard my mum say. My eyes opened slowly but still flinched from the light. “Itt’s seven.” I shot up and jumped off the bed hurting my ankle as I did so. I go ready quickly had drank down half a cup of OJ. “I like your room Mikan. Did you do it yesterday?” my mum asked as I put on my shoes.
“Yeah. Cause it was such a mess I decided to transform it properly. You know paint all the wall and rearrange my stuff. Bye mum.” I said and headed out. It was a bit cloudy today but if I didn’t hurry I was gonna be late. The traqin took forever to come so I was fifteen minutes late when I got to school. I rushed to the office and signed in then headed straight to period one. Science was one of the fdew subjects oi enjoyed but I study very hard for it. It was one of the few things I needed to do well in to become a doctor. The others started to file in as I sat down at my desk. “Hey.” Yahiro said as he sat down opposite me. I nodded. We didn’t exchange a single word the whole lesson. In fact in any of the lessons till break. “I’m sorry. I know I should talk to Tara but I haven’t seen her yet. I promise you I will. Once I see her.” He said as he sat down next to me in the library at break. I smile a little.
“Hey.” I replied. “I probably shouldn’t have been so hard on you about it.”
“Do you want to hang out after school for a bit? It’s been a bit hectic lately.” He said grinning.
“I can’t. I got a shift today after school. I know I’ve been working a lot lately but you know, I’m sorry. I’m free this weekend and possibly anyday after today.” I said frowning.
“Okay.Well I’ll drop you off to work okay?” he said leaning in for a kiss and I gave it to him. The rest of the day flew by for me knowing that we’ve made up. As usual he dropped me off at the café.
Work flew by because Ryuu kept cracking up jokes behind the counter. At around 5.30 some girls came into the café and ordered some cakes and drinks. One of them winked at Ryuu, almosting making him lose his grip on the cup he was filling. I stifled a laugh which came out as a strangled cough. He shot me a look after the girls took a table with direct view point of him. “Someone’s interested.” I sang as I exited the counter to pick up empty mugs and plates. He rolled his eyes at me but smiled all the same.
“The stars are really bright tonight.” Ryuu said looking up at the sky as he walked me home. This routine never changes apparently.
“Mm-hmm.” I agreed taking long strides. “We’re here. Thanks. You know you don’t need to walk me home every night right?”
“Yes but still.” He said shrugging.
“Suit yourself.” I said and hurried through the door. My vision suddenly blurred. I shook my head to clear it and everything became normal again. I took a deep breath and headed to my room.

The next morning Yahiro didn’t turn up to school. I called him quickly and it went straight to voice mail. All through the day fear and an uneasy feeling gripped at my stomach and wouldn’t let go. Whatever it was I didn’t want to be there to find out. I tried again after school when I was waiting for the train. It’s really annoying when you need to find something out but everytime you call the same voice greets you. ‘The person you are calling right now is unavailable…’ It’s really piss taking. Finally he picked up.
“Yahiro thank god you finally picked up. Is everything all right?” I said. The words tumbling out of my mouth in a blurr. There was silence on the other end of the line. “Yahiro?”
“Zero.” The single word made my stomach drop, my blood run cold and I felt as if someone gave me that hard a blow that it knocked all the air out of me. I soon found my voice again but it didn’t sound like mine.
“What happened and where are you?” I asked shivering a little.
“He’s not doing so great. He’s really ill.” He said, his voice hard. I gripped my cell and watched my knuckles turnn white.
“When will I see you?” I asked quietly.
“Come to the hospital tomorrow at 6 and I’ll take you home.”
“Okay. Please becareful and Zero will be find.” I said as positively as I could muster.

That night I wrote in my blog again.
Why is life like this. Yahiro is a sweet kid I don’t think he deserves to leave yet. Why is it always those who are innocent that something happens to them?
Life’s like that I guess. It brings pain and lots of other things. It comes in a package.

Chapter Twelve:

I went to meet him after school that day and Zero looked terrible. His complexion was very pale. The spark in his eyes were gone even as he smiled at me. My eyes stung looking at him like that. His hands were cool and he was limp. I still tried to smile at him reassuringly but I don’t think it worked. Apparently his heart condition was getting worse and at this stage even a heart transplant won’t help him. The toys we bought him was lined on the ledge above his bed. I couldn’t stand it, at all. Hot tears poured down my face watching him like that. Soon would be his funeral. I just know it. That gut feeling.
I would pray for him every night but even I know that I may be too late. My life was out of colours and was fearing for him everyday. I really wished that he’d get better but I don’t think it’s anytime soon. I visited him again yesterday and what made me feel really guilty is that he really wanted to have a picture with me together but I didn’t know at all. It’s not that I don’t want to but a I don’t want a picture to remind me of the time he was ill or – dying. I don’t want it. Even if I wanted a picture I’d want it of when he was healthy, happy and having fun like the day we went out together. I want to hide under my covers and cry a lot. I love kids but to know that one is dying doesn’t help. Maybe God will have mercy on him.

“Mikan, please smile.” Zero said smiling as brightly as he could. I tried to smile and make sure my tears didn’t spill as I did so. I gripped Yahiro’s hand.
“How are you feeling Zero?” I asked.
“Good. What about you Mikan?” he said touching my hand. His words took me by surprise. I held onto his little hands in mine. I couldn’t belive that he could tell that I was upset.
“I’m hanging in there.” I said trying not to let my voice waver. Yahiro put his other hand on top of mine. Zero looked puzzled.
“Good, good.” He said. His eyes started to close. I bit my lip. “I’m feeling tired.”
“Zero, please don’t sleep. I still need to talk to you.” I said sucking in my breath. His eyes seemed to open at that intake of breath.
“I’m still listening.” He said weakly. “I just need… to close…my eyes…for a bit.” I knew them pauses and knew what they mean’t. I started to shake my head as his eyes closed for the final time. I pulled my hand from Yahiro’s and shook him.
“Zero wake up! We’ll take that picture okay? Please!” I said in between sobs.Yahiro’s arms came around me and pulled me to the door. “He’s gone Yahiro!”
“I know. He might have fun somewhere else because he doesn’t need to worry about his heart problems. Maybe he’ll be in a better place.” He explained as he hugged me.
“But he’s gone forever!” I sobbed holding onto him with everything I had. I had a weak heart or in better words, a compassionate heart, especially for young kids. I can’t understand why these tings happen.

Chapter Thirteen:

A few days later it was Zero’s funeral, all of us were there. I wonder how he’s feeling now. If he’s lonely, if he’s tiried, if he’s hungry. I have a week spot for kids and I really miss him. I feel like there’s an empty spot in my heart and every time I move my shoulders or breathe in deeply to refrain from crying I can feel the goosebumps on my arms. I can still see his smile clearly in my mind and his teasing and his chocolate ice cream. He looked peaceful in his coffin. He's in a deep sleep noe and he won't feel tired anymore. 


Texte: Guruclef
Bildmaterialien: Google
Lektorat: It is still Guruclef because this was of me alone.
Übersetzung: Sorry there were no translators.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 17.02.2013

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This book is dedicated to my friends.

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