
The Meeting

Keeping her safe from the Dragons


Once upon a time there was a girl named Luna and a boy named Chris. They had no idea that either knew each other even existed until one day fate brought them together. So our story starts with Luna walking home one day from hanging with a friend she had her phone in her pocket and was listening to her iPod she was about to change the song when she ran into someone and they both fell down and her necklace fell off. It was her father’s dragon ring and she never took it off and she didn’t realize it fell off.

“Oh, I’m so sorry I wasn’t looking where I was going” Luna said pulling out her headphones

“No, it’s my fault I wasn’t looking where I was going” Chris said as they looked up at each other

“Oh, Hi” he said looking at her

“Hi, I’m Luna” she said as they stood up

“I’m Chris” he said as he extended his hand

“Nice to meet you” she said as she shook his hand

“Nice to meet you also” he said as they dropped hands

“Look I’m sorry, but I really have to go. So I’ll see you around sometime” she said as she walked home

“Yeah bye” he said that’s when he noticed the necklace and put it in his pocket and walked home.

Sorry to interrupt, but let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Luna which means moon in Spanish. I don’t know why my parents named me that but they did I’m a senior in high school which means I’m almost 18 and I’m going to go to college soon. I live with my mom and step dad Kyle in a little town called Stone Heaven, Maine and we live right on the river bank and we live on a horse farm, we have 3 horses and my baby is Midnight. I practically raised her from the time she was a colt. My dad left me and my mom years ago and for all I care he can stay away I never needed him in my life anyway.

The next morning when Luna got up her parents were already at work so she was home alone she brushed her hair and put it in a messy bun she was about to eat a bowl of cereal when there was a knock on the door.

‘Who could that be this early?’ she wondered as she went to open the door to find Chris standing there “Chris” she said as she looked down at what she was wearing sweat pants, a tank top and her snow boots.

Sorry to interrupt, but it’s my turn to tell you about me. My name is Christopher, but you can call me Chris. I live on my own and my mom lives down the road from me and my dad died just a little over a year ago. I’m 18 and I graduated high school last year and I’m taking a year off from college. I live in our little town of Stone Heaven, Maine since it’s just me I live in a small condo on the edge of the river across from Bridgetown, Maine. I can’t wait to leave this little town and get away from it all, but all that’s about to change. I also bought my own house with a barn and everything, I also help my mom make payments on her little house just right down the road from me.

“Hi” he said as he looked at her, blushing

“What are you doing here?” she asked looking back up at him

“Oh nothing, I was in the neighborhood and thought I’d stop by. May I come in?” he asked pointing inside

“Oh sure come on in” she said moving aside so he could enter “So how did you know where I lived?” she asked as she shut the door and turned to face him.

“I asked around town” he said as the stood in the threshold of the doorway

“Ah. So is there a reason why you stopped by? Not that I’m trying to kick you our or anything” she told him as she looked at him.

“I think when we ran into each other yesterday this fell off and I thought it might be yours” he said as he pulled out the necklace.

“Yes it is mine I guess I didn’t notice that it fell off thank you” she said as her hand went to her throat and found the necklace not there so she took it from him and give him a hug “Are you busy today?” she asked after they pulled away from each other.

“No I don’t think so why?” he asked looking at her

“I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me and watch movies today” she said looking at him

“Sure sounds like fun” he said as she smiled

“Okay, awesome. Would you like a tour?” she asked as they walked to the living room

“Sure” he said

“This is the living room and over there is the kitchen and then the dining room” she said pointing

“Wow that’s a big dining room” he said looking at it

“We only use it if we are hosting family dinners like Christmas or something” she said as they walked upstairs

“Ah” he said

“This is my toy room and that would be my mom’s new husband’s man cave. Yeah” she said pointing

“Wow that’s a lot of stuffed animals. I now know what to get you for gifts” he said as she laughed

“Yeah, I’m kind of obsessed” she said looking away

“I can see that” he said also laughing

“And down here is my room and my parents room” she said pointing as they walked into her room

“I like your posters” he said noticing she had posters and pictures of The Hunger Games, Beautiful Creatures, and Twilight among others.

“Thanks” she said as they walked back downstairs

“Were you in the middle of eating breakfast?” he asked noticing the cereal bowl

“Do you want anything? I kind of was yeah” she asked looking at him

“What do you have? Sure” he asked looking at her

“I have cereal, eggs, bacon and other normal breakfast foods” she said as she walked to the fridge

“I’ll have a bowl of cereal” he said as she handed him a bowl and a spoon and went to the cabin and got out the cereal choices after he poured his cereal they sat at the kitchen island and talked for a while. When they were done they walked to the living room and sat down on the couch.

“Wanna watch a movie?” she asked looking at him

“Sure sounds like fun do you have Netflix?” he asked looking at her

“Yeah” she said as they looked on Netflix for a movie to watch they finally settled on Footloose during the movie she started to get tired so he leaned back and she laid on his chest and fell asleep and soon after Chris also fell asleep. A couple hours later he woke up and found her laying on his chest.

“Luna, wake up” he said as she gently shook her until she was up

“Hey. Anyone tell you you’re really comfortable to sleep on?” she said as she looked into his eyes

“Not until now and thank you” he said as she crawled off him and sat at the other end of the couch and wrapped a blanket around herself.

“I liked the movie. Well the parts I was awake for” she said laughing

“Me too, hey Luna are you ever gonna tell me the story behind your dragon ring?” he asked looking at it around her neck

“It was my dad’s he gave it to me before he left” she said looking at it

“Is there a story behind why he left?” he asked looking back up at her

“No not really. I was really young when he left, I came home from school one day and everything of his was gone no note or anything he just packed up and left me and my mom. My mom got over it and eventually met Kyle they started dating and then my sophomore year of high school they got married and my dad was out of the picture for good” she said looking at the ground and didn’t notice that he had scooted closer to her.

“So your dad just left with no explanation?” he asked as she sat on the arm of the couch

“Pretty much, I texted him, but he would never tell me where he was he always said it was too dangerous for me to know. That was two years ago and here it is senior year and no word from my dad again” she said looking at him.

“That stinks” he said looking at her

“Yeah, it does, but I’m kind of over it though” she said looking at him

“So you’re a senior, huh?” he asked looking at her

“Yep I’m 18 too. How about you?” she asked looking at him

“I’m also 18, but I’m already graduated” he said as he sat his arms on either side of her legs

“Lucky” she said looking at him

“Yeah I guess I am, I’m glad I ran into you the other day” he said looking at her he was about to kiss her when her parents came home

“Honey, we’re home” Lily said as her and Kyle walked in and they walked to the kitchen

“Hey mom and Kyle” Luna said as her and Chris walked into the kitchen

“Hey honey, whose this?” Lily asked looking at Chris

“This is Chris he’s a friend of mine” she said looking at him

“Hi, Chris I’m Lily Luna’s mom and this is Kyle my husband” Lily said as they shook his hand

“Nice to meet you, Chris” Kyle said shaking his hand

“You too, sir” he said looking at him

“Honey, we are going to be having stake for dinner if Chris would like to stay” Lily said as they put groceries away.

“Yeah I would love to just let me call and ask my mom” he said as he pulled out his phone

“Okay we are going to go up to my room, call us when dinner is ready” she said as they walked upstairs to Luna’s room.

“Okay, honey” Lily said as she started dinner

“Hey, mom, I’m at a friend’s house and they invited me to dinner is that okay?” he asked as he walked into her room and she shut the door behind her “okay great yes I’ll be home before midnight love you too” he said as he hung up and put his phone back in his pocket.

“Your mom seems nice” she said as they sat down on her bed

“Yeah she is most of the time” he said looking at her

“She’s a mom so she’s just trying to protect you” she said looking at him

“Yeah I know” he said sighing “Hey I was wondering are you busy on Friday?” he asked looking up at her

“Um I don’t think so why?” she asked looking at him

“I was wondering if you wanted to go out with me?” he asked watching her eyes light up

“Yes I would love to go out with you” she said hugging him

“I was hoping you would say yes” he said as she pulled away and looked at him

“I also think I know the perfect spot of where we could go” she said looking at him

“Oh yeah and where would that be?” he asked looking at her

“I’m not gonna tell you” she said as they leaned in and his lips met hers there was a spark but she didn’t care she tangled her fingers in his hair and pulled him closer until he was on top of her he began kissing down her neck and she stopped him and sat up and turned away from him.

“Hey, Luna I’m sorry if you’re not ready I understand just tell me when” he said as he went up behind her

“No, it’s not that, Chris I’m just scared of being hurt again” she said as she felt tears streaming down her face

“Hey, hey come here” he said as he stood up and pulled her with him and she burrowed deep into his chest and cried he just held her until she stopped crying.

“I’m sorry, Chris” she said as she looked up at him

“It’s okay, Luna whenever you’re ready to tell me I’ll be there” he said as he kissed her forehead and she rested her head against his chest.

“Dinner’s ready, honey!” Lily called up stairs

“Okay be there in a second, mom” she called back as they pulled away and walked downstairs hand-in-hand

“Hey honey hey Chris” Lily said as she looked at their entwined hands “How long have you guys been dating?” she asked looking at her daughter.

“Since a few minutes ago we have a date on Friday” she said looking at her mom

“Aw that’s sweet” Lily said looking at her daughter

“What’s sweet?” Kyle asked coming into the kitchen

“Luna and Chris are dating” Lily said looking at her husband

“When?” Kyle asked looking at his step-daughter

“A few minutes ago we have a date Friday” she said wrapping her arms around his waist

“Take good care of her, Chris” he said looking at them together

“I will, sir I promise” Chris said wrapping his arms around her waist

“Well let’s eat” Lily said as they sit down and talk. When dinner was over Luna walked Chris to his truck

“I had a nice time” he said looking at her

“I could tell you did” she said looking at him as she rubbed her arms

“Are you cold? Here” he said as he took off his hoodie and gave it to her

“Thanks” she said as she put it on

“You’re welcome. I should really get going I’ll text you later” he said as he gave her a kiss and drove home when he was gone she walked into her house and went to her room

“Honey? Luna?” Lily asked coming into her daughter’s room

“Yes, mom?” Luna asked looking at her mom

“This is tough for me to say but I’m cleaning out your father’s things and getting rid of them” she said looking at her daughter

“Why, mom? you said I could keep some of them” she said looking at her mom

“You’re right I did. So I’ll make you a deal tomorrow after school tomorrow go and get all of the things you wanna keep and I’ll do the same and we will throw the rest out. Okay?” she said looking at her daughter

“Yeah okay deal” she said as she looked away from her mom

“Okay honey” she said as she kissed her daughter on the forehead and left a few minutes later her cell phone rang with a text from Chris.



‘What’s up?’

‘Nothing oh, Are you busy tomorrow?’

‘No why?’

‘I was wondering if you wanted to come over and help me throw out some of my dad’s things that my mom and I don’t want’

‘Sure. What time?’

‘After I get home from school’

‘When’s that?’

‘Around 3:00pm or so’

‘Okay sounds good I’ll even come and pick you up’


‘No problem’ when she was done texting Chris she started on her homework not that she needed to she was a straight A student she was done with her homework around 1:30 in the morning then she went to bed and her alarm went off at 6 the next morning she got up and went to school.

When school was over Chris was waiting for her she smiled and ran up to him and jumped into his arms

“Hey” he said as he spun her around

“Hey, yourself” she said laughing as he spun her

“How was school?” he asked as he sat her down and they got into his truck

“Good, but very boring” she said as she tangled her fingers with his

“I’m sorry” he said bringing their tangled hands to his lips and kissed her hand making her laugh

“I don’t want to clean out my dad’s things” she said looking at the road

“I know you don’t but you have to sometime” he said looking at her then the road

“I know I just thought it would be later rather than sooner” she said looking at him

“I know” he said kissing her hand again then they finally pull into her driveway

“Time to face it” she said as they get out and she grabbed her stuff and walks into the house

“Where are your dad’s things?” he asked as she sat her things down

“In the attic mostly, my mom boxed it up and threw it up there and never looked at it again” she said as they walked up to the attic.

“Wow” he said as they walked up to the attic and looked at all boxes of her dad’s things

“Yep” she said as she walked over to a box

“This is all of your dad’s things?” he asked walking up to another box

“Yeah pretty much” she said opening a box

“Damn” he said as he walked up behind her

“Yeah I know my dad loved a lot of stuff. Mostly anything dragon or wolf or mythological related he had to have it” she said pulling out a scrapbook of her dad and opened it.

“Is that you and your dad?” he asked looking at it over her shoulder

“Yeah it was taken at Six Flags before he left” she said as she looked through the book

“How old where you when most of these were taken?” he asked as he looked through it with her

“I was between the ages of 5 and 15. He left just a few days before my sweet 16” she said trying not to cry

“Oh” he said

“Yeah, okay I really need a box to put stuff in” she said closing the scrap book as she emptied a lot of boxes and put a lot of things in a box and brought it to her room with her.

“Well I really need to get going, is that my hoodie?” he asked looking at her

“Yeah, you didn’t ask for it back” she said looking at him

“I know it looks good on you” he asked smiling

“I know it does” she said laughing

“Yeah, I should really get going” he said

“Okay” she said giving him a kiss

“Bye” he said after they broke away

“See you tomorrow” she said as she walked him to the front door and waited until his truck disappeared down the drive way she closed the door and went up to her room and looked at all the things she was keeping that was her dads:

A book on dragons

A hoodie

A pair of sweat pants


A scrapbook

His wedding ring

Ect… when she pulled out his wedding ring she took off her dragon ring and put the ring on with it and put it back on then she felt something really weird in her stomach, but she ignored it then she put the hoodie and sweats pants in her closet and she put the book, photographs and scrap book in an old back-pack of hers and put it in her closet and went downstairs a few hours later her parents came home.

“Hey, honey, how was school?” Lily asked as she and Kyle walked through the door

“Good, but it was kind of boring like it always is” Luna said as she stood up and gave her mom and Kyle a hug

“Don’t forget to do your homework” she said as she looked at her daughter

“I know mom I will” she said as her mom and Kyle went into the kitchen and started working on dinner and she started on her homework she was almost done when her mom called to her.

“Dinner’s ready, honey!” her mom called up the stairs

“Be right down, mom!” she called down her mom she put her homework on her bed and walked downstairs into the kitchen and sat down with her parents

“How’s school going, Honey?” her mom asked as they ate dinner

“Good, I’m making straight A’s” she said smiling at her mom “like always” she added under her breath

“That’s great, Honey” Kyle said patting her on the back

“Thanks” she said as she pushed her food around “May I be excused?” she asked putting her fork down

“Are you feeling alright, Luna?” her mom asked as she looked at her daughter worried

“Yeah, I’m just not that hungry tonight” she said as she got up and kissed her mom and went to her room and laid down on her bed and fell asleep. She woke up to her phone ringing and she answered it.

“Hello?” she asked sitting up and rubbed her eyes

“Hey, baby” Chris said on the other end

“Oh hey, what’s up?” she asked as she looked at the time it was 10 o’ clock at night

“Oh nothing, just missing my girlfriend” he said

“Really, that’s why you called me at 10 o’ clock at night?” she questioned

“Yes” he said as he laughed

“You’re crazy you know that, right?” she asked laughing a little

“I know yeah, but you’re crazy enough to date me” he said

“I know I am” she said as she looked at the clock “I really need to work on my homework, so I will text you in the morning” she said as she heard him sigh.

“Don’t give me that crap” she said irritated

“What did I do wrong?!” he said confused

“Nothing, I’m sorry I’m just a little tired lately I’ll text you tomorrow” she said ready to hang up

“Okay, Luna…” he started to say

“Yes, Chris?” she asked

“I Love you” he said

“I Love you too bye” she said smiling

“Bye” he said as they hung up and she smiled and did her homework it was really late when she was finally done with her homework.

“Just like my dad” she said to herself before she went to bed

When she got up the next day Luna felt like she was going to get sick so she ran to the bathroom and threw up her mom heard her run to the bathroom and came to check on her.

“Luna? Honey, are you okay?” her mom asked knocking on the door

“Yeah, mom I think I’ve caught a cold or something” she said flushing then washed her mouth

“Okay, honey maybe you should go to the doctor today” her mom said as Luna came out of the bathroom.

“Yeah, I will” she said looking at her mom

“Okay, find a ride from someone Kyle and I both need to go to work” her mom said kissing her forehead and finished getting ready for work

“Okay, I’ll see if Chris can take me” she said walking to her room to call Chris

“Hello?” Chris said when he answered his phone

“Hey, it’s me. Are you busy right now?” she asked

“No, I am not. Why?” he asked sounding concerned

“I think I have a bug and I need a ride to the doctor” she said

“Yeah, of course I’ll be right over” he said grabbing his car keys and left his house

“Okay, I’ll be waiting outside” she said

“Okay, I love you” he said

“I love you too” she said as she hung up and got ready she put on Chris’ hoodie and her dad’s sweat pants put her hair in a messy bun and put on a pair of shoes she grabbed her purse and house keys locked the door and waited for Chris by her truck, when he finally pulled up.

“Hey” she said climbing in and gave him a quick kiss then he pulled out of her driveway and drove to the doctor’s office

“Hey to you too” he said grabbing her hand and kissed the back of it

“Thanks for the ride” she said looking at him

“Any time, Luna I’ll be here for you. So why are we going to the doctor’s office?” he asked as he drove them to the doctor’s office

“I think I’ve caught a cold or something and I just need to make sure it’s nothing serious” she said looking at him and placed a hand on his cheek. “I love you. Thanks for doing this with me” she said rubbing her thumb across his cheek.

“I love you, too. Anytime” he said grabbing her hand and kissed it then the nurse called her name, they walked back and she was asked a few questions and then they waited for the doctor.

“Hello. I’m Dr. Miles Cunningham. What can I help you with today?” Dr. Cunningham asked looking at them

“Well the past few days my stomach has been feeling a little uneasy and I was wondering if you could help with that” she asked putting a hand on her stomach and rubbed it.

“I can see what I can do. Is there a chance you might be pregnant?” the Dr. asked jotting some notes down

“No, at least not that I’m aware of” she said looking at Chris then back at Dr. Cunningham

“Okay. Would you mind if we did an ultrasound?” he asked looking up at her

“No, not at all” she said nodding in agreement with him

“Okay, just follow me and I’ll get you all set up” he said as they followed him out of the room and to a different room and got her all set up for an ultrasound. “A nurse will be in shortly” he said as he left.

“Luna? Are you scared?” Chris asked looking down at her

“Yes” she said quietly

“I’m sure your fine and not pregnant” he said then there was a knock on the door “come in” he said as a nurse came in

“Okay, Luna we are going to do an ultrasound today is that correct?” the nurse asked looking at her

“Yes” she said grabbing on to Chris’ hand

“Okay, I’m going to need you to lift up your shirt, I’m going to put this gel on your stomach it’s going to be a little cold” the nurse said as she did what she was told and the nurse turned the machine and looked at her stomach. Luna couldn’t look, but what the nurse told her next shocked her and she had to look “Okay, Luna it looks like you’re about 2 to 3 weeks pregnant. Congratulations” the nurse said.

“What?” she said as she looked at the screen and right there in her stomach was a little zygote which was going to be a baby in nine months “how is this possible?” she whispered to herself

“All right guys, here you go and you’re done here today again congratulations” the nurse said as she wiped off her stomach and helped her sit up

“Thank you” Chris said because Luna was too stunned to talk

“Okay you need to come back in a couple of months for another checkup. You guys are free to go” the nurse said as the left the whole way back home Luna was quiet and didn’t say a word. When they got back to her house she went up to her room and just had a break down and started throwing things everywhere.

“Luna, stop! Hey, Hey” Chris said running to her and grabbed her by the shoulders “Stop” he said more softly this time and she finally stopped and the both sank to the floor

“How could he do this to me?” she said with tears streaming down her face

“How could who do what, Luna?” he asked looking at her

“Dallas” she said with more tears running down her face

“Whose Dallas” he asked and that’s when she finally looked up at him and she sat against her bed

“Dallas was my best friend in the whole world. He was my first friend, kiss, boyfriend, everything. We took each other’s virginity because we thought we’d be together forever, it happened about two months ago we went to a party together and our other friends had left us alone so we left we got in his truck and drove down a back road and he pulled off to the side and right there in the back of his truck we took each other’s virginity. Then a month later he was in a really bad car crash a drunk driver hit him and he died on impact.” She said with her legs pulled up to her chest with more tears running down her face.

“Is this why you didn’t want to take it farther with me?” he asked looking at her

“After Dallas died I didn’t go to school for a whole month, I didn’t answer my friends I just shut myself out of the world I couldn’t face it not without him. He was my first love, Chris he was going to buy me a promise ring he was on his way to see me that night he got into that wreck it’s my fault he’s dead!” she screamed burying her head in her arms.

“No it’s not. Don’t think like that” he said scooting closer to her to comfort her

“Yes, it is. If he wasn’t coming to see me that night he might still be alive” she said looking at him “don’t you get it, Chris? Everybody I’m around leaves me. My dad, Dallas I can’t keep anyone I love close to me” she said rubbing her face, but fresh tears kept coming

“I’m going to prove you wrong” he said looking at her

“How?” she said looking at him

“I’m going to stay and help you raise the baby” he said as she put her legs out in front of her and put a hand on her stomach

“You say that now, but you’ll end up gone just like everyone else” she said looking away from him all he did was get up and shut her door and curtains “what are you doing?” she asked as he walked over to her and pulled her up.

“Showing you I’m not going to leave” he said placing his hands on either side of her face

“What are you…” she started to say, but before she could finish his lips met hers and she wrapped her arms around his waist and pulled him closer to her, his hands traveled down to her waist. His hands gripped her waist and her hands went up to his neck and she tangled her fingers in his hair, his hands went under her shirt and pulled it off and she did the same to him he picked her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist and carried her to her bed and laid her down she looked up at him and went back to kissing him.

When she woke up the next morning she had her sheets wrapped around her and an arm wrapped around her waist she looked over and found Chris laying next to her and she smiled and got up, she grabbed some clothes that where on the floor and went to her bathroom and looked in her mirror and remembered yesterday’s events and smiled to herself.

“I did it. I finally moved on from Dallas, but what about my baby?” she asked herself as she put her hands on her stomach

“Don’t you mean our baby?” Chris asked standing in the doorway of the bathroom in his boxers

“How long have you been standing there?” she asked facing him head on

“Long enough” he said standing up “That might not be my baby and just because we just had sex doesn’t mean it is now, but I promise you I will never leave you” he told her he took off the ring he wore on his right middle finger and put it on her left ring finger “let this ring be my promise to you” he said kissing it then her lips.

“I’m scared, Chris” she confessed to him and buried her head in his chest

“I know. I’m scared too, but we’re going to get through this together. Okay?” he asked rubbing her shoulders

“Okay” she said looking up at him then kissed him “I’ve got to go get ready” she said in between kisses

“I know you do” he said kissing her one last time so she grabbed her clothes and his hoodie that he gave her after the first time they hung out together and kicked him out of the bathroom, she took a shower and blow dried her hair and straightened it and did one simple French braid down the side of her face and did a little bit of make-up and got dressed and put on her boots. When she was done Chris had to run home to get ready himself.

“You could get ready here” she said as she walked with him out to his truck

“I know, but I also need to grab something” he said as they stood in front of the driver’s side door and he took both of her hands “I’ll be right back I promise” he said looking into her eyes

“Okay. Hurry back” she said smiling at him

“I will” he said as he gave her a quick kiss she watched him pull out then she went to the horse barn and went right to Midnight’s stall

“Hey, girl. How you doing?” she asked her as she pet her forehead and grabbed her grooming brush and went into her stall and started brushing her “Wanna go for a run?” she said to her and pat her belly “lets do it” she said as she left and got a bridal and put it on, led her out of the stall and got on her bareback kicked her side and off she went. She ran through the woods and down to the creek when Luna finally slowed her down to a walk “That’s my girl” she said patting her neck and led her down the creek’s edge and got off and took off her boots and socks and led Midnight into the water and splashed water over legs to cool her down. That’s when she got a burning sensation in her shoulder blade so she led Midnight out of the water and went back home.

After Midnight was back in her stall, Luna went up to her bathroom and looked at her shoulder blade and what she saw she couldn’t believe, right there on her shoulder blade was a dragon tattoo, done in a tribal style she reached around and touched it and winced when she did she grabbed her phone and called Chris. He arrived a few minutes later wearing a pair of faded jeans and t-shirt.

“What’s up?” he said the second she opened the door and walked in

“You need to see this” she said as she moved her hair and showed him her shoulder blade he was quiet for a moment

“How did that get there? That wasn’t there when we you know” he said reaching out to touch it

“Yeah, I know and please don’t touch it, it still hurts” she said turning to face him

“Well what does it mean?” he asked looking at her

“I honestly don’t know, Chris” she said looking at him

“Well what are you going to tell your parents?” he asked rubbing her back

“The truth. I’ll tell them that I had sex with Dallas and that I’m pregnant and he’s the father. Then I’m going to ask them about this tattoo” she said looking at him

“Are you sure about this?” he asked looking at her concerned

“Not really, but I need to tell them before I start showing” she said looking at him

“Okay” he said giving her a kiss, they walked downstairs and waited for her parents to get home. A few hours later her parents came home and she was nervous to tell them about the baby and her weird tattoo that had appeared earlier that day.

“Hey, honey. Did you go to the doctors?” her mom asked as her and Kyle walked into the kitchen and they followed them

“I did and they told me some surprising news” she said looking at them

“Well what is it?” her step dad asked looking at her and Chris

“Well them told me that I’m about a couple weeks pregnant and Dallas is the father” she said looking at her parents

“How can you be pregnant by Dallas?” her mom asked looking at her daughter shocked

“Mom you know I can be pregnant” she said looking at her mother

“When did this happen?” her step dad asked

“It happened a couple months ago. We had gone to a party with friends and they ditched us so we left and took some of the back roads home and well it happened” she said looking at her parents then at Chris

“Well what are your plans? Are you going to raise the baby or keep it?” her mom asked looking at her daughter

“I’m going to keep it” she said putting a hand on her belly

“Well who’s going to help you raise it? What about school?” her step dad asked looking at them

“Chris agreed to help me” she said looking at him “There’s one more thing I want to ask you about. What does this mean?” she asked turning around to show her parents the tattoo

“I honestly don’t know, honey” her mom said touching the area around the tattoo

“I hope you have a plan b because you aren’t staying here” her step father told her

“Wait what do you mean?” she asked facing him “Are you kicking me out just because I’m pregnant?!” she yelled at him

“Yes I am” he said “I told you when I moved in with your mother after we got married that you were not to get pregnant” he told her looking at her

“You can do that to me” she said “You both know that I’ll finish school. I’m not even that far along yet. Please don’t do this to me” she pleaded with them “Mom?” she said looking at her mom who just shook her head “I can’t believe you!” she screamed as she ran upstairs and to her room with Chris following close behind her.

“Hey, Luna stop!” he shouted at her as he grabbed her arm and spun her around to face him

“They can’t do this to me, Chris. They know I have nowhere else to go” she told him looking as if she was about to break down crying

“Yes you do” he said looking at her

“Where, Chris? My closest relative is over 3 hours away” she asked him as a few tears leaked from her eyes

“You’re going to live with me. I live across the river from you and I have my own little house with a barn its two bed rooms and we can turn the second bedroom into the baby’s room” he told her wiping away her stray tears

“You have a barn?” she asked as he shook his head “follow me” she said grabbing his hand so she took him out to her horse barn and introduced him to Midnight





Tag der Veröffentlichung: 26.06.2014

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