
Where is She

Sarah and Nick were up to finding her but where was she. Emma was scared of the woods so she wouldn't be there or is she? Sara checked the abandon parlor Nick checked the cemetery. They checked Everywhere. Asked everyone if you saw her. But no one seemed to do. They had a little hope but they thought it was impossible. The only place  they didn't check was the woods. They heard things about the woods. How people disappeared. They never found them again. 

the Woods

 They went into the woods. hey, didn't find her at firsts but then a show came. They don't know what it is or who it is. To be continued in the next book. 


Texte: Duru Dogru
Bildmaterialien: Duru Dogru
Lektorat: Duru Dogru
Übersetzung: Duru Dogru
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 04.12.2016

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

read the first book to see who all of the characters are. They are all in the series the mystery girl. Comment if you read the first book. Please comment if you have any ideas for books.

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