

Lighting Killed a Girl

She is gone or is she.

Chapter 1

Emily Scholtz has gone missing for over for over a year. People don’t know what happened. She was last at the football game.” She saw her boyfriend him kiss another girl. That jerk” said her best friend Sarah. Detectives where actually looking for her but they disappeared too. So one looked for her ever since. Emily’s mother has been trying to find her ever since. She {Emily’s mom} already lost a big part of her heart to a horrid man. That horrid man was Emily’s father. He was always going to places without the family. He cheated on Emily’s mom. She didn’t want to go though the pain of someone she loves go away. Emily’s mom also tried to look for her too. Sadly she wasn’t found. Everyone thinks that she is died. But some people don’t believe that idea. One day Sarah and there friend Nick thought about looking for Emma. But they didn’t know the adventure awaiting them…

Chapter 2

To be continued in the second book


Texte: Duru Dogru
Bildmaterialien: Duru Dogru
Lektorat: Duru Dogru
Übersetzung: Duru Dogru
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 01.12.2016

Alle Rechte vorbehalten

Emily is one of the only girls in her school who couldn't lead a normal life. She might never will. She might never even continue her life.

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