
Chapter 1

Dark Venture


Gordon Collins-Faunce

“I watched as ships flashed the viewport of the reaper firing lasers and watched as a colossal ship appeared out of the void but boy was she so elegant in the way she entered battle with the enemy and wiped out three ships with her turrets blazing and a holo-communication appears before me and my husband stands there in a greenish outline and he smiles and says “well Admiral don’t just stand there and gawk send out your squadrons and take utilize your assault ships to take command flagship and make them kneel before you and swear allegiance, I’ll keep them off your back with my new ship The Dark Venture” I smiled at my husband and turned to my second in command and said “unleash Torture and Cantrill with all the Galaxian soldiers and I will lead them myself you have command of the Reaper till I get back I am taking my personal Death Guard and my ship Ferstantion, concentrate fire on their turrets” “yes ma’am” replies the officer.”

Casandra walked out of her house to grab the mail and she saw a box sitting on the front steps, she bent down and picked it up finding a strange star that had a flame badge encompassing it. Curious she picked it up and upon picking it up the strange star Flame embossed badge floated of the box and a tinny voice state’s “Name, SSN, Request Fingerprint I.D. Please” and Casandra starts dropping the box and the tinny voice states “please don’t be scared you have been selected for a special mission” as a small gel like sphere appears out of the badge and she presses her thumb to it and states “ Casandra Delante’, 383-56-673754” the device pulls away back into the badge and the Tinny voice says “Name, SSN, Fingerprint I.D. has been confirmed, The Star Hexadron Fleet welcomes you Back Captain Casandra Delante’. Please open the package and report to that location as soon as possible mission critical” the badge floats back down and lands on the box, Casandra carries the box into the house and her 10 daughter Gracelynn walks over and looks at the box and asks, “Mommy what’s in the box?” Casandra says “I don’t know yet darling please go watch the holovid and enjoy yourself while I handle important work and get someone to come watch you Gracie” Gracie turns and runs off as Casandra opens up the box and finds a com-tablet and on the screen, it blinks urgent, Classified, Casandra moves the com-tablet to the table and under it is a holovid communication unit and she picks it up and knows she must go down into the secured communication room that her husband had built under the house for when they both were in Fleet Headquarters long before The Dark War with the Terra-fandrans.

Casandra placed everything back in the box and walked into the bedroom blinking back tears as she knew what this might mean and it shook her to her core and she pulled up the holo-screen and said “ call Bethany Thenaston” she heard a chirp as the call was placed and a female materialized and she said “been awhile since we last saw and talked to each other my darling sis” “I know” said Casandra I need to come as soon as you can I just received and urgent request from The Hexadron Fleet “I’m already on my way sis. Do you think it’s about Darion?” “I don’t know Bethany all I know is that I received a box, come with all haste,” said Casandra. After placing that Holo Casandra walked over to a hidden panel in the wall and pressed her hand against it, with a hiss the door slid openly quietly and she smelled the familiar smell of the hanger below where her ship sat waiting to launch at any moment and she stepped onto the lift and the door silently closed behind her closing her in darkness and the lights turned on as the lift slowly descended to the hanger floor and she walked with the box across to the secured conference communication unit in a separate room off the main hanger area.

Once in the room she closed the door behind her and typed a secure code into the panel next to the door and it closed and sealed shut and once the holo-field appeared she knew the room was fully secured, she took the box to the table and pulled out the com-tablet and placed it into a slot before her chair, she sat down and pressed a finger to the gel pad upon her console and the com-tablet beeped and a holo-message appeared stating “declare name, rank, serial number, squadron number” she responded in kind “Casandra Delante’, Captain, Serial Number: Alpha-354-0024, Squadron Bravo 54” “Confirmed” says a tinny voice, “Captain Delante you are requested to bring your ship and crew to The Hexadron Fleet Headquarters upon Heragon there is a recorded holo on the enclosed device concerning your husband and a new ship that he is in command of the name of the ship will be revealed upon your arrival at Fleet Headquarters but this mission is of the utmost importance to the consortium and to Fleet Commander Reandran,” with that the device utters a “this message will self-destruct in 10 seconds”. Casandra unseals the room and takes the device to a secured trash compactor and tosses it in, 10 seconds later she hears a muffled boom and then a crunch and glass shatter as she opens the access ramp on her ship and says, “You there Gracie?” “Yes, captain Delante’, how may I be of assistance?” comes a soft but curt female voice, Casandra says “prep for take off and alert all crew to meet at launch pad in quadrant 3345 for immediate departure” “yes captain” comes the curt response.

Casandra walks to the bridge of her 800 ton ship and sit’s in the command chair holding the holo- com unit then she goes into the conference room as she feel the rumble of the thrusters firing up and she sees the sunlight filter through the eight view ports on the command deck as the ship slowly lifts off the hanger floor and she smiles as she reviles in the memories of how she used to watch her then superior officer and future husband pace the floor and barking orders during the war. She closes the door and places the device on the floor and presses a small button on it and says “Captain Delante’, Captain of Ferstantion, activate message.” A Human male dressed in Red with Gold epaulets and the insignia of an Admiral appears “Hello Captain Delante’, my wonderful wife I had hoped to come to you myself but unfortunately, I cannot, and I cannot tell you where I am at this current moment due to Fleet restrictions, if you’re receiving this holo-message then it means I’m either dead or have been captured. I love you and I wish we could be together and who knows we may eventually if you have received this message, you may have been reactivated sadly for there is a threat rising on the horizon and therefore you and my previous command ship Reaper will be activated and you will probably take your ship up from the planet and meet Reaper in space which I informed Fleet Headquarters that she should be yours and yours alone to Command so here is a present for you Admiral Delante’ as your superior officer I had placed our beloved ship Ferstantion at your command. I love you and please take care of Reaper for me.”

Casandra wiped away her tears and blew her nose on her handkerchief and got herself re-situated just in time as Gracie reported in “Captain we are arriving at quadrant 3345 and the crew and by the looks a squad of soldiers are awaiting you as you ordered.” “I didn’t order for soldiers” said Casandra as she walked on to the bridge and looked down the nose of the ship at the red and gold standard 8 men and women squad of soldiers who stood stock still as the ship landed and Casandra ordered the ramp be lowered and she marched down the ramp and looked at her crew and smiled and says welcome everyone sorry to pull you from your families on short notice but we are needed, the crew all laughed and boarded the ship and she blocked the squad of soldiers from going onto the ship and said “I didn’t order any soldiers”, an armored soldier stepped forward and removed her helmet and let long flowing dirty blonde hair fall free from her helmet and went to attention and saluted saying “ Death Guard reporting as reported to protect you Admiral Delante’ by Fleet Command, we are your protection as per regulations all Admirals and Rear Admirals have their own protection details.”


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 21.04.2023

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