
Kasuma Sugita's P.O.V

My name is Kasuma Sugita. Im a junior in Kallabra Acadamy, and I'm gay. That's the first thing people think when they see me. That's why they all look at me like I'm some alien creature or something. I can't help the way I am.

I thought to myself as I walked down the hallway to my next class. All the guys here are jerks. They all make fun of me, I didn't even do anything to them! It's as if-

My thoughts were inturupted by my body accidently running into something. "Opps, sorry" I said automaticaly, looking up at the person I had bumped into threw my light pink hair. 'Oh god' I thought when I saw who it was.

"Oh look, it's the biggest girl in the school." He said loud enough for everyone to here. His name is Souta Jurou. He's a senior, and the guy who messes with me the most. He thinks he's so cool just because all the girls love him. But he's just another perfect wanna-be.

I started to step back, but he picked me up by my shirt collar. "Where ya goin'? Can't handle a little fun?" He sneered throwing me on the floor. A circle had formed around us. 'Great, attention. That's the last thing I need right now.' Before I could get up, I felt his foot come in contact with my stomach. I hunched over in pain, and before Souta could do it again, I heard a voice.

"Hey! Leave him alone!" I didn't recognize his voice, and I couldn't see him through the crowd. But Souta did. Souta looked at (what I think was) him and smiled his evil smile. "Oh ya? Or what?" he challenged kicking me hard in the shin. I curled up in a ball not wanting to watch Souta beat me up anymore.

Then I heard a huge gasp, and a Thud on the floor. I peeked through my ball to see Souta was on the floor, and a new boy was in his place standing over him. "Don't mess with him again, got it?" The boy said.

"Pfff, whatever. Come on guys, he was no fun anyway." Souta mumbled getting up and walking away. I watched the crowd of people walk away, suddenly uninterested. The boy turned to me, and I realized I had never seen him before. He offered his hand to me.

"You okay?"

Matsou Kenta's P.O.V

"You Okay?" I asked him holding out my hand. He hesitated, looking from my face, to my hand, then back at my face again. He then grabbed my hand and I pulled him up. When he was up, he didn't move. First he looked at his feet, then up at me. We stared into each others eyes for a second, still holding hands.

 I carefully took my hand out of his. I picked up the Bookbag I had set on the floor, and told him "I gotta go, but I'll see you around"

He just kept looking at me speechless as I turned away and headed off to my next class.



I walked out of my last class and went to my locker. I already memorized the code, even though today was my first day at this school. Heck, new day in this state. I opened my locker and grabbed the books I needed for my homework that night. As soon as I closed my locker I saw the figure of a person standing beside me. I looked over to see the boy I had helped earlier that day. He was so fragile looking, like he couldnt defend himself if his life depended on it. He was just looking at me with his big black eyes, and he didn't say anything. For a little while I just stared back at him, getting lost in his eyes. When I snapped out of it, I said something.

"Hey" I didn't know what else to say. Again, all he did was look at me. 'Does he ever say anything?'  I wondered as he continued staring at me. Without warning, he grabbed my free hand and started leading me down the hallway.

"Where are we going?" I asked, knowing he wouldn't answer. I don't know why, but I knew he wouldn't take me anywhere bad. For some reason I trusted him. Maybe it was because he was so weak, or maybe because he seemed to think of me as a friend. As I suspected, without saying a word he led me down the almost empty hallways until we reached the library entrance. 'Why is he taking me here?' I wondered, still following him willingly.

Inside was completely empty except for a girl looking about my age. She was reading a book with her long, curly brown hair drooping into her face. When we walked in, she looked up at me, then looked at the boy who lead me here.

"Is this him?" she asked eyeing me, but clearly talking to the other boy. All he did was nod, still not saying anything. She got up from here chair and started walking over to me. "Well hi, I'm Satomi. Satomi Shiori" she said smiling at me. Before I could say anything, she continued. "Thanks for helping Kasuma today, we appriciate it"

'Kasuma, so that's his name' "No problem, I'm Matsou, by the way" I said looking at the girl. "Is this why he dragged me here? To meet you?" I asked. She instantly looked at him.

"You dragged him?" She asked Kasuma with suspition. Kasuma looked at his feet, but I could see he had a small grin on his face. I realized we were still holding hands. His hand was cold in mine, and felt just as fragile as the rest of him. My first instinct was to let go, but for some reason I found myself still wanting to hold on.

"It's fine, don't worry about it. But why doesnt he ever talk?" I asked her, tilting my head slightly at Kasuma.

"He only ever talks to me, he's really shy." She said. "But who knows, maybe he'll talk to you". I looked over at Kasuma to see he was staring at me again. I looked away this time, taking my hand away with it.

"It was nice meeting you, but I have to go" I told Satomi, adjusting my books into both arms.

"Ok, later" she said starting to sit back down again.

"Bye Kasuma" I called as I walked out the library doors. I think I heard him say a "Goodbye", but I'm not sure.

Kasuma's P.O.V

I lay in bed that night, and all I could think about was him. His beautiful red-brown eyes. His gorgeous white hair. How he stood up for me. I never thought any boy could be that nice, or friendly, or protective.... I think I love him.

Matsou's P.O.V

*2 weeks later*

Kasuma and Satomi are pretty much my best friends right now, and i'm almost always by Kasuma's side. Someone has to protect him, and I'm the best fit to do it. As soon as I leave his side, they come back to taunt him. So I never leave. I walk him home, and it turns out he only lives a block away from me. I also started helping him out with math, because he doesn't get things as fast as the other kids in his class. He still hasn't said a word to me, and I don't think he ever will. In a way, I don't care. I still talk to him, because I know he listens.

We were walking down the hallway side by side on a friday, ready to go home. As we were about to turn the corner to the exit, we were stopped by a group of people in front of us.

"Well arn't you too cute" Souta said with an evil grin on his face. He was with 3 of his followers, all smiling like Souta.

"What do you want?"I asked, crossing my arms over my chest. I felt Kasuma tense up beside me.

"Were not here for you, were here for him" He smirked, staring directly at Kasuma.

"What did he ever do to you?!" I yelled angerly at him. As far as I know, Souta just picks on Kasuma because he's gay.

"Why don't you ask him?" he snapped, walking up to me so that we were inches way from each other.

"You better back up, before I beat you senseless" I threatened.

"Go ahead, I dare you" He challenged. I raised my fist to punch him, and as I thrust it forward, a hand caught it inches from his  face. I assumed it was Souta, but by the look on his startled face, it wasn't. I looked over to see Kasuma staring at me, and I could see what he was trying to say through his eyes. Don't.

I stared at Souta with as much hatred as I could, then took my fist away.

"I knew you wouldn't" He smirked, then started to laugh. "Your just as weak as he is".

I grabbed Kasuma's hand in mine and lead him out the door of the school. As we left, I could here Souta and his followers shouting "gay" after us.



Kasuma followed me to my house instead of going home, and I let him. My parents were both travelers, so they were almost never home. Right now they're in Europe, and won't be back for a month.

We layed on my bed, just talking (me talking and him noding). I told him about random things, like my old school and how my classes are now. Eventually, I turned my head to face him and saw he was staring at me again. I just stared into his eyes, letting myself get lost in them. He had beautiful black eyes.

"I love you"

Kasuma's P.O.V

I couldn't hold it back anymore, I had to tell him.

"I love you" I whispered to him, our faces inches away from each other. He didn't say anything, just kept looking into my eyes. Then he slowly brought his hand up and brushed a peice of my pink hair away from my eyes.

"I love you too" He whispered back. I grabbed his hand that was by my face and held it by my chest. I closed my eyes and enjoyed the moment between us. When I opened my eyes, I saw Matsou staring at me. When I looked at him, he smiled.

"What?" I asked, smiling along with him.

"You finally talked" He said, smilling wider. "I love your voice"

I could feel myself blushing, and I heard him laugh a little.

"And I love your blush" He said, running his hand gently over my cheek. We layed there like that, just talking, for a little while. And finally, after all the pain in my life, I had finally found happiness. But it didn't last very long.

Matsou's P.O.V

Kasuma sat up with a sigh. "I have to go" He said getting off the bed.

"Are you sure? You could always stay here" I told him, hoping he wouldn't leave.

"I have to" He said, walking out the door. I wanted to ask him why, but I didn't want to intrude on his buisness. If he wants to tell me, he will.

"Bye" I said, watching him dissapear out of my room. I heard the front door open and close, then I knew. He was gone.



I looked at the clock above the quiet T.V. It was 12:39 in the morning. I lay may head down on the couch pilllow, and as soon as I was comfy the doorbell rang. Who the heck came to my house at 12:40 in the morning? I wondered as I walked over to the door. When I opened it, at first I didnt know who I was looking at. Then I realized, it was Kasuma. I had a gray hoodie on, and his head down.I cold tell it was him from the light pink hair peaking out from his hood. He had his hands in his pockets and didn't look at me when I opened the door.

"Can I stay here for a while?" He asked, still not looking up.

"Of course, but whats wrong with your house?" I asked.

He looked up at me and said "I'm not welcome there anymore". When he looked at me, I saw blood runing down his face from his nose, and he had a black eye. Immediatly I grabbed his hand  gently and lead him inside. After I closed the door, I lead him to the upstairs bathroom.

"Come on, let's get you cleaned up" I said as we walked. When we came to the bathroom, i grabbed a wash cloth and got it wet with warm water. What happened to him? Is he okay? When can he go back to his house? I had so many questions, but I decided to start with only one.

"Are you okay?" I asked him as I touched the warm wash cloth to his bloody face. He didn't say anything, he just nodded slightly. I laid my free hand on his arm, and barely noticed his flinch. Raising my eyebrows in question, I slowly and carefully lifted his Sleeve to see huge bruises on his arms. Before I brought it all the way up, he laid his hand over mine, stopping me from going any farther. I tried to look at his face, but he was looking down at the floor.

"You don't have to hide anything from me" I whispered, lifting his head with my finger tips. Our eyes met, and I could see the sadness in his eyes. He looked down again, refusing to look at me for longer than a second. For a moment, I could only look at him. Then I knew what to do. I pulled him into my arms and held him in a warm, gentle embrace. At first he was tense, like he thought I was going to hurt him. Then, all at once, he relaxed and wrapped his arms around me. He burried his face in my neck and I could feel hot tears dropping on me like rain.

"I'll always protect you" I whispered in his ear. "I promise"

Matsou's P.O.V

After Kasuma was cleaned up, I lead him to my room to get him some clothes to change into (Since his had blood spots on it) I got out a plain grey T-Shirt from my drawer and handed it to him. "You can sleep in here, I'll be downstairs if you need me" I told him, heading towards the door.

"Are you sure?" he asked, sounding guilty he was taking my room.

"Of course, I don't mind the couch, honestly" I replied, smiling at him. I turned back around and went into the living room.

I layed on the couch and looked at the clock. 2:24 A.M. I rolled over so I was facing the couch and slowly drifted off into sleep.

Right before I was completely asleep, I heard someone silently coming down the stairs. But I was to sleepy to react, so I just listened as they walked over toward me. I knew exactly who it was. And I'm glad that he's here, safe and sound.

Kasuma's P.O.V

I walked down the stairs quietly, seeing if he was really downstairs. I didnt want him to leave, and I didn't want to be alone. I had changed into his shirt, and it smelled just like him. He smells beautiful, I thought, smelling the thin fabric. Halfway down, I saw Matsou's Peaceful, sleeping body on the couch. I paused on the stairs for a moment, debating weather I should disturb him or not. Staying as quiet as I could, I silently walked over to the couch he was on. He was faceing the couch with his hands by his face. He looks so peaceful. I sat down on the edge of the couch that he had left open. I couldn't help but smile when I looked at him. His white hair was glowing in the dark, and I could see his slow, steady breathing, telling the world he was having beautiful dreams.I couldn't help it, I had to touch him. I reached out and brushed his warm cheek with the back of my fingers. He's so warm. His breathing stopped for a moment when I ouched him, then he let it all out and I saw him smile a little bit. He's awake. I continued to stroke his cheek and his beautiful white hair. I trailed my hand down to his shoulder, and decided to let him sleep. I got up from the couch and started back for the stairs.

"Wait," Matsou mumbled, rolling over on the couch. His eyes were still closed, but he reached his arm out as if to pull me back to him. "Don't leave".

Smilling, I walked back over to the couch and sat down right infront of him on the floor. I grabbed his hand and pressed his fingers against my face. He smells so good. Before I knew it I fell asleep just like that, both of my arms on the couch, our faces inches away from each other, and hand in hand with the love of my life.

Matsou's P.O.V

When I woke up, the first thing I noticed was that I was the only person in the living room.


Texte: Abby L.
Tag der Veröffentlichung: 13.12.2014

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