
Did that just happen?

Driving down the long straight road, going about ten over the speed limit when a black jeep comes into view. Mason, my head thought while my heart picked up speed. He came speeding down the road, I slow down to piss him off alittle. Naturally of coarse he goes around and starts severving in front of me. I slow down to keep some space between us. Up ahead I see my house on the left, yes almost home. Still alittle bit infront of me, I see Mason start to slow down. Of coarse he stops right in front of my drive way, no intention on moving, since there isn't a car coming.
I lean out my window and holler "Move it Sanders!"
He laughs, steping on the gas and shooting his car into my drive way. Alittle confused I pull in and park my car to the side. I shut off my car and hop out. There he is leaning against the back end of my car, looking SEX-Y! I give him a long approving look over. He's got his hair sticking up alittle in the front, with a fitting American Eagle shirt, and nice dark wash jeans. O-M-G!
I finally walk over and stand in front of him crossing my arms in front of my body."Can I help you?"
"Actually you can," he said grabbing my waist bringing me to him.
He places his face inches from mine, and stares at my lips. Without thinking I grab his face with my hands and place my lips on his. And let me say, oh my gosh! He seemed alittle shock for a second, but he got over that quick. Pulling my body closer to his and deeping the kiss. I nibble on his lip and he allows me to enter. I start to play around with it, doing swirls and jabs. He moans so deep and softly it made me wonder if he really did that. Realizing we are standing outside my house making out probably isn't the best idea so I break the kiss, and try to catch my breath.
I grab his hand without a word and start to pull him to the front door. I unlock it, and lead him down the stairs. We still don't say anything while I open my bedroom door and push him down on my bed and straddle him. He grips my hips as he licks my bottom lip,asking for entrancing, which i grant.
It starts to get heated when my hands go to lift his shirt up. He sits up alittle helping me take of his shirt, which i discard on the floor. I start to kiss down his chest. Damn he's got nice abs! I work my way to his nipple and start to suck. He lets out a moan and I suck harder. His grip tightens on my waist and I can tell he's trying to hold back another moan. I stop sucking and work my way over to his other. And he totally lets out another one! ha.
I pull my lips back slowly, and start to kiss his neck, while he starts to take off my shirt. He puts that on the floor next to where his own shirt lies. His hands move up and down my back slow massaging it. His hands suddenly stop at the clasp of my bra. They just linger there. I pull back from his neck, seeing a hickey start to form from where I was sucking. I look at his eyes who are asking for permission to go on. I nod my head and lean down to kiss his lips once more. He unhooks the clasp letting my bra fall down off my shoulders. I take it the rest of the way off and throw it on the floor. He takes my breast in a tender touch and starts to sqeeze, hard but not to hard. I lay my head in the crook of his neck while he continues to sqeeze and rub. I let a soft moan, and I feel him smirk.
All of the sudden I'm on my back with Mason on top, his arms holding up half of him up so he isn't crushing me. I let out a laugh. He then bends his head down and starts to suck my nipple. As werid as that sounds, it feels totally amazing, no wonder he was moaning when I did it to him. But I keep mine in not wanting to give him the satisfaction. My hands go to his belt and start to undo it. He moves on to kissing my neck, probably leaving me a hickey. I get his belt undone and start to take off his pants. And the next thing I know the rest of our clothes are on the floor and I'm losing my virginty.


That was. That was amazing. I lay there in complete bliss, when I hear the front door open and close. Oh shit. I hop up quick and wrap my blanket around me and open the door.
"Hey Clara," I yell up the stair. "Mason and I our working on a project so if you could not bother us that would be great".
"Sure Nat," she yells back down.
I turn and head back into my room. There's Mason sleeping peacefully. I take in everything that just happened and I'm in complete bliss. I crawl back in bed. He wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me against him, placing his lips on the back of my neck. I sigh in happiness. I turn around and bring his lips to mine one, twice, three times, before pulling back to look at him.
"My dad's going to be home soon," I tell Mason.
"I should get going then."
I nod and we get up to get dressed. We put our underwear and he grabs my bra and helps me put it on, leting his fingers wonder while doing so. I turn and grab his face fiercely crashing my lips onto his. I nibble his bottom lip, and he lets out a moan as my tongue darts in and my hands tangle in his hair. I pull back and finish puting on my clothes smiling. I grab his hand and we head out to his car.
"Nat, come here," Mason said in a husky voice, once he was seated in his jeep.
I walk over to him and he places his hands lightly on each side of my face and brings his lips down to kiss mine tenderly. I almost melt with how sweet his kisses are.
"I'll see you tomorrow in Spainsh!" I say, giving him a quick kiss before running back up the drive way and into the house.
I was floating on clouds. I could not wait till tomorrow. But yet I was worried, whats going to happen now? I'm not the most pretty girl, but im not ugly. I'm just plain. I got all the right curves and essientals. I have long brown hair, with blue green eyes and full lips. Like I said just an ordinary girl.


The last two periods of the day are about to start, and I'm walking down towards Spanish, super excited to see Mason. I walk in and there he is learning over Ronnie wispering in her ear. She giggled, while he let out a laugh. I slouched alittle and walked up to Senorita Moreno and asked to go to the bathroom. She let me go and I ran out of the room.
Mason and Ronnie have had a thing since last year. I've been crushing on him for the last five years, and when finally something happens the next day he is off flirting with her. Great, just great. My life fucking sucks.
I head back into the room and take my spot, right in front of Ronnie. Told you my life sucks! Oh did I mention t hat Ronnie and I are friends? I didn't? Well now you know! I guess that just puts the cherry on top of the cake doesn't it?
I don't look at Mason the entire eighty minutes of class. Which is pretty hard because i hear him most of the class. The thing that makes me sad is that he didn't even try to talk to me.
The bell rings and I walk out of the room. I go and sit in my car for about twenty minutes knowing that if i were to go home right away that he would be close behind me. This day just didn't turn out the way I thought it would...

1 1/2 Months Later

Nothing has happened. Nothing at all. Not only have Mason and I not talked about what happend at my house a month a go but. but. my. my my...period. It hasn't happend.
I walk up to Mason when I enter the Spanish room. He looks up to me and smiles.
"Hey Natalie," he says in his husky voice.
"Are you busy after school?" I ask looking at him.
"Uh, no. Why?" he asked.
"We need to talk and I was wondering if you would go into the city with me?" I ask, this time looking at my feet.

*Mason's Point of view*
"Sure," I tell Natalie smiling. But on the inside I was worried. Whe probably wants to talk about what happend over a month ago.
I really like Nat, i just got scared I guess. I don't want to dissapoint her. So when she walked into Spanish the day after we made love I started flirting with Ronnie. It hurt me to see her run out of the room, but I didn't want to hurt her.
People call me a player, but really its only been lately. I had a girlfriend for three years and when we broke it off I started talking to a lot of girls. I dated a couple more but not as long as my first girlfriend. I guess I'm just afraid to commit again. I guess I'm not only afraid to hurt her but get hurt myself.
"Natalie's Point of View"
I am literally jumping out of my seat. I am so nervous. I'm afraid. What if I am,,, you know. How will Mason take it? I think I'm gonna throw up.
*Ding Ding*
Oh God!
"Hey Nat, ready?" Mason says standing over me. "You okay? You look like your gonna be sick."
"I'm fine. Your car or mine?"
"I'll drive." He says as he leads me to his car.
Thank goodness I thought, who knows if i would be able to drive home.
"So where are we headed?" Mason asked starting up his jeep.
"Um," I say trying to think where we could do this. "Hy-vee."
He nods his head and starts driving. I look out the window and watch as everything goes by in a blur. He had turned on the music so it wouldn't be so awkward, but it still was. We finally make it to Hy-vee and I hop out.
"Hey, stay here I gotta go pick something up real quick," I say before turning and heading inside.
I grab a basket and walk over to the medicine isle. Once I find what I'm looking for I grab four different ones and head to the cash register along the way grabbing a couple water bottles. The lady rings it up and I pay her, then put the bag in my purse and head outside.
I climb into the jeep and put my seat belt on and look down not wanting to look at Maosn.
He clears his throat and says "Where to now?"
"When do your parents get home?" I asked.
"Not till like five. You want to go back there?" He asked.
"Yes please," I say turning my head towards the window.
The whole way home I drink the water. When we arrive at his house, I've just finished the two bottles of water, waiting for the water to settle and make me have to go. We head inside and go to his bedroom. Its pretty tidy for a guy. We take a seat on his bed, and I stare at my hands placed in my lap.
"So," Mason says after clearing his throat.
"Can I use your bathroom?" I ask standing up quickly.
"Yeah its back the way we came on the left," He said laying down.
I grab my bag of sticks and head to the bathroom. Once I get there, I shut the door and lock it. I get the sticks out of their boxes and sit on the toilet and start to pee. Once im done I wash my hands and read the boxes. It says that the results should be done in about three minutes. I sit there and wait. One minute. Two minutes. Two and a half minutes. Three minutes! I slowly get up and walk over to the sink. I look down and my heart sinks.
I walk out of the bathroom and back to Mason's room. I take a deep breath before heading inside.
"Hey you. Come 'ere," Mason says as he pulls me down to lay next to him.
"So tell me something," I say nervously looking at him.
"Hm?" He says while he stares at me.
"Why? Why did you ignore for a month after we slept together? This is the first time your really talking to me and were barely even talking! I just don't understand what I did." I say turning my head to look anywhere but his face.
"I. I tried to stay away. I don't feel like I deserve you. Your gorgeou, smart, kind and loving. I didn't think a great girl like you could be with me. Trust me, it was hard to stay away after that special afternoon," Mason said while forcing me to look at him.
"I, don't know what to say. But one thing I do know is that you deserve better than me. Mason your just as great. I can't tell you how many hours i spent convincing myself that a great guy like you could never be with a girl like me..But Mason I have something to tell you and I don't know how your going to take it. I don't know how to say this, so I'm just gonna come out and say it," I take a deep breath. "I'm late."
Mason looks at me alittle confused before he realized what I was saying.
"You might be...Pregnant?" He chokes out.
I nod my head and say, "Thats what the tests say."

Throw up

*Mason's POV*
I don't know what to say. I honestly don't. She just told me I'm gonna be a daddy. I know she's waiting for me to jump up and grab her into a hug and swing her around. To tell her that everything is gonna be okay. But honestly this is real life were talking about, not some romantic book or movie. Despite what those things say, right now all I want to do is throw up. Yup thats right, I want to hurl.
Nat see's that I'm not gonna jump up and down or do anything crazy, so she sits down on the bed. I keep a masked expression on my face, knowing that I have to look like I'm not losing my mind over here.
Next thing I know I'm running to the bathroom and I do throw up. I swing the door shut not wanting Nat to see me. After I finish I turn aroud to wash up, and there on the sink are four pregnacy tests. I look at them, and sure enough, they all have a pink plus sign on them, indictating that I, Mason and a girl that I am in love with, are pregnant.
"What the fuck am I gonna do?!?!" I whisper to myself angerliy trying not to be loud, so Natalie doesn't hear. My hand comes crashing down on the counter top and I let out a welp in pain.
Thirty seconds later I hear a knock at the door.

*Natalie's POV*
I watch as he runs out of the room with his hand over his mouth, and I sit their in horror.
He repluses me. He hates me now. He probably just would rather I leave. I mean, when I told him, he just sat their looking sick, and then he actually got sick!
I stand up and grab my stuff to leave. Thats when I remember that I don't have my car. Thats okay I thought, I just live down the street. Only about a fourth of a mile. Won't take that along.
As I walk past the bathroom door I hear a bang, and then a yelp. I don't hear anything else, so I wait a couple more seconds before knocking. I hear some shuffling around, and then the door opens. Mase is standing their brusting his teeth.
"Everything alright?" I ask him in a concered tone.
"Yeah. Sorry about that, you just kind of caught me off guard," He once he finished brushing his teeth .
"I know. I'm sorry. But how do you think i feel? I'm the One with a kid in me! I'm the one thats going to be called a slut. That parents are gonna turn their noses up at. I'm the one that has to have a head the size of a watermelon come out of my VIGINA!" I scream at him as I drop to the gound letting out sobs.
I lay my head in my hands and cry. "Why? Why me?!" I Hear Mason get down beside me and pull me to him. I let him hold me as I cry it all out. His hands rub my back causing me to become overwelmed with sleep. My crys coming to an end, and i allow my head to rest on his chest while my eyes close and welcome the darkness.

*Mason's POV*
One minute she's calm and concerned and the next she is yelling at me! This completely caught me off guard. It was about time I saw some emotion from her about this. She had been so calm when she told me, it had worried me. But everything she said worried me. I knew she was right. She was getting the short end of the stick. I wonder what else she was feeling about this. When her breathing finally slowed and evened out, I knew she was asleep. I slowly moved her so she was leaning up against the wall and slipped out from under her. I bent down and picked her up and carried her to my bed.
I layed her down and took off her shoes, then pulled the covers up around her. I took my shoes off and layed down next to her. I pulled the covers up over me, then layed my arm across her waist, letting my hand rest on her stomach. A baby wa in there. MY baby. I smiled and let darkness wash over me.

*Mrs. Sanders POV*
It's been a long day at the office and I'm just ready to crash. I lock the van and head towards the house. Walking at a slow pace. Knowing that once I get inside I'll have to do a load of laundry while I start dinner for the family.
"I'm home," I shout when I finally walk through the door. Nobody anwsers. I take off my shoes before heading the rest of the way through the house.
I wonder where Mason is. His car is here. My husband Darren, and daughter Veronica wouldn't be home for another half hour. I knock on Mason's room, but there isn't an anwser. I slowly open the door and peer inside.
I gasp in shock. There laying in bed asleep in Mason and Natalie. I hadn't known that they hung out. I turn around and softly shut the door. I head to the kitchen to start some chicken for dinner and then start up the laundry.


Natalie's POV*
I wake up to a knock at the door and a weight around my waist. I lift my head and see that the arm is attached to Mason, and everything starts flooding back to me.
"Mason, wake up! Theres a knock at the door!" I wispered shaking Mason awake.
"Ugh...hmf!"He mumbled/moaned as his eyes flickered open. He sat up and pulled me against him. "Come in."
In walked Mrs. Sanders. "Mason honey, dinner is ready. Natalie, I set a spot for you, we would be happy if you joined us for dinner. Would it be okay with your parents?" She asked smiling sweetly at me. How could I say no? Not that I really wanted to say no.
"Yes, I would like that very much thank you. I'll just call my dad and let him know.
"Alright. Come down when you two are done and ready," She said giving us a smile.
Once she left I called my dad and let him know. He was fine with it of coarse. Mason stood up and held his hand out to me. I grabbed it and he helped me out of bed, pulling me up against him. He brushed his lips against mine breifly.
"Mase, I don't want to tell anyone yet," I said looking down. "I want to wait to tell your parents until after I talk to my mom and I get it confirmed by the doctor," I said still looking at the floor embarassed.
"I understand Nat. Don't worry, we are in this together. We can wait to tell people, I don't mind," He said lifting my chin and holding it there until I looked in his eyes. He smiled and gave me a quick kiss before leading me out of his room.
When we were almost to the dining room, I let go of his hand. He looked back at me questionly and let his arm swing down beside him. I just shrugged and kept following. I didn't want to hold his hand in front of his family afraid they wouldn't like me or that him and I were doing things... We were just caught in his bed. Granted we were only sleeping, but she didn't know that!

*Mason's POV*
"Thank you so much for dinner. It was really good." Nat said to my mother as we were getting up from the table.
"We're gonna go do our english homework now," I said and started heading down the hall.
Once we were out of sight from the rents, I grab her hand. I opened my door and headed over to my bed.
"Mase, I need my book bag if were going to be doing homework. If you give me your keys I can run out and get it," She says jumping up.
"No! I'll get it for you. Just sit back down. I'll be back in a few," I say jumping up and walking out the door.
I didn't want her to hurt the baby. I wanted to take care of them both. They are my family now. I love them. But I'm only seventeen. SEVENTEEN for God sake. I'm too young to be daddy.
I'm walking by the dinning room when my mom calls to me.
"It was great having Natalie here. She is always so sweet." She says, then gives me an approving nod.
"I know she is," I say smiling and turn and head back towards the door. My mom must have noticed the spark between us. And she has accepted Nat, and us. That makes me absalutely happy.

*Nat's POV*
I would like to believe that Mase wanted to go get my bag to be nice, however I don't think thats the only reason. Yes, technically it is nice, because he's looking out for the baby and I, but we're not gonna break by going to get my backpack. He can't do everything for me. I'm not even fat yet!
I throw myself down on the bed and start to cry. Oh my goodness. I'm gonna get fat. And then he's not gonna wanna be with me. Oh my gosh, get a hold of yourself Nat. Just breathe. You can start freaking out once you get fat.
Maybe your not pregnant. Maybe your just really late. You can't be pregnant. Why am I talking to myself in second person?! I CANNOT be pregnant. CANNOT! Just thinking this all, made me cry even harder.
Mason walks in and rushes over to the bed when he sees that I am crying. He gently rolls me over to face him. He then sits on the bed pulling me into his arms.
"What's wrong Natalie?" He asks really concerend. "Huh?"
I just lay there unable to say anything. I just continue to let out sobs. He jmy just sits there holding me and rubbing my arms and back to try and comfort me. Eventually, my tears dried up and my breathing evened out and I let sleep consume me.


Tag der Veröffentlichung: 15.10.2011

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